Calorie content of Cod. Chemical composition and nutritional value

Cod fillet is a very popular food product these days. But few people know that this is not just the basis for very tasty dishes, but also a very healthy component of our daily diet. This is due to the fact that cod fillet is made from such a wonderful fish as cod.

Cod (lat. Gadus morhua) is industrial fish, which forms the family of the same name. This family has several subspecies and species that live in Atlantic waters. The habitat of this fish extends from the Barents Sea to the coast of North Carolina, and depending on the habitat, subspecies are distinguished such as Arctic cod, White Sea cod, Baltic cod and many others. Interesting feature This species is that it does not really like open ocean waters, but prefers to hunt and spawn in the coastal zone, which is why cod is very convenient for industrial fishing.

The lifespan of cod is about 30-35 years, and at this age it can reach one and a half meters in size. But most often they use fish that have reached 35-40 cm for consumption. This fish is a predator, which is why its meat is so tasty. According to statistics, it is believed that every tenth fish caught in the world is cod.

Traditions of eating cod exist in the cuisine of many nations. It is especially popular in Norwegian cuisine, where it is consumed fried, boiled, salted and dried. But the French, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch also love to diversify their daily diet with cod dishes. And in the traditions of Russian national cuisine, there is even a separate word, borrowed from the Dutch language, “labardan”, which unites in its meaning almost everything existing options preparations of representatives of the cod family.

There's another one characteristic feature this fish. The fact is that When dried, cod retains all its rich nutritional qualities for a very long time, which made it an essential component of the diet of participants in various expeditions. There is even an opinion that without the use of dried cod, so many discoveries would not have been made in the North, because there would have been nothing to simply eat on the way.

Well, the significance that the traditional preparation of cod dishes has in Russian cuisine is even reflected in the fact that the coat of arms of the city of Murmansk depicts just cod, which among the residents of this city has the nickname “sea donkey”, borrowed from Hebrew.

Currently, most often on the shelves of grocery stores we can find such a product as fresh frozen cod fillet, because a carcass that has already been cut up and ready to eat is much more convenient. This convenience allows us to significantly expand the list of dishes that we can very quickly and easily, without spending extra time on cutting and processing, please our family members (cod fillet cutlets, cod fillet with cheese, cod fillet soup, etc.).

Composition and beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of cod fillet are determined by its unique composition and are quite extensive. Somehow, historically, when talking about the benefits of cod, we automatically imagine only cod liver, which is so popular to be consumed in the form of canned food and from which a unique medicinal product is obtained - fish oil.

But the meat of this fish has no less useful qualities, for which cod is deservedly loved in many countries. A northern peoples They just can’t imagine eating without it. The fact is that cod fillet is a white, flaky and very tasty meat, which contains protein compounds and valuable amino acids that regulate all processes of human life.

Well, the lipid part of this product is represented by beneficial unsaturated acids omega-3 and omega-6, which have several beneficial effects on the body:

  • Clears excess cholesterol.
  • Helps in the restoration and construction of cell membranes.
  • They can radically reduce the risk of developing cancer.
  • Improves human brain activity.

In terms of the content of useful microelements and vitamins, there is simply no fish equal to cod. In the composition of cod fillet we can see elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, manganese, iron, zinc, selenium, sulfur. In terms of vitamin composition, cod is also a leader among low-fat marine fish; it contains vitamins A, C, E, D, K and almost all representatives of group B. At the same time, it can greatly please fans healthy eating and various diets, the fact is that the calorie content of cod fillet is very low and amounts to only 82 kcal per 100 grams.

Thanks to its composition rich in useful components, cod fillet has the following beneficial qualities:

Therefore, absolutely everyone should use this product, especially since taste qualities Cod dishes stand out very much among other food products and are capable of arousing appetite by their smell and appearance alone.

Use in cooking

The use of cod fillet in cooking is quite widespread and is not limited to certain countries. I wonder what the largest number Not a few recipes from this product can boast northern country, where cod is caught, and hot and passionate Portugal, in whose cuisine there are more than 300 ways of preparing cod.

Salads containing cod fillet are extremely popular. Moreover, in different countries they like to combine this product with different ingredients:

  • Mediterranean salad recipes, in addition to cod, include tomatoes, olives, basil, spinach cheese and many ingredients. Moreover, such salads are seasoned along with olive oil also with sherry, and they like to flavor these dishes with garlic.
  • Scandinavian salads, in addition to cod, may also contain sour apples, mustard, a large number of onions, dill and other greens. Scandinavians do not neglect mayonnaise, sometimes replacing it with sour cream.
  • American cod appetizers may include other types of fish, which are complemented with peanut butter, noodles, and lettuce. The dressing can be classic based on mayonnaise, but sometimes there are recipes based on mustard and soy sauce.
  • Russian versions can be with soaked apples, radishes, and a lot of greens. The dressing most often is vegetable oil.

But do not think that the scope of use of cod fillet is limited only to salads. On the contrary, it is just beginning with them, because this product is widespread as a component of main courses. For example, everyone knows baked cod fillet in the oven or fried in batter in a frying pan. A popular method is baking cod fillets with vegetables in foil or recipes for cooking cod fillets in sour cream in a slow cooker, the latter options being related to dietary nutrition.

There are interesting options for using this product to prepare grilled recipes in American and Indian traditions. Moreover, the most important thing there is in the marinade. In America, cod fillets are marinated in sweet honey sauces and grilled. And in India they use a large number of hot spices and vegetable oil and cook directly on an open fire.

In American restaurants with traditional Russian cuisine, a recipe famous among emigrants of the early 20th century, which, according to legend, belongs to Valentin Rasputin, is popular. This is a soup based on cod, boiled in milk and seasoned with heavy cream and spices. It is said that this soup was the basis of the health and power of the cult in Russian history persons. Therefore, it is worthwhile to diversify your table with this useful product, especially since the variety of cooking options offered and their taste will definitely delight you.

Benefits of cod fillet and treatment

The benefit of cod fillet lies precisely in its composition, rich in useful components. But it is impossible to name specific recipes with which you can cure diseases, because there can only be one treatment: increase the amount of consumption of this fish in your diet. In this case, you will be able to observe such positive results, How:

Eating cod has become the norm for many peoples, mainly northern ones. And they are all in excellent health, and their diet is considered one of the healthiest in the world. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to their recipes and thereby helping your health.

Harm to cod fillet and contraindications

There are also studies that show sea ​​fish may contain heavy metals and other hazardous waste modern industry, therefore, pay attention only to products from manufacturers who guarantee the quality of their products and their safety. And it may be safer to eat farm-raised fish than wild-caught fish.

Contraindications to eating cod are as follows:

And, of course, in order to get the maximum amount of benefit from cod fillet, you should pay attention to products that were stored and frozen only in accordance with the rules. Therefore, when purchasing, choose even, smooth, shiny fillet layers that have not been defrosted, with a minimum amount of ice crust.

Family cod fish consists of almost 100 species, living mainly in the waters of the Northern Hemisphere. All of them, with the exception of burbot, are representatives of the marine ichthyofauna. In addition to the usual cod, saffron cod, haddock and pollock, the order of codfish includes such exotic fish for the Russian consumer as menek, gadikul, and molva.

Some species - object commercial production, others are of interest only to amateur fishermen.

General features and distinctive features

The main signs of belonging to the cod family - a fleshy mustache on the lower jaw and spots of various sizes and shapes scattered throughout the body - are not shared by all representatives of the order. Some fish have silvery scales and absent or poorly developed antennae.

But almost all fish of the family have other “family traits” (pictured).

A sign of the cod order is large eyes on a disproportionately large head and a light longitudinal stripe along the body

TO characteristic features family should include the absence of spiny rays in the fins and large gill openings. The body of cod is covered with small cycloid scales.

The table provides a list and a brief description of commercial and most valuable in nutritionally cod fish.

Name Appearance Size Main range
Men (or menek) The main difference is that there is a single long soft dorsal fin (85–100 rays) along the entire back. Body light yellow with a brown tint, dark lateral line from head to tail Can grow up to 1.2 m, weight up to 30 kg Distributed off the coast of Norway, Great Britain, Iceland
Whiting The body is silver-gray, the surface of the back and head is grayish-brown, and there are small dark spots on the sides. The three dorsal fins are separated by a short distance, the anal fins are almost fused with each other Length 30–50 cm Black Sea (off the coast of Crimea), south-eastern part Barents Sea, northeast Atlantic Ocean. Lives at depths from 30 to 100 m
Pollock The body coloration is spotted, the whiskers on the chin are very short. Pelvic fins located in front of the pectorals. Distinctive feature- big eyes Length (maximum) 90 cm, weight up to 4 kg At a depth of up to 300 m (sometimes drops to 700 m and below) in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Bering Sea, and the Sea of ​​Japan
Molva (other names: ling, sea pike) The head and back are reddish-brown, the belly is white or yellowish, the sides are marbled brown. The fish has an elongated head, long anal (58 to 61 rays) and second dorsal (61–68 rays) fins Body length 1.5–2 meters, weight up to 40 kg At a depth of up to 400 m in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, North and Mediterranean seas
Navaga (trivial name for vakhnya). There are two subspecies: Far Eastern and northern. They differ in size from each other The spotted back is gray-brown, the sides and belly are white. The body is slightly rounded, the head is relatively small. The lower jaw is shorter than the upper The northern navaga has an average length of 25–35 cm. The Far Eastern one is larger: it grows up to 55 cm and can reach a weight of 1.3 kg Almost never found in open water. It lives near the shores of the Bering, White, Okhotsk, Chukchi Seas, the Arctic Ocean, and the North Pacific Ocean. Can enter fresh water bodies
Haddock The tall, flattened body is painted silver. The back is gray with a light purple tint. There is a large dark spot on the black lateral line between the first dorsal and pectoral fins. Length 50–70 cm, weight 2–3 kg The largest numbers were recorded in the Norwegian, Northern and Southern waters Barents seas, North Atlantic Ocean
Blue whiting (there are two subspecies: northern whiting and southern whiting) The body is elongated, its upper part is greenish or gray-blue, the sides are silvery, and the belly is white. The three dorsal fins are widely spaced. The lower jaw protrudes noticeably forward. The antennae is missing The average length of the northern blue whiting is 35 cm, weight 500 g. The southern subspecies is larger: length up to 50 cm, weight up to a kilogram Northern whiting: northeast Atlantic Ocean, western waters of the Mediterranean and Barents seas. Southern whiting: southwest Pacific and Atlantic
Pollock, the genus includes two species: pollock and lure (other names: silver pollock, pollack) The upper part of the body is dark olive in color, transitioning to a lighter tone on the sides. The belly is yellowish (in the Lure it is silver-gray), the muzzle and lips are black. The scales of caught fish quickly darken when exposed to air. Length 60–90 cm, weight 3–12 kg Coastal waters of Norway, Spain, North America. Large flocks appear from time to time off the coast of Murmansk
Cod (obsolete name labordane). There are several species, the most common are Atlantic cod and Pacific cod (subspecies differ in size and range) It is distinguished by a clearly defined large mouth and the presence of several dorsal fins. Color ranges from dark brown to light olive, with small spots all over the body. Pacific cod has a larger head than Atlantic cod. The length of Atlantic cod is from 70 cm to 2 meters, the Pacific species reaches 1.2 m Pacific cod is common in the Bering, Japanese, and Okhotsk seas. Both species live in the waters of the North Atlantic. Note! Atlantic cod is listed in the Red Book
Esmark codfish The gray-brown body with silvery sides is covered with cycloid scales. The eyes are large, their diameter is slightly more than 30% of the length of the head. There are dark spots at the base of the pectoral fins Body length 20–30 cm Arctic Ocean, northeast Atlantic Ocean. Denmark and Norway are actively fishing

In addition to commercial species, the list of fish of the cod family includes popular recreational fishing objects:

  • cod or arctic cod, a small fish (average length 25 cm) that lives in the Arctic Ocean. They catch it in the White and Barents Seas;
  • Gadikul (another name is big-eyed cod), the smallest representative of cod reaches a length of 12 cm. A distinctive feature is the huge eyes, occupying a third of the head. The antennae is missing. The sides are silvery with dark small spots. Gadikula are often used as bait for catching other cod fish;
  • tomcode ; The genus includes 2 species that differ in size and habitat: the Atlantic tomcod (average length 35 cm) and the Pacific tomcod or American cod (length 30 cm). In Russia they are caught in the Barents Sea, off the coast of Murmansk. In the USA and Canada it is an object of sport fishing;
  • luska (kapelan, French cod), a beautiful copper-brown fish with yellowish sides, decorated with 4-5 transverse dark stripes. The average length is 30 cm. They are caught with a fishing rod in the Mediterranean, White, Barents, Kara, and Chukchi seas.

The usually gray, dull color of the back of the viper may vary depending on its habitat

Common burbot

It is no coincidence that burbot (the outdated name is men) stands in a separate row. This is the only representative of cod species that lives in fresh water.

The fish feels comfortable in cold rivers and lakes. The largest population is found in the northern reservoirs of Russia. The freshwater predator can be found in smaller numbers in rivers flowing into the Black and Caspian Sea. Northern burbot is larger than its southern counterpart. His average weight fluctuates between 3–6 kg with a length of up to 80 cm (in warm waters it rarely exceeds 600 g).

Note! Burbot always looks for the coolest place in the river; it often settles in the area of ​​springs. In the absence of underwater springs, the fish chooses snags, deep holes or large rocky placers as a habitat.

The color of the fish largely depends on the type of bottom (pebbles, sand, clay) and the degree of transparency of the water. The traditional color is brownish or dark brown, which becomes lighter as the fish grows and ages. The belly of the burbot is olive, the fins are dark gray, almost black. Like most cod fish, burbot is decorated with dark, chaotically scattered spots.

When in ambush, burbot puts forward a moving whisker, which attracts small fish

A flat head with small eyes, three whiskers (on the chin and along the edges of the upper jaw), and mucus covering the body make the burbot look like a catfish. It is not difficult to distinguish fish. The body of the burbot is covered with cycloid scales (the catfish does not have scales). Burbot is a nocturnal predator. The structure of its sense organs is designed for hunting in complete darkness.

Note! The fish has exceptional hearing and is very curious. Having caught an unusual sound, the burbot rushes to the source of the noise, sometimes covering a considerable distance. Fishermen often take advantage of this behavioral feature.


Fish belonging to the order Codfish, with a few exceptions, are predators.

IN at a young age They feed on bottom invertebrates: crustaceans, shrimp, worms. As you get older, your diet changes. Now it is based on small fish, including representatives of its own family. For example, cod actively eats young pollock. Blue whiting often becomes prey for haddock.

Small representatives of the order (gadikul, cod) feed on plankton and benthonic crustaceans, but sometimes they diversify their menu with fry or eggs of their fellow creatures.

Strong, fast pollock hunts in a flock. The noise made by the school can sometimes be heard on the surface of the reservoir

Cannibalism is very common among cod fish: their own young often become their prey.

Interesting fact! Accumulated fat is deposited in cod fish in the liver, which due to this acquires mass useful properties. Saturated with vitamins, macro- and microelements, essential amino acids, liver is useful in the prevention and treatment of a wide range of diseases.


Sexual maturity in the vast majority of the family occurs after 3 years of life. Large individuals (cod, moth) begin to spawn upon reaching 6–8 years of age. Spawning occurs at the end of winter or in early spring. Codfish are very prolific. Large individuals can lay up to 9 million eggs. Navaga lays up to 90 thousand eggs, small representatives of the family - no more than 6 thousand. The eggs and hatched larvae lead a predominantly pelagic lifestyle. The current carries them over considerable distances from the spawning site.

The fry spend the first year of life in shallow water near the shore. They often hide under the bell of jellyfish. As they mature, the juveniles move deeper and begin to make seasonal migrations.

Cod and haddock fry use the Cyanea jellyfish as shelter

Interesting fact! From the eggs laid by blue whiting, only males are born. As they grow older, some fry show signs of females. By the age of sexual maturity, the ratio of males and females of blue whiting becomes equal. Towards the end of life (a fish lives on average 20 years), all individuals gradually turn into females.

Cod fish are a priority object of domestic and world fishing. They are valued for their tasty low-calorie meat and low bone count. Affordable price plays an important role.

Cod are a coveted trophy for fans of sea fishing. Trolling and vertical fishing are the most popular methods. Representatives of the family are successfully caught from the shore using spinning rods or bottom gear. Either way, cod fishing is a lot of fun.

Cod fish is a freshwater fish species that lives in the Atlantic Ocean or is bred on an industrial scale. It can reach up to two meters in length if grown in the wild, and in captivity cod are usually bred from forty to eighty centimeters in length.

The fish has an uneven color: on the top of the back a dark brown, olive, brown or green color predominates, closer to the sides the shade becomes much lighter, and the belly has a white or yellowish color. Cod scales are small and jagged and easy to peel.

For the first two years, cod feeds small crustaceans and shellfish until he grows a little. In the third year of life, the fish can migrate to other areas of the ocean in search of food.

In 1992, the amount of cod caught in the United States significantly exceeded the norm, as a result of which the country experienced a major fishing crisis. For this reason, more than four hundred fish factories were closed, and fines were imposed on fishermen who caught cod in quantities exceeding the established maximum.

An interesting fact is that many consider fish a waste-free product, because all its parts can be used.

  • Cod liver is usually stuffed into its stomach, resulting in delicious sausages.
  • The boiled fish head is used as fertilizer by gardeners, as are most cod innards.

There are several in the USA and Portugal national dishes which are prepared from this fish.

They love to cook cod in almost all cuisines of the world, adding it to first courses and salads, as well as baking it in the oven. Cod liver and roe are also very popular. There are many ways to cook this fish. In our article we will tell you about the most popular and simple recipes preparing delicious cod dishes.

How to cook cod fish?

There are many ways to prepare cod fish in various ways: it is baked in the oven, fried in a frying pan or on the grill, boiled in a saucepan or in a slow cooker, steamed, made from cod aspic, fried in batter, and also added to many delicious dishes as a main or additional ingredient.

Cod cutlets are very popular, which many housewives love to make. Fish baked in foil or boiled is also equally popular.

The calorie content of cod in any form does not exceed 90 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. This fish cannot be called fatty, which is a good reason for preparing dietary dishes from it.

Cod - not at all bony fish, so its meat can be minced to make delicious cutlets. But there is one problem: cod meat is quite dry. That is why you need to add various sauces and gravies to make it more appetizing.

Here are some of the most popular ways to cook cod at home:

  • Baking- it's simple and delicious way cook fish for lunch or dinner. To do this you need to stock up necessary ingredients and follow our recommendations.
    Take a sheet of foil and grease it with vegetable oil, place the cut into rings on it. onion. Then take the cod fillet, rinse and dry, season with salt and spices, and then place it on the onion rings. Sprinkle the fish fillet with finely chopped herbs on top, put some lemon rings, and also cover the dish with tomato slices. Now carefully pack the ingredients to form an airtight envelope and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake the cod fillet with vegetables for twenty minutes.
  • Fried Cod cooks even faster than baked cod. In order to fry this fish, you can take both fillet and peeled pieces of cod carcass. They need to be rolled in flour or breadcrumbs, salt and pepper, and then pour oil into a frying pan and place it on the fire. When the oil begins to sizzle, add the cod to the pan. The fillet needs to be fried for 5-7 minutes, and for pieces of the carcass it will take a little longer. Do not cover the dish with a lid to ensure a crispy crust.
  • You can also try cooking the original fish casserole. To do this, you need to boil and mash the potatoes, without mashing the mashed potatoes too much so that there are whole pieces of potatoes in it. Grease a baking dish and place the puree in it, then fry the onion and carrot rings in a frying pan, placing them on top of the puree. Then place the cod fillet, pour fresh milk over the dish and sprinkle with grated cheese, putting it in the oven for half an hour. You can also use a slow cooker to make this delicious cod casserole.

There are a huge number of ways and recipes for preparing wonderful dishes from this fish, starting with fish soup and ending with cutlets and casseroles. You can experiment on your own by preparing cod at home using your own recipe.

Benefits and harms

Cod fish can be beneficial, but also harmful if contraindications are not taken into account. Like any other food, fish needs to be cooked properly and not overused as this can ultimately lead to problems.

Since cod contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, eating this fish prevents joint deformation. Therefore, it is better to include cod food in the diet of people with arthrosis or rheumatism.

The liver of fish contains important Omega-3 acids, which help remove cholesterol from the body. And if you make fish oil from cod, it can be used as a means to improve memory. Fish oil can also help get rid of thrombophlebitis and depression.

As for harm, stale cod, and especially its liver, can cause it. Therefore, try to choose fish more carefully, carefully examining the product and making sure there are no unpleasant odors.

Varieties of cod

There are several varieties of cod, which differ in the color of their meat and size. For example, cod with white meat, as well as red and pink, is very common. However, all types of cod can be divided into four groups:

  • Atlantic cod is large in size and can weigh about ninety kilograms, reaching two meters in length. The color of such fish is usually greenish or olive.
  • Pacific cod is slightly smaller in size than Atlantic cod. It is about 120 centimeters long and weighs up to twenty kilograms. The head of this fish is large in size.
  • There is also Greenland cod, which differs from the Pacific cod only in size: the maximum length of such fish is 70 centimeters.
  • Pollock is the most small view cod, since with a fairly large length it can weigh up to four kilograms.

All types of cod are united by almost similar colors, as well as characteristic antennae on the beard. In industry, any known species can be bred, grown to a certain weight and sent for sale.

Cod- popular trophy northern seas. Norway is unanimously considered the “world capital” of fishing. The World Fishing Championship for this species is held annually on its territory. A record specimen was caught here. The sports tackle caught a fish weighing 47 kg and one and a half meters long.

Biological description of cod

A common member of the cod family. There are several subspecies. Commercial and economic importance in the Pacific and Atlantic species. In essence, there are no morphological differences between them. The body length, including the caudal fin, reaches 1.8 meters, but individuals less than a meter are more common. Specimens over 40 cm in age from 3 to 10 years are considered commercial, with a preferred weight of up to 10 kg. Some specimens are larger and sometimes live up to 100 years.


The color of the back varies from dark brown with small speckles to light olive color. The belly is white. The head is large with a large mouth. The peculiarity is the presence of not one, but several soft dorsal fins. Representatives of this family have two anal fins. Also noteworthy is the presence of a short, fleshy antennae on the lower jaw.


Representative northern latitudes, V southern waters Don `t come in. Prefers moderately cold and cold seas of the northern hemisphere. A variety of species are found in the waters of the North Atlantic. The general range covers temperate zones Atlantic Ocean and forms areas where geographical subspecies are distinguished: White Sea, Arctic, Baltic and others. Distributed from the west from Cape Hatteras to Greenland, and in the east from the Bay of Biscay to the Barents Sea.

It is found off the coast of Greenland and Spitsbergen, but does not like very low water temperatures. The optimal range for it is 2–10 degrees Celsius. In those areas where the temperature drops lower, it rises to warmer layers of the water column and stays there.

What does cod eat?

The shape of the body allows it to easily move from the bottom layers into the water column, so it can be either a benthic or a pelagic species. But adaptability to the habitat does not end there. Leading a gregarious lifestyle and easily changing depths, it quickly switches from one type of food to another. Adult – active omnivorous predator. It happily eats capelin, gerbil, haddock and squid. But at the first opportunity it will swallow its own young.

Spawning and development

This is a large, fast-growing predator. It is one of the most prolific species on the planet. A young five-kilogram individual can lay 2.5 million viable eggs at a time, and an adult weighing more than 30 kilograms lays an average of 9 million eggs.

Grows throughout life. Spawns once a year. Perhaps it is precisely this high fertility and vitality that explains the prosperity of the species directly in its habitat. Unlike other species, cod does not care about the fate of its offspring. Most of the eggs are eaten after spawning marine life, the remaining juveniles are kept in schools to increase their chances of survival and not being eaten own parents. The life of pelagic eggs and fry depends on the currents of the North Atlantic; it picks them up and carries them away from the spawning site over long distances (up to 200 km). These features allow the species to reach high numbers and occupy a leading position in the ecosystem of the northern seas.

Differences between Pacific cod and Atlantic cod

Pacific is somewhat smaller in size. Her weight rarely reaches 18 kg. And unlike its relative, it has not floating pelagic, but adjacent bottom eggs. The Pacific species lives in the Bering Strait, along the entire coast of Japan, California and Korea. It does not make long, extended migrations. Its benthic eggs quickly switch to a bottom lifestyle; they are not carried by the current as in the Atlantic. Adult schools of Pacific cod approach the shores of Kamchatka in summer time. Here they stay at shallow depths and, as the water temperature drops, they move further and further from the shores. It winters at depths from 150 to 300 m, in places where the waters maintain positive temperatures. At the same time, spawning occurs off the Kamchatka coast in winter.

Commercial value of cod - beneficial and harmful properties

Sea cod fishing

Fishing methods

Sport fishing is an exciting and fruitful activity. Cod is caught from a boat, from the shore, trolled from boats, using especially heavy spoons and wobblers. The tackle should be as durable as possible.

They fish in the waters of the seas belonging to the basins of the Pacific and Arctic oceans. It is not found in the East Siberian and Kara Seas, as well as in the Laptev Sea. Although this is a deep-sea species, it is caught from shallow depths of 20 to 50 m, but there are cases of biting from a depth of 100 meters or more. It should be noted that both large and small fish prefer to stay near the uneven bottom; they are attracted to shallows and underwater rocks. Using these simple landmarks, experienced sea fishermen find schools, but in other places only single individuals are found. Different types found in coastal habitats, the search is carried out by test casting a hook with bait or heavy spoon to promising places for fishing. When fishing from the shore, cod is caught along with other species in the catch.

Since this is a coastal predator, this fact makes it possible to catch it in winter time, since there is no need to go far out to sea. It is better to look for it at this time in places with sandbanks, where there are colonies of its favorite delicacy - the sandworm. It is caught well at the very beginning of winter, and by February it begins to migrate to the Atlantic to spawn.

The best baits for fishing

The most commonly used bait is fish fillet, shellfish meat and sand veins. Last the best way has proven itself when fishing with a bottom rod from the shore. This is the most common prey for cod, so it is grabbed without hesitation or delay. Another great attachment is slicing eelpout meat. It is comfortable because it fits tightly on fishing hook, and therefore does not require constant replacement. Shellfish meat holds much worse on the hook, so it is used when fishing vertically from a boat and sometimes when fishing from the shore.

Useful properties of cod meat

Nutritional value and calorie content

There's nothing better for dietary nutrition! Calorie content is only 82 kcal per 100 g. White meat contains up to 20% complete proteins with amino acids necessary for the restoration of body cells. The properties of the product have been fully studied and it has been established that regular use in food helps eliminate excess weight, lowering cholesterol levels, which is very useful for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Photos of trophy fish in the hands of fishermen, taken on the open sea...

Cod fishing video

Watch these videos about fishing, including trophy fish in different seas. The first film shows how they are caught in the Sea of ​​Japan. The second video is about fishing in Northern Norway. Baltic and Baltic fish in a film from Russian fishermen. The final video was made about a good catch in Norway...