A lynx is a description of what habit a lynx has. Lynx

The lynx belongs to the species of mammals and the genus of lynxes, which has four species of animals. The common lynx represents a fairly common squad of predators and the cat family.

Scientists today know about several species of these unique animals that inhabit our planet. Depending on the type of predator, they differ in size, color and natural habitats. In addition, the lynx is the northernmost species belonging to this family.

Interesting Facts! The image of this predator can be found on the flags and emblems of some cities, such as Gomel and Ust-Kubinsk, in the Vologda region.


As a rule, lynxes are distinguished by the fact that they have a short but powerful body, and on the ears you can see clearly defined tassels formed from hair. This animal has a rather short tail, as if chopped off. The head of the predator is relatively small, but has a distinct rounded shape. On the sides of the muzzle, peculiar "whiskers" are formed, thanks to the elongated hair. The eyes are rather wide, with rounded pupils, and the muzzle is shortened. The paws are quite large and winter period have good fur.

Interesting to know! In winter, when there is a lot of snow, the lynx moves through deep snow without any problems, like on skis. And this is all due to the fact that the lower part of the paws is overgrown with thick bristles.

Adult individuals grow in length from 80 to 130 cm, and the height at the withers reaches a value of about 70 cm. An adult lynx, well-fed and well-formed in size and weight, is similar to a large dog. Energetic, healthy males reach a weight of 18 to 25 kilograms, although some individuals gain weight in the range of 30 kilograms. Females are slightly smaller and weigh no more than 20 kg.

The coat of these animals depends on the habitat and is represented by a variety of options, including various color scheme. Therefore, there are species with a reddish-brown color, as well as types of pale-smoky tones, as well as their variants. At the same time, a pattern is possible on the body, in the form of spots in the back and paws, including on the sides of the predator.

The belly of the lynx is covered with long and rather soft hair, but not thick, distinguished by a white tint, with barely noticeable specks. Lynx living in southern regions, are characterized by red coloration, while they have a relatively short and dense coat. Lynx molt twice a year, both in spring and autumn.


Being in natural conditions, these animals live an average of about 15-17 years. The lifespan of lynxes depends on the number of wolves that hunt lynxes.

Being in captivity, when all conditions for keeping are created, lynxes are able to live for at least 25 years.

This is a predator that leads an isolated lifestyle after dark. During the period of feeding and raising offspring, the female lives with her cubs for several months.

Interesting to know! With the onset of dusk, lynxes go hunting. Thanks to the "tassels" on the ears, lynxes perfectly orient themselves in space and feel their potential prey.

Lynx hunt their prey different ways: They can sneak up unnoticed or wait for animals near their paths while in ambush. They also visit places where ungulates quench their thirst.

This predator chooses for itself dense thickets represented by dense taiga and dark coniferous forests. There are times when they enter the forest-steppe and forest-tundra. The animal skillfully climbs trees, while feeling good in rocky areas. Lynxes are excellent swimmers.

The thick fur of the animal helps it to live in extreme conditions where there is a lot of snow and rather frosty winters. The color of the coat is such that this predator is difficult to notice in the daytime when sunshine. This also allows the lynx to perfectly camouflage among the thickets.

As a rule, hunting for hares takes most of the lynx's time, although they often hunt young ungulates such as roe deer, musk deer and red deer. They will not miss the opportunity to hunt young boars. If you're lucky, the lynx can catch a squirrel or a marten, as well as hazel grouse, capercaillie and black grouse.

When a lynx hunts, it can travel at least 30 kilometers in search of prey. If the year turned out to be hungry and food is tight, then lynxes approach a person’s dwelling, where they can attack poultry or domestic animals, including cats and dogs. If it was not possible to eat the prey at once, then the lynx will hide it in the snow or in the ground.

Interesting fact! For some reason, lynxes do not tolerate foxes and try to bite them at the first opportunity. At the same time, this predator does not eat fox meat. This is similar to unmotivated aggression dogs versus cats. With what it is connected, no one knows.

As mentioned above, lynxes prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle, but during the breeding season they begin to look for sexual partners for themselves. In the month of March, these predators begin to make characteristic loud sounds, while they purr and meow like cats. During this period, the female can be accompanied by several males at once, who do not cease to sort things out among themselves. When a mating pair is formed, the animals perform a welcome ritual, and when the pair finds mutual language, then they begin to lick each other's fur.

Interesting information! The female bears future offspring for 65-70 days. From 2 to 5 blind and deaf kittens are born, so the female is constantly with them in her lair, which can be located in the roots of fallen trees, in deep pits or caves formed by earth faults. Any suitable place is suitable for the formation of a den, including low-lying hollow trees or rock crevices.

Newborn cubs weigh no more than 300 grams. Only on the twelfth day do kittens open their eyes. For a month, the female feeds her offspring exclusively with milk, and then gradually introduces meat into the menu. Both parents take part in the upbringing of their offspring, while they not only protect the kittens, but also teach them to get food for themselves, and also teach them how to skillfully hide from their enemies. Females become sexually mature individuals at about two years, and males a little later.

On the territory of the Balkan Peninsula, there are no more than a few dozen individuals, and in Germany, Switzerland and France, lynxes were completely exterminated at one time, which required their re-population.

In the Carpathians and in Poland, the largest population of this predator is observed. No less numerous populations are also characteristic of Belarus, Scandinavia, Central Asia, Latvia and Estonia. This representative of the "feline" family is also found in Siberia.

The common lynx is not of particular importance for commercial production, although the fur of this animal is highly valued. This is due to the fact that the lynx has a thick, silky and long (up to 7 cm) coat, with a rather thick and warm undercoat. It should be noted that lynxes play a very important role in maintaining the balance of nature.

It is believed that the taste characteristics of lynx meat are quite high, since in terms of taste characteristics it is similar to veal. Despite this, in most countries, lynx meat is not eaten, although it is quite tasty and tender.

Interesting to know! In ancient times in Russia, rich nobles were treated to lynx meat, and dishes prepared from the meat of this animal were always present on the tables of boyars and princes, as an expensive delicacy.

For the European territory, it is characteristic that even in the last century the number of lynxes did not exceed several hundred individuals.

Within the territory of European countries Even in the last century, the number of the common lynx decreased significantly and amounted to only a few hundred individuals. This became possible due to the fact that they began to actively destroy woodlands, poaching began to flourish, and against this background, the food supply was reduced. In our time, a lot of measures are being taken that are aimed at preserving the populations of this unique beast, as well as, if possible, increasing its numbers.

Even before the 19th century, this animal inhabited most of our continent, including the plains. The massive destruction of forest plantations, as well as the relentless hunting of these animals, led to the fact that in some countries the lynx disappeared altogether as a species. From 1915 to 1983, not a single individual was recorded in Hungary, as a result of this predator was listed as an extinct animal. In Ukraine, the lynx was listed in the Red Book as a "rare species".

The myth that a lynx attacks a person is widely known, but in fact a lynx avoids a person, although a wounded animal can be dangerous.

There are several interesting facts, which indicate the uniqueness of this animal.

The lynx got its name due to the fact that it has rather sharp eyesight and the ancient Greeks thought that this animal was able to see through objects. A Polish astronomer who managed to discover a new constellation named it after a lynx. At the same time, he argued this by the fact that there are many small stars in this constellation and only with the help of lynx eyes they can be seen.

Despite its size, this animal can jump up to 4 meters in length, but it never jumps on its prey from trees, but hunts while in ambush.

In addition to sharp eyesight, the lynx has a rather thin hearing, so it is able to hear the steps of a person for several kilometers. And it's all thanks to the tassels on the ears. Tracking such a sensitive animal is almost impossible.

Several females can live in each territory of a male. During the year, they meet each other several times, sniffing each other and butting foreheads. This is not counting the breeding season, and so lynxes lead a separate lifestyle.

Lynx images can be found not only on the flags and emblems of some countries and cities, but also on commemorative coins.

The lynx belongs to the cat family. Although the lynx looks significantly different from a cat, it is its closest relative.

Tassels on the ears are the decoration of any lynx. With their help, a predatory animal catches even the slightest sounds, which is necessary for him when hunting. In addition to keen eyesight, her sense of smell is well developed.

In nature, there are 4 types of lynxes:

  1. Eurasian lynx (common).
  2. Canadian.
  3. Redhead.
  4. Pyrenean or Spanish.

The Siberian beast is considered the most major representative a class of felids inhabiting the numerous forests of Europe. The common lynx lives on the European continent. It is also called European or Eurasian. European population small, lifestyle is secretive. Therefore, it is very difficult to see it in nature.

Its body in length can reach 130 cm, in height - up to 70 cm. An adult animal can weigh from 20 to 25 kg. Females are slightly smaller than males. Have a short but very fluffy tail- no more than 30 cm. The muzzle of the animal is very similar to the muzzle of a domestic cat.

The fur of the beast is very thick, warm, especially in winter time. The Siberian beast has a valuable skin that is not inferior in quality to the fur of other fur-bearing animals. The color of the fur depends on the region where the animal lives. The Siberian lynx has a smoky color with spots of a darker color or brownish-red. On the abdomen, the skin is white and very thick.

The lifespan of an animal wild nature- 15 years, in captivity a lynx can live 25 years. But keeping this wild animal in captivity is difficult. It is very food demanding. He eats only good meat, the diet must be constantly changed. Otherwise, the animal dies very quickly.

A wild animal can be found in the forests of North America and Eurasia. The beast can also be found beyond the Arctic Circle. Because of the value of her fur and deforestation great amount The beast was exterminated already at the beginning of the 20th century in most European countries.

Today lynx can be found in:

The wild animal lives in the Baltic countries, Mongolia, China, Greece and Albania. In most of these countries, the animal is repopulated.

In America, she lives in the territory from southern Canada to Mexico. The largest percentage of the population lives in the eastern and southern parts USA. At the beginning of the 20th century, the beast settled in Kamchatka.

In Russia, 90% of the Eurasian lynx population lives in Siberia. Although it can be found on the territory from the western borders of the Russian Federation to Sakhalin.


It is difficult for even an experienced hunter to get to the places where the beast lives. He prefers cluttered old windbreaks, taiga forests with dense undergrowth, where it is always dark. Her favorite forests are coniferous.

A wild animal tries to avoid people. The animal senses a human hundreds of meters away and silently leaves. But in a hungry time for food, he can even go into settlements. She confidently attacks pets. She has enough strength to kill even an adult shepherd dog.

Like a predator, a beast leads a nocturnal lifestyle. Look for prey comes out only at dusk. Most often hunts for hares. But it can catch a marten or a squirrel. If possible, it can attack a wild boar, roe deer, red deer. She likes the meat of capercaillie, hazel grouse, black grouse.

Lynxes dislike foxes. When meeting with a fox, she tries to kill her, but she will not eat it.

One hare is enough for her for 2 days, and roe deer for 7 days. A large prey that cannot be eaten immediately, it buries in the ground in the summer, covers it with snow in the winter, and itself is always always near the buried prey.

The lifestyle is sedentary. But in search of a victim, more than 30 km can pass per day. Lynx by nature is read alone. How much time she spends alone depends on the availability of food.


The female with cubs lives only a few months. During this period of time she teaching kittens how to hunt and how to defend against enemies.

The female first brings the babies live hares and mice with which they play. Then she takes them hunting. In February, the female usually drives the lynx out. But by this time they are already ready for independent taiga life.

How does a lynx protect itself from enemies?

In the taiga forests, the main enemy of the lynx is the wolf. They are looking for lynxes and, having caught them, they try to strangle them. From enemies, the Siberian beast hides in the trees, having strong paws and sharp claws. She knows how to swim well.

The enemy of the lynx is also the wolverine. In strength and size, one is not inferior to the other. But this beast is better adapted to life in the winter. She is much hardier and not very picky about her diet. The wolverine can eat leftovers left by the lynx. And maybe even drive her away from prey. During periods of hunger, the wolverine may kill and eat the animal. Usually these are weakened animals.

In Siberia, a case was registered when a tiger killed this beast. Feral dogs can also be enemies of this beast. But this rarely happens. The habitats of wild dogs and lynxes, as a rule, do not adjoin.

There are very few places on the planet where the lynx does not live. But the population of the species is constantly declining. This is affected by destruction. natural environment habitat of the beast and excessive hunting for this beautiful animal. In some European countries, these animals are practically exterminated.

The lynx belongs to the cat family. This is the most close relative cats though appearance lynx is very different.

The lynx genus has four species:

  • Common lynx or Eurasian lynx;
  • Red Lynx;
  • Pyrenean lynx or Spanish lynx;
  • Canadian lynx.

The lynx is a relatively small member of its family. The body length of an adult male is 76-130 cm, females are several centimeters shorter, about 73-124 cm. The weight of a lynx is 18-25 kg, sometimes very large specimens weighing 30 kg are also found. The body is short and tightly knitted. A small, rounded head with oblong ears and characteristic tassels at the end. The muzzle of the lynx is short with wide eyes, on the cheeks there is an oblong hair similar to sideburns. At the end of the body there is a short tail with a blunt end 20-35 cm long. The fur of the lynx is very thick and soft, has a dense undercoat. The longest hair on the belly, but not very thick. Lynx molt occurs twice a year in spring and autumn. The coat that has changed in autumn is more fluffy and dense. Summer pile is short, dense and not as thick with a more contrasting color than winter.

The color of lynxes is quite different, it all depends on their habitats, and the species to which they belong. Most often there are lynxes with a reddish-grayish or grayish-brown tint with pronounced large dark spots on the back and sides. Smaller spots cover the legs and chest of the animal.

The hind legs of a lynx differ in structure from the paws of other cats, they are longer than the front ones. There are 4 fingers on the hind legs of the lynx, and 5 on the front. In winter, the soles of the paws are covered with especially thick fur, which allows the lynx to easily move through the snow and not fall into snowdrifts. When a lynx takes a step, its hind legs follow the tracks of its front legs. The tracks of a lynx resemble those of a cat with large paws.

Where does the lynx live?

Lynxes live in the forests of Eurasia and North America. Sometimes this beast is found even beyond the Arctic Circle.

Once the lynx inhabited almost the entire territory of Western and Central Europe. But due to the popularity of lynx fur in the world market and deforestation, already in the middle of the 20th century, the lynx was exterminated in many European countries.

Now the lynx lives on the territory of such countries: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Czech Republic, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Georgia, Estonia, Lithuania, Albania, Greece, Azerbaijan, China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia. In some of these countries, she was re-populated.

On the American continent, the lynx settled from southern Canada to Mexico. The largest population lives in the southeastern United States.

Relatively recently, lynxes settled in Kamchatka, around the beginning of the 20th century.

Favorite places residence of Eurasian lynxes taiga, mountain, coniferous and funny forests. Although lynxes are sometimes found in the forest-tundra and other areas with low vegetation, such as shrubs or reeds. Most often, he still chooses dense forests or thickets of young growth for living, where it is easy to arrange his lair.

What does a lynx eat and its lifestyle

The lynx is a predator, and like all predators, its diet consists of meat. Common lynx prey are mouse-like rodents (voles, lemmings), hares, birds (grouse or hazel grouse). In addition to small rodents and birds, it hunts larger prey: roe deer, spotted and reindeer, musk deer, chamois. If possible, do not mind eating young elks, wild boars and deer. Sometimes even a fish can become a lynx catch. In places where the lynx lives near humans, it often preys on domestic animals and livestock.

The lynx goes hunting mainly from 3 to 6 in the morning under the cover of dusk. The only exception is Canadian lynx that hunts during the day. She carefully tracks down her prey, sneaks up and stealthily attacks sharply, making several long jumps, each from 2 to 3 meters. If it was not possible to catch the prey the first time, it pursues it for 60-80 meters, and then retreats.

There is an opinion that the lynx attacks prey by jumping from trees, but this is not so. Sitting on a tree, the animal is only looking out for her.

To eat, a lynx must eat from 1 to 3 kg of meat per day, a hungry predator can eat 5-6 kg per day. He always hides half-eaten large prey or its remains, burying it in the snow, or digging it in with earth. She does it so carelessly that other predators easily find and steal all the supplies. A well-fed lynx does not hunt, it prefers not to waste energy.

Often, a wolverine and a fox walk on the heels of a lynx to feast on the achievements of its successful hunt. The wolverine often selects prey and drives away the lynx. With a fox, the opposite is true, if a lynx sees it on its territory, it will certainly kill it, but it will not eat. Such aggressiveness towards foxes is due to food competition.

As a rule, the lynx leads sedentary life and only in case of shortage of food resources migrates to places with enough food.

In the possessions of the animal from 70 to 250 sq. km. To get around their site, the lynx needs from 5 to 10 days.


The mating season for lynxes begins in February and lasts until the end of March. At this time, the female is accompanied by several males, constantly fighting among themselves. At the same time, they all the time make different sounds, growl, meow in a bass voice, scream. Such battles can be heard over very long distances.

Pregnancy in females lasts 1.5-2 months. To produce offspring, lynxes arrange a den, looking for it 4-5 hours before birth. More often, hollows of trees at a height of 14-15 meters or splits in the rocks serve as such a den. Lynx cubs are born in April or May. In a brood, 2-3 babies are often born, rarely 4-5. Newborn kittens are blind and helpless, weighing about 300 grams. Babies open their eyes only on the 12-14th day of life.

The female brings up her offspring herself without the participation of the father. For the first month, the mother feeds the cubs with milk, and at the age of two months, she begins to feed them with prey. To teach her offspring to hunt, the female brings them live mice and hares. At the age of three months, lynxes leave their den and begin to follow their mother. The female teaches kittens to hunt only after reaching the age of five months.

Lynx kittens begin independent life at the age of 1 year, when the mother drives them away to acquire new offspring. Lynx females become sexually mature at the age of 1.5 years, and males at 2.5 years.

Lynx live in the wild for 15-20 years, in captivity life expectancy can be more than 25 years.

Lynx (lat. Lynx) - genus predatory mammals of the cat family, closest to the cat genus (Felis).

It includes several medium-sized cats:

  • lynx
  • Canadian lynx. Some sources consider it a subspecies of the common lynx.
  • Pyrenean lynx. Found in southwestern Spain most of- in national park Koto Donyana). One of the rarest species of mammals.
  • Red Lynx

Sometimes the genus Lynx also includes the caracal (Caracal caracal) and the marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata).

The lynx is a typical cat, although the size of a large dog, which it somewhat resembles with its shortened body and long legs. The head of a lynx is very characteristic: relatively small, rounded and very expressive. They differ from other feline lynxes in their short tail and tassels at the ends of their ears.

Full description of the animal

The lynx is a relatively small member of its family. The body length of an adult male is 76-130 cm, females are several centimeters shorter, about 73-124 cm. The weight of a lynx is 18-25 kg, sometimes very large specimens weighing 30 kg are also found. The body is short and tightly knitted. A small, rounded head with oblong ears and characteristic tassels at the end. The muzzle of the lynx is short with wide eyes, on the cheeks there is an oblong hair similar to sideburns. At the end of the body there is a short tail with a blunt end 20-35 cm long. The fur of the lynx is very thick and soft, has a dense undercoat. The longest hair on the belly, but not very thick. Lynx molt occurs twice a year in spring and autumn. The coat that has changed in autumn is more fluffy and dense. Summer pile is short, dense and not as thick with a more contrasting color than winter.

The color of lynxes is quite different, it all depends on their habitats, and the species to which they belong. Most often there are lynxes with a reddish-grayish or grayish-brown tint with pronounced large dark spots on the back and sides. Smaller spots cover the legs and chest of the animal.

The hind legs of a lynx differ in structure from the paws of other cats, they are longer than the front ones. There are 4 fingers on the hind legs of the lynx, and 5 on the front. In winter, the soles of the paws are covered with especially thick fur, which allows the lynx to easily move through the snow and not fall into snowdrifts. When a lynx takes a step, its hind legs follow the tracks of its front legs. The tracks of a lynx resemble those of a cat with large paws.

Where does the lynx live?

Lynxes live in the forests of Eurasia and North America. Sometimes this beast is found even beyond the Arctic Circle.

Once the lynx inhabited almost the entire territory of Western and Central Europe. But due to the popularity of lynx fur in the world market and deforestation, already in the middle of the 20th century, the lynx was exterminated in many European countries.

Now the lynx lives on the territory of such countries: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Czech Republic, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Georgia, Estonia, Lithuania, Albania, Greece, Azerbaijan, China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia. In some of these countries, she was re-populated.

On the American continent, the lynx settled from southern Canada to Mexico. The largest population lives in the southeastern United States.

Relatively recently, lynxes settled in Kamchatka, around the beginning of the 20th century. Favorite habitats of Eurasian lynxes are taiga, mountain, coniferous and funny forests. Although lynxes are sometimes found in the forest-tundra and other areas with low vegetation, such as shrubs or reeds. Most often, he still chooses dense forests or thickets of young growth for living, where it is easy to arrange his lair.

What does the common lynx eat?

The main food of the lynx are hares, roe deer, rodents, and various birds.

For unknown reasons, he has a terrible dislike for foxes. She does not eat them for food, but does not miss the opportunity to kill them.

In the snowy season, the animal can also attack larger animals. Thanks to long legs and fur-covered paw pads, the cat can move through the snow without difficulty.

In search of prey, the common lynx comes out with the onset of night. There is an opinion that she attacks prey from a tree, but this is not so. The predator prefers to wait patiently or sneak up with careful steps and attack sharply.

The animal tries to avoid people. It hears their approach for several kilometers and tries not to catch their eye. When hard times come and the lynx does not have enough food in the forest, it can go to the nearest settlements to profit from a cat or dog. This predator can overcome an adult shepherd dog. But the cases when they appear among people are very rare, they can mainly be found in dense coniferous forests.

Reproduction and offspring

The common lynx is a solitary predator. The rut of lynxes begins in March. During this period, predators emit very characteristic loud cries, as well as purr or meow loudly. At the stage of the rut, each female is accompanied by several males, fiercely fighting with each other. Educated married couples perform a kind of welcome ritual, and affection finds expression in licking each other's fur.

It is interesting! The gestation period of the female varies between 64-70 days. One brood usually consists of a couple of kittens, but sometimes their number can reach five. The lynx cubs that were born are blind and deaf, so the female hides them for the first time in a den, which is located under the roots of fallen trees, in deep pits or earthen caves. Also, some females sometimes arrange a den in low-lying hollows or in large rocky crevices.

The average weight of a newborn kitten, as a rule, does not exceed 250-300 grams. The eyes of a small lynx open only on the twelfth day. Up to about a month, the female feeds her cubs exclusively with milk, after which a gradual feeding with solid protein food begins. The upbringing of kittens is carried out by both parents, who not only protect their offspring, but also teach them to get their own food and hide from enemies. Sexual maturity in females occurs closer to two years, and in males a few months later.

Population and species status

To date, the presence of several dozen individuals has been observed on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula, and in Germany, Switzerland and France, mass extermination has required the re-population of the common lynx.

The largest lynx population is found in the Carpathians and Poland. Enough a large number of individuals are found in Belarus, Scandinavia, Central Asia, Latvia and Estonia. On the territory of our country, you can often find common lynx in Siberia.

AT commercial value the common lynx is not in great demand - only the fur of this predatory animal is used. It is distinguished by its density, silkiness and sufficient height, as well as the presence of soft underfur. The average length of the guard hair in an adult is approximately 60-70 mm. But along with many other predators, lynxes play a very important role in the natural biocenosis.

Despite the fact that the taste characteristics of lynx meat are very high - it looks like veal, has a delicate texture, according to long-established traditions, in some countries it is not customary to use it for food purposes.

It is interesting! AT Ancient Russia lynx meat was treated to rich nobles, and dishes from such meat were served on the table of boyars and princes as an expensive delicacy.

Back in the last century, on the territory of European countries, total strength the common lynx has drastically and greatly reduced to just a few hundred individuals. Negative influence on the total predatory animal rendered annihilation forest zones, poaching and the reduction of the total food supply. To date, various measures are being taken to not only preserve, but also increase the number of this incredibly beautiful predator.

Population status and protection

Lynx population status in different countries:

  • Balkan Peninsula: Several dozen lynxes in Serbia, Macedonia, Albania and Greece.
  • Germany: Exterminated by 1850 In the 1990s repopulated in the Bavarian Forest and the Harz.
  • Carpathians: 2200 lynx from the Czech Republic to Romania; the largest population besides the Russian one.
  • Poland: Approximately 1000 individuals per Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Tatras.
  • Belarus: up to 400 individuals, found throughout the country, but mainly in the Vitebsk region and Belovezhskaya Pushcha.
  • Russia: 90% of the lynx population lives in Siberia, although lynxes are found from the western borders of the Russian Federation to Sakhalin.
  • Scandinavia: ok. 2500 lynxes in Norway, Sweden and Finland.
  • France: Exterminated c. 1900 Settled in the Vosges and Pyrenees.
  • Switzerland: Exterminated by 1915, repopulated in 1971. From here they migrated to Austria and Slovenia.
  • Central Asia: China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
  • Transcaucasia: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia.
  • Latvia: about 700 individuals in the Kurzeme and Vidzeme parts of the country.
  • Estonia: According to 2008 data, between 500 and 1000 lynxes can live in the country.

Only in hunting grounds, where roe deer, spotted deer, pheasants are bred, its presence is undesirable.

Lynx fur has always been highly valued. Since the 1950s, prices for it have been international market began to increase at an unprecedented rate. So, at the Leningrad fur auction in 1958, the best lynx skins were received at 73 dollars, in 1973 - 660 dollars, and in 1977 - 1300 dollars. This is explained by the fashion that has been preserved for decades (a very rare fact in itself) for long-haired furs, among which lynx fur took the first place.

It should be noted that people who keep ordinary wild lynxes in captivity note their unpretentiousness and good adaptability. If the lynx did not have such a strong predatory beginning, it would be a very convenient pet. But an ordinary lynx can only be kept in an aviary in compliance with all the rules for dealing with a predator. But the domestic lynx was bred to live in the house, like a cat. And yet, although a cage is not required for her (no, it’s not like that - a cage won’t work at all, but you can keep a pet in a spacious aviary), in any case, this big cat needs some kind of its own corner, own territory. It's great if there is some kind of tree, in extreme cases - shelves on which you can climb and jump. This is important, because by nature the lynx is given developed muscles and high motor activity, which must find a way out. A sharpener for claws will also not be superfluous, otherwise the furniture in the house would cry. Well, and the tray, of course - you have to be patient and accustom the kitten to it.

Domestic lynx is subject to the same misfortune as ordinary cats - it swallows hair when licked and can choke on it. Therefore, it is highly recommended to periodically comb out the cat and generally care for its coat. Medicines for cleaning the intestines, in which wool can accumulate, will not be superfluous.

Subject to these rules of keeping, a domestic lynx can be a cozy and interesting pet, intelligent and trainable. However, it is still not advised to have this animal in families with small children. After all, predatory instincts, albeit somewhere very deep, still sleep in this graceful and calm-looking beast, and who knows what can happen if they are awakened.

What to feed the lynx?

You need to feed the lynx properly. A large individual eats four hundred grams raw meat at once. And feed your spotted pet need twice a day. In addition to meat, the lynx is happy to eat both dry food and canned fish. But it is necessary to accustom a predator to canned food gradually. In addition, it is necessary to add various vitamins, as well as minerals and calcium to food. The diet of this pet should be very balanced and nutritious, while the presence of coarse components (bones, veins, etc.) is mandatory, providing a regular load on the jaw muscles.

How does a lynx get along with children?

Lynx is very good with children. And besides, she can become a real nanny for the baby. The most interesting thing is that children can pull their whiskers and tail. In response, the lynx will endure all the "bullying of the little master." But for adults, he does not forgive insults. Therefore, he cannot be beaten. Since the lynx will take revenge for these blows for a very long time and cruelly.

A young male must be castrated, otherwise the apartment will have a very specific smell. And finding a mate for your pet will be almost impossible. Do you know what happens to the character of your cat after castration.

In general, keeping a predator at home is very difficult. First, it's a big creature. And secondly, very often this pet has hunting instincts. And then there will be problems for all living beings in the district.

Purchase and price of a domestic lynx

Although such an unusual pet at home is a rather infrequent phenomenon, it will not be difficult to buy it, although the pricing policy can be a little scary. average cost such an animal varies from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles.

  1. Lynxes do not really like foxes and try to destroy them at the first opportunity. This is due to the fact that foxes are very cunning and love to encroach on someone else's prey. When a lynx sees a fox nearby, it leaves its prey and waits for the fox to approach it, then attacks it, but does not eat, but simply leaves it in place;
  2. The lynx has very sharp eyesight, and as one version says, even the coat of arms of Finland depicts a lynx, not a lion;
  3. Thanks to its tassels on the ears, the lynx has incredible hearing, it can hear the steps of a person for several kilometers, so it is very difficult to catch a lynx;
  4. The ancient Greeks believed that the lynx could see through objects;
  5. An interesting fact is that if you cut off the tassels on the ears of a lynx, then the sharpness of its hearing will decrease significantly;
  6. Only one species of lynx is listed in the Red Book - the Pyrenean lynx due to the fact that its fur is very beautiful and soft, people chasing expensive prey actively exterminated them for a long time;
  7. During the movement, the lynx puts the hind leg in the footprint of the front one, just like wolves and tigers do;
  8. Before forming a pair, lynxes intensively beat their foreheads to the point that the crunch of their bones is heard;
  9. Lynxes never attack from above, hiding on the branches of trees or on the slopes of rocks, they track down their prey or rest;
  10. The maximum weight of an adult male lynx sometimes reaches 30 kg, and average females weigh only about 18 kg;
  11. The female lynx bears offspring for about 70 days, usually gives birth to 2-3 kittens;
  12. Lynx kittens begin to see only 13-14 days after birth;
  13. For a day, a lynx needs to eat about 2 kg of meat;
  14. Lynxes prefer to eat voles;
  15. A lynx mother has the ability to choose physical traits for her kittens from different fathers while still pregnant;
  16. Hevelius discovered a constellation called the Lynx;
  17. The jump of a cat can reach 4m in length;

The lynx is a large predatory cat. Which can be found in the forests of Russia, North America, Eurasia and the Arctic. On the territory of Russia, the Siberian lynx is mainly found.

What does a common lynx look like? It has a body length of 80 cm to 130 cm and a height of about 70 cm. It is the size of a sick dog. The weight of males reaches up to 30 kg, in females up to 18 kg. The body is dense, short. The difference between a lynx and other individuals of the cat family is the presence of tassels on the tips of the ears. It has a short "stump", that is, a tail.

The head is in proportion to the body, small and rounded. The muzzle is shortened, the eyes and pupils are round. Due to the long hairline along the edges of the muzzle, the impression of the presence of "buoys" is created.

Lynx fur is considered very valuable, there is no such thing in the family of its kind. It is distinguished by its silkiness, height and density. Fur is updated, like any individual in spring and autumn. There is a small speck on the belly on a pure white background.

Powerful paws and an elongated pile, which becomes dense in winter, distinguish the northern individual from her kind.

Good winter pubescence makes “skis” out of the paws of the lynx, due to which it manages to easily move through the snow, which has a loose consistency. This is the main difference between the northern lynx and its relatives.

The color completely depends on where the lynx lives. Southern individuals are red in color. Northern - from brownish-red to fawn with a haze. The back, sides and paws have pronounced spots. On the bellies has white soft, long hair, which in rare cases are diluted with speckles.

The lynx is the closest individual to the domestic cat. Although it has significant outward difference. The tracks resemble those of a cat, without visible manifestations of claws, the hind legs go “trail in the trace” with the front ones.

Where does the lynx live

Lynx habitats have an extensive geographical territoriality. You can meet her at:

  • Azerbaijan;
  • Albania;
  • Belarus;
  • Hungary;
  • Georgia;
  • Spain;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Canada;
  • China;
  • Ukraine;
  • Mongolia;
  • Russia;
  • Romania;
  • Estonia.

Is not full list predator habitat.

Lynx lifestyle

The predatory cat prefers to live in cluttered, hard-to-reach dark coniferous forests. But you can meet its habitats in different places: forest-tundra, mountain forests, forest-steppe and polar regions. Spots on the coat help the animal on the hunt while hunting for food. During the day, due to spots, it is lost in the glare of the sun's rays, which are reflected from the crowns of trees, and in the evening and at dawn it disguises itself as twilight.

The lynx leads a sedentary lifestyle, but when there is a shortage of food supplies, it migrates to other places richer in food. The distance overcomes up to 30 km per day. What does a lynx eat? Its main diet is hares, beavers, small rodents, partridges and hazel grouses. Less often - small roe deer, fallow deer, wild boar and elk. Can eat black grouse and raccoon dogs.

A predatory cat is easily tamed. When fully accustomed to a person, she allows herself to be picked up and purrs like an ordinary domestic cat, only loudly, like a running electric motor. During the existence of lynxes, not a single case of an attack on a person was recorded.

By its power, it can do it easily, like a cheetah, a tiger or a lion, but no, it does not. But it can kill pets.

The cat also feels good in zoos, under the conditions created for it, close to natural.

Hunting and food

Basically, the hunting time of the lynx is twilight. She lies in wait for prey sitting in ambush or slowly sneaks up to the victim in order to overtake her with one jump. The lynx never jumps on a prey from a branch, it hides behind trees, fallen branches and stumps, sometimes sits on a thick bough.

Creeping up to the victim at a distance of 15 meters, she pounces on her in several jumps. If an unsuccessful attempt to kill the victim the first time, the predator starts the chase, usually the fleeing animal manages to escape. The cat is not endowed with endurance and grabs it for 60-80 m of the chase.

When attacking a large animal, the predator bites into the throat and claws into the front of the body. It torments until the animal gives up and falls dead. The lynx attacks foxes and martens, thereby protecting its hunting grounds. She eats a small portion of food at a time. The rest hides, burying in the snow or in inaccessible places for other predators, but does not try, so it often remains without supplies.

Therefore, it happens that the lynx remains to guard its half-eaten food on the spot, even if it is full. Since smaller lovers fresh meat- sables and columns, quickly take away carelessly buried food remnants. And the wolverine, knowing the hunting abilities of the red cat, often pursues her during the hunt. At the first opportunity, he takes away the food he has obtained or waits until the hunter is fed, and then disposes of the leftovers.

On average, one roe deer is enough to feed a lynx for 3-4 days; for a brood, this is the daily norm. The cat eats salmon during the week. The hare is eaten within two days.

The lynx is a very cautious animal, but even so, it is not afraid of people. The animal is located in secondary forest plantations created by people, in young forests and burnt areas. And where there is not enough food, for example, in mountainous areas, it visits settlements. There were cases when she was met in urban areas. She herself does not attack people, but in case of protection from an attack, she can seriously injure.

The common lynx is of great benefit to forests. Along with the "doctors" of the forest - wolves, it mainly exterminates sick, wounded and weak animals.

Reproduction and lifespan

Predators breed from mid-February and throughout March. In nature for an individual female several males may walk. Which sometimes in cruel matches win for themselves the honor of being the father of future offspring. The place where the offspring should appear is prepared by the mother in advance. She finds a secluded hole and there she lines a place for future kittens with bird feathers, dry grasses and animal hair. The gestation period lasts from 60 to 70 days.

The offspring usually occurs from the end of April to June, it depends on the geographical location of the lynx. The weight of a newborn kitten is on average 300 grams. Babies are born blind and deaf. Over time, these feelings develop fully. They feed exclusively on mother's milk until the formation of milk teeth occurs. After two months of age, babies begin to feed on the food that the mother produces. Milk feeding continues for several more months until the lynxes are fully grown. The male does not take any part in the upbringing of the offspring. Three months later, the kittens begin their first forays out of the den and follow their mother everywhere.

The color of the young offspring is light brown tones. True coloring appears only at the age of nine months. BUT features in the form of "whiskers" and tassels on the ears appear only by the age of one and a half years already matured lynxes.

The family continues its common existence, until the next rut. If for some reason. The female did not bring offspring, then the family remains together for another term. Lynxes are read by sex and age at the age of 1.5-2 years.

The average life expectancy in nature in a lynx is 12-15 years. Long-livers are individuals who live up to 20 years, such cases have been recorded by lovers of the animal world.

In Russian zoos, the lynx is a permanent resident and is not a rare species. It adapts well to life and reproduction in captivity.

The breeding season, as well as in nature, falls at the end of spring and the beginning of summer. Since they do not have to move in search of food, they mostly sleep. With kittens, things are different, these restless little ones have destructive and ubiquitous abilities. They are usually activated in the evening. Their restlessness continues up to 1.5 years.

In zoos, predatory cats are taught to use the tray.

Feed after milk feeding exclusively meat. Rabbit, veal, turkey, chicken. An adult eats up to three kilograms of meat per day, up to five in winter.