Characteristic features of a creative personality. Psychological traits and characteristics of a creative personality


Many of the researchers reduce the problem of human abilities to the problem of a creative personality: there are no special creativity, but there is a person with a certain motivation and traits. Indeed, if intellectual giftedness does not directly affect the creative success of a person, if in the course of the development of creativity the formation of a certain motivation and personality traits precedes creative manifestations, then we can conclude that there is a special type of personality - a “Creative Person”.

Psychologists owe their knowledge about the characteristics of a creative personality not so much to their own efforts as to the work of literary critics, historians of science and culture, and art critics, who, one way or another, dealt with the problem of a creative personality, because there is no creation without a creator.

The problem of identifying early abilities is of interest to many. In principle, we are talking about selecting, identifying capable people, about their appropriate training, that is, about the best solution for selecting personnel. - _ftn29

A creator, just like an intellectual, is not born. It all depends on what opportunities the environment provides for realizing the potential that is inherent in each of us to varying degrees and in one form or another.

Modern science claims that need, interest, passion, impulse, striving are very important in creativity, invention, discovery, in obtaining previously unknown information. But this alone is not enough. We also need knowledge, skill, craftsmanship, impeccable professionalism. All this cannot be made up for by any giftedness, any desires, any inspiration. Emotions without work are dead, just as work is dead without emotions. - _ftn31 main feature creative personality is the need for creativity, which becomes a vital necessity. - _ftn32

Genius people are always painfully sensitive. They experience sharp ups and downs in activity. They are hypersensitive to social rewards and punishments, etc. The psychological “genius formula” might look like this: genius = (high intelligence + even higher creativity) x mental activity.

Since creativity prevails over intellect, the activity of the unconscious also prevails over consciousness. It is possible that the action of different factors can lead to the same effect - hyperactivity of the brain, which, combined with creativity and intelligence, gives the phenomenon of genius.

Creative activity itself, associated with a change in the state of consciousness, mental overstrain and exhaustion, causes disturbances in mental regulation and behavior. Talent, creativity is not only a great gift, but also a great punishment.

The role of the unconscious, intuitive is great in the creative process. Intuition, the formation of "an amazing mixture of experience and reason" (M. Bunge) is closely related to the ability for creative imagination, fantasy.

Imagination is the ability to evoke certain components in the mind from the wealth of memories and create new psychological formations from them. http: // - _ftn34

Numerous psychological studies also make it possible to identify a number of abilities that characterize a creative personality, which means that when they are identified in a particular young person, they give good reason to predict his creative professional opportunities in the future. First of all, it is the desire for originality of the solution, the search for a new one, the looseness of thinking. Any system of education created by society is based on conformism. This is the surest way to ensure the unity of all members social group, but at the same time the most the right way suppress development creative thinking.

Indeed, the creative personality is fundamentally alien to conformism. It is this independence of judgment that enables it to explore paths that, for fear of appearing ridiculous, other people do not dare to take. A creative person hardly enters the life of a social group, although he is open to others and enjoys a certain popularity. He accepts generally accepted values ​​only if they coincide with his own. At the same time, he is a little dogmatic, and his ideas about life and society, as well as the meaning of his own actions, can be very ambiguous. - _ftn35 extraordinary, "wildness" of judgment just distinguishes a creative person. A creative person must see like all people, but think in a completely original way. It is the desire to find unstable, non-trivial solutions, the desire to independently, without outside help, achieve a result that was not known before - this is a very important ability associated with the entire structure of the personality.

But only due to this quality one cannot become a creative person. It must be combined with a number of other important qualities. Among them stand out: resourcefulness, self-criticism and criticality, flexibility of thinking, independence of opinion, courage and courage, vigor. Perseverance, perseverance in bringing things to the end, focus - without this, creative achievements are inconceivable.

A feature of a creative person is the willingness to take risks. Creative individuals do not care about considerations of prestige and the opinions of others, they do not share generally accepted points of view.

Creativity, of course, also contributes to a sense of humor, wit, the ability to wait or experience the comic. The propensity to play is another feature of a gifted person. Creative people love to have fun and have all sorts of weird ideas in their heads. They prefer new and complex things to familiar and simple ones. Their perception of the world is constantly updated.

Creative people often miraculously combine maturity of thinking, deep knowledge, various abilities, skills, and peculiar childish features in their views on the surrounding reality, in behavior and actions. More often than not, creative people retain a childlike capacity for surprise and admiration, and an ordinary flower can excite them just as much as a revolutionary discovery. They are usually dreamers who can sometimes pass for crazy because they put their "crazy ideas" into practice while simultaneously accepting and integrating the irrational aspects of their behavior.

In the system of stages of creativity, the following most important qualities can be listed:

Stage 1 - a sense of novelty, unusual, sensitivity to contradictions, informational hunger ("thirst for knowledge");

Stage 2 - intuition, creative imagination, inspiration;

Stage 3 - self-criticism, perseverance in bringing things to the end, etc.

Of course, all these qualities operate at all stages of the creative process, but not predominately in one of the three. Depending on the type of creativity (scientific, artistic), some of them may appear brighter than others. Connecting with unique features specific person, as well as with the peculiarities of creative searches, the listed qualities often form an amazing alloy of creative individuality. - _ftn37


In this work, I attempted to study the problem of creative thinking and the features of its development. For this, the problems of thinking, creativity, creative thinking, its significance, development problems, as well as the characteristics of creative individuals were considered.

As a result of the analysis of the literature, it can be concluded that the issue I am studying covers many interrelated problems that do not have an unambiguous definition, therefore, this paper presents various, often even contradictory points of view.

The creative possibilities of a person are unlimited and inexhaustible, and creative thinking is one of the main definitions of human essence. It is the ability for creative thinking that characterizes a person, emphasizes the superiority and originality of his psyche. Creative thinking is the process of formation of new systems of connections, personality traits, its intellectual abilities, characterized by dynamism and consistency. Creative thinking is characterized by the novelty of its product, the originality of the process of obtaining, a significant impact on the level of development, and moves towards new knowledge. Qualitative indicators will be flexibility, economy, consistency, originality, fluency. Creativity is unique to humans.

The development of science and technology, the pace of the scientific and technological process is such that it is absolutely necessary to "supply" science and technology with new ideas, to build new projects, therefore, in connection with the tasks facing society, the question of the nature of creative thinking has acquired a huge practical significance.

Today creativity is essential tool professional and everyday life.

The technique can put the accused in front of such a dilemma, solving which he must either confess or change all his previously given testimony. But it should be especially noted that not every logical error of the interrogated person can be used to obtain a confession. Thus, questions usually called trapping are aimed at obfuscation, at preparing a logical error. An example would be the question...

Processes are the fundamental basis of intellectual differences between people” (Isaac). The criticality of the mind is the ability of a person to objectively evaluate his own and other people's thoughts, carefully and comprehensively check all the propositions and conclusions put forward. The individual features of thinking include the preference for a person to use visual-effective, visual-figurative or abstract-logical ...

Not without reason, they are evaluated positively. So, in those professions where penetration into the human psyche is required, the ability to adapt to others is one of the positive properties of this type. For example, in the service sector, people of a demonstrative type work especially well. Take at least sellers: they perfectly “feel” the buyer and find the right approach to everyone. This ability

Non-state educational institution higher vocational education

Branch of the Moscow Psychological and Social University

in Krasnoyarsk


by discipline: " General psychology»

personality traits creative person

Fulfilled Art. gr. PVO-10 Tarasova A.V.

Scientific adviser: Ph.D.,

Professor Verkhoturova N.Yu.

Krasnoyarsk 2011


.Creativity and activity

2.The concept of "creative personality" and factors influencing its formation

3.Personal characteristics as mental properties: creativity and personality traits

4.Diagnostics of creative abilities and methodological approaches to their identification


Bibliographic list


The word "creative" is often used in scientific language, as well as colloquially. Often we talk not just about initiative, but about creative initiative, not about thinking, but about creative thinking, not about success, but about creative success. But we don’t always think about what should be added to make initiative, thinking and success merit the definition of “creative”.

Creative thinking and creative activity are a feature of man. Without this quality of our behavior, the development of mankind and human society would be unthinkable. Everything that surrounds us is connected with the creative thinking and activities of people: tools and machines, houses; Houseware; television and radio, clock and telephone, refrigerator and car. But the public and even private life of people is historically based on creative achievements. This is absolutely true for today's and future development. public life.

At any stage of the development of society and in any field, people face problems that require creative efforts.

At its core creative process It is a process that results in something that is not contained in the initial conditions. On the most significant manifestations of the development of human intellect, it can be traced that certain patterns lie at the basis of the creative process.

Many of the researchers reduce the problem of human abilities to the problem of a creative person: there are no special creative abilities, but there is a person with a certain motivation and traits. Indeed, if intellectual giftedness does not directly affect the creative success of a person, if in the course of the development of creativity the formation of a certain motivation and personality traits precedes creative manifestations, then we can conclude that there is a special type of personality - a “creative person”.

The purpose of this work is to reveal personality traits creative person based on the generalization of various approaches and techniques to this topic.

As an object of study, we took such mental properties as creativity and structural elements of character.

Tasks of this work:

· to reveal the concept of creativity as an activity;

· to reveal the concept of "creative personality" and the factors influencing its formation;

· consider personal characteristics as mental properties: creativity and personality traits;

· generalize the diagnostics of creative abilities and methodological approaches to their identification.


It is impossible to understand the nature of creative abilities without understanding the essence of creativity, although there are many conflicting opinions, opinions, theories, etc. on this issue. We will adhere to the point of view of G.S. Batishchev on the nature of relations between creativity and activity, considering them fundamentally opposite forms of human activity.

· creative behavior (activity) that creates a new environment, otherwise - constructive activity;

· destruction, maladaptive behavior that does not create a new environment, destroys the old one

Adaptive behavior can be divided into two types:

· reactive, carried out according to the type of reaction to a change in the environment;

· purposeful.

Both adapted and creative behavior will equally be considered constructive behavior.

All types of human behavior are equally specialized and mediated either by external or internal means. Therefore, reactive behavior and activity will differ not in the presence of certain cultural means, but in the source of activity that determines behavior.

On the fundamental difference creativity and objective activity drew the attention of many philosophers and psychologists.

Attitude towards creativity various eras changed radically. In ancient Rome, only the material and the work of the binder were valued in the book, and the author had no rights - neither plagiarism nor forgery was prosecuted. In the Middle Ages, as well as much later, the creator was equated with a craftsman, and if he dared to show creative independence, then it was not encouraged in any way. The creator had to make a living in a different way: Spinoza polished lenses, and the great Lomonosov was valued for utilitarian products - court odes and the creation of festive fireworks.

Interest in creativity and the personality of the creator in the 20th century is associated, perhaps, with global crisis, a manifestation of the total alienation of a person from the world, an irrational feeling that people do not solve the main problems of their existence by purposeful activity.

In domestic psychology, the most holistic concept of creativity as a mental process was proposed by Ya.A. Ponomarev (1988). He developed a structural-level model of the central link psychological mechanism creativity. In particular, Ya.A. Ponamarev considers the main feature of activity as a form of activity to be the potential correspondence between the purpose of the activity and its result. Whereas the creative act is characterized by the opposite: a mismatch between the goal (concept, program, etc.) and the result. Creative activity, unlike activity, can arise in the process of carrying out the latter and is associated with the generation of a “by-product”, which is ultimately the creative result. The essence of creativity (creativity) as a psychological property is reduced, according to Ya.A. Ponamarev, to intellectual activity and sensitivity (sensitivity) to the by-products of one's activity. For a creative person, the greatest value is the by-products of activity, something new and extraordinary, for an uncreative person, the results of achieving the goal (expedient results), and not novelty, are important. The basis for success in solving creative problems is the ability to act "in the mind", determined by a high level of development of the internal plan of action. This ability is perhaps the structural equivalent of the concept of "general ability" or "general intelligence."

Creativity is associated with two personal qualities, namely, the intensity of search motivation and sensitivity to secondary formations that arise during the thought process.

Ponomarev Ya.A. considers the creative act as included in the context of intellectual activity according to the following scheme: initial stage posing the problem, consciousness is active, then, at the stage of solving, the unconscious is active, and the selection and verification of the correctness of the solution (at the third stage) is again occupied by consciousness. Naturally, if thinking is initially logical, i.e. expediently, the creative product can appear only as a by-product. But this version of the process is only one of the possible ones.

Thus, Ponamarev distinguishes four phases:

) Conscious work (preparation). A special active state as a prerequisite for an intuitive glimpse of a new idea.

) Unconscious work. Maturation, incubation of the guiding idea (work at the subconscious level).

) The transition of the unconscious into consciousness. stage of inspiration. As a result of unconscious work, the idea of ​​a solution enters the sphere of consciousness. Initially in the form of a hypothesis, in the form of a principle or design.

) Conscious work. Development of the idea, finalization of the idea.

Ponamarev lays the basis for the selection of phases:

· transition from a conscious search to an intuitive solution;

· evolution of an intuitive solution into a logically complete one.

So, creativity, unlike various forms of adaptive behavior, does not proceed according to the principles “because” or “in order to”, but “despite everything”, that is, the creative process is a reality that spontaneously arises and ends.

At its core, the creative process is the process by which something arises that is not contained in the original conditions. On the most significant manifestations of the development of human intellect, it can be traced that the creative process is based on certain patterns associated with the person who carries out the creative process.

Probably, in order to create, you need to assimilate the pattern of activity of a person who creates. Through imitation, reach new level mastering the culture and striving independently further. Creativity requires personal cognitive conditions. But if there is no strength, the patterns of adaptive behavior are discredited, and a person is not prepared for creativity, he falls into the abyss of destruction.

Creativity, like destruction, is self-motivated, spontaneous, disinterested and self-sufficient. This is not a purposeful activity, but a spontaneous manifestation of human essence. But both creativity and destruction have a certain socio-cultural shell, since a person destroys and creates not in the natural, but in the socio-cultural environment.


The subject of the study of psychology is the inner world of man. Psychology itself divides a person into three “hypostases”: individual, individuality and personality. Each of these concepts reveals a specific aspect of the individual being of a person. AT social sciences personality is considered as a special quality of a person acquired in the socio-cultural environment in the process of joint activities and communication. real grounds and driving force personality development are Team work and communication, through which the movement of the individual in the world of people, its familiarization with culture is carried out. The relationship between the individual as a product of anthropogenesis, a person who has mastered socio-historical experience, and an individual who transforms the world, can be conveyed by the formula: “The individual is born. They become a person. Individuality is upheld."

Many of the researchers reduce the problem of human abilities to the problem of a creative person: there are no special creative abilities, but there is a person with a certain motivation and traits.

Indeed, if intellectual giftedness does not directly affect the creative success of a person, if in the course of the development of creativity the formation of a certain motivation and personality traits precedes creative manifestations, then we can conclude that a special type of personality is a “Creative Person”.

Psychologists owe their knowledge of the characteristics of a creative personality to the work of writers, historians of science and culture, and art critics, who in one way or another dealt with the problem of a creative personality, for there is no creation without a creator.

Creativity is going beyond the given. This is only a negative definition of creativity, but the first thing that stands out here is the analogy between the behavior of a creative person and a person with mental disorders.

Most works do not contain an unambiguous answer to the question of how personality traits, taken in their totality, affect the creative process, the manifestation and development of giftedness. The integrative characteristic of the intellect of a gifted person has not been sufficiently identified, the problem of the correlation between intellect and personality has not yet been fully posed. However, some aspects of this problem are being investigated. The connection between the processes of understanding, high development which implies creative activity, with the attitude of the individual to reality, its semantic sphere and regulatory cognitive structures, in particular, with the attitude and assessment, . Personal determinants of mental activity are studied in terms of the analysis of motivation and sustainable dynamic tendencies of the individual, the development of cognitive needs. A significant direction in the study of the influence of the personality structure on its creative activity was the study of personal reflection in its connection with the reflexive mechanisms of creativity. In the analysis of the cognitive sphere of the individual, in connection with her creative endowment, mental activity,,, is put at the forefront.

In connection with these studies, in each of which one or another factor of creativity is emphasized, problem number two arises: which of the personality factors are basic in the structure of giftedness? In particular, is a cognitive attitude to the world, a pronounced cognitive need, absolutely necessary in intellectual activity, a decisive factor in the emergence of potential manifestations of giftedness, and the property of intellectual activity is the key to its implementation, or is it one of the sides of giftedness, and no less significant factors here are the general motivation of activity (both cognitive and transformative, constructive) and its instrumental equipment, including the development of cognitive operations, or other integrative manifestations of cognition and activity and personality traits?

Problem number two repeats problem number one, adding to it the question of hierarchy and the relative importance of different characteristic features personality as internal incentives for the development of giftedness and its constituent structural formations.

There are two points of view: talent is a disease, talent is maximum health.

Caesar Lombroso characterizes geniuses as lonely, cold people, indifferent to family and social responsibilities.

A man of genius is always painfully sensitive, in particular he does not tolerate fluctuations in the weather. They experience sharp ups and downs in activity.

In everything they find reasons for reflection, they are hypersensitive to social rewards and punishments, etc. etc. The list of mentally ill geniuses, psychopaths and neurotics is endless.

If we proceed from the above interpretation of creativity as a process, then a genius is a person who creates on the basis of unconscious activity, who can experience the widest range of states due to the fact that the unconscious creative subject is out of control of the rational principle and self-regulation.

It is precisely this definition of genius, consistent with modern ideas about the nature of creativity, that was given by C. Lombroso: “The features of genius in comparison with talent in the sense that it is something unconscious and manifests itself unexpectedly.” Consequently, the genius mostly creates unconsciously, more precisely, through the activity of the unconscious creative subject. Talent creates rationally, on the basis of an invented plan. Genius is predominantly creative, talent is intellectual, although both have this and that general ability.

There are other signs of genius that distinguish it from talent: originality, versatility, longevity, etc.

Hegel in "Aesthetics" also believed that the ability for fantasy (creativity) is shaped by the environment.

Modern research has shown that gifted children, whose real achievements are below their capabilities, experience serious problems in their personal and emotional sphere as well as in interpersonal relationships.

Similar conclusions about high anxiety and low adaptation of creative people are given in a number of other studies. Such a specialist as F. Barron argues that in order to be creative, one must be a little neurotic; and, as a result, emotional disturbances that distort the “normal” vision of the world create the prerequisites for a new approach to reality.

It is likely that cause and effect are confused here, neuroticism is a by-product of creative activity.

Perhaps this is a struggle and determines the features creative way: the victory of the unconscious principle means the triumph of creativity and - death.

M. Zoshchenko paid special attention to the problem of the life of a creative person in the book “Returned Youth”.

M. Zoshchenko divides his creators into two categories: 1) lived a short, emotionally rich life and those who died before the age of 45 and 2) "long-livers"

Features of the interaction of consciousness and the unconscious determine the typology of creative personalities and the features of their life path.

In domestic psychology, primarily in the works of S.L. Rubinstein and B.M. Teplov, an attempt was made to classify the concepts: abilities, giftedness and talent on a single basis - the success of the activity. Abilities are considered as individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another, on which the possibility of success of an activity depends, and giftedness - as a qualitatively peculiar combination of abilities (individual psychological characteristics), on which the possibility of success of an activity also depends.

Often, abilities are considered innate, given by nature. However, scientific analysis shows that only inclinations can be innate, and abilities are the result of the development of inclinations.

Makings - congenital anatomical and physiological features of the body. These include primarily features of the structure of the brain, sensory organs and movement, properties nervous system with which the body is endowed from birth.

The development of abilities is influenced by the features of higher nervous activity. So, from the rate of formation and strength conditioned reflexes the speed and strength of mastering knowledge and skills depend; from the speed of developing differentiated inhibition to similar stimuli - the ability to subtly capture the similarity and difference between objects or their properties; from the speed and ease of formation and alteration of a dynamic stereotype - adaptability to new conditions and readiness to quickly move from one way of performing activities to another. Giftedness is a kind of measure of a person's genetically and experimentally predetermined abilities to adapt to life.

Special talent characterized by the presence of the subject clearly projected outside (manifested in activity) opportunities - opinions, skills, quickly and concretely implemented knowledge, manifested through the functioning of planning strategies and problem solving.

In general, one can imagine giftedness as a system including the following components:

· biophysiological, anatomical and physiological inclinations;

· sensory-perceptual blocks characterized by increased sensitivity;

· intellectual and mental capabilities that allow you to assess new situations and solve new problems;

· emotional-volitional structures that predetermine long-term dominant orientations and their artificial maintenance;

· high level production of new images, fantasy, imagination and a number of others.

A.M. Matyushkin put forward the following synthetic structure of creative giftedness. He included in it:

· the dominant role of cognitive motivation;

· research creative activity, expressed in the discovery of the new, in the formulation and solution of the problem;

· the possibility of achieving original solutions;

· the possibility of forecasting and anticipation;

· the ability to create ideal standards that provide high ethical, moral, intellectual assessments.

The highest level of development of abilities is called talent. Like abilities, talent is only an opportunity to acquire high skill and significant success in creativity. Ultimately, creative achievements depend on the socio-historical conditions of people's existence. If society needs talented people, if the conditions for their development are prepared, then the appearance of such people becomes possible.

The awakening of talents is socially conditioned. What talents will receive full development under the most favorable conditions depends on the needs of the era and the characteristics of the specific tasks that the state faces. For example, during the period of wars, one can observe the birth of military leadership talents. Talent is such a complex combination of the mental qualities of a person that it cannot be determined by any one single ability. Rather, on the contrary, the absence or, more precisely, the weak development of any even important ability, as evidenced by psychological research, can be successfully compensated for by the intensive development of other abilities that are part of a complex ensemble of talent qualities.

Genius is the highest level of development of abilities, which creates the possibility for a person to achieve such results that constitute an era in the life of society, in the development of science and culture. There is no such set of properties that would define genius. People who show themselves to be geniuses in one setting do not necessarily do so in another. For example, a brilliant composer may be completely alien to literary creativity or the solution of complex problems. math problems.

Giftedness is a kind of measure of a person's genetically and experimentally predetermined abilities to adapt to life.


The newest psychological dictionary defines mental properties as “individual features of the mental activity of a particular person, features of his mental state, his interpersonal and personal-social relations, which allow describing and predicting his behavior, direction and dynamics mental development» .

In this paper, we explore such an aspect of the personality of creative people as personal characteristics. Since the category of "personal features" is quite abstract and does not fully correspond to the classical conceptual apparatus psychology, we will make a reservation that under personal characteristics in this work we mean nothing more than the mental properties of a person.

S.L. Rubinstein included the doctrine of mental properties in common system psychology, where he also included the teachings on psychophysical functions, mental processes and the mental structure of activity.

R.S. Nemov noted that the human psyche consists of the following structural elements:

) mental processes - a dynamic reflection of reality in various forms of mental phenomena. The mental process is the course of a mental phenomenon that has a beginning, development and end, manifested in the form of a reaction. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that the end of a mental process is closely connected with the beginning of a new process:

1 feeling;

2 perception;

3 attention;

4 memory;

5 thinking;

7 imagination;

) mental states - a relatively stable level of mental activity that has been determined at a given time, which manifests itself in increased or decreased activity of the individual:

1 emotional;

2 cognitive;

3 strong-willed;

) finally, mental properties - stable formations that provide a certain qualitative and quantitative level of activity and behavior, typical for this person.

Consider general classification mental properties:

)mental, personality or individual traits - properties of temperament and character, as well as motivational traits;

2)abilities, among which there are general, particular (modal) and special (skills);

)properties of consciousness and self-consciousness;

)social attitudes and interpersonal relationships - the so-called "socio-psychological qualities of the individual."

Between the various classes of mental properties there are such close connections and interdependencies that in some cases some properties seem to pass into others.

A.G. Maklakov also divided mental properties into classes:

) orientation - a set of stable motives that guide the activity of the individual and are relatively independent of the current situation;

) temperament - individually peculiar properties of the psyche, reflecting the dynamics of a person's mental activity, and manifesting themselves regardless of his goals, motives and content;

) abilities - individual psychological characteristics of a person, which are a condition for the successful implementation of a particular productive activity;

) character - a set of individual mental properties that develop in activity and manifest themselves in modes of activity and forms of behavior typical for a given person.

As an object of study, we took such mental properties as creativity and structural elements of character. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Ability in the Newest Psychological Dictionary is defined as “the individual psychological characteristics of a person, expressing his readiness to master certain types of activities and to successfully complete them. They are understood as a high level of integration and generalization of mental processes, properties, relationships, actions and their systems that meet the requirements of activity.

B.M. Teplov proposed three essentially empirical signs of abilities, which formed the basis of this definition, which is most often used by specialists:

) abilities are individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another;

) only those features that are relevant to the success of the activity or several activities;

) abilities are not reducible to knowledge, skills and abilities that have already been developed by a person, although they determine the ease and speed of acquiring these knowledge and skills.

Consider also various classifications abilities.

V.D. Shadrikov divided abilities according to cognitive processes: thinking, perception, memory, and so on. According to Shadrikov, there are no abilities related to specific types of activity (musical, acting and other abilities).

Another point of view is held by D.N. Zavalishina. It divides abilities into the following types:

) general abilities, which are a system of individual personality traits that provide relative ease and productivity in mastering knowledge and performing various types of activities. The presence of general abilities is due both to innate inclinations and to the comprehensive development of the personality throughout life;

) special abilities, which are understood as such a system of personality traits that helps to achieve high results in any special field of activity, for example, literary, visual, musical, stage and the like.

B.V. Lomov, who singled out three functions of the psyche: communicative, regulatory and cognitive, similarly divided abilities into:

) communicative;

) regulatory;

) cognitive.

A.A. Kidron understood communicative abilities as "the general ability associated with the diverse substructures of the personality and manifested in the skills of the subject of communication to enter into social contacts, regulate repetitive situations of interaction, and also achieve the pursued communicative goals in interpersonal relationships" . mental character creative personality

B.V. Lomov argued that regulatory abilities, on the one hand, make it possible to reflect the impact external environment, to adapt to it, and on the other hand, to regulate this process, making up the internal content of activity and behavior.

In turn, V.N. Druzhinin subdivided cognitive abilities into intelligence, learning ability and creativity. Let's define each of these components.

The latest psychological dictionary proposes to understand the intellect as the thinking ability of a person: “individual characteristics related to the cognitive sphere, primarily to thinking, memory, perception, attention, and so on ... a certain level of development of the mental activity of a person, providing the opportunity to acquire more and more new knowledge and effectively use them in the course of life.

Learning in the already mentioned source is interpreted as "individual indicators of the speed and quality of a person's assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the learning process" .

Finally, creativity in the Newest Psychological Dictionary is defined as "the ability to generate unusual ideas, deviate from traditional patterns of thinking, quickly solve problem situations" . Let us dwell on this class of abilities in more detail.

J. Guilford considered the basis of creativity to be the operations of transformation, implication and divergence, in which a divergent type of thinking is involved, which allows varying ways of solving a problem and leading to unexpected conclusions and results.

In addition, J. Gilford singled out six main parameters of creativity:

a) ability to detect and pose problems;

) the ability to generate a large number of ideas;

) flexibility - the ability to produce a variety of ideas;

) originality - the ability to respond to stimuli in a non-standard way;

) the ability to improve an object by adding details;

) the ability to solve problems, that is, the ability to analyze and synthesize.

E.P. Torrance also proposed a set of parameters for creativity:

) fluency - the ability to produce a large number of ideas;

) flexibility - the ability to apply a variety of strategies in solving problems;

) originality - the ability to produce unusual, non-standard ideas;

) elaboration - the ability to develop in detail the ideas that have arisen;

) resistance to closure - the ability not to follow stereotypes and long time“remain open” to a variety of incoming information when solving problems;

) abstractness of the name - the ability to transform figurative information into a verbal form, understanding the essence of the problem of what is really significant.

Thus, we singled out among the abilities a common creative ability - creativity, the main factor of which is divergent thinking.

Now let's turn to another psychic property we are studying - personality traits.

The latest psychological dictionary defines a personality trait as “sustainable, recurring in various situations, features of an individual’s behavior”.

J. L. Adams offers a definition of a personality trait: “it is a special component of personality that describes certain tendencies of a person in relation to his way of thinking, feeling and behaving ... speaking of a person’s personality, we actually call a set of traits that describe general direction thoughts, feelings and behavior of a person.

Speaking about personality traits, it is impossible not to mention G. Allport's dispositional theory of personality. In it, a personality trait has eight definition criteria:

) a personality trait is not just a nominal designation. Personality traits are a real and vital part of a person's existence;

) a personality trait is a more generalized quality than a habit. Personality traits determine the relatively unchanged and general features of human behavior;

) personality trait - a defining element of behavior;

) the existence of traits can be established empirically;

) a personality trait is only relatively independent of other traits. Personality traits can be highly correlated with each other;

) a personality trait is not synonymous with moral or social evaluation. Personality traits are the true characteristics of an individual;

) a personality trait can be considered either in the context of the person in whom it is found, or in terms of its prevalence in society;

) the fact that actions and habits are not consistent with a personality trait is not evidence of the absence of this trait. First, not every person's traits have the same degree of integration. Secondly, the same individual may have contradictory traits. Third, in some cases, environmental conditions, more than personality traits, are determinants of certain behavior.

G. Allport distinguished between common and individual features:

· common features (also called measurable or institutionalized) - any characteristics that are inherent in a certain number of people within a given culture;

· individual traits (also called morphological) are those characteristics of an individual that manifest themselves uniquely in each individual and most accurately reflect his personality structure.

R. Cattell, in his structural theory of personality traits, defined personality traits as “hypothetical mental structures found in behavior that determine the predisposition to act uniformly in various circumstances and over time” [4, 305].

In other words, according to R. Cattell, personality traits reflect stable and predictable psychological characteristics, manifested in behavior and having no real neurophysiological localization as such, but only observable signs of existence.

R. Cattell offers several classifications of personality traits:

1 constitutional features. Develop from the biological and physiological data of the individual;

2 traits formed environment. Caused by influences in the social and physical environment;

1 common features; are present to varying degrees in all representatives of the same culture;

2 unique traits. There are only a few or even one person at all;

1 surface features. They are a set of behavioral characteristics that, when observed, appear in an “inseparable” unity.

2 original features. They are fundamental structures that are the basis of personality. Initial traits exist at a "deeper" level of personality and determine various forms behavior over a long period of time.

R. Cattell created a questionnaire that allows you to identify 16 basic initial personality traits (table 1).

Table 1

The main initial features identified using the R. Kettel questionnaire

Designation of the factor Assignment of the factor according to Cattell Quality corresponding to a high score on the factor Quality corresponding to a low score on the factor , modest, submissiveFRestraint - expressiveness Carefree, enthusiastic Serious, silentGHigh norm of behavior - low norm of behaviorResponsible, moralistic, stoicDisregarding the rules, negligent, fickleH Courage - timidity Enterprising uninhibitedUnsure, withdrawnI Cruelty - sensitivity Self-reliant, independent Clinging to others, dependentL Trustful of conditions Упорный на грани глупостиMМечтательность - практичностьТворческий, артистичныйКонсервативный, приземлённыйNДипломатичность - прямолинейностьСоциально опытный, сообразительныйСоциально неуклюжий, непретенциозныйOТревожность - спокойствиеБеспокойный, озабоченныйСпокойный, самодовольныйQ1Радикализм - консерватизмВольнодумно либеральныйУважающий традиционные идеиQ2Нонконформизм - конформизмПредпочитающий собственные решенияБеспрекословно следующий за другимиQ3Низкий самоконтроль - высокий самоконтрольСледующий собственным побуждениямПунктуальныйQ4Расслабленность - напряжённостьСдержанный, спокойныйПереутомлённый, возбуждённый

So, we have considered the personality traits that we study in an empirical study, which are mental properties, namely general creative abilities (creativity) and personality traits.


The inclinations of creativity are inherent in any person. There is even such a thing as a “talent continuum”. And all psychologists and educators recognize that abilities must be identified as early as possible. As a result, there is a need to create methods for identifying creative abilities. A.N. Luke suggests the following ways to achieve this goal:

Pay attention not only to academic performance, but also to the children's academic hobbies, extracurricular activities, hobbies, etc.

Standard IQ tests often fail to detect creativity, and therefore other types of tests are used in this diagnosis. In each testing system, they start from what is included in the concept of creativity and what are its main properties.

If we define creativity as a personal characteristic, the realization by a person of his own individuality, and take into account the following of its main properties:

Creativity is always deployed in the process of subject-subject interaction;

Creativity is always addressed to another person in one form or another; it is a presentation of one's individuality to another person, then the program for identifying creative abilities is based on the identification of leadership qualities and contains four blocks:

· block "I - I" (communication with oneself);

· block "I am ANOTHER" (communication with another);

· block "I - SOCIETY" (communication with the team);

· block "I am the WORLD" (how I explore this world, how I see it).

At the same time, the following hypothesis is accepted: the development of psychological prerequisites for leadership giftedness contributes to the manifestation of creativity as a personal characteristic. Accepting this concept and emphasizing the importance of the connection between leadership and creativity, it is necessary to make clarifications and clarify what is meant by giftedness.

We consider giftedness as a general psychological prerequisite for creative development, which includes the following structural components:

· the dominant role of intrinsic motivation;

· research creative activity - posing and solving problems;

· the possibility of achieving an original solution;

· the possibility of predicting the solution;

· ability to create ideal standards.

As we can see, a significant role in the study of creative activity is assigned to the individuality of subjects. A.Yu. Kozyreva also believes that creative people are distinguished by a sense of individuality, the presence of spontaneous reactions, the desire to rely on own forces, emotional mobility, self-confidence, and other similar qualities. The concept of the creative activity of the subject arises, that is, the ability to free oneself from the power of everyday ideas and prohibitions, to look for new associations and unbeaten paths. Kozyreva offers three approaches to the study and development of creativity:

) is to identify the relationship between maximum productivity and age. Psychologists G. Lehman and W. Dennis conducted research in this area and came to the conclusion that maximum productivity in various fields activity falls on the following age: artists, writers, thinkers - 20-40 years; mathematicians - 23 years; chemists - 20-30 years; physicists - 32-33 years; astronomers - 40-44 years.

) personal approach - introduces the concept of creative activity, based on the study of the individual qualities of the individual.

) the approach deals with the study of the thought processes themselves, the connection between intellectual development and creativity.

Another classification was presented by E.L. Yakovlev, dividing all approaches in this way:

· psychometric approach. Giftedness is measured directly and directly through intelligence tests.

· Creative. The concept of creativity is introduced, which has no clear definition. Creativity is understood both as the ability to generate new ideas and abandon stereotypical ways of thinking, and as the ability to formulate hypotheses, generate new combinations, and so on. The general view on the definition of creativity is as follows: it is the ability to create something new, original. The concept of creativity is also introduced, which is considered as an aspect of intelligence. As a consequence, it follows from this that the decisive moment of the characteristics of creativity is the product, or the solution of the problem.

· Personal.

· Synthetic. Giftedness is recognized as a multidimensional phenomenon, including both intellectual and non-intellectual (personal, social) factors.


Personality is the final and, therefore, the most complex object of psychology. In a certain sense, it unites the whole of psychology into one whole, and there is no such research in this science that would not contribute to the knowledge of personality. Anyone who studies personality cannot ignore other areas of psychology. There are many approaches to the study of personality. This is absolutely natural in a field where each experiment refers only to a particular fact, absolutely incommensurable with the complexity of the object itself. It is possible to consider a personality through a structure, it is possible from the point of view of physiological reactions, it is possible through the connection of the physical and mental aspects of a personality. In this paper, an attempt is made to summarize all the material on the topic in the study of a variety of techniques. It is likely that the approach chosen in the work led to certain conclusions, and they look approximately as follows: an initially born individual, having only natural mental functions, gradually, through entering society (starting with relatives, friends) is socialized, i.e. becomes a person. At the same time, the socio-cultural environment is, as it were, a source that nourishes the development of the individual, instills in him social norms, values, roles, etc. And, finally, a person who herself begins to influence society is an individual. The entry of an individual into society and his formation there as a person can be called "survival" or adaptation. Depending on how easily the individual manages to overcome the difficulties of the adaptation period, we get a self-confident or conforming personality. At this stage, the personality chooses motivation and responsibility, its locus of control becomes either external or internal. If during this period an individual, presenting personal properties characterizing his personality to the reference group for him, does not find mutual understanding, this can contribute to the formation of aggressiveness, suspicion (otherwise, trust and justice). A person either becomes an internal (“the blacksmith of his own happiness”) or an external (“everything is in the hands of the Lord”).

In conclusion, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The concept of creativity is not unambiguous and has many interpretations depending on the position from which this process is considered.

Attitudes towards creativity in different eras changed dramatically.

The main thing in creativity is not external activity, but internal activity - the act of creating an "ideal", an image of the world, where the problem of alienation of man and environment is resolved. External activity is only an explication of the products of an internal act.

Highlighting the signs of a creative act, almost all researchers emphasized its unconsciousness, spontaneity, the impossibility of its control by the will and mind, as well as a change in the state of consciousness.

Creative abilities are the individual characteristics of a person's quality, which determine the success of his performance of various creative activities. Creative activity is a necessary component of a healthy and harmonious human life.

Creativity is purposeful, persistent, hard work. It requires mental activity, intellectual abilities, strong-willed, emotional traits and high performance.

Talent, inspiration, skill - critical factors creative activity. The general abilities of a person - intelligence, creativity, learning - determine the productivity of the corresponding types of activity that a person shows.

Creative achievements in modern world are possible only with the mastery of culture in the area where the individual is active. The success of mastering the culture and determines the general intelligence. The further humanity develops, the greater will be the role of intellectual mediation in creativity.


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Creative people create problems. They are drug addicts. They're a little crazy and they usually dress in a very funny way... or at least most of us think it's funny.

Creative people are very different. Of course, all people are different, although many of us try to fit into certain boundaries.

For many creatives, the very phrase "fit in" is against the idea of ​​what a creative person should be like. Most creative people are not crazy. They are simply misunderstood.

Of course, some of them literally go crazy, but this is only a small part. The vast majority of creatives simply don't like to lie about who a person really is.

1. Creative people see the world differently than the rest

At the same time, creative people want to share their vision and interpretation with the rest of the world. For them, the world is full of many meanings, shades of meaning and complexity, and it is also filled with opportunities that the average person does not have.

Creative people know that the impossible is possible because they understand that nothing in the world is certain.

Seeing that the world is filled with endless possibilities, they want to leave their mark here. They want to add their touch to the most beautiful work of art - life itself.

When you see the world differently than others, you stand out. Many people do not like those who stand out. For some reason they are afraid of "white crows".

Others simply prefer inertia and constancy. They are afraid of what they do not know, they do not like the unknown and the misunderstandings associated with it.

2. They are often introverted and tend to be alone.

This is not to say that creative individuals do not like all the people around. They just spend more time alone because it allows them to focus on what interests them. They can think, dream, plan and create things.

Creative individuals must constantly be in the creative process. Otherwise, their creative "itch" will be simply unbearable. Yes, they can be sincerely devoted to their friends, but in the same way they rush about with their ideas and products of creativity - sometimes it even develops into an obsession.

Who will blame them, on the other hand? When you have a job, you have to do it, be productive and meet deadlines. There is always time for socialization.

The reason why creative people are often successful in competition is not because they are smarter than their competitors. The thing is that they have a higher level of work ethic.

Creative individuals are accustomed to perfectly navigate the project, accustomed to the fact that it literally absorbs them. It's hard to compete with this.

3. They don't judge their abilities by the standards that others do.

They may not always boast of success in school or at work (at work that most consider normal). It would be better for them to create than to study and work. On the other hand, who doesn't?

The difference is that creative people are literally obsessed with their creativity. Their passion cannot be hidden.

If you are a creative person, it is almost certain that you find it difficult to perform monotonous work. When you are a creator by nature, you live in joyful anticipation, constantly trying to discover and create something new, trying yourself in different areas.

Creative people go to school and then to work like everyone else, but only because they have to. They tend to accept imperfect jobs until they find something more interesting for themselves in terms of self-development.

4. They are more emotional

For them, life is louder and brighter than for most people. But it's not because creative people get more information about the world, it's just that they pay more attention to it.

Creative individuals may be introverted, but they spend just as much time “wandering in themselves” as they do in the outside world.

They pay a lot of attention to the little things and let those little details pay more attention to them than to the average (not so creative) person.

For them, the world is filled with meaning. For many of us, reality is a blur. For creative people, the world is everything.

Of course, sometimes such individuals get lost in their "journeys". In general, being a creative person means sometimes having problems with the surrounding reality.

5. They are dreamers

People do not understand dreamers, because they always dream of change. About a better world, a better reality, a better future. They can imagine the unimaginable and often believe they can make the impossible possible.

If you like everything to be in its place, you will be frightened by the mess that always accompanies a creative person. The life of a creator is defined by change. Especially the changes that he himself creates.

People have always been and always will be afraid of dreamers. We prefer to stop there and be "average". We do not like "white crows" and thinkers. We are a nation that is doing everything possible to form an established middle class.

It will be fun enough to fail this mission.

What is the ability to be creative - a personality trait with which we are born, or a skill that can be developed? Geneticists who study this issue argue that we are all born with creativity - the ability to solve problems by combining complex and sometimes unrelated ideas. You probably know people like that who go around with crazy ideas and seem crazy to everyone. In terms of creativity, these people have only a slight advantage. But that's all. An advantage can also become a disadvantage if they fail to adapt their wildness to the professional environment or the world at large. A study by the Center for the Study of Creativity and the Foundation for Creative Education in Buffalo, New York found that most people can learn to develop their skills and creativity. To do this, you need to find out what makes a person creative, and then develop these skills.

Character Traits of a Creative Personality

Each of us is endowed with the ability to solve problems, but people who use a creative approach to solving problems have certain character traits. First, they absorb the experience of others like a sponge. They have a huge personal stock: things they have read, seen or heard, places they have been or worked in, and people they know. The study found that creative people strive for independence, self-sufficiency, self-discipline, perseverance, self-affirmation, and are highly tolerant of uncertainty. They take risks and have a powerful ego. In other words, they are guided by an internal impulse. They do not care about standards and opinions, they have little interest in interpersonal relationships. Creative people usually have an innate skepticism and a very sharp mind. They are active, observant and executive, draw conclusions more with the help of intuition than logic. They have an ease that allows them to find new associations. They draw inspiration from daily dreams and fantasies and have a good sense of humor. In general, creative people perform difficult tasks as if they weren't difficult, and are unhappy and depressed when they fail to create. With many positive traits character, however, they are not without flaws: they are difficult to deal with, they are sharp and closed. What character traits are not inherent in creative people? They are not dogmatists (although they can be stubborn) and lose patience when dealing with people of an imperious temperament. These people don't follow the crowd, they like to be alone. They are not shy and don't care what others think of them.

Development and formation of a creative personality

Creativity is an activity that leads to the creation of new unique material and spiritual values. The uniqueness of creative activity lies in the fact that a person displays his personality in it. Therefore, people capable of creative activity are called creative individuals. Psychologists have always been interested in the thinking of a person in the state of creating original products. Consider the sequence of thinking of a creative person at the time of creating original images, developed by the English psychologist Gray Wallace. He considered the first stage of creative thinking to be preparation for activity, which consists in setting a goal and modeling a method for achieving it. So, the artist, standing in front of an easel with paints in his hands, presents the general features of his future painting and makes preparations for its image. The second stage is incubation. It is characterized by a flight of thought, a removal from the goal of creative activity. Thus, as Wallace argued, the author is tuned in to creative work. The third stage is enlightenment. It happens inside - unexpectedly, as if some kind of impulse comes to a person, and he understands how the result of his work should look like and how to achieve it. Illumination is a complex mental process that is not unique to creative individuals. Every person in his life experienced an insight when he suddenly found a way to solve a certain problem. Creative insight is the emergence of an original thought, which becomes the basis for further work. Checking is the last, fourth stage of creative thinking, identified by Graeme Wallace. During the check, a person tests his creation for suitability and quality. This may be his assessment, a look from a new angle, or a very practical use of a product of creativity. These stages were clarified in the works of other psychologists, which confirmed the model of creative thinking proposed by Wallace. It is worth adding that in 1908, another psychologist, Henri Poincare, described in more detail the process of thinking of a creative person. He insisted that during the period of incubation, a person is distracted from the object of creativity only consciously, but his subconscious mind continues to work and look for options for implementing the planned project, which is why insight comes so unexpectedly. It seems to a person that a brilliant creative thought suddenly visited him, and this signal was not born by him, but, in fact, this is really the idea of ​​the author himself, it just arose from the subconscious and appeared before the conscious sphere of the personality. How does the subconscious produce creative thoughts? Poincaré believed that it selects a valuable idea from several constructed by combining. He described this phenomenon using the example of solving mathematical problems that became his own discoveries. At a congress in France, Poincaré told his colleagues about how he independently engaged in creativity in mathematics. Indeed, at first the psychologist set himself the task of highlighting the new and unusual from the proposed digital combinations. Then he imagined how many manipulations he needed to carry out and stepped back from the task for a while. During the period when he did not consciously study mathematics, an interesting option suddenly appeared in his thoughts. The psychologist tested it, and it turned out that the open method of solving problems is effective. Having carried out this act of creativity, Poincaré came to the conclusion that his subconscious mind had thrown out the most harmonious and original version of all those analyzed, which indicates the presence of a creative moment in solving the problem. Thus, we can say that a creative person is a person whose unconscious sphere of the Self is capable of analyzing material and selecting original, unique by others and universal information, which is then processed and verified by consciousness. Psychologists say that there is a certain filter that distinguishes suitable options from unpromising ones, combines versions and offers one definite option to the conscious sphere of the personality. In some cases, the creative process occurs without the participation of the subconscious. At the same time, the necessary option for embodiment is quickly found by the consciousness itself. But for both types of creative thinking there is common feature: This thinking is always original. Another person put before the same task in identical conditions cannot repeat exactly the same version of performance.