An amazing animal - the sugar glider. Flying squirrel (sugar glider) at home How long do gliders live?

Nowadays it is not uncommon to keep exotic animals in an apartment. Many people in force various reasons they do not want to be content with a dog or a cat, but instead get tarantulas, iguanas, snakes, ferrets and other animals. The sugar glider is a fairly popular animal. Her pretty appearance makes almost everyone smile. But before you run to the pet store for this exotic animal, you should familiarize yourself with the features of its maintenance. A photo of a sugar glider, a description of its appearance, habits, daily routine and life in the apartment - all this will be presented below.


The marsupial flying squirrel has a tail and body of approximately the same length - from 15 to 21 centimeters. The animal has short and soft fur, most often ash-colored. The possum's belly is light, and there is a dark stripe on its back.

Externally, the flying squirrel resembles a squirrel, but it is impossible to confuse them, since the possum has a number of features:

  • between the front and hind legs on the sides the animal has a membrane that allows it to fly;
  • the flying squirrel has large, round and very mobile ears;
  • This animal has large dark eyes.

The exotic pet is able to bend its tail and hold small objects with it. And due to its sharp claws and fingers, which have a special structure, it handles food very deftly. Reviews from sugar glider owners often mention how fun it is to watch this animal eat food.

About life in nature

In nature, flying squirrels are found in the forests of Australia, preferring eucalyptus trees. They spend almost their entire lives on them. During the day, the animals sleep in their shelters, and at night they are active. Possums feed on insects, small animals, juices and fruits of some plants.

Flying squirrels live in groups of seven. Each group has a dominant male and babies up to a year old. A distinctive feature of the group is its specific smell. It is the male who marks family members and his territory. The smell is considered a kind of sign of belonging; strangers are identified and expelled by its absence.

The energy of flying squirrels depends on the weather and time of year. During rainy and cold seasons, animals become lethargic and may even hibernate. This is caused by a lack of nutrition - this is how possums save vital energy.

Nowadays it is very popular to keep flying squirrels at home. After all, her cute appearance leaves no one indifferent. It should be noted that this animal, like any other animal, has its advantages and disadvantages. Before purchasing, you should study them and only then make a purchase.

According to reviews from sugar glider owners, males mark their territory with a rather bad-smelling substance. Not everyone will like this. You will have to wash the cage and tray very often. It should be understood that a flying squirrel is neither a cat nor a dog; it cannot be trained to relieve itself in in the right place. The animal will definitely do this not only in the cage, but also while walking and in flight. Thereby dirtying furniture, floors, and sometimes the owner himself.

Often in reviews of the sugar glider, the animal’s evening activity is noted. When purchasing an animal, you should be prepared for night noise.

At home, the animal lives longer than in the wild. Of course, the life expectancy in an apartment depends on proper care and nutrition, but it’s still worth keeping in mind that the flying squirrel lives from 9 to 12 years.


Possums have a number of undeniable advantages, which are serious reasons to buy just such an exotic animal:

  • unusually sweet and funny;
  • delicate wool, pleasant to the touch;
  • amenable to training;
  • friendly;
  • become attached to the owner;
  • clean;
  • get along well at home.


Judging by the reviews from the owner of sugar gliders, there are several serious disadvantages that can repel those who want to purchase the animal:

  1. They make noise at night.
  2. They may bite.
  3. They have a specific unpleasant odor.
  4. They require strict adherence to feeding rules.

The necessary conditions

Reviews about keeping a sugar glider at home indicate that the animal requires special conditions. The animal is social, and it is best to keep not one, but two flying squirrels. For breeding, you can get a pair of opposite sexes. If the owner does not want the animals to reproduce, then two female animals should be purchased. It is not recommended to take two males, this is fraught with constant fights.

  • rods with PVC coating, the distance between which should be from 10 to 13 mm;
  • reliable lock;
  • drinking bowl;
  • small feeders for different types food;
  • climbing equipment;
  • scratching post;
  • a house with an opening in which the flying squirrel will hide during the day;
  • various attractions (wheel, etc.);
  • Soft material is placed on the pallet in which the animal will not get entangled.

The cage and its contents must be made of safe material so that the animal does not get poisoned if it starts to chew something.

How to care for a flying squirrel

Judging by the reviews about the sugar glider, caring for it at home is not as scary as it might seem at first glance:

  • Once every 3-4 days it is necessary to wash the cage;
  • constantly provide the animal with the opportunity for communication and movement;
  • when walking, remove traumatic and breakable objects from the room;
  • when walking, it is worth covering mirrors and glass with curtains or fabric so that he does not crash into them;
  • there is no need to bathe or comb the animal;
  • The animal does not need vaccinations;
  • If the animal does not grind its claws down on its own, they must be trimmed.

What to feed your sugar glider

Reviews from sugar glider owners indicate that the main rule healthy eating For flying squirrels, the exact ratio of proteins and carbohydrates is considered: the proportion is 7 to 3. Water should always be present in the animal’s drinking bowl. Food should be given only while the animal is awake; it must be removed in the morning. Having food during the day can make your pet fat.

The possum's diet consists of fruits and insects. Sometimes you can give honey, plain yogurt and poultry without spices. Feeding what is on people's tables is strictly prohibited! Also, you should not give the animal grapes and a lot of nuts.

Compatibility with other animals

Judging by the reviews about sugar gliders, you should not get an animal if there are cats and dogs, small children, poisonous plants and an aquarium in the apartment.

The former can harm the flying squirrel. Children, if handled carelessly, can cause aggression in an animal, and it is known to bite. Having tasted poisonous plant, the possum can get poisoned, and if it gets into the water, it can drown (the animal cannot swim).


Breeding possums is far from the most profitable and easy business. There are a number of good reasons for this:

  • To maintain a pair, decent conditions are required (food, care, cage);
  • a pregnant female requires additional food costs;
  • find future owners - not an easy task;
  • veterinary care is very expensive;
  • the character of pets engaged in raising offspring changes for the worse in relation to humans;
  • Caring for a couple requires isolated space and a lot of time.

Where to buy and how much does a sugar glider cost?

You can buy it at pet stores specializing in exotic animals or from breeders. Cost - from 100 to 250 dollars.

Periodically visiting a “cool” pet store nearby for my needs, I always noticed a large cage standing almost in the most visible place. The sign with the name of the animals (what exotic ones you can’t find these days!) was not as attractive as the indicated price: for that amount you could buy 20-25 hamsters or rats, about 10-15 guinea pigs, 3-4 female chinchillas! In the center of the cage, some kind of driftwood was vertically fixed, which ended at the bottom with a “hut” of broken rope, but somehow I never had a chance to see the owner of the royal mansion... The saleswoman readily explained that Australian sugar gliders are nocturnal animals and right there, perking up, she asked: “Show me?” There was nothing left to do but politely refuse and get out of harm’s way.

The second time I already had the honor of seeing this very thing in all its glory, albeit rather sleepy: in my presence, my parents bought one for their daughter. Ooooh... It wasn’t even “mimimi” - "Mimimi!" A tiny lump with huge eyes that simply looked into the soul, a furry body with stripes on the head and back, a luxurious fluffy tail and charming “frills” on the sides - it was something. " Well, they took my brother, this one will now be left all alone..." - the saleswoman almost sobbed, - " Maybe you'll take it

They clearly looked at me with hope (and poorly hidden interest). And while one part of my consciousness was torn with desire " catch up, save, press to the chest“,” feverishly wondering where to get the money for such an expensive purchase, another, more bastard “alter ego” screamed at the top of his voice: “ I hope you are smart enough not to buy a completely unfamiliar animal?!“I confess, the bastard in me won (for which I was very grateful to her later) ... I mumbled something like: “ I will think...”, I quickly retreated and did not look into the ill-fated one for a long time.

So, for all exotic lovers: Australian sugar glider (Petaurus breviceps)!

This animal lives in the northeast of Australia, about. Tasmania, Papua New Guinea, some islands of Indonesia. This is the smallest representative Families of marsupial flying squirrels (Petauridae), their favorite habitat is eucalyptus forests. Adult weight possum 95-160 g, body length up to 42 cm, of which up to 21 cm can be a fluffy tail. The coat color is usually bluish-gray, but brownish-yellow is also found, the belly is creamy-white, very rarely seen albino possum . On the back and head of the animal there are longitudinal brown stripes, the longest running along the ridge to the very tail. On the chest and at the tail possums There are glands with the secretion of which they mark territory. In males possum one of the odorous glands is located on the forehead, and over time a characteristic bald spot forms there.

Very big eyes additionally outlined with black “arrows” that stretch all the way to the ears. Large ears possums They turn like locators in the direction of the slightest rustle. On the front and hind legs the animals have five thin and long fingers with sharp claws, and on the hind legs two fingers are partially fused. But the most interesting detail of the structure possum- a thin membrane on the sides of the body, from the first toe of the hind paw to the fifth toe of the front paw. In a calm state, such a membrane looks like a frill on the sides of the body, but when jumping it stretches, and the animal turns into something like kite and easily “flies” - gliding at a distance of up to 50 m from tree to tree!

Sugar gliders- animals marsupials , like a koala, and they carry their young in a pouch on their belly. After a short, only 16-day pregnancy, 1-4 babies are born (usually 2-3), who live in the pouch for up to four months.

In nature possums They live in small flocks of about ten individuals, each such group has its own male leader. They usually make their nests in tree hollows, where they sleep sweetly during the daytime. Each group requires a territory of at least 0.5 hectares, possums she is marked and strictly protected. By the way, the tail possums easily rolls into a ring, with which they grasp and carry bunches of branches or moss, grass, dry leaves for bedding in the nest. When the tail is busy, the animal carries all this in its teeth. IN winter period possums In nature they hibernate.

Possums eat various insects and larvae, which are fished out from under the bark with their claws, small vertebrates, they also adore pollen, they happily drink the juice of some acacias and eucalyptus trees, which has sweet taste, do not disdain sweet fruits and wild honey. They drink quite a bit - there is enough moisture in their food.

In the wild possums live from seven to nine years. Their lifespan in a zoo or in a house is longer, on average 10-12 years, but the record was set by a marsupial flying squirrel who lived in the zoo: she lived for 17 years and 8 months!

And this is where the “mimimi” practically ends

Possums are nocturnal animals , their peak activity occurs around four o’clock in the morning. It is at this time that they will joyfully rattle the feeders and drinking bowls, rush around the cage like a herd of elephants, and spin the wheel with ecstasy. But that's not all: Possums simply have a huge range of sound signals ! All this loud crying, roaring, grumbling, chirping, crackling, hissing, yapping and other animals are constantly used to attract attention to their person, express joy and greeting or, conversely, intimidation, fear, anger - in general, this is how they communicate. As one owner aptly put it, “ it's reminiscent of the screams of a chow chow that is trapped in a door!“Would you like a concert like this every night, starting at 4 a.m., for ten years?

No matter how hard you try, there will be a smell from the cage and the animals themselves . And not only from urine, but also from “marks,” especially after strangers have been in the house. Besides Possums are extremely sloppy: They scatter around the cage not only bedding and leftover food, but also used napkins and wood chips. From some food (such as fruit) possums They only suck out the juice, the cake also flies out. You will have to clean it every day. Even with a large high cage, which is necessary for the animals to have somewhere to stretch, and a really very high tray, such that possum you had to jump to grab the edge; a fair amount of the debris would end up outside anyway.

Possums must be fed insects (live!) . This is not a delicacy, but the basis of their diet - up to 50%. Give them Zophobasa It is not allowed in large quantities, these worms are too fatty, which is harmful to the liver and kidneys. You can feed crickets, but... Firstly, from time to time a couple of people from the cage manage to escape. Secondly, absorb insects, regardless of the location of the feeder, possums love, hanging on the walls of the cage. These little monsters tear the crickets alive, while splashes fly in all directions, like from a crushed juicy grape, polluting the walls, floor and everything else within a radius of almost a meter from the cage. Nothing can be done about this; you can’t go against nature. All that remains is to scrub these remains daily for a certain number of years, or try to build some kind of screen around the cell. And further, possums You need a lot of calcium, so it is advisable to sprinkle the insects generously with it before feeding. The cage should have a nipple drinker into which water sweetened with honey is poured. Feeders are placed on the bottom of the pallet, always in different parts- otherwise, while they are eating from one, they will shit on the other.

Possums are strictly contraindicated:
- hazelnuts (pine nuts can be used as a treat);
- fatty foods (avocado, cheese, pork);
- lettuce and other salads;
- dairy products, except yoghurt;
- corn;
- food for parrots or other birds;
- grapes, raisins;
- chocolate;
- onion garlic;
- legumes (except peas);
- peanuts;
- citrus fruits.

Additionally, their diet can include boiled chicken, a little cottage cheese, eggs, fruits, vegetables, honey, pollen.

Possums They love soft houses, but they are completely finished within one day, after which they will have to be washed. It’s easier to provide them with half a coconut, a plastic “satellite” house or something similar and provide them with torn napkins (they will make the bedding from them themselves) - the napkins are easier to throw away, and such a house can simply be wiped down and washed periodically.

Possums are social animals , keeping them alone is inhumane; at a minimum, same-sex couples are needed. Hold possums It won’t work in a cage all the time, they need communication (and not only with their own kind), and from time to time they need to remember that they are “flying squirrels”. Simply putting a room at their disposal is fraught - these animals are capable of hiding anywhere, testing wires, gliding towards a hot chandelier, etc., etc. Once released, they will instantly find themselves under the ceiling, and after such a walk you will have to scrub their excrement from the floor, walls, chandelier, furniture and everything else for several hours (by the way, the smell from the carpet is almost impossible to remove).

Sugar gliders they love to “ride” on their owner, especially in the pocket of a robe or jacket. After a walk, all your clothes will have to go straight to the wash, and you will have to take a shower - they do all “their business” right there, when the need arises. They also cling to clothes and can scratch you painfully with their sharp claws.

Despite all that, no matter what you say, these animals do not have high intelligence: yes, they are tamed, they can come to your hands, take a treat from your hand, play with the owner or let yourself be stroked, but, of course, they cannot be compared with rats. And of course, they get sick, and finding a good veterinarian who understands exotic animals and their diseases, and is also able to make the right prescriptions and calculate the dosage of medications, is very, very difficult.

So it’s worth thinking seriously about: exoticism and “mimimi” are, of course, good. But do you need all these “dancing with a tambourine” for a good ten years, or even more, at such costs and such minimal returns?

I promise you will fall in love with the heroine of this story at first sight - sugar glider. It is impossible to look at her without emotion and a smile.

You (very likely) will immediately want to have this beauty in your home.

For example, I wanted it right away. 😀

And this is quite real - the fashion for exotic animals is growing. So, if you don’t want to kill a handsome guy and don’t want to create a bunch of problems for yourself, don’t do it!

To convince you to weigh the pros and cons, I will tell you about how the flying squirrel lives in nature and what serious difficulties exist when keeping it at home.

So, get acquainted - this baby has so many names that it would be enough for a small zoo 😀

She and sugar glider, And sugar glider, And pygmy flying squirrel, And short-headed flying squirrel. Moreover, the official Latin name is Petaurus breviceps, and in English they call it Sugar Glider(because of her two main talents - gorging on sweets and floating through the air like a feather.

Living conditions of the sugar flying squirrel in nature

These animals belong to the marsupial mammals of the family of marsupial flying squirrels.

The animals are graceful, dexterous and very small. The flying squirrel's body length is only 15-21 cm, plus a fluffy tail of 16.5-21 cm. Body weight on average is 95-170 grams. The flying squirrel's body shape is a bit like a squirrel, but there are fundamental difference- a thin membrane covered with delicate fur, which allows the animal to skillfully glide between trees. This membrane, or membrane, starts from the fifth toes of the front paws and ends at the first toes of the hind paws.

In flight, flying squirrels stretch their legs to the sides, stretching the membrane, which allows them to soar through the air for considerable distances of more than 50 meters! The flight path is controlled by the movement of the paws and tail.

The fluffy tail of the sugar glider exceeds the length of the body and plays a vital role in the life of the animal - it helps balance and change the direction of flight, and also serves to carry all sorts of necessary items, such as twigs for the nest.

Marsupial flying squirrels live in the northern and eastern parts of Australia, New Guinea and the adjacent islands, the Bismarck Archipelago and Tasmania, where they were presumably first introduced in 1835, as evidenced by the absence of earlier traces of remains in the soil layers and the lack of a local name for these animals.

Flying squirrels are primarily nocturnal. Their strongly bulging eyes have adapted to see perfectly in the dark. In addition, flying squirrels have very large, rounded ears that pick up barely noticeable sounds, which helps the animals in hunting.

Sugar flying squirrels spend most of their lives in trees and rarely descend to the ground.

Their main habitat is forests with eucalyptus trees, but these animals learned to adapt to new conditions and settled in any forests where there was sufficient food supply for them.

Sugar gliders are social animals. They live in families or groups, which includes up to 7 males, not counting the young, and the leader of the pack is the alpha male.. The entire group, including adult cubs that have not yet left their parents, lives in one nest in hollows or on the roots of trees and protects a total territory of about 100 hundred square meters The nest inside is lined with twigs, grass and dry leaves.

The dominant male marks his possessions with a smelly liquid from glands located on the forehead, chest and back of the body.

The females are usually fertilized by the dominant male, after which 16 to 29 days pass before the cubs are born.

A female can have up to three litters per year, each of which gives birth to up to three babies.

After birth, the cubs, being in a special pouch of the mother, do not tear themselves away from the nipple for another 40 days; after 70 days, they can already get out of the pouch, but continue to feed on their mother’s milk for up to four months.

Sexual maturity in males occurs at 8-15 months, in females at 12.

A striking distinctive characteristic of sugar flying squirrels is their extraordinary talkativeness and the variety of sound signals that the animals use to communicate with their relatives, varying their intonation and intensity to express their emotions: they are capable of making rumbles and crackles, hissing and crying, chirping and yelping.

These signals are used to attract attention, express anger, warn of approaching danger and fear, greetings, joy and many other emotions.

The marsupial flying squirrel feeds on the sweet juice of some types of eucalyptus and acacia trees, as well as nectar and fruits of plants. Protein foods play an important role in its diet - insects, as well as small vertebrates and invertebrates.

IN summer time The sugar flying squirrel's diet is based on proteins, and in the absence of insects in winter they become vegetarians.

If the food supply is insufficient to maintain the required level of vital energy, animals enter a state close to lethargic sleep, in which they can spend up to 23 hours a day.

The usual body temperature of the sugar flying squirrel is 35-36 degrees Celsius, but it tends to decrease by 8-24 degrees during the animals’ sleep.

Lifespan of a sugar flying squirrel wildlife The average lifespan is 9 years; when properly kept in captivity, animals live up to 12 years. Cases of maximum life expectancy have been recorded in zoos - up to 17.8 years.

The main difficulties of keeping the sugar flying squirrel in captivity

Among lovers of exotic animals, the sugar flying squirrel is known as sugar squirrel and its content is becoming increasingly popular. When comfortable conditions are created, flying squirrels even reproduce well in captivity.

But what kind comfortable conditions do you need to create these animals and do you have enough money, time and energy to do it?

1.As mentioned above, marsupial flying squirrels - these are nocturnal animals and they cannot be retrained for a daily lifestyle and adjusted to your daily routine.

It is impossible to disturb these shy animals while they sleep - they will get sick, become depressed or simply die. Therefore, you will not be able to show them to guests and they are extremely bad for small children.

Thus, the flying squirrels will be noisily awake at night in the cage and constantly chirp, grumble, squeak, hiss, yelp and whistle.

Cute sugar glider on curtain at home

Thus, to keep them you need a spacious cage as far away as possible from the bedrooms of all family members. 😀

In addition, for exercise, flying squirrels (like hamsters and squirrels) are placed in a cage with a running wheel, which knocks loudly at night and disturbs not only rabid exotic hunters, but also their respectable neighbors who love peace and quiet.

2. Marsupial flying squirrels live in groups in nature, so they cannot be kept alone. Even living as a couple is boring for them. At the same time, flying squirrels have a very delicate psyche and do not tolerate stress well.

A short communication with you, after the flying squirrel wakes up at about 23 o'clock, and it needs to walk and fly for an hour, before you have to go to bed (to work tomorrow), will not be enough.

From stress, flying squirrels begin to become hysterical and bark continuously.

3. In order to live normally and be healthy, flying squirrels, as you probably already guessed, need to fly around the room. At least for an hour.

At the same time, it is impossible to accustom them to the tray. Just like in nature, the animals will float, dumping their waste all over the room 😀

Moreover, the excrement of omnivorous flying squirrels is similar to that of you and me, and not dry balls - it is difficult to remove them from wallpaper, curtains, upholstered furniture, equipment, books, clothes, etc.

Yes, and they also mark their territory! They stink! Well, poor things, they can’t live any other way.

In nature, they are territorial animals and constantly mark boundaries with very smelly secretions. Moreover, experts say that even if you clean their room several times a day, you still won’t get rid of the smell.

Yes, and in the process of soaring around the room, the flying squirrels drop and hit everything that gets in their way.

Ideally, flying squirrels should be given a separate room with a very spacious cage and without unnecessary things and drafts.

4. Possums do not like bright light, so keeping them indoors evening hours there should be twilight, and frequent photography of animals with a flash can lead to the formation of cataracts.

5. The diet of the sugar flying squirrel must be varied, or it will quickly wither and die.

They need to eat a variety of fruits and plants, which quickly turn sour when uneaten and must be quickly removed from the cage. They need to eat live insects, which they will either have to buy for a lot of money or breed themselves (brrrrr). Moreover, 40-50% of the flying squirrels’ diet consists of these insects scattering from the cage. When replacing live insects with chicken or dry food, flying squirrels quickly begin to have metabolic problems and sometimes paralysis of the limbs occurs.

In addition, the diet of the sugar flying squirrel should not contain a lot of phosphorus, and it is very difficult to determine where and in what quantities it is contained. Fortunately, they don’t eat fish 😀

6. Flying squirrels are sloppy creatures.

True, they take care of their silky fur carefully and with pleasure. There is no need to wash them, or even just not possible.

But the room around the cage is littered worse than any parrot.

Therefore, it is impossible to put food and water in their side feeders. All feeders will need to be placed on the bottom of the tray in different corners, otherwise, while the flying squirrels are eating from one, they will shit in another.

It is strictly forbidden to seal the bars of the cage - flying squirrels must move freely on them.

7. Sugar gliders are not very smart creatures, like all marsupials.

You will never expect from them such a variety of love, devotion, complex emotions as from our ordinary dogs and cats.

They can simply learn not to be afraid of you and perceive you as a source of food and a convenient twig on a tree. 😀

In addition, they constantly climb into equipment and all possible dangerous holes. They can’t get out on their own - their intelligence is not enough. Therefore, they should not be left unattended for a second. Otherwise, you will have to break everything and remove the cute freaks.

8. The sugar glider is an exotic and whimsical creature. It can be very difficult for them to find a veterinarian and the costs of his services can be catastrophic.

9. Will you find someone to leave your whimsical little animal with when you get ready to go on vacation?

You can’t leave such complex animals to your old neighbor. You’ll have to spend your holidays with them at home for the next 10-12 years.

10. Flying squirrels are long-lived creatures

It follows that you will become attached to these charming creatures with all your heart and will adjust your entire life to their exotic needs. long years. Are you ready for this?

Just so as not to torment the charming and fragile creature, but to provide him with a truly decent living.

And it is YOU who will be responsible for all their illnesses, suffering and death. “We are responsible for those we tame.”

All of the above is also typical for all exotic tree pets - marmosets and marmosets, lemurs and galagos.

Maybe, after all, it’s better to admire their free behavior in the wild by watching wonderful films, which are a lot on the Internet these days?

And so that your beloved cat purrs comfortably on your lap, and a devoted dog rests his wet nose on your feet. They really need us! They simply cannot live without us.

And they treat our frayed psyches, relieve cardiovascular diseases and heart attacks. Life is extended! I’m telling you this as the owner of 4 dogs and 17 cats!

But I won’t get a wonderful flying squirrel animal.

True, they are kept by all and sundry in their homeland, and in Russia it is no longer rare.

Like disposable fluffy and adorable toys. Without bothering with their needs and health. They wake you up during the day, take pictures with a flash, and drag you around crowded hypermarkets to attract attention on social networks.

This is exactly what Nurmaya Sari Siregar did the other day, who dragged his one-week-old (!!!) baby flying squirrel Bogus into the crowd at the store, gave him a bottle of beer in his paws and amused the audience...

Look in the video at this unfortunate baby, clutching the glass in horror instead of his mother’s warm fur, blinded by the bright light and deafened by the noise.

People don't know how to think and see the truth. They were touched by the cool little animal. And my heart sank for this doomed, amazing baby.

Note. This article uses photographic materials from open sources on the Internet, all rights belong to their authors, if you believe that the publication of any photograph violates your rights, please contact me using the form in the section, the photograph will be immediately deleted.

The body length of the marsupial flying squirrel (possum) ranges from 15 to 21 cm, the tail length is similar. The fur is soft and short. The color is most often ashen, there is a dark stripe on the back, and a light belly.

Externally, the sugar glider resembles a squirrel, but it is impossible to confuse them, because this animal has a number of characteristic features:

  • the membrane that allows it to fly (more precisely, glide over fairly long distances) is located on the sides between the front and hind legs;
  • rounded, rather large and very mobile ears;
  • big dark eyes.

The sugar squirrel or marsupial flying squirrel lives in northern and eastern regions Australia, New Guinea, Tasmania, the islands of the Bismarck Archipelago.

It's woody marsupial mammal, the smallest and most common species of possum. He got his name because of his ability to float through the air and because of his love for sweets. The weight of a possum depends on gender and ranges from ninety to one hundred and sixty grams. It has a thin, slightly elongated body. The length of an adult animal can reach forty-two centimeters, of which about half is the fluffy tail. The coat of possums is usually gray-blue, but there are animals with yellow or yellow-brown fur. It is very rare to find albino possums.

Its fur is thick and soft. There are brown stripes on the back and face of the animal. The abdomen is white, with a cream tint. Possums have a small, slightly pointed muzzle. Its ears are quite large; they are capable of turning like locators in the direction of the outgoing sound. Large black eyes are surrounded by black rims that extend to the ears. They help you see perfectly in the dark.

The limbs of sugar gliders are very well developed. On each paw they have five long, thin fingers with sharp claws. Such “aristocratic” fingers allow you to get larvae and small insects from under the bark, and sharp claws allow you to hold on to flexible branches well.

The possum can bend its tail and even hold small objects with it. And due to its opposed fingers and sharp claws, it handles food very deftly.

The animals have small size, the female's body length reaches 27–28 cm, the male's - up to 40 cm. Possums usually weigh from 90 to 160 grams, depending on gender. The body of the marsupial flying squirrel is covered with soft and dense gray-blue fur. Individuals with yellow and brown-yellow colors can also be found, and occasionally even albinos can be found. By appearance The animal resembles a small squirrel, which is why it is often called a sugar squirrel.

Marsupial flying squirrels have a small and elongated muzzle, on which there are dark stripes. The back of the animal is also covered with the same stripes. Possum belly white, with a creamy tint. In females there is a pouch on it. The ears are large and can turn towards the sound source. The eyes are large and black with dark rims reaching to the ears. Sugar gliders are nocturnal animals and have excellent vision in the dark.

The front and hind limbs of flying squirrels are well developed. On each paw there are five long and rather thin fingers, at the ends of which there are sharp claws. In nature, with the help of such fingers, animals can feed; to do this, they reach out from under the bark of trees. various insects and larvae, and sharp claws help to hold well on plant branches.

A distinctive feature of sugar gliders is the presence of a thin membrane, which is a layer of skin covered with fur and located on the sides of the body - from the front limbs to the hind limbs. During a jump, this unusual part of the body is stretched and allows the animal to fly a certain distance.

The sugar glider is a relatively small marsupial. The marsupial flying squirrel is the tiniest relative of the opossum family. Its head and body are approximately 120-220 mm long, and its tail is about 150-180 mm. The weight of a mature animal reaches only 140 grams, with a body measuring 15-20 cm and a tail length of up to 19 cm.

There is a dark stripe along the back from the back to the nose. There are similar stripes on the muzzle, in the direction from the eye to the ear. There is a small white mark on the tip of the tail. Just like flying squirrels, sugar gliders have a membrane of skin that extends from outside front to the ankle of the hind leg, and can be opened by spreading the limbs wide. The female sugar glider has a significant difference in body structure - a small pouch in the skin fold to accommodate the baby.

Exotic animals in apartments are not uncommon these days. Many people, for various reasons, do not want to be content with a cat or dog, but instead get iguanas, tarantulas, snakes, ferrets and many others.

There is a lover for everyone, and at the sight of such a cutie as the sugar marsupial flying squirrel, a rare heart will not tremble in tenderness.

However, before running headlong to a pet store or breeder, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the animal, think through all the nuances and correlate them with your own habits and daily routine.

Sugar possum at home: maintenance, feeding

For a long time now, no one has been surprised by a cat in the house lying in the master’s chair or a dog running out into the hallway barking joyfully.

But in last years Exotic pets began to appear in the homes of our compatriots, who came to us from different parts of the world. It could be an iguana or Achatina, a ferret or a chinchilla, a tarantula or an opossum.

The little squirrel or sugar possum has won the hearts of people almost all over the world.

Pets Questions Reviews Jokes

The marsupial flying squirrel is a small creature that has many nicknames: flying squirrel, sugar glider, flying sugar glider.

This exotic animal comes from Australia, and today we will talk about keeping a flying squirrel at home.

A charming creature only 40 cm long, weighing 200 grams, its eyes are round and large, its ears and tail are movable.

Since animals are active at night, vision at night is much better. Females have a pouch on their abdomen for future young. The color of the flying squirrel is ash-yellow with soft and thick fur.

Life expectancy is on average 12 years.

Marsupial flying squirrels are energetic and active animals that sleep during the day and are awake at night. In addition, they need quite a lot of free space for their amazing and high jumps. But the animal is unpretentious in keeping.

Loneliness is destructive for these animals! Yes, and they are used to living in a herd, therefore, it is recommended to buy them in quantities of 3 to 5 pieces, which will complicate care.

External signs

The opossum, or pygmy flying squirrel, is a very miniature animal. Its body length ranges from 7 to 23 cm, weight – from 95 to 160 grams. The animal's muzzle is elongated and slightly pointed. The tail can be very short (6 cm) or very long (50 cm). At its base there are thickenings that are formed due to fat deposits.

When getting a pet, it is worth considering that flying squirrels at home live even longer than in the wild. Although how many years the animal will be with you depends on nutrition and care, it is worth keeping in mind that this is more likely 9-12 years, and not three years, like a rat or a hamster.

Possums have a number of undeniable advantages, which are serious incentives to have just such a pet:

  1. They are incredibly cute and funny, especially if there are several of them.
  2. Pleasant to the touch.
  3. They are friendly and trainable (they can learn a couple of simple commands and funny tricks).
  4. They tolerate captivity well.
  5. They become attached to the owner.
  6. Clean.


There are several characteristics that can become a serious obstacle to owning this cute animal:

  1. They are nocturnal and quite noisy (they move loudly and can make barking sounds).
  2. They have a specific musky smell.
  3. They may bite.
  4. They require strict adherence to the diet.


If you decide to get yourself an exotic and unusual animal, then you should definitely pay attention to such a wonderful animal as the sugar glider, which is capable of winning over any person in a few moments. Anyone will love his funny and friendly character, charming appearance, interesting habits.

Today, sugar gliders are becoming increasingly popular as pets. Having decided to acquire such an unusual animal, you should learn in great detail about its care, feeding, and character traits. Keeping flying squirrels at home is, of course, not easy, but it is quite possible. To do this, you will need to adapt to their habits, lifestyle and diet.

  1. Children cannot be trusted to keep these animals, as possums can bite or scratch a child if he or she strongly grabs or crushes the animal.
  2. Sugar squirrels are nocturnal, so they can make a lot of noise in their cage at night.
  3. Marsupial flying squirrels relieve themselves anywhere, sometimes on the fly, but it is impossible to train them to do this in one place.
  4. Males will mark their territory, and it will be almost impossible to get rid of the smell. And if you let your pet out of the cage, then be prepared for this.
  5. Feeding an animal is quite difficult; for example, for full development, young animals need to be given live insects.
  6. If there are other cats living in the house or big birds, they will always pose a danger to the animal.

Flying squirrels are quite active and are kept either in a spacious cage or in an aviary. The minimum dimensions for a pair of animals are 80x80x60 cm, however, the higher the cage, the better. The walls and ceiling should have bars no larger than 1.5 cm, otherwise the cubs will be able to squeeze between them or even fall out.

The door must be equipped with a lock or carabiner. These animals are very inventive and easily learn to open an unfixed passage on their own. The floor is covered with a specialized filler for rodents in the form of compressed sawdust.

Branches are a must when keeping sugar gliders. In his natural environment Their habitat is that they live in trees; these animals have an instinct for climbing up trees.

It is best to place bowls on shelves and in different parts of the cage or enclosure. This will help keep the water uncontaminated longer.

The house is an invariable attribute of the possum’s habitat. Ideal option there will be a suspended structure, fixed as high as possible. The following can be used as a nest: plywood or wooden boxes, something soft and at the same time reliable, for example, a knitted pocket. Flying squirrels passionately adore cozy, soft nesting places, so if the frame of the house is hard, you should put rags or hay in it.

It is permissible to use several nests at once, however, while feeding the brood, it is worth limiting yourself to one.

Toys should be chosen that are made of hard plastic. The following are perfect for flying squirrels: tunnels, stairs, running wheels, bells, mirrors and small balls. Toys require periodic updating to maintain the animals’ interest in them.

Where to buy and how much does the animal cost?

You can buy a sugar glider in pet stores specializing in exotics, or directly from breeders (since they reproduce quite actively in captivity, this is quite possible). Prices range from $100 to $250.

Remember that an animal is not a toy. Before purchasing, carefully consider your expectations, wishes and capabilities, and consult with the owners. If you still decide, then good luck! Sugar squirrel will give you many bright and unforgettable impressions.

Sugar glider or sugar flying squirrel (lat. Petaurus breviceps) live in the forests of Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea, living mainly in eucalyptus thickets. These amazing animals can live quite well at home, so many people take them in, making flying squirrels one of the family members.

Alessandro Di Grazia

The weight of flying squirrels averages up to 160g. Moreover, the males distinctive feature of which there is a huge spot located on the forehead, as a rule, heavier than females. The body length of the animals is 12-32 cm, and the tail length is 15-48 centimeters. The color contains predominantly grey colour, only the belly is white. A black stripe connects the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail.

The usual body temperature of a sugar glider is 35-36 degrees Celsius and tends to decrease by 8-24 degrees during the animals’ sleep period. Flying squirrels feed on fruits, pollen, and invertebrates at night, occupying any position that is most convenient for them at the moment when eating.

Sugar gliders nest in a special territory, total area which is no less than half a hectare. Most often, tree hollows and sometimes their roots are used as nests. For bedding they use dried leaves, grass, and also small branches, which they drag into their home, hooking them with their tail, which is successfully twisted into a loop. If the tail is occupied, teeth can also be used to carry bedding materials.

One of the main tasks of the animals in question is protecting the territory. Every day, the dominant male leaves marks on all other members of the group (therefore, all animals have a smell characteristic of this family group) and its boundaries. If the territory is suddenly attacked, the attack on the group always begins with the male.

Sugar gliders are especially active at night. These are very mobile animals that can climb trees, turning their heads both down and up and without experiencing the slightest inconvenience! They also like to hang on tree branches, tightly clinging to them with their hind legs.

Among the special methods of movement of flying squirrels, of course, is gliding flight. By means of a flight membrane running from the forelimb to the ankle joint of the hind paw, the animals are able to fly over a length of more than 60 meters!

The distinctive characteristics of the life activity of these extraordinary animals include a large set of sound signals with very different intensities (yelping, crackling, rumble, hissing, crying, etc.), used by them to attract attention to themselves, to indicate fear, anger, friendly intentions, joy, greetings, etc.

Pygmy flying squirrels are social animals, groups of which contain no more than 7-12 animals of different ages. The father of young flying squirrels that leave the territory upon reaching sexual maturity (at the age of 10-12 months) is the dominant male.

The reproductive function in a group is usually performed by the dominant male, and its assignment to another member leads to conflicts in each family. The female's gestation period is 16 days, and the total sexual cycle is 29. A female gives birth to a maximum of 3 litters per year, and each cannot contain more than 3 cubs, which are born immature and remain in the female's pouch for 40 days, without leaving the nipple not for a second!

Sugar glider cubs emerge from their mother's pouch when they reach 70 days of age or several days later, but until 110-120 days they still continue to feed on milk. Sexual maturity in males occurs at 8-15 months, in females at 12.

The average life age of dwarf marsupial flying squirrels is from 4 to 6 years. A record case is when a male managed to live up to 14 years.