Educational activities for children about birds. Game lesson "day of the birds"

Valentina Shomnikova
Summary of the lesson "Conversation about birds"


Learn to notice the beauty of those living next to us birds.


Expand knowledge of the world birds, them appearance, about the role birds in nature and human life; deepen understanding of the reasons for the flight birds; find distinctive features structures of fly and down feathers.


Exercise in word formation, the ability to highlight significant differences birds, to teach to analyze and draw conclusions on the basis of experience - research activities; develop memory, thinking, observation, curiosity.


Cultivate an interest in life birds, careful attitude desire to help them.

The natural world is rich and varied. An important place is occupied in it birds They are the only living animals that can fly. Thanks to this perfect mode of transportation birds were able to spread throughout the globe. Varieties a lot of birds. They are divided according to their habitat, according to the method of obtaining food, into wild and domestic, migratory and wintering. But one thing unites them all common feature is that they have plumage. Why is it birds?

Materials for occupation: paintings depicting autumn, paintings depicting wintering and migratory birds, math cards for each child, pen structure diagram, feeder layout and layouts birds for each child to play "We made a feeder",two sheets of paper for each child to conduct the experiment, a set of pens for each child (fly and down) and magnifiers for conducting research activities, two feeders for hanging on the site and food for birds(millet, bread crumbs).


Observations: for seasonal changes in nature and the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, conducting a cycle of observations for birds in the area, viewing illustrations, familiarization with the model diagram birds.

vocabulary work: enrichment of the dictionary with adjectives and new terms (rod - an elongated object, which is the basis of something, a fan - an elastic lamellar part of a contour pen, lying on both sides of its rod, an ornithologist - a person studying birds).


Educator. Today we will take a trip to wonderful world sales. It is very beautiful and varied. And to understand what we are going to talk about, guess puzzles:

1. Who on the Christmas tree keeps the count for the bitch ku-ku, ku-ku?

2. In a red embroidered hat, in a black jacket, he is famous in the family with a funny forest song. What kind of song-beauty tuk-tuk-tuk yes tra-ta-ta?

3. In winter, there are apples on a branch, pick them up as soon as possible. And suddenly apples fluttered, because it is ... (children's answers).

What were the riddles about? Have you guessed who we're talking about? We'll talk about birds. For the duration of our journey, we need to become orgitologists. Do you know who ornithologists are? (children's answers). An ornithologist is a person who studies birds. We talked a lot about birds watching them on walks. Let's see if you know them well!


Arrived birds: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts,

Mosquitoes, cuckoos, lapwings, siskins,

Storks, frogs, owls and cheesecakes.

Oh, how many in the world birds: pelicans and tits,

Kingfishers and crossbills, parrots and thrushes.

There are flamingos, sparrows, there are hummingbirds, nightingales.

Pigeons, cuckoos, simple warblers,

Woodpecker, falcon and owl (she sits in a hollow during the day).

The quail is screaming in the field.

You know, there are so many of them that it's impossible to count them all.

We are smitten with singing and violent plumage!



Educator. What birds have you seen in our area? What do you know the birds?How birds eat in nature?Why fly away to spend the winter in warm countries? (children's answers). Correctly. In winter, water bodies freeze, insects disappear, and birds have nothing to eat. They are forced to fly to warm countries where there is no winter and frost in order to satisfy the need for food. What is the name of birds that fly to warm countries? What are they called birds who stay for the winter (children's answers). Name migratory birds(children's answers). Name the wintering birds(children's answers).


All illustrations birds labeled with numbers from 1 to 4.

Educator. I will ask questions, and with the help of mathematical cards you must show the number indicating the correct answer.

1. Find an extra bird by habitat(woodpecker, crossbill, capercaillie, sparrow).

2. What number is indicated bird, which is not waterfowl?

(swan, penguin, goose, heron).

3. Say the number birds, which is not homemade (chicken, turkey,

duck, peacock).

4. What is the number of the flight bird? (sparrow, crow, magpie,


5. What number is the wintering bird? (swan, tit, crane,

Well done! Now let's turn into birds. One, two, three, turn around quickly turn into a bird!


according to the text:

The bird fluttered its wings,bird feathers brushed off,

Wings removed back, making a very important look.

Looked left and right surprised: "What's the matter?

No here not a single bird I'll fly home."

She flew, she flew, she sat down in her nest.


caregiver: This playful quatrain talks about the possibilities birds. What do you think? (children's answers). Correctly, birds can fly. Can a person fly? Why? (children's answers).

Guys, let's do an experiment. You have two sheets of paper in front of you. Take one of them and crumple it into a ball, and now carefully release it from your hands. What happened? Take another sheet and just as carefully release it from your hands. What did you see? Why so going on: the sheets are the same, but fall differently? What conclusion can be drawn? (children's answers). That's right, not a crumpled sheet - wide. Due to its surface, it rests on the air and does not fall, but flies. Why birds are flying? (Children make their guesses). The largest birds, the fastest and most enduring of living flying animals. Their smooth body easily overcomes air resistance, and strong wings lift up and carry forward. Wings at bird lungs, strong and flexible.

Birds are the only animals on Earth that have feathers. What role do you think feathers play in birds? (children's answers). Plumage birds comprises huge amount feathers (looking at pictures). Long wing feathers are called flight feathers. They are designed for flight, so they are strong and located at the edges of the wings. It is these feathers that raise bird up. Tail feathers are called tail feathers. They are also strong and long and designed to turn in flight. Small feathers - downy - are located under the steering and flight feathers. They warm bird.


Educator. Let's look at how feathers are arranged in birds. (We consider pen structure diagrams). The feather has an elastic rod passing through the middle and a flat fan. The core of the pen is empty inside. Why do you think? (children's answers). Right to bird was light and could fly. Now sit down at your workplaces, find the flight feather from the offered feathers and examine it. What can be said about him? (children's answers). That's right, it is dense, hard, large in size. Look carefully at the base between the hairs - this is the rod. What is the stem of a fly feather? (children's answers). Yes, it is dense and empty. Try to let go of the pen. What do you see? It falls slowly, gently spinning. Why? The pen is light, as there is a void inside the rod. Wave your pen, watch what happens to it? When bird flapping wings, the feather elastically springs, without disengaging the hairs, while maintaining the surface. Examine the fan through a magnifying glass. What do you see? (children's answers). On the grooves of the pen there are protrusions and hooks that are firmly and easily connected, as if "buttoning" pen surface. If for some reason the hooks come loose, bird at the time of cleaning the feathers will connect them with a beak. Now choose and consider those that heat bird. What are they? (children's answers). Small, soft, fluffy, tender, the rod is thin, the hairs are not interlocked, small in size. Compare the stems of the fly and down feathers. What can be said about them? (children's answers). Where do down feathers grow? (children's answers). Feathers not only decorate bird, help them take off and stay in the air, but also save them from bruises and scratches, cold and heat, getting wet and drying out.


Sparrows - sparrows - (clapping hands on sides)

gray feathers - (swing up and down in front of you)

Peck, peck crumbs - (knocking fist on fist)

From my palm - (blow on open palms)

No, they don’t peck from the palm - (hands to the sides, shrug.)

And they don't give a stroke - (hands on the belt, tilts to the side)

How can we get along - (clapping hands)

To give a stroke


Children stand in a circle. Ball game.

Educator. I will throw the ball to each of you and tell signs birds, and you must form from two words adjective:

If birds red breast, then what is she? – yellow breast, black head, white side, long wings, large eyes, thin beak, long legs, black wings, long tail, etc.


Guys! Birds Just like people, they are living beings. But they are small and cannot protect themselves. And you can’t offend the small and weak! What can you offer for protection birds? (children's answers). Don't destroy nests. Do not shout in the forest. Do not take eggs and chicks from the nest, hang up feeders, birdhouses and nest boxes.


Each child has an image of a certain birds.

We made a feeder, we opened a canteen.

The tits flew to visit us on the first day of the week.

And on Tuesday, look, the bullfinches arrived,

Three crows were on Wednesday, we did not expect them for dinner.

And on Thursday, a flock of greedy sparrows from all over.

On Friday, in our dining room, a pigeon ate porridge.

And on Saturday, seven forty flew in for the pie.

AT Sunday, Sunday it was total fun!

Well done! We fed everyone birds, no one went hungry. But it was a game.

Guys! We also have a real feeder. Today on a walk we will hang it and feed it all winter birds. And maybe we will save more than one from hunger bird. In the summer the birds will help us, they will eat pests and continue to protect parks, gardens and squares and delight us with their cheerful chirping.


Educator. Today we made a trip to the wonderful world of nature and learned a lot about birds. What did you like the most about lesson? What task was the most interesting? (children's answers).

Target: instill love for birds, educate ecological culture learn to recognize birds.

Equipment: microphone, "tiaras" of birds on the heads of children.

Leading. Attention! Attention! We start our radio program: “Birds are our faithful friends". Birds are dear to us, as part of wonderful nature our Motherland. Their melodic, cheerful, sonorous voices, bright plumage enliven nature, instill vigor and joy in us. Without birds, nature is dead. Undoubtedly, the first thoughts about aeronautics, the desire to learn how to fly, arose in people when they looked at birds. We are glad that feathered friends came to our holiday. Now a rook will appear in front of you.

Rook. We're on our way to you guys. Spring is coming. It's time to take a hit, populate the houses prepared by you, build nests, hatch and raise chicks.

Leading. And here is the woodpecker in front of the microphone.

Woodpecker. My beak is like a chisel, and I gouge a perfect dwelling for myself in a tree. Leading. Now an owl will appear in front of you. Owl. I eat 7-8 mice per night. My family alone destroyed 10,000 mice in a year and thus saved 20 tons of grain. Tit, I, tit, all year round looking for in the trees harmful insects, their eggs and larvae. It is difficult for us, tits, in winter, when the trees are covered with snow. We cannot find insects at this time, and if it were not for you, young naturalists, we would die of hunger. Thank you guys for the bird canteens.

Starling. We starlings eat a lot of May beetles, slugs, butterflies and other harmful insects.

Cuckoo. I, the cuckoo, eat 39 grasshoppers, 43 cabbage butterfly caterpillars, 5 cockchafer larvae, 3 butterfly pupae, 4 spiders and a lot of ant eggs per day.

Leading. And now we will do a quiz.

1. What birds come to us from the south first? (Rooks)

2. What birds breed chicks in winter? (Klesty)

3. What birds spend the night burrowing into the snow? (Black grouse, hazel grouse.)

4. Which of our birds coniferous forests the smallest? (Korolek)

5. Which bird makes stocks by impaling prey on the thorns of bushes? (Shrike)

6. Which birds have red males and green females. (At the crossbills)

7. Which bird turns white in winter? (White partridge.)

8. How is a magpie's nest different from a crow's? (The crow's nest is flat, and the magpie's is round with a roof.)

9. What birds make nests in earthen burrows? (Swallow, bee-eater, kingfisher.)

10. Which of our birds do not land on land or water? (Swifts)

11. What is the largest bird in the world? (African ostrich.)

12. Which bird do females and males sing? (At the bullfinch)

13. What bird does not nest and hatch chicks? (Cuckoo)

14. Which of our birds flies the fastest? (Swift)

Leading. Attention! Attention! Listen to the news from the bird town! Spring sleet still threatens birds. In bird canteens "crowded". The tits send thanks to the second-graders for deliciously dried Maybugs. To the chefs of bird canteens: in the ravine near the Black River, there are thickets of burdock every year. Please prepare in advance for the collection of seeds. In autumn, burdocks will be accepted in unlimited quantities. This is the end of our radio show. What have you learned about birds?

Homework: bring work to the contest " Best Stories about the birds."

Lesson objectives:

  • to deepen and expand the knowledge of children about the birds of our city;
  • explain the reason for the migration of birds (migratory, wintering, nomadic);
  • learn to distinguish birds from other animals;
  • to acquaint children with the structure of the feather and their significance in the life of birds;
  • enrich and activate the speech of children;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards birds; desire to help birds in a difficult period for them.

Preliminary work:

  • bird watching on a walk;
  • looking at illustrations with birds;
  • learning the outdoor game "Birdcatcher";
  • reading fiction about birds.


  • demonstration material "Birds";
  • models - schemes for comparing birds with other animals;
  • feathers different shapes, color, size;
  • scissors, cups of water;
  • cards for the didactic game "Where do birds winter?";
  • feeders and various bird food.

Course progress.

Educator: Hello guys! Here comes autumn. What changes have taken place in nature?

Children:(list the signs of autumn).

Educator: Why are there few birds?

Children: insects disappeared, and birds that feed on insects flew to warmer climes.

Educator: guys, what is the difference between birds and other animals?

Children:(they answer based on models - schemes).

Educator: what birds do you know?

Children:(list the birds).

Educator: Where do birds fly in autumn?

Children: South.

Educator: What are the names of the birds that flew south?

Children: migratory birds.

Educator: What migratory birds do you know?


Educator: with the onset of cold weather in autumn, the flight of birds begins, this is how it is written about this in a poem by E. Blaginina:

Soon white blizzards

Snow will rise from the ground.

Fly away, fly away, fly away the cranes.

Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove,

And the birdhouse was empty

The stork flaps its wings -

Fly away, fly away.

The leaf sways patterned,

In a blue puddle on the water.

Black rooks walk with rooks

In the garden, in the ridge.

Showered, turned yellow

The sun's rare rays

Fly away, flew away, flew away and rooks.

Guys, what birds is this poem about?

Children: about flights.

Educator: The swift-winged birds are the first to fly away from us. These are swifts, swallows, starlings, larks. They fly away at the end of August, because. many insects disappear. These birds feed on insects, they are called insectivorous.

And now you have a task, find insectivorous birds?

In gold autumn days the cranes gathered for departure. They circled over their native swamp, gathered in schools, stretched to distant warm countries. The strongest flies ahead - the leader. Wild geese and ducks fly away last of all - when rivers and lakes freeze. These birds are called waterfowl.

And again, you have a task, find waterfowl?

Flocks of birds fly high, from the sky we hear their farewell cries. As if they are shouting: "Goodbye, until a joyful meeting in the spring!"

And now I propose to play in game "Birds Have Arrived!"

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Flies and swifts…

(children clapping)

Educator: What's wrong?

Children: flies.

Educator: And who are the flies?

Children: insects.

Educator: you're right. Well, let's continue.

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits.

storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta! ..

(children clapping)

Educator: starting again...

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, martens! ..

(if the children do not pay attention to the martens, then the teacher announces the score)

Educator: one zero in my favor. Martens are not birds at all. We continue ...

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Check marks, swifts,

Storks, cuckoos...

Even scoops are splyushki ...

(children clapping)

Educator: what? Not buns, but scoops - splyushki!

The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Jackdaws and swifts

Mosquitoes, cuckoos…

(children clap and say that mosquitoes are insects)


The birds have arrived:

Pigeons, tits,

Jackdaws and swifts,

Chibis, siskins,

storks, cuckoos,

Even scoops are scops,

Swans, starlings...

All of you are great!

Educator: guys, there are feathers on the tables in front of you, examine them carefully.

How are feathers different?

Children: color, size, shape.

Educator: every pen has a nib, guess where the pen's nib is? Show it. And the feather has beards. Find beards. Show them. Notice how the barbs are attached to the shaft. Put the feathers on the table.

What will happen if the wind blows now?

Children: feathers will fly, they are light.

Educator: if the pen shaft is cut, we will see that it is empty inside, so the feathers are very light.

Dip the feather in a glass of water, is the feather wet, has the feather changed?

Children: No, the water rolled off in drops.

Educator: feathers protect the bird from water and dampness.

Why do birds need big feathers?

Children: to fly.

Educator: what do they need little feathers for?

Children: for warmth.

Educator: now consider the coloring of the feathers. What can you say?

Children: feathers are different colors. They decorate the birds.

Educator: you can often meet very beautiful birds. In most birds, only the males are brightly colored. They use their coloration to attract females. Females of the same birds are most often of a single color, which helps them hide from enemies when they hatch eggs.

(the teacher demonstrates birds with bright plumage)

Educator: you are probably a little tired, so I suggest playing a mobile game "Birdman".

The players choose the names of birds whose cry they can imitate. They stand in a circle, in the center of which is a blindfolded bird-catcher. Birds walk, circle around the bird-catcher and say:

In the forest, in the woods

On a green oak

The birds are singing merrily.

Ouch! The birder is coming!

The birder claps his hands, the players stop in place, and the driver begins to look for birds. The one he found mimics the call of the bird he has chosen. The birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the player.

The player becomes a birder. Players should not hide behind objects on the way. Players are required to stop on the spot exactly on the signal.

Educator: not all birds fly away, there are those that stay with us for the winter. What are their names?

Children: wintering, settled.

Educator: what winter birds do you know?

Children:(list the wintering birds of our region).

Educator: I suggest you play game "Where do the birds winter?"

Here are cards with a snowflake on the left and the sun on the right. Your task is to lay out wintering birds from the proposed small cards on the left side, and where the sun is, migratory ones.

(the teacher checks the task with the children)

Educator: Well done guys, they did a great job.

And why is it said that winter is a difficult time for birds?


Educator: how can you take care of them in winter?


Educator: what can be used as bird food in winter?


Educator: Indeed, winter is a difficult time for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. Do not find food for the birds under the snow. A hungry bird suffers greatly from the cold. Winter days are short, and in order to survive, not to freeze, you need to eat much more food than in summer.

It is necessary to support the birds, make feeders for them and do not forget to bring food into them. This is a very useful thing.

Some guys with their parents and you and I also made feeders. And now we will go outside together and hang them on a tree in front of your windows, and you promise that every day you will take out food and watch which birds fly to your feeders.

Educator: but before you do this, remind me which of the birds stays for the winter in our republic?


Educator: What migratory birds do you remember?


Educator: How are birds different from other animals?


Educator: Why do birds need big feathers? What about small ones?


Educator: thank you, you did a good job today. Here is a feeder and food for you, feed and take care of the birds.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 141 "Pilesh" combined type"

the city of Cheboksary Chuvash Republic


direct-educational activities on educational field « cognitive development»

on the theme "Birds are our friends!" in preschool group

Prepared by the teacher:

Elina Elena Alexandrovna.

Cheboksary, 2017

Synopsis of directly educational activities

on the topicBirds are our friends!

Program content:


    clarify and consolidate children's knowledge of migratory and wintering birds native land about their way of life;

    to activate the vocabulary of children through adjectives, verbs and agreement of nouns with adjectives;

    continue to form the foundations of ecological culture.


    to develop children's interest in reading works of fiction of an ecological orientation.


    cultivate a friendly, caring attitude towards birds.

Preliminary work: reading the story of E.I. Charushin "Sparrow", "Stories about birds for children", G. Skrebitsky, memorizing poems, riddles about birds, looking at reproductions of paintings depicting birds, looking at birds for a walk.

Methodical methods:

problem situations, situational conversation, did / games, conversation, explanation of the educator.

Materials and equipment: illustrations of birds, ball, audio recording “Voices of birds, projector with slides.

Vocabulary work: ornithologist.


Guys, look, this morning on our site I found a pen. Look, whose is it? ( children's answers) How did you guess? ( children's answers) How much do you know about birds - you are real young "ornithologists". ( question of children about ornithologists). A specialist who studies birds and their distribution is called an “ornithologist” (children repeat a new word after the teacher). Today we will become young ornithologists and try to learn a lot of interesting things about our feathered friends. I invite you to the "World of Birds".

And so our journey begins: "One, two, three - turn into ornithologists." Display 1 sweet-autumn forest glade.

Where are we with you? ( children's answers) Why don't we see anyone? ( children's answers) That's right, all the birds flew south.

Conversation "Why do birds fly south?"

What types of wild birds do you know? (wintering and migratory).

( children's responses). Guys, why do birds fly south? ( children's answers) To understand this, I suggest you remember what serves them as food.

What do the birds depicted on the screen eat? (rooks, swifts, swallows, cuckoos, etc.). That's right, all these birds feed on insects: rooks get worms from freshly dug earth, swifts and swallows grab midges and other insects on the fly, cuckoos hunt caterpillars, blackbirds are magnificent hunters for locusts and grasshoppers. But in autumn the insects disappear. Our birds are deprived of their main food, and therefore they are forced to fly to warmer climes.

How do birds find their way south? ( children's responses). Correctly. It turns out that some birds fly away at night, others during the day. But before the flight, they make test flights and eat more than usual. In flight, they are guided by the stars, and if the sky is overcast, they are guided by the Earth's magnetic vibrations.

Educator: Guys, ornithologists can distinguish the voices of birds from each other. And can you? ( children's answers) Let's go through the first test of young ornithologists - we will guess by the voice of birds (didactic game "Recognize the bird by voice") (children guess the voices of birds). Well done! Let's go further.

Educator: And now, guys, I propose to warm up a little and play a round dance game for ingenuity.

2 task. Hor-did / game "Guess what kind of bird"

( children go in a circle with the words “Not a magpie, not a crow and not a seagull, but what kind of bird is it, guess what?”)

Educator: Now you are invited to find and name an extra bird on the slide and explain why?

3 task. Didactic game "Who's extra?" ( children sit on chairs

1 slide(pictures depicting birds are displayed on the projector: swallow, rook, cuckoo, nightingale, goose).

Educator: - What birds are shown on the screen? (children's answers). Name the extra bird, how did you guess?

2 slide- (swallow, rook, cuckoo, nightingale, crow).

Educator: How does this group of birds differ from each other?

3 slide- (swallow, rook, cuckoo, nightingale, eagle).

Educator: What do they have in common and what differences do you see?

Teacher: And now the task. I start a sentence, and you finish it with meaning.

4 task. "Continue the offer" - ball game


In the spring, birds build nests because ... (they are going to breed chicks).

In autumn, birds fly south because .... (it's cold and there's nothing to eat)

The heron has long legs because ... (she walks in the swamp)

At the eagle big nest, because he big bird)

All people love to listen to the nightingale, because ... (he sings beautifully)

The cuckoo throws eggs in other nests because (does not build its own nest).

5 task. Andgra"Yes - no" according to TRIZ technology


I suggest you play the yes-no game. Today we will guess the name of the hidden bird.

(A game is being played. One of the children thinks of a bird. Children use questions to try to guess what kind of bird. Questions are posed so that the host can answer "Yes" or "No". For example, this migrant? She is big size? She lives in the forest? Etc.).


Guys, what will happen if - the bird does not remain on the ground? (children's answers). There will be no one to protect parks, gardens, forests, fields, orchards from harmful insects. Insects will eat all the vegetation, destroy the crop of bread, fruits, vegetables. There will be no one to spread the seeds of berries, herbs, flowers on the ground. We will never hear their wonderful songs.

To from harmful insects
Blooming gardens did not die in vain,
Always, at any time of the year,
Take care of the birds friends!
What does it mean to protect birds? (children's answers)


And why is it said that winter is a difficult time for birds?(children's answers)

Educator: how can you take care of them in winter?(children's answers)

caregiver: what can be used as bird food in winter?(children's answers)

caregiver: Indeed, winter is a difficult time for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. Do not find food for the birds under the snow. A hungry bird suffers greatly from the cold. Winter days are short, and in order to survive, not to freeze, you need to eat much more food than in summer. It is necessary to support the birds, make feeders for them and do not forget to bring food into them. This is a very useful thing.

Teacher: And now it's time for us to go back. Everyone stood in a circle and said in unison: “One, two, three turn around - back to Kindergarten come back." Here we are in our own group.

Educator: Guys, tell me what you liked and why?

( children's responses).

Educator: Well done, you did a good job. We will still be able to watch the wintering birds on the site of the kindergarten..