Types of populations by age spectrum. Modern problems of science and education


The distribution of individuals according to age states in a cenopopulation is called its age, or ontogenetic spectrum. It reflects the quantitative ratio of different age periods and stages. If all age groups are represented in the age spectrum, then the population is called full member.

If only young individuals that have not reached the reproductive phase of development are represented in the age spectrum, then the population is called invasive(introduced, expanded). An example of such a population is the pine (p. Pinus), developing at the site of a recent felling. If all or almost all age groups are represented in the age spectrum, then the population is complete and stable and is called normal. It is capable of self-maintenance in a generative or vegetative way. The normal type of populations is typical for the dominant species of the plant community, for example, the coenopopulation of the meadow foxtail ( Alopecurus pratensis) in a foxtail meadow or common blueberry ( Vaccinium myrtillus) in the blueberry-green-moss spruce forest. If the population contains mainly senile or subsenile individuals, and there is no renewal, then such a population is called regressive(fading). The number of individuals in it is steadily declining. Birch (b. Betula) in an overmature birch forest with dense spruce undergrowth (R. Rkea) may serve as an example of such a population. Shoots of birch do not develop due to shading by young spruces, therefore, its population is not capable of self-maintenance and is doomed to extinction. A similar situation occurs with English oak ( Quercus robur) in a 300-year-old oak forest.

The age composition of populations can be reflected in the form of a diagram, placing the quantitative ratio of age stages, starting from the virginal ones, one above the other. As a result, age pyramids are obtained, by the nature of which one can predict the future change in the population size. There are three main types of age pyramids corresponding to the three types of age composition of the population described above. A pyramid with a hypertrophied wide base reflects the invasive population. If the age pyramid is correct, then this is a normal population. An age pyramid with a narrow base is characteristic of a regressive population.

Analysis of the age composition of cenopopulations has great importance to predict changes in the plant community and is the biological basis for developing methods rational use natural plant resources and their protection, identifying opportunities for restoring vegetation on disturbed lands, assessing the ecological valence of species.


In the case when it is not possible to conduct full-fledged studies of coenopopulations of woody plants, it is possible to carry out an express assessment of their state in a phytocenosis according to typical geobotanical descriptions, which indicate the abundance of species in each tier of the forest community. Species stably existing in the community with normal populations occupy all tiers. Species whose populations are regressive or invasive are present only in the forest stand or only in the undergrowth, respectively.

The quantitative participation of trees in the first tier determines modern structure communities and reflects the pre-existing possibilities of populations. The composition of the second tier characterizes the direction of the reconstruction of the modern first tier in the near future, due to the replacement of dying old trees by younger ones, the presence of abundant viable undergrowth may indicate a more distant prospect for the development of the community.

RUDN Journal of Agronomy and Animal Industries Vestnik RUDN. Series: AGRONOMY AND LIVESTOCK

2017Vol. 12 No. 1 66-75


DOI: 10.22363/2312-797Х-2017-12-1-66-75


AS INDICATOR OF SPECIES STRATEGY UNDER ANTHROPOGENIC STRESS (on the example of rare and protected species of the natural and historical park "Bitsevsky Forest")

I.I. Istomina, M.E. Pavlova, A.A. Terekhin

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Miklukho-Maklaya, 8/2, Moscow, Russia, 117198

The authors of the article conducted a study of the structure of populations of rare and protected species included in the Red Book of Moscow and the Moscow Region, in connection with the influence of an increasing anthropogenic load on them in the forest park zone of the city of Moscow. For the first time in the Bitsevsky forest park, based on the characteristics of the ontomorphogenesis of such species as European sapling (Sanícula europaea L.), May lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis L.), many-flowered kupena (Polygonatum mul-tflorum (L.) All.), intermediate corydalis (Coridalis intermedia (L.) Merat) described and analyzed the age composition of their cenopopulations. Comparing the structure of cenopopulations of protected species, the authors showed the existence of different strategies for these species under conditions of anthropogenic stress.

Key words: anthropogenic stress, species strategy, May lily of the valley, many-flowered kupena, European sapling, Corydalis intermediate, rare view, ontogeny, cenopopulation, age structure of cenopopulation, age spectrum

Introduction. Distinctive feature Moscow from others major cities is the presence of relatively well-preserved natural forests in the park part of the city. In these urban forest parks, a considerable number of forest plant species grow, among which there are rare and endangered species that need protection. Based on the state of populations of rare or declining species, one can judge the degree of recreational pressure on the forest park environment and formulate requirements for the conditions for the protection of these species and the community as a whole.

In conditions big city indicators of such environmental factors as illumination, humidity, soil composition and drainage are clearly far from ideal for plants. For example, due to smoke, the illumination characteristics in Moscow are 10-20% lower than in the Moscow region. In this regard, the growth rate of trees decreases, herbaceous plants change the number and structure of populations. These indicators are also affected by the lack of natural soil cover in the city.

Ecological-coenotic strategies of species (type of behavior) is the most generalized and informative characteristic of a species, which allows explaining its response to stress caused by abiotic and biotic factors, disturbances and, as a result, its place in plant communities.

Determination of species strategies reveals the behavior of plants in a plant community. For the species, this characteristic is not constant; it can change from the ecological optimum to the pessimum, as well as from the center of the range to its periphery. For rare species, strategy analysis is an additional method that can be used to develop various compensatory programs for their protection to implement their main strategies. L.G. Ramensky in 1935 and P. Grime in 1979 independently described a system of strategy types that reflects the response of plant species to favorable environmental conditions and the intensity of disturbances. Three primary types of strategies, called violents (competitors), patients (tolerants), and explerents (ruderals), are interconnected by transitional secondary strategies. Species have the property of plasticity of strategies, which allows them, depending on environmental conditions, to exhibit the properties of competitiveness or tolerance.

In recent years, an ontogenetic approach has been used in the assessment of ecological and phytocenotic strategies.

An important characteristic of plant populations is the ontogenetic spectrum, since it is associated with the biological properties of the species. When constructing the ontogenetic spectra of model species, we relied on ideas about the main stages of ontogeny and basic types spectra.

The purpose of the study is to study the features of the age structure of ceno-populations of some rare and protected species of the natural-historical park "Bitsevsky Forest" as an indicator of the behavioral strategy of the species under conditions of anthropogenic pressure of varying degrees.

Objects and methods of research. On the territory of the floristically rich Bitsevsky forest park, the May lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis L.) is a massive (both in the past and in the present) local forest view. In the same place, but much less often, there is a multi-flowered kupena (Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All.), European undergrowth (Sanicula europaea L.) and intermediate corydalis (Co-ridalis intermedia (L.) Merat) - perennial herbaceous species characteristic of nemoral forests and growing in broad-leaved phytocenoses of the park in small cenopopulation loci.

All model species are included in the group of vulnerable species (category 3), that is, species whose abundance in Moscow under the influence of specific factors of the urban environment can be significantly reduced in a short period of time.

The objectives of the study included a description of the age structure of the populations of the above species and a comparative analysis of their biological characteristics,

making it possible to determine the strategy of the species under conditions of anthropogenic stress.

The research was carried out from May 2011 to August 2016 in the natural and historical park "Bitsevsky Forest".

Natural Park"Bitsevsky Forest" has been a protected area since 1992 and, as an object of natural and historical and cultural heritage, serves to preserve biodiversity, maintain the species represented in it in a state close to natural; restoration of biogeocenoses disturbed as a result of anthropogenic impacts, which include the proximity of residential areas, the impact of road transport, atmospheric emissions from thermal power plants and other enterprises, etc. . Frequent attendance of the park by the surrounding residents inevitably leads to a change in the structure of both phytocenoses in general and individual populations of plant species.

The study of the structure of cenopopulations of protected species of broad-leaved phytocenoses of the Bitsevsky Forest Park is of considerable interest due to the increasing anthropogenic pressure experienced by all representatives of the flora, but especially by rare and ornamental species with large inflorescences and attractive flowers, such as May lily of the valley and Kupena multiflora.

To identify and describe the individual stages of ontogeny of the studied species, the criteria for age conditions for herbaceous plants, described in detail in many sources, were used.

The criteria widely used for the study of plant ontogenesis were used in the work, and the method of accounting areas was used to study the age structure of cenopopulations. Separate stages of the ontogenesis of the above species were identified and analyzed, as well as individuals of different age states were counted on the sample plots and age spectra were compiled for the cenopopulation as a whole.

The conclusions of the study were based on the position that the response of plants to external influences, both natural and anthropogenic, manifests itself in a change in the nature of the growth of individuals, their life and age status, which directly affects the change in the strategy of the species.

Results and discussion. When calculating the age composition of cenopopulations of the May lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis L.) in the Bitsevsky forest, it turned out that virginal partial shoots developing from a branched, long rhizome predominate in cenopopulations. Seedlings and juveniles are absent. This is evidence of suppressed seed reproduction, although the presence of a small number of immature shoots reflects the presence of vegetative reproduction of the cenopopulation. A sufficient number of generative shoots indicates good prospects for seed reproduction, but, unfortunately, these potencies are not realized by the species due to constant anthropogenic pressure (Fig. 1).

age states Fig. Fig. 1. Age composition of the cenopopulation of May lily of the valley in the Bitsevsky Forest Park

Thus, under the influence of recreational load, the age spectrum of lily of the valley cenopopulations was modified in comparison with the base spectrum: the number of individuals of young age states was significantly reduced, there is practically no seed renewal, underdeveloped virginal and generative individuals predominate, and the number of growing rhizomes is reduced. In addition, the growth rate and the proportion of flowering shoots decrease, therefore, the dynamics of lily of the valley flowering is gradually changing - the intervals between years of mass flowering become longer, i.e. cenopopulation of May lily of the valley passes into the category of regressive ones.

Under optimal conditions, May lily of the valley is a competitively tolerant vegetatively mobile species. But in the conditions of the Bitsevsky forest park, under the influence of the anthropogenic factor, the systemic organization of lily of the valley cenopopulations, which is the most important condition for their stability, is disrupted.

May lily of the valley forms incomplete cenopopulations, with a predominance of virginal individuals, characterized by reduced vitality of above-ground partial shoots, low density of thickets, and low seed productivity. But even in this situation this species due to vegetative mobility, it can hold the occupied territory for a long time, thereby coping with the anthropogenic pressure. This position of the May lily of the valley in the Bitsevsky forest park indicates that the strategy of this species belongs to the group of stress tolerants. The ontogenetic strategy of the studied species is to reduce the number of seed individuals and increase the number of individuals of vegetative origin, delaying the transition of individuals to the generative state as long as possible.

A perennial herbaceous short-rhizome polycarpic species - the multi-flowered kupena (Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All.) - forms cenopopulations, where the individual is the center of influence on the environment. The study of some aspects of reproductive biology and the identification of the life strategy of Polygonatum multiflorum characterizes this species as easily vulnerable, capable of habitation

in rather narrow environmental conditions. Due to the biological characteristics of seed reproduction, the reproduction of kupena in nature is rather slow, which requires special attention to the conservation of this species.

Due to the violation of natural habitats and the growing popularity as a flowering plant, Kupena multiflora is intensively exterminated, especially in the forested areas of cities, so there is a real threat of a decrease in the number of this species. In Bitsevsky Park, this species exists in separate small weakly diffuse cenopopulation loci, the age composition of which has been carefully calculated. The location of coenopopulation loci of the purchased species in the territory of Bitsevsky Park is dispersed, which can be explained by the introduction of seeds with the help of birds and their accidental survival. In all cases, kupena multiflora is found only in oak-linden phytocenoses. Bitsevsky forest, surrounded by broad grass.

The age structure of cenopopulation loci of the multiflorous kupena is almost full-membered; virginal and generative individuals predominate, which is most likely due to the dominance of vegetative reproduction of kupena over seed (Fig. 2). The presence of almost all ontogenetic states in the age spectrum of kupena indicates the dynamic stability of the cenopopulation of this species in the studied community.

Rice. Fig. 2. Age composition of the cenopopulation of the purchased multiflora in the Bitsevsky Forest Park

Thus, the coenopopulation of the bought multiflora can be characterized as normal, full-membered. The predominance of virginal and young generative individuals is a sign of the prospects for the development of these cenopopulation loci in the foreseeable future. Thus, as a rare species belonging to the 3rd category, the multiflora bought in the Bitsevsky forest park feels relatively well.

Based on the structure of the cenopopulation of kupena and the contribution of individual ontogenetic stages, it is possible to determine kupena multiflora as a species characterized by a competitive-tolerant type of life strategy with elements of stress-tolerant.

European undergrowth (Sanicula europaea L.) is a pre-glacial relic, mesophyte, grows in broad-leaved, mixed and less often coniferous forests, reproduces mainly by seeds. This protected species is found on the territory of the Bitsevsky forest park in the form of small cenopopulation loci, which are located mainly along the path network, which is explained by the specificity of the reproduction of the undergrowth (exozoochory). The spherical parts of its fractional fruit (3.5-4.5 mm long and almost the same width) - mericarps - are covered with small hooked spines. The undergrowth is well regenerated by seeds, since seedlings, juvenile plants, and immature individuals are found in almost all studied cenopopulation loci of this species. The undergrowth sprouts above ground, in places with disturbed soil cover and unexpressed litter, free from other plants. The age spectra of the undergrowth in the broad-leaved phytocenoses of the Bitsevsky forest are almost complete spectra with a maximum on immature specimens.

The shift to the left indicates the youth of coenopopulation loci of the undergrowth. In population loci located closer to forest roads, subsenile and senile individuals appear in brighter places (Fig. 3).

Rice. Fig. 3. Age range of the European undergrowth in the Bitsevsky Forest Park

The general age spectrum of the underforest population (Fig. 3) shows that the age structure of the populations of this species is left-handed, it is dominated by individuals of pregenerative stages, namely, immature, juvenile, and seedlings. Such a structure of cenopopulations is characteristic of species prone to the r-strategy, ruderals (explerents). And, indeed, in the observed coenopopulations of the undergrowth, seedlings, juvenile and immature plants grew in the most disturbed places of the grass layer - molehills, mouse burrows, bare soil areas.

Thus, the presence of all age states in the spectrum of the undergrowth indicates its stability, and the predominance of young stages of ontogeny indicates the prospects for the development of these cenopopulation loci in the foreseeable future. That is, as a rare species belonging to the 3rd category, the European undergrowth experiences relatively weak anthropogenic pressure in the Bitsevsky forest park. The stability of the population of this species is ensured by its r-strategy and confinement to disturbed habitats. The strategic weakness of the undergrowth in the Bitsevsky Forest Park is manifested in the fact that it cannot compete with stronger ruderal species, and in this case it can be classified as a secondary transitional strategy to stress ruderals. Under the conditions of optimal ecological and cenotic conditions, this species can be attributed to competitive ruderal species.

Corydalis intermediate, or average (Corydalis intermedia (L.) Merat), - perennial polycarpic herbaceous plant 8-15 cm high, is included in the group of spring ephemeroids and belongs to the category of "rare" species in the territory of Moscow.

This species reproduces by seed, vegetative reproduction is almost completely absent.

In the generalized age spectrum of the population of Corydalis intermediate, two abundance maxima are observed: in the young part of the spectrum (seedlings - immature individuals) and for generative individuals, i.e. it can be attributed to the normal, full-membered type of populations (Fig. 4). The presence of individuals of all age states in the age spectrum indicates the stability and prosperity of the population of this species. The age spectrum of this species is complete with a slight shift towards young individuals. The maximum in the generative part of the spectrum indicates that individuals of Corydalis intermediate are in this state for a long part of their life cycle. The increase in the number of individuals in the senile part of the spectrum is explained by the senile particulation that occurs in Corydalis.

p \ 1m V d h age states

Rice. Fig. 4. Age spectrum of Corydalis intermediate in the Bitsevsky Forest Park

These characteristics of the age structure of the coenopopulation of Corydalis intermediate allow us to conclude that in the studied habitat of the Bitsevsky forest park, there are quite good conditions for the existence of this species. The cenopopulation of Corydalis intermediate, despite the dense path network in this place, is prosperous and has an optimal density, and is also growing, as during the last ten years its area has increased by several square meters. In the phytocenosis, Corydalis intermediate exists only in the synusia of ephemeroids, and in this synusia the type of its behavioral strategy can be attributed to competitive-tolerant.

Based on the foregoing, when comparing the age structure of cenopopulations of four protected species, one can see their different response to anthropogenic pressure, which can be explained by different types of strategies for the behavior of these species under stress.

Under the influence of recreational load and anthropogenic pressure, the age spectrum of coenopopulations of the May lily of the valley is modified, the state of the multiflorous kupen is stabilized, the number of young population loci of the European undergrowth increases, and the coenopopulation of Corydalis intermediate practically does not respond to it. These changes are associated with different types of strategies for the behavior of these species in the phytocenosis.

Corydalis intermediate appears to be a rather strong competitive-tolerant species among ephemeroids, its coenopopulation locus increases, despite the growth and compaction of the path network.

The undergrowth, as a result of its ruderal strategy, occupies new habitats, possibly losing old ones. Kupena retains small population loci as a result of tolerant behavior, reacting little to changes in anthropogenic load. And the lily of the valley moves from a competitive strategy under the influence of anthropogenic stress to stress-tolerant behavior.

Thus, taking into account these features and subject to certain conservation measures, sometimes quite insignificant, related only to environmental education, it is possible not only to preserve, but also to increase the number of these species in the Bitsevsky Forest Natural and Historical Park.

© I.I. Istomina, M.E. Pavlova, A.A. Terekhin, 2017


1. Grime, J.P. Plant strategies and vegetation processes, and ecosystem properties. 2nd ed.

Chichester, Wiley, 2001.

2. Ramensky L.G. Introduction to complex soil-geobotanical research of lands.

Moscow: Selkhozgiz, 1938.

3. Plant cenopopulations: basic concepts and structure. Moscow: Nauka, 1976.

4. Cenopopulations of plants (outlines of population biology). Moscow: Nauka, 1988.

5. Smirnova O.V. grass cover structure deciduous forests. M., Nauka, 1987.

6. Red Book of the city of Moscow. The government of Moscow. Department of nature management and environmental protection of the city of Moscow / Ed. ed. B.L. Samoilov, G.V. Morozov. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M., 2011.

7. Red Book of the Moscow Region / Ed. ed. T.I. Varlygin, V.A. Zubakin, N.A. Sobolev. M., 2008.

8. Nasimovich Yu.A., Romanova V.A. Valuable natural objects Moscow and its forest park protective belt. M., Dep. in VINITI AS USSR 21.11.1991. N 4378-B91, 1991.

9. Polyakova G.A., Gutnikova V.A. Parks of Moscow: Ecology and Floristic Characteristics. M.: GEOS, 2000.

10. Zaugolnova L.B. The structure of seed plant populations and the problems of their monitoring: Ph.D. dis. ... Dr. Biol. Sciences. SPb., 1994.

11. Pianka, E.R. On r- and K-Selection // The American Naturalist. 1970 Vol. 104, No. 940. P. 592-597.

DOI: 10.22363/2312-797X-2017-12-1-66-75


UNDER ANTHROPOGENIC STRESS (on the example rare and protected plants of the natural and historical park "Bitsevsky forest")

I.I. Istomina, M.E. Pavlova, A.A. Terechin

Peoples" Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)

Miklukho-Maklaya st., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198

abstract. The authors investigate the structure of populations of rare and protected species included in the Red book of Moscow and Moscow region, in connection with the influence of increasing anthropogenic loads in the forest zone of the city of Moscow. For the first time in the Bitsa forest Park based on the features of ontomorphogenesis of species such as the Sanicula europaea L., Convallaria majalis L., Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All., Coridalis intermedia (L.) Merat. described and analyzed the age structure of their populations. Comparing the structure of populations of protected species, the authors showed the existence of different strategies of these species under conditions of anthropogenic stress.

Key words: anthropogenic stress, strategy type, Sanicula europaea L., Convallaria majalis L., Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All., Coridalis intermedia (L.) Merat., a rare species, ontogenesis, coeno-population, age structure of the cenopopulation, age range

1. Grime, J.P. Plant strategies and vegetation processes, and ecosystem properties. 2nd ed. Chichester, Wiley, 2001.

2. Ramenskiy L.G. Introduction to complex soil-geobotanical investigation of lands. Moscow, Selkhozgiz, 1938.

3. Coenopopulations of plants: Basic concepts and structure. Moscow: Nauka, 1976.

4. Coenopopulations of plants (essays on population biology). Moscow: Nauka, 1988.

5. Smirnova O.V. The Structure of the herbaceous cover of broad-leaved forests. Moscow: Nauka, 1987.

6. The Red book of Moscow. The Government Of Moscow. Department of natural resources and environmental protection of the city of Moscow. Ed. by B.L. Samoilov, G.V. Morozov. 2 ed., rev. and additional. Moscow, 2011.

7. The Red book of the Moscow region. Resp. ed. T.I. Varlygina, V.A. Zubakin, N.A. Sobolev. Moscow, 2008.

8. Nasimovich Yu.A., Romanov V.A. Valuable natural objects of Moscow and its green belt. Moscow, DEP. in VINITI, USSR Academy of 11/21/1991. N 4378-B91, 1991.

9. Polyakova A.G., Gutnikov V.A. Parks: Ecology and floristic characteristics. Moscow: GEOS, 2000.

10. Zaugolnova L.B. Structure of populations of seed plants and the problems of their monitoring: author. dis. ... Dr. biol. sciences. St.Petersburg, 1994.

11. Pianka E.R. On r- and K-Selection. The American Naturalist. 1970 Vol. 104. No. 940. P. 592-597.

Basic concepts and terms : latent, pre-generative, generative and post-generative periods of ontogeny; age conditions of plants: seedlings, juvenile, immature, young vegetative, adult vegetative, young generative, middle-aged generative, subsenile and senile individuals; age spectrum; invasive and regressive cenopopulation.

When characterizing the age structure of plant populations, one must keep in mind that the absolute age of a plant and its age state are different concepts.

The age state of a plant - this is the stage of individual development of a plant, at which it has certain ecological and physiological properties.

The long life cycle includes the stages of plant development from the formation of a seed embryo to death or to the death of all its generations that arose from it vegetatively. In a large life cycle, ontogenetic periods and age states are distinguished (Table 5.1, Fig. 5.14).

Table 5.1.

Periods and age conditions in the life cycle of plants


Age conditions



I. Latent



II. Before the generation

Sprouts (ladder)



Іmaturni individuals

I m

Young vegetative individuals

Adult vegetative individuals

III. Generative

Young generative individuals

Medieval generative individuals

Old generative individuals

Subsenile individuals


Senile individuals


Rice.5.14. Age states of plant ontogeny : A - meadow fescue (cereal family), B -

Siberian cornflowers (aster family).

p- seedlings; j- juvenile plants;i m - imaturni;v- vіrgіnіlnі;g 1 - young generative;g 2 - middle-aged generative;g 3 - old generative;ss - subsenile;s - senile plants.

In plants, four periods of individual ontogenesis are distinguished:

1) latent- the period of primary dormancy, when the plant is in the form of seeds or fruits;

2) virginal or pre-generative - from seed germination to the formation of generative organs;

3) generative- the period of reproduction of plants by seeds or spores;

4)senile or post-generative - this is a period of sharp decline and loss of the ability to sexual reproduction, which ends with the complete death of plants.

Each of the periods is characterized by the corresponding age conditions. The duration of individual periods of individual development, the nature and time of transition from one age state to another is a biological feature of the plant species and its adaptation to environmental conditions in the process of evolution.

seedscharacterized by relative peace, when the metabolism in it is minimized. Ladders have rudimentary roots and cotyledon leaves, they also feed on seeds and photosynthesis of cotyledons due to reserve nutrients.

Juvenileplants are moving to self-feeding. Mostly they lack cotyledons, but the leaves are still atypical, smaller and of a different shape than in adults.

Іmaturni plants show signs of transition from juveniles to adults. They have the beginning of branching shoots, typical leaves appear. Juvenile characters are gradually replaced by those typical for the plant species. This condition in some species is long-term.

Vegetativeindividuals (virginilni) are characterized by the process of formation of a typical life form of plants with the corresponding typical features of the morphological structure of underground organs and the above-ground pagon system. plants finish pre-generative period of its life cycle. There are no generative organs yet. At different stages of the formation of a typical vegetative sphere, young and adult vegetative individuals are isolated, ready to enter the generative phase of development.

generative individuals characterized by the transition to flowering and fruiting. Young generative individuals complete the formation of typical structures of the species. Generative organs (flowers and inflorescences) appear in them, their first flowering is observed.

Middle age generative individuals are marked by the annual maximum growth of the vegetative sphere due to the development of new enrichment shoots, abundant flowering and high seed productivity. In this state, plants can be different time, depending on the lifespan and biological features species ontogeny. This is one of the most important periods in the life of a plant, which attracts the attention of theoreticians and practitioners. Regulatory influence on cultivated fodder and ornamental landscaping plants makes it possible to prolong their youth and increase the productivity of the former and the decorative qualities of others.

old generative and individuals weaken the process shoot formation, sharply reduce seed productivity. In them, the processes of dying off begin, which gradually prevail over the processes of formation of new pagon structures.

Senile individuals are distinguished by a clearly expressed aging process. Small shoots appear with juvenile-type leaves. The plant will die over time.

The age distribution of individuals of a coenopopulation of plants is called age spectrum. If in the age spectrum plants are represented by seeds and young individuals, such a cenopopulation is called invasive.

More often this is a young population, only introduced into the phytocenosis of a certain biogeocenosis.

Distinguish between normal and full-fledged normal defective cenopopulations.

Normal full cenopopulation represented by all age conditions and is capable of self-support seeds or vegetative propagation.

Defective normal cenopopulation they call one in which there are no individuals of certain age states (ladder or, most often, senile individuals). These are plant populations.

Monocarpics that bear fruit once in a lifetime. These are annual and biennial plants.

A detailed classification of plant populations was developed by T.A. Rabotnov (1946). Among the plant populations within the phytocenosis, he distinguishes several types:

I. Invasive populations. Plants are still taking root in phytozenosis and do not complete the full cycle of development.

This type has subtypes:

1) plants are found only in the form of a ladder, which arose from introduced seeds from other populations;

2) plants are found in the form of seedlings, juvenile and vegetative individuals. They different reasons do not bear fruit and are reproduced only by seed drift.

II. Populations of the normal type. Plants go through a full cycle of development in phytocenosis.

It has subtypes:

1) plants are in optimal conditions. In the population high percent generative individuals;

2) plants of this species are in average conditions and, accordingly, the population contains significantly fewer generative individuals;

3) plants are in not very favorable conditions, there are few generative individuals in the population.

III. regressive populations. The generative reproduction of plants ceased in it.

This population type includes subtypes:

1) the plant blooms, produces seeds, but non-viable seedlings grow from it; or the plant does not form seeds at all. Therefore, in such populations, young undergrowth is absent;

2) the plant has completely lost the ability to bloom and only vegetates. Therefore, the population consists of old individuals.

This classification of plant populations makes it possible to determine their prospects for development in a given ecosystem based on an analysis of the action of environmental factors.

cenopopulations, which include only old subsenile and senile individuals, are not capable of self-support, are called regressive. They may exist by introducing seeds or rudiments from other cenopopulations.

The age structure of cenopopulations is determined by such properties of the species as: the frequency of fruiting, the rate of transition from one age state to another, the duration of each state, the duration of a long life cycle, the ability to vegetative reproduction and the formation of clones, resistance to diseases and adverse natural conditions, etc.

In the case when the cenopopulation is characterized by high seed productivity and mass emergence of seedlings with a significant death of young individuals and a rapid transition of those that remain into a vegetative and generative state, its age spectrum has a left-handed character. This is the spectrum of young cenopopulations (Fig. 5.15).

Rice.5.15. Age spectra of cenopopulations:

A - left-sided spectrum of colchicum luxuriant;

B - right-hand spectrum of the meadow fire;

1, 2 - variability over the years.

If the seed productivity is low, there are few young individuals, there is an accumulation of adults due to the significant duration of their age states and when a clone is formed, the cenopopulation spectrum will have a right-handed character. It is a sign of her aging.

The age spectrum of the cenopopulation and its number determine the role of the species in the phytocenosis.


Russian hazel grouse ( Fritillaria ruthenica Wikstr.) is a species from the Liliaceae family. F.ruthenica listed in the Red Book of Russia, in the regional Red Books of the Saratov, Volgograd, Samara, Penza, Lipetsk, Tambov, Bryansk regions. Studying the age states of cenopopulations F. ruthenica in the Balashovsky district, as a rare and protected plant species is relevant, which determines the purpose of this study.

This is a perennial bulbous herbaceous plant with drooping flowers (life expectancy up to 20 years). Perianth simple, corolla-shaped, six-membered. The fruit is a box. This is a Eurasian species. Leaf growth begins in the second decade of April and continues until the second decade of May. Vegetation duration F. ruthenica in different age periods from 30 to 80 days. Depending on the timing and time of soil thawing, fluctuations between the start of vegetation in some years can reach 20-22 days. During the dormant period, only the bulb remains. F. ruthenica propagated both by seeds and vegetatively (renewal buds from bulbs or adnexal brood buds). F. ruthenica- xeromesophyte. Demanding on soils.

Category and status F. ruthenica in the Saratov region 2 (V) - vulnerable species. It grows in steppe meadows, among shrubs, on the edges and glades of deciduous forests, in steppe oak forests, on rocky chalk slopes. The limiting factors are - collection by the population and violation of the integrity of habitats.


To study the state of cenopopulations F. ruthenica trial plots sized 1x1 m were laid. On each trial plot, the total number of individuals per 1 m 2 was taken into account. At F. ruthenica the following biometric indicators were measured: height, number of lower, middle and upper leaves, number of flowers, length of tepals. When analyzing these indicators, the age states of individuals were determined, and ontogenetic spectra were compiled. When determining the age structure of the population, individuals of seed and vegetative origin were taken as a accounting unit. Age conditions were determined according to the works of M.G. Vakhromeeva, S.V. Nikitina, L.V. Denisova, I. Yu. Parnikoz. Indices of recovery, age and efficiency were determined by the method of A.A. Uranov. The recovery index shows how many offspring there are per generative individual at the moment. The age index evaluates the ontogenetic level of the CPU at a particular point in time, it varies in the range of 0-1. The higher its value, the older the studied CPU. The efficiency index, or average energy efficiency, is the energy load on the environment, called the "average" plant. It also varies from 0 to 1, and the higher it is, the older the age group of the "average" plant.

With age, the requirements of an individual to the environment and resistance to its individual factors naturally and very significantly change. At different stages of ontogenesis, a change in habitats, a change in the type of nutrition, the nature of movement, and the general activity of organisms can occur. Often age ecological differences within a species are much more pronounced than differences between species. sea ​​lilies and their planktonic doliolarian larvae are just different ontogenetic stages of the same species. Age differences in lifestyle often lead to the fact that individual functions are entirely performed at a certain stage of development. For example, many species of fully metamorphosed insects do not feed in the imaginal state. Growth and nutrition are carried out at the larval stages, while adults perform only the functions of settling and reproduction.

Age differences in the population significantly increase its ecological heterogeneity and, consequently, its resistance to the environment. The probability increases that in case of strong deviations of conditions from the norm, at least a part of viable individuals will remain in the population and it will be able to continue its existence.

The age structure of populations has an adaptive character. It is formed on the basis of the biological properties of the species, but always also reflects the strength of the impact of environmental factors.

Age structure of populations in plants. In plants, the age structure of the cenopopulation, i.e., the population of a particular phytocenosis, is determined by the ratio of age groups. The absolute, or calendar, age of a plant and its age state are not identical concepts. Plants of the same calendar age can be in different age states. The age state of an individual is the stage of its ontogenesis, at which it is characterized by certain relationships with the environment. Complete ontogenesis, or the long life cycle of plants, includes all stages of the development of an individual - from the emergence of an embryo to its death or to the complete death of all generations of its vegetatively arisen offspring.

Seedlings have a mixed nutrition due to the reserve substances of the seed and their own assimilation. These are small plants, which are characterized by the presence of germinal structures: cotyledons, the germinal root that has begun to grow, and, as a rule, a uniaxial shoot with small leaves, often having more simple form than in adult plants.

Juvenile plants pass to independent nutrition. They lack cotyledons, but the organization is still simple, often uniaxial, and the leaves are of a different shape and smaller than in adults.

Immature plants have characteristics and properties that are transitional from juvenile plants to adult vegetative ones. They often begin branching of the shoot, which leads to an increase in the photosynthetic apparatus.

In adult vegetative plants, features of a life form typical of the species appear in the structure of underground and terrestrial organs, and the structure of the vegetative body fundamentally corresponds to the generative state, but the reproductive organs are still absent.

The transition of plants into the generative period is determined not only by the appearance of flowers and fruits, but also by a deep internal biochemical and physiological restructuring of the body. In the generative period, Colchicum splendid plants contain about twice as much colchamine and half as much colchicine as in young and old vegetative individuals; in sverbiga orientalis, the content of all forms of phosphorus compounds sharply increases, as well as the activity of catalase, the intensity of photosynthesis and transpiration; in the gillweed, the content of RNA increases by 2 times, and total nitrogen - by 5 times.

Young generative plants bloom, form fruits, the final shaping of adult structures occurs. In some years there may be breaks in flowering.

Middle-aged generative plants usually reach the greatest power, have the highest annual growth and seed production, and may also have a break in flowering. In this age state, clone-forming species often begin to show disintegration of individuals, clones appear.

Old generative plants are characterized by a sharp decrease in reproductive function, weakening of the processes of shoot and root formation. The processes of dying off begin to prevail over the processes of neoformation, and disintegration intensifies.

Old vegetative (subsenile) plants are characterized by the cessation of fruiting, a decrease in power, an increase in destructive processes, a weakening of the connection between shoot and root systems, a simplification of the life form is possible, and the appearance of leaves of an immature type.

Senile wounds are characterized by extreme decrepitude, a decrease in size, few buds are realized during renewal, some juvenile features appear again (the shape of the leaves, the nature of the shoots, etc.).

Dying individuals are the extreme degree of expression of the senile state, when only some tissues remain alive in the plant and, in some cases, dormant buds that cannot develop above-ground shoots.

The distribution of individuals of a cenopopulation according to age conditions is called its age spectrum. It reflects the quantitative relationships of different age levels.

To determine the number of each age group in different species, different counting units are used. The counting unit can be individual individuals if during the entire ontogenesis they remain spatially isolated (in annuals, tap-rooted mono- and polycarpic grasses, many trees and shrubs) or are clearly demarcated - clone parts. In long-rhizomatous and rhizomatous plants, partial shoots or partial bushes can be a counting unit, since with the physical integrity of the underground sphere they often turn out to be physiologically separated, which was established, for example, for May lily of the valley when using radioactive isotopes of phosphorus. In densely sod grasses (pike, fescue, feather grass, serpentine, etc.), along with young individuals, a compact clone can be a counting unit, which acts as a single whole in relations with the environment.

The number of seeds in the soil reserve, although this indicator is very important, is usually not taken into account when constructing the age spectrum of the cenopopulation, since their calculation is very laborious and it is almost impossible to obtain statistically reliable values.

If in age spectrum cenopopulation at the time of its observation, only seeds or young individuals are represented, it is called invasive. Such a cenopopulation is not capable of self-maintenance, and its existence depends on the influx of rudiments from outside. Often this is a young cenopopulation that has just invaded the biocenosis. If the cenopopulation is represented by all or almost all age groups (some age states in specific species may not be expressed, for example, immature, subsenile, juvenile), then it is called normal. Such a population is independent and capable of to self-maintenance by seed or vegetative means. It may be dominated by certain age groups. In this regard, young, middle-aged and old normal cenopopulations are distinguished. A normal coenopopulation, consisting of individuals of all age groups, is called full member, and if there are no individuals of any age conditions (in unfavorable years, separate age groups may temporarily fall out), then the population is called normal incomplete.

The regressive cenopopulation is represented only by senile and subsenile or also generative, but old, not forming germinating seeds. Such a cenopopulation is not capable of self-maintenance and depends on the introduction of rudiments from outside.

An invasive cenopopulation can turn into a normal one, and a normal one can turn into a regressive one.

The age structure of the cenopopulation is largely determined by the biological characteristics of the species: the frequency of fruiting, the number of produced seeds and vegetative primordia, the duration of seed germination, the ability of vegetative primordia to rejuvenate, the rate of transition of individuals from one age state to another, the ability to form clones, etc. The manifestation of all these biological characteristics, in turn, depends on the conditions external environment. The course of ontogenesis also changes, which can occur in one species in many variants (polyvariance of ontogenesis), which affects the structure of the age spectrum of the cenopopulation.

Different sizes of plants reflect different vitality of individuals within each age group. The vitality of an individual is manifested in the power of its vegetative and generative organs, which corresponds to the amount of accumulated energy, and in resistance to adverse effects, which is determined by the ability to regenerate. The vitality of each individual changes in ontogenesis along a single-peak curve, increasing on the ascending branch of ontogenesis and decreasing on the descending one. In many species, individuals of the same age state in the same cenopopulation may have different vitality. This differentiation of individuals in terms of vitality can be caused by the different quality of seeds, different periods of their germination, microconditions of the environment, the impact of animals and humans, competitive relations. High vitality can be maintained until the death of an individual in all age states or decrease in the course of ontogeny. Plants with a high level of vitality often pass through all age states at an accelerated rate. In cenopopulations, plants of an average level of vitality often predominate. Some of them go through ontogenesis completely, while others skip part of the age states, passing to a lower level of vitality before dying off. Plants of the lowest level of vitality have a reduced ontogeny, often passing into a senile state, barely starting to bloom.

Individuals of one coenopopulation can develop and move from one age state to another with different speed. Compared with normal development, when age states replace each other in the usual sequence, there may be an acceleration or delay in development, the loss of individual age states or entire periods, the onset of secondary dormancy, some individuals may rejuvenate or die. Many meadow, forest, and steppe species, when grown in nurseries or crops, i.e., in the best agrotechnical background, reduce their ontogeny, for example, meadow fescue and cocksfoot - from 20-25 to 4 years, spring adonis - from 100 up to 10-15 years, gillweed - from 10-18 to 2 years. In other plants, when conditions improve, ontogeny can be lengthened, as, for example, in common cumin.

In dry years and with increased grazing in the steppe species of Shell's sheep, individual age states drop out. For example, adult vegetative individuals can immediately replenish the group of subenile, less often - old generative ones. Colchicum corm plants in the central parts of compact clones, where conditions are less favorable (lighting, moisture, mineral nutrition are worse, the toxic effect of dead residues is manifested), pass into a senile state faster than peripheral individuals. In Sverbiga orientalis, under increased grazing load, when the renewal buds are damaged, young and mature generative individuals may have interruptions in flowering, thereby rejuvenating themselves and prolonging their ontogeny.

Do the team's hedgehogs different conditions from 1-2 to 35 paths of ontogenesis are realized, and in the great plantain from 2-4 to 100. The ability to change the path of ontogenesis ensures adaptation to changing environmental conditions and expands the ecological niche of the species.

Fluctuations in the age spectrum of the cenopopulation following weather conditions are especially characteristic of plants in floodplain meadows. In two species of sheep - Shell and fur - in the Penza region, a cyclic change in the age spectra in the long-term dynamics is clearly traced. In dry years, sheep populations age, and in wet years they get younger.

The age spectrum can vary not only due to external conditions, but also depending on the reactivity and stability of the species themselves. Plants have different resistance to grazing: in some, grazing causes rejuvenation, since the plants die off before reaching old age (for example, in the flat wormwood), in others it contributes to the aging of the cenopopulation due to a decrease in renewal (for example, in the steppe species of Dedebour's gill).

In some species, throughout the range, in a wide range of conditions, normal cenopopulations retain the main cherries of the age structure (common ash, fescue, meadow fescue, etc.). Such an age spectrum depends mainly on the biological properties of the species and is called basic, In it, first of all, the ratios are preserved in the adult, most stable part. The number of newly emerging and dying individuals in each age group is balanced, and the overall spectrum is constant until significant changes in the conditions of existence. Basic spectra most often have cenopopulations of edificatory species in stable communities. They are opposed to cenopopulations that relatively quickly change the age spectrum due to unstable relationships with the environment.

The larger the individual, the greater the scope of its impact on the environment and on neighboring plants (“phytogenic field”, according to A.A. Uranov). stronger position among others

Thus, not only the number, but also the age spectrum of the cenopopulation reflects its state and adaptability to changing environmental conditions and determines the position of the species in the biocenosis.

Age structure of animal populations. Depending on the characteristics of the reproduction of the species, members of the population may belong to the same generation or to different ones. In the first case, all individuals are close in age and approximately simultaneously go through the next stages of the life cycle. An example is the reproduction of many grasshopper species. In the spring, the first-stage larvae appear from the eggs that have overwintered in capsules laid in the ground. The hatching of larvae is somewhat extended under the influence of microclimatic and other conditions, but on the whole proceeds quite amicably. At this time, the population consists only of young insects. Through 2- 3 weeks due to the uneven development of individual individuals, larvae of adjacent ages can simultaneously occur in it, but gradually the entire population passes into the imaginal state and by the end of summer consists only of adult sexually mature forms. By winter, having laid eggs, they die. The same age structure of populations in oak leafworm, slugs of the genus Deroceras and others with an annual development cycle that breed once in a lifetime. The timing of reproduction and the passage of individual age stages are usually confined to a specific season of the year. The number of such populations, as a rule, is unstable: strong deviations of conditions from the optimum at any stage of the life cycle affect the entire population at once, causing significant mortality.

Species with the simultaneous existence of different generations can be divided into two groups, reproducing once in a lifetime and reproducing many times.

In May beetles, for example, the females die shortly after laying eggs in the spring. The larvae develop in the soil and pupate in the fourth year of life. At the same time, representatives of four generations are present in the population, each of which appears a year after the previous one. Every year one generation completes its life cycle and a new one appears. Age groups in such a population are separated by a clear interval. The ratio of their numbers depends on how favorable the conditions were for the appearance and development of the next generation. For example, the generation may be small if late frosts destroy some of the eggs or cold rainy weather interferes with the flight and copulation of the beetles.

In species with a single reproduction and short life cycles, several generations are replaced during the year. The simultaneous existence of different generations is due to the prolongation of oviposition, growth and sexual maturation of individual individuals. Ego occurs both as a result of the hereditary heterogeneity of the members of the population, and under the influence of microclimatic and other conditions. For example, in the beet moth, which harms sugar beet in southern regions USSR, caterpillars of different ages and pupae overwinter. During the summer, 4-5 generations develop. At the same time, representatives of two or even three adjacent generations meet, but one of them, the next in terms, always prevails.