Pregnancy in the spring pros and cons. Favorable period for conceiving a child and planning pregnancy

When is the best time to get pregnant? This question is increasingly of concern to people, both women and men, who dream of having a child: after all, we no longer classify the idea of ​​family planning as a purely theoretical one. A modern person does not have an overly healthy lifestyle: we take a variety of medications, we are exposed to harmful factors at work, sometimes we allow ourselves some, frankly, excesses in the form of alcohol and nicotine, etc. That is why people are increasingly thinking about planning the continuation of their own kind - in order to protect the unborn child as much as possible from the consequences of all these harmful circumstances, if possible, excluding them from their lives in advance. There are many considerations that influence the choice of the optimal, from the point of view of future parents, time for conceiving (and, accordingly, giving birth) to a child - from general medical to purely personal, and sometimes funny. Let's make a reservation right away: there is no scientifically based ideal time for conception. Moreover, "unplanned" but desired children are healthy, smart and loved no less than "planned". However, we will try to consider those factors that most often influence the choice of time for conception. The choice of the time of conception may be determined by certain medical considerations. Let's list some of them.

Time elapsed since the withdrawal of contraceptives

It is believed that after the abolition of oral contraceptives, as well as after the removal of the intrauterine device, it is desirable to refrain from conception for 2-3 cycles. During this time, the hormonal and vitamin-mineral balance is normalized, which is affected by oral contraceptives, as well as the uterine wall and the activity of the fallopian tubes, which changes under the influence of the IUD, are restored. After the use of pastespermicides, conception can be planned already in the next cycle (pregnancy that occurs against the background of the use of these contraceptives can be complicated by fetal malformations), and barrier contraceptives such as a condom and a diaphragm do not affect the likelihood of conceiving a healthy child at all.

Time elapsed since the birth of the previous child

According to WHO recommendations, at least two years should elapse between childbirth and the conception of the next child. After a caesarean section, the two-year interval must be observed especially strictly. In addition, it should be taken into account that it is desirable to observe a six-month break between the termination breastfeeding and conception. It is during this period that the female body is fully restored and is able to meet the hardships of the next pregnancy without harmful stress.

Time elapsed since the termination of a previous pregnancy

It is believed that after an interrupted pregnancy - regardless of whether the abortion was spontaneous (miscarriage) or artificial - before the next attempt to conceive a child, you need to wait six months. This time is best used to correct those disorders that led to a miscarriage or were an indication for artificial termination of pregnancy.

cycle day

The magazine "9 MONTHS" has repeatedly said that conception is possible on strictly defined days of the cycle, coinciding in time with ovulation. It would seem that there is nothing to choose from. However, if you are having trouble conceiving a child, it may be wise to ask yourself the question in the first place: “Are we choosing the right time? Are we missing this very ovulation? Usually, ovulation occurs two weeks before the next menstrual bleeding (with an ovarian-menstrual cycle of 28 days, the moment of ovulation coincides with its middle), that is, if your cycle is 28-30 days, then best time for conception -14-16 days, however, this date may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the woman. There are a variety of methods for determining the moment of ovulation - from measuring basal temperature (in the morning, without getting out of bed, they measure the temperature in the rectum; the moment it rises indicates ovulation) to a home ovulation test (the test is based on determining the increase in the level of luteinizing hormone). The chances of conceiving a child are maximum within 48 hours after positive result home test. If you really want to conceive a boy or a girl, you need to keep in mind that the sex of the child is determined by the sex chromosome located in the sperm. The life expectancy and motility of spermatozoa carrying different sex chromosomes is different. Spermatozoa carrying the X chromosome (female) remain viable longer in the female genital tract (48-72 hours on average), but are less mobile. Y-spermatozoa (male) are more mobile, but live less (on average 24-36 hours). Therefore, those who want to give birth to a boy without fail can be advised to have sex on the day of ovulation. For couples dreaming of a daughter, it makes sense to indulge in this activity 2-3 days before ovulation, and refrain from sexual relations during ovulation. Of course, it cannot be said that this method gives a 100% guarantee, but following these recommendations somewhat increases the likelihood of having a child of the desired gender.


Of course, everyone has heard such expressions as " early pregnancy and late pregnancy. Apparently, there is a certain golden mean - the age that is optimal for the birth of a child. Indeed, although a woman is capable of childbearing from the moment of puberty (11-12 years) until the extinction of the menstrual function (48-50 years), the ideal age for having a child is considered to be the period from 20 to 35 years. This is due both to the physiological characteristics of the female body (after all, pregnancy is not just the process of carrying a child in the uterus, it is a restructuring of all organs and systems), and with psychological and social factors. Do not forget that, according to statistics, a woman over 35 years of age has an increased risk of having a child with genetic disorders (for example, the probability of having a child with Down syndrome is doubled). For men, this age threshold comes later. Now the world is actively studying the effect of age on the reproductive abilities of men. Although it is too early to talk about the final results, it has been proven that already at the age of 50 in men, the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, and hence the ability to fertilize, is significantly reduced. Therefore, when thinking about when you would like to conceive a child, take into account the age - both yours and your partner's.


Here you can give different reasoning and arguments. conception of a child autumn it is favorable that the expectant mother meets the hardships of pregnancy rested, her body is saturated with vitamins, strengthened summer vacation, as a rule, implying a departure from the city and an increase in physical activity. The last, most difficult trimester of pregnancy falls on a pleasant spring period, when there is no need to carry a heavy fur coat, there is no danger of slipping and falling on an ice-crusted sidewalk, but at the same time that exhausting summer heat, which can aggravate the development of preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy.

The baby will be born at the end of spring - in the summer, which is good in terms of preventing rickets. There is an opinion that a favorable course of the third trimester is facilitated by a high concentration in the maternal blood of melatonin, a hormone of the pineal gland (pineal gland), which is secreted in the dark. In winter conception, pregnancy is deprived of this advantage, which is undoubtedly present if the child is conceived. spring and his birth is expected in late autumn or winter. Spring conception occurs against the background of a lack of vitamins (therefore, you should consult with your doctor in advance and ask him to choose the appropriate vitamin complex for you). In the summer, the gestation period is not very long, so the season is more likely to favor the course of pregnancy (we have already listed: vitamins, rest, etc.). We have already talked about the main advantage of pregnancy, which ends in autumn - the beginning of winter (increased content of melatonin in the body ). The disadvantages include an increased risk of SARS and influenza, as well as slippery (in winter) streets and the need to wear heavy winter clothes. But a baby born in winter, although deprived of the opportunity to walk on fresh air and get enough sunlight immediately after birth, is protected from viral diseases (which are not uncommon in winter and in early spring) due to maternal antibodies that he receives with milk. The same advantage is enjoyed by a child conceived winter and born, respectively, in the fall. Winter conception also needs to be “fortified” beforehand. Some inconvenience can be delivered by hot summer months falling on the second half of pregnancy (probability of a more severe course of late preeclampsia). Summer conception is favorable with an abundance of natural vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy, while recent months fall at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, when the dark time of the day is still very long, and, consequently, the content of melatonin in the body is high. True, at this time it can still be slippery on the streets, the likelihood of influenza and SARS epidemics remains. But the newborn baby will enjoy the spring sun (a natural prevention of rickets), and summer fruits and vegetables will saturate mother's milk with vitamins.

It is possible that we have lost sight of some considerations about the pros and cons of a particular season in terms of conception. However, we hope that the very principle of constructing an argument is clear to you, just as it is clear that it is very difficult to choose the ideal time. However, in our opinion, the best time for conception is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn (the birth of a child occurs at the end of spring - the beginning of summer).


Of course, the listed factors are far from exhausting the entire set of arguments that guide couples planning to conceive. Sometimes career considerations come to the fore (“I’m only at the beginning of my journey, I have such prospects, I’ll achieve this and that, then I can think about a child”), material opportunities (“a child is so expensive, Let's earn extra money, and then ... "). Someone certainly wants his child to be born under a certain zodiac sign and carefully calculates the time of conception based on the desired time of birth. There are times when parents dream that the birth of their child will coincide (or in no case coincide) with some holiday or birthday of one of the older children or other family members. Sometimes future dad(or expectant mother), whose birthday falls in the summer months, having “suffered” in childhood from the inability to share this holiday with school friends(after all, everyone leaves in the summer), seeks to save his child from such a fate and plans to conceive accordingly ... In general - compare, weigh the pros and cons, plan! In conclusion, I just want to remind you once again: no matter what considerations you are guided by when planning time, do not forget about the need to undergo a medical examination before pregnancy(it is necessary for both future parents): agree, parents must be sure that they have done everything possible so that their baby is born healthy!

Finally left behind a long Cold winter, and on the calendar, a dank March is replaced by a sunny April. And there is a feeling that all the troubles are in the past, life and mood are getting better and soon everything will be fine. These optimistic hopes will certainly come true, it is only a little help to realize them without possible spring problems. What specific spring problems lie in wait for the expectant mother and how to deal with them?

Spring state of body and soul

Oddly enough, despite the spring sun and the clearly increased daylight hours, spring well-being leaves much to be desired: instead of the expected joyful mood, apathy, irritability and drowsiness appear at the beginning of spring - clear signs spring depression, instead of a flowering species - vitamin deficiency, lethargy, the body's readiness to catch another infection and a pale appearance in all respects, and sudden changes in temperature and pressure, all natural jumps and climatic bends affect health especially sensitively. Let's try to solve the problems of the soul and body as they become available.

To find out how susceptible you are to the traditional spring depression for many, your sincere answers to the following questions will help:
Are you having a hard time doing your normal activities now?
Do you feel tired and overwhelmed if you didn't manage to get an extra hour of sleep?
Do you eat more flour and sweets?
Are you gaining more weight than you should be?
Do you consider it a problem to change your condition at the beginning of spring?

If you answered yes to most of the questions, then the spring depression characteristic of many has not passed you by. In addition, during pregnancy, the psycho-emotional state under the influence of hormonal changes becomes especially unstable - this should not be forgotten either.

So, the traditional question: what to do if spring and pregnancy go on as usual, and you are not very happy about this? Since seasonal depression is a fact that has long been generally recognized and proven by doctors, and not idle fiction, there are certain recommendations, following which you can clearly improve your mood and well-being.

Firstly, it is very important to develop for yourself optimal mode day and try to stick to it. Do not deny yourself a dream, it is better to sacrifice something else.
Secondly, try to be on the street more often, walk, especially in sunny weather, and walk in pleasant places for you personally.
Thirdly, sex can be an invaluable help. Practice shows that this type of sensual pleasure can instantly change the mood, and it has long been known that pregnancy is not a hindrance to sex (with the exception of rare cases that the doctor warns about).
Fourth, do not go on a diet in the spring. Pregnancy itself is a contraindication for any diet, leave it for a while after childbirth. The body already lacks many substances, and a one-sided and unbalanced diet will reduce their content by several times, which will immediately affect your mood and well-being.
Fifth, do what gives you pleasure, do not deny yourself the little joys that you know. most depressing spring month- this is a cold March, but it will pass, and the further, the warmer and more pleasant the spring will become.

spring beriberi

This is also a fairly common problem, besides, the state of lack of vitamins largely affects not only the physical, but also the emotional state.

The causes of spring beriberi lie on the surface: the lack of fresh vegetables and fruits, since the fruits and vegetables of last year's harvest that have survived until spring already contain few vitamins and other useful substances, as well as imported imported fruits or vegetables.

How to survive this period and survive until the summer with its abundance? Of course, the vitamin complex recommended by your doctor for expectant mothers remains the constant, which can be superimposed on other spring sources of vitamins and, above all, fresh herbs. Even if she was brought to middle lane from the south of Russia, it is still not its pale greenhouse replacement. Right now, greens are distinguished by special tenderness, excellent taste and huge amount vitamins, and many craftsmen manage to grow it on a balcony in a city apartment and even on windowsills. If you have the time, space and desire, you can try to sow it yourself. It is possible that listing it useful properties will play its part and your enthusiasm as a spring greener will increase.

Dill- a real storehouse of vitamins. Its delicate greens contain a lot of vitamin C, carotene, vitamin B, nicotinic and folic acids. Dill also contains many valuable trace elements, such as calcium salts, potassium, iron and phosphorus. It has been experimentally proven that dill greens can reduce blood pressure in hypertension, help with diseases of the stomach and intestines, and have a beneficial effect on cardiac activity. Fresh dill is a wonderful prophylactic against headaches and vascular diseases. In addition, dill greens can also be used as home cosmetics. The fact is that dill leaves contain a large number of phytoncides (vegetable antibiotics), and therefore masks containing dill help to cope with inflammation on the skin, acne, pimples.
Parsley- a bunch of these fresh herbs provides daily requirement organism in carotene and vitamin C. The latter is especially abundant in parsley, even lemons and black currants cannot boast such a high content of ascorbic acid. True, you should not get carried away with parsley during pregnancy, since in large quantities it can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus, contribute to the threat of abortion. Parsley-based cosmetic masks have a whitening effect, help to cope with acne and prevent the early appearance of wrinkles.
green onion contains vitamins and microelements: carotene, vitamins C, E, B1, folic acid, potassium and iron salts. It has a choleretic effect, useful for the prevention of beriberi and influenza.
Celery rich in vitamins A, C, B1, B2, nicotinic acid, magnesium, manganese, iodine, phosphorus, iron and calcium.
Sorrel- a source of vitamin C, carotene and iron. Sorrel is used for indigestion, liver disorders, as a choleretic agent. You should not get carried away with sorrel only for those who have increased acidity of the stomach, have a peptic ulcer or trouble with the kidneys. Oxalic acid can provoke an exacerbation of these diseases. Green cabbage soup with sorrel will greatly diversify your spring diet.
Cheremsha- wild garlic, which is sold in the markets among other greens since April, when it is harvested. Ramson is rich in carotene, vitamin C, contains essential oil, phytoncides. It is used as an anti-febrile agent. Its delicate and at the same time spicy taste will spice up any salad.
Salad contains vitamins C, B1, B2, P, K, E, carotene, mineral salts K, Ca, Mg, P. It normalizes the stomach, improves sleep, has a mild choleretic effect, strengthens blood vessels.
Spinach contains vitamins P, PP, K, D, E, H, B3, B6, C. At the same time, vitamins C and A in spinach are preserved in large quantities during cooking. In addition, spinach is rich in protein, iron, and folic acid.
Basil improves digestion, stimulates appetite, has a disinfectant effect, strengthens the nervous system.
cilantro strengthens capillaries, improves digestion and sleep, is used as a choleretic and expectorant, lowers blood pressure.

In addition to the greens sold in the markets and stores, it is quite possible to use wild herbs as a source of vitamins. Just keep in mind that it is best to collect these plants away from the bustle of the city and from the roads, as the herbs absorb all harmful emissions.

Nettle- contains vitamin C (2.5 times more than lemon), vitamins A, B1, B2, carotene, salts of iron, magnesium, copper, phytoncides and organic acids. In addition, nettle contains a lot of essential amino acids, which, in combination with minerals, help maintain high performance and quickly restore strength after hard work or illness. Young nettle leaves have long been used as food additives in soups, sauces and salads.
Dandelion- a wonderful tonic. It is not only able to improve appetite, help with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, but also has the ability to remove harmful cholesterol from the body, and therefore dandelion salads are often recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis, and the vitamins it contains (A, C and B2) can increase the body's resistance to infections. From dandelion leaves you can cook very delicious salads, it is used as an additive to meat dishes, stewed. That is why in many countries dandelion is grown as a cultivated plant, not at all considering it a weed.

spring beauty

Cosmetologists have long come to the conclusion that after winter, the skin is under real stress. And all this is because she is tired and requires vitamins. Traditional cosmetic problems at this time are well known: dry, dehydrated skin, a feeling of tightness, inflammation and flaking of the skin, the appearance of acne and irritation. Not only newfangled and expensive cosmetics can fight these unpleasant phenomena, but also simple and at the same time inexpensive natural spring herbal masks. They will help your skin to refresh and get a dose of vitamins.

Until the first greenery appeared in gardens and orchards, dry medicinal herbs can be used as cosmetic raw materials for masks. For example, chamomile, which will help to cope with many skin problems that occur in the spring: it is able to soften the skin and relieve irritation. To prepare the mask, you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile Pour 200 ml of boiling water over it, cover and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then soak a layer of cotton wool with warm infusion of chamomile and apply on the face for 25 minutes. If the skin is dry and sensitive, add a few drops of vegetable oil to the infusion. Place another layer of cotton over the mask. After the mask, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.
Very helpful dandelion mask: grind the ground part of the dandelion (1 tablespoon), pour warm milk (2 tablespoons), let it brew for 10 minutes and add one egg yolk. Apply to skin for 20 minutes. This mask will nourish the skin of the face well and saturate it with the necessary vitamins.
Soothes irritated skin and saturates it with vitamins and minerals lettuce mask. Finely chop a bunch of lettuce, pour it with a small amount of water and boil for 5 minutes. Put the boiled lettuce leaves on a gauze napkin, cool a little and apply to the skin. This mask is also recommended for the treatment of acne and sunburn. By the way, the liquid in which the leaves were boiled can be used as a lotion.

Before that, we talked about masks from the first natural spring gifts, which, no doubt, are very useful. And now we suggest you look into the refrigerator and use for masks those foods that nutritionists recommend in the spring. Namely: universal nourishing mask, suitable for any skin type, will be a mixture of 1 teaspoon of aloe juice, 1 teaspoon of egg yolk and 1 tbsp. spoons of sour cream. Apply the first layer of the mask, wait until it dries, and apply the second and subsequent layers. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water and then rinse with cold. In addition to nourishing action, the mask will smooth your skin and improve your complexion.
You can offer another option that is no less effective for people with sensitive skin. Chop 50 g of fresh cabbage thoroughly, rub 3 teaspoons of cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, add 1 teaspoon of honey diluted in 0.5 glass of water. Mix everything and apply this mask on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse it off with water, and then do a light facial massage.
For oily skin you can offer this mask: 2 tbsp. spoons of juice sauerkraut mix with egg white and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wheat flour. Wipe your face with any lotion, and then apply the mask for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask will moisturize and nourish your skin well.

If you properly care for your skin, then at the moment when the reserves of vitamins and energy in the body are almost used up, it will reciprocate - it will be fresh, young and beautiful. And then you will be able to truly appreciate the charm of warm spring days and the first leaves to appear.

Spring fun

All the listed spring problems do not cancel forward movement nature from cold to warmth, which cannot but affect the state of the expectant mother - when the spring sun shines, life becomes more energetic and fun, you want to walk, do something, meet someone - after hibernation it's time to move. Try to use this energy for peaceful purposes.

Firstly, spring - April and May - a good time to attend courses for pregnant women. Relatively warm weather will allow you to leave the house without preliminary wrappings, and communication with specialists: doctors, psychologists and other pregnant women who are sure to have problems similar to yours will make your life in anticipation of a child more fulfilling.
Secondly, walks in the fresh spring air will no longer resemble short winter runs from home to transport and back, moreover, with the risk of slipping and falling. Now you can walk at your own pace. In the city, it is advisable to choose a place away from noisy and busy highways: no harmful emissions accumulate on a hill or in open space.
Thirdly, the first May trips to the dacha diversify the weekend - the main thing is not to overwork in the labor impulse to put the country house in order as quickly as possible.

So, following the wise principle: "Nature has no bad weather," you can enjoy any season, the main thing is to see it in its entirety, in the totality of its advantages and disadvantages. And spring in this regard is not the most difficult time to look for pluses.

Shorena Bakashvili, obstetrician-gynecologist

“My wife and I are arguing when is it better to give birth: in winter or summer? It means better for the child! I think that in summer it is warm and there are a lot of vegetables and fruits. And the wife says in winter because it is cold and therefore there are few germs. Judge us. If possible, in more detail. "

"My husband and I want to have a baby. Please explain what effect the season can have on a pregnant mother and baby. Maybe some seasons are less favorable?"

In general, it is impossible to give any categorical advice in which particular season of the year an abstract married couple should (or should not) get pregnant. There is always a lot of certain reasons for the family itself, and besides, a large number of objective (ie, independent of the desires of people) factors that "control" the time of conception. But, some obvious pros and cons of conception "by season" can still be noted. I’ll make a reservation right away that these features are relevant for most Russian climatic and geographical zones, but they have distortions, say, on the Taimyr Peninsula or in Kushka. In addition, they are modified by a number of family features - financial and social status, profession, heredity and health status, etc.

conception in summer

The first trimester of pregnancy occurs in the summer-autumn, childbirth - in the spring months.

Summer pregnancy. Pros: summer - the period of "weddings and holidays" (positive emotional tone, a lot of time for outdoor recreation, including - for the direct implementation of the conception itself) natural fortification (fresh fruits, berries, vegetables according to affordable prices, or even " own production") favorable epidemiological situation in terms of outbreaks of acute respiratory infections among the population (i.e. less danger to the embryo)

Summer pregnancy. Minuses: childbirth and the formation of lactation in the most hypovitaminous season of the year (it is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of vitamins in the female body, since they are always available for both mother and baby) the last trimester of pregnancy takes place in conditions favorable for domestic injuries (falls, traffic accidents due to for ice, slush; at this time, the fetus is already large enough and the pregnant woman is no longer distinguished by her former dexterity and dexterity

Conception in autumn

The first trimester of pregnancy falls on autumn-winter, childbirth - in the summer months.

Pregnancy in autumn. Pros: good natural fortification during conception (and also during the formation of lactation) the last trimester occurs at a time when the risk of domestic injury is reduced

Pregnancy in autumn. Minuses: the first trimester falls on an epidemiologically unfavorable season (flu outbreaks, acute respiratory infections; while the fetus is quite vulnerable to infectious effects), part of the last trimester of pregnancy will take place in summer conditions (high temperature, stuffiness, long daylight hours) This complicates the fight against late if such will be (it is difficult to maintain a liquid regime at high temperature and atmospheric humidity), and in general - worsens the well-being of the expectant mother. Not quite favorable conditions for the production of melatonin (a pineal gland hormone that "helps" carry a pregnancy). This hormone is especially important in the last trimester. Its production improves at night, and, as you know, the nights are longer in winter than in late spring and summer.

conception in winter

The first trimester of pregnancy falls in the winter-spring, childbirth - in the fall.

Pregnancy in winter. Pros: appear weakly. We will be waiting for your comments and impressions - send any everyday thoughts on this matter. The most powerful plus in its significance is the very fact of pregnancy, especially if it is long-awaited. Another plus is a good natural vitaminization in the last trimester, i.e. in the period when the fetus "stores" the necessary substances for birth and the period of adaptation to extrauterine life. And in the period of formation of lactation, too.

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Pregnancy in winter. Minuses: the first trimester falls on the peak of epidemic trouble in terms of influenza and acute respiratory infections. Moreover, at this time, as mentioned earlier, the embryo goes through a critical period of development - the laying of the main organs and systems. about the peculiarities of the course of the third trimester and regarding the production of melatonin, one can note approximately the same thing as for the previous situation (with conception in the autumn months) not very good conditions for walks with the baby in the fresh air in the first months of life (autumn bad weather, then - winter cold, ice, etc.)

conception in the spring

The first trimester falls in the spring-summer, childbirth - in the winter.

Pregnancy in the spring. Pros: emotional lift experienced by many people in connection with the arrival of spring. This is especially true for the second half of April and all of May. Classic "season of love". the third trimester proceeds in conditions favorable for the production of melatonin and natural fortification somewhat Better conditions for the course of mild forms of late toxemia of pregnant women - not hot, relatively low atmospheric humidity.

Pregnancy in the spring. Minuses: the peak of hypovitaminization of parental organisms at the time of conception and early dates pregnancy, the third trimester can proceed in conditions that predispose to domestic injuries - ice in late autumn, and, accordingly, an increased risk of falls and accidents. an unfavorable epidemic situation in terms of acute respiratory infections and influenza occurs in the first months of a baby’s life, while maternal antibodies can not always protect him from infections; not very good conditions for walking with a baby in the fresh air in the first months of life (winter and early spring with their unpleasant climatic features) These are the moments that, as they say, "lie on the surface."

However, I would like to add the following

Life, which is the main textbook, shows that conceptions and births occur in all seasons of the year, and there are billions of examples that eloquently refute negative reasons (and positive ones, too, by the way). Therefore, you need to rejoice at any good and long-awaited pregnancy, regardless of the month or season when it came. In the end, all undesirable moments can be overcome, the main thing is to remember these moments.

Well, if we take into account all of the above, then in our opinion, the best time for conception is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. And if you have the desire and opportunity to plan a pregnancy, then use the benefits that nature provides to future parents.

Every couple sooner or later thinks that it's time to have a baby. For some, this desire appears already at an early stage, and for someone at a later time than it should be according to medical standards. As soon as a couple decides to take this important step, it is worth thinking about when it is better to get pregnant.

There is no single answer for everyone here, it is influenced by many factors. This is the general health of both parents, the season, age and day of ovulation. It is also necessary to take into account the period since the previous pregnancy, the time period since the last birth control pill, the time elapsed since the termination of pregnancy, etc.

Of course, the most logical answer is this: the best time to get pregnant is the period of life when the parents are fully prepared for this event.

Preparation before pregnancy

To begin with, it is worth taking care of your health, undergoing a complete preventive examination at the clinic. It is advisable to clarify for what purposes you need it, then the doctor will prescribe you more specific tests and procedures. In particular, AIDS testing and various infectious diseases, which can interfere with the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth, and also be transmitted to your baby. Two months before planning pregnancy, give up alcohol, cigarettes, antibiotics; Avoid exposure to harmful factors on your body at work.

If you are healthy bad habits do not have and are fully prepared for the appearance of a child in your family, then we will consider what days it is better to get pregnant.

Best days to conceive

The most optimal days for conception are certain days of the cycle that fall on ovulation. On any given day, it will not work to conceive a child, no matter how hard the future parents try. For most women, the day of ovulation occurs two weeks before the onset of menstruation. With a 28 day cycle, the day of ovulation is day 14. It is not difficult to calculate the period of ovulation, but only if the woman's cycle is normalized. If the menstrual cycle is unstable, then you should not be upset, because there is always a way out. You can measure basal temperature every morning from the first day of the cycle and enter its indicators into the chart. As soon as you notice that it will rise, you can immediately talk about the onset of this long-awaited day of ovulation.

If you don’t feel like messing around with this or just don’t have time for it, then get a special ovulation test at the pharmacy. It is used exactly like a pregnancy test. As soon as you notice two stripes, this will indicate that ovulation will occur within 48 hours. When it is better to get pregnant after menstruation, now it has become clear, let's talk about how the season affects pregnancy, which season is better to choose for conception.

Season and pregnancy

  • The advantages of conceiving a child in the summer are a large assortment of natural vitamins (vegetables, fruits), a good epidemiological situation, an excellent psychological state, the possibility of a great outdoor recreation. The disadvantages include the fact that the birth of a child occurs at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, just when there are very few vitamins and there is a high risk of getting colds and infectious diseases.
  • The best time to get pregnant is autumn. In autumn, a woman's body contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, and the birth of a baby should be expected in the summer. Pluses - a lot of vitamins at the time of conception, the last weeks fall on a period when household injuries are minimized. By cons - the last months of pregnancy will be in the summer, when the air temperature can be too high. And conception falls on a period when there is a high risk of contracting the flu or acute respiratory infections.
  • conception in winter period considered the most unfavorable, although here you can find a positive side, because the last weeks of pregnancy fall in the fall, when big choice fruits and vegetables. The disadvantages are that in the first weeks after conception there is a high risk of getting the flu or acute respiratory infections, as well as bad weather for walking with your child.
  • The beginning of pregnancy in the spring has the advantage: it is easier to endure toxicosis, since the humidity is low and the temperature is low. There is also a great emotional uplift, good mood. The last weeks of pregnancy just fall at a time when the production of a hormone that helps to bear a fetus is high. The disadvantages are a catastrophic lack of vitamins, adverse weather conditions and the epidemiological situation for the period of birth.

To determine when it is better to get pregnant relative to the time of year, first of all, it is worth considering the state of health of the mother and the possible reactions of the body to seasonal temperature changes.


The optimal age for conception and the birth of a baby is considered to be 20-35 years. The childbearing age is the period from the moment of puberty - this is from the age of 11 until the woman is menstruating. Doctors determine the ideal age for pregnancy taking into account the physiological characteristics of the woman's body and her psychological state. It has also been proven by scientists that women over 35 years of age are more at risk of giving birth to a child with this condition. terrible disease, like Down's syndrome, and with a number of other abnormalities. For a man, everything is a little simpler - up to the age of 50, he has the opportunity to conceive a completely healthy offspring. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy in advance, it is worth considering the age of both partners.

Also, when thinking about when is the best time to get pregnant, it is worth remembering that two, and preferably three cycles should pass after stopping oral contraceptives. During this period, the hormonal background, the condition of the fallopian tubes and the walls of the uterus are normalized.

If you have already had a pregnancy, then it is worth delaying planning a new one. The period between the first and second pregnancy should be at least two years. This time is given for the complete restoration of the female body and for preparing it for the next pregnancy. If there was a miscarriage or abortion, then you need to wait six months.

Now you know when it is better to get pregnant, taking into account various factors.

AT modern world the definition of “pregnancy planning” is used everywhere, since it became possible to influence the process of conception and decide when exactly it should occur. The planning process is characterized by many subtleties, and future parents think through such important points in advance.

The most favorable days for conception depending on ovulation

Many have heard about the calendar method, but it is still very conditional. In the presence of a regular menstrual cycle, a woman may not pay attention to its duration, because after following it for 2-3 months, she will already be able to draw up her calendar without any problems.

It is believed that the most suitable period is the days of the cycle from the 9th to the 18th. In this case, you need to count from the 20th day until the beginning of the next menstruation. In the case when a woman has an irregular cycle, it will be necessary to record the duration of each for at least a year.

In this way it will be possible to determine the longest and shortest cycle of those that were. Next, you need to make a calculation: subtract 19 from the number of days of the shortest cycle, and 10 from the longest.

For example, the shortest menstrual cycle was 24 days, and the longest - 28. The following calculations are obtained: 24 - 19 \u003d 5. 28 - 10 \u003d 18. As a result, it becomes clear that the most favorable days for conceiving a child for a woman will be from 5th to 18th inclusive.

Video: how to determine the day of ovulation

Why do such, at first glance, accurate estimates remain conditional? Because even in women with perfectly rhythmic menstrual cycles, ovulation does not always occur on precisely calculated days.

It is worth noting that factors such as frequent stress, depression, taking medicines and especially hormonal drugs and also, of course, all sorts of diseases. So do not use the calendar method as the only effective and absolutely accurate way to plan conception.

Did you know? The average cycle length for women, which is 28 days, is actually not so average. It turns out that only 33% of women have such a cycle length. For the rest, it is either less, or longer, or fluctuates up to 14 days from one cycle to the next.

Optimal age

The age of the future father and mother can influence both the conception of the baby and his further development inside the womb.

There is some truth in the fact that over the years it is more difficult for a woman to get pregnant. Carrying a child is not so easy, and at a certain age it can be very problematic. But the age of a man is no less important.

Before talking about the optimal age for a man and a woman to conceive a child, we note that before today no doctor can accurately name the ideal age of reproduction, especially in men. Most importance has a lifestyle that those who want to become parents lead, and age is a secondary factor, although certainly an important one.

For men

According to studies, the chance of conceiving a child in men aged 40+ is approximately 60%. Then, closer to 45 years, the figure drops to 35%.

The reason for such statistics lies in the fact that over the years, the produced sperm is damaged at the genetic level, which provokes infertility. The number of active sperm cells capable of moving gradually decreases, while the volume of damaged ones increases.

Video: the impact of father's age on the conception of a child Based on this, we can summarize that the ideal age for conceiving a child in men should be called the period from 20 to 35 years of age. With all this, it must be remembered that the most important thing is the quality of sperm, which can be low and in young age.

Factors such as:

  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • infectious diseases;
  • sexually transmitted diseases.

Among other things, for many men, sexual activity decreases by the age of 35, which also reduces a woman's chances of becoming pregnant.

Despite all the above information, the probability of conceiving a child in a man after 40 still remains. Therefore, this age should not be taken as a sentence.

Did you know? Pregnancy, as everyone knows, lasts an average of about 9 months. Surprisingly, the longest childbearing that has been recorded to date lasted 375 days - more than a year.

For women

According to medical experts, the best female age for the birth of a child is the period from the 18th to the 35th years of life. In this case, the first pregnancy is recommended to be planned before the age of 25. At this stage, the hormonal background already has time to stabilize enough. Also, most often the body of a woman by this time is not yet burdened with a number of chronic diseases. It is interesting to know what mother and baby feel at 1 and 2 weeks of pregnancy.

In general, the benefits of this reproductive age in women are as follows:

  • the ovaries have the largest follicular reserve, which increases the ability to fertilize;
  • significantly lower probability;
  • the body, due to its youth, is less exposed to diseases, which helps to safely bear a child;
  • pregnancy is a significant burden on the body, and a young woman will more easily endure it than an aged pregnant woman;
  • at this age, pregnancy complications, including late, manifest themselves much less frequently;
  • in a woman at a young age, the birth canal is more elastic, and the pelvic bones are more mobile, which facilitates the course of childbirth.
Video: at what age is it better to give birth

Many women who are temporarily postponing the birth of a child have heard the statement that after the age of 35, pregnancy will always have complications. And the key word here is "always". Now, this is definitely not true.

The probability of getting pregnant, as well as the process of bearing a child, depends entirely on the individual characteristics of a woman and her man (if we talk about conception). And if there are no serious health problems and there is a proper lifestyle, then you can conceive, bear and give birth to a healthy child not only after 35 years, but also after 40.

The best time of the year for pregnancy:

Disputes about what time of year is better to give birth to a baby take place even now. Someone is interested in horoscopes and wants to influence the character of the crumbs even before her conception, while someone cares about the health of the baby who will be born in one or another season of the year. Consider the main pros and cons of each period.


A child who is conceived in winter will be born in autumn.
Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  • at the last stage of pregnancy, a woman will be able to consume many natural vitamins in the form of vegetables and fruits, which are abundant in autumn;
  • the lactation period will also take place in comfortable conditions for the fortification of the body.

As for the cons:

  • the beginning of pregnancy coincides with the peak of acute respiratory infections and influenza. Of course, this is dangerous, because right now the main organs of the baby are being formed. But this problem can be avoided. All you need to do is take your vitamins healthy lifestyle life, try not to visit crowded places and dress warmly;
  • the baby will be born in the cold season, which is not good performance for walks. But if you harden it from the first days, using air baths, etc., and also walk with it, not paying much attention to the weather (protecting, of course, the stroller from wind and rain), then there should be no problems.


A child conceived in the spring will be born in the winter.

  • the vitamin reserve in the last stages of pregnancy has not yet been depleted, so the conditions for the birth of a baby will be quite favorable;
  • late toxicosis will be tolerated quite comfortably, because the weather is not hot.
  • in the spring, many people clearly feel vitamin depletion, so it is recommended to use vitamins, and for both parents;
  • you need to protect yourself from accidental injury in the last months of bearing a child due to slush and ice;
  • the child will be born into the world during the epidemic of acute respiratory infections and influenza, so the baby needs to be protected and hardened.


In the spring, children are born who were conceived in the summer.

  • in summer there is a large amount of vitamins that the expectant mother takes from fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • the risk of getting the flu or acute respiratory infections is minimal;
  • lots of positive emotions in connection with the warm season, the opportunity to relax and gain strength.
  • the end of pregnancy coincides with the epidemic of colds, as well as the risk of injury due to ice or slush. It is recommended to harden before pregnancy, play sports and take vitamins. And in the process of bearing a child, rely on the help and support of her husband during walks;
  • spring is beriberi season. You need to remember this and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits in the fall, and later - tableted vitamins.


A child conceived in autumn will be born in summer.

  • a huge amount of vitamins at the beginning of pregnancy can be obtained from fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • the birth of a child and lactation also coincides with the fortified season.
  • the last months of bearing a child can fall into the summer season, when it is quite hot and even stuffy. It is recommended to purchase a fan or air conditioner to regulate the temperature in the house. It is desirable to walk in the morning or evening, avoiding lunch stuffiness;
  • long daylight hours do not contribute to the production of melatonin, the hormone of pregnancy. But if a woman is healthy and happy, then you can cope with the amount of hormone that is available.

As you can see, every season has its own positive sides, and those marked with minuses can also be made pluses if you prepare for them correctly. For example, bad weather for a child is not too negative a factor, because these are excellent conditions for early hardening. Moreover, at first the baby is protected by the mother's immunity, which he received from birth, so he is not afraid of viruses.

Video: when to plan a baby

Important!You should dress the baby correctly and according to the weather, because there are a lot of clothes on the child-this is as bad as its lack.

What time of day is best to conceive a child

Sexologists believe that the best time to conceive a child is in the morning, from about 6 to 8 hours. It is believed that it is during this time period that a man produces the most active spermatozoa.

And the woman, in turn, is best prepared for fertilization. It should be noted that this is not a dogma, because different people lead a different lifestyle and the biological morning may come for someone at a completely different time.

The best period to conceive a child after a previous pregnancy

It should be noted at the beginning that planning a second or third baby immediately after the birth of the previous child is not recommended. Pregnancy has a strong effect on a woman's body and her health, and childbirth in general is a severe stress. It is important to restore strength, and this takes a lot of time.

Doctors, for the most part, agree that it is best to keep the interval between pregnancies at 3-5 years. So, a later pregnancy can carry the risk of complications, and too early will become a considerable burden on the fragile female body.

Important! A woman who has had a miscarriage or abortion is advised to pause at least six months before pregnancy so that conception is successful.

Favorable period after taking birth control pills

There is an opinion that you can conceive a child about three months after stopping the use of hormonal contraceptives. It is worth noting that this statement is not entirely true, and further we will explain why.

Highly great importance has the duration of taking such drugs before the planned pregnancy. That is, if a woman has been using such pills for several years, then her body, simply speaking, will “wean” to produce and.
And while such production returns to normal, which restores ovulation, it can take not only three months, but also three years. Here, the calculation can be carried out according to an approximate formula: for each year of taking hormonal contraceptives - about three months of recovery.

But if a woman took this kind of drugs for less than six months, then after the termination of such a process, the body's back reaction may manifest itself, which in medicine is called the "rebound effect", or "cancellation pregnancy". The essence of this effect lies in the fact that the eggs are very active after the so-called "hunger strike".

Medicine even practices such a method of dealing with infertility, when a woman who wants to get pregnant first takes hormonal contraceptives (a short course), and then tries to get pregnant - the artificial creation of a “rebound effect”.

With all of the above, it must be remembered that the body of each woman is special and individual. Difficulties in conception can occur even after a short course of oral contraceptive use, just like you can get pregnant within a week after stopping six years of hormonal medication.

What else you need to consider for a successful conception of a child

A couple who have decided to become parents should remember a number of recommendations that directly affect the successful conception of a long-awaited child:

  • should lead a healthy lifestyle. There must be at least the minimum physical exercise such as exercising in the morning or evening walks. It is not necessary to work all day long gym, and in some cases - even undesirable;
  • stick to proper nutrition. Food should be wholesome and healthy. Alcoholic drinks are recommended to be limited, and directly when planning conception - to be excluded altogether;
  • eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, and in addition take vitamins in tablet form. Vitamin complexes are especially necessary in winter and spring;
  • timely take all the tests prescribed by the doctor;
  • avoid stress and unnecessary worries, live in peace and harmony;
  • try to protect yourself from diseases, and if this occurs, do not self-medicate and take medications with caution.

Video: how to conceive a child

The birth of a child is a long-awaited and very exciting process for many. In order to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby, you must first of all monitor your health and lifestyle, as well as listen to the advice of medical specialists.