Technology for processing buckwheat grain into cereal. Buckwheat production technology Processing buckwheat while preserving the hull box

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1. Literature review

2.2.1 Place in crop rotation

2.2.4 Dates for sowing buckwheat

2.2.5 Methods for sowing buckwheat

4. Recipe for buckwheat cereal

5. Product calculation

6. Selection and calculation of production equipment

7. Characteristics of secondary raw materials, waste from cereal production and their use

Conclusions and offers



Buckwheat is a valuable cereal crop. Buckwheat is a healthy nutritious product, rich in easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates. It contains 13...15% protein, 60...70% starch, 2.0...2.5% sucrose, 2.5...3.0% fat, 1.1...1.3% fiber, 2.0... 2.% ash elements. In addition, it contains a lot of mineral salts: iron (33.8 mg per 100 g), calcium (200 mg per 100 g) and phosphorus (1500 mg per 100 g), as well as organic acids (citric, oxalic, malic) and vitamins B2, PP.

Buckwheat contains significantly more folic acid (4.3 mg per 1 g of dry matter) than other products of plant origin, which has a high hematopoietic capacity and other properties that contribute to the human body’s resistance to various diseases. Buckwheat proteins are more complete than cereal grains and are not inferior to legume proteins. This results in high nutritional value and medicinal properties buckwheat. The main amino acids that make up buckwheat protein are arginine (12.7%), lysine (7.9%), cystine (1%) and cystidine (0.59%), which determine its high nutritional value. Buckwheat fats are highly resistant to oxidation, so buckwheat can be stored long time without reducing nutritional quality.

Buckwheat flour is not very suitable for baking bread, since it does not contain gluten: the bread quickly becomes stale and crumbles. Products obtained by processing buckwheat grain into cereals and flour (feed flour, waste) contain a large number of proteins and fats, therefore they serve as highly nutritious feed for pigs and poultry.

1 kg of buckwheat chaff contains 57 g of protein, 0.35 feed units.

Buckwheat straw can be used in combination with straw of other crops for silage, as well as for the preparation of feed mixtures, granules and briquettes mixed with other feeds.

The current level of consumption of basic products is significantly inferior to the recommended rational standards for energy value and diet structure. In this regard, the role of buckwheat as one of the economically accessible and nutritious food products is increasing. In terms of its consumer properties, buckwheat is unique, since it satisfies the physiological needs of the body for nutritional components and energy, performs preventive and therapeutic functions, and has important strategic and national economic significance.

A generalization of the experience of cultivating buckwheat in Russia shows that currently the main factor influencing the volume of buckwheat production is an increase in sown areas with relatively low yields. In this regard, it seems relevant to study the characteristics of its cultivation and identify the main factors influencing the economic efficiency of buckwheat production and processing.

The purpose and objectives of this course work- study of the technology for processing buckwheat grain into cereal at an enterprise with a capacity of 140 kg/h with the selection and calculation of equipment, study of the production technology of its chemical composition, nutritional value, assortment of cereals, history of development, their classification, quality requirements and storage conditions.

1. Literature review

Buckwheat is an annual or perennial herbaceous plant, 10...80 cm tall.

Today, it is Russia that grows half of the world's buckwheat crop, and at the same time, for many years, it is Russia that has been the main world consumer of this useful plant product (the largest areas of buckwheat crops are concentrated in the Altai Territory; buckwheat is also cultivated in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Samara, Orenburg and Saratov regions). In addition to Russia, exporters also include China, the USA, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Latvia.

The efficiency of using grain resources, the quality and yield of finished products depends on the management methods technological process cereal production, the perfection of technological equipment designs and, to a large extent, is determined by the content of weeds and the technological properties of grain. This is especially true when processing buckwheat into cereal. Structural-mechanical properties are one of the main ones, since they connect the structural features of buckwheat grain with its behavior under mechanical influence (during the peeling process).

Technological properties of buckwheat grain can be improved different ways. One of the most economically justified is hydrothermal treatment (HTT), which includes the operations of steaming, drying and cooling and consists of simultaneously exposing the grain to heat and moisture by treating it with saturated water vapor. When justifying one or another GTO method and its modes, it is necessary to be guided not only by the improvement of the technological properties of grain, but also by the degree of change in those consumer and biochemical properties of the finished product, which determine its biological and culinary value.

The impact of moisture and heat on grain causes transformations in physical, chemical and biochemical properties that are closely related to technological features buckwheat grains, which helps to increase the strength of the kernel and reduce its crushing during the peeling process.

Currently, when processing buckwheat grain, “dry” methods of grain purification are used (separators, triers, destoners, concentrators, etc.), which do not provide effective separation of difficult-to-separate impurities (wild radish, spoiled kernels, oats and wild oats, barley, wheat, sunflower seeds and weeds, dust and microorganisms, etc.). In addition, up to 5% of the most valuable and large grain ends up as waste.

In the existing technology, A9-BPB steamers are used for steaming grain, and VS-10-49 M steam dryers are used for drying steamed grain. The disadvantages of the above equipment include uneven steaming and drying of grain, low reliability of the steamer plug valves, which leads to leakage steam into the production room, into the device above the steamer and into the drying bunker.

Dryers VS-10-49 M with a conductive method of supplying heat to the grain are one of the most “bottleneck” places in the work of a grain shop, which does not allow not only increasing the drying speed, but also does not ensure uniform moisture removal throughout the volume of the grain mass, and from the dryer Warm exhaust air with high energy potential is released into the atmosphere. To cool grain, cooling columns are used, the designs of which are different at each enterprise and are ineffective, since they are manufactured at each grain workshop independently. The difficulty of using cooling columns lies in the need for additional lifting of grain to feed it into them after drying.

In order to eliminate existing shortcomings, it was developed new technology processing of buckwheat grain into cereal, which involves hydroseparation of the grain using a specially designed washing machine and recycling of waste heat from the steamer and steam dryers for technological purposes. The new technological scheme includes the following operations: hydroseparation (moistening), squeezing moisture out of waste, drying waste, drying and preheating grain, steaming under mild conditions, drying grain using a combined conductive-convective method.

In addition to the main food products made from buckwheat, one should not forget about husks - a valuable secondary raw material for the production of various food additives. The chemical composition of buckwheat husks predetermines the need for the development of technologies and the development of modern equipment for deep waste-free processing of husks.

2. Production and storage of buckwheat grain

2.1 Characteristics of buckwheat varieties

The variety plays a significant role in increasing the efficiency of farming. The use of highly productive buckwheat varieties adapted to local conditions without additional material costs ensures an increase in gross grain yield. Along with sufficient early maturity, varieties must have good productivity and high grain quality, withstand drought and be resistant to diseases and pests. The resistance of varieties to lodging, shedding, and germination of standing grains is highly valued.

The disadvantage of most released varieties is their weak resistance to diseases, especially leaf rust, which requires seed treatment and treatment of crops with fungicides. Many varieties are also affected by root rot and are predisposed to grain sprouting on the root and in windrows.

More than 40 types of buckwheat varieties are registered in the State Register. The cultivated and most valuable varieties of buckwheat include: Agidel, Aromat, Ballad, Bogatyr, Bolshevik 4, Nine, Demeter, Dialog, Dikul, Dozhdik, Yesen, Izumrud, Inzerskaya, Kazanka, Kazanskaya 3, Kalininskaya, Kama, Kuibyshevskaya 85, Natasha, Nektarnitsa, Svetlana, Saulyk, Ufimskaya, Cheremshanka, Chetyr-Dau, Chishkhinskaya, Shatilovskaya 5.

2.2 Buckwheat cultivation technology

2.2.1 Place in crop rotation

The best predecessors for cultivating buckwheat in many zones of the Russian Federation are legumes, fallow winter grains, and row crops. In beet growing areas and flax farms, sugar beets and flax are considered good predecessors. IN eastern regions, where grain crops predominate in the structure of sown areas, buckwheat can be sown after spring wheat, sown on a layer of perennial grasses, or on clean fallows.

Due to their biological features Buckwheat is considered a good predecessor crop for most field crops. Thanks to the late sowing time and rapid growth at the beginning of the growing season, buckwheat leaves fields relatively free of weeds. This crop improves the physical and mechanical properties of the soil and helps reduce the incidence of root rot in grain crops. Early ripening varieties of buckwheat are used as a fallow crop followed by sowing winter crops. It is cultivated in both mowing and stubble crops. Buckwheat is well influenced by shelterbelts and forests; they improve the microclimate of the field, the number of pollinating insects increases, and pollination improves.

grain buckwheat cereal raw materials

2.2.2 Tillage for buckwheat

Taking into account the peculiarities of the biology of buckwheat, the processing system should be aimed at creating optimal conditions for the growth and development of plants, accumulating and preserving moisture, combating weeds, pests and diseases and increasing the level of soil fertility. The tillage system depends on the soil-climatic and weather conditions, predecessor, degree of weediness of the field and other conditions and includes main and pre-sowing treatments.

The methods and timing of the main tillage mainly depend on the predecessor. When placing buckwheat after stubble crops, soil cultivation begins immediately after harvesting the predecessor by peeling the stubble with disk implements to a depth of 6...8 cm, and when clogged with root shoot weeds - with ploughshares to a depth of 10...12 cm. In case of mass emergence of weed shoots, autumn plowing to a depth of 20...22 cm, and where the arable horizon allows, to a depth of 25...27 cm. The main tillage after row crops consists of one plowing or disking. In arid areas, as well as in areas where soils are subject to water and wind erosion, flat-cut cultivation is used, leaving stubble on the field surface.

It has been established that early (August) plow fall followed by semi-steam tillage provides the highest buckwheat yield. Sowing buckwheat by spring plowing is unacceptable. In steppe regions, snow retention is winter period and detention melt water in the spring - mandatory appointments.

Spring tillage begins with harrowing the plowed land when the soil reaches physical ripeness. This event must be carried out in a very short term, since the average daily soil moisture loss during this period is 40...100 m3. In the period remaining before sowing, in most zones of Russia, 2...3 cultivations with harrowing are used to preserve moisture and control weeds. The first cultivation is carried out simultaneously with the sowing of early grain crops to a depth of 10...12 cm. It promotes warming of the soil and the germination of weeds. The second, pre-sowing, cultivation is carried out before sowing to the depth of seed placement. Usually two treatments before sowing are sufficient. When rainfall occurs and a soil crust forms, additional cultivation with harrowing is carried out. On heavy floating soils, especially with heavy rainfall, it is advisable to carry out deep loosening of 14...16 cm with harrowing.

More intensive germination of weeds after cultivation or deep loosening occurs when the soil is compacted with ring-spur rollers. Spring plowing of plowed land in the main buckwheat cultivation areas leads to drying out of the soil and a decrease in yield.

The high need of buckwheat for nutrients is associated with an intensive increase in vegetative mass, rapid entry into the generative period, the formation of a large number of flowers during prolonged flowering and the formation of vegetative organs.

With a yield of 2t/ha of grain and 0.6t/ha of straw, buckwheat removes from the soil, kg: N - 86, P205 - 61 and K20 - 151.

The rate of fertilizers is calculated for the planned harvest, taking into account the removal of nutrients with the crop and the coefficients of their use from the soil, or the recommendations of agrochemical stations are used. As the main fertilizer on soddy-podzolic and gray forest soils with a low humus content, organic fertilizers are applied in the autumn under the plowing at a dose of 15...20 t/ha, and from mineral fertilizers - phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. On infertile sandy soils it is more effective to use green manure. On chernozem soils, organic fertilizers are not applied to buckwheat. She makes good use of their aftereffects.

Considering the negative reaction of buckwheat to chlorine, potassium chlorine-containing fertilizers (potassium chloride, potassium salt) must be applied in advance, before plowing the plowed land, which ensures leaching of chlorine beyond the root layer. It is better to use potash fertilizers that do not contain chlorine.

Buckwheat is demanding in terms of nitrogen supply. However, with excessive nitrogen nutrition, strong development of vegetative mass occurs and grain yield decreases. Nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the spring for pre-sowing cultivation and fertilizing (10...15 kg/ha) with a wide-row sowing method during the period of mass flowering of plants.

Along with the main fertilizer, pre-sowing fertilizer is of great importance in increasing the yield of buckwheat. It provides plants nutrients during the initial period of growth and promotes better development root system. When sowing, granular superphosphate (10... 15 kg a.m./ha) or complex fertilizers (10 kg a.m./ha) are applied.

On soils with low boron content, boronized superphosphate or magnesium borate is used. In the absence of these fertilizers, the seeds are treated with a solution of boric acid or borax (2 kg per 1 ton of seeds) before sowing.

2.2.3 Preparing seeds for sowing

For sowing buckwheat on each farm, it is recommended to use at least two recommended varieties that differ in the length of the growing season with a germination rate of at least 92%. One of the main conditions for obtaining high yields of buckwheat is careful preparation of seeds for sowing, since within the same plant seeds vary significantly in sowing qualities and yield properties. This is due to the fact that flowering and fruit formation take place over a long period of time, under different weather conditions, and the seeds are formed both on the main stem and on the branches of the first, second and third orders, i.e. in buckwheat, the quality of the seeds is clearly different in size and weight, and therefore they will differ in yield properties. For sowing, large and heavy seeds should be selected, which provide a yield 0.3...0.35 t/ha higher than unsorted seeds.

It is advisable to combine the selection of full-fledged seeds with air-thermal heating for 3...5 days in warm weather in open areas or under a canopy. To prevent fungal diseases, buckwheat seeds are treated in advance (2...3 months before sowing) using a dry or semi-dry method, using an approved preparation. The effectiveness of etching increases significantly when the disinfectants are combined with microelements. When dusting, microfertilizers are used in the following doses: manganese (manganese sulfate) - 50...100 g/c, zinc (zinc sulfate) - 50, copper (copper sulfate) - 50...100, boric (boric acid) - 100 ...200 g/c.

2.2.4 Dates for sowing buckwheat

Sowing of buckwheat begins when the soil at a depth of 8...10 cm warms up to 10...14 °C, the danger of frost and low positive temperatures (2...4 °C) has passed, and the time of flowering and fruit formation does not coincide with period maximum temperatures. On each farm, sowing dates should be set taking into account soil, climatic and weather conditions, as well as the characteristics of the variety. The most favorable sowing time for most buckwheat growing areas is the end of May - beginning of June. In the Central Black Earth regions, the optimal sowing time is the second and third ten days of May. Delay in sowing buckwheat can significantly reduce its yield. Planting too early suffers from spring frosts, and late ones - from heat and drought. It is preferable to sow mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties at an earlier date, and early-ripening varieties a little later.

2.2.5 Methods for sowing buckwheat

Buckwheat is sown in the usual row (row spacing 15 cm) and wide-row (45...60 cm) methods. The effectiveness of the sowing method is influenced by numerous factors: soil fertility, particle size distribution, weed contamination, sowing time, etc.

The wide-row sowing method is more effective on more weedy and fertile soils, with more early stages sowing and growing late-ripening and mid-season varieties. The advantage of the wide-row method of sowing buckwheat in steppe zone in dry years. Thanks to larger area When fed with a wide-row sowing method, buckwheat plants are better provided with moisture and tolerate drought well. However, the benefits of such crops appear only with timely and careful care of the crops.

Conventional row sowing is used on light soils, when sowing early-ripening, low-branching varieties, in less weeded areas and at a later sowing time, which makes it possible to destroy weeds in the pre-sowing period.

2.2.6 Seeding rate and planting depth of buckwheat seeds

The seeding rate depends on the soil and climatic conditions, the timing and method of sowing, the weediness of the field and the characteristics of the variety. Lower rates are used in fertile, low-weed areas, when sowing later-ripening varieties with high-quality seeds in areas of insufficient moisture.

The optimal seeding rate under conditions of sufficient moisture on soddy-podzolic and gray forest soils with row sowing is 4.5...5.0 million viable seeds per 1 ha, wide-row - 2.5...3.0 million; on chernozem soils - 3.5...4.5 million and 2.0...2.5 million, respectively; in conditions of insufficient moisture on chernozem and chestnut soils with row sowing - 2.5...3.5 million and wide-row sowing - 1.5...2.5 million.

When sowing seeds at a shallow depth, the root system develops weaker and the seedlings are uneven. When sowing at a great depth, buckwheat has difficulty bringing the cotyledons to the surface, and the seedlings are sparse and weakened.

On wet and heavy soils, the optimal seeding depth is 4...5 cm, on cultivated structural soils - 5...6 cm. When the top layer of soil dries out, the seeding depth is increased to 6...8 cm.

2.2.7 Caring for buckwheat crops

To obtain uniform and uniform shoots in dry weather, simultaneously with or after sowing, the soil is rolled with ring-spur or ring-toothed rollers. To destroy weed seedlings and when the soil is compacted, it is advisable to carry out harrowing with light or mesh harrows, and in case of soil crust formation - with rotary harrows. This technique is carried out on seedlings in the phase of formation of the first true leaf across or diagonally to the direction of sowing in the midday hours, when the plants’ turgor decreases and the likelihood of their damage decreases.

During post-emergence harrowing, along with the destruction of weed seedlings and seedlings, some of the plants are also damaged. Harrowing before germination thins out buckwheat crops by 9%, and after germination - by 13...19%. Therefore, to avoid damage to plants, harrowing of thinned crops is not carried out.

To maintain the soil in a loose state, conserve moisture and control weeds on wide-row crops, inter-row tillage is carried out. The first treatment is carried out in the phase of the first or second true leaf to a depth of 5...6 cm; the second - in the budding phase to a depth of 8...10 cm, combining it with plant nutrition; the third inter-row treatment, if necessary, is carried out until the rows close to a depth of 6...7 cm. The number of treatments and their depth depend on the weediness of the field, soil compaction and the amount of precipitation. If there is a lack of rainfall and little weediness, two inter-row treatments are sufficient.

A good effect is obtained by light hilling of buckwheat plants during the second or third treatment, which promotes the formation of additional roots and has a positive effect on the size of the yield. In addition to agrotechnical methods of weed control, chemical weeding is used in heavily weeded fields. The herbicide is applied after sowing buckwheat 2...3 days before emergence. In dry years, it is more effective to apply it under pre-sowing cultivation using boom sprayers. In the years mass reproduction flea beetles, meadow moths, cutworms, crops are treated with insecticides before flowering.

2.3 Harvesting and storage of buckwheat

Due to the long ripening period of buckwheat (25...35 days), the size of the harvest largely depends on the correct choice of timing and harvesting methods. During the ripening period, one plant has ripe and green fruits, flowers and buds. In wet weather, ripening is extended; in dry weather, fruit formation stops. It is possible to resume the process of fruit formation if drought gives way to wet weather. The increase in grain weight stops when its moisture content decreases to 40...36%; the moisture content of the stems and leaves at this time remains high and amounts to 50...65%. The fruits in the lower tier of the plant ripen first. Ripe fruits fall off easily.

Buckwheat is harvested separately when 67...75% of the fruits turn brown on the plants. Buckwheat mowing into windrows is carried out in the morning and evening hours at a relative humidity of at least 55%. When the moisture content of the grain in the windrows decreases to 14...16% (2...4 days after mowing), threshing begins, which is carried out at a reduced drum speed (500...600 min-"). Long stay buckwheat in windrows is unacceptable, since overdried fruits easily fall off, which leads to large crop losses.

The storage of grain masses, both temporary and long-term, must be organized in such a way that there are no losses in mass and, especially, losses in quality.

The main way to store grain masses is to store them in bulk. The advantages of this method are the following: the area is used much more fully; available more possibilities for mechanized movement of grain masses; pest control of grain products is facilitated; it is more convenient to organize observation according to all accepted indicators; There are no additional costs for packaging and transferring products.

The standards for grains, legumes and oilseeds establish basic quality standards for moisture, contamination, contamination and freshness. Grain that meets basic standards must be in healthy condition, have the color and smell characteristic of normal grain (without musty, malty, moldy and other foreign odors). The same contamination requirements are established for all crops. According to basic standards, pest infestation of grain stocks is not allowed.

3. Selection of equipment and description of the technological scheme for the production of cereals from buckwheat grain

The buckwheat production scheme is based on two-stage separation of incoming grain. The first stage - preliminary separation - is carried out in the grain cleaning department, the second - final separation - in the hulling department.

The advantages of two-stage separation are that during final calibration, the sieves can be loaded more evenly with grain that is more uniform in size, thereby ensuring greater accuracy in the final sorting. In addition, grain, divided after preliminary sorting into 2...3 fractions, is more effectively cleaned of impurities. In this case, small (the most weedy) buckwheat can be further cleaned from difficult-to-separate impurities using vibratory-pneumatic destoners, and then puny, underdeveloped grains and light impurities can be removed from it using aspiration machines.

3.1 Grain cleaning department

Buckwheat in the grain cleaning department is cleaned by:

passing all grain through separators twice;

passing grain through a destoner once.

Small and large impurities isolated from the grain flow in separators are controlled in sieves, installed when using A1-BRU sieves.

To separate large impurities, install sieves with triangular holes (7.0 mm) and to separate small impurities, sieves with rectangular holes (2.2...2.4 x 2.0 mm).

The purified buckwheat grain isolated in sieving is winnowed in aspirators.

After cleaning, when producing fast-cooking cereals, buckwheat is subjected to hydrothermal treatment, including steaming, drying, and cooling operations. At the same time, at cereal plants with a capacity of more than 150 tons/day. The two streams of buckwheat size obtained in the grain cleaning department can be preserved at all stages of hydrothermal treatment. Steaming is carried out in steamers (Nerusha, A9-BPB or others) at a steam pressure of 0.25...0.30 MPa and a duration of 5 minutes. The difference in moisture content of grain batches sent for hydrothermal treatment should not exceed 1.5...2.0%.

The moisture content of the grain after drying should not exceed 13.5%. Cooling of dried grain is carried out to a temperature not exceeding the air temperature of the production room by 6...8 °C.

After cooling, buckwheat is winnowed in aspirators for additional separation of light impurities.

Hulling of buckwheat is preceded by the stage of sorting it into fractions. Sorting into fractions by size is carried out in two stages - preliminary and final. After preliminary sorting, three grain flows are obtained: the first - coming off sieves with a diameter of 4.2 mm; the second - removal from sieves with a diameter of 4.0 mm; the third is passing through a 4.0 mm diameter sieve and leaving a 2.2 x 20 mm sieve.

These streams, after winnowing in aspirators, are sent separately to the hulling department for final sorting into six size fractions.

The A1-BRU sieves for the final buckwheat sorting operation should be placed so that the number of lifts of the elevators is minimal, this helps reduce the crushability of the grain.

Sievers that calibrate, for example, the first fraction, are located on three floors, one below the other. On all three sieves, the output from sieves with holes with a diameter of 4.5 mm is sequentially processed. The output from the third pass sieves represents the calibrated first fraction sent for peeling.

The through products of sieves with holes with a diameter of 4.5 mm of all three passes are supplied for calibration of the second fraction. And so on for each faction.

Products obtained from sieves with triangular holes are subjected to control for the purpose of additional selection of impurities from buckwheat.

Control is carried out on sieves with triangular holes in all six fractions.

The size of the sieve openings for preliminary and final sorting should be specified depending on the grain size of the processed batches of buckwheat.

In each sorted buckwheat fraction, the content of grains of other fractions should not exceed these limits.

3.2 Hulling department

Hulling of buckwheat is carried out fractionally on roller-deck hulling machines with a roller and deck made of sandstone stone or abrasive materials.

14…15 m/s on 1 - 2 systems;

12…14 m/s on 3 - 4 systems;

10…12 m/s on 5 - 6 systems.

After the roller deck machines, the peeling products of each fraction are sifted on sieves to separate:

buckwheat with husks - coming off a sieve with holes with a diameter of 0.2...0.3 mm smaller than the sieve holes that characterize the fraction;

kernels with husks - coming off a sieve with holes 1.7 x 20 mm or a diameter of 2.8 (3.0) mm and 1.6 x 20 mm or 2.5 (2.8) mm;

done with flour and husk particles - passing through a sieve with holes 1.7 x 20 mm or a diameter of 2.8 mm and 1.6 x 20 mm or a diameter of 2.8 (2.5) mm.

Buckwheat grain of each fraction, after separating the husk from it, is sent for re-hulling.

Each kernel stream is winnowed to separate the husks and sent for control.

Control of cereal grains is carried out by double sifting in sieves, sequential winnowing in aspirators and aspiration columns, and single passage through magnetic separators.

In sieving, the kernel is selected by passing sieves with triangular holes of 5.5 mm and coming off sieves with rectangular holes of 1.6...1.7 x 20 mm.

The quality of cereal can be significantly improved by carrying out additional control using an A1-BRU sieving machine, a paddy machine and a destoner. Control of cereals is carried out by sifting it twice in sieves, on sieves with holes of 1.6 x 20 mm or diameters of 2.3 mm, 2.5 mm and a metal woven wire sieve N 0.85<*>. The two streams are sent for separate winnowing in aspiration columns, after which both streams are combined and subjected to a single pass through magnetic separators.


1. The permissible moisture content of cereals obtained from unsteamed buckwheat grains is:

a) for current consumption - no more than 15%;

b) for long-term storage and early delivery - no more than 14%.

2. The boilability of buckwheat is determined periodically, but at least once a month.

3. The size of individual particles of a metallomagnetic impurity in the largest linear dimension should not exceed 0.3 mm, and the mass of its individual particles should not exceed 0.4 mg.

4. The residual amount of pesticides in buckwheat should not exceed the maximum permissible level approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

5. Buckwheat - fast-cooking kernel of the first grade, used for the production baby food, produced from buckwheat according to GOST 19093-73, grown in fields without the use of pesticides.

Figure 1 - Technological scheme for the production of buckwheat: 1, 5, 13, 19 - 1-, 2-, 3-, 4th peeling systems, respectively; 2, 10, 16, 21 - sieves; 3, 11, 17 - aspirators with a closed air cycle; 4, 12, 18 - sorting machines; b, 7, 8, 14, 15, 20, 22 - coarse separating machines


1 Kaminsky V. D., Ostapchuk N. V. Technology of hydrothermal processing of buckwheat grain using secondary heat - M.: TsNIITEI Minkhleboproduktov, 1988, p. 13 - (EI.ser.: Flour-milling-cereals industry Issue 1)

2 Egorov G. A. Hydrothermal processing of grain - M.: Kolos, 1968, p.97

3 Frolova M.V. Research and development of methods for purifying buckwheat grain from difficult-to-separate impurities Auto-abstract of the dissertation Ph.D. -- M.: 1970, p.23

4 Nurullin E.G. Buckwheat processing on a new technological basis. // Technique in agriculture. 2003. - No. 4. --WITH. 35 - 36.

5. Konstantinov M.M., Rumyantsev A.A. Method for determining the uniformity of hydrothermal processing of grain of cereal crops // News of the Orenburg State Agrarian University. 2012. No. 35. P. 79--82.

6. Shindin I.M., Bochkarev V.V. Guide to variety science of agricultural crops: textbook/PGSHA, IKARP FEB RAS. - Ussuriysk, 2002. - 266 p.;

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    course work, added 09/28/2014

    Technology for making grain bread. The role of grain moistening in the process of improving the consumer properties of products. The influence of whey on the speed and depth of moisture penetration. Optimal parameters for preparing grain for dispersion.

The buckwheat grinder is designed to prepare the grain for sale to the end consumer. The demand for the product due to its unique properties makes buckwheat processing profitable. This is true for both the main type economic activity, and accompanying.

Our company has developed a modular production line for cleaning and sorting buckwheat. The first prototypes have already been put into operation. Practical results The work confirmed the competitiveness of our development.

Composition of the grain production line for processing buckwheat into cereal

The line has several versions depending on the required performance, but the composition of the equipment remains unchanged. The structure includes 5 functional units related directly to the processing of buckwheat, and an additional boiler unit module to provide steam for the hydrothermal process.

Grain fractionation calibration unit with pre-cleaning, consists of three independent modules:

  • Pre-cleaning section, in which raw materials from the receiving hopper enter the air separator. As standard, feeding is carried out using a scraper conveyor; a screw or other transport devices can be supplied.
  • Plot mechanical cleaning. From the air separator, the elevator feeds the grain into the storage hopper. From there, the raw material enters the vibrating screen system. Simultaneously with sifting, light fractions and dust are removed using a cyclone.
  • Calibrated cereals are divided into storage bins for the appropriate fractions. The delivery set may include from 3 to 6 bunkers, depending on the number of accepted fractions

Hydrothermal unit

All constituent elements combined into one structure. The elevator feeds raw materials into a dosing hopper located at the top of the structure. Below there is a tank for hydrothermal treatment, and steam from the boiler plant is supplied to it. A drying and receiving hopper are installed under the hydrothermal tank.

Buckwheat hulling unit

The caving unit is designed to obtain maximum yield of the finished product. In the basic configuration, grain dehulling occurs in two roller deck machines. It is possible to supply a centrifugal huller, which operates in a more gentle mode, and therefore the output of injured kernels is minimal.
The hulling unit includes a system for returning unhulled grain.

Drying unit includes:

  • Dosing hopper into which raw materials are fed by elevator.
  • Direct drying with heater and fan.
  • Reception bunker.

Filling and packaging unit combines:

  • Receiving hopper with dispenser.
  • Bag positioning and holding device with weighing module and stitching device.

The output is a packaged product that is completely ready for sale. All bins built into the production line are equipped with paired sensors for the upper and lower levels. The buckwheat processing line includes a boiler unit, which can be partially or completely powered by husks obtained during buckwheat processing.

Boiler plant selected according to performance and equipped based on the functions performed and the nature of operation. It includes:

  • Two solid fuel boilers with heat exchangers and auxiliary devices.
  • Boiler installation control and monitoring unit
  • Reservoir with prepared water.

Industrial technology for processing buckwheat into cereal

The buckwheat processing line uses the traditional technology of producers of brown buckwheat, obtained through hydrothermal treatment of the grain.

The technology for processing buckwheat into cereal includes several mandatory stages. Conventionally, four main stages can be distinguished:

  • preparation and cleaning;
  • hydrothermal treatment;
  • hulling and final drying of cereals;
  • packing and packing.

Depending on the line configuration, the order of some operations may be changed.

Preparatory stage

Conditioned grain that meets approved standards is supplied to the grain workshop. It is recommended to install a receiving hopper with a capacity for at least 28 hours of processing line operation to ensure 24/7 production.

From the receiving hopper, using a elevator, the cereal is fed into a storage hopper with a dispenser. From there, the raw material goes to a system of sieves for separation. Small debris and sand are sifted out. At the same time, in the aspiration part of the installation, light impurities are separated and deposited in a cyclone. Then the cleaned cereal is fed into the destoning machine. After the destoning machine, the cereal is considered cleaned and goes for hydrothermal treatment.

When separating, cereals can be sorted into fractions. The basic configuration includes division into large, medium and small grains. Three storage bins are installed under them. If separation into six fractions is provided, then additional sieves and receiving bins are installed.

Hydrothermal treatment

To improve the dehulling process and increase the nutritional quality, the cereal undergoes hydrothermal treatment. A batch steamer is built into the production line. The tank is preheated and then filled with a batch of cereal. With the loading valve open, steam is passed through the steamer with cereal for 5 - 10 minutes. Then the valve closes and the contents of the steamer are maintained under a pressure of 4.0 - 5.0 kgf/cm for another 5 - 10 minutes. The exact steaming time is determined individually empirically for each buckwheat variety. The steam parameters are selected so that the moisture content of the grain at the outlet does not exceed 18%.

In order to reduce heat losses, the steamer body and steam pipeline are additionally insulated. A sign of high-quality steaming is the dark brown color of the cereal.

Hulling and final drying

In the basic configuration, buckwheat peeling is carried out on an SShS-400 peeling and sorting machine. It is possible to supply equipment for centrifugal peeling. The rotation speed of the drum is selected so that the grain hits a stationary barrier at a speed of 55 - 58 m/s. In this case, the maximum yield of hulled grain is observed.

The centrifugal peeling method is considered the most promising for several reasons. Firstly, with this method of peeling there is no abrasive component of the effect. This has a positive effect on the integrity of the nucleus. Centrifugal peeling minimally injures the grain, so the yield of crushed cereals and flour is insignificant. Secondly, with centrifugal peeling, the grain size does not play a fundamental role. The main factor remains the speed of collisions. Therefore, grain separation can be carried out after peeling.

After peeling, the cereal falls onto sorting sieves. Here it is divided into flour, core and unhulled grain. The husks are separated by winnowing in the aspiration channel. Unhulled grains are returned for re-hulling.

The sorted grains undergo final drying. In the basic configuration, an electric drum dryer SEB-1 is used for this. It is possible to install steam heat exchange dryers.

Packing and packing

Cleaned and sorted grain enters the storage hopper. The packaging unit includes weighing and packaging modules. For ease of maintenance, the packaging is equipped with a device for holding and positioning the bag. After loading, the bag is sewn up at the stitching unit. Removal of the packed bag is carried out using a retraction drive. Then the finished products are sent to the warehouse or immediately shipped for delivery to consumers.

The developed technological line for processing buckwheat into cereal can be supplied in three automation versions and six performance options. The most cost-effective line is a fully automated line, which only requires one person to operate. With partial automation, the service shift consists of 5 people. In the basic configuration, the line operates in manual mode and is serviced by 7 operators.

In all trim levels the aspiration system is centralized. This made it possible to collect husks at all stages of production and form them into fuel briquettes. They are used to operate the boiler plant and can be sold separately as a by-product of production.

In terms of productivity, there are lines designed for small private industries or subsidiary farms, and are designed to process up to 5 tons of raw materials per shift. The maximum productivity of the line in its maximum configuration is 50-60 tons per shift and is suitable for an industrial grain workshop.

For additional information on the supply and installation of technological lines for processing buckwheat into cereal, please contact the company managers.

The current problems of the grain processing industry are: meeting the population's needs for food; improving their quality; development of new types of products with fuller use of the potential of grain.

Buckwheat occupies a special place among cereal crops. Due to their high nutritional and biological value, products made from buckwheat are widely used not only in public, but also in children's and dietary nutrition.

Currently, the main products produced from buckwheat are kernels and prodel.

Today, grade I buckwheat flour is produced in our country (TU 9293-005-00932169-96). Buckwheat flour is intended for use in new recipes for bakery, confectionery and culinary products (bread, crispbread, pancakes, muffins). The amount of additives of grade I buckwheat flour in products is 3-30%. Buckwheat flour is often produced from prodel or small fractions of kernels obtained according to the traditional scheme for the production of buckwheat, which leads to a significant increase in the cost of buckwheat flour. This technological scheme is characterized by an energy-intensive branched technological process involving hydrothermal treatment, fractionation and peeling.

Relatively recently, buckwheat flakes appeared on the market, which are a valuable food product with high consumer qualities, high degree digestibility and digestibility by the human body. However, the production of buckwheat flakes is often carried out without appropriate scientific justification. The quality of many such products today leaves much to be desired, since modern technologies are based on the production of flakes from cereals. As a rule, flakes are produced not at buckwheat factories themselves, but at small, low-capacity enterprises. The fact is that it is difficult to obtain flakes without a significant content of crumbs and flour in them, since it is necessary to significantly plasticize the cereal, which can be achieved through the intensification and combination of hydrothermal processing methods.

In addition to the main food products made from buckwheat, one should not forget about husks - a valuable secondary raw material for the production of various food additives. Unique chemical composition production of buckwheat husks predetermines the need to develop technologies and develop modern equipment for deep waste-free processing of husks. The large percentage of fiber content in husks allows it to be used as fuel, bedding for animals, and after thermal hydrolysis, as a filler for bulk building blocks and feed additives. In the cereal processing industry, when processing buckwheat into cereal, up to 22% of the total mass of the feedstock is husk. Only a small part of this amount goes to the boiler room, given the very low bulk mass, its removal outside the enterprise is quite labor-intensive.

The task was set to develop a technological scheme for the production of buckwheat flour from whole buckwheat grain or its individual size fractions, not subjected to hydrothermal treatment, fractionation and peeling. When developing the scheme, the influence of the roll gap on the yield of buckwheat flour, the process of sorting grinding products on sieves, the aerodynamic properties of grinding products were studied, and a microscopic analysis of grinding products was carried out. As a result, a rational scheme for the production of buckwheat flour from grain was created, shown in Fig. 1.

The technological process for the production of buckwheat flour includes the following technological operations: grain cleaning from impurities, grinding, sorting of grinding products, flour control.

Grinding was carried out by sequential grinding of intermediate grinding products in accordance with the developed technological grinding scheme shown in the figure. Preliminary sorting of buckwheat by size was not carried out.

For better separation of husks, the scheme after the 1st tearing and 1st grinding systems provides for the passage of intermediate grinding products through an aspirator. On the 1st grinding system, grinding is carried out on smooth rollers to reduce the crushability of the shells. The grinding modes on the grinding process systems were characterized by the extraction of flour (pass of sieve 045). The total yield of buckwheat flour is at least 70%. Analysis of the resulting flour made it possible to form three flows of flour, fundamentally different in quality indicators. Laboratory baking studies have shown the positive effect of buckwheat flour on the quality of bread made from premium wheat flour.

A method for producing buckwheat flakes was also developed, which consists of cleaning the grain from impurities, moistening it to 26%, cooling for 5-6 hours, heat treatment with infrared radiation with a flux density of 24-25 kW/m 2 for 30-40 seconds ., re-moistening to 26% and defoliating for 4.5-5 hours, steaming at a steam pressure of 0.1-0.15 MPa for 4-5 minutes, drying to a humidity of 24-25%, cooling, peeling buckwheat until the grain yield is 72-75%, flattening and obtaining the finished product.

Rice. 1. Technological scheme for the production of buckwheat flour

To produce buckwheat flakes, upon completion of the cleaning process, a separate fraction of buckwheat can be separated in the grain cleaning department. Pre-processing infrared radiation Moistening and defoliating buckwheat saturates the grain with moisture and promotes its uniform distribution. In addition, when moisture spreads and penetrates into the kernel, the integrity of the grain structure is disrupted, which is caused by the formation of microcracks in the endosperm of the grain. IR radiation treatment promotes fast heating before high temperature the entire volume of the grain, while heat and mass transfer processes are activated, internal evaporation of highly mobile moisture occurs, which leads to the formation of a porous endosperm structure, and structural changes occur due to thermal effects. To plasticize the grain and reduce the amount of crumbs and flour formed at the final stage of flattening, it is additionally moistened and softened, and then steamed. Steaming leads to plasticization of the grains, which has a positive effect on the quality of the final product and the overall yield of grain flakes. To prepare buckwheat for peeling, it is dried and cooled to remove surface moisture from the fruit shells. Peeling is carried out, during which the fruit membranes are removed. The semi-finished product prepared in this way is sent for flattening, after which the resulting flakes are dried to a moisture content of 12%.

The flakes obtained by this method are distinguished by a fairly high resistance to mechanical stress, a yield of 96-97%, a light cream color, and a pleasant aroma. To prepare, just pour the flakes hot water, milk or broth for 1-2 minutes; the finished product does not require additional heat treatment.

Every year, up to 45 million tons of secondary resources and by-products are generated in the food industry, of which 4.5 million tons are flour and cereals, which represent the most valuable raw materials both for the production of products and for technical purposes.

Husk, i.e. The shell of buckwheat seeds makes up up to 25% of its weight. Meanwhile, husks make it possible to produce high-quality material from it by pressing with glue, which is especially valuable for those types of food products for which polyethylene and other artificial coatings are contraindicated.

The preparation of husks, which consists of isolating the feed grain product from it and providing a certain granulometric composition (particle size) for introducing them into polymer compositions of packaging material, involves drying the husks (if necessary) and grinding them, which is carried out in impact-abrasive machines.

It has been established that single grinding in machines with a peripheral speed of the working body of more than 80 m/s and a sieve shell opening diameter of 450 microns makes it possible to obtain 95% of the product with a particle size of less than 450 microns.

Thus, the proposed methods for producing buckwheat flour and flakes, as well as the option of preparing buckwheat husks for its subsequent inclusion in packaging materials, can be implemented in existing buckwheat factories without significant economic costs. In addition, the proposed technology makes it possible to expand the range of products produced from buckwheat at existing enterprises with the possibility rational use everyone components agricultural raw materials.

Izosimov V.P., candidate technical sciences, Melnikov E.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chevokin A.A., graduate student

Moscow State University food production

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Buying buckwheat in a store and eating it buckwheat porridge, we don’t even think about the question of how this plant grows and what stages buckwheat goes through before hitting store shelves. Let's consider in detail, what is buckwheat, how is it grown and what is the significance of each stage in the cultivation of buckwheat.

Biological features of buckwheat

The buckwheat plant belongs to the genus Fagopyrum Mill. The buckwheat genus includes more than 15 species belonging to the Buckwheat family. One of the species is called buckwheat. This herbaceous plant is a cereal crop. Buckwheat is native to Northern India and Nepal. There it is called black rice. Introduced into culture more than 5 thousand years ago. According to one version, buckwheat came to Europe during the Tatar-Mongol invasion. Among the Slavic peoples, buckwheat acquired the name as a result of deliveries from Byzantium in the 7th century.

Buckwheat is an annual plant and has a simple description.

Root system consists of a tap root with long lateral shoots. It is poorly developed compared to other field plants. The function of the upper part of the plant roots is to absorb nutrients from the soil, the lower part is to supply water to the plant. The root system develops throughout the entire growth period.

Branched, hollow, curved at the nodes, 0.5-1 m high, 2-8 mm thick, green on the shady side and red-brown on the sunny side. Peduncles are delicate, thin, easily damaged by frost and are the first to suffer from drought.

Flowers collected in inflorescences of white or pale pink color. They appear in July, have a specific smell and attract bees.

Leaves different: cotyledons, sessile, petiolate. The fruit is mainly triangular in shape. Depending on the nature of the ribs and sides of the fruit, winged, wingless and intermediate forms are distinguished. The color of the fruit can be black, brown, or silver. The size of the fruit depends on the buckwheat variety and growing conditions. The fruit is covered with a dense shell that is easily separated.

Soil: treatment and fertilization

The productivity of buckwheat cultivation depends on climate and soil. The highest yields are observed in the forest-steppe and Polesie. The plant can grow in different soils, but to achieve effectiveness, you need to know that buckwheat prefers soils that warm up quickly and are sufficiently saturated with oxygen and nutrients with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction (pH 5.5-7). On heavy clogged soils that are prone to swimming, the productivity of cultivation will be minimal.

The soil cultivation system for buckwheat can be different. The depth of soil cultivation and the timing of its cultivation depend on weather conditions and the predecessor crop. Since buckwheat is a late sowing crop, The main task during soil cultivation is maximum moisture retention, provoking weed seeds to germinate in the pre-sowing period, creating a favorable soil structure and leveling it.

Proper application of fertilizer to the soil is beneficial for increasing crop productivitybuckwheat To form 1 quintal of grain, the plant consumes 3-5 kg ​​of nitrogen, 2-4 kg of phosphorus, 5-6 kg of potassium from the soil. Therefore, the plant fertilization system should be based on a balanced method based on soil studies. In this case, the need for nutrients for a particular plant and the consumption of these elements by the future harvest must be taken into account. You need to know that phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied to cereal crops during autumn plowing or when sowing seeds, and nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the spring during cultivation or as top dressing.

Most favorable period The best time to apply nitrogen fertilizers for buckwheat is the budding period. Mineral nitrogen improves the quality indicators of grain: increases its weight, improves the chemical composition and reduces filminess. The rate of ammonium nitrate per feeding is 60-80 kg/ha. It should be noted that for chernozem and chestnut soils this technique in cultivating buckwheat practical application has no cultivation technology. IN northern regions All types of mineral fertilizers can be applied during spring cultivation, and complex granular fertilizers - during sowing.

Important! Fertilizers containing chlorine are applied in the fall if necessary, since buckwheat reacts negatively to them.

We should not forget about the importance of organic fertilizers and straw, corn stalks and sunflowers as a factor in reproduction organic matter in the soil. Also Cereal crops need microelements: manganese, zinc, copper, boron. It is most effective to treat seeds for sowing with them. For 1 ton of seeds you need 50-100 g of manganese sulfate, 150 g of boric acid, 50 g of zinc sulfate.

Good and bad predecessors of buckwheat

To achieve high buckwheat yields, it is necessary to take into account its place in crop rotation. Many years of experience and research by scientists confirm that The best predecessors of buckwheat are winter crops, legumes and row crops. It is not recommended to plant it after grain forage crops, since there is high soil contamination with weeds, which negatively affects the yield. After clover, the yield of buckwheat increases by 41%, after peas – by 29%, potatoes – by 25%, winter rye – by 15%. After barley, the yield will decrease by 16%, oats – by 21%.

It is good to sow buckwheat after row crops: sugar beets, corn for silage, potatoes, vegetables. After winter crops, buckwheat also grows well. It uses organic and mineral fertilizers applied to the previous crop. To increase the yield of buckwheat, crushing straw and incorporating it into the soil of previous cereal crops is used as an alternative fertilizer. Legumes of late varieties are used as good predecessors for buckwheat: vetch, layer of perennial grasses, soybeans.

Important! The yield of buckwheat planted after potatoes affected by nematodes or oats is significantly reduced.

Some scientists believe that the presence of pure fallow in the crop rotation link significantly increases the yield of buckwheat compared to non-fallow links. Repeated sowing of buckwheat leads to a 41-55% reduction in yield. During the research, the maximum yield was established in the link of pairs - peas - buckwheat and the minimum with three-year re-sowing of buckwheat.

Buckwheat is a phytosanitary crop. If you sow cereal grains after it, then their damage to root rot will decrease by 2-4 times compared to the harvest after the grain predecessors. Due to the structure of its roots, buckwheat reduces soil density. This has a positive effect on the growth of crops sown after it.

Seed preparation

The correct choice of plant variety and preparation of seeds for sowing significantly increases crop yield.

Treatment of buckwheat seeds for sowing ensures their disinfection from diseases, increases germination and is carried out 1-2 weeks before sowing. How is the film former used? aqueous solutions glue. The preparations “Fenoram”, “Vitatiuram”, “Roxim”, “Fundazol” are added to them according to the instructions and the seeds are treated with the method of moistening or aqueous suspension. Pests and diseases of buckwheat, such as gray mold, downy mildew, etc., seed treatment leaves no chance. This significantly affects yield growth.

Sowing time

It is necessary to sow buckwheat as soon as the soil warms up to a depth of 10 cm to 10-12 °C and the threat of spring frosts has passed. Early sowing dates promote uniform seed germination, the use of soil moisture reserves by young shoots and early ripening of the crop. This, in turn, will improve the conditions for its cleaning. On average, it is necessary to sow cereal crops in the steppe in the second - third ten days of April, in the forest-steppe zone - in the first half of May, in Polesie - in the second - third ten days of May.

Did you know? Many people are interested in whether there is a difference in the terms buckwheat and buckwheat, or whether these words are synonyms. The original name is buckwheat. This word refers to the plant itself and the seeds obtained from it. Buckwheat is a derivative term that arose as a shortened version for simplicity and convenience. Buckwheat is commonly referred to as buckwheat cereal.

Sowing buckwheat: scheme, seeding rates and seeding depth

The faster the seedlings develop, the more it contributes to the suppression of weeds and significantly increases the yield. Preparing the soil for sowing buckwheat consists of basic and pre-sowing treatment. It is carried out taking into account previous crops, soil composition, degree of soil moisture, and weed contamination of the soil. Excellent results in the development of buckwheat in the initial period of growth were shown by plowing the soil, as well as cultivation with rolling with a smooth roller.

Before sowing buckwheat, it is necessary to choose a seed sowing scheme: row, narrow-row and wide-row. The wide-row method is used when sowing mid- and late-ripening varieties on highly fertile fertilized soils. In this case, timely care of plants plays an important role. The row method is used on soils with low fertility, on light and non-saline soils, when sowing early varieties. Since the plant is adapted to branching, it must be sown sparsely and evenly.

The sowing rate of buckwheat seeds depends on many factors: farming culture in a given region, climatic features. With the wide-row method, the optimal consumption of buckwheat seeds is 2-2.5 million pieces. / ha, with an ordinary plant - 3.5-4 million pieces. / ha. When the crops are thickened, the plants grow thin, have a low grain ratio, and the crops are prone to lodging. Thinned crops also negatively affect buckwheat yields. Therefore, the seeding rate must be calculated based on factors: sowing pattern, soil moisture, soil type, seed characteristics.

With row seeding, the rate should be 30-50% higher than with wide-row seeding. In dry periods, the rate must be reduced, and in wet periods, increased. On fertile soils, the rate must be reduced, and on infertile soils, it must be increased. When sowing seeds with reduced germination, the rate is increased by 25-30%.

The depth of seed placement is important. The plant's seedlings have weak roots, so it is difficult for them to break through the soil and remove the cotyledons with fruit membranes. Therefore, in order for buckwheat seedlings to be friendly and ripen evenly, it is necessary to sow the seeds in moist soil at the same depth. In heavy soils to a depth of 4-5 cm, in cultivated soils - 5-6 cm, with a dry top layer - 8-10 cm. According to scientists, deep planting of buckwheat seeds improves plant development and has a positive effect on the number of inflorescences and grains.

Did you know? No food product can compare with buckwheat in the amount of bioflavonoid quercetin it contains (8%). It stops the proliferation of cancer cells and leads to their death.

Caring for buckwheat crops

For the development of good seedlings, maintaining moisture in the soil is important. The rolling of crops has a particularly great effect in this regard. Weed control is best done mechanically. Before the emergence of seedlings, it is necessary to harrow the crops. To improve the growth and development of plants, it is necessary to ensure timely loosening of row spacing. By improving the water and air conditions of the soil, a second treatment of row spacing is carried out during the budding phase. It is combined with plant nutrition.

Crop care includes combating weeds and buckwheat diseases. Biological control methods include the cultivation of insects, fungi, and bacteria that are capable of not affecting seedlings and affecting interfering factors. It is also necessary to increase the competitiveness of buckwheat by creating favorable conditions for its growth. Chemical control methods should be used only when the crop cannot be saved by other means. As chemical substances use herbicides. It should be understood that there is an economic threshold of harmfulness. Weed levels must be such that herbicide application is economical.

Important in the system of caring for buckwheat crops, it involves the delivery of bee colonies to the field when buckwheat blooms. Honey buckwheat is 80-95% pollinated by bees, so It is necessary to place hives near the fields a day or two before flowering at the rate of 2-3 bee colonies per 1 hectare.


When the plants turn 75-80% brown, buckwheat harvesting begins . It is carried out over 4-5 days. The cutting height of plants should be 15-20 cm. The main method of harvesting buckwheat is separate. In this case, the mowed mass dries out in 3-5 days and is easily threshed. The advantages of this method are a significant reduction in crop losses, ripening of green fruits, improved grain quality, and the absence of additional drying of grain and straw. This method improves the technological and sowing qualities of grain and improves its safety.

If the crop is sparse, low-stemmed, crumbling, direct harvesting is an effective harvesting method. In this case, the grain has high humidity and is poorly separated from weeds.

Did you know? Buckwheat has a healing effect on the human body: it increases hemoglobin, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thus preventing hemorrhage. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to eat sprouted grains. Their effect on the body manifests itself as a result of prolonged and systematic use. Buckwheat prosers in a volume of 1 teaspoon must be chewed for 1 minute, making 50-60 chewing movements.

Buckwheat processing and storage

During combined harvesting, the harvested crop is cleaned using grain cleaning machines and dried immediately after harvesting. Delay in cleaning will cause the grain to self-heat. Grain cleaning is carried out in three stages: preliminary, primary, secondary. It is carried out on various types of machines.

High preservation of grain is ensured by drying to a moisture content of 15%. Grain for sowing is stored in a dry room in fabric bags. Each batch is placed separately on a wooden pallet. The stack height should not exceed 8 bags in height and 2.5 m in width. When stored in bulk, its height should be up to 2.5 m.

Buckwheat seeds intended for human consumption are transported to special grain processing plants for processing. There they carry out grain cleaning, hydrothermal treatment, separation into fractions, peeling, and separation of the final products. Without the use of hydrothermal treatment of grain, white cereals are obtained.

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