Research work on the harm of chips on the human body. Research work "Chips: benefit or harm?"

Tatiana Kuzmina
Research“My favorite chips: harmful or healthy?”


1. Main part…. 4

1.1. What's happened chips?. 4

1.2. Where did they come from? chips?. 4

1.3. How do they do it? chips today?. 4

1.4. My experiments... 5

1.5. Get ready healthy chips at home...6


Bibliography…. 8



Most children love chips. They are eaten while watching cartoons, in nature, and even just out of boredom. Chips are tasty and crispy. And the adults say that chips are unhealthy, especially for children's bodies. They are inexpensive and sold in every store. After all, some mothers calmly feed chips their kids and think it’s easy fried potatoes. Teacher Tatyana Mikhailovna said that chips included in the list of products that should not be sold in schools. I'm completely got confused: delicious Are chips good or bad?? Not everything is tasty - good for your health! It's difficult to explain. I was wondering how they influence chips on a growing organism? I learned a lot of information from the Internet and decided to check it out. So I decided to figure it out herself: Are chips tasty or unhealthy??

Relevance research:

IN Lately many parents began to think about the benefits and harm this or that product for their children. Manufacturers add to many products harmful additives, dyes and preservatives that have a bad effect on the growing body of children.

Problem:parents often refuse to buy us chips.

My goal work: answer the question “My favorite chips: harmful or beneficial


Explore information about chips;

Get to know the history and production chips;

Conduct experiments to help determine the impact chips on a child's body;

An object research: potato chips.

Hypothesis: I'll assume that chips useful product .

Method research:


Collecting information from different sources (encyclopedia, dictionaries, Internet)


Analysis of received works

1. Main part.

1.1. What's happened chips?

For the manufacture of chips take potatoes, cut into thin slices and fried in oil, preservatives and flavorings are added. To the chips haven't spoiled, preservatives are added. Flavorings and preservatives are substances that are added to foods to give them taste and aroma. They are very harmful. Potatoes, butter, salt - well known to everyone healthy foods.

1.2. Where did they come from? chips?

Chips appeared in 1853 in America. It is believed that chips was accidentally invented by George Crum, an Indian by birth. He worked as a cook in a restaurant. According to legend, one of the restaurant’s signature recipes was "French fries". One day at dinner, railroad magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt took the fried potatoes back into the kitchen and complained that the potatoes were too thick. The chef decided to play a joke on the tycoon, cut the potatoes thinly and fried them. The capricious rich man really liked the dish. Soon the recipe of the dark-skinned cook Krum loved by everyone. He became very popular. They started preparing it in all restaurants. That's how they appeared everyone's favorite chips.

In our country chips appeared in 1963 and were called "Crispy potato slices Moscow". They were sold only in Moscow.

Cooking recipes a lot of chips. The simplest one is making chips from pieces of raw potatoes, as Chef Kram first did. Quality is very important here potatoes: not just any tubers can be used to make delicious crispy potatoes. They should be dense, low in sugar, without damage inside, with a smooth surface. It turns out that from 5-6 kg of quality potatoes you get 1 kg chips. Frying oil should not impart foreign smell to chips. Therefore, in most cases, olive, soybean or palm oil is used.

1.3. How do they do it? chips today?

There is no factory in our village for making chips, so I looked on the Internet. That's what I found:

1. First, wash the potatoes, select even tubers and peel them. All this is done by machines, but under the control of people.

3. The cut slices go into a frying bath with oil, where they are fried for three minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

5. Basic chips undergo quality control.

6. Now in chips add salt, aromatic and flavoring additives.

7. Ready chips arrive for packaging. They are distributed and weighed. The packaging machine packs equal portions chips

8. Ready chips they are put into boxes and taken to a warehouse, from where they go to store shelves.

1.4. My experiments.

Especially chips are harmful, made not from whole potatoes, but from potato flour. And although the potatoes themselves useful product, in the process of powerful processing to which the vegetable is exposed during production chips, he loses all his beneficial features , and in return acquires harmful. Only in those chips, which remain in boiling oil for no more than 10 seconds during the cooking process, no hazardous substances are formed.

What is the actual composition? chips? To find out, I did several experiments with ordinary chips from the store which my mother buys for me.

Experiment 1. Put a piece chips onto a dry, clean cloth. Let's cover it and press it. Now let's open it. What are we observing? There was a greasy stain left on it.

Conclusion: IN chips contained a large number of fat

Experiment 2. Let's drop a piece chips with 3% iodine solution. The drop spread and turned blue.

Conclusion: IN chips contain starch. And these are carbohydrates. The starch remaining in the mouth is converted into glucose within two hours. And this is an ideal breeding ground for caries bacteria.

Experiment 3. Crushed chips and filled them with water. After a few minutes we tried the water, it was salty.

Conclusion:This suggests that in chips contains a large amount of salt. Large amount of salt in chips are unhealthy.

Experiment 4. Take a slice chips and carefully set it on fire, taking all precautions fire safety. When burning a slice chips There is a pungent smell of plastic. This indicates the presence of a dangerous substance - acrylamide.

Conclusion: IN chips contains a dangerous substance called acrylamide.

All experiments did not confirm the hypothesis of benefit chips for health.

For clarification, I turned to nurse Raisa Mikhailovna. She explained that the benefits of using It’s useless to look for chips - no vitamins, no minerals, no quality nutrients they don't have it. After a powerful processing potatoes lose all their positive properties and acquire exclusively harmful. Their excess threatens with digestive problems, obesity and mental retardation. For long term storage chips they make it very salty. Salt interferes with the normal growth of children, disrupts metabolism and causes heart problems. Chips rich in dyes and flavors - they help make potatoes taste like mushrooms, cheese or sour cream with dill. The accumulation of such additives in the body can cause allergies in a child and can lead to more serious consequences.

Based on the experiments carried out, the following were made conclusions:

Due to the high starch and fat content chips are very high in calories. That's why chips contribute to obesity.

Fats contained in chips, are extremely dangerous to health, as they have a carcinogenic effect, that is, the ability to cause cancer. Fats contained in chips, Very harmful. Such fat is, for example, margarine. After all chips are not fried in healthy vegetable oil, but on technical fat. Such fats contribute to increased cholesterol levels in the blood and increase the risk of serious diseases.

IN chips contains a dangerous substance - acrylamide, which is considered a poison for our body, which mainly affects nervous system, liver and kidneys.

I concluded for myself - eating chips is harmful!

It was interesting to know how they treat chips my friends? There are 20 children in our group. Of these, 18 children love chips, and 2 – no. I thought about it: What to do? Do not eat chips? Now I know what there is chips are harmful. But the guys love them very much. Therefore, I believe that the results of my research help them stop doing this harmful product like chips.

1.5. Get ready healthy chips at home.

For those, who loves chips, but doesn’t want to get sick, there is a simple way out - to cook chips themselves from raw potatoes. Such chips are healthy: none harmful substances, do not contain calories and are prepared quickly.

Homemade recipe chips: for this you will need thinly sliced ​​potatoes soaked in cold water within 15 minutes. This is done so that all the starch comes out into the water, and chips were crispier. Next, take the potatoes out of the water and place them on a napkin so that the napkin absorbs excess moisture and chips got ready very quickly. Then we put them in the microwave for 4 minutes. Chips are ready. At home chips can be made from cheese, fruits and vegetables.


This one for me I really liked the research work. After conducting this research work, it can be argued that the hypothesis put forward about the benefits chips was not confirmed. Chips are bad for your health. IN chips no vitamins at all. As a result of the experiments, analysis of the studied literature and Internet materials, it was found that chips are an extremely unhealthy food product:

Chips are very salty, and excess salt interferes with normal bone growth, disrupts metabolism and can cause swelling and heart problems.

Dyes and flavorings that give chips taste like ham, sour cream with dill or bacon, can cause allergies.

Vitamins and minerals V no chips at all. And at the same time, as scientists have found, chips may be addictive! That's why, having once tasted thin pieces of fried potatoes, kids crave to crunch them again and again.

After my research, I think that parents and children will think about their health. I will never eat again chips. This unhealthy!

To always be healthy,

Cheerful, slim and cheerful,

I'm ready to tell you,

How to live without doctors.

You need to eat tomatoes

Fruits, vegetables, lemons.

Porridge - in the morning, soup - at lunchtime,

And for dinner - vinaigrette!

Only homemade chips,

Healthy and crunchy.

And in the end, no problem,

You will live for many years!


1. What? For what? Why? The Big Book of Questions and Answers / trans. from Spanish K. Mishina, A. Zykova. – M.: Eksmo, 2007. – 512 pages.

2. Bratennikova A. N., Yudo O. P. Chips: harm or benefit?- 2005.- No. 10, p.

3. Internet resources

1.1 Problems of the work performed……………………………………………2
1.2 Research topic………………………………………………………………………………….2
1.3 Purpose of the study…………………………………………………………….2
1.4 Research objectives……………………………………………………………..2
1.5 Hypothesis………………………………………………………………………………………...2
1.6 Object of study……………………………………………………………..2
1.7 Subject of research………………………………………………………3
2.1 From the history of the creation of chips……………………………………………………..3
2.2 Experts’ opinion on the effect of this product on the human body…….3-4
2.3 Method of preparing chips…………………………………………………………….4-5
2. 4 Practical part………………………………………………………………5-7


1.1 Problems of work

I really love chips, and my friends don’t mind eating crispy potato slices on the way from school and during vacation. Often after school we go to the store and buy these fragrant mugs. Today, chips are a real treat not only for children, but also for adults. But my mother doesn’t allow me to eat them often. I started thinking, why can’t I eat chips often? How are they harmful to our body?

1.2 Research topic

Harmful foods - chips.

1.3 Purpose of the work

Finding out why chips are harmful to the human body.

1.4 Objectives

To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Study the opinion of experts about the effect of this product on the human body.
  2. Learn how to make chips.
  3. Conduct a survey among students in our class.
  4. Study the composition of chips of different brands: Lay's, Estrella, Pringles, Pro, Mini Free, Bingre.
  5. Conduct an experiment to identify the presence of acrylomide and dyes in chips.
  6. Formulate conclusions.

1.5 Hypothesis

The research was intended to prove or disprove whether chips are really harmful to the human body.

1.6 Object of study

Composition and method of making chips.

1.7 Subject of research

Level of harmful substances in chips.


2.1 History of the creation of chips

The word “chips” came to us from the English language, meaning “chips”. It is believed that chips were invented by accidentGeorge Crum , Indian by origin.24 August 1853 , at the resort Saratoga Springs (USA ), working as a chef at the fashionable restaurant of the Moon Lake Lodge hotel. According to legend, one of the signature recipesrestaurant was " French fries " One day at dinner, a railroad tycoonVanderbilt returned the fries to the kitchen, complaining that they were "too thick." The chef, Krum, decided to play a trick on the tycoon, cut the potatoes literally paper-thin and fried them. But the tycoon and his friends liked the dish.

2.2 Expert opinion on the effect of this product on the human body.

What do the experts think? I studied the opinion of experts about the effect of this product on the human body. It turned out that chips rank first on the list of the most harmful foods. Chips are nothing more than a mixture of carbohydrates and fat with the addition of salt, dyes and substitutes of various tastes. Chips made not from whole potatoes, but from potato flour, are especially harmful.
And although potatoes themselves are a healthy product, they contain almost everything chemical elements, in the process of powerful processing, which potatoes undergo during the production of chips, they lose all their beneficial properties, and in return acquire harmful ones. Due to their high carbohydrate (starch) and fat content, chips are very high in calories. 100 g of chips contains 510 kilocalories, which is almost a third of the daily value for a child. This is why chips contribute to obesity.
Chips are very salty, and excess salt interferes with normal bone growth, disrupts metabolism, and can cause swelling and heart problems. The fact is that the main component of salt - sodium - has the property of retaining water: one molecule of it is surrounded by 400 molecules of water! The heart has to pump more fluid through the vessels than usual, and a person’s blood pressure increases.
Colors and flavors that give chips the taste of ham, dill sour cream or shrimp can cause allergies. And the fats contained in chips are extremely dangerous to health, as they have a carcinogenic effect, that is, the ability to cause cancer. The fats contained in chips are so-called hydrogenated fats. Such fat is, for example, margarine. Such fats contribute to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood and increase the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke even at a young age, although previously these diseases were considered exclusively age-related.
There are no vitamins and minerals, not to mention the beneficial fiber found in apples, carrots and other vegetables and fruits, in chips. And at the same time, as scientists have found, chips can be addictive! That's why, having once tasted thin pieces of fried potatoes, kids crave to crunch them again and again. . The average packet of chips weighs 90g energy value this amount of chips is about 500 kcal, and it is achieved due to the technical fat with which the potato slices are literally soaked. In many products that were processed at temperatures above 120 degrees, scientists found huge concentrations of acrylamide, a substance whose toxic effect can cause cancer. According to European standards, the acrylamide content should not exceed 0.1 micrograms per kilogram. And in a kilogram of chips, 1000 micrograms of this substance were found. Acrylamide is formed when deep-fried or grilled foods are prepared, but practically none when cooked. .
Conclusion: Thus, for the most part, nutritionists agree that chips are not beneficial for the body and are high in calories.

2.3 Method of preparing chips

Chips are prepared in two ways: molded and traditional. In the traditional way, the product is prepared from thinly sliced ​​potatoes, fried in oil, salted and flavored. Molded chips are made from potato pellets or flakes that are soaked in dough, rolled out, fried and seasoned. Chips are fried not in healthy vegetable oil, but in technical fat. .Often the manufacturer uses palm oil for frying. Palm oil - vegetable oil, obtained from the pulp of oil palm fruits. The oil from the seeds is called palm kernel oil. The main reason for the widespread use of this oil is its low price. In the majority developed countries The import of palm oil is limited due to its high carcinogenic effect. Advantages: when adding palm oil, the shelf life is extended, as it does not go rancid, it is resistant to heat, therefore it is used in deep frying. Palm oil is rich in vitamin E and provitamin A, which are powerful antioxidants and are widely used in cosmetology. The liquid part of palm oil is called palm olein. Palm olein is a light yellow liquid that does not require additional processing, which makes it an excellent substitute for vegetable and soybean oils; its use in production allows:

  1. Eliminate carbon deposits.
  2. Reduce oil consumption when frying.
  3. No foreign taste.
  4. Uniform bright golden color of the product.
  5. Easily mixes with other oils. .

Conclusion : Manufacturers use industrial oils that are highly carcinogenic, which contributes to the development of cancer. More often, potato or corn starch is used instead of potatoes, which increases the calorie content of the chips. In addition, even if the manufacturer uses potatoes, this product loses its beneficial properties during heavy processing.

2.4 Practical part
2.4.1 Survey results

I conducted a survey among students in our class. (Table 1) 25 people participated in the survey. It turned out that my classmates know about the dangers of chips, but, nevertheless, enjoy eating them. 9 people surveyed buy chips 3-4 times a week. 13 people – rarely (about 1-2 times a month). My classmates prefer brands such as Lace (14 people), Pringles (6 people), Bingre (2 people).

2.4.2 Comparative analysis of chips
I studied consumer preference ratings for choosing a brand of chips. And for my research I chose three brands of the most popular companies: Lace, Estrella, Pringles. And three brands occupying low positions in the ranking: Pro, Mini Free, Bingre. On the Internet, I watched a video test where an experiment was conducted to determine the fat content, and therefore acrylamide, in various brands of chips. I decided to do the same experiment at home,
To do this, you need to put a large chip on the paper, bending it in half on both sides. Remove the remaining chips and look at the paper; there will be a greasy stain on it. The more fat, the larger and clearer the stain. A bright color indicates the presence of dyes in the chips. (table 2).
Conclusion: All chips tested contained fat. Moreover, in Lace, Pro, Mini Free chips greatest number fat We also see the presence of dye. Lace and Mini Free come out on top.Dyes may cause allergic reactions in some people. This problem especially concerns children whose bodies have not yet become stronger.
I also studied the composition of these brands and entered the results into a table. (table 2).

Conclusion: 1. All chips studied have low protein content. The amount of fat is higher than normal, with the exception of Mini Fries chips. The amount of carbohydrates is much higher in Mini Fries and Bingre chips. All chips are high in calories.Eating a 100 gram bag of chips will give you the same amount of calories as if you ate 633 grams of boiled potatoes or 80 grams butter, as well as 100 grams of chocolate (1 bar).
2. One hundred grams of product contains almost a gram of salt, when for children the optimal dose is 2 grams per day and for adults 5-6 grams. Excess salt can slow down normal bone growth and also disrupts the body's metabolism.
3. The tested chips contain chemical additives E.
This is an abbreviation for "Europe" - Europe, as the European Commission on Food Additives labels chemical compounds contained in the products, followed by a three or four-digit number in which the full name of the compound is encoded. .

E 47 - stabilizer, emulsifier - improves appearance and product texture.

E 621 - monosodium glutamate, used to enhance and preserve taste. This substance cannot be called harmful. And the heart muscle and brain need it. If there is a shortage, the body can synthesize it itself, and if there is an excess, it has a toxic effect, primarily on the liver and pancreas.

E627 disodium guanylate is a flavor enhancer that can cause digestive upset and allergic reactions.

E631 sodium inosinate – flavor enhancer

E160 lycopene dye, colors a palette of red colors, is not dangerous.

E635 sodium ribonucleotide - taste enhancer - can enhance the loss of heat treatment taste and aroma, may cause digestive upset. Not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women.

E551-silicon dioxide - natural material (quartz, sand) is used foravoiding clumping and caking.
The most dangerous: E – 627, 621, 635.


Thus, my research has proven that chips have a negative effect on human health, especially on children’s bodies.
1. In fact, chips do not contain any useful substances, vitamins, minerals, good carbohydrates and proteins.. The main component of salt is sodium, and it is this that retains water in the body.
2. The high content of fat and starch makes chips a high-calorie product, which can lead to obesity if consumed uncontrolled. Also, fats can cause a heart attack or stroke in a person, even in early age, although not so long ago these diseases were considered age-related.
3. Don’t think that chips are fried potatoes. After such processing, all beneficial substances disappear from the potato and harmful substances remain. So you shouldn’t believe bright advertisements, since chips are unlikely to be beneficial for the body.
The value of this work is that my classmates and I reconsidered our attitude towards chips. I think my work may well be useful in the lessons of the surrounding world in primary school and in extracurricular activities. After all, our health is priceless and we need to take care of it already childhood.


  1. The history of the creation of chips. [Electronic resource]: Wikipedia - free encyclopedia
  2. Palm oil. [Electronic resource]: Wikipedia - free encyclopedia
  3. List of food additives harmful to health E. [Electronic resource]:
  4. Workshop healthy image life. [Electronic resource]:
  5. One hundred thousand “whys.” Why? [Electronic resource]: everything for children
  6. Chips preparation technology. [Electronic resource]: catering technologies


Table 1
Questionnaire for classmates

Questionnaire analysis

table 2






Presence of preservatives

Availability of potatoes











MBOU Pokrovskaya secondary school No. 3

Rostov region

Collaborative research work

7th grade B students

Subject: biology

Topic: “The whole truth about chips”

Head of research work: Palenaya Elena Viktorovna




Relevance of the work:

the work is relevant because the problem proper nutrition is one of the most important, therefore it is necessary to create a culture of healthy eating as a factor that improves the quality of life.

Through my research work

we want to convince the guys that eating chips has a negative effect on a young, growing body.

Purpose of the study :

determining the potential danger of chips to human health

Object of study :

nutritional supplements in chips and their effect on human health

Subject of study :

chips as a food product

Research hypothesis:

We suggest that frequent consumption of chips can cause serious illnesses .

Working methods:

  • search and research
  • sociological

Research objectives:

  • study the literature on the problem;
  • conduct a survey among school students;
  • reveal the importance of some food additives used in food production;
  • find out the effect of various components of chips on the functions of human organs;
  • offer recommendations for healthy eating.

Historical reference

Chips - This is a light snack made from potatoes.

Their origins date back to 1853, when millionaire Cornelius Vanderbilt returned fried potatoes to the cook, complaining that they were “too thick” and several times asking that the potatoes be cut thinner than usual. In the end, the cook got angry, took a sharp razor and made the slices slightly thicker than a sheet of paper. Having fried them in boiling oil, he served this original dish to the guests. Everyone was delighted.

Cornelius Vanderbilt

Soon, crispy potatoes, as a new invention, were patented, and its inventor, cook George Crum (Indian by birth), founded a company producing potato chips. Their production has expanded widely in the West. There their name appeared, derived from English word“chips”, which means “slice, piece”.

George Crum

At first, chips were sold only in expensive restaurants.

Later, crispy potatoes began to appear in

ordinary canteens.

The potatoes were especially crispy

to suit the kids' tastes

And today nutritionists put chips on the list of prohibited foods.

food for children

Sociological survey

Using a survey method, we decided to find out how often schoolchildren eat chips.

To begin with, we identified the target audience, these are children from 7 to 16 years old, then we composed questions.

The form consisted of 6 questions with suggested answer options.

Students from grades 1-11 took part in the survey, total participants - 134 people.

Here are the results we got:

1. How often do you eat chips?

2. Do you like chips?

a) often - 14

b) rarely - 6

a) yes - 14

3. If you like it, then why?

b) no - 5

a) delicious - 11

4. Do you think chips are harmful?

c) I don’t eat - 4

b) beautiful packaging - 4

a) yes - 10

5. Do you pay attention to the composition of chips?

b) no - 14

a) yes - 9

6. Do your parents allow you to eat chips?

c) alluring smell - 7

b) no - 12

a) yes- 8

b) no - 11

c) they don’t know about it - 5

Chip manufacturers are doing everything possible to make sure we can't tear ourselves away from the crunchy snack. Chips are loved by both adults and children.

But in fact, their packs should have health warnings on them, just like cigarettes and alcohol.

We carefully read the composition of the chips on the packaging and found that

that they include:

  • potato
  • vegetable oil
  • salt
  • lactose
  • E 621 (monosodium glutamate)
  • E 330 (citric acid)
  • natural and natural-identical aromatic substances
  • sodium phosphate
  • acrylamide

Harmful food additives

The chips contain various food additives:

flavorings, dyes.

Nutritional supplements serve to coloring, adding flavor.

In the chips we were considering, we found such harmful additives as:

Monosodium glutamate - MSG (monosodium glutamate) food additive – E621

Turns the most unpalatable food into something like this

that you want to eat again and again.

Negatively affects the brain.

Causes dependence and addiction, allergies, asthma, kidney failure, disrupts the structure of the retina, and digestive problems.


Calcium phosphate - food additive E 341.

Causes stomach upsets in children.

Sodium phosphate

threatens the development of osteoporosis and slower bone growth in children.

Malic (malonic) acid strictly prohibited

V baby food.

Sodium inosiate – food additive E631.

When consuming a taste and smell enhancer additive, people with allergies and asthmatics need to be especially careful and careful, since sodium inosiate can provoke an exacerbation of diseases.

All chips contain salt

But a specific amount of salt

not indicated.

Excess salt slows down the growth of children's bones, and children run the risk of remaining the last and shortest in the ranks in physical education.

Salt retains water in the body, which increases blood pressure.

They weakened, began to make mistakes in passing the labyrinths they were familiar with, and began to get tired much faster.

As a result, ten days was enough for the animals to become less attentive, unable to concentrate quickly, and unable to cope well with ordinary tasks.

During the frying process, absolutely everything useful that is in the potato is destroyed, it acquires other properties - carcinogenic.

Fat breakdown product - acrolein , has mutagenic and carcinogenic properties.

To avoid the formation of large amounts of acrolein, the frying oil must be changed regularly.

Acrylamide- an even more dangerous carcinogen, also formed even at home if you choose the wrong oil and get the pan too hot. What can we say about the conditions of continuous production, when many batches of chips are cooked for a long time in the same over-fried fats, which are often unprofitable to change?

And besides these substances that have already been found, how many other toxins formed during the preparation of chips have simply not been studied?

Studying nutritional value chips

In order to find out what chips are in terms of nutritional value, we studied the indicators from the packaging of an average pack of chips weighing 100 g and compared them with the daily norm for children.

Here's what happened:

100 grams of product

In a packet of chips



Daily norm

for children 7 – 15 l



Calorie content

2350 kcal

550 kcal

We found out that chips contain a lot of fat. This is a very high-calorie product. The pack of salt contains half of the daily requirement.

That's a lot!

Carrying out



Knead the chips inside

clean napkin

At the place of pressure we saw a large greasy spot, which confirmed that chips contain a lot of fat.


They dripped on the chips

iodine solution

A few seconds later a dark blue spot appeared.

This indicates the presence of starch, the remains of which in the mouth are converted into glucose - ideal nutrient medium for caries bacteria.

When glucose accumulates in the liver, it leads to obesity.

Chips are harmful to your teeth and liver!


When burning a slice of chips, we noted the appearance of a pungent plastic odor, which indicates the presence dangerous carcinogen – acrylamide , which is considered poisonous to our body, causes diseases of the nervous system, liver and kidneys.

In plastic, its smell is pronounced, but in chips it is not felt, because they contain artificial aromatic substances.

Acrylamide is a substance that causes cancer, affects the nervous system. In some types of chips, the level of this deadly substance exceeds... 1280 times!


There is not an ounce of benefit in the product - no vitamins, no minerals, no nutrients that could strengthen the growing body.

After processing, potatoes lose all their beneficial properties and acquire harmful ones.

Vitamins and minerals

not in chips!

Ministry of Health banned sell chips and other similar products in school canteens and cafes.

Doctors explain their decision by the fact that the number of children with digestive diseases in last years increased by one and a half times.

And it’s all due to unhealthy food.

Children's diseases associated

with poor nutrition

Gastritis a common disease of the digestive system these days. On scientific language gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, leading to dysfunction of the entire body, especially the functions of the nervous system.

General signs of gastritis: heaviness and pain in the epigastric region, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, coated tongue and poor condition.

  • deterioration of the pancreas, kidneys, liver;
  • decreased immunity;
  • increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • obesity;
  • promotes cancer development

Our conclusions

After conducting research, we found that:

1. Chips - it's fatty fried food containing harmful food additives.

2.All chips are very salty, and excess sodium chloride interferes with normal bone growth, disrupts metabolism and causes heart problems.

Our conclusions

3. This product is rich in dyes and flavors - they help make potatoes taste like red caviar, salmon, shrimp or sour cream with dill.

4. Used additives can cause allergies in a child, and their accumulation in the body can lead to more serious consequences(they were invented recently, so their influence has not been fully studied).

Our conclusions

5. Abuse of such food adversely affects the functioning of many human organs.

This means that chips do more harm than good.

While working on this topic, we came to the conclusion that

that chips are a harmful product and cause various diseases. This means they do more harm than good.

The topic of the work is revealed, the problems are solved, and the hypothesis is proven.

The work done not only enriched us with new knowledge and skills, but was also very interesting and required independence and a creative approach.

In general, we sincerely wish you to remember how many truly tasty, healthy and healthy dishes is in our native Russian cuisine, and then you and your children simply won’t know what chips are.

To always be healthy,

Cheerful, slim and cheerful,

We are ready to give you advice,

How to live without doctors.

You need to eat tomatoes

Fruits, vegetables, lemons.

Porridge - in the morning, soup - at lunchtime,

And for dinner - vinaigrette!

If you don't eat chips,

And you will forget about them,

Then, of course, there is no doubt,

You will live for many years!



Work completed:

Koltukova Yulia

1st grade student


Tashkinova Elena Anatolyevna

teacher primary classes



Goals and objectives of research work.

Theoretical part

3.1.History of the emergence of chips.

3.2.Why you can’t eat chips.

4. Practical part

4.1. Detection of harmful substances experimentally.

4.2. Questioning class students on the topic “ Healthy eating»

4.3. Consultation with medical worker



Chips are considered one of the most popular products among young people, while they invariably take first place in ratings of products harmful to human health. At first glance, it seems that chips cannot contain anything harmful to the body, because in essence they are the same product as boiled potatoes, which many families cook almost every day. However, everything is not so simple!

The harm of chips outweighs the dubious benefits of this product. According to studies, even healthy man after eating a pack of chips a day every day for a month, he begins to suffer from heartburn, gastritis and intestinal diseases. And more long-term use for food dangerous product may lead to more serious health problems.

Due to the fact that the amount of dangerous carcinogens in chips is 500 times higher than the norm, there may be cancerous tumors. In addition, chips contain a lot of salt, which cannot but affect metabolism.

Chips are especially harmful to children - they contain all kinds of additives that are used to prepare the product and can provoke severe allergies. Eating chips leads to excess weight. So, before you eat a pack of oily cereal, think about your health and choose something healthier for your body.

OBJECTIVE: Based on the research work I have conducted, I want to prove that eating chips causes great harm to health.

OBJECTIVES: 1. Find out the history of chips and the technology for their preparation

2. Find out why they are harmful.

3. Prove experimentally the presence of harmful additives in the product.

4. Conduct a survey of classmates on the topic “Healthy eating.”

5. Based on the results of the work, draw conclusions about the dangers of chips.


The history of chips

The name “chips” comes from the English “chips”, which means “piece”, “slice”. The history of the creation of chips dates back to 1853, and they appeared completely by accident. One day, Cornelius Vanderbilt, an American millionaire, stayed at the MoonLakeHouse Hotel in Saratoga Springs. While dining at the hotel, Vanderbilt three times expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that the potatoes were cut into too large slices. Local chef George Crum, being a man of character, ended up preparing thinly sliced ​​potatoes fried in oil for the millionaire. Unexpectedly, Vanderbilt liked the chef's new dish. He happily ordered it every time he dined at the hotel. Thus, “Saratoga chips,” as they were nicknamed, became the restaurant’s signature dish.

Seven years after the incident, in 1860, George Crum opened his own restaurant, where chips were served. However, over time, this dish appeared in other food places, which is not surprising, since preparing chips is not at all difficult. Soon, chips appeared on the menus of America's best restaurants.

Another 36 years later, the idea of ​​packaging chips in wax paper was born. It was expressed by Laura Scudder. This packaging made it possible to transport the chips and extend their shelf life. Thus, chips appeared on supermarket shelves. However, mass production of chips became possible only after the invention of the potato peeling machine. A little later, the first machine for industrial production chips. It was created by Freeman Macbeth. His invention was immediately acquired by one of the companies, which began mass production of chips.

The chips were made without adding salt or any seasonings. In 1940, Tayto began producing flavored chips for the first time and began selling chips with a packet of salt.

Currently, manufacturers offer a huge selection of chips with different flavors. Today, there are two main methods for producing chips. The first method involves the production of chips from pieces of raw potatoes (called traditional), the second - from crushed potatoes.


Samoilov Artyom



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Goal: Find out whether chips are really a harmful product. Research objectives: - find out the history of the emergence of chips; - consider the quality composition of the chips; - study the effect of the product on human health; - conduct experiments with chips; - analyze the results obtained.

The history of chips. Chips were accidentally invented by George Crum on August 24, 1853, while working as a restaurant chef. According to legend, one of the restaurant’s signature recipes was “french fries.” One day at dinner, a very rich gentleman returned the fried potatoes to the kitchen, complaining that they were “too thick.” The chef decided to play a trick on the tycoon, cut the potatoes literally paper-thin and fried them. The tycoon and his friends liked the dish. Soon this recipe became very popular. Currently, $2 billion worth of chips are sold annually in the world; in Russia, 10 million kg of chips are sold annually. Based on these numbers, we can say that chips are a favorite product. What is its use? But before answering this question, let's understand the cooking technology.

Holds several bags of chips.

Composition of chips. Ingredients: potatoes, vegetable oil, whey powder, wheat flour, lactose (from milk), flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate, sodium 5 ribonucleotide), hydrogenated vegetable oil (including soybean), glucose, natural, identical to natural and artificial flavorings, acidity regulator (citric acid), cheese powder, coloring (paprika extract, turmeric extract), garlic powder, milk protein, maltodextrin, salt. Here I discovered the following harmful additives: 1. Monosodium glutamate (monosodium glutamate) - additive E621. Please note that nowhere on the packaging of the chips I studied is it written that this is a food additive. This supplement has toxic properties and can cause food addiction and addiction. People have health problems - allergies, bronchial asthma, renal failure, the structure of the retina and hormonal balance in the body are disrupted, digestive problems arise, and gastritis and gastric ulcers may develop. 2. Calcium phosphate - additive E 341, is also not marked as a food additive E. It causes stomach upsets in children. 3. sodium 5 ribonucleotide is a taste and smell enhancer; allergy sufferers and asthmatics need to be especially careful and careful. 4. All chips contain salt. But the specific amount of salt is not specified. Excess salt slows down the growth of children's bones. 5. The labels of the chips indicate vegetable oil, a teenager needs from 10 to 20 g per day, it turns out that by consuming only one package of chips weighing 50 g, the teenager already covers his daily norm. Not long ago, Swedish scientists discovered that chips contain a dangerous substance, acrylamide, which causes cancer.

Test for the presence of oil in chips. 1. Using tweezers, I took a sample of the chips. 2. I set the chips on fire. Conclusion: All chips are flammable. This means that the sample of chips under study contains vegetable oil (fat). .

Experiment 2. Determining the amount of oil. 1.I put a piece of chips on the paper. 2. Pressed the chips with your finger. 3. Removed the pieces of chips from the paper. 4. Identified a greasy stain. Conclusion: A study of chips showed that the oil (fat) content is the highest, which means that perhaps chip manufacturers write the wrong amount of fat.

Experiment 3. Determination of starch in chips. Potatoes contain starch. It is known that iodine changes its color when combined with starch. I conducted an experiment: I dropped a drop of iodine onto a sample of chips. After 3 minutes, the brown color of the iodine changed to black. Conclusion: The tested chip sample showed a discoloration of iodine to black, which confirms the presence of potato starch. Excess starch in the human body is converted into glucose, and when accumulated in the liver, it leads to obesity.

CONCLUSION: Good nutrition is important for promoting health in childhood. During the research work, I obtained a number of necessary and important results. 1. Chips contain harmful substances (dangerous food additives, flavorings, carcinogens). They pose a danger and negatively affect our body, disrupting the functioning of gastrointestinal tract. 2. Experiments confirmed the presence of oil (fat) and starch in chips. This product is fatty, frequent consumption, which can negatively affect human health, especially the children's body. The results I obtained allow me to conclude that chips are a harmful product.

Thank you all for your attention! “Chips are just poison!” I convinced the guys of that. You don’t need to buy them, it’s better to gobble up the porridge!