The Negative Effects of Video Games - A web programmer's blog.

In this article, you will learn whether the course of evolution can change direction, people perform worse or better when they are looked at, why some pregnant mice deliberately kill their unborn children, and much more.

Ollie effect Ollie effect

This is a biological phenomenon showing that the growth of a population in relation to its size (or the whole species in a certain area) falls if the population decreases. In other words, each female produces more offspring if the population is higher. The Ollie effect, named after the American zoologist Walter Clyde Ollie, has completely changed the idea of ​​population growth. At the time of his research, it was believed that a population with a smaller number of individuals should flourish, because. each of them will have more resources available.

In other words, a population should grow more slowly when the number of individuals in it is larger and faster when the number of individuals is smaller. However, Ollie's research proves that when the population decreases, so does the number of possible pairs - hence the increase goes slower. Conclusion: the more individuals in the population, the faster it grows.

The audience effect and crowding out theory

This is the influence that an audience has on a person or group of people performing a specific task in front of everyone. This effect was discovered in the 1930s. It consists of two opposite phenomena: the results of many performers (athletes in particular) usually turn out to be higher when they are looked at. a large number of people, while for others, the presence of the audience makes them feel uncomfortable, so they end their performances with a worse result than they really can.

In 1965 Social psychologist Robert Zajonc discovered the connection between the audience effect and the so-called repression theory. Zajonc proved that whether the impact of the audience will be positive or negative depends on the relative "ease" of the task being performed. If, for example, the speaker believes he will win, the audience effect will move him to speak at highest level. If he is not confident in himself, then having an audience can lead to an even greater decrease in his self-esteem.

Pygmalion effect

The Pygmalion effect is related to the audience effect and repression theory, it combines the positive expectations of the speaker and the highest result. The effect is named after Bernard Shaw's play "Pygmalion" (based on the film "My wonderful lady”), sometimes also called the “Rosenthal effect”. In addition, there is an effect opposite to the Pygmalion effect, its essence lies in the fact that low expectations lead to a low level of performance, and this effect is called the “golem effect”.

The Pygmalion effect has been studied in detail in the world athletics, business and especially education. In business, the effect is very pronounced in the results of managers, who directly depend on what they expect from their own employees. As Professor J. Livingston noted in his research: “The way managers treat their subordinates largely depends on what they expect from them.” Similarly, the classroom study of the Pygmalion effect by Robert Rosenthal and Leonora Jacobson proved that those students from whom the teacher expects more are more likely to excel.

Bruce effect

When pregnant female rodents smell an unfamiliar male, they can sometimes terminate their own pregnancy. This effect, first studied by the British zoologist Hilda Bruce, has been observed in some mice, voles, lemmings, gelada monkeys, and even lions. For some time, the effect was studied only on animals in captivity, for the first time the effect in wild nature began to study a researcher from the University of Michigan Eila Roberts. Most main question in both cases, why would a mother kill her own child? Roberts spent 5 years studying gelada in Ethiopia and collected data on 110 females from 21 different groups.

After analyzing fecal samples for hormones that strongly confirm pregnancy, Roberts discovered that where the male asserted his dominance by taking over the group, a significant number of females aborted their pregnancy. In groups without a dominant male, the birth rate was much higher. The answer lies in the tendency of dominant males to kill small geladas, they do this because the females will only be able to copulate again after they have raised their babies and the males do not have enough patience. Monkeys kill their unborn babies because they know they will die anyway, saving the mother time, effort and money.

Leidenfrost effect

If you have ever splashed water on a very hot pan and seen the drops start to swirl like crazy, then you have observed the Leidenfrost effect, named after the German doctor Johan Gottlob Leidenfrost in 1796. The Leidenfrost effect is physical phenomenon, it is observed when the liquid is very close to the surface, much hotter than the boiling point of the liquid. Under such conditions, the liquid creates a protective layer of vapor that separates it from the hot surface and prevents rapid evaporation.

In the case of droplets in a hot pan, the water eventually boils and evaporates, but much more slowly than if the temperature of the pan were above the boiling point but below the Leidenfrost point. This effect allows water, under certain conditions, to levitate over a hot surface. For the same reason, it is possible to dip a wet finger in liquid nitrogen without consequences. But it’s better not to experiment like that, it’s still dangerous.

diorama effect

The diorama effect, also known as "pseudo-macro" or "diorama illusion," describes the process when a photographer captures life-size real objects in such a way that they look like miniature models in the picture. Sometimes it is also called the “tilt-shift” effect, but in fairness it should be noted that tilt-shifting is a technique that always allows you to create a “pseudo-macro” effect. This technique can be used in digital photography to give the impression that the photo was taken with a special lens.

The creation of such images takes place in several stages. It is possible to identify several key points: — take a picture from above; - blur the edges of the photo; - increase color saturation. Of course, much more can be said about this. You can also find step-by-step instructions online.

review effect

Of all ever named and studied psychological effects, the review effect is the rarest, only 534 people have been in conditions in which it is possible. When astronauts see the whole Earth from orbit or from the surface of the Moon, many describe an incredible sense of scale and perspective, which is called the view effect. Invented by writer Frank White, this effect has a profound effect on a person, puzzles, inspires, awakens emotions. The view of the Earth from space changes a person's attitude to reality. The astronauts return home with a new vision of how we are all connected, with a sense of the meaninglessness of any cultural boundaries, and with a desire to care for the environment.

Gaffe effect

Imagine that you are madly in love with a girl, and she seems talented, kind and beautiful to you. Then imagine that you see her walking down the sidewalk, tripping and falling straight down on her face. For many reasons, you fall in love with her even more and you yourself seem much more attractive to her, and all this is a result of her clumsiness. Studied particularly widely in the worlds of sports, business, and politics, this psychological phenomenon is known as the “gaffe effect.” This effect was originally discovered and named by researcher Eliot Aronson in 1966.

The results of this effect may be different. Research shows that people tend to love imperfect people who make mistakes. The effect has been analyzed a lot and it turned out that, for example, clumsy women attract men more than vice versa, but the basic principle (a person becomes more attractive by showing his shortcomings) remains.

Sleeper effect

The sleeper effect is an often studied, controversial psychological effect that shows how information influences a person's opinion. Basically, when you see an ad with a positive slogan, positive associations arise with it (and with the advertised product). However, after some time, these positive associations disappear and, in the end, there are no associations at all with this advertisement. But under certain conditions, for example, if the message was accompanied by a "discount remark", the positive association may remain for a longer time.

The “discounting response” is usually given in the form of a source of information that is not credible, or the message comes with a caveat, or the source of information is somehow unusual. When you see a negative political ad sponsored by an opponent, you may initially be suspicious of the message, but after a while you will begin to believe. Research states that the sleeper effect is real, but difficult to implement in reality, so for it to be effective, a strict set of guidelines must be strictly followed.

Tamagotchi effect

Oh that Tamagotchi. If you grew up in the 90s of the twentieth century, you probably had it, or you knew someone who had it, or at least knew about its existence. By 2010, over 76 million little electronic animals had been sold worldwide. For those not in the know, the Tamagotchi is a small portable virtual pet invented in 1996 in Japan.

The owner of the Tamagotchi was engaged in feeding, treating, raising and cleaning up after his pet. The Tamagotchi effect is a psychological phenomenon in which people become emotionally dependent on a robot or other virtual object. Such an attitude in a person can be towards a Tamagotchi, a cell phone, a robot, or even some computer program. Research shows that the Tamagotchi effect can manifest at any age and can have both positive and negative effects on a person's mental health.

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When we say that our actions are the result only our decisions, we are a little cunning. After all, the brain constantly manages to deceive us, distorting the perception of reality.

website collected 10 psychological effects that control our behavior, even if we do not know about it.

This syndrome is based on a real experiment: if you put a frog in water at a temperature that is comfortable for it and turn on gradual heating, then the frog will spend all its strength on stabilizing its body temperature and, when the water boils, it will not be able to jump out and die. If you put a frog in a container of boiling water, it will jump out immediately.

So people, getting into an unpleasant, but not life-threatening situation, prefer to endure constant minor inconveniences until they exhaust them emotionally. Painful relationships with loved ones, hateful work - all these are traps. into which we drive ourselves because of the unwillingness to change anything.

Often our brain clings to old ideas, already firmly entrenched in the masses, and denies new, reliable data. Classic example: for a long time people did not accept the fact that the Earth is round (by the way, such people still exist). The information that the Earth is flat was more "comfortable" for the brain, because everything new, as you know, is scary.

AT Everyday life many of us are extremely conservative: it is difficult for us to part with outdated information and even feelings that have lost their relevance.

When things go really bad sometimes we don't want to know unnecessary details of our troubles- like an ostrich burying its head in the sand. We ignore negative information, preferring not to think about the problem at all. For example, we are glad that the teacher has not yet checked our exam task, because we do not want to know the result. What if he's bad?

As paradoxical as it sounds, the fact that we cannot recognize cognitive distortions in ourselves is also a distortion. The blind spot effect is exactly that. People tend to notice mistakes in the behavior of others, but ignore their own.(even the most obvious ones). According to research, every person has experienced this effect at least once.

Often we overestimate the value of the information available to us especially when we make a decision. For example, a person who defends his bad habit will say that he knows someone (not necessarily personally) who smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day and lived to be 100 years old. The brain eliminates the possibility that this example, if not invented, is certainly unique. A person automatically extends a successful example to his situation and believes that he has nothing to worry about.

When we achieve something in a new field of activity for us, our idea of ​​​​our own abilities, as a rule, is distorted, and self-esteem becomes overestimated. That's why newcomers give "valuable" instructions to more experienced employees, but at the same time they do not notice their own mistakes.As you gain experience, a person begins to understand how much he still does not know in his field, and his cognitive distortion changes sign to “minus”: self-esteem is greatly underestimated.

Research has shown that if people are given the choice of reducing a small risk to zero or significantly reducing a huge one, most will choose the first option (even if it is counterproductive). To reduce the already low probability of air crashes to zero, or to drastically reduce the colossal number of car accidents? Zero risk often looks more attractive to our brains.

Imagine that you decide to save up for a car. At some point, say, a couple of weeks before the purchase, you realize that you will soon have the necessary amount of money, and experiencing the strongest emotions: mentally you have already made a purchase. That is why emotions will not be so strong when you really become the owner of the cherished car. You may even feel disappointed.


external effects. Public and private costs and benefits. Positive and negative externalities and the problem of efficient allocation of resources in a market economy.

Reasons for the existence of external effects. Internalization of externalities: the role of specification of property rights and transaction costs. Coase theorem.

Controlling externalities: corrective taxes and subsidies.

Using the theory of externalities in economic practice. Administrative methods of environmental regulation. Pollution rights market environment. Kyoto protocol. Features of state regulation of externalities in the Republic of Belarus.


Lecture questions:

Positive and negative externalities. The problem of efficient allocation of resources in a market economy.

Reasons for the existence of external effects. Transaction costs and property rights. Coase theorem.

Regulation of external effects.

Administrative methods of environmental regulation. The Market for Pollution Rights.

Peculiarities of regulation of externalities in the Republic of Belarus.

Positive and negative externalities

external effects(English, externalities) are called direct, not mediated by the market, the impact of one economic agent on the performance of others. These impacts can be favorable, in which case they are called positive externalities, or external benefits, and adverse, in which case they are called negative externalities, or external costs.

In a market economy, an externality usually occurs when the actions of an individual or firm affect the welfare of another individual or firm in a way that is not reflected in the market price system. This externality can be related to the impact either of an individual's consumption of a good on the welfare of other individuals (consumption externalities) or of the production of a product on the production capabilities of other firms (production externalities).

In neoclassical theory, externalities are one of the causes of market failures, i.e. failure of the market mechanism to provide a Pareto-efficient allocation of public resources (allocative efficiency). In the presence of externalities, the fulfillment of conditions that usually lead to the achievement of socially optimal outcomes may, on the contrary, lead to over- or underproduction of goods, because in this situation the market price may not reflect the true social costs or benefits.

According to the direction of action, external effects can be divided into the following four groups.

1) "Production - production". Negative externality: The chemical plant releases its waste into the river, which interferes with the production of the downstream brewery.

Positive external effect: the beekeeper's apiary and the fruit grower's apple orchard located next to each other have a beneficial effect on each other (honey collection depends on the number of apple trees, and vice versa).

2) "Production - consumption". Negative impact: residents of adjacent areas suffer from harmful emissions into the atmosphere of industrial enterprises.

Positive impact: a factory in a small village is repairing a road that local residents drive along as well.

decoration of a building that favorably affects the utility extracted from the environment by the surrounding residents and passers-by.

3) "Consumption - production". Negative effect: as a result of family picnics, there are Forest fires that harm forestry.

Positive effect: the fence of the enterprise does not need to be guarded if there is a crowded street nearby and not a single thief can climb over unnoticed.

4) "Consumption - consumption". Negative effect: the utility of an individual is reduced if his neighbor plays music at full volume at night.

Positive effect: if you set up a flower garden in front of the house, then the usefulness of your neighbors from contemplating beautiful flowers will increase

Negative externalities associated with costs to third parties. They arise if the activity of one economic agent causes costs for others.


Marginal private cost (MPC) is the cost of services of those resources that firms buy or own.

Marginal External Cost (MES) - these are the additional costs associated with the production of each additional unit of output, which are not paid by the manufacturer, but are passed on to third parties.

Marginal Social Cost (MSC) is the sum of MES and MRS:


Total External Costs (TEC) is the cumulative damage caused to third parties. They vary depending on the volume of output in the industry. With an increase in production, TEC increases.

Rice. 11.1. Negative externality.

In the presence of a negative externality, the general condition for achieving efficiency can be expressed as follows:


If the enterprise, releasing products, initiates a negative externality, but does not include MEC in its marginal costs, then it will sell products in the quantity Q1 at the price P1. however, such production generates a marginal external cost MEC, which leads to an increase in MSC. Those. society pays indirectly for the harm caused by the enterprise. If the company increased its costs to reduce the negative externality, then it would sell fewer products (in the amount of Q2) at a higher price P2. Equilibrium would be established at point B. At the same time, the negative impact on third parties would decrease. Otherwise, the total damage is estimated as the area of ​​the shaded triangle.

It is generally undesirable for society to have zero pollution levels. After all, the latter accompanies zero output, since any production activity is usually associated with some kind of environmental pollution. Determining a "proper" level of pollution involves equalizing the associated gains and losses, which usually takes place at some positive level of pollution.

positive externality arises when the activity of one economic agent brings benefits to others.

Marginal private benefits (individual utility of the good) MRI is the marginal utility received by a person who buys an additional unit of a good.

Marginal external benefits (external utility of the good) MEV - this is the marginal gain extracted by third parties who are neither the seller nor the buyer of the good.

Marginal Social Benefits (Social Utility) MSB is the sum of MRV and MEV:


Total External Utility (TEB) is the product of the utility of a unit of goods and the number of units consumed.

With a positive externality, marginal social utility exceeds marginal private utility.

Rice. 11. 2. Positive externality.

The equilibrium is at point A, since the participants in the transaction do not take into account that third parties receive a positive externality and do not pay for it. Therefore, the good is sold in a smaller quantity of Q1 at a lower price of P1, while taking into account the externality, the good could be sold in a larger quantity of Q2 and at a higher price of P2. It's like driving with impunity public transport without a ticket.

Due to the fact that third parties deriving external benefits do not take part in the conclusion and execution of transactions with this product, their benefits are not taken into account when concluding such transactions, and the equilibrium prices and quantities established on the market differ from those values ​​that would be received in such a way. Hence, the result of positive externalities is insufficient output and underestimation of the price of this product, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the economy. Therefore, in order to ensure an efficient volume of output, such a mechanism is needed, thanks to which third parties using the externality would contribute to its receipt and consumption. In this case, one part of the contribution of third parties would be used to reduce the price paid by consumers in order to stimulate the growth of their consumption, and the other part would be used to offset any increase in marginal costs in order to encourage producers to increase output.

Thus, the following conclusion can be drawn:

· in the presence of negative externality in more overproduction goods and services with a negative externality;

· in the presence of positive externality economic good is bought and sold in a smaller compared to the effective volume, i.e. occurs underproduction goods and services with a positive externality.

Modern scientific and technological progress has led to a wide distribution of markets for network products, distinguishing feature which lies in the fact that their value, or utility, for each consumer increases as the circle of people consuming this product expands. This dependence of the utility of a commodity on the number of its consumers is of a special kind. external effect called network. For example, telephone network, when the connection of new subscribers increases the number of people who can be called by subscribers who have connected to the network earlier, and thereby increases the value of the system for both current and future users.

Ways of experiencing emotions. The underlying causes of their occurrence.

Emotions are an integral part of human nature, allowing you to feel the rhythm of life.

It is determined by nature that women are prone to their manifestation more and more often than men.

We saw something interesting or someone familiar New film or a cartoon, heard about something, just while talking or alone with yourself - emotions are everywhere.

How do we tend to express negative emotions?

  • suppress in ourselves
  • openly demonstrate to live
  • consciously control and live

From birth, the free expression of emotions outside is natural. Mom understands them correctly and satisfies the needs of the crumbs.

Growing up, we keep at the subconscious level the desire to be

  • understood and accepted with all your emotions
  • loved and significant in the lives of loved ones

Coloring emotions into positive and negative is conditional and is most likely associated with the consequences of their external manifestation. It is unlikely that for joy a person will say nasty things or break dishes, right?

How do girls in love behave? How do you know if a girl is in love with you?

That's just to live negative, namely anger, anger, sadness, we were not taught at school, college, at home.

On the contrary, we often see the same women and men, choking on their negative emotions and sowing seeds of quarrels, disputes, and insults. How to be?

How to experience emotions in an environmentally friendly way?

  • First, we note that emotions are born in the body, which means that they must exit through it.
  • Only their living without analyzing the causes of occurrence is ineffective. They will appear again and again, you demonstrate them. Do those around you suffer?
  • Crushing and refusing to live is akin to going to the toilet and forcibly retaining the waste products of the body. This is fraught with disease and self-destruction.
  • Soberly assess the presence of emotion - is it momentary or is it part of your character? In the first case, it is possible and necessary to live it, in the second, it is better to go to a psychologist.

Destructive and constructive emotions

We divide the ways of living emotions into two groups and consider each:

  • destructive
  • constructive

We know about the first not by hearsay, and yet we will list them.

Destructive ways of expressing emotions

Constructive Ways of Expressing Emotions

14. We write letters of resentment

Anger and anger leave a trace in the soul of a person in the form of resentment. It, accumulating in the body, corrodes us directly and figuratively. Release it properly. For example, writing out all your feelings and sensations to specific person or situations. But at the end, be sure to thank them for the lesson, the opportunity to feel the emotion, and let go. Reread and burn the letter. Wash your face, wash your hands or take a bath with fragrant foam. A shower is also suitable, especially a contrast one. And fix the result by pampering yourself with herbal tea.

15. Fill out the Radical Forgiveness Questionnaire

You can take it from the book of the same name or download it from the Internet. There are a lot of questions in the questionnaire and the author recommends filling it out every time you are covered with emotions. Yes, you will need time to write your answers. But a chain of questions will allow you to gradually unwind the tangle of emotions, acknowledge, live them and let go.

16. We do all kinds of crafts

The therapeutic effect is invaluable and has been known since ancient times. Women mastered the art of transforming negative emotions into creative ones while working at a spinning wheel, embroidery, knitting and any other types of manual creativity.
If you sat down to work, seething with anger and / or anger, after the passions subside, burn the result. He absorbed your emotions and brings no joy. On the contrary, it will remind you of the situation or human act / word that caused your explosion.

17. We beat the pillow

Choose any in your household for the role of "victim". Just do not sleep on it and do not offer guests to sleep, nightmares can torment.
While hitting the pillow, scream if you want to scream something, or cry. Emotion can come out in different ways.

18. Knocking emotions out of the couch with a towel

Every hostess in the house has such a piece of furniture. Usually no one sleeps on it, it serves as a place for conversations and meetings with family or guests.
Take a large bath towel, roll it into a tube, take one end, and beat the sofa with the other. Especially do not choose a place for blows, the main thing is to beat out the emotion, feel the devastation and physical fatigue.

19. We knock with a fist on the wall, a punching bag

A traumatic way, because you can get hurt, earn bruises and abrasions. But anger can also be of such strength that it burns from within and without everything that it comes into contact with.
If the husband has a punching bag and gloves, then you can use them. And you will beat the emotion out of yourself, and pump up your hands.

20. We hit the water

Water is a feminine element. It reflects our essence and helps us understand ourselves. For example, regular walks near a natural reservoir have a positive effect on our hormonal levels and psychological state.
For living emotions, a lake, a river, a pond, an ocean, a sea, and even water in a bathroom are suitable for you. Only without harm to the neighbors!
Strike the water with your hands or a stick. Let go of the negativity that overwhelms you.

21. stomp our feet

You paid attention to the movements in folk dances, especially oriental ones. There is a lot of foot stomping in them, and in India it is still customary to dance with bare feet. This is no coincidence.
Contacting the earth, we give it the accumulated emotions, clamps, negative mood, static electricity. In return, she generously endows us with ease and health.
Of course, it is better to stomp not on the 10th floor on the concrete floor. Try to touch the ground in the park, forest, your yard, if possible without shoes. If this is difficult, stomp on the floor or go for a walk.

22. Let's dance

Developing the previous method, go to the dance. If you're into any kind of activity, put on a familiar tune and don't hold back.
If you don't attend any classes, you still know how to dance. Even with musical accompaniment, at least impromptu.

23. We beat the cymbals

A harmless option if they are yours and you beat them at home without the presence of your family. So as not to scare them with the sound of flying fragments and their cry. And, of course, you have a lot of dishes, and the flying saucer is not the last one in the household.

24. We wash the dishes, the floor or hand wash

If an emotional wave has rolled strongly, we reset it through actions with our hands. Creative options are putting things in order and cleanliness in the house in contact with water. The latter captures emotions well, especially women's ones. So you have time to think, live, you can even talk to yourself and let them go. At home - cleanliness, in the head and body - order and peace.

25. Throw away trash

It cleanses the head and the space of the apartment well, makes it possible to breathe with a full chest free from negativity. During the collection of trash, you get rid of emotions through your hands and transfer them to things to be thrown away or burned. The second option would be just perfect.

26. Weave a mandala

One of the types of needlework that any woman can easily master. In addition, the mandala weaves quickly. You can even make it from improvised materials, just find two sticks for the frame. The finished product must be burned. You can say words of gratitude over the fire and let go of emotion.

27. We talk with a soft toy, a tree

A good way to merge the negative without prejudice to further communication.
Choose any soft toy and regularly express everything that has accumulated in your soul to it. Just do not sleep with her and do not let children play.
You are on the street and there are no toys at hand, but you need to speak out urgently? Find a tree you like for this role. But this is an extreme case. Trees are alive and hear and feel us well.
For example, one of the modern island tribes regularly clears the territory for their village from trees, scolding them for several days in a row. Trees wither and die.

28. Transform into laughter

Cool way to get rid of negative energy rather turn it into a positive. Only it does not work with all emotions and not always. More suitable for small household annoyances.
Smiling and laughing use over 100 muscles in the human body to manifest. Find a funny situation or moment in your memory and burst into uncontrollable laughter. The effect is amazing!

29. Let the feelings be

This can be difficult at first. Especially when there is no experience and knowledge, because most of us had no one to teach to identify emotions.
Our parents grew up with a mindset against their manifestations.
Make a list of emotions for yourself, what they are. Try to remember them from your experience, to taste them.
When it hits, call the emotion by its name. Confess it and allow time for manifestation.
Thank her and let her go. Work out the prerequisites and reasons for its occurrence, how it was useful for you in a particular situation. You will soon see that all emotions are your friends.

30. Sport

A great way to live and let go of negative emotions. You will feel that they come out with sweat, the tension of your muscles during the session.
And the coach will celebrate your new results and achievements.

31. speak out

Absolutely female way. My friends and I mostly talk about our experiences, anxieties, emotions and their provocateurs.
Well, if you do not have the habit of complaining and pouring negativity all the time. No one likes to feel like a "toilet" and a wet "vest".

32. Scream

Suitable for those who live in a house or near deserted forests. You will be psychologically more comfortable.
You need to shout a word very loudly. More often it is “yes” or “no”, but there are others who will “rush” out.
Scream until you feel empty inside. You will know when to stop. Then give yourself time to restore the ligaments and voice, be silent for half an hour or an hour.

33. Massage

You have been dreaming about the strong hands of a massage therapist for a long time, and your body requires a serious warm-up, so it's time to sign up for therapeutic massage sessions.
An experienced massage therapist will easily identify your “problem” areas and work them out well. Just be sure to find an incentive for yourself to come to the second session and reach the end of the course. Because it will hurt a lot.

34. Breathe or do breathing exercises

By an effort of will, slow down and breathe deeply, measuredly. Pranayama or any other breathing exercises will also have the desired effect and bring relief.

35. Go to an amusement park

Attractions were invented to relax people. Here they scream, squeal, hold on tightly with their hands and feet. That is, the body is actively involved. And we remember that emotions should be released through it.

36. Sing

Singing relaxes the muscles of the face, neck, shoulders, and back. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
Do not believe that an elephant stepped on your ear. Everyone can sing. For confidence, turn on your favorite melody and sing along to the performer.

37. Cry at home, in the temple

Have you kept track of your condition after your outbursts of anger? And if you managed to throw out a part of it on someone before the moment of realizing the emotion, then disappointment, remorse, resentment can easily replace anger in your soul and body.
When you allow yourself to show feelings, tears will flow like a river in moments of remorse.
When you are more familiar with the image of the iron lady, go to the temple. Look at the icons, stand in the service. Something stirs in you, the memory will bring you back to moments when you wanted to cry. Or you will feel the urge to do so. Cry in the temple, there is not a curiosity. You will leave with a completely different feeling.

38. Confession

It helps to look very deep into your soul and get something that you have long forgotten about. The kind eyes of the priest will accept everything without judgment. And you will want to sincerely get rid of the baggage of negativity accumulated over the years of your life.
A method for those who are ready to trust God or have swallowed grief up to their throats.

39. meditation

An eco-friendly way to hold an emotion in yourself for a while, and then give it to the earth during meditation. Perfect option its carrying out in nature, in contact with the ground, and not the floor.
Mentally feel where the emotion is stuck, gather it up and send it down into the ground. And from space, fill yourself with the golden energy of health and vitality.
There are many options with meditations, practice and find your own.

40. Prayer

A serious method, because you know how to control yourself in a state of anger. Appeal to Higher Powers will always be heard when we ask and wish good not for ourselves, but for our neighbor.

What causes negative emotions?

Think about what is the benefit of a particular emotion for you? Maybe you want:

  • recognition and love
  • feel fragile and helpless
  • to be “picked up”, hugged, seated in a chair, brought a cup of tea and favorite pink slippers
  • speak out and complain just so someone will listen
  • run away from the feeling of loneliness in the soul

Or it is beneficial for you to manipulate your emotions, to make others feel guilty. But with this you will achieve rejection and coldness in relations with them.

Learn to live emotions without harm to yourself and the people around you. Remember that feeling life is as natural as seeing the whole spectrum of colors in the world and feeling any emotions.

Video: How to manage negative emotions? Behavior algorithm

You cannot expect to live positively if you surround yourself with negative people. Imagine, but the circle of communication can very much influence your way of thinking. This means that when you have positive companions around you, your thoughts are mostly positive too. And, as you understand, exactly the opposite happens if you constantly communicate with dull and depressed people, because destructive energy and drama follow them everywhere. How to limit yourself from such a negative impact?

1. Practice self-healing

it main part setting yourself up for positive, even when you are forced to communicate with toxic personalities. Your actions in this case are very simple: taking a shower, jogging or practicing meditation. Since you cannot control what negative people do, take care of yourself and focus only on good thoughts.

2. Keep yourself away from toxic people

Such people can be one of the biggest sources negative thoughts. If you can’t get rid of them at all, then limit the time you have to spend with them. Agree that some people in your life, such as family or colleagues, cannot be completely avoided or ignored. Just avoid communicating with them as much as possible so as not to “catch” despondency and pessimism from them.

3. Focus your energy on positive things

You may be tempted to focus all your energy on the negative people in your life. This will lead to the fact that they "occupy" all your thoughts. Focus only on the positive: help someone, call good man, do what you like or spend the day with your family. This is what you can do to keep your thoughts positive and free from negative external influences. Happy, hopeful, optimistic, joyful thoughts lower cortisol and promote serotonin production, which creates a sense of well-being.

4. Set your limits

You shouldn't let toxic people into your life just because they are family members or people you were once close with. Learn to set your own boundaries! Don't feel obligated to sit and listen negative person. Its dark energy will seep into your life and affect you and your worldview. It is not in your power to control other people's negative behavior, but you can choose whether or not you want to be involved in it.

5. Increase and Maintain Your Self-Esteem

One of the reasons why people can influence our thoughts is that we often seek approval or validation from those around us. It all comes down to how much you value and believe in yourself. When your sense of satisfaction and self-esteem depends on the opinions of other people, you are no longer in control of your happiness. Instead, find a way to build your self-esteem on your own. This will free you from negative impact externally and enhance self-esteem.