Aries Rabbit: character, love, compatibility, work, talents. Full characteristics of an Aries child born in the year of the Rabbit

nata carlin

People born in the combination of the signs Aries-Rabbit (Hare) are distinguished by their determination and a fair amount of cunning in their character. At first glance, they are inconspicuous, try not to stand out from the crowd, calm and balanced. These are loners who do not feel discomfort alone with themselves. Their motto: “It’s better to do and regret than not to do and regret!” Therefore, Aries-Cats (Rabbits) are always in action, they definitely need to do something, but at the same time talk less. If you have a friend with this combination of signs, you should know that this is the first one who will support you in difficult times.

Characteristics of Aries-Rabbit men (Zaitsev)

The Aries guy in the year of the Rabbit is a real poet and romantic. He is able to see beauty in every little detail of life.

By nature, this is an artistic and enthusiastic person, but Aries-Cat’s life’s work is not always connected with art. The character of a man with this combination of signs is quite complex. For example, people around him should always share his point of view, views and enthusiasm. Otherwise, a person will simply be offended and withdraw into himself. Hence - conflicts and discord.

Everyday responsibilities do not burden the Aries-Rabbit man in any way. He approaches every task creatively, trying with the utmost level of fanaticism to accomplish everything that was assigned to him. However, it cools down very quickly and quits halfway through.

Everyday responsibilities do not burden the Aries Rabbit man

If we talk about the personal life of representatives of men of this combination of signs, then it is quite chaotic. He's just too lazy to spend energy putting everything in order. But in work such a situation is impossible. Having put in the lion's share of effort, the man tries to fulfill his obligations, which he does very well. In the workplace, the Aries-Rabbit (Hare) man is the ideal of diligence and commitment; he moves quickly and confidently through career ladder, if he really needs and likes this activity. He has an analytical mind and excellent qualities of a true leader.

Money for an Aries-Rabbit man is a means to achieve his own goals- pleasures and entertainment. Therefore, he takes finances quite seriously. He knows how to earn money and always knows how to do it.

Disadvantages of the sign

The main weakness of men of this sign is laziness! He doesn’t like to take care of himself, so he leaves this honorable duty to everyone around him.

According to his own understanding, everyone should be simply delighted that he is present next to them, and in what form is the tenth matter. It's a different matter at work! There he is collected, smart, interesting and sociable. At home he is frivolous, loves to sit back and enjoy contemplating everything that happens around him. The main thing is that he is not hurt.

Another important disadvantage is that he is too susceptible to pleasure. Therefore, if he does not stop in time, it is quite possible that he will no longer be able to. Where will this whirlpool take him? unknown.

Money for an Aries-Cat man is a means to achieve his own goals (pleasure and entertainment)

Characteristics of Aries-Rabbit (Zaitsev) women

The Aries girl, born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), is a purposeful and charismatic person. She values ​​her own freedom very much and talking about gender inequality is like a red rag to a bull. Never this lady will not allow her partner to dominate her, but she herself will not be a leader in the relationship. Selfish and proud, the Aries-Rabbit woman does not obey commands and is ready to do anything for her own benefit. She is a schemer and can play foul if necessary.

However, a lady of this combination of signs always respects the opinions of others. She has an iron character, so she will never even give her husband the opportunity to have another woman, but she will not keep anyone under a tight rein either. In relationships, she is very polite and respectful, she will defend her point of view with Olympian calm and will definitely prove that she is right. Extreme measures are rare for her.

Disadvantages of the sign

The weakness of women of this combination of signs and at the same time their disadvantage is that they are too arrogant and believe that they have the right to influence the destinies of other people. They should think twice before suppressing the will of others by insisting that they are right. Best for this try to find yourself in some activity or hobby to set your priorities correctly.

The Aries-Rabbit girl is a purposeful and charismatic person

An Aries-Cat (Rabbit) man needs to approach the choice of a life partner with all responsibility. First, you need to stop and stop using an educational tone for any reason. A woman is not an object or plasticine from which you can mold whatever your heart desires. First of all, partner is a person with her own interests and views on life and even if, from your point of view, they are not entirely correct. Relationships need to be built based on the desire to be close to her, and not to educate and teach.

The partner of an Aries-Rabbit (Hare) man must have a lot of patience in order to endure with honor all the antics and intolerable character of her beloved. He does not behave very gently with the weak half of humanity. Most women do not like this state of affairs. And only a patient, calm and self-confident lady can truly fall in love, mistaking his excessive rigidity for care and attention. Other representatives of the fairer sex will perceive the man as an impudent and spoiled person.

IN love relationships Aries-Rabbit woman is a passionate and uncontrollable person

In love relationships, the Aries woman, born in the year of the Rabbit, is a passionate and uncontrollable person. For a partner, this is just a godsend. She is playful, emotional, sexy, always knows how to please your loved one and arrange a romantic evening of the highest standard. The most interesting thing is that she does all this not for a man, but for herself, to stroke her pride and show off. No matter what happens, she will only love herself!

Different men can be suitable for women of this combination of signs, but you should initially know that it is extremely difficult to drag these ladies down the aisle. Their ideas about marriage are far from traditional, so it is difficult for her husband to come to terms with her views on family life. She loves her children very much, but she is quite strict with them, rarely showing affection and obvious care.

Compatibility in love of Aries-Rabbits By eastern horoscope to the maximum extent possible with Dog, Cat and Goat. According to the Western horoscope love and family relationships you need to build with Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn, and partnerships and friendships with Aquarius, Leo or Libra.

Maximum compatibility Average
Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Cat (Rabbit), Dog, Horse, Goat, BullDragon, Snake, PigMonkey, Rooster, Rat, Tiger
According to the Western calendar Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, CapricornAquarius, Leo, Libra, Gemini, Pisces,Virgo, Taurus, Cancer

Full characteristics of an Aries child born in the year of the Rabbit

If an Aries boy was born in your family in the year of the Rabbit, then very soon you will understand that children's independence is an amazing character trait. . Criticism doesn't bother him he treats all claims and admonitions from his parents extremely calmly, sometimes even indifferent. At the same time, he will definitely have a favorite activity, from which it is simply impossible to distract him.

A girl or boy of this combination of signs is extremely inquisitive. They will pester you with questions of different nature adults until they get a clear answer

Therefore, it is better to warn this prospect and buy them smart books and encyclopedias on the topics that they often ask. If you give your child a good education from the beginning, he will have a bright future.

October 19, 2017, 10:44 pm

2011 will open new paths for you! You will be able to make a lot of new discoveries, you will be busy learning about the world... Searches, discoveries, creativity, looking at the world and those around you with new eyes... all this will be within your reach! Sources of feelings, strength, physical and spiritual capabilities will open before you.

The main tension this year will be associated with the constant rushing between material and spiritual ways of self-expression. Personal life and various social problems, searching in this life for your own path and meaning of existence, opportunities to demonstrate your mind and talents, heart and soul strength. The 2011 Aries horoscope will present many discoveries, various opportunities, but also difficulties knocking on your door... At the most important and fateful moments, life will present you with a difficult choice, and you will have to make this choice yourself.

You will find support in your loved ones: parents, children and loved ones. At some moments, hesitation will be overwhelming, and retreats in the field of your choice are possible. In a word, your path this year cannot be smooth and serene. These moments of doubt will be replaced by firmness and desperate courage. It is she who will help overcome all the obstacles and obstacles that arise along the way. Get ready for the next seven years to be an interesting, sometimes stellar, sometimes thorny path into your life, full of adventures, unpredictable changes and transformations.

2011 is the first in a series of years of a period unknown to you. This is why it will seem so difficult at first. You will become like a man taking his first steps in a newly discovered and still completely undeveloped land. You will have to master everything during this period on your own: gifts, losses, difficulties of this time. So during this most important period, be as pure as snow-white doves and wise as snakes! Horoscope for 2011 Aries requires purity and wisdom from you.

2011 will give Aries good luck and the desired upswing in work and personal affairs; there will be an increase in success and authority. But there will be some losses and disappointments, difficult spiritual doubts. As always, dear and close people, your favorite thing, will help you cope with this. It is quite possible that you will plan a move and begin to look for new ways of spiritual development. In this difficult process, your teachers and mentors will play a fatal and at the same time happy role.

The year will be clearly divided into two halves. The first of them (from January to summer) guarantees you upward and forward progress, overcoming personal and family problems, and some rough spots in relationships with opponents. Sometimes doubts will roll in, perhaps a state of choice between the world of spiritual values ​​and material realities. As always, your parents, children, and friends will provide you with invaluable help. But opponents and partners will somewhat slow down your success in early spring and early autumn. All difficulties and losses of this time must be accepted as inevitable and be able to endure. In return, you will learn perseverance, the ability to manage yourself, your emotions, you will become stronger, more resilient, and more significant as a Personality. You will stand far above all that is insignificant and empty.

Your main slogan for this year: be honest with yourself, as well as with those you value.

Find out everything with your loved ones, do not remain silent, so as not to be left alone with yourself at this important moment and thus not to destroy with your own hands everything that is dear.

2011 and its second half will bring the long-awaited implementation of ideas, considerable profits, and desired financial success. You will be able to achieve your previously set goals, extract maximum benefit and profit from all the things you devoted time and effort to in the past. Be prepared for the fact that many things will not be realized exactly as you initially saw, but the result will be even better than expected.

2011 will be full of exciting events. In love, ups and downs are guaranteed, both successes and losses await. The work will bring success, but you will have to endure the struggle with your opponents and ill-wishers.

This year you can confidently count on new job, implementation of ideas, spiritual growth, change of views and the continuous strengthening of self-confidence. Your credo at this time: opposition to all sorts of dogmas, attitudes, active search for your place in this world. Spiritual values ​​will sparkle with new colors, and the time of spiritual growth will come.

This year will give you the realization of all leadership ideas. Much will move from the category of desirable to the category of possible, and will follow personal success and considerable profits.

In the first half of the year, you will feel much more comfortable within your own walls, at home. Housing problems will be resolved favorably and real estate will increase. Quite possible long business trips, and it may very well be that you will acquire housing in other regions or even countries. Relationships with family and friends, especially with your mother, will reach a new, better level. Children will also bring a lot of joy; they will become your reliable support in the second half of the year. And in the summer it is quite possible to add to the family.

Bold and new spring hobbies - summer period can outgrow something they love and subsequently bring good results.

Horoscope for 2011 Aries: on the personal front, successes will be replaced by losses, some doubts, and tossing between personal freedom and the desire for constancy. You will be drawn to illegal relationships from time to time. All the time, tossing between subordination to family, elders and partners, rules and regulations, and the desire to cleanse yourself of all shackles and forget the norms and rules. In the second half of spring, you may be accused of things that you did not do at all, or suspected of something. Although success is guaranteed, sometimes melancholy, spiritual doubts and mental tossing will come.

The doubt that you will have to endure may push you to some unwanted mistakes and breakdowns, a vivid rebellion against others and society as a whole. However, do not be led by such negative emotions, this will harm both yourself and loved ones.

The next year and a half will give Aries big changes away from home. It is the roads that are destined to play a leading role, to change views in many ways, and they will bring challenges and successes. And yet you will not harden your heart, you will create, love and actively move forward.

January will begin with the collection of good fruits from the deeds of the previous year 2010. Here are the desired changes in career, in those matters related to real estate. During this period, there may be a change in management, some changes in the service, and everyday problems. A change of job is likely.

will open up new opportunities. You have strong patrons and opponents, they keep a keen eye on your capabilities, your income and abilities. In January, you should take care of possible thefts and deceptions; you should not start new businesses at this time, especially in the first ten days of the month. Opponents will retreat for a while, and the timely support of patrons and your initiative will allow you to develop and move forward. January and early February will bring pleasant new acquaintances, interesting and vibrant meetings. As for plans for the future, some will be implemented, and some will collapse before they even begin. But all the things started at the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011 will receive their logical continuation. At this time, new authoritative friends will appear. And remember: your success lies in the support of family and friends, in a good and friendly environment.

will bring considerable changes to the house that will last until the fall. In the first half of the year, housing issues will be successfully resolved, you will be interested in real estate. Relatives will become an excellent support and support; they are your reliable rear! If you have been traveling and spent many days and nights on the road, then at the end of winter you will be able to return to your home and have a reliable roof over your head. The problems of early March will give way to success in the middle of the month. In March, April and May, literally everything will bring good luck. You will be visited by personal and business success, recognition and success in new endeavors, in creativity, in relationships with children. Roads will open up a new world.

IN April We advise you to avoid ambition, and then things will be successful. Plan your future, don’t be afraid to take on new things, listen carefully to the advice of loved ones and friends. You shouldn’t take on everything and immediately refuse the offered help from your family. This is especially true in late February - early March. Many roads will open doors to the future for you. You can safely hit the road, where new, fruitful, interesting meetings and endeavors await you, a change of plans and even fateful meetings are possible. Beware of smooth-talking and aggressive men, envious women, acquaintances and strangers.

IN May We advise you to take a closer look at your health, during this period there may be an overexpenditure of energy, there is some danger of injuries, attacks, excessive aggression, which will not give you anything good if you cannot cope with negative emotions. This month will be a period of increased accident rate and constant irritability. Try to refrain from arguments, conflicts, and outbursts of rage. Spring will bring support from friends and acquaintances, good luck on long trips and in creativity. At this time, life will quickly burst into your world with a fresh wind. A variety of roads: spiritual and business, close and distant, large and small, will radically change your outlook on life. This is a time of new discoveries, transformation of fate, knowledge of the world. Be prepared for the fact that over the coming years you will receive a lot in material terms, but you will also have to give a lot, sometimes even more than you receive. There will be an urgent need to share with family and partners, show mercy, help other people, make contributions to charity, and sometimes even work selflessly. Do not forget to actively accumulate spiritual treasures, because they are the capital of the soul.

Quite likely in spring secret love, you will be in search of the ideal relationship. But the apogee of passion around you will reach in April. At this time, avoid conflicts with people, they can harm you. But this does not mean that you should be afraid to defend yourself and your position. Rest assured, success will be on your side! Save your relationships with family and friends, with those who have always been there in difficult times. All this time, your personal popularity will continue to grow. The attractive power of your person is rapidly increasing. However, there is a danger of attracting dubious individuals as well. So it’s better to avoid inappropriate people, not entirely pleasant and strange connections, and various unpleasant situations. Your leadership position will give you well-deserved success and recognition in your career, but others will not always adequately perceive your actions. Some people will think that you are dizzy with success. In the first half of May you can expect recognition and good results, profits, successful solutions to personal and business problems. Don’t rely on “maybe”; work with enthusiasm and soul. The controversy surrounding you and your life will subside in the second half of May.

Horoscope for 2011 Aries
promises success everywhere: in love, in creativity, in work. So step forward boldly, even if your success is somewhat scandalous.

, and these pleasant trends will continue throughout the summer. Set yourself up for profit, personal and business success. Long-standing connections will come in handy more than ever. At the beginning of June, your family will need your help. So help those who love you and who are dear to you. The accumulated knowledge and vast experience will be useful in business, especially in the summer. Training plans may undergo changes. You may go to study in a different place than you intended. Summer is good for various courses, for replenishing knowledge, and improving skills. Success can await Aries in the literary and information spheres, and at lectures. In June and July, some contracts will collapse, but do not rush to get upset, because they will be replaced by new offers. Feel free to take on them without putting this matter off for a long time.

IN July it's worth taking care of yours vehicle. The stars do not advise purchasing a new car in the first half of summer. Be careful during this period in transport, on the roads, and while driving. July will delight you with the summer season, home holidays, and a cozy atmosphere. Don’t save time on vacation with your children, give a piece of your time to your loved one, spend money on pleasant entertainment, treat yourself and your family to interesting trips, pleasant outings into nature. At the end of July and beginning of August, personal and business success will visit you. Interesting trips and hobbies will come with him. Pregnancy is also possible.

- This is a period of love and success, adventure. This month, the children will delight you with their successes, there will be redevelopments in the house, and rearrangements are possible. It would be nice to get a pet in August.

will bring some worries. But all the problems of the house and parents will be resolved to the general satisfaction with complete understanding and agreement in the house. On the penultimate weekend of September, danger may await you on the road and to your health. The end of September will bring success in creativity and sports.

will come along with difficulties with business partners, but active changes in work will help resolve them. The affairs of your children and your personal plans - that’s what belongs a vital role in September and October. In October, your family and work will require active participation from you. Good luck awaits you in teamwork, and your family needs rest and peace. The changes in the second half of October will require you to save. If you invest in work at this time, you will definitely get a return in the future. Changes will also occur in your spiritual life.

IN November there will be trips again, new interests, grandiose plans for the future. New acquaintances, it is possible to meet foreigners who will greatly help you get up. By the end of the year, respect and recognition, considerable profits, and a good decision await you on the roads. important issues, spiritual and personal growth. There will even be a long journey. You will meet people who will open your eyes to many things and teach you a lot. Yes, you yourself will actively share your knowledge and experience. Goals and plans will change, and after them, the worldview. November and all the work this month will determine your further business plans for the next six months. Your sphere of influence, your horizons, your field of activity will expand. Languages ​​will come easily, you will be engaged in learning and teaching. Significantly expand your circle of acquaintances. At the end of November, the stars advise postponing trips. They may fall apart road plans, things will not go very well away from home.

IN December You will be required to pay increased attention on the roads, while driving, and at this time you also need to keep an eye on your movable property. And your relatives will require your attention at the beginning of winter. At the same time, take care of your relatives' affairs. Distant relatives, friends and teachers will take part in your affairs. Winter is a time of active construction of life outside one’s own walls. Travel, active participation in public life, various public and social projects very successful, interesting and will bring the desired changes in work and personal affairs.

Horoscope for 2011
Aries guarantees that active work will not go unnoticed and will provide you career and profit. However, do not overdo it to avoid getting sick. At the end of December, friends will remind you of your vacation, and you will have a great opportunity to welcome 2011 in pleasant company.

New Year's celebrations are a time of your triumph; they will be held under the sign of your person. Have fun, have fun, so that your worries fade into the background for a while. And immediately after the holidays, actively get involved in business with renewed vigor. Dear Aries, let me wish you a Happy New Year!!!

Love horoscope for 2011 white rabbit, love and relationship horoscopes compiled for the zodiac sign Aries

During the first months of the White Metal Rabbit 2011, if you are married and happy with your other half, the influence of the stars will bring alternating moments of tenderness and slight tension in your relationship. If there is a chill in your union, then there is a high probability that individual representatives of your zodiac sign will fall in love with someone on the side. Be careful, as a result of such events, the risk of divorce for representatives of your zodiac sign will be very significant! If you are single, then the stellar cocktail formed in the horoscope of Aries for 2011 will make you plunge into love at first sight, but also, due to the ambiguous influence on the sphere of love of your horoscope of the planet Uranus, will put the lover of Aries in front of a difficult choice.

The storm in relationships with your spouse and loved one is increasingly approaching with the beginning of spring 2011! It is very possible that representatives of your zodiac sign will be greatly shaken during this period of 2011, so that Aries, torn between feelings, will not know peace. But at least you won't suffer from the feeling that the routine of everyday life is completely consuming you. Your personal life will be stormy, and strong emotions will most likely not leave an unpleasant aftertaste after the first two months of spring 2011. Still, beware - Aries must know the boundaries that cannot be crossed! Think carefully about the consequences of your actions; even a moment of weakness can cost you years of relationships, especially when other people are involved. Simply put, in the spring of 2011, the white rabbit will be in chaos in the love affairs of most Aries, but you are unlikely to complain about this, since you feel that a shake-up in your relationships with loved ones has long been necessary!

With the arrival of the white metal rabbit in the summer of 2011, spontaneity will prevail in Aries' thoughts about what you really want in love, and this will force you to do some important choice. Most of you will give preference to duty and loyalty, but some individuals may decide that it is worth allowing themselves a short period of freedom, which will naturally entail certain complications. It’s easiest for those Aries whose heart is not burdened with a serious relationship, after all, if your heart is destined to be captured by love, then the appearance of the planet Venus in your horoscope during the summer of 2011 will provide you with a wonderful meeting that will definitely put an end to your loneliness .

Under the influence of Uranus in love horoscope Aries during the fall-winter period of 2011 white rabbit, your determination to devote yourself to pleasures and love pleasures will be maximum. No one and nothing can keep Aries from the passions that are intoxicating and spinning your head. Simply put, at the end of 2011, more than ever, it is in your partner's interests to be more understanding and tolerant of Aries' antics and sometimes even turn a blind eye to your carelessness. If you have not yet tied the knot, then these days new love may well enter your life and turn it upside down. If this happens, then at the beginning of the journey Aries will feel complete confusion and complete confusion! Yes, even despite the habit of falling in love at first sight with the first person you meet, your heart still never ceases to amaze you!

Horoscope for 2011 Aries: career

At the beginning of 2011, the white rabbit will experience incredibly strong celestial influences in the career sphere of the Aries horoscope large quantity different planets! What should you do? First of all, adapt to the changing conditions in 2011. The current changes, even if they manifest themselves unexpectedly, will be positive in the long term. In addition, for most Aries, the changes in early 2011 will quickly become very interesting. Some rare representatives your zodiac sign may find this state of affairs difficult; however, even what at first will be perceived by you as a failure will very quickly acquire a positive meaning and become a springboard with the help of which it will be easy to start all over again.

The spring of 2011 seems to be an even more optimistic period. A whole cluster of heavenly bodies in the horoscope for 2011 of the white metal rabbit will have a beneficial effect on the career sector of your zodiac sign. Aries' enthusiasm will be enormous, your ideas will be crisp and clear, your judgments will be thorough, and your courage will be worthy of the level of your projects - in a word, you will be able to achieve your goals without difficulty. During this period of 2011, everything is going well for Aries in the area of ​​professional interests, even if your endeavors require significant financial support or other assistance, the stars will look at the matter in such a way that you will one way or another receive a profitable bank loan, just like any other required resources without much difficulty.

In the second half of 2011, the white metal rabbit, the influence of the planets in the Aries horoscope will generally be very favorable for your work and professional interests. However, during the summer of 2011, in the horoscope of your zodiac sign there are signs of unexpected events that are turning the business life of Aries almost in the opposite direction. In other words, you, dear Aries, must be prepared to cope with changes that are likely to take you by surprise. If this happens, stay calm and don't worry. All changes will be beneficial in the short or medium term. Continue on your path and believe in yourself.

In the fall of 2011, the white rabbit, the general planetary trends in the professional horoscope of Aries look very favorable for independent professions. Aries projects founded in the past will become increasingly profitable. However, the most important thing is this moment- show more initiative in transforming the current confident state of affairs into complete and final success. In your hands, dear Aries, by the end of 2011 the white rabbit has accumulated a decent amount of resources, but reluctance to use them can lead to significant losses.

Horoscope for Aries for 2011: health

At the beginning of 2011, the white metal rabbit (hare, cat) for Aries will, as a rule, be characterized by good physical balance and good health. Under the protection of Uranus, which is in harmony with your sign, Aries will not find it difficult to cope with the high and successful pace of life. However, taking into account the influence of Neptune as a whole affecting the entire horoscope for 2011 of the white rabbit, Aries must exercise caution, protecting themselves from microbial and viral infections. If you are considering adding a new diet or exercise routine to your diet. new program physical exercises, initial period 2011 will be very favorable for such undertakings, and especially March 2011.

Despite the period of seasonal exacerbation during the spring of 2011, no major health problems will occur; even people with chronic diseases will most often be able to do without hospital treatment. However, some decline is possible during this period of 2011 vitality Aries, as well as minor cardiac disorders in people predisposed to this pathology. Some people in your zodiac sign will show signs of fatigue, which are actually signs of anxiety or internal tension. The main medicine in this case is a healthy and measured lifestyle. And do not look at rest and restoration of health as a useless and unnecessary activity. Keep up your exercise routine. And don’t doubt the benefits of afternoon rest on weekends.

With the arrival of the summer of 2011, the white metal rabbit, Aries is destined for a very good balance of health, well-being and physical strength. However, you must beware of the influence of the planet Neptune in your horoscope for the current period of 2011 Rabbit, the influence of this planet is quite capable of making Aries nervous and depressed. Try to rest more and more often, relax just before bed to avoid insomnia. At this time in 2011, you will also be more vulnerable to contagious diseases due to the influence of Pluto in your horoscope, which will significantly weaken your immune defenses. On the contrary, if Aries happens to get the disorder digestive system, improvement will not take long to arrive.

For Aries, 2011 will be a busy year, but without unnecessary stress and negative consequences. A representative of this zodiac constellation will be faced with the need to reconsider all his values ​​and set priorities - both in activities and in relationships with all the people around him. For Aries, the coming year will be a transitional period, which, with his active participation in own life can turn into a good launching pad, leading him to completely new high-quality horizons of life. The problems that have been following him since last year must be resolved in the most serious way, because they are the ones that prevent Aries from working and living to the fullest - the way he deserves. All the honors and happy bonuses that fate itself throws at Aries are an advance: the representative of this zodiac constellation is expected to be active, energetic, disciplined and persistent in achieving the goal. If all these conditions are met, Aries can have the most successful year of all previous ones. The financial sphere is capable of presenting Aries with many surprises - both positive and negative, and the main rule for a representative of this zodiac constellation should be prudence in matters, especially those related to finance. Aries will not experience difficulties with money throughout the year, provided he constant activity, and can even accumulate a small capital if he does not get involved in an adventure that could ruin him. The most dangerous period in this regard may be recent months 2011.
Difficulties will arise periodically in the coming year, as serious tests for strength, but Aries, full of energy and energy, will cope with all problems with honor, and nothing can stop him from emerging victorious. With spring, Aries will feel the need for spiritual growth, self-improvement, he will be drawn to knowledge, because he has a good idea of ​​his further goals, and knows what life will require of him in the future. Relationships with loved ones and colleagues will be most carefully reviewed, because Aries, striving to develop and grow spiritually, will not tolerate conservative, pessimistic people around him, he will place increased demands on everyone with whom he communicates, and will easily part with those people who do not share his aspirations. In the middle of the year, Aries will be given the opportunity to meet old friends and partners, at this time he has a chance to renew love relationships that he already considered almost lost.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2011 for the white Rabbit describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the zodiac sign Aries in the new year 2011. Due to your uniqueness, the general horoscope for 2011 for the sign of Aries may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2011. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

Accurate personal horoscopes for 2011 Year of the Rabbit for Aries: Others accurate horoscopes for zodiac sign Aries: Others general horoscopes for 2011 year of the rabbit for zodiac signs:

  • zodiac horoscope for 2011 for the sign Aries

The cautious Rabbit, in alliance with the active Aries, gains strength and self-confidence. He does not consider it necessary to adapt to the interests of others, he is full of energy, aimed at great things and grandiose achievements. Unlike other Rabbits, he has no doubts and is practically devoid of fear. The Aries Rabbit is not afraid to take risks, does not avoid difficulties, and at the same time skillfully avoids dangerous situations. Friendly, knows how to behave in society, but does not need his approval. Able to achieve his goals without the help of others. Aries-Rabbit is a contradictory nature that requires increased attention. You should not think that you can ignore his opinion and shamelessly push him around. For all his charm, he is quite adamant.

Characteristics of Aries Rabbit

This amazing person, in which contradictory character traits are harmoniously combined. The emotional Aries-Rabbit enjoys the attention of society, expects compliments and gets upset if he does not feel interest in himself. Although he loves solitude no less, he spends a lot of time at home and furnishes his “mink” with great passion. Aries-Rabbit is quite lucky, because he has enough strength and energy to take decisive actions. Thoughtful, observant, able to draw the right conclusions. Always calm, friendly, not subject to attacks of bad mood. Although he is obsessed with himself, he will definitely find time for loved ones. It will help in difficult times, especially if we are talking about blatant injustice.

The charming Aries Rabbit is quite calculating and careful. He will not get involved in dubious matters, although he will not dissuade others. He will prefer to stay on the sidelines, but if he hears a request for help, he will definitely respond. The Aries Rabbit is smart and wise, well aware of the consequences of any actions, so it can help out in a difficult situation. He is an active person, always ready for adventure. He is rational and distrustful, like all Rabbits, but the impulsive Aries often gets the better of him. Therefore, defeats happen; he does not always manage to achieve his goals without a fierce struggle and with minimal losses. Although rare, Aries-Rabbit finds himself in difficult situations.

The wise Aries Rabbit knows how to avoid awkward moments and acts softly and insinuatingly. At the same time, he does not forget about his own interests for a minute and resolutely achieves his plans. This is not an ambitious and ambitious person, capable of any madness for the sake of success. Strives for peace comfortable life and nothing more. He loves people, is attentive and generous to them, but all his actions are consistent, so you should not try to mislead the Aries Rabbit. If he feels deceived and insulted, he will find a way to achieve justice. Aries-Rabbit - man of sense, subtly feeling the line between good and evil. There is no cruelty in him, but he has will, character and enough strength to prove that he is right.

Aries Rabbit Compatibility

An Aries-Rabbit in love is simply magnificent: a true romantic, a temperamental partner. He has a great desire to please the object of his passion, and does not spare either time or money for his loved one. True, he acts in such a way as to completely bind his chosen one or chosen one to himself. Behind the soft, courteous manners lies a leader; it is not in his rules to miss his happiness. Although sometimes he feels weak and helpless, at such moments he urgently needs support.

For the Aries-Rabbit, family is a great treasure, a reason for pride. This is a wonderful owner, his house reigns full order. In the Aries Rabbit there is a strong desire for the ideal; in his mind, the family is a reliable refuge from all problems and worries. He is friendly, peace-loving, and it is not in his rules to create scandals and showdowns. This is a good family man who values ​​his loved ones. Although he is a little frivolous, he does not disdain having affairs on the side, fortunately, such behavior is very rare.

Aries Rabbit Career

The soft, tactful Aries-Rabbit knows how to defend its interests. Manages to solve the most difficult questions in such a way that everyone is satisfied. This is an excellent strategist: he does not make exorbitant plans, but he is not content with little. The Aries Rabbit is a smart, insightful person. Nature endowed him with wisdom, strong will, so he calmly, slowly achieves his goals. He manages people with talent; his subordinates like his friendly attitude.

This purposeful person will find a way to succeed in any field. Stubborn, persistent, but skillfully hides it, acts extremely carefully. Has the talent to approach business issues intelligently, even if he is in an excited state. He endures troubles steadfastly and knows how to withstand the blows of fate. Successful in professions related to creativity, he is not as vulnerable as all people of art. He can succeed in the sports field; he has a strong desire to fight.

Aries Rabbit Man

The Aries-Rabbit man gives the impression of a pleasant person in all respects: at work - a responsible employee, in the company of friends - a cheerful interlocutor, at home - a respectable family man. But this is a rather complex, contradictory personality. The combination of these signs gives him qualities: authority, determination, emotionality. He does not openly demonstrate his leadership ambitions, but prefers to command rather than obey. In a situation where his superiority is not challenged, he feels calm and relaxed, and is happy to help others. In love relationships, he manifests himself as a romantic nature, spending huge sums on the whims of his chosen one. But he usually chooses worthy women who have succeeded in their careers as companions.

Aries Rabbit Woman

The fearless Aries-Rabbit woman will be able to stand up for herself, and at the same time protect the interests of the family. The energetic careerist never forgets about her family and always takes care of her husband and children. How she manages to combine many things and at the same time remain an affable, friendly woman is a mystery to everyone, but not to those close to her. He knows how to correctly set priorities and carefully plans his life. He has a lot of advantages: intelligence, hard work, insight. He feels best at home, although he loves work and communicating with people. IN family life claims to be a leader; she is a woman who is quite powerful and confident in her actions. Therefore, she will be happy with a reliable man who is able to make concessions to her.