Course work. Is done by a student

Topic VIII-X - 2nd semester


Option 1

Completed by student: groups

1. Formulate the main approaches to ensuring the protection of AS software from the threat of failure. Explain.

There are two main generally accepted approaches to ensuring the quality of cryptographic information protection from the threat of failure, which are applicable, among other things, to programs that implement cryptographic algorithms. These are fault tolerance and fault avoidance.

Fault tolerance provides that errors that could not be detected at the stage of development and testing of the CIPF are detected during the operation of the program and parried through the use of software, information and temporal redundancy. Prevention of malfunctions is associated with an analysis of the nature of errors that occur at different phases of the CIPF development stage, and the reasons for their occurrence.

2. What is software redundancy?

Software redundancy is used to control and ensure the validity of the most important information management and processing decisions. It consists in comparing the results of processing the same initial data by different programs and eliminating the distortion of the results due to various anomalies.

3. What are the components of a formal systems development method?

1)Formal specification record and project description

2) a technique for obtaining the implementation of specifications

3) drawing up inference rules or evidence that the implementation meets these specifications

4. The main tasks of the design phase.

The main task is to develop, on the basis of a preliminary design, a set of basic characteristics of the designed software, its architecture. This is followed by refinement of the preliminary design (development of formal descriptions), representing the internal task for software design and their algorithmic implementation

5. What are system errors? At what stage do they occur?

System errors are determined primarily by incomplete information about the real processes occurring in the sources and consumers of information. With regard to the implementation of cryptographic algorithms, we can talk about a misunderstanding or interpretation of the elements of the algorithm.

Occur during the Analysis and Requirements Specification Phase

6. The main types of errors.

The two main types of errors are:

Incorrect specification of both the entire software package and its individual components;

Functional discrepancy between the program and the algorithm.

7. What should an attacker provide in order to gain access to information on the PIM?

Reading information from PIM

Accessing the contents of a file

Playing the contents of a file normally

Expert evaluation of read and reproduced information

8. To access the logical units of records on media (files), you must ....

9. Why might an attacker need to isolate clean program code?

Extraction of pure program code can be used if special measures are taken to prevent the study of this code; measures have been taken aimed at converting the code into another form that does not pursue the implementation of countermeasures

10. What is a method of protecting the executable code of a program - modification?

11. Types of specifications.

12. What is the principle of modular design?

The principle of modular design consists in dividing programs into functionally independent parts (modules) that provide interchangeability, codification, removal and addition of components.

13. What is the advantage of representing an algorithm as a predicate transformer?

14. The concept of a trusted computing environment TCB.

The work was added to the site site: 2016-03-05

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Bryansk State Academy of Engineering and Technology

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Department of Engineering Psychology, Pedagogy and Law

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">SUMMARY

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">"Love like moral sense»

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Completed by: student of group AD-402

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Chmutov V.I.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Checked by: teacher

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Khokhlova M.V.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Bryansk 2009

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Introduction

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">What is love? This question has long interested mankind. People asked themselves when and how love arose - did a person take it out of the animal kingdom or did it appeared later.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">An interesting fact is that love appears at a time when a woman falls under the domination of a man. It can be assumed that love arose in history as a psychological compensation for female slavery. But this approach is one-line.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">There is no doubt that the birth of love, like other human feelings, depended on many reasons, the main of which is the spiritual complication of a person, the birth of new ideals in him, rise to new levels of ethical and aesthetic development. Entering the life of mankind, love changes the whole system of its values. This is a completely new stimulus for human behavior, and, appearing, it casts its reflection on all other stimuli, shifts their balance, dramatically changes proportions. Simplicity human life is now disappearing, the birth of love confuses, complicates individual life, deprives it of its former clarity and integrity.And long ago it became clear to people: love brings a person not only light, but also darkness, it not only raises, but also oppresses a person.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Love is a direct, intimate and deep feeling, the subject of which, first of all, is a person, but other objects of special vital significance can also be. Love represents is a means of socializing a person, involving him in the system of social relations.Love is the only way to understand another person in his deepest essence.Only in love and through love does a person become a person.Without love, he is an inferior being, devoid of true life and depth and incapable of to act effectively, nor to understand adequately others and oneself.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Love is interpreted as attraction, impulse, inspiration, as the will to power and at the same time the desire for fidelity, as special shape creativity and at the same time an incentive for creativity in various fields, as an objective expression of the depths of the individual and her freedom, moreover, freedom, ready to freely bring herself into slavery, as a complex multi-plane intersection of biological and social, personal and socially significant, intimate, hidden and at the same time open , seeking, applying.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Love is not a fluke and not a gift of fate, but a high art that requires self-improvement, creativity and inner freedom from a person. Genuine love is also rare because many are not ready for it and are even afraid of it, because it requires a "living soul", selflessness, readiness for action, anxiety and care. The depth of love and its variety of species are determined not by a single object of love, but also by the refinement of the very ability to love, the development of human qualities loving.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The passion to love, as E. Fromm notes, is the most essential manifestation of human positive, life-affirming drives. “Love is the only satisfactory answer to the question about the problem of human existence” "However, most people are not able to develop it to an adequate level of maturity, self-knowledge and determination. Love in general is an art that requires experience and the ability to concentrate, intuition and understanding, in a word, it must be comprehended. The reason that many do not recognize this need, are, according to Fromm, the following circumstances: most people look at love from the position of “how to be loved”, and not “how to love”, not from the position of the possibility of love; the idea that the problem is in love itself, and not in the ability to love; they mix the concepts of “falling in love” and “state of love”, as a result of which the idea that there is nothing easier than love dominates, while in practice it is completely different.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">To overcome this state, you need to realize that love is an art (as well as human life in general), that it needs to be comprehended. First of all, you need to understand that love cannot be reduced only to the relationship between opposite sexes, man and woman. All human activity in all its manifestations is marked by love (love for work, for the Motherland, pleasures, etc.), moreover, love can be an incentive for this activity, its stimulus, a source of energy. Therefore, in each era, different types and aspects of love were distinguished, attempts were made to systematize the forms of its manifestation.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">So, the purpose of this work is to try to answer the questions, what is “love”; to understand how this phenomenon is connected with the development of personality and what needs to be done ( how to live) to experience this Great feeling.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set and solved: a bibliographic search and selection of literature on the topic was carried out; the phenomenon of alienation (remoteness) was studied and an attempt was made to present love as a way overcoming it; the forms and types of love are analyzed; some pathological shifts forms of pseudo-love are revealed; approaches to the question of how to develop the ability to love are considered; the value orientations of modern youth related to the issue of love are clarified; conclusions are drawn about the influence of love on human life.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">1 Love as a feeling

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">A person is endowed with reason, he is aware of himself, his neighbor, his past and the possibilities of his future. This is awareness of himself as a separate being, awareness of brevity own life, the fact that he was not born of his own will and will die against his will, that he can die earlier than those whom he loves, or they are earlier than him, and the awareness of his own loneliness and remoteness, his own helplessness before the forces of nature and society all it makes his alienated, disunited existence unbearable.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Experiencing remoteness gives rise to anxiety. To be remote means to be rejected, not having any opportunity to use your human powers. To be remote means to be helpless, unable to actively own world things and people, this means that the world can attack a person, but he is not able to resist it. Thus, remoteness is a source of intense anxiety. In addition, it gives rise to shame and guilt. From this follows the corresponding conclusion that the deepest need of man is the need to overcome his remoteness, to leave the prison of his loneliness.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">At all times, in all cultures, a person faces the same question: how to overcome remoteness, how to achieve unity, how to go beyond one's own individual life and find unity.The question remains the same because its basis remains the same: the human situation, the conditions of human existence.The answers to this question are different: animal worship, human sacrifice, militaristic capture, immersion in luxury, ascetic detachment, obsession with work , artistic creativity, love for God and love for man.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">The answer to a certain extent depends on the level of individuality achieved by a person. In a small child, the “I” is already developed, but still very weakly, he does not feel distant until the mother is near. From the feeling of remoteness, he is protected by the physical presence of the mother, her breasts, her skin. Only, starting from the time when the child (adolescent) reaches such a degree of isolation and individuality that the mere presence of the mother is no longer enough for him, the need for others begins to increase. ways to overcome distance.

" xml:lang="en-GB" lang="en-RU">Similarly, the human race in its infancy still felt one with nature. Earth, animals, trees still made up the world of man. He identified himself with animals, and this was expressed in the wearing of animal masks, the worship of the animal totem and the animal gods, but the more the human race broke with these original ties, the more it separated itself from the natural world, the more intense became the need to find new ways to overcome remoteness.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">One ​​of the ways to achieve this goal is all kinds of orgiastic states, they can take the form of a trance into which a person introduces himself or with the help of drugs, the form of group In a trance state of exaltation, the whole external world disappears, and with it the feeling of remoteness from the world.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">When such orgiastic states are common to all members of a social group, they do not cause feelings of guilt or anxiety: everyone does this. In a "non-orgiastic" culture, this is perceived how
"licentiousness", "alcoholism", "drug addiction".

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">All forms of orgiastic union are characterized by three features: they are strong and even violent; they capture the whole person both mind and body; they are transient and periodic. Direct the opposite of them is the form of unity that has been most often chosen by people as a solution to overcome distance both in the past and in the present: unity based on adaptation to the group, to its customs, practices and beliefs.

" xml:lang="en-GB" lang="en-RU">Connection through accommodation is not strong and stormy. It is done quietly, dictated by a pattern, and for this very reason is often insufficient to subdue the anxiety of loneliness, and cases of alcoholism, drug addiction, erotomania and suicide in modern society are symptoms of this relative failure in adjustment. Moreover, this way out of the problem mainly affects the mind, not the body, and therefore it cannot be compared with the orgiastic solution of the problem. Herd conformism has only one merit: it is stable, not intermittent.

" xml:lang="en-GB" lang="en-GB">In addition to adaptation, as a way to escape from the anxiety generated by loneliness, one should keep in mind another factor in modern life the role of the work pattern and the play pattern. A person becomes part of an army of workers or managers. He has little initiative, his tasks are prescribed by the organization of the given work, and there is little difference even between those at the top of the ladder and those at the bottom. They all carry out the tasks prescribed by the structure of the organization, at the prescribed speed and in in a prescribed manner. Entertainment is similarly prescribed, although not as rigidly. From birth to death, from morning to evening, all manifestations of life are predetermined and subject to a pattern. How can a person, trapped in this network of patterns, not forget that he is a man , a unique individual, the only one who is given his only chance to live life, with hopes and disappointments, with sadness and fear, with the desire to love and the horror of destruction and loneliness?

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The third way to acquire unity is creative activity, the activity of an artist or a craftsman. In all forms creative activity the creator and his object become something unified, in the process of creation a person unites himself with the world. This, however, is true only for creative labor, labor in which a person himself plans, produces, and sees the result of his labor.

" xml:lang="en-GB" lang="en-RU">The union achieved in creative work is not interpersonal; the union achieved in orgiastic fusion is incoming; the union achieved by adaptation is only a pseudo-unity. Therefore, they give only partial answers to the problem of existence.The full answer is the achievement of interpersonal unity, merging with another person, in love.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">But the madmen cannot be turned back, they already agree to pay at any cost and they would risk their lives not to let them break, in order to preserve the magical invisible thread that was stretched between them …

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">The desire for interpersonal fusion is the most powerful desire in a person. It is the most fundamental attraction, it is the force that keeps members of the human race, clan, family, society together. Failure to achieve it leads to madness or destruction of self and others.Without love, humanity could not exist for a day.However, not every achievement of interpersonal fusion can be called love.Mergence can be achieved different ways. And it is important to know what kind of union is meant when we talk about love. Either it is love as a mature answer to the problem of existence, or it is an immature form of love that can be called a symbiotic relationship (the relationship between the mother and the fetus in her womb, there are two of them, and yet it is one).

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Mature love is an active force in a person, a force that breaks down the walls that separate a person from his neighbors; that unites him with others; love helps him overcome feelings isolation and loneliness; at the same time, they will allow him to remain himself, maintain his integrity. In love, there is an order: two beings become one and remain two at the same time. It should be borne in mind that love is qualitatively different from other human feelings. Envy, jealousy, ambition , any kind of greed is passion, but love is an action, the realization of human power, which can only be realized in freedom and never in coercion.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Love is an activity, not a passive effect, it is a help, not a hobby. In most general view the active character of love can be described by the statement that love means first of all to give, and not to take (receive). “Giving” is the highest manifestation of power. In every act of giving, a person exercises his strength, his wealth, his power.
Such an experience of high vitality and strength fills a person with joy. He feels confident, capable of great effort, full of life and therefore joyful. Giving is more joyful than taking, not because it is a deprivation, but because in this act of giving there is an expression of a person's vitality.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">The most important sphere of giving is not the sphere of material things, but a specific human sphere. What does one person give to another? He gives himself, the most precious thing he has, he gives his life.But this does not have to mean that he sacrifices his life to another person.He gives him what is alive in him, he gives him his joy, his interest, his understanding, his knowledge, his humor, his sadness "all experiences and all manifestations of what is alive in him. By this giving of his life, he enriches another person, increases his sense of vitality. He does not give in order to take: giving in itself is a keen pleasure. But giving, he does not may not cause something in the other person that comes back to him: when he truly gives, he cannot but take what is given to him in return. brought into life.In the act of giving, something is born , and both people involved in this act are grateful to life for what it gives birth to for both of them. In the case of love, this means that love is the force that gives birth to love, and impotence is the inability to give birth to love.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">"The simplest example is given by the sphere of sexual relations. The highest manifestation of the male sexual function is to give; a man gives himself to a woman, his sexual organ. At the moment orgasm he gives his semen to her. He cannot but give if he is a normal man; if he cannot give, he is impotent. For a woman, this act means the same thing. Although here the situation is somewhat more complicated. She also gives; she opens access to the center of her feminine nature; receiving, she gives; if she cannot give, but is only able to receive, she is frigid. Then this act of "giving" is repeated in her no longer in her loving, but in maternal care. She gives herself to the growing inside to the fetus, gives her milk and the warmth of her body to the baby. Not to give it would be suffering for her.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">In addition to the element of giving, the effective nature of love becomes obvious in the fact that it always involves a certain set of elements common to all forms of love. These are care, responsibility, respect and knowledge.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">That love means caring is most evident in a mother's love for her child. No assurance of her love will convince us if we see her lack of concern for the child if she neglects feeding, does not bathe him, does not try to avoid him completely, but when we see her care for the child, we completely believe in her love. This also applies to the love of animals and plants. If any woman tells us, that she loves flowers, and we will see that she forgets to water them, we will not believe in her love for flowers.

" xml:lang="en-GB" lang="en-RU">Love is an active interest in life and in the development of what we love. Where there is no active interest, there is no love.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Care and interest lead to another aspect of love: responsibility. Today, responsibility is often understood as an imposed obligation, as something imposed from outside. But responsibility is in it in the true sense, it is a voluntary act from beginning to end. To be “responsible” means to be able and ready to “respond.” A loving person feels responsible for all others, just as he feels responsible for himself. This responsibility is in the example of mother and child encourages her to care mainly about his physical needs.In love between adults, it concerns mainly the mental needs of the other person.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Responsibility could easily degenerate into a desire for superiority and domination, if there were no component of love - respect. Respect is fear and reverence; it means the ability to see a person as he is, to be aware of his unique individuality.Respect means wanting the other person to grow and develop as he is.Thus, respect implies the absence of exploitation.Respect exists only on the basis of freedom: "love is the child of freedom, and never dominance"

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">It is impossible to respect a person without knowing him. Care and responsibility would be blind if they were not guided by knowledge. Knowledge would be empty if it were not for its motive there was interest.There are many kinds of knowledge, knowledge, which is an element of love, is not limited to the surface level, but penetrates to the very essence.This is possible only when a person can transcend his own interest and see the other person in his own manifestation.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Knowledge has another relation to the problem of love. desire, the desire to know the “mystery of man". Although life is already a miracle and a mystery in its most biological aspects, man, precisely in his human aspects, is an incomprehensible mystery for himself - and for his fellowmen. The deeper we penetrate into the depths of our being or any other being, the more the goal of knowledge moves away from us.And yet we cannot get rid of the desire to penetrate the secret of the human soul into that innermost core, which is "he".

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">There is a desperate way to know the "secret" - this is the path of complete domination over another person, domination that will make him the way we want, make him feel what we want, will turn it into a thing, our thing, property. The extreme manifestation of this method is sadism. Another way of knowing the "secret" is love. Love is an active penetration into another person, a penetration in which the desire for knowledge is satisfied through union. Through the experience of unity, one acquires in this way the knowledge that the other person is alive and what he is capable of, but this knowledge cannot be obtained through thought.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Care, responsibility, respect and knowledge are interdependencies. They are a set of attitudes that should be incorporated into mature person who develops his creative powers, who wants to have only what he himself has created, who has found humility based on the inner strength that only truly creative activity can give.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">But one should not consider love only as overcoming human loneliness, the fulfillment of a passionate desire for unity. There is a more specific, biological need that rises above the universal vital need for unity: desire unity of male and female sexes.The idea of ​​this polarization is most strongly expressed in the myth that initially a man and a woman were one being, then they were divided into halves and therefore each male half is looking for the former female part of itself in order to unite with it again. clearly enough. Sexual polarization causes a person to seek unity in a special way, as oneness with a person of the opposite sex. The polarity between male and female principles also exists within every man and every woman. Just as every man and woman physiologically have opposite sex hormones, so they are bisexual in psychologically They carry the beginnings, forcing to receive and pass to hiccup into the depths of the beginning of matter and spirit.
Man and woman find inner unity only in the unity of their male and female polarities. This polarity is the basis of all creation.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Same polarity of masculine and feminine exists in nature; not only as something evident in animals and plants, but also in the polarity of the two main functions, the function of receiving and the function of penetrating deep. There is a polarity of earth and rain, river and ocean, night and day, darkness and light, matter and spirit.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Thus, love is a satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence, because in love (with all its varieties) a person finds unity with the world around him, unity with Love is the very key that frees a person from his own prison of loneliness, in which he would be deprived of true life and would not be able to act effectively and understand adequately others and himself.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">2 Diverse world of love

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">In love, its diversity of types and forms is especially striking. We are talking about love for oneself and love for a person, love for life and for the Motherland, love for truth and goodness, love for freedom, for power, for God, etc. There are also romantic, knightly, platonic, brotherly love, etc. There is love-passion, love-need, love for the neighbor and love for the far, love men and women love, etc.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">What connects extremely heterogeneous passions, inclinations, attachments into a unity called “love”? The question of the mutual relationship of love is not simpler than the question of its meaning.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">T. Kemper bases his classification on two independent factors: power and status. Power is the ability to force a partner to do what you want; status - the ability to arouse the desire of a partner, to meet your requirements Depending on whether the level of power and status is low or high, seven types of love are distinguished: romantic love, in which both partners have high status and power: they strive to meet each other and together with that, each of them can "punish" the other, depriving him of the manifestations of his love; parental love to a small child, in which the parent has a high level of power and low status (because the child's love for him has not yet formed), and the child has little power, but a high status; brotherly love, in which both members of the couple have little power over each other, but willingly go towards one another; charismatic love takes place, for example, in a teacher-student pair.
The teacher has both the possibility of coercion and the desire to meet the student, but the student does not have power over the teacher and willingly fulfills his wishes; "worship" of a literary or other hero with whom there is no real interaction and who has no power, but a high status, and his admirer has neither status nor power;
falling in love, when one of the partners has both power and status, while the other does not, as happens in the case of one-sided, unrequited love; “treason”, when one has both power and status, and the other only power, as is the case in a situation of adultery, when both spouses retain power over each other, but one of them no longer causes a desire to meet him halfway.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">This interesting typology of love, distinguished by simplicity and clarity, is, however, in our opinion, abstract and clearly incomplete. Two elementary factors, power and status , obviously, are not sufficient to identify and distinguish between all those diverse relationships that are covered by the general word "love".

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Attempts to understand the types of love have been known for a long time. For example, the ancient Greeks used different terms to express various aspects and shades of love.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The word "eros" they denoted feelings directed at an object in order to completely absorb it into themselves. This term expresses love-passion, jealousy and sensual attraction and is connected with its pathos, affective, sensitive side. "Eros" expresses the polarity reigning in nature and an irresistible craving to overcome it. Eros is also passionate self-giving, enthusiastic love, leaving no room for pity and sympathy for oneself.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">The word "philia" ("love-friendship") denotes the connection of individuals, due to social or personal choice. This love affects the relationship of people close to each other, it usually satisfied with the presence of a loved one and the development of natural feelings.These feelings appeared without much effort, in the process of personal communication, their value is that they are necessary for a person as something whole, and not as taken in its individual features. state of mind here “spiritual peace”, inner intimacy, mutual understanding. Thus, "philia" means spiritual, open love based on inner sympathy, expresses the combination of similar principles (whereas eros struggle and combination of opposites).

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">The word "storge" means love, which is associated with organic family ties, indestructible, irrevocable (especially family ties). This is tender, confident, reliable love , which is established between parents and children, husband and wife.In such love, a person finds peace and trust, a sense of confidence.This term expresses the feelings of not an individual, but a sense of tribal community, without which the Greeks could not imagine their existence.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The term "agape" among the Greeks meant reasonable love, arising on the basis of an assessment of any feature of a loved one, his character traits, etc. this love a person can it is reasonable to justify, because it is based on beliefs, and not on spontaneous feelings, habits.This aspect of love is historically associated with an adequate assessment of another person, which underlies mutual respect; in it, the more understanding, the less room for feelings. This is love, strengthened by activity reason, therefore it is abstract, impersonal more than other forms of love.It is the will directed by the mind.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">In the Middle Ages, Christianity interpreted love as the highest principle of morality, which most widely reveals the human essence. Love was understood as a certain inner strength of a person that never dries up, but constantly , without fatigue extends to all the actions of a person, directing him to prosperity.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Christian thinker Aurelius Augustine singled out three forms of love: love of man for God; love for neighbor; love of God for man;

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">The first form of love is expressed as a person's striving for perfection on the path to God. It is associated with a person, his nature, which makes it possible to think, decide. It begins as a desire to love God, however, without the necessary clarity about the object of love As a result of searching, a person must achieve the right direction of love and, of course, an exalted love for God, and not a low love for the created world.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">According to Augustine, all love for people, things in this world is true when it is in the name of God, and not in the name of man.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Love for neighbor is the second form of love accepted in Christianity. It is possible because “neighbor” is the likeness of God. It unites all people without exception in a single whole.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">The third form God's love for creation. God not only loves, he is love himself. And his love breaks out as creation and deliverance of man from sins; although in this aspect, in its initial depth it is not comprehensible, not accessible to a person.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Classifications of love, which have a fairly clear basis, have the merit that they lend themselves to at least theoretical verification. Such classifications are useful in psychology, in the study of emotional relationships. But their role in the philosophical analysis of love cannot be essential.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Love is very heterogeneous, it includes not only different types and their subtypes, but also what can be called forms of love, its modes. Types of love are love for one's neighbor and erotic love, for example, love for one's neighbor and erotic love.The forms of manifestation of love for one's neighbor are love for children, love for parents, brotherly love, modes are love of a man and love of a woman, love of a northerner and love of a southerner, medieval love and modern love. one can talk more specifically about love for children or, even more specifically, about paternal (mother's) love.The concretization can go further, as a result of which not only forms and modes are singled out, but also “modes of modes”.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Let's get acquainted with some forms of love.

" xml:lang="en-GB" lang="en-GB">Maternal love is the care and responsibility necessary for the life of a child. him to feel that it is good to be alive, it is good to be a little boy or girl, it is good to live on this earth.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">The connection between mother and child is inherently unequal, where one completely needs help, and the other gives it. Because of the selfless nature, motherly love is considered the highest type of love and the most sacred of all emotional ties.The essence of motherly loveconcern for the growth of the childinvolves the desire for the child to separate from the mother.This is its main difference from erotic love.In erotic love, two people who were separated become one.In mother's love, two people who were one become separate from each other.The mother must not only tolerate, but want and support the separation of the child.It is at this stage that motherly love becomes such a difficult task, because it requires selflessness, the ability to give everything and wanting nothing in return but the happiness of the loved one.It is at this stage that many mothers find themselves unable to solve the problem of motherly love.

" xml:lang="en-GB" lang="en-GB">A mother's love is love for a growing child, love that desires nothing for itself. It is perhaps the most difficult form of love achievable, and the most deceitful because of the ease with which a mother can love her baby But precisely because it is difficult, a woman can become a truly loving mother A woman who is unable to love cannot be a tender mother, cannot be a loving mother whose the task is to be ready to endure the separation of the child and even after the separation to continue to love him.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Brotherly love is love between equals; motherly love is love for a helpless being. they are universal in nature. The opposite of these two types of love is erotic love. It craves complete fusion, oneness with the loved one. It is by its nature exclusive, not universal, and, besides, it is probably the most deceitful form of love.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">First of all, it is often confused with the experience of "falling in love", the sudden collapse of the barriers that existed until that moment between two strangers. And besides this, erotic love is often accept attraction to each other, which is facilitated by the deceptive nature of sexual desire.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Sexual desire requires fusion, it can be inspired not only by love, but also by anxiety and loneliness, the desire to conquer and be conquered, vanity, the need to inflict pain and even humiliate. Sexual desire is aroused or easily merged with any other strong emotion, one of which is love. Due to the fact that sexual desire, in the understanding of most people, is connected with the idea of ​​love, they easily fall into the delusion that they love each other when they are physically attracted to each other.When the desire for sexual union is caused by love, then physical intimacy is devoid of greed, the need to conquer or be conquered, but full of tenderness.If the desire for physical union is not caused by love, it never leads to unity, which would be something more than an orgiastic transient union.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">There is a preference in erotic love that is not in brotherly and maternal love. It is preferable only in the sense that a person can unite himself completely and firmly with one person .

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The relationship of love forms to its types and modes to forms does not remain constant: different types of love can have different forms of their manifestation, and different forms - different modes.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Now let's focus on the types of love. They can be correlated in different ways. " Each other
"circles". Each of the "circles" includes somewhat similar types of love, and the movement from the core to the periphery is subject to certain principles.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Following this principle, nine such "circles" are distinguished, leading from erotic love through love for one's neighbor, love for a person, etc. to love for truth , to goodness, etc. and further to the love of power, wealth, etc.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The first "circle of love" should, apparently, include erotic
(sexual) love and self-love.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">What is erotic love, everyone knows from their own experience or scientific literature. Only 16% of men and 10% of women doubt whether they know what love is, the rest are quite sure of this. According to our research, only 8% of boys and 5% of girls could not give a definition.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">In a certain, very important sense, erotic love makes a person complete: it gives him such fullness, richness and sharpness of being that nothing else can give.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">It should also be borne in mind that erotic love is not identical with sexual attraction, it is not a simple appendage of the latter. Love is as basic a phenomenon as sex. Normally, sex is a way of expressing love.The ease of sex, the absence of obstacles, devalues ​​love.Love persists even after sexual tension subsides.If erotic love were a pure desire for physical possession, it could be satisfied in many cases without difficulty, and the lover would not like to be loved, which is very essential for love.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">A person's love for himself is a prerequisite for his existence as a person and, therefore, a condition for all his love. Self-love is that Primary School love (primarily love for a person), in which, without possessing elementary literacy, they remain inaccessible " high universities» love. A person who loves only one person and does not love "his neighbor" really wants to dominate or obey, not love. In addition, when someone loves his neighbor, but does not love himself, he proves with his whole life that love for his neighbor is not genuine.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">The second "circle of love" is love for one's neighbor. It includes love for children, parents, siblings, family members, etc. Importance and the fundamental nature of this love are very significant and weighty, since this love is a kind of “school of humanity" (F. Bacon). Love for one's neighbor is the best test of a more general love for a person and best school such love.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">In the love of neighbor, a special place is occupied by parental love and the love of children for their parents.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Here it should also be taken into account that love for one's neighbor includes not only kindred feelings, but also love for all those who entered our lives and turned out to be firmly connected with her.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The third "circle of love" is love for a person, about which it was said in ancient times that it can only be big, there is no small love.
Love for a person includes love for oneself, love for one's neighbor, and love for every other person, regardless of any further definitions of it.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">This is, in particular, love for future generations and the responsibility to them associated with it. The guiding principle of such love is simple: the needs of future people are just as important as needs of modern times. Each generation should strive to leave to the next generation everything that it received from the previous one, quantitatively and qualitatively not in a worse condition than it had itself. resources.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">In the fourth "circle of love" - ​​love for the Motherland, love for life, love for
God, etc.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Love for the Fatherland is one of the deepest feelings fixed in the human soul for centuries and millennia. Love for the Motherland means love for the native land and the people living on it. These two components of a single feeling usually go together, supporting and reinforcing each other.But it happens that they tragically diverge: a person loves the Motherland, but not his compatriots.Love for the Motherland, opposed to love for living people, inevitably turns out to be abstract and destructive for others. And if such a person ascends to the pinnacle of power, he brings disaster to his people.The opposition of the Motherland and its people has never brought and is not able to bring good: neither in the case when the interests of the Motherland become higher than the interests of the people, nor in the case when love for the people preference is given to love for the native land.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The feeling of patriotism makes a person a part of a great whole - his
Motherland with which he is ready to share both joy and sorrow.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Love for the Motherland is least of all a blind, instinctive feeling that makes you thoughtlessly exalt the fatherland, not noticing its vices.
To love the Motherland means, first of all, to wish her well, to strive for her to become better.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The fifth "circle of love" is love for nature, which is the subject of beautiful pages of fiction.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU"> The cosmic feeling, which is discussed below, is one of the aspects, one of the components of love for nature. Aimed at the world as a whole, it speaks of the unity of man and of the world, about their fusion and even mutual influence.From this feeling, it seems to us, comes the conviction that nature is animated.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">However, not everyone has access to the cosmic feeling. consciousness of the elements of mythological thinking, but for those who have such a feeling, it seems to be one of the most profound and vivid sensations.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">The cosmic feeling of unity with the Universe, of being dissolved in it is clearly manifested in an irresistible instinct that draws our hearts to unity whenever our passion is excited in any direction It also manifests itself in the nostalgia that embraces us when contemplating nature, in the face of beauty, in music - in the expectation and feeling of a great presence.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The sixth "circle" is the love of truth, goodness, beauty, justice, etc.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The seventh "circle" - love for freedom, creativity, fame, power, one's activities, wealth, "law and order", etc.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The eighth "circle" is the love of communication, playing, gathering, collecting, entertainment, constant novelty, travel, etc.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">And, finally, the last, ninth "circle", which, in fact, is no longer a "circle of love" - ​​craving for food, addiction to foul language and etc.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">In this movement from the first "circle" of love to her last "circle", from her

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">from the center to the periphery, some patterns are quite clearly detected.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">First of all, as you move away from the center, the emotional component of love, the immediacy and concreteness of this feeling decreases.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">From the "circle" to the "circle" the intensity of love decreases, its coverage of the whole soul of a person. Erotic love and love for children can fill the entire emotional life of an individual. Love creativity or the love of fame most often constitutes only a part of such a life.Addiction to playing or collecting is only one aspect of the integral existence of a person, as a rule, devoid of independent value.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Decreases from "circle" to "circle" and the multitude of people embraced by love. Erotic love captures everyone or almost everyone. Not everyone loves God, truth and justice The love of fame or power is the lot of the few.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">With the decrease in the immediacy and concreteness of love, the social component of this feeling grows. It is present both in love for oneself and in love for children, but it is much more noticeable in love to power, freedom or wealth.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The farther from the center, the lower the standard assessment of the values ​​towards which love is directed. As you move away from the center, these values ​​become more unstable, ambivalent. An interesting question is how much does the division of types of love into "circles" correspond to their emergence and development in the course of human history? It turns out that erotic love has always accompanied a person (it already exists in the rudiment and the man himself, later developed a love for justice and freedom, etc.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">3 Love in modern world

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">If love is the ability of a mature, creative character, then it follows that the ability to love in an individual living in a particular culture depends on the influence of this culture on the character of that individual.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Now, at the present time, love is a relatively rare phenomenon, and its place is taken by various forms of pseudo-love, which, in fact, are numerous forms of the decomposition of love. Modern man is alienated from himself, from his fellow men, from nature, although everyone tries to be as close as possible to others, everyone remains extremely lonely, imbued with deep feelings of anxiety and guilt, which always appear where human loneliness cannot be overcome.

" xml:lang="en-GB" lang="en-RU">Human happiness today is to have fun. To have fun means to enjoy the use and consumption of goods, shows, food, drinks, cigarettes, people, lectures, books, films, everything is consumed and consumed.Our character is adapted to exchange and receive, trade and consume, all things, both spiritual and material, become an object of exchange and consumption.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">One ​​of the most significant expressions of love, and especially marriage with its aloof structure, is the idea of ​​"cohesion". Ideal happy marriage This is the ideal of a well-functioning coherence: a husband should "understand" his wife and help her; he must make favorable remarks about her new dress and delicious dish. She, in return, should "understand" him when he comes home tired and upset; should listen carefully to him when he talks about his business difficulties; not get angry, but "understand" when he forgets about her birthday. The whole set of these types of relationships comes down to a well-established connection between two people who remain strangers to each other throughout their lives:

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">“...we are in the ring of one bondage in a double stream of being.”

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">They never achieve a "deep connection", but are kind to each other and try to make each other's life as pleasant as possible.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">With this understanding of love and marriage (“team”, mutual tolerance), the main emphasis is on finding refuge from the otherwise unbearable feeling of loneliness. In “love” finally, salvation from loneliness is found, an alliance of two people against loneliness is created, and this alliance is mistaken for love and intimacy.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Emphasizing the spirit of coherence, mutual tolerance, etc. this is a relatively new phenomenon.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">In the years after the First World War, this was preceded by the concept of love, where mutual sexual satisfaction was put at the basis of satisfactory love relationships and, in particular, a happy marriage. There was a belief that the cause of many unhappy marriages must be sought in the fact that partners in marriage did not achieve "sexual conformity"; the cause of this trouble was seen in ignorance of the "correct" sexual behavior, i.e. in ignorance of sexual technique by one or both partners. "this trouble and to help unfortunate partners who could not love each other, many books gave instructions and advice on proper sexual behavior and promised, implicitly or explicitly, that happiness and love would then come. The underlying idea was that love is the child of sexual pleasure and if two people learn to sexually satisfy each other, then they will love each other.Ignored the fact that the truth is just the opposite this fundamental assumption. Love is not the result of adequate sexual satisfaction, knowledge of the so-called sexual technique is the result of love.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Love as sexual mutual satisfaction or love as
"cohesive work" and a refuge from loneliness are two of the "normal" forms of the devaluation of love in today's society. There are many individual forms of the pathology of love which, by leading to consciousness, are considered neurotic.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">The basis of neurotic love is that one or both lovers remain attached to the image of one of the parents, and, already being adults, endure feelings, expectations and fears, who have experienced in relation to their father or mother, to a loved one.These people are never freed from the image of childish dependence and, becoming adults, seek this image in their love demands.In the most severe cases, emotional immaturity leads to a violation of the social capacity of such a person; in less severe cases, the conflict is limited to the sphere of intimate personal relationships.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">A more complex type of neurotic love disorder based on a different kind of parental situation occurs when the parents do not love each other but are too reserved to quarrel or show any signs of displeasure outside.Detachment does not allow them to be involuntary in their relationship to the child.The child lives in an atmosphere
"correctness", this atmosphere does not allow close contact with the father or mother, and, consequently, the child is deprived of the opportunity to resolve his problems and lives timidly. He never knows what the parents feel or think; in this atmosphere there is always an element of uncertainty, mystery. As a result, the child goes into his own world, into dreams, and in reality remains detached and maintains the same attitude in his future love relationships. Further, this isolation in oneself affects the development of intense anxiety, a feeling of distrust of the world, and often leads to masochistic tendencies, as the only way to survive intense excitement.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">A form of pseudo-love that is often encountered and often perceived as "great love", this is love - worship. If a person has not reached the level at which he acquires a sense of authenticity , of his own "I", due to the productive realization of his own capabilities, he has a tendency to "worship" a loved one. He is alienated from his own forces and projects them onto a loved one, whom he reveres as the highest good, the embodiment of love, light, bliss. In this in the process, he deprives himself of all sense of his own strength, loses himself in the beloved instead of finding himself in him.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Another form of pseudo-love can be called "sentimental love". Its essence is that love is experienced only in fantasies, and not here and now in existing relationships with others real person. The most widespread form of this type of love is the vicarious feeling of love satisfaction experienced by the consumer of novels, screen and journalistic love stories. All unfulfilled desires for love, unity and intimacy find satisfaction in the consumption of such products. For many couples watching these stories on television, this is the only way to experience love not for each other, but together - as viewers of other people's "love".

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Another form of neurotic love consists in using projective mechanisms to get away from one's own problems by focusing on the shortcomings and weaknesses of the "beloved" person. Individuals are able to perfectly understand the small shortcomings of another person and blissfully pass by their own, ignoring them.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">There are many other variants of the pathology of love in modern society. And the forms listed above are just some of the most common forms of pseudo-love in our society.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">True love is possible only if two people are connected to each other by centers of existence, which means that each of them perceives himself from the depths of his existence. Only in such
“central experience” is human reality, only here is vitality, only here is the basis of love. Love is a constant risk, it is a state of movement, growth, working together; the presence of harmony or conflict, joy or sadness are secondary to the main fact: two people feel the fullness of their existence, in unity with each other, each of them finds himself, and does not lose. There is only one proof of the existence of love: the depth of the relationship, the vitality and strength of each of the lovers this is the fruit by which love is known.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Today our souls gravitate to discord much more than to agreement, and even in our personal relationships there is more discord than harmony, strife than friendliness. Parents and children, boys and girls, husbands and wives their souls and relationships are more governed by the springs of self-love than “friendship”, “I-requests” than “we-requests.” The souls of loved ones compete more than they live in the world, their power strings Almost from the cradle, a microbe of discord infects our psyche and creates in us a discordant subconscious, discordant feelings.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Civilization of fragmented humanity and fragmented man this is how the current civilization could be called.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">The new civilization, which is maturing in the bosom of the current one, will probably become a civilization of a single humanity and a whole person, and its general law will probably not be rivalry, but community of people.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">And one of the main builders of this civilization can be love.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Will we succeed? Will we be able to make this greatest revolution in the history of mankind? Will we recreate the primary human molecules family, social group so that their atoms cannot be held together external forces, as now, but internal attraction to each other?

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Conclusion

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Love is the most complex, mysterious and paradoxical reality that a person faces. And not because, as is usually believed, that there is only one step from love to hate but because "neither calculate nor calculate" love is impossible! One cannot be prudent in it nature will easily upset any calculations! One can only be sensitive in it in order to follow its whimsical course and guess in time with the soul all its curves, elusive for shifting eyes, sometimes inexplicable turns for the mind.In love, it is impossible to be petty and mediocre here you need generosity and talent, vigilance of the heart, breadth of soul, kind, subtle mind and much, much more than nature has endowed us in abundance, and that we are unreasonable we waste and dull in our vain life.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Genuine love is an expression of creativity and it implies care, respect, responsibility and knowledge. It is not an affect, in the sense of being influenced by someone, but an active struggle for the development and happiness of a loved one, which comes from the very ability to love.If love means having an attitude to love everything, if love is a character trait, it should be present not only in relationships with one's family and friends, but also with those with whom a person comes into contact at work, in his professional activity and, besides this, love must be present in relation to the entire surrounding world, to all manifestations of life.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Love has many faces and its world is inexhaustible, because each person loves in his own way. Love is a personal experience that everyone can experience only by himself and for himself; in fact, there is hardly anyone who has not had or does not have this experience even to a small extent, at least in childhood, youth or adulthood.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Love is one of the few areas in which a person is able to feel and experience his absolute indispensability. Here he is the highest value, the highest value. That is why only in love a person can feel the meaning of his existence for another and the meaning of the existence of another for himself.Love helps him to manifest, revealing, increasing, developing in him good, positive, valuable.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">It should also be noted that love is one of the manifestations of human freedom. No one can force you to love (many things can be forced to do: work, even do evil but not to love) neither the other, nor yourself. Love is a matter of free initiative, it is the basis of itself. It has no external stimuli, it is not reduced to instincts.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Thus, love is the foundation of the human world, the main
“shrines”, fortunately, reviving its meaning, along with mercy, conscience, faith and hope.

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">It only feels like a ship to stay afloat for a long time before you know that "I love" is the same as breathing or living!

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Love is now much simpler than it can be. Both the hardships of life and our today's psychology, which is hostile to love, interfere with it, because it lives from « I", and not from "we".

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Our modern looseness and even promiscuity in the promotion of sex, the cult of sophisticated erotica teach modern man to worship that in love that in it is secondary and subordinate to the spiritual, moral and aesthetic principles. No matter how happy sexual intercourse brings, the “star peak” of love is still in spiritual harmony, cordial intimacy, and the absolute indispensability of a loved one, while in sex a replacement is quite possible.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Now be it fiction, art, religion or philosophy you must first of all awaken in a person the ability to love and in particular love another person.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Only in love and through love does a person become a person…

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">References

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">1. Ivin A.A. Diverse world of love // ​​Philosophy of love. Part 1. - M.: Politizdat, 1990. 399 p.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">2. Spinoza B. Ethics / Translated from Latin by N.A. Ivantsova // Spinoza B. Selected works: In 2 vols. M ., 1957. Vol. 1. 610 p.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">3." xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Sukhomlinsky" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU"> V.A. Book about love. M.:" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Youth Guard"xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">,1983. 191 p.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU"> 4. Freud 3. Psychology of the unconscious: Collection of works - M .: "Enlightenment", 1990.- 448 p.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">5. Fromm E. The Art of Loving. M.: Pedagogy, 1990 - 160 p.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">6. Fromm E. Human Soul - M.: Respublika, 1992. 108 p.

" xml:lang="ru-RU" lang="ru-RU">Contents

" xml:lang="en-RU" lang="en-RU">Introduction……………………………………………………………………...…. ..2
1. Love as a feeling.… ……………………………………………………...…....4
2. Diverse world of love………………………………………………......10
3. Love in the modern world………………………………………………....18

Institute "Upper Volga"

Discipline: "Civil Law"


Subject: "Part 1"

Completed by a 2nd year student

Group 2-YUZ-18

Direction "Jurisprudence"


scientific adviser

Art. teacher M. V. Soboleva


1. Task number 1 3

2. Task number 2 5

3. Task number 3 6

4. Task number 4 6

5. Tasks for the discipline: civil law, part 1 11

References 29

Task number 1.

Complete the following classifications with the missing concepts:

1) The subject of civil law is:

Property relations, which are relations that arise between people about property - material and other benefits that have the economic form of a commodity. As a commodity, these benefits can be alienated from their owners, passing from one person to another and thereby forming an exchange of goods - a property turnover. ()

Personal non-property relations related to property.

2) The subjects of civil legal relations include:

Citizens of the Russian Federation Foreign citizens, stateless persons;

Legal entities (Civil law. In 4 vols. Vol. 1: General part (responsible editor - E.A. Sukhanov). "Wolters Kluver", 2008)

Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities.

3) To participate in civil legal relations, individuals must have:

legal capacity;

Legal capacity (Civil law. In 4 vols. Vol. 1: General part (responsible editor - E.A. Sukhanov). "Volters Kluver", 2008)

4) In the Russian Federation, there are the following systems for registering legal entities:

Safe house (creation);


Changes in constituent documents;


Order of the Federal tax service dated January 25, 2012 N MMV-7-6 / 25 "On approval of forms and requirements for the execution of documents submitted to the registration authority during state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and peasant (farmer) households"

5) Constituent documents of legal entities are:

Charter (joint stock company, production cooperative, unitary enterprise, social organization(an association)).

Charter and memorandum of association (limited liability company, additional liability company, association or union).

Memorandum of association (general partnership, limited partnership).

Without constituent documents (a state corporation, since the law providing for the creation of a state corporation should determine the name of the state corporation, the objectives of its activities, its location, the procedure for managing its activities (including the governing bodies of the state corporation and the procedure for their formation, the procedure for appointing officials of a state corporation and their release), the procedure for reorganization and liquidation of a state corporation and the procedure for using the property of a state corporation in the event of its liquidation).

Decisions of the owner on the establishment of the institution and the charter approved by the owner (institution).

Charter (non-profit partnerships and autonomous non-profit organizations), which is their main founding document. However, founders (participants) of non-commercial partnerships, as well as autonomous non-profit organizations entitled to enter into a memorandum of association).

Alekseev S.S., Vasiliev A.S., Golofaev V.V., Gongalo B.M. Commentary on the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (educational and practical). Parts one, two, three, four (under the editorship of Stepanov S.A.). - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - "Avenue; Ekaterinburg: Institute of Private Law, 2010, art. 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

6) Depending on the grounds for carrying out, the following types of liquidation of legal entities are distinguished:


By the tribunal's decision. Art. 57 of the Federal Law of February 8, 1998 N 14-FZ "On Limited Liability Companies"

7) Joint-stock companies are divided into the following types:

open type;

closed type. Art. 97 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

8) The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the division of things into:


Immovable. Art. 130 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

9) Objects of civil law on the basis of negotiability are divided into:

Freely tradable;

limited circulation capacity;

Land and other natural resources;

Results of intellectual activity and equated means of individualization.

Art. 129 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

10) The right of ownership in the subjective sense includes the possibility of:

own a thing;

use of the thing;

Disposition of a thing.

Art. 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Task number 2.

List the sources of civil law, distributing them by legal force:

the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

International treaties and generally recognized principles and norms of international law;

federal laws in the field of civil law;

Departmental regulations containing norms of civil law, and the conditions for their validity;

Acts of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the highest judicial bodies and judicial practice in domestic and foreign legal orders;

Business practices.

Civil law. In 4 vols. T. 1: General part (responsible editor - E.A. Sukhanov). Walters Kluver, 2008

Alekseev S.S., Ayusheeva I.Z., Vasiliev A.S. [and others] Civil law: textbook: in 3 vols. Vol. 1 (under the general editorship of S.A. Stepanov). - "Avenue"; "Institute of Private Law", 2010

Task number 3.

The structure of civil relations includes:

General provisions;

Property law;

Law of Obligation: general provisions(general part of the law of obligations);

Separate types obligations;

inheritance law;

International private law;

Intellectual property right.

Alekseev S.S., Gongalo B.M., Murzin D.V. and others. Civil law: a textbook (under the general editorship of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences S.S. Alekseev). - 3rd ed., revised. and additional – Prospekt, 2011

Task number 4.

In writing ("by hand") disclose the content of the following questions:

I. Legal capacity and legal capacity.

1. The concept of civil legal personality.

Legal personality - the social and legal possibility of the subject to be a participant in civil legal relations. At its core, it is a right general type provided by the state with material and legal guarantees. Endowing the subject with legal personality is a consequence of the existence of a continuing connection between the subject and the state. It is precisely because of the presence of such a connection that any legal entity is assigned obligations of a fundamental nature - to comply with laws and moral norms, to exercise subjective civil rights in accordance with their social purpose. These obligations correspond to legal personality as a subjective right of a general type. Preconditions and constituent parts civil legal personality are the legal capacity and legal capacity of subjects.

Civil law. In 4 vols. T. 1: General part (responsible editor - E.A. Sukhanov). Walters Kluver, 2008

2. The legal capacity of citizens: the concept, its content, the moment of occurrence and termination, whether its restriction is permissible.

Legal capacity - the ability to have civil rights and bear obligations (civil capacity). Recognized equally for all citizens. The legal capacity of a citizen arises at the moment of his birth and ends at death. Citizens can have property on the right of ownership; inherit and bequeath property; engage in entrepreneurial and any other activities not prohibited by law; create legal entities independently or jointly with other citizens and legal entities; make any transactions that do not contradict the law and participate in obligations; choose a place of residence; have the rights of authors of works of science, literature and art, inventions and other legally protected results of intellectual activity; have other property and personal non-property rights.

Art. 17, Art. 18 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

3. Legal capacity of citizens: the concept, types, volume of legal capacity of minors and minors.

The ability of a citizen by his actions to acquire and exercise civil rights, create for himself civil duties and fulfill them (civil capacity) arises in full with the onset of adulthood, that is, upon reaching the age of eighteen.

In the case when the law allows marriage before reaching the age of eighteen, a citizen who has not reached the age of eighteen acquires legal capacity in full from the time of marriage. Legal capacity acquired as a result of marriage is retained in full even in the event of divorce before the age of eighteen. When declaring a marriage invalid, the court may decide on the loss of full legal capacity by the minor spouse from the moment determined by the court.

Art. 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

4. Influence of various circumstances on legal capacity:

1) recognition of citizens as incompetent.

A citizen who, due to a mental disorder, cannot understand the meaning of his actions or control them, may be recognized by a court as incapable in the manner prescribed by civil procedural legislation. He is placed under guardianship.

Art. 29 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

2) limitation of legal capacity.

A citizen who, due to addiction to gambling, alcohol or drug abuse, puts his family in a difficult financial situation, may be limited by the court in legal capacity in the manner prescribed by civil procedural legislation. Guardianship is established over him. He has the right to independently make small household transactions. He can make other transactions only with the consent of the trustee. However, such a citizen independently bears property liability for transactions made by him and for the harm caused to him. The trustee receives and spends the earnings, pension and other income of a citizen restricted by the court in his legal capacity, in the interests of the ward in the manner prescribed by Article 37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Art. 30 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

3) bankruptcy.

Insolvency (bankruptcy) is the debtor's inability, recognized by the arbitration court, to fully satisfy the claims of creditors for monetary obligations and (or) fulfill the obligation to make mandatory payments.

The educational process involves not only the transfer to students of a certain amount of information in the range of declared disciplines, but also the inculcation of the skills of reproducing this information and its self-deepening through work directly with sources. This is achieved by the practice of performing a number of research projects by students and students of other educational institutions. One of the simplest such works is the abstract. Its goal is to summarize all available material within 15-20 pages of printed text within the framework of the stated topic.

Thus, the abstract does not have a practical, in fact, research part. However, despite its simplicity and small volume, the abstract requires due attention to its design. Proper formatting is part of the assignment and has a significant impact on the final grade of the work. According to educational standards, an incorrectly designed research cannot be admitted to defense.

Particular attention in the design of the abstract, like any other work, should be given to the title page. The title bar is the first thing that catches your eye. Depending on how it is designed, the first and often decisive impression of the entire work is formed, and, accordingly, the teacher's credibility increases or decreases. It is worth considering that an essay that is impeccable in terms of informative content can be underestimated only because of design errors, and vice versa, a study that is weak in terms of content can earn “excellent” only thanks to impeccable design.

When preparing an abstract, students should focus primarily on the requirements of the teacher who provides scientific guidance and on the recommendations of the methodological office of the educational institution, set out in a special manual for the design of scientific papers. If there is none, and the supervisor did not provide specific instructions, then you can use the nationwide standards prescribed in GOST. Samples corresponding to it and recommendations for the design of the title page will be given below.

General rules for the design of the title page

The first thing to keep in mind when designing a title page is a number of general text requirements - font, size, line spacing, case and margins.

Traditionally, although it is not defined by any GOST rules, the text scientific work typed in Times New Roman. The same font is used when formatting the title page. As far as the size is concerned, different parts different size can be used: 14 pt. and 16 pt. The line spacing in the text of the title page is usually single. In some cases, one and a half can also be used. Both upper and lower case are used, depending on the importance of the text. Field requirements are standard: 15 mm. for right and top margins; 25 mm. for the left margin and 30 mm. for the bottom. Additionally, some parts of the title text can be bold and italicized.

Formatting the center section

The formative and most important part of the title page is the central inscription, which includes the type of work, the name of the scientific discipline and the topic of research. The text of this part is aligned to the center of the line. The type of work, in this case an abstract, is written in capital letters. Uppercase is also allowed for the topic title. If there is too much text, you can additionally highlight the type, discipline and topic in bold as the most important information.

"Mythology of the peoples of the European region"

« The image of Cuchulainn, as folk hero and the warrior archetype»

A few lines below the topic is the next most important and important information, which includes information about the student who owns the work and about the teacher who supervised the research. The text of this part is aligned to the right margin. Although, as an option, it is also possible to align to the left with the transfer of the left margin to the right by two-thirds of the page width. The words “accomplished” and “supervisor” can be italicized and bold.

Sample 1:


3rd year student

groups №14-11

Karev A. M.

Scientific adviser:

Doc. history Sciences


Felisov A. M.

Sample 2:


3rd year student

groups №14-11

Karev A. M.

Scientific adviser:

Doc. history Sciences


Felisov A. M.

Another element of the title page is located at the very top of the page. Its content is the name of the educational institution or its branch, department and faculty, if any. The name of the educational institution is written in capital letters. Then one line is skipped, and only then the faculty is written, and one line below the department - in lower case. All this information is aligned in the center.



Faculty of Anthropology

Department of Mythology and Folklore

The last piece of information that makes up title page, is the name of the city where the educational institution is located and the year in which the abstract was written. Typically, this information spans two lines, centered.

When all the individual parts of the title page are written, all that remains is to harmoniously arrange them on the page in order to maintain overall visual harmony.


It is worth recalling that these samples are not the only ones, although they reflect standard practice. However, they should be used unless directed otherwise by the school, as choosing a national standard at the expense of the school's local practice may result in a lower grade.

IMAX is a large-format cinema system that underpins a number of film screening technologies and the organization of a network of cinemas around the world Comparative sizes of IMAX film and a classic frame on 35 mm film

The IMAX Digital System is a set of technologies developed by the Canadian IMAX Corporation for the purpose of showing films in best quality. The complex consists of: -two projectors -laser sound leveling system -patented hall geometry. Almost all components of this system have been specially designed to achieve the maximum "IMAX effect" (The IMAX Experience®). The image enhancement technology introduced by IMAX delivers images of stunning clarity and brightness, surpassing all current cinema standards in terms of quality. The crystal clear image, which extends beyond the area of ​​geometric recognition (including the peripheral vision of a person), together with perfect digital sound, makes viewers believe in the reality of what is happening on the screen and immerse themselves in the cinema to the maximum. Each IMAX auditorium is individually designed, installed, and serviced by the IMAX Corporation.

PROJECTION TECHNOLOGY q q q Revolutionary projection technology delivers crystal clear images. Dual projector system. Patented image enhancement technology (Image Enhancer). Improved brightness and contrast. Automatic image calibration. Custom designed server.

Optical sensor ensures consistent picture quality Both projectors are used to show conventional 2D movies in IMAX. They are very precisely calibrated so that the images from different projectors match pixel by pixel.

Dual IMAX Projectors Two projectors working at the same time ensure the accuracy and balance of the video footage using closed ring technology. When showing IMAX 3D movies, both projectors superimpose the right and left images at the same time. The equipment has much more advanced features than what is used in conventional 3D cinemas. One of the advantages of the system is the adaptation and improvement of its equipment with the advent of new developments.

Audio Technology The powerful IMAX audio system delivers superior digital sound. Unrivaled sonic fidelity and wide dynamic range. Proportional distribution of the sound source to the speakers. Fine tune the purity and direction of the sound. Excellent sound quality anywhere in the room.