Sea animal with a nose. Mysterious Animals

1) African civet- the last representative of the genus of the same name. Such animals live in Africa. In most cases, they are located in areas with high herbage. The fur of the civet is very thick and long. The muzzle, the end of the tail and paws are completely black, most of the body is spotty-striped.

2) Angora rabbit- a beautiful breed of rabbits. Breeding this species began hundreds of years ago in Turkey with the special goal of obtaining angora wool. Today, there are such breeds of rabbits: French (French), English (English), German (German), Atlas (Satin), Giant (Giant). The mass of Angora rabbits is up to 7 kg, life expectancy is about 7 years.

3) Desman- a very famous animal, due to its name. Their body is 16-22 cm long, their tail is 16-22 cm long and their weight is about 500 g.

4) Octopus Dumbo one of the representatives cephalopods. It lives in the ocean at a depth of up to 6-7 thousand meters. He received this nickname for his big ears, he also swims with the help of them. Most big octopus of this type was recorded with a length of 180 cm and a weight of about 6 kg.

5) Capybara- most large rodent. This semi-aquatic mammal is the only member of its capybara family.

6) Kakapo- an owl parrot, which is widespread in New Zealand. The parrot is very unusual, it is nocturnal, belongs to flightless birds and sometimes barks like a dog. This type of parrot is listed in the Red Book and due to human fault it is on the verge of extinction.

7) Hell Vampire- This is a mollusk that has some similarities with squid and octopus.

8) Human fish- lives in underground rivers and lakes from Slovenia to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The length is about 30 centimeters and the weight is not more than 20-25 grams. She got her name because of the similarity of color with the color of the human body. On average, a human fish lives about 68 years, this species is forbidden to catch.

9) Aardvark- in Africa they are also called aardvark, which means "earth pig". The animal has ears that are very similar to those of a hare, as well as a muscular tail that is similar to that of a kangaroo.

10) Matamata turtle - lives in South America. It has a shell no longer than 45 centimeters long and weighs up to 16 kilograms. These turtles feed mainly on fish, sometimes frogs and tadpoles.

11) Sumatran Rhinos- equine animals of the rhinoceros family. The body length of an adult Sumatran rhinoceros is about 260 cm, and the height is up to 150 cm. The weight of an adult reaches up to 1000 kg.

12) Fish with a transparent head Can look backward, up or forward. So she can easily be afraid of predators, catch prey or look at food.

13) Wombat are herbivores that love to dig holes. Outwardly, they resemble small bears.

14) Darwin's Spider- discovered in 2001 on the island of Madagascar. Males are no more than 6 mm long, while females reach about 18 mm. main feature spiders are giant webs that can reach up to 30 meters.

15) Lori- an animal with big eyes. The muzzle of a lory is sometimes compared to a clown mask.

Nature has never repeated its creations twice. It only moves forward, creating more and more new species, among which there are amazing creatures that can amaze even a person experienced in zoology.

We have compiled a list that includes some of the most unusual animals in the world, but if you are interested in reading about animals with the most unusual behavior, you can get acquainted with them in this article.

The most unusual birds

Red-crested turaco

A bird whose plumage color contains true green and red colors is the red-crested turaco, the only feathered bird with such a color. Water that has fallen on red turaco feathers turns red due to the high content of copper in the plumage pigment.

hatchet bird

Can you fly underwater? It turns out that it is possible, and this is proved by the hatchet bird. When it feeds underwater, it literally flies using its wings. The waterfowl is able to function comfortably at a depth of up to 100 meters.

blue-footed booby

The blue-footed boobies, the inhabitants of Galapagos Islands and the Pacific coast of America. It's easy to recognize a booby - its webbed paws of blue color. AT mating season the males display their blue legs as they dance in front of the females.

The most unusual mammals


The tarsier has a large head disproportionate to the size of the body. The mammal can turn it almost 360o. Other salient feature tarsiers - the ability to communicate with relatives on ultrasonic waves.


Echidna, endemic to Australia and New Guinea, is a unique animal, unlike any other creature on the planet. She is a mammal, but the offspring of the echida hatch from eggs. The echidna's mouth is so small that she is unable to grab anything with it, but she pulls out a long tongue from her mouth, and food sticks to it.

Despite their solid size, the animals swim perfectly even for long distances. Sharp eyesight allows the echidna to instantly isolate danger even at night and hide in crevices, and if there are none nearby, powerful front paws come to the rescue, digging a hole in the ground in no time. If the soil is hard, the echidna curls up into a ball, exposing the entire arsenal of needles.

Malaysian bear or biruang

A mammal from the bear family lives in India, China, Thailand, Indonesia, and the Indochina Peninsula. Biruang is a stocky, strong animal with a wide and short muzzle. At the same time, he has high limbs with disproportionately large paws, which, in turn, are distinguished by large curved nails.

The Malaysian bear is black, except for a yellow-roan muzzle and a red or white horseshoe-shaped spot on the chest. The animal is nocturnal; during the day, the Biruang sleeps or basks in the sun on the branches of trees, where he has a semblance of a nest. It is considered almost the most a rare species bears.


An interesting breed of dog is the Hungarian Shepherd Komondor. Representatives of this breed resemble either a giant mop on four legs, or a dreadlocked rastaman - this is to blame unique building wool, the length of which can reach one meter. The owners of such a dog are spared from daily manipulations with the brush - its hair is simply impossible to comb - but they still need to visit the groomer, because as the strands grow, they must be separated to avoid rolling. Long White wool folds into a kind of laces that make appearance the komondora is even more impressive.

Star-nosed mole

An insectivorous mammal from the mole family. It can only be found in the Northeastern United States or Southeastern Canada. Outwardly, the animal is very different from other representatives of the mole. Only he has a peculiar structure of the stigma, which resembles a star of 22 fleshy, soft, mobile and bare rays. When a mammal is looking for food, all the rays on the stigma, except for the two middle and upper ones, move. During the absorption of food, the rays are pulled together.

angora rabbit

This rodent looks very impressive. Among them there are individuals with a coat length of up to 80 centimeters. The wool of the Angora rabbit is very valuable - many useful things can be made from it, from scarves and socks, to linen and fabric. Wool is sold by the kilogram and sold out instantly.

From one rabbit you can get up to 0.5 kilograms of wool per year. Most often, a funny animal is turned on by women, so it is sometimes called "ladies". Representatives of the breed grow up to 61 centimeters in length and reach a weight of up to 5 kilograms. Rabbits need to be groomed weekly or they start to look just awful.

Small (red) panda

This animal belongs to the raccoon family and lives in China, Bhutan, Northeast India, Northern Burma, Nepal. It can be found in bamboo forests that grow 2000-4000 meters above sea level. The animal has a hazel or red hair on top, black or dark, reddish-brown below. And on the back, the tips of the hair are dyed yellow. The tail is red, the paws are black, the head is light, and the muzzle and tips of the ears are white. Along the eyes is a pattern resembling a mask. The red panda is active at night, at dusk, and sleeps in a hollow during the day.


A toothless mammal lives in South and Central America. Almost all the time, sloths hang on trees with their backs down, spending 15 hours a day sleeping. The behavior and physiology of sloths are aimed at saving energy, so the diet of animals consists of only leaves, and this is quite enough for them.

Life of sloths

Nature gave sloths a long neck so that they could reach the leaves without unnecessary body movements. As a result, the animals practically do not get down from the top of the tree, leaving their homes about once a week to perform their natural needs. Sometimes sloths gather in groups and also lazily mate.

Imperial tamarin

The chain-tailed monkey lives in rain forests near the Amazon River. You can distinguish it from other monkeys by the long white whiskers that hang down to the shoulders, giving the tamarin a resemblance to some ancient Chinese philosopher.

Emperor tamarins live in isolated groups of up to 10 individuals, climbing trees where larger primates are denied access. An extremely strict hierarchy is observed in the pack, each member of the family has a specific role. The highest rank belongs to the oldest female. She does not take care of the cubs, paying attention to them only while feeding milk, but most Kids spend time in the company of adult males.

white-faced saki

This bizarre primate lives in South America, among dense rainforests. Determine the belonging of the monkey to this species extremely easy, it is enough to notice the characteristic cream color of the head, contrasting with the dark hair on the body. Unlike most South American primates, the white-faced saki does not use its tail to cling to tree branches. It uses a long and fluffy limb for balance during long jumps from branch to branch.


Herbivorous equid-hoofed animal that lives in warm places South America, Central America, Southeast Asia. Newborn tapirs resemble a wild boar-anteater hybrid; adults are similar to the fruits of the union, again, an anteater and a panda.

The hind legs of the tapir are three-toed, and the front legs are four-toed. Small hooves on the fingers help animals to walk on muddy and soft ground.

Tapirs are afraid of humans and run away at the sight of bipeds - many years of experience suggests that they will not fail to kill for the sake of meat and skins.

unusual fish

Clown fish

The males of this fish, popular with aquarists, can change their sex. An undeniable hierarchy reigns in a flock of clown fish: a dominant pair is selected among the entire population. The rest of the family members are males, who not only do not receive privileges in the form of mating opportunities, but are also forced to control their growth in order to avoid jealousy from the alpha male. If the female leader dies, then her partner changes sex and becomes a female himself, and one of the “reserve players” takes on the role of a dominant male.

crocodile fish

Crocodile fish or, scientifically, spotted flathead, really looks like a green predator. For the sake of camouflage, it uses spotted coloration, turning gray or green depending on the color of the bottom. Sabertooth fish: juvenile and adult


Unusual jawless animals that can be found in the seas temperate latitudes at depths up to 400 meters. The second name of hagfish is witch fish. The life support system of these creatures is salty water. If the percentage of salt in the water drops to 29%, then hagfish stop eating, and at 25% and below, they simply die.

Mixina - witch fish

leafy sea dragon

The official emblem and symbol of South Australia. This fish, belonging to the needle family and a relative of the seahorse, is found exclusively in the southern and western seas Australia. The shoots of the body and head of the fish look like leaves - they serve as a camouflage in shallow water. Predators confuse the bizarre creature with algae and do not even try to attack it.

Foliar sea ​​Dragon on video

The leafy sea dragon swims with the help of an absolutely transparent pectoral fin, which is located on the crest of the neck, and also a colorless dorsal fin in the tail area.

There are other unusual creatures that have appeared on our planet due to human intervention. For example, a pizzly bear or a liger. Read about the most unusual hybrids on the site.
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The extraordinary world of animals is very diverse and rich. Nature never repeats its creations twice, it moves forward, creating more and more new species of animals that never tire of striking the human eye with their unusualness and the smallest details that help them adapt to life on earth, underground, in water or in the air. Sometimes one can only wonder how unusual creatures exist on our planet. Our selection of the most unusual creatures in all respects is dedicated to these animals.

  • Axolotl

The larval form of an amphibian from the ambistom family. Lives in the mountain ponds of Mexico. Long, shaggy branches grow on the sides of the axolotl's head, three on each side. These are gills. Periodically, the larva presses them to the body, shakes them to clear them of organic residues. The tail of the axolotl is long and wide, which helps it well when swimming. It is interesting that the axolotl breathes with both gills and lungs - if the water is poorly oxygenated, then the axolotl switches to pulmonary breathing, and over time, its gills partially atrophy. : The total length is up to 30 cm. Axolotls lead a very calm, measured lifestyle, without bothering with unnecessary expenditure of energy. They lie quietly at the bottom, sometimes, wagging their tail, rise to the surface of the water "for a breath of air." But this is a predator attacking the victim from an ambush

  • Ay-ay

This is the largest animal of the nocturnal primates. It lives in the eastern and northern parts of Madagascar, in the same ecological niche as woodpeckers.
Distinguishing features: It has a brown color with white specks and a large fluffy tail; it feeds, like woodpeckers, mainly on worms and larvae, although it was originally thought that they eat like rodents because of their teeth. Weight - about 2.5 kg. Length - 30-37 cm without a tail and 44-53 cm with a tail. One of the rarest animals on the planet - several dozen individuals, and therefore discovered relatively recently. The animal looks very unusual, therefore, in our list of the most unusual animals, it occupies the top positions.

  • Narwhal

This unicorn is a mammal from the unicorn family. Narwhal is found in high latitudes - in the waters of the Arctic Ocean and in the North Atlantic. In size and shape of the body, pectoral fins and dark coloration of suckers, narwhals are similar to belugas, but adults differ in spotting - grayish-brown spots on a light background, which sometimes merge - and in the presence of only two upper teeth. Of these, the left one grows in males into an unusual tusk up to 2-3 meters long and weighing up to 10 kg, twisted in a spiral, and the right one often does not even cut through. The right tusk in males and both tusks in females are hidden in the gums and rarely grow, usually in one case out of 500. The body length of an adult narwhal is 3.5-4.5 m, newborns are about 1.5 meters. The mass of males reaches 1.5 tons, of which about a third of the weight is fat; females weigh about 900 kg. Why the narwhal tusk is not exactly defined, but definitely not in order to break through the ice crust, as many researchers believe. This tusk is a sensitive organ and most likely helps the mammal sense changes in pressure, temperature, and the concentration of suspended particles in the water. Crossing tusks, narwhals probably clean them from growths.

It was a selection called The Most Unusual Animals, here I included animals that in one way or another stand out from other species. I hope you were interested!

Unfortunately for last decade the number of this mysterious bird in countries such as India, Nepal and Pakistan has decreased by 95%. Ecologists in a panic! Scientists argue that the reason for such a disaster lies in the fact that feathered carrion admirers are poisoned by their own delicacy.

Another reason for the sharp decline in the population of vultures is the actions of poachers who purposefully shoot birds because they interfere with illegal fishing. Then the question arises! What is the reason for environmentalists' concern? Few people will give the correct answer to this question. We will help you deal with it. You will find out what has been hidden from many of us.


Many are mistaken that animals on the African continent are eaten only by such predators as lions, leopards, wild dogs and other toothed ones. However, the results of studies in the territory of one of the national parks in Africa showed that only a little more than 30% of the fallen animals accounted for all these predators. Other fallen representatives wild world belong to the vultures. Thus, the role of these ugly hairless birds in the ecosystem is obvious: they not only prevent the spread of diseases, but also regulate the number of other scavengers. Agree that they are somewhat reminiscent of our orderlies - woodpeckers.

Natural antiseptic

For many years it remained a mystery why these unusual birds used to urinate on their feet. However, Turkish scientists who have studied vultures suggest that this is nothing more than a way to protect yourself from various kinds of ailments. After all, the legs of vultures are in active contact with the flesh of dead animals, and the acid present in the urine acts as an antiseptic, sterilizing the limbs of these birds.


These birds are capable of reaching incredible heights. With the updrafts air masses these birds are able to rise as high as possible - to spy on vast territories in search of prey. At one time, the record for the highest flight altitude was set by the neck of Rüppel. In 73 of the last century, this bird conquered a height of more than 11 kilometers, which exceeds the height of Everest!

For them there are no boundaries

The uniqueness of vultures also lies in the fact that they can travel huge distances in order to search for food. For example, one of Rueppel's vultures recently surprised researchers when they studied its route. The nest of this bird was in Tanzania, and flew for food to Kenya, Ethiopia and Sudan. This crossing of borders almost caused an international scandal, as the “violator” had a GPS transmitter (attached by university staff). This incident happened four years ago.

Assortment of dishes

It is believed that the remains of dead animals are the only food that can attract vultures. We assure you that not all vultures prefer meat. For example, palm prefers nuts, figs, can eat fish and even birds. But in the carcasses of animals, he is not even interested in the meat itself, but in the larvae and insects.

Very strong stomach

But the bearded vulture, in turn, is the only representative of the fauna, whose diet is 80% represented by bones. Surprisingly, it just so happened that the stomach of this bird can cope with such food. In addition, the gastric juice of the vulture can destroy such deadly bacteria as the causative agents of cholera and anthrax.

Some are sad that dragons exist only in fairy tales, and there are no unusual animals left on earth. However, here is a list of the most unusual animals on the planet that debunk this statement.

Leafy sea dragon. This sea ​​fish is a relative of the seahorse and lives in the waters of western and southern Australia. Usually, a sea dragon can be found in shallow water, where the water warms up well. A distinctive feature of the animal are the processes on the body and head, which resemble leaves and serve as a camouflage. In water, the dragon moves with the help of a fin located on the crest of the neck, and the dorsal fin near the tip of the tail is also used. The fins of the animal are completely transparent. The dragon is not so small - it can grow up to 45 cm. It is curious that the leafy sea dragon is the official emblem of the state of South Australia.

Biruang or Malayan bear. This mammal belongs to the bear family. Biruang lives in Indochina and Indonesia. Such a bear has a stocky figure with a short but wide muzzle. The ears of the Biruang are short and round shape. On high limbs are huge paws with large curved claws. The feet of the bear are bare, and the fangs are small. The fur of the biruang is smooth, hard and short, the color is black, turning into chalo-yellow. On the chest of the animal is usually located a spot resembling the rising sun. Biruang is nocturnal, during the day he sleeps or takes sunbathing in the trees, where he builds a dwelling that looks like a nest. This animal is remarkable in that it is the smallest representative of the bear family, and it is also very rare. The length of the biruang does not exceed one and a half meters, the height is not more than 70 cm, and the weight is from 27 to 65 kg.

Komondor. This breed of dog is also called the Hungarian Shepherd Dog. It lives everywhere, as it is a pet. When keeping a dog, one cannot do without special care for the coat, because its length can reach almost a meter. Wool should not be combed, but as it grows, the strands simply need to be separated, otherwise the hair will fall off. This Hungarian Shepherd Dog has an impressive size, being one of the largest dogs in the world. The growth at the withers of males can exceed 80 cm, and the long white hair, folded into laces, further increases the visual size of the animal. Feeding a komondor is not as difficult as it might seem. Like any other shepherd dogs, they are quite unpretentious, they require about 1 kg of food per day.

angora rabbit. This is a rodent mammal. This rabbit is ubiquitous as it is also a domestic animal. The Angora rabbit looks really spectacular, in some specimens the wool reaches a length of 80 cm. It is very valuable, it makes many useful things, including scarves, stockings, gloves, and just fabrics. Women like to breed the Angora rabbit, which is why I also call the animal "ladies". Its average weight is 5 kg, the body length is up to 60 cm, and the chest circumference is 38 cm. Rabbits should be combed every week, if the hair is not looked after, it will quickly lose its appearance, becoming simply disgusting.

Little panda. This animal of the raccoon family lives in China, Nepal, Burma and India. West of Nepal, this panda cannot be found. The animal lives in mountain forests with bamboo at an altitude of 2 to 4 kilometers above sea level with temperate climate. The coat of the red panda is red or nutty above, and dark or reddish-brown below, even black. The hair on the back has yellow tips. The paws of the panda are glossy black, and the tail is red. The head of the animal is light, while the muzzle is almost white, near the eyes there is a pattern similar to a mask. The lifestyle of the red panda is predominantly nocturnal. During the day, she, hiding behind her tail, sleeps in her hollow. If the animal feels danger, then the tree quickly climbs. Their terrestrial movement is awkward and slow, but they move quickly through the trees. And pandas still feed on the ground, choosing young leaves and bamboo shoots. The length of the small panda is 51-64 cm, to which it is worth adding a long (28-48 cm) tail. Its weight is from 3 to 4.5 kilograms. These animals prefer a solitary lifestyle. The female allocates a territory of 2.5 square kilometers for herself, and the male - twice as much.

Sloth. This toothless mammal lives in South and Central America. The sloth is known to everyone for its habit of living - almost all the time it hangs on a branch with its back down, while spending 15 hours a day in a dream. All the behavior of animals and their physiology are designed for the most severe energy savings, since their diet includes exclusively low-calorie leaves, the digestion of which takes up to a month. A well-fed sloth can concentrate 2/3 of its weight on food in the stomach. In order to remain motionless to get leaves from a large area, animals have long neck. In the active state, their body temperature is 30-34 degrees, while at rest it is even lower. Since animals are absolutely helpless on the ground, they do not like to get off the trees, this process is also energy-consuming. Sloths, however, sometimes find themselves on the ground for the purpose of fulfilling rare natural needs (this happens several times a week thanks to the huge bladder), as well as to move to other trees. Often you can see these animals gathering in the forks of huge trees in groups, this allows them to save energy, it is also possible that the animals also mate lazily. The body weight of sloths ranges from 4 to 9 kg, and their length is about 60 centimeters. Interestingly, the animals are so slow that moth moth settlements are often found in their fur.

Imperial tamarin. This chain-tailed monkey lives in the rainforests of the Amazon Basin, as well as in Peru, Bolivia and northwestern Brazil. A special sign of the tamarin is immediately visible - these are special white mustaches that hang in two strands to the shoulders and chest. Nails are only on the big toes of the hind legs, claws grow on the rest. These monkeys spend most of their lives in trees, where they can no longer get. large species primates. Tamarins do not live alone, but in groups of 2-8 individuals. At the same time, each member has its own rank, while at the top of the hierarchy there is always an old female, it is not surprising that with such a "matriarchy" the cubs are carried by males. The body length of the monkeys is only about 25 cm, while their tail can reach 35 cm. Adults weigh no more than 250 grams.

White-faced saki. This broad-nosed monkey lives in the rain and arid forests, as well as the savannas of the Amazon, in Suriname, Venezuela and Brazil. The animal has a black coat color, and the front of the heads, throat and forehead of males are almost white. Sometimes the head may also have a reddish tint. The tail of the monkeys is fluffy and long, but does not carry grasping functions, and the coat is soft and thick. Females, on the other hand, have a uniform brown color that is standard for all. There are light stripes around their mouth and nose. Males can weigh up to 2 kg, while females are slightly smaller. The body length of the monkeys is about 30 cm, and the tail is up to half a meter. White-faced saki spend their entire lives in trees. To the lower tiers rainforest they rarely descend, only in search of food. Monkeys are active both at night and during the day. In the case when danger lies in wait for them, the animals are saved with the help of long jumps, while the tail acts as a balancer.

Tapir. This large, grass-eating equid is found in Central America, as well as warm places in South America and southeast Asia. Tapirs are notable for the fact that these mammals are quite ancient - tapir-like animals lived as far back as 55 million years ago. closest modern relatives these animals are other equids - rhinos and animals. The front legs of the animals are four-toed, and the hind legs are three-toed. The fingers have small hooves that help to move on wet and soft ground. The size of tapirs depends on their species, but usually their length is about two meters, the height at the withers does not exceed a meter. The weight of animals is from 150 to 300 kg. Tapirs living in the forests are extremely fond of water. Their main food is berries, leaves and fruits. natural enemies tapir has little, but the main danger comes from a person who hunts these harmless animals for their meat and skin.

Mixin. This animal of the jawless class lives in the seas of temperate latitudes, while adhering to the bottom. Mixin can be found even at a depth of 400 meters, and its length reaches 80 cm. If the salinity of the water is less than 29%, then the animals stop eating, and salinity below 25% is fatal to them. Interestingly, the hagfish's mouth opening does not contain a suction disk, but is surrounded by only two antennae. These animals bite into the skin of the victim with horny teeth, while the injection of enzymes that dissolve proteins occurs. The prey of hagfishes are weakened invertebrates and vertebrates, carrion. Often you can find the skeletons of fish covered with skin, inside of which the hagfish lives, having eaten all the insides. In Japan and some other countries, hagfish are successfully used as food.

Starship. This mammal of the mole family eats insects and is found in the USA and Canada. Outwardly, the star-nosed star differs from its fellows in the family only by its characteristic stigma in the form of a rosette or a star of 22 fleshy and moving bare rays. The size of this mole also differs little from the usual European one, the tail of the animal is relatively long, reaches 8 cm, and is covered with sparse hair and scales. When the stellate is busy searching for food, the rays of its stigma are in constant motion, with the exception of the two middle upper ones, which always look forward and do not bend. But when the mole eats, then its rays are pulled together into a collected pile, while while eating, the animal holds the food with its front paws. In order to drink, the star-bearer has to immerse both the mustache and the entire stigma in water for 5-6 seconds.

Nosach. This monkey of the marmoset family can only be found on the island of Borneo, where it has chosen coastal areas. most distinctive feature animal, of course, is a large nose, similar to a cucumber. However, this trait is unique to males. The upper part of the proboscis is colored yellowish-brown, and the lower part is white. The hairless face is red, the arms, legs and tail are gray color. The sizes of these monkeys are usually from 66 to 75 cm, the length of the tail is approximately equal to the length of the body. The weight of males is from 16 to 22 kg, while females weigh half as much. Nosachi love and know how to swim, they jump into the water directly from the trees, monkeys can swim up to 20 meters underwater. They are considered the best swimmers among primates.

Plaque bearer small. Many have heard of armadillos, but do you know about frilleds? This mammal of the toothless family has chosen the steppes and savannas of Central and South America. The uniqueness of the frilled ones is that they are the only modern mammals today, whose body is covered on top with a shell formed by skin ossifications. The shell includes shoulder, pelvic and head shields, as well as a number of hoop-shaped bands that encircle the body both from above and from the sides. Between themselves, the parts of the shell are connected by a flexible connective tissue, which allows the entire carapace to remain mobile. Frilled armadillos can be only 12 cm long, but giant armadillos belonging to this family, reach a length of a meter. The tail length of these animals varies from 2.5 cm to 50 cm. respiratory tract and serve as a reservoir for air. Thanks to this, animals easily cross water bodies, often they simply walk along the bottom. The weight of a heavy shell can be compensated for by the air taken in, so the armadillo also has the ability to swim.

Axolotl. This larval form of an amphibious plant of the ambistom family lives in the mountain ponds of Mexico. A special sign of the axolotl are 6 shaggy and long branches, growing 3 on each side of the head. In fact, this is not an ornament, but gills. Periodically, the larva, pressing against the body, shakes them, thereby freeing itself from organic residues. Swimming of the axolotl is facilitated by a wide and long tail. This amazing animal can breathe with both gills and lungs. If there is enough oxygen in the water, the axolotl uses the lungs, in which case the gills partially atrophy over time. The total length of the amphibian reaches 30 cm, their lifestyle is measured, they try not to spend a lot of energy on their actions. This predator prefers to lie quietly in ambush at the bottom, waiting for prey and occasionally making raids to the surface for air.

Ai-ay or Madagascar rukonokozhka. This largest animal of all nocturnal primates lives in Madagascar. Ai-ai occupies the same ecological niche as woodpeckers. This species was discovered quite recently, it has only a few dozen individuals, and therefore is extremely rare. Especially aye-ayes are colored brown with white specks, have a fluffy large tail, feed, as already noted, like woodpeckers - larvae, worms. Initially, because of the large teeth of these primates, it was assumed that they eat like rodents. Ai-ai weigh about 2.5 kg, their body length is 30-37 cm, the tail can reach 16 cm.

Alpaca. In Peru, Bolivia or Chile, at an altitude of 3.5-5 kilometers, you can see this unusual animal of the camel family. The main thing in alpaca is wool, which has as many as 24 shades. By weight, it is much lighter than sheep, but in quality it is not inferior to it. Up to 5 kg of wool is sheared from one individual once a year. The alpaca has no front teeth, so the animal is forced to pick up food with its lips and chew it with its side teeth. Alpaca is very inquisitive, good-natured and intelligent. The growth of the animal reaches 86 cm, and the weight ranges from 45 to 77 kg. Once upon a time, the Indians believed that in order to bless the wool of an alpaca, it is necessary to tear out its heart. Despite the barbaric roots of this custom, there are still cases of killing these meek animals in this way.

Tarsier. These animals live in Southeast Asia, mainly on the islands, they belong to primates. Their feature is long hind legs and a large head, which can turn almost 360 degrees. Tarsiers have good hearing, their fingers are very long, and left naked and rounded. Primates have gray or brown soft fur. But most of all they stand out with their eyes, which have a diameter of up to 16 mm. If you project them on the height of a person, then this will be the size of an apple. The animals themselves are quite small, their height is from 9 to 16 cm. But the tail can significantly exceed the body length, reaching up to 28 cm. The weight of the tarsier ranges from 80 to 160 grams. Once upon a time, these animals played an important role in the superstitions and mythology of the peoples of Indonesia. Due to the peculiarities of the rotation of the animal's head, people for a long time believed that it was not attached to the body at all, therefore, a collision with them was dangerous, since the same fate could await a person.

Dumbo Octopus. This peculiar octopus is a cephalopod. He lives in the depths of the Tasman Sea, and his size is small, with half the palm of a man. The nickname of the octopus comes from the name of the elephant Dumbo, a famous cartoon character. Everyone bullied him because big size his ears, the octopus has a pair of long and paddle-like fins that resemble ears. The individual tentacles of the animal are connected by a flexible and thin membrane called the umbrella. It is she, along with the fins, that serves as the main engine for the octopus. Thus, Dumbo Octopus moves in a manner similar to jellyfish, pushing water out from under the umbrella.

Frilled lizard. This animal lives in the dry steppes and forest-steppes of Australia and New Guinea. The lizard may have different colors- from yellow-brown to black-brown. She has a very long tail, which is 2/3 of the entire length of her body. The most noticeable feature of the animal is a fold of skin around the head, similar to a collar and adjacent to the body. In this formation, many blood vessels are concentrated. The frilled lizard itself has strong limbs and sharp claws. The length of the lizard reaches 801-00 cm, while the females have a significantly modest size. Sensing danger, the animal opens its mouth and sticks out its bright collar, which can stand up to 30 cm from the body. The lizard stands on its hind legs, begins to hiss and beat the ground with its tail. However, such a frightening appearance does not at all characterize the nature of the animal.

Narwhal. This unusual unicorn mammal lives in the waters of the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic. It is not known exactly why the narwhal needs its tusk, because, as it may seem, it does not break through the ice crust. The fact is that the narwhal tusk is a very sensitive organ, with its help the animal measures temperature, pressure and the relative concentration of suspended particles in the water. Crossing tusks, narwhals, most likely, clear them of growths, thus helping each other. Animals stand out for their size - their length is from 3.5 to 4.5 meters, the growth of only newborns is about 1.5 meters. Males can weigh up to one and a half tons, and females - about 900 kg. At the same time, fat makes up about a third of the weight of animals. Narwhals have pectoral fins, suckers are dark in color, thus the animals look like belugas. But in adults, gray and brown spots appear on a light background of the body, which may merge. Narwhals have only two upper teeth. The left of them develops in males into a tusk, which weighs up to 10 kg, and is 203 meters long and twists in a left spiral, while the right tooth usually does not erupt. In rare cases (0.2%), males may also develop a right tusk, or a female may develop a tooth hidden in the gums.

Madagascar sucker. This chiropteran mammal, as the name implies, is found only in Madagascar. The animal is only 6 cm long, and weighs 8-10 grams, while the tail can reach 5 cm. It is interesting that the ecology and biology of the sucker-foot is poorly understood. Scientists suggest that they are sheltered by rolled palm leaves, to which they stick with their suckers. It is they who are a special sign of animals. Rosette suction cups are located directly on the skin on the bases thumbs and also on the soles of the hind limbs. All captured suckers lived near the water. These animals are protected by law, as their species is very vulnerable.

Dwarf marmoset. This primate is one of the smallest, it belongs to the broad-nosed monkeys. The marmoset lives in South American countries - Ecuador, Peru, Brazil. An adult individual weighs no more than 120 grams. The nostrils of the primate are directed forward, which is unusual, but the nose is quite large and wide. In captivity, the marmoset feels great, for its maintenance it is enough just to keep a constant temperature of 25-29 degrees and a high humidity of 60%.

Drop fish. The scientific name for it is Psychrolutes marcidus. The fish lives in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Ocean, preferring greater depth (about 2800 meters). In such places, the pressure usually exceeds several ten times, therefore, the gel-like composition of the body with a density lower than that of water helps the fish to remain viable and swim with little energy consumption. The body length of a drop fish can reach 65 cm, although it does not have muscles, it is quite content with the prey that swims around it.

Platypus. This aquatic mammal can only be found in Australia. Instead of the usual mouth, this animal is equipped with a beak, thanks to which it, on the other hand, can eat like birds in the mud. The body of the platypus is usually 30-40 cm in length, while the tail has a size of 10-15 cm. The weight of the animal is no more than 2 kg, while the females are about 30% smaller. Few people know that the platypus is one of the few poisonous mammals. Although poison is not fatal to humans, it can cause severe headache, at the site of the bite, edema is formed, which will gradually grow. As a result, the pain can persist for many days or even several months.

Kitoglav or royal heron. This bird of the ankle order can only be found in Africa. Although the neck of the shoebill is not very thick and long, the head of the bird is quite large with a small crest at the back. The heron's beak is wide, it seems to be swollen. At the very tip of the beak is a hanging hook. Usually the plumage of the shoebill is dark gray, on the back, in contrast to the chest, there is powder down. The legs of the bird are black and long, its tongue is short. The glandular stomach is quite large, but there is no muscular stomach at all. The dimensions of the bird are quite large - in a standing position, its height reaches 90 cm, while the wing length is 65-69 cm. Kitoglav leads the advantage sedentary image life - he usually stands motionless, his beak pressed to his chest. Birds feed on various animals that live in the water - fish, frogs, turtles and small crocodiles.