Animal world of Altai. Animals of the Altai Territory

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sable Sable is a fur-bearing animal of the weasel family, whose homeland is the forests and mountains of Eastern Siberia. The body length of a sable is up to 56 cm, and the tail is up to 20 cm. Weight is about 1.5 kg. Sable is a predatory animal. It attacks all animals it can handle, especially squirrels and hares. By nature, he is brave, cunning, cruel and wild. Good for climbing trees. It is very difficult to tame a sable. From other countries, sable is found only in Mongolia, in the northeast of China, in Korea and on the northernmost island of Japan - Hokkaido. Previously, sable was found throughout the Siberian taiga and Kamchatka. With sable skins, hunters paid tribute, in exchange for them they purchased all the necessary goods from merchants. Sable fur is thick, soft, fluffy. In winter, it is very lush, lighter than summer, on its paws it closes the pads and claws. The sable has very valuable fur, so it was destroyed everywhere, but now it is under protection. Sables are bred at the Pushkin fur farm, but in captivity the birth rate and survival rate of sables drop sharply.

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weasel Weasel is a mammal animal, Characteristic features weasels are a thin, elongated, surprisingly flexible body with a fairly short tail (tail no more than 9 cm) without a black tip (the black tip of the tail is in the ermine). In summer, the back of the weasel is light brown, the abdomen is white or yellowish; in winter, in the north of the range, the animal is covered with snow-white fur. The male is larger than the female. The length of his body without a tail sometimes reaches 28 cm, weight 115 g. The length of the female without a tail is about 20 cm, and the weight is 69 g. along the edges, on the outskirts of villages, in stacks of straw, haystacks, but only in the absence of its competitor - ermine. Often the weasel runs in tall grass among bushes or over stones. She moves in short jumps, periodically stands up on her hind legs to carefully examine the surroundings. Weasel is not shy and does not avoid meeting a person. If you are lucky enough to meet her in the forest, you must be quiet, do not make sudden movements. Noticing a person, the animal releases the victim and hides. But it is enough to stand still for a few minutes, and the weasel will return for prey. Sometimes it is possible to attract a small predator by imitating the voice of a rabbit, which is like a quiet squeak. Weasel is a brave and curious predator. Keeps alone, hunts mainly at night. It feeds mainly on voles and mice, which it catches with surprising ease and energy, chasing them even in holes and shelters and, on occasion, killing more than it can eat. This caress brings invaluable benefits to a person. She also hunts water voles, knows how to climb trees, where she looks for chicks or bird eggs in nests. However, it can also catch a larger animal, such as a rabbit.

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snow leopard Rare, small, endangered species. The sizes are quite large - body length 103-130 cm, tail - 80-105 cm, weight - 22-39 kg. In terms of body size, the snow leopard is slightly inferior to the leopard, but in general appearance it is similar to it. This is a large, strong beast of a typical feline appearance. It has a thin, long, flexible body, low legs, a small head and a very long tail. Among other large cats, the snow leopard stands out for its long, thick and soft hair, but despite the splendor of the fur, it looks like a slender, graceful animal. It is not as massive as a leopard, it has a less muscular body. Adult snow leopards are from 100 to 130 cm long and up to 40 kg in weight. The tail reaches 105 cm.

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maral is large and strong beasts: the growth of an adult deer reaches 160 cm, weight - 300 - 350 kg. The wool of the deer is brownish-gray; in the spring, after molting, it becomes reddish-red. Little deer, like deer, are spotted. Marals usually live in small groups, deer and 3-5 deer, the so-called "harem". Young marals rarely play; more often among them there are real boxing brawls. Two deer rear up on their hind legs and beat each other with their front legs until the weaker one gives up. By the way, despite the impressive size of the horns (in an adult deer they reach a length of up to 120 cm, with 5-6 processes of 25-30 cm each, and weigh up to 10-12 kg), marals are not able to seriously injure the enemy or each other. The ends of all long and sharp processes are bent steeply upwards, and a blow can only be delivered by bending the horn. So the front hooves are a more terrible weapon. An enraged maral is quite capable of driving away a wolverine, lynx or wolf from the cub. Enough large predators prefer not to mess with a huge fury. A wolf or a bear can generally crush a deer only by driving it onto the ice of a stream or river, or into a deep snow puff, where the deer is helpless. In other cases, it is easier for predators to look for easier prey. Most of all, marals are afraid of humans.

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The appearance of the column is characteristic: this small animal is easily recognizable by the reddish color of the whole body and fluffy tail. Body length up to 39 cm, weight up to 800 g. The limbs are shortened, the head is small, the tail is about half the length of the body. Bright reddish-buffy winter fur is very thick, soft, lush, especially on the tail. On the anterior part of the head there is a dark field (“mask”) of brown color, in the region of the lips sharply outlined by a narrow whitish stripe. In summer fur, the animal looks more slender: the fur is close fitting and not at all lush. Kolonok lives in the valleys of small rivers, the banks of which are covered with mixed forests, deadwood, windbreak; among the stony placers overgrown with shrubs. In the forest-steppe, the animal most readily inhabits riverine floodplains, pine forests, reed beds around the lakes, the outskirts of the swamps. In the taiga hinterland, the Siberian spittle willingly settles along the edges of fields where mouse-like rodents are concentrated, where it can often be found in villages and even in small towns.

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badger In length reaches 90 cm, tail - 24 cm, weight up to 24 kg. The shape of the massive body is peculiar, representing, as it were, a wedge facing anteriorly, because, being thick at the back, it sharply narrows towards the end of a thin, elongated muzzle. The legs are short, massive, plantigrade, with long claws adapted for digging. The tail is short. The coat is coarse, with a long sparse awn and a short, soft underfur. The badger is found in the forest belt and in the mountains, and in the south it settles in the steppes and semi-deserts. The badger is perfectly adapted to digging deep holes in which it spends a significant part of its life. Most often, he arranges them on the slopes of forest ravines, river valleys or hills with dry, sandy soil, and the nesting chamber is located under the protection of an aquifer, which prevents the infiltration of rain and groundwater. The badger feeds on a wide variety of food: small animals, frogs, lizards, birds, their eggs, insects and their larvae, mollusks, earthworms, berries, fruits, nuts, grass. Sometimes in one hunt a badger gets 50-70 and more frogs, hundreds of insects, their larvae or earthworms. However, he eats only about 0.5 kg of food per day, and only by autumn eats heavily and puts on several kilograms of fat, which serves as his source of livelihood during a long winter sleep.

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polecat In general appearance, stock and habits, it is completely similar to the forest polecat, but a little larger and lighter. Body length in males is most often 32-56 cm, weight up to 2 kg; females are slightly smaller than males in length, but almost twice as light. The head is rather long, with a pointed muzzle and short ears. The tail is about a third of the length of the body, due to the adjacent hair it looks rather thin. The secret of the large anal glands in this ferret smells especially sharp. Winter fur is fluffy and very soft. The general very light yellowish-whitish color tone of the animal (which is reflected in the species name) is determined by the color of the down. The outer brown hair is rather sparse, creating only a dark moiré coating all over the body. The belly is brownish-yellow, and the chest, inguinal region and legs are almost black. The head is variegated: both eyes are covered by a transverse dark (coffee-brown color) “mask” or “band”, surrounded by a whitish or pure white field that runs from the end of the muzzle through the cheeks to the forehead. The ears are entirely white, but between them and the white band on the forehead there is one. This is a true carnivorous animal: plant foods are simply not absorbed by the body of the steppe polecat and therefore are not included in the diet. Small rodents are of primary importance in food - primarily ground squirrels, as well as hamsters and pikas. But in some places, the polecat also hunts larger prey. So, in the mountain meadows of southern Siberia, this predator specializes in catching marmots, which partly explains its especially large size: after all, in order to get an animal weighing several kilograms, the hunter himself must be a match for him.

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squirrel The body length of the squirrel is 20-32 cm, the tail length is 19-31 cm. The weight is from 180 to 1000 g. The color varies not only from species to species, but also within the same species depending on the area, season, age, or simply from animal personality. Suffice it to point out that the squirrels of temperate latitudes usually molt twice a year, but the tail molts only once during this period. Winter fur in squirrels from cold regions is very different from summer. All squirrels feed on a variety of plant foods: tree seeds, berries and fruits, nuts, mushrooms, buds and shoots, bark and lichens. Animal foods are added to plant foods: insects and other small invertebrates, eggs of birds, lizards and snakes, chicks and even small rodents and lizards. The common squirrel, like other species of this genus, is a typically arboreal animal. She climbs beautifully on branches and easily jumps from one tree to another. If necessary, the squirrel can jump from the top without harm to itself. tall tree to the ground. She arranges a nest in hollows or branches of trees. The branch nest is ball-shaped with a side entrance. From the inside, such a nest (gaino) is lined with soft plant material. The squirrel can be red, ashen, almost black, etc.

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bear Despite increased hunting, there are still bears weighing up to 750 kg, with a body length of 2.5 m; standing on its hind legs, so the most typical habitats of a brown bear are dense forests with windbreak, interspersed with swamps, lawns, and reservoirs. Under the canopy of the forest, the bear finds shelter, open areas serve as feeding places for him. Great importance to feed the bear has the presence of fields of oats. In summer, the bear settles down for a rest, lying down directly on the ground among grass, bushes, in moss, if only the place was secluded and safe enough. It is a different matter in winter, or rather, in autumn, when the beast has to take care of a reliable shelter for several months until spring. However, here, too, bears often limit themselves to open lying in dense spruce young growth, near a tree, or even in an open meadow, dragging a bunch of moss there and spruce branches in the form of a large bird's nest. Very often, lairs are located in pits under the protection of windbreak or the roots of fallen trees. In some areas, animals dig deep lairs in the ground, and in the mountains they occupy caves and rock crevices. From above, the den is covered with snow, so that only a small hole for ventilation, the so-called forehead, remains. In severe frosts, its edges are covered with frost. For a lair, a bear chooses the most reliable, remote corners, somewhere on an island of forest in the middle of a vast moss swamp. The beast sometimes comes here several tens of kilometers away and, approaching the target, in every way confuses the tracks, so that a whole crowd of them appears. Some giants reach 3 m.

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elk In general appearance, the elk is well distinguished from other deer. He is very high-legged, with a powerful chest, a relatively short torso and a heavy hook-nosed head. The upper lip is swollen and strongly hangs over the lower. Very large, wide and mobile ears. A soft leathery outgrowth hangs down under the throat - an “earring”, reaching 25-40 cm. The elk horns consist of a short trunk and a wide flattened, somewhat concave shovel. From the shovel, processes extend forward, out and back, more or less evenly framing the shovel (on the horn, forests with swamps, quiet rivers, streams and lakes are of great importance, where they feed on aquatic vegetation. In winter, mixed and coniferous forests are necessary for the elk with dense undergrowth or good undergrowth of young growth, especially pine, aspen or birch, mountain ash and up to 18 shoots). dense shrubs, in swamps, on the banks of rivers and lakes. They like to lie on the shallows or in the water in shallow water, sometimes they go into the water up to their necks. On the contrary, at night they most time to feed.

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gray wolf The GRAY WOLF is the main and largest representative of the canine family. In the past, the wolf was widespread on Earth and had, and still has, a serious impact on people's lives. Finally, it was the wolf who became the ancestor of a large tribe of domestic dogs, which became for primitive man true friends and helpers and still play an important role in our lives. Gray wolves most similar to German Shepherds, and may be larger in stature. The main difference from dogs is the tail. The wolf never twists it with a ring, but keeps it lowered down or extended parallel to the ground. Compared to dogs, wolves are more restrained in their movements, not fussy. Wolves love steppes, semi-deserts, tundras, small forests interspersed with open spaces. Wolves live in pairs or families. In winter, several families can unite in a flock. In the spring, the flocks break up, and couples rush to improve the lair. The main prey of wolves is ungulates: deer, elks, wild boars, but if there are a lot of small things around - lemmings, mice, voles, wolves eat off on these feeds, and in the deserts, having found a flock of locusts, they feast for several days. Wolves destroy mainly sick and weak animals, acting as orderlies. Nature cannot exist without predators.

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The diversity of the animal world of the Altai Territory is due to the presence of steppes, forests and high-altitude belts. Here the inhabitants of the West Siberian taiga meet: elk, brown bear, wolverine; forest representatives Western Siberia: musk deer, deer, capercaillie, stone partridge; animals of the Mongolian steppes: jerboa, tarbagan marmot. About 90 species of mammals, over 250 bird species lives in Altai. Some of them ( manul cat, polecat dressing, demoiselle crane, etc.) are listed in the Red Book.

A distinctive feature of the animal world of Altai is the formation of endemic species. Typical endemic - Altai mole, it is widely distributed and occurs both in the plains and in the mountains. Among the birds endemic are mountain turkey, Altai buzzard, tundra partridge.

In the taiga massifs are ubiquitous brown bear and moose. The bear is an omnivorous predator that feeds on mice, birds, fish, berries and mushrooms; during the summer, it wanders from forests to subalpine meadows, where it is attracted by an abundance of herbs and plants with tasty healing roots. And by autumn it returns back to the taiga to berries and nuts.



Seasonal transitions from one zone to another are made and ungulates. Elk, roe deer, deer, musk deer wander from taiga to meadows and back. Marals - deer, whose horns contain the valuable substance pantocrine in the spring, have been bred for many years on deer farms in the mountainous forest regions of the region. All attempts to breed deer in other mountainous regions of Russia have not yet yielded good results.


Maral cub

In the forests of Altai there are lynx, badger, wolverine, ermine, chipmunk, squirrel. The most valuable fur animal in the taiga is sable. This small predator has chosen for itself the most deaf windbreak places, arranging nests in the hollows of old trees.



Another valuable fur animal - fox. Lives in flat areas. Rodents are ubiquitous here. hamsters, gophers various kinds, marmots, in arid regions of the steppe there are jerboas. Hares- hare and white hare - live in the steppe and in the forest regions of the region. There you can also meet wolf.



Almost all forest-steppe areas where there are reservoirs are a habitat muskrats. Imported in the twenties from North America the rodent, which has a commercial value, has successfully acclimatized in the Altai lands. And in the upland rivers and reservoirs of Salair are found beavers whose range is increasing every year.

Birds most often found in the forest zone of the region - owl, hawk. Commercial species represent black grouse, hazel grouse, partridges, capercaillie. Well adapted to forest life Nutcrackers and jays, crossbills, small songbirds.

A large bird of prey flies in the mountains - golden eagle. Its prey are rodents - mice and ground squirrels, marmots. Found everywhere white partridge, it lives at altitudes up to three thousand meters.

golden eagle

steppe zone- Habitat for birds of prey Falcon, Kestrels, Buzzard that prey on small field rodents. And on the lakes and swamps of the Altai plains live snipes, teals, common cranes, mallard ducks, greylag geese, cranes, gulls. During the flights in these places stop swans and northern geese.

The world of reptiles in Altai is small. Its main representatives are poisonous snake- common muzzle, viviparous lizard, which is found throughout the Altai Territory. Found near water bodies common snake, found in steppes and forest-steppes steppe and common viper. Of the reptiles, the largest in Altai is considered patterned snake. Its dimensions are over a meter in length.


The reservoirs of the plains and mountain zone Altai to paradise are rich fish. In the foothill rivers are found burbot and taimen, grayling and lenok, chebak, ruff, minnow, perch. Sterlet, bream, pike perch, etc. live in the main river of Altai, the Ob. The lakes of the plains are rich in carp, lines, in their waters are found pike and perch.

Pike - great catch

You can talk about Gorny Altai indefinitely, but it will be enough to see it once - and you will feel its spell on yourself! As soon as they do not call Altai Mountains, it is also a country of mountain ranges, a country of glaciers, a country of blue lakes, a country of mountain rivers and a country of pioneers. As the nature of the Altai Mountains is many-sided, so is its animal world. A rather insignificant territory of Gorny Altai is represented by several natural zones - steppe, semi-desert, forest, alpine, subalpine zones, tundra.

The presence of steppes, forests, and highlands also explains the diversity of the animal world. Animals living in the Altai Mountains are adapted to nomadic lifestyle, this is facilitated by environmental conditions. Depending on the time of year, they change the height difference, or they move from the steppe to the forest-steppe. So, for example, a brown bear in spring sunny days leaves the taiga to open glades with young juicy grass, while gradually changing height, climbing up.

If in the summer the bear feasts on juicy grass and the roots of subalpine meadows, then closer to autumn, it descends to the lowlands, to the tall grass. In the autumn, taiga supplies of berries and pine nuts will ensure its winter maturation. Marals and small game animals also change their habitats - from the forest to subalpine meadows and back. Sable, as you know, is a typical taiga inhabitant, however, mountain subalpine meadows are also native to him. From one belt zone to another roam also living in the Altai Mountains roe deer, musk deer, elk.

The taiga northeastern zone of the Altai Mountains provides food for many species of animals, among them V Lately wolves appeared, which are well adapted in the forests and even deep snow is not a hindrance for them. Commercial fur animals squirrel, ermine, marten and other true inhabitants Altai forests. Well adapted to the taiga large wolverines, badgers, otters.

In the steppe Altai Mountains, and now in the forest-steppe, everywhere you can find fox with valuable fur. Wild boars are not uncommon in the forest-steppe zone, and their habitat is constantly expanding.

Kulunda steppe in hot weather summer days, when everything seems to have died out, a running corsac suddenly revives ( steppe fox), the color of which is similar to the color of grass burnt out in the sun or a flashed jerboa, or maybe a gopher head that appeared from nowhere above the withered grass. Hamsters, voles, mice live in the steppe- These are local inhabitants of rodents that cause many problems to agriculture.

The Altai Mountains are a corner of untouched nature, where wild deer, handsome deer and mountain goats and rams (argali) feel at ease. In the southeast of Altai, one can meet gazelle, or goiter antelope, coming from the territory of Mongolia. It is quite rare to see a manul cat in nature, even the local residents cannot boast of this. A wild cat chooses places among hard-to-reach stone placers, in gorges with dense thickets of bushes. High in the Altai mountains can be found snow leopard included in the Red Book. In another way, it is called the snow leopard - a very rare predator, and in the Altai Mountains it lives only in a small area.

Gorny Altai is a little-studied region of Russia. Data on the habitat of birds in the region continue to be refined, many species are not well understood. In 2012, an ornithological expedition was made, where 200 species of birds were recorded, among them there are those that have never been recorded in the Altai Mountains before. Only 18 species of birds from the family of ducks were recorded. Here and, and ducks, and a whooper swan.

Rare to meet black stork, their population consists of only about a dozen birds. Of greatest interest to hunting enthusiasts are the grouse families (white partridge, capercaillie) and pheasant (grouse, bearded partridge, common quail).

The object of sport hunting among them is undoubtedly a handsome man. Mountain turkey (ular) is found in the highlands, it can be found at the turn of mountain glaciers.

One would like to complete the already named diversity of Gorny Altai by calling it - country of sport hunting! And this country is waiting for its fans.

Flora of Altai (flora)

The flora of the Altai Territory is rich and varied. The vegetation here was influenced by the geological history of the development of the territory, and the climate, and a peculiar relief. Almost all types of vegetation of northern and central Asia, Eastern Kazakhstan, and the European part of Russia are found in Altai.

Forests cover most of the Altai Territory. The only ribbon pine forests in the entire territory of Russia grow here - a unique natural formation, the like of which is not found anywhere else on our planet.

Origin ribbon pine forestsIt has interesting story, which is associated with the period when in the south of the West Siberian Lowland there was a largee sea, the flow of water from it passed through deep hollows towards the Aral basin. The flowing water carried sand, and when the climate

Thus, five ribbons of pine forests were formed, which stretch parallel to each other from the Ob near Barnaul to southwest direction towards the Irtysh and the Kulunda lowland. wove, and the Ob again flowed into the seas of the Arctic Ocean, pines began to grow on the sand-filled hollows of the ancient runoff.

Woody vegetable world in the mountainous part of Altai is richer than in the plains. Cedar-fir forests grow here with admixtures of birch and in large numbers- pines. This is the so-called black taiga, which is not found in other forest regions of the country. In the black taiga, many shrubs grow - raspberries, mountain ash, viburnum, currants, bird cherry.

A very common tree in Altai is larch. Its wood is hard and durable, perfectly retaining its qualities both in the ground and in the water. Larch is a valuable building material: it is used to build houses that can stand for centuries, make dams, build bridges, piers, use it to make railway sleepers and telegraph poles.

Larch forests are light and clean and resemble natural parks in which each tree grows apart. The shrub undergrowth in deciduous forests is dense, and the surface of the ground in such a forest is covered with a continuous grassy carpet.

Siberian cedar pine, cedar - famous tree species Altai forests. This is a mighty tree with a dark green crown, with long prickly needles. Forms frequent, solid cedar forests on mountain slopes or occurs as an admixture in deciduous and fir forests.

Cedar wood is highly valued - light, durable and beautiful, it is widely used in folk crafts for the manufacture of various products. From cedar board make furniture, containers for food products, make a pencil board. Pine nuts are very popular, from which a valuable oil is produced, which is used in medicine and in the manufacture of high-precision optical instruments. Cedar resin is a raw material for balm.

In the forests of the Altai Territory, from deciduous species, the most common arebirch, aspen and poplar. In the flat part of Altai, both birch and mixed pegs are found everywhere - small groves of trees of these species with abundant shrubs.

There are several dozen species of shrubs in the region, many of which give edible berry- raspberries, blackberries, currants, honeysuckle, blueberries, cranberries. are beautiful in early spring mountain slopes covered with bright crimson-violet blooming evergreen maral (Siberian wild rosemary, Daurian rhododendron).

Weeds are often foundjuniper, cinquefoil, meadowsweet. The region is famous for abundant thickets of useful shrubs - sea ​​buckthorn , which gives berries from which valuable medicine- sea buckthorn oil.

On taiga meadows with mountain forbs, bees collect exclusively fragrant honey, the fame of which is known far beyond the borders of our country.

In spring and early summer, plains and slopes Altai mountains are a beautiful carpet of multi-colored flowers: bright orange lights, dark blue and pink tulips, blue bells, carnations, daisies, white and yellow buttercups.

Of the medicinal plants in the Altai Territory, the most famous are maral and golden root (Rhodiola rosea), bergenia and valerian, dandelion and marin root, spring adonis, licorice, etc. More than ten species of relict plants grow in Altai. Among them are European hoof, bruner, fragrant woodruff, circe.

High on the slopes of the Altai mountains is found edelweiss.

Fauna of Altai (fauna)

The diversity of the animal world of the Altai Territory is due to the presence of steppes, forests and high-altitude belts. Inhabitants of the West Siberian taiga meet here: elk, brown bear, wolverine; representatives of the forests of Western Siberia: musk deer, deer, capercaillie, stone partridge; animals of the Mongolian steppes: jerboa, tarbagan marmot. About 90 species of mammals, more than 250 species of birds live in Altai. Some of them (manul cat, polecat, belladonna crane, etc.) are listed in the Red Book.

A distinctive feature of the animal world of Altai is the formation of endemic species. A typical endemic is the Altai mole, it is widespread and occurs both on the plain and in the mountains.

In the taiga massifs, brown bear and elk are found everywhere. The bear is an omnivorous predator that feeds on mice, birds, fish, berries and mushrooms, during the summer it wanders from forests to subalpine meadows, where it is attracted by an abundance of herbs and plants with delicious healing roots. And by autumn it returns back to the taiga to berries and nuts.

Ungulate animals also make seasonal transitions from one zone to another. Elk, roe deer, deer, musk deer roam from taiga to meadows and back. Marals - deer, whose horns contain the valuable substance pantocrine in the spring, have been bred for many years on deer farms in the mountainous forest regions of the region. All attempts to breed deer in other mountainous regions of Russia have not yet yielded good results.

In the forests of Altai there are lynx, badger, wolverine, ermine, chipmunk, squirrel. The most valuable fur-bearing animal in the taiga is the sable. This small predator has chosen for itself the most deaf windbreak places, arranging nests in the hollows of old trees.

Another valuable fur animal is the fox. Lives in flat areas. Rodents are found everywhere here: hamsters, ground squirrels of various species, marmots, jerboas are found in arid areas of the steppe. Hares - hare and hare - live in the steppe and in the forest regions of the region. You can also meet a wolf there.

Almost all forest-steppe regions, where there are reservoirs, are the habitat of the muskrat. A rodent imported in the twenties from North America, which has commercial value, successfully acclimatized in the Altai lands. And in the upland rivers and reservoirs of Salair there are beavers, the range of which is increasing every year.

The birds most often found in the forest zone of the region are owl, eagle owl, hawk. Commercial species are black grouse, hazel grouse, partridge, capercaillie. Nutcrackers and jays, crossbills, and small songbirds are well adapted to life in the forests.

A large bird of prey, the golden eagle, flies around in the mountains. Its prey are rodents - mice and ground squirrels, marmots. The white partridge is found everywhere, it lives at altitudes up to three thousand meters.

The steppe zone is a habitat for birds of prey: red-footed falcon, kestrel, buzzard, which prey on small field rodents. And on the lakes and swamps of the Altai plains live snipe, teal, gray cranes, mallard ducks, gray geese, cranes, gulls. During flights, swans and northern geese stop in these places.

The world of reptiles in Altai is small. Its main representatives are a poisonous snake - an ordinary muzzle, a viviparous lizard that is found throughout the Altai Territory. Near reservoirs there is an ordinary snake, in the steppes and forest-steppes there is a steppe and ordinary viper. Of the reptiles, the patterned snake is considered the largest in Altai. Its dimensions are over a meter in length.

The reservoirs of the plains and the mountainous zone of the Altai region are rich in fish. In the foothill rivers there are burbot and taimen, grayling and lenok, chebak, ruff, gudgeon, perch. Sterlet, bream, zander, etc. live in the main river of Altai, the Ob. The lakes of the plains are rich in crucian carp, tench; pike and perch are found in their waters.

Located at the junction between the West Siberian Plain and the mountain ranges of Central Asia, the territory of the Altai Territory is characterized by a variety of landscapes, from low plains in the west to alpine midlands in the southeast. This factor determines the special richness of the fauna of the Altai Territory, because it allows animals with different ecological requirements for the conditions of existence to live, from typical steppe animals, such as marmots and corsacs, to typical inhabitants of mountain slopes, such as saltwort and musk deer.

In total, 89 species of mammals, more than 320 species of birds, 9 species of reptiles, 7 species of amphibians, and 33 species of fish have been registered in the Altai Territory.


89 species of mammals from 6 orders and 22 families live on the territory of the region, including 37 species from the order Rodents, 17 species from the order Carnivores, 13 species from the order Insectivores, 13 species from the order Chiroptera, 5 species from the order Artiodactyls and 4 species from the order Lagomorphs.

Male moose are armed with antlers, which they shed every autumn.

Order: Carnivores

Brown bear

(lat. Ursus arctos) is a predatory mammal of the Bear family. It occurs in the north-east of the region in dense forests with windbreak and dense undergrowth.

The number of brown bears in the territory of the region is 3500-5500 individuals.


(lat. Canis lupus) - a mammal from the Carnivorous order, the Canine family, the Wolves genus. It lives in a wide variety of landscapes, preferring open: steppes, forest-steppes, and, if possible, avoiding solid forests.


(lat. Gulo gulo) - ferocious predator from the Kuni family. The most preferred habitat for the wolverine is the taiga and areas mixed forests with dense undergrowth and windbreak.


(lat. Lynx lynx) is a predatory mammal of the Feline family. Prefers dark coniferous woodlands, deaf areas with dense undergrowth, although it occurs in a variety of stands, including forest-steppe.


(lat. Meles meles) - a mammal of the genus Badgers, the Kunya family. Found in forests of all types, rarely in open spaces in thickets of shrubs, providing many shelters. For burrowing, it often chooses places with soft soil and natural uneven terrain: ravines, beams, steep banks of reservoirs.

red fox

(lat. Vulpes vulpes) - a representative of the Canine family, the genus Fox. It prefers open areas of the forest-steppe zone, although it is found in a variety of plantations.

Korsak, or steppe fox

(lat. Vulpes corsac) - a mammal of the genus Fox, family Canine. It occurs in the west, north-west of the region, in the steppe, less often in the forest-steppe natural zone.


(lat. Otocolobus manul) - a representative of the Feline family, the genus Cats. It lives in the steppe mountain belts of the southeast of the Altai Territory.


(lat. lutra lutra) is a semi-aquatic mammal from the Kunya family, the Otter genus. It settles in forests of all types, choosing rivers with littered windbreak banks, less often lakes and ponds with areas that do not freeze in winter. The species is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the category "Declining in numbers".

American mink

(lat. Mustela lutreola) - a species of animals from the Kunya family, the genus Ferrets. Intentionally introduced species. Inhabits the entire Ob basin in remote places, along floodplain thickets of shrubs and reeds.


(lat. Martes zibellina) - a representative of the Kunya family, the marten genus. It lives in cluttered strips of coniferous and mixed forests along the banks of the rivers Alei, Anui, Isha, Peschanaya, Charysh.

ferret steppe

(lat. Mustela eversmanni) is a species of mammal from the genus Ferrets. Lives in the steppe, rarely forest-steppe natural areas in places with low herbage and compacted soil.

See also: Forest ferret -


(lat. Mustela erminea) - a representative of the Kunya family, the genus Ferrets. It lives in the forest-steppe, less often in the forest natural zones, in copses, groves, clearings and forest edges.


(lat. Vormela peregusna) is a mammal of the genus Ligation, the Kunya family. It lives in deserts, semi-deserts, in arid rocky areas in mountain valleys. The species is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the category "Endangered".


(lat. Mustela sibirica) - a species of animals of the genus Ferrets, the Kunya family. Found in forests of all types, near rivers and lakes.


(lat. Mustela altaica) is a mammal from the Kunya family. Inhabits the rocky tundra, in the foothills of the forest-steppe and steppe, in mountain valleys with a weak development of woody vegetation.


(lat. Mustela nivalis) - a species of mammals from the genus Ferrets, the smallest representative of the order Carnivores. It lives in various natural landscape complexes, more often in the foothills, light forests, bushes.

Order: Artiodactyls


(lat. Alces alces) - a mammal of the genus Elks, the Deer family. It lives in the forest, less often in the forest-steppe natural zones, often along the banks of rivers and lakes.

The number of moose in the territory of the region is 13-18 thousand individuals.

red deer

(lat. Cervus elaphus) - a mammal from the Deer family, the genus Real deer. Intentionally introduced species. Lives in light deciduous forests, less often in mixed ones, where glades alternate with copses.

A subspecies of the red deer - the deer was brought to the Chinetinsky reserve in 1979, where the animals quickly acclimatized and took root, subsequently settled in the forest part of the foothills, especially in the southern part of the Salair ridge.

musk deer

(lat. Moschus moschiferus) - a species of animals from the Musk Deer family. It lives in the mountain taiga, more often on the steep wooded slopes of the mountains with a predominance of pine. The species is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the category "Declining in numbers".

Siberian roe deer

(lat. Capreolus pygargus) is a representative of the Deer family, the genus Roe deer. It lives in the forest-steppe and steppe natural zones, preferring places with tall grass, thickets of shrubs.


(lat. Sus scrofa) - a species of animals from the Pigs family, genus Boars. Wild boar prefers large tracts of deciduous and mixed forests, light forests with dense undergrowth.

The wild boar constantly lives in the upper reaches of the rivers Inya and Charysh.

Order: Lagomorphs

white hare

(lat. Lepus timidus) - a representative of the genus Hares. It lives in forest and forest-steppe natural zones, prefers light forests, overgrown burnt areas and clearings.


(lat. Lepus europaeus) is a small mammal from the Hare family. It lives in the steppe and forest-steppe, is found in open spaces of the forest zone: clearings, burnt areas, edges, meadows, glades.

Altai pika and small pika

Small mammals of the Pishukha family. The first lives on stone placers in the taiga low mountains and mountain woodlands, the second - in the steppes and rocky foothills of the forest-steppe. The small pika is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the "Rare" category.

Order: Insectivores


(lat. Erinaceus europaeus) - a species of animals from the Hedgehog family, genus Eurasian hedgehogs. It lives in deciduous-forest and forest-steppe natural zones, prefers sparse forests, copses, thickets of shrubs, edges, floodplains.

The eared hedgehog (lat. Hemiechinus auritus) also lives in the Altai Territory, which differs from the common hedgehog big ears. The species is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the "Rare" category.

Mole Siberian, or Altai

(lat. Talpa altaica) - a mammal of the genus Ordinary moles, the Mole family. It lives in forest and forest-steppe zones. Prefers sparse deciduous forests, copses, groves, edges with dense herbs, meadows, fields, orchards, orchards and other biotopes with moderately moist loose soils.
See also: Common mole -

common shrew

(lat. Sorex araneus) - a species of animals of the shrew genus, the most common representative of the Shrew family. The most preferred habitat for the common shrew is sparse forests, copses, thickets of bushes, thickets of tall grasses, and edges.

In addition to the common shrew, the following species of the Shrew family live in the Altai Territory: tiny shrew, large-toothed shrew, small shrew, flat-headed shrew, even-toothed shrew, middle shrew, tundra shrew - from the genus Shrew; Siberian shrew - from the genus Belozubki; common cutor - from the genus Kutora. The large-toothed shrew and the Siberian shrew are listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the category "Rare" and "Uncertain by status", respectively.

Order: Chiroptera

Two-tone leather

(lat. Vespertilio murinus) - a species of mammals from the genus Bicolor leather. Inhabits various open areas: along the outskirts of forests, on the edges, along the banks of rivers and lakes, on agricultural lands. The species is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the category "Restorable or recovering".

Tubkonos large, or Siberian

(lat. Murina leucogaster) is a small mammal from the genus Tubenose. Lives in mixed, mountain forests. The species is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the "Rare" category.

Wushan brown

(lat. Plecotus auritus) is a small mammal from the genus Ushany. It lives in various open areas: on the outskirts of forests, on the edges, along the banks of rivers and lakes, on agricultural lands.

Ushan Ogneva, or Siberian ushan

(lat. Plecotus ognevi) is a small mammal from the genus Ushany. Distribution and lifestyle are similar to Plecotus auritus. The species is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the "Rare" category.

Northern leather jacket

(lat. Eptesicus nilssonii) - a species of animal from the genus Kozhany. It lives on the outskirts of forests, on the edges, along the banks of rivers and lakes, on small agricultural lands, in gardens. The species is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the "Rare" category.

Evening redhead

(lat. Nyctalus noctula) is a small mammal from the genus Vespers. Inhabits deciduous and mixed forests. The species is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the "Rare" category.

Water bat

(lat. Myotis daubentonii) - a small mammal of the Smooth-nosed family the bats. Inhabits forest plantations near watercourses, such as lowland rivers and canals, hunting insects at dusk over water.

In addition to the water bat, the following species of smooth-nosed bats live in the Altai Territory bats from the genus Night bat: Brandt's night bat, Ikonnikov's night bat, Eastern night bat, Siberian night bat, long-tailed bat, pointed-eared bat, pond bat. All, except for the water bat and Brandt's bat, are listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory.

Order: Rodents

Beaver ordinary, or river

(lat. Castor fiber) - a large rodent of the Beaver family. The most preferred habitat for are deciduous forests. Settle along the banks of slowly flowing rivers, oxbow lakes and lakes.

After the almost complete extermination of the population of West Siberian river beavers, since 1952, the re-climatization of the European species imported from Belarus has been carried out in the Altai Territory. Now total strength common beavers is 3000-4000 individuals.

Marmot gray

(lat. Marmota baibacina) - an animal species of the genus, Squirrel family. Lives in mountain and foothill steppes. The species is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the "Rare" category.

Long-tailed ground squirrel and red-cheeked ground squirrel

Mammals of the Gopher genus, Squirrel family. They live in open landscapes of the steppe and forest-steppe zones, on dry rocky foothill slopes. The red-cheeked ground squirrel zid is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the category “Declining in numbers”.

Squirrel ordinary

(lat. Sciurus vulgaris) is a small mammal of the Squirrel family. It lives in all forests of the region, prefers cedar forests and mixed forests.

Siberian chipmunk

(lat. Tamias sibiricus) - a representative of the Squirrel family, the genus Chipmunks, the only species of chipmunks living on the Eurasian continent. The most preferred habitat for the chipmunk is large tracts of coniferous forests with dense undergrowth of berry bushes.

flying squirrel

(lat. Pteromys volans) - a representative of the Squirrel family, the genus Eurasian flying squirrels. It settles in deciduous, less often in mixed forests, preferring birch and aspen forests. The species is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the "Rare" category.

Zokor Altai

(lat. Myospalax myospalax) - a rodent of the Slepyshovye family, leads an underground lifestyle. Inhabits plains and foothills with soft soil and an abundance of herbaceous vegetation.


(lat. Ondatra zibethicus) - a species of mammals, the only representative of the muskrat genus. It lives in the taiga, forest and forest-steppe zones, prefers shallow, non-freezing lakes and oxbow lakes with banks covered with dense grassy vegetation. Intentionally introduced species.

Large jerboa and upland jerboa

(lat. Allactaga major) - mammals from the Jerboa family. The large jerboa prefers steppe and forest-steppe landscapes with hard ground and sparse herbage. The upland jerboa lives in sandy deserts and semi-deserts, sandy pastures and pine forests on sandy soil. Both species are listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory in the category "Declining in numbers" and "Uncertain in status", respectively.


(lat. Cricetus cricetus) - a representative of the Hamster family, the genus Real hamsters. It lives in deciduous and mixed sparse forests, settles on edges, meadows, in fields with thickets of shrubs.

In addition to the common hamster, the following species of rodents of the Hamster family live in the Altai Territory: Baraba hamster, Djungarian hamster, gray hamster.

Rat gray

(lat. Rattus norvegicus) - a species of animals of the genus Rat, the Mouse family, the order Rodents. In nature, it lives along the banks of various reservoirs, however, most now prefer to settle next to a person - in gardens, fields, on garbage dumps, in human dwellings.

Water vole, or water rat

(lat. Arvicola terrestris) is a mammal from the Hamster family. It leads a semi-aquatic lifestyle, settles along the banks of rivers, lakes, canals, and especially willingly near freshwater swamps.

common vole

(lat. Microtus arvalis) - a mammal from the Hamster family, the genus Gray voles. It lives in forest, forest-steppe and steppe landscapes in open areas with dense grass cover.

In addition to the common vole, several more closely related species of the Hamster family live in the Altai Territory: the big-eared vole, the red vole, the red-gray vole, the flat-headed vole, the red-backed vole, the dark or plow vole, the narrow-skulled vole, the housekeeper vole, the steppe lemming, the eastern mole vole .

mouse forest

(lat. Sicista betulina) - a small rodent of the Mouse family. It lives in forest and forest-steppe natural zones. Settles in forests of all types, groves and thickets of bushes.

In addition to the forest mouse, the following species of rodents from the Myshovka genus live in the Altai Territory: the Altai mouse, the steppe mouse.

field mouse

(lat. Apodemus agrarius) - a representative of the Mouse family, the genus Forest and field mice. It lives in forest and forest-steppe natural zones in open biotopes - in meadows, edges, in bushes, agricultural lands.

Except field mouse the following species of rodents of the Mouse family live on the territory of the Altai Territory: the East Asian mouse, the house mouse, the European mouse, the baby mouse.

forest lemming

(lat. Myopus schisticolor) - a small rodent from the Hamster family. Dwells in coniferous forests with abundant moss cover.


The avifauna of the Altai Territory is represented by more than 320 species of birds belonging to 19 orders, of which 240 are nesting, more than 50 are migratory and vagrant, and more than 60 are wintering. The largest bird that lives in the Altai Territory is the whooper swan, its body weight reaches 12 kilograms; the smallest is the yellow-headed kinglet, it weighs only 4-8 grams.

The most numerous order of passeriformes, it has 137 species: swallows (coastal, urban, rural), larks (white-winged, black, steppe, field, small), wagtails (white, yellow, yellow-headed, mountain), warblers (brown, green, , ratchet), nightingales (common, blue, whistler, rubythroat), thrushes (black, song, red-throated), tits (large, mustachioed, Muscovy), buntings (ordinary, red-eared, garden, grey-headed, reed), etc.

Numerous and diverse birds are confined to aquatic and near-water biotopes: ducks (mallard, pintail, shoveler, wigeon), geese (gray, white-fronted, white-fronted, lesser white-fronted), swans (whooper, mute, tundra), herons (gray, great white), snails ( dandy, herbalist, blackie, fifi), cranes (black, gray, belladonna), gulls (lake, gull, gray, small), etc.

In the forest-steppe, pergorias and where tall groups of trees are found, diurnal predators live: hawks (goshawk, sparrow hawk), eagles (golden eagle, spotted eagle, imperial eagle, steppe eagle), falcons (saker falcon, peregrine falcon, gyrfalcon, red-footed falcon, hobby falcon, derbnik), harriers (meadow, field, marsh), sea eagles (white-tailed, long-tailed), etc.

The gray goose nests in stagnant pools surrounded by reed beds.

Of the hunting and commercial species, waterfowl live in the region: shelduck, mallard, wigeon, shoveler, pintail, gray duck, cracked teal, whistle teal, goldeneye, red-headed pochard, crested duck, coot, moorhen, bean goose, black goose, white-fronted and gray goose; marsh game: snipe, harshnep, great snipe, corncrake, shepherd, herbalist, tules, turnstone, large, small and American godwit, large and common rut; upland game: hazel grouse, black grouse, capercaillie, gray partridge, woodcock; field game: quail, lapwing, gray dove, common turtledove; mountain game: Khrustan.

85 species of birds are included in the Red Book of the Altai Territory. Cm. - .

Reptiles and amphibians

Of the reptiles on the territory of the region, five species of snakes live - the steppe viper, the common viper, the common muzzle, the patterned snake, the common snake, and four types of lizards - the nimble lizard, the viviparous lizard, the round-headed takyr, and the multi-colored foot-and-mouth disease.

The amphibian fauna is represented by seven species: Siberian salamander, common newt, green toad, gray toad, moor frog, Siberian frog, lake frog.

He swims well and willingly goes into the water to hunt for frogs.

The steppe viper, takyr roundhead, multi-colored foot-and-mouth disease and the Siberian salamander are listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory.


Ichthyofauna Altai Territory has 34 species of fish and cyclostomes from 12 families, which differ in their habitat.

river fish: Siberian sturgeon, sterlet, taimen, lenok, nelma, Pravdina whitefish, Siberian dace, ide, river minnow, eastern bream, Siberian gudgeon, Siberian char, Siberian spiked sturgeon, burbot, pike perch, variegated sculpin, Siberian sculpin, nine-headed stickleback, Far Eastern lamprey , Siberian lamprey; lake-river fish: rainbow trout, Siberian grayling, pike, Siberian roach, or chebak, top, carp, or common carp, bleak, perch, ruffe; lake fish: lake minnow, Chekanovsky minnow, tench, golden carp, silver carp.

The body and head of the pike are elongated, the mouth is wide.

Siberian lamprey, Siberian sturgeon, sterlet, lenok, taimen, and nelma are listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory.