The theme is philosophical ideas about the social qualities of a person. Plan - summary of the lesson "Philosophical ideas about the social qualities of a person

To the question of social science. tickets given by the author Yerlan Egenberdiev the best answer is Ticket number 7
2) The term "social institution" is used in a wide variety of meanings. One of the first extended definitions social institution gave American sociologist and economist T. Veblen. He viewed the evolution of society as a process of natural selection of social institutions. By their nature, they represent habitual ways of responding to stimuli that are created by external changes.
Another American sociologist, C. Mills, understood the institution as the form of a certain set social roles. He classified institutions according to the tasks performed (religious, military, educational, etc.), which form the institutional order.
In domestic sociological literature, a social institution is defined as the main component of the social structure of society, integrating and coordinating many individual actions of people, streamlining social relations in certain areas. public life.
According to the sociologist S. S. Frolov, a social institution is an organized system of connections and social norms that combines significant social values ​​and procedures that meet the basic needs of society.
According to the sociologist M. S. Komarov, social institutions are value-normative complexes through which people's actions in vital areas - the economy, politics, culture, family, etc. are directed and controlled.
If we sum up all the variety of the above approaches, then a social institution is:
- role-playing system, which also includes norms and statuses;
- a set of customs, traditions and rules of conduct;
- formal and informal organization;
- a set of norms and institutions that regulate a certain area of ​​public relations;
- a separate set of social actions.
A social institution is an organized association of people performing certain socially significant functions, ensuring the joint achievement of goals based on the fulfillment by members of their social roles set by social values, norms and patterns of behavior.
Social institutions are institutions designed to meet the fundamental needs of society.
Social institution - a set of norms and institutions that regulate a certain area of ​​social relations.
A social institution is an organized system of connections and social norms that combines significant social values ​​and procedures that meet the basic needs of society.
The process of institutionalization, i.e. the formation of a social institution, consists of several successive stages:
- the emergence of a need, the satisfaction of which requires joint organized actions;
- formation of common goals;
- the emergence of social norms and rules in the course of a spontaneous social interaction carried out by trial and error;
- the emergence of procedures related to norms and rules;
- institutionalization of norms and rules, procedures, i.e. their adoption, practical application;
- establishment of a system of sanctions to maintain norms and rules, differentiation of their application in individual cases;
- creation of a system of statuses and roles covering all members of the institute without exception.
The birth and death of a social institution are clearly visible in the example of the institution of noble duels of honor. Duels were a method of sorting out relations between nobles in the period from the 16th to the 18th centuries. This institution of honor arose due to the need to protect the honor of a nobleman and streamline relations between representatives of this social stratum. But with the development of capitalist relations, ethical norms in society changed, which was expressed, in particular, in the needlessness of defending noble honor with arms in hand.
A social institution is divided into main (basic, fundamental) and non-main (non-main, frequent). The latter hide inside the former, being part of them as smaller formations.


Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The era of antiquity Man is part of the cosmos, i.e."> Эпоха античности Человек-часть космоса, т. е. микрокосмос. Человек наделен душой и телом. Душа и тело неразделимы. Платон- человек –это духовное существо. Идеи определяют бытие человека. Душа нематериальна. Аристотель -человек- есть !} creature, endowed with reason, and considered the soul of a person to be a form of existence of the body. Plato and Aristotle

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Ancient China and India"> Древние Китай и Индия В Китае считали, что человек должен следовать своей судьбе В Индии верили в переселение душ!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Ancient Greece Man is the measure of everything that exists. Unchangeable "> Ancient Greece Man is the measure of everything that exists. The laws of nature are unchanged, but human ideas about nature are changeable.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Middle Ages God is the creator of everything. Man is the creation of God."> Средние века Бог-творец всего. Человек-творение бога. Душа- бессмертна, тело- смертно.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Renaissance Man is a thinking being and his possibilities are endless"> Эпоха Возрождения Человек- мыслящее существо и его возможности безграничны Человек- !} sentient being, having freedom of choice and creativity R. Descartes - “I think therefore I exist” Human creator and he creates his own destiny

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> New time I. Kant, G. Hegel, K. Marx"> Новое время И. Кант, Г. Гегель, К. Маркс Разум был выведен за пределы самого человека Разум стал абсолютной идеей, а человек- частица мирового разума. К. Маркс- человек-совокупность общественных отношений!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Modern concepts proceed from the fact that Man is a biosocial being, the highest"> Современные концепции исходят из того, что Человек- биосоциальное существо, высшая ступень животного типа Задание- п. 2. 1 стр. 58 -61 законспектировать!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Individual This is a member of the human race, endowed with special,"> Индивид Это представитель человеческого рода, наделенный особыми, отличительными от других людей чертами Индивидуальность- оригинальные специфические черты человека, которые выделяют его из себе подобных!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Distinctive features individuality External (skin color, blood type ...) Psychological "> Distinctive personality traits External (skin color, blood type ...) Psychological (temperament, character, intellect, needs, abilities, interests) Social (relationships to property, place in the social class structure) Spiritual and cultural

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Fill in the missing words Everyone ………… is different, but not everyone …………."> Вставьте пропущенные слова Каждый …………индивидуален, но не каждый …………. может стать ……………. . …………………. не рождаются, …………………. становятся!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Personality Each person is different, but not every individual can"> Личность Каждый человек индивидуален, но не каждый индивид может стать личностью!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Personality This is integrity……………. . ……… ……, product ……………"> Личность Это целостность……………. . ……………, продукт …………… развития и включения ……………. в систему социальных ………………. . , посредством активной ………………… и …………. . .!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Personality This is the integrity of the social properties of a person, the product of a social"> Личность Это целостность социальных свойств человека, продукт общественного развития и включения индивида в систему социальных отношений, посредством активной деятельности и общения Личностью не рождаются, личностью становятся!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>As an integral social system, a personality has its own internal structure, consisting of levels .Biological"> Как целостная социальная система личность имеет свою внутреннюю структуру, состоящую из уровней. Биологический уровень включает в себя природные, общие по происхождению качества личности (строение тела, половозрастные особенности, темперамент и т. д.). Психологический уровень личности объединяет ее психологические особенности (чувства, воля, память, мышление). !} Psychological features are closely related to the heredity of the individual. Finally, the social level of the individual is divided into three sublevels: 1. sociological proper (motives of behavior, interests of the individual, life experience, goals), this sublevel is more closely connected with social consciousness, which is objective in relation to each person, acting as part of the social environment, as material for individual consciousness; 2. specific cultural (value and other attitudes, norms of behavior); 3. moral.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> In sociology, modal, basic and ideal personality types are distinguished. Modal is called average personality type"> В социологии выделяют модальный, базисный и идеальный типы личности. Модальным называют усредненный тип личности, который реально преобладает в данном обществе. Под базисным понимается тип личности, который !} the best way meets the needs of the development of society. The ideal personality type is not tied to specific conditions and is regarded as the standard of the personality of the future.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Personal Qualities q. Mastering ………………. . q.Development…………….q.Social"> Качества личности q. Освоение ………………. . q. Развитие ……………. q. Социальная ………………. .!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Personal qualities q. Mastering social functions q. Development of self-awareness q. Social activity">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> What shapes personality Ø Inheritance Ø Education Ø Social environment">!}


Src="" alt="(!LANG:>Activity is a manifestation of human activity in any area of ​​his existence Human activity:"> Деятельность-это проявление активности человека в какой-либо сфере его существования Человеческая деятельность: Во-первых: предполагает активность, которая связана с движением, взаимодействием различных предметов (объектов). Активность, в зависимости от форм движения бывает механической, физической, биологической, социальной и т. д. Во-вторых – взаимодействие человека или группы людей с окружающей средой, миром. В-третьих, это процесс сознательного и целенаправленного изменения человеком мира и самого себя. Человеческая деятельность преобразует мир, улучшает его, но нередко и портит.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>What is the difference between animal activity and human behavior"> В чем отличие деятельности животных от поведения человека В отличие от животных, человек не только приспосабливается к природе, но и посредством своей деятельности ее преобразует. В отличие от животных, которые живут в естественной (природной) среде и действуют на основе врожденных инстинктов, люди живут в среде социальной, являющейся результатом их сознательной !} labor activity, i.e. a person sets goals, chooses means, predicts his result

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> The difference between humans and animals Animals Human Use"> Отличие человека от животных Животные Человек Используют только Изготавливает орудия естественные орудия труда и использует их как средство производства Поведение подчинено материальных благ инстинктам Осуществляет сознательную целенаправленную Не обладают !} creative activity highly developed brain and cannot speak Has a highly developed brain, thinking and speech

Src="" alt="(!LANG:>"> Структура деятельности Субъект - тот, кто осуществляет действия, обладает активностью, направленной на объект. Субъектом деятельности может быть отдельный индивид, группа людей, организация или государственный орган. Действия субъекта могут быть направлены на другого человека или на самого себя. Объект - то, что противостоит субъекту, то, к чему устремлена практическая и познавательная деятельность человека. Объектом деятельности может быть природа в целом или ее отдельные аспекты, а также !} various areas human life. Tools - tools labor, household items, means of transport, books, computer ...

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Nature of activity Goal - a subjective image of the desired result,"> Характер деятельности Цель - субъективный образ желаемого результата, «то, ради чего» (Аристотель) предпринимаются !} certain actions. Means of labor are various devices that help a person influence nature to enhance the muscular (and later mental) capabilities of a person Result Motives of activity

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Activity motives Needs Social attitudes"> Мотивы деятельности Потребности Социальные установки Убеждения Интересы Сознательное и бессознательное в деятельности!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Activities"> Виды деятельности В развитии человека обычно выделяются три ведущих вида деятельности: игра, учение, труд. Игра, как особый тип взаимодействия, многими исследователями рассматривается как процесс, в ходе которого имитируются реальные действия, т. е. она является неким прообразом реальных действий, в ходе которых развиваются умения, навыки, способности человека. Труд как целесообразная деятельность человека начался с изготовлений орудий труда.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Thinking is a process cognitive activity a person characterized by "> Thinking is a process of human cognitive activity, characterized by a mediated and generalized reflection of reality. Thinking is inextricably linked with language and speech.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Forms (techniques) thinking analysis synthesis"> Формы (приемы) мышление анализ синтез сравнение обобщение абстрагирование понятие суждения умозаключения.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Forms (techniques) of thinking Analysis - mental decomposition of an object into components "> Forms (techniques) thinking Analysis is the mental decomposition of an object into its constituent parts or sides. Synthesis is the mental unification of elements dissected by analysis. Comparison is the establishment of the similarity or difference of objects. Generalization is a mental selection, fixing some common essential properties belonging only this class objects or relationships. Abstraction is a mental distraction, the separation of general, essential properties, identified as a result of generalization, from other non-essential or non-general properties. A concept is a thought that reflects objects in their general and essential features. A judgment is a form of thought in which, with the help of a connection of concepts, something is affirmed or denied about something. Inference is a process of thinking that allows one to derive a new judgment from two or more judgments.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Creativity is the cognitive and active ability of a person to create high quality"> Творчество это познавательно-деятельная способность человека создавать качественно новые материальные и духовные ценности. Специальной наукой, изучающей творческую деятельность, является эвристика. Ее назначение - создавать модели !} creative process problem solving under conditions of uncertainty.

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> creative ability can be shown: production and technical scientific "> Creative ability can be shown: production and technical scientific artistic inventive political educational and pedagogical activity

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Stages of creativity - understanding the problem, formulating the task;"> Этапы творчества - осознание проблемы, формулировка задачи; - сбор и изучение информации; - переключение на другие задачи или занятия: проблема уходит в подсознание; - озарение: проблема решается с неожиданной стороны; решение обнаруживается там, где поначалу его не пытались искать; - проверка: она может быть логической или экспериментальной: - оценка новизны найденного решения.!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Main Components of Creativity Memory Appropriateness Intuition">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> What are the socially significant qualities of your chosen profession that affect"> Назовите социально значимые качества выбранной вами профессии, которые влияют на формирование личности Профессиональные Эмоциональные Интеллектуальные Коммуникативные Организаторские Нервно-психологические!}

Man is a natural (biological) being;

2. Man is a social (public) being, or, according to Aristotle, "zoon politicon" (social animal). A person becomes a person only in society, in the process of socialization.

Socialization - (from lat. socialis - public), the process of assimilation by a person of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values, allowing him to function as a full member of society; includes both a targeted impact on the personality (education), and natural processes that influence its formation.

human needs and interests.

A need in the ordinary sense is understood as a need or lack of something.

necessary to maintain the vital activity of the organism, the human personality,

social group, society as a whole. However, in scientific theory, the concept of need

denotes a constant contradiction between the present situation and necessary conditions life and development of a person (for example, quenching one's thirst with a glass of water does not eliminate a person's need for water, without which his normal life is impossible).

The classification of human needs was proposed by the American psychologist A.

Maslow. In his opinion, all people are characterized by some hierarchical system.

basic (basic) needs. Maslow distinguished primary (innate) needs

from secondary (acquired). The first group Maslow attributed the needs:

a) physiological (needs for the reproduction of the species, food, respiration, clothing,

housing, recreation, etc.);

b) existential (needs for the security of one's existence, comfort,

confidence in the future, job security, etc.)

Secondary needs include:

a) social (needs for social connections, communication, participation in joint

other people activities);

b) prestigious (needs for self-respect, respect from others, achievement

success, career growth etc.);

c) spiritual (needs for self-expression).

The needs of each next level become, according to Maslow, urgent when

previous ones are satisfied.

Interest is a conscious need that characterizes the attitude of people to objects and phenomena of reality that are important to them. public importance, attraction.

Directed by the action of needs, human activity is carried out

due to the presence of the richest set of abilities in the individual. Abilities are the individual characteristics of a person, on which the success of a certain type of activity depends.

Activity and thinking

Concepts of activity and thinking

Activity is a specifically human way of relating to the outside world, the essence of which is to change, transform the world, create something that is not in nature.

Thinking is a specifically human feature that allows one to gain knowledge about such objects, properties and relationships. real world which cannot be directly perceived at the sensory level of knowledge.

^ Specificity of activity

The difference between animal activity and human activity

^ Animal activity

human activity


Smart, purposeful

^ Has an adaptive character

Actively changes the environment

Only natural objects are used as tools

Something new is being created, something that does not exist in nature

Activity structure

Activities include purpose, means,

The subject (the one who carries out the activity),

Object (the one to whom the activity is directed), and the result.

The subject can be either one person or a group of people, government agency, etc. The object can be nature, another person, some area of ​​public life, etc.


Labor is the transformation of the environment by man;

The game is an imitation of real actions;

Teaching - the acquisition of ZUN;

Creativity is the creation of qualitatively new, previously non-existent values.

The concept of personality



An individual, each self-existing organism

The uniqueness of the individual

A stable system of socially significant features that characterize an individual as a member of society

Personality is a becoming being.

What meaning do we put into the concept of "being becoming" when we speak of a person?

Personality formation factors

1. Education;

2. Activities;

3. Society and its culture.

Man is a unity of biological and social nature. Like all living things, he is born and dies, earns his livelihood, equips his dwelling, leaves behind offspring. But unlike animals, a person is characterized by symbolically mediated interaction (communication), in which not only living but also past generations participate. This interaction (culture) determines the forms and ways of life (that is, social, economic, family, political, religious, etc. relations) of a person. Representatives of different sociological schools define the ratio of biological and social in a person in different ways (for example, from the point of view of social Darwinism, a person’s life is determined by factors biological life: struggle for existence, natural selection etc., and from the standpoint of Marxist sociology, competition and enmity between people are generated by social relations, therefore, with a certain social order they may disappear).

Man is a general, generic concept. It denotes everyone who belongs to the human race, since it has the properties and qualities inherent in all people. The individual is understood as a singular special person. Individuality is defined as social uniqueness, which is formed in the process of upbringing and human activity under the influence of a specific socio-cultural environment and distinguishes one individual from another.

The concept of personality emphasizes the non-natural essence of a person and an individual and means a subject of conscious activity, possessing a set of socially significant features, properties and qualities that he implements in public life.

In sociology, personality is defined in two ways:

1) this is a systemic quality of an individual, determined by his involvement in social relations and manifested in joint activities and communication

2) the subject of social relations and conscious activity.

The following factors influence the formation of personality (according to S.S. Frolov):

1. biological heredity;

2. physical environment (climatic conditions, Natural resources);

3. culture;

4. group experience (surrounding people);

5. Unique personalized experience.

1. Biological inheritance cannot completely create a person, since neither culture nor social experience is transmitted with genes. However, the biological factor must be taken into account, since, firstly, it creates restrictions for social communities (the helplessness of the child, the inability to stay under water for a long time, the presence of biological needs, etc.), and secondly, thanks to the biological factor, an infinite variety is created temperaments, characters, abilities that make every human personality individuality, i.e., a unique, unique creation.

2. Physical environment. Some researchers (Aristotle, Hippocrates, G.V. Plekhanov, L.N. Gumilyov) believed that group differences in the behavior of individuals are mainly determined by differences in climatic, geographical features and natural resources.

However, in similar physical and geographical conditions formed different types personalities, and vice versa, it often happens that similar group characteristics of personalities develop in different conditions environment. In this regard, we can say that the physical environment can affect the cultural characteristics of a social group, but its influence on the formation of an individual is insignificant and incomparable with the influence on the personality of the culture of the group, group or individual experience.

3. Culture. First of all, it should be noted that a certain cultural experience is common to all mankind and does not depend on what stage of development this or that society is at. Thus, each child is nourished by older children, learns to communicate through language, experiences punishment and rewards, and learns some of the other most common cultural patterns. At the same time, each society gives almost all of its members some special experience, special cultural patterns that other societies cannot offer. From a social experience common to all members this society, a characteristic personality configuration arises, typical for many members of a given society. For example, a person who has been formed in the conditions of a Muslim culture will have different features in comparison with a person brought up in a Christian country.

4. Group experience. At the beginning life path a person does not have his own I. Separation of personality first from physical world and then from the social - a rather complex process that continues throughout life. At the age of about one and a half years, the child begins to use the concept of I, while realizing that he becomes separate human being. Continuing to accumulate social experience, the child forms images of various personalities, including the image of his own I. All further formation of a person as a person is the construction of his own I on the basis of constant comparison of himself with other personalities.

5. Unique customized experience. Even twins with the same heredity will always be brought up differently, because they cannot constantly meet the same people, hear the same words from their parents, experience the same joys and sorrows. In this regard, it can be said that each personal experience is unique because no one can exactly repeat it. It can also be noted that the picture of individual experience is complicated by the fact that a person does not simply summarize this experience, but integrates it. Each person not only adds up the incidents and events that happened to him, like bricks in the wall, but he refracts their meaning through his past experience, as well as the experience of his parents, relatives, and acquaintances.

So, the formation of personality is influenced by the biological factor, the physical environment and culture, but the main ones, according to sociologists and psychologists, are heredity, group and unique individual experience.

Seminar No. 1

Topic: “Introduction. Philosophical ideas about the social qualities of a person.

  1. System modern sciences and methods of scientific knowledge

  2. person, individual, personality

  3. Activity, its structure and types

  4. Needs, abilities, interests

  5. social behavior. Values. Purpose and meaning of human life

  1. Social science grade 10: textbook for general educational institutions: basic level [L.N. Bogolyubov, Yu.I. Averyanov, N.I. Gorodetskaya and others]; under the editorship of L.N. Bogolyubov; Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Education, publishing house "Enlightenment". - 7th ed. - M .: Education, 2011. § 3, § 5, § 7, pp. 67-72.

  2. Lecture #1

  3. Find a definition of general scientific methods of cognition: observation, experiment, analysis, synthesis

  4. Using the textbook (pp. 29-30) fill in the table "Philosophers about the meaning of life"

Workshop #2

Topic: “The problem of the cognizability of the world. The diversity of the world of communication "

  1. Do we know the world?

  2. Features of scientific knowledge. Worldview types

  3. Structure, functions, levels of communication

  4. Freedom and responsibility of the individual

  1. Social science, grade 10: textbook. §6 pp.55-61, §7 pp.72-74

  2. Lecture #2

  3. Orally answer questions to the document in the textbook on pages 65-66

  4. In writing, using a textbook (pp. 72-73), fill in the table “Understanding the freedom and responsibility of the individual in different historical eras”

Workshop #3

Topic: "Society as a complex system."

  1. What is a society? spheres of public life.

  2. Society and nature. Social Progress. Forms of social development.

  3. Civilization and formation. Typology of societies.

  4. What is globalization? Global problems of mankind.

  5. International terrorist threat to modern civilization.


  1. Textbook Social Studies, Grade 10: § 1, 2.

  2. Lectures No. 3, 4.

  3. Answer in writing questions 1 and 2 to the document in the textbook pp. 16-17.

  4. Prepare reports or presentations about global problems humanity.

  5. From the media, select examples of international terrorism.
Seminar No. 4

Topic: “Spiritual culture of the individual and society. Science and education in the modern world”.

  1. Spiritual life of society.

  2. The concept of culture, its main functions and forms.

  3. Features of youth subculture.

  4. Science: types, functions. Ethics of science.

  5. Education system in the Russian Federation. General trends in the development of education.


  1. Textbook Social Studies: § 8, 9.

  2. Lectures No. 5, 6.

  3. Complete tasks No. 1, 3 on p. 89, task 2 on p. 99 of the textbook.

  4. Prepare a message or presentation about a youth subculture.
Seminar No. 5

Topic: "Morality, art and religion as elements of spiritual culture."

  1. The origin of morality, its functions.

  2. moral categories.

  3. Religion as a part of spiritual culture.

  4. Art and spiritual life.

  5. Spiritual Life Trends modern Russia.


  1. Social studies, grade 10: § 10, 11.

  2. Lecture number 7.

  3. Prepare presentations on world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam).

  4. Using the textbook material (§ 11) to formulate the main trends in the spiritual life of Russia.
Seminar No. 6

Topic: " social structure society. social norms and deviant behavior.

  1. Types of social groups.

  2. Social stratification and social mobility.

  3. Social status and social role.

  4. Types of social norms.

  5. Social control and types of sanctions.

  6. Deviant behavior, its forms, causes.


  1. Textbook Social Studies, Grade 10, § 14, 16.

  2. Lectures § 14, 15.

  3. Write in your seminar notebook 5 examples of innate and attainable statuses that you currently have.

  4. Answer question number 2 to the document on page 182 of the textbook.

Seminar No. 7

Topic: “Social conflict. Social stratification of modern Russia”.

  1. Basic forms of social interactions.

  2. Types, stages, causes of social conflicts.

  3. The role of conflicts in society. Ways to resolve social conflicts.

  4. Social processes in modern Russia. The social structure of modern Russian society.

  5. Youth like social group. Social roles in adolescence.


  1. Textbook Social Studies Grade 10, § 15 pp. 162-166, § 19 pp. 207-213.

  2. Lectures No. 16, 17.

  3. Complete assignments No. 1, 2 on page 172 of the textbook in writing.

  4. Prepare a report on youth policy in the Russian Federation.

Seminar No. 8

Topic: "The most important social communities and groups."

  1. Types of ethnic communities.

  2. Interethnic relations, interethnic conflicts.

  3. National policy of the Russian Federation.

  4. Family, its main functions, types.

  5. Family and marriage.

  6. The current demographic situation in the Russian Federation.


  1. Textbook Social Studies Grade 10, § 17, 18.

  2. Lectures No. 18, 19.

  3. Answer in writing question No. 1 to the document in the textbook on p. 194, to question No. 3 to the document on p. 206.

  4. Compare statistical data on life expectancy for men and women, mortality and birth rates in the Bryansk region and in Russia.

Seminar No. 9

Topic: “Politics and power. The state as a political institution.

  1. The concept of power, types of power.

  2. Political activity and society.

  3. Structure political system society.

  4. Signs of the state, its functions.

  5. Theories of the origin of the state.

  6. Features of modern states.


  1. Textbook Social Studies Grade 10, § 20, 21.

  2. Lectures No. 20, 21.

  3. Make a comparative analysis of theories of the origin of the state, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages.

  4. With the help of the media, find information about interstate integration.

Seminar No. 10

Topic: “The form of the state. Personality and State.

  1. Forms of government, forms of territorial-state structure.

  2. Typology of political regimes.

  3. Signs of the rule of law.

  4. The essence of the political process.

  5. Political participation, its types. Political status, political role of the individual.

  6. Functions, types of political leaders.


  1. Textbook Social Studies Grade 10, § 10 pp. 234-237, § 22 pp. 241-244, § 24 pp. 262-268.

  2. Lectures No. 22, 23.

  3. Answer in writing questions No. 1, 3, to the document on page 240 of the textbook.

  4. Find information about the causes and characteristics of extremist forms of political participation.

Seminar No. 11

Topic: "Participants in the political process."

  1. Characteristics of civil society.

  2. The main components of the electoral system.

  3. Principles democratic elections, types of electoral systems.

  4. Political parties and movements, their classification.

  5. main political ideologies.

  6. The role of the media in political life society.


  1. Textbook Social Studies § 22 pp. 246-249, § 23 pp. 251-256.

  2. Lectures No. 24, 25.

  3. Answer orally questions No. 1, 2 to the document on pages 260-261.

  4. Prepare a report on contemporary Russian political parties.

Seminar No. 12

Topic: Economics as a science and economy. Market.

  1. Economics as a science and economy

  2. The main questions of economics. Types of economic systems.

  3. Division of labor, specialization exchange. Rational consumer behavior

  4. Market mechanism: supply and demand. Market equilibrium

  5. Basic market structures: perfect and imperfect competition.


  1. Social studies, 11th grade. § 1, pp. 6-9; § 3, pp. 29-36; §4, pp. 43-45; §11, pp.125-129.

  2. Lectures No. 8, 9.

  3. Complete task number 2 on page 15 of the textbook (fill in the table "Sections of economic science")

  4. Answer in writing questions 1, 2, 3 to the document on pages 132-133.
Seminar No. 13

Topic: "The role of firms and the state in the economy."

  1. Production costs, profit.

  2. Organizational and legal forms of business organization in the Russian Federation, sources of business financing.

  3. Fundamentals of management and marketing.

  4. Economic function of the state, mechanisms of state regulation of the market economy.

  5. The state budget.

  6. Functions, types of taxes.


  1. Textbook Social Studies Grade 11, § 4, pp. 45-51, § 5, pp. 53-59, § 6, § 7.

  2. Lectures No. 10, 11.

  3. Complete tasks No. 1, 2, 3, 4 in writing on page 53.
Seminar No. 14

Topic: “GDP, its structure and dynamics. The labor market and unemployment.

  1. Main macroeconomic indicators.

  2. Economic growth, its types, phases of the economic cycle.

  3. Labor market.

  4. Types of unemployment.


  1. Textbook Social Studies Grade 11, § 1, pp. 10-13, § 2, § 9.

  2. Lecture number 12.

  3. Orally answer the questions to the document on pages 26-27.

  4. Use the media to find data on the unemployment rate in the Bryansk region and in Russia. Compare these figures, draw a conclusion.

Seminar No. 15.

Topic: “Money, banks, inflation. World economy".

  1. Money. Banking system.

  2. Inflation, its types, social consequences.

  3. Results of market reforms in the Russian Federation.

  4. World economy.


  1. Textbook Social Studies Grade 11, § 8, 10.

  2. Lecture number 13.

  3. Prepare a report on economic policy RF.

  4. With the help of § 10 of the textbook, find material on the foreign trade policy of modern states.

Seminar No. 16.

Topic: " Legal regulation public relations".

  1. Understanding law. Signs, functions of law

  2. Legal and moral norms

  3. Law system

  4. Concept, types of forms of law

  5. Types, action of regulatory legal acts. The procedure for the adoption and entry into force of the laws of the Russian Federation

  6. Legal relations and offenses


  1. Textbook “Social Science. Grade 10", §25, 26, 27

  2. Lectures No. 26, 27

  3. Answer in writing to questions No. 5, 6 to the document on page 282 and to question No. 2 to the document on page 294

  4. Orally complete task number 4 on page 305 of the textbook
Seminar No. 17.

Topic: "Fundamentals of constitutional law."

  1. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. The system of state bodies of the Russian Federation

  2. Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. Judicial system RF

  3. The procedure for acquiring and terminating citizenship in the Russian Federation

  4. Environmental human rights

  5. Military duty of a citizen in the Russian Federation

  6. Rights and obligations of the taxpayer


  1. Textbook “Social Science. Grade 11”, § 20, 21

  2. Lectures No. 28, 29

  3. Complete tasks No. 1 and No. 2 on pages 234-235 of the 11th grade textbook.
Seminar No. 18.

Topic: "Civil law and family law."

  1. The main elements of civil legal relations. Property and non-property rights

  2. The right to intellectual property. Inheritance. Civil rights protection

  3. Subjects and objects of family legal relations. Legal and illegal actions of family members.

  4. Marriage and divorce. Rights and obligations of spouses

  5. Rights and obligations of children and parents


  1. Textbook “Social Science. Grade 11”, §22, 23.

  2. Lectures No. 30, 31

  3. Complete task No. 1 on page 258 of the textbook, tasks No. 1, 2 on page 270

  4. Answer questions to the document on page 258 of the textbook 11 cells.

Seminar No. 19.

Topic: "Labor law and labor relations".

  1. Subjects of labor law

  2. The procedure for hiring

  3. Employment contract: concept and types, procedure for concluding and terminating

  4. Collective agreement. Labor disputes and the procedure for their resolution

  5. Legal basis for social protection and social security


  1. Textbook “Social Science. Grade 10, §28, pp.310-312, Grade 11, §24

  2. Lecture No. 32

  3. Complete written assignment No. 1 and oral assignment No. 3 on page 283 of the textbook "Social Science, Grade 11"

  4. Read articles #21 and 22 Labor Code RF on the basic rights and obligations of participants in labor relations
Seminar No. 20.

Topic: “Administrative law. Criminal law".

  1. Administrative law and administrative legal relations

  2. Corpus delicti. Types of crimes

  3. Criminal responsibility. Peculiarities of criminal liability of minors

  4. Circumstances mitigating, aggravating and excluding criminal liability


  1. Textbook “Social Science. Grade 10, §28 p.307-309, Grade 11 - §27 p.308-312

  2. Lecture No. 33

  3. Complete task number 4 in the 11th grade textbook, pp. 350-351
Seminar No. 21.

Topic: "International Law".

  1. Principles, sources of modern international law

  2. Protection of human rights and freedoms by means of the UN

  3. European system for the protection of human rights

  4. International protection of human rights in times of peace and war


  1. Textbook “Social Science. Grade 11", §28

  2. Lecture No. 33

  3. Complete tasks No. 1 and No. 4 on page 328 of the 11th grade textbook.