Amthauer psychological tests. Intelligence Structure Test P

Study of the structure of personality intelligence.

Test Description

The intelligence test and at the same time the Amthauer career guidance test can be used for ages 12 and older, but mostly up to 30-40 years, since it is performed in limited time intervals. Definite superiority in results TSI may have in the same age group persons with higher education, better culture of thinking and greater speed of thought processes.

Test procedure

Before starting work on each subtest, the examinees must first have a good understanding of the content of the examples.

There is a fixed time for each subtest:

SubtestTime, minSubtestTime, min
1 6 5 10
2 6 6 7
3 7 7 9
4 8 8 10
9 3 (memorization)
6 (playback)
Instructions for the test

In each subtest of the methodology, 16-20 tasks are given, during which it is important to master the meaning of the presented sample solutions well, move on to the following tasks in time: perhaps they will be easier for you and you will generally score a large amount of points.

It is very useful to double-check yourself if the subtest time has not yet expired. It is not necessary to strive to solve absolutely all tasks. You should not make any notes in the text of the methodology, all answers are submitted on special sheets (forms), which indicate the name, as well as the date and time the work began.

If the instructions are clear, wait for the signal to start work.

test material

Description of tasks in section 1 and sample solutions

Each of the tasks is an unfinished sentence in which one word is missing. You need to choose from the list of words below the one that, in your opinion, is the most suitable to complete the sentence so that it acquires the correct meaning. If you found such a word, you need to put in the answer sheet next to the task number the letter that the found word stands for among other answer options.

Sample 1.

Rabbit most similar to…
a) a cat b) protein; c) a hare; d) a fox; e) a hedgehog.

If you found the correct answer, then the following is put on the answer sheet: 1c, meaning that " The rabbit is most similar to the hare».

Sample 2.

The opposite hope is…
a) sadness b) anger; c) tenderness; d) despondency; d) despair.

The answer sheet contains: 2d, meaning that " The opposite of hopeis despair". Naturally, you don’t need to write down the sentence that made sense in the answer sheet: you have very limited time. It is better to check your answers again, and if suddenly there is another solution, then cross out the previous letter and put another one next to it.

Section 1. Tasks 1-20

  1. A tree always has...
    a) leaves b) fruits; c) kidneys; d) roots; d) shadow.
  2. Commentary is...
    a) the law; 6) lecture; c) explanation; d) consequence; d) hint.
  3. The opposite of betrayal is...
    and love; b) parasitism; c) cunning; d) cowardice; d) loyalty.
  4. Women ... are taller than men.
    a) always; b) usually; c) often; d) never d) sometimes.
  5. Dinner cannot take place without…
    a) a table b) service; c) food; d) water; d) hunger.
  6. The opposite of leisure is…
    a) labor; b) care; c) fatigue; d) a walk; d) training.
  7. To trade, you must have…
    a) a store b) money; c) counter; d) goods; e) scales.
  8. When a dispute ends in a mutual concession, this is called ...
    a) a convention b) compromise; c) denouement; d) collusion; d) reconciliation.
  9. A person who has a bad attitude towards innovations is called ...
    a) an anarchist; b) a liberal; c) a democrat d) a radical; d) conservative.
  10. Sons ... surpass fathers in life experience
    a) never b) often; c) rarely; d) usually; e) always.
  11. With the same weight, the most protein contains ...
    a) meat; b) eggs; c) fat; d) fish; d) bread.
  12. The ratio of winnings and losses in the lottery makes it possible to determine ...
    a) the number of participants; b) profit; c) the price of one ticket; d) the number of tickets; e) the probability of winning.
  13. Aunt ... is older than the niece.
    a) always; b) rarely; c) almost always; d) never d) definitely.
  14. The assertion that all people are honest...
    a) false; b) cunningly; c) absurd; d) true; d) not proven.
  15. The height of a six-year-old child is approximately ... cm.
    a) 160; b) 60; c) 140; d) 110; e) 50.
  16. Match length ... cm.
    a) 4; b) 3; c) 2.5; d) 6; e) 5.
  17. A not entirely proven statement is called ...
    a) ambiguous b) paradoxical; c) hypothetical; d) confused; d) obvious.
  18. To the north of all these cities is located ...
    a) Novosibirsk; b) Murmansk; c) Krasnoyarsk; d) Irkutsk; e) Khabarovsk.
  19. The offer does not exist without…
    a) a verb b) subject; c) appeals; d) points; e) words;
  20. The distance between Moscow and Novosibirsk is approximately… km.
    a) 3000; b) 1000; c) 7000; d) 4800; e) 2100.

Description of tasks in section 2 and sample solutions

In this section, you are offered rows containing 5 words, out of all five words, four can be combined into one group according to a common meaning suitable for all these four words. The fifth word, which is superfluous in meaning, should be your answer to the task, which otherwise can be called like this: “Find an extra word that does not fit in meaning with the other four of the five named.” This extra word is indicated by the corresponding letter, which must be put next to the task number.

Sample 1.

1. a) a table; b) chair; c) dove; d) a sofa; d) closet.

Answer 1c, because " pigeon"does not apply to pieces of furniture, but the meaning of combining words is exactly that. The word "dove" is superfluous but meaningless in a series of named words.

Sample 2.

2. a) go; b) rush; c) crawl; d) run away d) lie down.

Answer 2d, because " lie» does not apply to the designation of modes of movement. The word "lie down" is superfluous in meaning in a number of named words.

Section 2. Tasks 21-40

  1. a) write; b) cut; c) sew; d) read; d) a bed.
  2. a) narrow; b) angular; c) short; d) high; d) wide.
  3. a) Bicycle; b) motorcycle; c) a train d) tram; d) a bus.
  4. a) West; b) course; c) direction; d) travel; e) north.
  5. a) see; b) speak; c) touch; d) sniff; d) hear.
  6. a) lie down; b) get up c) sit down; d) lean; d) get up.
  7. a) Circle; b) ellipse; c) an arrow; d) arc; e) curve.
  8. a) kind; b) true; c) responsive; d) cowardly; d) honest.
  9. a) share; b) release; c) bind; d) cut; d) differentiate.
  10. a) the border; b) a bridge; c) society; d) distance; d) marriage.
  11. a) Curtain; b) a shield; c) net; d) filter; d) wall.
  12. a) a sailor; b) a carpenter; c) a driver; d) cyclist e) hairdresser.
  13. a) clarinet b) double bass; c) guitar; d) violin; e) harp.
  14. a) Reflection; b) echo; c) activity; d) echo; d) imitation.
  15. a) Teaching; b) planning; c) training; d) report; d) advertising.
  16. a) envy; b) stinginess; c) gluttony; d) stinginess; d) greed.
  17. a) Mind; b) conclusion; c) decision; d) undertaking; d) contract.
  18. a) thin; b) thin; c) narrow; d) portly; e) short.
  19. a) neck; b) cork; c) leg; d) back; d) a pen.
  20. a) foggy; b) frosty; c) windy; d) gloomy; e) rainy.

Description of tasks in section 3 and sample solutions

In section 3, such tasks are given in which one word is missing in the second pair of words. The first pair of words is complete, consisting of two words related in meaning; you need to understand the meaning of this relationship in order to choose the missing word in the second pair from the five words below.

Sample 1.

1. Forest: tree; meadow: ?
a) bush; b) pasture; c) grass; d) hay; d) a path.

Answer 1c, since the relationship the woods and trees has the same meaning as the relationship meadows and herbs.

Sample 2.

2. Dark: light; wet: ?
a) rainy b) raw; c) cloudy; d) wet; d) dry.

Answer 2d, since the relationship dark and light has the same contradictory meaning as the mutual relation wet and dry.

Section 3. Tasks 41-60

  1. School: director; circle: ?
    a) the chairman; b) a member; c) leader; d) manager; d) visitor.
  2. Clock: time; thermometer: ?
    a) device; b) measurement; c) mercury; d) heat; e) temperature.
  3. Search: find; ponder: ?
    a) remember b) come to a conclusion; c) investigate; d) sing d) remember.
  4. Circle: ball; square: ?
    a) a prism; b) a rectangle; c) body; d) geometry; e) cube.
  5. Action: success; treatment: ?
    a) goods; b) labor; c) finishing; d) achievement; e) price.
  6. Animal: goat; food: ?
    a) a product; b) food; at lunch; d) bread; d) kitchen.
  7. Hunger: thinness; labor: ?
    a) effort b) fatigue; c) enthusiasm; d) payment; d) rest.
  8. Moon: Earth; Earth: ?
    a) Mars b) a star; c) the sun; d) planet; e) air.
  9. Scissors: cut; ornament: ?
    a) embroider b) decorate; c) create; d) draw; d) cut out.
  10. Car: motor; yacht: ?
    a) board; b) keel; c) feed; d) sail; e) mast.
  11. Novel: prologue; opera: ?
    a) poster; b) program; c) libretto; d) overture; e) aria.
  12. Spruce: oak; table: ?
    a) furniture; b) closet; c) tablecloth; d) wardrobe; e) headset.
  13. Tongue: bitter; eye: ?
    a) vision; b) red; c) glasses; d) light; l) vigilant.
  14. Food: salt; lecture: ?
    a) boredom b) abstract; c) humor; d) conversation; e) language.
  15. Year: spring; life: ?
    a) joy b) old age; c) birth; d) youth; e) study.
  16. Solution: pain; over speed: ?
    a) distance; b) protocol; c) arrest; d) accident; e) air resistance.
  17. Science: mathematics; edition: ?
    a) printing house; b) story; c) a magazine; d) the newspaper "Vesti"; e) edition.
  18. Mountains: pass; river: ?
    a) a boat b) a bridge; c) ford; d) ferry; d) coast.
  19. Skin: touch; eye: ?
    a) lighting; b) vision; c) observation; d) look; e) embarrassment.
  20. Sadness: mood; anger: ?
    a) sadness b) rage; c) fear; d) affect; d) forgiveness.

Description of tasks in section 4 and sample solutions

The tasks of this section contain only two words, which are united by a common meaning. It is necessary to try to convey this general meaning of them in one, in extreme cases - in two words. This one word will be the answer to the task, it must be written next to the task number.

Sample 1.

Wheat, oats - ?

Answer: cereals, since this word accurately conveys the common meaning of both words, uniting them with this common meaning.

Sample 2.

Bread butter - ?

Answer: food, since this word correctly expresses the general meaning of both named words.

Section 4. Tasks 61-76

  1. Apple, strawberry - ?
  2. Cigarette, coffee - ?
  3. Clock, thermometer - ?
  4. Nose, eyes?
  5. Echo, mirror - ?
  6. Picture, fable - ?
  7. Loud quiet - ?
  8. Seed, egg - ?
  9. Coat of arms, flag - ?
  10. Whale, pike - ?
  11. Hunger, thirst - ?
  12. Ant, aspen -?
  13. Knife, wire - ?
  14. Above, below - ?
  15. Blessing, curse -?
  16. Praise, punishment - ?

Description of tasks in section 5 and sample solutions

In this section, simple problems are given that are essentially not so much arithmetic as practical. Therefore, when solving them, you need to be careful about the practical meaning of your answers. This will allow you to check the correctness of your solution not only by the content of the calculations, but also by the necessity of these, and not other calculations.

Sample 1.

The book costs 25 coins. How much are 3 books?

Answer: 75 (coins), since here it is really necessary to multiply: 25 x 3.

Sample 2.

A boat is moving along the river at a speed of 10 km/h, and the speed of this current is 4 km/h. What is the speed of the boat relative to the shore?

Answer: 14 km/h, since in this problem it is necessary to add the speed of the boat and the flow of water: 10 + 4 .

Section 5. Tasks 77-96

  1. The boy had 100 coins, of which he spent 15. How many coins did he have left?
  2. How many kilometers will a car travel in 9 hours if its speed is 70 km/h?
  3. Fruit in 15 boxes weighs 280 kg, and each empty box weighs 3 kg. What is the net weight of fruit?
  4. 6 people will dig a trench in 72 hours. How many hours will it take 18 people to dig the same trench?
  5. Pack of three ballpoint pens costs 5 coins. How many ballpoint pens can you buy with 60 coins?
  6. A person runs 1.5 meters in a quarter of a second. How far can this person run in 10 seconds?
  7. The tree is 20 m. north of the house, and the house is located 15 m north of the pond. What is the distance from the tree to the pond?
  8. A piece of cloth 3.5 m long costs 70 coins. How much does 2.5 m of the same material cost?
  9. The workers will complete the task in four in 90 days. How many workers are needed to complete the same task in half a day?
  10. A 48 cm long wire expands to 56 cm when heated. What will be the length of a 72 cm wire when heated?
  11. In the workshop, 280 chairs are made in 8 hours. How many chairs will be made in this workshop in an hour and a half?
  12. The alloy is made up of two parts of silver and three parts of tin. How many grams of tin will be required to obtain 15 g of the alloy?
  13. One person earns 3 hundred coins per day, and the other 5 hundred. Together they earn 120 hundred coins in half a month. How many hundreds of coins does the first of these two people earn in 15 days?
  14. For the same time, the first weaving shop produces 60 m of matter, and the second - 40 m. How much matter will the second workshop produce by the time the first one has already produced 90 m of matter?
  15. Someone gave an eighth of his money for stamps and three more times more money for paper, after which he was left with 8 coins.
  16. There are 43 items in two boxes. The first box contains 9 more items than the second. How many items are in the first box?
  17. A piece of matter 60 m long was cut into two parts so that one of them is two-thirds of the other. What is the length of the piece of matter that is larger?
  18. The enterprise sent three quarters of its products for export, and sold a fifth of these products for its workers. What percentage of the product is left in the company's warehouse?
  19. Juice that fills 6/7 of the capacity costs 72 hundred coins. How many hundreds of coins are worth 1/2 the volume of the same container?
  20. In one family, each daughter has an equal number of brothers and sisters, and each son has twice as many sisters as brothers. How many daughters are there in the family?

Description of tasks in section 6 and sample solutions

In this section, each task is represented by a series of numbers located in a certain relationship with each other. It is necessary to continue the number series based on the features of this connection of numbers that you discovered.

Sample 1.

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14…

Answer: 16 , since in this series of numbers the peculiarity of their connection with each other is the constant increase of each next number by 2 units.

Sample 2.

9, 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12…

Answer: 10 , since in this number series the peculiarity of the connection between numbers is that when moving from the first number to the second, 2 units must be subtracted, and when moving from the second number to the third, 3 units must be added, etc.

Section 6. Tasks 97116

  1. 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24…
  2. 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25…
  3. 19, 16, 22, 19, 25, 22, 28…
  4. 17, 13, 18, 14, 19, 15, 20…
  5. 4, 6, 12, 14, 28, 30, 60…
  6. 26, 28, 25, 29, 24, 30, 23…
  7. 29, 26, 13, 39, 36, 18, 54…
  8. 21, 7, 9, 12, 6, 2, 4…
  9. 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, 5, 7…
  10. 17, 15, 18, 14, 19, 13, 20…
  11. 279, 93, 90, 30, 27, 9, 6…
  12. 4, 7, 8, 7, 10, 11, 10…
  13. 9, 12, 16, 20, 25, 30, 36…
  14. 5, 2, 6, 2, 8, 3, 15…
  15. 15, 19, 22, 11, 15, 18, 9…
  16. 8, 11, 16, 23, 32, 43, 56…
  17. 9, 6, 18, 21, 7, 4, 12…
  18. 7, 8, 10, 7, 11, 16, 10…
  19. 15, 6, 18, 10, 30, 23, 69…
  20. 3, 27, 36, 4, 13, 117, 126.. .

Description of tasks in section 7 and sample solutions

In each task, you are offered one figure, divided into several parts. These parts are given in random order. Mentally connect the parts, and find the figure that you get in this case in a series of figures a), b), c), d), e).



Answer: a. By connecting the parts of the figures 01, we get the figure "a". When parts 02 are connected, the figure "d" appears. Accordingly, from 03 we get "b", from 04 - "g".

Section 7. Tasks 117-136

At the moment, the images are in preparation (Editor).

Description of tasks in section 8 and sample solutions

The first row of figures consists of five different cubes, marked with letters (“a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”). The cubes are arranged so that you see three of the six faces of each cube. In each of the subsequent rows, you are offered one of these five cubes, rotated in a new way. Your task is to determine which of these five cubes corresponds to the cube given in the next task. In inverted cubes, of course, new icons may appear.


At the moment, the images are in preparation (Editor).

For cube 01 the answer would be: a. Cube (01) represents the modified position of cube "a". The second cube (02) corresponds to the cube "e", the third (03) - to the cube "b", (04) - "c", (05) - "d".

Section 8. Tasks 137-156

Section 9

To complete the tasks in this section, you will first need to learn a group of words. Then you will receive tasks with the help of which it will be found out how well you remember these words.

After you have been allowed to turn this page, try to memorize as best as you can the rows of words placed in the table.

To memorize the words below, you are given 3 minutes:

Description of tasks in section 9 and sample solutions

In each task, you will be given the first letter of one of the learned words. You must remember what the word that began with this letter meant: flower, tool, bird , piece of art or animal. Remember that all memorized words begin with different letters, i.e. no initial letter is repeated.

Sample 1.

First letter - " f". From a group of words meaning:

  1. flower,
  2. tool,
  3. bird,
  4. piece of art,
  5. animal,

to the letter " f» begins only violet, that is flower. Therefore, in the answer sheet, indicate the number 1 .

Sample 2.

The first letter of the word is "z". From a group of words meaning:

  1. flower,
  2. tool,
  3. bird,
  4. piece of art,
  5. animal,

to the letter " h» begins the word « hare", that is animal. Therefore, the answer sheet will be: 5 .

Section 9. Tasks 157-176

job numberFirst letter of the word1. Flowers2. Tools3. Birds4. Works of art5. Animals
157. B
158. E
159. H
160. SCH
161. I
162. F
163. X
164. At
165. M
166. P
167. D
168. BUT
169. FROM
170. H
171. W
172. To
173. T
174. O
175. AND
176. G
Key to the test
  • Subtest 1: " DP» ( addition of proposals): 1d, 2c, 3d, 4d, 5c, 6a, 7d, 8b, 9d, 10c, 11b, 12d, 13c, 14a, 15d, 16a, 17c, 18b, 19e, 20a.
  • Subtest 2: " IP» ( word exception): 21d, 22b, 23a, 24d, 25b, 26d, 27c, 28d, 29d, 30d, 31d, 32d, 33a, 34c, 35d, 36c, 37a, 38d, 39b, 40d.
  • Subtest 3: " An» ( analogy): 41c, 42d, 43b, 44d, 45c, 46d, 47b, 48c, 49b, 50d, 51d, 52b, 53b, 54c, 55d, 56d, 57c, 58c, 59b, 60d.
  • Subtest 4: " About» ( generalization): 61 - fruits; 62 - stimulants; 63 - devices; 64 - sense organs; 65 - reflection; 66 - a work of art; 67 - strength; 68 - embryos; 69 - symbols; 70 - aquatic animals: 71 - organic needs; 72 - living organisms; 73 - metal products; 74 - position in space; 75 - wishes (sanctions); 76 - measures of education.
  • Registration required

    To see the material in its entirety, you need to register or enter the site.

1 Choose one of the words that correctly completes this sentence: A boot always has...

2 Choose one of the words that correctly completes this sentence: In warm climes lives ...

3 Choose one of the words that correctly completes this sentence: In a year ... months (how many?)

4 Choose one of the words that correctly completes this sentence: The month of winter ...

5 Choose one of the words that correctly completes this sentence: In our country does not live ...

6 Choose one of the words that will correctly complete this sentence: A father is older than his son...

7 Choose one of the words that correctly completes this sentence: Time of day ...

8 Choose one of the words that correctly completes this sentence: Water is always...

9 Choose one of the words that correctly completes this sentence: A tree always has...

10 Choose one of the words that correctly completes this sentence: City of Russia ...

21 Here, on the left, a couple of words are written that are in some kind of connection with each other (for example: Forest / trees). On the right - one of the words before the dash "/" (for example: library) and 5 words in the list (for example: garden, yard, city, theater, books). You need to choose one word out of five in this list that is related to the word before the line (books) in the same way as it is done in the first pair of words (forest/trees) Cucumber/vegetable = Dahlia/...

22 Here, on the left, a couple of words are written that are in some kind of connection with each other (for example: Forest / trees). On the right - one of the words before the dash "/" (for example: library) and 5 words in the list (for example: garden, yard, city, theater, books). You need to choose one word out of five in this list that is related to the word before the line (books) in the same way as it is done in the first pair of words (forest/trees) Teacher/student = Doctor/...

23 Here, on the left, a couple of words are written that are in some kind of connection with each other (for example: Forest / trees). On the right - one of the words before the dash "/" (for example: library) and 5 words in the list (for example: garden, yard, city, theater, books). You need to choose one word out of five in this list that is related to the word before the line (books) in the same way as it is done in the first pair of words (forest/trees) Garden/carrots = Garden/...

24 Here, on the left, a couple of words are written that are in some kind of connection with each other (for example: Forest / trees). On the right - one of the words before the dash "/" (for example: library) and 5 words in the list (for example: garden, yard, city, theater, books). You need to choose one word out of five in this list that is related to the word before the line (books) in the same way as it is done in the first pair of words (forest/trees) Flower/Vase = Bird/...

25 Here, on the left, a couple of words are written that are in some kind of connection with each other (for example: Forest / trees). On the right - one of the words before the dash "/" (for example: library) and 5 words in the list (for example: garden, yard, city, theater, books). You need to choose one word out of five in this list that is related to the word before the line (books) in the same way as it is done in the first pair of words (forest/trees) Glove/hand = Boot/...

26 Here, on the left, a couple of words are written that are in some kind of connection with each other (for example: Forest / trees). On the right - one of the words before the dash "/" (for example: library) and 5 words in the list (for example: garden, yard, city, theater, books). You need to choose one word out of five in this list that is related to the word before the line (books) in the same way as it is done in the first pair of words (forest/trees) Dark/light = Wet/...

27 Here, on the left, a couple of words are written that are in some kind of connection with each other (for example: Forest / trees). On the right - one of the words before the dash "/" (for example: library) and 5 words in the list (for example: garden, yard, city, theater, books). You need to choose one word out of five in this list that is related to the word before the line (books) in the same way as it is done in the first pair of words (forest/trees) Clock/time = Thermometer/...

28 Here, on the left, a couple of words are written that are in some kind of connection with each other (for example: Forest / trees). On the right - one of the words before the dash "/" (for example: library) and 5 words in the list (for example: garden, yard, city, theater, books). You need to choose one word out of five in this list that is related to the word before the line (books) in the same way as it is done in the first pair of words (forest/trees) Car/motor = Boat/...

29 Here, on the left, a couple of words are written that are in some kind of connection with each other (for example: Forest / trees). On the right - one of the words before the dash "/" (for example: library) and 5 words in the list (for example: garden, yard, city, theater, books). You need to choose one word out of five in this list that is related to the word before the line (books) in the same way as it is done in the first pair of words (forest/trees) Chair/wooden = Needle/...

30 Here, on the left, a couple of words are written that are in some kind of connection with each other (for example: Forest / trees). On the right - one of the words before the dash "/" (for example: library) and 5 words in the list (for example: garden, yard, city, theater, books). You need to choose one word out of five in this list that is related to the word before the line (books) in the same way as it is done in the first pair of words (forest/trees) Table/tablecloth = Floor/...

31 These pairs of words can be called one word, for example: trousers, dress ... - this is clothing. Choose this word. A broom, a shovel is...

The intelligence structure test was developed by the West German psychologist R. Amthauer (last revised in 1973) to differentiate candidates for various types of training and activities in the practice of professional selection. This test(Amthauer Intelligens Structur Test, IST) is designed to measure the level of intellectual development of persons aged 13 to 61 years.

The test is composed of nine groups of tasks (subtests) focused on the study of such components of verbal and non-verbal intelligence: vocabulary, ability to abstract, ability to generalize, mathematical abilities, combinatorial thinking, spatial imagination, ability to short-term memorization of visual-figurative information.

In all groups of tasks, with the exception of IV-VI subtests, closed-type tasks are used.
I. Awareness (About) - research, flair for the language, a stock of simple knowledge,.
To successfully complete this subtest, a person must have the appropriate stock of knowledge. The actualization of knowledge that occurs when solving certain problems is not just a reproductive act of memory (since it is necessary to update exactly the knowledge that is needed to solve a particular problem), but an act of correlating the conditions of the problem and the information that can be used to solve it. solutions. The subject's task is to complete the sentence with one of the given words. Number of tasks - 20. Execution time - 6 min.

II. Exclusion of superfluous (IL) - the study of the ability to abstract, operate with verbal concepts, analytical and synthetic activity, the ability to compare objects and phenomena with each other. Solving the problems of this subtest begins with the process of comparing the proposed words denoting various objects. Comparison is considered not as a one-time act of establishing differences or similarities, but as including the operations of analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization. For the successful implementation of analytic-synthetic activity, the subject must be able to highlight an essential abstract feature, according to which words belong to a certain category. Through analysis, common and different features are identified, and then, as a result of isolating common features, the compared objects are generalized. In each task, the subject is offered five words, four of which are united by a semantic connection, and one is superfluous. This word should be highlighted in the answer. The number of tasks is 20, the time for their completion is 6 minutes.

III. Search for analogies (PA) - the study of the ability to endure, the ability to generalize, the analysis of combinatorial abilities. R. Amthauer believes that this subtest should act as the main one in the process of professional counseling, as it determines the level of development of verbal-logical thinking. According to this subtest, one can judge the potential capabilities of the subject.

In each task, the subject is offered three words, there is a certain connection between the first and second. After the third word - a dash. From the five answer options attached to the task, you must choose a word that would be associated with the third in the same way as the first two. Number of tasks - 20, execution time - 7 minutes.

IV. The definition of general (OO) is an assessment of the ability to and abstract. Based on its results, one can judge the level of formation of the system of scientific concepts in the subject. The results of this subtest are greatly influenced by the cultural level of the microenvironment of the subject and the peculiarities of schooling.

The subject must designate two words with a common concept or phrase. Number of tasks - 16, execution time - 8 min. The score varies from 0 to 2 points depending on the level of generalization.

V. Arithmetic (AR) - assessment of the level of development of thinking: the ability to mathematical analysis and synthesis, logical inference, mathematical generalization.

The subtest consists of 20 arithmetic problems. Solution time - 10 min.

VI. Determination of patterns (OZ) - analysis of inductive thinking, analytical and synthetic abilities, the ability to operate with numbers. In 20 tasks, it is necessary to establish the pattern of the number series and continue it. Runtime - 10 min.

VII. Geometric addition (GS) - the study of the ability to operate with two-dimensional images, spatial, combinatorial abilities.

The subject is presented with cards, which depict geometric shapes divided into parts. When choosing an answer, you should find a card with a figure that corresponds to a divided one. Number of tasks - 20. Execution time - 7 minutes.

VIII. Cubes (Spatial Imagination, PV) - indicators similar in nature to those measured by the VIIth subtest are examined. The difference lies in the fact that in this case the subject works with three-dimensional images, and therefore, the performance of this subtest makes higher demands on the development of spatial thinking. Indirectly, this subtest determines the level of development of visual-effective thinking.

In each of the 20 tasks, a cube is presented in a certain position, changed in relation to the row of cubes indicated by letters. Must be identified given cube with one of the letters. Solution time - 9 min.

IX. (Z). It consists of tasks aimed at diagnosing the level of development of verbal short-term memory, the ability to focus attention and retain what has been learned in memory. The subject must memorize a number of words and find them among others offered in the task. Words for memorization are combined in a table according to certain categories. In total, it is proposed to memorize 25 words (the time for memorizing the table is 3 minutes). In addition, the subjects are warned that in a row of five words where they need to find the memorized word, this word should occupy the same ordinal place as in the table. Time to complete 20 tasks - 6 min.

In total, the subject is offered 176 tasks. The total examination time (without preparatory procedures and instructing the subjects) is 90 minutes. When calculating the "raw" marks (except for the IV subtest), each correct solution is estimated at 1 point. Primary scores for each subtest are converted into scale scores.

The test has a fairly high performance and reliability.

The use of the Amthauer intelligence structure test, or rather, knowledge of the degree of development of one or another, allows you to optimize the process of psychological correction of intellectual skills, the processes of career guidance and career selection, the interaction of the manager with the performer in the process of work.

Section 1. Tasks 1-20.
Each of the tasks is an unfinished sentence in which one word is missing. You need to choose from the list of words below the one that, in your opinion, is the most suitable to complete the sentence so that it acquires the correct meaning. If you found such a word, you need to put in the answer sheet next to the task number the letter that the found word stands for among other answer options.

1. …does not apply to weather conditions
a) snowstorm b) storm c) earthquake d) hail e) fog
2. The opposite of Lean is…
a) cheap b) greedy c) wasteful d) worthy
d) rich.
3. The opposite of the word "never" will be the word ...
a) often, b) many times; c) occasionally, d) sometimes, e) always.
4. The shoe always has...
a) leather, b) hooks, c) laces, d) buckle, e) sole.
5. The opposite of loyalty is...
a) love b) hatred c) friendship d) betrayal e) enmity
6. The influence of a person on others should depend on ...
a) power, b) ability to convince, c) position, d) reputation,
d) mind.
7. During the competition it is necessary ...
a) judge, b) opponent, c) spectator, d) applause, e) victory.
8. The person who is skeptical of progress is…
a) democrat b) radical c) liberal d) conservative
d) an anarchist.
9. Uncle ... is older than his nephew
a) rarely b) often c) always d) never e) sometimes
10. The horse always has ...
a) stable, b) horseshoe, c) harness, d) hooves, e) mane.
11. Does not serve as a warning of accidents ...
a) brake light, b) goggles, c) first aid kit, d) warning signal, e) barrier.
12. Of the above cities, the south of all is located ...
a) Eagle, b) Irkutsk, c) Yalta, d) Tallinn, e) Chisinau.
13. Fathers are more experienced than sons ...
a) always, b) usually, c) significantly, d) occasionally, k) definitely.
14. The height of a 10-year-old child is approximately ...
a) 160 cm, b) 140 cm, c) 110 cm, d) 105 cm, e) 115 cm.
15. It has the highest calorie content with the same amount ...
a) fish, b) meat, c) fat, d) cheese, e) vegetables.
16. Knowing the percentage of non-winning lottery tickets to winning ones, you can calculate ...
a) the number of winnings, b) the income of the state, c) the opportunity
winnings, d) the number of participants, e) the amount of winnings.
17. A $100 note is long
a) 17.5 cm, b) 20.5 cm, c) 19.5 cm, d) 11.5 cm, e) 7 cm.
18. Not fully verified statement is called ...
a) paradoxical, b) premature, c) ambiguous,
d) erroneous, e) hypothetical;
19. The distance between Kyiv and Vladivostok is approximately... km.
a) 3000, b) 14000, c) 8000, d) 1200, e) 16000.
20. Conscious appropriation of someone else's thought and passing it off as one's own is ...
a) fake, b) plagiarism, c) parody, d) compromise, e) compilation.

Section 2. Tasks 21-40.
In this section, you are offered rows containing 5 words each, out of all five words, four can be combined into one group according to a common meaning suitable for all these four words. The fifth, extra word in meaning, should be your answer to the task, which otherwise be named like that. "Find an extra word that does not fit the meaning of the other four of the five named." This extra word is indicated by the corresponding letter, which must be put next to the task number.

21. a) plan; b) is; c) sew; d) sawing; d) forge.
22. a) area; b) size; c) volume; d) duration;
e) width.
23. a) direction; b) east; c) driving; d) pole; d) south.
24. a) violin; b) trombone; c) clarinet; d) flute; e) saxophone.
25. a) run; b) stand; c) row; d) sledding d) ride a horse.
26. a) drawing; b) a picture; c) graphics; d) sculpture; e) painting.
27. a) circle; b) arrow; c) ellipse; d) arc; e) curve.
28. a) a bus; b) tram; c) motorcycle; d) bicycle; d) a train.
29. a) divorce; b) separation; c) passport; d) border; e) separation.
30. a) oval; b) long; c) sharp; d) round; e) ribbed.
31. a) tie; b) connect; c) release; d) make a knot;
d) glue.
32. a) wavy; b) rough; c) smooth; d) uneven;
e) straight.
33. a) bridge; b) border; c) marriage; d) friendship; e) society.
34. a) plan; b) drill; c) grind d) polish; d) iron.
35. a) stone; b) steel; c) silk; d) rubber; d) plastic.
36. a) compass; b) clock; c) an arrow; d) polar star; e) course.
37. a) filter; b) tulle; c) lampshade; d) lattice; e) network.
38. a) lightning; b) barrier; c) a water tap; d) screwdriver;
e) corkscrew.
39. a) flickering; b) mirror; c) matte; d) rough;
d) brilliant.
40. a) training; b) planning; c) teaching; d) decision;
e) recruitment.

Section 3. Tasks 41-60.
In section 3, such tasks are given in which one word is missing in the second pair of words. The first pair of words is complete, consisting of two words related in meaning; you need to understand the meaning of this relationship in order to choose the missing word in the second pair from the five words below.

41. Find: lose = remember: ...
a) save b) refuse; c) forget d) think; d) dream.
42. Doctor: surgeon = metallurgist: ...
a) martin; b) cast iron; into the fire; d) steelmaker; e) melting.
43. Meeting: decision = reason: ...
a) negotiate b) make a decision; c) to discuss;
d) weigh; d) think.
44. Tram: rails = bus:…
a) wheels b) body; c) tires; d) highway; e) speed.
45. Athlete: spikes = scientist:…
a) an institution; b) research; c) work; d) study; e) microscope.
46. ​​Wood: planing = iron:…
a) to mint; b) bend; c) pour; d) grind; d) forge.
47. Silver: gold = ring: ...
a) hours; b) ruby; c) a precious stone; d) bracelet; e) platinum.
48. Blood: vein = water: ...
a) gateway b) pipe; c) crane; d) rain; d) a river.
49. Staircase: ladder = house: ...
a) an elevator b) yard; c) a spiral staircase; d) a tent; d) a room.
50. Mountains: pass = river:…
a) a ferry b) a bridge; c) ford; d) transportation; d) boat.
51. Flower: vase = bird…
a) nest b) air; c) bush; d) a tree; e) cell.
52. Food: spices = lecture:…
a) an insult b) speech; c) humor; d) appeal; e) plan.
53. Tongue: sour = nose: ...
a) sniff b) breathe c) try d) burnt; d) salty.
54. Coat: skirt = wool:…
a) fabric b) a sheep; c) silk; d) a sweater; e) textiles.
55. Blindness: color = deafness: ...
a) hearing b) hearing; c) tone; d) word; d) ear.
56. Need: invention = heat: ...
a) thirst; b) equator; c) ice; d) the sun; e) cold.
57. Top of the mountain: air pressure = pitch: ...
a) tuning fork; b) soprano; c) children's choir; d) string length;
e) timbre.
58. Dachshund: greyhound = smoldering: ...
a) a firefighter b) a lantern; c) fire; d) match; d) forest fire.
59. Nerve: wires = pupil: ...
a) radiation; b) eye; c) vision; d) light; e) diaphragm.
60. Anger: affect = sadness: ...
a) joy b) anger; c) mood; d) rabies; d) pity.

Section 4. Tasks 61–76.
The tasks in this section contain only two words, which
united by a common meaning. It is necessary to try to convey this general meaning of them in one, in extreme cases - in two words. This one word will be the answer to the task, it must be written next to the task number.

61. Rose - tulip ...?
62. Eye - ear ...?
63. Sugar is a diamond...?
64. Rain - snow ...?
65. Postman - phone ...?
66. Camera - glasses ...?
67. Stomach - intestines ...?
68. A lot - a little ...?
69. Egg - seed ...?
70. Flag - cross ...?
71. Violet - an elephant ...?
72. Gas storage - a portfolio ...?
73. Beginning - end ...?
74. Greed is generosity…?
75. Supply - demand ...?
76. Ahead - from below ...?

Section 5. Tasks 77–96.
In this section, simple problems are given that are essentially not so much arithmetic as practical. Therefore, when solving them, you need to be careful about the practical meaning of your answers. This will allow you to check the correctness of your solution not only by the content of the calculations, but also by the necessity of these, and not other calculations.

77. The boy had 50 coins, of which he spent 15. How many coins did he have left?
78. How many kilometers will a freight train travel in 7 hours if its speed is 40 km/h?
79. 15 boxes of vegetables weigh 250 kg, and each empty box weighs 3 kg. What is the net weight of vegetables?
80. 7 people will dig a trench in 78 days. How many hours will it take 21 people to dig the same trench?
81. Three pencils are worth 5 coins. How many pencils can be purchased with 50 coins?
82. A person runs 1.75 meters in a quarter of a second. How far can this person run in 10 seconds?
83. The gate is 15m south of the house, and the tree is 15m south of the gate. How many meters from the tree to the house?
84. A piece of cloth 4.5 meters long costs 90 coins. How much does 2.5 m of the same material cost?
85. 7 workers complete a task in 6 days. How many workers are needed to complete the same task in half a day?
86. A wire 48 cm long, when heated, increases to
52 cm. What will be the length of a 72 cm wire when it is heated?
87. The workshop produces 304 fountain pens in 8 hours. How many fountain pens will be made in half an hour?
88. An alloy is made up of two parts of silver and three parts of lead. How many grams of silver will be required to obtain 15 g of the alloy?
89. For an hour, worker A earns 3 rubles, and worker B - 5 ru-
bleu. Together they earned 120 rubles? How many rubles did B earn?
90. For the same time, the first weaving workshop produces 60 m of matter, and the second - 40 m. How much matter will the first workshop produce by the time the second already produces 60 m of matter?
91. Mom went to the store. She spent a tenth of the money in a vegetable store, and in perfumery 4 times more. She has 60 left. How much money did she have at the beginning?
92. 43 items are packed in two boxes. The first box included
9 items more than the second. How many items are in the smaller box?
93. A strip of matter 60 cm long was cut into two parts so that
one of them is two-thirds of the other. What is the length of that piece
matter, which is smaller?
94. The company has exported three-quarters of its products and sells four-fifths of the rest in its own country. What percentage of the product is left in the company's warehouse?
95. Wine that fills 7/8 of the volume of the container costs 84 coins. How many coins are worth 1/2 the volume of the same container?
96. In one family, each daughter has an equal number of brothers and sisters, and each son has twice as many sisters as brothers. How
in a family of sons?

Section 6. Items 97-116.
In this section, each task is represented by a series of numbers located in a certain relationship with each other. It is necessary to continue the number series based on the features of this connection of numbers that you discovered.

97. 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24
98. 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24
99. 19, 18, 22, 21, 25, 24, 28
100. 16, 12, 17, 13, 18, 14, 19
101. 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 22, 44
102. 15, 13, 16, 12, 17, 11, 18
103. 25, 22, 11, 33, 30, 15, 45
104. 49, 51, 54, 27, 9, 11, 14
105. 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4
106. 19, 17, 20, 16, 21, 15, 22
107. 94, 92, 46, 44, 22, 20, 10
108. 5, 8, 9, 8, 11, 12, 11
109. 12, 15, 19, 23, 28, 33, 39
110 7, 5, 10, 7, 21, 17, 68
111. 11, 15, 18, 9, 13, 16, 8
112. 3, 8, 15, 24, 35, 48, 63
113 4, 5, 7, 4, 8, 13, 7
114. 8, 5, 15, 18, 6, 3, 9
115 15, 6, 18, 10, 30, 23, 69
116 5, 35, 28, 4, 11, 77, 70

Section 7. Tasks 117-136.
In each task, you are offered one figure, divided into several parts. These parts are given in random order. Mentally connect the parts, and find the figure that you get in this case in a series of figures a), b), c), d), e).

Section 8. Tasks 137-156.
The first row of figures consists of five different cubes, indicated by the letters (“a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “d”). The cubes are arranged so that out of six faces you see three on each cube. In each of the subsequent rows, you are offered one of these five cubes, rotated in a new way. Your task is to determine which of these five cubes corresponds to the cube given in the next task. In inverted cubes, of course, new icons may appear.

Section 9. Items 157-177.
You have three minutes to memorize the words below. Learn the words until you are instructed to finish.
Table for memorization
Spruce, fern, St. John's wort, bird cherry, honeysuckle
Cutter, drill, hammer, vise, screw cutter
Drawing, engraving, icon, drama, epic
Heron, canary, nightingale, hoopoe, swallow
Beaver, zebra, donkey, hamster, jackal

Questions concerning the received words are on separate forms. You need to find words that occupy the same ordinal place as in the form you memorized.

157. a) St. John's wort; b) a hammer; c) heron; d) bird cherry; e) spruce.
158. a) an icon; b) honeysuckle; c) parrot; d) planer; e) jackal.
159. a) hammer; b) canary; c) fern; d) watercolor; e) zebra.
160. a) scissors; b) donkey; c) bird cherry; d) hoopoe; e) drawing.
161. a) swallow; b) honeysuckle; c) already; d) drama; d) scissors.
162. a) spruce; b) a hamster; c) feuilleton; d) scissors; d) parrot.
163. a) cutter; b) watercolor; c) pheasant; d) tulip; e) beaver.
164. a) drawing; b) screw cutter; c) beaver; d) swallow; e) fern.
165. a) screw cutter; b) nightingale; c) cloves; d) hamster; e) feuilleton.
166. a) watercolor; b) tulip; c) a hammer; d) pike; e) thrush.
167. a) bird cherry; b) a hamster; c) an icon; d) pheasant; d) drill.
168. a) hamster; b) engraving; c) vice; d) canary; e) St. John's wort.
170. a) hammer; b) epic; c) donkey; d) honeysuckle; e) heron.
171. a) drill; b) beaver; c) drawing; d) tulip; d) swallow.
172. a) donkey; b) illustration; c) nightingale; d) vice; e) jasmine.
173. a) canary; b) fern; c) scissors; d) iris; e) a hamster.
174. a) heron; b) feuilleton; c) cloves; d) cutter; e) pike.
175. a) beaver; b) bird cherry; c) swallow; d) drill; e) engraving.
176. a) pike; b) a hammer; c) St. John's wort; d) spruce; e) an icon.
177. a) fern; b) a hamster; c) engraving; d) heron; e) screw cutter.

Handling test results

For matching answers with the key, the respondent is awarded one point. For Subtest 4, scores are calculated as follows:

Key match - 2 points.
Similar, but incomplete meaning of the word - 1 point.
Mismatch with the key and a concept that is generally far from the meaning of the word - 0 points.

Interpretation of test results

Description of subtests

Subtest 1: "DP" (completion of sentences): the occurrence of reasoning, common sense, emphasis on the concrete-practical, a sense of reality, the prevailing independence of thinking.
Subtest 2: "IP" (word elimination): sense of language, inductive speech thinking, exact expression verbal meanings, the ability to feel, increased reactivity is manifested, which in adults refers to the verbal plan.
Subtest 3: "An" (analogies): ability to combine, mobility and inconstancy of thinking, understanding of relationships, thoroughness of thinking, satisfaction with approximate solutions.
Subtest 4: "About" (generalization): the ability to abstract, the formation of concepts, mental education, the ability to correctly express and formulate the content of one's thoughts.
Subtest 5: "AZ" ( arithmetic problems): practical thinking, the ability to quickly solve formalized problems.
Subtest 6: "HR" (number series): theoretical, inductive thinking, computational abilities, striving for orderliness, proportionality of relationships, a certain pace and rhythm.
Subtest 7: "PV" (spatial): the ability to solve geometric problems, a wealth of spatial representations, constructive practical abilities, visual-effective thinking.
Subtest 8: "SP" (spatial generalization): the ability not only to operate with spatial images, but also to generalize their relationships. Developed analytical and synthetic thinking, constructiveness of theoretical and practical abilities.
Subtest 9: "Pm" (memory, abilities): high ability to memorize, preserve in conditions of interference and logical, meaningful reproduction. Good focus.

When interpreting the test results, individual subtests are combined into several complexes:

1. A set of verbal subtests (subtests 1-4), suggesting a general ability to operate with words as signals and symbols.

With high results in this complex, verbal intelligence prevails, there is a general orientation towards social sciences and the study of foreign languages. Practical thinking is verbal.

2. A set of mathematical subtests (5, 6), suggesting abilities in the field of practical mathematics and programming.

Equally high results in both subtests indicate "mathematical talent". If this is complemented by high performance in the third complex, then perhaps the correct choice of profession should be associated with the natural and technical sciences and the corresponding practical activities.

3. A complex of constructive subtests (7, 8), which assumes developed constructive abilities of a theoretical and practical plan.

Equally high results in the subtests of this complex are a good basis not only for natural-technical, but also general scientific. If education is not continued, then the desire for modeling at the level of concrete and visual thinking, for a pronounced practical orientation of the intellect, for the development of manual skill and manual abilities will prevail.

4. Complexes of theoretical (2, 4) and practical plans of abilities (1, 3). The performance on these tests should be compared in pairs in order to make a more definite conclusion about the possible preparation and success in training.

Experience with TSI shows that despite the rather large volume of this technique and the duration of both the work of the subjects (about 90 minutes) and the work of the psychologist (about 30 minutes, with a consultation for each subject), in general, the results are very reliable, confirmed and essential for the overall assessment of personality.

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1 1 Interpretation of R. Amthauer's intelligence structure test results R. Amthauer's intelligence structure test allows you to interpret the results at three levels. General level intelligence Determined at the level of the final score obtained as a result of summing the scores for each subtest, which is converted into a standard indicator. When interpreting, it is necessary to take into account the specific requirements for the test subjects on the part of the test: a) the test requires a certain speed of thinking; b) due to relative complexity, the test is less suitable for people with clearly underestimated performance; the further their performance deviates from the average, the less reliable the results obtained; c) test results are positively affected educational level, the results of schooling, therefore it is more adequate to compare subjects with persons with the same education than with persons of the same age; d) overall achievements in the test depend on the socio-cultural conditions of development, i.e. from non-specific teaching; e) the structure of the test and its tasks are put in more vantage point subjects with a natural science, mathematical and technical orientation in comparison with persons verbally and humanitarianly oriented. Interpretation of a group of subtests that are close in terms of the factorial principle Due to the subtest structure, the test allows a differential assessment of the level of development of various aspects of intelligence. Separate subtests can be defined in the following groups: 1. A complex of verbal subtests (subtests 1-4), suggesting a general ability to operate with words as signals and symbols. With high results in this complex, verbal intelligence prevails, there is a general orientation towards social sciences and the study of foreign languages. Practical thinking is verbal. 2. A set of mathematical subtests (5, 6), suggesting abilities in the field of practical mathematics and programming. Equally high results in both subtests indicate "mathematical talent". If this giftedness is complemented by high performance in the third complex, then perhaps the right choice of profession should be associated with the natural and technical sciences and relevant practical activities. 3. A complex of constructive subtests (7, 8), which assumes developed constructive (spatial) abilities of a theoretical and practical plan.

2 2 Equally high results in the subtests of this complex are a good basis not only for natural-technical, but also general scientific talent. If education is not continued, then the desire for modeling at the level of concrete and visual thinking, for a pronounced practical orientation of the intellect, for the development of manual skill and manual abilities will prevail. 4. Complexes of theoretical (2, 4) and practical plans of abilities (1, 3). The performance on these tests should be compared in pairs in order to make a more definite conclusion about possible vocational training and educational success. Interpretation of performance on individual subtests Subtest 1: "DP" (suggestion addition): To successfully complete this subtest, the person must have the appropriate stock of knowledge. The role of knowledge in mental activity was pointed out by P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Rubinshtein and others. a person needs to update exactly the knowledge that is needed to solve a specific problem. This process involves a synthetic act of correlating the conditions of the problem, and the information that can be used to solve it. In this case, the leading role is played by the analysis of the problem that needs to be solved. Based on the conditions of the task, the process of updating the necessary knowledge is determined. The subtest determines the stock of relatively simple information and knowledge from various fields: geography, history, biology, etc. This subtest performs an important motivational function. It should interest the subject, make him want to perform the rest of the subtests. Subtest 2: "IS" (exclusion of the word): The subtest includes tasks, in each of which it is necessary to choose one of the five and given words, which is the least connected with the rest in meaning. Methods similar to this subtest are widely used in psychology, especially in pathopsychology. The solution of these problems begins with the process of comparing the proposed words denoting various objects. Comparison is considered not as a one-time act of establishing similarities or differences, but as a thought process, including the operations of analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization. Comparison begins with a comparison of objects. Through this synthetic act, analysis is carried out - the isolation of common and different features. Based on the isolation as a result of the analysis of common features, the compared objects are generalized. Each of the compared objects has a huge number of objectively inherent various features. The main difficulty of problems of this type lies in identifying the relationships between compared objects, in isolating similar and different features in them.

3 3 If the subject is dominated by sensory or visual-effective forms of generalization, he will compare objects according to visual signs: the shape, size or belonging of these objects to a common visual-effective situation. If the subject focuses mainly on abstract, categorical connections, he will be able to overcome the visual impression or the visual-effective situation and perform the operation of highlighting abstract features according to which words belong to one specific category. Thus, the subtest is designed to study the analytic-synthetic activity of the subjects. The data obtained from it make it possible to judge the ability of the subjects to allocate common features and the properties of objects or concepts, their ability to compare, to move from visual-effective forms of comparison to abstract comparison. Subtest 3: "An" (analogues): Based on the establishment of a connection between a pair of words, the subject is asked to match this word with one of the five words so that the connection in new couple words was similar to the sample. The solution of this type of problems involves high level development of the generalization operation. Fast, quick-witted, but less successful subjects often have high results only on this subtest. Czechoslovak researchers explain this fact by the absence of the need to assimilate a large amount of ready-made information with good generalization abilities. R. Amthauer believes that this subtest should act as the main one in the process of professional counseling, because. it well determines the level of development of verbal-logical thinking. According to this subtest, one can judge the potential capabilities of the subject. Subtest 4: "About" (generalization): The subject is offered two words. He must determine what is common between them. Moreover, if the subject names secondary, insignificant features as common, he is assigned a lower number of points compared to those answers in which he singled out the essential features of objects. This subtest diagnoses the level of development of the abstraction operation. When solving subtest problems, it is necessary to determine the abstract properties of objects by means of the relationships in which these objects enter. The task is performed in two stages. At the first stage, the central link is the discovery and selection of some stable and repetitive element characteristic of a given set of objects and their relationships. Here it is necessary to compare and vary the members of this set in such a way as to single out something stable and essential in them. Good results in solving this subtest are achieved by subjects who have a large vocabulary. On the results of this

4 4 subtests are greatly influenced by the cultural level in the family, as well as the wider environment, as well as the school. Thus, according to the results of this subtest, one can judge the level of development abstract thinking , richness of vocabulary. Subtest 5: "AZ" (arithmetic problems): This subtest includes counting arithmetic problems. Each problem puts before the decisive one a strictly defined goal, formulated in the final question of the problem. Unlike indefinite types, a definite goal always strictly determines the process of solving a problem, which implies, first of all, compliance with the strict logic of the solution process. Thus, the successful solution of mathematical problems requires the development of a high level of ability for logical reasoning in the subject. In order to successfully solve the problem, the subject must first be oriented in its condition. Orientation should be understood as the possibility of revising the initial conditions of the problem, presenting them in a new perspective. To do this, the solver of a mathematical problem must, first of all, single out the various elements in its structure, give them a different assessment, systematize them, and determine their hierarchy. The implementation of these operations requires a high level of analytical skills. It should be noted that certain mathematical symbols act as landmarks in mathematical problems. Therefore, the analysis in solving mathematical problems essentially proceeds in the form of abstraction, i.e. there is a selection of quantities and relations that are essential for a given task and a distraction from non-essential ones. In addition to analytical abilities, orientation in the conditions of a mathematical problem presupposes a high degree of development of synthetic abilities, since the identified elements must be combined into complexes, mathematical relationships and functional dependencies between them must be found. At the next stage, taking into account the identified significant relationships, the decisive one develops a hypothesis regarding the nature of the solution strategy. The solution strategy in mathematical activity is always abstract. However, due to the fact that the problem is always given under specific conditions, there can be a wide variety of specific expressions of the same problem in essence. Thus, the solution strategy in mathematical activity is always generalized. Thus, the successful solution of mathematical problems implies a high level of development of the ability for mathematical generalization. At the next stage of solving a mathematical problem, on the basis of a general solution strategy, specific operations are identified that, with the greatest possible probability, lead to the achievement of the goal. Within the framework of mathematical activity, a significant place is occupied by computational operations, which, respectively, are based on computational abilities.

5 5 Thus, the successful completion of the tasks of this subtest indicates the ability of the subject to mathematical analysis and synthesis, logical inference, and mathematical generalization. As you can see, this subtest diagnoses a wide range of mental operations. Subtest 6: "PD" (number series): The subject receives the task, the next number in the series in accordance with the rule according to which this series is composed. When solving problems of this type, the subject is guided by indications that the numbers in the row are arranged according to certain rule. Based on this, he concludes that there is a repetition of some, as yet unknown relationship between them. Apparently, these will be the relations that are essential for this problem, since, having determined them, it will not be difficult to formulate the very principle of constructing the series. These essential relationships can only be found by comparing (comparing) the relationships between various elements and identifying, on this basis, repeated (i.e., common for a given species) relationships. Thus, when solving this type of problem, comparison operations are largely represented, and, consequently, analytic-synthetic activity. Having determined the relations common for a given series, the solver determines the missing number on the basis of computational operations. This subtest measures primarily theoretical mathematical abilities. However, the above analysis shows that in this case we are dealing with the highest form of generalization, which is carried out on the basis of analysis and identification of significant relationships within the framework of a single whole, and with its elementary form - the definition of the common in a number of objects by comparison. In this case, the general turns out to be general, not because it is essential, but because it is repeated. Generalization, of course, is present in the process of solving this type of problem, but it is only mathematical in form (relations between mathematical symbols are generalized). However, in essence, we are dealing with a generalization of a lower level than the mathematical one. Thus, we can conclude that the assertion that the task of determining patterns diagnoses the level of development of theoretical mathematical thinking is invalid. In this case, there is a manifestation of predominantly analytic-synthetic mathematical ability(there are many numerical reference points in the tasks). And although mathematical generalization is derived from analytic-synthetic activity and is largely determined by the level of its development, the conclusion about the ability to diagnose the level of development of the generalization operation by the tasks of this subtest is, in our opinion, not entirely justified. Subtest 7: "PV" (spatial imagination): This subtest includes tasks in which the subject needs to establish which of the five figures located in the sample can be added from

6 6 separate parts of the cut figures below. The material of the task is planar drawings - parts of individual figures. The task provides for the combination, rotation, convergence of these parts in the same plane, as well as comparison with patterns of figures. The search for a solution in problems of this type is strictly dictated by its conditions and does not provide for going beyond its boundaries. The subject's activity is subject to a strict decision logic. It is, however, not so much about verbal logic, which is based on the presence of a good conceptual apparatus an extensive system of reasoning is required. The solution of figurative problems requires a special kind of logic, in which the grasping of a visual situation is carried out simultaneously, its comprehension is not accompanied by detailed verbal reasoning. Tasks in which the purpose and conditions of activity strictly determine the solution process are widely represented in engineering and technical activities, where the transformation of technical objects is subject to special production requirements. Thus, on the basis of a high score on this subtest, success in the field of technical activity can be predicted to a certain extent. At the same time, high performance in the subtest cannot serve as a basis for the conclusion about the high development of abilities for artistic, graphic, visual activity, since the operation of images in these types of activity is carried out in freer conditions. The assessment of conditions in the tasks of the SP subtest is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the shape and size of the parts of the figures. In addition to analytical and synthetic abilities, the implementation of this action involves the development of the ability to accurately perceive the shape and size of planar figures (linear eye). Having familiarized himself with the conditions of the tasks, the subject proceeds to active mental operation with images. In this case, the original image is transformed according to its structure. This is achieved through mental rearrangement of its constituent elements using movement, as well as various methods of combining parts of the figures. In addition, the transformation of the spatial image also affects the spatial position of the figures. So, in this case, there is a mental rotation of images within the same plane. Operating images includes their conscious retention in memory, planning them on the basis of upcoming activities, anticipating its results, generalizing in a figurative form. Based on the analysis carried out, it can be concluded that the GS subtest diagnoses only individual sub-abilities in the structure of spatial thinking. When performing this subtest, there is mainly a manifestation of the ability to operate with two-dimensional images, while the ability to form a new image is practically not manifested here. Subtest 8: "PO" (spatial generalization):

7 7 The subject needs to determine which of the cubes given in the sample is presented in each specific task in an inverted or turned position. The material of the task is a three-dimensional drawing of a cube. The task involves mentally turning the cube and comparing it with other cubes. This subtest, like the previous one, diagnoses a person's ability to operate with spatial representations. At the same time, the execution of this type of task has its own specifics. As in solving the problems of the previous subtest, the original image created in the process of solving the problem is mentally modified by the subject. However, these changes relate mainly to the spatial position and do not affect the structural features of the image. Such transformations, according to I.S. Yakimanskaya, require a much lesser degree of mental activity than structural transformations. Thus, the software subtest makes higher demands on the development of the subject's spatial thinking. At the same time, it deserves special consideration that in practice a high score on the LA subtest is often combined with a low score on the PD subtest. Apparently, this is due to the fact that these subtests differ in the nature of the material presented. When solving the tasks of the GS subtest, the subject operates with images of two-dimensional space, while solving the software subtest - three-dimensional. As I.S. Yakimanskaya notes, operations with three-dimensional images appear ontogenetically earlier in a person, therefore, in students starting to study geometry, spatial (three-dimensional) representations are more developed than two-dimensional ones. However, the ability to work both in a plane and in space at the same time is hampered by the fact that students gradually get used to working only with two-dimensional images. In our opinion, a high score on the software subtest allows us to make an indirect conclusion about the ability of the subject to work with three-dimensional objects in a practical space, i.e. indirectly determine the level of development of visual-active thinking. Subtest 9: "Pm" (memory, mnemonic abilities): In this subtest, the subject is asked to learn a series of words, and then answer the proposed questions. When performing this task, two stages can be distinguished - the stage of memorization and the stage of reproduction. The perception of a word (and even more so its memorization) is a complex process of including it in the system of known codes, in which the leading features are dominant, and secondary, subordinate features are pushed aside. This means that when imprinting a word, the process of choosing the leading system of connections and inhibition of side connections always takes place. The fact of the multidimensional connections behind the word is also essential when recalling it. Recall is a complex process of active search, selection the right connection of many possible, which occurs against the background of inhibition of secondary, non-essential components.

8 8 Based on the results of this subtest, one can judge the level of development of short-term memory. These results cannot be transferred to the level of memory development in general, since different types of memory are independent of each other. Thus, according to the results of the DP test, one can judge the stock of relatively simple information and knowledge of the subject; he does not give information about the development of verbal-logical thinking; according to the results of the IS subtest - about analytical and synthetic abilities, about the ability to compare objects, phenomena with each other. Subtest An diagnoses the ability to generalize, provides information about the potential capabilities of the subject. Subtest About determines the ability to abstraction, according to its results, one can draw a conclusion about the level of formation of the system of scientific concepts in the subject and, in general, about the level of development that he has already reached. The results of the AZ subtest testify to the development of such mental operations as mathematical analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, as well as the ability to establish logical conclusions. The HR subtest diagnoses mainly the analytical and synthetic activity of the subject. Subtests SP and PO determine the ability to operate with spatial images. The indicator for the software subtest indirectly determines the level of development of the subject's visual-effective thinking. Subtest Pm diagnoses the level of development of verbal short-term memory.

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