Yulia Sarkisova instagram official. Julia Sarkisova-Lyubichanskaya on Instagram

Goodbye my beloved Maldives! You are my piece of heaven on earth. Thank you for proclaiming to me strength, energy and inner harmony. I can't imagine a better way to restore my mental balance. I have already confessed my love many times best hotel One & Only and the people working there, but I'm ready to repeat it endlessly. So thanks for everything. And as usual we say goodbye for a while ❤️ Thanks as always to you my friend @alex_berdyshev ❤️ And to my beloved daughters @little_miss_lusha @slubichanskaya ❤️❤️❤️ 🌴 #❤️

A great woman gives a great speech that shakes and penetrates to the core! Every word she uttered is infinitely valuable and correct. After all, disrespect breeds disrespect, and violence breeds only violence, and this is a vicious circle. It is of utmost importance to treat with respect any person you meet on life path. First of all, you are characterized by how you treat someone who is weaker than you or who is dependent on you. Especially if you are endowed with power and have money. It is painful and embarrassing to watch such manifestations of inhumanity. No matter who you were and no matter who you have become, it is important to remember that respect for people is your moral duty. 🙏🏻 👏👏👏 ❤️

Yesterday I became the godmother of this beautiful baby David❤️. For me it's not only a big joy but also a big responsibility. To be honest, I do not always agree to become a godmother when asked about it, because this imposes serious obligations on you. Becoming a godmother is not just going to the temple once for the rite itself. A godmother is like a second mother who must always remember her godchildren, take care of them, and pray for them. I try very hard to do everything for my godchildren, even if sometimes life turns out so that we rarely see each other, I want them to know that I am in their life and this is forever. I am responsible to God for them and this is important for me 🙏🏻 @knyajina_s 🙏🏻❤️ 🙏🏻👼🏻

It's time to once again pack your bags and leave this Paradise Island. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is the most beautiful and magical place on earth. Thanks to our dad for this holiday. The children got all thirty-three pleasures here. For all these years that we have been coming here, One&Only Reethi Rah has become absolutely dear to us. The impression that you again find yourself among people who love you, who surround you with endless care and do everything to provide you with the most ideal vacation, so that you don’t think about anything and your desires come true before you can even formulate them. In addition, our close friends come here from year to year with their large and friendly families, with countless children. Together with them their coaches, governesses, teachers. And it is such a happiness that our children become one big friendly company, which has every minute scheduled, both for entertainment and for learning. In general, this, of course, is an invaluable experience for children, growing up in a large friendly family, where there are traditions, rules, and stability. I am sure that this will not be in vain, that it will give its sprouts and they will carry it through their whole lives, passing it on to their children. So our vacation turned out to be extremely rich and useful. The next destination will be Dubai again. I realized that this route is optimal for me. Flights are not so tiring, and adoption is easier). More things will be needed, of course. Although I have already managed to wean here from shoes as such. There is something natural, real in this - to spend all your time barefoot, gaining energy from the earth. Dubai, of course, loves dresses and outfits. Well. We are always ready for this too. Fortunately, in One&Only, we must pay tribute, there are excellent shops where you can look for a nice new thing. In short, I can talk about this place endlessly. I just really want to once again express my immense gratitude and love to my Sasha Berdyshev @alex_berdyshev, for the highest service and true friendship, to my girls Marina, Dasha, Ksyusha, without whom I can’t even imagine my stay here. You are best! I will definitely be back soon) and I even know when 😉🥰🥂🏝❤️

Happy Victory Day to all of us! This is a big holiday with tears in the eyes. There is no such family in our country who would not be touched by this terrible war. My grandfather was a military pilot and went through the whole war. I remember how he put on his uniform with medals and orders for the parade. How incredibly beautiful he was! I remember his front-line friends, with whom they invariably met that day, their long conversations and songs. It is a sacred duty for each of us to remember and honor the memory of the fallen so that this scary page history never repeated itself. Happy holiday, friends! 🙏🏻❤️

My most sincere condolences to the families of those killed and injured in the Aeroflot plane fire. A terrible tragedy. The heart is bursting with pain. I read news bulletins all night. I don’t know how true this is, but they write that during the evacuation someone tried to take their hand luggage, thereby delaying others. I hope this isn't true. After all, there is nothing more valuable in the world than the life of a person. Nothing is worth the risk of harming the health of another. Please, let's be kinder to each other and appreciate every moment given to us by fate on this earth..

My dears, I want to thank you very much for the endless number of kind words and sincere invitations! I am immensely pleased with your attention and I am happy that I have such kind and hospitable subscribers. I sincerely appreciate and thank you! I'm always glad to have the opportunity to meet one of you personally. Thank you for having you and thank you for being awesome! Love and goodness to all!❤️❤️❤️ ❤️ ❤❤❤

My dears, I congratulate you on bright holiday Easter! Christ is risen. May harmony and happiness reign in your homes, and love in your hearts. Easter is my favorite holiday since childhood. I remember how I waited for him to beat with colored eggs, to eat delicious Easter cakes, to go to the temple for a festive service. So many good traditions are associated with this day, which I myself observe and try to instill in my children. After all, it is very important to teach them Faith and Love, so that they, in turn, pass it on to their children and this invisible thread will always bind us. Happy holiday everyone! Easter is a bright good holiday, Faith, light triumph! Let your cake be sweet, Let the egg be bright! I sincerely wish you happiness, peace, joy, love! Let hope be in your heart, To go through life with it! I wish you all patience, Love will help you on the path, May luck not leave, May your heart blossom again! Christ is Risen🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 ⛪️ ❤️

There is no strength to be silent. It is unbearably painful to watch how Notre Dame died in the fire. A bitter sense of loss. After all, this is not only the property of France, it is our heritage, something that for centuries has passed from one generation of mankind to another in order to reach us. Come and burn. What happened yesterday was the apogee of all the horror that was going on in this city, which I loved endlessly, where I spent a significant part of my life. I remember how I came there for the first time, how I completely lost my head from him, how I admired every detail, how I dreamed of one day staying there to live. Be afraid of your desires - they come true. Paris soon became my home. But by this time, I began to notice more and more clearly the frightening metamorphoses taking place everywhere. The most important thing for life in it - a sense of security - began to rapidly disappear from the city. Cases of aggression and violence began to appear more and more often. And when this dangerous line came close, it played a major role in my decision to return to Moscow with my children. What's going on with Paris? Who cursed him? Why does the news of endless rallies, pogroms, and crimes reach even Moscow every day? In this fire, as a result, not only Notre Dame, but the whole of Paris can burn down. I pray that this doesn't happen

Recently social networks exploded with stormy comments about Julia's statement that she and her husband broke up. Many reasons were given. But on Instagram, Yulia Sarkisova has long begun to publish a photo where she starred with an unknown man. The face of the stranger Sarkisov hides from the public, but she changed her name in the account, returning her maiden name. So it’s more convenient to look for a girl on Instagram as Yulia Lyubichanskaya.

What you can find out on Instagram star designer

Yulia Lyubichanskaya dedicated her official blog on Instagram to herself, her family and her work.

Here you can find a lot of photos of Julia herself. We must give her credit - in her 30s "with a big ponytail" and with three children, Julia looks amazing. However, subscribers know the price of this harmony and grace - Yulia often publishes posts about healthy way life, about their workouts and their nutrition, happy to share recipes diet meals and advice on creating your image.

Julia Sarkisova does not discuss her personal life on Instagram, limiting family photos pictures with your children. But you never mind talking about creativity and mood.

On Yulia Lyubchanskaya's Instagram, followers can also see photos of many celebrities Russian show business: Dima Bilan, Yana Rudkovskaya, Evgeni Plushenko, Nikolai Baskov, Timati and many others.


Julia Sarkisova - ex-wife Russian oligarch Nikolay Sarkisov. Spectacular blonde and mother of many children is promoting its own fashion brand J.L. SARK. Free time dedicates to raising four children and traveling the world.

Biography of Yulia Sarkisova

Very little is known about Julia's life before meeting her future influential husband. The slender beauty was a model. The woman retained an excellent figure even after the birth of children. Departure from the podium did not alienate Julia from the world haute couture. To realize her creative ambitions, she started creating her own collections. Brand Sarkisova J.L. SARK was founded in 2009. Nikolai supported his wife's desire to engage in own business. The debut show of the novice designer was held in the Moscow "Art-Angar", and then in Courchevel. Collection consisting of evening dresses, called " Russian kingdom". The audience considered that there were no declared Russian motives in the outfits. The dresses did not make a special impression, but Yulia received the Fashion Discovery award. According to rumors, her husband had a hand in presenting the award. Nikolai Sarkisov is one of Russian entrepreneurs ranked by Forbes magazine. Together with his older brother, he is a co-owner of the RESO-Garantia insurance company. The businessman has repeatedly financed the hobbies of his young wife. In one of the clips of Dima Bilan, Yulia played the singer's mistress. The shooting took place in Kyiv, where the young people spent two days. Their warm relationship on the site of the clip and beyond became the reason for gossip about the novel.

Personal life of Yulia Sarkisova

Spouses with children lived in a Moscow mansion, and spent weekends in a villa in Saint-Tropez. Over the years family life a couple of Sarkisovs more than once got into the ratings of the most high-profile star breakups. They quarreled, dispersed and again gathered. But in 2015 the family broke up completely. Three children - daughter Sophia and sons Nikolai and Mark stayed with their mother. The divorce court was held in France. After breaking up with Nikolai Sarkisov, she remained a wealthy woman. Lyubichanskaya admitted more than once that her husband behaved cruelly, was a family tyrant. Divorce for a woman has become a deliverance from a painful relationship. Shortly after the breakup, she began dating aspiring Lithuanian actor James Stratas. At the end of 2016, the couple had a daughter, Lukerya. Yulia Sarkisova has more than 100 thousand subscribers on Instagram. She devotes a lot of time to posting personal photos. Fans of the blonde follow her personal life, write admiring comments.

Latest news about Yulia Sarkisova

Julia now has four children of her own and Foster-son Kuzma. The young man is 18 years old, he was brought up in a boarding school. His daughter Lubichanskaya Sonya brought him to the house. Kuzya quickly became friends with all family members. The appearance of the young man caused dirty rumors about his relationship with his adoptive mother. On her Instagram, Julia answered the haters that she fell in love with Kuzya as own son and will not let him offend.

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Everyone knows that money spoils people. Give a badlogan a million, and all his rotten nature will not be slow to get out of him. He'll start drinking, throwing money at strippers' underpants, and buying a leg-thick gold chain. He will despise those around him, although he himself is Sharikov.

Big money brings out the worst in a person. But this is not the worst. Insignificances, who cannot be called people, try to cling to other people's money.

Recently, the family of Nikolai and Yulia Sarkisov broke up. Nikolay is a billionaire, Julia is a painted blonde with big boobs.

The reason for the divorce is not known for certain, but there is a squeal all over the media. Squeal, of course, Julia.

Here are some of her quotes:

They say that you did not take care of the children and they were provided to nannies.

This is true. While we lived together, I was his property. I did what my husband needed. He did not let me wake up early in the morning and cook breakfast for the children - this was supposed to be done by nannies, although I terribly wanted to feed my children myself.

What do you have left of Nikolai after eleven years of relationship? Apartments, diamonds?

Diamonds, which, by the way, he is now trying to take away from me. Nikolai demands that I put all the jewelry in the safe in the names of the children and rewrite my only apartment in Moscow in their name. In this case, he promises supposedly to give me money once a month. At the same time, now he does not give me a penny, does not allow the children to buy anything, says that he will buy everything himself and this is not my business.

You have been accused all the time of leading a rather cheeky lifestyle, hanging out a lot. And even talked about cheating on her husband.

A family man is about me. I love to create comfort, cook for my family. All these parties that are attributed to me, I never liked them. We just lived in such a circle: they tried to drag me somewhere all the time. Sometimes I agreed.

When he went on a spree, I could afford to go out with someone for a walk, dinner - all this to spite him. But he knew that I had no novels, and still called me a party girl, and a drug addict, and a walking woman. Nikolai was terribly jealous, but at the same time he always allowed himself to walk, which I knew about. I adopted his child into the family, which was born to him by his mistress. I love this child very much, I took care of him. Mashenka is a wonderful child.

To make rubbish out of the hut is in the tradition of redneck families. People live for a couple of decades, disperse for some reason, and then - dirt rushed through the streets, and shit through the pipes.

I want to ask them, why did you - so good - put up with him - such a goat?

And the answer to this question is disappointing: the more dirt you pour on the person with whom you lived, the less you yourself deserve respect and sympathy.

He pissed on the carpet, he has a small dick, he vomited hungover in a plate of food that you cooked. All this, of course, is disgusting, but if you put up with it, you cause no less disgust than your spouse.

However, that's not the point. I was surprised by the "logic" of Yulia Sarkisova. See what she says herself:

Tell us more about the life you call the golden cage.

You have no idea what kind of cell it was! He is an insane person. When we met, he brought me to Monaco for the first time. One day I woke up from the fact that he was drunk and urinating on the carpet.

I then burst into tears! I did not understand how to run away from him, to whom to shout and what to do. After three months in Cyprus, he knelt down and begged to give birth to his child. I stopped using protection and got pregnant.

Why didn't you leave him immediately after the episode in Monaco?

Then he didn't let me leave. Then I fell in love with him and soon became pregnant. Throughout my pregnancy, he kicked me out of the house every week, called me a creature and a whore. What kind of whore am I? I went pregnant! At that time, of course, I still hoped that everything would change, I tried to do something. I had feelings, I, like any girl in a position, wanted to be taken care of.

Even after that, you didn't leave Nikolai? You didn't love him anymore.

Yes, I stopped loving him a long time ago. There was respect for the years that we lived together, memories, for the fact that we have children. To the fact that these children should grow up in a family. I wanted to save my family.

Even a couple of months before parting, while in Merano, I tried to get pregnant in order to save our family.

Would you be able to return to Sarkisov?

Whatever it is, he is the father of my children. He always had a chance to get me back, but not as mean as he is doing now. Not in this way.

Once again, let's carefully follow the pattern of events:

Sarkisov takes Yulia to Monaco ->
there he gets drunk and pees on the carpet at five in the morning ->
then Julia stops using contraception, becomes pregnant ->
Sarkisov calls Yulia a whore and drives her with a pissed carpet into the cold ->
Cheating continues after childbirth, Julia catches Sarkisov having sexual intercourse with Victoria Lopyreva ->
Sarkisov is constantly drunk and calls Yulia swear words ->
Julia fell out of love with Nikolai ->
Julia is trying to get pregnant again in order to save her family, because she still has respect for her married years ->
Julia is ready to return to her husband.

It's just amazing. I honestly have no words. She is ready to return to her husband. How can you not respect yourself like that?

To endure such a monster for many years, if Yulia is again to be believed, not to take care of children, to be thrown out of the house, like the last whore, to pour over her husband in the press, to put out a pissing on the carpet bydlogan, and be ready to return!

Yulia Sarkisova was born on January 29, 1980 in Moscow. Her maiden name- Lubichanskaya. Very little is known about her life before her marriage to a billionaire. Julia grew up in a good family, got an education, worked as a model. Bright appearance allowed her to build a career in modeling business, and rotation in a circle influential people helped to make promising acquaintances. An affair with Nikolai Sarkisov, a top manager at Reso-Garantia, turned her life around.

Nikolai Sarkisov is an ambiguous personality. Before marriage with Julia, he was already married and the breakup of past relationships turned out to be very loud. Sarkisov already had two children. Julia gave birth to three children - Mark, Nikita and Sophia. To many, their union seemed fabulous. Luxury villas, houses, expensive cars And jewelry has become the norm for them. Unlimited financial opportunities allowed Julia to emphasize her beauty and become even more spectacular.

Subsequently, it turned out that the life of the beauty was not so rosy and happy. Quarrels constantly broke out in the family. She fulfilled herself in her work. For some time, Sakisova held one of the leading positions in her husband's company. In 2009, she founded her brand "J.L. SARK. Her husband supported her desire to open her own business and helped her to early stages. The debut show of the clothing collection was held in the Moscow "Art-Angara", and then in Courchevel. But Julia's work did not impress everyone. Her dresses from the Russian Beauty collection were criticized by fashion connoisseurs. They considered that there was nothing Russian in the clothes. But that didn't stop her from getting prestigious award. According to rumors, her influential husband had a hand in this.

Yulia Sarkisova is also known for taking part in the filming of the video for Dima Bilan's song. The video turned out very beautiful and bright. Filming took place for several days in Kyiv. The wife of a millionaire openly demonstrated how warm relations connect her with a popular singer, and this caused suspicions. Bilan's fans decided that he had a new hobby.

Unfortunately, Julia's personal life did not work out. In 2013, she left Nikolai Sarkisov and made public very unpleasant details of their life. The millionaire husband suffered from alcoholism and on this basis raised his hand to her more than once. The children also suffered from the drunken antics of their father. This was the reason for the separation of the spouses.

Life after breaking up with a millionaire

After breaking up with her rich husband, Yulia Sarkisova continued to do business. She turned out to be a good fashion designer. The collections of evening dresses released by her brand are in demand. In a few interviews, the woman admitted that she did not want to get a divorce, but she does not regret her decision. Now she is calm for the children. In Julia's personal life, too, everything is in order.

Already 2 years after breaking up with her husband, Sarkisova began dating James Tratas, an aspiring Lithuanian actor. James is much younger than Julia. In 2016, the millionaire's ex-wife gave birth to their fourth child. The daughter was named Lukerya. The happiness of the young did not last long and the union was unsuccessful. A year later, Julia announced her breakup with the actor and accused him of excessive narcissism, unwillingness to make decisions and take responsibility. Their relationship was initially built in such a way that the woman was the main one in them and even sponsored the actor's undertakings, but at some stage she got tired of it. According to her, James does not communicate with her daughter and is not interested in her.

Julia's personal life has repeatedly become the subject of discussion and many novels have been attributed to her. Everyone was surprised at her decision to adopt an adult guy named Kuzma. Some people even suspected something was wrong in this story, but Sarkisova stated that Kuzma no longer lives with them.

In 2018, Sarkisova was at the center of a scandal. New sweetheart her ex-husband began to spread unpleasant information about her and openly criticize. Julia, in turn, threatened the girl to make public Interesting Facts from her life. The confrontation between the two chosen ones of a millionaire - the former and the present, continues to this day.

Nikolai Sarkisov is known as a deputy CEO company " RESO Guarantee". In this organization, he is also a member of the board of directors. Brother Russian billionaire Sergei Sarkisov, Nikolai regularly gives the media grounds for rumors.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Eduardovich Sarkisov comes from an intelligent family. He was born on June 23, 1986. The boy's childhood was happy. The parents of the newborn Muscovite worked in the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. The father was even a figure close to, and personally took part in the organization of the country's Ministry of Foreign Trade.

Being a purposeful young man, Nikolai knew where he was going. Seeing the example of his father in his youth, he planned to realize himself in the same area as him.

From 1986 to 1988, Nikolai Sarkisov served in border troops KGB of the USSR. In 2000, he received a diploma of successful completion of the specialty "manager" in State University management. The young man was easily given languages, so he is fluent in English, French and Italian. In parallel with his studies, Sarkisov learned the basics of business.


The biography of Nikolai Sarkisov is predictable for a family member in which most of the men are successful businessmen. The first place of work for him was the Promsyreimport company, where Sarkisov got a job in 1985. Having started his work as an accountant, Nikolai was soon promoted to inspector of a foreign trade association.

Conscription to the army delayed the promotion of career ladder. Upon returning from the service, the young specialist got a job “by acquaintance” at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations.

It turned out that Sarkisov has enough talent to cope with the proposed functionality. At the beginning of the perestroika period, entrepreneurs had more freedom. Nikolai managed to understand what the state apparatus is and evaluate the work of the economic sphere in practice. He got the right connections and started making plans for the future.

Since 1989, Nikolai Sarkisov has worked as an economist at Avicenna. He then tried himself as an entrepreneur selling ferrous metals. After the future millionaire went to work for the Constanta company, where he worked until 1991. From 1991 to 1995, he tried to realize himself in a company called Sametko.

With organizing your own business young man didn't add up. Nikolai decided to join forces with his brother, who by that time had achieved notable heights in business. At first, Sarkisov Jr. took the position of director of the corporate department. A year later, he showed the first successes. In 1995, the businessman received the position of director in the insurance department in the banking sector. He was then promoted to vice president. Nikolay became the deputy head of the company. Since 1996, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the organization.

"RESO Garantiya" started its activity in 1991 and managed to survive in several crises. Over the years, the company has strengthened its position in the market, easily overcoming competitors. Among insurance companies, RESO Garantiya is considered one of the most popular brands.

The company is focused on the registration of motor insurance OSAGO and CASCO. Medical and property insurance became additional profiles of services. The company now has subsidiaries implemented in the same service sector and in the management direction.

Personal life

The romantic relationship of Nikolai Sarkisov with his beloved is often discussed in the press. His personal life is not easy. Entrepreneur gets attention beautiful ladies and does not deny himself this pleasure. The first chosen one of Sarkisov was a woman named Tatyana, but the relationship with her did not last long.

According to some reports, the businessman is the father of five children. Three of them were born as a result civil marriage With . The girl worked as a model. An affair with a businessman pulled her out of her usual dysfunctional environment and turned life into a fairy tale.

The couple lived in Sarkisov's apartment, and then moved to a villa on Rublyovka. Their union lasted 11 years, but did not end in marriage. The constant betrayals of Sarkisov forced Lyubichanskaya to leave his house.

A short romance with allowed the businessman to quickly console himself after breaking up with his ex-wife.

The next passion of the entrepreneur was Ilona Kotelyukh. The couple has been appearing in public together since the spring of 2016. The girl soon became pregnant. Together with her lover, she traveled a lot, and by the due date gave birth to his son Alexander. Nikolai and Ilona are together now.

Journalists discussed that in the past the girl led a specific lifestyle and liked to show off nude photos on Instagram. The millionaire was sympathetic to such actions, because the figure of Ilona also won his heart. Today, pictures constantly appear in the media, which depict a happy family.

Nikolai Sarkisov now

A charitable foundation was opened under the leadership of a businessman. His mission is to help people in difficult life situations. The millionaire also supports government educational establishments.

The oligarch loves to travel, follows what is happening in the field of politics and economics, and often appears on the pages of glossy magazines. His personal life attracts media and paparazzi interest.

Today Nikolai Sarkisov appears before the public in the form of exemplary family man and loving father.

He still holds a senior position in RESO Garantiya.

Condition assessment

According to Forbes magazine, Nikolai Sarkisov's fortune allows him to be included in the list of the richest Russians. Income levels fluctuate. So, in 2011, their volume reached $ 1.5 million, which allowed the oligarch to be in 68th place in the ranking. By 2013, he received the 78th position, the volume of his fortune amounted to $ 1.35 million. In 2016, Sarkisov was in 124th place, and in 2017 - in 146th. The last announced data indicated an amount of $ 700 million.