Establishing contact with the buyer. Babushka, or How to start communication with a buyer on the trading floor

All the negative experience you receive during your life is deposited in your mind. When something happens that reminds you of it, you may react to it without even realizing what you are doing. Here are some examples of such cases:

  1. The girl fell off her horse at the age of four. Now she is 30 and never goes horseback riding with her friends.
  2. At 16, I bought a Ford car. I spent a lot of money on its repairs, and these payments were given to me with great difficulty. Now I'm 35 and I'm going to buy a car, but not a Ford.
  3. As a child, my mother forced me to finish my lunch - it was fish. Now I don't eat fish.
  4. I dived headfirst into the pool and hit the bottom hard. It's been five years, but I don't dive in pools anymore.
  5. I went to the store to buy a suit for special occasion. The seller did not know the goods well, behaved intrusively and was aggressive. Since then, I do not like sellers.
  6. I bought insurance. The seller gave me like good advice but I talked to a friend and it turned out that it was not best advice. Now I don't trust sellers. (This is not a mistake, think about it.)

My whole theory is supported by good scientific expressions:

  • For each cause goes consequence.
  • For every action there is an equal reaction.
  • For every stimulus there is a response.

All this perfectly fits the beginning of the sale.

Negative reaction from the start

The secret is not to cause a negative reaction from your buyers. How many of you have had negative experiences with salespeople, and how many of you don't like salespeople? I have asked this question in thousands of sales lectures and seminars. Everyone raises their hands every time. People don't like salespeople. (Do you enjoy knowing that people don't like you without even knowing who you are?) Here are some reasons why salespeople aren't loved:

  1. Buyers cannot find a seller when they really need one.
  2. The seller handed the buyers something that is absolutely unnecessary, or sold the wrong product.
  3. The seller is too slow or too hasty.
  4. The seller knows too little about the product.
  5. The buyer needs to think to make a decision, and the seller rushes to buy.
  6. The seller does not perceive the buyer as a person.

It is embarrassing to admit, but some of these examples are quite true and are confirmed every day in the field of retail sales. You don't need to be qualified or licensed to be in trading floor and turn people's lives into chaos and make it even more difficult to start a sale. Now your job is to overcome the existing resistance and get the opportunity to establish a relationship and sell a product.

The first task at the beginning of the sale is
overcome resistance

What happens when a salesperson greets a customer who has negative feelings about the salesperson in his head? Can you predict the reaction in 90 percent of these contacts? You can, and she will be "no, thanks, I'm just looking." It's amazing how many sellers hear, but don't even try to "get around" this answer. I'm not saying now what to do if you heard it. It is about how to avoid such a reaction from the very beginning. Recently I was in the store. One of the sellers asked: "Are you looking for something specific or just looking?". And we're still talking about staying awake at work! I experienced an irresistible desire to smear him in the face and advise him to wake up!

Establish personal relationships
not a seller-buyer relationship

Personal relationships are complete opposite what I call "clerkism". Think back to your last visit to the store. What relationship did you have with the seller? Or do the following exercise: Make a list of stores and list the names of the merchants you return to again and again because of personal relationships and amazing service.

This whole process starts with the start of the sale. Spend a few extra minutes and you'll have a customer who not only appreciates the process, but can buy a lot more products.

Techniques used in the beginning

If your customer greeting is business-like, you'll get a "I'm just watching" backlash or something like that. The most striking thing is that in most cases, buyers are not even aware of what words they are pronouncing. It's a spontaneous reaction, but buyers know it works. With its help, you can drive the seller away, and thanks for that.

I'm sure you'll agree that it would be great if we could walk up to a customer, be of service to them, and ask, "What can I do for you?" or "How can I help you?". Guys, the truth is that this only works ... three times out of ten and only with those customers who know what they need, or with those who go to McDonald's. But if you want to sell to the vast majority of people, with with whom you communicate in the store, then know that they do not really need what you have.Thus, rule number one for starting an initial dialogue is:

"Techniques used in the beginning should have nothing to do with business"

You should not read this book any further until you understand that you can't talk about business at the start of a sale. Otherwise, it will be about the same as if a neon inscription on your forehead lights up: "Do not trust me, I am a seller." Your initial business-oriented techniques cannot be effective, so the well-known and most often used and described technique of the "product approach" cannot be effective.

Commodity approach is inefficient and primitive

My brother called me and told me about buying a tennis racket for $500. I thought that such a purchase is good only for idiots. I don't like tennis myself, and it's hard for me to understand the essence of the game from my brother's stories, especially since he's not a great player. I am a diving enthusiast and needed a new mask and snorkel, so I went to the sporting goods store looking forward to my purchase. What do you think I saw on the sign in front of the store? You guessed it, a tennis racket. Now guess which one? You're right again - the $500 one my brother bought. While I was wondering if this racket has a motor or some kind of built-in devices to make it easier to play, the seller came up to me and said: "They just arrived. Really beautiful? I'm sure that no matter your level of play, it will help you win." . What do you think I thought? "Back off, idiot. I don't need a racket!"

A very talented jewelry saleswoman in Florida told me about the first time she went to the sales floor after leaving her job as a clerk. She noticed the man entering and prepared to start long haul his first presentation. The visitor was clearly interested in the ring display at the front of the store. She approached him and began the conversation with the words: "I see you are interested in our magnificent rings." What did he reply? "No, I'm a carpenter. They told me that this display case needs to be fixed."

First, how can you determine what visitors want and why they came by simply observing what catches their eye or what window they stop in front of? Secondly, it is very impolite to simply not say hello before the start of the presentation to someone who has come to your store, where you personally spend most of your life. Commodity approach is for the lazy. It does not help establish relationships, but rather destroys them.

However, if you only want to sell to two or three out of ten customers who enter your store, use this technique, because there will always be two or three who know what they want and will not let you stop them, no matter how hard you try.

Here are five of the most worst questions at the beginning of the sale:

  1. Can I help you? (How could I help you?)
  2. Are you looking for something specific?
  3. May I answer your questions?
  4. Do you know about our sale?
  5. This item has just arrived. He's great, isn't he?

After reading the customer service rules outlined in the previous chapter, you learned how important it is to "discover" the customer and get them to talk. So rule number two at the start of a sale is:

"When starting a sale, ask questions that keep the conversation going"

Face-to-face conversations are key to the process of overcoming resistance. Short and quick phrases will get you nowhere. Have fun, make your questions interesting. And don't forget that your initial greeting should be in the form of a question.

Fifteen years ago, a woman entered the store with a baby in a stroller. You might think that I said: "What a lovely child!". Does it sound good? Nothing like this. This is not a question, and such a phrase will not help you overcome possible resistance. I then said the following: "Adorable child. Where did you get it?" I know you may laugh, but the truth is that I used this technique then and continue to use it to this day. And it always has a great response.

This is not required, but it is better to ask questions that cannot be answered with "yes" or "no". Stay away from closed questions. Try using words like: who, what, where, when, why, or how.

    closed question
    Salesman: Is there still a lot of people in the mall?
    Buyer: Not.
    Open question
    Salesman: How are people in the mall?
    Buyer: Well, when I was here in the afternoon, there was a real zoo. But then it slowly started to dissipate and…

Have you ever wondered why a customer says "I'm just looking" after being asked "How's the weather outside?". Simply because predictable and uninteresting initial questions This is not enough for a personal conversation. Therefore, the third rule for starting a sale should be:

"Introductory phrases should be unique, sincere or unusual enough to keep the conversation going"

This is a difficult and ubiquitous problem, the solution of which separates clerks from professionals. I think now I can explain how to do it.

People find shopping trips either fun or an unbearable burden. In any case, they do not leave them indifferent. Isn't it great to create an environment where your customers will have a good time and spend a lot of money? I believe that you are in control of the entire presentation process and understand how much its quality depends on the techniques that you use at the very beginning.

If talking to a customer was a simple matter, everyone would easily enter into it, and there would be no need for this information. However, people consider it a difficult task, if not almost impossible. This is partly because they don't want to take the time they need to get the job done. In addition, salespeople seem to forget how they behave when they are not at work. You cannot succeed if you are one person in life and another on the trading floor.

In rule number two, I talked about using questions to start a conversation. The third rule is to be unique, sincere and unusual. While these recommendations are good enough, I can never teach you your initial tricks, which in retail are like fingerprints, a manifestation of your personal uniqueness.

Humor has become my style. For many years I joked with those I met, or tried to make people laugh in Everyday life. Marlene Corddry, vice president of The Friedman Group, worked for me in trading many years ago. Her style is "I'll get you, my expression is so friendly and non-aggressive that you won't be able to resist and let me talk to you." All people are different. You, like a singer, must develop your own style that suits and is comfortable for you personally. At the end of this chapter, you will find 42 beginning techniques that have been used over and over and proven to be effective. The only reason I don't guarantee them is because only you can breathe life into them.

First steps

The secret word at the start of a sale is "little talk" or "schmoozing". I'm not sure, but it seems to be Irish. Don't think that because it's "small" it doesn't matter much. The very concept of overcoming resistance and establishing a relationship with your customers is best described as a small talk. Every time I mention a small talk in this book, I'm referring to using all three rules for starting a sale (non-business approach, questions, uniqueness). And don't forget: you'll never lose by having a conversation like this.

Please do not skip this information because it is really important. The quality of your initial dialogue with the buyer determines the subsequent presentation, and if this dialogue fails, you don’t have to worry about anything anymore, because either you won’t “talk” your buyer, or you will have to “pressure” him, or (God forbid ) you will lose control.

Initiating a sale is both a non-verbal and verbal process.

Surely you have had cases when you approached the buyer without saying a word, but still heard: "I'm just looking." "What have I done?" - you thought to yourself. It's just another proof of the buyer's resistance to the seller.

And what about this situation: you place the product on the window, while there are two or three other sellers in the store. Who is the buyer for? Of course, to you. Why? Because you are busy and should not "pressure" the buyer or act aggressively. Customers feel they can interrupt you, get their questions answered, and walk away safely.

Violation of buyer's privacy

When shopping, people want to enjoy freedom. They need it. Already your approach to the buyer may be perceived by him as a violation of personal space. Three events can take place:

  1. The buyer moves in the opposite direction to avoid contact.
  2. The buyer shows a negative reaction ("I'm just watching") before you've even said a word.
  3. The buyer tells you what he needs or asks a question.

The space in front of the buyer is perceived by him as personal, and any approach is considered as an intrusion. You can greet the customer by crossing this space or moving parallel to the customer. The main thing - try not to stand in his way. Of course, you may think that I am an eccentric, and this is true, but after trying this technique, you yourself will believe in it.

"Passage with a U-turn" 180 degrees

When approaching customers, hold something in your hands. This will give the impression that you are thinking about something else and do not intend to push them against the wall and take money. A major part of a sales start strategy is to always appear busy.

The most best technique from those developed by me - a passage with a turn of 180 degrees. To do this, you need to approach the buyer, tell him: "Hello" or "How are you?" - and pass by. Then, after taking three or four steps and moving to a "safe" distance, turn around, give your face a puzzled expression and say something like: "Can I ask you a question?". In most cases, the buyer will turn to you, take a few steps in your direction and say, "Of course." Naturally, the biggest problem is what question to ask him. It's all up to you here, because I can't provide you with a technique that's exactly right for you and your style. What works for me may not work for you. If you're not that creative, or have trouble finding the starting moves, don't despair: at the end of the chapter, you'll find 42 moves you can borrow.

little workout

You noticed a visitor entering the store. Take something in your hands and approach him, moving in parallel. When you get closer, smile broadly, greet the visitor and walk past. Then turn around and say, "Can I ask you a question?" The buyer replies: "Of course." And you say something like: "Judging by a large number bags, there must be good shopping deals somewhere. What did I miss while sitting in this store?". Most often, the buyer will enter into a conversation with you.

    For example:
    Salesman: Judging by the large number of bags, there must be good shopping deals somewhere. What did I miss while sitting in this store?
    Buyer: Nothing special. I'm just going to a party and bought some gifts.

Now you need to make an important decision: continue to talk or go into business? Your guess is correct! Of course, keep talking. An extra 30 seconds of chatter will result in the buyer getting rid of the pain, fear and desire to resist, and you will be able to establish a rapport with him.

    Salesman: A party! Sounds great. It would be even better if it was in your honor, wouldn't it?

around and around

Every time you have an opportunity to beat around the bush in a conversation with a customer, use it. Customers like it because it makes them feel special. Besides, it's fun. People are pleased when others show interest in them. No one wants to be treated like "one of the..." or just another customer.

Here are some more examples of "around the bush" conversation:

    Salesman: I noticed you early in the morning when the mall just opened! How long have you been shopping?
    Buyer: All day! Relatives come to me, and I want everything to be as it should be.
    Salesman: Ah, relatives! It's always so troublesome. When do they arrive? .. (And so on and so forth.)
    Salesman: What a big box of cookies! Who is she for?
    Buyer: My daughter is in college and I send her packages.
    Salesman: Great! You know, I, too, have always been waiting for these parcels from home. What college is she in? .. (And so on and so forth.)
    Salesman: Looks like you came with the whole family! What's the occasion?
    Buyer: We have a lot to buy! We just bought a new house and want to start furnishing it right now.
    Salesman: Wonderful! All my life I dreamed of buying a house. Where is it located?.. (And so on.)
    Salesman: I see you had a haircut this morning.
    Buyer: No, I've been looking for new earrings all morning. I cut my hair last week and now my old earrings look bad.
    Salesman: Great haircut! Why did you decide to cut your hair? .. (And so on.)

Get to the point: transition

After a short face-to-face conversation, it's time to move on to the business and get to the bottom of the needs. After a lot of experimentation and study, I found a transitional phrase:

"What brings you to our shop today?"

This works great, as do the "What brings you to Harry?" options. or "What brings you to us?". A great question, because it not only implies an answer, but also helps to "uncover" the buyer. Since you want to communicate with the buyer and get him to ask, questions like: "Are you looking for something specific?" or "Are you looking for (product name)?" - in no way can be effective.

But what if, after a short conversation and a decisive question: "What brought you to our store today?" - do you still get the answer: "I'm just looking"?

Buyers are very smart. They know exactly how to get a salesperson to leave them alone, and they're great at it. Rigid resistance and an icy expression will force any seller to retire. Best Reception- "I'm just looking." Here are five better ways of all times to end the conversation.

  1. I'm just watching.
  2. I'm just walking.
  3. I just wanted to see what you have.
  4. I need to kill time.
  5. My husband (my wife) is shopping at a nearby store.

At this point in the presentation, you need to take a sober look at the situation. You made a U-turn, started a conversation, used a transition question, but got rebuffed. Yes, it happens, and quite often. Perhaps buyers are not even aware that they are saying these phrases. This kind of protection has become an automatic reaction and an effective decision to end the conversation with the seller. It touched me myself when Marlene Corddry and I were walking around the shops of the mall together. When the salesman approached her, she said, "I'm just having a lunch break." I asked her why she said that, and she was surprised: "What did you say?" Then she admitted that she always used this technique when she worked in a shopping center. It worked great and became a habit with her.

Salespeople who try to continue the presentation at this point risk making the mistake of trying to be helpful. In response to a defensive reaction from buyers, sellers most often say the following:

  • Let me know if you have any questions. I'll be nearby.
  • In case you have any questions, my name is Harry.

    However, when you say such phrases, the buyer hears the following:

    "My name is salesman Harry and I will be nearby, where they stand. sellers, in case you have any questions about seller who wants only one - sell you something that you don't need."

Let's face it: buyers choose the defensive line because they don't like sellers. To break through this protection, one should not cause even greater dislike. There is a more acceptable way.

"Distraction Maneuver"

The "red herring" method is used to overcome the "protective barrier" built by buyers. This method has two parts.

  1. Accept that the buyer only wants to see.
  2. Accurately repeat the buyer's protective phrase, but with an interrogative intonation.

Here's how you can use this trick to deal with the above five ways to end a conversation:

Protection: I'm just watching.
Agreement: Sounds like you enjoy it.
red herring: What are you looking at?

Transition Q: What brings you to our store today?
Protection: I'm just walking.
Agreement A: I also like to walk.
red herring: And what is the purpose of your walk?

Transition Q: What brings you to our store today?
Protection: I wanted to see what you have.
Agreement: Excellent!
red herring Q: What would you like us to have? (At these words, you need to smile very widely.)

Transition Q: What brings you to our store today?
Protection: I'm just killing time.
Agreement: We all need more time to kill him.
red herring: What are you looking for while killing time?

Transition: What brings you to our store today?
Protection: My husband is shopping at a nearby store.
Agreement: So, you are on your own for a while.
red herring: And what are you looking for while he is busy shopping?

You will be pleasantly surprised by how this technique works! In most cases, the buyer will "open up" and you can begin to identify needs. However, I want to warn you: the question "What brings you to our store today?" is clarifying and works as a transition only after a little conversation. If used as an opening move, it will sound like "Can I help you?" and is unlikely to help.

When, after a conversation and a distraction, you hear "I'm just looking" for the second time, all you have to do is transfer the visitor to another salesperson or (if you have the courage) move on to a playful detour.


Life is such that some buyers may not like your appearance, color, height, weight, the way you talk or move, or a resemblance to their creepy Uncle Louie or the equally creepy Aunt Alice. All this is beyond your control, and after the second "I'm just looking" you should say: "Very good" - and leave. Choose another seller who looks radically different from you, and entrust this buyer to him.

A playful detour

I hate losing a sale, so I've developed a few tricks for the second time you hear, "I'm just looking."

When I ask, "What brings you to our store today?" and they say, "I'm just looking," I use the following technique. "Great!" I say. "What do you want to see?" The buyer replies: "I'm just looking." Then I take him to a product that says "I'm just looking" on the price tag and has a discounted price. "You're lucky! - I say. - We have a discount on this today!" Or I lead them to a sign that reads, "Since March 1, 1992, it's legal to just watch."

One of my favorite memories of breaking through the defenses is when I was working in a jewelry store. I was in the hall when an old lady entered the store. I'm sure you've seen them. Her hair was dyed blue, and on her shoulders rested a fur boa, you know, the one with the bestial muzzle and glassy eyes! Apparently, the lady drank two or even three weeks in a row. I was confused, not knowing where to start. What should I tell her? Then it dawned on me, I went up to her and asked: "What would you like to do right now?". "Dance!" she replied. I took her into my arms and we started moving around the store to the rhythm of the waltz. I hummed softly. She turned out to be a pleasant old lady who liked the attention. My next move was the only one possible when dancing with a tipsy old woman with blue hair. And I asked: "What do you need to become even more beautiful than now?". "Earrings," she replied.

I waltzed her over to the window with our most expensive pearl earrings, worth about $500. Then he took out a pair and asked to try it on. "But that's against the rules. Earrings can't be tried on," she said worriedly. The thing is, it was never against the rules. It's just that sellers are too lazy and do not allow buyers to do this: according to hygiene requirements, after trying on the earrings, they must be wiped with alcohol. I could have said all this to my client, but I wanted to keep her excited, and I whispered: "I know, but let's break the rules!"

I ended up selling this pair to her and she left in a great mood. The postscript to the story is this: it turned out that she was on a bus trip with fifty of the same blue-haired old ladies who were even more drunk than she was. On that memorable day, our revenue was what we usually received in a year.

This "frivolous" approach is very funny, but I want to warn you: if you are not sure that you can do it, then don't do it. It is enough to transfer the buyer to another seller.

When the customer talks

People feel more comfortable when they are talking to someone who is genuinely interested in the topic of the conversation. It is much more important for you to get the buyer to talk than to conduct the conversation yourself.

The longer the buyer talks with you, the more relaxed he feels with you as a person, and not a seller. Think back to the last party where you met someone for the first time. Most likely, you liked those new acquaintances who, when asking you questions, showed a visible interest in what you answered. It's the same with buyers.

Your comments must be personal.

There are a few points to consider in order to personalize your remarks.


    If the customers are bringing kids, you have an obvious topic to talk about. What parent doesn't like to talk about their child? Don't limit yourself to a simple phrase about how smart their child is. Ask how old he is, whether he is always in such a good mood, whether he sleeps all night long.

    Note that the child already speaks well, knows a lot and his mother (or father) uses a very comfortable stroller. Warning! Don't try to guess the gender of the baby - you'll be wrong half the time.

    Special clothing

    If the customer is wearing a T-shirt with the emblem of a particular college or sports team, ask if they went to that college, what campus it is, if they enjoyed yesterday's game, or what they think about the team's game this season. Don't voice your opinions about the college or the team. As my grandmother used to say, "dance to the music the customer is playing."


    If you can see what car the buyer came in with, you can safely say that the car is new, old, unusual or expensive. We are all proud of our cars, and most buyers will readily support the conversation.


    What events, interesting or exciting, are taking place in the world? What do almost everyone know about? Use the latest crisis, space exploration, a visit by a foreign delegation, a volcanic eruption, or an earthquake as your starting point. However, when choosing news, consider that it does not cause controversy. Discussing a scandal involving a mayor or other political figure can be risky for some buyers.


    Most people make plans for the holidays, whether it's a three-day vacation, dinner with family, or just a Sunday getaway. If a holiday is coming up, ask buyers about their plans. If the holiday has just ended, ask how they celebrated it.

If you don't know what to do

Often people come to your store with whom you do not know what to talk about. To always be ready to start a conversation, prepare a few universal tricks. The more options you have, the better.

A hundred of your own tricks

Sit down and make a list of about 100 of your own conversation starters. If you're having trouble, I've included a list of 42 starting techniques below that you can use as a hint, because no one will come up with your techniques for you. You should do this yourself, as you may not be very comfortable saying what others have come up with.

  1. We want to put a new carpet here. Which of these patterns do you like the most?
  2. (Walk past with a few small boxes in your hands.) Could you do me a favor? Please fix the top box. You know, if one falls, then they all collapse.
  3. Hello boy. I'll die if I don't hear another joke. Can you tell me your favorite?
  4. I want to invite my wife to a fish restaurant. Could you recommend me one?
  5. I noticed that your daughter has pierced ears. I also have a girl about her age. How did she survive the operation?
  6. I see you wearing a jacket with the name of a rock band. Were you at their concert yesterday?
  7. May I ask you? Do you think women prefer candy or flowers on Valentine's Day?
  8. I noticed you left the barbershop. What stylist do you cut your hair with?
  9. Today it's very hot. Would you like to drink something cold?
  10. Your bags are very heavy. Do you want me to hold them while you look around here?
  11. I accidentally overheard you and a friend discussing New film. I want to watch it too. What do you say about it?
  12. Could you do me a favor? My mom wants to have a photo of her son at work. Could you take a picture of me behind the counter?
  13. Do you have a new version of this game?
  14. I noticed your boots. Are they really very comfortable?
  15. I just got new coloring pages! Your kids don't want to do them?
  16. What do you think of the hat I'm wearing?
  17. I am planning a vacation. Where did you get such a wonderful tan?
  18. Your baby speaks so well! Does he go to school already?
  19. Cool haircut! Where did you make it?
  20. Tell me, how is the basketball team of this school playing this season?
  21. I noticed you arrived in a Honda. Do you like this car?
  22. Did you hear what happened in the city court?
  23. Are you glad the weather forecast for today turned out to be wrong?
  24. Taxes to be paid soon. Do you do it in advance or wait until the last minute?
  25. Twins! Twice the hassle, twice more joy! How many are they?
  26. How did you celebrate yesterday's holiday?
  27. What a great dress! How long do you think it took to sew on all those sequins?
  28. You have a wonderful French braid. How much time did it take?
  29. Someone was at McDonald's today! Are your children constantly asking for McDonald's too? Mine are asking.
  30. It's hard to believe that it hasn't rained for so long. Have you already started storing water for future use?
  31. I see you're wearing a Laker's T-shirt Do you think they'll win the playoff?
  32. Spent all day in this store. What do you hear about the launch of the "shuttle"?
  33. There are three days off. How is the traffic on the street?
  34. Great tan! Do you have this skin color or have you just returned from vacation?
  35. $62 million is up for grabs in the lottery. Have you already bought a ticket?
  36. Did you watch the Grammy Awards broadcast last night?
  37. Oh, are these new model skis? Where will you try them out?
  38. You have bought so many books from the bookstore. What kind of books did you buy?
  39. May I have your opinion? The buyer has just ordered this model. Do you think we should order it too?
  40. God, plaster! What happened to your hand?
  41. Six kids! Are they all yours?
  42. We've got a little argument here. When do you think is the best time to hang holiday decorations in the store?

Working with two customers at the same time

What happens if there are more buyers in the store than sellers? In such situations, especially in stores selling small and expensive items such as jewelry, security measures should be taken. You simply cannot physically deal with two buyers at the same time.

However, imagine that you are working with a customer BUT, and at this moment the buyer enters the store B. You must greet the buyer B, otherwise he may leave, which already leads to the loss of business. Besides, it's just impolite. However, your main object is the buyer BUT.

Verbal contact

What to do in order not to annoy the buyer BUT? This must be done carefully and with love. you ask the buyer BUT: "Do me a favor", to which he will always answer "yes".

"Could you wait a minute while I say hello to that customer? I'll be right back. Do you mind?"

Buyer BUT will surely agree, which means that he has concluded with you agreement and promised to wait.

Then you approach the buyer B and say, "How are you? Could you do me a favor?" This greeting is both the first step and forces buyer B to make verbal contact. He looks at you in confusion and thinks, "I don't know if I want to do you a favor. I just went to the store." However, he will always say yes out loud.

Now you're saying, "Could you wait a minute? I'll be done with that buyer and I'll be completely at your disposal. Do you mind?" If Buyer B says yes, which happens quite often, then they are talking to you. He won't leave anymore. Buyer B will stay in the store because he promised you.

It's understandable that some customers will say, "No, I have to go," or "I'll go to a nearby store and come back later," or something like that. But most will answer yes.

When you are trying to deal with two buyers at the same time, using verbal contact brings good results. The seller serves the buyer BUT. Customer B enters the store. The seller turns to the buyer B and says, "I'll come to you soon." Then he turns back to the buyer BUT but the buyer B leaves soon.

Now let's go through the verbal contact scenario again:

First option

Salesman A: We need your banking information. Here.
Buyer A: I always hated filling out those forms.
Salesman: Oh, I understand you. (Notices customer B.) Could you excuse me? I want to tell that gentleman that I'll be at his disposal shortly. Do you mind?
Buyer A: Of course.
Salesman: Thank you. (Moves to customer B.) Hello, could you do me a favor? I'm already finishing up with that lady and will be at your disposal in a minute. Do you mind?
Buyer B: Good.
Salesman: Thanks. (Returns to customer A.) Your signature here will be enough.

Second option

Buyer A: I think my sister would like this tablecloth for a party.
Salesman: Based on what you've told me, I'm sure it's the perfect choice. But won't you excuse me? Just a second, I want to tell that young lady that I'll be right over as soon as you and I are done. Do you mind?
Buyer A: Of course.
Salesman: Thanks to. (Goes to buyer B.) Good afternoon! Will you do me a favor? I'm just finishing up with that lady and I'll be with you in a minute. Do you mind?
Buyer B: Good.
Salesman: Thanks. (Returns to customer A.) I will only write down the number of your driving license- and you can go to the party!

Verbal contact "works" because you ask people for a small favor, but very politely. I bet you'll get great results the first time you use it.

How do you start?

The start of the sale can be the most important part of the sales process and will determine the entire course of your presentation. By starting the sale the right way, you can reduce resistance and empower yourself when you ask probing questions. Ask yourself how effective you have been in this area in the past, have you considered your behavior well?

Were your opening moves fun, interesting, and smart? Did you build a relationship with the buyer on a personal basis? Have you gotten off to a good start in sales, working with children and adults, men and women, couples and groups? If you take the time to write down 75-100 opening moves, you will be at the checkout much more often than before.

Important Thoughts and Key Techniques

  • To effectively start a sale, use a good opening technique and avoid clichés like "Can I help you?".
  • As a rule, the number of buyers who really "just look" is very small, so it's wiser to never trust a buyer who "just looks."
  • The product approach, where you greet customers and talk about the product they looked at as soon as they entered the store, was initially very good, as it allowed sellers to demonstrate the product almost immediately. Today, this approach has gone out of fashion and has become ineffective.
  • Your goal is to avoid a "buyer-seller" relationship, instead developing a personal relationship that is far more rewarding.
  • Two key moments when starting a sale: (1) break down the internal resistance that buyers have against sellers, and (2) establish a personal relationship, not a seller-buyer relationship.
  • If you introduce yourself as a seller, you risk causing a negative reaction from buyers. You must Avoid behavior that traditionally elicits a negative reaction from buyers.
  • Effective start-ups have nothing to do with business. It is best to use new, unusual or smart questions that encourage the buyer to start a conversation.
  • Avoid questions that can be answered with one word "yes" or "no" because your chances of continuing the conversation are reduced.
  • If you usually start the sales process too hastily, try to slow down. The product is not going anywhere, as well as the buyer. Today there is no place for clerks who, by asking habitual questions, "skip" the beginning of the sale or lose those sales that could have taken place if they (the clerks) had taken the time to develop effective opening techniques.
  • Give compliments very carefully, as they can turn against you. And if you're complimenting a customer's clothing, make sure the clothing is really fancy or dressy.
  • People feel more comfortable when they are talking to someone who is genuinely interested in what they are saying. It's more important to you to get the customer to talk than to keep the conversation going.
  • Use any topic to personalize your comments about an individual customer. For example, pay attention to the buyer's children, his car, or talk about the news and holidays.
  • No one will come up with the initial tricks for you, you need to do it yourself. They must become your, because you may not be comfortable using words that others have made up. Spend as much time developing your initial techniques as you spend studying your products.
  • To overcome the buyer's resistance, don't go straight up to him, but think about how to approach in a more friendly and less threatening way. Assume that the buyer does not want you to violate his personal space, so try not to approach him directly. Instead, use a roundabout.
  • Buyers are attracted to busy salespeople because they think they won't be "pressed" or that they can get an answer to their question quickly. So try to always appear busy.
  • The most effective way to move from the beginning of the sale to the discovery of needs is to use a transition question, which can be used to ask the buyer why he was in the store. For example: "What brings you to our store today?".
  • To find out if the buyer is really only looking, you can try a "workaround". When a customer says "I'm just looking..." say something like "Awesome! And what exactly do you want to see?" and that will remove the protection.
  • Be sure to spend some time establishing contact through a small conversation. Just walking up to a customer and saying, "What brings you here today?" won't break the resistance.
  • If you have gone through all the steps and the second time you hear: "I'm just looking ...", transfer the buyer to another seller. Sometimes that seller will be able to get the buyer to open up. It's not your fault, besides, there are other customers in the store.
  • When serving two customers at the same time, use verbal contact. Ask buyer A to do you a favor, to which he or she will always agree. "Could you wait while I say hello to that customer? I'll be there in a minute. Do you mind?" You will probably hear "yes" from customer A. Customer A has made a deal with you. agreement and promised to stay.
  • The start of the sale is the most main part, which defines the entire sales process. An effective sales start will help you break down resistance and empower yourself when you ask probing questions.
  • If you take the time to write down 75-100 opening moves and practice them, you will be going to the cash register more often than before.

Clone army. It is precisely such associations that a host of sellers in perfect different corners countries, literally starting from the doorstep: “Hello, how can I help you?”. It got to the point that in the company store Levi's I was greeted five times! Feeling like I'm on someone else's friendly party, where for some reason I don’t know anyone, but I didn’t come for jeans.

In short, there is an obvious problem - the inability of sellers to establish contact on the trading floor. Why is this difficult to do? Personally, I know three factors that complicate this ingenuous process in general and cause buyers to fear the seller.

The first factor is that the buyer is afraid that now they will jump up to him and start selling and pushing something (in my opinion, we owe this to market trade, a flourishing couple recent decades). Or that the seller will now devote time to him, spend energy on him, and in return he will simply be obliged to buy something. This is the second factor, and in psychology it is called the principle of social exchange. It is thanks to him that we, bringing souvenirs from our holidays to our friends, count on gifts in return and are indignant when this does not happen. When establishing contact on the trading floor, the principle of social exchange works against the seller. The third factor, the weakest, for any new territory the person feels uncomfortable. Nothing can be done, this is a vestige of biological evolution (hello to distant ancestors). These factors together determine the buyer's defensive behavior. As a result, he either avoids the seller (“Thank you, I don’t need anything,” sometimes he just leaves the store), or begins to attack (aggressive tone, sarcasm, phrases “Help with money”, “Hold the bag”).

Now that we have sorted out the fears of a buyer crossing the threshold of a store, it becomes clear that an attempt to immediately establish contact with him, as well as archipopular phrases like “What can I tell you?” and “Are you interested in anything in particular?” these fears only increase. Accordingly, the primary tasks of the seller are to reduce these fears and talk the buyer. How to do it? With the help of the reception babushka.

To begin with, let's take a closer look at the unsurpassed aces in starting a conversation - our Russian grandmothers. How do they do it? Let's watch them in their places mass gathering, for example, in public transport. Grandmother, passionately wanting to talk, having become accustomed a little and assessing the prospects of her immediate environment from the point of view of possible communication, throws out some phrase, while not addressing anyone. Attention: the information in this phrase should be on the topic of the day, otherwise nothing will work. Everything is good: education of today's youth, high prices, low pensions, and so on. If someone responded with some comments, then the deed is done, the conversation started. If no one answered, the grandmother, after a pause, says something else. As a rule, having made two or three attempts and not having received the necessary response, the grandmother becomes offendedly silent and goes on - either to her stop, or until a change in her immediate environment, when she can resume her attempts.

Experience shows that the use of this technique in a modified version gives fantastic results in establishing contact in retail sales. It works 80-90 times out of a hundred! The technology of its application is as follows.

Let's start with the customer meeting. Many stores have a standard requiring vendors to greet customers as they enter. Personally, I have a very ambiguous attitude towards him. It seems to me that it does not give the desired effect everywhere, rather the opposite (I do not take into account stores selling premium goods or with an established circle of customers). However, if such a standard exists, let's greet each other properly, without prejudice to the subsequent conversation. Firstly, it is advisable to greet the buyer once and one seller - at the entrance to the trading floor, and do this better than that who is closer to the entrance. When greeting, eye contact, a slight smile (sometimes called an eye smile), a slight nod of the head. Greetings should show that the buyer is welcome. At the same time, it is highly desirable that the seller takes a step back or to the side, thereby making it clear that he is not going to jump to the buyer on the move!

This is a very important nuance. If the salesperson is sitting at the table, don't jump up and go straight to the sales floor - this only increases the "fear of the seller", although I suspect that this is contrary to the corporate standards of many retail companies. If for some reason the seller did not have time to say hello, it's okay - believe me, the visitor will survive it. And please, do not greet the side or back of the buyer!

Next, you need to give the buyer the opportunity to get comfortable in a new territory for him. Depending on the area of ​​the store, this can take from several seconds to several minutes (in each individual case, this is determined empirically and fixed by the standard: during such and such a time, the seller must start communicating with the buyer). At this time, you should not follow the shadow of the buyer. If the possibility of theft remains in the store, it is better to take a position that is convenient for viewing and, observing the buyer with peripheral vision, correct the price tags, brush off non-existent dust. In other words, create the appearance of activity.

And now (solemn drumroll) is the seller's output. More precisely, his approach to the buyer. When is the best time to do this? There are two options: when the buyer begins to carefully consider something, or when the standard time allotted for adaptation on the trading floor ends. What is the best way to do it? You need to get up from the buyer at a distance of 1-1.5 m to the side and slightly behind him (so that he can see you with peripheral vision) and start voicing the buyer's look. Remember grandmothers? They succeed only if the phrases have a topical focus. Therefore, the seller's phrases about the product should evoke interest! For example:

  • This color is very trendy right now.
  • This door has a special coating ... (and be silent, let the buyer ask which one).
  • This model has an extended warranty.
  • This teapot is a bestseller.

Recommendation: the best impromptu is homemade, so the phrases must be prepared and learned in advance. And it is also important to be ready at any moment to continue your thought. For example, if a buyer asks why this kettle is most often taken, he needs to quickly and briefly answer (it has an extended service life, a well-known manufacturer and at the same time the best price).

The seller said one phrase, then paused for 2-3 seconds. All this time you need to look at the product, not at the buyer! If the buyer did not respond, you need to say one more phrase, pause again and another phrase. After the third phrase, you need to reduce the distance to the client by a step and look into his eyes without a pause to ask a question from which the identification of needs will begin. Question options depend on the range, for example:

  • Do you choose for yourself or as a gift?
  • Where do you choose: a private house or an apartment? (options: home or office, living room or bedroom, etc.)
  • Maybe you are interested in something specific?
  • Are you interested in upholstered furniture or cabinet furniture?

At this stage, the use of the word "buy" and its derivatives is strongly discouraged, so that the buyer does not feel obliged to do so.

Very often, the buyer starts asking questions after the first phrase of the seller (or after the second). In this case, it is necessary to briefly answer it and ask your question, thereby retaining control of the conversation and starting to identify needs. Voila!

What nuances should you pay attention to? The basic state of the majority of shoppers in the store can be characterized by the word "indecision". Therefore, they need to be pushed a little, to lead. The use of alternative questions, the absence of a pause between the third phrase and the question - all this is subordinated to this very goal. And one more important point: the buyer may not be at all interested in the product near which the seller began to communicate with him, so it is not necessary to immediately start presenting it.

Useful video on this topic:

The article was first published on on September 24, 2013 under the heading "Creativity without cuts". Re-announced in the content block as part ofspecial project editions

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In contact with


From this article you will learn:

  • How to offer goods to stores
  • How to offer a product on social networks and by phone
  • How to properly offer a product to a sales representative

The domestic economy has recently embarked on the rails of market relations, from that moment on, each of the sellers asks a fundamental question: how to offer a product or service so that the buyer is interested. Consider the key aspects of this issue.

How to offer a product to be bought

Of course, the success of a business depends largely on the volume of sales, this is perhaps one of critical factors. Production capacities can be increased quite quickly, but the market capacity does not always make it possible to realize the inherent potential. Advertising budgets can be 20-50% of the cost, firms are doing everything possible to beat the competition.

All of these factors indicate that the entire distribution chain – marketing/sales/store – is important. The answer to the questions: “How to properly offer a product” and “How to sell a product to a client” is the solution to the needs of the buyer.

  1. Before offering a product to a buyer, thoroughly study all the issues related to it. The more extensive and in-depth information about the product you have (operation, scope, availability of options and their differences, etc.), the more reasonably you can convey to the buyer why he needs it.
  2. Be very attentive to the question of the psychology of a potential client. You need to clearly understand who is in front of you: a student or an intellectual, young or old, man or woman. Having an idea about the nature of a potential client, it will be easier for you not only to offer him a product, but also to build a productive dialogue with him, to establish a competent strategy in the “buyer-seller” relationship.
  3. When offering a product, do not forget about the emotional component: let the potential buyer feel like the owner of a product that has not yet been purchased. Show what the product is in action, let it be touched, touched, smelled. Create all the conditions for making a purchase so that the client wants to purchase this particular product right now.

How to offer a product in bulk

There are a few simple rules on how to sell goods in bulk. In this case, you need to focus on the future, that is, on the constant search for a customer. The volume of deliveries depends on the scale of the client company (it will be large or small orders). Categories such as delivery, price, terms are a temptation for the buyer and a big plus for the supplier.


  • do everything possible to “lure” the client from the very beginning with low prices for delivered orders and low logistics bills;
  • follow the terms of the contract - never violate them;
  • deliver on time and regularly;
  • remember that wholesale is selling on an equal footing.

How to properly offer a product to a customer in a store

The most important problem faced by retail chains, including large ones, is the problem of recruitment, since the employees of most stores are not ready for effective sales (residual effects of soviet education). But there is another side to this - retailers themselves often do not pay due attention to the training and motivation of salespeople, treating them as a third-rate "labor force" that is constantly changing. This attitude leads to a lack of proper training. The seller offers the goods to the buyer not very effectively, because he does not know how to do it. But trained employees with proper motivation may well become the key to the success of any outlet.

A successful salesperson is someone who:

  • easily identifies customer problems;
  • can assess the priorities of the consumer in the context of solving these problems;
  • can and seeks to help buyers find solutions to these problems in the most convenient, efficient, innovative and timely way, and at a price that is right for the buyer.

More often than not, if the salesperson is able to identify the customer's key issues, the customer will be willing to pay for their solution.

Knowing how to promote your problem-solving abilities to potential buyers can be the key to success. This is to ensure that customers are aware of what you can do for them and what will be the benefits obtained from using the solutions you propose.

Sales leaders don't just focus on how to offer a product (or how to sell it), but they expand their customer's horizons. To become a top seller, you need to periodically answer the following questions:

  • What customer problems do I solve?
  • What is the customer's perspective on these issues and the solutions I offer?
  • How does the buyer prioritize when looking for solutions to these problems?
  • What other customer problems can I solve?
  • What hidden or future problems are buyers unaware of?

Buyer comes with huge amount problems. Your task is to point to them and give them a detailed description, but not from your point of view, but from the position of the client. Focus on the problems that need to be solved first, and for this you need to formulate the right questions and listen carefully to the buyer's answers. And after that, offer your solutions (= offer a product).

3 tips on how to talk to a buyer when offering a product

Experts share useful tips with distributors about how to talk with the buyer in order to achieve success, how to offer the product as efficiently as possible.

  1. Product knowledge.

Despite the fact that we have already mentioned this fact, we will repeat once again: preparations for trading should begin even before the sales themselves, in particular, we are talking about getting all possible information about the product. What it can be: before offering a product, check the nuances of different manufacturers, the specifics of use, price corridors for wholesale / retail, at different outlets and in the place where exactly you will sell. However, the psychological aspect can be called much more significant.

The task of any seller is to offer a product, while giving answers to all the questions that have arisen. Such a distributor inspires confidence, the buyer understands that he is a professional, not an amateur. There is another point: if the client receives an exhaustive answer, he begins to feel obligated, and in some cases this may affect his decision to purchase the goods here, from this seller. However, in the opposite situation, when the seller answers without enthusiasm, at length, the consumer understands that he is not a professional.

The only exception: the buyer, due to some circumstances, has information about the product, for example, he took part in the production of similar products. Then you need to offer the goods more carefully, you should not go too far: it is important to show your competence in this matter, and respect the knowledge of the interlocutor, and maybe even ask him something, ask some questions. Such a model of behavior will increase the importance of the buyer in his own eyes and at the same time increase the assessment of the seller.

  1. Good mood.

In fact, the mood of the seller is a working tool, since he is an actor who cannot afford an arbitrary mood. His task is to "keep face" regardless of what's on his mind. After all, the buyer immediately catches the mood of the seller and reacts to it: good mood transmitted, but bad too. If the buyer came to the store in a good mood, and the seller spoiled it, then the buyer subconsciously (or maybe consciously) wants to take revenge on the seller without buying anything from him.

  1. Respect for the buyer.

Respect for the buyer is manifested in respect for his desires and choices.

That is, if the buyer wants to buy tea, then you should not try to sell him lemonade. Of course, it is permissible to offer a substitute product, but selling it is fraught with consequences. The buyer is more and more psychologically savvy, often he is also well versed in the product. Therefore, the fact that instead of a substitute product they begin to very persistently offer something completely different, even when such a replacement seems appropriate to the seller, causes irritation and negativity. This is regarded as manipulation, and its disclosure should be followed by punishment: and this is already the loss of a client, because he is unlikely to ever return to the place where he was deceived or tried to deceive.

Trading is somewhat akin to fishing: it is impossible to make the fish peck, but they can be attracted by high-quality bait. The buyer likes quality service, and respect is an important component. And even in the case when you do not have some product, sending the buyer to the place where he is, this will also positively affect your assessment by the buyer, and it is highly likely that he will return to you.

You need to respect not only the problems of the buyer and his desires, but also the refusal. A buyer who was rude or rude after a refusal is unlikely to be seen again in your store. And even if there was no obvious rudeness, then abrupt change the behavior of the seller (from fawning / attentive to indifferent / negative) will also shock the buyer, and he is unlikely to come to this store.

  • in no case do not talk about the negative nuances of the product, so as not to spoil the positive;
  • even if you know how to offer a product correctly, but do not own the rules of ethics, success will not be easy. Be charming, friendly, respectful - this will help sell the product, but avoid familiarity, familiarity, keeping the right distance.

How to offer a product to a sales representative

A budding sales rep is always going to get rejected, this is because retail outlets are against working with new suppliers or new products - the store shelves are already full of goods. However, there are good principles in sales and good methods of how to offer a product to unfamiliar customers.

  1. Make an illustrated catalog.

If it is the woman who decides whether or not to work with you, then there is one useful method: creating a catalog with illustrations. This is true for women, as women usually tend to choose goods from catalogs: this form of shopping inspires confidence in them. Offering goods in this way is a variant of a more advantageous form: browsing a catalog takes less time than viewing a price list, and looking at pictures is more pleasant than at numbers.

  1. Go around all outlets in the assigned territory.

Be prepared to be rejected in most places when you offer a product, but this should not bother you: it's normal for the psychology of the seller - checking a new person (will he appear again and how persistent is he?). Don't be discouraged if you get rejected. Just let them know that you will come back another time when something interesting appears. The seller is unlikely to refuse this. Focus on finding your first client - it's hard, but it's possible.

  1. Revisit the stores located near the first customer.

Come back after a while with a message that you have news. In the conversation, give a reference to the first customer and inform that your product will be presented in his store. Buyers notice everything: if one store offers your product, but this one does not, they will come to the store with new products more often. And this is an important criterion for many.

  1. Collect statistics and reviews.

Contact customers with a question about how they are doing in the outlet with your product. Do not let their answers go past your ears - fix and pay attention to it.

  1. Visit the rest of the shops.

Let us know that your product is already available in 15 stores. But do not lie, but tell it like it is. Voice the words of customers who are satisfied with your product. This may be the impetus to start working with you. FROM successful people I want to work, people who are set up in this way find it easier to offer goods.

How to offer your product to stores

This question is always asked by newcomers, because the heads of retail outlets refuse new products, arguing that the stores are already overstocked with goods. Therefore, there is one feature in how to offer a product to a store: you need to offer not only a product, but also something more, for example, better service than competitors, a better solution to working moments. Your task is to offer a product, at the same time convincing the client that he will not waste his time in vain if he starts working with you.

To sell your product successfully, you need to have an idea about all the stages of a customer visit:

  • preparation;
  • approach to the outlet;
  • presentation;
  • make a deal;
  • merchandising;
  • visit analysis.

There are a number important tips in how to offer a product:

  1. Remember that store managers perceive a new supplier as new problems. This is due to the past negative experience of contacts with unreliable suppliers, for example. Therefore, any new proposal is perceived by them with caution. Don't forget this: Selling a product has two parts: first you have to "sell yourself" as a bona fide business partner, and only then do you focus on how to offer the product and sell it. If you look at the situation from this position too, then it will be easier for you to negotiate and find Right words.
  2. When you go to the store to offer a product, focus on a slightly different goal: find out about the problems of your potential partners. Let me know that you plan to work in this market, but today you came to find out what problems the store faces when working with suppliers. Be attentive to the answers you receive and say that you will return when you can offer a solution to these problems.
  3. Analyze this conversation: identify weaknesses in the work of competitors, create a service scheme for a point of sale that will exceed the offers of competing suppliers. Focus on how to effectively demonstrate this difference to store managers when you start offering the product.
  4. Organize another negotiation, but again do not talk about your products, focus on how comfortable it will be for the buyer to work with your firm.
  5. Receive your first purchase order. Let it be small - after all, this is a kind of check, but clearly state what the minimum order quantity should be in the future.

Remember: competitors will immediately notice the decline in sales that is associated with your entry into the market. The response of rivals may be, for example, an improvement in the quality of service. Your task is to return to the above steps from time to time and repeat them.

Important recommendation:go to the trading floor after the delivery has been made, find out if everything is fine. The fact that you care about your partner- this is an additional bonus that will play in favor of working with you.

How to offer a product on social networks

SMM, or marketing in in social networks, is now gaining momentum. There is not a single company that does not understand the importance of promotion in social networks. At the same time, not everyone knows how to offer goods here correctly and as productively as possible.

The statistics say the following: for example, specialists from GfK Ukraine analyzed what goods, where and how often Ukrainians purchase via the Internet. Here are the results: in 2016, more than 39% of Internet users bought goods or ordered services using social networks. And, let's say, in 2013, only 12% made purchases through social networks.

Most popular goods: clothes, accessories, gifts, shoes, cosmetics and perfumes. Most of buyers, of course, women.

Such statistics once again emphasize that you can really sell on social networks.

But how to do it?

Everything is not so difficult, you just need to take into account important factors:

  • the audience of your company coincides with the audience of the social network;
  • there are no barriers to buying your product through a social network (no additional registrations, requests are processed slowly, etc.);
  • you really develop your community: there is the right content, a sufficient number of participants, and you were able to reach the average or even high level involvement;
  • users trust you (for example, thanks to high-quality work with feedback);
  • you realize that online sales take time (minimum 3 months).

When you can put a plus next to each item, then you are really confidently moving in the right direction: you can safely offer your product.

  1. Specify the current price.

Do not create unnecessary barriers on the way of the purchaser to purchase your product: let him see the price right away. Be sure that potential customers for whom the price you name will not be suitable will refuse to purchase the product in any case.

  1. Simplify the ordering process as much as possible.

It is necessary to offer goods in online stores in such a way that the client has the opportunity to buy the product he likes almost instantly, without unnecessary manipulations of going to the site, registrations, etc. The more difficult it is to place an order, the more likely it is that the buyer will change his mind. Your task is to make sure that the customer understands the scheme for purchasing goods, and this scheme should be simple.

  1. Regularly update the assortment so that the buyer has the opportunity to choose.

Remember the women's craving for shopping: hourly walks in shopping centers, the opportunity to choose, the understanding that one of these things will sooner or later become their property. The same principle should work in social networks: users should have a choice. These can be albums with goods, where you can see everything that is, compare, and then buy. Plus - the more assortment you offer, the more customers (and their needs) will be satisfied.

Remember about such a factor as the relevance of the product. Let you have an "In Stock" album, which will be regularly updated and replenished, do not forget to periodically offer goods from this album. Because often the refusal to purchase is provoked by the need for a long wait for the receipt of goods or its absence at all (despite the fact that it is presented in the album / on the site).

  1. Follow the trends and beat them.

Trends are a great way to make money quickly and a lot. Pay attention to what users are talking about on the Internet, what is happening around, what is interesting to people. Apply what you've learned to offer your product. Things that are in trend, as a rule, are more popular than the standard range.

  1. Update community information regularly.

It is important for you to convey to your customers the fact that your products are updated all the time. However, you should not do it too zealously, otherwise there is a risk of a ban (in the news feed). Do this in moderation so that when a user needs something from what you sell, he immediately remembers you.

  1. Respond promptly to comments.

Timely responses to comments increase the likelihood of a purchase. Slowness can lead to the fact that the buyer will go to competitors.

  1. Don't neglect community management.

Community management is almost a key component in working with your community. It gives you the opportunity to build trust with users who can become your customers. Give public responses to negative comments, do not delete them and be able to admit your mistakes.

Remember the importance feedback and reviews: their presence will increase the loyalty of the audience, which in the future will be able to recommend your store to friends and acquaintances. But just do not falsify information, reviews must be honest and real, and fictional reviews will never play into your hands.

  1. Let's advertise for interesting offers, discounts.

Draw your customers' attention to various interesting offers, promotions and discounts in advertising campaigns. Such messages increase the effectiveness of advertising, which leads to an increase in sales.

Hello! In this article, we will look at the main phrases to attract customers that stimulate the level of sales.

Today you will learn:

  1. Why is it so important to use the right words when talking to a client.
  2. Examples of bright phrases that will attract the attention of buyers.
  3. How to conduct a dialogue.

Importance of the words of the first dialogue

Every person who sells a product or offers a service knows and understands the importance of the first dialogue. It is precisely because of how quickly the seller earns the trust of the buyer, determines his needs and helps with the choice, the level of sales depends, and, accordingly, his salary.

In practice, it turns out that it is not so easy to get the location of a client. Surely everyone found themselves in a situation where you go to the store, for example, for shoes. At the same time, you yourself do not know what you want, and at this moment the seller comes up and says the hackneyed phrase “What interests you?”. At this point, most shoppers immediately respond, "I'm just looking," and exit the store.

In this case, the seller made several mistakes due to which he lost the client. But if he was not so intrusive, showed creativity and earned your trust, then perhaps you listened to him, and he helped with the choice, after which you would buy shoes from him.

There are situations when well-written phrases for the store help to increase the number of goods sold. In this case, you have to come up with slogans and interesting expressions, distribute. Their goal is to interest the client and make them learn more about your offer.

The main task of phrases to attract customers is to grab attention, achieve location and ingratiate themselves.

The main mistake of many sales managers is that they immediately try to sell the product. This technique works quite rarely, so the level of sales of such people is not very high.

How to use phrases correctly

Many managers mistakenly believe that salespeople should devote maximum time and attention to each customer. As a result, they get a result that they did not expect at all.

Example. The call center receives calls from customers and operators are obliged to communicate with customers as politely as possible, try in every possible way to increase the conversation time and offer the maximum number of products.

The executives believed that because of this, the caller would enjoy the attention and purchase the maximum amount of product.

In practice, this has backfired. A queue formed among the callers, followed by complaints that it was very difficult to get in touch with the operator. In addition, during the "sugary" conversation, the client had a double impression of a company that wants to "sell" a lot of products "jumping on its hind legs to do this."

In order to really, you need the basics of correct and effective communication with customers. It does not matter whether you sell goods by phone or communicate personally with the buyer.

We have developed a small instruction, according to which you can easily train your staff.

Step 1. Learning to classify people

You must explain to your employees that there are different types of buyers. One can impose some kind of product, but not the other. One category of people is led to some phrases, and the other to others. Therefore, it is very important to divide buyers into categories.

There should not be more than 5, otherwise it will cause confusion among the employees themselves.

We propose the following classification:

  1. girls- These are people who were advised one specific product. They don't want to listen to the advice the salesperson gives them. They came (called) to buy one specific product. There is simply no point in offering them something else, they will refuse.
  2. Guys- This is a category of people who do not fit into other categories.
  3. Engineer– buyers who know exactly what they want to buy. They name the main characteristics of the product or a specific model.
  4. Mister- a person who communicates with the seller in a technical language, using numbers. He knows what brand or brand he needs, but he can't decide on a model.
  5. mistress- people who speak the language of emotions. They want to buy something stylish, beautiful or exclusive. Decided on the brand, but did not choose a model.

It is important to understand that a “girl” can be both a representative of the stronger sex and a nice lady. Categories of clients are not tied to the gender of a person, his social status or age.

Step 2. Before offering something, let the client speak

In no case should the buyer be immediately “attacked” with his proposals. You must understand what exactly he needs. To do this, you need to give the client the opportunity to tell why he came or called.

Empirically, it was found that 72 seconds is enough for a person to voice his desire and speak out. This is an average figure, so it is worth considering that some people may need more time, and others less.

After you listen to the client, you can enter into a dialogue. What exactly to say you must understand based on which category the buyer belongs to.

For example, "guys", after they speak out, you need to say: “I can offer an option a little more expensive, but it will be cooler.”

If the client is a "girl" or "engineer", then you are required to listen to them, take the order and fulfill it. Any suggestions you make will be rejected anyway.

For "lady" the following is suitable phrase: "I can offer a model a little more expensive, but it is more luxurious than the previous version".

And the “master” will appreciate the remark: “ There are a little more expensive, but this is a great professional model».

The most promising clients are "Mr" and "Mrs." It is with them that managers need to work.

By implementing such a customer classification system, you will quickly realize how effective it is.

Background phrases and common examples of words that are used when working with a client

Regardless of what exactly you are selling or what service you offer, the client must feel your sincerity. At the same time, you need to behave outside the box, creatively and start the conversation not with advertising the product, but with a simple conversation with the buyer.

It is important not to attack the client and try to lay out as much information as possible in the shortest possible time.

To start, you need to set interrogative questions, thus you identify the needs of the client:

  • “Which shade of this model do you like best?”
  • “Very handy and practical! Don't you think so?"
  • Why did you choose this particular model?

After the interrogative behavior, you need to change tactics and clarify the situation with the following best phrases:

  • “It seems to me, or do you doubt that…”
  • “Tell me, I understand you correctly…”

Very often the client needs the advice of the seller. At this moment, you provide support and assistance with the following words:

  • “If I were in your place, I would not hesitate for a minute”;
  • “I am 100% sure that you will not regret your choice”;
  • "You have very good taste."

In case of any difficulty, you must take a position of understanding. After the client voices his problem, you need to answer something like this:

  • “I understand you very well, because my friend also faced a similar problem. But she found a way…”;

In their work, salespeople, managers, and all people who want to get a buyer should remember that the phrase "Are you interested in something?" and use a glare. The buyer automatically answers in the negative and leaves.

Bright phrases, as well as replicas of an advertising nature, which perfectly attract the attention of customers

Often, it is non-standard phrases that help sales agents find new customers. Most often, such phrases are of an advertising nature. But don't be afraid of them. Here are some of the most successful expressions.

Phrase Her goal
“Are you already a member of our promotion?” The client becomes interested, he begins to ask questions and quickly starts a dialogue
“If you recommend our store to your friends, then you will receive bonuses that can be used on your next visit. What do you think of it?" This phrase encourages the client to advertise your business and make purchases in the future.
“If you need to consult with your soulmate, then this can be done right now. What phone number to dial? This statement will allow you to keep the client and will contribute to the fact that the purchase will be made exactly from you, and not in a neighboring store, for example
"May I consult with you?" Thanks to this question, you achieve the location of the client, after which it is easy to establish an open dialogue
“Now I will name the total amount, which includes all discounts” Having heard the phrase, the client understands that it is pointless to bargain and the price is final, so he does not ask any more questions related to the price
“Do I understand you correctly, do you want to purchase a high quality product at the lowest price?” By asking this question, you show that you are interested in the needs of the buyer.
"Soon we will be holding interesting event. Would you like to reserve a seat?" Such advertising phrases are appropriate if you offer an expensive product. At such events, buyers get acquainted with brands and do not feel compelled to purchase anything.


The secret of a professional seller is that he knows how to choose the right moment when to approach the client and offer his help. At the same time, he selects the right words who show his sincere interest.

Do not be afraid of non-standard situations and improvise more often! We are sure you will succeed!


Pay attention to the buyer. It is not necessary to immediately approach him with questions and suggestions. The main thing is to make it clear to the client that they see him and are ready to help at any time.

Greet the visitor. This can be done immediately at his entrance, or when he makes it clear that he is interested in a consultation. How talk With buyer depends on the specific situation. The greeting should be very warm and friendly. Be sure to smile when making contact. The speed of establishing contact depends on the first. Try to show your inner instinct and determine how to start talk with one or the other buyer.

Study buyers. You must that there are at least 4 types: decisive, indecisive, conflict and advanced. The first will establish contact himself, the second expects this from you, the third must be able to deprive the reasons for disputes, and the fourth should be agreed with in all his reasoning.
Certainly this general recommendations. Each salesperson learn to understand what kind of person walked in.

Start so that the buyer wants to continue it. The main rule for this is never ask a question to which you can “no”. It is better to greet the client and say that you are always there and will be happy to help in choosing. Another way is to ask an open question. It represents some kind of statement and directly "strings". good example is the following phrase: "This modification is original, right?". This question is one of the best ways to start. talk With buyer.

Do not forget that the tone of the whole conversation is set by the first phrase. Learn to recognize the nature of customers and conduct a dialogue in accordance with it.

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  • buyer greeting

Gender roles have changed so much that today it is not shameful for ladies not only to work, drive a car and engage in "male" professions, but also to get acquainted with representatives of the opposite sex. However, only the most wise women They know that they need to be very careful in exercising their right to take the first step.


Evaluate the posture and gestures of the man you like. If a person is located to chat with, he holds his palms open, crosses his legs, directing his knees towards her. A man ready for communication does not hide his eyes and is ready. It's great if you see a man straighten his hair or straighten his clothes when he sees you looking at him. In sign language, this means an erotic interest in you.

Make eye contact. Hold your gaze on the one you are interested in and look away as soon as he looks at you. After a while, repeat the famous formula "to the corner, to the nose, to the object." Just do not run your eyes, do not fuss and do not look furtively. You just look at the person you like, smiling embarrassedly at the moment when he catches your eye with his.

Once near the object of your interest, drop a small remark. There can be three topics: the environment, he and you. The first option is the most preferable, because it is not as annoying as the second, and not boring as the third. Ask what cocktail to choose in this bar, who is playing in the upcoming performance, how to cook asparagus - in short, ask any question that is relevant to the circumstances of your meeting and requires a non-simple answer.

Don't start the conversation with a negative statement like, "This party is so noisy!" An exception, perhaps, may be exclamations about the weather. Avoid obvious clichés like "I think we've met before" or "What time is it?" - especially in situations where the futility of the answer is obvious.

Use the context of the situation. At dinner or in the reading room, making contact is as easy as shelling pears: ask the person you like to sit at the table. Even if you are refused, most likely, these will be strong arguments for this (employment, waiting for another satellite). While jogging, friendly offer: "Let's race?" (in the end, after an unsuccessful attempt to get acquainted, you can quickly run away). AT gym, shop or ask for advice.

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The success of an attempt to get acquainted very often depends on the first phrase spoken to a pretty representative of the opposite sex. An original conversation started is almost a guarantee that you will interest the person you like.