Resident evil 4 walkthrough. Passage (Second option)

Description of the RE4 control buttons on the keyboard.

Why is this needed?…

You may ask, because almost everyone has gamepads, the game was minted for them, but I’ll tell you this: at the time of the first playthrough, I personally didn’t have a gamepad (and still don’t) and I’m used to playing it from the keyboard. When porting to a PC, the keyboard buttons were not signed. I had to study everything at random, I did not find any hints anywhere. The inscription "Game over" quite often appeared on the monitor screen. So I decided to jot down a short article about controls and key combinations, if anyone suddenly needs it. As the saying goes, better late than never.

I will describe the default layout, i.e. without changes for the PS2 port (there are others, but for the most part they are added by modifications and will not be considered).


As I wrote above, the buttons shown on the monitor during QTE or just in the inventory are not tied to the keyboard, but look like numbers on a gray background from 1 to 6 and others not marked:

Button (1) - right CTRL

Button (2) - F

Button (3) - ENTER(NOT NUMPAD)

Button (4) -I still don't know, but I never used it

Button (5) - left SHIFT

Button (6) -right SHIFT

Button (I)

Button (M)

Button (left stick)-W/A/S/D

Button (right stick)— /↓/→/← or Up/Down/Left/Right

What do you need

Button (1) -participates in combinations, in QTE, cancels the action (exiting the inventory for example)

Button (2) -needed for Ashley's orders (stand/follow me/hide (red trash cans))

Button (3) - participates in combinations, in QTE, confirms the action (open the door, apply the item, etc.)

Button (5) - participates in combinations, in QTE, when pressed and held, Leon (or another character) takes out a knife

Button (6) - participates in combinations, in QTE, by pressing and holding Leon (or another character) draws the chosen firearm

Button (I)-not numbered, responsible for inventory

Button (M)-also not numbered, responsible for calling the card

Button (left stick) -movement, aiming, moving on the map

Button (right stick) -zoom in/out (Up/Down when aiming with rifles and binoculars), camera control


(Hold) Button (6) + (click) Button (3) / right SHIFT + ENTER -shot

(Hold) Button (5) + (click) Button (3) / left SHIFT + ENTER — stab

Button (6) + Button (1) / right SHIFT + RIGHT CTRL -recharge

(Hold) Button (left stick) (forward) + Button (1) /W+ right CTRL -go on a run

Button (left stick)(back) + Button (1) / S +right CTRL- 180 degree turn


Happens different types but occurs frequently.

(Simultaneously press) (1) + (3) / right CTRL + ENTER (in any order)

(Simultaneously press) (5) + (6) / left shift + right shift (in any order)

(Sometimes these buttons appear separately. For example, only the right Shift or only the left.)

(quick press) (1) / right CTRL

(quick press) (3) /ENTER

(Key (3) /ENTER works when the enemy is stunned; at this moment, you can run up to him and this button will be displayed on the screen accordingly)

Jerking left/right (left stick) / at this moment you need to press quickly A And D alternately (ADADADADA)

That's basically all I wanted to say. I hope someone will be useful.

Chapter 1-1

Resident Evil 4 meets us with an introductory video, after which the main character Leon starts his task. Once in a police car, somewhere in Europe and talking on the radio with dispatcher Ingrid Hannigan, we go to explore a place called Pueblo. Entering the first house, we will find a local resident, after a conversation with which the rusty truck that was standing in his yard starts and leaves, clearing the way for us further. We quickly deal with the farmers and run forward to the iron gate. The peasants in the village continue to deal with vital matters, but you should not attack them right away, it is better to quietly look around and try to clean up the territory with minimal losses. After the video, Ingrid gets in touch and gives the hero further instructions. Having searched the lady, we find out that they were waiting for us here and they know who we are and why we came here. We find the next iron gate and move on. In the next location, we kill several violent peasants and leave the central part of the Pueblo.

The locals are not yet aware of Leon's presence.

Suddenly, local villains decide to throw a huge boulder on the main character. Having successfully dodged it, we clean the area ahead and in one of the houses we find a closet with a stranger locked inside. After freeing the guy, you can relax and watch the plot video.

Chapter 1-2

Waking up, Leon learns that the stranger's name is Luis Sera, and he is a former policeman. Having got rid of the chains, we get in touch with Ingrid Hannigan. Now let's go to the church. Having got out of the house where we were kept, we meet a merchant. We go beyond the fence into the territory of the quarry with many villagers scurrying around. It is worth taking advantage of the tactical advantage, being on a hill, and the terrain is quite open, so it will not be difficult. Having defeated the farmers, we find a metal door with a recess for a hexagonal emblem. We connect the parts of the emblem in the inventory and continue on our way. In the next location, the road to the church lies through the utility building. Here it is worth working with a shotgun for greater reliability. After killing the opponents, we rise to the surface through the basement. The path outside leads to another house. We solve the puzzle with the crystal ball, turning it first up and then to the left, open the door and get inside. A plot screensaver awaits you ahead.

Chapter 1-3

Ingrid informs Leon that the religious group Los Illuminados is operating in Pueblo. We open the iron door to the room and watch the video. After examining the house, we go outside, where the hero is met by new enemies. It is best to help yourself with a shotgun, shooting at the heads of opponents.

The villain with the chainsaw does not sleep.

We return to the center of Pueblo. We clear the already familiar area and open the door to the right of the bell tower. We go down to the underground tunnel. Getting out on Fresh air, we go along the path through the cemetery, shooting its inhabitants along the way. And here we are, in front of us is the same church, but the door is closed. After consulting with Ingrid, we set off in search of another way. We go around the church on the right, through the forests on the slope of the cliff, and at the next location we find an iron door. We get into a swampy area. Overcoming the creek on wooden platforms, actively wielding a shotgun. The paths are narrow, and it is better to hit the enemies en masse. Going to the lake, watch the video. We jump into the boat and fight with the Del Lago boss. The tactic is simple - when the monster swims ahead, we throw a harpoon. When he dives down, we try to stay on the boat.

Chapter 2-1

After a while, Leon wakes up on the floor of the lake house. From the notes of an unknown person found in the room, the protagonist learns that the key to the church is behind the waterfall. Finding a way to right place and deal with the peasants. Now we need to weaken the flow of water and move to the other side of the waterfall. Having found the necessary lever on the right on the tower, we activate the dam gates. The path to the heart of the waterfall is open. Entering the cave, we find the amulet.

Now you can return to the church through the cave. Coming to the surface, we get to a familiar location, similar to a round arena. Here we have to fight with El Giganto. It is better to stay away from the monster, accurately shooting in the head or in the legs.

El Giganto.

Having reached the entrance, from a distance we kill the mutant dogs and go inside. We rise to the upper tier inside the church and, having jumped to the opposite side through the chandelier, we solve a simple puzzle: red circle - 2 turns, green - 3 turns, blue - 1 turn. The opened path leads us to a new plot screensaver.

Chapter 2-2

Once outside and using Ashley's hint, with the help of the cart we clear our way. Having orientated on the map, we go to the target marker, where the helicopter is waiting for us. Halfway to the place, the main character learns that the helicopter has been destroyed. Now we are left without transport. After watching the video, we fall into a trap, and the heroes will have to defend the house. Having barricaded the building, we fight off crowds of villagers with axes and pitchforks. Having successfully fought back, we watch the video.

Chapter 2-3

After leaving our temporary shelter, we explore the surroundings and learn about the plans of the sectarians. We have two paths from the village. Which way you go doesn't matter. One way or another, we will go through already familiar locations and meet fierce resistance. It is worth considering Ashley's helplessness and trying not to put her under attack. We go out to an unusual door with a retinal scanner. Looks like it's the only way out of Pueblo. Having found a cable car to the left of the door, we go down and shoot the enemies in other trailers. After examining the location, we find the gate leading to the barn. We come closer to the building and watch the plot screensaver. Now the main character will have to fight with Bitores Mendez. Try to shoot at the spine, and then at the monster's tentacles. The defeated headman of the village will leave behind an eye, with the help of which we will open the door we need. There is only one road leading to the castle. We kill the truck driver blocking our way and pass on. After watching the story video, we complete the second chapter.

The headman got a little sick from the local ecology.

Chapter 3-1

After the cut-scene, we find ourselves in the courtyard. There will be no turning back. We find the stairs and through the door we get to another part of the castle. Climbing higher, we go out to one of the walls, where we fall under heavy fire from catapults. It is worth leaving Ashley in cover and deal with the catapults, blowing up the barrels standing nearby. There are three catapults in total, and it will not be difficult to destroy them alone. However, you need to come to the aid of Ash in time - the sectarians do not stand on ceremony and can steal the girl. We rise to the turret opposite the place where the catapults have just been, and use the lever to raise the cannon. Using this weapon, the protagonist destroys the gate blocking the way into the depths of the castle.

After passing through the broken gate, we go into the only open door. In the room directly opposite the main character, there will be a sword that needs to be taken, we still need it. We climb the stairs to the floor above, there the monks are already waiting for us. After examining the premises, we notice another sword on the wall, change it to the one we already have, and install the received one on the lower floor. We head to the secret door that has opened on the second floor. After the cutscene, go straight ahead and enter a richly decorated hall. The owner of the castle, the dwarf Ramon Salazar, blocks the main entrance for us, and the heroes can only go through the only open door. Once inside the next room, we see a locked door leading to the prison. We pass further along the corridor, and to the right of the fiery barrier we find the treasured key.

Meet Ramon Salazar.

We pull the lever and return to the fiery barrier, through which you can now pass. Having run through a long corridor and dealt with the fanatics, the heroes enter a richly decorated hall. There are many enemies here, and Ashley is trying to kidnap every second, be careful. Having cleaned the room, we go down a little lower along the side stairs. Here it is necessary to put Ash on one of the plates on the floor, and Leon on the opposite. Next, ask Ashley to turn the handle of the mechanism that appears, which will lower the internal bridge. We rise above, we are pointed to two more mechanisms. Having planted the girl, we send her to spin further, and we ourselves shoot the arriving cultists. When finished, Ash jumps into our arms and we continue on our way. Going to the next room, we pass straight ahead and come across another plot video.

Chapter 3-2

We go into the sewers through the door on the right. Move through the water, but be careful. Here we are waiting for invisible insects, monsters are almost invisible, but well heard. Approaching the drain, we jump down. There are still a couple of enemies, we determine them by splashes of water and destroy them. We rise to the other side and leave through the door. There will be a few more invisibles ahead, and the path further will be flooded. After going to the left, we find the control room, turn the valve and let the water flow. Returning, we fall into a corridor with moving blades and, dodging, run to the stairs leading up. Well, we ended up in a room we already knew. Having frightened off the cultists, we jump over the chandelier, open the grate and go into the red door. We are trying to catch up with the leader of the cultists. He manages to sneak away, and immediately this stag in a red robe meets us with a burst from a stationary machine gun. Throwing a grenade at him, pick up the key and leave. In the next room, arrange the pictures in the following order: 2,1,4,3.

The owner of the house has excellent taste.

After watching the story video, the main character is trapped by Salazar. We destroy the fanatics, and to the right of the center of the room, on the wall, we find a large red button. We find another button by breaking the vase behind the door nearby. The alarm system is disabled. Having moved to the pedestal, we take the emblem of the goat from the chest. We go along the only free path to the garden.

Chapter 3-3

After examining the room in which we were left, we pass into the dining room. Ringing the bell on the bar counter, with a well-aimed shot we hit the picture that has appeared. Another door is open. In the next room, a trap awaits us again. Having shot the lock of the cage, we run away from the likeness of Wolverine that jumped down on us (it will be easier to deal with it in a wider room). Having recovered from the fight, we leave the room. Next, you need to raise the bridge by turning the lever on the left.

Chapter 3-4

Hearing Ashley's screams, we run to help. We shoot the fetters and free our companion. Next, we are engaged in the usual destruction of cultists. Grabbing the key left over from killing the horned one, Ash escapes by opening the door. Now we can feel like a defenseless girl. Dodging the paws of fanatics, raise the bars. Having freed our way, we run to the right. There are three buttons waiting for us here. We crawl under the table, press the first one, then we see another one. The latter is located behind the cabinet, which must be moved away. We run further through the corridor and find another riddle. Now you need to assemble the puzzle. By moving the pieces, we get the image of the coat of arms. Having taken all the artifacts in the new room and deceiving the revived knights, we run away. We find the blue door leading to the room of Salazar's assistant and, after inserting the artifact taken, turn the handle. Climbing up the stairs, we meet with our savior.

Chapter 4-1

Again we return to the hall where we lost Ashley, and we run to the north door. Having jumped on an impromptu railcar, we cross the cliff and break into the hall of dragons. We maneuver briskly, bypassing the flames, and get to the treasured lion ornament, simultaneously killing annoying cultists.

Hall of dragons.

Returning to the central hall, where Salazar first met us, we insert all the parts found. The front door is open. We climb the stairs to the right and in the trolley we go to the northern part of the castle. Having orientated on the map, we go either to the right or to the left rooms.

Knights are waiting for us on the right side. Dodging their attacks, we pass on. In the round room we pick up the artifact we need. Angry knights, trying to return the stolen, are killed by our hand, and we safely return to the fork.

On the left side, we will meet with the vile Salazar. On the descending ceiling, we shoot four red lights, thereby stopping its movement. In the next room, we come to the aid of Ash, hitting the drill drivers with aimed shots. After examining the territory, we find another artifact in the chest and return to the fork.

Having run straight along the corridor, we install the found artifacts (we put the queen's cup in the hands of the queen, and the king's cup, respectively, in the hands of the king), after which the door opens. We jump over the broken window to the right, to the balcony. Climbing the stairs, we find a hole in the wall and, jumping down, we watch the video. We deal with flying insects from the hive alone. We interact with the nearby lever and, having shot off the chains, we cross the fallen bridge. We watch the plot video and go through the bridge to one of the towers. Having slightly rounded the tower on the right, we find the lever and make our way to the next tower. Inside, we deftly wield a shotgun.

These dragonflies are best killed with a shotgun.

Main character finds himself in fetid drains in company with the corpses of cultists. After climbing the stairs, we pass through the sewers and move straight ahead. Dodging the tentacle unknown monster, activate power plant. The next three minutes will be very tense, and it's all thanks to that same monster. The black monster can be stopped by knocking down compressed nitrogen tanks, freezing it, and shooting it. Our main task is to wait for the elevator, do not forget. The room has a door, opening which, we run to the elevator, sit down and leave.

Chapter 4-2

Once in the mine, we are looking for a drilling rig and shoot standing nearby miners. To the left of the drill, we turn on the switch, starting the trolley, but the de-energized lift ruins our plans. Hearing the cries of the miners, we rise to them. Nearby we activate another knife switch and, lowering the trolley, we get dynamite from it. We lay dynamite at the block on the right and get into the smelter.

Inside, we will be alone with two El Gigantos. We kill one of the twins by lowering the switch and thereby opening the hatch in the floor. We destroy the second one with the help of our arsenal, as in the first part of the game. We find ourselves in a cave with already familiar flying creatures. We pass up the slope, go to the right into the tunnel and activate the switch. The next one is even higher in the tunnel opposite the locked door. After passing through a long corridor with traps, we run into a coffin with an artifact and rise to the surface.

Chapter 4-3

Making our way through the ruins, we destroy the enemies. At the Gothic palace we find a burnt house, bypassing it with reverse side, we get inside and, turning the lever, we fall underground. We clean the location and on the second floor we find the key. We fight off reinforcements. After killing everyone, we open the iron door and find ourselves in a room with another moving ceiling, according to a familiar pattern, we blow up the mines installed on it, and move on. Coming out to the composition of the three trolleys, we shoot at the lever. At the first stop, we shoot back from enemies and again switch the lever to the left of the tracks with a shot. Having finished the trip, we move on, taking the artifact along the way. Returning to the surface, we open the previously locked door by applying the find.

Death road.

Chapter 4-4

After passing along the corridor, we exit to a huge hall with an impressive statue of the owner of the castle. The cultists are blocking the easiest path for us. We go upstairs and use the moving hands of the statue. Let's jump on left palm, then to the middle and turn on the knife switch. Next we jump over right palm to the other side, and turn on the next switch a little lower. Now we need to activate another switch on the left hand side. We jump onto the left palm and rise as high as possible, jump over again and activate the switch. Now it remains only to go down and go straight into the passage. The statue starts to move and tries to kill us. Let's run as fast as we can.

In the next tower, having met the protagonist, Salazar tries to hastily escape. Having caught up with the shorty, we find him in a slightly modified form. The greatest danger is the mouth of the monster. Try not to get caught in his tentacles and stay away from the center of the lower level. From the top floor, it is best to deal damage to the eye. After a certain number of shots at him, a dwarf appears from the bowels of the monster, we shoot at him. After the victory, we go out the door behind the monster. Going down, we leave on a boat.

Chapter 5-1

After the plot cutscene, we get to an unknown island. After passing through the grottoes, we hear Ashley's screams and, having run out to a dilapidated military base, we destroy the local inhabitants. To open the door in the rock, turn on the laser on the left and, having risen to the roofs, insist the mirrors so that the beam hits the point to the right of the door. Having coped with the task, we continue to move. Having orientated on the map, we move through the caves and along the rocks, destroying the enemies. After passing through the iron gate, we get inside a certain structure. Once in a room similar to the kitchen, we deal with the infected in gas masks. Hearing Ashley's screams, we go to the sound and get into the video surveillance room.

After a short cutscene, we go out into the corridor ahead, in front of us the steel door opens and closes. Once in the operating room, we approach the panel with a riddle, enter the following combination: blue, yellow, green, green, red, red, red. In the room we take the key card from the corpse. Ahead is a meeting with the regenerators, you should not spend a lot of time on them - just shoot off the leg and run away. We need to get to the cryogenic laboratory. We use the key card to open the door. Inside, we rewrite the code on the key card and turn off the cryogenic installation to take the infrared sight. Having met the regenerators at the exit, we use the sight to destroy them. We pass further by using the key card. Using the control panel, we clean the room ahead with a crane. Having fought off the remaining enemies, we move on.

We shoot in the leg and run.

Hearing Ashley's screams, we kill the guards at the door where the girl is being held. The door is locked and you have to go to the next room. We go upstairs and destroy a detachment of soldiers.

We go straight, open the door, turn right and deal with the regenerator. We select the key from the body and go up on the lift. In the radio room, we watch a video and go back. It's time to free Ash. On the stairs we will meet a detachment of soldiers. Having dealt with them, we go to Ashley's cell and open the door. Turn around the corner. Now the main characters are together again.

Chapter 5-2

We leave the chamber and with fights we advance to the dump. Approaching the edge, you have to jump into the trash can, otherwise nothing. Once at the bottom, pull the lever and be ready to meet the regenerators. Running over the fence, we lower the grate. Now you can safely shoot back. In the next room we shoot the soldiers and jump down. We do not have time to land, as a bunch of infected people are already climbing on us. The fight will be long, you should be careful. After the fight, we go to the control room and hit the doors three times with a steel ball. Having freed our way, we fight off another wave of opponents.

Having opened the door, we send a couple more regenerators to the other world and go further. Use the remote control to open the door. Next, Ash will crawl through the gap on his own and open the door completely. To overcome the next obstacle, you need to put Ashley at one console, and put Leon at the second. Simultaneously press the buttons when the light in the middle lights up. We jump into the body of the bulldozer. We need to shoot the soldiers who are trying to get into the back and prevent us. When the bulldozer stops, we jump out of the body and climb up the stairs. We quickly get to the control room, wielding a shotgun, pull the lever and continue the trip.

The main thing is to fight off enemies.

Chapter 5-3

Left alone, we leave through the door. Having dealt with the soldiers, we go down and exit the boiler room. Having reached the elevator, we go upstairs. After the interactive battle, we jump over to the opposite side and go through the door. We overcome the laser barrier. After hosting Saddler's room, we run straight.

We go outside. Below we destroy the camp of opponents and jump into the hole inside the tent. After passing through the tunnel, we meet the boss. Krauser is much more humanoid than the others. We work first at a distance, then we move on to fighting with knives. The enemy will quickly retreat, throwing a blinding grenade at us.

After crossing the bridge, we fight off Krauser. Having reached the hut, we deal with the monsters and the annoying commando. We leave the location by placing the statue on the slab. In the opened passage, turn the lever. On the way to the tower, we get rid of the approaching robots. Now the timer will start, and we need to defeat Krauser in the remaining time. We shoot the commando in the knee, and when he opens, direct fire in the head. We pick up the remaining artifacts and, jumping down, use the found values.

Mercenary Krauser.

Chapter 5-4

IN new location Mike, the helicopter pilot, comes to our aid. He covers us, and we should actively use his help. Moving forward, having met the first machine gunner, we hide in a tent, then we do the same, giving Mike the opportunity to destroy the enemies. Having reached the closed gate, we knock down the castle and jump down. The same thing awaits us here.

After reaching the first machine gunner, hide in the tent and wait for Mike to do his job. He will report on the radio that you can move on. After the appearance of a crowd of opponents, run back and hide in a secluded place. Soon it will be possible to continue the path. Having reached the closed gate, shoot down the castle with a shot and jump down. When the pilot clears the area, we climb up, pull the lever and move inside. Entering the second door, we destroy the enraged machine gunner on our own and continue on our way.

We move further to the prison room, where the regenerator is waiting for us, but we already know how to deal with it. Ahead we clear the base of soldiers, but be careful with long-range enemies. We move into the building, after which we go to the right of the closed door. Arriving enemies will not be a big problem, and one of them will find the key card. With the map we go to the northeast room, from where we rise to the third floor and insert the key into the panel. Having fought off another wave of opponents, we go to the second floor and, by pressing two buttons, we open the treasured door.

Once in the laboratory, we watch the video and free Ashley. After descending into the tunnel, we find a large door and rush to the final.

The final

The main thing is to shoot in the eyes.

After all the trouble that happened with Leon, last fight Lord Saddler won't be much of a problem. To inflict damage on the mutant, we shoot first at the eyes on his limbs, and then at the opened eye in the center. After we pick up the red grenade launcher, we make the last shot. After the cutscene, we quickly go down the elevator and, having met Ash, we run through the tunnel, after which we jump onto the jet ski. Deftly maneuver, moving away from obstacles. One more moment and that's it!

Separate Ways is an optional scenario in Resident Evil 4 that unlocks after completing the main story as Leon. You will have to manage in this scenario for the delightful and elusive Ada Wong, the lady in the red dress. And this scenario will shed light on many obscure moments and holes in the main scenario. I'm sure it will be interesting!

Separate Ways

Episode 1 - Let the Bell Ring...

Note: The items listed in the walkthrough are divided into 2 categories. Some are obtained without fail, others can be obtained by breaking boxes, barrels, etc. The latter are not permanent and are listed in parentheses, meaning that instead of them, you can get something else or nothing at all.

So, we start the first mission as Ada, our former companion, in order to get small additions to the plot, as well as to eliminate some empty places in it.

The area should be painfully familiar to you, since we ran here more than once in the role of Leon. Yes, we again find ourselves in the central square of the village of Pueblo, where the fire is burning again. Ada disembarks from a helicopter and quietly observes the inhabitants, when suddenly the peasants notice her and attack her from behind with pitchforks at the ready. It should be noted that Ada is very agile and moves through the air like the wind. In addition to weapons, she has a unique harpoon called the Thrower. Unfortunately, she will not be able to use it in battle, but she can use it to jump over obstacles and cling to something in order to elude enemies. Now we are, in principle, observing how Ada easily slips between the inhabitants, and then picks up the man with the help of an impromptu leg loop, which helps to eliminate the second one.

Ada notices that the villagers don't seem to be hunting her alone. She notices an old acquaintance - Leon, who is shooting back at the fire from the advancing wave of residents. Having received the appropriate order, Ada goes to help Leon ...

Immediately from the start, villagers attack us. Dealing with a few raids is worth a shot at the patella and then running up and finishing off the enemy with your foot while he is on his knees or with his back to you. If the bastard still wants to get to his feet, then our knife should prevent this, in order to save ammo. It should be noted that although their flow will weaken from time to time, in the end they will arrive in story videos. So there is a good opportunity to earn extra money. Ada, like Leon at one time, has the opportunity to buy weapons, though without upgrading them. It already has great starting power, which will help us. In addition, she can increase her life with Yellow Grass, so try not to miss them. However, I will not let you do this, since I will definitely indicate the location of all things and objects in the locations. Well, somehow don’t forget to collect from defeated enemies. Ada's missions are small, and a lot of money will be needed.

Having dealt with a couple of ordinary pistols, you can, in principle, just run around the village, shooting everything that moves, well, maybe, except for chickens. Along the way, collecting useful items and watching videos. Well, if you want, you can follow my advice and start on the left, gradually moving to the right side of the territory. Please note that as you progress through the brackets, the items I received will be indicated, since from time to time they change randomly, and you will most likely receive other items. The same is true for the treasures that drop from the inhabitants.

To the left of us is the passage to the church, which is closed for now, so we need to find the key. By the way, not far away Leon is shooting back. After running along the left wall and killing another bully, take red grass to your right on a cart and yellow grass by breaking the crate also on the other cart.

We run along the cow pen and turn onto the path on the left, going uphill. Here to the right of us is a barn, where it is advisable to break 2 boxes (got Grenade Flash). We go back down and run straight all the way behind the house (where Leon was hiding at first). Green grass still in place, apparently Leon decided to leave it to us. Well, do not waste good ... If there are no obstacles ahead, then we will not forget to also grab firewood in front of the box red grass, well, if the inhabitants have already tracked your movements and are attacking in a small group, then it's time to get the Shotgun and aim them right in the head so that they die faster.

Now that no one is bothering us, we make our way into the house through the window that we ran through when we took the Red Grass. In it you can get a pack of cartridges for a pistol, and after breaking all the barrels and boxes, get a few more items ( Incendiary Grenade, shotgun ammo for Shotgun). At this point, we will be shown a video that Leon still managed to hide in the house, well, well. We run out through the door outside and run into another resistance. It's good that a girl with a chainsaw is not running after us yet, let Leon deal with her. As soon as we ran out to the central square, we noticed that some local pigeon brought a valuable thing with it and left it on the roof of one of the houses. We need to get it, but, first of all, we should cool the ardor of the approaching residents.

By the way, it's time to cheat the house where Leon has already been. After breaking 2 barrels on the 1st floor and taking a pack of cartridges, we run to the 2nd floor. There used to be a Shotgun here, which we wouldn't have been able to take anyway, as Ada would have thought Leon would need it. In principle, right, because we already have one. You can break the glass at the sideboard, and then pick it up from the nightstand 1200 pst and cartridges with shot from the bed, then jump out through the window leading to the roof of the attached barn, and run around the house over the canopy to pick up Spinel. Now get ready to shoot from the Shotgun. This canopy is a very good place to shoot the inhabitants, as they will attack you from the window of the house and from the stairs. So we can only conduct barrage fire, but collect useful items. I killed at least 15 villagers before they ran out! After that, we jump back to the fire.

It's time to use the Thrower for the first time to jump onto the roof of the house in front of us and finally pick up Sign Key and hide for a while inside the house. The house has the following items: White Egg on a saucer Gray Grenade on the floor, Mask on a bed in a locked room. He is knocked down by knife blows, and also check the barrels and boxes ( 1100 pst shot cartridges). After that, the inhabitants will again go berserk and come running to the distribution. If there is a chance, then against the crowd it will be possible to use a red or gray grenade, if not, then the Shotgun should help.

Now we run along the path leading to the gray-east gate. Along the way we meet a couple of sheds. On the left is White Chicken Egg, and in the right pack of cartridges. At the gate itself you can pick up Spinel. Another shed is right behind the house where Leon was hiding. On the table, boxes are waiting in the wings. Please note that the inhabitants seem to be extreme egg lovers, since as soon as we steal an egg from the table, they will immediately come running to give you a beating. Arrange a demonstration shooting of amateur eggs. When you return to the fire, you will notice how a whole crowd is running after Leon, which needs to be not so much thinned out as cleaned out. Now it remains only to collect shotgun cartridges And Spinel at the western gate, through which Leon ran into this village in his scenario, repel another attack of the inhabitants and you can open the passage leading to the church with the found key.

Behind the door we will find a merchant, a box with a snake ( White Chicken Egg) And a pack of cartridges. You can also save your game here. From the merchant you need to purchase the Mission Card with treasures and TMP, we will need the Medium Case later - along with the Rifle and the Butt. But the money for it is already worth starting to save. For now, it's time to move on.

* It is worth noting that it is Ada who first meets the merchant, not Leon! How many more surprises are waiting for us on this route?!

Let's open the far door and break the barrel on the left, in the place of which we will find green grass. Then we go down through the hatch. We take a pack of cartridges by the candles on the right and shotgun cartridges at the candles on the left. The path will lead us just to the central hall. Here on the floor are lying cartridges for TMP, 1000 pst, and in the niche there is a box with Green Stone. You will hear the sounds of approaching residents. Oddly enough, they are approaching from the passage behind you. So they followed you down the aisle. It's time to grab the Shotgun. When we collect all the treasures from the cooling bodies, we will proceed further along the passage only to enter into a new battle. Residents, in principle, do not pose any threat, moreover, they go in groups at once, which cannot but rejoice. Disembowel their bodies from any trunk. Now we get out of the tunnel and get into the cemetery.

We deal with a lonely woman with a pistol and a knife, after which you can shoot the crows sitting on grave crosses for fun. This business is very profitable. Now we return to the well from which we have just climbed out, and inspect the top of the tree next to it. As you remember, there must be a nest. Shooting him, we get Gray Grenade. We return to the epicenter of developing events and pass by the graves until we find the Red Stone. From a lonely resident, we again shoot back in a safe passage near the well, since where there is one, there will soon be others. Having shot well, we go into the barn on the right. Here lie pack of cartridges and 2 boxes containing yellow grass(and another one pack of cartridges). We go up the path leading to the church, where we will meet with 2 more believers. On the tree, opposite the bell, there is a beehive, knocking down which, we get a pack of cartridges. The doors of the Church are firmly closed, and even with a strange key that we have to find.

We follow the path from the church leading to the east. We move along the bridges, simultaneously shooting the builders. There are 2 boxes in the shed on the left. At the bottom is a snake that can bring us White Chicken Egg(in the top I took 1100 pst). Further descent will lead us to a girl with a chainsaw and her friends guarding a valuable item. Be sure to use only the Shotgun, because if the chainsaw gets to you, then you will die in 1 hit anyway! Moreover, it is desirable to save ammunition and aim at the head. When the sound of the chainsaw subsides, it will be possible to take Green Cat's Eye And 3000 pst. We return to the church, and we pass along the path that goes around it on the right, straight to the central pedestal. We have already met this mechanism in the game for Leon, and as we understand it, the solution has not changed: 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3. In view of not tricky manipulations, we can make it so that they remain burning only 3 symbols depicted on the graves of the twins in the cemetery. For this, we will receive a Round Sign that opens the doors of the church, but the gates to the courtyard in which we are located will be closed immediately after two residents run there. To correct the situation, immediately insert the Green Cat's Eye found earlier in place of the Round Sign, as a result of which the grate will rise again. After killing the disgruntled residents, and then their help, we go into the church.

*Note that it was Ada who put the Green Cat's Eye on the plinth, which Leon finds a little later!

Ahead are the praying inhabitants with pitchforks and axes. What blasphemy! It's time to put an end to this! After destroying everyone, let's not forget to pick up a pack of cartridges. It is worth considering the fact that one resident can jump from above, hearing the sounds of shots. When it's quiet again, go behind the right alcove in the church to break the barrel and get a Flash Grenade. Here we find the last Purple Stone. Now you can fully assemble the Mask. Next, we pass into the left niche and climb the stairs to the 2nd floor. It is not worth jumping onto the chandelier, but it is only worth soaking one brow that prevents us from going forward. There are a couple more of his comrades nearby, and one of them may be hiding at the end of the passage behind the barrels! We break the barrels, (I got a pack of cartridges and 9000 pst) and return to the light mechanism. As you may have guessed, you need to combine 3 luminous circles again to get the central one. The riddle is easy and does not present any difficulty, so you can do it without my tips. This will cause chain reaction which will make the bell ring. We will be shown how the villagers run away in the midst of the battle towards the church, leaving Leon alone!

* See how interesting! It turns out that it was Ada who activated the bell mechanism and saved Leon at the very beginning of the game!

After that, we get the statistics of our episode and Ada's report on this episode. You can save the game.

Episode 2 - Save Lewis

At the beginning of the episode, we are shown Ada chatting about pressing issues with Wesker. He orders her to rescue Lewis, a former police officer who may have some information about the activities of the Los Illuminatos organization. Ada puts the book on the table, and control passes to us.

We find ourselves in a no less familiar and interesting place - the room of the Chief of the village. Nearby is a Merchant who, for a fee, will offer us a Mission Map 2 and a Medium Case, which is simply necessary to purchase. Take it in the closet 1000 pst, in a drawer a pack of cartridges, White Chicken Egg from the box. Now go back a little to the well, leaving the house on the stairs, to where the treasure is marked on the map. On the way we will shoot 3 crows and in the barn on the right we will take Spinel from a box and a barrel ( cartridges for TMP). Don't forget to shoot off the stick holding the well cover and only then shoot at Bronze Watch to pick them up. Into Hell's well this moment she doesn’t want to climb, since her goal is in a completely different direction, so we return to the house.

We pass through the door in the Chief's room and take it from the bedside table under Sadler's portrait 2000pst. We go down the stairs to the 1st floor and go through the door under it. This is the toilet, where we see a woman who clearly intends to take advantage of a free minute and sit alone. It wasn't there. Let's scatter her dreams on her own sail. When examining the toilet, Ada rightly notices that there is no smell of hygiene here. Another resident lives on the 1st floor, who loves to read local literature, since death from our cannon will find him right at the bookshelf. In this room, behind glass in a sideboard, you can take Gray Grenade, and in the nightstand 250 pst. Now we stomp into the kitchen, where we take out the chicken from the oven, which leaves us as a gift golden egg!

Now you can go outside, where a friend with a chainsaw and his friends are already waiting for us. We deal with them in the usual way, after which we get Ruby. In the heat of battle don't forget to pick up the right on the firewood a pack of cartridges.

Ahead on the tree next to the barn we will see the nest in which it is pack of cartridges. Ahead of us is still a whole horde of inhabitants, with whom it is better to deal with immediately, and only then return to the barn to get red grass. In addition, a little further from the barn there is another nest with cartridges for TMP. After that we return to the central part of the village.

The village looks calmer than last time, and all the boxes are back in place, so be sure to check all the nooks and crannies for useful items: green grass on the wood behind the house by the hidden path, 600 pst in a box, a little further, cartridges for TMP, a pack of cartridges where the Yellow Grass used to be. By the way, as soon as you meet at least one resident, others will come running to the noise, so be prepared to meet them with dignity. By climbing the stairs to the tower, you can get shotgun cartridges, one more shotgun cartridges are on the bed in the house, on the roof of which at the beginning of the game the bird brought us the Key of the Sign, a couple of barrels can also bring treasures ( 2 rounds of shot, 900 pst). On the 1st floor of the house where Leon was hiding from the residents, you can take a pack of cartridges, as well as some of the barrels ( 500pst, 1200pst). On the 2nd floor in a cupboard behind glass is a Brown Egg, and if you run along the bridges on the roof, you can get another pack of cartridges. Don't forget to also check all 3 sheds at the northeast exit of town for Shot ammo and other useful items. After that, after passing through the large doors, we find ourselves on a farm.

In the barrel next to the typewriter is 1100 pst. Here you can save the game, and then arrange a public execution of the owners of the farm. Don't forget to take the left of the shed Spinel hanging over a well. Hidden in a pasture behind a small barn is a barrel containing Brown Egg. Also from a variety of barrels you can choose Gray Grenade, Another Brown Egg, 900 pst, 1000 pst And cartridges for TMP. In the big house on the right from the bedside tables you can get cartridges for TMP, 1000 pst, rifle ammo. Pay special attention to the traps that are set at one of the exits from the farm. Climbing the stairs to the 2nd floor, climb out the window and run along the bridges to the northeast exit, where the last inhabitant is standing, who needs to be killed and the boxes that he was guarding ( Gray Grenade). After that, we return to the bridges and jump off the edge of the window directly opposite, through which we climbed out here, to get into the inner utility room, where A gold bracelet. It is also worth paying attention to the roof of the cow stall, where you can climb with the Thrower, if you stand next to it, where you can pick up Spinel. Now we pass to the exit from the farm.

Going down the slope of the hill, raise your head up. You should see a bridge with a couple of villagers on it. In order to get there, you need to go a little towards the tunnel and use the Thrower, just do not go far from the bridge. First, deal with annoying residents, and then collect Birstein And 1300 pst. Further, after passing through the tunnel, we will rejoice at another warm welcome. Residents are already welcoming us with fireworks. However, it could end badly for them. The main thing is to quickly deal with the inhabitants throwing grenades, and the rest of the problems are not expected. In the barn on the left are 2 drawers ( 900pst, 1000pst). The door to the house is strangely closed, so let's look for a workaround. In a tree near the house, a nest containing Spinel. One more Spinel can be found in a box lying on the ground on the right side of the house. After that, we return to our miners and fire at the house until everyone is bent and we can’t pick up legitimate prizes: 1000 pst And 1700 pst. Having passed into the next room, we watch a video in which we see how Leon, together with Lewis, is taken away in an unknown direction.

Looks like I'll have to take a little detour. We return in our own footsteps to the tunnel, and at the exit we deal with the inhabitants who have come to the rescue. Let's avenge Leon.

* As you probably remember, these were the same bastards who dropped a huge boulder on Leon!

We return to the farm, where new items appeared: cartridges with shot, Spinel, in front of the barn with the save game, pack of cartridges, on the wood next to the same barn, perhaps golden egg pasture for cows and 300 pst next to the machine. You can save the game. Because we will meet again soon.

In Pueblo, the inhabitants do not want to calm down, but only avenge the death of their comrades, so we will again have to take up defense. Soon we will see a whole crowd rushing in our direction, which can be dealt with with a grenade. Unlike the farm, the treasures in the central square don't regenerate as fast, so that's the most we can hope for too much White Chicken Egg. Moving along the path leading to the Chief's house, we will find a strangely dressed resident who stole Leon's jacket. Do zombies know a lot about fashionable clothes?

* This is what happened to Leon's jacket. Don't forget to beat the bastard, as delivering the jacket to our friend still won't work.

Soon we will see a video in which the Chief returns home, and as soon as we run closer to the house, we will find a battle between Leon and the Chief. The odds are clearly not on Leon's side, so Ada decides to help him and shoots Chef, causing him to jump out of a window trying to grab Ada. Meanwhile Ada is being surrounded locals Looks like we've fallen into a trap. A well-aimed shot with a dart with sleeping pills, and now we are already lying on the sacrificial altar. Get ready to press the active buttons so that Ada avoids dismemberment. However, a small scar will still remain on our leg, for which we will avenge the three ganados. After the battle, do not forget to take Green Cat's Eye from the chest on the right, then go down the stairs.

*Note that the blood on the altar that Leon sees a little later was Ada's blood! Here's the plot twist.

Here again they will try to undermine us with sticks of dynamite. Let's teach them a lesson in handling fire and take it from the left barrel green grass. Now we need to get the key to the large doors, so we run towards the cubicle control room, where we find it on the table Iron Key. In the lockers you can take yellow grass And shotgun cartridges. There is also a merchant selling the old assortment. It's time to get a Semi-Automatic Rifle and a Scope for it. After that, we run to the place where the typewriter is located on the map, and take rifle ammo. If you want, you can save the game. It might not even be redundant. Further forward - to the big gate.

We run along the path to the garage on the right to pick up yellow grass And Red Cat's Eye. Get ready, there is a lot ahead of us interesting battle. No, not with Chief Mendez. As you remember, Leon fought with him, Ada will have a simpler opponent: just a girl with a chainsaw and a bunch of residents. We shoot everyone without hesitation, we will collect prizes later. Keep in mind that help will also arrive from the street, and inside the garage there is a barrel of fuel, which, when it explodes, gives a tremendous effect. And outside of the room there is much more room for maneuvers. How to deal with everyone, pick up cartridges for TMP, Green Grass, cartridges with shot And Incendiary Grenade below and also Red Grass, a pack of ammo up. From the body of the girl we will pick up the Elevator Activation Key.

After that, we will approach the exit from this area. The door in front of us is closed, but no one is stopping us from using the Thrower to get to the other side. We run forward to pick up from the ground Spinel And a pack of cartridges from the boxes on the right. In the sheds you can pick up ammo pack, shotgun ammo, TMP ammo, Incendiary Grenade, as well as break the crate to the right of the sheds. There are several barrels at the top, which can also be reached using the Thrower. On the upper left side along the canyon, you can take cartridges with shot, and on the upper right side Yellow Cat's Eye And Help Spray. Behind the next gate awaits us Red Grass and boss.

Boss: El Giganto

To begin with, we run past the monster to the gate ahead and take green grass. After that, you can score on the battle with him and move on through the doors, or you can meet the danger face to face. Ada at this point in the game has a much more powerful weapon than Leon had at one time, so it will not be difficult for her to deal with this giant with the help of TMP. You know the fighting strategy, the main thing is to press the active buttons in time and shoot only in the head. For the victory we will receive well-deserved 10000 pst.

We leave through the doors in the direction of a lonely house, where Leon, Lewis and Ashley hid from the invasion of monsters. We see Lewis leaving the house on business and running into Ada. Ada builds an overly disinterested attitude, but is ultimately glad that her goal is okay. Lewis notices that Ada is not very talkative, to which the girl replies that it is better for him not to know something about her so that his head hurts less. Lewis leaves Ada alone. End of episode. After listening to Ada's reports, you can save the game.

… To be continued …

Now that Ashley has returned to Leon, you have to control the main character again. All the things that were obtained by the girl will now be moved to the inventory of the main character, they must be carefully folded into the case. Salazar will get in touch again, however, apart from another bragging, you will not hear anything new. To continue the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough, you need to find the third piece of decorative ornaments (Leon found one in a chest in the middle of the hall, the second - Ashley) and return to the hall where you first saw Salazar. To get to the decoration, you need to go through a large door - you will find yourself in a very hot part of the castle.

But before that, you can significantly replenish the stocks of jewelry, leaving the passage of Resident Evil 4 for a while, for this you will have to deviate slightly from the outlined route. Go to the body of Luis, behind him is the door leading to the museum. Since the locations are already well known to you, there should be no problems with orientation. You need to get to the dining room - for this you will need to go down the stairs, go through a makeshift bridge and go through the door to the dining room. After destroying a considerable number of opponents with scythes, go to the outer perimeter - a long corridor leads there from the dining room, along which you have already passed. Head to the fountain - getting lost is almost impossible. Near the fountain, as you can remember, there is a room that you can get into through the window (the second person was really missing), now you can use Ashley - give her a lift and she will instantly jump into the window, and then, without delay, will open the door for you. In the room you will find a considerable number of chests, and they contain a lot of valuable things. Pay special attention to the most powerful revolver - you should not use it yet, it will come in handy a little later. Now that the secret room has been searched, it's time to return to the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough and return to the room where you reunited with Ashley. As we said earlier, you need to go through a large door - you will find yourself in Station number 1.

Before you rush in search of the third missing element, you should carefully search everything around and save. To get over the lava, use special mechanism located nearby. To make him move, it is enough just to get up on him. Ashley will wait for you here - it will be much easier and safer. Next, three dragon statues are waiting for you, in each of which there are monks, if you come close, they will direct a jet of flame at you, which, you see, is not very pleasant. There are two ways to avoid this - either destroy the monks with accurate shots from sniper rifle, or by shooting at special mounts. Personally, we prefer the second way - a structure, together with its inhabitants, go straight to lava flow, and you can collect a reward in the form of gold bars - a good reward for completing Resident Evil 4.

The first dragon will be located near the place where you got on the transport device. Having dealt with the structure and its inhabitants, you will reach a rotating cage in which there is a passage. When he is near - jump into him, go to the other side and when the opportunity presents itself, jump to the platform. From there, you will need to destroy the second dragon, a little further on your way, the monks will stand. They will also need to be dealt with. Soon you will see the third and last dragon, but before you deal with it, you should kill the monks who will jump from the tower. When the monks are killed, and the dragon plunges into the lava, you can go to the blue chest, which contains the third, last part of the ornament.

The developers decided to make the passage of Resident Evil 4 much easier and will not force you to repeat the path to the hall where you saw Salazar. To get there, return to the place where you left Ashley and go into the room on the right. There is a trolley here, which will take you to the main hall very quickly and, most importantly, without unpleasant adventures. Now that you have all three parts of the ornament, install them in special grooves in the wall, which will immediately fall down, opening a passage for you further. You can immediately leave the main hall through the door that is nearby, or you can first visit the balcony where Salazar was - you will find valuables in jugs and in a cache behind the portrait on the wall. Naturally, better than the second option.

After leaving the main hall, you will find yourself in the outer part of the castle, next to it there will be a new trolley that will take you to station number 2. Once at your destination, be careful - valuables are hidden in jugs, and the statues that are placed in the corridor nearby contain a lot of jewelry. After passing along the above corridor, you will find yourself in front of a grate. There are two busts nearby - the king and the queen, but something is clearly missing in their hands. As the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough will tell us, there are not enough cups that you have to find. To do this, return to the beginning of the corridor, nearby, on the left, there will be a room in which you will find a merchant and a save point. Once again, the merchant will offer you to play with him, having practiced at the shooting range. This is definitely worth doing - despite the fact that it will be more difficult to play, you will receive 25,000 rewards and six new figures.

When you're done with the exercises in the shooting gallery, get a reward from the merchant, be stingy and upgrade your weapons. To your right there will be a corridor into which the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough leads (it may vary in this area depending on the selected difficulty level). After passing through the door, you will find yourself in a room with a lot of metal knights, Ashley should leave and enter. By pressing a couple of times on the action buttons, you can avoid the attack of two knights and get into the hall. In its center is the King's Cup, however, you see, everything is too simple. There is a warning inscription near the goblet, but you simply have no choice. When the main character takes the cup, the passage to the hall will be blocked and you will have to fight with many knights. Despite the fact that they swing for a long time, the damage can be very serious - so it is worth dodging attacks. Most vulnerable spot iron giants - the head, it is worth shooting at it first of all. Finally, when all opponents are killed, the passage will be free and you can return to Ashley, having previously collected everything useful in the room.

Now you need to get to the room with two doors - this will be quite easy to do by walking along the corridor. To continue the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough, you need to put the statues on the adjacent squares, when you are done, the passage will open. Behind him, Salazar is waiting for you again, apparently, he is rather tired of killing you and will simply decide to crush you with the ceiling. An old trick that won't work with the main character - shoot four red dots quickly to stop the death trap. Gather ammo and valuables and move on - to where Salazar fled. However, the adventure doesn't end there. When you are almost out of the corridor, a grate will appear between you and Ashley, and a drilling machine will move towards Ashley from the other side. As far as you know, she can't be allowed to get to Ashley. Take a sniper rifle and kill the drivers with an accurate shot, the car will stop and you and Ashley will be able to continue the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough.

In the room in which you get, there is a lot of valuable. In addition to the large abundance of boxes, it is definitely worth taking the queen's cup from the chest and the precious chessboard. Now you have everything to open the door with two busts (King and Queen). To continue the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough, you need to move into the corridor leading to the two busts, but it will be far from empty. Having dealt with the enemies and finally reaching the room, you can put the cups in the hands of the busts and the door will open, go through it. Now you will enter the hive.

Walk along the corridor, break the jugs and collect everything of value. Before entering the door, you can examine the window leading to the balcony. Then, nevertheless, go through the door and up the stairs, you will soon be able to find a chest. Go through the passage, after catching Ashley, go inside the tower. You will not have the most pleasant plot insert - a huge insect will grab and take away Ashley. Do not worry, you will be able to find it and return it, but for now it is worth organizing a genocide against fellow insects - a mutant.

In principle, there is nothing difficult in fighting these creatures - they are from the same family as insects from the sewers, and getting into them is much easier, because they do not have invisibility. When all the creatures are finished, start shooting at the hive in the center of the room. Despite your huge size, you can drop the hive down with 2-3 pistol clips. It’s not worth spending ammo of a powerful weapon - it’s still useful for the further passage of Resident Evil 4. After the hive collapses down, be sure to search its remains - you can find great amount precious stones as well as treasures. Some of them can be inserted into the lamp you found. When the collection of valuables is over, go to the raised bridge. To lower it, you need to press the lever, do it. The bridge will start to lower, but the mechanism does not work normally and the bridge will stop in a half-lowered state. To lower it completely, you need to shoot at the brackets that hold the chains. After that, the bridge will lower and you will be able to pass through it. Your path will pass through a large gate. After passing through them, you will meet a merchant. Replenish supplies and upgrade weapons if necessary.

Salazar will get in touch again, this time to show off his new captive, Ashley. I hope you won't let him get away with it and will fight to pull the girl out of his paws? Depending on which difficulty level was chosen, Resident Evil 4 walkthrough on this section may be different. On the medium and hard difficulty level, you will need to cope with three catapults. To do this, look for cover behind the chapel. Then, looking out from a safe hiding place on the back of the chapel, one by one take out the monks who are shooting at you from the catapult. Since there are no barrels of fuel, you will have to make do with accurate shots from a sniper rifle in the head of opponents. When they are finished with, continue moving along the second floor of the chapel - you will find a passage inside.

Now you need to start the clock. On the very top floor you can find a note - it gives a hint on how to solve the puzzle and continue through Resident Evil 4. Among the numerous gears you will find three beams that prevent them from rotating. You can see the first and second of them if you look to the right. To "help" the clock mechanism - just shoot the beam. The third and the last is located at the other end of the floor. After that, return to the place where you found the note and simply activate the lever. After the clock mechanism starts working, the base of the chapel, along with the bridge, will turn towards the cathedral. Now you can get there. Climb down, destroying large concentrations of the enemy along the way, and once at the bottom, search and go to the bridge. If you are playing the game on an easy difficulty level, then you won’t have to destroy the catapults and suffer from beams and hours - once you are near the chapel, just turn the lever, and it, in turn, will turn the bridge. Whatever it was, you can get to the cathedral. Just do not hope that the path will be easy - along the way you will have to destroy several groups of opponents, including one with a bazooka. Soon, you will be able to reach the gates of the cathedral. It will be a damn interesting part of the passage of Resident Evil 4.

Once inside, you will almost immediately find yourself in a trap - entrance doors and the exit will be blocked by bars. You have no other choice but to accept the fight. And you will have a serious fight, because in your opponents you will have one or two garradors (depending on the chosen difficulty level), and monks to boot. It is with the latter that it is recommended to start. Once you've killed them, it's time to deal with the Garradors. In principle, the fighting methods remained the same - the main thing is to shoot the bag on the back and avoid enemy attacks. If you want to attract attention, you can use a couple of bells, carefully left by the developers. After the monster / monsters are defeated, carefully search the room for useful items, then move further through the doors, take the jewels from the two busts and move up the stairs.

You will enter the room where Ashley and Salazar are located. But you won’t have time to deal with the latter, the damned Salazar (and with him the passage of Resident Evil 4) has prepared a surprise for you - the floor will fall under the main character and he will fall into the well. Now you need to act quickly - by pressing the action buttons, you can save Leon's life - he will throw out the harpoon and catch on the edge of the well. Salazar will want to listen to what is happening in the well and will use a special hearing aid. Leon will shoot at the end of the apparatus lowered into the well. The shot certainly won't kill Salazar, but it will give him a lot of negative emotions. Unable to endure his own shame, he will send his best guard to you, and he will go to prepare Ashley for the ritual.

It's time to continue the Resident Evil 4 walkthrough - look around carefully, among the mountains of corpses you can find a lot of valuable things (including the crown). Also nearby is a merchant who has a new weapon. When you're done shopping and upgrading, don't forget to save using the typewriter. Then follow the stairs leading from here. Move straight along the drain, collecting valuable items and jewelry in the pipes along the way. The main character will notice that someone is following him. Soon you will have a very unpleasant meeting with this someone. After getting out of the sewer, you will reach a crossroads. On it you need to turn right - you will find yourself in a room with an elevator. In this room and in the neighboring ones there are cylinders with liquid nitrogen, but do not try to turn them over yet. You will not be able to call the elevator, the shaft of which is located in this room, since it does not receive power. To restore the power supply, leave the room, and turn right a little further. Now be ready to react very quickly - you will have to dodge enemy attacks, for which you quickly press the combination of action buttons that appear on the screen. Soon you will reach a room with a switch. Pull it and the power supply to the elevator will be restored, but there is one problem - the door to the room will close. It can be opened using a special mechanism, but the boss will not wait for it to open and go down into the room. I draw your attention right away, this enemy is invulnerable to light weapons. The only way deal with it - use nitrogen tanks. So, when the monster comes down, run around it from the back and go to the balloon. When the creature approaches, push the balloon, it will fall, liquid nitrogen will pour out of it, which will freeze the creature for a few seconds. Now you have a choice.

To start, a little introduction. There will be a lot of letters in the text, so before you start, I advise you to stock up on a mug of coffee / tea (well, or whatever you drink there), put a pack of cookies in front of you (you can take them on dark side, they have cookies, this is 100%), sit back and get ready (Well, if you read this at all, of course). Well, are you ready? Then let's go!

It all starts with a video (if anyone does not know the history of RE, I advise you to look, everything that happened earlier is briefly described there). You (Leon Kennedy) are thrown into a forgotten part of Europe to bring home the president's kidnapped daughter, Ashley Graham. Two local cops drop you off at some forgotten village called Pueblo, where RE 4 actually begins.

Chapter 1-1

Go along the path, as soon as you come to the house, turn left and take a couple of steps, behind the house on the cart there will be a box of gold. Come into the house, there, seemingly an ordinary man, will be an abnormal psycho who tried to kill you. Don't let him do that, and answer with a couple of lead babies, preferably in the head. Go further (if you want to see what the local guys keep at home, go to the right before the stairs), go up the stairs, take the ammo from the table and jump out of the window. Three of the same crazy are already waiting for you downstairs. Deal with them, and if you want, you can go check on how your fellow policemen are doing. And they no longer live, however, like the bridge. In the absence of other options for the development of events, we move on. Come into the old shed, there is a cult typewriter and a lot of all sorts of goodies. By the way, I advise you to look at the trees and at the sky, and if you are good with accuracy, shoot the crows and their nests, something tasty also falls from them. For example, from the first crow, at the very beginning, I fell hand grenade. Moving forward, you will hear barking, this is a wolf caught in a trap, better help him, then he will thank you the same. And in order not to fall into a trap yourself, look under your feet. Between the trees, stretch marks will sometimes be stretched, do not come close, shoot from afar. Do not shoot the first stretch, wait until the collective farmer comes closer, and only then, with one cartridge, deal with him. In the next shed, you will see a "fun" picture, some wooden boxes that can and should be broken. Be careful near the third shed, a zombie is waiting for you in it (it's more usual to write this way). By the way, they can throw axes, which they have infinity and one more. Outside the gate you will find a village with an ordinary, at first glance, life. Everyone is busy, everyone is working, only in the middle of the yard a man is burning, guess who? That's right, your new "friend" is a cop.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Ordinary life of the locals

There are two options here, either fly into the very center of the yard and pile on everyone and everything, but without seeing the "heavy artillery", or go around the path to the left and sow in the house, shoot the infected, the second is better. Going into two-storey house, you will see a short video of everyone running to “look at you”, including a guy with a chainsaw and a bag on his head (“heavy artillery”). We immediately move the cabinet to the window, it will not last long, but it's better than nothing. Don't forget to pick up the treats under the stairs. Having risen to the second floor, a gift awaits you - a gun and cartridges for it, plus a grenade. Since zombies climb not only through the first floor, so from time to time it is worth throwing off the set stairs. Kill everyone, get out onto the roof, through the window, there are cartridges on the right pipe, on the other side of the house (on the roof) there is spinel. After you deal with all the enemies, the bell rattles, which calls all the remaining enemies to you. You have at your disposal all the goodness of the former civilians, you just have to collect it. We run around the houses, behind the houses and collect herbs and cartridges. By the way, run near the wooden outbuildings to the house, there may be something in them, although this is not visible. In one of the houses there is a note with instructions, where the person who wrote it burns hard, revealing the place where the girl is being held.

Pistol Punisher, hitting two targets at once

Knock down blue necklaces, shoot chickens be bad guy, or you can wait until they (hens) lay a testicle. Just don’t touch the cow, it will hit back (if you hit with a knife, you will get under a hot ... head). There is no point in shooting at a dog, it is immortal. In a small building there is another machine, and next to it is a "well", over which a necklace hangs. First we knock down the stick holding the cover of the "well", then we knock down the necklace. Climbing up to the second floor of the barn, and jumping over the window, take a step forward and jump, you will find an expensive mug (it’s better not to sell it right away, later you can insert “cat’s eyes” into it, with which it is sold several times more expensive). Go ahead.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4
We are moving forward. When you see a zombie with dynamite, wait for the moment when he throws it, and shoot at the dynamite (preferably right after he was thrown), so you will spend only one round on several enemies. You can also quickly kill the enemy after he took out the dynamite. Collect all the good in the area, shoot at the nest of crows, pick up what you found and run up to the house. Knock down the lock on the door of the house, go ahead and pick up supplies, go to the closet in the farthest room, open it, and go on an adventure!

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

The same closet

Chapter 1-2

If you do not want to stay here forever, dodge the infected ax by pressing the combination of the indicated buttons in time. When you go out, a silhouette of a man in a hood and with a backpack will flash through the window - this is a merchant. Going behind the house, you will find it. Go even further and find two barrels.

Shoot the zombies in the legs (below the knee), if everything is correct, they fall to their knees, allowing you to perform a beautiful blow. Or shoot at the head, if it doesn't blow, then the zombie can grab onto it, allowing you to perform another blow. And if he did not die after the blow, finish him off with a knife (if the situation allows). When you break wooden boxes, do not remove the knife immediately, because snakes sometimes jump out of the boxes. And lastly, for a quick reversal, press the left shift twice.

We collect two halves of the "key" and insert it into the door. Further, where there will be two zombies with dynamite and two ordinary ones, do not be lazy and open the furnaces. In the next room, take the precious mask. Go ahead. When you pass by the sewer, go down and "fish", fish, as well as eggs, can be eaten, and the fish is raw, and the eggs are in shell. Eat like Leon, be a fucking man!

As you get out of the sewer, you will see a well, over which a golden watch hangs, we repeat all the actions, as in the first case. In the house on the door is a mini-game for the baby. You need to rotate the object so that it becomes the emblem of "Los Illuminados" (once to the left, once up). Here we see someone's office, look in the closet, and in the drawer. Leaving the door, watch the video.

Chapter 1-3

As soon as you appear, turn around, search the box under the portrait, and if you want, go through the door again, see what's there, and how. Go down the stairs, you can go to the toilet (well, if you really need to), but there, unfortunately, it will already be busy. Open the stove in the kitchen, there you will find an egg. Leaving the house, local guys will want to play something interesting with us. One of them, with a chainsaw (better not to approach him). We go further, knocking down crows' nests along the way. We remove the beam on the gate, and we get into the already familiar courtyard. We kill everyone, go to the door with the sign of the closed club "Los Illuminados" and use the key that was skomunizdili from the big man. We knock down the lamp, wait until the fire goes out, rejoice. We go down into the cave. We run forward and see a puddle of water, there is another lamp above it, but there is nothing in it, and on the ceiling of the cave (near the lamp) someone carefully attached jewelry. Go further and see the ubiquitous shoe salesman Gena Bukin the merchant. We go further, we go out to the cemetery with various interesting monuments. Look at them carefully, a little later, it will come in handy. We kill enemies, collect trophies, knock down nests (all according to a well-established scheme). We go up, we see the church.

Go behind the church, you will see not only a medallion, but also a puzzle, a little more difficult than the previous one.

We go further, we kill the people on the bridge, we break the remaining medallions, we go into the building, we read, we continue the path. Come in the door, go a little and you will see a flock of crows, one grenade, and a worthy reward awaits you. Run around the houses, collect good. Before the door, turn right and go downstairs. There will be a typewriter and a merchant. Having sold everything superfluous and bought everything you need, we pick up our "Punisher" and move on. Here we again have to run from a pebble, kindly dropped by a handful of locals. We deal with enemies, we find an antique pipe of Sherlock Holmes (in the nest), be careful, in this place you will meet three snakes, good testicles fall from them. We go forward, near a small hut we finish off the rest, we go into it, collect sweets and go to the gate leading to the next location. There we rise to the hill (to the left along the path). Our gaze opens up a magnificent, no, divine in beauty lake, into which the corpse of the second cop is thrown.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Not a lake, an ocean!

We go down to the boat. You can go fishing on the pier, just don't overdo it, the locals don't really like it when their relatives are killed. We climb into the boat with, oddly enough, cool controls that allow you to drift on the water, and swim. Before we reach the shore, we watch a video showing us the inhabitants of the local fauna. Here he is friends, the boss of my dreams, I've been waiting for him for a year, hefty boss, the first boss. But this is not the time to celebrate the first difficulty in the game, we must deal with the “miracle Yud”. This is done with the help of harpoons lying in the boat, in the amount equal to infinity. The fight is not difficult, and if you try, you can win it without spending a single point of health. After the victory, we watch another video, and ... the end of the third chapter.

Chapter 2-1

You wake up in a house on the other side of the lake, with no idea how you got there. Here, Leon suddenly has an attack, he passes out again, and wakes up already cheerful as ever. There is an anonymous letter on the bed, if you think a little, you can understand from whom it is. In the house, collect everything that is badly lying, and, if you want, you can save it again. I advise you to get out of the house, get back into the boat and swim to the shore from which you came. There is someone very caring, laid out a few gifts. But in addition to gifts, you will meet with a new monster. An infected wolf and three of his cronies. You can also swim into the cave at the other end of the lake. There, a merchant's shop. We return to where we woke up, and after going forward a little, we go into the large blue gate. Here, a hitherto unseen spectacle opens up to our eyes, one infected person's head bursts, and, excuse me, some kind of crap crawls out of it. We are trying to aim for it. We go further, we jump along the broken bridge, we go down the rope. We get to the local hydroelectric power station.

We kill the "observer", we move forward. And then you won’t pass, too much distance between the bridges. The end. We shoot at the boxes, you can at the chain that holds them, and brings them to us with water. We pass to the other side, climb the tower, turn the lever. It activates millions of complex mechanisms, thanks to which the dam closes and the river changes its course, which opens the way to the cave hidden behind the waterfall. Not a small number of infected flies out of the cave. You can deal with them in two ways. First: stand on the box and throw the zombies into the water with one blow, without getting all sorts of tasty treats from them. And the second: we act according to the old scheme - we kill manually. After killing everyone, we go into the cave, inspecting another "tower" along the way and knocking down the amber ring from the board. At the end of the cave we pick up the “Round Amulet”, and, lo and behold, a hidden door opens. Go ahead. Immediately after the exit, look to the left, a spinel shines on the torch, knock down, pick up. You don't have to shoot at bats, they don't drop anything. We sit on the boat and watch how it sails to the merchant's shop, in which we have already been. Here you can save, buy, sell, sell what you don't need, upgrade what you need. And be ready for anything. We leave the shop, and run to the gate. But suddenly the gates are closed, and the infected with the whole bunch is dragged out of the cave of the same “El Gigante”. Yes, this is your second boss, slightly ahead of the first in difficulty. This is where the wolf that you freed from the trap at the very beginning will help you. During the fight, he will distract El Gigante to himself, giving you the opportunity to take a couple of shots that are safe for you. When you finish off the boss to a "critical state", and this is not done for a very long time, it crawls out from his back, sorry again, some kind of garbage, which you need to shoot at, or you can use a knife, running up close to the boss and pressing the desired button. During the battle, I do not advise you to run near the boss, it will crush you. And also, in the houses that you searched recently, there will again be something to profit from. The boss drops a good 15,000 coins. After the battle, collect everything that lies badly, and good things lie badly there, you can do this during the battle, but it’s better not to, and then go where you went. And we go to the church, or rather return. On the way to it, once again we will meet infected wolves. We deal with them, we go to the church. We pick up the gold, break the barrel on the right, and go up the stairs to the left. We jump onto the chandelier, wait until it is as close as possible to the opposite edge, and jump. Here you will find another puzzle, we solve it, we take Ashley, we bring down home. The essence of the puzzle is to correctly rotate the three colored circles, so that in the end we get the emblem of the Los Illuminados club.

Solution: We turn the red circle twice, green - three, blue - one.

We go to the door, the passage to which was closed. We watch a video where a 20-year-old girl cannot distinguish normal person, from zombies, and throws a stick at Leon. As you can see, now you have to protect not only your life, but also the President's daughter Ashley, who, unfortunately, does not know how, or maybe does not want to, hold a cannon in her hands and shoot from it and does not know how to go down stairs, which can also get bored in some places. In addition, next to your health, Ashley's health appears, which can also be increased by mixing yellow, red and green grass. We are heading for the exit, but we are interrupted by a video that shows the head of this society, Osmund Saddler, who appeared out of nowhere. Lots of chatter, you end up running, jumping out the window.

Chapter 2-2

Nobody is going to catch up with you, so you can not rush. And a lot of people have already gathered at the cemetery, so as not to kill each one individually, we shoot at the wagon with barrels and kill almost everyone. We move on, or rather, we return back. There will be a merchant in the cave, and over the puddle of water, the lamp you knocked down (if knocked down) will hang again, but again there will be nothing in it. But in the lamp a little further, hung again, there will be a spinel. After leaving the cave and returning to the first village, climb the tower, there will also be a spinel. Deal with enemies, collect good. Be careful and look under your feet, the locals have already set traps for you. Then head towards the entrance to the farm. In order to avoid Ashley's health problems, tell her to get into the garbage can, and you yourself can easily dump to kill the enemies. On the table near the typewriter, you will see a note with information about Luis, whom you "got out of the closet". At the whistle, Ashley will get out of the tank and come running to you. Together with her, run to the gate that was previously closed to you, with your help, Ashley will climb over the gate and open it. After walking a little, you will see a merchant and a bridge. Think carefully about what to buy, what to sell and what to improve. Something more difficult than a fight with some bosses awaits you. Run across the bridge, watch the cutscene, and start fighting off waves of infected. Help you, you know who. If you have a lot of herbs and ammo left, then this part will not be difficult for you, but for others you will have to sweat, despite the fact that Sera will periodically throw ammo and herbs at you. Move all cabinets, collect herbs and start fighting back. Until the zombies crawl in a huge pile, and Sera does not go to the second floor, stay on the first floor. Then slowly rise to the second, by the way, they will also climb through the windows on the second floor.

I don't know about you, but this is my favorite and most memorable part of the game.

Chapter 2-3

After the massacre, go to the house near the merchant and read the note, save and trade (if necessary). Now you will have two roads. To the left, to a bunch of people, and to the right, to one single El Gigante. Here you already choose for yourself where you want to go and what you do best: blow off the heads of infected collective farmers, or dodge the blows of a giant, and release a clip into his head. I chose the first one, because you can collect good "taxes" from a bunch of inhabitants. The only problem there is the two chainsaw sisters - the Bell sisters, but it is solved with grenades and a shotgun. If you go on the right road, then I'm sorry, you won't see help here, look, in these your internets;)

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Two sisters laughing

Then you go out to the gate, which can only be opened by the eye of the head of the villagers, the local hero and just a good man, with the eye of Bitores Mendez, so we need to find him and finish him off. We go to the left, as the doors on the right are closed. Here you have to ride. Along the way, the infected will drive towards you and throw axes, some will stand on the left and wait for you to drive up. It's best to kill them from afar. If you have a rifle - class, if it is missing (like mine), you will have to shoot from something long-range and accurate, in my case a pistol, the sight of which was terribly twitching. But, in general, it is not so difficult. Having descended, we head to the lift control point, pick up the good there and go down. We go into the cave, at its end you will see a chest, open it, take out the yellow "cat's eye" and insert it into the mug, the expensive jewel is ready (if you have not sold it before). Go back.

The stone where Leon discovered fresh blood almost became the site of Ada Wong's death.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Go downstairs, on the way to an abandoned factory, you will meet a merchant, think carefully about what to improve and what to buy, because you will not have the easiest fight. We approach an abandoned factory, watch a video. In the video, there is a small mess, and Leon, knocking over a barrel of fuel, says the legendary “Hasta la vista, baby” and we watch Bitores turn from a killing machine into a super machine for mass killings. And this is what we have to overcome. In fact, there is nothing terrible here, except for the look and shape. The lower part of the monster fell off after 26 accurate hits to the head from a fully pumped Blacktail pistol (Blacktail). The upper part "threw the skates" for 7 hits on it from a fully pumped "Light Gun" (I did not always shoot close).

Game difficulty - easy

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Now I can look at him without fear

After defeating the enemy, collect all the goodies if you didn't during the fight, and there are quite a lot of these goodies. Now with a pure soul and a fake right eye of a thug, you can safely return to the closed door. Open it. Immediately you are shown a medieval castle - the "second part" of the game. Take the ammo on your left, go upstairs, a truck will drive towards you, aim at the driver and kill him, then fire bullets at the truck's engine, which will cause it to break and further turn the car on its side. Run up to the car, take the money. A lot of people will run out from the side of the village, it's up to you to either kill them all or run away. Run up to the bridge, watch the cutscene. Congratulations, chapter 2-3 ("the first part" of the game) is finished.

Chapter 3-1

We play on. We immediately break all the barrels, etc. and collect everything that fell. We hand over to the seller what we don’t need, we buy what we need. Upstairs, we deal with the fanatics, shoot at the barrels near the catapults, you can shoot at the fanatics, next to the catapults. We will do the same a little later. We collect trophies and raise the cannon, shoot at the gate, go there. We go in the door, listen to Heinigen, pick up the cartridges from the shotgun, pick up the platinum sword. We go upstairs, kill everyone there, take the golden sword, insert the platinum one there, and insert the golden sword into the hole below. Where you inserted the platinum sword, the door opens, we go in there, we watch the video. The big doors are locked, so we go through the smaller doors. We kill everyone, we pass on. We go into a small room, before picking up the key, get ready, now you have to fight off the fanatics, there will not be many of them, but they are stronger than the collective farmers. Take the key, go to the big door. Let's go ahead and watch the video. After the video, we turn around and aim at the arch, it has a precious purple stone on it. Now we have to find several parts of the engraving in order to open the passage further, well, if we need it, then we will search. We turn right and go there. We break the barrels on the left, and on the right we see Saddler's porter, we come closer to him and op, and it turned out to be a hiding place. There is a lamp hanging in the middle, but do not knock it down yet, it will help you a little later. We run forward, go down the stairs, then the horses spitting fire from Ksenia Soobchak blocked the road. We turn to the right, we see the portrait, we approach it and remove the key from the portrait. We return back to the door that was closed (near the barrels). We open it and go down there. This is a dungeon, and like in any dungeon, there is a prisoner sitting there. And this prisoner is not a simple fanatic, but the new kind enemy - Garrador. A clawed zombie in armor, blind as a mole, focuses only on hearing, so we shoot at the bells on the left and right. He is distracted by them, which gives us a chance to shoot him in the back - the only weak point. We kill him, switch the lever, take the green grass. We go to the "fire-breathing horses", we see that the passage is already free, we go there. We shoot everyone, we move into the last room. Here we see two yellow squares. We put Ashley on one, we ourselves stand on the other. A lever pops out in the middle of the hall. We deal with enemies and go to turn the lever that lowers the bridge. As soon as the bridge sank, another group of fanatics will come out from there, we turn the same thing with them as with the others. Go ahead. This is where you have to split up. Get Ashley upstairs to turn the levers there, and shoot the fanatics who are trying to grab her, but do not forget about those who are trying to kill you. Once Ashley does her job, take her off the top and go forward. We find ourselves in a large hall, here you can find a lot of things, the main thing is not to click you know what. Near the merchant there is a door to the shooting range. There, another merchant offers you to win bottle caps, with figures of different characters and enemies. How, what to do, he will explain. We move on, but, oh horror, Ashley falls into a trap! Because of this, you will have to make a lot of unnecessary fuss in finding her, but now you will not be disturbed by a 20-year-old girl.

Chapter 3-2

Go ahead. We have to face another new kind of enemies. This time it's Novistadores, large bugs that can turn invisible. But in order not to see them in their "invisibility", one must be blind. Killing them is easy, 6-7 rounds from a fully upgraded Blacktail pistol, or 3 rounds from a fully upgraded Light Gun. In addition, they can be kicked when they jump on you, the main thing is not to miss the moment. This type of enemy is pretty light, and on top of that, they drop a large number of jewelry. Then we just go forward, collecting all the "cookies" along the way. We reach the last room, turn the red valve that drains the water, pick up an expensive lamp (in which you can insert gems) and head to the open passage. Another Novistador will be waiting for you near the door, don't yawn. Leaving the dungeon, we find ourselves in a room with a "trap" - swinging giant axes. We just wait for the right moment (when the ax is as far away from you as possible) and stop running. Then we again find ourselves in a large hall. This time, there are a bunch of fanatics downstairs, with spinels around their necks, and their “chief”, in a red robe, wears an expensive brooch, made in the style of “Los Illuminados”. We kill them with a grenade, collect everything that has fallen from them. We go up again and jump over the chandelier to the opposite side, then run a little to the right and jump over the other chandelier again to the other side. Walk a little to the left, take another mask, pull the lever and voila, the path is open! We pass through the opened door, here you have to spend some ammo. Your main goal is the leader in a red robe, the rest is just interference. Immediately shoot at the exploding barrel, finish off the rest of the crossbowmen and go left (but before that, do not forget to break the vases and collect the ammo). We climb the stairs and see that the door to the leader is open, but on the left you can jump to him. As soon as we jump off, the leader immediately starts to run away. We demolish the fanatics who came running and catch up with the main one. You will catch up with him somewhere on the stairs, then so that he does not run away, shoot at him with a shotgun. Kill, take the key. If you succeed, then you will not have to dodge machine gun bullets (like I did last time). We run to the closed door, open it and see a simple puzzle. The inscription reads: "Kill exactly six people" (something like this). There are four pictures in front of you. One person is killed on one, two people are killed on the other, and three people are killed on another. You need to make sure that there are six corpses in the pictures.

The clue is 2, 1, 4, 3.

We go in the door, watch a video with the participation of Salazar, who subsequently leaves (as usual) and leaves a bunch of fanatics. We kill everyone, we click one button that raises the chest on the marble slab. Then we go in the door, break the vase, under which the button is hidden, and press it. This button extends the bridge to the chest. Carefully, two grenade launchers are already waiting for us near the chest. We kill them, we approach the chest, open it and see the missing part of the engraving, but wait, this is not the missing part of the engraving, this is the missing part of the missing part of the engraving! We go further, in search of other missing parts. Then a short break, do not strain with the thought that someone will jump out now, this is not Silent Hill. We shoot the crows sitting on the windows, knock down the jewel (above the door) and move on. We see a fountain that is no different from the rest, but there are a lot of treasures hidden in it. By the way, when you see a closed door, remember this place, a great surprise awaits you behind that door. Soon (already with Ashley), be sure to come back here. Then go to the garden, grown in the form of a labyrinth. A bunch of infected wolves are waiting for you there, which will annoy you with their sharp fangs, claws and grown tentacles on their backs. Here it is best to take either a shotgun or an ultrasound. To get out of the garden, you need to find two halves of the "key" that opens the closed door. Both halves are in the chests, and the chests are near the fountains. We go to the open door, watch a good video with Ada (well, what video with Ada can be bad?). End of chapter.

Chapter 3-3

Collect everything neatly scattered by someone, go to the merchant, climb the cabinets, find a mirror that can be sold for 12,000 coins, break the vases. Read the note near the merchant. You can save in the next room. Go ahead. In the next room, there will be a lot of different quotes featuring food. Read it if you like. Walk a little and approach the "shooting gallery". As soon as you ring the bell, the mechanism will work, and the white canvas will be replaced with a picture. Here you need to shoot at the glass and bottle of wine that stand out from everything. The door will open. get ready, now you have to sweat. But do not immediately go through the opened door, but go into the passage to the left, there collect the cartridges and money (there will be a snake in one of the vases). Go back. As soon as you approach the chest, a cage will be thrown at you, with a candy wrapper and Garrador (clawed), plus many enemies will walk around the cage, among them there will be a crossbowman, so kill him first. Do not stand close to the walls, they will beat you from the back, the cage will not hurt. Immediately throw a grenade on the floor (if any) and finish off Garrador, if there is no grenade, it will be a little more difficult for you. Then knock down the lock (preferably with a knife or a shot, you will knock down with your foot for the rest of your life). Don't forget to take what you came for hourglass. Deal with the rest and run to the next room. And in this room lies, you won't believe it, a rocket launcher! We kill enemies, put forward the bridge. We go along it, wait until all the fanatics come out of the door and stand under the lamp and knock it down. We turn left, go down, kill everyone there and rejoice. To take or not to take a rocket launcher, that's up to you. I cleaned up my suitcase and found a place for a rocket launcher, throwing out just one grenade. But running forward a little, I saw a merchant, and thought that I could sell this grenade.

We go in the door and watch a sad video. Before our eyes, poor Sera is being killed.

A lot of fans who liked Cera fell into a severe depression after that moment.

End of chapter.

Chapter 3-4

Here you are together again! Leon and Ashley Ashley and Leon Don't shoot at Ashley's chains, collect money and ammo first. Behind the huge portrait of Saddler you will find 5000 coins. Then turn on the "sniper" mode (if there is no rifle) and start firing at the fanatics. As you kill everyone, Ashley will pick up the key from the main fanatic and go through the door, where you will have to play as an unarmed girl. Its only plus is its compactness. He will be able to crawl into small holes, unlike fanatics. As you appear, pick up spinel and yellow grass from the floor. Run forward, there you will find the first problem - a hefty man, eager to pick up Ashley and bring it to his master. You need to kill him with lamps, just like the second fanatic. We crawl under the tables, wait for moments and throw lamps. In the next room, kill the second enemy and lower the gate so that no one bothers you. And start turning the lever. We go to the opened passage. Take the red herb, collect the jewels in the room on the left and go to the other door. Ashley has a flashlight in the next room. Where he came from and where she could hide is not clear (everything is clear, if you understand what I mean). Move the drawer, press the red button, crawl under the table and press another red button. Take the stone tablet and press the third red button, run back and press the first red button, go through. Do not forget to pick up the gold in the closet, and the crystal on the shelf. Next, you have to solve a puzzle that is several times more difficult than your previous relatives. Once decided, insert the missing piece.

After solving the puzzle, the door will open. We run into it, take a golden bracelet in the chest and take the emblem from the statue. After the emblem leaves its native place, evil forces will awaken in the castle, and the knights who once stood for decoration will become alive. Take the missing part of the missing part of the engraving and run. Insert the emblem into the circle and turn the lever. Climb the stairs, take the gold and that's it, end of the chapter.

Chapter 4-1

I immediately recommend that you turn around and go to the fountain, in which they found a lot of different jewelry, there was a locked door next to the fountain. Go there, seat Ashley and she will open the door to the local treasury for you. There you will find red grass, 5000 coins, "Beautiful Perfume Bottle" and * drumroll* magnum "Butterfly"! We return back to the trolley. But don't get into it, but move on. A ride on a device that works on some incomprehensible principle. We find ourselves in a bathhouse, hell, a room with lava and statues of fire-breathing dragons, controlled by fanatics. Killing the enemy on the statue is not difficult, just one shot from anything is enough, just run around the statue from the other side so that the enemy is open and shoot. Along the way, you can pick up 5000 coins, another Los Illuminados brooch, and at the end of the room is the last missing piece of the engraving. We go back to the trolley, which brings us to the wall that cut off our path, almost at the very beginning of the second part. We paste all the parts of the engraving there and move on. In front of the second cart, jump over both fences and break the vases and collect things. The cart will take you to another part of the castle. Go right immediately. Come in the door, there is a merchant, a typewriter and a shooting range where you can practice shooting and at the same time get a prize.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Here is the device

We leave from the merchant, turn left and go to the door. We arrange the statues of the knights into squares, Ashley too, and we ourselves stand on the last, fourth square. The door to the room opens, we go there. But here, oh no, it was Salazar's trap that will wipe you off the face of the earth for all eternity! In fact, there is nothing complicated here, there are four glowing red crystals on the slowly lowering ceiling, just shoot at them (one cartridge) and that's it, the ceiling stops, we pick up the cartridges and move on. And then another trap that will kill anyone who falls into it if Leon is not around. We kill two drivers of the "infernal car" and that's it, the door opens, Ashley is alive, everyone is happy, except for Salazar. It will be a little more difficult if you don’t have a rifle, and if you do, then this is not a trap at all, and not even a dirty trick, and very close, on the box on the right, someone quite accidentally forgot the cartridges from the rifle, just like in the last room, someone forgot the bullets from the pistol. In the room, break the boxes and barrels, open the chest of drawers, take the expensive chessboard and the Queen's Cup from the chest. Come out of the door, head to the other end of the corridor, read the note, pick up the yellow grass and go through the door. We pick up the cartridges for the pistol and turn left, I think you should be alerted by the statue of a knight standing out from the crowd of others, holding a halberd at the ready with trembling hands. Yes, now you have to press the buttons in order to avoid losing health. We pass the corridor with the knights and find ourselves in a round room, with the "King's Chalice" in the middle. The inscription, when trying to take the cup, should also alert you, it says: “Let anger fall on the one who disturbs this sacred cup.” Collect in advance everything that lies in the room, because you will not have the easiest fight. Three knights dressed in steel armor will come to life, and you have to deal with them. They are quite strong, besides, when killed, another “head” comes out of them. After the first three players of knights, the second will follow. Now the path is clear, you can go further. In the corridor you will find a group of fanatics and four jewels on the necks of the statues. On the palm of the statue of the Queen we put her bowl, on the palm of the statue of the King his bowl, and go through the opened door. We pass along the corridor, collecting money along the way, and go into the large door. Here one of the most daring Novistador steals Ashley, leaving his relatives to deal with you. We kill them, collect jewels. It is very hard not to notice the huge nest of Novistadors, located in the very center of the room. It's up to you whether you shoot him or not. You will spend a lot of ammo to destroy it, but a worthy reward awaits you. I shot down (because the game was not played for the first time, and I had a fully upgraded Grenade Launcher (not to be confused with RPG), which destroyed the nest with two charges). Go back in, climb through the window and up the stairs, after running a bit, you will find an expensive lamp, with holes for gems. We pass a little further and pull the lever that lowers the bridge. But the bridge has not sunk completely, it is held by chains that need to be knocked down. Break the chains and move forward. Next, you will find a merchant, a printing machine, and pistol cartridges. Going further, knock the spinel off the torch stand. We go forward to the tower. We rise along the side stairs, we deal with the fanatics, we go in the door. We rise upward, simultaneously examining each floor of the tower, for the presence of something useful. On the last floor, read the note that says that the mechanisms of the tower are locked in three places with wooden blocks (tricks in the style of "Home Alone"). We knock down all three bars and turn the lever. We go down to the very last floor, kill everyone and go outside. Where we are waiting for another detachment of fanatics. We go in the door. In this room, another group of fanatics awaits you, only with two Garradors (clawed ones) already with them. We kill them, move on, take the spinels from the busts and go through the door, watch the video. You appear in a pit where those “who behaved badly” were dumped, including you, but unlike the previous ones, you survived. Here you can find a lot of interesting things, including the forgotten crown of the Salazar family, a typewriter and a merchant. Climb up the stairs and run down the corridor. On the way, you will have to press keyboard shortcuts so that you are not hurt by the tail of Salazar's bodyguard. Run to the last room, collecting things in others along the way, the main thing is not to touch the nitrogen bottles. In the last room, lower the lever so that the power supply to the elevator resumes. In the same room, you will meet with this same bodyguard. You can't take it in the usual way. It must be frozen with nitrogen, thereby weakening its armor, and only then shoot, or you can beat it, coming closer. You can freeze it with nitrogen bottles, wait for it to come to you and knock over the bottle. After killing him, get one of the two missing pieces of the crown. Then go to the already working elevator. End of chapter.

Chapter 4-2

You appear in a certain mine. There is a merchant standing there, there is another shooting gallery, a typewriter, a note and many useful things. We go in the blue door, two collective farmers will already be waiting for you there (yes, it's them again, they just work in the mine). Then we go to one of the excavation sites. We kill all enemies, we collect fallen and scattered things. We approach the lever and pull it. A trolley with dynamite will go from above, dynamite is needed in order to destroy the rock that prevents us from going further. There is a trolley next to the lever, come closer to it and interact, there lies a crystal invisible to the eye. The trolley arrived, but did not sink completely, someone turned off the power. We run to the other side, climb the stairs and apply current again. Behind the switch is 5000 coins. We run back, here again we will have to meet with the "chainsaw", this time not as scary as it was for us before. We deal with him and his assistants and start the mechanism again. The cart with dynamite is lowered, we take the explosives and set them on a stone barrier. We kill Ganados, we break barrels and we go in the door. An unusual picture is immediately given to the eye. We find ourselves in a room under which lava (or red-hot iron) flows. By the scale of the room, you can understand that something unusual is waiting for us now. We go to a huge blue door, when suddenly two El Gigantes come out of it! We immediately run to the counter, climb onto it, and wait for the monsters to approach it. We roll down the rope to the lever, and as soon as one of them will stand in the center of the room (in a circle), we pull the lever. One giant will not bother us anymore, he bathed in lava. With another giant, the same trick can not be repeated. For some reason, Leon "can't do anything with that lever anymore." We'll have to deal with the enemy, just like last time. Fortunately, this time our arsenal is much more dangerous. After you have killed the second giant, collect everything that lies, if you have not already done so, and go through. Next, we get into a cave with Novistadors (flying beetles). As we already know from past encounters, they are best dealt with with a shotgun. You need to find and click on two buttons to find them and not get confused, use the map. When you press both, two beams of light will combine and be reflected in a certain mirror, and this beam will melt the iron door. We approach the passage, raise the gate and move on. Before you will be a simple "obstacle course", through which even Small child. In the center of the cave, pick up the royal symbol (the third part of the crown of the Salazar family, the cost of which is 48,000 coins) and interact with the grave. End of chapter.

Chapter 4-3

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Leon is not one of the timid and can easily lift himself, along with a shotgun and a bunch of equipment in an invisible suitcase with one hand

Chapter 4-4

Next, we will see a giant statue of Salazar, yes, the dwarf's pride does not suffer. You don’t have to try to run across to the other side of the room, the fanatics will lower two plates into the water, thereby blocking your way, and Leon won’t go there, because you never know what can swim there (in the water). Therefore, we will need to jump on the moving hands of the statue and switch levers. We immediately go up the stairs, in the room, to the right of the statue. As soon as the hand of the statue is in front of you, we jump over to it, after getting rid of annoying enemies. Jump to the floor above and switch the lever there, shoot the lever on the back of the statue and lower it on your hand into the room opposite, kill the enemies and collect the good. Then, on your hand, go down to the floor below, to the second lever that raises the slab. He is guarded by the "leader" of the group. Once you're done, go forward to the door. But suddenly the statue came to life and is chasing you, simultaneously overturning the pillars right at you. Yes, and on the door, as luck would have it, the lock weighs, we quickly knock it down and run on. The bridge can't support the statue's weight and collapses, and Leon repeats his trick again (Vera's jump).

After the "battle" collect ammo, herbs and money. A dwarf fused with a bodyguard into one big monster leaves behind 50,000 coins! Run further, collecting ammo and herbs along the way. The merchant will be waiting for you, and with him the end of the chapter. We watch a video where Leon meets Ada again, but she no longer tries to escape, but only helps him find Ashley and transports him to a military base on the island - the last, most difficult and interesting part of the game!

Chapter 5-1

As soon as you appear, go straight to the very end, without turning right. At the end, climb the stones and break the boxes, there will be an emerald. Only then we go along the boards to the military base. We run up to the first house, run out a little from behind it to attract the attention of the most healthy with a machine gun and run back behind the house, just flash through the window so that it does not hit you. The point of the tactic is that the big man will shoot all his people while they run from him to you. If you fail, climb onto the roof of the house, kill the crossbowman from another building and shoot the rest. It is better to hit the big man with something powerful, for example, with a Magnum, or with a grenade. As you kill everyone, turn the mirror to the right light. Then collect everything and run to another building with a mirror. Climb onto it and shoot all the enemies again. Turn this mirror to the first. Run up to the door and inspect it, a laser will appear. If everything is turned correctly, the door should open. If not, run and change the direction of the mirrors. Pick up the ammo behind the bags and run further. Before entering the cave, a stone will be thrown at you. If you don’t want to live under a stone until the end of time, or go through this segment of the game again, press the indicated combination in time. Break the barrels and move forward. The crossbowman and his former colleague will be waiting for you. Climb up the stairs, as soon as you rise, turn right and take the emerald. Kill enemies as you move forward. In the cave, where three psychos will be waiting for you, take the red weed and shoot the red barrel. They will scatter stones blocking the passage to another room. There is a statuette of a golden lynx. Move on. There are already two crossbowmen standing there, one warrior with an RPG, and one guy with dynamite. Immediately kill the enemy with RPG, he is the biggest threat. And then everyone else. To use less ammo, you can shoot a cart with barrels, it will roll and explode. A merchant will be waiting for you in the next cave. Another group of enemies ahead, consisting of two guys with electric batons, a crossbowman and two ordinary warriors. Going through the door, take a shotgun, you still need it. Passing by the garbage container, open it, although nothing is visible, but there will be an incendiary grenade. When you walk past the rotten pork carcasses, get ready, a burning surprise will fly out of the oven. Dodge the warriors, or shoot with a shotgun, which is more reliable. There is a hand grenade in the sink, which is also not visible at all. We pass forward, and we meet a huge carcass with a hammer, and even in armor! It is better not to let him close to you, and use the previously found grenades. One shotgun shell on the legs, the carcass falls, we throw grenades. If grenades are a pity, or there are none, we shoot in the head. We will meet two such enemies at once. One is in a small corridor to the stairs, you will see the second after you go down this stairs. In addition, there will also be a crossbowman. Therefore, we knock down the carcass, take a pistol and kill a warrior with a crossbow, only then we take on a big man with a hammer. Under the stairs lies yellow grass and coins. In the suitcase is the Red Stone of Faith (inserted into the figurine of the golden lynx). As you pick up the weed, a couple more enemies will come running to you.

Upon entering the room, you will hear Ashley's screams. In fact, she is not here, she is filmed by a camera. Take 5000 coins from some soldier's box. Go back to the control panel, turn left and go through the door. Run along the left side of the corridor, near the filing cabinet. One of the boxes can be opened, there are shotgun cartridges. We go to the merchant and buy a bulletproof vest, which takes 30% of the damage received. There is a shooting range next to the merchant. We go further. Now they will play a game of speed with you. The door opens for a few seconds, we kill two dynamites. Then three crossbowmen will already be standing there, we kill them, we take the emerald from the ajar box, and from the fire box (a little further), we pick up cartridges for TMP. Next, a typewriter is waiting for us, we go up the stairs and open another fire box (red). On the shelf with various tools there will be an inconspicuous box, and in it there will be rare magnum cartridges. The next room should alert you with its obstonovchka - this is a research laboratory. I wonder what they were researching here? To open the door, you have to think a little with your brains.

Combination: blue, yellow, green, green, red, red, red.

After entering the door, read Luis's note, which will explain everything. Take the key card and go to the door. Hear how the Regenerator broke the door from his "room" and is now heading towards you. The note says that there are a lot of Las Plagas in the body of the Regenerator, you need to kill them all, it is they who give life to this dead body. You can't see them without an infrared sight, but you can still kill them without it. We just randomly fire at the monster from head to toe from anything, preferably from a shotgun, until you kill all Las Plagas. Or use grenades. In the room where he lay, break the glass and take another emerald. Another regenerator is waiting for you in the corridor, and a little further, another one! There is an emerald in the suitcase, do not forget to pick it up. Enter the blue doors using the keycard. This is a cryogenic chamber. Here you can change the data on the key card so that it opens the passage to the garbage bin. And take an infravisor. If you don't want to spend a bunch of ammo and grenades on Regenerators, and if you have a rifle, we immediately run here and take the infravisor. This room is creepy, there are a bunch of Regenerators hanging here, since they won't come to life. We go further and "play" with the warriors. Two standing nearby can be thrown together if you aim well, the rest one at a time. In total, you can use the device three times, after which the guys will figure out that you need to kill you. Going further, you will hear painfully familiar screams. This is Ashley, guarded by two fat men with hammers. After killing them, we find that a key card is also needed here, we go to the door nearby. We run further, kill a bunch of warriors and go down the stairs. Behind her are shotgun shells. In another laboratory, you will meet, guess who, right, another Regenerator. But this time it will be even deadlier, with spikes. Don't get close. Break the glass and take the ammo from the TMP. In one of the "pillars" there is an emerald, green grass is waiting for you under the glass, red under the other glass, and shotgun cartridges are in the safe. Run through the door. There are barrels and a merchant, and a little further the elevator. We rise, pick up green grass, cartridges for a shotgun and go down back. After leaving the laboratory, go to the door nearby, there is green grass and a typewriter. Run back to Ashley. Open the door, run behind the boxes and watch the video. End of chapter.

Chapter 5-2

Again, an extra load hangs on your shoulders. Grab your shotgun ammo and move on. You will see a paper airplane flying towards you with a kiss, it is not difficult to guess who it is from. Ada writes that the only way out of here is a dumping pit. Well, let's run there. As you exit the cell, you will meet a detachment of warriors, led by a fat man. And further in the control room, one of the warriors will close the room, I wonder who he wanted to make worse. We run up to the pit and watch the video.

I wonder how they did not break all the bones, because the distance was decent. Prepare your weapons, soon you will have to deal with the Iron Maiden (spiky Regenerator). As soon as you pull the lever, he will wake up and be ready for battle. In the next room, there are rifle cartridges, and there is a barrel of fuel. The fight will not be the most difficult. If Ashley gets in the way, tell her to hide in garbage can. As you go a little further, the situation will repeat itself. Next will be the battle. Not the easiest, so get ready. Put Ashley at the control panel so that she breaks the door. Stand behind you and watch the aisles. Once you've killed everyone, go through the door. In this room, you will be lucky enough to meet two Regenerators. Press the button, the door will not open completely, but Ashley will be able to climb through and open the door from the other side. Turn right, go through the door. There stands a merchant and his love is a typewriter. Go to the big blue door, and leave Ashley near one lever, and go to the other yourself. Get ready to press, on the fourth signal (when the round light comes on), press. In the room we see a large car and boxes, collect everything, now again you have to spend a lot of ammo. Ashley will drive the car, you fight off groups of warriors. In addition to the usual enemies, a truck will want to crash into you. Don't let him do it, shoot at the hood. A little later, this truck will start up again and want to finish what it started. We shoot him in the hood again. Almost at the end of the road you will have to take the elevator, along with the car. We climb the stairs and shoot the enemies above, at the same time I look down, because these "soldiers" willingly beat even girls. As you kill everyone, lower the lever and run down. The trip continues. Now we have to look further ahead. Take out two on the upper bridge and a group at the back. Then the truck will drive at you again, this time to ram. Accidents cannot be avoided. Your car pulls sharply to the left, and it breaks through the wall of the building, from where you continue your adventure. There is already a merchant and a typewriter here. Check the nightstands, find the Green Stone that can be inserted into the statue of the Golden Lynx and go through the door. We watch the video, with the participation of Saddler and ... the end of the chapter.

Chapter 5-3

Here you are alone again. However, this is even better. To the left of the stairs, pick up 5000 coins that no one needs, read Saddler's note (to whom does he even write them, Leon?) and run further. The path will be more or less calm. When we reach the place, we watch the video. The most beautiful part of the game has come - the battle with Krauser with knives. We press the necessary combinations, or we watch the death of Leon. As always, we are saved, according to Krauser, "Bitch in red dress", in other words, Ada. There will be another interesting place in the next room. Maybe even an easter egg to some extent. It will be a closed room with lasers. Run the first two lasers yourself, and in other cases, press combinations, at the same time looking at how Leon is a dodger and lucky. In the next room, knock down the hairpin and, if you want, go to the chair, press the desired button and smile.

Take the elevator down into the cave. Under the stairs, a surprise awaits us in the form of an emerald and green grass. In the cave we find a merchant, a typewriter, and notes of the everywhere-visited Louis Sera. Get ready, there will be a fight soon. The whole tactic is that you have to shoot at the green lights, thereby opening the closed doors, press the red buttons (there are two of them), dodge the monster's blows and run to the next cell. If the monster descends and stands in front of you, shoot at point-blank range (it won't work any other way) from a shotgun. So you have to go through three cells. Then this running around will develop into a real fight. Before the battle, all the necessary cartridges lie, so the monster is not particularly difficult, in extreme cases, there is a knife. For the boss they give 50,000 coins. We collect what lay on the battlefield, if we have not done this before, and move on. You will meet a large group of warriors. But do not despair, there are barrels of fuel all over their "camp". The main thing is to wait for the moment when to shoot at them. Collect trophies and jump down in one of the tents. The first turn to the right, you will see a blue stone inserted into the statuette of the Golden Lynx. At the end of the cave you will see a typewriter, a merchant and a shooting range. If you haven't shot at a range, I advise you to do so. For each row of caps collected, you get a decent amount of coins.

Then again the boss. This time Krauser, whom we met quite recently. A couple of bullets in the head from a pistol and Krauser will jump towards you. Be careful, it is very fast and you will have to press the indicated combinations more than once. Basically use a shotgun and a knife. Run, collect herbs and ammo and shoot back from Krauser when he grabs his own, throws a blinding grenade and runs away to hell. Your task is to find three parts of the picture. You will find two on the battlefield, the second will be in Krauser's pocket, you already understood how to get it. The main thing is to shoot the Krauser robots in time, or they can do you a good job. They are destroyed with one cartridge from a pistol. Having collected two parts of the mosaic, we rise to the tower. Here we have the second part of the battle, a fight with a former partner face to face. His left arm had turned into a wily weapon, some kind of mutated semblance of a sword. You need to beat him with something very powerful, for example, a Magnum, the cartridges from which lie next to you. Shoot in the head or in the legs, as the blades on his arm are invulnerable. As you kill the boss, take the third part of the picture and run away, the commando laid all the ruins with dynamite, and you don't have much time left. Run to the painting, insert the missing pieces and go through the door. End of chapter.

Take the green grass and move on. You are in a real military base. At first, it may seem that the fight will be difficult. But Mike, the pilot of the sent helicopter, will do the main work for us. The main thing is not to ignore his chatter. When he tells you to run away, listen to him, or taste the rocket. The main thing for you is to find a good hiding place and wait for Mike to do everything. In the second part military base two more machine gunners will appear, who will shoot off half of their soldiers if you hide properly. If not, a helicopter will help you out. After the fight, collect a bunch of ammo and herbs. Pull the two levers and go through the opened door. We are watching a video of how a bunch of enemies surround us and Mike saves us again. But then the helicopter is shot down and Mike dies. We see a grenade launcher and Saddler standing next to him, who is next on our black list.

Walkthrough Resident Evil 4

Final chapter

Buy a grenade launcher from the merchant, it will come in handy for you. Collect herbs, ammo and run to the elevator. Going upstairs, we see that Saddler has caught Adda and she is hanging tied up, well, another reason to put lead in the villain's head. We immediately run to the end of the platform and wait for Saddler to be near the fuel barrel. One accurate cartridge and the boss has already opened his eye - his weak point. Cartridges from a rocket launcher in the eye, as we watch the video that Ada threw us another RPG. We run across to the other side of the platform and wait for the monster to jump towards us. We shoot at the eyes on his legs, he falls, revealing his weak spot, and we shoot with the RPG that Ada gave us (Interestingly, no matter where you aim, the rocket will fly exactly into Saddler's eye, even if it is the opposite side ). The boss drops a good 100,000 coins. A friend gives you the keys to a jet ski, with which you will get out of this cursed island. We go down the elevator to Ashley, strange, but she is still alive. We run with her to the jet ski and drive as fast as we can along the collapsing tunnel, dodging falling fragments. The last push and you fly out of the tunnel to a fresh and clean sea ​​air. Congratulations on the successful completion of the mission, now home, on a jet ski, from Europe to America!