How to cook ice mushroom. The most delicious coral mushroom - homemade recipe

Tremella fucus is more often called coral or ice mushroom. This species belongs to tree mushrooms, found in the forests of Japan, Far East, in northern China. The size of the fruiting body does not exceed 10 cm. The shape of the coral mushroom resembles a lace ball white. Tremella has a neutral taste and no odor.

Beneficial features

When studying the ice mushroom, many useful substances were identified. 18 important amino acids, minerals and trace elements were found in mushrooms. The main part of the mushroom consists of plant fibers (up to 70% of the mass). The fruiting body of the mushroom contains record number vitamin D, there are proteins, carbohydrates and a complete absence of fat, so ice mushroom dishes are often included in diets that promote weight loss.

Tremella is used:

in the treatment of pulmonary diseases, including tuberculosis;
to improve immunity;
with high blood pressure;
as an anti-radiation agent in the treatment oncological diseases;
to protect the liver.

Majority useful qualities fungus is associated with the presence of plant glycogens. These substances help increase metabolism in cells, resulting in a rejuvenating effect on aging skin and improving vascular elasticity. Further studies of coral fungus showed its effectiveness in the treatment of cancer.

Patients using anticoagulants should not eat dishes with coral mushroom. This mushroom is contraindicated during pregnancy and is not recommended for use by nursing women or children under 14 years of age.

Use in cooking

Ice mushroom does not have its own taste, so it is customary to include it in dishes with a bright aroma. Coral mushroom is served with meat and fish dishes, and used in salads and desserts.

The retail chain offers pickled or dried coral mushrooms. Before cooking, a briquette of dried mushrooms needs to be soaked for 5, 6 hours in large quantities warm water. When the mushroom opens, the stem of the fruiting body is cut off.

Simple salad recipe:
200 g soaked ice mushrooms;
3 large bell peppers different colors (red, yellow, green);
garlic, 3 - 4 cloves;
sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon;

The bell pepper must be peeled, cut into strips, and the garlic must be passed through a garlic press. Mix all ingredients. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to soak the salad. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with lettuce leaves.

Growing Coral Mushrooms

For the first time, tremella began to be cultivated in the countries of Southeast Asia. The collection of finished raw materials occurs from June to August. For long-term storage, mushrooms are dried and pressed into small briquettes. In this form, the ice mushroom is exported to European countries.

Hobbyists can grow this delicious mushroom at home. After acquiring the mycelium, you need to prepare a “bed”. To do this, you need to take a log 1 m long, with a diameter of 10-20 cm. Hardwood is best suited. The workpiece must be cut down no later than 1 month before planting the mycelium. The log chosen is clean, from a healthy tree.

Holes with a diameter of 0.8 cm and a depth of 4 cm are drilled in the trunk. The holes are located on the surface of the log in a checkerboard pattern, every 15 cm. Mycelium sticks are inserted into the holes and spilled well with water. The “bed” is left in a warm and dark place. The log must be kept moist and watered thoroughly 3 times a week.

When the mushrooms begin to sprout, the logs are flooded for half a day. cold water, then transferred to the light and placed vertically. The first harvest can be obtained 3-5 months after planting the mycelium.

On fresh air mushrooms are grown in the warm season, at temperatures from 10 to 27 ° C. For indoor areas the season lasts all year round However, after fruiting, the mycelium needs to rest, so it is recommended to reduce the amount of watering for two weeks.

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Tremellomycetes (Tremellomycetes)
  • Subclass: Tremellomycetidae (Tremellomycetidae)
  • Order: Tremellales
  • Family: Tremellaceae
  • Genus: Tremella (Tremella)
  • View: Tremella fuciformis (Ice mushroom)
    Other names for the mushroom:


  • Nakaiomyces nipponicus

  • Fusiform tremors

  • Trembling white
  • Tremella fuciformes
  • Ice mushroom
  • snow mushroom
  • Silver mushroom
  • Silver ear
  • snow ear
  • Mushroom jellyfish

Fruiting body: Gelatinous, but quite firm. Consisting of graceful petals, some sources describe the shape of the mushroom as resembling a chrysanthemum flower. Almost transparent, whitish, up to 7-8 cm in diameter and 4 cm in height. The surface is smooth and shiny.

Spore powder: White.
Microscopic features: Spores 7-14 x 5-8.5 μ, ovoid, smooth. The basidia are four-spored, become cruciform at maturity, 11-15.5 x 8-13.5 µm, with a sterigmata up to 50 x 3 µm. There are buckles...


Similar types and differences from them

Edible. In rainy weather it becomes discolored, and then it can be confused with the white tremors.

Inedible. The fruit body is gelatinous, matte, pale pink or yellow-pink in color. Externally, this mushroom looks like human brain. Brain tremblers grow on branches coniferous trees, mainly pine trees, and this important difference will prevent it from being confused with the white trembler, which prefers deciduous trees.

Other information about the mushroom

There is information that the very first mention of tremella was in the Chinese treatise of the court physician “On the use of ice mushroom to make the delicate skin of Chinese aristocrats white and matte.”

The mushroom has been grown in China for a long time, and for the last 100 years - on an industrial scale. Used as food in a variety of dishes, from savory appetizers, salads, soups to desserts, drinks and ice cream. The fact is that the pulp of the white tremors itself is tasteless, and perfectly accepts the taste of spices or fruits.
In Russia and Ukraine (and, possibly, in Western European countries) it is actively sold as one of the “Korean” salads under the name “sea mushroom” or “scallops”.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been using the mushroom for over 400 years. Japanese medicine uses patented preparations based on white tremors. ABOUT healing properties Entire volumes have been written about tremors fuciformes. The mushroom is sold (in Russia) in jars as a medicine for a huge list of diseases. But since the topic of WikiMushroom is still mushroom, and not near-medical, in this article we will limit ourselves to only pointing out that the mushroom is considered medicinal.

In fact, the basis of this dish is not coral, but a specific variety of translucent porcini mushrooms that look like snow balls.

Most often, these mushrooms are called coral mushrooms. But they also have a lot of alternative names: ice mushroom, snow mushroom, king mushroom, gelatinous mushroom. Scientific name - Tremella fuciformis. Size of most coral mushrooms growing in the wild can be compared to a golf ball

The mushroom has several wonderful lacy processes. At high humidity it acquires a slippery, jelly-like texture.

The coral mushroom grows mainly in the subtropics on various trees, from which it receives all the necessary nutrients. Although it was previously believed that these snow balls receive nutrition directly from the forest soil. The English mycologist Miles Joseph Berkeley discovered and first described coral mushrooms in 1856. However, ice mushrooms were eaten in the Asian world even before that. Asian herbalists sold these mushrooms as a miracle cure for colds and dry coughs, as a rejuvenator and tonic. The name, which is obtained by transliterating Chinese characters, sounds like “Silver ear”, “snow ear” or “white tree ear” (Bai Mu Er, Yin Er), and the Japanese version is “white tree jellyfish”.

Nutritional value.

Snow mushrooms are very nutritious. They contain dietary fiber (70%), proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin D, 18 valuable amino acids, three quarters of which are essential for the human body, useful minerals and plant glycogens (trehalose, mannitol and pentosan. For comparison, coral mushrooms have more multivitamin D than cod liver, salmon, tuna, shrimp and sunflower combined. They are high in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium and sulfur At the same time, there is really a lot of calcium and iron: 643 mg of calcium and 30.4 mg of iron per 100 g of product.

The benefits of ice mushrooms.

For centuries, the Chinese have used coral mushrooms in traditional medicine for the treatment of high blood pressure, tuberculosis and colds. Modern research by Israeli and Ukrainian scientists has confirmed the benefits of ice mushroom for immune system body.

  • - Protects against radiation,
  • - strengthen respiratory system, - improve hematopoietic processes,
  • - lower the level of "Bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins) in the blood, - have anti-inflammatory,
  • - have antiallergic properties,
  • - protect the liver from toxins,
  • - prevent neurological damage,
  • - have a positive effect on cognitive function of the brain and memory,
  • - prevent tumors.

The main reason for such a high nutritional and medicinal value of coral mushrooms is the presence of special polysaccharides (glycogens), which doctors recommend using for immunodeficiency (including HIV), premature aging and during stressful situations. Glycogens also prevent the aging of blood vessels and capillaries, thereby maintaining perfusion balance. In terms of its effectiveness on the human immune system, tremella can compete with maitake mushrooms, which are also extremely popular in Japan and China. Due to the combination of beneficial properties of the coral mushroom, some doctors consider it ideal food product for smokers. As a natural source of vitamin D, coral mushroom rejuvenates the skin by accelerating metabolism and blood flow in skin cells. Caution: Tremella fucus is contraindicated in patients taking anticoagulants.

Coral mushrooms against cancer.

Scientific research has proven that the plant mucus of coral mushrooms contains polysaccharides. They are involved in the production of interferon and interleukin-2 (valuable substances of the human immune system) and stimulate the reproduction of macrophages that absorb microbes. Snow mushroom also promotes the activity of so-called “Natural Killers” and increases the effectiveness of antibodies. Coral mushrooms overgrowth cancerous tumors hinder. To grow and spread, the tumor must form its own system of blood vessels. Chemical composition ice mushrooms, or rather platelet activating factor (PAF), prevents blood clotting and the formation of a fibrin network of blood vessels to feed the tumor. Laboratory tests have proven that coral mushroom extract kills cancer cells in the cervix and some other types of tumors. The snow mushroom makes the female genital organs more susceptible to radiation exposure, which makes treatment procedures more effective. Another valuable thing for cancer patients useful property This product prevents leukopenia (a drop in white blood cell count) in people undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy and quickly restores bone marrow health.

Coral mushroom in cooking.

Coral mushroom has almost no independent taste, but is popular among Asians due to its delicate and at the same time elastic, crunchy texture. It is used to prepare salads, soups and even desserts, and in powder form is added to drinks and ice cream. An interesting recipe for preparing a sweet dish based on this mushroom: tremella is boiled, then dried and left in a room soaked in the sweet syrup of canned peaches. Dried coral mushrooms require pre-treatment. Fill the product warm water, leave alone for a couple of hours or more, rinse, allow excess liquid to drain, remove tough areas and divide into small inflorescences. Now you can cook them in any way you like.

Coral mushrooms in cosmetology.

Legend has it that tremella has long been used as a tonic for youthful skin and a healthy complexion. The ancient imperial mistress Yang Guifei, considered one of the most beautiful women V Chinese history, used coral mushrooms for face and body care. It is believed that ice mushrooms can make the skin hydrated, soft and elastic. Thanks to its natural polysaccharides, this product easily penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and produces its rejuvenating effects there. At the same time, the human body activates its own and very strong mechanism for fighting free radicals: dismutase superoxide (sodium) is produced. Soda, in turn, causes a cascade of antioxidants: it not only neutralizes the free radical, but turns it into a kind of active antioxidant. Mushroom polysaccharides When applied topically to female skin, 4 weeks showed encouraging results: the water-holding capacity of the skin and stratum corneum was significantly improved.The fact is that tremella polysaccharides retain moisture many times stronger than glycerin or hyaluronic acid. Cosmetic companies in France and Japan are right when they very energetically began researching coral mushrooms as a topical cosmetic product.

Purchase and storage.

Coral mushrooms were once so rare that only members royal family could afford them. Now Tremella fuciformis is grown on an industrial scale.

Best stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, such as the bottom shelf of your refrigerator.

Coral mushroom has many popular names: gelatinous, silver ear, icy, royal, trembling, snowy. All these are alternative names, and the real (scientific) name sounds like “fuchsian tremella” (tremella fuciformis).

The coral mushroom was first described by the Englishman Joseph Berkeley back in 1856. However, the Asian world learned about it much earlier. Local herbalists sold white coral mushroom as a miracle cure for colds. It was also an excellent tonic. Transliteration of Chinese characters leads to another interesting name: “snow tree ear”, and in the Japanese version - “wood white jellyfish”.

Coral mushroom is quite nutritious. It contains about 70% dietary fiber, 18 amino acids, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, and plant glycogens. For many centuries, coral mushroom was used by the Chinese in the treatment of tuberculosis, colds, and hypertension.

Recent studies by scientists from Ukraine and Israel have confirmed: tremella fuchsoidum can increase immunity, protect against radiation, strengthen the respiratory system, improve hematopoiesis, and reduce cholesterol levels. Moreover, coral mushroom has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents the development of tumors and neurological damage, protects the liver from toxins, has a positive effect on the brain, and improves memory.

The enormous value of the mushroom lies in the presence of glycogens (special polysaccharides), which are prescribed by doctors for immunodeficiency, serious stress, and premature aging. The combination of nutritional properties makes it ideal for smokers.

Due to the content of natural vitamin D, coral (white) mushrooms rejuvenate the skin, accelerate metabolism, and increase blood flow in the skin cells. Important: Tremella fuchsoides is strictly contraindicated for those patients who are taking (or have just finished taking) anticoagulants. The coral mushroom has practically no independent taste. Tremella's popularity is due to its crunchy, firm, yet tender texture. Many soups, salads and even desserts are prepared from it. In powder form, coral mushroom is added to drinks and ice cream.

The Chinese way of preparing one of the sweet dishes based on this mushroom is very interesting: tremella is boiled, then dried and soaked in sweet peach syrup.

Dried “silver ear” needs additional processing. First, the product is poured with warm water for a couple of hours until it swells (increases tenfold), then it is washed and, after the excess water has drained, it is divided into small inflorescences (hard areas are removed). After this, you can start cooking. Once upon a time, the coral mushroom was so rare that only the very rich could afford it. Now tremella is grown on an industrial scale and is quite affordable for the average buyer. You can see it in most Asian grocery stores.

Coral mushroom is stored in the refrigerator in tightly closed, airtight containers.

Dry corals - 4 pcs.

  • Garlic -5 cloves
  • seasoning for korean dishes
  • salt, sugar.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

Place the corals in an enamel bowl and pour boiling water over them so that it covers all the mushrooms.

Add salt, sugar. And leave for 30 minutes. The mushrooms increase in size very much, so don’t be greedy (about 5 times).

Rinse under cold water. Rinse thoroughly, a lot of sand and some kind of dirt

Chop mushrooms and add dressing

Add crushed garlic through a garlic press, salt, sugar to taste. Leave to marinate for 1.5 hours. Bon appetit!


When I came across this snack at the market in the Chinese snacks section, I, like many other buyers, for a long time I was confused. I always thought that this was algae))) It turns out that this is a Chinese tree mushroom))) After a long time, I found it in dried form in the supermarket, like soy meat and asparagus. Having bought some to try, I decided to take a chance and made it at home. In the post - that's it!!! Tasty, nutritious, unusual! And not only in Lent. We will need:

  • 1-3 pcs. ice mushroom 1 liter boiling water 3 tbsp. soy sauce 1 tsp. honey (optional) or 1 tsp. sugar ground black pepper, paprika, you can use seasoning for funchose or Korean carrots 2 cloves of garlic

Place the mushrooms in a wide saucepan and add boiling water until it completely covers the mushrooms. Let stand for about 30 minutes. Then rinse, as the mushrooms may contain sand. Remove the hard part. Divide the mushroom that has increased in volume into small parts. Place in a cup with a lid. Pour soy sauce into a saucepan, add honey or sugar and spices, squeeze the garlic through a press. Heat until honey or sugar is completely dissolved. Pour this marinade over the mushrooms, mix well and marinate for 3-4 hours, or preferably overnight. Bon appetit!

All types of this mushroom were studied in scientific laboratories for their medicinal properties. And the following became clear.

  1. Coral blackberry is a potential cure for Alzheimer's disease and a good anthelmintic.
  2. Variegated blackberry - lowers cholesterol, suppresses the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells, and is a strong immunomodulator.
  3. White and yellow blackberries - significantly slow down the growth of cancer cells (sarcoma, carcinoma, stomach cancer), destroy staphylococci and bacteria that cause stomach and duodenal ulcers, and reduce cholesterol levels.
  4. Comb blackberry – has a hypoacid property, protects the gastric mucosa during increased acidity gastric juice, heals wound surfaces and ulcerations of the stomach and intestines, suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, and is an effective antitumor agent (pancreatic cancer).

Sparassis curly refers to literally words curly mushroom of beige color, which is classified as a member of the Sparasaceae family. There are no more than 7 varieties in this family, which is remarkable. The mushroom is an edible and very tasty variety, but it is listed in the Red Book of our country as an endangered type. Due to deforestation and human gathering, the number of specimens presented is decreasing. Today we will study everything connected with them.

Let us repeat once again that this variety is classified as edible. The mushroom attracts attention, first of all, because it is famous for its external characteristics. In common parlance it is called by many different names, including mushroom cabbage, lamb mushroom, mushroom happiness, as well as hare cabbage and king mushroom. Moreover, the name “lamb” is used only in foreign reference materials, our compatriots practically do not express themselves this way. Russian specialists By “lamb” we mean a completely different mushroom – curly griffola. Now consider the description of the presented intricate specimen. The fruiting body consists of multiple curly leaves that branch and look like a shrub.

The mushroom is quite large; its wrinkled lobes with wavy edges cannot go unnoticed. Considering the diameter, we can say that some fruiting bodies grow up to 20-60 cm. Of course, this is rare; on average, mushrooms with a diameter of 7-30 cm are found. The height of the bush is about 20 cm, and its weight exceeds 6-8 kg . Some mushroom pickers came across specimens weighing 10-14 kg. The fruit bodies are beige, yellow-white in color. Mature specimens have a dark, brownish color with reddish splashes. The base is poorly visible, it is root-like, attached to the center of the body.

The thickness of the leg is about 5 cm, for the most part it is dug into the ground, so it is not visible. It grows up to 13 cm in length, is colored white-yellow, and can darken and turn black when overripe. The soft part of the peculiar wavy blades is fragile, easily crumbles and breaks. In mature fruiting bodies it is tough and hard. It tastes nutty and smells strange. The smell has nothing to do with mushroom aroma. Reproduction is carried out by elliptical-shaped spores; they are light yellow or white in color. The layer, otherwise called spore-bearing, prefers to be located on each blade. Moreover, it occupies only one side, without completely wrapping around. In hue, this layer is pigmented creamy white or gray. Feels a little rough, maybe too smooth.

The tendril has the appearance of a tiered, fleshy, wavy mushroom with numerous hanging mustaches of white-cream or white color. The caps of barnacle hedgehogs often grow sideways. The height of the fruiting body reaches 15 centimeters, and the diameter can be 20 centimeters.

Thanks to its fan-shaped shape, the mushroom looks very unusual. The antennal hedgehog generally does not have a cap or legs, and the hanging antennae look like waves. Thanks to this feature, tendrils have no common similarity with ordinary types of mushrooms.

The color of the cap is pinkish, the edges are raised. The color of the edges can be reddish or have a coral tint, making the mushroom easy to see in the forest. The hymenophore is formed by long, thick, soft, conical needles.

The pulp of the barnacle is fleshy, cotton-like, it tastes pleasant with a good aroma. Places of growth and fruiting time of barnacle grass

These mushrooms grow on tree trunks. They can be seen on stumps and trunks in mixed forests. Antennae hedgehogs prefer damp places. They are rare on the ground, but on trees they grow in clusters, intertwined into beautiful inflorescences.

Tremella fuciformis - an ice mushroom, which is also sometimes called a snow mushroom, acquired this name due to its specific appearance- it looks like a snowy, ice ball. This species is highly valued in Asia - it is used in both cooking and medicine. In fact, it is considered medicinal.

Latin name

Tremella fuciformis

Synonyms: Nakaiomyces nipponicus, spindle fungus, white tremella, tremella fucus, ice mushroom, snow mushroom, silver mushroom, silver ear, snow ear, jellyfish mushroom.

Tremella fucus (or white tremella) belongs to the family Tremellaceae (Tremellaceae), genus Tremella (Tremella).

This mushroom also has other names, and all because different countries and continents it is called in every way, namely: edible gelatinous mushroom, silver ear, coral mushroom, snow mushroom, fucus tremors, sea White mushroom, silver mushroom, silver ears.


The fruit body is unusual, sinuous, as if it is folded, irregular shape, resembles seaweed collected in a bunch. The size can be from 2 to 10 cm.

The spores are white.

The color is snow-white; specimens with a yellowish tint are less common.

The pulp of the white tremors is tender, translucent, fleshy, elastic-gelatinous, white, practically odorless, or, less commonly, with a faint spicy odor.

Time of growth of fucus tremella

Can be found from August to October.

Where does the ice mushroom grow?

Tremella is very common. It can be found in Central America, in Asian countries, in Australia, on the islands Pacific Ocean. In Russia, the trembling fucus grows exclusively in Primorye and is very fond of wet places.

You can meet it in deciduous and mixed forests. It grows on rotting, rotten wood and on fallen trunks, as well as on branches deciduous trees(favorite type of tree is oak). Found both singly and in groups.

Similarities with other species

It is very difficult to confuse white ice mushrooms with other species - they look very unique. The only species with which it can be confused is with, and then only if for some reason it completely loses its colorful color. But this is not scary, since the orange tremors are also an edible mushroom.


Tremella fuciformis – edible species. Most often it is used to prepare Asian dishes. And although it itself does not have any pronounced taste, nevertheless, it crunches extremely appetizingly, thanks to its elastic texture.

Salads and soups are most often prepared from white tremors. In our area, the mushroom can most often be found in various Korean snacks, for example, seaweed with coral mushrooms. But sometimes even sweet desserts are prepared from it - ice cream, drinks, syrups.

Trembling mushroom is quite nutritious - it contains proteins, useful minerals and trace elements, and fiber. And also as many as 18 amino acids! It is believed that there is more vitamin D in these mushrooms than, for example, in cod liver and tuna combined.

Tremella fucus does not need long-term heat treatment - usually 5 minutes of boiling is enough to cook it, and at the same time fruiting body increases significantly in size.

Most often, tremors can be found on sale in dried form, rather than fresh. In order to dried mushrooms could be used for food, they need to be filled with warm water and left to soak in moisture for a couple of hours (even longer is possible). Then pour into a sieve and wait until all the liquid drains out. Well, then prepare either salads and appetizers, or soups. By the way, mushrooms saturated with moisture are not at all different from fresh ones.

Ice mushroom: benefits and medicinal properties

Modern research has confirmed that it is not in vain that tremella has been used for centuries in traditional medicine in Eastern countries. In oriental medicine, tremors are used as an antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, stimulant, tonic and cholesterol-lowering agent. It is also effective in the fight against pulmonary diseases, in particular against tuberculosis. Tremella fucus is used to improve the functioning of the stomach, heart, brain, kidneys, and liver. It is also able to protect against radiation, improve hematopoietic processes and stabilize high blood pressure.

Tremella also contains a substance that can prevent leukopenia (a drop in the number of white blood cells) in people undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and quickly restore bone marrow health. In addition, alba extract kills cancer cells in the cervix and certain types of other tumors.

In addition to its use in medicine, coral mushroom is also used in cosmetology. Thanks to its high vitamin D content, it can rejuvenate the skin and even smooth out wrinkles!
But, despite the usefulness of this mushroom, you need to be careful with it during pregnancy and lactation, and it is better to abandon it altogether. It should not be given to children and should not be used if you are prescribed anticoagulants.

You've probably tried it or at least seen it on sale. unusual dish– corals in Korean. In fact, the basis of this dish is not coral, but a specific variety of translucent porcini mushrooms that look like snow balls.

Most often these mushrooms are called coral mushrooms. But they also have a lot of alternative names: ice mushroom, snow mushroom, royal mushroom, gelatinous mushroom. Scientific name: Tremella fucus.

Most coral mushrooms growing in the wild are about the size of a golf ball. The mushroom has several wonderful lacy appendages. At high humidity it acquires a slippery, jelly-like texture.

Coral mushroom grows mainly in the subtropics on various trees, from which it receives all the necessary nutrients. Although it was previously believed that these snow balls receive nutrition directly from the forest soil.

The English mycologist Mealy Joseph Berkeley discovered and first described coral mushrooms in 1856. However, in the Asian world, ice mushrooms were eaten before that. Asian herbalists sold these mushrooms as a miracle cure for colds and dry coughs, as a rejuvenator and tonic.

The name, which is obtained by transliterating Chinese characters, sounds like “silver ear”, “snow ear” or “white tree ear” (Bai Mu Er, Yin Er), and the Japanese version is “white tree jellyfish” (Shirokikurage, Hakumokuji).

Snow mushrooms are very nutritious. They contain dietary fiber (70%), proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin D, 18 valuable amino acids, three quarters of which are essential for the human body, beneficial minerals and plant glycogens (trehalose, mannitol and pentosan).

For comparison, there is more multivitamin D in coral mushrooms than in cod liver, salmon, shrimp and sunflowers combined.

They contain a lot of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium and sulfur. At the same time, there is really a lot of calcium and iron: 643 mg of calcium and 30.4 mg of iron per 100 g of product.

Benefits of ice mushrooms

For centuries, the Chinese have used coral mushrooms in traditional medicine to treat high blood pressure, tuberculosis and colds.

Modern research by Israeli and Ukrainian scientists has confirmed the benefits of ice mushrooms for the human immune system. They:

  • protect from radiation;
  • strengthen the respiratory system;
  • improve hematopoietic processes;
  • lower the level of “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins) in the blood;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • have antiallergic properties;
  • protect the liver from toxins;
  • prevent neurological damage;
  • have a positive effect on the cognitive function of the brain and memory;
  • prevent tumor development.

The main reason for such a high nutritional and medicinal value of coral mushrooms is the presence of special polysaccharides (glycogens), which doctors recommend using for immunodeficiency (including HIV), premature aging and during stressful situations. Glycogens also prevent wear and tear of blood vessels and capillaries, thereby maintaining perfusion balance.

In terms of its effectiveness on the human immune system, tremella can compete with maitake mushrooms, which are also extremely popular in Japan and China.

Due to the combination of beneficial properties of coral mushroom, some doctors consider it an ideal food product for smokers.

As a natural source of vitamin D, coral mushroom rejuvenates the skin by accelerating metabolism and blood flow in skin cells.

Caution: Tremella fucus is contraindicated in patients taking anticoagulants.

Against cancer

Scientific research has proven that the plant mucus of coral mushrooms contains polysaccharides. They are involved in the production of interferon and interleukin-2 (valuable substances of the human immune system) and stimulate the reproduction of macrophages that absorb microbes.

Snow mushroom also promotes the activity of so-called natural killer cells and increases the effectiveness of antibodies.

Coral mushrooms prevent the growth of cancerous tumors. To grow and spread, the tumor must form its own system of blood vessels. The chemical composition of ice mushrooms, or more specifically platelet activating factor (PAF), prevents blood clotting and the formation of a fibrin network of blood vessels to feed the tumor.

Laboratory tests have proven that coral mushroom extract kills cancer cells in the cervix and some other types of tumors.

The snow mushroom makes the female genital organs more susceptible to radiation exposure, which makes treatment procedures more effective.

Another beneficial property of this product that is valuable for cancer patients is the prevention of leukopenia (a drop in the number of white blood cells) in people who have undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and the rapid restoration of bone marrow health.

Another representative of the mushroom kingdom has strong anti-cancer properties -.

Culinary certificate

Coral mushroom has almost no independent taste, but is popular among Asians due to its delicate and at the same time elastic, crunchy texture. It is used to prepare salads, soups and even desserts, and in powder form is added to drinks and ice cream.

An interesting recipe for a sweet dish: mushrooms are boiled, then dried and left in a room soaked in the sweet syrup of canned peaches.

Dried coral mushrooms require pre-processing. Fill the product with warm water, leave it alone for a couple of hours or more, rinse, allow excess liquid to drain, remove harsh areas and divide into small inflorescences. Now you can cook them in any way you like.

Application in cosmetology

Legend has it that tremella has long been used as a tonic for youthful skin and a healthy complexion. The ancient imperial mistress Yang Guifei, considered one of the most beautiful women in Chinese history, used coral mushrooms to care for her face and body.

It is believed that ice mushrooms can make the skin hydrated, soft and elastic. Thanks to its natural polysaccharides, this product easily penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and produces its rejuvenating effects there.

At the same time, the human body activates its own and very strong mechanism for fighting free radicals: superoxide dismutase (SOD) is produced. SOD, in turn, triggers a cascade of antioxidants: it not only neutralizes the free radical, but turns it into a kind of active antioxidant.

Mushroom polysaccharides, when applied topically to female skin over 4 weeks, showed encouraging results: the water-holding capacity of the skin and stratum corneum was significantly improved. They retain moisture many times stronger than glycerin or hyaluronic acid.

Cosmetic companies in France and Japan are right when they very energetically began researching coral mushrooms as a topical cosmetic product.

Purchase and storage

Coral mushrooms were once so rare that only members of the royal family could afford them. Now Tremella fuciformis is grown on an industrial scale. That's why you won't have much difficulty finding these mushrooms on the shelves of Asian grocery stores.

Best stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place, such as the bottom shelf of your refrigerator.