Which Russian writer traveled around the world. Writer's World Tour

A special page, unexpected for many, was the round-the-world trip of Ivan Alexandrovich. Moreover, in the circle of friends for Goncharov, the nickname "Prince de Laziness" was firmly established. Here is the “but” that we talked about at the beginning of our chapter.

What was the last impetus, the reason that convinced the "prince de laziness" to set off? First of all, he was a writer, and, as we remember, he worked on Oblomov, in which he wanted to open his eyes and tell the bitter truth about national shortcomings and general weaknesses. One of them was noticed by Pushkin, who concluded: "We are lazy and incurious." This bitter conclusion was confirmed in the observations of Goncharov himself: “... Gathering somewhere on a pilgrimage, to Kyiv, or from a village to Moscow, the traveler does not end up in turmoil, throws himself into the arms of relatives and friends ten times, eats, sits down, etc. ". A native of St. Petersburg is afraid to visit nearby Kronstadt “because you have to go there by sea”, although “it would be worth traveling a thousand miles just to experience this way of traveling.”

“We are lazy and incurious” ... But this limited shy complacency, unwillingness to learn and learn new things are signs of the same Oblomov laziness. Leni, which the prosperous Goncharov had already begun to discover in his own bureaucratic existence - “it used to be impossible to fall asleep if a big fly burst into the room<…>; you run from the window if it blows, you scold the road when there are potholes in it<…>. "Hurry, hurry on the road!" - exclaimed, despite doubts and timidity, the writer, realizing the most important commandment "start with yourself."

The journey lasted three years (1852-1855) and for another three years Goncharov worked on his travel notes. Excusing notes are heard in the introduction to the first of the essays. Goncharov speaks of himself in the third person: “The author had neither the opportunity nor the intention to describe his journey as a tourist or sailor, much less as a scientist. He simply kept a diary, as much as his official duties allowed him, and from time to time sent it in the form of letters to friends in Russia .... Now these friends in chorus announce to the author that he must present an account of his journey to the public. In vain did he reply that<…>wrote only cursory notes about what he saw or went into more details about himself, entertaining for<…>friends and tiresome for strangers, which is why the diary cannot have literary entertainment.

Contrary to fears, "Frigate ..." captivated the reader, so much so that Goncharov had to "finish" it twice. In 1891 (!) the essay “According to Eastern Siberia”, where the writer told in more detail about the final stage of his journey. Previously, the essay "After twenty years" appeared. In it, the elderly traveler "told" the story of the frigate on which he made the trip, made a review of the survivors and, alas, the participants of the campaign who had died by that time. Ivan Alexandrovich concludes his memoirs with advice to all readers: “... If the opportunity presents itself to go (remember,“ go ”, not“ go ”) on a ship to distant countries -<…>seize this opportunity without listening to any premature fears and doubts.

More than once the writer was eager to repeat the past campaign. In 1871, the opportunity presented itself to visit America, but Goncharov was already old and sick, so he did not dare to embark on such a journey again. But when the writer died, among others, a wreath was laid on the grave "from the commander and officers of the frigate Pallada." "The frigate" Pallada "" can be ranked among the books that laid the tradition of travel in the literature of Russian realism.

Travel helped Goncharov to write general ledger of his life - "Oblomov". A book that turned out to be very necessary and "in demand" by contemporaries. There are stages in the fate of every country when people, some with impatience, some with fear, expect changes to come. Such was the time before the reforms of 1861. And Goncharov's novel answered the questions of the era. “... Oblomov victoriously captured all the passions, all the attention, all the thoughts of the readers. In some kind of paroxysms of pleasure, all literate people read Oblomov.<…>Without any exaggeration, we can say that at the present moment in all of Russia there is not a single<…>provincial town, wherever they read Oblomov, praised Oblomov, argued about Oblomov. Two leading critics, N.A. Dobrolyubov and A.V. Druzhinin, devoted detailed articles to the analysis of the novel.

The novel was completed by a single impulse of unprecedented creative tension. The writer went to the resort Marienbad to be treated for serious illnesses. “... I arrived here on June 21,” he informed his friends, highlighting in italics details about his “rest”, “and today is July 29, and I have completed the first part of Oblomov, written the entire second part and quite a lot of the third, so that the forest is already thinning, and I can see in the distance ... the end. “It will seem strange that almost the entire novel could be written in a month: not only strange, even impossible ...” - Goncharov stopped in perplexity before his own creative power. But it is understandable, given the artistic self-forgetfulness with which the writer immersed himself in his work: “And how he began, if you could see!” Characters future book, as if alive, rose before his mind's eye. “... Find out,” he wrote to I.I. Lkhovsky, - that I'm busy ... you won't be mistaken if you say a woman! yes, to her: there is no need that I am 45 years old, but I am very busy with Olga Ilyinskaya ... I won’t breathe, I won’t look around.

Maybe because the author himself saw his heroes alive, real people, readers perceived them not as literary characters. Oblomov embodied Goncharov's long-standing, cherished plan, "from the very minute he began to write" - "the image of an honest, kind, sympathetic nature, in the highest degree an idealist, all his life ... looking for the truth, meeting lies at every step, being deceived and, finally, finally cooling down and falling into apathy and impotence from the consciousness of his own weakness and someone else's ... ".

Meanwhile, Goncharov's career as an official went on as usual, he also reached "known degrees." But! Goncharov had the highest courage: he was not afraid to be different from everyone. Having suffered a lot from prohibitions and cutbacks, he again decides to start with himself and becomes a censor. The office of censor has long been surrounded by the neglect of free-thinking people. There are countless epigrams about censors and their ridiculous prohibitions in Russian literature. “The gloomy watchman of the muses, my old persecutor,” Pushkin ironically called him in his “Message to the Censor.” At the same time, the poet believed that in Russia a system of prohibitions on "rude mockery and vulgar swearing" was needed. And in the same poem he sketched a portrait of the ideal censor:

But the censor is a citizen, and his dignity is sacred: He must have a direct and enlightened mind ...<…>He is a friend of the writer, not cowardly before the nobility, Prudent, firm, free, fair.

We can say that Goncharov fulfilled Pushkin's testament. With his active efforts, many stories and novels by I.S. Turgenev, including Mumu. Ivan Alexandrovich resurrected the hushed past, having achieved the printing of a complete, uncut, collected works of D.I. Fonvizin.

If Goncharov the censor did not like something in contemporary literature and criticism, he expressed his opinions directly. So, the writer boldly criticized the idol of the youth of the sixties D.I. Pisarev, believing that he "abuses intelligence and talent." As you can see, Goncharov did not exclude the "mind" and "talent" of his opponent. It is quite understandable: the writer of the forties could not like the vehemence and categorical, "mocking abuse" with which the young critic attacked the "old" literature, Pushkin.

To the question Which of the Russian writers made a round-the-world trip? given by the author Neurosis the best answer is Trip around the world and the frigate "Pallada"
In October 1852 in the life of Goncharov happened significant event: he became a participant in a round-the-world trip on a sailing warship - the Pallada frigate - as secretary to the head of the expedition, Vice Admiral Putyatin. She was equipped to inspect Russian possessions in North America- Alaska, which at that time belonged to Russia, as well as to establish political and trade relations with Japan. Goncharov imagined how many impressions he would enrich himself and his work with. From the very first days of the trip, he begins to keep a detailed travel journal. He formed the basis of the future book "Frigate" Pallada ". The expedition lasted almost two and a half years. England, the Cape of Good Hope, Java, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, China, the Lycian Islands, the Philippines, the return journey through Siberia are the main milestones of this journey. Goncharov's journey can only be considered circumnavigation.
He returned to St. Petersburg on February 13, 1855, and already in the April book of Notes of the Fatherland the first essay appeared. Subsequent fragments were published in the "Marine Collection" and various magazines throughout three years, and in 1858 the entire work was published as a separate edition. The cycle of travel essays "Frigate Pallada" (1855-1857) is a kind of "writer's diary". The book immediately became a major literary event, striking readers with the richness and variety of factual material and its literary merits. The book was perceived as the writer's entry into a large and poorly known world to the Russian reader, seen by an inquisitive observer and described by a sharp, talented pen. For Russia XIX century, such a book was almost unprecedented. Meanwhile, Goncharov returned to the department of the Ministry of Finance and continued to regularly perform his official duties, to which his soul did not lie. Soon, however, a change came in his life. He got the job of censor. This position was troublesome and difficult, but its advantage over the previous service was that it was at least directly connected with literature. However, in the eyes of many writers, this position put Goncharov in an ambiguous position. The idea of ​​a censor in the progressive strata of society was then far from flattering. He was perceived as a representative of a hated power, as a persecutor of free thought. The image of a stupid and cruel censor was somehow stigmatized by Pushkin in his “Message to the Censor”:
O barbarian! Which of us, the owners of the Russian lyre, Did not curse your destructive ax?
Soon Goncharov himself became weary of his position and at the beginning of 1860 he retired. Among other things, the difficult and troublesome service strongly interfered with the writer's own literary pursuits. By this time, Goncharov had already published the novel Oblomov, which was destined to become the main business of his life.

Questions for Literature Olympiad

  1. Which of the Russian writers made a round-the-world trip and wrote about it? Name the work. (I.A. Goncharov. "Frigate Pallada")
  2. To whom is A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Keep me, my talisman ...” dedicated? (Elizaveta Vorontsova.)
  3. Name the publishers of the Sovremennik magazine (XIX century) in chronological order. (A.S. Pushkin (1836-1837), P.A. Pletnev (1837-1846), N.A. Nekrasov and I.I. Panaev (1846-1866)
  4. One of the Russian poets dedicated his lines to Emperor Nicholas I. Name the author:

You did not serve God and not Russia,

He served only his vanity,

And all your deeds, both good and evil, -

Everything was a lie in you, all ghosts are empty:

You were not a king, but a hypocrite.

(F.I. Tyutchev.)

5. Name the works of the same name in the work of A.S. Pushkin,

M.Yu. Lermontov, L.N. Tolstoy. ("Prisoner of the Caucasus".)

6. What type of composition is used in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene

Onegin? (Mirror composition.)

7. How the Artistic Theater called the characteristic of Chekhov's plays

Action development? ("Underwater")

8. In the work of which writer the type of “small

Human"? (Samson Vyrin in "The Stationmaster"

A.S. Pushkin.)

9. With which of the historical figures is Chichikov compared in the poem

N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls"? Who else from the heroes of Russian literature

19th century compared to this person? Name another character.

(Napoleon. Herman from " Queen of Spades» A.S. Pushkin.)

10. Indicate what type of literary heroes Eugene belongs to

Onegin. Who else from the characters of the works of the XIX century. can be attributed

To this type? Name two characters. (" Extra person". Pechorin.


11. In what century did the concept of “reasoner hero” appear in literature?

Name the literary movement of this era. (XVIII century, classicism.)

12. Which of the Russian writers of the XVIII century. was the first to speak of the need

Government changes? Name the ones you know

Petersburg to Moscow", an ode to "Liberty".)

13. To what literary direction relates the poem by V.V.

Mayakovsky "Cloud in Pants" (Modernism. Futurism.)

14. In what work of Russian literature of the XIX century. hero meets

(N.V. Gogol. "The Night Before Christmas." Blacksmith Vakula.)

15. Name the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov, whose hero is

Works. Name three names.

Thief"? (A.I. Herzen.)

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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The writing

The desire to see distant lands, for a time to leave the light of St. Petersburg were not the only reasons, according to which Goncharov, without hesitation, wanted to go to a difficult and dangerous journey. The yearning for inspired creative work, the consciousness of uselessly perishing forces and abilities, the desire to enrich oneself with new impressions, to describe them in essays - that's what happened. main reason the fact that Goncharov decided to go on a trip around the world on the frigate "Pallada".

Friends began to fuss for Goncharov. Apollo Maikov talked to "who should" and permission was given. The consciousness of the writer's friends did not fit in any way, how Goncharov, a man accustomed to home comfort, sedentary, nicknamed de laziness in the Maikovs' salon, suddenly sets off on a trip around the world. But when everything was decided, Goncharov began to have doubts. “Where is it? What am I up to?” And I was afraid to read these questions on the faces of others. Participation scared me. I looked longingly at how empty my apartment was, how furniture, a desk, a quiet armchair, a sofa were carried out of it. Leave it all, exchange it for what?

These were not the doubts of a person who was lazy by nature, phlegmatic, incapable of decisive action ... By the time Goncharov was about to make a trip around the world, he was already 40 years old. Many of his friends spoke of him as a man with a happy fate. And was it so? True, childhood was not overshadowed by anything. The house is a full bowl. Mother, and especially the Tregubs, were pampered, they did not refuse anything. Pension Goncharov also remembers with pleasure ... Commercial school ... I don’t even want to remember about it.

But there were years at the university. Then the service. Official of the Department of Foreign Trade. Favorite business - literature - did not provide a livelihood, It was necessary to serve, giving literary work just off-duty time. Didn't work out family life, by the age of forty Goncharov was still alone.

The pain of a heavy loss did not subside - the death of her mother, Avdotya Matveevna. “I don’t think about anything or anyone as bright as about her,” Goncharov wrote to his sister. “She was decidedly smarter than all the women I know,” he wrote to his brother. And here is an offer to make a trip around the world.

“I believe,” Goncharov wrote in one of his letters, “that if I had stocked up on all the impressions of such a journey, then maybe I would have lived the rest of my life more cheerfully ... Everyone was surprised that I could decide on such a distant and dangerous path- I'm so lazy, spoiled! Anyone who knows me will not be surprised by this determination. Sudden changes make up my character, I am never the same for two weeks in a row, and if outwardly I seem constant and true to my habits and inclinations, it is from the immobility of the forms in which my life is enclosed ... ”The thought of participating in a round-the-world trip radically changed the whole structure of Goncharov's life, caused fear of storms, seasick, tropical heat. And Goncharov's internal struggle and hesitation are understandable. Even finally getting used to the idea of ​​the upcoming trip, Goncharov thinks in which case to return from England. But the choice has been made. The purpose of the journey for Goncharov is clear: to understand the mass of "great impressions" that await him, and truly, "without any lies" to tell them to readers. Goncharov believed that traveling “without an idea” was just fun: “Yes, to travel with pleasure and benefit,” he wrote in one of his first essays, which later compiled a voluminous two-volume book, “means to live in the country and merge your life at least a little with the life of the people you want to know; here you will certainly draw a parallel, which is the desired result of the journey. This peering, pondering into someone else's life, whether into the life of a whole nation or one person, separately, gives the observer such a universal and private lesson which you will not find in books or in any schools.

On September 9, 1852, “the highest permission was received for the dispatch of the head of the department of foreign trade of the Ministry of Finance, collegiate assessor Goncharov, to correct the post of secretary under Admiral E. V. Putyatin, who was setting off on the frigate Pallada 1 on an expedition to survey the North American colonies.”

At the end of September, Pallada entered the Kronstadt raid. Goncharov travels several times to Kronstadt, ready to sail, but the repair of the frigate has not yet been completed - and the departure was postponed. Goncharov gets acquainted with the city. Kronstadt lives the busy life of a naval port. On the streets and embankments one can rarely meet a person in civilian clothes. Columns of sailors pass with songs. On the raid are sailing ships, among them the frigate "Pallada".

The history of the frigate is interesting. It was built in 1832 at the Okhta shipyard. The first commander of the "Pallada" was the future illustrious naval commander - Admiral Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov, then still a young officer, who showed himself to be a courageous, enterprising and decisive commander.

But now the last preparations for departure are completed. Goncharov stood on the deck, looking longingly at the shore. What lies ahead for him?

On October 7, 1852, the frigate Pallada left the Kronstadt raid for a round-the-world trip. The first stage of the voyage - from Kronstadt to the coast of England - was especially difficult for Goncharov. It was "betrothal" to the sea. hike along northern seas autumn, and even on a sailboat, was not an easy task for experienced sailors. Due to the nature of his service on the ship, Goncharov did not communicate with the crew, but sympathized with the difficult fate of the sailors, who often risked their lives in the fight against the elements. In letters to friends, Goncharov talked about the difficult living conditions of sailors, about the cruelty and arbitrariness of officers.

Among the officers on the "Pallada" were also progressive-minded, brought up on the best traditions of the Russian fleet, cultured and humane people. I? Among them were the commander of the ship, I. S. Unkopsky, a wonderful sailor, a pupil of Admiral M. P. Lazarev, and a senior officer of the ship, a hereditary sailor I. I. Butakov.

Goncharov was especially respected by officers V. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (brother famous composer) and K. N. Posyet, who was distinguished by his broad education, humane attitude towards his subordinates.

Description of the difficult sailor service, the relationship between sailors and officers - all this remained in Goncharov's letters to friends. Not a single line about this would have been allowed by the censors to be printed. That is why so little is said about Everyday life sailors in Goncharov's essays. But in what is still said in essays about life " lower ranks”, Goncharov emphasizes the diligence, resourcefulness and amazing calmness of the sailors. “Everything rebounds from this tranquility,” the writer notes, “except for one unshakable desire for one’s duty - for work, Mr.; death, if necessary.

Goncharov talks especially warmly and penetratingly about Fadeev, a hardworking and resourceful sailor from the peasants. Everything in it reminds Goncharov of Russia, distant and close to his heart. “He brought his Kostroma element to foreign shores,” Goncharov notes, “and did not dilute it with a drop of someone else’s.”

Many years later, Goncharov told Anatoly Fedorovich Koni - the son of a friend of his youth, a well-known judicial figure - several cases from the stay of Russian sailors abroad that were not included in the essays "Pallada Frigate". A.F. Koni recalls: “Live observation sparkled in them; tender love for the Russian man and a deep understanding of his sweet and original qualities penetrated them. I especially remember his story about our sailors, who rolled with laughter, pointing their fingers at the bare knees of two sentries in a Scottish suit, standing motionless at one of the palaces, red with anger, but submissive to discipline. “What are you doing here,” Goncharov asked them, “what are you laughing at?” - “Look, your honor, the queen didn’t give them pants!” Or another story about how, in the vicinity of Kapstadt, going up to a bunch of sailors who were curiously looking at something, he saw in the palm of one of them a huge scorpion, vainly trying to pierce with its poisonous tail a thick, continuous corn in the palm of a hand accustomed to climbing on shrouds. "What you? drop it! drop it! exclaimed Goncharov. "He'll bite you to death!" - “Bite? the sailor asked incredulously, squinting contemptuously at the scorpion. - Some kind of bastard?! Ugh!" - and he threw the scorpion on the ground and crushed it with his unshod foot for coolness.
Life on the frigate, this “corner of Russia”, flowed measuredly and unhurriedly. “In this tranquility, seclusion from the whole world, in warmth and radiance, the frigate takes on the appearance of some remote steppe Russian village,” Goncharov wrote. - You get up in the morning, without hurrying, with full balance in the strength of your soul, with excellent health, with a fresh head and appetite, pour yourself several buckets of water directly from the ocean and take a walk, drink tea, then sit down to work. The sun is already high, the heat is scorching: in the village you will not go at this hour either to see the rye or to the threshing floor. You are sitting under the protection of the Marchesa on the balcony, and everything is hiding in the shelter, even birds, only dragonflies bravely soar over the ears. And we hide under the stretched awning, opening wide the windows and doors of the cabins. The breeze blows a little, gently refreshing the face and open chest. The sailors have already dined (they dine early, before noon, as in the village, after morning work) and are sitting or lying in groups between the cannons. Others sew underwear, dresses, boots, quietly humming a song; Hammer strikes an anvil from the tank. The roosters sing and their voices are carried far amid the clear silence and serenity. Some more fantastic sounds are heard, as if distant, barely perceptible by the ear, the ringing of bells ... A sensitive imagination, full of dreams and expectations, creates these sounds in the silence, and against the background of the blue skies, some distant images ... "

Russian sailors, wherever they were, always remembered the Motherland, its customs and holidays, its songs. When Maslenitsa came, the frigate was in the Atlantic. stood hot weather. Remembering the custom of ice skating, they began to ride each other. “Looking at how amused, riding on each other, both young and gray-haired mustaches,” Goncharov notes, “you will burst out laughing at this natural, national tomfoolery: it’s better than Neptune’s flaxen beard and faces showered with flour ...” Often in the evenings, under blue and clear, but a sad, drawn-out Russian song sounded through a strange sky. This song contained longing for Russia, for home, and the dissatisfaction of the singing sailors with their hard and disenfranchised life.

During the two and a half years of her round-the-world trip, the frigate visited many countries in Europe and Asia. On a sailing ship, outdated and out of date, he passed the seas and oceans, experienced all the hardships of a round-the-world trip, along with the entire crew of the frigate, and Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov. The writer told about what he saw in essays, which he called the same as the name of the ship on which he sailed - “Pallada Frigate”.

"School stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in Russian literature grade 10 (YaSh) I. Knowledge of the text and facts of the history of literature Who from ... "

School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

in Russian literature

Grade 10 (YASH)

I. Knowledge of the text and facts of the history of literature

Which Russian writer traveled around the world? Name a work that reflects his impressions.

The plots of what works did A.S. Pushkin N.V. Gogol?

After reading this work, Catherine II came to the conclusion that its author is a rebel worse than Pugachev. What work are you talking about?

Which characters of the comedy "Woe from Wit" own the following aphorisms:

"Happy hours are not observed."

"And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us."

“I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve.”

"With feeling, with sense, with arrangement"

Name three novels by I.A. Goncharova.

Which of the landowners gave Chichikov "dead souls"?

Name the articles by N.A. Dobrolyubov about the drama of A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

What is the name and patronymic of the following literary characters:

Kabanova, Pechorin, Chichikov, Bashmachkin, Famusov, Oblomov.

What work of M. Yu. Lermontov can be called "the history of the human soul"?

Name the genre of the works "Undergrowth", "Inspector", "Woe from Wit".

II. Theory of literature.

Name the literary terms according to its interpretation:

Type of trail, artistically justified exaggeration of certain properties of the depicted object.

An element of the plot, the moment of the highest tension of the action, the peak of the conflict.

Consonance of the endings of verses.

A two-syllable meter in which the first syllable is stressed and the second is unstressed.

What artistic technique does F. Tyutchev use in the following lines:

The sun is shining, the waters are shining,

A smile on everything, life in everything,

The trees tremble with joy

Swimming in the blue sky

The fourth "extra"

Metaphor, plot, climax, denouement

Drama, epilogue, comedy, tragedy

A stanza of 14 lines in iambic 4-foot?

“A rather beautiful spring britzka, in which bachelors ride, drove through the gates of the hotel in the provincial city of NN ...”

“I lived underage, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with the yard boys. Meanwhile, I was sixteen years old. Here my fate changed.

“She was good: tall, thin, eyes black, like those of a mountain chamois, and looked into your soul.”

“Yes, mother, I don’t want to live by my own will. Where can I live with my will?

IV. Read the poem below by S. Yesenin

"I left my dear home" and complete the tasks:

I left my home

Blue left Russia.

Three-star birch forest over the pond

Mother's old sadness warms.

golden frog moon

Spread out on still water.

Like apple blossom, gray hair

My father spilled in his beard.

I won't be back soon!

For a long time to sing and ring the blizzard.

Guards Blue Russia

Old maple on one leg

And I know there's joy in it

To those who kiss the leaves of the rain,

Because that old maple

Head looks like me.

IN 1. An artistic device that plays the role of figurative, expressive definitions in the poem: golden frog”, “old maple”, “still water”?

IN 2. What is the name of the repetition of a consonant sound in stanzas 1 and 2, which helps the author convey feelings of tenderness and warmth that overwhelm him?

AT 3. Name the epithet that is repeated twice in the text of the poem and conveys the individual author's vision to the reader. artistic image native land.

AT 4. The stylistic device that S. Yesenin used in line 1 of the 3rd stanza: “I won’t be back soon, I won’t be back soon” to draw the reader’s attention to the main idea, to convey the drama of the situation.

AT 5. Indicate the term that is used in the literature for the figurative and expressive means that allowed the author in the 2nd stanza to create the image of the moon, spread out like a frog, and the father's gray hair, similar to the spring flowering of apple trees. С1. Write a detailed answer (5-10 sentences) to a generalizing question to the text, justify your position.

What theme, which became the leading theme of S. Yesenin's lyrics, can be considered one of the main themes of Russian poetry of the 20th century? (on the example of the work of several poets).

Keys in Literature. Grade 10

Knowledge of the text and facts of the history of literature

1.I.A. Goncharov "Frigate" Pallada "(2b)

2. "Inspector", "Dead Souls" (2b)

3. "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow", A.P. Radishchev (1b)

4. A-Sofya, B, V-Chatsky, G-Famusov (4b)

5. "Ordinary story", "Oblomov", "Cliff" (3b)

6.Manilov (1b)

7. "Ray of light in the dark kingdom", "Dark kingdom" (2b)

8.Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova

Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov,

Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin,

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov (6 b)

9. "Hero of our time" (1b)

10. Comedy (1b)

Literary theory (1 b each)

1. Hyperbole


5. Personification

6.A-metaphor, B-epilogue

7. "Onegin stanza" total (8b)

1. "Dead Souls" (1b)

2. "Captain's daughter" (1b)

3. "Hero of our time" (1b)

4. "Thunderstorm" (1b)

Analysis of the poem (1b each)

B1 - elegy

B2 antithesis

B3- epithet


B6 - metaphor

The maximum score is 47b. Passing score-34b.

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“Appendix 1 Buryat republican public organization "Veterans of the Komsomol of Buryatia" VLKSM -100 years Perspective plan of work of the BROO "Veterans of the Komsomol of Buryatia" for the period 2015 - 2018 No. p / p Events Dates Responsible ... "

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Lesson 13 different eras, opening ... "

"CALENDAR-THEMATICAL PLANNING of literature lessons in grade 9 (according to the program of V.Ya. Korovina) 102 hours Planning is based on the Federal component of the state educational ... "

“History of the origin of the holiday This holiday arose as a day of struggle for the rights of women. HYPERLINK http://www.prazdnik.by/content/8/38/ March 8, 1857 in New York gathered for a demonstration workers of clothing and shoe factories. They demanded a 10-hour working day, bright and dry workers ... "

"Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the municipality of the city of Nyagan" Kindergarten No. 9 "Snow White" of a combined type "Summary of the GCD on familiarizing preschoolers with their native land on the 85th anniversary of the district ... "

"Content. Introduction ..2 Chapter 1. The concept of the structure of ancient drama, its origin and features of poetics ..4 Chapter 2. Reflection of the ancient dramatic tradition in the tragedy "Boris Godunov" ..6 Chapter 3. Elements of the poetics of ancient drama in the play by A. S, Pushkin's "Mermaid" ..13 Chapter 4. Echoes of ancient drama ... ", we will remove it within 1-2 working days.