Learning spoken English on your own from scratch. Where to start learning English

Isn't it true that sometimes you feel envious of people who can communicate in English? These lucky ones can easily establish contact with people in any country, be the first to watch new movies that have not yet been translated, understand the meaning of popular songs, and much, much more. What prevents you personally from joining their ranks? After all, today it’s easier than ever to start learning English on your own from scratch on the Internet! Don't believe me? This article will clear all your doubts about what to learn. English language It’s quite possible to do it yourself at home.

Yes, everyone can master English. And the various myths about genius, gifts of the gods and innate abilities for languages ​​have nothing to do with it. It's all about setting the end goal. It is necessary to clearly understand why you are starting and carrying out this educational process. The first question you should have is not how to learn English on your own at home, but why do I need to learn English?

Reply to this main question everyone has their own. We can only give a little guidance and guide you to find your own goal. So, you need to learn English in order to:

  1. Feel like you belong anywhere in the world .

No matter what country you visit, there will definitely be people there who speak English. This way, you will ensure confidence in your position when staying abroad.

  1. Study at prestigious colleges and universities .

High-quality professional training is the key successful career. If you want to lay a solid foundation for your adult life, then an international diploma is exactly what you need.

  1. Build a career in large international corporations .

A prestigious job requires many skills, including knowledge of foreign languages. With English, you will not be afraid of a business trip even to the most remote branch of the company.

  1. Expand your business opportunities .

The international market is incomparably wider than the domestic one, even if you live in the most large country peace. In turn, communication with foreign partners and clients is unthinkable without knowledge of business English.

  1. Get to know the way of life in other countries .

Interest in the traditions and customs of other peoples is inherent in many of us. With the help of English you can not only learn interesting information from foreign sources, but also to communicate directly with local residents.

  1. Make foreign acquaintances .

There are never too many friends, but having reliable connections in different points peace is not only pleasant, but also useful. Communication with interesting interlocutors helps to practice spoken English and get to know the mentality of the country.

  1. Join international experience and an unlimited amount of information.

The most valuable thing in the world is information. And the English language opens the door to one of the world's most numerous repositories of historical and modern materials. With English you can keep your finger on the pulse of the whole world!

Here are just a few obvious facts, confirming that learning English is necessary. Try to deduce your practical goal from these rather streamlined formulations. The simpler it is, the better, because initially unattainable peaks kill faith in the success of the entire event.

Let the goal at first be minimal - to watch and understand the episode of your favorite film in the original. This is not difficult to achieve, but the achieved result will give you confidence in your abilities and awaken passion for further study. And it’s never too late to set a new serious goal, isn’t it?

How to start learning English on your own from scratch?

And only after your goal is defined, clear and understandable, is it time to ask the question: how to start learning English from scratch on your own? Here we will not stand aside either and will tell you the main starting points for beginners.

Getting ready to study

Where to begin training sessions? First of all, you need to create an atmosphere conducive to studying and plan your study schedule.

Select the necessary teaching aids, stock up on office supplies and highlight in your routine free time. The issue of time must be taken very seriously. It is clear that we are not studying at school, and cannot study English at home at exactly the same time. What is important to us is not the accuracy of the beginning of the lesson, but the regularity of classes.

The lesson schedule is selected individually. If it is convenient for you to spend 2 hours studying, then studying 3 times a week is enough. If you can’t devote so much time to self-study, then you will have to study for at least 30 minutes, but every day. This time is enough to learn a few new words or remember a couple of grammar rules.

During classes, you should not allow yourself to be distracted. Limit your use of the Internet and telephone unless required by the educational process. Also, do not listen to music and entertainment programs while writing down theoretical lesson material. Otherwise, your attention will be scattered and such activities will hardly be of any use. Don't forget about your goal and try not to waste the time allocated for studying.

Learning the basics

So, the goal has been set, the atmosphere has been created, and the mood for studying is combative. What's next?

If we study English with complete zero, i.e. Since we have never encountered it before, we will turn to the very basics: the alphabet, sounds, transcription, counting and reading rules. Typically these simple themes do not create difficulties for students. But here lies the catch, because... You always want to skim through easy lessons or skip them altogether.

Don't be led by laziness and momentary desires. Later it turns out that you missed it, didn’t understand it, didn’t remember it, and as a result, every lesson will turn into an endless jumping from old theories to new material. It’s better to go through it honestly and responsibly initial stages English lessons from scratch, laying a solid foundation for subsequent knowledge.

Gaining an active vocabulary

When we have already learned the first basics of a foreign language, many people inevitably have a question: how to quickly learn English? If there are no obvious prerequisites for this (for example, an urgent trip), then such a statement of the problem is nothing more than a manifestation of laziness.

Think about how many years it takes a child to master native speech? Practically, more than a decade! And we want to learn a foreign language in our country in a couple of months. It just doesn't happen that way. Therefore, be patient and get used to gradually improving your English skills.

So, the next stage is active vocabulary acquisition. We recommend working either with thematic selections of words, or trying to remember small phrases and set phrases. Firstly, this way you will master a larger volume of vocabulary, and secondly, your speaking and grammar skills will simultaneously improve.

By the way, developing the skill of speaking a foreign language is most important factor successful study. With what more people remembers accompanying words, connectives, phrases and phrases, the easier it is for him to start constructing entire sentences. Without the ability to speak, knowledge of a language will become a meaningless achievement, and soon the memorized words and rules will simply be erased from memory.

As an additional point, we emphasize that additional, various Internet platforms and mobile applications. Their advantage is that they allow you to quickly become familiar with the spelling and pronunciation of new words, and also ensure that the material is repeated on time and is not forgotten.

But as a stand-alone tool, interactive applications have too many disadvantages:

  • small number of words;
  • learning without context;
  • too frequent repetitions;
  • paid features;
  • the ability to answer at random.

And if you can somehow put up with the first points, then the last line on the list causes irreparable damage to the educational process. Following the lead of laziness, we begin to mechanically poke at the button we remember, without even comparing the correct answer with the question. As a result, our learning English on your own Houses from scratch turns into an ordinary guessing game, and classes end before they even begin.

Getting to know grammar

In parallel with learning new words, it is necessary to become familiar with the grammatical component of the language. And here it arises new question: how to learn to work with grammar correctly?

1) It is necessary to choose an explanation of the theoretical material that will become easily understandable and accessible to you. It’s a good option to combine material from several manuals or articles on the topic - this way you will get the most complete picture of a given grammatical point.

2) Keep a folder with tabular material to help you learn English. At first, these tables will be a good cheat sheet, but with frequent practice, you won’t even notice how you remember most the information presented in them.

3) Practice is the only way to learn English from scratch. It doesn’t matter whether you study at home or sign up for group courses. Each learned rule must be reinforced practical exercises. Well-mastered material can be reinforced with online tests, and complex theory It’s better to work thoroughly, solving several exercises of different types.

The combination of all these stages is a complete answer to the question of how to learn English at home. Yes, this matter is not so simple, but this is how everyone who speaks English fluently today learned. In addition, if you choose the right teaching method, classes can easily be turned from a boring chore into a pleasant pleasure.

We try different methods and add variety to the educational process

Beginning search effective methodology How to learn English from scratch, we come across many options. Let's list some of them.

Method Level of training Efficiency
Listening to audio recordings Beginner, intermediate Helps to learn vocabulary, practice correct pronunciation, and comprehend English speech aurally.

To make the task more challenging, listen to stories and audio books.

Reading English texts Beginner, intermediate Practicing reading skills, studying new vocabulary.

For beginners, it is better to use adapted literature with parallel Russian translation.
For intermediate-level students, reading texts in the original is useful for deepening their understanding of the language environment.

Working with cards Elementary Development of new vocabulary, study irregular verbs in English.

It is better to compose cards yourself, because... When writing words by hand, the effect of “mechanical” memory is triggered.

Watching films Medium, high Getting to know colloquial speech, developing new vocabulary, improving listening comprehension, correcting pronunciation.

For a successful result, before turning to this method, you should lay a solid lexical and grammatical foundation. Therefore, it is recommended only for intermediate and advanced students.

Spoken communication All levels Communication with a native speaker – The best way learn spoken language quickly. It is recommended to start from the very first lessons: increase the level of knowledge and at the same time improve your speaking skills.
Artificial recreation of the language environment All levels Ability to use a foreign language as if it were your own.

Try to express your thoughts in English more often. Keeping daily records of your impressions of the past day helps with this.

We hope that the above arguments have dispelled skepticism about whether it is possible to pick up and learn English on your own. Everything is achievable - the main thing is to get together and start. And we have already told you how to set yourself in the right mood. Good luck in learning and improving English!

Hello friends!

Many people are looking for an answer to the question of how to learn English on their own from scratch. This is quite real. I want to tell you about two online service that will help you quickly learn English on your own.

How to learn English on your own

You don't have to use both of them, you can choose one or the other. But each of them has its own zest, and having tried it, I don’t want to give it up.

In this article, I will not describe them in detail; for this I have two separate articles, where I described all their capabilities in sufficient detail. Offering you to familiarize yourself and choose what you like best.

  • Puzzle English. I recently discovered this service and was pleasantly surprised by its capabilities. .
  • LinguaLeo. A very popular and functional language learning service. It was with him that my serious independent study of English at home began. .

To learn how to quickly memorize foreign words, I recommend you an excellent Intensive course “Memorization 1000 foreign words during the week".

    I recommend that you take a closer look at several more online schools and choose what will be closer and more convenient for you:
  • Nikolai Yagodkin School more expensive, but they guarantee that in 3 months you will learn to speak English perfectly and understand by ear. There are a lot of positive reviews about this school.

I really hope that this article was useful for you, and you learned how to independently learn English from scratch. Be sure to share this article with your friends, and they will thank you for it.

If independent studies English doesn't suit you, try .

I wish you success in learning English! I believe that these services will help you, and soon you will speak English fluently.

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English is not very complex languages , similar to Japanese. Therefore, it can be taught at any time without outside help. Main - the right motivation. In this article we will tell you how to learn English on your own from scratch. And the best assistant in this matter is an English language self-teacher.

In contact with

Self-study algorithm

Where to start learning English? Here are some important points:

  1. First you need choose goals. Why do you need knowledge of English? The fact is that during the learning process you will have to constantly motivate yourself, devoting time to the language every day. Motivation plays a decisive role. Perhaps you need knowledge of the language to travel, study abroad, or communicate with English-speaking friends.
  2. Get ready to work hard. You should not trust methods that are widely advertised and promise to turn a beginner into a professional who speaks fluent English in a month. There are no miracles. Really learn a language in a few months so that you can understand what you read and communicate. According to professionals, to know English like a native speaker, it will take decades.
  3. You need to learn the language from the beginning, that is, with . The letters in the transcription are pronounced differently from how they are written. After memorizing the pronunciation of letters, you can begin to memorizing words.
  4. Planning when learning words is extremely important. Set yourself a goal to learn, for example, five hundred words per month. Priority should be given to those words that are used in everyday life, that is in everyday speech.
  5. Create your own dictionary by writing down the words you just learned. . You need to write by hand, because that’s how it works best motor memory. You can also use cards with Russian words written on one side and their translation on the other.
  6. At the same time as memorizing words, study basics to build phrases. Try to repeat out loud what you learn as much as possible.
  7. More often watch English videos With subtitles. Pause your viewing periodically to memorize the passage.
  8. Listen to radio such as BBC to learn colloquial.
  9. Use audiobooks, having a paper version at hand and on, in order to be able to compare the original and the translation.
  10. Make language learning a priority by devoting it daily at least 30 minutes time for each lesson. By taking breaks and distractions, you can learn a language easily and without stress.

Independent learning of English at home.

Method for beginners

You shouldn’t count on quick results in your training, because Everyone's speed of memorization is different.. Language abilities are purely individual. It is realistic to expect some kind of breakthrough in the level of proficiency after three years from the start of study - this is what practice shows. Words in English at the level of a phrasebook can be studied in a month. These are question-and-answer structures that will come in handy if you go abroad. English for beginners is usually limited to everyday vocabulary and simple phrases.

Important! Visualization is essential in learning English. Be sure to review the topics included in the tutorials.

When studying you can use materials on DVDs, which contain both images with English words and translations to them. At the same time, the announcer pronounces the words correctly. Manuals on disks are varied: they contain everything you need for the language in a complex.

Remember that learning English is based on three areas: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar. And it is important to combine this without compromising your psychological comfort.

A beginner should first learn the simplest grammar (verbs, and sentence construction), learn to read in English, and only then move on to watching films. An advanced student who has mastered grammar should emphasize in speech practice. This is the only way to remove accent from speech.

Immersion in an English-speaking environment has important . To do this, you need to communicate with people who speak fluent English, listen to music with such lyrics. If, for example, you move to the country of the language you are learning, then the learning process is shortened doubled.

Don't be shy about asking those who are professionals. About which technique to choose, which educational materials Better yet, you can ask your foreign language teacher.

A lot of information about good benefits contains the Internet. English teachers create their own websites they post manuals and share their experiences.

You can chat with a native speaker via Skype. There are also thematic chat rooms, which are very easy to find using the Yahoo search engine. In addition, you can correspond by e-mail, write messages on Twitter and Facebook.

Attention! The method of learning English on your own involves learning the language little by little, but every day.

Manuals and tutorials online

Using the online tutorial, you will learn in just a month read, understand content of English films on Youtube, original lyrics. But the most important thing is that you can Express your thoughts and understand your interlocutors.

To assess your level of achievement, take the test. It's not difficult as it contains about 20 questions. Tests are designed for different levels: from basic (Elementary) to high (Advanced).

Will help you understand the language better and construct phrases online lessons. Here the grammar is presented step by step, starting with the verb “to be”. This is used in constructing time structures of the past, present and future. Having additionally studied figures of speech, you can already quite speak fluently.

It should be noted that online learning is best done in interactive form , that is, through dialogue with a virtual interlocutor. This allows model communication, just like in real life.

Gadgets help turn learning English into an exciting activity. This special applications for Android and iPhone platforms. The advantage of apps is that they contain analogues of paper cards with English words. Training takes place in a couple of clicks.

English for children

Children open to everything new, and if the child has shown sincere interest, you need at learn English V game form . The easiest way to do this is by viewing tutorials on the Internet by typing “English for children from scratch” into a search engine.

For example, you can show your child a colorful website fairy-english.ru Such sites are created specifically for young students and taking into account their characteristics.

In addition, there are many videos posted online, filmed specifically for children by professional teachers. Lessons for beginners are presented in in a simple and clear form.

Attention! Tutorial videos help you learn a language faster and more effectively.

The basic principle in learning language in children is progression. This means we need to move forward. from simple concepts to more complex ones. The child is able to learn those words in English that he already knows in Russian. Reading the dictionary will not give you anything: it is necessary learn words from pictures. A simple example. By doing exercises in the morning, you can learn the names of body parts, and during breakfast, learn the pronunciation of the names of menus and products in English.

How to learn English with your child at home

It is important to imagine the process of learning a language as a game, but motivating that by playing it, the child will receive a prize. Knowledge will give the key to the treasure. And the child will be interested in learning and comprehending new things. Of course, you cannot deceive a child. In the form of a treasure, you can purchase a disk with cartoons in English or a book English fairy tales in original.

Motivation to learn a language

After a while, the child may become bored with the language and may find new entertainment. It `s naturally. To stay motivated, you need to do the following:

  • regularly buy bright and colorful aids (CDs, books, games);
  • give the child a chance perform at a competition with knowledge of the language, take part in the Olympiad, where certificates and awards are awarded;
  • enroll in an English speaking club, introduce you to equally enthusiastic children;
  • learn a language together with a child, who often follows the example of an adult.

Teaching children English in a playful way is much easier and faster.

Online tutorials for children

If the child is really interested, you can use a popular English language tutorial.

Website about a funny tiger cub who speaks English: http://lingualeo.com/ru.

Other tutorials:

  • http://www.study-languages-online.com/ru/en/english-for-children.html
  • http://begin-english.ru/samouchitel
  • http://lim-english.com/ http://lingust.ru/english

If you still have difficulties, the site will always help eng911.ru. It is posted on it a lot of useful information and benefits, interesting for both children and adults.

When starting such an interesting activity as quickly learning English at home, many people use effective method: paste stickers on household items with their English names. Constantly looking at a familiar environment, a person automatically remembers words. On the way to school or work, you can read e-books, listen to recordings, watch videos. This way the trip will not be boring and will be useful.

A method such as compiling lists of synonyms and antonyms. Very effective technique, which helps you learn English on your own from scratch. The dialogue technique also works effectively. Think and talk, ask questions and answer. Don't be afraid to seem funny: those around you will understand you. After all, you are learning to speak English!

The peculiarity of English is that in it, like in any language, there are sustainable structures. These are so-called figures of speech. They are needed memorize, memorize. In addition, there is colloquial slang, that is, the language of narrow groups of English-speaking people. For example, youth slang. There is slang and professional slang. Of course, this is already the level of an advanced student who wants to communicate in English as a native language.

How to learn English on your own

How to memorize words


The advantage of the independent approach is that you can choose methods, study for as many hours as your mood allows, choose the level of language to study. If you study English in courses, then the student will always limited in choice, because the teacher decides for him. Take advantage of this opportunity, because now you know how to learn English on your own at home.

It is important to be able to start any business correctly. Many desires and aspirations for perfection remain unfulfilled due to an incorrectly taken first step or even postponing the “start” until next Monday. We decided to learn foreign language, but don’t know how to start studying? Today’s material is just for you, because it will tell you in detail how and where to start learning English on your own. In this article we will consider all the stages of competent organization educational process: motivation, lesson format and the right approach to various components of teaching English. Let's get to work!

Why are some people able to communicate fluently in several languages, while others cannot connect even three words in one foreign language? No, it's not about giftedness, talent or learning ability. It's a matter of interest. When we are passionate, we learn with dedication: we enjoy the process of learning, rejoice at new skills, and rush to try out the acquired knowledge in practice. Thus, if you want to successfully study English, try to get carried away by it, feel how cool it is, and be able to understand foreigners.

To awaken a burning desire to learn English, you need to find individual motivating factors. These could be some global goals, for example:

  • Moving for permanent residence to England or America;
  • Doing business with foreign companies;
  • Studying abroad;
  • Making new acquaintances and finding friends among foreigners;
  • Travel abroad, etc.

Simple things successfully motivate you to start serious training. For example, interest in English films. You probably want to watch the latest movies and TV series without the agonizing wait for the Russian translation, which is released a week or even a month late? So, with knowledge of English, film premieres will be available to you immediately after release. In addition, this way you will recognize the real voices of the actors and make sure that the Russian translation does not always accurately convey the dialogue of the characters.

In general, in order to effectively learn English, you need to understand your goal and enjoy the difficult path to it. However, motivation plays an important role only in the first lessons. Subsequently, students see their progress and the very realization that they have learned to speak a little English becomes a motivating factor to continue their studies.

Language learning methods and lesson formats

Naturally, after setting a goal, beginners are still tormented by the question of where to start learning English. Now that we have the mindset to study and confidence in our abilities, we need to choose the right methodology and format for conducting classes. To do this, do a little self-analysis:

  1. Do you want to study with a teacher or learn English on your own?
  2. If you need a mentor, are you ready to study in a group or individually?
  3. How much time are you willing to devote to English lessons?
  4. What type of perception is most typical for you: auditory (perceives by ear), visual ( visual memory), kinetic (sensations)?
  5. When do you plan to complete your studies?

Depending on your answers, you need to decide how to learn English.

If you plan to study with a teacher, then everything is simple. You look for an experienced teacher and choose a course for beginners. If there is nowhere to rush, then standard group lessons are suitable, but if you need to learn to speak English urgently, then you should sign up for individual lessons. The teacher will select manuals, methods, optimal duration and frequency of classes for you.

But for self-study English language requires careful consideration of the organization of the educational process.

  1. Decide on timenumber of lessons. You will study every day, or 3 times a week, 2 hours per lesson or only 30 minutes, etc. The best option is 3-4 times a week for 1.5-2 hours of classes. But, if you need to master a language in short term, then it’s better to practice daily. The main thing is the regularity of lessons. Never allow yourself to miss classes.
  2. Select study materials. Here it is important not only to focus on an accessible explanation of the rules and high-quality design of texts, dictionaries and exercises. You also need to take into account your own type of perception. If you are a visual learner, then video lessons are more suitable, and if you are an auditory learner, then it makes sense to actively use audio lectures.
  3. Check out techniques for beginners . For beginners, special courses have been developed that contain the necessary minimum of grammatical and lexical information in English. Read our material about methods of learning a foreign language, and perhaps you will choose an already beaten path to mastering English.
  4. Set aside a place for classes. It is very important to have your own desk where all notebooks and study guides will be stored. The presence of a workplace is also a psychological factor, because... indirectly it strengthens a responsible attitude towards lessons.
  5. Make a thematic plan. First, think about the format of the first 3 lessons. For example, the first lesson is learning the alphabet and working with vocabulary. The second lesson will begin with a review of vocabulary, then a review of the alphabet and the study of personal pronouns. The third lesson will be devoted to repeating all the studied elements and listening to audio recordings with new vocabulary. After the first classes, make a new plan for the week, etc. It is imperative to set goals for each lesson so that they motivate you to work with full dedication.

And only after completing these points can you purposefully begin to learn English. Most questions, of course, will arise about thematic planning classes. It is difficult for a beginner to understand where it is better to start learning English on his own, and which topics to choose first. Therefore, in the next section we will discuss this point in detail and explain how to develop foreign speech skills.

Where to start learning English on your own - detailed instructions

There are many people studying English, and those who speak the language make up about 10% of this mass. Why is that? Because 90% do not use their knowledge. We learned one topic, sort of repeated it a few days later, and that was it. The next topic is put off for a few more days, and by that time the first one is already forgotten. To avoid falling into this vicious circle, remember main principle how to learn English correctly:

Use the information you learn more often in your speech. Speak the material out loud as you study, make up your own sentences to review the topic, and create dialogues using a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures.

Only in this way will you master foreign speech, and soon you will begin to think in English, without even using Russian translation.

Thus, a beginner does not have a goal to learn 1000 words or remember everything English Times. For a beginner, the primary question is how you can quickly learn to speak English. In fact, this is not so difficult, because you don’t have to make ornate sentences; you can talk even with the simplest constructions. And now we will look at the first 5 steps to learning spoken English.

Alphabet, phonetics, transcription

Letters and sounds - essential elements language, and they are the simplest norms of speech. Therefore, you won’t have to think long about where to start learning. Our goal is spoken English, but how can we speak without knowing any sounds or letters? Therefore, it is logical that the first stage of learning English is familiarization with the alphabet and phonetic structure of the language.

The English alphabet contains 26 letters. There will be no problems with studying them if you work with voiced and structured material. We recommend the following study scheme: first carefully read the alphabet table, carefully work on the spelling and pronunciation of the letters. Then move on to learning the material by heart. By the way, it’s not necessarily boring to cram letter by letter. Use songs and rhymes to memorize English alphabet. This will make things more fun, and the result will not be long in coming. At the same time, you will also get acquainted with additional vocabulary.

As for phonetics, here you have to work on 44 sounds. This number is formed thanks to numerous letter combinations, which you will still have time to thoroughly study in reading lessons. Now your task is to practice the pronunciation of sounds and remember the transcription signs. In the English language, where a word is often written completely differently from how it is pronounced and read, transcription plays a huge role. In the future, you will more than once check the correctness of your own pronunciation of English words using transcription.

It will take about 3 thorough lessons to master the first section. In between lessons, also don’t be lazy, take 10 minutes to review English letters and sounds.

Reading rules

The most important and, perhaps, most accessible process of learning a language for beginners is reading. Beginners read a lot, because without reading there is no way to pronounce an unfamiliar word, and, therefore, not to start talking.

When reading, it is important to practice each rule well. Correct pronunciation of letter combinations is very important, because... in English there are many words with similar sounding, But different meaning. If you understand the difference in long and short sounds, as well as open and closed words, from the very beginning, it will be much easier for you to learn new things later. English vocabulary, analyze speech by ear and, finally, speak English on your own.

It is recommended to spend up to 4 lessons on practicing reading rules. Divide all the material into parts and practice several combinations per lesson, combining them with learning new vocabulary. And devote the final lesson to repeating all the reading rules using a small adapted text.


Often when asked by beginners how best to start learning English, many recommend memorizing as much vocabulary as possible. On the one hand, this is the right approach: each conversation contains hundreds and thousands of words. Knowing the translation of frequently used expressions, you can easily understand foreign speech. But we are interested in how to start speaking English on our own, and not just understand others. And here a small discrepancy arises.

If you look at it from a different angle, knowing even 100 English words, without basic grammar you will never link them into a sentence, much less into a text. Thus, writing and speech will effectively be inaccessible. Unpractised pronunciation will also distort the meaning of memorized vocabulary, and as a result, not a single foreigner will understand you, even if you pronounce the most common word in the language. Therefore, you cannot focus only on learning vocabulary. Vocabulary acquisition should go in parallel with the development of other language skills. Dedicate 20-30 minutes from each lesson to studying or repeating vocabulary.

And an important point concerns the content of vocabulary lessons. The following tips can be given here:

  • Learn the most common words;
  • Use thematic collections;
  • Always check correct pronunciation words;
  • Work more with expressions and contexts;
  • To make memorization easier, use special techniques.

Also, be sure to work through the material in different sequences: translation - English word; English word - translation.

Regarding the subject matter of the materials, we recommend studying the very basics. Dating, food and drinks, common verbs, household items, lifestyle, popular adjectives etc. To repeat what you have learned, link words into sentences and dialogues, modeling typical speech situations.


Above, answering the question of how to learn to speak English, we already mentioned the importance of grammar. Without this connecting link, your knowledge will never turn into “living” English speech.

So, how to start mastering English grammar? Start with the most basic topics. For example, a plan for the first month of school might look like this:

  1. The connective to be and personal pronouns.
  2. Questions and negatives with to be.
  3. Articles.
  4. Possessive pronouns.
  5. Plural of nouns.
  6. Interrogative pronouns.
  7. Sustainable constructions this is/there are.

Having mastered this minimum, you will be able to compose simple expressions or come up with a mini-dialogue in English.

  • What is it? –WhatThis?
  • It is a pen –Thispen.
  • Is it your pen? –Thisyourspen?
  • No, it is her pen –No,Thisherpen.

You can come up with a lot of similar conversations even with minimal knowledge of grammar, especially if you are actively expanding your lexicon new words and expressions. Of course, educational dialogues are not exactly like exciting friendly conversations, but you need to start small. The stronger the foundation of knowledge you lay, the easier it will be for you to master complex grammatical points in the future. Therefore, do not strive for pie in the sky ahead of time, but gradually master the basic elements.

We recommend including grammar materials as well as vocabulary in every English lesson. This can be either studying a new topic or simply repeating the information learned. The main thing is to regularly practice and practice the information learned in theory. Then you yourself will notice how the quality of your knowledge and practical skills improves every day.

Learning a foreign language can be a real rollercoaster:

Joyful and delightful ups await you.

And falls... And we will help you avoid falls! 🙂

Regardless of whether you are starting to learn English on your own from scratch, or want to improve the knowledge you already have, these simple methods will be useful to everyone!

Moreover, you don’t even have to leave the house - you can sit at home in your pajamas, drink aromatic tea and put into practice what you are now learning... and then be surprised with your results with a smile!

7 Simple Ways to Learn English at home on the couch in your pajamas :-)

  1. Step one:

Organize your goals.

Determine clearly: what kind of English do you want to learn?

Colloquial? Writing? Or is it very important for you to read it and understand what you read?

If you are going abroad to travel, then you need spoken English. The ability to write in a language like Shakespeare is, naturally, like a stop signal for a hare :-) [not necessary!]

And if you want to move abroad and find a job there, then you need to be 100% proficient in all 4 aspects of the language: speaking, reading, understanding, and writing.

We all have different goals that are different from others. What is interesting and what exactly do you need?

  1. Step two:

Find your favorite tutorial / video course / lessons for distance learning.

Once you have decided on your main goals (see point above), you need to take the bull by the horns. And find the most suitable way for you to study yourself.

The most ass Video lessons are a lifesaver for learning a language at home.

For both adults and children!

Everyone knows that their main and undeniable advantage is that during video lessons we see, hear, read, write and speak English!

Today you can study them both for a fee and for free.

In free access, information is usually “broken”, that is, presented in “pieces”. Like Napoleon cake - you get your 1-2 pieces, but not the whole cake :-)

Paid videos are known for the fact that there you are engaged in a complete, whole system. IN good systems Everything is laid out step by step, explained clearly and simply.

That is, here you already get the whole Napoleon :-)

  1. Step three:

When learning English from scratch, choose a professional Russian-speaking teacher!

That's right, cool. For those who continue. And the right path to nowhere for beginners.

Hundreds and hundreds of students, wood Fueled by the desire to conquer a foreign language, they immediately plunged headlong into the pool, choosing courses/lessons from a native speaker.

So to speak, we immediately “immersed ourselves in the environment.”

And bitter tears were shed. Or they threw textbooks in anger :-)

“How so?”– you are probably asking.

If you are just starting to learn English and know quite a few words, then you...

Firstly, you simply won’t understand most of what a native speaker will tell you;

He will not be able to explain to you the translations of many words and the peculiarities of grammar. Why is it like this in Russian, but like that in English?

Secondly, due to a complete misunderstanding, your desire to practice will quickly melt like butter in a hot frying pan!

Tested by hundreds of students.


Find rus a native-speaking teacher who speaks excellent English and knows how to teach it.

He will be able to explain everything to you as a beginner. important nuances language and will guide you by the hand through the first, basic and most important steps of learning.

Will give you the basics, explaining it easily and simply.

And, of course, in good video course with a Russian-speaking teacher and training with native speakers. You will listen to them, answer questions, and ask your own. But this practice will be dosed, suitable for your level. Immersing you in the language easily and smoothly, effectively and with pleasure.

Watch an English lesson for beginners with Oksana's explanations and training with a native speaker:

  1. Step four:

Start processing your “cake”!

So, you've chosen the right video (or maybe audio) course. Great.

It's time to study it.

Like a big, kilogram Napoleon cake, the English course needs to be “processed” little by little.

If you try to swallow it all at once, you may get indigestion! (best case scenario:-))

Of course, of course, you want to master the language here, now and quickly. But!

Spur your horse and decide on your speed.

Do you need to know a language very soon? Time is running out?

Then watch and work through 1 video (hour-long) per day. No more!

Remember, if you immediately start “grabbing everything at once”, the same mess will begin in your head :-)

  1. Step five.

Talk to yourself.

Yes, yes, you understood everything correctly :-)

You just need to speak English :)

Your articulatory system must get used to foreign sounds.

By repeating freshly learned words, expressions and constructions out loud, you not only get used to the language, but also remember what you've learned better!

While doing household chores, imagine situations in which you will communicate and say out loud what you would say to your foreign interlocutor!

The effect will surprise you! 🙂

  1. Step six:

Train as if tomorrow you will become the President of the USA :-)

Bruce Lee once said: “I'm not afraid of someone who studies 10,000 different strikes. I'm afraid of the one who studies one blow 10,000 times.»

Only by repeating and practicing one topic a hundred times can you become a champion in English.

Take your time to find out and learn everything. Practice each “stroke”, each grammatical topic many times, without fear of repetition. The language is forgotten once or twice, so every word, every topic is brought to automatism.

Many people don't know about this or forget it. And then they have to learn everything again, because they once seriously underlearned something.

Remember this important point, and train each blow, bringing it to automaticity. So that if you are woken up in the middle of the night and asked to translate: “I want ice cream, a handshake with Jason Stetchen, and an apartment in Hollywood.”, you could translate it right away! 🙂

  1. Step seven:

The clock is the shepherd of time. Remember him!

Have you noticed how every year time seems to fly faster and faster?

Remember that time will pass. Anyway. 1 year, 5 years, 20 years...

And it depends only on you where you invest your time and what will happen to you in the nth number of years.

Will you remain stagnant without advancing your language skills even a millimeter?

Or will you master it and communicate freely, happy and proud of your results?