negative side of personality. Examples of personal qualities in a resume


Formed from birth. It is influenced by various factors, but mainly it is the environment of the child. The way he communicates with peers, parents. He learns by looking at the relationships of other people, draws for himself significant moments that are deposited in the mind. And in the end it is formed in character traits. The formation of a person as a person occurs up to about 18 years. After that, it is unlikely that the character will change if you do not put enough effort into it.

Weaknesses and strengths of character

It happens that we think about our character. Some traits interfere in life, do not allow to develop, to be realized in life. In such a situation, it is useful to sit down with a notebook and write down strong and weak sides of his character. This technique helps to sort through life problems and understand how to solve them.

Which traits are considered strong and which are weak? Let's figure it out!

Strengths help you move forward with your head held high, despite the circumstances. These include:

Purposefulness. We constantly set goals for ourselves: someone wants to succeed at work (promotion career ladder), another sets goals of a financial nature, others dream of losing weight and set the goal of getting the desired number on the scales. But not everyone reaches the end point, they do not have enough moral, and maybe physical strength to implement their plans. But if there is such a trait in your character, then do not even doubt the success of completing tasks.
Perseverance. To fulfill a desire, dream or goal, sometimes only determination is not enough, it happens that there is not enough small, which helps a person to reach the end, complete the tasks and proudly say that it is time to conquer new heights.

Strength of will. This quality usually manifests itself in situations where there is overcoming oneself. A person quits smoking, loses weight by many kilograms, gets rid of addictions and addictions. allows you to cope with desires that do not lead to a positive result.
Organization. Sometimes it's hard to organize your own day. Either children distract, then problems at work and at home. Everything gets in the way difficult questions, disputes. Organization is easy to develop in yourself, making planning for the day or immediately for the week. Write down in the organizer by the hour what when, what time, how much time it will take to complete each action, and follow the plan strictly. Over time, you will feel that you no longer need to take notes, and you can manage on your own, getting used to the regular daily routine.
A responsibility. This is one of the most important and main traits in a person's character. Without it, it will not be possible to create a harmonious family, get settled and work long time in a prestigious and highly paid job. Responsibility should be laid with mother's milk, and the well-known saying “we are responsible for those we have tamed” perfectly explains the need for this quality.
Sociability, sociability. These qualities enable a person to develop, find useful contacts, negotiate, and resolve conflict situations.

The combination of all these qualities suggests that a person has a strong character. Each of them needs to be developed and improved every day. Self-improvement never hurt anyone. Therefore, if you want to achieve everything that you have in mind, you want to have a reliable rear (family, friends, children), then think about improving yourself.

Weak character traits

Pessimistic. Being in a pessimistic mood, a person perceives everything in gray color. This prevents him from carrying out plans, hoping for the best, solving problems, and in general, life becomes boring, dull, uninteresting and insipid. It seems that there is no way out of situations, but one has only to change the glasses to pink ones. As soon as the solution is found. See the world bright look, and then it will seem much more attractive.
Emotionality. hinders communication between people. This applies not only family relations but also business. How often do we scream in the boss's office, forgetting about ethics. In no case should such behavior be allowed, otherwise the leader will hold a grudge against you. Ultimately, you will get a reprimand for any small violation of the work schedule, and there will always be a reason to fire you. Therefore, it is undesirable to show this quality anywhere, even with relatives.

Envy. Envy is a destructive, destructive feeling that negatively affects the psyche and emotional condition. We have noticed more than once how we speak negatively about people who have achieved something in life. The woman bought an expensive car, we believe that she got it as a gift. But few people know that she earned it herself, spending years on making her dream come true. A rich man married a simple woman - she is with him only because of money, there is no talk of any love. Happy family– hide the real behind insincere smiles. And there are many such situations. consciousness, it is like a worm that eats an apple from the inside.
Extravagance, inability to accumulate. Such people are life-breakers, they don’t know what it means not to have money in their pockets, they spend it on entertainment, drinking, going to clubs, women, etc. This quality is unlikely to help one day build their capital, their own fortress, reliable family. Ultimately, everything can end badly.

Weaknesses make a person vulnerable, unable to withstand negative circumstances, so it is important to develop your thoughts, skills, qualities.

How to develop a strong character

Character is a set of qualities that we acquire in the process of life from the very beginning. early age. It does not originate genetically, it is not transmitted from father to son and from mother to daughter. Qualities develop, improve or deteriorate before a person becomes an adult. Of course, this age is relative, for some developed personalities, character manifests itself already at the age of 15-16. A lot depends on upbringing. mental development, education.

To develop strong character traits, you need to work hard. This is the same as getting rid of, which has eaten deep into the brain. I want to continue doing what I used to do, but I need to do it differently. So is there a clear instruction on how to develop a strong character?

First, understand what specific qualities you would like to change in yourself in order to become stronger, so that your mind and body work more productively. Write down the pros and cons of your character, what hinders and what helps, analyze some situations in life in which, in your opinion, you did not behave as you would like. This will help to gather information together and draw conclusions.
Why having a strong character is important to you and the people around you. First of all, this allows you to achieve all your goals. But if, nevertheless, this did not happen, there was a failure, then you should not despair, you need to continue moving in the right direction.
Empathize. Having a strong character does not mean that you go over the heads, transgress through anyone who gets in your way. Everything is the opposite. You empathize with the weak, help them achieve their goals, love the people around them. But help disinterestedly, do not expect a response from those whom you have helped.
Naked facts. Strong character means a sober head. Do not start from emotions, experiences, hints and other relative feelings and qualities. Follow the pure facts, analyze, turn concrete actions in your head, not vague assumptions.
Lead. Do not become, be the one who will adapt to the conditions and lead, that is.

Appreciate what you have. Do you know the saying "it's good where we are not"? She is unfaithful. Everything you imagine about other people, situations, places is subjective. Appreciate what is present in your life. If something does not suit you, then do not look away, do not envy other people (neighbors, friends, celebrities), but improve, correct situations within yourself, at home, at work, etc.
No cowardice! Take risks, don't be a coward. But the risk must be carefully considered, do not rush into the pool with your head. Without battle, there will be no victories, no gifts that victory should bring.
Don't follow other people's advice. Most likely, in some important issue, you have already subconsciously drawn conclusions for yourself, decided what to do, but still ask for advice from loved ones. Do not be fooled by other people's opinions that are opposed to your own, follow the first answer that popped into your head.

At the same time, it is not necessary to argue, stay with your opinion and silently retreat, this is what strong personalities do.
Do good. There is enough evil, violence, pain in our world. Make it a little better, notice only the best moments that happen around, do, do good yourself, help the weak: the elderly, children, animals. Only a strong-minded person is capable of such deeds.
Control your mind, thoughts, emotions. To do this, it is not necessary to be, take a look at each situation from the outside and reconsider your behavior. Excessive emotionality will never be a supporter of a strong person, these are manifestations of the weakest. By being rude, we defend ourselves, which means we are weak.
Patience. It takes time to achieve your goals, and to wait for the right period, you will need a lot of patience.
Eliminate weak thoughts. We, like gardeners removing weeds from the garden, clear our head of harmful, weak, unnecessary thoughts in order to clear the mind of the superfluous. Tune in.
The truth and only the truth. Liars are weak to become strong, speak only the truth. If you lie to someone close to you, you are lying, first of all, to yourself.
Work hard. “You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without labor.” Work hard, improve yourself, improve yourself. But do not forget about the rest, without it it will not work quality work over mistakes.

A strong character is not a panacea for all problems, but it will help to cope with many life situations from which, it would seem, there was no way out. Learn, develop, become better, and then life will seem like a fairy tale.

March 15, 2014

Every person has strengths and weaknesses. You have them. When the employer may ask you to talk about them. Why and why does he do it?

In most cases, an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a potential employee is needed by the employer to make sure how ready you are to interact with other people. See if you can even do it. Finally, by analyzing your strengths and weaknesses, you can draw certain conclusions about your personality type.

Knowing that you will have to talk about strengths and weaknesses and in sufficient detail, you need not worry about the fact that you have to admit to some weaknesses. It is not necessary to take a story about strengths as inappropriate boasting, it is better to prepare in advance for this topic that arises during a job interview.

To begin with, you yourself must identify your strengths and weaknesses. Try to make a list in which you carefully write down both your strengths and weaknesses.

This approach is most useful for communicating with your potential employer.

To begin with, you need to define your strengths that will contribute to your success in the organization where you are interviewing.

Strengths and weaknesses of a job candidate

As you know, there are almost no perfect people in the world. Therefore, every person has strengths and weaknesses.

Focus on your strengths first. These are the first things your potential employer should know about.

Focus on your strengths and use examples to explain how having these qualities will help you in the job.

Your strengths can be divided into sub-points in which certain qualities are concentrated. For example, here's what it might look like:

Acquired and transferred skills as strengths

This paragraph, which describes your strengths, should focus on the skills that a person acquires by performing his duties, and is also able to transfer them to others. These skills include: people skills, planning skills, communication skills, and so on.

Strengths and weaknesses, how to use acquired skills

Personal qualities

The strengths of any person are his personal qualities. So, a person can be hardworking, reliable, independent, punctual, optimistic, and so on. All these positive qualities can help you in the performance of your duties.

Knowledge Based Skills

Strengths educated person These are the skills that he acquired in the course of his studies. These include: your special education, additional courses that you have completed (language, computer and others).

Important: at a job interview, it makes sense to talk only about those skills from this paragraph, thanks to which you will really be able to fill a position.

your strengths. Specific examples

You will need to think a little about what qualities make up your strengths. If, reflecting on your strengths, you doubt some qualities, remove them from the list. Also remove from the list those qualities that are not needed in this job.

Here's what you can get as a result when you write a list that reflects your strengths:

self-discipline It is unlikely that this quality requires any special decoding. Having self-discipline means that the employer can be completely sure that you do not need to be additionally motivated to perform your duties
good faith You are able to adopt the policies and procedures of a particular company, you will support its values, confidential information will not go from you to competitors
Sociability Your skills in both oral and written communication. Examples of this strength can include both your presentations and active listening skills, the ability to persuade through business correspondence etc.
Problem Solving Ability If you are able to analyze emerging problems and are able to find the causes of their occurrence and determine solutions, of course, this quality must be reflected in the list where you describe your strengths
Teamwork We live in the world corporate culture where there is no place for singles. Today, employers value skills effective communication in a team, the ability to work effectively alongside other people
Initiative If you are able to move one step ahead, if you are not afraid to take responsibility for your decisions and results, then enter initiative into your strengths.
Sustainability This quality includes the ability to focus after failures, overcoming obstacles on the way to the goal, the ability to respond correctly to criticism and work in a mode of limited material and time resources.
organization Quality includes the ability to multitask, time management skills, the ability to prioritize goals and complete tasks on time.

The list above probably doesn't reflect all of your strengths, but we just showed you what to aim for.

Advantages and disadvantages. How to talk about them correctly

Weak sides. Full list

Weaknesses also exist in all people. It is important that when you make a list of your weaknesses, you can present them as problems that can be solved and will not affect the quality of your work.

So, analyzing your weaknesses, you should immediately look for ways to overcome your weaknesses.

Try to convince the interviewer during a job interview that you can turn even your weaknesses into strengths. And you know exactly what and how to do it.

Traditional weaknesses may include qualities such as:

Lack of experience

You show some interest in the job for which you are applying, but you have the necessary practical experience to perform it.

Get ready to spend complete analysis strengths and weaknesses so that the lack of experience does not become main reason denying you this position. Certificates of completion of courses in the field where you want to work can be an added advantage if you do not have the required experience.

How to turn weaknesses into strengths

As you list your weaknesses, think about how they can turn into strengths. So, if you are a slightly slow person by nature, then in a job interview you can say that sometimes you lose in the speed of work, focusing on the little things so as not to miss anything.

Weak sides. Sample list

Impatience You always feel that employees are not doing everything as quickly as you expected
distraction You are easily distracted by external factors right at your workplace. This directly affects the efficiency of your work.
Shyness You are not able to say "no" even when you know for sure that this is not part of your responsibilities and does not promise you the slightest benefit. It is difficult for you to defend your point of view, not because you do not have it, but because you are shy.
Stubbornness It is difficult for you to adapt to changes, you hardly accept new ideas and orders
procrastination You always put everything off until the last minute. Then you work in emergency mode, but usually have low productivity
Failure to delegate tasks and responsibilities You are afraid to trust others to do a certain job or solve a problem. Lack of full use of the skills and resources of other employees
Inability to sympathize While striving to achieve your goals, you do not change direction. You don't care that other people may have different feelings or needs. You never take it into account
High sensitivity This quality is the exact opposite of the previous weakness. You take everything that happens at your work too close to your heart.
Conflict A person believes that only he does everything right. There are no other opinions for him. Ready to defend only his own. Sometimes it's not good for a team, project or product.
Lack of some skills No person has all the necessary skills for the job they are applying for. It is only important to show your readiness for further learning.

Describe your strengths and weaknesses. How to answer the question of the employer?

Be Honest When Analyzing Strengths and Weaknesses

If you are in a job interview and the employer has asked you to analyze your strengths and weaknesses, be as honest as possible when answering this question. It is better if you already have a pre-prepared answer, where you can present your strengths and weaknesses in a positive way.

Choose the Right Qualities

During the job interview process, pay attention to the employer's requirements for the job. Describe your strengths and weaknesses according to these requirements.

Describing weaknesses, choose those whose presence cannot deprive you of the chance to take a vacant position.

Advantages and disadvantages. Should I talk about them in a job interview?

Don't brag and don't be ashamed

Every person has strengths and weaknesses. You, your employer, the secretary who sits in the waiting room while you are interviewing for a job.

When asked about your strengths and weaknesses, speak calmly, don't be ashamed to mention your weaknesses, but don't be too arrogant about your strengths either. In no case do not say that you have no weaknesses at all, because you have them.

Take responsibility for your strengths and weaknesses

Often we are proud of our successes, and blame our failures either on others or on circumstances. During a job interview and when it comes to whether you have strengths and weaknesses, take responsibility for yourself, do not look for blame.

Don't give too much information

In a job interview, make sure that the employer's request to describe your strengths and weaknesses does not lead you into a verbal jungle, where you unwittingly lay out more information that you did not originally intend to voice.

Talk about work, describing your strengths and weaknesses

When you describe your strengths and weaknesses, talk only about work. Only about how these qualities will contribute to your success in a new place. Just about how your strengths helped you to same place work. Only about how you managed to get rid of several weaknesses and what qualities you plan to improve or change in yourself in the near future.

Exist different points vision of what to do with the strengths and weaknesses of a person. We all naturally have different inclinations and talents. But the most successful people become those who apply a large number of effort for your work. That is, a hard-working person with average abilities will achieve more success than a talented one. Henry Ford believed that was the main way to achieve success. The search for the strengths and weaknesses of a person is closely related to the search for purpose () and long-term success.

Some psychologists believe that a person should try to correct his weaknesses. Most successful entrepreneurs believe that the emphasis should be on the strengths of a person - his talents and natural abilities, and to compensate for weaknesses with the help of the team. That is, using .

But how do you find your strengths and weaknesses? Which ones should be developed and which ones should be left alone?

SWOT analysis - can be applied not only to business projects, but also to the study of personal qualities. The elements of SWOT analysis include an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the phenomenon under study.

How to understand your strengths?

The famous Russian psychologist Nikolai Kozlov tells in his books that people usually like to do what they can do well and vice versa. And in order to understand your inclinations, you can try to remember your hobbies and what you were fond of as a child. Often, children's hobbies in the future develop into a full-time job or even their own business.

In order to be as involved as possible in work or business, you need to really like this business. And that will be the key to success. That is why it is so important to develop in yourself such a quality as - in order to feel well your desires, interests, inclinations and emotions. In addition to find yourself and your strengths, you need to spend a lot of time experimenting. Constantly try new things.

When you try a new business, you need some time to understand whether it is for you or not. First pancake always goes lumpy. And that's okay.

If you managed to find your strengths, then if possible you need to strive to develop them. If you add perseverance and consistent efforts along with your talents, then you can achieve outstanding results.

We are able to develop any of our talents. This is due to the property of neuroplasticity of the brain. But it is better to direct more efforts to where there are already some serious inclinations.

There are character traits that are useful to develop for any person:

Dealing with personality weaknesses

Objectively, in addition to strengths, each of us has its own disadvantages. It doesn't need to be embarrassed or hidden. On the contrary, you need to understand yourself properly and be aware of your shortcomings. By and large, there is no point in directing all your efforts to combat your weaknesses. Developing a quality in which we initially lacked, it is difficult to achieve an outstanding level. Although - in some cases it may well be possible.

As a rule, you should simply avoid work that is not compatible with your weak qualities. May help in some cases work on your weak side and bring it down to the minimum acceptable level.

Your weaknesses should be taken into account when choosing a job, place of study. And it will promote life balance. We recently wrote a material about.

But there are weaknesses that are worth fighting in any case. this is about:

  • and postponing things for later;
  • and self-flagellation;
  • and other low-tone states such as .

There are cases when people in the most difficult situations were able to get together and do what they want not because of their capabilities, but in spite of them.

Here, the presence of will and character. attitude towards life and optimism are also the companions of success.

The fact is that in order to be productive, and to be in the so-called state, you need to avoid such negative habits and depressed states.

You must clearly understand that we can reconfigure ourselves very flexibly by working with our mood, as well as by training the necessary qualities and getting rid of unnecessary habits. Even people who are terribly afraid public speaking can eventually completely get rid of fears and become excellent speakers. always unpleasant, but allows us to develop.

Balance between strengths and weaknesses of the personality

As I already wrote, in interviews and in life in general, you should not be ashamed of your weaknesses. You need to choose a job where your weaknesses will not interfere much, and where your strengths, on the contrary, will drag your career forward.

At the same interviews, it is better to be honest about your weaknesses. Because they will pop up anyway. And it is better for the employer to know in advance that you have both advantages and strong personality traits, and disadvantages that are specific to you.

A good, well-written resume is a powerful argument in favor of hiring. It can be a serious advantage, so it’s worth starting your job search with compiling it. In the West, careerists keep resumes throughout their lives, and with advanced training or a change of job, they add new lines. A document that provides information about the applicant before the interview is part of business etiquette, which should not be neglected.

What you can and should write about yourself in a resume

There are basic points that must be spelled out. Indicate strengths in the resume, avoid unnecessary, only informative. A resume is a summary of skills and qualities. From the first lines, show that you are a person with serious character configured for the result. So what is needed:

  1. Personal information: full name, date of birth, marital status. You can add a photo if you wish.
  2. Contacts. Enter your phone number and address Email at the beginning of the summary. This will make it easier to find them when they want to contact you.
  3. Desired vacancy. This item is required to be filled out.
  4. Education. Indicate all institutions, courses, trainings that you have completed. School, university, attended an NLP seminar - your knowledge base should be impressive. Be prepared to document each item.
  5. Work experience. Have you already held a similar position? Please indicate this on your resume. To a person who does not have a single record in work book will be viewed with suspicion.
  6. Additional Information. Here you can talk about hobbies, strengths and weaknesses. Carefully select personal qualities for your resume. It will be a plus if they are useful in the position.

Professional skills and abilities

Describe yourself in your resume: show the employer that you are qualified for the position. Ownership computer programs, knowledge of languages, availability driving license- all this must be painted in this paragraph. Skills and abilities for the resume, arrange in order of importance for future work. If you have a specific, not very useful talent that you want to list, put it at the bottom of the list.

Personal qualities of a person

Education and experience are not the only evaluation criteria. Personal qualities for writing a good resume, although not mandatory, can play a role in many situations. decisive role. Imagine what kind of employee the director of the company wants to see? Do you have common positive qualities with him, can you look competitive? Be sure to write about it, be sure to use your pluses!

Strengths and weaknesses of character

Properly selected good and bad personal qualities for a resume will help you get a job. If you cope with your duties, the weaknesses of the character will not be so important. Often the same trait becomes a trump card or interferes with work. Put your shortcomings in your resume as advantages, show your willingness to work on yourself. Purposefulness is strong point character that is valued in the team.

Positive character traits for a resume

Negative Traits character for resume

Ambiguous character traits for a resume


















A responsibility



good faith















Focus on results






What weaknesses can be indicated in the resume

The task of the employee is not to scare, but to show that you do not suffer from high self-esteem. Be honest, however, sharply negative personal qualities are inappropriate for a resume, you should not quote them. The second column of the table will scare away the employer. Character traits from the third will play a positive role for certain posts. Do not be cunning and do not try to present advantages as disadvantages. This will be conspicuous and convict of insincerity.

Examples: individualism is good for creative profession, helps to stand out from the crowd to the presenters or artists. Working in a team, on the contrary, one must be able to become part of the team and take into account the opinions of others. A pedantic nature will make it difficult to work quickly, but is appropriate where quality comes first. Modesty will prevent you from communicating freely with customers, however, with the right approach, it will put the company in a good light.

Everyone sooner or later faces the need to clearly identify all their strengths. Most often this happens at the time of writing a resume. The employer wants to see a list before the interview - the strengths of the person. In order for this question not to take you by surprise, you should analyze yours in detail.


It is on talent that all strong character traits are based. Each person knows perfectly well what he can do best.
It takes effort to develop talent. Few can achieve perfection, but everyone can hone their skills.

In order for talent not to go to waste, it is best to associate your profession with it. Life will be much more interesting if work is fun. For this, it is simply necessary that it suits a person in character, temperament, and meets his interests.

Work on yourself

The strengths and weaknesses of a person are closely intertwined with each other. No one can boast that he is perfect and has no weaknesses. A self-sufficient person always admits that he has flaws. There is nothing wrong. After all, human shortcomings are traits that, with volitional influence, make it possible to develop further, not to stand still. If you engage in self-development, then over time, a person can turn all the weaknesses into strengths.

It is not always easy to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a person. Their people are not inclined to hide, they know perfectly well what they can do best. However, sometimes people overestimate themselves, do not always correctly assess their capabilities.

If with positive traits character is more or less clear, then with the shortcomings everything is more complicated. Few people are able to honestly admit to themselves that they are excessively lazy, constantly late, or cannot bring the work they have started to its logical end.

Weaknesses of a person, what are they? In most cases, people are characterized by laziness, excessive softness of character, shyness, problems with observing the daily routine, indiscipline.

Many human shortcomings are easily corrected on their own, while others cannot be dealt with without the help of a psychologist. Some human flaws cannot be removed. Under them, experts advise to adjust their own way of life so that they do not cause inconvenience.

Objective assessment

What are my strengths? On the one hand, the question is not difficult, but many cannot accurately characterize themselves. Assessing your capabilities is important. If self-improvement is also important to you, you should not neglect it.

By making a list of your strengths, you can understand what you lack for career development, and therefore begin the journey to address gaps in knowledge and capabilities.

Strengths: list

The combination of strengths gives a strong-willed character. There are qualities by which one can judge the strength of the human personality.

To be successful in your career and life, you need to have:

  • sociability;
  • Confidence;
  • professionalism;
  • Purposefulness;
  • analytical thinking;
  • Patience;
  • Learnability;
  • diligence;
  • Responsibility.

Developing your strengths

  • Professionalism

One of the strengths of a person is the ability to improve in a chosen area. Experts recommend every month to read at least one book in their specialty.

  • Analytical thinking, learning

These personality strengths full degree depend on the level of intelligence. It, in turn, is determined by the genetic data and the training that has been received.

  • Discipline

To increase the level of discipline, you need to learn how to motivate yourself.

  • industriousness

Few people can boast of having this quality from birth. A person starts work not because he is tired of idleness, but only because there is such a thing as “necessary”. Each action performed brings a sense of satisfaction, which works as a great motivator.

  • Patience

You can't get everything you want right away. It takes time to reach the goal. The ability to wait is a valuable character trait.

  • Confidence, focus

These strengths come with acquired experience and skills. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to follow the chosen path.

These human strengths can be supplemented by the following:

  • Courage;
  • Honesty;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Reliability;

People who possess all these qualities can control their actions and desires, manage their lives.

Exercises to determine your personal capabilities

  1. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses. To do this, you need to remember what actions cause you the most. positive emotions. Write them down in a notebook, starting with the most significant and ending with those that are the least pleasant.
  2. The next step will be a reassessment of values. Rethink your life beliefs to understand which ones are strengths and which are weaknesses.
  3. Remember the people whose opinion is valuable to you. Why do you respect them? What traits do they have? Do you have these virtues?
  4. Remember when you last time were happy? What happened at that moment? Why were you happy?
  5. After studying your answers, try to find similarities in them. Those features that will be repeated in most of the answers are your ideals, what you are striving for.
  6. Determine if your beliefs match your real life.
  7. Learn what is good and what is bad in the area where you live and work.
  8. Determine if it is environment optimal for the development of your personality.
  9. Conduct a survey in which you ask people who know you what are inherent in you.
  10. Having received answers from loved ones, you should find in them all the common points. Make a list of the character traits they find in you most of of people.
  11. Make a self-portrait. As a result, you will get a deep characterization of personal qualities.
  12. Make a list of things you need to do to improve your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.

Self improvement

Human shortcomings can be overcome only through constant development. It is impossible to ignore not only shortcomings, but also strengths of character, as well as talents. They require improvement, because even the most outstanding abilities, without daily training, weaken over time.

Every person knows what he can do best. Therefore, only rare individuals do not pay attention to them, do not engage in self-development.

Merits rarely cause problems. After all, there is great amount methods of self-development. And if desired, everyone can improve their abilities, make them brighter and more outstanding.

The situation is different with disadvantages. Everyone tends to underestimate them. If you do not see the problem, then you can get along well with it, but life will lose something important from this. You can stubbornly ignore your weaknesses, put up with them, but in order to develop as a person and as a professional, hard hard work will be required.