Anorexia. Causes, diagnosis and effective treatment of the disease

Our public learned about this disease relatively recently - and it was a real shock. Until now, most people do not understand the full depth of the problem and consider it the result of ordinary stupidity. In fact, it is a nervous disease that, without timely and proper treatment, leads to death.

Anorexia nervosa

The word "anorexia" literally means "lack of appetite". Moreover, the patient does not just "eat badly" - he avoids food, as something dangerous, extremely harmful. The purpose of this behavior is weight loss, fat loss. And beyond the goal of anorexic is beauty.

It should be clarified here that we can trace a similar scenario in hundreds of thousands of perfectly healthy people who simply monitor their appearance. Many of us periodically go on a diet, restrict ourselves in nutrition, trying to lose weight and become more beautiful.

But with anorexia, perception is impaired! The patient is not able to adequately assess his own condition: even with complete exhaustion, he notices on himself " excess weight and tries to get rid of it. It is easy to feel the difference in the perception of a healthy person and a patient with anorexia: the latter admires himself, rejoices in what he has achieved and makes plans for future weight loss, and others, seeing him, experience horror, even disgust.

Since nutrition is the basis of the normal functioning of the body, a metabolic disorder quickly joins the nervous breakdown in anorexia. Soon, a person's health is completely undermined: he simply cannot eat normally, vital processes are interrupted or proceed pathologically.

The activity of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, hair falls out, the skin loses its tone, hormonal regulation is upset, the digestive system stops absorbing food. Women are disturbed menstrual cycle, reproductive function. At some point, these violations become irreversible.

How do people get anorexia?

Who is anorexic

It is wrong to assume that this is a purely female disease. Although in most cases anorexia nervosa occurs in young women - up to 24 years. But both children and people over 24 years old, including men, can be affected by it.

Causes of Anorexia Nervosa

The main cause of the disease is the instability of the psyche which leads to obsession with the idea of ​​weight loss. This can happen if self-esteem is lowered, a person does not feel the strength to arrange own life safely, looking for support in external factors, highly suggestible.

Then, especially popular today, the idea of ​​the equivalence of beauty and harmony can become overvalued (in the pathological sense of the term). Indeed, in contemporary culture there is a clear connection between success, wealth and the appearance of a person. According to these rules, a woman should be very slim and young (this is one of the reasons why girls get anorexic more often than boys, for whom there are slightly different “ideals”)). Often this image is strengthened, exaggerated. But what is possible on the stage, on the podium, especially in the photo, cannot always be realized in everyday life.

In addition, there are other factors that may predispose to the development of anorexia nervosa. For example, cases of similar disorders in relatives, violence, disorders of the metabolism of neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine) and a tendency to depression and so on. But, strictly speaking, these factors do not cause anorexia itself, but lead precisely to the psychological instability on the basis of which this disease grows.

Signs of the development of anorexia

It is difficult for others to recognize anorexia in the initial stages. You need to be aware of the spiritual movements of a person in order to notice that he is carried away by the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bweight loss and this passion is pathologically enhanced. That is, he not only decided to lose a couple of kilograms, but loses control over himself, ceases to adequately perceive his condition.

But, if there is a person from the "risk group" next to you - young girl whose personality has not yet been formed, whose emotional condition not yet stable - you need to monitor the following:

  • Exaggerated attention to appearance - one's own or ideal images (models, actresses). The girl begins to spend more time in front of the mirror than usual, posing, examining herself. One can notice parallels of comparison with certain ideals - their images can be in plain sight, for example, next to a mirror;
  • The desire to lose weight leads to radical decisions, opinions. The girl generally refuses to eat, reports that most products are very harmful. If she did eat (under pressure from the family, for example), then she can close herself in the bathroom or toilet and induce vomiting. Such patients come up with various excuses not to participate in feasts, not to eat with other people;
  • Constant attention to your own weight, weighing;
  • Denial of nutritional problems - if you assume that the patient does not control his condition, cannot adequately assess his diet and its consequences for the body, you will receive a violent rejection in response;
  • Depressed state. There may be violent outbursts of resentment, anger, euphoria, and then again depression;

Of the objective signs that you need to pay attention to, you can name weight loss. Different indices can be used to calculate the weight norm. For example, the Quetelet index, which is obtained by dividing body weight (in kilograms) by the square of height (in meters) (60 kg: (1.7m x 1.7m) = 20.8). The norm of the Quetelet index lies between 18.5 and 25. If this index is below 17.5, the body weight is insufficient.

Development of anorexia - symptoms

When weight loss efforts bring tangible results(the patient loses about 20% of the weight) - anorexia progresses. Instead of loosening the restrictions, the person is tightening up their diet. Already during this period, disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism become noticeable.

Dehydration leads to a sharp deterioration in the condition of the hair and skin, the bones become more fragile - fractures and the appearance of joint diseases are possible. The cardiovascular system can not cope, which is expressed in a violation of the heart rhythm, pressure fluctuations. Girls stop their menstrual cycle. Immunity drops critically. And so on.

These symptoms can no longer be ignored. And it is necessary to take urgent measures - to begin treatment. After all, life in such a state is already in mortal danger. And, after a year or, at most, two, the changes become irreversible and we are no longer talking about life, but about prolonging life.

The question is when will death and what will cause it is secondary (no matter how scary it may sound!). Much more important is how to save life and bring it closer to normal (after all, it will not be possible to fully restore health). Even if the patient himself wants to change his fate, he is no longer able to eat normally, gain weight. It requires constant and very thorough treatment.

Treatment of anorexia nervosa

Based on the above, it is clear how important it is to start treatment as early as possible. Close people should not turn a blind eye to even the most fleeting suspicions and signs that may indicate the development of anorexia. It is difficult to prevent the occurrence of this severe disorder. But curing it is almost impossible. Such a patient will experience psychological and physical difficulties all her life, for example, as people who use drugs.

So the first and best thing to do is follow the development of a teenager's personality . We need to help him overcome uncertainty, dissatisfaction with himself. Excessive perfectionism, exactingness - can also become harbingers of anorexia. Therefore, it is important to learn to accept not only victories, but also defeats.

If anorexia nervosa is already in the second stage (weight loss, about 20%) - it is also treated with psychotherapy . There are both individual sessions and classes with the family, group trainings.

Health food , which is prescribed to patients - is designed to normalize metabolism and promote weight gain up to normal indicators. It must be understood that the body of an anorexic is no longer able to absorb any food. Therefore, a diet selected by a doctor is required.

Can be assigned medicines - antidepressants. For example, fluoxetine. Perhaps the introduction of solutions containing vitamins that eliminate dehydration.

It must be understood that anorexia nervosa can recur. In other words, in such a patient, after therapy, breakdowns may occur, which again will lead to critical weight loss.

What to do if a loved one has anorexia nervosa

A few tips to help you navigate and do the right thing if you suspect loved one this disease:

  • Do not try to appeal to "reason" and " common sense» sick! He, as if, speaks a different language - he does not understand and does not accept your arguments.
  • Don't let yourself be convinced! People with anorexia can talk very passionately, logically and defend their opinions with pathos.
  • Do not trust everything that the patient says and does! In order to achieve "his goals", a person in this state is able to change his own principles - to lie, for example. Even having sincerely promised something, he may not keep his word - the disease often turns out to be stronger. The patient may pretend to agree with you, lulling your vigilance.
  • Don't wait - go to the doctor right away! And, you need to immediately go to a psychotherapist. Preferably to someone who specializes in anorexia. It is better that your fears turn out to be groundless than that you waste time. Even if you cannot persuade the patient to visit a doctor, go to the appointment yourself and discuss with the specialist what you should do next.

The pursuit of perfection makes many of us reconsider our lifestyle, including our diet. In pursuit of beauty, girls exhaust themselves with diets, and dissatisfaction with their body is so great that weight loss becomes rapid, and sometimes it can kill.

How to quickly become anorexic at home?

"I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat!" Usually such words are most often heard from the lips of young girls. In pursuit of unnatural thinness, they are ready for almost anything, because they believe that it is outrageously thin arms and legs that are considered the standard of beauty. Of course, after all, fat people are not invited to appear in fashion glosses, world-famous designers and fashion designers are not invited to the catwalks.

Usually, in such cases, it is difficult to dissuade a person from rash acts. Therefore, if someone is determined to bring himself to anorexia, there are several recommendations:

  1. Register on various weight loss forums, conduct dialogues with your so-called like-minded people - with those who have already lost weight and teach you how to do it. If at some point you have doubts and decide to return to a normal lifestyle, your forum friends will definitely “support” you and convince you to return.
  2. Strict restriction in the diet. If you're really hungry, try chewing on something and then spit it out. But water can be drunk in unlimited quantities. Try adding coffee or strong tea to your diet, which is so diligently advised on the forums. In a few days, a breakdown will come, and you will hardly reach the mirror to look at your hated, extra pounds.
  3. Self-dislike. This is a very important point. Go to the mirror, look at yourself from all sides, scold for every fold of fat on the stomach and sides. Because only you are to blame for the fact that you "ate" yourself to such forms. Remember - beautiful girls don't eat.
  4. In no case do not go to the sites and forums of healthy people. You will not find anything interesting for yourself on them. There, people go in for some kind of sports, eat as many as 5-6 times a day and regularly attend training, and those who strive for 40 kg of live weight, such forums are useless.

Naturally, these are joke recommendations, although, unfortunately, in fact, many people, especially teenage girls, significantly reduce their diet due to fear of getting fat. Personal satisfaction, success in society intersect with a skinny body and excessive self-control in food. In a world where 60% of young women fear being overweight and dissatisfied with their bodies, it's very difficult to tell where dieting ends and anorexia begins.

Painful thinness

Anorexia is primarily a mental illness characterized by a constant desire to lose weight. Girls strive for their dream of a thin figure, while limiting the amount of food consumed, often exhausting themselves with excessive physical activity. Others tightly control their calorie intake in an unusual way - by inducing vomiting after meals or by abusing laxatives and diuretics.

People suffering from anorexia are obsessed with their weight and figure. They are trying in every possible way to achieve proportions that do not correspond to their age, height. In severe cases, with brightly protruding bones, young people still consider themselves fat. An interesting fact is that, evaluating the parameters of other people, girls suffering from anorexia can accurately name their weight, height, and volumes up to centimeters, while they are deprived of the opportunity to really evaluate their forms.

Although anorexia revolves around food, it is not a disease that is solely about nutrition. Basically, this is an unhealthy way of dealing with your emotional problems, perfectionism.

People suffering from this disease gradually get used to reduced energy intake, an empty plate and stomach, self-control in nutrition, sunken cheekbones, protruding bones. This disease mainly occurs in girls (up to 6%) during puberty.

Symptoms of the disease

It is important to know that there is no specific cause of anorexia, but experts agree that most often the pathological desire to have a thin body is a reaction to some event in life or a situation that a person cannot cope with. Although the specific causes of anorexia are unknown, there are certain factors that increase the risk of anorexia.

It can be different diets. People who follow these diets tend to get positive reviews about yourself from others, thereby motivating yourself to reduce weight even more. Often the situation gets out of control.

Changes in the life of any person also carry a certain risk. This may be a change of school, job, housing, divorce or death of a loved one. All of these factors cause stress. And you can deal with it only if you focus on what can be clearly controlled. In this case, it is the control of food intake.

Manifestations of anorexia:

  • extreme thinness;
  • continuous weight monitoring and panic fear the appearance of extra pounds;
  • feeling of guilt while eating;
  • incorrect assessment and perception of one's weight and proportions;
  • irritability, refusal to communicate with friends and family;
  • fatigue, weakness, dizziness;
  • increased physical activity;
  • cessation of menstruation in women;
  • loss of libido in men.

Anorexia is a psychosomatic disorder and its consequences can be much more serious than the symptoms mentioned above. What the disease can lead to:

  • nausea;
  • cardiac arrhythmia, drop in pulse and pressure;
  • anemia;
  • osteoporosis;
  • liver damage;
  • insomnia, irritability, mental problems;
  • skin deterioration, hair loss;
  • death.

If the diagnosis confirms the presence of anorexia, it is necessary to contact experienced specialists as soon as possible and begin treatment.

Treatment of the disease

The key to successful treatment of anorexia is getting it into the hands of experts in a timely manner. Patients who are not completely isolated from the world have a much better chance of recovery. Treatment is usually done on an outpatient basis, but in more severe cases with significant weight loss, the person needs urgent hospitalization.

Do not forget that anorexia is considered the "queen" of mental disorders and its mortality rate is 5-15%. Under the supervision of experienced specialists, the patient is administered intravenously medicines to maintain heart function, and then over time and food.

The next stage of treatment is isolation from home and the development of a new diet for gradual weight gain.

During the treatment of anorexia, not only medical measures are carried out, but also psychotherapy sessions, since anorexia is a disease not so much of the body as of the soul.

Good results will bring individual, cognitive-behavioral, group and family therapy. Need to adjust conflict situation around the patient and his family. In the process of treatment, it often happens that parents have much more serious psychological problems than children.

To date, there are no specific drugs designed specifically for the treatment of anorexia. Antidepressants and antipsychotics help only in cases of the consequences of anorexia (depression, anxiety, apathy). During treatment, anabolics, vitamins, drugs, preparations containing iron and supporting appetite are used. In addition to weight gain, a good sign for girls is the regulation of the menstrual cycle.

Stages of anorexia

Anorexia is divided into 3 stages of development:

  1. The initial stage, which develops over 2-4 years. A person is usually not satisfied with his appearance, and the opinion of others has a strong influence on him.
  2. The anorexic stage begins with an active desire to lose weight. During this period, a person usually loses about 20-50% of the total mass.
  3. The cachectic stage entails hormonal changes, such as the cessation of menstruation in girls, a decrease in body temperature and pressure.

Common myths

Around anorexia, as a rule, there are many myths and conjectures that require refutation or confirmation. Consider the most popular of them.

  1. All people suffering from anorexia look like walking skeletons. This is how they can be recognized at first glance. Although in reality unhealthy thinness is one of characteristic features disease, this is not always the case. Anorexia is primarily a disorder of the psyche of thinking and behavior.
  2. Anorexics don't eat anything. They usually eat, just not as much as healthy man with a complete diet. The amount of food is strictly limited.
  3. Anorexia is always accompanied by vomiting. Not all people with disorders eating behavior should run to the toilet after each appointment, although this is a deeply rooted belief. According to Australian scientists, in most cases, people with bulimia suffer from vomiting.
  4. Anorexia is never cured. It's a lie. The truth is only the fact that anorexia is one of the most difficult diseases to treat and a small percentage of patients can be completely cured. Medical statistics in Britain claims that 30% of patients with anorexia can be permanently cured of this disease.

Psychological basis

A clear cause of the onset of the disease has not yet been determined. But often it has a genetic predisposition or its own psychological factors that contribute to the development of anorexia:

  • sexual, physical violence;
  • lack of attention, love, understanding, respect for the personality of the child from their parents;
  • an overabundance of attention, love and overprotection, which leads to a lack of independence and dependence;
  • perfectionism in upbringing (an example is dominant fathers, who, by their attitude towards the child, develop an inferiority complex in him, which subsequently causes some disgust for his appearance and figure)
  • drug addiction, heredity of eating disorder;
  • loss, death of a loved one or divorce in childhood;
  • example of parents;
  • change of environment (work, school, moving);
  • forced eating.

Anorexia - the ideal figure?

The ideal figure is not what a person lives for. Only an unhealthy person is consciously and purposefully ready to die in literally for the protruding bones on the body. Many anorexics think that if they are thin, they will become happy. But not many are given to understand that happiness lies in other things.

sculpt beautiful figure best in the gym, leading healthy lifestyle life without negative consequences and complications for health. The motto “better dead than fat” is more of a loud cry of naive girls who can only talk about this topic, but if they find themselves in a situation where their life hangs in the balance, they would most likely choose a different lifestyle and throw away thoughts about extreme weight loss from the head. Anorexia is not a perfect figure, but a perfect death.

When reviewing films with Angelina Jolie, we involuntarily smile and are fascinated by the beauty of this woman. She eats little, drinks only fruit and vegetable juices, and moves and leads active image life is five times longer than other Hollywood stars.

In addition, the actress is actively involved in fitness and other sports. Many girls dream of becoming like her at least a little. However, do not forget that too strong weight loss often has a psychological background - depression, nervous breakdowns, complexes.

Unfortunately, in the pursuit of anorexia, a very bleak prospect awaits them all. In this case, death is not an exception, but on the contrary - most often a pattern. The percentage of deaths from anorexia is growing every year. This means that out of twenty people, at least one dies.

In contact with

The term " anorexia" in recent times comes to our ears. Most people associate this word with the world of fashion, diet and ways to lose weight. And not everyone knows that this is not just a refusal of food for the sake of getting rid of excess weight. The danger of this terrible disease in that it first of all deforms the human consciousness.

Risk group

Who is most prone to anorexia? Medical statistics states that 90% of patients are young girls 12-24 years old. And, although a small percentage of men also suffer from this disease, this disease is still considered to be female, the women's website reports. And this is not surprising - after all, it is the representatives of the weaker sex who suffer from complexes about their own figure, excess weight and unattractive appearance. But in patients anorexia these complexes acquire an absurd form and lead to horrifying consequences.

What causes anorexia?

  1. Firstly, genetic predisposition. Parents suffering overweight, can oppress a teenager with their appearance. "I will be the same!" - the girl thinks, looking at her fat mother, and is horrified at the mere thought of it.
  2. Secondly, influence environment. Cover girls and models walking the catwalk become an unattainable ideal, a symbol of beauty and success.
  3. Thirdly, low self-esteem. Any phrase casually thrown by someone about “how plump you are” or “it wouldn’t hurt you to lose a couple of kilograms!” Leads to depression and deep complexes regarding your own figure.

Signs of anorexia

There are early indications anorexia(mental) and secondary, which are already a consequence of the primary (physiological). So, sound the alarm if you observe one or more of the following mental signs in your child, girlfriend, sister anorexia:

  • strong, most often unfounded, fear of obesity;
  • an obsession with losing weight (which in most cases is not observed);
  • inadequate perception of one's own figure;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • refusal of food in the presence of appetite, violent overcoming of hunger;
  • low self-esteem;
  • depression, irritability, self-isolation, feeling of fear and resentment;
  • denial of the disease as such, a biased assessment of the state of one's own body.

If the onset of the disease is not detected in time, it will lead to serious physical consequences.

The most common of them:

  • violation of blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • breathing problems;
  • malfunction of the endocrine system (disturbances in the menstrual cycle up to its complete absence, decreased function of the adrenal glands, leading to renal failure);
  • weight loss up to 50% or more (!);
  • depletion of fats, carbohydrates, proteins in the body;
  • disruption of the liver;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • vitamin deficiency.

As you can see, the results of such starvation can lead to disruption of the work of almost all vital human organs. Severe cases end even in death. However, if the disease is not started, consult a doctor in time and start treatment, the result in most cases will be favorable.

Treatment of anorexia

Since initially anorexia It has psychological character, the treatment of physiological disorders must be accompanied by psychotherapy. The patient will definitely be prescribed vitamin preparations, high-calorie diet, stay on fresh air. After a full medical examination and consultations with doctors, it will be found out which organs (or systems) have been damaged, and appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

Instead of an afterword

As a conclusion to the article, I would like to wish the readers of the women's site the site never to be complex about their own figure, not to overdo it in the pursuit of thinness, to love yourself the way nature created you. And then this terrible word will never appear in your life - anorexia.

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Anorexia: how to lose weight before anorexia?

Today, the appearance of a person is of great value. Those models that walk the catwalk form many people's idea of perfect figure. In cases where the figure does not meet the established standards, many strive different ways, achieve the specified parameters and do not think at this moment about their health.

Weight loss can result in anorexia. A person has an eating disorder, and mental disorders occur. This leads to increased attention to the food you eat and your own weight. Begin constant and debilitating restrictions on food. Fear of getting fat leads young girls to starvation. Gradually they, despite the fact that they feel bad and have already lost 15% of their weight, are lower established norm, still consider themselves fat and continue to lose weight.

What causes anorexia

Let's look at the causes of anorexia, and what disorders occur in the body.

Changes in the endocrine system

Adenocortical. Hypofunction begins to develop rather slowly, and weight loss occurs gradually; Hypopituitarism. There is an insufficiency of the function of the pituitary gland or hypothalamus. Anorexia develops slowly. Its symptoms will depend on the degree of the disease and on which and how many hormones are not enough in the body; Myxedema indicates a lack of hormones in the thyroid gland; Ketoacidosis is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, the skin becomes inflamed or dry, a fruity odor is felt from the mouth, the pulse speeds up, there is nausea and abdominal pain.

Gastrointestinal disorders

With appendicitis, general or local pain in the abdomen, nausea and vomiting will be expressed. cirrhosis of the liver early stages anorexia is accompanied by weakness, vomiting, nausea, constipation, diarrhea and dull pain in the abdomen. Anorexia causes drowsiness, severe itching, slow speech, bleeding, dry skin, enlarged liver, jaundice, pain in the right hypochondrium, swelling of the legs. When a sick person suffers from Crohn's disease, then in the presence of chronic anorexia, there may be significant weight loss. Anorexia can develop suddenly in acute gastritis, and slowly in chronic. If the body has viral hepatitis, then anorexia can develop in the initial stage of the disease. A sick person will experience malaise, fatigue, pain in the joints and throat, as well as headaches, fear of light, rhinitis, cough, vomiting and nausea. The liver may increase in size. As a consequence, anorexia will lead to weight loss, urine will become dark, jaundice and pain in the right hypochondrium will appear. The person becomes irritable and experiences severe itching of the skin. If hepatitis is not viral, then its symptoms vary. They depend on the cause of hepatitis and the degree of damage to the liver.

genitourinary system

In this disease, when there is chronic renal failure, it is accompanied by chronic anorexia and all body functions can change greatly.

Human Appetite

When a person experiences a feeling of hunger, this indicates that his body does not have enough nutrients. This feeling makes him uncomfortable. A person's appetite directly depends on the ideas about the future food intake. It is formed as a result of excitation of certain parts of the central nervous system. The secretion of saliva and digestive juice may begin. This happens because the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract increases, and the body prepares the digestive organs for food intake. The physiological needs of the human body can be compared to cravings for salty foods, when there is a significant loss of salt in the body. It so happens that appetite reflects an acquired or innate tendency to eat certain foods, or to its aversion.

A person can start at in large numbers eat a variety of foods. This can occur under the influence of strong external stimulants. Thus, his body replenishes the supply of energy. Exactly binge eating may be compensated by food restriction. AT modern society not many people go for it. When there is a decrease in appetite, this may be due to overwork or a nervous situation at work or at home. In addition, there may be any disease in the body.

It happens that a person consumes a lot of food or refuses it. Let's look at what constitutes a nervous anorexia and analyze all about anorexia. Adolescent girls can often develop a developmental disorder. This may be due to her desire to maintain her figure, being afraid to gain weight. Therefore, they begin to abstain from eating and can bring themselves to severe exhaustion and even death. The result is anorexia. Despite the physiological need for nutrition, appetite may be completely absent. This happens because the violation starts in gastrointestinal tract or endocrine system. This occurs with severe mental disorders. This person has chronic pain. He constantly shows concern. Body temperature may rise, and there are feverish conditions. Hygiene oral cavity very bad. There is growing up or aging.

When does anorexia appear?

It will not be superfluous to know what can cause anorexia. It can be a consequence of taking medications or their abuse. If short-term anorexia occurs, then it will not threaten health. And if it is long, then the body's resistance is greatly reduced and a person can get sick with various diseases. Upon transition to chronic form, anorexia becomes dangerous for human life, as there is a strong depletion of the body.

Many women dream of staying slim and beautiful all the time. However, when getting rid of extra pounds, you need to know how to lose weight to anorexia. So you can properly lose weight and not go to the hospital. Never let the desire to lose weight develop into a psychological illness, since it is anorexia that is considered mental disorder. Remember that if you do not love yourself and your body, then no amount of weight will satisfy you.

In order not to bring yourself to anorexia and lose weight correctly, you must decide in advance what weight should be normal for you, based on your parameters. To do this, you need to know your height and weight. Subtract 100 from your height to get your weight. Subtract 10% from it and get ideal weight. Here, strive for it, without reducing it. Then you can be sure that anorexia does not threaten you.

During this period, you do not need to go on a strict diet. Try to love diet foods and eat right. Be sure to exercise and lead an active lifestyle. Buy clothes that accentuate your figure and do not forget to always do makeup.

Always remember that it is better to prevent a disease than to cure it. Never be afraid to have a couple of extra pounds in your body.

Do not forget about what anorexia consequences. It starts destroying your entire body. You will immediately notice that concentration of attention is disturbed, memory deteriorates, everything starts to annoy, sleep is disturbed and behavior is disturbed.

It is noticed that anorectic begins to strive for the ideal appearance. At this point, a person loses control and can get a depressing result. Hair will become thin, brittle and split ends. The skin is dry with bruises and a yellowish tint, the nails are brittle. With anorexia, there is always anemia, salt metabolism in the body is disturbed. Stones can form in the kidneys and dystrophic changes occur in them. When the structure in the bone begins to break, it will lead to possible fractures. Women will experience hormonal imbalances. The menstrual cycle will stop. It is anorexia that accompanies infertility.

Why do girls lose weight without noticing that they have crossed the threshold of anorexia

Many young girls do not know what is anorexia, history about those who have undergone it is always instructive. Now you can read in the media and see on the video those who brought their body to exhaustion by hunger strike. Girls and women who completely refuse to eat often end up in clinics in countries. Thus, they want to emphasize their individuality and become famous. However, at this moment they do not think about what the result will be a deplorable result that has a detrimental effect on their body.

Unfortunately, today it is anorexia that is included in the construction of the most serious diseases among adolescents. Many of them try to experience a trendy diet.

In many magazines you can see photos of girls and women before and after anorexia. They exhibit them, showing off their achievements and sometimes look very exhausted. It is not clear what beauty they see in their spoiled figures. Skin and bones and none of the attractiveness they had before.

To lose weight, girls and women are looking for options to lose their appetite. You should not bring yourself to this, because if you haven’t eaten anything all day or don’t want to eat at all, and this goes on for a long time. In this case, you need to be alarmed. Remember that loss of appetite is a sign of a serious illness in your body. Only a good appetite says that everything is fine with you and you have excellent health. Any decrease in appetite should alert you and be a reason for urgent medical attention. Otherwise, your life will become painful, as there will be no strength, fatigue will appear and taste habits will change. You will become the owners of many unpleasant diseases that you may not have previously suspected.

What are the consequences for the brain from anorexia

Anorexia for weight loss is fraught with the fact that you can get a brain tumor. This will happen due to an imbalance in the hormones of the pituitary and hypothalamus. In people of adolescence, the main component is psychogenic causes. Due to depression, they have difficulty in identifying themselves in society. They will constantly experience anxiety and unrequited love from the opposite sex. In addition, anorexia against the background of a depressive state can cause schizophrenia.

Many young girls and women are tormented by the issue of losing weight and are looking for a way. They are constantly thinking how to find the best about anorexia they have read many articles. It seems to be scary to allow yourself to such a state. However, many people can cross this line unnoticed.

You need to get rid of the idea that you will become much happier if you lose weight and look better. Sometimes it is very unpleasant to look at girls or women who have lost a lot of weight. It must be remembered that weight loss is not for everyone. Appearance can change dramatically for the worse, and you will no longer be treated with the interest with which this was done before.

To be thin, like a sliver, to eat nothing, to fit into size zero - many of the fair sex strive for this. All they need to be happy is the guide "How to bring yourself to anorexia" in twenty days. True, some weight loss aids resemble such literature.

Do you think all this is funny and stupid? In fact, this trend is depressing. Unfortunately, every day anorexia is gaining more and more popularity both among young nymphets and among women of respectable age. Modern girls they think that protruding ribs and a stomach pulled inward are fashionable. Every second exhausts herself with various diets and physical exercises, which brings the body to complete exhaustion.

Someone wants to change their appearance to become like their favorite model, while others decide to take such a desperate step because of their complexes. But, striving for perfection, do not forget about own body and his needs. Those who regularly diet, sometimes can no longer stop to return to their usual lifestyle and diet. In such a short time, the body loses not only extra pounds, but also useful substances. Therefore, it is very important to know what anorexia is and why it is dangerous.

Types of anorexia and its manifestations

Anorexia is a syndrome characterized by a lack of appetite or a conscious refusal to eat. Moreover, if you continue to lose weight, in the future the stomach simply will not be able to digest food. Even a spoonful of soup will not be absorbed by the body.

So, there are several varieties of anorexia:

  • Primary anorexia
This disease begins with the fact that the girl simply ceases to feel hunger. The reasons for this condition may lie in hormonal disorders, and in neurological pathologies or malignant tumors. Therefore, if you already long time there is no appetite, you should urgently undergo a medical examination.
  • Mental anorexia
In this case, there is a complete loss of hunger or a deliberate refusal of food. This happens due to a sharp suppression of appetite due to mental illness: depressive, catatonic states, etc. Unfortunately, this is rarely paid attention to in time. A woman is simply not able to understand that she does not want to eat.
  • Anorexia nervosa
Stress, problems at work and in the family, a strong psycho-emotional load - all of the above can lead to anorexia. This requires the intervention of a qualified psychologist who will help to understand the situation.
  • drug anorexia
In some cases, various anorexigenic substances that suppress hunger can lead to this condition. Often lost appetite in girls who abuse antidepressants. This type anorexia is considered the most common and can lead to severe consequences.

Symptoms of anorexia: diagnosis of the disease

The most obvious symptom of anorexia is severe weight loss, which becomes noticeable when the patient's body is very close to exhaustion. It is possible to detect this pathology in the early stages, but this, unfortunately, is not always possible. You should be alerted if a person often refuses food, referring to the fact that he has recently eaten or his stomach hurts. At the same time, he can talk a lot about various diets, calorie foods. Often, after a heavy dinner, women specifically induce vomiting, do enemas to cleanse their body.

When the disease progresses, a person suffering from anorexia constantly feels unwell, gets tired quickly, and sometimes even loses consciousness. Dull, brittle hair, a bluish tint to the skin on the arms and legs, sunken eyes - all these are also signs of the disease.

The patient is constantly cold, because the body does not have enough energy to warm up. Arms, back, stomach are covered with a layer of thin hair, with which the body tries to keep warm. In addition, osteoporosis often develops, the digestive process is disturbed, and there may be malfunctions in the central nervous system.

As a rule, patients with anorexia constantly experience a feeling of fear associated with weight gain. At the same time, it completely covers all feelings and emotions, and does not let a person go even when he is one step away from death due to exhaustion. Mainly, the causes of anorexia are low self-esteem, which also acts as one of the main symptoms of this serious illness. The victim of anorexia believes that her body weight and figure parameters are closely related to self-awareness and personal status. Patients very often deny the danger own state and can not realistically assess their weight.

Treatment of anorexia: is it possible to cope with it on your own?

The treatment of advanced forms of anorexia sometimes takes more than one year. On average, the recovery period takes 5 years. In this case, the patient must want and strive to get rid of this disease. Otherwise, after leaving the hospital, the girl will begin to starve again. Approximately 60% of total number patients starting a course of therapy for anorexia return to their former full-fledged life. More than 20% recover almost completely. However, to avoid possible complications they need regular check-ups and additional treatment.

The first stage of therapy is to restore physical health sick. In some cases, patients are hospitalized in a particularly serious condition. And they need not only parenteral nutrition, which involves the installation of a system (dropper), but also the treatment of the consequences of anorexia, often very dangerous. After the patient's condition is stabilized, he is helped to return to normal weight, gradually accustoming to food.

Then psychotherapeutic treatment begins, during which the patient and an experienced specialist look for the causes of the disease and ways to solve it. Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is used to rid the patient of a distorted idea of ​​his body. So, for example, in one clinic, girls were forced to constantly look in the mirror so that they could get used to their figure. At the same time, all fashion magazines in this institution were banned.

Sometimes antidepressants may be prescribed to help overcome fear and some other problems. However, their long-term use is undesirable. This is done in extreme cases, when a woman flatly refuses to admit that she has problems.

Consequences of anorexia: what is fraught with starvation

Today, anorexia has become something of an epidemic. It usually affects young girls between the ages of 14 and 18. They deliberately resort to such torture in order to look just like their idols. And many of the fair sex do not consider anorexia a disease. For them, giving up food is one way to lose weight. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance.

Why is prolonged fasting dangerous? With anorexia, a person has a decrease in blood pressure and a slow pulse. In addition, there is a weakening of the myocardium - the heart muscle, which leads to the development of cardiovascular insufficiency. Very often, the disease is accompanied by a decrease in the level of potassium, magnesium and sodium - minerals that are necessary for the normal functioning of our body.

Over time, persistent and severe dehydration occurs, and anemia develops. In women, there is a disorder of the menstrual cycle and a decrease in the level of hormones in the blood. If this anomaly is not detected in time and appropriate treatment is not carried out, then a person suffering from anorexia can reach an extreme degree of exhaustion - cachexia, which very often leads to death.

How to understand if you have problems with body weight? You can find out your ideal weight using a simple formula.

Your normal weight= Your height is 100 cm.

Your Ideal Weight = Your Normal Weight – 10%.

For example, your height is 175 cm.

Your normal weight = 175 cm - 100 cm = 75 kg.

Your ideal weight = 75 kg - 10% = 67.5 kg.