How to use maternity capital to educate an older child. How to spend maternity capital on the education of children

Since 2007, families have been given the opportunity to receive maternity family capital at the birth or adoption of a second child. Completion social program scheduled for December 31, 2021.

Now the amount of payments is 453,026 rubles. AT recent times the allocation of maternity capital to the education of children has increased. The program provides an opportunity for children from families with low incomes to continue their education in colleges or higher educational institutions after graduation.Consider the possibility of using maternity capital for the education of children. We will also provide lists of information and application forms for submission to the Pension Fund.

What types of educational services can maternity capital be spent on?

Regulations on how to send mat. capital for the education of a child, established by the Rules for the allocation of funds from maternity family capital to the education of a child and the implementation of other expenses related to the education of a child, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2007 No. 926 as amended on December 30, 2017 No. 1713. According to the Rules, funds can be used to pay for:

Since 2018, the procedure for using maternity capital for education has been simplified. Now you can pay for maintenance in preschool institutions without waiting for the child to reach three years.

Funds can be used to educate any child in the family. The age of the student at the date of commencement of studies should not exceed 25 years.

The advantage of this direction is that you can pay for educational services for any of the children in the family, regardless of the order of birth. Considering that it is possible to partially spend capital funds for an unlimited period of time, for many families it is possible to direct part of the funds to the maintenance of the youngest in kindergarten already now, leaving the balance for the education of the older child, or use it for other permitted directions.

It is impossible to pay for the mother's education with maternal family capital. The certificate can only be used for the benefit of children.

What documents are needed and how to write an application?

Most often, when registering capital, the question arises of what information should be provided. The main document on the basis of which payments for the education of a child are made is a certificate. You can get it at any convenient time, there are no time limits.

To obtain a certificate, you must submit an application to the territorial office of the FIU at the place of residence. You will also need to submit:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • birth (adoption) certificates of all children;
  • if the child's birth certificate does not indicate citizenship, it should be confirmed by other information.

After submitting the application, it is mandatory to register, about which a corresponding receipt is issued. Within a month, the FIU decides to issue a certificate, and an official notification is sent to the applicant within 5 days.

To make a payment for education, an application is submitted to the Pension Fund at the place of registration in person or through a representative. You need to issue it on a special form, a sample can be downloaded from the link or taken from the Pension Fund. All fields are to be filled in. The data is entered in legible, clear handwriting, the attached documents are indicated, signed and dated. All required applications are being prepared. The appeal is submitted in person, through a representative of the MFC or sent by mail.

General package of documents:

  • a written statement on the disposal of funds (part) of maternity capital;
  • certificate;
  • the passport;
  • if the application for disposal is submitted through a representative, documents proving his identity, place of residence and authority will be required.

Depending on the type of spending maternity capital, you will need to provide additional documents. Application List:

  • for educational services: a copy of the agreement on the provision of paid services certified by the educational institution; educational services;
  • for the maintenance and (or) care and maintenance of a child: an agreement between the organization and the owner of the certificate (should include the institution's obligations to support the child and (or) look after and care for him), calculation of the amount of payments;
  • for living in a dormitory: a tenancy agreement indicating the amount and terms of payment, a certificate from an educational organization confirming the actual residence of the child in the dormitory.

Is it possible to pay for tuition at a driving school, the worst school, sections and circles with mother capital?

According to the current rules for channeling maternity capital to education, these funds can be transferred to any educational organization that has the right to provide such services. At the same time, in order to spend maternity capital on education, the following conditions must be met:

Studying at an art school, driving school, circles or sections is additional education and is not subject to accreditation. It follows from this that payment for an art school, driving school, circles or sections with maternity capital cannot be made.

Can maternity capital pay for distance learning?

There are no restrictions on the forms of education. With maternity capital, you can pay for both daily and correspondence form educational process in any educational organization on the territory of the Russian Federation that has state accreditation for the relevant programs.

It should be noted that the age of the student at the beginning of training should not exceed 25 years. An agreement on the provision of paid educational services with an educational institution is concluded only by a person who has received a certificate.

Is it possible to pay for the child's accommodation in a hostel for the period of study?

The law grants the right to pay for the use of residential premises with maternity capital and utilities in a hostel provided by an educational organization for the entire period of the child's education. This is also a tangible support in teaching children to low-income families.

With an educational institution that provides a place for students in a hostel, the owner of the certificate concludes a contract for the rental of residential premises. It must indicate the amount and due date of the payment. You should also obtain a certificate confirming the actual residence of the child in the hostel.

The received documents, together with an application for the transfer of maternity capital funds, are submitted to the Pension Fund. Payment is made by bank transfer directly to educational institution.

How long does it take to transfer money to an educational organization?

The Pension Fund is given a month to consider the application for sending funds for education and make a decision. The data is then sent for payment.

When concluding an agreement with an educational institution, it should be clarified whether it is possible to pay for education with maternity family capital, since an additional agreement may be required to be concluded to the main agreement. This agreement should also be submitted to the Pension Fund. The term of payment in this case will be considered from the moment of providing the supplementary agreement.

The first transfer of funds for the education of the child in educational organization takes place within two months after receipt of the application and all necessary documents. The remaining payments are transferred within the terms specified by the agreement with the educational institution. Payment is made by bank transfer directly to the educational institution.

How to withdraw money from the organization in case of premature expulsion of a child?

During the period of study, life situations may arise in which the student is expelled from the educational institution. The reason may be illness, academic failure or another reason. Is it possible to return the transferred tuition fees in such cases?

When terminating the contract for training or providing a hostel, the owner of the certificate must apply to the Pension Fund with an application for refusal to send funds. The application can be filled out in any form, indicate the reason for the refusal and attach administrative document from an educational institution.

Within five working days from the date of receipt of the application, the Pension Fund will stop the transfer of payment under the terminated contracts. If the transferred amount exceeds the actual expenses, the unused funds shall be returned to the Pension Fund.

Last modified: January 2019

A family that owns the necessary housing and does not have loan repayment arrears can use the amount of maternity capital in full or in part to pay for the education of any child of the family under the age of 25.
Paying for education with maternity capital ranks second in popularity among certificate holders.

A family in which the baby is three years old and the family has been issued a certificate on the occasion of his birth can invest capital in the education of a child.

  1. education in kindergarten (specialized groups);
  2. music school education;
  3. education in an art school;
  4. tuition fees in higher educational institutions;
  5. in the technical school.

What documents need to be submitted to the territorial Pension Fund

1) a copy of the agreement on the provision of paid educational services (parents need to conclude an agreement with an educational institution, certified by an educational institution.);
2) passports and certificates for maternity capital;
2) a copy of the license of the educational institution for the right to provide these services;
3) if educational institution is not state, then you must provide a certificate of state accreditation. This document is not required for preschool education. (cancelled)

The text of the contract must indicate the amount and date of payment for tuition. After that, the PF transfers money to the account educational organization, and the first payment is made two months from the date of application.
The procedure for using maternity capital for the education of children has been simplified. According to the decree of the Government of Russia, which must be submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence.
Now it is enough to present the certificate itself, passport, insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance and a copy of the training agreement certified by the educational institution. All other documents (copies of the license and certificate of state accreditation of the educational institution), which were previously required, do not need to be submitted to the FIU.

In the event that the money is planned to be used as payment for living in a hostel at an educational institution, it is necessary to present additionally:

  • confirmation of the child's admission to the full-time department of an educational institution;
  • a tenancy agreement for housing in a dormitory;
  • certificate from the dean's office on the provision of a place in the hostel.

When deciding to use maternity capital for the purpose of educating a child, it must be submitted no later than May 1 of the year in which admission is planned.

Initially, no additional documents are provided for this application. They must be added to the application before October 1 in case of successful admission of the child to an educational institution.

In the event that training is interrupted for academic leave, then funding from maternity capital is suspended until training is resumed.
Upon termination of training: willful or upon expulsion - payment stops completely.
For more information about what documents you need to provide for the disposal of MSC funds, parents of applicants can find out in the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia or by calling the "hot lines" 8-800-100-91-21

Parents who plan to spend maternity capital to pay for their children's education must write an application before the end of June, since the assessment of documents and the transfer of funds is considered within two months. Otherwise, they will have to ask educational institutions to defer payment.
One way or another, educational institutions do not refuse parents in this regard. Since in most cases educational institutions indicate prices already in June, parents who decide to pay for their studies must collect in advance Required documents and calculate due dates.

Maternity capital to pay for a nanny, a private kindergarten

In order to direct part of the maternity capital funds to pay for a kindergarten or school, you must contact the local PF authorities and provide an agreement concluded with a preschool institution.

The contract must include:

  • the total amount of payment;
  • repayment terms;
  • list of paid services.

The procedure for using maternity capital for the education of children has been simplified. The Rules for sending maternity capital to pay for education contain a list of documents that must be submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence. Must present

  • the certificate itself
  • the passport,
  • insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance,
  • a copy of the training agreement certified by the educational institution.

All other documents (copies of the license and certificate of state accreditation of the educational institution), which were previously required, do not need to be submitted to the FIU.

Maternity capital funds issued to pay for a kindergarten or school will be transferred to the account of the institution with which the contract has been concluded.

From January 1, 2018, certificate holders can send funds state support to pay for pre-school education services, or rather, to look after a child (to pay for a nanny) from the age of two months*. In accordance, parents have the right to choose any organization that has the right to provide educational services. At the same time, the legislation excludes the requirement for mandatory accreditation. curriculum, according to which the child (children) is trained.

Maternal family capital can be used to pay for the services of those educational organizations that have the right to provide educational services under the law on education, - M. Topilin

Who has the right to provide preschool educational services, including babysitting?

According to Art. 31, art. 32 the federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2017) “On education in Russian Federation»: A prerequisite for educational organizations and organizations that provide training services along with other activities is the availability of a license to carry out educational work. The same requirement applies to individual entrepreneurs who have hired teaching staff.

If individual entrepreneur personally provides the implementation of the training program (nanny, tutor for a preschooler), a license is not required.

Thus, the Government intends to gradually resolve issues with the placement of children in preschool institutions, since today there is a huge shortage of places. At the same time, not all families can pay for private kindergartens. Now the maternity capital will be directed under the contract and to the accounts of paid kindergartens and educational institutions.

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Maternal (or in other words, family) capital is not paid in cash, but is issued in the form of a special certificate at the birth of the second, third and next children.

The holder of the certificate has the opportunity to spend the cash in several target areas including education for minors.

Maternity capital - social assistance

The program of state support for families with two or more children by providing for their targeted needs was introduced in early 2007.

For more than 10 years, families, giving birth or adopting a second, third and subsequent children, can receive funds and pay for the purchase or apartments, the education of the child, replenish the funded part of the child's mother's labor pension, or purchase goods and services necessary for the rehabilitation of a child who has.

Having collected all the required documents, the citizen personally, through a representative, by mail or through the Internet portal of public services, an application to a division of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Based on this application and consideration of all attendant circumstances a decision is made to issue a maternity certificate or refuse for justified reasons.

The applicant receives a certificate and has the opportunity to use the funds offered on its basis when his child reaches three years of age directing them to the necessary needs.

You can get a certificate only once, but its validity is not limited, that is, the citizen who received it can use the funds when he really needs it. On the this moment program to provide the amount of maternity (family) capital Russian families extended until the end of 2018, but the certificate amount is not indexed. Now it is 453026 rubles.

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation automatically stops transferring funds to the bank account of the selected educational institution in the following cases:

  1. the death of a child;
  2. going on academic leave on the student's own initiative or for medical reasons;
  3. expulsion from the institution on their own initiative or due to academic failure.

At the same time, the owner of the maternity certificate, who entered into an agreement with the institution, must submit an application to the Pension Fund to refuse to send maternity capital funds for the selected purposes, indicating the reasons. In the event that a student decides to start studying at the same institution again after a break, a corresponding application is also sent to the Pension Fund.

Is it possible and how to pay for education with maternity capital? A family that owns a certificate has the right to use the funds allocated by the state for the education of any child, regardless of the order. Adopted children are no exception. By status, they are equated to biological ones. The conditions for sending mother capital to study are quite specific, we will talk about them, as well as the intricacies of processing payments, further.

Matkapital for study: features of the direction of funds

Parents have the right to direct funds from the MK to the education of one child or all children at the same time, at their request. At the same time, the following conditions for using the certificate in 2019 should be taken into account:

  • Funds are allowed to be sent to study only after the child, whose birth gave the right to receive an MK, reaches the age of three.
  • Parents are not entitled to pay for their education. Funds can only be spent on children.
  • Training must be carried out in a licensed educational institution, the management of which agrees to receive payment from the capital.
  • You can pay for tuition for a child whose age is less than 25 years.
  • An educational institution must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation, undergo accreditation and obtain a work permit.

Money from MK is not issued to parents in their hands. The calculation is carried out by bank transfer. Funds are sent to the accounts of the educational institution. His details are provided by parents when making payments.

Important!!! In accordance with Federal Law No. 256 of December 29, 2006, a family has the right to use MC to pay for the education of any child or children, regardless of the order in which they appear.

Parents have no right to send money from MK to their own education. Spending funds is allowed only for children.

Which institution can pay for education with maternity capital

Parents can send funds from MC to educate their child in any licensed institution, including:

  1. Private and public preschool institutions.
  2. Higher educational institutions.
  3. Private schools and lyceums.
  4. Technical schools and schools.

The main condition for the provision of payments from the MC is the need to pay tuition fees. If the educational institution does not have a license, payment for its services from the certificate will be denied.

Important!!! Parents have the right to pay with MK not only the education of the child, but also his accommodation in the hostel. A complete list of the goals of sending an MC to study is presented in Government Decree No. 926 dated 12/24/2007.

In addition to studying in educational institutions, parents can pay with MK tutoring services and various additional classes. In this case, a person engaged in private activities must be registered with the tax authorities and conduct training under state programs. In this regard, in practice, payment for educational services with MC is not always possible due to legal nuances.

The management of the educational institution must agree to pay for services using funds from maternity capital. Otherwise, payments will not be processed. By law, parents have the right to pay for their studies from a certificate, but if the institution's management refuses to accept these funds, there's nothing to be done.

How much money from maternity capital can be spent on educating a child

In 2019, the amount of maternity capital is 453 026 rubles, provided that the parents have not previously used the funds from the certificate. The law does not establish limits on the amount of payment of expenses for the education of a child. In fact, parents can spend all the money on the certificate, resetting it completely.

Practice shows that MK is quite difficult to use completely. Basically, it is sent to pay for the maintenance of children in preschool institutions, less often in universities.

Payment for kindergarten from maternity capital

The mechanism of payment for a preschool institution from the funds of the MK is quite simple. The certificate holder should discuss in advance this question with the head of the organization, subsequently drawing up a contract for the provision of services. The document must contain:

  1. Details of both parties to the transaction.
  2. Enumeration of the given services.
  3. The amount of payment for services for one calendar month.
  4. Periodicity of payments.

Parents have the right to independently determine the frequency of payments: monthly, once a quarter or year. As a rule, under the contract, payment occurs at a time for a long period (10-12 months). This is beneficial for the educational institution.

Important!!! When paying for kindergarten with MC, parents retain the right to receive monthly compensation.

The amount of compensation depends on what kind of account the child is:

  • The first - 20%.
  • The second - 50%.
  • Third - 70%.

As a standard, compensation is returned to the parents' accounts after a certain period of time after paying for the kindergarten. However, in the case of MK, the funds will be returned to the certificate. Moreover, the amount of payment can be calculated minus the amount of compensation.

Payment for tuition at school and institute at the expense of MK

To pay for studies at a university, private lyceum or school, parents will also need to conclude a service agreement. It is subject to the requirements specified in the previous section of our article. The document must be concluded between the owner of the certificate and the head of the institution. Its signing is preceded by an oral conversation and agreement on all the details.

The contract states:

  1. Information about both parties to the transaction.
  2. Conditions and list of receiving services.
  3. Tuition for six months or a year.
  4. Rights and obligations of the parties.
  5. Payment terms.
  6. Bank details of the recipient of funds.

Recall that you can conclude an agreement only with an accredited educational institution. Transfer of funds is carried out by bank transfer. If the certificate holder wishes to stop payments, or the child is expelled from an educational institution, he should contact the Pension Fund to write an appropriate application. In case of overpayment of funds, they must be returned by the management of the organization to the account of the certificate.

Payment for living in a hostel with maternity capital

During the period of study at a college or institute, the child will need to pay for living in a hostel from maternity capital. In this case, the owner of the certificate will need to conclude a rental agreement with the educational institution.

Important!!! Payment for a rented apartment through the use of MC funds is excluded.

The lease agreement must contain:

  • Data of both parties of the transaction.
  • Room characteristics.
  • Terms of the deal.
  • Monthly payment amount.
  • Periodicity of payments.
  • Recipient's bank details.

The employment contract should also specify the possibility of unilateral termination in the event of the death of a child, academic leave or expulsion from an educational institution.

Documents for registration of tuition fees with maternity capital

In addition to the agreement with the educational institution, parents will need to provide the following list of documents to the Pension Fund:

  1. Passport and SNILS certificate holder.
  2. Birth certificates of children.
  3. Original certificate.

An authorized employee of the PF will help fill out an application for the direction of funds. The document indicates the purpose of their use, provides the recipient's data, bank details and other information.

After receiving the documents, the application is sent for consideration. A month later, the owner of the certificate receives a response about its approval or refusal to pay. At a positive result, the amount of funds specified in the agreement is transferred to the beneficiary's bank account.

Cancellation of an application for disposal of MK funds

The owner of the certificate has the right to initiate the termination of the contract with the educational institution. To this end, he will need to visit the PF and write an appropriate statement with justification of the reason. This should be done before the transfer of funds or part of them (for example, after the end of the first semester, before paying for the second).

The application must be accompanied by a document proving the legitimacy of the certificate holder's claim. They can help:

  1. About deduction.
  2. Registration of academic leave.
  3. Death of a child.

If the reason is not documented, the parent will receive a refusal to cancel the application. It is possible that the transfer of funds will temporarily stop (for example, due to academic leave), with their subsequent resumption after returning to study.

An application for cancellation of the direction of MK funds for study is considered within five working days. Then the payments stop. In case of overpayment, the educational institution is obliged to return the funds to the certificate account.

Payment for the education of a child with maternity capital: practice and reviews

Despite the simplicity of processing the payment for the child's education at the expense of maternity capital, many parents face difficulties. They consist in:

  • Inability to pay for the services of an educational institution until the child reaches the age of three.
  • Lack of consent of educational institutions to accept payment from MC funds.
  • Problems with the license of the educational institution.

There can be a significant age difference between children, which is a barrier to paying for an older child's education at a university.

Example. The Sidorenko family has two children. The eldest daughter studies at the economic institute full-time on a paid basis. younger son was only one year old. The mother of the children is in maternity leave, the family lives off child allowances and wages father. Education eldest daughter, they could pay with MK, but they cannot, because son is less than 3 years old.

Revising the rules for processing payments would help to completely solve the above problem. Another common situation is the refusal of an educational institution to accept payment at the expense of the MK.

Example. Fedorova S. M. brings up two minor children. younger child attends kindergarten. The woman turned to the head with the question of payment for services preschool from MK, but was refused. As it turned out, the kindergarten accountant does not know how the payment is calculated in this case and how exactly to conclude an agreement.

The state program to stimulate the birth rate, known as MSC, makes it possible to use maternity capital for the education of the eldest child and all subsequent children. This is money for studying at a university, maintenance at school and kindergarten. Despite the fact that social benefits for parents with many children are guaranteed by the state, in order to pay for education, you need to collect a package of documents and correctly fill out an application.

Features of paying for tuition with maternity capital

Family capital is a social benefit that parents receive for the birth of a second, third or subsequent child. From the moment the baby is born, regardless of whether he was born or adopted, parents are participants in the MSC program. At the same time, an account is opened in the name of the mother, to which funds are received.

It is impossible to withdraw money from the account, but it can be used to pay for some types of expenses, including those aimed at education. At the same time, we are talking not only about tuition fees, but also about paying off the costs associated with caring for children, their living in another locality.

It is important to know that money is considered common family property, so the law allows you to pay for the education of not only the child, thanks to whose appearance maternity capital was received, but also any other child from this family, as well as several children at once or in turn. Most often, parents use state aid specifically to pay for the education of the firstborn. The amount remaining on the account can be used in the future for other needs.

However, it should be borne in mind that at the time of submission of documents, a potential student must be less than 25 years old, and the child who brought additional money to the house must be 3 years old.

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How to pay for education with family capital

The right to pay for education can be exercised when the child for whom the maternity capital is received reaches the age of three.

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Conditions and requirements for educational institutions

Single certificate form

In order to take full advantage of the opportunities social assistance from the state, you need to make sure that the selected educational organization meets the requirements of the state program, namely, the institution must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation - it is impossible to spend money on studying abroad, even with a surcharge, and have the appropriate state accreditation.

Government Decree No. 648 of 07/14/2014 amended the law. Thus, the term "educational institution" in the text of the law was changed to "educational organization". Since 2014, maternity capital can be spent on education at any educational institution, even those that are privately owned.

Information on the compliance of an educational organization with the stated requirements can be obtained directly from the institution itself or checked on the website of the Ministry of Education.

There are several areas where maternity capital can be spent on educating a child:

  1. Schools and higher educational institutions.
  2. Living in hostels associated with obtaining education in other cities, and paying utility bills in them.
  3. Kindergartens and special development centers.
  4. Sports, music and art schools.
  5. Special courses - the study of languages, programming, in-depth study of school subjects.
  6. Accommodation in some specialized boarding schools.

Having decided on the type of educational institution, parents must apply for the use of maternity capital for the education of the child.

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Where and how to pay tuition fees

Help for PF

You can pay the expenses intended for study only by contacting the Pension Fund or the City Multifunctional Center. You need to have a number of documents with you:

  • parents' passports and SNILS;
  • certificate;
  • birth certificate or passport of a family member for whose studies it is planned to receive funds;
  • payment documents from educational institution, indicating the full name of the institution and the amount of expenses (contract for the provision of paid services);
  • certificates confirming residence in a hostel, bed rental agreement, etc.).

Documents must be submitted before May of the year in which the training begins. The first payment to the account of the educational institution will be received no later than two months after the receipt of the application. A certificate for the education of an older child is issued in a similar manner.

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How to withdraw money from an organization

There are situations when a student is prematurely expelled from an educational institution, or for some reason, parents decide to transfer a student to another institution. In this option, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund to cancel the transfer of funds.

In this case, the maternity capital for study will be withdrawn from the organization that received the funds and returned to the parents' account. Subsequently, the funds can be sent to another educational institution, again collecting all the necessary certificates and documents.

You can deal with questions on processing payments under the family capital program on your own or seek help from a qualified lawyer.