Almost isolated. Difficult cases of punctuation

§one. Separating comparative turns with commas

Comparative turns are separated by commas. It:

1) comparative turns with the union as, for example:

There the ice is as smooth as a mirror.

2) comparative turns with conjunctions as if, as if, as if, exactly, like, what, than, rather than, for example:

There the ice is smooth, like a mirror.
The ice on the rink is smoother than on the river.

3) comparative turns with a combination like and , for example:

She was beautiful, like her mother.

4) comparative turns with combinations: as usual, as usual, as always, as always, as before, as before, as before, as before, as now, as now, as now, as now etc., etc., for example:

I got up, as usual, at six.

5) sentences that include demonstrative pronouns that, such or a pronominal adverb so, for example:

She was as beautiful as her mother.

§2. Turnovers with the union as - different cases

The question is whether to highlight the turn with the union as commas, - arises:

  • firstly, because the formal indicator - the union as - is not a sign of a comparative turnover.

If you do not have a comparative turnover, then a comma is not needed.

1) turnover with how can express adverbial meaning, for example:

You act like a little one.

2) turnover with how can convey the meaning "as", for example:

As a mother, I know better what to do.

As a professional, he has no price;

  • secondly, there are cases when the union as expresses a comparative value, but the comma is not needed, because:

1) comparison plays the role of a predicate or is part of a predicate, for example:

For many, the future is like a fog.

2) before the union as there are words completely, almost, simply, directly, completely, absolutely, for example:

In December at six it was already dark almost like night.

3) before there is a particle not , for example:

You don't behave like a girl: girls don't fight.

4) comparative turnover is expressed by stable combinations, for example:

slender as a poplar, cunning as a fox, cowardly as a hare, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.

You already know that union- this is service unit speech, with the help of which they form a connection between parts of sentences, separate sentences in a text or between words in a simple sentence.

Union"HOW" very often requires the separation of different syntactic constructions.

To understand when to put a comma before the union " HOW", and when not, see the following examples.

Comma before conjunction "HOW" is put

1. Commas stand out or separate turns that begin with a union"HOW"

1) if they denote assimilation , without other shades of meaning (" HOW" has the meaning " like»).

For example: Below him is the Caucasus , like the edge of a diamond, shone with eternal snows. Her voice rang , like a bell. Her eyes shone, green , like a gooseberry. And he saw himself rich , like in a dream. (Krylov) His hands were shaking , like mercury. (Gogol) The air is clean and fresh , like kissing a baby...(Lermontov) Like a seagull , the sail there is white in height.

Comparative phrases in our language not only convey similarities or differences, but also give beauty and expressiveness to the language.

The punctuation rule about comparative turnover is not so difficult: it is always separated by commas on both sides.

For example: At the bottom , like a mirror , glittering water. Around the high brow , like clouds , curls turn black. (Pushkin) Downstairs , like a steel mirror, jet lakes turn blue. (Tyutchev) Flashed brightly in the sky , like a living eye , first star. (Goncharov) Anchar , like a formidable sentinel, stands alone in the whole universe (A. S. Pushkin).

What are the difficulties and where do the mistakes come from?

First difficulty- insufficiently thoughtful attitude to the text. If you do not understand that something is compared with something in a sentence, you will not notice the comparative turnover. Hence the simple conclusion: always try to understand the text you write.

Second difficulty consists in the fact that among comparisons there are syntactic "dwarfs" and syntactic "giants". Here's what comparisons can look like - "dwarfs", they can be accidentally overlooked.

For example: I myself , like a beast , was a stranger to people and crawled and hid , like a kite(M. Yu. Lermontov).

And here is what comparisons - “giants" might look like: In front of them , like ocean waves petrified during a storm, mountain ranges spread out.

What trouble can be done with such a proposal?

First, just forget to close the turnover with a comma. This misfortune happens with all common turnovers: having "caught" its beginning, many do not keep it in memory until the end - and then goodbye, second comma!

Secondly, without thinking about the meaning of the turnover, cut the "giant", hastening to put a comma ahead of time, for example, after the word petrified, and thereby turn the sentence into complete nonsense.

2) if in the main part of the sentence there is a demonstrative word so, such, that, so.

For example: Lyceum gave Russia such people , like Pushkin, Pushchin, Delvig. The coachman was in the same amazement at his generosity , like the Frenchman himself from Dubrovsky's proposal. (Pushkin) Nowhere at a mutual meeting do they bow so nobly and naturally , like on Nevsky Prospekt. (Gogol) His facial features were the same , like her sister. (L. Tolstoy) Laevsky is certainly harmful and just as dangerous to society , like a cholera microbe... (Chekhov) Everything around is somehow ecclesiastical, and the oil smells as strong as in the church. (Bitter)

3) if turnover begins with a combination like.

For example: Trees , like people , have their own destiny. To Moscow , like the whole country, I feel my sonship , like an old nanny(Paustovsky). In her eyes , as in the whole face, there was something unusual. Just like last year's competition, athletes of the Russian Federation were ahead;

4) if union "HOW" included in the introductory sentence . The following expressions are most often used as introductory sentences:

As I remember now, how they said, how we learned, how some people think, as well as combinations as now, as one, as a rule, as an exception, as usual, as always, as before, as now, as now, as on purpose etc.

For example: It was , as you can guess, our heroine. Inhabitants everything at home, as one , spilled out into the yard. I see , as it is now , the owner himself ... (Pushkin) Classes have begun , as usual , at nine o'clock in the morning. remember , like now , his first teacher at school. as if on purpose , I didn't have a penny in my pocket. commas , usually , stand out adverbial phrases. Spartakiad , as usual , takes place in the summer.

But! These combinations are not separated by commas if they are part of the predicate or are closely related to it in meaning.

For example: Classes start as usual. Snowfalls occur in December as a rule (=usually). Yesterday went as usual.(i.e., as usual);

5) in revolutions none other than and none other than; like and just like.

For example: Rhine Falls in front nothing else , how low water ledge (Zhukovsky). But before her was none other , how traveling Aigle, a famous collector of legends, fairy tales, legends. This was none other , how Rylov.

2. If application with union"HOW"has a causal value, it is separated by commas.

For example: Like a true French, in Trike's pocket he brought a couplet to Tatyana (A. S. Pushkin). Why did he bring a verse to Tatyana? - like a true Frenchman.

If the application has no additional values, it is separated by a comma.

For example: Such a tool , like a screwdriver , always useful in business. Neither question can be asked here.

3. In complex sentence when adding a subordinate clause:"HOW"acts as subordinating union and binds subordinate clause with main.

For example: He sees , like a field father cleans up. Love jumped out in front of us , how it pops out of the ground killer, and hit us both at once. I looked for a long time , how the candle burns.

(Reminder: how to distinguish a complex sentence from a complex one? You can ask a question in a complex sentence from one part of the sentence to another. Using the example above: " I looked for a long time- for what? - how the candle burns". In compound sentences, the parts are equal).

Comma before conjunction"HOW" not put

1. Turnovers with a union"HOW"not separated by commas

1) if the meaning of the circumstance of the mode of action comes to the fore in the turnover (to the question how?); usually such turns can be replaced by the instrumental case of a noun or an adverb.

For example: Buckshot rained down like hail.(Lermontov) (Compare: hailed .) Like smoke dissipated dreams. (Lermontov) Like a demon insidious and evil(Lermontov) (Compare: demonically insidious.)

The ring burns like heat.(Nekrasov) In anger, he roared like thunder, flashed like steel. The horse flies like a blizzard, like a blizzard in a hurry. Like lightning in the sky they blazed, like a fiery rain fell from the sky.

2) if the main meaning of turnover is equalization or identification.

For example: …You loved me as property, as a source of joy, worries and sorrows ...(Lermontov) (Compare: ... loved me, considering me his property.) …He[Judas] gave his stone as the only what could he give(Saltykov-Shchedrin);

3) if union "HOW"means "as" or turnover with the union "HOW" (Appendix) characterizes an object from any one side.

For example: Rich, good-looking, Lensky was accepted everywhere as a groom. (Pushkin) I speak as a writer. (Gorky) My ignorance of the language and silence was interpreted as diplomatic silence. (Mayakovsky) We know India as a country ancient culture . The public appreciated the early Chekhov like a subtle humorist. We know Lermontov better as a poet and prose writer and less as a playwright. I will keep this letter as a keepsake. Yuri Gagarin went down in history as the world's first astronaut. The question of ecology rises how main question today.

4) if turnover forms the nominal part of the compound predicate or in meaning is closely related to the predicate (usually in these cases the predicate does not have a complete meaning without a comparative turnover).

For example: Some are like emerald, others are like coral. (Krylov) She herself walked like a wild. (Goncharov) Like a child, I became a soul. (Turgenev) Her father and mother are like strangers. (Dobrolyubov) I looked like. (Arseniev)

She behaves like a hostess.(If we take the predicate " holding on» no turnover « like a hostess", then it turns out" she's holding on”, and you might think that she is holding on to something.)

Compare also: feel like one's in one's own element, behave like a deranged person, take it as a hint, take it as praise, perceive it as a danger, look at it like a child, greet it like a friend, appreciate it as an achievement, regard it as an exception, take it for granted, present it as a fact, qualify as a violation of the law, mark as a great success, interest as a novelty, put forward as a project, justify as a theory, accept as inevitable, develop as a tradition, state as a proposal, interpret as unwillingness to participate, define as a case standalone application, characterize as a type, stand out as a talent, design as official document, be used as a phraseological phrase, sound like a call, enter as component, figure as a representative, feel like a foreign body, exist as independent organization, emerge as something unexpected, develop as a progressive idea, complete as an urgent task etc.;

5) if comparative turnover is preceded by negation not or words completely, completely, almost, like, exactly, exactly, directly, simply etc.

For example: I brought up in myself this feeling of celebration not as a rest and simply a means for further struggle, but as a desired goal, the completion of the highest creativity of life. (Prishvin) It was almost as bright as day. Children sometimes talk just like adults. The girl's hair curls exactly like her mother's. The newspaper did not come out as usual. He just like a child.

6) if turnover has the character of a stable combination .

We have come to the very interesting occasion- to phraseological turns. Our speech is permeated with phraseological units. These are stable phrases, colored with irony, cunning, cunning.

For example: the fifth leg is needed like a dog, it will help like a dead poultice.

Phraseologisms bring into our speech not only figurativeness, but also mischief, a smile. And what is very important - they do not require a comma before the union " HOW"!

For example: Everywhere he felt at home. Brother and sister look like two drops of water. At the lion like a mountain lifted off my shoulders.(Krylov) Yes, tell the doctor to bandage his wound and take care of him like the apple of an eye. (Pushkin) The young spouses were happy, and their lives flowed like butter. (Chekhov)

There are no strict grammatical rules that help distinguish phraseologism from the usual comparative turnover. You just need to be able to "recognize at a meeting" as many phraseological units as possible.

Among the stable phrases that are not separated by commas, there are also "dwarfs": works like an ox(or like a horse), tired or as hungry as a dog, as stupid as a cork, as white as a harrier, as mad, as crazed, as if rooted to the spot etc. No comma before " HOW"in combinations no like no and right here. Not distinguished by commas and the phrase of impressive size as if nothing had happened.

Compare also: white as a harrier, white as a sheet, white as snow, pale as death, glistens like a mirror, sickness vanished like a hand, afraid like fire, wanders like a restless man, rushed like a madman, mumbles like a sexton, ran in like a madman, spins like a squirrel in a wheel , squeals like a piglet, I see it as if in the daytime, everything is like a match, jumped up as if stung, looked like a wolf, stupid as a cork, naked as a falcon, hungry like a wolf, as far as the sky from the earth, trembling as if in a fever, trembling like aspen leaf, everything is like water off a goose, waiting like manna from heaven, fell asleep like a dead man, healthy like an ox, knows like the back of his hand, walks beside him like a sewn one, rolled like cheese in butter, sways like a drunk, swayed like a jelly, red like cancer, strong as an oak, screams like a catechumen, flies like an arrow, hit like a goat, bald as a knee, pours like a bucket, waves his arms like a mill, rushes about like mad, wet like a mouse, gloomy like a cloud, people like a herring in a barrel, not to see how his ears are, dumb as a grave, worn like a stray, needed like air, stopped as if rooted to the spot, remained like a cancer aground, sharp as a razor, different as heaven from earth, turned pale as a sheet, repeated as if in delirium, you will go like a pretty, remember your name, hit like a butt on the head, they look like two drops of water, went to the bottom like a stone, betrayed like a dog, stuck like a bath leaf, fell like through the ground, disappeared like it sunk into the water, just like a knife through the heart, burned like on fire, dispelled like smoke, grow like mushrooms after d waiting, fell like snow on his head, fresh as blood with milk, fresh as a cucumber, sat as if on pins and needles, sit as if on coals, sit as if chained, listened as if spellbound, looked as if spellbound, slept as if killed, slender as a cypress, as hard as a stone, dark as night, skinny as a skeleton, cowardly as a hare, died like a hero, fell down like a mowed down man, rested like a ram, stubborn like a donkey, tired like a dog, whipping like a bucket, walked as if lowered into water, cold as ice, black like hell, feel at home, staggered like a drunk, walked like an execution etc.

2. In addition, the word "HOW" may be part of a compound union like... so... or because, as well as turnover since, since, as, as little as possible or more. In such cases, a comma is placed either before " HOW", or before the whole complex union.

For example: He has excellent grades in both Russian and math. This topic is touched upon both in poetry and in prose. Fairy tales are loved by both children and adults. Avoid empty speeches, as their outcome is repentance.

He finished the story while they got to the place. Larisa worked at a hairdresser's while Ivan was graduating from college.

Since the eternal judge
He gave me the omniscience of the prophet,
I read in the eyes of people
Pages of malice and vice.

(M. Yu. Lermontov)

3. In a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses after coordinating conjunctions.

For example: It's nice to listen in a warm room to how angry the wind is and how the taiga groans.

4. Union"HOW" can be present in a sentence without attaching any semantic-syntactic block, but only as a means of expressiveness of speech.

For example: We have done our best; I tried to stay with my friends as long as possible; The weight of the luggage seemed to have decreased; I was just about to go to the skating rink etc.

Request examples: honest, prof*es*or, windy, etc.

Appendix 2 Introductory words and combinations


Introductory words are words that are not formally related to the members of the sentence, are not members of the sentence and express the attitude to the reported or its characteristics. From a grammatical point of view, introductory words are represented by various verb forms (personal forms, infinitives, adverbs), nouns and pronouns (with and without prepositions), adverbs, nominal and verbal phraseological units.

Introductory words and combinations of words are highlighted (or separated) by commas. However, it is necessary to draw the reader's attention to two difficulties associated with punctuation in introductory words.

The first difficulty lies in the fact that among the introductory words and combinations there are very few that are used only as introductory and, therefore, are always isolated (for example, firstly, I think, if I may say so). In most cases, the same words can be used both as introductory and as members of a sentence (as a rule, predicates or circumstances) or auxiliary words (unions, particles). The differences between them show up in context. Examples of punctuation for words and combinations that can be used or are always used in the function of introductory words are given in the corresponding articles of the reference book.

The second difficulty is that the punctuation of words that are introductory also depends on their environment. The main rules and patterns that are not commented on in the dictionary entries are given below.

1. Meeting of two introductory words

When two introductory words (introductory combinations, sentences) meet, a comma is placed between them.

He, unfortunately, how you see, not bad-looking, that is, ruddy, smooth, tall ... I. Goncharov, Ordinary history. As a matter of fact, honestly speaking , I want love, or what, or - what is it called there? V. Veresaev, Sisters. And here, like a sin, as if on purpose, Uncle Misha arrives. A. Rybakov, Heavy sand. Actually , strictly speaking, in this situation, you should simply wake up. A. and B. Strugatsky, A billion years before the end of the world. ...This visit took the whole evening and completely destroyed the feeling of loneliness so beloved by him. Finally, maybe, and it's good that it destroyed ... V. Bykov, Poor people.

2. Introductory word and isolated turnover

The introductory word or combination can be at the beginning or at the end separate member sentences, as well as being inside it. Punctuation marks in these cases are put as follows:

A) If the introductory word is at the beginning of a separate turnover, commas are placed before the introductory word and after the entire segregated turnover. No comma after the introductory word(in other words, the comma, which was supposed to “close” the introductory word, is transferred to the end of a separate turnover).

Little by little, everyone joins their company who have completed rather important homework, such as: talking with their doctor about the weather and about a small pimple that jumped up on their nose, learning about the health of horses and their children, however showing great gifts... N. Gogol, Nevsky Prospekt. ... Vera Nikolaevna experienced before her master - in general, not at all like Ivan the Terrible - a thrill in love, maybe even the worship of a loyal. V. Kataev, Grass of oblivion. I also used to write down my thoughts on anything, especially on cigarette boxes. K. Paustovsky, Golden Rose. ... Concerning the gold that Cagliostro mined without any labor from all other metals, e.g. copper, turning them into gold with the touch of his hands, Stroganov also had a low opinion. Y. Tynyanov, Citizen Ocher.

B) If the introductory word is inside a separate turnover, it separated by commas on both sides, while the signs at the beginning and at the end of a separate turnover are preserved.

Overwhelmed by these bitter thoughts, not quite, however, fair and inspired by Anikanov’s letter that excited him, Travkin went out of the barn into the cold dawn. E. Kazakevich, Star. This is my essay - or rather a lecture- has none certain form, no chronological structure, which I do not recognize ... V. Kataev, My Diamond Crown.

C) If the introductory word is at the end of a separate turnover, commas are placed before separate turnover and after him. No comma is placed before the introductory word.

And instead of a speck ahead, another road appeared, that is, not exactly a road, an earth scratch, groove rather. V. Astafiev, So I want to live. For the holidays we decided to go somewhere, to Kyiv for example.

Note 1. If the turnover is enclosed in brackets, then the introductory word at its beginning or end is separated by a comma according to the general rule: He was a Kazakh with an almost Russian surname and a Russian (seems to be initial) education. Y. Dombrovsky, Keeper of Antiquities. Two are alive (as long as their bill is extended), // the third (extra, probably) buried in paradise... B. Okudzhava, The black raven will look through the white cloud ... At one time I even had a weakness (or courage maybe) to think in my mind how I would take it on, if yes, if only ... V. Nabokov, Dar.

Note 2. Introductory words before phrases that begin with the unions “how” and “to” are distinguished by commas according to the general rule: The day she lived seemed meaningless to her, in essence, as and all life. He thought for a moment probably to pick the right words.

Note 3. Some sources indicate that introductory words rather, more exactly giving the statement a clarifying character, are separated by commas, while the members of the sentence following them are not separated. Such punctuation is indeed possible: But you boy rather I owe something to your name. L. Kassil, Get ready, Your Highness! And in front of Tanya's door, rather, the floor below crowded the line of congratulators. S. Soloveichik, Team "Seven Winds". I roll from side to side rather, from the stomach to the back and think ... About what? Yes, all about the same... V. Nekrasov, Look and Something. Outside the window, Leonid knew, there is a withered branch of an old poplar, and attached to it, more precisely, a “glass” of radio wiring is screwed into it. V. Astafiev, Sad Detective.

However, in examples from fiction, a different arrangement of punctuation marks is often found: clarifying sentence members introduced by words rather, more exactly are isolated, and these words themselves, standing at the beginning of a separate turnover, in accordance with general rule are not separated from it by a comma (but can sometimes be separated by a dash): Unfortunately, doctors still have little ability to recognize hysterical, rather mental, the nature of a number of diseases. I. Efremov, Razor's Edge. A whole series of characters rather opinion carriers, seems to me possible to be embodied in the characters of the modern Soviet-human comedy. Y. Olesha, The Book of Farewell. partisan leader, more precisely, the commander of the Kezhemsky association of partisans of the Trans-Urals, sat in front of the speaker's nose in a defiantly casual pose ... B. Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago. ... The she-wolf suddenly clearly heard in herself, more specifically inside the womb, live jolts. Ch. Aitmatov, Scaffold. Analyze the past ratherbad things in the past, makes sense only if, on the basis of this analysis, it is possible to correct the present or prepare the future. V. Nekrasov, In the trenches of Stalingrad. I want to write easy, not difficult. The difficult thing is when you write thinking that someone will read it. syntax branch, ratherrod of syntax, threatens you all the time. Y. Olesha, The Book of Farewell.

3. Introductory word and union

Introductory words and combinations may or may not be separated by a comma from the preceding coordinating conjunction, depending on the context.

Comma after union put, if the introductory word can be omitted or rearranged to another place in the sentence without violating its structure.

I only learned that he had once been a coachman for an old childless lady, ran away with a trio of horses entrusted to him, disappeared for a whole year and, should be, being convinced in practice of the disadvantages and disasters of a wandering life, he returned himself, but already lame ... I. Turgenev, Singers. However, Volodya, seeing how difficult it was for the boy, did not swear at all, a, vice versa said something encouraging. Y. Vizbor, Alternative to the summit Klyuch . Before leaving, I took out a list from under the glass and, with extreme pressure, blacked out the word "Volobuy" with my rainbow pen. I decided on this because it was shaggy with paper villi and, means, it was already scratched before me with a claw ... K. Vorobyov, Here comes the giant. She suffered for a very long time after separation, but, as is known time heals all wounds.

If the withdrawal of the introductory word is impossible (i.e., the union is included in the introductory construction, forming a single combination with it), then the comma after the union not put(usually this happens with the union a).

“You don’t interfere with me at all,” he objected, “if you please, shoot, but by the way, as you please; your shot is yours; I am always at your service." A. Pushkin, Shot. You, it seems, then loved the Portuguese, // Maybe, with the Malay you are gone. A. Vertinsky, Where are you now ... The grass in our clearing, yellowed and smoky, nevertheless remained alive and soft; it's better to say, lost guys. V. Rasputin, French Lessons. Whether gas appears randomly or not, whether it is associated with cyclones, which means whether it is possible to predict on this basis - the question needs to be clarified. A. Gladilin, Forecast for tomorrow.

The introductory word is usually not separated by a punctuation mark from the joining union at the beginning of the sentence.

And in fact , for these four years, while serving in the gymnasium, I feel how strength and youth come out of me every day, drop by drop. A. Chekhov, Three sisters. “No, life is still wise, and one must obey its laws,” he said thoughtfully. - And besides, life is Beautiful". A. Kuprin, Lenochka. And generally speaking , now, when he was a little distracted from the thought of the loss of the violin and began to consider what exactly was stolen from him from personal belongings, household property, some kind of shy awkwardness appeared in him ... A. and G. Weiner, Visit to the Minotaur. On the second floor there was a soft carpet in the corridor, and Dmitry Alekseevich felt the closeness of his superiors. And indeed, he immediately saw a plate of thick glass: "Director". V. Dudintsev, Not by Bread Alone. In 1925, he seemed to still have some time left. Yes, besides, he has already done something worthwhile. D. Granin, Bison.

Note. When the intonation highlights the introductory word, it can be separated by a comma from the union: But , to my great annoyance, Shvabrin, usually condescending, decisively announced that my song was not good. A. Pushkin, Captain's daughter.

4. Introductory word on the border homogeneous members or parts complex sentence

Introductory words and combinations standing on the border of homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence and related to the word or sentence following them are not separated from it by a comma: There was a sharp knock the shutter must have broken. A. Chekhov, The Bride. (Compare: There was a sharp knock. Must be, the shutter broke.)

introductory sentences have meanings close to the meanings of introductory words and combinations. They are distinguished by commas, or, much less often, by a dash: led me as they said in the old days, mysterious power predestination. V. Kataev, Holy well. Now,how befitting real state, Shvambrania had to acquire a history. L. Kassil, Konduit and Shvambrania. How it is customary to say in newspaper reports, "its walls have seen" many famous people . K. Paustovsky, Golden Rose. ... Sitting here under fear of death and - what's worse- in pouring rain. E. Kazakevich, Star.

Occasionally in fiction there are examples of emphasizing dashes and introductory words: Gladyshev looked at his interlocutor and suddenly realized: “But you, Vanya, probably don’t know that man descended from a monkey.” - " As for me- even from a cow, ”said Chonkin. V. Voinovich, Life and Extraordinary Adventures of a Soldier Ivan Chonkin.

Verbs, names and adverbs in a sentence can act as introductory words, which in one way or another - grammatically, lexically, intonationally - express the speaker's attitude to what he reports.

Compare two sentences:

This question, it seemed troubled the guest.

Face his seemed calm .

In both examples, the word seemed , but only in the second case is this word included in the members of the sentence: there it is part of the compound nominal predicate.

In the first example, the word seemed serves only to express the attitude of the speaker to what he reports. Such words are called introductory; they are not part of the sentence and can easily be omitted, for example: This question ... made the guest difficult. Note that in the second sentence, skip the word seemed impossible.

Compare a few more examples in the table:

Take with you by the way, our books.
This phrase by the way reminded me of an old joke.

These words are spoken by the way.

This phrase was spoken by the way.

Words separated by commas can be removed from a sentence without destroying its meaning.

By the way, from the first sentence, you can ask the question HOW?
To the phrase BETWEEN OTHERS, you can put the question WHEN?

Many words can be used as introductory words. But there is a group of words that are never introductory. Read two sentences:

There will obviously be a good harvest this year;
There will certainly be a good harvest this year.

The first sentence uses the word obviously, in the second - certainly . Although these words are very close in meaning, only the word from the first sentence is separated by commas and is introductory. The words below must be remembered: they are very similar to introductory words, but they are not and commas are not separated:


Introductory words can convey five various types values:

    Most often, with the help of introductory words, the speaker conveys various degree of certainty in what he says. For example: You will surely do well in the exam. or You seem to need to do more. This group includes the words:


    Introductory words can also convey feelings and attitude speaker to what he is talking about. For example: Unfortunately, you didn't do well in your exam.


    Sometimes introductory words indicate on the The source of information reported by the speaker. Introductory phrases in this case begin with the words BY MESSAGE, BY WORDS, BY OPINION. For example: You, according to doctors, need to interrupt training for a while.

    The source of the message may also be the speaker himself (IN MY OPINION, IN MY OPINION), or the source may be indefinite (SPOKEN, HEARD). For example: You, they say, will have to interrupt training.


    Introductory words are also used for ordering thoughts and indications of their relationship with each other. For example: Firstly, this participle was formed from a perfective verb; secondly, it has dependent words. Therefore, it should contain two letters N.


    There are also sentences where the introductory words indicate on the way of thinking. For example: In a word, everything went well.


Introductory words also include words that serve to attract attention interlocutor:


The same meanings can be expressed not only by introductory words, but also by similar predicative constructions (introductory sentences). Compare: Snowfall likely to end soon and The snowfall, I think, will end soon. In addition to commas, brackets or dashes can be used to highlight introductory sentences. This is done when the introductory construction is very common and contains additional comments or explanations. For example:

Here we pass once through our village, years will be - how to tell you not to lie - fifteen years. (Turgenev)
Alexei (the reader has already recognized it) meanwhile he gazed intently at the young peasant woman. (Pushkin)

The rule of isolation of introductory words and sentences has several very important notes.

    If the introductory word is preceded by the union A or BUT, then a comma is not always placed between the introductory word and the union. Compare a couple of sentences:
    The doctor has finished but of course, look at a seriously ill patient.
    He gave his word and consequently, must restrain him.

    The introductory word can be rearranged or removed without a union only in the first case, so a comma is required between the introductory word and the union. In the second sentence, this cannot be done, which means that the comma is not put.

    Very often, difficulties arise in sentences with the words HOWEVER and FINALLY. The word HOWEVER stands out only when it cannot be replaced by the union BUT. Compare two sentences:
    However we understand that this figure is still low(HOWEVER = BUT) . Bye, but, we still don't have a clear picture of what's going on(HOWEVER - introductory word) .

    The word FINALLY is introductory only when it has no spatial or temporal meaning, but indicates the order of thoughts. For example:
    I hope this project will be completed soon. finally will be implemented. AND, finally, The last thing I would like to pay attention to.

    Introductory words can begin with a separate construction, for example, a clarifying phrase. In this case, a comma is not placed after the introductory word (in other words, the comma, which was supposed to “close” the introductory word, is transferred to the end of a separate turnover).

    I saw, or rather felt, that she was not indifferent to me.

    In addition, a comma is not placed before the introductory word located at the end of a separate turnover.

    For the holidays, we decided to go somewhere, to Kolomna for example.

    If the introductory word is in the middle of a separate construction, then it is separated by commas on a common basis.

    I decided to declare my love, feeling, it seems, in my heart that she, too, was not indifferent to me.

    If the introductory words are located before the turn, beginning with the words "how" or "to", then they are separated by commas.

    The day she lived seemed meaningless to her, in fact, like all life.
    He thought for a moment probably, to find the right words.

An exercise

  1. The portraits hung in front of the mirror.
  2. On the contrary, he did not even change his face.
  3. On the one hand, I completely agree with you.
  4. On the one hand, a double-headed eagle was depicted on the coin.
  5. The truth is always better than a lie.
  6. I_true_ was somewhat surprised by this news.
  7. In spring, flooding is possible.
  8. There will be a flood in the spring.
  9. Everyone in our city is already talking about it.
  10. In Greece_ they say_ everything is there.
  11. Maybe_ you deigned to express yourself in this way for the beauty of the style? (Gogol).
  12. The weather forecast says it will be colder next week.
  13. As scientists say, global warming awaits us.
  14. The train leaves in an hour_ therefore_ we need to leave the house.
  15. Fortunately, Pechorin was immersed in thought (Lermontov).
  16. We have gathered here _ firstly_ in order to resolve the issue of the timing of work.
  17. He didn’t want to shoot himself_ thank God_ he didn’t want to try ... (Pushkin).
  18. Of course, you have seen the album (Pushkin) of the county young lady more than once.
  19. In one word, you got off lightly.
  20. So_ now we can conclude.
  21. You do not interfere with me in the least,” he objected, “if you please, shoot, but_ by the way_ as you please; your shot is yours; I am always ready at your service (Pushkin).
  22. She suffered for a very long time after separation, but_ as you know, time heals any wounds.
  23. The wind, however, was strong.
  24. Fedya brought flowers_ however_ Masha did not like it.
  25. A strong yet warm wind blew through the window.
  26. A good upbringing, as you know, is obtained in boarding schools (Gogol).
  27. However, there are various improvements and changes in methods ... (Gogol).
  28. You must certainly come to us.
  29. I took from the table_ as I remember now_ the ace of hearts and threw it up (Lermontov).
  30. However, even General Khvalynsky himself did not like to talk about his service career; he seems to have never been to war (Turgenev).
  31. You become wild - you know - if you live locked up all the time (Gogol).
  32. Probably_ he was a man of gratitude and wanted to pay this for good treatment.
  33. You supposedly were supposed to come to his office and report on the trip.
  34. Yes, I confess, I thought so myself.
  35. Anyway, I decided to do things my own way.
  36. Ivan Petrovich_ you know_ was an extraordinary person.
  37. Nobody went to him, of course, (Turgenev).
  38. Gleb, as far as I knew, studied well at the Bryansk gymnasium (Paustovsky).
  39. But_ perhaps_ the reader is already tired of sitting with me at Ovsyannikov's one-palace, and therefore I eloquently fall silent (Turgenev).
  40. My arrival - I could notice it - at first somewhat embarrassed the guests.
  41. However, the political process began to develop in a different way.
  42. In my last report, I hastened to inform you that we finally managed to solve this problem.
  43. The experiences of transformations that were around us, no doubt, had a strong influence on the thoughts of most of the people involved in them (M. M. Speransky).
  44. A group of border guards led by an officer went to the violators with the intention, as it_ happened_ earlier, to protest and demand that they leave the territory.
  45. Finalization of the agreement will probably take several more months.
  46. Secondly, there are many abuses in the field of international tourism.
  47. However_ if you remain committed to the spirit and letter of this document, it could not be otherwise.
  48. We all know very well, and everyone here knows well that on the western, or _ as they say_ the second front, about 1.5 million Allied troops and about 560 thousand German troops were concentrated.
  49. This modest, symbolic gesture_ seems to me_ full of deep meaning.
  50. Luckily, the examples mentioned above are the exception, not the rule.
  51. Extra value luggage_ can be claimed for certain types of items.
  52. The reason for this is obvious: when the mind begins to recognize the price of freedom, it dismisses with negligence all the children's toys, so to speak, with which it amused itself in its infancy (M. M. Speransky).
  53. Pravda_ spoke to me politely, did not force me to do anything, and I remember that I had the impression that he did not take all these accusations seriously.
  54. But in our case, the truth quickly came out, and we were soon released.