Bullying at work in an organization. Bullying at Work: Mental, Physical and Economic Costs

Experts identify several common categories of victims of psychological pressure at work: newcomers on probation, newly appointed employees, colleagues with whom they suddenly have to share functionality ... Are you not on this list? Alas, anyone can potentially become an object of persecution by colleagues ...

Conflict situations at work happen quite often, and this is not surprising, because they are an indispensable attribute of interpersonal communication. Sometimes conflicts become very unpleasant, and you begin to think about how to go on vacation, resting your nerves. And if the situation worsens, your mood gets worse and worse, you feel nervous tension eight hours a day, five days a week, and you start thinking about quitting ... Stop and try to understand whether the cause of the conflicts that arise is rational, is it related only to work, or may have simply become a victim of such a phenomenon as mobbing. What is this terrible beast and how to overcome it?

What is mobbing?

Let's define terms. Mobbing (from English mobbing - oppress, rude, attack; mob - crowd) - view psychological pressure when an unbearable atmosphere in the team is created for an employee - due to claims to the quality of work or personal nit-picking. The victims of such pressure are often newcomers and the most vulnerable members of the team. Here is the definition of this phenomenon given by Elina Polukhina, a permanent consultant to our projects: “Mobbing is a psychological “terror” in the workplace. To put it simply - office hazing or weed. Methodical, targeted harassment and unfair treatment of an employee by colleagues, superiors or subordinates.

Mobbing is often called upon to establish the order of things existing in the organization, the authority of unspoken leaders, in a primitive language - "to show who is the boss in the house." But such motivation is guided by very narrow-minded people. “Mobbing is the reaction of the herd to the white crow. But a person does not live in a herd and not in a flock. A person lives in a group, which is a collection of individuals. Adults, independent individuals. Each of which is endowed with equal and inalienable rights and freedoms from birth. Therefore, the arguments “it’s the way it is here” or “it’s the way it is with us” are flawed and basically a path leading to a swamp of inefficiency, losses and stagnation,” our reader Andrei Nikolaevich Solovyov believes.

The concept of "mobbing" is synonymous with the concept of "bullying" (from the English bully - bully). Bullying also implies open aggression on the part of the persecutor. Sometimes this term means only vertical mobbing - that is, pressure from the boss. Witty users of our portal also called this type of office bullying “bossing”.

Reasons for mobbing

They can be very varied. For example, fears that a young, hard-working employee who has newly joined the team will draw the attention of management, that the achievements of the “old men” are very modest and will convince them to reconsider the compensation system. Or envy of the undeserved, in the opinion of others, singling out one employee out of many - raising him in position, salary, providing benefits, etc. Sometimes the reasons for mobbing are so irrational that one can only be surprised at the fantasies that come to mind of employees. For example, one of the visitors to our portal told the story that he was harassed at work for ... refusing to arrange his personal life. But if you do not take absolutely absurd situations, then the reasons for mobbing in most cases are associated with banal human weaknesses or fears.

black envy

Here is the story told by one of the Planet HR readers, who, unfortunately, did not introduce himself. After graduating from high school, the young man got a job as a pharmacist in a pharmacy and, thanks to his respectful attitude towards visitors, quickly won their trust. “People came only to me, and when I had a weekend, they asked when I would work, turned around and left.” The team at the pharmacy was female, and the employees did not like the fact that the newcomer was "pulling" the clientele over to him. “At first I felt “set up” by “mature” women. Then on my shift, all the goods (2-3 days in advance) will be pulled out and they ask me after work (and they worked until one in the morning) to arrange the calculation, place it in storage places ... "

The flaring conflict was resolved thanks to the skillful actions of the head of the pharmacy, who, having understood what the problem was, managed to raise the self-esteem of other members of the team. Feeling their importance, the young man's colleagues cooled down and stopped clinging to him. But the troubles of our reader did not end there. Because he did a good job, he was promoted and transferred to work in the marketing department, where the newcomer faced bullying from his line manager.

“My practical knowledge of medicines, my rapid growth really put pressure on the head of the department. She was simply indignant when I inadvertently corrected her in order to avoid global planning errors. Then it started: the reports, which I didn’t know about, were not executed, and when they were due, a flurry fell on me: “What are you doing here? Couldn't ask me if there is still work for you?' (sitting at tables opposite each other). Then the “assumptions” began that I simply delete all the tasks that come by e-mail ... "

Unable to bear the absurdity of the situation, the young man was forced to resign of his own free will and move to medical representatives.

You were not here!

Our reader Nadezhda Baramzina faced mobbing because of the desire of the new leadership to “free up” the workplace for “their own person”. For eight years, she worked as a chief accountant in a subsidiary of a well-known bank, during which time she successfully passed several field tax audits, was in good standing with the management, and there were no complaints about her work. But after the bank changed its owner, the old team, to put it mildly, was asked. “In fact, the persecution began - both the general and the financial director disloyal to the new government, and leading managers, and me (especially since there was a good, accommodating candidate for my position - my deputy and part-time daughter-in-law of the chief accountant of the bank, who owned our company...),” says Nadezhda.

The firm, which brought the bank millions in dividends, was declared illiquid, managers were accused of inability to conduct transactions. Rational arguments were not taken into account. The settling of personal accounts began. “For example, our“ curator ”, who a year earlier drank cognac with my boss at corporate parties and squealed happily (“Oh, how I love you all, how nice it is to work with you”), now in a private conversation she allowed herself statements addressed to me, for example, such: “You took part in theft” ... When I tried to threaten the court, I was told with a Jesuit smile: “What are you, nobody hears us, you won’t prove anything” ... Subsequently, I went to her for a rendezvous with a voice recorder ... The situation was - I wanted to run away without looking back ... ”the reader continues.

The situation was exacerbated by rumors from the bank about dismissal under any pretext after another comprehensive audit. As a result, the entire general staff, unable to withstand the pressure, resigned. “The general, being a big joker in life, eventually left thinner and gray. The financial director told me that conversations were also held with her: “It’s better to agree to a demotion, or we will fire you anyway if we want to ...” She also quit, and she left without even taking her personal belongings.

Nadezhda could not stand it either - she quit, or rather, ran away from work, to nowhere. “Half a year of continuous headaches, and as a result, nervous exhaustion ...” she states sadly.

How to fight?

It is very difficult to work in conditions of constant psychological pressure. If this pressure comes from the immediate supervisor, in most cases there is only one way out of the situation - dismissal. It’s easier to quit so as not to wag your nerves, because the money you earn may not be enough to restore them. And if colleagues put pressure on you? I don’t want to leave because there are some evil spirits in the team. But how to behave if you find yourself in the position of being persecuted? Karataev's principle "Turn the other cheek" in this situation is clearly not applicable. Our readers offer two ways out of the situation.

Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword

The first thing that comes to mind when you get hit is to hit back, because aggression breeds aggression. So you get moral satisfaction from the fact that you do not have to restrain yourself. Feel free to say what you think and go straight to the enemy! If you strike back, the enemy will be afraid of your strength and retreat, perhaps forever. That is what one part of our audience thinks.

“You need to find the strength to argue and become conflicted. Conflict-free, quiet and compliant people, of course, are pleasant to talk to, but it is precisely these qualities that attract mobbers like shark blood, - says Anton Pakhmutov, one of the participants in the discussion. - But no one will offend the strong if the weak is nearby. And there are plenty of weak ones - entire departments, bosses and subordinates. In such a situation, you do not need to be polite and say: “Thank you for kicking me, I learned a lot.” It is necessary to move the boundaries of conflict communication to those limits beyond which the law, and not corporate ethics, begins to operate. If the mobber knows that “hitting” a colleague is guaranteed to be fraught with conflict, in which the likelihood of experiencing discomfort will be quite high, he will choose another target for himself.

If the situation comes to dismissal, you need to stand to the last, since according to the law it is very difficult to dismiss an employee. A company that practices intimidation and subsequent dismissal “of its own free will” itself must be in trouble with the law, which means that the employer also has something to intimidate. When you are completely unbearable, you can quit, but even leaving should be indicative for the employer. “You don’t need to write:“ Please fire me ... ”, this phrase humiliates a person as an employee, and it is not provided for by any regulatory legal act. The employee concludes an agreement with the company, that is, a bilateral agreement regulated by the Labor Code, so calmly write: “I terminate labor contract in accordance with article 80 Labor Code Russian Federation at will." No one, no accounting department or personnel department have the right to force an employee to rewrite a statement written according to the letter of the law, ”Pakhmutov insists.

Smile - it annoys everyone

Perhaps conflict avoidance is more the right way neutralize ill-wishers, opponents of aggressive methods of countering mobbing believe. It is necessary not to succumb to provocative statements and to respond to offensive actions in a different way than your enemies suggest. In other words, in no case can you show that their actions hurt you. “You should not pay attention to fools who think of themselves,” says our reader Julia.

Of course, sometimes it is tempting to respond to rudeness in the same way. But this should never be done. You need to control yourself. When the enemies realize that their efforts are in vain, they will lose interest in you and switch to another object.

HeadHunter Live discussion participant Anton Viktorovich Gubarkov shares his recipe for the right attitude towards persecutors: “In order to successfully communicate with people who “poison” you, you need to learn not to argue with them, but to agree. Even if they are complete nonsense. After all, if they are talking nonsense, then their opinion is worth nothing to us. And our agreement with them is also inexpensive. Because we don't think so. So let them be mistaken and consider us half-witted, incompetent, etc. And we can only work and learn to work even better. And to them to say sincere thanks for the criticism. They show us the path to improvement for free. “Bless those who persecute you. They, without suspecting it, are driving you to a brighter future.

Keeping such philosophical calm, of course, is not possible for everyone. Especially if the situation has gone so far that you may be fired due to slander. But this is not the worst way out of the situation. First, you will finally not have to work in terrible conditions. Secondly, you will get rid of a weak boss who is not able to resolve the conflict between his own employees and understand where the truth is and where the slander is. It is obvious that your development in the company under the current situation will still be impossible: you will be prevented from advancing professionally by a constantly spoiled mood, and career growth will be impossible due to short-sighted management.

Our reader Anton Viktorovich Gubarkov shares a sample letter that could be sent as a farewell to his boss: “Dear, full name. Thanks for getting me fired. This is absolutely impossible all the time ... (there is a listing of all the slanders and accusations). I completely agree that at my current level of qualifications ... (listing all my real merits below) I am completely unsuitable for work as ... (position). Please tell me what personal qualities and skills I need to develop and what to get rid of in order to be worthy to work in such a wonderful company as ... (organization name). I will try to use the free time from work to improve myself. Sincerely, (signature).

A calm attitude to what is happening in any case will help maintain self-esteem and remain the master of the situation.

Of course, everyone is free to choose the most acceptable way for him to combat mobbing. It is best to act according to the situation. Sometimes to save face is to leave in time, and sometimes to fight to the last and win!

Mobbing and bullying

Material from summer camp


Mobbing (from the English mob - crowd) is a form of psychological violence in the form of harassment of an employee in a team, as a rule, with the aim of his subsequent dismissal. Also, mobbing is often found in the children's environment. Peers mock, ridicule their own peers, who may not dress, behave, etc., as is customary in their environment.

Mobbing types:


· Taunts

Providing false information


Various bullying

Mobbing can be described as "psychological terror", which includes "the systematically repeated hostile and unethical attitude of one or more people directed against another person, mostly one". Behavior Variations Typical of Mobbing: Concealment necessary information, social isolation, slander, incessant criticism, spreading unfounded rumors, ridicule.

What is the meaning and reason for mobbing from a psychological point of view?

There are not so many incentives for the emergence of mobbing. One of the main ones is fear, which is one of our strongest emotions. It is no secret that the team shows a wary attitude towards those who are "not like everyone else", "outsiders". At the same time, mobbing due to such fear does not arise in new communities, where, in fact, there is still no division into “us” and “them”. But in an established team, a mobbing reaction is quite likely as soon as a newcomer appears in the group with extraordinary behavior or appearance.

Another reason that triggers the mobbing mechanism is the internal tension of the entire team. It arises according to different reasons, but it cannot accumulate endlessly - an exit, a discharge is required. And as soon as one of the members of the group provokes a negative outburst of emotions in his address, then one-time aggression, fueled by general tension, can develop into a full-fledged emotional bullying.

Another reason for mobbing is idleness and boredom. When the members of the group are busy with the tasks assigned to them, they simply do not need to spend time and energy on psychological terror. And lack of demand may well be compensated by aggression

Organizational reasons for mobbing (note to counselors)

lack of feedback

conniving attitude towards lovers of intrigue and behind-the-scenes games

Poor organization of information flows

Blurred lines of responsibility and responsibility

lack of a system and opportunities for introduction to a state of success

The prevalence of personal (favorites) or family ties between wards and adults

Large overload of individual children.

What is a typical school mobber?

One of the widespread myths says that the instigators of mobbing are insecure individuals. But that's not the case at all. As a rule, mobbers are physically strong students with a lot of self-importance and a high level of aggression towards children and adults. They have a pronounced propensity for violence and low level empathy - they do not feel empathy and are not able to put themselves in the place of their victims in order to experience their feelings. The results of sociological studies show that mobber children are four times more likely than others to be drawn into the sphere of youth crime.

To this it should be added that the initiators of bullying are not necessarily only school strong men. If strong children bully others out of boredom or for their own pleasure, then weak children do it to strengthen their precarious position in the school hierarchy.

Is it possible to make a generalized portrait of the victim of mobbing?

This will be difficult to do. Any child can be harassed, regardless of their appearance, physical handicap, or position in the squad. Moreover, both boys and girls are equally victims of mobbing.

It is impossible not to mention the fact that in the team there are often children-knights who secretly or openly sympathize with the victims of persecution. There are three such personality types. "Mini Knights" do not express their support directly, but try to encourage and console the victim after another incident. The braver children, the so-called "middle knights", actively try to discourage bullying by encouraging others to intervene in the conflict. Well, the "maxi-knights" do not hesitate to react and, without hesitation, rush to protect the weak

Who is the target of mobbing?

Naturally, the one whom peers do not recognize as "their own" is considered strange or "not like everyone else." Mobbing is subject to ugly children with defects in the face, vision, hearing, very tall or very small, with defects in movement, speech, etc. These are guys who are fatter or thinner, weaker, more impressionable than the rest, they draw attention to themselves with their behavior or physical features. Many children are immediately stigmatized: “not ours”, because they do not know the language well enough, have an accent, confuse words, dress differently than everyone else, wear the wrong shoes, wrong jeans, have the wrong hairstyle, listen to the wrong music, not talking about that, etc. Especially suffer "star children", in families they were "put on a pedestal", groomed, cherished, and when they get into the cruel environment of their peers, they are subjected to humiliation and bullying. Being in an unfriendly environment, the inability to stand up for oneself and defend oneself, and hence the helplessness that peers use for ridicule and bullying, is a serious problem for children as well.

Forms of mobbing

These are mockery of physical disabilities, isolation, rejection, teasing, pushing (children especially like to hook another with their shoulder, doing it seemingly casually, seemingly imperceptibly, but the offended child always feels that this is done on purpose), ridicule of clothes, etc. Mobbing can begin and against a child (usually a teenager) who falls into an established team.

Measures to combat mobbing

In the detachment, rules binding on all children should be developed on how to behave when communicating with each other

· in the case of mobbing, a conversation should be held with both the victim and the perpetrators. To do this, children who are not involved in mobbing should be involved.

First of all, the team must have a favorable psychological environment, and its members must understand that it depends primarily on them. Further, the behavior of the individual himself is no less important: one should not assume that mobbing is the desire of only the collective: somehow he managed to direct it to himself, find and help him change in himself what does not suit others.

Mobbing for a child, especially younger units, is constant stress, leading to nervous diseases. In children, as well as in adults, there may be a burn-out syndrome, a burnout syndrome, when physical and emotional exhaustion sets in, leading to various somatic diseases. Moreover, these diseases do not develop immediately. At first, the child's experiences (permanent microstresses) do not lead to obvious health problems for some time, but they accumulate and manifest themselves, at first glance, quite unexpectedly in serious nervous breakdowns. In these situations, the trusting relationship of the child with the counselor is very important, because often the child himself cannot figure out complex relationships with peers, does not feel who is the instigator of mobbing and who is the performer. If the child does not ask the counselor to intervene in the situation, but believes that he can figure it out himself, then you should not put pressure on him, bring everyone to clean water. You should unobtrusively question the child, be aware of his affairs and, as they say, "keep abreast." At the same time, excessive intervention and excessive guardianship, especially over a teenager, can lead to the most adverse consequences. If the counselor sees that the situation with the mobbing of the child of his toryad has reached a dead end, he should immediately intervene.

Bullying is similar to the concept of mobing. As a rule, bullying is a more severe form than mobing.


Bullying is a social phenomenon characteristic mainly of organized children's groups. This circumstance is explained primarily by the fact that the camp (like, for example, a school) is a universal arena, a testing ground for children to discharge their numerous negative impulses accumulated at home.

In the camp, certain role-playing relationships develop among children in the “leader-outcast” range. An additional factor contributing to the survivability of bullying in the space of the children's team is the inability, and in some cases the unwillingness of teachers to cope with this problem. Bullying manifests itself through various forms physical and (or) mental harassment experienced by children from other children. For some children, this is systematic ridicule, reflecting some features of the appearance or personality of the victims. For others - damage to their personal belongings, kicks, extortion. For the third - outright bullying that humiliates the sense of human dignity, for example, an attempt to force publicly ask for forgiveness, kneeling before the humiliating.

It is possible to systematize all manifestations of bullying into two large groups:

Group 1 - manifestations associated mainly with active forms of humiliation;

Group 2 - manifestations associated with conscious isolation, obstruction of the victims.

At the same time, different children react differently to bullying manifestations of different content and intensity.

Identification and diagnosis of the consequences of bullying

We single out three leading factors, the presence of which makes it possible to classify a child as a risk group for bullying:

1. Multiple stress. The point is that victims of bullying are burdened with many problems. Poor health, low social status, unsatisfactory relationships with peers, pronounced social disadvantage, as well as low compensatory opportunities - all this is very typical for victims of bullying.

2. Provocative features of the victim. The so-called provocative victims are a fairly heterogeneous group of children and adolescents who, due to their personality characteristics at the behavioral level, can be annoying factors for most of their conditionally tolerant peers. In fact, we are talking about the phenomenon of "otherness" in children's groups. An "unusual" manner of speech, "unusual" laughter, "unusual" humor, etc., from the point of view of "ordinary" children, may already be sufficient reason for a negative attitude towards "these unusual ones." A provocative reason for the start of bullying can be the careless (without malicious intent) behavior of such children and adolescents, for example, a hyperactive child accidentally touched a “calm” peer. It is in this group that there is a predominance of accentuated adolescents, children with cognitive and behavioral behavioral disorders, neurotic children and minors with schizoid spectrum disorders within the framework of borderline psychopathology.

3. Stigmatization and physical characteristics of the child. The latter refers not only to the presence of obvious physical anomalies, such as cleft lip or sensorineural hearing loss, but also some phenotypic features. Red hair color, unusual timbre of voice, shape of auricles, etc. for a certain category of children and adolescents can be an incentive to harass their peers.

Most victims of bullying are more likely to hide their problem for a long time, even in the case of obvious physical abuse. It is much less common for children and adolescents to admit it or actively report it.

Problems of diagnosing bullying

There is no specific psychological portrait victims of bullying, which symptomatically could help in diagnosing the manifestations of this traumatic situation in affected children. There are also no typical characteristics of the victim and the persecutor.

There are no specific psychological signs of bullying as such. Nevertheless, when observing such children, the following emotional and behavioral features, characteristic of other forms of bullying experience, may appear.

Behavioral features:

distance from adults and children;

negativism when discussing the topic of bullying;

Emotional features:

tension and fear when peers appear;

touchiness and irritability;

sadness, sadness and unstable mood.

Of course, maximum information can be obtained as a result of a sincere conversation between the teacher and the victim. However, this is not always possible and also requires special preparation. It is categorically impossible to “knock out” the answers of a child or teenager on the topic of violence. On the other hand, you need to be prepared for an adequate, understanding and empathetic reflection of the confession of a traumatized child about bullying by other children, if the latter decided to open up to him. It is especially sad when a child or teenager (as a rule, it is extremely difficult for teenagers) decides to open up to an adult, to tell about his misfortune, and an adult, for one reason or another, is not interested in such revelations. This may be a precious opportunity to learn about serious problems in the lives of children and adolescents, perhaps even unrelated to the topic of violence. Children tend to choose authoritative adults as their confidant in many cases. The collapse of a child's hope, if "his hero" rudely ignores the appeal to him of a child in crisis, can lead to fatal consequences. For many children, a counselor is the last line of defense, the last hope for help. It is only when adults witness explicit abuse that they intervene, with varying degrees of success, for the victim's subsequent safe life. Against this background, “insignificant”, “non-obvious” experiences of children who have suffered from bullying seem irrelevant for many adults. Plus, the readiness of many adults, connected with one of the prejudices, to react to children, and especially to adolescents, who turn to them for help from bullying, as to sneaks and scammers.

In this capacity, the analysis of the experiences of bullied children and adolescents becomes especially difficult.

To determine the situation of bullying and its consequences, it is necessary to collect relevant information and conduct a clinical and psychological examination.

Information is collected in the following areas:

From the victim himself

from possible participants in the abuse of the victim and witnesses.

All the information received should be carefully analyzed. As a result of the analysis, it is necessary to clarify the following aspects:

the reality of bullying itself;

its duration;

his character (physical, psychological, mixed);

main manifestations of bullying;

participants (initiators and perpetrators of bullying);

their motivation for bullying;

Witnesses and their attitude to what is happening;

the behavior of the victim (victim);

the dynamics of everything that is happening;

Other circumstances important for diagnosis.

The counselor must compare the information received with the anamnesis of the life of the affected children. In the anamnesis of life, any data on the previous negative life experience such children in the family, in various children's groups and among peers in informal situations, the number of cases and the nature of the violence they experienced in the past, in particular, bullying. This takes into account the likelihood of a slander or a false, erroneous interpretation of interpersonal relationships by the child himself, as well as a refusal to discuss his situation by the victim or dissimilation (concealment) of both the very fact of bullying and its consequences.

It is believed that post-stress disorder (PTSD) in a child goes through 5 phases of its development:

1. Despair. It is an immediate reaction to a traumatic event. The child is still unable to comprehend what has happened. Expressed in acute anxiety.

2. Denial. The child represses what happened. Refuses to believe it. Possible: insomnia, amnesia, withdrawal reaction, insensitivity, pseudo-frontal disinhibition, somatic symptoms.

3. Obsession. The child comes to terms with what happened. Sometimes it is also called the depression phase. Characteristic: fright, emotional lability, constant arousal, sleep disturbance, decreased mood.

4, 5. Processing and completion are the final phases: the child realizes the reasons for what happened and then gains hope and the ability to plan for the future.

It is important to keep in mind that throughout the development of both PTSD and adjustment disorder, there may be: numbness as children remember the traumatic event over and over again in detail; regressive behavior - enuresis, painful attachment to counselors, loss of hygiene skills and other previously acquired skills. Phobias, anxiety, dissociation, severe sleep disturbances, irritability, outbursts of anger, and antisocial behavior (eg, stealing) also occur. The emergence of suicidal tendencies is especially dangerous.

Diagnosis of post-stress disorders and adaptive disorders in children

When diagnosing PTSD and adjustment disorders (AD) in children, it is important to identify the specific features of bullying or abuse experienced by the child, such as:

1. How real in the child's mind was the threat to his life or the danger of serious injury.

2. To what extent was he involved in the violence, and what aspects of the trauma were the most frightening.

3. How great was the danger for significant people for him in the child's mind.

4. The real degree of danger of the situation.

5. The reaction of people significant to the child to a traumatic event.

Offer a standardized interview aimed at diagnosing PTSD and helping the child cope with trauma.

Experience shows that, in general, it can also be used for diagnostic work with minors who have suffered from bullying. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that it will also be difficult for both the child who has experienced violence and the specialist who conducts it, since the victim may show prolonged silence and numbness. Also, the traumatic experience itself can be too difficult and even unbearable for the child.

The interview is conducted in 3 stages:

1. Beginning: Allow the child to first express the trauma through play, fantasy, metaphor, projective freehand drawing and storytelling.

2. Working with trauma: a therapeutic exploration of the child's experience.

3. Conclusion: helping the child build the current life.

1 stage

Focusing. It is important here to let the child or teenager know that what is important to you is what he has experienced, that other children with whom you have spoken have gone through it.

Drawing and writing a story. Invite the child or teen to draw what they want and then make up a story based on the drawing. Through your natural interest, you contribute to the spontaneous activity of the child (adolescent). It is important to clarify your questions to the drawing and the story: “And then what happened?”, “What is this?”, “What does this mean?”. With first-graders and infantile children, this principle can be worked with the help of dolls. For example, a special didactic set of rag dolls made in Sweden.

Correlation with traumatic event. The drawing provides a clue to understanding anxiety and coping mechanisms. Children usually deal with anxiety immediately after trauma in the following ways:

· Denial in the imagination - come up with a different outcome of the traumatic event.

· Suppress spontaneous thoughts about the event, avoid reminders of it.

The event is not reflected in the imagination - the child draws a real scene and gives an unemotional, "documentary" account of the event.

The child is agitated, thinks about possible negative consequences, but cannot focus on the current topic.

Revival of experience. Moving from drawing and story to a discussion of the traumatic event itself. Here you can expect an explosion of emotions, and the child must feel your support, you must be ready to protect the child from excessive emotions. The therapist must be prepared to share grief and fear with the child and provide physical comfort.

Reenactment of a traumatic event. But before that, you need to have guarantees that the victim will cope with strong negative emotions: "Now tell me what happened, how it was." Perception of the traumatic event. Here we are talking about the transition in different sensory systems: “It was shame, strong shame!”, “Where exactly did you feel this shame?”. The task of the therapist is to create a safe environment for the further continuation of work with the victim.

Special details of the event. Here it is necessary to help the child to separate himself and the victim or himself and the rapist.

The most terrible moment of violence: psychological aspects, physical aspects.

Coping with traumatic experiences. It is important to discuss the issues of responsibility for violence. internal plan of action. Discuss with the victim how the violence could have been prevented. Acting out all the fantasies of the patient in connection with this. It is important to identify whether the victim attributes the blame for the violence to himself.

Punishment or retribution. The therapist can support ideas of retribution to help deal with feelings of helplessness.

Fear of continued violence.

Impulse control. If the victim associates the actions of the aggressor with rage, hatred, madness, you can discuss with him what he does when he experiences such feelings. Often he is afraid of his own uncontrollable impulses, especially if they are related to revenge.

Terrible dreams.

Orientation to the future.

Current issues

Summary. Discussion of the interview. the counselor makes it clear to the victim that he accepts his feelings as real and understandable for any person in such a situation. Here: the child (teenager) will not feel lonely and can count on continued help and support.

Real fears. Make it clear that it is perfectly normal to experience all these feelings in a trauma situation.

What to expect? Accurate information about what else of the psychological and pathological phenomena the victim may feel. The dynamics of these potential or actual experiences.

The courage of the victim. He needs a boost in self-esteem. Appreciate his courage, praise him for his behavior during the interview. "You showed real courage by telling me all about what happened."

Review of the child (teenager) about the interview. The child's opinion about the interview, what was useful for him, what was especially difficult and unpleasant.

Final words. Thank your child for sharing their experiences with you. It is important throughout the interview to safely ask targeted questions regarding the clarification of the psychopathological status of the victim. It is important here that "specific" psychiatric issues do not aggravate the condition of the child and especially the adolescent. The child (teenager) may think that you are talking to him like crazy. As a result, an insult to you and a refusal to continue the interview. For example, the maximum number of symptoms associated with impaired perception can be clarified by analyzing the fantasies and fears of the victim.


Help for children affected by violence.

The sooner professional assistance begins to be provided to the victim, the better the prognosis (psychological-pedagogical, psychotherapeutic, psychiatric (depending on the severity of the victim's condition). The work should cover all areas of damage to the victims, taking into account their condition (somatic, mental, social). Therapeutic assistance is already begins with the interview mentioned earlier.

An important role is given to work on establishing relations with the social environment. It is necessary to separate the child (adolescent) with the corresponding stressful influences.

Psychological and pedagogical aspects of prevention bullying (mobbing)

Primary preventionimplemented in three areas:

¾ Creation of conditions for preventing bullying (mobbing).

¾ Speedy and competent separation of the child with appropriate stressful effects.

¾ Strengthening the body's defenses in resisting bullying, both for relatively healthy children, and for those who already have a somatic or mental pathology.

Most US educators, psychotherapists and counselors in American schools believe that the problem of preventing harassment, bullying, violence can be solved in stages.

The first step is acknowledging that there is a problem. Recognition of the problem within the children's collective requires that someone take the initiative to speak about its existence and work with it. Working with bullying can only be effective when a particular group or school as a whole identifies the problem and agrees that it is important to change the situation. Until an agreement is reached, there is no point in starting work. It is important that students and their parents join the school staff. First you need to determine the scope of the problem. This can be done in various ways, for example, by anonymously asking students if they have had problems in the children's group so far, if they are currently in trouble, if they know anyone who is in trouble, if they currently do not have any problems personally, do they fear for their safety at all?

The same survey should be conducted among teachers. Then compare the results of the two surveys and compare them with information received from children or their parents (survey of parental concerns).

The second stage is the definition of the problem (its essence, severity, frequency of occurrence, duration, condition of the victim, participants, witnesses); control of the aggressive intentions of the offenders and the state of the victim; development of a plan for dealing with the situation.

The third stage is the implementation of the developed plan.

Creating an atmosphere of intolerance to any act of violence in the children's team;

Better surveillance of halls, lounges, dining rooms;

Development of an ethical code for the department of social rehabilitation;

A clearly expressed expectation that pupils will report violations to either administration or volunteers.

An important point is to prepare educators on what to do when they encounter a situation of bullying. Here are some recommendations:

¾ remain calm and manage the situation;

¾ take the incident or the story about it seriously;

¾ take action as soon as possible;

¾ encourage the victim, do not let him feel inadequate or stupid;

¾ offer the victim specific help, advice and support

¾ make the offender understand that YOU do not approve of his behavior;

¾ try to make the offender see the point of view of the victim;

¾ punish the offender, if necessary, but take a very balanced approach to how to do this so as not to harm the “victim”;

¾ clearly explain the punishment and what it is for.

Secondary prevention

Secondary prevention is reduced to the timely detection of pathological consequences of bullying (mobbing) in children and adolescents and the timely provision of qualified comprehensive assistance from a psychologist, psychotherapist.

Tertiary prevention

Tertiary prevention involves the rehabilitation of children and adolescents with severe forms of the consequences of bullying. It must be recalled that acute psychosis and suicidal behavior are reasons for emergency hospitalization. When identifying signs of severe mental disorder, it is necessary to urgently convince parents to consult a child with a psychiatrist.

Acute psychosis or suicidal intentions is a reason for an emergency psychiatric consultation, even without parental consent, since in the absence of parents, the teacher is responsible for the life and health of the child.

Particular attention in providing assistance to victims of bullying (mobbing) should be given to children from dysfunctional families who are at high risk of experiencing violence in a more violent street environment.

The sooner the facts of ill-treatment, violence in the children's environment are revealed, the easier it is to prevent its severe pathological consequences.

Beware MOBING!!!

Zwhats the situation? Do you have memories of "benevolent" work colleagues forcing you to rush about in search of the fifth corner? In this case, do not rush to write a letter of resignation - the employees simply sensed in you a strong competitor, a kind of "life-threatening predator." Although, between us, you just became a victim of mobing.
Imagine, for example, the head of the plastic card department of one of the major banks - an excellent specialist Sidorov - just a year ago, as they say, "outbid", enticing with a high salary. For the first two weeks everything went great. And then one day, inspired by Sidorov, he collided in an elevator with the chairman of the board of the bank, who is usually inaccessible to employees of his level. In response to a polite “how are things going?” our specialist enthusiastically began to talk about the project he had conceived, and now (oh, the happiest moment) the boss made an appointment for him in his office for a detailed conversation. Joyful, but very simple-hearted Sidorov shared his luck with his head of department and colleagues at work. From that day on, his life changed radically. From now on, he was no longer praised, no one was interested in projects, on the contrary, all Sidorov's proposals were ridiculed, they reproached him for unprofessionalism. Even physical disabilities served as a pretext for bullying colleagues. After a grueling months-long struggle, trying to find a way out of this situation, Sidorov decided to quit.
This is a typical case of mobing - psychological harassment at work, which causes terrible harm to the human psyche, destroying health and sometimes even leading to suicide.

Mobing like herd dope
The famous naturalist Konrad Lorenz in his book "Aggression" describes one curious phenomenon - the case of a counterattack of prey against a predator: herd animals suddenly attack a wolf. For what purpose? To preserve the view, of course. They feel, so to speak, by the scent of the danger to life inherent in the enemy.

Constant stress at work makes people disabled. Now in Europe the word "mobing" sounds almost everywhere. In the West, where in some countries the unemployment rate reaches a critical level, up to 17% of the population is exposed to psychoterror in the workplace. Mobing is especially common among white-collar workers, that is, employees. The more prestigious the position occupied by the employee and the higher the level of his qualifications, the more likely it is that he will be attacked by colleagues and the boss.

Medical studies have shown that a person who is bullied at work becomes psychologically unstable very soon. He spends all his energy on proving the most complex and at the same time not entirely reasonable theorem in life: “I'll show you what I'm worth! You will find out and regret everything.” Simply put, he begins to constantly prove to the labor collective his professional and social viability. When psychoterror intensifies, the worker falls into social isolation, the so-called information vacuum. Having wasted all his strength on stupid evidence, he still does not receive the main thing - positive assessments of his actions. Becomes helpless, insecure and vulnerable. He is tormented by doubts and various phobias. Self-esteem decreases, psychosomatic symptoms accompanying stress appear - migraines, colds, insomnia ... Chronic diseases gradually develop. In a word, the victim of mobing often gets sick, being drawn into a vicious circle: absence from work due to poor health causes production claims and, of course, further mob attacks.

About scapegoats
Nevertheless, it is quite difficult to recognize mobing. Yes, an unhealthy environment in the team (aggressive attacks by colleagues, inadmissible tone in communication, slander and gossip) is fertile ground for him. But those who are especially suspicious and inclined to make a molehill out of a fly should not confuse such psycho-terror with an ordinary industrial conflict or unsettled personal relationships. By the way, those who are really victims of mobing are not too willing to talk about their humiliations. Mobing initiators also do not like to talk about their deeds. Moreover, the actions of the "villains" are often unconscious: "What's wrong? Does he not understand jokes? Highly difficult person- Terrible character...
Why do they do it? Well, for example, about human aggression and outright mobing, Konrad Lorenz used to say this: “And the desired final situation is by no means that the enemy lies dead in front of me. Oh no! He must be beaten sensitively, humbly recognizing my physical, and if he is a baboon, then also spiritual superiority.

Both a young specialist and an experienced professional can become a victim of mobbing. A common option is bullying the newcomer. Especially if he is young and does not yet know how to stand up for himself. During the adaptation period, it is especially difficult for a beginner without professional help. The boss and colleagues bring down their dissatisfaction on him, make him a scapegoat. The logic is simple - his predecessor, although badly, coped with his duties. But the more actively the victim tries to prove his worth, the more demanding others are. Giving more and more reasons to criticize himself, a person becomes more and more insecure, his position is weakening every day. The trouble is that soon he himself begins to consider himself completely helpless. But something else is more terrible: God forbid the newcomer to be better and more talented than not only his predecessor, but also many experienced specialists - they will eat it. The reasons for bullying at work can be very diverse and trivial - personal conflict, elementary envy, and even rejected sexual claims. Perhaps the cannibal boss is used to “eating” a person a month, or the boss is offended that everything is fine in his personal life, but he is not, or his children are much more stupid and lazier than the new one. Or maybe the boss suffers from suspiciousness, and it suddenly seemed to him that a higher management favors a new employee ...
The most common mobing techniques are to yell, gossip, overwhelm an employee with work, etc. In addition, there are industry methods for settling scores. For example, computer scientists often use viruses or hacks to change the result of work or disable the computer. A special pleasure is to terrorize the sick person with phone calls.

What to do?

Mobbing is harmful not only to the employee being attacked. The company is also suffering. Workflow slows down when harassed or mobbing employees systematically delay decision making, withhold information or intentionally distort it. According to German scientists, the financial damage from psychoterror in an average Western European company can be 25-75 thousand euros per year.
In Europe, psychologists deal with this problem, entire clinics specialize in treating victims of mobbing, special counseling centers help to get out of crisis states, dozens of mobbing sites are created on the Internet where you can find support.

But in our country, the victims of mobing cannot expect help from anyone. True, in recent times we also have highly qualified psychologists who offer training participants their know-how on this issue. And yet ... If you have become the object of harassment, consider whether it is worth spending your strength and health on the fight, or is it better to find another job. Well, if you feel the potential of a fighter in yourself, just try to ignore all the attacks. Sometimes it helps...
Emotional abuse at work: a silent infatuation?
Mobbing is a collective psychological terror, harassment against any of the workers by his colleagues, subordinates or superiors, carried out in order to force him / her to leave the place of work. The means to an end is spreading rumours, intimidation, social exclusion and especially humiliation. As a result of this incessant, extremely pronounced hostile attitude, mental and physical state a person who has been the victim of such persecution may deteriorate greatly. This article sheds light on the widespread phenomenon of mobbing and offers solutions and advice to victims, their families and organizations.

Millions of men and women of all ages, nationalities and races hate going to work, gradually become desperate and often become seriously ill. Some have to flee from the very job they once loved, others endure such a situation, unable to find a way out. “Every day was like going to the battlefield. I never knew when the next bomb would be dropped. Out of fear that anyone might be my enemy, I was afraid to trust anyone. I was psychologically and physically exhausted. I knew that soon I would definitely need some kind of relief. But there was no hope for a respite,” Diana said when we asked what she was going through every day. What's happening? Why is this happening? How widespread is this phenomenon? What can be done about it?

The word "mobbing" means such behavior of colleagues, management or subordinates in relation to any of the employees, when they periodically, over weeks, months and even years, carry out targeted persecution, attacks that infringe on his / her self-esteem, undermining the reputation and professional competence. A person is directly or indirectly emotionally abused, constantly humiliated and often unfairly accused. The result is always psychological trauma and dismissal. Psychologist and medical scientist Dr. Hanz Leiman first conducted a study of this phenomenon in Swedish workplaces in the early 1980s. He called such behavior mobbing and described it as "psychological terror", which includes "the systematically repeated hostile and unethical attitude of one or more people directed against another person, mostly one." Leiman identified 45 behaviors typical of mobbing: withholding necessary information, social isolation, slander, incessant criticism, spreading unfounded rumors, ridicule, screaming, etc. Since the organization ignores such behavior of its employees, indulges or even provokes these actions, it can be said that the victim, apparently helpless against strength and numbers, is actually hunted. The health and mental state of a person subjected to such attacks suffer greatly, nervous diseases and a sense of social inferiority appear.

Although mobbing and bullying are similar concepts, mobbing refers to the harassment of an employee by an organization leader, immediate supervisor, colleague, or subordinate that involves others in systematic and often repeated bullying. Bullying refers to one-on-one harassment. When it comes to mobbing, management is often implicitly involved in the process. That is why, in such a case, the victim very rarely manages to get help. Anyone can be mobbed. This is not aggression directed against anyone who belongs to certain circle protected as discrimination based on age, sex, race, religion or nationality. Therefore, bullying/mobbing refers to activities that Suffolk University Law School professor David Yamada has called common to all, or "not distinguishing status."

Consequences of mobbing
Mobbing is one of the varieties of violence, it is emotional violence. In the book Violence at Work, published by the International Labor Office (ILO) in 1998, mobbing and bullying are mentioned in the same way as murder, rape or robbery. And while bullying or mobbing may seem harmless compared to rape or other forms of physical violence, the effect it has on the victim, especially if it lasts long enough, is so devastating that some people consider committing suicide. . And we do not exclude the possibility that some cases of attacks of unmotivated aggression may be the result of the feelings experienced by people who were subjected to emotional violence at work.

The consequences of mobbing and bullying primarily affect the health and mental state of a person. Depending on the severity, frequency, and duration of such exposure, and how psychologically resilient the person is to it, people can suffer from a range of psychological and physical disorders, from occasional sleep problems to nervous breakdowns, from irritability to depression, from difficulty concentrating to panic attacks or even heart attacks. If an employee was only occasionally absent from work, then in the case of mobbing or bullying, this can turn into frequent and lengthy sick leave.

Many who have become the object of mobbing have such a severe deterioration in health that they can no longer perform their official duties. Eventually, they quit voluntarily or against it, have their contracts terminated, or are forced into early retirement. Oddly enough, the victims are made to blame themselves for this, they are presented as people who brought these misfortunes on themselves. And in many cases, after a person is fired or leaves, the underlying health problems can remain and even worsen and lead to a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. But not only the mental state and health of a person are subjected to a strong negative impact. The consequences also seriously affect the families of these people and the organizations in which they work. Relationships suffer, the level of labor productivity in the company falls, because the energy of people is directed to the implementation of mobbing, and not to the implementation of important daily tasks.

How it starts and why it happens
Often everything starts with a conflict, and any. Such conflict often arises due to various kinds of changes. And no matter how hard a person tries to solve the problem, the conflict is unresolvable. It seems to such a person that there is nowhere to get help. The conflict does not disappear, but gradually escalates to such an extent that there is no turning back. What could have been resolved with a modicum of goodwill and with the help of appropriate local government mechanisms is now turning into a dispute of "who is right and who is wrong."

Some of the accusations and humiliation of an employee may be caused by an unhealthy psychological atmosphere that prevails in the organization and requires a scapegoat, as well as a thirst for power over others and personal malice dictated by fear or envy. Here comes into play the psychology of the group and the complex interweaving of the social processes of the organization.

Why is this happening and why is such harassment allowed in the workplace, you ask, when there are more structures and laws in place to protect workers than ever before? We believe there are three reasons why this is happening. The first of them is ignoring the manifestations of mobbing, tolerance for it, misinterpretation or, in fact, its deliberate provocation by the company itself or the management of the organization. The second reason is that such actions are still not considered as actions in the workplace, completely different from sexual harassment or discrimination. And finally, the third reason - in most cases, the victims are simply exhausted. They are exhausted and unable to defend themselves, let alone start a lawsuit.

mobbing fee
In 1991, Brady Wilson, a clinical psychologist who specializes in the treatment of psychological trauma at work, wrote in Personnel Journal (now Workforce Magazine) that “the psychological abuse of workers has resulted in the loss of billions of dollars. Psychological trauma received at work as a result of mobbing is a more destructive factor for the employee and the employer than all other stresses related to labor activity". Actual losses, which are expressed in a decrease in labor productivity, costs for medical care and trials, not to mention the socio-psychological consequences, have yet to be calculated. Dr. Harvey Hornstein, Professor College of Education Columbia University, who works in the field of organizational social psychology, in his book Brutal Bosses and Their Prey, estimates that as many as 20 million Americans experience mistreatment at work every day, and it's time to talk about an epidemic. .

Learn more about the problem
Be that as it may, more and more is being learned about this phenomenon. The problem of bullying and mobbing at work is increasingly being discussed in the media and professional communities. Organizational scientists are now paying attention to this problem as well. Thus, over the past two years, a number of publications have appeared in scientific journals and several books have been written that deal with mistreatment in the workplace, the brutality of the authorities, the problem of bullying and mobbing.

What can be done
Raising awareness about existing problem has led to the creation of several organizations that provide assistance with difficulties at work, where people can turn for support. For those who have been mobbed or bullied, there are a number of options to deal with it.
Most importantly, they must understand that what they have to experience now has a name, this phenomenon has become well known and is being studied more and more. They must understand that they have been made victims and that there is little that can be done about it.
Second, they need to consider their options for dealing with the problem in the short, medium, or long term: is there any way they can get help that they haven't tried yet? Can I move to another position within the company? Are they ready to look for another job? What needs to be done to prepare for such a transition? Is medical or preventive care needed?
We advise these people to carefully evaluate all the possibilities, try to be self-confident and, most importantly, control the situation. And we also advise you to leave this place of work, and the sooner the better. It is better to make these temporary sacrifices than to endure continued humiliations that may later have a much stronger impact. negative impact on health.

Management also needs to be vigilant and recognize the first signs of mobbing. A company policy that requires employees to treat each other with respect and encourages courteous treatment helps to prevent mobbing from occurring. Specialists of the European Association for Psychotherapy have a special right to determine mobbing as a possible reason for an employee to seek help. Often they are the first to whom an employee who has problems of a socio-psychological nature applies or is directed to. Therefore, it is essential that people are aware of the consequences of mobbing at work as a possible high risk factor.

Thanks to the large amount of literature and media covering this topic in Europe, the problem of mobbing in the workplace has become widely known. Mobbing has not only become a well-known word in Scandinavia and German-speaking countries, but in order to solve the problem of mobbing through legislation, several countries have adopted new laws to prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon, protect and ensure the safety of employees in the workplace, including the emotional component of health at work. work.

For example, in 1993, the Swedish National Occupational Safety and Health Administration adopted a regulation on workplace harassment. Moreover, new organizations have been formed to help victims of mobbing throughout Europe and Australia. Measures to combat the manifestations of mobbing, to provide assistance to its victims and to prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon in the future were taken in a relatively short period of time. For example, the daily press published hotline numbers and contact addresses for advice on this issue.

Mobbing - this is emotional abuse, ill-treatment, which is directly or indirectly carried out by a group of employees in relation to any of the employees. Mobbing people experience severe suffering. Mobbing is a serious problem in the workplace, which in most cases leads to dismissal at the employee's own will or against him. Social and economic consequences syndrome called "mobbing" has yet to be quantified. Mobbing can continue to exist only as long as it is allowed. The leadership of the organization plays a critical role in preventing this phenomenon. If you insist on following the rules good manners, courteous treatment, high moral standards in the workplace and create an atmosphere of concern for employees, then the appearance of mobbing and bullying can be prevented. Millions of executives at various levels and thousands of companies do just that. They serve as a good example and a real haven for their employees.

Noah Davenport, professor State University Iowa State University, conflict management specialist, co-author of Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the US Workplace. Recently, he has been a trainer for the consulting company DNZ Training and Consulting.

Bullying. office hooligans
In any field of knowledge, there is sure to be not just a good, but a very good specialist, one who has made a significant contribution to the development and popularization of knowledge. There is also a guru in bullying. His merit is that back in 1997 he created a resource on the Internet called Bully OnLine (www.bullyonline.org), where anyone who is a victim of bullying can get help. Today this resource is the most popular in the world. Interview of Valery Kichkaev with the founder and CEO The Field Foundation by Tim Field.
Valery Kichkaev: Tim, what prompted your interest in bullying? As far as I know, you were educated in a slightly different field.

Tim Field: Very often in life it happens that until you yourself encounter a particular problem, you can never notice it. It happened to me too - I just became a victim of bullying.

VK: So you didn't dream of fighting bullying as a child?

T.F.: Maybe it will seem strange - I didn’t dream. (Laughs.) Then there was no such word. I was rather attracted to everything related to technology, so I entered Staffordshire University (Staffordshire University), in those years the Northern Polytechnic University. After graduation, he worked for about 15 years in the field of information technologies. To be absolutely precise, I was involved in the development and support of computer systems, which in recent years have been known as CRM systems. I was very pleased with my work. In the late 1980s, I was head of one of four sections of the software sales department at a company. We had a well-coordinated, motivated team, an excellent head of department.

VK: And what broke this idyll?

T.F.: I still do not know the reason, but the head of the department suddenly left his post for all of us ...

V.K .: ... and a holy place is never empty ...

T.F.: …so soon someone else took his place, and within short term, how to put it more precisely, the level of morality and ethics in the department has fallen to a minimum. This situation greatly affected the efficiency of our section, since we were in direct contact with software buyers, and this required prompt decision-making. To achieve such efficiency, the coordinated work of all the workers of the section was necessary, but it was disrupted with the advent of a new manager.

VK: What exactly were the destructive actions of the manager of the department?

T.F.: I tried to identify and systematize all the phenomena that began to happen, and this is what I got. Regular nit-picking on every little thing. Vague and unjustified criticism. The successes that had hitherto been achieved by our section were completely ignored. All new offers began to be blocked. The new leader, if he invited me to meetings, did not give me the floor to speak to them. After a while, he stopped inviting me altogether. To resolve even minor issues now required a large number of approvals. If I tried to object, it immediately caused aggression on the part of the new leader. For example, I have heard the following: “The previous management made a mistake by appointing you as section head” or “Perhaps your work would have been more effective in another department, but in a lower position.” Our section was getting fewer resources to get the job done, and we were given completely unnecessary work, leaving many workers overwhelmed. I had to work for three.

VK: How did it all end?

T.F.: For me, everything ended with severe stress, and I actually had to be treated for two years. Naturally, this work had to be abandoned, but, apparently, there is no harm without good.

VK: Having recovered, did you decide to seriously address the problems of bullying?

T.F.: Yes, I created a helpline (The UK National Workplace Bullying Advice Line) that people who were bullied at work could call. I also wrote my first book, Bully in Sight.

VK: Were there many calls?

T.M.: The phone was red from an incredible amount of calls, and soon I decided to create a website on the Internet. It was the second half of the 1990s, and the rapid growth of the World Wide Web began.

VK: Is bullying really such a huge problem? It is unlikely that the world of business can be imagined as a respectable, idyllic relationship.

T.M.: Believe me, I have no illusions either, but bullying is really a huge problem. As a result, a person's career collapses, and often everything can end in suicide. Bullying is expensive not only for the employee, but also for the employer, since the productivity of the employee is greatly reduced due to constant illness, absence from work. I'm not talking about the productivity of an employee under psychological pressure. My words are confirmed by statistics. Back in 1996, the British Institute of Personnel and Development (IPD) published the first results of a bullying survey. One in eight British employees, and this is about 3 million people, was the victim of bullying in the workplace. More than half of those surveyed said that bullying is a daily practice in their company.

Literally a year later, the British Trade Union Congress TUC organized a “hot line” Bad Boss Hotline (“hot line” of a bad boss), through which one could complain about the leader.
38% of callers complained of bullying by management, 25% of low wages, 15% of contracts (bondage), 13% of overtime, 11% of unfair dismissal, 10% of health and safety , 4% - for a short vacation, 3% - for racial, sexual harassment and age discrimination.

In 1998, one in six British workers considered themselves a victim of bullying.

The study was also conducted by my native Staffordshire University. According to its results, 53% of British employees (approximately 14 million people) suffered from bullying at work during their working life.

I estimate that bullying costs the UK 30 billion euros annually. Believe me, this figure is not from the ceiling.

VK: I know that there are a large number of definitions of the concept of bullying. What do you use?

T.F.: Bullying is a regular negative behavior of one employee in relation to another employee or to a whole group of employees.
It includes various nit-picking on trifles, often completely unfounded, a negative assessment of work or the refusal of any assessment, the desire to isolate an employee or group of employees from the rest, dismissal dirty rumors and gossip. The list goes on. I recommend visiting our websitewww.bullyonline.org, where you can find a large number of definitions and characteristics of behavior.

VK: What is the portrait of a typical buller and do bullers differ from each other?

T.F.: The main thing that characterizes a bully is that after he finishes persecuting one victim (she, for example, is forced to leave her place of work), the persecution of another begins, and so on ad infinitum. I call such bullers serial. They represent the main danger. I will give only some characteristics of the serial buller. A skilled liar, capable of impromptu. Lives like Jekyll and Hyde. In the image of Jekyll - good and fluffy, in the image of Hyde - vengeful. He behaves well in the presence of management and disgustingly in front of subordinates. He tries to convince everyone that he is a very active, talented manager who is able to achieve high results in his work. Naturally, he convinces superiors and subordinates in different ways. Suffering from arrogance, narcissism. Wants to be seen as a know-it-all. Can pretend to be a deeply religious person. Freely handles words, can easily distort the meaning of what was said. Can be ironic. Tries to avoid responsibility.

As for the typology, thanks to the fact that I had to deal with several thousand cases of bullying, I developed my own typology. The full characteristics of the types are on our website, I will only dwell on each briefly. So, there are four main types of bullers.

Type of"Seeking Attention"(Attention-Seeker) - usually a woman. The main goal is to create the impression of a kind, caring and compassionate person. In fact, behind a beautiful mask lies a deceptive - and arrogant nature, while incompetent in the field of professional activity. Can show open malice if put in charge of something.

Type of"I want to be"(Wannabe) - usually male. Bullers of this type dream of honor and respect, but for this they lack professionalism in their field. They, in fact, do not strive for this, since it requires efforts that they do not want to make. In addition, they are deprived of intelligence. Instead of somehow correcting this situation, they direct all their meager knowledge to improvement in deceit, fraud, flattery.

Type of"Guru"(The Guru) - differs from the rest in that, as a rule, he is competent in a professional field (usually technical), however, often in a rather narrow one. His weak point is social skills. These people are insensitive, their emotions are not developed. They are incapable of showing empathy. In my opinion, these people suffer from a mild form of autism. However, this is just my guess. They also suffer from narcissism, psychopathy.

Type of"Sociopath"(Sociopath). In my opinion, the most disgusting representative of the Bullers is usually a man. Intellectually highly developed, but not capable of sympathy. Feels no guilt and is incapable of remorse. He gets great satisfaction when he sets people against each other, while he himself acts as an observer. He likes to manage the flow of information, control decision-making, especially personnel. As a performer, he likes to use the "I want to be" type. In a word, the devil in the flesh.

VK: In our country, the word "bullying" almost never occurs. The word "mobbing" is commonly used. Is there a difference between these concepts?
TF: Bullying is a word that is used mostly in the UK. For the first time, the English journalist Andrew Adams used it to refer to this phenomenon in 1990. Then the phrase "workplace bullying" appeared. In other European countries, the word mobbing is commonly used. Over time, experts appeared who began to talk about the difference between these concepts. For example, that mobbing is a kind of intimidation of one group by another or a group in relation to one person. Thus, they want to emphasize that a group of people acts as an aggressor. For me, there is no fundamental difference between these concepts, especially since I believe that a group always has a leader who is sometimes simply invisible.
VK: Is there a difference between a male buller and a female buller?

T.F.: If there is a difference, it is not meaningful. Men are more aggressive and tend to demonstrate physical strength up to the threat of its use. Women act more subtly, try to hide their bad intentions, to mislead. If they need pressure and aggression to achieve their goals, they are more likely to use a man than they themselves will resort to it. Their principle is to let a man do the dirty work for me.

VK: What are the consequences of bullying?

T.F.: At the beginning of the conversation, I already said that the consequences can be fatal, for example, suicide. Bullers create their own world, a second reality into which they suck the victim, and she is forced to live according to the laws created in this pseudo-reality. Therefore, the main task is to return a person to the real world.

VK: And how to return it to the real world?

T.F.: Buller skillfully manipulates a person, cunning, lying, and in the end, the victim begins to doubt his own abilities and himself. Therefore, the most important thing is to explain to the person what happened to him, show the true picture, restore his confidence in his abilities and tell him how to act in the situation that he turned out to be.

VK: By the way, is it worth it for the employee who was chosen as a victim to fight, or is it better to change jobs as soon as possible?

T.F.: Since the situation is usually neglected, it is still better to leave the place of work. Believe me, it is better to find another job where your work is really appreciated than to fight hard in the old place.

VK: Speaking of help, we always mean the victims of bullying, but the bullies themselves are to some extent hostages of such behavior. Did you have to help them?

T.F.: Everything would not be so sad and hopeless, if not for one fact. Buller is a person whose main characteristic is a pathological unwillingness to consider his behavior as destructive. He thinks that the problem is not in his behavior, but in the behavior of his victims. In very rare cases, bullies turned to me for help, and even then such people could hardly be called bullies in the full sense of the word. These were people who fell under the influence of serial bullies due to some negative circumstances that had developed in their lives, and they were forced to use dirty methods.

VK: Tim, I would like to hear your opinion on the role of HR managers in bullying prevention.

T.F.: This fact may seem surprising to you, but in 98% of cases, HR managers not only do not help the victims of bullying, but they themselves are happy to participate in the bullying of the employee. Often they are the first violins of such harassment, although sometimes they act only as a tool for company leaders. I talked a lot with the victims of bullying, and I was told sad stories that it was HR managers who organized the bullying. Perhaps my opinion will seem rather controversial, but it turns out that the main task of HR managers, at least in the UK, is to protect the interests of employers, and not at all colleagues at work. I'm sorry, but I can't say enough good things about the positive role of HR managers. This is my personal experience.

V.K.: It turns out that HR managers play a key role in bullying, only with a minus sign.

T.F.: Let's not be sad about this. There are positive signs that the current generation of professional HR managers will be more open to the problem of bullying.

VK: You have been fighting bullying for more than ten years now. Have there been any positive changes over the years?

T.F.: Bullying, it seems to me, appeared on this planet at the same time as humans. Therefore, it is very difficult to radically change the nature of human behavior even in a few decades, let alone a few years. Nevertheless, it is necessary to deal with negative manifestations. The fact that bullying in civilized countries is recognized as unacceptable behavior is a great progress. Over the past 50 years, a number of laws have been passed prohibiting discrimination on national, racial, and religious grounds. Sexual minorities received protection. There are already laws against persecution (stalking), and I think that this process will continue. It may take another ten years, but eventually there will be a law against bullying. At the same time, we must continue to work to educate society that bullying is unacceptable, because it has supporters who are trying to find an excuse for such behavior.

VK: Is there at least one country where there would be a law against bullying?

T.F.: Yes, this is Sweden. By the way, you can get acquainted with the main provisions of the law adopted in this country on our website.

VK: What is the main essence of this law?

T.F.: The bottom line is that the employer is obliged to plan and organize work in such a way as to prevent the occurrence of bullying. If signs are nevertheless found, then a list of countermeasures is proposed that the employer must take.

VK: What are you doing at the moment?

TF: To be honest, I've been so tired from the past 12 years of dealing with bullying that I've decided to retire and get some rest.

VK: Bullers of Britain and the whole world rejoice!

T.F.: No, no, I haven't forgotten about bullying! I am currently filming a film about bullying as an assistant writer, and at the end of the year I will continue to write a book on how to recognize bullies and psychopaths in the workplace.

VK: Tim, I want to thank you for agreeing to answer my questions and wish you success in the fight against psychopaths and bullies.

T.F.: And thank you for choosing to talk on the pages of the magazine about such a problem as bullying, and about the key role of HR managers. (Laughs.)

bullying!!! (from the English bully - bully) - psychological pressure of a negative nature on a person from another - often an aggressive individual. This term is used to refer to the interaction between people in the professional field - at the enterprise, in the office (that is, in the workplace). The first to use the term to refer to this phenomenon was Andrew Adams, which is how the concept of "workplace bullying" (1990) was born.

bullying can be expressed in a deliberately arrogant attitude towards the employee, when all his actions are criticized and even ridiculed, when bullying, the “attacker” often tries by all means to prove the “unprofessionalism”, unsuitability of his “victim”. With aggressive bullying, the attitude of the "attacker" can be expressed in open insults, humiliation, attempts to undermine the reputation of the "victim". The "forward" is often a colleague or boss - in this way he can assert himself, be promoted, etc. When bullying, you must either seek help from the head of your department (if the "attacker" is your colleague, and you can’t talk to him like a human), or to a psychologist in the office (if there is one in your office staff), or to other colleagues , which can affect the "attacker".

The danger of bullying is that it is often impossible to resist him, especially if the "attacker" is your immediate supervisor, since colleagues in such cases usually either remain silent (keep neutral) or support the "attacker" (for fear of losing their job, due to unwillingness to intervene and solve other people's problems). The best option in this case is to change jobs, because, you see, your peace of mind and health is more expensive.

Statistics say that every fourth child is bullied at school by other students. Therefore, such children do not feel safe and comfortable in school.

Bullying in education- this is psychological or physical violence in order to force them to obey the leading group (leader) and its laws in the classroom, or to force them to leave school. The means to achieve this goal are: spreading rumors, intimidation, isolation, insults and humiliation, physical violence.

Unfortunately, bullying at school is a widespread phenomenon both here and abroad.

Mobbing, bullying, hazing, cybermobbing and cyberbullying- English names of varieties of this dangerous phenomenon.

In any school, in any class, on the one hand, there are children who love to offend, bully, beat, call others names, take away money and things from them, on the other hand, there are children who more often than others become their victims. As a rule, these are children:

  • physically weak;
  • overprotective parents;
  • sneak;
  • suffering from diseases that distinguish them from the team;
  • not having electronic novelties of modern progress or having the most expensive of them, inaccessible to other children;
  • geeks;
  • losers;
  • teachers' favorites.

In this regard, such groups of students can form in the class: some participate in the process of bullying directly, as an aggressor or victim, others - the majority - passively, as eyewitnesses and witnesses.

The main thing is that you can never say that this will not affect my child, because the reasons for this phenomenon lie in the fact that some children, at the expense of humiliating others, try to feel cooler and more significant. Therefore, parents should be ready to notice in time and, together with the school, prevent this violence, because teachers, with their workload and psycho-emotional fatigue, sometimes do not have the strength and time to sort out children's quarrels and conflicts.

What is mobbing?

Mobbing (English mob - crowd) - it is a form of psychological violence in the form of mass persecution of a person in a team.

school mobbing- this is a kind of emotional abuse at school, when the class or most of the class takes up arms against one person and begins to poison him for any purpose (a vivid example is the film "Scarecrow"). Those who poison are called mobbers, and those who are poisoned are called “victims”.

Mobbing- this is a kind of "psychological terror", including the systematically repeated hostile and unethical attitude of some people directed against others, mainly one person. For example, mobbing against a "newcomer".

Forms of mobbing: mocking physical handicaps, isolation, rejection, teasing, shoving, making fun of clothes, etc.

What is bulling?

bullying(English bullying, from bully - bully, fighter, bully, rude, rapist) is systematic, regularly repeated violence, bullying by one student or group of students against an individual student who cannot protect himself.

bullying This is psychological terror. He always pursues the goal - to hound the victim, cause fear in her, demoralize, humiliate, subjugate. Offenders give the child unpleasant nicknames, name-calling, boycott, threaten, take away personal belongings or intentionally damage them, beat or kick, force them to do unsightly and degrading actions, spread false information, gossip and rumors, exclude the child from social circles, joint activities, games , ignore, etc. Offenders - bullies - are extremely resourceful.

Teenage girls can also be bullies, because bullying does not depend on gender, height, nationality or preferences. He just is and that's it, like an element of school life. The reason can be very different. Therefore, any student can suffer from bullying. At the same time, there may often not even be any specific grounds for aggression. The target of bullying is most often chosen by those who are different from other children and cannot protect themselves.

What is the difference between mobbing and bullying?

In fact, mobbing and bullying are similar concepts - this is bullying. At the same time, bullying differs from mobbing in that not the whole class acts as a persecutor, but a specific student or group of students who have authority.

What is huzing?

Huizing(English) hazing) - informal ritual violent rites performed upon entry into a certain group, and to further maintain the hierarchy in this group. To a greater extent, hazing is typical for closed (military, sports, boarding schools, etc.) institutions.

Huizing- this is hazing in the team, for example, the well-known hazing.

Huizing It is also found in ordinary schools and colleges, especially if they have hostels. For beginners, classmates or students of older classes (courses) impose various degrading actions, for example, walking naked in public, washing the floor in the toilet with a toothbrush, etc. (an example is a resonant initiation into students with stripping in one of the country's universities this year).

What is cybermobbing and cyberbullying?

Recently, the possibilities of the World Wide Web have been added to the forms of psychological pressure inherent in traditional bullying - cybermobbing and cyberbullying.

Cybermobbing and cyberbullying Internet harassment is intentional insults, threats, communication of compromising data to others using modern means of communication: computers, mobile phones, Email, Internet, social networks, blogs, chats, etc.

Internet bullying may also be through displaying and sending harsh, rude or violent text messages, mocking the victim online, posting personal information, photos or videos in the public domain with the intent to harm or embarrass the victim; creation of a fake account on social media, email, web pages to harass and bully others on behalf of the victim, etc.

Internet bullying differs from other types of violence in that it allows the abuser to remain anonymous and likely to be undetected.


The consequences of bullying a schoolchild are sad: abuse deforms the child's psyche and can be the cause of pathological disorders, the emergence of socially dangerous forms of behavior of a violent, suicidal and dependent nature. Teenagers who have been mobbing and bullied think that the whole problem is in them, that they are to blame for the fact that they are treated this way, and therefore they develop complexes.

received at school age psychological trauma can turn into quite serious adult problems. Specialists (psychologists, researchers, scientists) believe that bullying in school years does not pass without a trace for all its participants, and its consequences affect almost throughout a person's life.

The instigators and persecutors develop antisocial traits, they are prone to addictions, subject to excessive anxiety and depression.

It is difficult for the former “victim” to build relationships with other people, to trust them, to behave freely in society. Sometimes in the future they themselves become the instigators of persecution, thus trying to forget about the humiliation they experienced.

“Victims” of Internet bullying lose self-confidence, which can lead to mental disorders of varying severity, as well as psychosomatic illnesses, and cause suicide.

The children themselves often hide the fact that they are being bullied and persecuted by classmates. Therefore, it is very important for parents to immediately find out if everything is in order if they notice that the child:

  • is constantly in a depressed mood;
  • began to get bad grades;
  • looking for an excuse not to go to school;
  • on the way to school and home chooses detour routes;
  • comes with damaged or dirty clothes, torn textbooks and notebooks;
  • now and then "loses" things and pocket money;
  • does not go out to play in the yard;
  • often comes with bruises and abrasions;
  • does not meet with classmates, does not invite them home and does not go to visit;
  • became withdrawn or short-tempered.

Unfortunately, there is no universal answer to the question of what to do if it suddenly turns out that the child was a victim of bullying. Much depends on the situation in the classroom and school, on the position of teachers, on the characteristics of the child's personality. One thing is clear - we must urgently go to school and, together with teachers, find ways to solve the problem. Adults should properly understand the situation, think it over, be sure to connect a psychologist, read the literature, which is plentiful on this issue.

If the parents do not find support in the school, then it is necessary to go to higher authorities. Worst case, change schools.

The main thing is to act immediately. Parents, first of all, should support the child so that he does not feel lonely, because, more than ever, he needs a friend, protector, and adviser at this time.

P.S. The website of the Investigative Committee for the Irkutsk Region has published the material “Saving Children from Cybercrimes”, which is addressed to parents and contains a list of dangerous signs of adolescent behavior that the Investigative Committee recommends paying attention to.

Materials used in preparation:

Mobbing, bullying, hazing - why are they dangerous for schoolchildren

Probably every school class has its own scapegoat. As a rule, it becomes a student who is not like the others. And not always the team needs a good reason for bullying. In my class, for example, they bullied a girl with large feet.
The office is the same school, only adults are under conditions of psychological pressure. The study of this phenomenon was first conducted in Sweden in the early 1980s by psychologist Dr. Hanz Leiman. He called this behavior mobbing (from the English mob - crowd) and described it as "psychological terror" in the workplace.

The moments spent by the regular "scapegoat" in the office "whistle like bullets at the temple." The victim of mobbing every minute expects a trick, set-up, attack: from the head of the company, immediate supervisor (vertical mobbing) or from colleagues (horizontal mobbing).

Sooner or later, even employees who are loyal to the victim are drawn into the persecution started by one person: after all, the situations in which sophisticated mobbers put the "alien" are really funny. Even kind and decent people do not hold back a smile: “Of course, it’s a sin to laugh, but it’s really funny.”

Due to mobbing, productivity is reduced: many employees start going to work in the first place to find out what else this eccentric colleague will soak, how he will react to new tricks and get out of freshly dug holes. Mobbing unites not the labor collective, but the office crowd, helps people feel safe.
Anyone can become an object of mobbing, the researchers say. But as long as the office "wits" direct the fire of their emotions at the outcast, the rest are not threatened with bullying. It is not surprising that no one is in a hurry to protect the outcast. The principles “my hut is on the edge” and “do not fight back from the team” work. Most often turns a blind eye to what is happening in the team and leaders. And some even support mobbers. I saw how the boss in one publishing house, in a general manner, beat off a balloon from the face of a humiliated subordinate. He tried to smile, trying to show that he was not uncomfortable. As a result, he was transferred to a lower position, and he still quit.

However, not everyone prefers grooming. Mobbing is meanness and dirt, but they need to endure the test with dignity, many believe. People do not want to recognize themselves as defeated, they strive to survive at all costs. Giving up is not in their rules - this is how they will answer you if you ask them why they did not quit immediately. Others do not leave because they are afraid of not finding a job.
It is clear that in the latter case, a person's self-esteem is close to zero. But she will fall "below the plinth" if you pull with the dismissal. The vicious circle is sometimes broken by managers: the “surviving” employee is fired for some reason, often far-fetched. “And don't tell me the log file has been deleted from the computer. You just didn’t prepare it, ”the chief will mint.

And the mobber dogs will grieve a little about the elusive "delicacy" and begin to look around in search of a new victim. “I think the rookie is behaving strangely? Yes, he simply despises us, put him in his place! The mobbing virus, once activated, will manifest itself again and again, achieving the complete decomposition of the team.
Sources of infection
Most often, mobbing originates in groups under the following conditions:
1. There are family/intimate ties in the team.
2. Older employees who are afraid of losing their jobs are working.
3. Positions are duplicated.
4. Indulge in intriguers and gossips.
5. The boundaries of responsibility and official duties are vague.
6. Unevenly divided work (some work hard, others have an eternal lunch break).
7. There are no career opportunities.
8. The boss is a coward and a weakling who benefits from strife in the team: it seems to him that it is easier to manage him this way.

Anyone can be a victim of mobbing, but several groups have the greatest chances:
1. Extraordinary personalities, those who stand out from the crowd.
2. Emotionally open simpletons.
3. Arrogant individualists.
4. A rookie perceived by veterans as a competitor.
5. Those who are especially favored by the authorities.
6. An employee who has been appointed superior to his former co-workers.
7. An employee who is sharply demoted.
8. A new boss, innovating fast. His tasks can unanimously sabotage, the result is dismissal as having failed to cope with the leadership.
9. An employee who they want to "merge" from the company.
10. A colleague with whom you suddenly have to share work.
11. "Lucky" provincial, a representative of a different nationality.
12. Employees who resist the sexual harassment of the boss / colleague.

Mobbers can pursue a variety of goals. So, for some, this is an opportunity to “discharge”, brighten up boring workdays, and practice wit. Others want to take revenge on a colleague for success, dissimilarity. And still others consider mobbing in a good way punish a colleague who rejected courtship. By the way, the lack of personal life among employees is a very significant factor for the appearance of mobbing.
Some features can enhance the already negative effect of mobbing on the victim. The key one is the lack of interests outside of work, obsession with the office. In addition, the tendency to increased anxiety and depressive reactions seriously aggravates the situation.
The concept of "mobbing" is synonymous with the concept of "bullying" (from the English bully - bully). Bullying also implies open aggression on the part of the persecutor. Sometimes this term means only vertical mobbing - that is, pressure from the boss.

How fight…
If you have become a victim of mobbing, you need to observe what is happening in the team, notice changes in attitude towards you, and analyze the reasons. Do not be surprised if objective reasons are not found.
It is important to find those who have refrained from mobbing, to whom you like, and try to win them over to your side, not to become isolated, to maintain friendly relations with those with whom it is possible. You can track the “leader” of the mobbers, try to talk, ask for help (if, of course, you can talk to him about something at all). It is also best to immediately contact the Human Resources Department for help.
Be modest, calm and friendly, but in such a way that your high professional level was obvious. Avoid open squabbles, tantrums: this only inspires mobbers. But if mobbing is at an early stage, you can once again let the aggression come out.
If the situation is running and it is difficult to reverse it, save your nerves - quit.


1.Technology of regulation of intractable and irresolvable conflicts.

Regulation - is used in intractable and insoluble conflicts. This method refers to the management of mature conflicts (normative conflicts based on which lie values, opinions, beliefs)

As a result of resolution, the sharpness of the subject and structure of the conflict is reduced

Stages of regulation:

1) Recognition of the conflict by all parties

2) An objective explanation of the conflict to the parties.

Explain that the conflict, if left unresolved, can lead to even more terrible consequences.

Opponents must recognize that it is necessary to resolve the conflict and there is a factor of psychological incompatibility.

3) In a mutual discussion, compromise norms and rules of conflict interaction are developed. Ask not unilaterally, but yield something in return.

Institutionalization - the development of norms and rules.

Legitimization - a return to the discussion of norms and rules in order to consolidate them and to turn the conflict into an organized one.

4) In some situations, permission is possible:

a) Uniting the parties under the influence of an external threat

b) Transferring the conflict to another level.

Addition: If a group is involved in an intractable conflict, it is necessary to structure (select a leader and ask him to negotiate)

2.Peculiarities and techniques of administrative influences as a way of conflict management.

Settlement of business conflicts can be carried out using purely administrative methods that can be applied by the head of the team.

Clarification of requirements. The manager seeks to formulate the conditions for completing the task as clearly as possible: what exactly needs to be done and who is personally responsible for the work (effective in cases where subordinates are highly qualified and have extensive work experience).

Issuing a task. When issuing a production task, it must be taken into account that subordinates are people with different characters, levels of knowledge and experience with different attitudes towards work and the manager.

"I ask you to". The leader formulates the task in the form of a request and a wish, based on the objective necessity of its implementation (effectively with highly qualified specialists who conscientiously treat their work).

"I would advise doing so." Here, a mild form of personal influence on a subordinate is used (effective only for an experienced leader who has unquestioned authority in the team). This is how you should interact with executive subordinates who have a lack of experience and professional knowledge.

"You're instructed to do it." In this form, a task should be issued in a situation of high responsibility, time constraints for completing the task.

"I command you..."(administrative pressure). Careful control is expected (effective for non-essential workers who are not inclined to maintain strict discipline).

“I categorically order you to carry out this task. In case of non-compliance, the following measures will be taken against you ... ". This form of assignment is used for violators of labor discipline. Provides strict regular control.

Punishment and reward system. In the field of business interactions, the orders and orders of the head to deprive the bonus of the delinquent employee are especially effective. And as a reward for successful work - gratitude, various ways of material incentives, promotion.

The manager must take into account that the employee receives an adequate assessment of his work: encouragement and praise for successes and constructive criticism for mistakes and blunders.

Negative rating formula. In order for a negative assessment of the actions of a subordinate to be effective, the leader must take into account the fact that his statement must contain four main parts.

First part: fixing the overall positive evaluation employee as employee and person.

The second part: formulating a critical appraisal.

The third part: recognition that the employee is a good professional, despite the fact that he made a mistake.

Fourth part: building a positive outlook for the future.

Hierarchy of subordination . Conflict management in business relationships can be effective when real power is exercised, corresponding to the proper status of the leader. Subordinates must know whose order they are carrying out and to whom they must report.

Compulsion relates to government control. Subordination and coercion are effective in cases where the manager manages employees who have a low level of qualification and violate labor discipline.

There are three main types of submission:

1. Submission in case of internal protest. The employee is set against the orders of the manager. Submission as such is unpleasant for him and causes him inner protest and irritation. To subordinates of this type, the leader must make demands without emphasizing his superior position.

2. Subordination without independence.("Let the authorities think"). In order to develop personal initiative in such an employee, it is advisable to formulate a task for him in the form of a problem and not offer its ready-made solution.

3. Awareness of the objective necessity of submission. This type of worker is the most valuable and reliable. The feeling of submission does not cause painful reactions in him, but is considered as a necessary condition in interactions with the leader.