Beans vitamins and minerals. Beans: beneficial properties and cooking recipes

Beans are a plant of the legume family with a long history. The birthplace of beans is considered South America, but, according to historical facts, this is especially popular legume used in Egypt and Ancient Rome. Knowing about the beneficial properties of beans, they were used not only for cooking, but also as a base for cosmetics - powder and whitewash. Some sources claim that Queen Cleopatra herself practiced a face mask made from beans.

Beans are an excellent medicinal and cosmetic product.

Beans, beneficial features which are contained in its seeds and valves, is considered a real dietary and medicinal product. Consumption of this legume can serve as a preventive measure against many diseases. Beans are recommended for those who suffer from atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart rhythm disorders, and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. It contributes to the rehabilitation process of seriously ill patients and is indispensable for people suffering from nervous disorders.

Considering the beneficial effects of beans on the body, one cannot help but note beneficial influence of this plant on the digestive system - it is not just dietary product, but a product that helps restore metabolic disorders. Beans are also recommended for those who suffer from tuberculosis - they serve as an excellent aid in its treatment, as well as in the prevention of this disease.

Those who suffer from diabetes mellitus. Contained in it, synthesizing urea and participating in metabolic processes, thereby lowering sugar levels. To increase the effect, a decoction should be prepared from the beans and then taken before meals.

The beneficial properties of beans as a medicinal product also extend to the genitourinary system. It helps remove kidney stones when urolithiasis. Having a diuretic effect, beans also help reduce swelling. Beans are also good as an antibacterial agent that helps fight tartar and is used to reduce inflammatory processes in the liver.

In addition to using beans in medicinal purposes, it is also effectively used in cosmetology. You can make miraculous moisturizing and rejuvenating face masks from beans. Women who have crossed the threshold of forty should pay special attention to such masks. It is very simple to prepare a rejuvenating mask; to do this, you need to mix boiled beans with a small amount of lemon juice. Beans should first be passed through a strainer. Regular use of this mask will give your skin radiance, freshness and elasticity.

Each of the substances that make up bean seeds is designed to perform its specific function. For example, iron plays the role of forming red blood cells, as well as saturating cells with oxygen and. Copper, in turn, promotes the production of adrenaline and. Sulfur provides invaluable benefits to the intestines and is effective in the treatment of skin diseases, rheumatism and bronchial disease. The function of zinc is to regulate carbohydrate metabolism.

Beans. Contraindications for use

Like most foods, beans are beneficial and harmful at the same time. Although there are much fewer contraindications to the use of this product than recommendations for its use.

Beans are not recommended for consumption by elderly people, those diagnosed with peptic ulcers, gout, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, as well as those suffering increased acidity. Do not neglect the recommendations of experts who warn against eating beans raw, as this can cause serious poisoning.

It is a known fact that eating beans can lead to increased gas formation (flatulence). But this unpleasant effect can be significantly reduced if the beans are pre-soaked in a soda solution for a longer period of time. heat treatment. In order to reduce gas formation, during the preparation of beans it is also worth using various spices that prevent the occurrence of flatulence, for example. Typically, white beans cause less gas than red beans.

There are different types of beans...

Proper cooking of beans

In the diet of vegetarians, as well as people who cannot afford to cook every day meat dishes, beans should occupy one of the main places. Because it is the richest source of protein. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to cook beans correctly. And this is extremely important, because the properties of the product, which cleanses the intestines, strengthens muscles and nourishes the brain, depend on how correctly and for how long it is prepared.

Of course, ready-made canned beans are very convenient and practical. But, unfortunately, in most cases they are oversaturated with preservatives and sodium, which suggests that such food cannot be healthy. In addition, canned beans have a completely different taste than freshly cooked beans, and this taste is far from perfect. Therefore, it is better to cook beans yourself; they will be much healthier and cost less.

Healthy recipe with beans

Beans, which contain about 120 calories, are a universal product. It can be the main component of first courses, an ingredient in salads, a filling for baked goods, and so on.

The basic recipe for properly preparing beans, designed for eight servings, includes the following ingredients:

— 2–3 liters of water;

- 1.5 - 2 cups sorted, sorted and washed beans;

- 1 medium onion, coarsely chopped;

- 2 medium-sized coarsely chopped;

- Not a large number of olive oil;

To soften the beans, they are soaked overnight in cold water. In the morning, this water is drained and fresh water is added. Next, the pan with the beans is placed on the fire and brought to a boil, after which chopped garlic and chopped chili pepper are added, and the broth continues to cook until the beans become completely soft (about 2 hours). After confirming that the beans are ready, the remaining ingredients are added one by one in any order, and the whole thing is cooked for about another hour. The almost finished dish should be seasoned with salt and pepper. It is not recommended to add salt too early as the outer shell of the beans can become quite tough. Ready beans are used as an ingredient for preparing a wide variety of dishes.

To speed up the process of cooking beans, you can use a pressure cooker. In this case, it is also worth soaking the beans overnight, but the cooking process itself will take about half an hour.

Bean and celery salad

Each of the components of the bean salad is a real storehouse of nutrients, and besides, preparing it is very, very simple.

To prepare the salad you will need the following:

- boiled beans: 200 - 300 grams;

— celery stalks: 6 – 8;

- grated low-fat cheese: 4 - 5 tbsp. spoon;

- almond flakes: 0.5 cups;

White cabbage: 100g;

- vegetable oil;

— water: 1.2 liters;

The onion is finely chopped and fried in sufficient quantities vegetable oil until a golden crust forms on it. Then add diced bell pepper. And all this is fried over medium heat for 5 minutes. Next, a celery stalk cut into thin slices is added to the same frying pan, everything is seasoned with salt and cooked for a couple more minutes.

The next stage of preparation is adding pumpkin cut into large cubes to the already fried ingredients, which should also be slightly salted. All this is cooked for another five minutes with occasional stirring. Then the tomato is cut crosswise and grated (the remaining skin should be discarded), and the resulting tomato is also added to the frying pan. All this is fried until the liquid is gone and oil comes out on top of the vegetables. After this, the vegetable mixture is mixed and seasoned.

At the end of the cooking process, the fried vegetables are poured into boiling water, beans and shredded cabbage are added to them. And all this is cooked over low heat until the cabbage becomes soft.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Beans are called the most diverse representative of the family Legumes, native to Central America and India. Indian tribes considered red beans to be the basis of their diet along with maize and almost everything National dishes Modern Mexico cannot do without beans. An annual climbing plant with beautiful flowers, long fleshy pods and large bright red fruits, red beans are an unpretentious garden plant that can easily be grown in any summer cottage and even on the balcony (calorizator). Red beans have a crescent shape, a glossy surface, and the color, depending on the variety, varies from deep burgundy to variegated pink. Red beans have the densest shell, tender, slightly oily flesh with a pleasant nutty taste.

Calorie content of red beans

The calorie content of red beans is, on average, 310 kcal per 100 grams of product. Depends on the manufacturer and variety of beans.

Composition and beneficial properties of red beans

Red beans are a supplier of high-quality, easily digestible protein, which is equal to the protein of meat products, and surpasses it in the content of useful substances. Red beans contain: vitamins (,), and, as well as almost everything necessary for the human body minerals, among which: , and , and aluminum, and . The fiber contained in red beans is soft, it keeps you feeling full for a long time and provides a gradual supply of energy over a long time. The complex carbohydrates of red beans promote rapid satiety, so the product is recommended for obesity. Eating red beans has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body, strengthens immune system, is a prophylactic against neoplasms, including malignant ones. Beans are involved in hematopoietic processes, help increase hemoglobin levels and lower cholesterol in the blood.

Harm of red beans

Raw beans contain toxic substances, so they must be cooked. Beans are quite heavy food to digest, so for those with illnesses gastrointestinal tract, especially in the acute stage, you need to use beans with caution. Pregnant women, elderly people and children under 12 years of age should not indulge in dishes with red beans.

Red beans for weight loss

The use of red beans in the diet of vegetarians and fasting people is quite justified - the product is lean, but quite filling and healthy. Many diets also include beans in the diet for losing weight, for example, and - all of these nutritional principles contain red beans at their core. By replacing dinner with a dish with beans several times a week, you can not only gradually get rid of several unnecessary kilograms, but also significantly improve the condition of your skin and hair.

Varieties of red beans

Red beans have many varieties, the most famous are: Colorado, Tashkent, Skorospelka, Adzuki, Tomato, Middle Red, Ethiopian. We remind you that it is red beans that have greatest number toxic substances, so it must be cooked for at least 15 minutes or consumed canned.

Not everyone knows that beans can be used not only for cooking, but also as powder. This is how Cleopatra hid her wrinkles. For the queen, white beans were ground to flour, then water was added.

Cleopatra applied the paste-like mass to her face in a thin layer, filling out wrinkles. This “foundation cream” was a kind of nourishing mask for the skin. Its only drawback was cracking when dry.

Napoleon was also a connoisseur of high taste qualities beans. As an adult, he used exclusively beans to replenish protein reserves, since he did not eat chicken meat, having overeaten it as a child.

Nowadays, the benefits of beans are associated exclusively with their nutritional value and vitamin and mineral composition. On the market and in supermarkets you can see quite a few varieties of this product - black, red, white, green asparagus and even canned. How healthy is each of these beans, and what vitamins are in them? How does consumption affect the health of pregnant women, and does green beans cause harm to older people?

Beans were first cultivated in South America about 7 thousand years ago. However, it was grown both in Ancient Rome and in Ancient Egypt. In these states, not only the beneficial properties of the bean for the body were valued, but also its cosmetic and taste properties.

Beans came to Europe only in the 16th century thanks to sailors from Holland and Spain. Then from European countries(presumably from France) it was brought to Russia, therefore long time they were called "French beans." Initially it was grown in Rus' as ornamental plant(mostly white and black), and only in the 18th century it began to be used for cooking. In addition, healers noticed exceptional healing properties for the body, the vitamins and minerals contained in its composition are determined.


Beans are a fairly high-calorie product. So, 100 grams contain almost 300 kcal. However food composition Generally beneficial for the body and does not lead to fat deposition.

The nutritional value

It looks like this:


What vitamins are contained in beans can be found in the following table:

per 100 grams of product vitamin content mg
Vitamin A 0.06
Vitamin B1 0.1
Vitamin B2 0.2
Vitamin B3 0.5
Vitamin B5 0.2
Vitamin B6 0.2
Vitamin B9 0.03
Vitamin C 20
Vitamin E 0.3


Beans also contain minerals, namely:

per 100 grams of product mineral content mg
Phosphorus 540
Zinc 340
Potassium 260
Sulfur 160
Calcium 150
Manganese 134
Silicon 92
Sodium 40
Magnesium 26
Iron 12
Sodium 2

Benefit for health

Vitamins and nutrients in beans determine its beneficial properties. Green asparagus, white, red and black beans contain quite a lot of them.

Firstly, this is a fairly low-calorie product compared to other beans. 100 grams of green beans contain only 25 kcal, which is due to the high content of dietary fiber.

Secondly, the benefit of green beans is that it has a positive effect on many systems of the human body, which is expressed in the following effects:

  • Improvement of the digestive system
  • Expectorant effect, so it is widely used in the treatment of bronchitis
  • Stimulation of hematopoiesis
  • Improved skin condition
  • Boosting immunity
  • Reduced blood sugar.

Considering the benefits of green beans, the product is useful to use for the following diseases:

  • Diabetes
  • Infectious diseases
  • Skin problems
  • Anemia
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Another beneficial property of beans is the fight against the appearance of cancer cells, which includes antioxidants, and there are especially many of them in dark varieties (red and black). Based on this criterion, the “bean rating” looks like this:

  • black (in this regard, vitamins and benefits are maximum)
  • red (medium beneficial properties)
  • white with minimal anti-carcinogenic benefit.

The benefit for women and men also lies in the fact that regular consumption of beans helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body. This can prevent the development of atherosclerosis and the vascular complications that this disease leads to.

The reduction in sugar levels occurs due to zinc in beans. Therefore, white and black beans for men and women are very useful for diabetes. It is recommended to consume beans, pods, decoction of husks, etc. for glucose-lowering purposes. Canned and green beans normalize sugar well.

Possible harm

Are there any harm to beans, including green beans? It is not recommended to eat beans for people suffering from the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • Gastritis with increased acid-forming function
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum
  • Chronic colitis
  • Chronic cholecystitis
  • Gout.

The listed harm of green beans is associated, on the one hand, with increased gas formation and subsequent stimulation of the enzymatic activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and on the other hand, with a large amount of protein, which in case of gout contributes to its exacerbation. In order not to cause harm and reduce gas formation, it is recommended to eat bean dishes with the addition of dill, which reduces flatulence. Also for this purpose, white and black beans are soaked before cooking.


What's wrong with canned beans? In general, it is harmless, since many vitamins and minerals are preserved in it. However, you should avoid frequent use of this product. Canned beans are prepared using vinegar and fats. In the first case, kidney damage is possible, and in the second, canned food acquires an increased calorie content, and due to this, it adds extra pounds to those who eat it.

The healing properties of red beans and other varieties of this food product are revealed to the body when properly prepared. White and black help to warn to some extent oncological diseases, green asparagus stimulates the intestines, canned reduces blood sugar levels and enriches the body with protein. It is beneficial for both men and women, but do not forget that beans can be harmful if consumed in excess.

With the modern pace of life, people tend to spend less and less time on cooking. Therefore, they began to cook beans less often, because they require pre-soaking. But that didn't make her any worse. Napoleon, a lover of these beans, believed that beans gave strength to the muscles and added great thoughts to the brain. Let's look at what vitamins in beans give them so many benefits.

Beans were among the first plants to be grown for food. It is early ripening, productive, and does not require special growing conditions. The homeland of beans is South America. Beans appeared in Russia in the 11th century.

The table will tell you what vitamins are contained in beans and in what quantities:

Vitamin name mg per 100 g Action
A 0,06 Responsible for visual acuity, beauty of hair, nails, and stomach function.
0,1 Regulates metabolic processes, ensures the functioning of blood vessels and the heart. Protects nervous system.
0,2 It includes enzymes that are involved in cell respiration. Deficiency can cause photophobia and stunted growth.
0,2 Resists stress, maintains hair color with age, prevents arthritis.
0,2 Part of enzymes involved in the metabolism of fatty acids and cholesterol. Deficiency causes seizures.
0,03 An important ally in the fight against. Indicated during pregnancy.
E 3 Powerful antioxidant. Prevents skin cancer, strengthens heart muscles.
0,5 Participates in the work of the heart and blood microcirculation.
WITH 20 Protects against infections and colds, important for growth.

Mineral composition in 100 grams of beans:

Name of mineral mg per 100 g Action
Iron 15 It is part of hemoglobin, transfers oxygen from the lungs to tissues, and is important in the formation of blood. Deficiency leads to general fatigue.
Zinc 5 Activates chemical reactions to maintain acid levels.
Calcium 150 The basis bone tissue, prevents urolithiasis.
Potassium 260 Removes fluid from the body, regulates heart function, supports all muscle functions.
Phosphorus 550 The basis of teeth and bones, important in regular metabolism in the body.
Sodium 40 Provides water and intercellular exchange in the body.
Magnesium 125 Maintains the stability of the nervous system, is responsible for the speed of transmission of nerve impulses.
Sulfur 160 An important element for metabolic processes in the body.
Manganese 135 Maintains normal blood pressure levels, affects puberty and the formation of blood cells.

The composition of bean seeds includes many amino acids, pectin, fiber, dietary fiber, ash, starch and monosaccharides.

It is especially beneficial for people with diabetes to eat beans. These beans stimulate the pancreas, which affects blood sugar levels.

The nutritional value

Beans are a high-protein product; they are not inferior in nutritional value and digestibility even.

The store sells beans of different varieties: red, white, green, black. You can also buy it canned and frozen. Each variety is slightly different from the others.

Features of different varieties

It is this variety that nutritionists insistently urge to include in the diet of people leading healthy image life. Green beans contain the insulin analogue arginine, they are high in vitamins, but have very few calories. Due to the sulfur it contains, it helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal infections.

When frozen, green or asparagus beans retain all the vitamins. It is easy to prepare, just boil it for 5 minutes. Beans in pods are a common element in the diet of people losing weight.

This type is common in summer cottages. Contains a large amount of antioxidants and proteins. Red beans are used to prepare soups and various main dishes. The inclusion of red beans in the diet is especially recommended for women; it is believed that the substances contained in its composition delay aging. And masks made from boiled red beans nourish and tighten the skin of the face.

White beans

This variety is recommended for elderly and overweight people due to its low protein content. White beans have more iron than other types. These beans help improve heart rhythm and increase the elasticity of blood vessels. Leader among varieties in fiber content. White fruits are valued for their delicate, delicate taste.

This variety is less popular than red and white. But it contains no less vitamins and microelements. The black variety of beans has a high protein content, almost equal to meat. Black beans normalize the chemical balance in the stomach and activate metabolism.

Which variety is more beneficial?

In terms of calories, it’s good to lose weight on white beans - only 102 kcal per 100 grams. Capsicum generally contains 25 kcal per 100 grams. And it is better to do physical labor that requires a lot of energy by consuming red beans. They contain 298 kcal. Red is more nutritious; it contains more B vitamins and amino acids. Black has more protein.

How beans affect the body

The rich composition of the medicinal components of the product allows one to judge its great benefits for the body.


  • maintains normal blood pressure levels;
  • improves intestinal motility and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • has a diuretic effect, fights swelling;
  • alleviates the manifestations of chronic rheumatism;
  • normalizes carbohydrate and water-salt balance in the body;
  • raises hemoglobin;
  • helps strengthen hair, nails and bone tissue;
  • promotes gentle removal of stones from the kidneys and gall bladder.

When to avoid it

The product should be excluded if:

  • gout;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • stomach ulcer and gastritis.

Bean soup and delicious side dishes will add variety to your diet and bring a lot of benefits.

Beans- a plant of the legume family with a long history. South America is considered the birthplace of beans, but, according to historical facts, this legume was especially popular in Egypt and Ancient Rome. Knowing about the beneficial properties of beans, they were used not only for cooking, but also as a base for cosmetics - powder and whitewash. Some sources claim that Queen Cleopatra herself practiced a face mask made from beans.

Beans are an excellent medicinal and cosmetic product.

Beans are recommended for those who suffer from atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart rhythm disorders, and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. It contributes to the rehabilitation process of seriously ill patients and is indispensable for people suffering from nervous disorders.

Considering the beneficial effects of beans on the body, one cannot help but note the beneficial effect of this plant on the digestive system - it is not just a dietary product, but a product that helps restore metabolic disorders. Beans are also recommended for those who suffer from tuberculosis - they serve as an excellent aid in its treatment, as well as in the prevention of this disease.

Those who suffer from diabetes should pay special attention to this product. The arginine contained in it, synthesizing urea and participating in metabolic processes, thereby lowers sugar levels. To increase the effect, a decoction should be prepared from the beans and then taken before meals.

The beneficial properties of beans as a medicinal product also extend to the genitourinary system. It helps remove kidney stones from urolithiasis. Having a diuretic effect, beans also help reduce swelling. Beans are also good as an antibacterial agent that helps fight tartar and is used to reduce inflammatory processes in the liver.

In addition to using beans for medicinal purposes, they are also effectively used in cosmetology. You can make miraculous moisturizing and rejuvenating face masks from beans. Women who have crossed the threshold of forty should pay special attention to such masks.

It is very simple to prepare a rejuvenating mask; to do this, you need to mix boiled beans with a small amount of lemon juice. Beans should first be passed through a strainer. Regular use of this mask will give your skin radiance, freshness and elasticity.

Each of the substances that make up bean seeds is designed to perform its specific function. For example, iron plays the role of forming red blood cells, as well as saturating cells with oxygen and strengthening the immune system.

Copper, in turn, promotes the production of adrenaline and hemoglobin. Sulfur provides invaluable benefits to the intestines and is effective in the treatment of skin diseases, rheumatism and bronchial disease. The function of zinc is to regulate carbohydrate metabolism.

Beans have cleansing properties, dissolve and drive urine. The diuretic effect is exerted mainly by the skin of bean grains. Beans take a long time to digest and produce thick matter, especially white beans; softens the chest and lungs, gives fullness to the body.

Beans have good dietary properties, which is why they are used for dietary nutrition for various gastrointestinal diseases, kidney diseases, liver diseases, Bladder, with heart failure.

Beans have calming properties, so eating bean dishes has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, ensuring calm and complacency.

Beans in folk medicine

Beans are widely used in folk medicine. Decoctions, water infusions pods, seeds, and flowers of beans are used for many diseases. Thus, a decoction of seeds or whole bean pods is recommended as a diuretic for edema of renal origin or due to heart failure.

Beans exhibit medicinal and healing properties for diabetes. Beans have antimicrobial properties and are also useful for hypertension, chronic rheumatism, kidney and bladder diseases, and the formation of stones in the urinary organs.

Beans have wound healing properties and are used for various skin diseases, with gastritis with reduced secretion of gastric glands, fatty liver.

Beans have excellent cosmetic properties. So, boiled beans, rubbed through a sieve, are mixed with vegetable oil and lemon juice. This combination has anti-aging properties - nourishes the skin necessary elements, make it healthier and eliminate wrinkles.

Folk recipes

Beans are recommended for food for gastritis with low acidity. Due to the fact that it contains a large amount of potassium (up to 530 mg per 100 g of grain), it is prescribed for atherosclerosis and heart rhythm disorders. The hypoglycemic effect is associated with arginine, an insulin-like substance.

For chronic rheumatism and gout, boil 12-20 g of crushed bean husks for 2-3 hours over low heat in 1 liter of water, cool, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day.

Beans as a diuretic and sugar-lowering agent: 4 tbsp. spoons of crushed pods pour 3 cups of boiling water, keep in a closed enamel container in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain through 2-3 layers of gauze, squeeze and bring the volume to the original volume. Take 3-4 glasses 3 times a day with meals.

To enhance the sugar-lowering effect, the beans are combined with blueberry leaves (preferably mountain): 2 tbsp. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over spoons of the mixture. Take the infusion 1/3 cup 4-5 times a day with meals.

The zinc contained in beans normalizes carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Copper activates the production (synthesis) of adrenaline and hemoglobin. Beans have a good effect on digestive system, so it is useful to include it in the diet of people who want to lose extra pounds. Beans improve metabolism in the body.

Beans have a positive effect on genitourinary function and, which is very important for men, help improve potency. Beans have cleansing properties and help dissolve kidney stones. Green beans regulate salt metabolism in the body.

Beans enhance the secretion of gastric juice. Beans help dissolve and remove gallstones. Beans have antimicrobial properties, which helps relieve inflammation in the liver. Due to the high concentration of active macro- and microelements, easily digestible proteins, vitamins and other useful substances, beans are classified as dietary and medicinal products.

And what is also important, beans retain their beneficial and medicinal properties during processing, cooking and even during canning.

Like most foods, beans are beneficial and harmful at the same time. Although there are much fewer contraindications to the use of this product than recommendations for its use.

Beans are not recommended for consumption by older people, those with peptic ulcers, gout, gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, or those suffering from high acidity. Do not neglect the recommendations of experts who warn against eating beans raw, as this can cause serious poisoning.

It is a known fact that eating beans can lead to increased gas formation (flatulence). But this unpleasant effect can be significantly reduced if the beans are pre-soaked in a soda solution and subjected to longer heat treatment.

In order to reduce gas formation, when preparing beans it is also worth using various spices that prevent flatulence, for example, dill. Typically, white beans cause less gas than red beans.

Proper cooking of beans

In the diet of vegetarians, as well as people who cannot afford to cook meat dishes every day, beans should occupy one of the main places. Because it is the richest source of protein.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to cook beans correctly. And this is extremely important, because the properties of the product, which cleanses the intestines, strengthens muscles and nourishes the brain, depend on how correctly and for how long it is prepared.

Of course, ready-made canned beans are very convenient and practical. But, unfortunately, in most cases they are oversaturated with preservatives and sodium, which suggests that such food cannot be healthy.

In addition, canned beans have a completely different taste than freshly cooked beans, and this taste is far from perfect. Therefore, it is better to cook beans yourself; they will be much healthier and cost less.

Healthy recipe with beans

Beans, which contain about 120 calories, are a universal product. It can be the main component of first courses, an ingredient in salads, a filling for baked goods, and so on.

The basic recipe for properly preparing beans, designed for eight servings, includes the following ingredients:

  • 2 – 3 liters of water;
  • 1.5 - 2 cups sorted, sorted and washed beans;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • chili pepper (recommended 2 – 3);
  • 2 – 3 cloves;
  • 1 medium onion, coarsely chopped;
  • 2 medium carrots, coarsely chopped;
  • a small amount of olive oil;
  • salt.

To soften the beans, soak them overnight in cold water. In the morning, this water is drained and fresh water is added. Next, the pan with the beans is placed on the fire and brought to a boil, after which chopped garlic and chopped chili pepper are added, and the broth continues to cook until the beans become completely soft (about 2 hours).

After confirming that the beans are ready, the remaining ingredients are added one by one in any order, and the whole thing is cooked for about another hour. The almost finished dish should be seasoned with salt and pepper.

To speed up the process of cooking beans, you can use a pressure cooker. In this case, it is also worth soaking the beans overnight, but the cooking process itself will take about half an hour.

Each of the components of the bean and celery salad is a real storehouse of nutrients, and it is also very, very easy to prepare.

To prepare the salad you will need the following:

  • boiled beans: 200 – 300 grams;
  • celery stalks: 6 – 8;
  • grated low-fat cheese: 4 – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • almond flakes: 0.5 cups;
  • light raisins: 2 – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • olive oil: 2 – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh lemon juice: 2 tbsp. spoons.

Raisins are poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. While it is soaking, the almond flakes are toasted until golden brown. Next, prepare the dressing: for this, mix lemon juice with olive oil, and the whole thing is lightly whipped.

Then the celery stalks are finely chopped, light green leaves are torn off from them, which will also come in handy later. These leaves, which have a piquant taste, are mainly located at the top of the stem bundles or hidden between the branches in the middle.

The final stage of preparing the salad is mixing all the prepared ingredients and then dressing the salad with sauce. This dish does not need additional salt, as both celery and cheese have a salty taste.

But still, it’s worth trying and adding salt if necessary. The salad can be decorated with almond flakes saved for these purposes. This culinary masterpiece should be served on a spacious dish, which is pre-served with lettuce leaves.

Bean soup with pumpkin

Beans are a very popular product for preparing first courses. Unique puree soups, as well as more satisfying dishes, are prepared from it. Bean soup with pumpkin has incredible taste.

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • boiled red beans: 300 grams;
  • celery: 1 stalk;
  • garlic: 2 cloves;
  • peeled pumpkin: 300 grams;
  • one large onion;
  • one large tomato;
  • one bell red pepper;
  • white cabbage: 100 grams;
  • vegetable oil;
  • water: 1.2 liters;
  • salt.

The onion is finely chopped and fried in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil until a golden crust forms on it. Then the diced bell pepper is added. And all this is fried over medium heat for 5 minutes. Next, a celery stalk cut into thin slices is added to the same frying pan, everything is seasoned with salt and cooked for a couple more minutes.

The next stage of preparation is adding pumpkin cut into large cubes to the already fried ingredients, which should also be slightly salted. All this is cooked for another five minutes with occasional stirring.

Then the tomato is cut crosswise and grated (the remaining skin should be discarded), and the resulting tomato is also added to the frying pan. All this is fried until the liquid is gone and oil comes out on top of the vegetables. After this, the vegetable mixture is mixed and seasoned with garlic.

At the end of the cooking process, the fried vegetables are poured into boiling water, beans and shredded cabbage are added to them. And all this is cooked over low heat until the cabbage becomes soft.

  • Such masks not only perfectly nourish the skin, but also smooth out wrinkles and have a lifting effect.
  • Beans have a whitening effect - it makes the skin color even and radiant.
  • These masks also perfectly cleanse the skin, relieve irritation and help get rid of unsightly bruises and bags under the eyes.

Recipe for a bean mask that is suitable for any skin

In addition to the fact that such a mask will have a refreshing and tonic effect, it will also lighten the skin a little, even out its tone and help “reduce the brightness” of freckles.

  1. Beans.
  2. Olive oil.
  3. Lemon.

Mash the cooked beans to make a puree. You will need 2 tablespoons of it. Now add a tablespoon of oil and half a tablespoon of lemon juice. The mixture must be thoroughly ground and mixed to obtain a homogeneous thick mass. The mask is applied to clean skin and left for half an hour. It is removed with plain water, after which the skin can be lubricated with your day cream.

Oily facial skin: bean cleansing mask

  1. Beans.
  2. Egg.
  3. Wheat flour.

Grind the boiled beans, take two tablespoons of the resulting pulp, add the egg white whipped into a strong foam and a tablespoon of flour. Grind the mixture thoroughly to avoid dry flour lumps. Apply to face and leave for 20-30 minutes, then remove with a damp cotton swab.

Nourishing face masks made from beans

  1. Beans.
  2. Carrot.
  3. Cream or sour cream.

Mix two tablespoons of grated beans with the same amount of boiled grated carrots and sour cream. Apply to clean, preferably slightly damp, facial skin and leave for half an hour. Afterwards, remove with a damp cotton swab. This mask not only perfectly nourishes the skin, but also refreshes it, gives it a natural color and even tone.