A real case of telekinesis in China. Telekinesis is a proven fact

A lot has been said about telekinesis. Someone completely denies even the very possibility that a person can awaken special abilities. Some people are skeptical about this issue, but leave room for them to be convinced if there is some pretty solid evidence.

Some people certainly believe that people may have special psychic abilities that allow them to do things that most cannot do. One way or another, there was talk about telekinesis and other unusual abilities ten, a hundred, and a thousand years ago.
But what is generally known about this skill? What it is? Telekinesis can be perceived as fiction or as reality, but it is definitely worth knowing about. That's why you should read this article. Here you will learn the main points regarding telekinesis, what it is, and also how you can try to learn it.

What it is?

The first question that is worth answering in case any of the readers have no idea about such a phenomenon: what is it? Telekinesis is supernatural ability, which supposedly can awaken in certain people. It represents the ability to move objects in space solely through the power of thought. This means that the process does not use any muscles in the body, meaning you cannot physically contact the object you are trying to move.
Many books have been written about telekinesis, scientists talk about it, it appears especially often in science fiction books, films and TV series, so it is unlikely that you have never heard of it at all. However, there are some details that are rarely discussed openly. Now that you know what it is, telekinesis is more for you interesting object, which deserves further research, right?

Where does telekinesis come from?

As you already understand, telekinesis is the ability to move objects solely through the power of thought. However this definition is extremely superficial because it is not clear what the power of thought is. Scientists have been trying for years to explain what actually moves objects that are influenced by people who have telekinesis. Some people believe that the powerful physical fields that some people can emit allow them to lift objects into the air or displace them on a plane. Other scientists claim electromagnetic pulsed fields are the cause. Still others claim that the secret lies in acoustic signals, the duration of which is calculated in hundredths of a second.

But the most popular, naturally, is the theory of the existence of psychokinetic energy, which allows people to influence objects directly, without the use of any physical fields or impulses. Everyone has such energy, but it lies dormant in the depths of the subconscious, and if you want to awaken it, you will have to practice a lot. This is exactly what will be discussed further. You will learn how to learn telekinesis, what exercises are needed for this, and also how long this process will take.

Capabilities of the human brain

Of course, this unusual theory also has opponents who believe that nothing like this exists and cannot exist. They say that the human brain has been studied in detail, so there is no point in trying to attribute to it something that is not actually there. However, it is worth noting that the same scientists were said about the same scientists several decades ago. People believed that it was impossible to take a detailed picture of the brain; they did not know that it was possible to study electronic signals in the brain and see all this in pictures or directly on a computer. Now this is the norm, and no one questions the fact that an MRI will indeed allow you to get all the information about your brain. The same goes for many still unproven abilities, such as telekinesis.
It is quite possible that in a couple of decades the current period will be remembered as a time of distrust of telekinesis widespread throughout the world. The bottom line is that the human brain is an incredible device that can hide amazing secrets. And you just need to create the right conditions to get the most out of it. So, if you want to know how to learn telekinesis, the first thing you will need to do is open your mind. If you do not believe in the existence of telekinesis, you will definitely not be able to achieve success. Developing telekinesis will require a lot of time and effort from you, but if you purposefully pursue your goal, then you will have a good chance of success.

Preparing your body and mind

Before specific exercises for telekinesis are discussed here, you will need to undergo training that will allow you to tune your body to the right wave. Naturally, the most important thing is this issue- this is complete inner harmony and absolute calm. To achieve this state, it is recommended to use several simple and popular techniques. Firstly, this is meditation. Every day you need to spend at least half an hour meditating, as this will allow you to tune your brain waves to the desired frequency, calm down, put aside all your problems and focus on your main task.
Secondly, this is visualization. You need to visualize various mental images and objects, concentrate on them and hold them in attention for a long period of time. This will allow you to develop your “mental muscles”, which you can later use to move objects with your mind.
Thirdly, it is self-confidence and a positive attitude. Remember that this is very difficult task, so you will have to face setbacks and failures day after day. Only if you believe in success and keep going will you have a chance to gain incredible abilities. The extraordinary power of telekinesis is so great that it is truly worth what you plan to go through to gain it.

Moving the Void

So now you understand that you need to leave behind questions about whether telekinesis is possible. If you are still in doubt, you better not start the exercises because you will only waste your time. If you are fully committed to success, then you can start with a basic exercise, which is moving the void. To do this, you need to completely relax and look at one point. Don't focus on specific objects as they can become distracting and you definitely won't be able to move any object right away. Concentrate on empty space or on air if the idea of ​​emptiness does not impress you. And then begin to imagine a certain area of ​​emptiness that you want to mentally drag from one place to another. This should be done while in a completely relaxed state. Moreover, you need to do this every day in order to gradually accumulate skills and the overall effect.

Moving a Sheet of Paper

However, you understand that telekinesis is the ability to move objects without contact, not air, so you need to do more than just basic exercises to speed up your progress. For example, you can tear off a small piece of paper and place it in front of your eyes. The smaller the piece of paper, the better, because at first your telekinetic abilities will not be impressive enough to cope with something as large as a whole sheet of paper. Collect all your mental energy and direct it to a piece of paper, trying to turn it over with the power of your mind. You need to fully concentrate on this task and spend at least half an hour a day on it. Experts on special abilities report that it is best to do this at night, when the number of distractions tends to zero.

Show of hands

This is a rather unusual exercise that you can use to add variety to your worksheet activity. His goal will be to simply raise his hands. It would seem, what could be simpler? However, there is one condition, which is that you cannot use your own muscles. Usually you think about raising your arms, your brain sends a signal to the necessary muscles, which carry out this process. You need to do the same, but only exclude the muscles from this process. That is, you need to think about raising your arms, and do it without using your muscles. This will also allow you to make good progress in developing telekinesis within yourself.

Rotating a paper cone

There are also more exercises high order, which are much more complex, but also much more effective. For example, you can hang a paper cone on a string and then stand a short distance from it, beginning to concentrate your psi energy in the solar plexus. When you feel the energy where you directed it, it's time to move it into the fingers of your outstretched hand. When you feel it in your hand, transfer it to your other hand, then repeat several times and return it to solar plexus. Repeat this exercise several times, then last time send energy to your fingers, with which you need to try to turn the paper cone in the direction you choose.

Heavy artillery

Paper is the simplest material for the work of the person who wants to learn telekinesis. Therefore, you should not concentrate only on this material, because there are more complex things that you need to master in order to fully learn this ability. For example, you can use those items that have spinning elements. An excellent example is the compass needle, which is much more difficult to influence than paper. Accordingly, this exercise is for advanced specialists, and not for beginners.

Changing the shape of an object

If you are already at a very high level mastery of telekinesis, then you can begin to work on the power of your unusual abilities, focusing on changing the shape of any objects. Naturally, you should also start with lighter materials, but gradually move on to heavier and denser ones. One way or another, you need to concentrate not on the object itself, but on its molecular structure, sending mental signals that you are able to change this structure. If you repeat this a large number of times in a row, then your psi energy will gradually move into the object of your choice, changing its shape, thanks to which you will reach the pinnacle of perfection. You will quickly realize that telekinesis will be much easier for you after such hard exercises.


So is it possible to move objects with the power of thought? No one can give you a clear answer to this question, but if you want to learn telekinesis, then you will definitely have to believe it, and then you can begin the exercises described above.
Among all the areas of parapsychology, telekinesis is perhaps one of the most attractive and alluring. Exposure to various objects without any physical contact has attracted attention since ancient times.

The increased interest in telekinesis is due, among other things, to the fact that the sharply relaxed censorship in last years gave an endless, almost unplowed field for the activities of various “sorcerers”, “shamans” and “magicians”. Interest in all areas of parapsychology and supernatural phenomena has increased.

Telekinesis was well promoted in Hollywood blockbusters and simply ceased to be something supernatural for many people. If in general people have a negative attitude towards magic, then telekinesis does not cause any negative emotions in the majority. Many people associate the ability to move objects not with magic, but with the unusual abilities of individuals.

This idea of ​​telekinesis gives rise to myths that do not correspond to reality and further distort the concept of this phenomenon.

The 3 most common myths about telekinesis:
1. The existence of telekinesis has been proven by objective scientific research.
2. Telekinesis can be learned like a specialty.
3. The list of capabilities of any self-respecting magician should include telekinesis.

A little about the above.

Proof of the existence of telekinesis.

It is enough for someone to see a picture on a television screen with a moving object, and he immediately begins to believe in the existence of telekinesis and considers that “seen means it actually exists”, “it happened means it is proven.” S.A. Mazurkevich, author of the book “Encyclopedia of Delusions: And Healers,” gives the following example: “Many of our (and not our) phenomena have shown their abilities for telekinesis. For example, in the late 80s, the then famous psychic Valery Avdeev moved a cigarette across the table. But here’s what illusionist Boris Sagitov says about this miracle: “Everyone then groaned and gasped, but the trick was the most primitive. A magnet was inserted into the cigarette, and a wire was sewn into the sleeves of the jacket... Once at a concert he gaped, and the cigarette almost “stuck” to the sleeve - he pulled it away in time. We magicians then were all clutching our bellies with laughter, seeing how people were looking at everything with wide eyes. But you have to know when to stop! Well, once the public has been fooled, twice, that’s enough, by God.”

No matter how many examples of the movement of objects without physical contact with them are shown on television, no matter how many articles about various phenomenal people are published in the media, the phenomenon of telekinesis is still not substantiated by objective scientific research. Various experiences conducted under the supervision of scientists, showed that the subjects often used devices based on magnetism. For example, in the famous experiment with Kulagina, the subject forced the compass needle to rotate using a small magnet sewn into her clothes.

Naturally, cases of telekinesis are not limited to such “phenomena.” But here’s what’s interesting: almost all psychics who claim to have the ability to telekinesis refuse to confirm this in special experiments in the presence of objective observers and scientists.

Many of them refer to the fact that they are forbidden to do this by God. But such excuses are simply groundless. After all, all these psychics make money with their gift in one way or another, and many, speaking publicly, are quite good. One might wonder: why would they need to prove anything then? The answer is simple - also for the sake of money, because several scientific institutes in America, the society of skeptics from Australia, as well as organizations from other countries, are ready to pay a fairly decent amount of money to a psychic who has proven his abilities in the field of telekinesis. And that’s why it seems very strange that people voluntarily refuse to earn at one time an amount that exceeds their fees for hundreds of performances.

Little-known techniques will help you learn telekinesis.

This is the second common myth. Nobody says that you can’t learn to move objects with your mind. But at the same time, even if telekinesis really exists, it is natural that it is simply impossible to learn it in a short time. This will probably require special training, which the person starting the training will not have. And therefore, for beginners who have taken up telekinesis, it is easier to blame the technique itself for ineffectiveness and take on another. This is the essence of this misconception.

Every self-respecting magician should have the ability to telekinesis.

How can we refute this misconception? Perhaps, because starting from the grimoires of the Middle Ages and ending with the works of White, Papus and Cavendish, which are practically classics of occultism, we will not encounter any mention of telekinesis. What if even these famous occultists did not consider this topic important and worthy of attention, and they themselves simply did not possess telekinetic abilities? The myth is destroyed by the facts themselves.

Based on materials from magiaworld.org.ru

Can people really move objects with their minds? Here you will find real facts about telekinesis and you can test them in practice!

1. How and where did telekinesis “come from”? History of telekinesis!
2. What do scientists say about telekinesis?
3. Real facts about telekinesis!
4. A million dollars for confirmation of the ability of telekinesis!
5. How to test the reality of telekinesis from your own experience?
6. What is important to know when learning telekinesis?

How and where did telekinesis “appear”? History of telekinesis!

Research in the field of telekinesis began during the heyday of spiritualism², the basis of which was the belief that everything in the world is either spirit or matter. That is, if an object moved without the participation of physical force, it was considered a manifestation of the power of spirits or ghosts.

From the late 18th century to the early 19th century, many psychics and mediums demonstrated cases of telekinesis during seances, although most of them were outright frauds. At that time, science was not sufficiently developed, and therefore it was not possible to confirm or refute the fact of telekinesis.

Today, telekinesis is considered an aspect of extrasensory perception.

In 1958, parapsychologist William G. Roll coined the term “recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis” to describe the spontaneous movement of objects in the presence of a psychic. This phenomenon is also called poltergeist.

And in history there are people who demonstrated such abilities. One of them -

William G. Roll also suggested that telekinesis, as a psychic phenomenon, is a combination quantum mechanics and neuroscience, and that all people have a psi-field through which they can influence the surrounding reality.

What do scientists say about telekinesis?

From the point of view of official science, telekinesis is not possible, since it contradicts the basic laws of the universe: the law of conservation of momentum, the laws of thermodynamics, the inverse square law, as well as Einstein’s theory of relativity.

In other words, science believes...

... that any object can be set in motion by acting on it using a certain force (physical, gravitational or using an electromagnetic field).

To prove or disprove the presence of telekinetic abilities, scientists use specially designed laboratory tests. The subject is asked to use thought to influence the movement of microparticles or molecules (microkinesis), change the course of a gambling game, project a mental image on a photographic plate or digital memory card, etc.

So far, the facts of telekinesis have not been officially confirmed.

And yet, science is only at the very beginning of the study of psychic abilities human brain. Therefore, to say that telekinesis is impossible would be incorrect.

Many yogis and practicing psychics claim that every person is capable of mastering the ability of telekinesis, it just takes practice.

Real facts about telekinesis!

People with the ability to telekinesis have been noted at all times.

Thus, at the beginning of the 20th century, the ability to telekinesis was recorded in the Polish woman Stanislava Tomzik, who manifested herself in a state of hypnotic trance.

Researchers noticed that during telekinesis, transparent rays emanated from Stanislava’s fingers, which probably affected objects. Afterwards, Tomzik was repeatedly tested in scientific laboratories in Warsaw, and numerous experiments confirmed that she had an amazing superpower.

Another person who claimed to have paranormal abilities was Uri Geller³.

He has repeatedly demonstrated in public his ability to bend spoons and set broken clocks in motion, but most of these performances are considered mere magic tricks and sleight of hand, although many are still convinced of his psychic powers.

A million dollars for confirmation of the ability of telekinesis!

The famous psychic debunker James Randi suggested that those who claim to have the ability to telekinesis test their gift. He stated that he would give a million dollars to anyone who could prove their abilities in laboratory conditions.

How to test the reality of telekinesis from your own experience?

If we nevertheless consider the theory about psychic strength and the psychic field of a person, then according to it the ability to telekinesis can be developed.

You can test your abilities and confirm or refute the facts about telekinesis with the help of this experiment!

Telekinesis experience

* It will take time and regular practice to evaluate results objectively. The duration depends on the effort and individual abilities.

For the experience you will need:

  • feather,
  • a thread,
  • transparent vessel (jar, bottle),
  • pencil or stick.

1. Take a thread and tie one end to a pencil and the other to a feather.

2. The pencil is placed on the neck of the jar so that the feather on the thread is inside the transparent container (the walls of the vessel will protect the feather from drafts and breathing).

3. Then they close their eyes for a while and try to relax as much as possible and get rid of extraneous thoughts.

4. Then they open their eyes and try to influence the feather with the effort of consciousness. In this case, all thoughts, sensations, desires and will should be aimed at making the pen move.

* Do not think that the material of the vessel can become an obstacle to the flow of energy!

I'll tell you a secret!

You need to imagine the movement of a feather inside yourself. It is important to feel internally that it is moving!

If the experiment is carried out correctly, then after it you will feel very tired, because... this practice takes a lot of energy.

What is important to know when learning telekinesis?

When learning telekinesis, it is important to realize the following:

1. Everything in the Universe is interconnected.

2. Mentally merging with an object, consciousness becomes part of this object.

3. Two objects connected to each other are capable of influencing each other.

4. For influence it is necessary enough level energy.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Alexander Nikolaevich Aksakov - Russian publicist, translator, publisher from the Aksakov family, famous for invention the term “telekinesis” (Wikipedia).

² Spiritualism is a religious and philosophical doctrine developed in France in the mid-19th century by Allan Kardec (Wikipedia).

³ Uri Geller - Israeli magician, illusionist, mentalist, hoaxer. He became famous throughout the world for bending metal spoons (Wikipedia).

⁴ James Randi is a Canadian-American illusionist and scientific skeptic, a famous debunker of paranormal phenomena and pseudoscientific theories (

When the infamous character, Carrie White, set fire to her high school dance and terrorized her town, she relied on telekinesis - the ability to manipulate objects with her mind. Carrie is a fictional character from the film and book, but people's belief in telekinesis is strong nonetheless. Over the years, many have claimed to have this ability and to be able to move objects with their minds. Levitation, opening doors with a thought and bending spoons are all extremely interesting examples. This happens in The Matrix when Neo stops bullets in mid-air, a power that Yoda mastered to perfection. But still: Is telekinesis real or fictional?, like Kerry, Yoda and Neo?

To answer this question we apply scientific approach: Let's look at famous examples through a scientific lens. Telekinesis belongs to parapsychology: the discipline that deals with extrasensory abilities. Parapsychologists consider their discipline a science, but scientific world I don't agree with this. Let's start with a few simple observations.

Observation #1: While there are many stories about telekinesis, scientific evidence this phenomenon does not exist; Not a single study conducted in laboratory conditions and then duplicated has shown that this phenomenon is possible.

In the 1930s, Joseph Banks Rhyne, the so-called father of parapsychology, tested in the laboratory the para-ability of people: using telekinesis to manipulate dice. Later, scientists were unable to obtain similar results, and since repeating the experiment is proof of the idea, questions arose.

In addition to researchers, there are many self-proclaimed telekineticists, but almost all were caught in fraud, the rest cannot show results without full control, which suggests additional manipulations with the results. These days, many organizations offer huge cash prizes for proof of existence psychic abilities. But the prizes never find their owner.

Observation #2: In telekinesis research, there is no consensus on what parameters should be measured. Maybe there are powerful brain waves like Yoda's? Since there is no agreement, it is difficult to identify general standard, which is required in any scientific field to substantiate ideas.

Observation #3: The meaning of science is to discover new things, and throughout the history of scientific research it has happened more than once that new discoveries contradict generally accepted ideas, and even revolutionize entire fields of science. Such ideas must be argued with extreme care to counteract skepticism. In the case of telekinesis: the idea is contrary to accepted science, but there is no convincing evidence in its favor.

Our universe lives and develops according to the laws of physics, and one of them states that objects cannot be moved by the power of thought, since brain signals are not long enough and strong enough to influence anything outside our skulls. Physics also says that only gravity and magnetic forces can influence objects at a distance.

Perhaps the closest thing to telekinesis that science explains is control mechanical arm with the help of thoughts. In a paralyzed patient who has suffered a stroke, researchers implant sensors into the motor parts of the brain, and then teach him to control a mechanical arm as if it were part of his body. And it works! Astonishingly, this is not telekinesis. Thoughts patients are not something elusive. This is quite measured brain signals, carried by wires into the robot. Scientists can measure, test and explain this, therefore this way of moving by the power of thought is possible.

Scientific research is a long process of collecting facts that prove or disprove an idea. This can be compared to building two towers; arguments for telekinesis build a weak tower. Some will say that this phenomenon simply goes beyond the scope of science, and they will be right. It turns out that telekinesis relies solely on faith. If a phenomenon cannot be subjected to scientific analysis, then it cannot be considered scientific. So, our reasoning shows that no matter how much we would like to believe in the existence of some kind of force, there is no evidence in favor of telekinesis. Sorry Neo, Kerry and Yoda. Your abilities are magnificent, but so far they only exist in the movies.

Although, when you watch the video “domestic”, you again begin to doubt this issue.

The difficulty of developing a clear opinion about all kinds of paranormal and extrasensory abilities , which some people allegedly possess, lies in the fact that there is simultaneously a certain number of inexplicable phenomena, and the inconsistency of these phenomena from a scientific point of view. That is, a certain number of cases that are commonly called supernatural occur, but they do not fit into the framework necessary for science to recognize them as valid. One of the brightest examples This is the problem of telekinesis.

And yet they move?

There are quite a large number of described and documented cases when people showed their telekinetic abilities. Among them, we can not even consider those first and initially widely publicized cases of the movement of objects by spirits and ghosts at spiritualistic séances of the second half of the 19th century– beginning of the 20th century.

At that time, no scientific rules of observation were observed, and almost always these were more or less skillful cases of fraud.

We are talking about those already recorded in last decades and manifestations of telekinesis carried out either in front of a large gathering of observers, or even in the conditions of scientific experiments. The Israeli illusionist Uri Geller is well known, who already in the seventies of the last century actively appeared on television with demonstrations of telekinetic abilities - the main number of his sessions was changing the shape of a spoon only with the power of thought . True, representatives professional community illusionists are assured that this is a simple trick, but Geller himself, who has gained great popularity, says that he is ready to undergo the necessary scientific research regarding the authenticity of his telekinesis.

Of the more modern cases, the German of Polish origin Miroslav Mogola, who started with simpler manifestations, is well known. paranormal abilities like attracting metal, wood, plastic and other objects to your body, as if to a magnet. In the nineties, he began appearing on television programs with demonstrations of real telekinesis, lifting objects from the surface with the power of thought and making them float in the air. Regarding the Mughal manipulation mechanism consensus not yet: skeptics are again confident that this is a clever trick, but there is no generally accepted revelation yet.

Science's opinion: telekinesis is impossible, but the cases are interesting...

But almost the most famous example manifestations of telekinesis became widely covered in the press and experiments with the participation of Ninel Kulagina took place in the USSR in the 1960s - 1980s. In addition, Kulagina’s influence on objects is not even a case of telekinesis, that is, simple movement of things, but of psychokinesis. Since during the experiments she not only moved various objects along a certain surface with the power of thought, but also moved them through the air (for example, matchboxes or sugar cubes); changed the acidity of the water; changed the frequency of contraction and completely stopped the frog’s heart; separated the egg yolk and white immersed in water from each other; left a certain visual image on the photographic plate and the like.

Considering that this is the only case when a person performs such actions with a similar effect under the conditions of a strictly scientific experiment, the Kulagina phenomenon can be considered almost the only case, when we can talk about telekinesis more or less seriously.

But even in this case, skeptical opinions prevail among scientists: doubts are expressed about the quality of the research scientific research, fraud and manipulation similar to the actions of magicians are declared again. However, on this moment no convincing evidence has been presented that Kulagina resorted to any tricks during the experiment. However, this does not prevent the scientific community as a whole from rejecting the very possibility of the objective existence of telekinesis. Scientists say that individual, currently inexplicable cases, like the Kulagina phenomenon, will find their solution with the development of science or as all the circumstances of these cases are revealed, and meanwhile they draw attention to the fundamental contradiction of telekinesis itself scientific picture perception of the world.

Since telekinesis involves the influence of a certain force on objects, which under Earth conditions involves only four types of interaction - weak nuclear, strong nuclear, gravitational and electromagnetic. In the case of strong and weak nuclear interaction, telekinesis is impossible - the radius of the influence is too small and simply will not allow a person to somehow influence objects located at a distance from him. Gravitational interaction is also not a help, because the gravitational charge of a person in conditions earth's atmosphere extremely insignificant. Electromagnetic influence again, is not capable of leading to such results: there are simply no sources found in the human body electric charges such power. As a result, from the point of view of science, a person simply has nothing to perform telekinesis or psychokinesis.