Ready-made birthday contests for children. A selection of the best competitions for a birthday or corporate event

Each of us has our own personal holiday, on which the sun shines brighter and the birds sing louder. It's a birthday. Children look forward to it most of all, because on this holiday guests come and give many gifts, and parents inflate balloons and decorate with candles. a delicious cake. What else can you do to please your baby and his little visitors? Give them games and competitions! For a birthday, this is the best thing you can think of.

Fun for kids

Children are fidgets who don’t sit still for a second. To direct their irrepressible energy in the right direction, we offer cool competitions for a birthday that will captivate the kids and make the holiday bright and unforgettable. Agree, just eating cake is boring and uninteresting, but playing, jumping and running and receiving prizes is fun!

The scale of the holiday

Birthday competitions for children may be offered in different ways. But first of all, let's decide where the event will be celebrated: in a house, in an apartment, outdoors or in a cafe. Based on this, it will be easier to understand what interesting birthday competitions you can hold.

If the festive action takes place in a small apartment, you won’t be able to speed up much, so the entertainment should be calmer, taking into account the size of the area. The house, as a rule, is more spacious, and if the baby’s birthday falls in the summer, then the garden plot can be temporarily turned into a playground and active games and birthday competitions can be held on it.

If the holiday will be celebrated in a restaurant or cafe, it is worth discussing with the administration the possibility of holding entertainment events for children.

Apartment fun

So, what kind of competitions can you come up with for a home birthday if the holiday takes place in an apartment? For children aged 4-6 years, we offer the games “Funny Animals”, “Turtles” and “Balls with a Surprise”. Birthday contests for older children need to be more complicated. This " Funny fairy tales", "Prize Search" and "Running Ball".

"Funny little animals"

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare:

  • balls - according to the number of children;
  • threads;
  • markers.

Before the children arrive, you need to inflate all the balloons and tie the tails with thread. Divide the children into two teams, give each a ball and a felt-tip pen. The goal of the competition is to draw eyes, a nose, ears, in a word, the face of an animal on each ball. The team that completes the task faster wins.


Kids will really enjoy this fun competition. To carry it out you will only need two basins and two chairs. Divide the children into two teams and line them up. The first participants are given a basin. The goal of the competition is to get on all fours, put a basin on your back (like a shell), get to the chair and back and pass the basin to the next player. Those “turtles” who pass the test first win.

"Surprise Balloons"

Cool competitions for the birthday person must be supported by prizes. Otherwise, it's not interesting to play. The fun of “Balloons with a Surprise” is that no one will leave the party without a gift. To organize this competition, you need opaque (preferably dense) balls and small gifts (funny pens, keychains, rings for girls and model cars for boys).

Before guests arrive, put the prize inside the balloon, then inflate it, tie the tail tightly with thread and lay the balloons on the floor. The children's task is to puncture the ball and discover the gift. There are no losers in this competition - only winners!

"Cool Tales"

Birthday contests for children over 8 years old are, as a rule, a kind of test of attentiveness and reaction speed. Players stand in a circle, clench their right hand into a fist and point it up thumb. The left hand clasps the thumb of the neighbor's right hand. The essence of the game is this: you think of a code word (for example, “flint”) and tell it to the participants. Start saying randomly the names of different fairy tales; when pronouncing the code word, the children must quickly release their thumb from their neighbor’s fist and at the same time catch the other neighbor’s finger. You can confuse the kids - it will be funnier. For example, instead of the code word “Swan Princess,” you can name Princess Nesmeyana or any phrases that contain the word “princess.” Such cool birthday contests are usually accompanied by cheerful fuss and boisterous laughter.

"Search for prizes"

All the kids - creative personalities. Interesting competitions for a child’s birthday should definitely include a demonstration of children’s talents. "Search for Prizes" is an entertainment aimed at enhancing the artistry of children. To conduct this competition you will need:

  • colored cardboard - according to the number of children;
  • box - 2 pieces;
  • markers;
  • prizes - according to the number of players.

First of all, prepare colored cards, of which there should be the same number as the number of participants. Take a square of cardboard and cut it in half. On one half, write the task with a felt-tip pen, and on the other, the name of the prize. You need to write not on the colored side, but on the white side.

Then put the cards with the tasks in one box, colored side up, and in the other box with the name of the gifts. Each participant draws out a card with a task (dance, sing a song or recite a rhyme), and then looks for a card of the same color with the name of the presentation.

"Running Ball"

We also need birthday competitions that will make the kids warm up. For example, "Running Ball". For this game you need two inflated balloons and two glasses. Participants are divided into two teams, the first players are given a glass with a ball placed on top. The goal of the game is to run around your team and pass the baton to the next player, while the ball must remain on the glass. The difficulty is that you cannot help with your hands, and if the ball falls, the player returns to the starting position and starts all over again. The team whose players complete the task first wins.

Holiday at home

If you are the happy owner of a large living space, and even with a garden plot, and the children’s holiday falls in the summer, then cool birthday competitions can be more varied. For children aged 4-6 years, “Turnip”, “Feed the Dragon” and “Drawings on the Asphalt” are suitable. Older children will enjoy playing “Funny Starts”, “Kangaroo” and “Airplanes”.


This competition is based on the fairy tale of the same name, which is familiar to all children. Divide the kids into two teams, in each of which a “turnip”, “grandfather”, “grandmother” and the rest of the fairy tale characters are selected. For a laugh, you can tie a yellow scarf to the “turnip”, give the “grandfather” a hat, “grandmother” a scarf on her head, and so on.

Place two chairs and seat the participants on them. At the signal of the whistle, the “grandfather”, with his hands on his hips, skips around the “turnip”, takes the “grandmother” by the hand, the two of them run to the “turnip”, and upon returning they pick up the other characters. The last participant - the “mouse” - takes the “turnip” by the hand, and together they return to the starting position. Whichever team can do it faster wins.

"Feed the Dragon"

Cool birthday contests are not only about outdoor games and a demonstration of talent, but also about accurately hitting the target. The game "Feed the Dragon" is a great solution for those who love throwing games. To entertain the kids you will need:

  • chairs with backrest - 2 pieces;
  • large bags - 2 pieces;
  • small soft toys or balls - the bigger the better.

Place the table on its back and put a bag on its legs. This will be the dragon's mouth. The kids are divided into teams, their task is to throw as many toys (that is, food) to the “dragon” as possible. The team that feeds the dragon better (throws more toys into the bag) wins.

"Drawings on the asphalt"

Birthday competitions at home are often intertwined with those held at children's parties in honor of City Day. Chalk drawings are no exception. Children love to draw! Give them a lot of crayons and 30 minutes of time and announce a competition for the best drawing. You can come up with any topic, for example, ask to draw birthday cake for the birthday boy, a bouquet of flowers or the hero of the occasion. Prizes should be given out to everyone so that no one gets upset.

"Fun Starts"

After the kids have eaten thoroughly, it’s time to let them move. What could be better than a relay race? There may be several stages in Fun Starts.

The first stage is bag jumping. The guys are divided into two teams, the leaders of each of them are given large canvas bags. The contestants' task is to jump in a bag to a chair and back, passing the bag to the next jumper. The team that completes the task first wins.

The second stage is eating an apple. Tie two apples with a strong thread by the cuttings to a tree branch. The task is to eat an apple without using your hands. The one who does it faster will win.

The third stage is throwing pencils into jars. The children are divided into 2 teams, each participant is given pencils, markers and pens. Two cans are placed at some distance. Players must throw objects at them. The team with the most of them in their bank wins.


What birthday contests would be complete without fun jumping jacks? The Kangaroo competition is what you need! Form two teams of players and give the captains one tennis ball. At a distance, draw a line with chalk. When the leader whistles, the participants squeeze the ball with their knees and jump to the intended place and back, pass the ball to the next player, and so on. Whoever completed the task faster is the winner.


What kind of competitions can you come up with for a boy’s birthday, and even ones that will appeal to the invited girls? Try the game "Airplanes"!
For this entertainment you will need many sheets of A4 paper and a rope. Divide the children into two teams, give each participant 2-3 sheets of paper and ask them to make airplanes. The number of planes for each team must be the same.

Divide the yard with a rope and place teams on either side. At the leader’s signal, the children must throw airplanes to half of their opponents. You can pick up and throw the other team's airplane once per game. At the end of the competition, slowly and loudly count to 10 and count the airplanes on both sides of the rope. Whichever team has fewer of them wins.

Girls' get-togethers

If you have a daughter and her guests are only girls, you can come up with entertainment related to their girlish hobbies. Competitions for a girl’s birthday can be: “Mothers and Daughters”, “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​and “Art Sandwich”.

"Mothers and Daughters"

To conduct such a competition you will need:

  • large table or two chairs;
  • two dolls;
  • two diapers;
  • two caps;
  • two sliders;
  • two vests.

Choose two participants who, at a given signal, begin dressing and swaddling the dolls. The girl who completed the task first wins.

"Waltz of the Flowers"

All young ladies love flowers, so you can hold competitions for a girl’s birthday, which will pretend to turn babies into roses, tulips and daisies. To play "Waltz of the Flowers" you need colored hoops according to the number of children. If the competition is held in the yard, they can be replaced with circles drawn with colored chalk. These circles will be "flower beds". Each player stands in his own “flowerbed”, the presenter turns on the music, and the children, leaving the circle, depict flowers, how they grow and bloom. At the signal, the players must each return to their circle. Those who didn't have time lost.

"Art Sandwich"

For a home birthday, you can hold a creative competition that will really appeal not only to girls, but also to boys. For fun entertainment you need to cut the loaf and place chopped eggs, sausage, cheese, vegetables, herbs on plates, crab sticks, olives and black olives, that is, everything from which you can make sandwiches. Mayonnaise, ketchup or butter.

Now our little cooks get to work. The task is to make funny sandwiches in the shape of animals, flowers, fish, in general, create whatever you want. Absolutely everyone is a winner in this game!

Back to the childhood!

We adults, despite the burden of problems, also love to have fun and laugh heartily. Why not plunge into childhood and organize competitions for the birthdays of adult family members? This will add zest to the holiday and will be remembered for a long time. What can we come up with? Lots of options! Fortunately, you can come up with birthday contests - table-based and active, piquant and serious - either on your own or look for them in various publications.

And so, the guests at the table tasted a little of all the dishes. It's time to organize competitions. For birthdays, table games for adults can be different. For example, "Pig in a poke". For this game you will need an opaque bag or sack in which the host hides the prizes. He begins to ask questions about one or another of them. For example, “hard or soft?”, “big or small?”, “sweet or bitter?” and so on. The participant who guesses the item receives it as a gift.

Prizes and presents

Birthday competitions for adults and children should be planned so that none of the guests leaves without a gift. What can adults come up with? It can be:

  • keychains;
  • pens;
  • notepads;
  • fridge magnets;
  • lighters;
  • tea packaging;
  • chocolate.

The kids will be very happy with such surprises as:

  • lollipops;
  • funny hands;
  • bouncing balls;
  • small puzzles;
  • Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs;
  • chewing gum;
  • small toys.

Birthday contests for 11-year-old children at home: funny and fun games

What birthday contests are ideal for 11-year-old children at home? What is the success of any children's party? The answer to this question is definitely not so simple.

There is a whole range of important points, which must be taken into account if you want to create a truly exciting and interesting celebration for the kids.

Firstly, children should have the opportunity to eat tasty and hearty meals in order to recharge their energy.

Secondly, they must have relative freedom of action so as not to feel under surveillance.

And thirdly, for boys and girls need to be given the opportunity to release energy fun games. And here, perhaps, competitions for children’s 11th birthday are best suited.

funny, fun competitions, games and entertainment for the 11th birthday. We all love competitions, and children are no exception. The difference between an adult and a child lies only in different interests. What you like is not necessarily what your child will like. Therefore, competitions for children should also be organized here. What specific competitions to choose for children on their 11th birthday is a rather complicated question. It all depends on the number of children, their character and mood. Therefore, it is best to select several diverse competitions at once, so that the maximum number of children are satisfied with the entertainment program.

You can get ready-made contests for your 11-year-old child’s birthday on Jossie’s website. Especially for this, we have collected a large collection of interesting and relevant children's competitions. With their help, you will be able to make the celebration interesting and memorable for every little guest and birthday boy himself.


Two participants are selected and put boxing gloves on their hands. Their task: unwrap the candy in one minute and eat it. The one who completes the task faster wins.


Each participant in the competition puts any item into a bag. One of the children is blindfolded. The presenter takes the item out of the bag and the participant, blindfolded, comes up with a task that the owner of the item taken out must complete.

Difficult dances

For such dances we will need ropes or an elastic band. We stretch one rope to a height of approximately 1 meter, and the second - 50 centimeters from the floor. Put a little distance between them. Task: while listening to incendiary music, you need to step over the bottom rope, and under the top rope, bend down and pass without touching it. You can go around the circle several times. For the third time, we blindfold several participants and ask them to do the same actions. We quietly remove the ropes and have fun watching how our dancers try.

Scarecrow couture

The competition is quite simple, it just requires a lot of imagination and creativity. For this you need a heap old clothes, you can also put foreign objects, such as a towel, napkins and the like. To understand how creative they can use for their task. The essence of the task is that each team of participants needs to create a scarecrow for vegetable gardens from the proposed material, but at the same time it must be very fashionable and look stunning. The most inventive team wins.

Pop the balloons

Children are divided into two teams. Each is given 5-7 balls tied together. At the command of the leader, the guys begin to break the balls of the opposing team. The winners are those who have at least one unexploded balloon left.

Non-existent animal

If the existence of hammerhead fish or pipefish is scientifically proven, then the existence of thimblefish is not excluded. Let the child fantasize: “What does a panfish look like?” What does a scissorfish eat and how can a magnet fish be used?”

Hurry up to pick

A ball is given to the player, and 8-10 tennis balls are placed behind him. The player's task is to throw the ball up while it is in the air, pick up as many tennis balls as possible, and then catch the big ball. The game develops dexterity, attention, coordination of movements.

Paper mummy

Yes, dear adults, this may not be interesting to you, but some children at the age of 11 can wrap themselves for the first time toilet paper. Give us the opportunity to have a lot of fun! You can also conduct a kind of greed test with toilet paper. Pass a roll of paper around, the task for the children is to tear off as many squares as they want. Well, you can come up with a task (after everything is torn off), for example, by the number of squares, say wishes to the birthday boy, hug with your neighbor, depending on how much imagination is enough.

Birthday games for 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 years

The most common type of entertainment at children's parties are competitions.

They allow you to relieve tension and constraint, making children more relaxed. Most often, after competitions, guys become more sociable and friendly.

It is not always possible to organize a celebration for children outdoors. Therefore, parents often wonder how safe it is to hold competitions indoors. To prevent children from being injured during play, adults must remove all furniture with sharp corners, as well as all glass objects. To hold the competition at home, the room needs to be cleared as much as possible.

Exists great amount options for holding the competition. They use a variety of things. It is this factor that affects the overall cost of the competition. Some of them (intelligent) are organized without any additional things at all, and therefore do not require any costs.

It will take a lot of time to prepare competitions for children. On average, this figure ranges from 3 to 6 hours. The most difficult ones even take several days to prepare. This is due to the fact that during preparation you need to find a room, prepare and decorate it, write a script, draw up a budget, purchase the necessary items for the competition, etc.

At 11 years old, the child begins to mature. By this age, he had accumulated a sufficient amount of knowledge. It is now that for the first time he has a conscious desire to seem like an independent adult, to stand out from the crowd. All this must be taken into account when preparing the competition.

Try to guess

Stick a piece of paper with any word on one child’s back (TV, for example), he doesn’t know what the word is stuck on his back. Therefore, he asks other children questions, and they say “YES” or “NO” (for example: is this object round? - no, is it edible - no, is it in the house - yes, etc.) until he guesses what it is? word.

Guess the picture

The presenter shows the players a picture, which is covered with a large sheet with a hole two to three centimeters in diameter in the middle. The presenter moves the sheet across the picture. Participants must guess what is shown in the picture. The one who guesses the fastest wins.

Sea chain

Participants are given a box of paper clips. When given a signal, they begin to make a chain using these paper clips. Timed game - about 1-2 minutes. Who will do the most during this time? long chain, he wins.


Children are divided into pairs, each pair stands with their backs to each other and locks elbows. The task is to run to the finish line without uncoupling, and then return back in the same position.


Players can buy real estate in the most different countries using plastic cards. In addition to hotel buildings and ordinary green houses, children will be able to buy Swiss chalets and African reed huts, Chicago skyscrapers and Chinese pagodas... The advantages of the game are obvious: children learn concepts such as “investment”, “stock exchange”, “initial capital accumulation” - but realities modern world are such that without knowledge of the basics of economics there is nothing to do in it.


You need to split into 2 teams.

The presenter announces what kind of applause he wants to hear.

  • ingratiating, sycophantic;
  • lazy and indulgent
  • loud, encouraging;
  • lazy and indulgent;
  • reserved, delicate;
  • stormy, enthusiastic.

This game allows you to introduce children, or vice versa, to better remember or assimilate various emotions and their expression.

The audience determines the winners.

Letter from Uncle Fyodor

The players sit in circles and everyone is given blank sheets of paper and pens. The presenter asks the question: “Who?” Players write the names of their heroes at the top of the sheet. After this, fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible. After this, they pass the piece of paper to the neighbor on the right. The presenter asks: “Where did you go?” Everyone writes, folds the paper and passes it to the neighbor on the right. Presenter: “Why did he go there?”…. And so on. After this, the fun reading begins together.

Interesting answers

The competition participant is seated with his back to everyone, and a sign with pre-prepared inscriptions is attached to his back. The inscriptions can be very different - “Toilet”, “School”, “Shop”, etc. The rest of the participants ask him various questions, such as “why do you go there, how often, and so on.” The player, not knowing what is written on the sign hanging on his back, must answer these questions.

“Burn some balloons.”

Children are divided into two teams. Each is given 5-7 balls tied together. At the command of the leader, the guys begin to break the balls of the opposing team. The winners are those who have at least one unexploded balloon left.


The guys are divided into two groups and stand on either side of a large basin of water. After the word “Start!” children splash each other with water. According to the rules of the competition, you cannot turn away, so the player who turns his head away from the splashes is eliminated. The team with one person left wins. This competition can also be held in a pool or on a river.

"Dwarves and Giants."

Children stand in a circle and hold hands (this way the guys can help their friend if he gets confused). When the presenter says the word “dwarfs”, the players must squat down, and when “giants” they must stand up. The one who makes a mistake is eliminated from the competition.
"Sea chain" Players are given a lot of paper clips. Of these, they must form a chain within 2 minutes. The one with the longest chain wins.


Children participating in the competition are given a lock and a set of keys. The essence of the competition is to be the fastest to pick up the key and open the lock.

"South America".

Each participant is given a costume appropriate to Latin American culture. When the music starts, the children must perform a dance composition. The winner is the one who best experienced the peculiarities of Latin American dances.

Birthday competitions on the street and at home

It is preferable to hold competitions for fresh air. A house or apartment does not always have the required area. A small room will constrain the children's actions, so the competition may not be fair.

If there is no way to take the children out into nature, then on the eve of the birthday you need to prepare the largest room in the house for competitions. All furniture should be removed from it to have more free space.

It is necessary to lay out in advance all the things that the presenter will need for the competition. To do this, in the corner of the room you can put round table and cover it with a screen from prying eyes. You can also put a stereo or laptop with speakers there.

Competitions in nature will be much more interesting. The stop itself is conducive to joy and fun. It has been noticed that if the game is played outdoors, children are more willing to take part in it.

For competitions, you can use a variety of sports equipment that cannot be used at home: badminton, volleyball or soccer ball, tennis rackets, etc. Naturally, the direction of competitions changes: most often they acquire a sporting character. Such competitions are suitable for children of any age.

What to pay attention to when holding competitions

First of all, you need to clearly determine which age group will take part in the competition. When children of the same age play, it is much easier, because they have the same interests.

  1. If the guys different ages, it is important to consider whether a particular competition will be of interest to everyone present.
  2. Carrying out children's competition, as mentioned above, requires a lot of free space.
  3. Organizers should take care in advance about where the holiday will take place.
  4. You should also take into account the nature and personal characteristics each invited child. If the majority of children are not active, there is no need to include sports competitions in the scenario. In this case, intellectual competitions are suitable.

When a child turns 11, he wants to show his individuality at all costs. Competitions should be based on this. They should be aimed at creating a cohesive and friendly atmosphere in the team, and in no way hint at the child’s failure or inability.

We have provided you with fun, fun competitions, games and activities for your 11th birthday at home.


  • Birthday contests for 10 year old children at home: funny and fun games
  • Competitions for New Year 2019 New Year's games and entertainment

Children's bowling is a very entertaining game. Develops awareness of cause and effect, hand-eye coordination, and gross motor skills.
Game description:
Mark the line with a rope. Skittles are made from plastic bottles or ordinary skittles are used. The child is placed behind the line and must roll the ball so as to hit the pins.
The one who knocks down the most pins wins. If the same number of pins are knocked down, the round is repeated.

Competition for children aged 4-12 years "Tails"

Game description:
This game is played by two people. A rope is tied around the players' waists so that a "tail" - a knot at the end of the rope - hangs from behind. The player must catch the opponent's knot-tail so that he does not have time to catch his own knot-tail. Whoever catches the opponent's "tail" first wins. The game is played to cheerful music.
The game develops: dexterity, reaction.

Competition for children aged 4-12 years "Collective art"

Game description:
The game requires two teams. The first player in each group starts at the top of the sheet and draws the head of a face along with the beginning of the neck, the rest of the team does not see what he has drawn. The player then wraps the paper so that only the very end of the neck is visible and passes the paper to the second player. The second player continues the drawing, wraps the sheet so that only the bottom lines are visible, and so on until the last team member.
Afterwards the sheet unfolds and the result can be assessed.
The game develops imagination

Competition for children aged 4-12 years "Art Relay"

The artistic relay race is calm, interesting game, developing Creative skills, thinking, imagination and ability to work in a team.
Game description:
The game requires two teams. Groups must draw an animal or any object within a certain period of time. At the same time, one participant at a time has the right to draw only one line, circle or oval. The team whose drawing looks more like an animal wins.

Competition for children aged 4-12 years "Candy on a fishing rod"

Game description:
Tie the end of a fishing line to the candy wrapper (instead of a hook).
Using a fishing rod, we pull the candy to our mouth, unwrap it (without using our hands!) and eat it.
Whoever does it faster wins.
The game develops: coordination, dexterity.

Competition for children aged 4-12 years "Volleyball with a balloon"

Volleyball with a balloon is entertaining game, which promotes the development of reaction, dexterity and coordination of movements of players.
Game description:
The game requires two teams. Chairs are placed at a distance of one meter opposite each other, on which the players sit. The floor is divided with a rope in the middle between the teams. Children play volleyball. The ball must fly over the rope; players must not get up from their chairs or pick up the ball. You can only push the ball away. If the ball lands on the opponent's territory, the team gets a point. The game goes to 15 points.

Game for children from 4-12 years old "Nesmeyana"

Nesmeyana is a fun children's game for developing imagination, ingenuity of participants, and communication skills.
Game description:
One participant is selected - Princess Nesmeyana, who sits on a chair in front of the rest of the guys. The goal of the other participants is to make the “princess” laugh without touching her.
The participant who makes her laugh himself becomes Unlaughable.

Game for children from 4-12 years old "Eskimo blind man's buff"

Game description:
The driver is blindfolded and thick mittens are put on his hands. Then the players approach him one by one, and he must determine by touch who is in front of him. If the driver identifies the player, then the identified player becomes the driver; if not, the next players come up for identification in turn order.
The game develops: sensitivity, memory.

Game for children aged 6-12 years "Guessing"

Game description:
The driver thinks of an object on a topic discussed in advance (furniture, animals, holiday, etc.), and the players must guess what kind of object it is by asking questions to which the driver answers yes or no. Whoever guesses the word becomes the leader.
The game develops: thinking, communication skills.

Game for children aged 4-12 years "Broken Phone"

The game “damaged phone” is good entertainment for children, which simultaneously develops their hearing and attentiveness.
Game description:
The presenter speaks a word or phrase in a quiet whisper into the ear of one player, and he passes it on to the other player in exactly the same way, and so on along the chain.
The last player says out loud what he did and compares it with the original. The leader then moves to the end and the next player becomes the leader.

Game for children aged 6-12 years "Confusion"

Game description:
Children stand in a circle and hold hands. The driver turns away, and the players begin to get confused, climbing over each other as soon as possible. Then the driver must unravel this tangle without breaking the circle.
The game develops: attentiveness, logic, thinking.

Game for children from 6-12 years old “We compose a fairy tale for the birthday boy”

Game description:
The presenter opens a magazine or book to any page and, without looking, points his finger at the word he comes across. The first storyteller must come up with a phrase using this word. This continues until all players come up with a proposal, maybe two or three. As a result there will be interesting story. We write down the story on a prepared form and give it to the birthday boy.
The game develops: thinking, imagination.

Competition for children aged 6-12 years "Fisherman and Goldfish"

Game description:
Participants stand in a circle. The leader in the center spins a rope with a knot at the end or a jump rope. The end of the rope must pass under the feet of the players, who must not touch it. Anyone who touches the rope is temporarily out of the game. Those who never hit the rope win.
The game develops: attentiveness, endurance, coordination, dexterity.

Competition for children aged 6-12 years "Hold the ball"

Game description:
Two pairs are created. For each pair, a circle with a diameter is drawn or a hoop is placed. The players stand in this circle and are given balloon. They must, without leaving the circle, blow on the ball so that it rises and falls above them and above the boundaries of their circle. You cannot touch the ball with your hands. The couple that can last the longest wins.
The game develops: endurance, coordination, dexterity, reaction.

Competition for children aged 6-12 years "Clapping"

Game description:
The players stand in a circle. Each participant receives a serial number.
All players together begin to clap rhythmically: twice on their hands, twice on their knees. In this case, one of the players says his number when clapping his hands, for example, “five-five,” and when clapping his knees, he says the number of any other player. Whose number he called - continues the game, clapping his hands and calling his number, clapping his knees and calling any other number. Whoever gets confused is eliminated. A player who does not have time to name his number or who names the number of an already eliminated participant leaves the game. The last two remaining players win.

Competition for children from 6-12 years old "Three, thirteen, thirty"

Game description:
The host of the game stipulates in advance which of the numbers represents which action. For example: 3 - hands up, 13 - on the belt, 30 - hands forward, etc.
Players line up at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides.
If the leader says “three”, all players must raise their hands up, when the word “thirteen” - hands on the belt, when the word “thirty” - hands forward, etc.
Players must quickly perform the appropriate movements; the leader gradually increases the pace. Whoever gets lost stands next to the leader and distracts the others with incorrect movements. The most attentive one wins.
The game develops: attentiveness, reaction.

Game for children aged 6-12 years "Liberation Action"

Liberation Action is a dynamic game that well develops hearing, attentiveness, coordination and reaction in the leading player, and dexterity and reaction in the other players.
Game description:
They form a circle of chairs where the participants of the game sit.
A blindfolded “guard” and a blindfolded “prisoner” sit in the center of the circle. hands tied and legs. The remaining participants in the game “liberators” are trying to free the prisoner, that is, they are trying to untie him. The guard must interfere. By touching any participant, he takes him out of the game, he must go beyond the circle of chairs. The player who manages to free the prisoner without being caught becomes the guard himself the next time.

Game for children aged 6-12 years "Waves in a circle"

Game description:
The chairs are placed close to each other in a circle. There are as many chairs as there are players. One of the players (the driver) stands in the center of the circle. The remaining players sit on chairs, and one of the chairs remains free. The driver must have time to sit on an empty chair while others move back and forth, disturbing him. When the driver manages to take a place on the chair, the player who did not have time to interfere with him becomes the new driver.
The driver can give commands to the participants “Right” (players must move clockwise one space), “Left” (players must move counterclockwise one space) or the command “Chaos”. With the command “Chaos”, the participants must quickly change places, the leader tries to sit on any free chair. The player who occupied the chair that was free before the “Chaos” command becomes the driver.

The game develops: attentiveness, dexterity, reaction.

Competition for children aged 6-12 years "Siamese twins"

Game description:
Participants are divided into 2 teams, and the teams are divided into pairs. Pairs of players stand sideways to each other and hug each other's shoulders with one arm. It turns out that the one on the right only has free right hand, and the one on the left has only the left. Together they are the “Siamese twin”. And this “Siamese twin” needs to run to the plate on which the candies lie and together unwrap the candy and eat it. The team that eats all the candy the fastest wins.
If there are few children, then the couples compete with each other. You can give a task: tie your shoelaces or make an envelope out of paper.
The game develops: communication skills, freedom.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Hunting"

Hunting is an active game for developing dexterity, freedom, and coordination of movements for children.
Game description:
The names of all participants in the game are written on the cards. The cards are shuffled and dealt to the players. Players dance to the music and at this time watch the one whose name is written on his card as discreetly as possible. As soon as the music stops, the hunter must grab his prey. But each prey player, in turn, must capture another player for whom he is the hunter. Then the cards are shuffled and the game continues.

Game for children aged 6-12 years "Copy of the monument"

A copy of the monument is a game that develops attentiveness in children and adolescents and helps overcome shyness.
Game description:
Two players are selected from those present. One of them (the copyist) is taken out of the room and blindfolded, the second (the monument) at this time must take some interesting pose and freeze in it. A blindfolded copy player is introduced. He must determine by touch the position in which

Game for children aged 6-12 years "Broken Fax"

Game description:
The players sit down one after another, looking at the back of their neighbor’s head. The first and last player are given a pen and paper. The last player draws a simple figure on a piece of paper, and then the exact same one with his finger on the back of the person in front. Each next player draws on the back of the person in front what he felt on his back. The first player redraws on paper what he felt on his back, after which the resulting pictures are compared.
The game develops: attentiveness, hand motor skills, memory.

Game for children from 6-12 years old "Cockfighting"

Game description:
We use a rope or tape to delimit the floor. Two players stand on opposite sides of the rope.
Starting position: players stand on one leg opposite each other, and their hands are clasped behind their backs. The player’s task is to move to the enemy’s side without releasing his arms or placing his other foot on the ground. At the same time, prevent the enemy from going over to his side. You can only push with your shoulder or chest. The loser is also the one who puts the other foot on the ground or unclasps his hands.
The game develops: coordination, strength.

I’ll say right away that most of the articles on my blog are devoted to children’s birthdays. To make them easier to find, I made a page with links. Now it’s easy for you, and for me too, to prepare for children's party, since everything is collected there - from a children's feast with figured napkins to room decoration. Well, competitions with scripts, of course!

Click on the pictures! All birthday ideas are collected there!

Let's continue!

So, I recorded several competitions for children's day births that are different years were popular with guests from 5 to 11 years old. I have no doubt that you can use some of the suggestions below in your child’s birthday scenario. The conditions for holding the holiday were always the same - small two-room apartment of 37 sq.m.. I decided to divide all the fun into several groups (don’t judge strictly by the classification and names, it’s more convenient for me to describe them):

Birthday contests for children

  • Active (as much as possible in a tiny room with furniture)
  • Musical and choreographic
  • Theater
  • Competitions for the best intuition
  • Arts and crafts
  • Photo competitions


  • It’s hard to imagine ordinary catch-up games in a room, so we’ll call the game “Earth and Sky.” You can only catch those who have their feet on the floor (“ground”), and children who have jumped onto the sofa, armchairs and rocking horse are already considered birds in the sky, and cannot be caught;
  • Children's bowling. Buy two sets of plastic pins (you can also make homemade ones from plastic bottles with weights in the form of beans, peas or coins) to quickly arrange the pieces for a new throw. We use regular rubber balls. When several children gather, excitement appears (prizes are waiting in the bag...)
  • Throwing rings.This is also ready game set(several bright rings and floor holders that need to be reached from a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters). There are options with the ability to count points, the winner is easy to determine.
  • Target and balls with Velcro. In children's stores big choice such toys. There are balls with suction cups, more often they are made simply according to the Velcro principle. The game works well at themed events (for example, as a challenge for pirates or treasure hunters).
  • "Cat and Mouse" I won’t describe it, we just change the characters for each scenario. Who catches whom in the Princess scenario? Evil witch princesses. And then there are Dragons, Ghosts, etc. Children won’t even understand that it’s just cat and mouse :-).
  • "Confusion", I think everyone knows too. One child goes into another room, the rest, holding hands, begin to get entangled in a tight ball. The presenter tries to return everyone to their original state. The game is funny and long enough, and it doesn’t require a lot of space. And again we draw everything to the script. For example, the dwarfs are confused, and Snow White helps them.
  • Relay races. There are many options, choose according to the age of the children. You can run to the goal with vegetables and fruits, sweets, glasses of water, soft toys and balls. I did something like this: I divided the guests into two teams, put a bunch of large Lego pieces on one side of the room, and tables for each team on the other. It was necessary to take a part for building a house, connect it to the “foundation”, return to the team, touch the next participant to pass the move. The winner is the team that, through joint efforts, builds the most beautiful house while the music is playing. A team can have from 2 to 4 people. Open the pictures of the competitions that I gave at the very beginning, there are a lot of relay races there.
  • Balloon contests(almost all are mobile), I wrote it down here: “
  • Mobile picnic competitions I have it here:

Musical and choreographic

  • Certainly, karaoke. Prepare discs or save your child’s favorite songs to “favorites” on some karaoke website. Children get tired of the long selection of songs from the catalogue. Use a microphone and high-quality speakers; children enjoy the act of singing into a microphone. Without adults who can sing, the fun never works, so prepare yourself first. You need to help them enter and “catch the words” as the song progresses.
  • For a dance competition select not only music in advance, but also rehearse simple movements that are easy to repeat. It's always more fun if one of the adults shows funny movements. Still good dance competition described in my .
  • "Limbo". A competition familiar from the films. It is better to find Latin American music - samba, for example. First, two people hold a stick horizontally at the height of their nose tall man. After each guest passes under the stick (walking sideways or backwards is prohibited), it is lowered 10 centimeters. Participants who fail to complete the task leave the competition.
  • "Merry Orchestra". Well, everything here is banal, but it’s always a lot of fun. Distribute noise and ringing objects: tin cans with coins, spoons, whistles, pot lids, rustling bags, rattles, cars with flashing lights and talking dolls. Everything sounds great in such an orchestra!!! .

Comic, based on the effect of random coincidences

  • The names of all guests are written on pieces of paper and hidden in a hat. In a different hat - funny questions, the answer to which will be a name. You can write good predictions for each guest, who also pull out with their eyes closed.
  • There is a version of this fun that little guests really like. Write cards with nouns (toad, garbage, stuffed animal, kiss, etc.) and cards with questions: “What will you get for your next birthday” - a toad, “What do you like most for breakfast?” - garbage, “What will you draw on a postcard for March 8th?” - stuffed animal, “What will you name your new dog? - Kiss. We draw cards alternately.
  • Predictions in a box. Pack different small items(notepads, keys, dolls, toy animals, refrigerator magnets, etc.) in boxes or simply in wrapping paper. Let the little guests draw one prediction from the hat. Let them interpret the future themselves. Got a toy parrot? “Maybe they’ll buy one for you, or you’ll see it at the zoo.” Machine? - You will soon go on a trip or to visit your grandmother. A little book? - You will become best student class.

There is no winner in this game, it's just a lot of fun. To carry it out, you will need several things that guests can somehow put on themselves (at least not completely). These can be skirts, panama hats, scarves, mittens, slippers, etc. All this is put into a large box that needs to be closed, leaving a hole so that you can stick your hand in and get any item.
First, a driver is selected and blindfolded. After this, all participants stand in a circle and are led to the music…

Competition "The Elusive Apple"

To play this game, you can call several players at once. In front of them, at mouth level, hang small apples by their stems (their diameter should be approximately 15 cm). Each player must put his hands behind his back and, on command, begin to eat the apple hanging in front of him. And since you can’t use your hands, it’s difficult to even catch an apple. The winner is the one who turns his fruit into a core first.

If the guys are not afraid of being wet, you can not hang the apples, but place them in small bowls of water. In this case, players will also have to catch the apple in the water without using their hands. In this case, you can simplify the task by saying that you only need to pull it out with your mouth. True, the size of the apple should also be significantly increased.

Game "Blind Artist"

Before the game starts, the host tells a short story: “Once upon a time there was an artist. He loved to draw, but his eyesight was weak and he had to wear glasses. One day a man came to him in the evening and brought him a sketch. “I want,” he says, “such a picture.” The artist looked at the sketch and said that he could complete the order by tomorrow evening. He went to bed peacefully, but in the morning, the trouble is, he couldn’t find his glasses. And you need to paint a picture! The artist then decided to depict everything from memory. P…

Game "Wild Cat"

When the guys want to warm up and shout, you can offer them this noisy game. For her, you need to choose one driver. He steps aside and turns away. After this, one of the players says “Meow!” Moreover, he can do this with any intonation, and it’s better to even scream like a wild cat. Then the presenter turns to face everyone, and meanwhile the players begin to make faces, run around the room, lie on the floor, in general, do whatever they want, but at the same time shouting “Meow!”

The presenter’s task is to guess who initially shouted “Meow!” Not only was this player screaming in a voice that was not his own, but also the “pack of wild cats” running around the room and screaming made it difficult to concentrate.

You can complicate the game a little by agreeing that if the presenter does not guess the “wild cat”, he will have to perform one of the forfeits. The children themselves will come up with them and write them on pieces of paper, which they will then put in a small box. It is important that when choosing his forfeit, the presenter did not look into the box.

Game "Two Concerts"

For those who like to make noise, and all children love to make noise, you can offer such a competition.

One driver is selected, who is escorted into the next room or he simply turns away. Meanwhile, the remaining participants are divided into two teams (possibly unequal), and each comes up with a well-known song.

After this, the presenter is invited back, and at his sign (wave of his hand), each team begins to sing their song as loudly as possible. Eventually both songs merge and it becomes quite difficult to understand who is singing what. However, the presenter must try to guess both.

If he succeeds, then he can choose a new driver himself, and if not, then he remains the driver or fulfills the phantom planned by the guys in advance.

Competition “What is this item for?”

This game has two options: you can split into teams, or you can play in turns. The rules are quite simple: some ordinary household item is called, and the players try to find as many serious and humorous uses for it as possible. You cannot repeat or skip a move; in both cases the player is eliminated.

For example, the word “chair” was said. You can choose the following application options:
1) You can sit on it;
2) Can be used instead of a table;
3) They can be used to defend themselves;
4) If you add walls, you can get a doghouse;
5) It can be given as a gift, etc.

This game ends only when the players' imagination runs out.

Competition "The food is served"

This game comes up quite often. For it you will need 1 pack of crispy chocolate balls, such as Nesquik, a plate and a disposable spoon. The game involves two people, but you can also arrange a competition between teams. Then you need to prepare as many plates and spoons as there are teams.

So, pour the balls into a plate. Participants sit in front of the plate, opposite each other. One of them has a spoon. You announce that now the guys will take turns feeding each other with these delicious balls, BUT, to feed, you need to hold the spoon with your teeth, not your hands, and your hands should be hidden behind your back.

The game is very interesting and funny. The balls wake up and roll across the floor, but it's not scary, because... immediately after this game, you immediately announce the next one, “Sparrows”. And the task of this game is to collect all the balls from the floor. Whoever collects the most wins. I guarantee the floor will be clean.

Game "Sandwich Parade"

Sandwiches, what scope for imagination, especially for children! It's simple. Slice the bread, you can lightly fry the bread preparations, then the sandwiches will be called “canapés”.

Prepare chopped vegetables and fruits, eggs, cheese, sausage, ham, pieces of boiled chicken, crab sticks, green peas in plates, open a jar of sprat, etc. You can use anything you like as a sandwich mass. Prepare mayonnaise, sour cream or butter for the bottom layer of sandwiches...