How to be in the flow. Kryon: Learning to Receive the Help of the Universe

In the article, I wrote that with the help of the "breath of happiness" you can fulfill many of your desires. AT recent times I not only often practice this breathing, but also try to be in the flow as often as possible.

The fact is that when a person enters the flow state, life becomes much easier and more pleasant for him! This does not mean that you have to go with the flow, it means that you need to stop fighting with life and waste a lot of strength and energy on this senseless struggle.

We must dream, make plans, set goals, but at the same time, we must give life “the right to maneuver”, since the fulfillment of some desires will not always be good for us. For me to live in flow state means accepting life and what it gives, and believing that all this is only for the best for me.

What is the Flow and how to stay in it all the time? After all, it’s not enough just to take it and say: “I’m in the flow.” For periodic entry into the stream, you can use breathing or, but what should you do to stay in it permanently?

Flow state: how to enter it and not exit it

1. Recognize the Importance of the Present Moment

As the song says, "there is only a moment between the past and the future, it is he who is called life." You just need to wake up and understand that not a single moment of our life will return and accustom yourself to the feeling of “today”. Do not try to change everything and redo it, but simply accept life as it is. Then you will be in the flow, and therefore you will feel joy and zest for life.

2. Learn to Express Yourself Creatively

When a person is engaged in creativity (singing, dancing, drawing, writing poetry, decorating and making something, photographing or filming, and so on), he is in the flow. Find for yourself what interests you and what you would like to do (hobby, hobby).

3. Turn on ambition and start playing

Life is a game! But most often we play some role in it unconsciously, and this role is not ours at all, but imposed by society or parents. And people play and play, and at the same time feel absolutely miserable. Who would you like to become? Who would you like to feel like? Do you want to be loved and? Play! Just take it as an easy game and in the end you will get it all in reality. Do you want to be rich? Play too!

4. Plan both your work and your leisure time.

Otherwise, you risk spending your free time in the wrong society, with the wrong people, and not in the way you would like. Don't let circumstances and people control you, better manage your life and your time yourself. And do not accumulate cases that are hanging in the air. Such unfinished business takes energy. Make a plan and try to stick to it. Then you will enter a state of flow purely technically. Having made a plan for 20-30 cases, you will begin to methodically carry them out, and already at 5-7 cases you will be inspired, as long-due tasks will no longer hang like a stone around your neck.

5. Love those you live with and live with those you love.

When you are surrounded by loving and beloved people, you automatically enter into flow state. Next to kind, bright and active people you begin to breathe deeply, and you have a desire to live and create. Regular and high-quality communication creates the ground for new victories and achievements and stimulates brain activity.

6. Make a list of what you like.

Write down the things you love to do. For example, drink pineapple juice, inflate bubble listening to music, watching certain kinds of movies, reading books, walking in the forest, meditating, grooming, singing, dancing, sleeping, dressing up, giving gifts, and so on. Make a list and do something from that list every day. And in moments of depression and bad mood start doing everything in turn from this list until you calm down and enter into flow state.

7. Set yourself big goal and reduce deadlines.

Putting a decision in front of you big task and try to complete it as soon as possible. Do what others think you cannot do. Surprise yourself, surprise others, and you will feel the taste for life!

Living in a state of flow is amazing! In the flow of love, in the flow of money, in the flow of prosperity.

And in the end, I can say how the flow state is different from floating with the flow. To be in the flow means to act, and to go with the flow means to be inactive! I hope you understand the essence and see the difference. Live, create and allow yourself to constantly be in the Stream of Life!

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Copyright © 2012 Marilyn W. Atkinson

© Edition in Russian, translation, design. Alpina Publisher LLC, 2013

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rainbow stream
Process Coaching and Presence Flow

The future enters us to be transformed within us long before it happens.

Rainer Maria Rilke

Thread state

The quality of an all-encompassing state of flow is defined by an inner aliveness, a sense of the deep connection of your actions with your own values, and a transformative connection between you and the part of the outside world that you create. Feeling and being aware of the flow, you feel empowered and free to choose, yet you do so spontaneously and sincerely. You are fully involved in this process, and it is trustworthy. Thus, the flow of experienced value naturally opens the way to self-understanding and the ability to value oneself. We relax and enjoy the moment, no matter what happens.

If you want to become your own coach, use this book to explore your own experiences with flow in various areas. Develop the ability to achieve inner coherence and harmony. You will find that the feeling of flow is easy to experience in deep and extended coaching positions. The state of flow is natural and you can easily experience it when you relax inwardly and focus on what is most important in your life, on your goals for today and on the qualities that will be needed to achieve them.

Our definition of the flow state is the same as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's description. We will walk you through how to get into a state of flow when coaching and working on any project. You will learn to observe your own internal process of "identity development".

This state of "searching and learning" will allow you to go back into the state of flow again and again and keep it so that it becomes part of the ability to enjoy everything you do. Therefore, in this book we focus on identity formation and inner search.

We noticed that one of better ways Achieving a state of flow is a learning and coaching process that awakens and expands self-knowledge. For this purpose, solution-oriented coaches prefer to use some special methods and exercises, which we will introduce the reader to in this book.

Inner consistency gives a person access to an inner space in which every second can be used as a creative opportunity. We feel absolute certainty that we do not need to change anything either within ourselves or around us. Having such an experience, we notice that everything is good as it is, and experience a natural flow of joy, even when we are learning.

creative flow

You may remember meetings with family, friends or colleagues, whether for fun or for work, when the atmosphere was such that everyone was joking or teasing each other, when humor and ideas were bizarrely mixed. Any business then was easily carried out in a flow. I remember how, as a child, we together with family and friends picked berries together, and then harvested them for the winter - the energy flowed quickly and joyfully.

As you begin to create, you feel that you can relax and go into a state of flow, accepting your life with gratitude. In other words, by feeling and observing the results of your creativity, you merge with your inner "I", which you can fully trust. The stream of creation naturally flows into a wider stream of inner possibilities. You take a step from attention to intention, from perception to growth and development in all areas of your own activity.

You begin to experience flow even more often when you add observation to it. You integrate it by moving from intent back to "next level attention", developing a new awareness and a longer-term vision. When you recognize the value you receive, you feel fully engaged and experience a flood of joy. Deep attraction connects you to the flow of awareness and confidence in your actions.

You move between attention and intent, perception and growth, awareness and vision, pushing the boundaries of your awareness up and down. The mystics called these "noble steps" to an enlightened mind: first attention, perception and awareness, then intention, evaluation and action, and then again to perception, attention and awareness for more high level. As the ancient Zen koan says, “First there is a mountain (we perceive), then there is no mountain (we act), then there is a mountain.” At the last stage, you move on to an “even wider and fuller” perception.

Thread state can be called creative idea. You can dive into a state of creativity and ask yourself questions to come up with a great plan or find the right thought. Questions might be: “What can I become if I carry out this plan?” "What will I get as a result?" "What value will the world gain?" “How can I achieve the desired result?” "What should be the first step?"

During the development phase, ideas come to your mind. You are diligently working on the implementation of your plans so that everything works out. Your brain releases endorphins. And there comes a moment when all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. And then you relax again, moving on new level awareness. Flow is the state you experience by paying close attention to the value in each of these stages.

By focusing and committing, you can learn to notice when the state of flow opens up to you. Then, by adding facets of awareness, the flow itself will open many new doors for you. Your attention is opened to streams of awareness as a result of observation, curiosity, gratitude, love, joy, wonder, understanding, excitement for action, progression, and of course pleasure. All people love the flow of pleasure!

There is a special force of magnetic attraction that can be experienced while in the states of flow, allowing yourself to float on their waves, learning to remain in it. In the following chapters, we will describe these amazing flow points, which are valuable tools for moving beyond emotional skepticism.

The purpose of this book is to help you, the transformational coacher, recognize and stay in that state of inner flow, moving beyond the habitual “negative” language and outdated beliefs that inhibit the inner flow of awareness. You can help others with this as well.

Identity Development Stream

“Imagination is more important than knowledge,” Einstein said. This is a wonderful observation. Did you know that a person's imagination (presented only three times) can easily become an integral part of it? This is especially true for the visualization of their values ​​in the form of actions. Good book, how good friend, can help to visualize and highlight the most important things in life again and again through images, colors and descriptions. By doing this, people decide their own destiny.

This book helps you explore the flow of value in your life. The purpose of each chapter is to make the future present, to open up and tie together the four core "value areas" of your experience.

Firstly, we want you to understand and explore your values ​​as widely as possible. As we dive into our inner life, we experience our values ​​as a “flow state.” The rainbow is a great metaphor to help us find the state of flow in every area of ​​our lives.

Secondly, we want the reader to have a clear understanding of their possible actions. People love that we describe step by step how values ​​can be turned into practical life tools. This book explores the coaching processes that are helpful in awakening and developing full commitment. Your goal is to learn how to masterfully use the methods we offer in specific situations of practical coaching.

Thirdly, we want to use examples to cover as much as possible more situations. Our examples include areas as diverse as work and play, business communications, and family relationships. The book also includes situational exercises and general schemes that readers can practice, test for themselves, experience and integrate into their lives. Everyone needs case examples from Everyday life, showing coaching tools in action. They offer sets of exercises that allow you to expand your experience.

Fourth, we want to create a big, coherent picture with which you can get answers to possible questions: “What is the main concept of this book?” “Why were these values ​​chosen for her?” “Why should I spend my time on this book and not on anything else?” “How can this book affect my future?” After experiencing the rainbow flow of many values ​​from experience of being to insight, we relax and hit the road.

Flow Coaching

In this book, we will share with you ways to recognize, develop, and expand flow states such as pleasure, gratitude, creativity, love, fulfillment, commitment, and other core values.

We will show you how, through solution-focused coaching, you can develop and integrate these values ​​and qualities into miraculous developmental processes that activate the major inner value streams we call presence.

We explore sixteen various kinds flow and we want you to explore the essence of the main qualities that help in understanding your life, learn to recognize them, use them and expand the scope of their application.

When we describe flow states to people, they immediately recognize them. However, they often do not notice them in themselves until we directly point them out. Then people's eyes open, they laugh and rejoice in their experience, often adding "You knew!" or "Wow!" We wrote this book precisely so that people can learn to recognize the flow states that open the door to future awareness. With the door open, flow coaching becomes a powerful tool.

This book is intended for both coaches and non-specialists engaged in self-exploration and self-development, and those who are interested in how to accelerate self-understanding in the main areas of life through coaching. The book is divided into chapters in such a way as to attune you to the internal flows of learning, creativity and development, to acquaint you with processes that will help accelerate and expand them. In this sense, this book is an excellent addition to the two previous books in the Transformational Coaching: Science and Art trilogy: Mastery of Life: The Inner Dynamics of Development and Achieving Goals: A Step-by-Step System.

Some chapters will go like clockwork for you. Others will take more time to become part of your self-development and presence and fill with inner meaning. Together they provide you with a multi-color palette, and you can use each of the elements to develop the art of flow exploration.

In any value system there is a natural, logical structure and internal organization of logical levels of inner meaning, as well as a beginning, middle and end of the flow. Recall the coaching arrow from the second book in this series. At the beginning of self-enquiry, we can discover and develop many possibilities of awareness. different types flow. Here is some of them:

The flow of internal expansion of perception, known as the coaching position.

Value stream.

The flow of serious intention.

The flow of self-realization.

The flow of excitement from continuous activity.

A stream of commitment to expanding the vision of the future.

The depth and wonderful warmth of a flow of gratitude.

A gentle stream of absolute satisfaction.

We often experience these flow states in conversations that are meaningful to us, especially during coaching sessions. All chapters follow each other like states of flow - from attention/perception to intention/evaluation. Then we return to a new level of attention and even clearer perception. This movement can be represented as an arrow, painted in the colors of the rainbow, the colors of which are arranged from lighter to darker, merging into one.

Coaching Processes

This book is also designed to explore and deepen your knowledge of the coaching process. Typically, a mentor is needed to master the skill of coaching. For this purpose, we recommend Erickson University's internationally recognized coach training program, The Art and Science of Transformational Coaching. Consider working with an experienced coach trained in these processes to further development your knowledge!

We have specifically included in this book examples of coaching processes that you can use to accelerate your development as an individual and as a coach to others. Like the previous two parts of the trilogy, this book begins by looking at what is included in advanced coaching techniques. We hope that what you read will be useful to you.

Treat this book as an interactive guide, especially when it comes to self-coaching and learning. Slowly study each chapter carefully. You can keep a diary. Your goal is to find your own unique flow of inner development. Reader and authors enter into a powerful alliance. Our role is to be your inspiration, mentors and source of knowledge. In doing so, we want you to make your own discoveries.

The coaching process is a series of steps that help you come to an awareness of flow, an awareness of presence. All coaching processes provide you with methods for mastering and expanding flow states. Each chapter presents the main idea and at least one example of a coaching process to help you learn more about yourself. You will learn to distinguish between internal thread states by examining the processes that cause them.

By being aware of the internal flow, you enter a special world of internal data processing. This world belongs only to you. You fully master the processes of self-knowledge. Currents from the source of understanding and awareness wash away old negative emotions. You learn to expand and develop this flow of awareness and understanding, and to cherish it as an inner presence.

In the previous two books in the series, we introduced you to other coaching processes. In this book, you can explore them in more detail... by triggering an inner flow state! For example, if you have read the first book in the Mastery of Living trilogy: Inner Dynamics of Development, re-read the exercises: “Three chairs. Ideas brainstorming(Chapter 3) and Walk to Mastery (Chapter 5). Also review the "Rapport Wheel" exercise from Chapter 1 of Book Two: The Step-by-Step Coaching System again. Each of these processes is designed to connect with the inner flow.

Nature of the book: process and flow

Please read this book with an exploration mindset. Use it as an experiment and an opportunity to consciously experience the flow of values. Explore perceived quality by doing these exercises. For example, as you move forward, you might ask yourself, “At what point in my life do I enter a stream of all-encompassing awareness? Into the stream of transformational vision? Into the flow of self-realization, meaning, or inner truth? A stream of excitement from action or deep gratitude? What does each stream look like, feel, hear, and taste like? What color does it color my life? How do I feel my presence or hold each of them? How do I determine that this state has become stable, and I can return to flow awareness?

Each chapter expands the specific area and range of flow expression and development. Each stream, as already mentioned, has its own coloring. Each allows you to explore a range of potential coaching opportunities in your area. Each offers exercises, processes, and coaching elements to help you experience flow.

By keeping a journal of how you explore and become aware of the state of flow, you will gradually write your own version of this book. You will note for yourself which of the streams is brighter, faster, calmer or more intense than the others. You will find out where the center of your inner world is.

In order to develop an inner sense of presence, there must be an interplay of streams of attention and intention. First, we need a flow of inspiring attention, then clear intent, and finally, next level integration. As every conductor knows, these stages can also be found in parts of any inspired symphony.

We, living in the 21st century, are faced with the need to care for our fellowmen and have the courage to understand what our purpose is. May this book guide you along the way.

Rainbow of Presence

Streams can be represented by different colors of the spectrum, so we used the rainbow metaphor to organize the chapters. For the intentions described in each of the chapters, the appropriate color was naturally selected. How do we develop projects? We start with inspiration, then we move on to implementation, and finally we achieve real integration, leading to insight and integration.

Our goal is to make sure that you find your own value streams and experience deep satisfaction, moving naturally from one to another as the project develops. With the exception of Chapter 3 (which has White color), the attentional streams described in chapters 1-7 are shown in the colors of the warm spectrum, because, by sensing them, we accumulate energy. In chapters 8-12, we fall into the course of cooler colors corresponding to intent, and then into the streams fast currents and backwaters of introduction and completion. Chapters 13, 14, and 15 are about next-level integration, gratitude, fulfillment, and a brightly colored, warm feeling of fulfillment. You can reach this level in moments of integration, when we agree that the meaning of the entire journey is to bring into the present the experience of finding truth, insight and natural realization. During our journey, at every stage, we experience the whole rainbow of the flow of presence. See the Illumination-Individuality Flow Rainbow Chart below for a brief description of the flow alternation.

Note. We don't mention colors in the chapters, choose your own color for each of them. The purpose of using the rainbow metaphor is to awaken awareness of the color of your eigenstates flow when you decide to find your color for them. In the process, you become an explorer and begin to recognize the deeper colors of your life. Find your own interpretation of the processes and learning methods described in this book. And most importantly, enter the stream and make it your own!

Chapter 1
Creating your personality
Stream of inner truth

Confidently move towards your dream. Live the life you envision.

Henry David Thoreau

Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you reborn. And then go and do it. Because the world needs regenerate people.

Nea Nangia

The Story of King Midas

We all know the story of King Midas. According to one version, the god Dionysus offered the king, who had rendered him a service, to fulfill his two wishes. Joyful Midas replied: "I want a road that passes through my lands." And then a wonderful stone road appeared, connecting the cities in the way the king always wanted.

The king was very pleased and proud of himself, but fear crept into his soul: the next desire was the last. Just one wish, he thought. “And there is still a lot to be built: palaces, bridges… How can I take advantage of this opportunity?”

And then it dawned on him, and he said: "Let from now on, everything that I touch turns into gold." Dionysus nodded. The cup that the king was holding became gold.

Midas was very pleased with his new abilities. He walked around the palace, touched the throne and tables, curtains and dishes, and before his eyes they turned into gold. Suddenly, his little daughter, the joy of his life, ran into the room and rushed to him, arms outstretched. As usual, the king opened his arms to catch and hold her to his chest. But to his horror, it immediately turned into gold. "What have I done?! the king sobbed. “I have lost my child!”

He asked the gods to release him from this gift. Dionysus heard him and relented. If Midas bathes in the Pactolus River and distributes everything he has to those who have nothing, perhaps he will be rewarded with a third wish.

So Midas did. He immediately ordered to sell all his gold items and buy food and medicine for ordinary people. He emptied his vaults to buy more what people need countrywide. He did not hesitate to sell his palaces and all his possessions until he had almost nothing left.

Then Dionysus appeared again: "The gods gave you the opportunity to make a third and even a fourth wish, seeing your efforts." Relieved, Midas used his third wish to get his daughter back. “I thank you from the bottom of my heart,” he said to Dionysus. “As for the fourth wish, it has already been fulfilled. I am grateful to have learned what is truly valuable. It is more valuable than anything that can be bought with gold.”

What is more valuable than the gold you can accumulate? What is really valuable to you?

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Popular American psychologist and writer, one of the most cited specialists. He explored the topics of happiness and creativity, and became known for his theory of flow - the state in which people achieve the highest satisfaction from their activities.

Some facts: how the study was conducted

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi used the Experience Sampling Method. The technique consisted in the fact that during the week, about 8 times a day at random times, the respondent received a sound signal. After the signal, he had to indicate in the questionnaire where he was, what he was doing and how happy he was on a 7-point scale - from “very happy” to “very sad”.

Personally, Csikszentmihalyi and his colleague Reed Larson collected more than 70,000 pages of data from 2,300 respondents, and researchers from other countries have tripled this figure. The respondents were teenagers and old people, adult men and women from the USA, Europe and Asia.

What is flow state

All participants noted special conditions, which were later named by the author of the study. States in which consciousness is filled with various experiences, and feelings, desires and thoughts are in harmony with each other. People were so carried away by some occupation that they plunged into it headlong and did not notice the passage of time.

Flow occurs when you do what you love and give it your all. It can overtake you both during your favorite hobby and at work. As a rule, the flow comes when a person clearly understands the goal set for him, which requires a certain reaction.

The task should not be too easy, as here you can easily slip into a routine. It should not be too difficult either, as a person in such a situation is disappointed and begins to worry, without even trying to solve the problem. There must be a challenge in the task, so that for its solution all his skill is required from a person.

The flow state leads to personal growth. A person in the Rise zone is focused on solving the problem, but he is not yet very alert and not very well in control of the situation. To achieve flow, he will need to acquire new skills.

In the “Control” state, a person feels happy, strong and satisfied, but he lacks concentration, dedication and a sense of the importance of his work. He will be able to achieve the flow if he increases the complexity of the task.

People achieve flow when they do things they love: gardening, singing in the choir, dancing, playing board games or chat with close friends. Often the flow happens at work. And very rarely the flow overtakes us when we are passive: for example, we watch TV.

How to get job satisfaction

Work gives a sense of the richness of life, but at the same time we are saddened by the beginning of Monday and joyfully welcome Friday on social networks.

In ancient times, leisure was a fleeting phenomenon. A man working in the field could carve out rare moments of rest for himself. The attitude to work as something difficult and undesirable still remains in the minds of people, although for the most part we no longer work from dawn to dusk.

According to the questionnaires of the study participants, the beep often worked when they were engaged in streaming activities specifically on. They faced a difficult task, the solution of which required the utmost concentration and the application of creative efforts.

The work has clear goals and a measurable result: we either see for ourselves that the company's business has gone up, or we will hear a comment from the boss.

At work, we experience more positive feelings than we might think.

How work affects the quality of life is not determined from the outside. It depends on how a person works and what experience he draws from the tasks assigned to him. For work to be interesting, it must alternate between the challenge that requires maximum effort and simple tasks, during which we are convinced that we have achieved something in our profession.

There are many ways to do the same thing. Look for alternatives and experiment until you find the best one. When an employee gets promoted, most often it is because they were looking for non-standard paths in their previous position.

Rest is the highest happiness, isn't it?

Often we feel bored and lethargic and prefer to fill our brains with ready-made solutions, such as watching endless series or surfing the Internet. Or we resort to more powerful stimulants in the form of alcohol or gambling.

Leisure accounts for about a quarter of our free time. Modern man, as a rule, devotes it to three main activities: the consumption of media materials, conversations and. Each of these activities takes between 4 and 12 hours per week.

Passive rest quickly occupies our brain, but there is no challenge in it, there is no task, after the solution of which it will be joyful to remember how great it was, albeit not easy.

From active rest The return is always greater, but it also takes a lot of effort to prepare.

That's why we often prefer to stay at home than call friends and go for a run or bike ride.

If you are too tired or worried about something, then you may not have enough internal discipline to overcome the initial obstacle.

The first step towards a better quality of life is to get the most out of your daily activities.

Think about what activities give you the greatest feeling of happiness, what motivates you to new achievements. And return to them as often as possible.

Plan your time, especially -, then during the week it will not seem to you that the time allotted for rest was wasted.

Human needs human

People are most united by streaming activities because they give happiness and the feeling that you have achieved something important together. You immediately feel the return from this relationship.

Communication with friends gives the most positive emotions. It often happens that we lose contact with school and then university friends because we outgrow the interests that once connected us.

Friendship, like love, cannot freeze, it manifests itself in caring for another person and mutual development.

Maintain relationships that move you forward. One of the most common complaints of people going through a midlife crisis is not being around.

When people pay attention to each other or to the same activity, the chance of experiencing shared flow increases.

How to achieve flow state

In general terms: find an activity that you like and that presents an interesting challenge for you. Learn to let go of everyday problems while doing what you love.

On a local level: you should be able to fully focus on solving the problem. You cannot be distracted phone calls, nor "urgent" questions that colleagues or family members approach you with. The task should be interesting to you, have a specific goal, and its result should be measurable. In the process of solving, you apply the maximum of your knowledge and skills.

If you feel that you are too excited about the upcoming business or, conversely, you feel bored and apathetic, use it.

We have been given approximately 70 years. The quality of life directly depends on how you spend this day, month and whole year.

If you want to make the most of your daily activities positive emotions, we recommend reading the very inspiring books written by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

The person is afraid of change. At a time when the soul dives into new experiences with fearlessness, in order to enrich itself and become wiser, explore the limits of its capabilities and, in the end, return to unity with God… Man. Fears. Change.

My teacher is always my World, which, upon close examination, can tell a lot. Watching our baby, I noticed that he happily touches those toys that are familiar to him and cautiously looks at new ones, does not pick them up, but first examines them from afar.

Of course, I began to think and ask myself questions:

Do I enjoy new experiences? How much interest in life do I have? Am I afraid of new experiences?

Being honest with myself, I suddenly realized that I was always afraid of something new and I definitely did not have the joy of new experiences. I cautiously walked into the unknown, expecting painful experiences and pain rather than joy.

The resistance to the new, which I often saw in my loved ones since childhood, I could not recognize in myself, and our baby clearly showed it to me.

Read also: . God created this entire universe for you. With each new life you grow and develop, turning into a comprehensive intelligence.

The soul has incredible courage: knowing about all the events of life, it fearlessly dives into the space of the earth, plunging into the dense energies of the body, knowing in advance that it can get entangled in them and plunge into darkness, completely forgetting who it really is.

The personality of a person relies on past numerous experiences and remembers the pain that a person lived in the process. numerous lives on the ground.

The natural passion for learning new things is blocked by fear of pain and sometimes death, since the new sometimes meant death for us ...

There is no difference for the soul, it does not evaluate and determine where is bad and where is good experience.

The soul chooses to explore itself through poverty or wealth, through the weakness of the body, through impotence or excess strength, through resentment or forgiveness, through the choice to be the parent of a terminally ill child or to be the parent of foster children.

The soul yearns for new experiences. The personality resists, not wanting to develop, fearing both painful and joyful experiences. And, of course, life in the body will not be long, because youth is a constant interest in the new, exploration of oneself in new experiences.

Read also: : “I'm watching over you. I will send you new lessons and new companions... You are not alone. We are one WHOLE. Will live".

Reflecting on the fears of new experiences, before research, I received pictures, images, memories from my life that confirmed everything I was thinking about at that moment.

In a cafe or restaurant, I usually ordered familiar and favorite dishes and very rarely I had a desire to try something new.

I could not get out of a painful relationship for 15 long years, they were traumatic, but so understandable ...

I remembered my brother, who as a child was lively and insanely curious, he "explored" everything that came his way. Adults considered him a very spoiled child. And, of course, he got it. He was constantly scolded, beaten ... they did not accept him and, as it seemed to me then, they did not love him ...

The male energy in us is the energy of exploration, curiosity about life, the desire to learn new things.

Perhaps it was during that period that I decided that it was not safe to explore and gain new experiences (now it doesn’t matter anymore).

Some men, being adults, play various games with pleasure and, in general, treat life cheerfully and easily, like children (what irritates women terribly?).

Women most often take life too seriously and do not allow themselves to relax (and a drinking husband or father is insanely angry precisely because he allows himself what a woman has forbidden herself).

Read also:!? Think about it, what was "alcohol" originally? Wine is grape juice with sugar. Vodka is a wheat drink, etc.

"Be like children" - a phrase from the bible that I could not feel for a long time

I understood her with my mind, but did not feel how it is to be a child?! To be a child for me now is to learn new things with interest and fearlessness, to explore the world, to explore the possibilities of the body and mind.

Assessing everything on Earth as good and bad, we close ourselves off from many great opportunities.

There are no good or bad experiences:

  • For the soul, the experience of leaving your child in a maternity hospital is no worse than the experience of adopting a child.
  • For the soul, the experience of being the mother of a sick child is no worse than the experience of being the mother of a healthy child.
  • For the soul, the experience of poverty is no worse than the experience of wealth.
  • The experience of loneliness is nothing worse than the experience of being in a couple.

The soul, incarnating, chooses what experience it wants to live. Through what experience to explore your possibilities.

Read also: "Good," said the Little Soul. - This is what I want to be. I want to be forgiving. I want to test myself as forgiving.”

How more people resists the choice of the soul, the longer in earthly time he experiences what he resists.

The soul wants to know different experiences in the human body through acceptance of these experiences, and allowing. Acceptance and Love for your creation-experience, and, therefore, humility, allows you to complete this experience and choose another one.

The more a person disagrees, the more he struggles, the longer the "unpleasant experience" lasts.

From which you can only get out of reconciliation. A person often resigns himself when he has tried everything and is completely exhausted. It was then that his EGO surrendered completely: “Lord, I tried everything, I surrender, let it be as it is, I don’t have the strength to fight, do something!” - did you recognize yourself?

And at such moments when the EGO has completely capitulated and the voice of the soul is better heard, the soul shows the person the way, opens treasures, using which the person easily gets out of an unbearable situation for him.

Read also: : if we live according to inner inspiration and do only what brings joy, a natural and true order is created in life.

The soul wants a fully conscious existence in the body. The soul wants to receive new and new experiences, accumulating wisdom. The soul wants to be awakened by living in the body.

If a person is afraid of new experiences, if he has stopped in his knowledge of himself and the world, the soul has nothing to do in the body of such a person and it decides to leave the body in order to continue its studies of life in another body.

"Be like children," said Jesus...

The child is interested in everything and he is fearless in his knowledge of the world.

An adult relies on the experience that he lived himself and that his relatives lived. An adult remembers a lot and this stops him from exploring life. This stops the flow of energy that seeks to explore life through it.

Energy moves less in the body, metabolic processes slow down, toxins accumulate, the body ages and dies.

If you imagine for a moment that you are a fearless being, you no longer rely on the experience of the past and are not afraid of new experiences, you happily immerse yourself in them, exploring yourself and your capabilities with the interest of a child.

Read also: . We feel fearless, limitless beings, capable of anything.

You live completely in harmony of soul and body, mind and heart, trusting yourself, and, therefore, your soul, do not fight the flow of life, but cooperate with it ...

Such a person will live as long as he maintains a fire in himself, an interest in life, in new horizons and opportunities.

We are always given tests according to our strength.

“God always gives us a test according to our strength,” you have heard more than once. What is this phrase really about?

Our soul wants to get various experiences and realize how much Love there is in these experiences, to live these experiences in love and from a state of love, but not fear, as it was many times.

Read also: says that accepting and allowing everything to be as it is is the most the main task with which we come. The first purpose of a person in the world is to learn to love and accept himself unconditionally.

Our earthly personality struggles to resist the experience that the soul has chosen to live. The “larger” experience, the more life energy flows through a person.

God is the flow of life energy through you

A person, not accepting the experience that came into his life, not understanding why this experience, resisting this experience, creates a blockage of vital energy, which is given to him as strength and Love, to help transform pain into Love, to get out of dualities.

A colossal amount of vital energy is spent on resistance, and it seems to a person that he has no strength to withstand the “test”. The blockage of energy in the body very often causes discomfort and physical pain, which further takes a person away from resolving this experience with love.