Magic mandalas. Mandalas of ancient religions, countries and peoples

Charged with female attractiveness
Charged to attract money

Charged for good luck in business

Mandala - healing

Removing the negative from the field

Purification, spiritual healing, normalization of sleep

Attracting the love and interest of the opposite sex, increasing attractiveness

Rejuvenation, life extension

Committed to weight loss

General healing

Charged to improve vision
Attention, watch no more than 3 minutes a day!!

The picture is charged with the treatment of phobias

Charged to improve memory

Charged to cleanse the intestines, blood

Charged to balance the Third Chakra

Manipura is responsible for the emotional background. Balancing the Third Chakra will bring peace to your life.

Charged with childlike peace.

Let the child look at the center of the picture, no more than 3 minutes a day

Charged to heal thrush


Charged to guard the house

Healing and transformation

Harmony and luck

To attract money

Mandala for charging water

Mandala for products

This image is for food storage and transformation. This mandala removes (destroys) toxins from foods and improves the structure of food.

This mandala must be cut along the edge so that it has round shape. The mandala should be next to food: in the refrigerator or closet. The mandala must be located necessarily vertically and necessarily evenly so that the axis of the pattern is vertical.


The energies of heat and cold will pass.
The energies of space and time will pass.
The energies of life and death will pass.
Life, cold and light, no time and no space.

Mandala the power of creativity

“The mandala of creativity is filled with energy, which stimulates the sharpness of perception of the world. This mandala will help schoolchildren and students, everyone who experiences the "throes of creativity" cannot catch an elusive thought. This mandala will help you tune in to the perception of new knowledge, to their analysis and memorization.

Absolute Faith Matrix

The symbol is universal.
The cone of light emanating from a single source eventually dissolves into the surrounding space. It can be assumed that at each level there are Temples of the Absolute Faith in their own color range (vibration) and, accordingly, with their geometry (corresponding to this vibration).
It's all.
Quite simply.

Unfortunately, disbelief breeds doubts that prevent new programs from taking their rightful place under the law. The drawn symbol makes it possible to visually understand and accept the concept of Absolute Faith.
The presented three-dimensional drawing makes it possible to see: what this image consists of.
The main thing is the cross, a symbol that embodies the balance of all principles in a person and a pyramid,
which represents stability and permanence.
The bright blue dots (number 8) represent portals (or entry-exit points) of energies and vibrations,
that come from the universe. The structure has mobility and volume, which indicates that these vibrations
embrace everything. The number 28 or 10 goes along the perimeter, which indicates that such an image is typical where the decimal number system is adopted. In planetary formations with other systems, this image will be different.

Energy of self-healing

sacred Decree to activate this "SI" - Energy:
“Energy is born in me, energy comes from outside, energy penetrates through my whole being, and every cell of my being is included in the creation of the right life. Energy flows through me, energy returns to where it belongs, and I remain in Perfection. Amen".


Decree: “Heavenly fire warms the body and soul. Heavenly fire casts out sickness and infirmity. Heavenly fire heals and uplifts. Amen".


Decree: “Light and Energy are the basis of my being. Light and Energy are the essence of my being. Light carries information, Energy carries forces. Information and Power creates Law and Order at the core of my being. Amen".


The rainbow gives birth to harmony and strength.

The rainbow gives birth to protection and strength.

The rainbow leads to heights and depths.

All the energies of the rainbow

build vibrations of purity and freedom.

This mandala is good to use for charging and purifying water.


Decree: “A stream of Light flows in me. Light causes joy and lightness. Light takes away pain and suffering. Light bones will help me fly to infinity. Amen"


Decree - “A stream of Light and Love flows through my whole being. Light and Love purify my vessels and ligaments. Light and Love create my organism on all planes. May it be so".

Healing Gift of Heaven- (Salt of the earth).

SILVER MANDALA it is an excellent antiseptic. Helps with wound healing, purification and structuring of water and much more.

MANDALA OF GOLD neutralizes negative electromagnetic fields that emit Appliances, TVs, monitors, mobile phones.

Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. Open your eyes. Look at these images - which Mandala and corresponding number would you draw first?

A mandala is a magical drawing that Buddhists use to neutralize problems in their minds. If you are tormented by some kind of obsession, you can get rid of it by carefully examining the desired Mandala. As a rule, her unconscious choice indicates the existence of difficulties in the consciousness or energy channels of the body.

Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. Open your eyes. Look at these images - which Mandala and corresponding number would you draw first?

Now just look at the center of the selected thumbnail for a few seconds or even minutes.

1. Harmony

It is ruled by the spirit element. Ideal yin and yang balance, feminine and masculine energy. Represents the perfect interplay of all elements. Notice that the ring identifies each layer of your being, oriental and west side your soul blossoms and dances with each other in masterful unison, and the north and south stand high as mirror images.

This Mandala carries the spirit of swan energy.. She brings a swan-like graceful femininity contrasted with his protective masculine strength. It reminds us of the need for balance in the soul.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will want to direct all your attention to creating greater harmony between body, mind and soul. He will ask you to step back, prioritize and get your life back on track.

2. Healing

Ruled by the spirit element. Each circle represents the layers of your being, and the multitude of dots tend towards the same goal - this is the real focal point for your healing.

This Mandala carries the spirit of a toad. It brings a deep cleansing energy and reminds us that in order to be healed, we must feel on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual.

pay less attention to the consequences and focus your energy on understanding and accepting your current situation. Digging deeper, you will realize that you will only be cured when you begin to perceive the events taking place in a different way.

3. Intuition

Ruled by the spirit element. Each ring represents the layers of your being, and the triangles represent your trinity, your intuition flares up with new vistas, like a volcanic eruption, along with the vast universe within you.

This Mandala carries the spirit of an owl. She brings owl vision and her ability to find even the most little light in darkness. It helps to awaken your spirit to unprecedented dimensions, like a guardian of the gates to your inner wisdom. She knows herself well and instinctively understands when right time merge with the environment, and when you need to quickly attack what she wants.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will ask you believe, listen and stay open. Follow the signs, put aside all judgment and re-examine yourself and your innate skills. You already know more than you realise.

4. Vision

Ruled by the spirit element. Contributes clarity of your intentions about the main goals in your life, helps to reveal your true purpose. Each ring identifies the layers of your being, and the circles align to represent the interplay between the elements that create your unique vision of life.

This Mandala carries the spirit of energy white tiger . It brings clarity to your vision and expands your understanding. This beautiful cat sees everything she needs with high clarity, focus and utmost attention. It helps curb your impulses while keeping your focus on your ambitions.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will ask you visualize your future. Which direction is best for you and your spirit? Stay focused, set clear goals, and stick to them. The more you see yourself living good life the sooner dreams come true

5. Forgiveness

Ruled by the element of water. Circles around the edge form a protective barrier, deep valleys of negative and positive space collide with each other at the diamond-shaped center of the Mandala. This symbolizes that all our feelings, love and fears go to a single point; they shape who we are now.

This Mandala carries the spirit of a dog. It brings with it unconditional friendship and a deep sense of devotion. It reminds us to forgive ourselves and that a dog is best friend human, like a forgiving soul.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will ask you sort out your problems. Reflecting in all the difficulties that have been in your life, you can understand the way they made you. Feelings should no longer subdue you, come to terms with them. Once you forgive someone in your life who has hurt you a lot, even if it was yourself, your healing will begin.

6. Communication

Ruled by the element of water. The circles along the edge of the Mandala create a protective barrier, and several layers of beautiful patterns surround the central circle. Each layer reveals something new, more similar to the form of our communication - all kinds of languages, verbal and non-verbal signs.

This Mandala bears the spirit of the whale. She brings unique whale story songs and grace along with team spirit. It helps to remember to dive into yourself and talk to the real "I" in any situation.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will ask you recall what was said and what was not said. Going deeper into yourself and expressing your true desires will help you strengthen and become stronger. When you speak from the heart, you will certainly achieve better results.

7. Imagination

Ruled by the element of water. Circles around the edges form a kind of bubble protection, and inside there are beautiful blobs of energy dancing around the center; arrows point the way to new directions. It symbolizes opportunity to create- from one cell comes an infinite potential.

This Mandala contains the spirit of the dragonfly. She carries her ability to see through the surface. It helps us to find new possibilities and pleasures with great enthusiasm and creative energy.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will ask you stop worrying and unleash your imagination. One has only to push off from the surface of one's subconscious to find one's own true purpose and life path. He can hide deep inside us, so it is worth acting decisively and purposefully. Follow what you love, not what you fear.

8. Love

Ruled by the element of water. Circles around the edges form a protective capsule, and arrows into various arrows point to a central point, united by beautiful synchronicity and harmony. It symbolizes focus on love, as the main motivation in all endeavors.

This Mandala holds the spirit of the seahorse.. She carries his benevolent thoughts, good breeding and affection for those he loves. It reminds us that it is always worth showing your love to our soul mates and choosing any kind of love as the main motivation for any goal.

recover internally. To attract love, feel more love, and spend more time doing what you love, you must first love yourself. To change for the better, it is worth getting involved in things that make your heart dance and sing. Like cupid's arrows you must retreat; until you understand your desired goal.

9. Compassion

Ruled by the element of air. A barrier in the form of crosses along the contour, like an army of crossed swords, which are connected in four important element. Together they share one way, even in difficult situations, they do what the heart thinks is right.

This Mandala contains the spirit of the elephant. He carries his strong conviction, which is instinctively based on his gentle, compassionate nature. It reminds us to reconnect with our sense of community and always fight for what you truly believe in.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will prompt you look into your heart and better understand your present circumstances. Ask yourself if you are compassionate towards your loved ones. This also applies to your feelings about yourself, your internal dialogue between judgment and harshness. Be softer, let go of all negativity, and allow yourself to be a little vulnerable to do what your heart tells you to do.

10. Strength

Ruled by the element of the spirit of air. A barrier in the form of crosses along the contour, like an army of crossed swords, and beautiful arrows and dots inside are more like shields or security talismans. This symbolizes our need for inner strength , stand firm with raised protection.

The mandala carries the spirit of an eagle. It carries its superior sense of vision, clarity and aspiration. It reminds us to turn our sometimes impossible aspirations into victorious accomplishments by awakening our inner warriors.

Contemplating the Mandala, your spirit will prompt you raise your courage new level , to look at problems from a new angle, focus on worthwhile goals and boldly do whatever it takes. You need to find the inner courage, to understand that you can do much more to achieve the goal and start on your own path.

11. Inspiration

Ruled by the element of air. A barrier in the form of crosses along the contour, like an army of crossed swords, and inside a beautiful eruption, like peacock tails, which identify unification of aspirations and creativity.

This Mandala contains the spirit of a peacock. He carries his beauty, the power of presence and a sense of pride - he has a truly unique vision of life. It reminds us to never be afraid to show the world what you have to offer and always show your true colors.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will prompt you look at the beauty that surrounds you. Trust yourself and stand proudly, showcase your talents and inspire others as well as yourself. You are already halfway to your goal; it's time to turn your dreams into reality. Open to your awakening.

12. Protection

Ruled by the element of air. A barrier in the form of crosses along the contour, like an army of crossed swords, and the heart of the Mandala is reliably protected by a single group, which symbolizes both warlike and well-mannered traits.

This Mandala contains the spirit of a bear. He carries his protective nature; stands firmly on his own, makes his presence noticeable. It reminds us to subconsciously remember when to back off and how best to prepare for any waiting time.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will prompt you be selective with your powers. Always trust your instincts, listen to what your heart says, when it's okay to stand up for yourself and your beliefs, and when it's better to step back from conflict. Staying in defensive mode all the time won't do you any good. Protect your heart and always know when to fight for it.

13. Confidence

Ruled by the element of fire. Around the barrier are semi-circular shining domes with a spark, inside look at the multi-tiered figure rising from the circle. It symbolizes the rising from within, standing tall, drawing attention.

This Mandala contains the spirit of a lion. He carries his radiant and dominating energy and sense of pride in himself, always being the most charismatic and always in the lead. It reminds us to be more assertive, especially when hunting for something new.

As you contemplate this Mandala, your spirit will prompt you to look for opportunities and take action. Be your own leader, find your own pride. Remember that no matter how exhausting the task, you were the one who was chosen to handle it - it's time to make it easy and simple for you.

14. Motivation

Ruled by the element of fire. Around the barrier are semi-circular shining domes with a spark inside, and in the middle there is a large seed tightly planted in the foundation. It symbolizes ability to focus and persevere, energy and readiness to make a way outward to your freedom.

This Mandala contains the spirit of the horse. She carries her unlimited energy, focus and beautiful strength along with a sense of freedom. It reminds us to move more freely, but only if we have a purpose for it.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will prompt you act, erect your monument. The seeds you have planted need extra fertilizer so you can move on and keep your inner drive and ambition alive. Know that your ardent desires will soon be fulfilled, but you will receive only what you yourself have pledged.

15. Transformation

Ruled by the element of fire. Around the barrier are semi-circular glowing domes with a spark, inside there is a rotating whirlwind of moving particles. This symbolizes movement from within; new vitality gaining momentum.

This Mandala contains the spirit of the snake. She carries her sensuality, fluidity and ability to get rid of the old, as well as prepare for the new. It reminds us to regenerate as much energy as possible before embarking on difficult tasks and that preparation is the key to success.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will prompt you reconnect with your inner flame and gently turn it into New World. In order to manifest new big changes in the future, you must first discard everything that pulls you back, and then recognize yourself in a new skin.

16. Opportunity

Ruled by the element of fire. Around the barrier are semi-circular shining domes with a spark, inside there is something similar to a guiding star pointing in many directions. It symbolizes many steps forward that can be done from one place.

This Mandala carries the spirit of a woodpecker. It keeps his optimistic and purposeful attitude towards life, the search for abundance in the ordinary. It reminds us to keep knocking on doors, in the hope that the right one will be opened and something amazing will emerge.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will tell you how to enjoy the day. Even if you don't feel like you have great opportunities, it's time to create them yourself if you feel unsatisfied. Search within to find out what you are missing and light a fire that will guide you towards something beautiful in the dark.

17. Creation

Ruled by the earth element. Notice the trunk-shaped paving that surrounds the leaf-like design and arrows pointing in different directions, symbolizing blossoming of creative ideas.

This Mandala preserves the spirit of the orangutan. It carries his grounded center, his skills and ability to work not only for survival, but also for prosperity. It reminds us to be as resourceful and productive as possible.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will prompt you connect with your creative side. Nurture your self-expression skills, let your soul tell its story through any medium - dance, writing, music, art, and more.

18. Gratitude

Ruled by the earth element. Notice the trunk-shaped paving that surrounds the geographical patterns of the universe with the cycles of the moons and gravitational forces symbolizing everything that you have worked and are working on together.

This Mandala contains the spirit of the bull. It carries his strong spirit and deep connection and respect for the lands he knows very well. It reminds us to be humble, to live without thinking about the state, and to realize our role in the life of the universe.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will prompt you take a picture of your life and ask yourself, what are you grateful for? Sometimes we try to get a lot out of everything, and we forget to properly appreciate what we already have and live more in the present. Then immediately there will be a change within you and more beautiful harmony you will be able to see.

19. Instinct

Ruled by the earth element. Note the paving in the form of trunks that surrounds the box with several lines united in the center, symbolizing focus.

This Mandala holds the spirit of the shark. She carries her primitive knowledge of the environment and her strong unstoppable focus. She reminds us to believe in ourselves and not show weak sides when it comes to your origins and past.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will prompt you change target. It's time to cut all unnecessary noise and focus on your true intentions. What are your insides telling you? Believe them! Move forward without looking back. You know for sure that you are right.

20. Communication

Ruled by the earth element. Pay attention to the paving in the form of trunks that surround the leaf image, symbolizing life and deep roots.

This Mandala holds the spirit of the wolf. She carries his instinctive wisdom and ability to maintain communication on a high moral level. She reminds us not to forget that we work together and that we play our own roles that maintain balance and our sense of unity.

Contemplating this Mandala, your spirit will prompt you reconnect with nature. It is time to reach out to your subconscious and to the earth to rebuild your natural wisdom. Stand barefoot on bare ground, feel how you feel closer to nature and how much more you are in harmony with yourself.


Mandala is a magical drawing that Buddhists use to neutralize problems in their minds.

If you are tormented by some kind of obsession, you can get rid of it by carefully examining the desired mandala. As a rule, her unconscious choice indicates the existence of difficulties in the consciousness or energy channels of the body.

Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. Open your eyes. Look at these images - which mandala and corresponding number would you draw first?

1. Harmony.

It is ruled by the spirit element. The perfect balance of yin and yang, feminine and masculine energy. Represents the perfect interplay of all elements. Notice how the rings identify each layer of your being, the east and west sides of your soul bloom and dance with each other in masterful unison, and the north and south stand tall as mirror images.

This mandala carries the spirit of swan energy. She brings a swan-like graceful femininity contrasted with his protective masculine strength. It reminds us of the need for balance in the soul.

As you contemplate this mandala, your spirit will want to direct all of your attention towards creating greater harmony between body, mind, and soul. He will ask you to step back, prioritize and get your life back on track.

2. Healing.

Ruled by the spirit element. Each circle represents the layers of your being, and the many dots tend towards the same goal - this is the real focal point for your healing.

This mandala carries the spirit of a toad. It brings a deep cleansing energy and reminds us that in order to be healed, we must feel on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will ask you to pay less attention to the consequences and focus your energy on understanding and accepting your current situation. Digging deeper, you will realize that you will only be cured when you begin to perceive the events taking place in a different way.

3. Intuition.

Ruled by the spirit element. Each ring represents the layers of your being and the triangles represent your trinity, your intuition flares up with new perspectives like a volcanic eruption along with the vast universe within you.

This mandala carries the spirit of an owl. She brings owl vision and her ability to find even the smallest light in the dark. It helps to awaken your spirit to unprecedented dimensions, like a guardian of the gates to your inner wisdom. She knows herself well and instinctively understands when is the right time to merge with the environment, and when to quickly attack what she desires.

As you contemplate this mandala, your spirit will ask you to believe, listen, and remain open. Follow the signs, put aside all judgment and re-examine yourself and your innate skills. You already know more than you realise.

4. Vision.

Ruled by the spirit element. Brings clarity to your intentions about the main goals in your life, helps to reveal your true purpose. Each ring identifies the layers of your being, and the circles align to represent the interplay between the elements that create your unique vision of life.

This mandala carries the spirit of the energy of the white tiger. It brings clarity to your vision and expands your understanding. This beautiful cat sees everything she needs with high clarity, focus and utmost attention. It helps curb your impulses while keeping your focus on your ambitions.

While contemplating this mandala, your spirit will ask you to visualize your future. Which direction is best for you and your spirit? Stay focused, set clear goals, and stick to them. The more you see yourself living the good life, the faster your dreams will come true.

5. Forgiveness.

Ruled by the element of water. Circles around the edge form a protective barrier, deep valleys of negative and positive space collide with each other in the diamond-shaped center of the mandala. This symbolizes that all our feelings, love and fears go to a single point; they shape who we are now.

This mandala carries the spirit of a dog. It brings with it unconditional friendship and a deep sense of devotion. It reminds us to forgive ourselves and that a dog is man's best friend, just like a forgiving soul.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will ask you to sort out your problems. Reflecting in all the difficulties that have been in your life, you can understand the way they made you. Feelings should no longer subdue you, come to terms with them. Once you forgive someone in your life who has hurt you a lot, even if it was yourself, your healing will begin.


Ruled by the element of water. The circles along the edge of the mandala create a protective barrier, and several layers of beautiful patterns surround the central circle. Each layer reveals something new, more similar to the form of our communication - all kinds of languages, verbal and non-verbal signs.

This mandala carries the spirit of the whale. She brings unique whale story songs and grace along with team spirit. It helps to remember to dive into yourself and talk to the real "I" in any situation.

As you contemplate this mandala, your spirit will ask you to remember what was said and what was not said. Going deeper into yourself and expressing your true desires will help you strengthen and become stronger. When you speak from the heart, you will certainly achieve better results.

7. Imagination.

Ruled by the element of water. Circles around the edges form a kind of bubble protection, and inside there are beautiful blobs of energy dancing around the center; arrows point the way to new directions. This symbolizes the ability to create - from one cell comes infinite potential.

This mandala holds the spirit of the dragonfly. She carries her ability to see through the surface. It helps us to find new possibilities and pleasures with great enthusiasm and creative energy.

As you contemplate this mandala, your spirit will ask you to stop worrying too much and release your imagination. One has only to push off from the surface of one's subconscious to find one's true purpose and life path. He can hide deep inside us, so it is worth acting decisively and purposefully. Follow what you love, not what you fear.

8. Love.

Ruled by the element of water. Circles around the edges form a protective capsule, and arrows into various arrows point to a central point, united by beautiful synchronicity and harmony. This symbolizes the focus on love, as the main motivation in all endeavors.

This mandala holds the spirit of the seahorse. She carries his benevolent thoughts, good breeding and affection for those he loves. It reminds us that it is always worth showing your love to our soul mates and choosing any kind of love as the main motivation for any goal.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will tell you to recover internally. To attract love, feel more love, and spend more time doing what you love, you must first love yourself. To change for the better, it is worth getting involved in things that make your heart dance and sing. Like cupid's arrows you must retreat; until you understand your desired goal.

9. Compassion.

Ruled by the element of air. A barrier in the form of crosses along the contour, like an army of crossed swords, which are combined into four important elements. Together they share a single path, even in difficult situations they do what the heart thinks is right.

This mandala contains the spirit of the elephant. He carries his strong conviction, which is instinctively based on his gentle, compassionate nature. It reminds us to reconnect with our sense of community and always fight for what you truly believe in.

As you contemplate this mandala, your spirit will prompt you to look into your heart and better understand your current circumstances. Ask yourself if you are compassionate towards your loved ones. This also applies to your feelings about yourself, your internal dialogue between judgment and harshness. Be softer, let go of all negativity, and allow yourself to be a little vulnerable to do what your heart tells you to do.

10. Strength.

Ruled by the element of the spirit of air.

A barrier in the form of crosses along the contour, like an army of crossed swords, and beautiful arrows and dots inside are more like shields or security talismans. This symbolizes our need for inner strength, to stand steadfast with our defenses raised.

The mandala carries the spirit of an eagle. It carries its superior sense of vision, clarity and aspiration. It reminds us to turn our sometimes impossible aspirations into victorious accomplishments by awakening our inner warriors.

As you contemplate the mandala, your spirit will prompt you to take your courage to the next level, look at problems from a new angle, focus on worthwhile goals, and boldly do whatever it takes. You need to find the inner courage, to understand that you can do much more to achieve the goal and start on your own path.

11. Inspiration.

Ruled by the element of air. A barrier in the form of crosses along the contour, like an army of crossed swords, and inside a beautiful eruption, like peacock tails, which identify the union of aspirations and creativity.

This mandala contains the spirit of a peacock. He carries his beauty, the power of presence and a sense of pride - he has a truly unique vision of life. It reminds us to never be afraid to show the world what you have to offer and always show your true colors.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will prompt you to look at the beauty that surrounds you. Trust yourself and stand proudly, showcase your talents and inspire others as well as yourself. You are already halfway to your goal; it's time to turn your dreams into reality. Open to your awakening.

12. Protection.

Ruled by the element of air. The barrier in the form of crosses along the contour, like an army of crossed swords, and the heart of the mandala is securely protected by a single group, which symbolizes both warlike and well-mannered traits.

This mandala contains the spirit of a bear. He carries his protective nature; stands firmly on his own, makes his presence noticeable. It reminds us to subconsciously remember when to back off and how best to prepare for any waiting time.

As you contemplate this mandala, your spirit will prompt you to be selective with your powers. Always trust your instincts, listen to your heart, when you can stand up for yourself and your beliefs, and when it is better to step back from conflict. Staying in defensive mode all the time won't do you any good. Protect your heart and always know when to fight for it.

13. Confidence.

Ruled by the element of fire. Around the barrier are semi-circular shining domes with a spark, inside look at the multi-tiered figure rising from the circle. It symbolizes the rising from within, standing tall, drawing attention.

This mandala contains the spirit of a lion. He carries his radiant and dominating energy and sense of pride in himself, always being the most charismatic and always in the lead. It reminds us to be more assertive, especially when hunting for something new.

As you contemplate this mandala, your spirit will prompt you to look for opportunities and take action. Be your own leader, find your own pride. Remember that no matter how exhausting the task, you were the one who was chosen to handle it - it's time to make it easy and simple for you.

14. Motivation.

Ruled by the element of fire. Around the barrier are semi-circular shining domes with a spark inside, and in the middle there is a large seed tightly planted in the foundation. It symbolizes the ability to focus and persevere in one's own way, the energy and willingness to make a way outward to one's freedom.

This mandala contains the spirit of the horse. She carries her unlimited energy, focus and beautiful strength along with a sense of freedom. It reminds us to move more freely, but only if we have a purpose for it.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will tell you to act, to erect your monument. The seeds you have planted need extra fertilizer so you can move on and keep your inner drive and ambition alive. Know that your ardent desires will soon be fulfilled, but you will receive only what you yourself have pledged.


Ruled by the element of fire. Around the barrier are semi-circular glowing domes with a spark, inside there is a rotating whirlwind of moving particles. This symbolizes movement from within; new vitality gaining momentum.

This mandala contains the spirit of the snake. She carries her sensuality, fluidity and ability to get rid of the old, as well as prepare for the new. It reminds us to regenerate as much energy as possible before embarking on difficult tasks and that preparation is the key to success.

As you contemplate this mandala, your spirit will prompt you to reconnect with your inner flame and gently transform it into new light. In order to manifest new big changes in the future, you must first discard everything that pulls you back, and then recognize yourself in a new skin.

16. Opportunity.

Ruled by the element of fire. Around the barrier are semi-circular shining domes with a spark, inside there is something similar to a guiding star pointing in many directions. This symbolizes the many steps forward that can be taken from one place.

This mandala carries the spirit of a woodpecker. It keeps his optimistic and purposeful attitude towards life, the search for abundance in the ordinary. It reminds us to keep knocking on doors, in the hope that the right one will be opened and something amazing will emerge.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will tell you how to enjoy the day. Even if you don't feel like you have great opportunities, it's time to create them yourself if you feel dissatisfied. Search within to find out what you are missing and light a fire that will guide you towards something beautiful in the dark.

17. Creation.

Ruled by the earth element. Notice the trunk-like paving that surrounds the leafy design and arrows pointing in different directions, symbolizing the flowering of creative ideas.

This mandala holds the spirit of the orangutan. It carries his grounded center, his skills and ability to work not only for survival, but also for prosperity. It reminds us to be as resourceful and productive as possible.

As you contemplate this mandala, your spirit will prompt you to connect with your creative side. Nurture your self-expression skills, let your soul tell its story through any medium - dance, writing, music, art, and more.

18. Gratitude.

Ruled by the earth element. Notice the trunk-shaped paving that surrounds the geographical patterns of the universe, with the cycles of the moons and gravitational forces symbolizing all that you have worked for and are working on together.

This mandala contains the spirit of the bull. It carries his strong spirit and deep connection and respect for the lands he knows very well. It reminds us to be humble, to live without thinking about the state, and to realize our role in the life of the universe.

As you contemplate this mandala, your spirit will prompt you to take a picture of your life and ask yourself, what are you grateful for? Sometimes we try to get a lot out of everything, and we forget to properly appreciate what we already have and live more in the present. Then immediately there will be a change within you and more beautiful harmony you will be able to see.

19. Instinct.

Ruled by the earth element. Notice the trunk-shaped paving that surrounds the box with several lines united in the center, symbolizing focus.

This mandala holds the spirit of the shark. She carries her primitive knowledge of the environment and her strong unstoppable focus. It reminds us to believe in ourselves and not show weaknesses when it comes to your origins and past.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will tell you to change your goal. It's time to cut all unnecessary noise and focus on your true intentions. What are your insides telling you? Believe them! Move forward without looking back. You know for sure that you are right.


Ruled by the earth element. Pay attention to the paving in the form of trunks that surround the leaf image, symbolizing life and deep roots.

This mandala holds the spirit of the wolf. She carries his instinctive wisdom and ability to maintain communication on a high moral level. She reminds us not to forget that we work together and that we play our own roles that maintain balance and our sense of unity.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will prompt you to reconnect with nature. It is time to reach out to your subconscious and to the earth to rebuild your natural wisdom. Stand barefoot on bare ground, feel how you feel closer to nature and how much more you are in harmony with yourself.

A mandala is a magical drawing that Buddhists use to neutralize problems in their minds. If you are tormented by some kind of obsession, you can get rid of it by carefully examining the desired mandala. As a rule, her unconscious choice indicates the existence of difficulties in the consciousness or energy channels of the body.

Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. Open your eyes. Look at these images - which mandala and corresponding number would you draw first?

Now just look at the center of the selected thumbnail for a few seconds or even minutes.

1. Harmony

It is ruled by the spirit element. Ideal yin and yang balance, feminine and masculine energy. Represents the perfect interplay of all elements. Notice how the rings identify each layer of your being, the east and west sides of your soul bloom and dance with each other in masterful unison, and the north and south stand tall as mirror images.

This mandala carries the spirit of swan energy.. She brings a swan-like graceful femininity contrasted with his protective masculine strength. It reminds us of the need for balance in the soul.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will want to direct all your attention to creating greater harmony between body, mind and soul. He will ask you to step back, prioritize and get your life back on track.

2. Healing

Ruled by the spirit element. Each circle represents the layers of your being, and the multitude of dots tend towards the same goal - this is the real focal point for your healing.

This mandala carries the spirit of a toad. It brings a deep cleansing energy and reminds us that in order to be healed, we must feel on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual.

pay less attention to the consequences and focus your energy on understanding and accepting your current situation. Digging deeper, you will realize that you will only be cured when you begin to perceive the events taking place in a different way.

3. Intuition

Ruled by the spirit element. Each ring represents the layers of your being, and the triangles represent your trinity, your intuition flares up with new vistas, like a volcanic eruption, along with the vast universe within you.

This mandala carries the spirit of an owl. She brings owl vision and her ability to find even the smallest light in the dark. It helps to awaken your spirit to unprecedented dimensions, like a guardian of the gates to your inner wisdom. She knows herself well and instinctively understands when is the right time to merge with the environment, and when to quickly attack what she desires.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will ask you believe, listen and stay open. Follow the signs, put aside all judgment and re-examine yourself and your innate skills. You already know more than you realise.

4. Vision

Ruled by the spirit element. Contributes clarity of your intentions about the main goals in your life, helps to reveal your true purpose. Each ring identifies the layers of your being, and the circles align to represent the interplay between the elements that create your unique vision of life.

This mandala carries the spirit of the energy of the white tiger.. It brings clarity to your vision and expands your understanding. This beautiful cat sees everything she needs with high clarity, focus and utmost attention. It helps curb your impulses while keeping your focus on your ambitions.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will ask you visualize your future. Which direction is best for you and your spirit? Stay focused, set clear goals, and stick to them. The more you see yourself living the good life, the faster your dreams will come true.

5. Forgiveness

Ruled by the element of water. Circles around the edge form a protective barrier, deep valleys of negative and positive space collide with each other in the diamond-shaped center of the mandala. This symbolizes that all our feelings, love and fears go to a single point; they shape who we are now.

This mandala carries the spirit of a dog. It brings with it unconditional friendship and a deep sense of devotion. It reminds us to forgive ourselves and that a dog is man's best friend, just like a forgiving soul.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will ask you sort out your problems. Reflecting in all the difficulties that have been in your life, you can understand the way they made you. Feelings should no longer subdue you, come to terms with them. Once you forgive someone in your life who has hurt you a lot, even if it was yourself, your healing will begin.

6. Communication

Ruled by the element of water. The circles along the edge of the mandala create a protective barrier, and several layers of beautiful patterns surround the central circle. Each layer reveals something new, more similar to the form of our communication - all kinds of languages, verbal and non-verbal signs.

This mandala bears the spirit of the whale. She brings unique whale story songs and grace along with team spirit. It helps to remember to dive into yourself and talk to the real "I" in any situation.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will ask you recall what was said and what was not said. Going deeper into yourself and expressing your true desires will help you strengthen and become stronger. When you speak from the heart, you will certainly achieve better results.

7. Imagination

Ruled by the element of water. Circles around the edges form a kind of bubble protection, and inside there are beautiful blobs of energy dancing around the center; arrows point the way to new directions. It symbolizes opportunity to create- from one cell comes an infinite potential.

This mandala holds the spirit of the dragonfly. She carries her ability to see through the surface. It helps us to find new possibilities and pleasures with great enthusiasm and creative energy.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will ask you stop worrying and unleash your imagination. One has only to push off from the surface of one's subconscious to find one's true purpose and life path. He can hide deep inside us, so it is worth acting decisively and purposefully. Follow what you love, not what you fear.

8. Love

Ruled by the element of water. Circles around the edges form a protective capsule, and arrows into various arrows point to a central point, united by beautiful synchronicity and harmony. It symbolizes focus on love, as the main motivation in all endeavors.

This mandala holds the spirit of the seahorse.. She carries his benevolent thoughts, good breeding and affection for those he loves. It reminds us that it is always worth showing your love to our soul mates and choosing any kind of love as the main motivation for any goal.

recover internally. To attract love, feel more love, and spend more time doing what you love, you must first love yourself. To change for the better, it is worth getting involved in things that make your heart dance and sing. Like cupid's arrows you must retreat; until you understand your desired goal.

9. Compassion

Ruled by the element of air. A barrier in the form of crosses along the contour, like an army of crossed swords, which are combined into four important elements. Together they share one way, even in difficult situations, they do what the heart thinks is right.

This mandala contains the spirit of the elephant. He carries his strong conviction, which is instinctively based on his gentle, compassionate nature. It reminds us to reconnect with our sense of community and always fight for what you truly believe in.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will prompt you look into your heart and better understand your present circumstances. Ask yourself if you are compassionate towards your loved ones. This also applies to your feelings about yourself, your internal dialogue between judgment and harshness. Be softer, let go of all negativity, and allow yourself to be a little vulnerable to do what your heart tells you to do.

10. Strength

Ruled by the element of the spirit of air.

A barrier in the form of crosses along the contour, like an army of crossed swords, and beautiful arrows and dots inside are more like shields or security talismans. This symbolizes our need for inner strength, stand firm with raised protection.

The mandala carries the spirit of an eagle. It carries its superior sense of vision, clarity and aspiration. It reminds us to turn our sometimes impossible aspirations into victorious accomplishments by awakening our inner warriors.

Contemplating the mandala, your spirit will prompt you take your courage to the next level, to look at problems from a new angle, focus on worthwhile goals and boldly do whatever it takes. You need to find the inner courage, to understand that you can do much more to achieve the goal and start on your own path.

11. Inspiration

Ruled by the element of air. A barrier in the form of crosses along the contour, like an army of crossed swords, and inside a beautiful eruption, like peacock tails, which identify unification of aspirations and creativity.

This mandala contains the spirit of a peacock. He carries his beauty, the power of presence and a sense of pride - he has a truly unique vision of life. It reminds us to never be afraid to show the world what you have to offer and always show your true colors.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will prompt you look at the beauty that surrounds you. Trust yourself and stand proudly, showcase your talents and inspire others as well as yourself. You are already halfway to your goal; it's time to turn your dreams into reality. Open to your awakening.

12. Protection

Ruled by the element of air. A barrier in the form of crosses along the contour, like an army of crossed swords, and the heart of the mandala is securely protected by a single group, which symbolizes both warlike and well-mannered traits.

This mandala contains the spirit of a bear. He carries his protective nature; stands firmly on his own, makes his presence noticeable. It reminds us to subconsciously remember when to back off and how best to prepare for any waiting time.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will prompt you be selective with your powers. Always trust your instincts, listen to your heart, when you can stand up for yourself and your beliefs, and when it is better to step back from conflict. Staying in defensive mode all the time won't do you any good. Protect your heart and always know when to fight for it.

13. Confidence

Ruled by the element of fire. Around the barrier are semi-circular shining domes with a spark, inside look at the multi-tiered figure rising from the circle. It symbolizes the rising from within, standing tall, drawing attention.

This mandala contains the spirit of a lion. He carries his radiant and dominating energy and sense of pride in himself, always being the most charismatic and always in the lead. It reminds us to be more assertive, especially when hunting for something new.

As you contemplate this mandala, your spirit will prompt you to look for opportunities and take action. Be your own leader, find your own pride. Remember that no matter how exhausting the task, you were the one who was chosen to handle it - it's time to make it easy and simple for you.

14. Motivation

Ruled by the element of fire. Around the barrier are semi-circular shining domes with a spark inside, and in the middle there is a large seed tightly planted in the foundation. It symbolizes ability to focus and persevere, energy and readiness to make a way outward to your freedom.

This mandala contains the spirit of the horse. She carries her unlimited energy, focus and beautiful strength along with a sense of freedom. It reminds us to move more freely, but only if we have a purpose for it.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will prompt you act, erect your monument. The seeds you have planted need extra fertilizer so you can move on and keep your inner drive and ambition alive. Know that your ardent desires will soon be fulfilled, but you will receive only what you yourself have pledged.

15. Transformation

Ruled by the element of fire. Around the barrier are semi-circular glowing domes with a spark, inside there is a rotating whirlwind of moving particles. This symbolizes movement from within; new vitality gaining momentum.

This mandala contains the spirit of the snake. She carries her sensuality, fluidity and ability to get rid of the old, as well as prepare for the new. It reminds us to regenerate as much energy as possible before embarking on difficult tasks and that preparation is the key to success.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will prompt you reconnect with your inner flame and gently transform it into new light. In order to manifest new big changes in the future, you must first discard everything that pulls you back, and then recognize yourself in a new skin.

16. Opportunity

Ruled by the element of fire. Around the barrier are semi-circular shining domes with a spark, inside there is something similar to a guiding star pointing in many directions. It symbolizes many steps forward that can be done from one place.

This mandala carries the spirit of a woodpecker. It keeps his optimistic and purposeful attitude towards life, the search for abundance in the ordinary. It reminds us to keep knocking on doors, in the hope that the right one will be opened and something amazing will emerge.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will tell you how to enjoy the day. Even if you don't feel like you have great opportunities, it's time to create them yourself if you feel dissatisfied. Search within to find out what you are missing and light a fire that will guide you towards something beautiful in the dark.

17. Creation

Ruled by the earth element. Notice the trunk-shaped paving that surrounds the leaf-like design and arrows pointing in different directions, symbolizing blossoming of creative ideas.

This mandala holds the spirit of an orangutan.. It carries his grounded center, his skills and ability to work not only for survival, but also for prosperity. It reminds us to be as resourceful and productive as possible.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will prompt you connect with your creative side. Nurture your self-expression skills, let your soul tell its story through any medium - dance, writing, music, art, and more.

18. Gratitude

Ruled by the earth element. Notice the trunk-shaped paving that surrounds the geographical patterns of the universe with the cycles of the moons and gravitational forces symbolizing everything that you have worked and are working on together.

This mandala contains the spirit of the bull. It carries his strong spirit and deep connection and respect for the lands he knows very well. It reminds us to be humble, to live without thinking about the state, and to realize our role in the life of the universe.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will prompt you take a picture of your life and ask yourself, what are you grateful for? Sometimes we try to get a lot out of everything, and we forget to properly appreciate what we already have and live more in the present. Then immediately there will be a change within you and more beautiful harmony you will be able to see.

19. Instinct

Ruled by the earth element. Note the paving in the form of trunks that surrounds the box with several lines united in the center, symbolizing focus.

This mandala holds the spirit of the shark. She carries her primitive knowledge of the environment and her strong unstoppable focus. It reminds us to believe in ourselves and not show weaknesses when it comes to your origins and past.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will prompt you change target. It's time to cut all unnecessary noise and focus on your true intentions. What are your insides telling you? Believe them! Move forward without looking back. You know for sure that you are right.

20. Communication

Ruled by the earth element. Pay attention to the paving in the form of trunks that surround the leaf image, symbolizing life and deep roots.

This mandala holds the spirit of the wolf. She carries his instinctive wisdom and ability to maintain communication on a high moral level. She reminds us not to forget that we work together and that we play our own roles that maintain balance and our sense of unity.

Contemplating this mandala, your spirit will prompt you reconnect with nature. It is time to reach out to your subconscious and to the earth to rebuild your natural wisdom. Stand barefoot on bare ground, feel how you feel closer to nature and how much more you are in harmony with yourself.

So what do you think? Will you try? Have you heard about the power of mandalas somewhere else? Share your opinion about what you saw!

Current page: 2 (total book has 7 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 2 pages]

Application of the mandala

The scope of mandalas is quite wide: they can be used to relieve headaches, reduce the impact of meteorological factors, meditate, train memory, attention, neutralize geopathogenic zones, and use them to clean any spaces, objects and organisms. In the Buddhist and Hindu religions, it is quite common to practice prayer with the help of mandalas.

Also, mandalas have traditionally been used in healing practices of various cultures and peoples. The therapeutic effect of the mandala can be used as a means of self-help in case of stress, somatic illness, emotional disorder of both an adult and a child. Mandala therapy is effective in solving a wide variety of problems: from communication problems, family, creative, to professional. From an esoteric point of view, the mandala is an energy matrix that interacts with a person on a multidimensional level. Through the mandala, a person connects to a healing source.

Mandala also helps to accelerate your spiritual development. Those non-physical entities that directly work with you send information through these structures to your individual consciousness.

In a more applied sense, work with mandalas can be used to manage one's life energy - qi, to activate forces, to free oneself from psychotrauma, stress, depression, psychosomatic disorders, existential experiences (the finiteness of being, loneliness, guilt), chronic fatigue, age crises.

Traditionally, mandalas are used for:

Improvement, healing of the body;

Purification of space;

Protection as a talisman (home, family, car, etc.);

Attracting good luck, luck to life;

Working out and correcting any negative qualities;

Works with consciousness/subconsciousness, meditations;

Resolving many family problems, improving relationships at work;

Finding love, family;

Elimination of various psycho-emotional blocks, complexes, fears;

Business development, project implementation.

By contemplating the mandala, or by finding it in space (car interior, front door, window, wallet, i.e. things that are with you most time), as well as the pattern on the body, you not only protect yourself from the effects of the harmful energies of the world around you, you, like a magnet, attract everything only the most positive to you.

Improvement of the body

To improve the whole body, you need to find quiet place and time. Place the image on your lap or in front of you at eye level.

Take a comfortable position, relax as much as possible and gaze at the mandala. Plunging into the patterns, tune in to the vibration of goodness, relaxation and peace. Imagine that this is a living point in space that listens sympathetically to you and understands everything. Therefore, turning to the World through the mandala, wish him mentally or aloud well-being and happiness, and after that clearly formulate your desire, for example: “Let all my diseases (listing of diseases) disappear, and my aura become powerful and dense, reliably protecting me from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. I am well". Wish yourself what you want. Then close your eyes and mentally return to that period of your life when you were happy and healthy.

This state should last approximately 15-20 minutes. If you fall asleep, this is for the best - during sleep, recovery is more efficient.

Charging with water energy

Mandala, being a conductor of high-frequency vibrations, can positively affect water by structuring it. in a special way, creating from " dead water”(i.e., which has lost its structure and, as a result, is not very healthy)“ alive ”. Pour into a glass jar in the evening raw water, cover it with the image of the mandala that you have chosen, and mentally or aloud formulate your desire, for example: “Let this water be charged with energy that will cleanse it of all harmful impurities, let it cleanse my body, help get rid of diseases (listing of diseases) , soothe my nervous system will bring the highest good to me.”

It is necessary that all the wishes that you formulate be extremely sincere and uttered with faith in success. Usually the water is ready for use within a few hours. To enhance the effect, you can use several images at once, for example, covering the vessel from above with one, and attaching the other to the bottom.

Water charged in this way is suitable for eating, watering flowers, etc. If you bathe a child in such water, the baby will be calmer. Also, this water can be used as a “concentrate”, adding a small amount of it to ordinary water, so all the water will absorb charged energy after a while and become structured.

Charms, talismans, protection with the help of a mandala

Mandalas can be used as amulets and talismans. Set the program of your protection to the selected image, for example: “Put an energy shield against the effects of harmful energies environment, evil thoughts and unkind actions. Such a charm must be constantly carried with you. You can put it in the car interior, on the front door, window, in your wallet, with those things that are with you most of the time.

Activate: "I am protecting my mind, body and soul from the harmful energies of the world around me." “No evil will penetrate through the threshold of this house.”

Creative inspiration

For a surge of inspiration, simply bring the mandala into the room where your creative workshop is located. Mandala contributes to the expansion of creativity, stimulates creative activity, helps to find the strength and ways to implement creative ideas.

Meditation with a mandala

When you meditate using mandalas, you train your eyes to focus on a particular element of the soul. Usually mandalas are divided into segments, each of which carries its own semantic load and informs us about something. Working from the outer layers to the inner layers, you connect with the energy various elements, which are part of the mandalas, and absorb it. Gradually, your gaze focuses on the center, which is the personification of the spiritual principle and the point of illumination. Such meditations are especially effective when you need to focus your attention, but it is difficult to concentrate. The symbolism of combinations of shapes and colors becomes deeply personal, so many people try to create or order personal mandalas.

If you learn how to work with the mandala correctly, it will become an effective tool for you to discover and use your inner energy, the “key” to your hidden inner resources.

By tuning in to meditation with a mandala, we are included in a special rhythm that promotes the perception of cosmic energy, and, having received new information, we can analyze our lives, find out what qualities we initially possess, we get the opportunity to consciously correct our weaknesses in order to achieve the solution of those tasks that are standing in front of us.

Create your own mandala

Everyone can create their own mandala on their own. But first you need to decide for what purpose you are creating your mandala. What do you want from her? If, for example, your goal is to improve health, then you need to determine which organ bothers you the most and which colors you associate with a healthy, well-functioning organ.

The heart, for example, can be red, and green, and blue flowers depending on how you feel at the moment. Don't worry, you won't choose a color that will harm you. Your body will tell you what is right for you. this moment most needed. Or maybe you want to improve your financial condition? Then decide what color well-being is in your understanding.

If you want to attract love - think about the color of the love that you attract? After all, it does not have to be red or pink, with which artists usually associate love. Someone wants an all-consuming passion, and someone wants a cozy home. Someone wants diversity, and someone wants stability. Everything is very individual and personal.

A self-created mandala helps a person to better understand himself, in other words, her image helps to understand and see his internal state. When drawing a mandala, a person reveals himself, manifests the unconscious beginning and determines his thoughts, goals and desires. By concentrating on your inner world and his unconscious manifestations, he begins to better understand the signals that his soul gives him from time to time.

Drawing a mandala, a person finds himself inside his imagination, in the world of mythological images that help to go beyond the conscious and expand his possibilities in knowing himself, and sometimes even his role in the lives of other people.

Drawing a mandala is quite simple. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper, brushes and paints, draw a circle on the sheet, and inside this circle you can draw anything you like. It is not necessary to be limited by the diameter of the circle, you can safely go beyond its boundaries, because there is no limit to the imagination. With pencils, paints or felt-tip pens, paint over each sector. Remember how drawing attracted you as a child, and enjoy the process. Act as your subconscious mind tells you, your soul asks: there are no rules here!

Pay attention to how you feel as you color the mandala. How do you feel about this or that color? How is the color perceived later, when neighboring areas are painted over? Which color do you like more, which less? Which one do you not like at all? All your sensations can be the keys to creating your mandala to solve some problem.

When you experiment with coloring the color wheel, you will surely understand what exactly this or that color means to you.

Starting to create your mandala, be guided, first of all, by the meaning of flowers for you. After all, a drawing works best when created by you personally. You can find the meaning of the resulting mandala by using the ready-made mandala drawings from our book, simply by finding a certain similarity with your own pattern.

Mandala allows you to balance the world with harmony in the soul. With the help of a mandala, you can solve any internal problems, and in addition, discover new talents and abilities in yourself. If you are seriously interested in this method of psychoanalysis, then it's time to start studying information about it. Don't forget that your health and happiness is in your own hands!

Explore yourself, draw and study mandalas, release your inner creative energy, enter into a state of meditation. In this way, you can better understand yourself, see the hidden reasons for your actions and get rid of deep psychological problems.

Mandala "Protection and Harmony"

The result of constant contemplation of the protective mandala is the destruction and absorption of all negative influences on the contemplator. The length of each "session" should be regulated by the person himself - watch while you feel that you must continue the exercise.

The mandala cleanses the inner and outer space of a person from negative impact everything around. Feelings and emotions are renewed, making room for everything new and positive. The delimiting circle provides protection to the sign, and also gives its owner the opportunity to feel spiritual unity with the Divine and follow the laws of the Universe on their life path.

Draw and color from center to edge.

The drawing is placed in crowded places, at the entrance to the room, in a conspicuous place. It is advisable to periodically update the drawing, replacing it with a new one.

Mandala "Amulet"

The impact of this mandala includes the removal of the evil eye, damage, curses. It is necessary to contemplate it every day.

The purpose of the mandala-talisman is to bring good luck, harmonize the space, attract positive events to life. The positive energy of this mandala is transmitted through a variety of color scheme and various geometric shapes and symbols. The visual perception of such a mandala is a kind of color therapy that has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Simply looking at, contemplating the mandala gives a positive charge.

Mandala "Amulet" is hung over front door, above the bed, above the window to neutralize negative energy.

You need to draw and paint from the center, reflecting on the positive moments of life and choosing colors according to the emotions experienced.

Mandala "Unity and Strengthening"

The mandala contains solar energy light and love, accelerates any desired processes. It contributes to the acquisition of stable support from friends and relatives, sets up to strengthen contact with the earth and all other elements, strengthens the sense of harmony in the universe. Helps to maintain a sense of unity with Nature in the bustle of the city.

Sets up a person for activity, a good result in any creative endeavors.

You need to draw and color from the center, in which they place their goal, task, idea. The drawing must be carried with you to important events, the process and result of which should be reflected in the influence of the mandala. It is desirable to update the mandala periodically.

Sun Shield Mandala

The solar shield mandala provides active protection through the inability to approach your radiance and energy. It adds concentration, energy to life, attracts positive changes, gives mobility and confidence. It carries an active masculine energy that protects and organizes the inner and outer space of a person.

Meditation on this mandala helps when opening new projects, planning undertakings.

In the center of the mandala, place a subject or object (you can use a photo, a picture, a word) that needs protection. Start painting gradually each circle from the center to the edge, creating protective layers around this object. With each new layer, the protection becomes stronger. The protection will last as long as you need it.

Mandala "Heaven's Gate"

If we imagine for a moment that a failure has occurred in nature and the heavenly bodies appear when they want, then, naturally, chaos will begin, which will entail a desire to return everything to its place. The same can be said about unbalanced, aggressive, mentally unstable people. They appear unexpectedly and begin to impose their rhythm, their mood, their rules. The purpose of their behavior may be the desire to change something for the better, but others may not understand this, or maybe they just want to throw out the accumulated negative energy and looking for some kind of "victim" for this. In any case, aggressive people, with their inadequate behavior, violate the order to which everyone is accustomed.

By coloring this mandala, you will be able to translate your aggressive behavior into a more creative and constructive direction. The mandala helps to redistribute the energy that a person randomly dumps into the outside world, thus showing aggression. It needs to be painted from the periphery to the center. Energy will begin to gather internal plan human and processed into useful resource for positive emotions.

Mandala "Tree of Life"

Humanity itself has come up with a division into good and evil. We give everything a name, share contrasts that allow us to distinguish one state from another, one quality from another. The philosophy of the "Tree of Life" is the philosophy of wisdom. The essence of this story is that everything is in everything. It can help get rid of negative attitudes, criticism, denial of what you do not understand. This mandala depicts segments of the flower of life as a geometric outline of the harmony of the Universe and a stylized symbol of the tree of life.

Mandala "protection of couples"

This mandala was created to protect couples from adverse external influences (black magic, evil eye, corruption, etc.) using runic symbols. The runes contain a message to heaven about finding a joyful and fruitful relationship between a man and a woman who are under protection. In the center - a flower - a symbol of immaculate, sublime love, born of love and tenderness, it gives rise to many similar to itself, even more perfect flowers, which are surrounded and protected by a reliable shell.

Mandala "Protection of Pair Relationships" helps to find harmony, cheerfulness, balance, inner stability.

Drawing, coloring, contemplating and meditating on this mandala include such a subtle perception of reality that is difficult to express in words, but can be felt with all the fibers of the soul.

A comfortable place for such a mandala can be a bedroom, as well as places where you most often spend time with your chosen one.

Mandala "Labyrinth"

Before you is a labyrinth mandala - a symbol of the eternal search for an unattainable center of mystical origin. Labyrinths are known throughout the world as structures in which only with the help of logical thinking and precise work the mind can be reached to the center. The center is within you. And your own mind can become both your helper and your enemy. As soon as you put things in order in your thoughts, you will immediately find harmony in your life.

This mandala is designed to help you put your own perceptual system in order.

After you decorate it (from the edge to the center), put a dot in the center. Only after a dot appears in the center, the drawing will be considered complete. Then focus on that point. Notice the slightest changes in your feelings and how your body and mind react to them. When the senses calm down, the mind calms down and the body relaxes. You gradually fall into a state in which you can make important responsible decisions.

Mandala "Source of Energy"

This mandala will help you transform fears and doubts into faith and determination. It is considered a symbol of the unity of the inner and outer worlds into the cosmic absolute. It is based on a magic key (a source of internal energy) as a symbol of the unification of male and female. feminine. To the right and left are symbols of opposites - growth and decrease, embodying ideas about life and death.

Start coloring this mandala from the center to the periphery, this process will help you start fantasizing more freely. Feel free to add the brightest colors when decorating. Try to experiment and trust yourself and your imagination. After all, this is just a projection of your subconscious. Relax, enjoying this process, cast aside all fears and then your dreams will come true.

The “Source of Energy” mandala should always be carried with you, as close to the body as possible, so that the power of its impact is most effective.

Mandala "Harmony of the Four Elements"

Mandala "Harmony of the Four Elements" promotes fruitful, protected and harmonious cooperation in the many-sided life of a person.

Concentration in the center of the mandala is closely related to the process of cleansing the mind and body. The basis of the sign is the magic square of the harmony of the four elements. The Sun calls for the energy needed to move forward, and the Moon supports the ability to be intuitive and receptive to the thoughts and feelings of others.

The small square is the center of power, the four outer squares represent the human spirit in physical environments. Circles represent various forms physical and spiritual energies.

We draw and color the "Harmony of the Four Elements" mandala from the center to the edge, opening the channels for the energy of the sun, earth, water and air. The drawing is placed in a conspicuous place, periodically updating it with a more recent one.

Mandala "Stream of Consciousness"

This mandala symbolizes the movement of life, associating this process with the movement of a water stream. These rivers have always been and always will be. Nobody can stop them. Watching this flow enhances the feeling of the eternal flow of time. The sound and sight of a moving stream soothe, wash, refresh the perception of life, help to deal with fears from the depths of the subconscious. Do not forget that most of all your fears will never materialize, but so that they do not prevent you from living and enjoying life, start transforming them through creativity.

By coloring and drawing this mandala, you will be able to close in a circle and begin to observe your fears from the side. When you are inside your fear, it controls you. When you watch it from the outside, you can realize that this fear will never be realized, it will disappear forever, it will simply be washed away by the current of water.

Place this mandala in a conspicuous place and always work through your experiences in your mind when you pay attention to it.

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