Amazing environmental tales. Ecological fairy tale

Article for kindergarten parents "The role of fairy tales in the environmental education of children preschool age"

Author: Skripnikova Valentina Mikhailovna.
This article will be useful to parents of preschool children.
- development of the personality of a preschooler in the process of environmental education through the actualization of children’s direct emotional, sensory and literary experience by including it in the process of understanding the environmental content of a fairy tale.
- formation of ecological culture of children.
Explanatory note:
IN modern world The problem of human interaction with nature is very relevant. Environmental pollution, disappearance of plants and animals listed in the Red Book, infection water resources- all these are troubles that people unknowingly cause to nature. In order to preserve all the riches of nature, we need to educate our children about the ecological culture. Education begins with early childhood. To instill in children an interest in nature, teach them to love and take care of it, you can use many different methods, but the most interesting and acceptable for children of older preschool age, and therefore the most effective, are environmental fairy tales.
Good Wizard of the Urals
Pavel Petrovich Bazhov,
So that we don't feel sad,
Fairytale unlocked the bolt:
The bolt just opened
The door to the fairy tale opened.
The smell of the forests flowed -

Believe in a magical world.
I. Ivanov.

Has now become relevant the problem of environmental education of preschool children.
Our age of speed and technology is sorely lacking time to stop, time to look around, time to observe our native nature.
Children's callousness, immorality and disrespect for all living things - this is the result of a lack of communication between children and nature, this is what it turns out to be later.
And an ecological fairy tale gives children the opportunity, thanks to their well-developed imagination, to observe the life of wild animals with their children or go on a trip, fabulous trip, see with your own eyes the sunrise or the underwater kingdom.

With the help of a fairy tale, a child learns the world not only with your mind, but also with his heart, he not only knows, but also expresses his thoughts in relation to good or evil, responds to phenomena and events that occur in front of him. Meeting extraordinary characters helps children immerse themselves in the semantic essence of a fairy tale. These magical heroes are the Droplet, the Gingerbread Man, the Spruce Seed, the Spring, the Grasshopper, the Snail, the Road, and the Pig. These heroes open up for the child a mysterious world that is full of surprises, secrets, and miracles.
Child, getting into this mysterious world, he learns secrets, miracles, mysterious transformations, learns all the secrets flora, the animal world, gets acquainted with seasonal changes in nature, learns about the seasons,
A children's fairy tale about Kolobok, or Ryaba the hen, or Turnip turns into a whole performance, where one actor in different voices can portray not only a wolf, bear, hare or fox, but also try to portray cunning, deceit, deception, or, on the contrary, friendliness, kindness, affection .
Children do not have the opportunity to observe how animals prepare for winter. Not all moments of their life can be seen in nature. It is known that birds fly to warmer regions mainly at night. It is not always possible to watch the life of wild animals with preschoolers or go on a trip to see the sunrise or the underwater kingdom with your own eyes. And an ecological fairy tale provides such an opportunity thanks to the well-developed imagination of preschool children.
Children living in the city observe the behavior and habits of squirrels, ducks in parks and squares, the behavior and habits of animals in zoos and zoos, and it’s good if they are there. The child can and should be shown various manifestations beauty in the natural world: flowering plants, shrubs and trees in autumn dress, chiaroscuro contrasts, landscapes at different times of the year and much, much more.

It is very important that small children, entering a huge, incomprehensible world, learn to subtly feel, see and understand that this mysterious world very diverse, multifaceted, multicolored, and we are a part of this world.
By reading a fairy tale to your child, after listening to the fairy tale, you create in the child a desire to see these phenomena or objects of nature on a walk, excursion, transfer his impressions to paper, and do something himself to help nature.
After listening to the fairy tales, the children watched with great interest the fall of leaves, looked for leaflets under fallen leaves, dug in the sand, looking for earthworms, which help the leaflets hide for the winter.
In ecological fairy tales, unobtrusively, the knowledge children need is given in the form of a game.
Brevity, simplicity of the plot, necessary knowledge and at the end of the tale - a conclusion, and sometimes - a question to maintain a dialogue with little listeners - this is the scheme for constructing environmental fairy tales.

What do environmental fairy tales teach?
- learn about the world around you;
- cultivate a sense of involvement in the well-being of nature;
- think about the consequences of your actions in relation to the world around you, about the responsibility for preserving its wealth and beauty.
The main thing in any fairy tale is the moral., the fairy tale teaches morality and kindness.
In fairy tales, the characteristics of many animals, plants, and natural phenomena are accurately noted, and national cultural traditions are described.
With the help of fairy tales, children well learn the characteristics of the animal heroes of fairy tales: the wolf is evil, the fox is cunning, the hare is cowardly. Very often this idea remains for life.
In a fairy tale, plants and animals can talk, play, have fun, be sad, perform various actions - good and not so good, and with these actions they evoke empathy, sympathy, feelings of anger, affection, tenderness in children.
The child’s attitude to real phenomena and events in nature changes; at first the child becomes attentive, and then over time, thrifty and caring.

Thus, based on the knowledge that children receive through environmental fairy tales, can be laid initial forms consciously correct attitude towards nature; interest in its knowledge; compassion for all living things; the ability to see the beauty of nature in its various forms and manifestations, to express one’s emotional attitude towards it.

Yulia Alexandrovna Zakharova
Ecological fairy tales for kids.

"What a day"

It was a clear day. The sun was hot. The grasshopper jumped and rejoiced at the beautiful day. An earthworm burrowed into dry soil. He called the day disgusting. The grasshopper and the earthworm began to argue.

At this time, an ant was dragging a pine needle past them. The grasshopper asked; “What day is it today - a wonderful day or a disgusting day?” The ant promised to answer in the evening. After sunset, the grasshopper and the earthworm came to the ant for an answer. An ant collected a bunch of pine needles in one day. He pointed at her and said: “It was a beautiful day, I worked well and can rest peacefully!”.


There lived a hedgehog in the forest. He was very handsome. The body is covered with spines, the muzzle is elongated like a mouse. Life was hard for the hedgehog this year because the forest was very polluted. There was a lot of paper, plastic bags, and empty cans lying under the trees. And the little hedgehog decided to save the forest.

He picked up paper and cellophane on his spines and took it all to one place. He pushed empty cans with his muzzle towards the landfill. This hard work took a lot of time and energy from the little hedgehog. And mice, squirrels, and hares began to help him. The mice gnawed the paper into small pieces, the squirrels and hares occupied the jars.

When people came, the hedgehog hovered under their feet and made sure they didn’t leave trash. One day a boy ate a candy and threw the candy wrapper on the ground. Then the hedgehog curled up into a spiky ball and began to stab the boy with its thorns, the squirrels threw pine cones at him. The boy picked up the candy wrapper and put it in his pocket. This is how the forest animals taught the stupid boy a lesson. And the hedgehog and his friends continue to clear the forest. Soon it will be completely clean.


One day Pipa the frog was walking in the forest and met a hunter.

Let's get acquainted!- Pipa said. - I'm a bear, and who are you?

And I'm a bugbear! - the hunter shouted and how he would shoot Pipa on the spot if she were as big as a bear. But she was small, so he missed. I wanted to shoot again, but Pipa... will scream:

I'm not a bear, not a bear! I'm just a frog!

“Oh, you’re a liar!” the hunter was indignant. “I spent a whole cartridge on you, but it turns out you’re not a bear!”

He swung with all his might to hit Pipa on the head with the butt, but missed again. And then he chased her through the swamp for another three hours until he got stuck.

Pipa never pretended to be a bear again because it was very dangerous.

Publications on the topic:

Fairy tales for children on environmental themes The Fox and the Gingerbread Man Once upon a time there lived a Fox in the forest. She got tired of sitting in the hole, and she decided to take a walk through the forest. He walks and sings songs. She walked and walked.

Didactic games for children of primary preschool age. Game 1. Arranging leaves in a similar manner. Goal: teach children to find identical ones.

Didactic manual "Ecological signs" for the lesson "Journey to the forest" on ecology Purpose: Formation of a responsible attitude in children.

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Bunny and Bear

Ecological fairy tale

This story happened in our forest, and a familiar magpie brought it to me on its tail.

One day the Bunny and the Little Bear went for a walk in the forest. They took food with them and set off. The weather was wonderful. The gentle sun was shining. The animals found a beautiful clearing and stopped there. The Bunny and the Little Bear played, had fun, and tumbled on the soft green grass.

Towards evening they got hungry and sat down to have a snack. The kids ate their fill, littered and, without cleaning up after themselves, ran home happy.

Time has passed. The playful girls went for a walk in the forest again. We found our clearing, it was no longer as beautiful as before, but the friends were in high spirits, and they started a competition. But trouble happened: they stumbled upon their garbage and got dirty. And the little bear got his paw into a tin can and for a long time could not free it. The kids realized what they had done, cleaned up after themselves and never littered again.

This is the end of my story, and the essence of the tale is that nature is not able to cope with pollution itself. Each of us must take care of her and then we will walk in a clean forest, live happily and beautifully in our city or village and will not end up in the same story as the animals.

Masha and the Bear

Ecological fairy tale

In one kingdom, in one state, on the edge of a small village, there lived a grandfather and a woman in a hut. And they had a granddaughter - a restless girl named Masha. Masha and her friends loved to go for walks on the street and play different games.

Not far from that village there was a large forest. And, as you know, three bears lived in that forest: papa bear Mikhailo Potapych, mama bear Marya Potapovna, and little bear son Mishutka. They lived very well in the forest, they had enough of everything - there was a lot of fish in the river, there were enough berries and roots, and they stored honey for the winter. And how clean the air was in the forest, the water in the river was clear, the grass was green all around! In a word, they lived in their hut and did not grieve.

And people loved to go to this forest for various needs: some to collect mushrooms, berries and nuts, some to chop firewood, and some to prepare twigs and bark for weaving. That forest fed and helped everyone. But then Masha and her friends got into the habit of going into the forest, organizing picnics and walks. They have fun, play, pick rare flowers and herbs, break young trees, and leave behind garbage - as if the whole village came and trampled. Wrappers, pieces of paper, juice and drink bags, lemonade bottles and much more. They didn’t clean up anything after themselves, they thought nothing bad would happen.

And it became so dirty in that forest! Mushrooms and berries no longer grow, and flowers are no longer pleasing to the eye, and animals began to run away from the forest. At first, Mikhailo Potapych and Marya Potapovna were surprised, what happened, why was it so dirty all around? And then they saw Masha and her friends relaxing in the forest, and they understood where all the forest troubles came from. Mikhailo Potapych became furious! At a family council, the bears came up with a plan to teach Masha and her friends a lesson. Papa Bear, Mama Bear and little Mishutka collected all the garbage, and at night they went to the village and scattered it around the houses, and left a note telling people not to go into the forest anymore, otherwise Mikhailo Potapych would bully them.

People woke up in the morning and couldn’t believe their eyes! All around there is dirt, garbage, no earth in sight. And after reading the note, people were saddened; how could they now live without the gifts of the forest? And then Masha and her friends realized what they had done. They apologized to everyone and collected all the trash. And they went into the forest to ask the bears for forgiveness. They apologized for a long time, promised not to harm the forest anymore, to be friends with nature. The bears forgave them and taught them how to behave correctly in the forest and not cause harm. And everyone only benefited from that friendship!

No place for trash

Ecological fairy tale

Once upon a time there was Garbage. He was ugly and angry. Everyone was talking about him. Garbage appeared in the city of Grodno after people began throwing bags, newspapers, and leftover food past trash cans and containers. Garbage was very proud that his possessions were everywhere: in every house and yard. Those who throw garbage add “strength” to garbage. Some people throw candy wrappers everywhere, drink water and throw bottles. The trash just rejoices at this. After some time, there was more and more garbage.

Not far from the city lived a Wizard. He loved the clean city very much and rejoiced at the people who lived in it. One day he looked at the city and was very upset. There are candy wrappers, paper, and plastic cups everywhere.

The Wizard called his assistants: Cleanliness, Neatness, Order. And he said: “You see what people have done! Let's bring order to this city! The assistants, together with the Wizard, began to restore order. They took brooms, dustpans, rakes and began to remove all the garbage. Their work was in full swing: “We are friends with cleanliness and order, but we don’t need garbage at all,” the assistants chanted. I saw Garbage that Cleanliness was walking through the city. She saw him and said: “Come on, Garbage, hold on - it’s better not to fight with us!”

The garbage was terrified. Yes, when he screams: “Oh, don’t touch me! I lost my wealth - where can I go?” Neatness, Cleanliness and Order looked at him sternly and began to threaten him with a broom. He ran from the city of Garbage, saying: “Well, I’ll find a shelter for myself, there’s a lot of garbage - they won’t remove it all. There are still yards, I’ll wait for better times!”

And the Wizard's assistants removed all the garbage. All around the city it became clean. Cleanliness and Neatness began to sort out all the garbage put in bags. Purity said: “This is paper - not garbage. You need to collect it separately. After all, new notebooks and textbooks are made from it,” and she placed old newspapers, magazines, and cardboard in a paper container.

Accuracy announced: “We’ll feed the birds and pets with the leftover food. We will take the rest of the food waste into containers for food waste. And we will place the glass, empty jars and glassware in a glass container.”

And Order continues: “And we won’t throw away plastic cups and bottles. The children will have new toys made of plastic. There is no garbage in nature, no waste, let’s, friends, learn from nature,” and threw it into the plastic trash bin.

So our wizard and his assistants brought order to the city, taught people to take care Natural resources and explained that one thing is enough to maintain cleanliness - do not litter.

A tale about a trash-cursor

Ecological fairy tale

In a far, distant forest, on a small hill in a small hut, an old forest man and an old forest woman lived and whiled away the years. They lived together and guarded the forest. From year to year, from century to century, they were not disturbed by man.

And there is beauty all around – you can’t take your eyes off it! You can find as many mushrooms and berries as you want. Both animals and birds lived peacefully in the forest. The old people could be proud of their forest.

And they had two assistants, two bears: the busybody Masha and the grumpy Fedya. So peaceful and affectionate in appearance, they did not give offense to the forest villagers.

And everything would be fine, everything would be fine, but one clear autumn morning, suddenly, from the top of a tall Christmas tree, a Magpie screamed anxiously. The animals hid, the birds scattered, they waited: what will happen?

The forest was filled with noise, and screams, and anxiety, and great noise. People came with baskets, buckets and backpacks to pick up mushrooms. Until the evening, the cars hummed, and the old forest man and the old forest woman sat hidden in the hut. And at night, poor things, they didn’t dare close their eyes.

And in the morning the clear sun rolled out from behind the hill, illuminating both the forest and the centuries-old hut. The old people came out, sat on the rubble, warmed their bones in the sun and went to stretch their legs and take a walk through the forest. They looked around and were stunned: the forest was not a forest, but some kind of dump, which it would be a pity to even call a forest. Cans, bottles, pieces of paper and rags are scattered everywhere in disarray.

The old forest man shook his beard:

So what is this being done?! Let's go, old lady, clean up the forest, remove the garbage, otherwise neither animals nor birds will be found here!

They look: and bottles and cans suddenly gather together, approach each other. They spun the screw - and out of the garbage arose an incomprehensible beast, skinny, unkempt and, at the same time, terribly disgusting: Junk-Wretched. The bones rattle, the whole forest laughs:

Along the road through the bushes - Trash, trash, trash, trash! In untrodden places -

Junk, junk, junk, junk! I am great, many-sided, I am paper, I am iron, I am plastic-useful, I am bottle-glass,

I am damned, damned! I will settle in your forest - I will bring a lot of grief! The forest villagers got scared and called out to the bears. Busy Masha and grumpy Fedya came running. They growled menacingly and stood on their hind legs. What is left for the Junk-Wretched Man to do? Just scurry. It rolled like rubbish over the bushes, along ditches and hummocks, all further away, all to the side, so that the bears wouldn’t get a single piece of paper. He gathered himself into a heap, spun around like a screw, and again became the Junk-Cursed: a skinny and disgusting beast at that.

What to do? How to get to Khlamishche-Okayanishche? How long can you chase him through the forest? The old forest dwellers became depressed, the bears became quiet. They just hear someone singing and driving through the forest. They look: and this is the Queen of the Forest on a huge fiery red fox. As he drives, he wonders: why is there so much garbage lying around in the forest?

Remove all this trash immediately!

And the foresters responded:

We can't handle it! This is not just rubbish, it is a Junk-Cursed: an incomprehensible, skinny, unkempt beast.

I don’t see any beast and I don’t believe you!

The Forest Queen bent down, reached for the piece of paper, and wanted to pick it up. And the piece of paper flew away from her. All the garbage gathered in a heap and spun like a screw, becoming a Junk-Cursed: a skinny and disgusting beast.

The Queen of the Forest was not afraid:

Look, what a freak! What a beast! Just a bunch of rubbish! The good pit is crying for you!

She waved her hand - the ground parted, creating a deep hole. The Khlamishche-Okayanische fell there, couldn’t get out, lay down at the bottom.

The Forest Queen laughed:

That's it - it's good!

The old forest people don’t want to let her go, and that’s all. The junk disappeared, but the worries remained.

And if people come again, what will we, Mother, do?

Ask Masha, ask Fedya, let them bring bears to the forest!

The forest has calmed down. The Queen of the Forest rode off on a fiery red fox. The old forest dwellers returned to their little hut, living and living, drinking tea. The sky is frowning or the sun is shining, the forest is beautiful and joyfully bright. There is so much joy and bright joy in the whisper of leaves, in the breath of the wind! Delicate sounds and pure colors, the forest is the most wonderful fairy tale!

But as soon as the cars began to hum again, people with baskets hurried into the forest. And Masha and Fedya hurried to call their bear neighbors for help. They entered the forest, growled, and stood up on their hind legs. People got scared and let's run! They will not return to this forest soon, but they left a whole mountain of garbage.

Masha and Fedya were not at a loss, they taught the bears, they surrounded the Khlamishche-Okayanische, drove them to the pit, and drove them into the pit. He couldn’t get out of there; he lay down at the bottom.

But the troubles of the old forest woman and the forest forest grandfather did not end there. Scoundrel poachers and hunters for bear skins came into the forest. We heard that there are bears in this forest. Save yourself, Masha! Save yourself, Fedya! The forest trembled sadly from the shots. Those who could, flew away, and those who could, ran away. For some reason it became joyless in the forest. Hunting! Hunting! Hunting! Hunting!

But the hunters suddenly notice: a red light flashes behind the bushes.

Save yourself! Let's quickly run out of the forest! Fire is no joke! Let's die! We'll burn!

The hunters noisily climbed into their cars, got scared, and sped out of the forest. And this is just the Queen of the Forest racing on a fiery red fox. She waved her hand - the little hill disappeared, and the hut disappeared with the woodsmen. And the enchanted forest also disappeared. He disappeared as if he had fallen through the ground. And for some reason, in that place there became a huge impassable swamp.

The Queen of the Forest is waiting for people to become kind and wise and stop acting up in the forest.

Ecological tales about mushrooms

Noble mushroom

In a cozy forest clearing strewn with flowers, two mushrooms grew - white and fly agaric. They grew up so close that if they wanted, they could shake hands.

As soon as the early rays of the sun woke up the entire plant population of the clearing, the fly agaric mushroom always said to its neighbor:

Good morning, buddy.

The morning was often good, but the porcini mushroom never responded to the neighbor’s greetings. This went on day after day. But one day, in response to the usual fly agaric “good morning, buddy,” the porcini mushroom said:

How intrusive you are, brother!

“I’m not intrusive,” the fly agaric modestly objected. - I just wanted to make friends with you.

Ha-ha-ha,” the white man laughed. - Do you really think that I will make friends with you?!

Why not? – the fly agaric asked good-naturedly.

Yes, because you are a toadstool, and I... and I am a noble mushroom! Nobody likes you, fly agarics, because you are poisonous, and we, whites, are edible and tasty. Judge for yourself: we can be pickled, dried, boiled, or fried; we are rarely wormy. People love and appreciate us. And they hardly notice you, except maybe kick you. Right?

That’s right,” the fly agaric sighed sadly. - But look how beautiful my hat is! Bright and cheerful!

Hmm, hat. Who needs your hat? – And the white mushroom turned away from its neighbor.

And at this time, mushroom pickers came into the clearing - a little girl with her father.

Mushrooms! Mushrooms! – the girl shouted cheerfully when she saw our neighbors.

And this one? – the girl asked, pointing to the fly agaric.

Let's leave this one, we don't need it.

It's poisonous.

Poisonous?! So it needs to be trampled!

Why. It is useful - evil flies land on it and die. The white mushroom is noble, and the fly agaric is healthy. And then, look what a beautiful, bright hat he has!

That’s right,” the girl agreed. - Let it stand.

And the fly agaric remained standing in the colorful clearing, pleasing the eye with its bright red hat with white polka dots...

Brave honey fungus

There were a lot of mushrooms in the fall. Yes, what great fellows - one is more beautiful than the other!

Grandfathers stand under the dark fir trees. They wear white caftans and rich hats on their heads: yellow velvet below, brown velvet above. What a sight for sore eyes!

The boletus fathers stand under the light aspen trees. Everyone is wearing shaggy gray jackets and red hats on their heads. Also a beauty!

Brother boletus grows under the tall pines. They are wearing yellow shirts and oilcloth caps on their heads. Good too!

Under the alder bushes, the Russula sisters perform round dances. Each sister is wearing a linen sundress and has a colored scarf tied around her head. Not bad either!

And suddenly another mushroom mushroom grew near the fallen birch tree. Yes, so invisible, so unsightly! The orphan has nothing: no caftan, no shirt, no cap. He stands barefoot on the ground, and his head is uncovered - his blond curls curl into little ringlets. Other mushrooms saw him and, well, laugh: “Look, how unkempt!” But where did you come out into the white light? Not a single mushroom picker will take you, no one will bow to you! Honey fungus shook his curls and answered:

If he doesn’t bow today, I’ll wait. Maybe someday I’ll come in handy.

But no, mushroom pickers don’t notice it. They walk among the dark fir trees, collecting boletus mushrooms. And it gets colder in the forest. The leaves on the birches turned yellow, on the rowan trees they turned red, on the aspen trees they became covered with spots. At night, chilly dew falls on the moss.

And from this chilly dew the grandfather boletus came down. There is not a single one left, everyone is gone. It’s also chilly for the honey mushroom to stand in the lowlands. But even though his leg is thin, it is light - he took it and moved higher, onto birch roots. And again the mushroom pickers are waiting.

And mushroom pickers walk in the copses, collecting boletus fathers. They still don’t look at Openka.

It became even colder in the forest. The great wind whistled, tore off all the leaves from the trees, and the bare branches swayed. It rains from morning until evening, and there is nowhere to hide from them.

And from these evil rains the boletus fathers came away. Everyone is gone, not a single one is left.

The honey mushroom is also flooded with rain, but although it is puny, it is nimble. He took it and jumped onto a birch stump. No rain will flood it here. But mushroom pickers still don’t notice Openok. They walk in the bare forest, collect butter brothers and russula sisters, and put them in boxes. Is Openka really going to disappear for nothing, for nothing?

It became completely cold in the forest. Muddy clouds moved in, it became dark all around, and snow pellets began to fall from the sky. And from this snow pellets came the boletus brothers and russula sisters. Not a single cap is visible, not a single handkerchief flashes.

The groats also fall out on Openka's uncovered head and get stuck in his curls. But the cunning Honey Pig didn’t make a mistake here either: he jumped into the birch hollow. He sits under a reliable roof, slowly peeking out: are the mushroom pickers coming? And the mushroom pickers are right there. They wander through the forest with empty boxes, but they cannot find a single fungus. They saw Openka and were so happy: “Oh, my dear!” - They say. - Oh, you are brave! He was not afraid of rain or snow, he was waiting for us. Thank you for helping in the most inclement time! And they bowed low and low to Openko.

Mushroom War

In the red summer there is a lot of everything in the forest - all kinds of mushrooms, and all kinds of berries: strawberries with blueberries, raspberries with blackberries, and black currants. The girls walk through the forest, pick berries, sing songs, and the boletus mushroom, sitting under an oak tree, puffs up, rushes out of the ground, gets angry at the berries: “You see that there are more of them! It used to be that we were honored, held in esteem, but now no one will even look at us!

Wait, - thinks the boletus, the head of all mushrooms, - we, mushrooms, have great power - we will oppress, strangle it, the sweet berry!

The boletus conceived and wished for war, sitting under the oak tree, looking at all the mushrooms, and he began to pick mushrooms, began to call for help:

Go, little girls, go to war!

The waves refused:

We are all old ladies, not guilty of war.

Go away, honey mushrooms!

Openings refused:

Our legs are painfully thin, we won’t go to war.

Hey you morels! - shouted the boletus mushroom. -Gear up for war!

The morels refused, they said:

We are old men, no way are we going to war!

The mushroom got angry, the boletus got angry, and he shouted in a loud voice:

You guys are friendly, come fight with me, beat up the arrogant berry!

Milk mushrooms with loads responded:

We, milk mushrooms, we are going with you to war, to the forest and field berries, we will throw our hats at them, trample them with our heels!

Having said this, the milk mushrooms climbed out of the ground together, the dry leaf rises above their heads, a formidable army rises.

“Well, there’s trouble,” the green grass thinks.

And at that time, Aunt Varvara came into the forest with a box - wide pockets. Seeing the great mushroom strength, she gasped, sat down and, well, picked mushrooms and put them in the back. I picked it up completely, carried it home, and at home I sorted the mushrooms by type and by rank: honey mushrooms - into tubs, honey mushrooms - into barrels, morels - into alyssettes, milk mushrooms - into baskets, and the boletus mushroom ended up in a bunch; it was pierced, dried and sold.

Since then, the mushroom and berry have stopped fighting.

Introduction to mushrooms

At the beginning of July it rained for a whole week. Anyuta and Mashenka became depressed. They missed the forest. Grandmother let them go for a walk in the yard, but as soon as the girls got wet, she immediately called them home. Porfiry the cat said when the girls called him for a walk:

What's the point of getting wet in the rain? I’d rather sit at home and write a fairy tale.

“I also think that a soft sofa is a more suitable place for cats than damp grass,” Andreika chimed in.

Grandfather, returning from the forest in a wet raincoat, laughing, said:

The July rains nourish the earth and help it grow crops. Don’t worry, we’ll go to the forest to pick mushrooms soon.

Alice, shaking herself so that wet dust flew in all directions, said:

The russula have already started to climb, and in the aspen forest two small boletuses with red caps popped up, but I left them, let them grow up.

Anyuta and Mashenka were looking forward to their grandfather taking them mushroom picking. Especially after he once brought a whole basket of young mushrooms. Taking out the strong mushrooms with gray legs and smooth brown caps from the basket, he said to the girls:

Come on, guess the riddle:

In the grove near the birch tree we met namesakes.

“I know,” Anyuta exclaimed, “these are boletus mushrooms, they grow under birch trees, and aspen boletuses grow under aspen trees.” They look like boletus mushrooms, but their caps are red. There are also boletus mushrooms, they grow in forests, and multi-colored russula grow everywhere.

Yes, you know our mushroom literacy! - Grandfather was surprised and, taking out a whole heap of yellow-red lamellar mushrooms from the basket, said:

Since all the mushrooms are familiar to you, help me find the right word:


Very friendly sisters,

They wear red berets,

Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.

The girls were silent in embarrassment.

This poem is about chanterelles: they grow into a huge family and turn golden in the grass like autumn leaves,” explained the all-knowing Porfiry.

Anyuta said offendedly:

Grandfather, we only studied some mushrooms at school. The teacher told us that many mushrooms are poisonous and should not be eaten. She also said that now even good mushrooms can be poisoned, and it is better not to pick them at all.

The teacher told you correctly that poisonous mushrooms you can’t eat it and that now many good mushrooms are becoming harmful to humans. Factories emit all sorts of waste into the atmosphere, so various harmful substances settle in forests, especially near large cities, and mushrooms absorb them. But there are a lot of good mushrooms! You just need to make friends with them, then they themselves will run out to meet you when you come to the forest.

Oh, what a wonderful fungus, strong, plump, in a velvet light brown cap! - Mashenka exclaimed, sticking her nose into the basket.

This, Mashenka, the white one jumped out ahead of time. They usually appear in July. They say about him:

The boletus came out, a strong barrel,

Anyone who sees him will bow down.

Grandfather, why is a boletus called white if it has a brown cap? - Mashenka asked.

Its flesh is white, tasty and fragrant. In boletuses, for example, the flesh turns blue if you cut it, but in white ones the flesh does not darken either when cutting, or when boiling, or when drying. This mushroom has long been considered by people as one of the most nutritious. I have a professor friend who studies mushrooms. So he told me that in boletus mushrooms scientists have found the twenty most important amino acids for humans, as well as many vitamins and minerals. It’s not for nothing that these mushrooms are called forest meat, because they contain even more proteins than meat.

Grandfather, the teacher told us that in the future people will grow all the mushrooms in their gardens and buy them in the store,” said Anyuta, and Mishenka added:

Mom bought us mushrooms at the store - white champignons and gray oyster mushrooms, very tasty. Oyster mushrooms have caps that look like ears, and they grow together as if they were one mushroom.

Your teacher is right, but only Forest mushrooms They give people the healing properties of the forest and its best aromas. A person cannot grow many mushrooms in his garden: they cannot live without trees and forests. The mycelium with the trees, like inseparable brothers, intertwined their roots and feed each other. Yes and poisonous mushrooms not much, people just don’t know much about mushrooms. Every mushroom is useful in some way. However, if you go into the forest, the mushrooms themselves will tell you everything about themselves.

In the meantime, let me tell you my tale about mushrooms,” Porfiry suggested, and everyone happily agreed.

Mushroom pharmacy

I made friends with the forest when I was still a little kitten. The forest knows me well, always greets me like an old acquaintance, and does not hide its secrets from me. One day, due to intense mental work, I developed an acute migraine, and I decided to go into the forest to get some air. I'm walking through the forest, breathing. The air in our pine forest is excellent, and I immediately felt better. By that time, mushrooms were pouring out visibly and invisibly. I sometimes chat with them, but here I had no time to talk. Suddenly, in a clearing, a whole family of butterflies with chocolate slippery hats and yellow caftans with white frills meets me:

Why, cat, are you passing by us and not saying hello? - they ask in unison.

“I have no time for talking,” I say, “my head hurts.”

Moreover, stop and eat us,” they squealed again in unison. - We, boletus, have a special resinous substance that relieves acute headaches.

I never liked raw mushrooms, especially after my grandmother’s delicious mushroom dishes. But then I decided to eat a couple of small butternuts directly raw: my head was really aching. They turned out to be so elastic, slippery and sweet that they slipped into the mouth and relieved the pain in my head.

I thanked them and moved on. I see that my friend the squirrel has turned an old huge pine tree into a mushroom dryer. She dries mushrooms on twigs: russula, honey mushrooms, moss mushrooms. The mushrooms are all good and edible. But among the good and edible ones, I suddenly saw... a fly agaric! Stumbled upon a twig - red, completely speckled. “Why does a squirrel need poisonous fly agaric?” - Think. Then she herself appeared with another fly agaric in her paws.

“Hello, squirrel,” I tell her, “who are you planning to poison with fly agaric mushrooms?”

“You’re talking nonsense,” the squirrel snorted. - Fly agaric is one of the wonderful medicines of the mushroom pharmacy. Sometimes I get bored in the winter and get nervous, then a piece of fly agaric calms me down. Yes, fly agaric helps not only with nervous disorders. It treats tuberculosis, rheumatism, spinal cord, and eczema.

What other mushrooms are there in the mushroom pharmacy? - I ask the squirrel.

I have no time to explain to you, I have a lot to do. Three clearings from here you will find a big fly agaric, he is our main pharmacist, ask him, - the squirrel chattered and galloped away, only the red tail flashed.

I found that clearing. There is a fly agaric on it, it is dark red, and from under the hat there are white trousers pulled down along the leg, even with pleats. Next to him sits a pretty little wave, all tucked up, rounded lips, licking her lips. A cap grew from mushrooms with long brown legs and brown scaly caps on the stump - a friendly family of fifty mushrooms and mushrooms. Young people wear beret hats and white aprons hang on their legs, but old people wear flat hats with a bump in the middle and throw off their aprons: adults have no use for aprons. The talkers sat down in a circle to the side. They are modest people; their hats are not fashionable, gray-brown with the edges turned down. They hide their whitish records under their hats and mutter quietly about something. I bowed to the entire honest company and explained to them why I had come.

Fly Agaric, the chief pharmacist, tells me:

Finally, you, Porfiry, came to see us, otherwise you were always running past. Well, I'm not offended. To me Lately rarely does anyone bow, more often they kick me and knock me over with sticks. In ancient times, it was a different matter: with my help, local healers treated all sorts of skin lesions, diseases of internal organs, and even mental disorders.

People, for example, use penicillin and other antibiotics, but do not remember that they are obtained from mushrooms, not from cap mushrooms, but from microscopic ones. But we, cap mushrooms, are not the last in this matter. The sisters of the talkers and their relatives - the ryadovkas and the serushkas - also have antibiotics, which even successfully cope with tuberculosis and typhus, but mushroom pickers do not favor them. Mushroom pickers sometimes even pass by honey mushrooms. They do not know that honey mushrooms are a storehouse of vitamin B, as well as the most important elements for humans - zinc and copper.

Then a magpie flew into the clearing and chirped:

Nightmare, nightmare, the mother bear's cub fell ill. I snuck into a landfill and ate rotten vegetables there. He is now roaring in pain and rolling on the ground.

The fly agaric bent down to his assistant, the fly agaric, consulted with her and said to the magpie:

To the northwest of the bear's den, false honey mushrooms grow on a stump in lemon-yellow caps. Tell the bear to give them to her son to cleanse his stomach and intestines. But be warned, don’t give too much, otherwise they are poisonous. After two hours, let him feed him boletus: they will calm him down and strengthen him.

Then I said goodbye to the mushrooms and ran home, because I felt that the time had come for me to strengthen my strength with something.

Two tales

A little girl went into the forest to pick mushrooms. I went up to the edge and let's show off:

You, Les, better not hide mushrooms from me! I'll still fill my cart full. I know everything, all your secrets!

Don't boast! - the forest made a noise. - Don't brag! Where is everyone?

“But you’ll see,” the girl said and went to look for mushrooms.

In the fine grass, between the birch trees, boletus mushrooms grew: gray, soft caps, stems with black shag. In a young aspen grove gathered thick, strong little aspen boletuses in tightly pulled orange caps.

And in the twilight, under the fir trees, among the rotten pine needles, the girl found short saffron milk caps: red, greenish, striped, and in the middle of the cap there was a dimple, as if an animal had pressed it with its paw.

The girl picked up a basket full of mushrooms, and even with the top on! She came out to the edge and said:

Do you see, Les, how many different mushrooms I picked? This means I understand where to look for them. It was not for nothing that she boasted that I knew all your secrets.

Where is everyone? - Les made a noise. - I have more secrets than leaves on the trees. And what do you know? You don’t even know why boletuses grow only under birches, aspen boletuses - under aspens, saffron milk caps - under fir trees and pine trees.

“Here comes the house,” the girl answered. But she said it just like that, out of stubbornness.

You don’t know this, you don’t know,” the Forest made a noise,

Telling this will be a fairy tale!

“I know what a fairy tale,” the girl stubbornly said. - Wait a little, I’ll remember it and tell you myself.

She sat on a stump, thought, and then began to tell.

There used to be a time when mushrooms did not stand in one place, but ran throughout the forest, danced, stood upside down, and played mischief.

Previously, everyone in the forest knew how to dance. Only Bear couldn't do it. And he was the most important boss. Once in the forest they celebrated the birthday of a hundred-year-old tree. Everyone danced, and the Bear - the one in charge - sat like a tree stump. He felt offended and decided to learn to dance. He chose a clearing for himself and began to exercise there. But he, of course, did not want to be seen, he was embarrassed, and therefore gave the order:

No one should ever appear in my clearing.

And mushrooms loved this clearing very much. And they did not obey the order. They waylaid him when the Bear lay down to rest, left Toadstool to guard him, and they ran off to the clearing to play.

The bear woke up, saw Toadstool in front of his nose and shouted:

Why are you hanging around here? And she answers:

All the mushrooms ran away to your clearing, and they left me on guard.

The bear roared, jumped up, slammed Toadstool and rushed into the clearing.

And the mushrooms played magic wand there. They hid somewhere. The mushroom with a red cap hid under the Aspen, the red-haired one hid under the Christmas tree, and the long-legged one with black shags hid under the Birch.

And the Bear will jump out and scream - Roar! Gotcha, mushrooms! Gotcha! Out of fear, the mushrooms all grew into place. Here Birch lowered her leaves and covered her fungus with them. The aspen dropped a round leaf directly onto the cap of its mushroom.

And the tree scooped up dry needles with its paw towards Ryzhik.

Bear looked for mushrooms, but didn’t find any. Since then, those mushrooms that were hiding under the trees have been growing, each under their own tree. They remember how it saved him. And now these mushrooms are called Boletus and Boletus. And Ryzhik remained Ryzhik, because he was red. That's the whole fairy tale!

You came up with this! - Les made a noise. - It’s a good fairy tale, but there’s not a bit of truth in it. And listen to my true story. Once upon a time there were roots of the forest underground. Not alone - they lived in families: Birch - near Birch, Aspen - near Aspen, Spruce - near the Christmas tree.

And lo and behold, out of nowhere, homeless Roots appeared nearby. Marvelous Roots! The thinnest web is thinner. They rummage through rotten leaves and forest waste, and whatever edible they find there, they eat and put aside for storage. And the Birch Roots stretched out nearby, looking and envying.

We, they say, cannot get anything out of the decay, out of the rot. And Divo-Koreshki responded:

You envy us, but they themselves have more good than ours.

And they guessed right! For nothing that a cobweb is a cobweb.

The Birch Roots received great help from their own Birch Leaves. The leaves sent food down the trunk from top to bottom. And what they used to prepare this food from, you have to ask them themselves. Divo-Koreshki is rich in one thing. Birch Roots - to others. And they decided to be friends. Marvelous Roots clung to the Berezovs and entwined them around them. And the Birch Roots do not remain in debt: whatever they get, they share with their comrades.

Since then they have lived inseparably. It’s good for both. Miracle Roots is growing wider and wider, all reserves are being accumulated. And Birch grows and gets stronger. Summer is in the middle, Birch Roots boast:

Our Birch's earrings are ruffled and the seeds are flying! And Miracle Roots answer:

That's how! Seeds! So it’s time for us to get down to business. No sooner said than done: the little nodules jumped up on the Divo-Roots. At first they are small. But how they began to grow! The Birch Roots didn’t even have time to say anything, but they had already broken through the ground. And they turned around in freedom, under Berezka, like young mushrooms. Legs with black shag. The hats are brown. And from under the caps mushroom seeds-spores fall out.

The wind mixed them with birch seeds and scattered them throughout the forest. This is how the mushroom became related to Birch. And since then he has been inseparable from her. For this they call him Boletus.

That's my whole fairy tale! It's about Boletus, but it's also about Ryzhik and Boletus. Only Ryzhik took a fancy to two trees: the Fir-tree and the Pine.

“This is not a funny fairy tale, but a very amazing one,” said the girl. - Just think, some kind of baby fungus - and suddenly it feeds the giant tree!

For mushrooms

I love picking mushrooms!

You walk through the forest and look, listen, smell. You stroke the trees with your hand. I went yesterday. I left at noon. At first I walked along the road. At the birch grove, turn and stop.

cheerful grove! The trunks are white - close your eyes! The leaves flutter in the breeze, like solar ripples on water.

Under the birches there are boletus mushrooms. The leg is thin, the cap is wide. The bottom of the body was covered with only light caps. I sat down on a stump and listened.

I hear: chirping! This is what I need. I went to the chatter and came to a pine forest. The pines are red from the sun, as if they were tanned. So much so that the peel peeled off. The wind flutters the peel, and it chirps like a grasshopper. Boletus mushroom in a dry forest. He planted his thick foot on the ground, strained himself, and lifted up a heap of needles and leaves with his head. The hat is pulled down over his eyes, he looks angrily...

I laid the second layer in the body with brown boletus. I stood up and smelled a strawberry scent. I caught a strawberry stream with my nose and walked as if on a string. There is a grassy hill ahead. In the grass, late strawberries are large and juicy. And it smells like they're making jam here!

The strawberries made my lips stick together. I’m not looking for mushrooms, not berries, but water. I barely found a stream. The water in it is dark, like strong tea. And this tea is brewed with mosses, heather, fallen leaves and flowers.

There are aspen trees along the stream. Under the aspen trees there are boletuses. Brave guys - in white T-shirts and red skullcaps. I put the third layer in the box - red.

Through the aspen tree there is a forest path. It twists and turns and where it leads is unknown. And who cares! I go - and for each vilyushka: then chanterelles - yellow gramophones, then honey mushrooms - thin legs, then russula - saucers, and then all sorts of things came: saucers, cups, vases and lids. There are cookies in vases - dry leaves. The tea in the cups is a forest infusion. The top layer in the box is multi-colored. My body has a top. And I keep walking: looking, listening, smelling.

The path ended, and the day ended. Clouds covered the sky. There are no signs either on earth or in heaven. Night, darkness. I went back along the path and got lost. He began to feel the ground with his palm. I felt, I felt, I found the path. So I walk, and when I get lost, I feel with my palm. Tired, my hands were scratched. But here's a slap with your palm - water! I scooped it up - a familiar taste. The same stream that is infused with mosses, flowers and herbs. That's right, the palm led me out. Now I checked this with my tongue! And who will lead further? Then he turned his nose.

The wind carried the smell from the very hill on which strawberry jam was cooked during the day. And following the strawberry trickle, like a thread, I came out onto the familiar hill. And from here you can hear the pine scales chirping in the wind!

Then the ear led. It drove and drove and led into a pine forest. The moon came through and illuminated the forest. I saw a cheerful girl in the valley birch grove. The white trunks shine in the moonlight - even if you squint. The leaves flutter in the breeze, like moon ripples on water. I reached the grove by eye. From here there is a direct road to the house. I love picking mushrooms!

You walk through the forest, and you have everything to do: your arms, your legs, your eyes, and your ears. And even the nose and tongue! Breathe, look and smell. Fine!

fly agaric

The handsome fly agaric looks kinder than Little Red Riding Hood and is more harmless than a ladybug. He also looks like a cheerful gnome in a red beaded cap and lace pantaloons: he’s about to move, bow to the waist and say something good.

And in fact, although it is poisonous and inedible, it is not entirely bad: many forest inhabitants even eat it and do not get sick.

Moose sometimes chew, magpies peck, even squirrels, which is why they know about mushrooms, and even those sometimes dry fly agaric mushrooms for the winter.

In small proportions, fly agaric, like snake venom, does not poison, but heals. And the animals and birds know this. Now you know too.

But never - never! - do not try to treat yourself with fly agaric. A fly agaric is still a fly agaric - it can kill you!


One day I wanted to visit a distant hillock, where boletus mushrooms grew in abundance. Here, finally, is my cherished place. Young graceful pines rose along a steep slope, covered with whitish dry moss and already faded heather bushes.

I was overcome with the excitement of a true mushroom picker. With a hidden feeling of joy, he approached the foot of the hill. The eyes searched, it seemed, every square centimeter of the earth. I noticed a white fallen thick leg. He picked it up and turned it over in bewilderment. Boletus leg. Where's the hat? I cut it in half - not a single wormhole. After a few steps, I picked up another leg of a porcini mushroom. Did the mushroom picker really only cut off the caps? I looked around and saw a stem from a russula, and a little further away - from a flywheel.

The feeling of joy gave way to annoyance. After all, this is laughter

Pick up a basket of mushroom stems alone, even from boletus mushrooms!

“We need to go to another place,” I decided and no longer paid attention to the white and yellow posts that came across every now and then.

He climbed out to the top of the mound and sat down to rest on a stump. A few steps away from me, a squirrel lightly jumped from a pine tree. She knocked down a large boletus, which I had just noticed, grabbed the cap with her teeth and ran towards the same pine tree. She strung her hat on a twig about two meters from the ground, and she jumped along the branches, smoothly swinging them. She jumped to another pine tree and jumped from it into the heather. And again the squirrel is on the tree, only this time it is pushing its prey between the trunk and the branch.

So that's who was picking mushrooms on my way! The animal stored them for the winter, hanging them on trees to dry. Apparently, it was more convenient to string the caps onto the knots than the fibrous stems.

Is there really nothing left for me in this forest? I went looking for mushrooms in a different direction. And luck awaited me - in less than an hour I collected a full basket of magnificent boletus mushrooms. My nimble rival did not have time to decapitate them.

Ecological tales about water

The story of one drop

(sad tale about water)

A transparent stream of water ran from an open tap. The water fell directly to the ground and disappeared, irrevocably absorbed into the soil cracked by the scorching rays of the sun.

A heavy drop of water, timidly peeking out from this stream, looked down with caution. In a split second, her entire long, eventful life flashed through her head.

She remembered how, frolicking and playing in the sun, she, Little Droplet, appeared from a young and daring Spring that timidly made its way out of the ground. With her sisters, the same mischievous Little Droplets, she frolicked among the birches whispering tender words to them, among the flaming bright colors flowers of meadows, among fragrant forest herbs. How Little Drop loved to look at the clear high sky, at the feather-light clouds slowly floating and reflected in the small mirror of the Spring.

The droplet remembered how the Spring, which over time became bold and strong, turned into a noisy stream and, knocking down stones, hills and sandy embankments on its way, swept through the lowlands, choosing a place for its new refuge.

Thus was born the River, which wound like a serpentine, bypassing virgin forests and high mountains.

And now, having become mature and full-flowing, the River sheltered burbot and perch, bream and pike perch in its waters. Small fish frolicked in its warm waves, and a predatory pike hunted for it. Many birds nested along the banks: ducks, wild geese, mute swans, gray herons. At sunrise, roe deer and deer visited the watering hole, the thunderstorm of the local forests - the wild boar with its brood - did not mind tasting the cleanest and most delicious icy water.

Often a Man came to the shore, settled down by the River, enjoyed its coolness in the summer heat, admired the sunrises and sunsets, marveled at the harmonious chorus of frogs in the evening, looked with tenderness at a pair of swans who settled nearby by the water.

And in winter, children's laughter could be heard near the River; children and adults set up a skating rink on the River and were now gliding along the sparkling mirror of ice on sleds and skates. And where was there to sit still! The droplets watched them from under the ice and shared their joy with the people.

All this happened. But it seems so long ago!

For so many years, Droplet has seen a lot. She also learned that springs and rivers are not inexhaustible. And the Man, the same Man who so loved to be on the shore, enjoy the River, drink cold spring water, this Man takes this water for his needs. Yes, he doesn’t just take it, but spends it in a completely uneconomical way.

And now water flowed out in a thin stream from the tap, and a drop of water, closing its eyes, set off into a frightening, unknown future.

“Do I have a future? - Drop thought with horror. “After all, I’m going, it seems, to nowhere.”

How Cloud was in the desert

(a tale about a place where there is no water)

Cloud once got lost. She ended up in the desert.

How beautiful it is here! – Cloud thought, looking around. - Everything is so yellow...

The wind came and leveled the sandy hills.

How beautiful it is here! – Cloud thought again. - Everything is so smooth...

The sun began to get hotter.

How beautiful it is here! – Cloud thought once again. - Everything is so warm...

The whole day passed like this. Behind him is the second, the third... Cloud was still delighted with what she saw in the desert.

Week is gone. Month. It was both warm and light in the desert. The sun has chosen this place on earth. The wind often came here.

There was only one thing missing here - blue lakes, green meadows, birds singing, the splash of fish in the river.

Cloud cried. No, the desert cannot see lush meadows or dense oak forests, its inhabitants cannot inhale the scent of flowers, nor can it hear the ringing trill of a nightingale.

The most important thing is missing here - WATER, and, therefore, there is no LIFE.

The Power of Rain and Friendship

(the tale of life-giving force water)

An alarmed Bee was circling over the lawn.

How can this be? It hasn't rained for many days.

She looked around the lawn. The bells lowered their heads dejectedly. Daisies folded their snow-white petals. The drooping grasses looked up to the sky with hope. The birches and rowan trees were talking sadly among themselves. Their leaves gradually turned from soft green to dirty gray, turning yellow before our eyes. It became hard for the Bugs, Dragonflies, Bees and Butterflies. The Hare, Fox and Wolf were languishing from the heat in their warm fur coats, hiding in holes and not paying attention to each other. And Grandfather Bear climbed into a shady raspberry patch to at least escape from the scorching sun.

Tired of the heat. But there was still no rain.

Grandfather Bear, - Bee buzzed, - tell me what to do. There is no escape from the s-s-heat. The rain-j-zhidik probably forgot about our puddle-zh-zhayka.

And you find a free Wind - a breeze, - answered the old wise Bear, - he walks all over the world, knows about everything that is happening in the world. He will help.

The Bee flew off in search of the Wind.

And he was playing mischief at that time in distant countries. Little Bee found him and told him about the trouble. They hurried to the lawn forgotten by Rain, and along the way they took with them a light Cloud resting in the sky. Cloud did not immediately understand why Bee and Breeze disturbed him. And when I saw drying forests, fields, meadows, and unfortunate animals, I became worried:

I will help the lawn and its inhabitants!

The Cloud frowned and turned into a rain cloud. The cloud began to swell, covering the entire sky.

She sulked and sulked until she burst into warm summer rain.

The rain danced dashingly across the revived lawn. He walked on the Earth, and everything around

fed on water, sparkled, rejoiced, sang a hymn to rain and friendship.

And the Bee, contented and happy, at that time was sitting under a wide Dandelion leaf and thinking about the life-giving power of water and that we often do not appreciate this amazing gift of nature.

The Story of Little Frog

(a good fairy tale about the water cycle in nature)

Little Frog was bored. All the Frogs around were adults, and he had no one to play with. Now he was lying on a wide leaf of a river lily and carefully looking at the sky.

The sky is so blue and alive, like the water in our pond. This must be the pond, only in reverse. If so, then there are probably frogs there.

He jumped up on his thin legs and shouted:

Hey! Frogs from the heavenly pond! If you can hear me, respond! Let's be friends!

But no one responded.

Ah well! - exclaimed the Frog. – Are you playing hide and seek with me?! There you are!

And he made a funny grimace.

Mother Frog, who was tracking a mosquito nearby, just laughed.

Silly you! The sky is not a pond, and there are no frogs there.

But rain often drips from the sky, and at night it darkens, just like our water in the pond. And these tasty mosquitoes so often fly into the air!

How little you are,” Mom laughed again. “The mosquitoes need to escape from us, so they fly into the air.” And the water in our pond on hot days evaporates, rises into the sky, and then returns to our pond again in the form of rain. Got it, baby?

“Yeah,” the Little Frog nodded his green head.

And I thought to myself:

Anyway, someday I will find a friend from heaven. After all, there is water there! Which means there are Frogs!!!

Every living thing needs water

Ecological fairy tale

Once upon a time there lived a hare. One day he decided to take a walk in the forest. The day was very cloudy, it was raining, but this did not stop the bunny from taking a morning walk through his native forest. A bunny is walking, walking, and a hedgehog with no head or legs meets him.

- “Hello hedgehog! Why are you so sad?"

- “Hello bunny! Why be happy, look at the weather all morning It is raining, the mood is disgusting."

- “Hedgehog, imagine what would happen if there was no rain at all, and the sun always shone.”

- “It would be great, we could walk, sing songs, have fun!”

- “Yeah, hedgehog, it’s not like that. If there is no rain, all the trees, grass, flowers, all living things will wither and die.”

- “Come on, hare, I don’t believe you.”

- “Let's check it out”?

- “And how are we going to check this?”

- “Very simple, here’s a hedgehog holding a bouquet of flowers, this is a gift from me.”

- “Oh thank you bunny, you are a real friend!”

- “Hedgehog and you give me flowers.”

- “Yes, just take it.”

- “And now it’s time to check the hedgehog. Now we will each go to our own homes. I will put my flowers in a vase and pour water into it. And you, hedgehog, also put flowers in a vase, but don’t pour water.”

- “Okay, hare. Goodbye"!

Three days have passed. The hare, as usual, went out for a walk in the forest. On this day, the bright sun shone and warmed us with its warm rays. A bunny is walking and suddenly a hedgehog with no head or legs meets him.

- “Hedgehog, are you sad again?” The rain has long stopped, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the butterflies are fluttering. You should be happy."

- “Why should the hare be happy? The flowers you gave me have dried up. I’m so sorry, it was your gift.”

- “Hedgehog, do you understand why your flowers have dried up”?

“Of course I understand, I understand everything now. They dried out because they were in a vase without water.”

- “Yes, hedgehog, all living things need water. If there is no water, all living things will dry out and die. And rain is droplets of water that fall to the ground and nourish all the flowers and plants. Trees. Therefore, you need to enjoy everything, rain and sun.”

- “Bunny, I understood everything, thank you. Let’s go for a walk through the forest together and enjoy everything around us!”

A tale of water, the most wonderful miracle on Earth

Ecological fairy tale

Once upon a time there lived a king, and he had three sons. One day the king gathered his sons and ordered them to bring a MIRACLE. The eldest son brought gold and silver, the middle son brought precious stones, and the youngest son brought ordinary water. Everyone started laughing at him, and he said:

Water is the greatest miracle on Earth. The traveler I met was ready to give me all his jewelry for a sip of water. He was thirsty. I got him drunk clean water and gave some more with me as a reserve. I didn’t need his jewelry; I realized that water is more valuable than any wealth.

And another time I saw a drought. Without rain, the whole field dried up. It came to life only after it rained, filling it with life-giving moisture.

For the third time I had to help people put out a forest fire. Many animals suffered from it. If we had not stopped the fire, the whole village could have burned down if it had spread to it. We needed a lot of water, but we managed with all our might. That was the end of my search.

And now, I think you all understand why water is a wonderful miracle, because without it there would be nothing alive on Earth. Birds, animals, fish, and people cannot live a day without water. And water also has magical powers: it turns into ice and steam,” the youngest son finished his story and showed all the honest people the wonderful properties of water.

The king listened to his youngest son and declared water the greatest miracle on earth. In his royal Decree, he ordered to conserve water and not pollute water bodies.

Ecological tales about plants


Once upon a time there was a Geranium. Poor, unfortunate Geranium. She was once very beautiful. And now... What happened to her. The flowers withered, the leaves withered, and the roots had long lost their strength... The earth in the cracked pot asked for clean water... but no one could help either the earth, or the flowers, or the leaves.
And Fedora’s grandmother was to blame for it all. Lazy and slob. She did not look after Geranium and generally forgot about her a long time ago.
And poor Geranium tried with all her might to make the world around Grandma Fedora beautiful... but all her attempts were in vain.
And then the day came when Geranium’s strength was running out... And she decided to leave grandmother Fedora. Left her. She looked lonely at the house in which she lived and left.
Grandmother Fedora woke up in the morning and did not understand what had happened.
“I’m not feeling well today, I’m restless and I feel bad.” What is it, why is this?
For a long time, Fyodor’s grandmother could not understand what was wrong.
But then a mouse appeared from behind the stove.
- What, grandma, are you feeling bad?
- Bad mouse, bad...
– Can I tell you why?
- Why?
- This is all because Geranium left your house.
Only now, after the words of the mouse, Grandma Fedora noticed that the window sill near the dirty, dusty window was empty.
“You probably don’t know,” the mouse continued, “but Geranium is a special plant.” Its aroma heals the human soul, calms, protects and helps to cope with all difficulties.
“I didn’t even know...” Fedora sighed sadly. – But even if she knew... For all the time that Geranium lived with me, I never beneficial influence didn't feel it on me.
– Did you look after her?
- What, it was necessary to look after?
- Certainly! Water the soil, loosen it, nourish the roots. And also sunlight she needs...And look at your window - dusty, dirty!
- Oh, what should we do now? - Grandmother Fyodor sighed.
“Go and return the Geranium,” the Mouse simply answered.
And Grandma Fedora walked through the fields, through the meadows... She walked for a long time. I came to the clearing. He sees her Geranium sitting all so poor, unhappy... She sheds bitter tears.
- Geranium, dear, forgive me. I feel so bad without you. Come home, please. I will take care of you, look after you.
Geranium forgave Grandma Fedora. They returned home.
Fedora's grandmother planted the geranium in a new pot, poured new soil, loosened it, watered the leaves, and also washed the window so that the sun's rays would caress the geranium flowers with their warmth and light. And the Geranium bloomed with happiness and filled Fedora’s house with a wonderful, beneficial aroma.
Since then, Fedora’s grandmother has taken care of her Geranium and always takes care of it.


In one small town there was a small kindergarten in which small but very good children were raised. They loved animals, birds, and plants very much. The children, although still very small, were already able to take care of the inhabitants of their living corner. These were such good and obedient children.
But when the kids went home and the kindergarten corridors became quiet, the plants and animals talked to each other.
And then one day Lily, who was standing on the windowsill next to Begonia, exclaimed in surprise:
- Look, next to me there is a pot in which there is nothing but soil.
“You know, dear Lily,” said Begonia, “I saw how the children diligently watered this land today.”
“It’s strange,” Cactus sighed, “it’s an empty land, but they’re watering it...
“And there is nothing strange in this,” said the wisest of all plants, Fern. – Since our children are watering this earth in a pot, it means they are waiting for something.
– What can they expect? – Lily was surprised.
- Like what? A new small sprout that will appear from a small seed, which in turn is still hiding deep in the ground.
- Oh, that's it! – all the plants gasped at once. – So soon we will have a new pet!
– I wonder who he will look like? - Begonia asked, and at once the plants’ suggestions began to pour in from all sides, because each of them believed that the sprout would look exactly like it.
Meanwhile, the little seed grew into a small sprout.
Once, when the indoor flowers were once again arguing about something unclear, they heard a thin voice:
- Hello!
- Oh, just look, our little sprout was born! - Lily exclaimed.
- Hello, sprout! – Begonia greeted. - What is your name?
“I don’t know...” the sprout became sad.
- That is OK. Do not worry. - Fern reassured him. “We all know our names here, they are written on the signs of our houses.” As soon as you grow up a little, we'll see who you look like and find out your name.
Days passed after days. Every day the children looked after the sprout. They watered it and loosened the soil, fed it with vitamins. And the sprout kept growing, gaining strength and filling the space around itself with a wonderful, soothing aroma.
- What is my name? – the sprout was perplexed. – All the flowers around me have names. And who am I?
Several more days passed like this. The sprout has ceased to be just a sprout. It grew and turned into a fragrant flower, with soft carved leaves, with small pink flowers, each petal of which looked like a small heart.
The solemn moment has arrived. One fine morning, the children attached a name to the flower pot.
“Geranium” was written on this sign, and at night, when the kindergarten was empty again, all the residents of the living corner noticed that the new pet now had a name.
“Hello Geranium, welcome Geranium, how are you doing Geranium” was heard from all sides and young Geranium was incredibly happy that now she also knows her name.
So from a small sprout a houseplant grew, which still lives in one small kindergarten, where small but very good children are raised.


A long time ago, when people did not yet know what indoor plants were, there lived a Man. Every spring he enjoyed the awakening of plants near his house, every summer he rejoiced at the green foliage of the trees, and every autumn he sadly watched how the leaves fell from the trees and the grass turned yellow.
One day, when summer was almost over, the Man realized that he did not want to part with the green foliage and decided that he would hide the plants at home, in warmth and comfort.
The Man went to the tree and asked:
- Tree, give me one of your branches, I will plant it at home, and it will delight me with its green leaves all winter.
“Take it,” replied the Tree. - But remember that Nature takes care of her creations so that they can please you, Man, but can you replace Nature with a twig?
“I am a Man, I can do anything,” answered the Man, took a twig and went home.
A Man came home, chose the most beautiful pot, and poured it into it himself. better land, planted a twig in it and began to wait.
A day passed, then another, but the small branch, instead of growing and blooming, began to droop to the ground, wither and wither.
– What’s the matter with her? – the Man was perplexed. - What am I doing wrong? I'll go ask Tree.
A Man came to the Tree.
- Well, Man, how is my branch doing? - asked the Tree.
- Badly. The twig withers and withers. Help me, Tree. What am I doing wrong? He poured the best soil, took the most beautiful pot...
“Oh, Man...” sighed the Tree. - We, trees, live on earth for a long time and do not wither, because Nature made it so that clouds and clouds, passing over us, rain. Rain moistens the soil, nourishes our roots, and in response we rustle our leaves gratefully.
- Thank you, Tree! - said the Man and hurried home.
Arriving home, the Man filled a jug with soft water at room temperature and watered his twig. The twig sighed, straightened up and stretched its small leaves upward. The Man was glad that he did everything right.
A day passed, then another... And again the twig fell ill. The man poured water on it, but in response the branch only moved its leaves very slightly and continued to wither.
– What’s the matter with her again? “I’ll go ask the Tree,” the Man decided.
And the Man came to the Tree.
“Hello, Man,” said the Tree. - How is my branch doing?
- Badly. Help me, Tree,” the Man prayed. “I water it as soon as the soil dries out, but somehow the branch withers again. What am I doing wrong?
“Oh, Man,” sighed the Tree. “Nature designed it in such a way that the roots of trees go deep underground, and air and water cannot reach them, because the earth is too dense. That's why Nature gave us helpers. Earthworms and other creatures live underground, digging tunnels near the roots and thereby loosening the earth, so tree roots can breathe.
“Thank you, Tree,” the Man exclaimed and hurried home.
The Man came home, took a stick and carefully, so as not to damage the delicate roots of his twig, loosened the ground. The twig took a deep breath, straightened up and rustled its young leaves.
The Man was happy.
So autumn passed and winter came. One day, on a cold winter morning, the Man noticed that the twig was sad again. The man watered the branch and loosened the soil, but nothing helped.
The Man went to the Tree, but could not wake him up, for in winter the trees all sleep and probably see the most beautiful dreams.
The Man got scared. Will his branch really die?
He came home sad and suddenly heard a quiet voice:
- Man, listen to me...
- Who is speaking? – the Man was surprised.
- It’s me, your branch. It’s winter outside, Man, and Nature designed it in such a way that in winter, when it’s cold, all the trees, flowers and plants sleep.
“But my home is warm and cozy.” Doesn't that make you happy? - asked the Man.
– It’s good, but Nature gives us sunlight so that all the flowers and trees can grow.
- Oh, that's it! - exclaimed the Man. - Now I understand!
The Man took the pot with a twig and placed it in the brightest place in his house - on the windowsill.
So the twig settled on the windowsill. It’s winter outside, but a twig is growing and blooming at a Man’s house.
So the Man understood what exactly needed to be done so that flowers could grow at home. They need to be looked after, conditions close to natural must be created for them. We need to water them, light them and loosen the soil. And then, even in the coldest and snowiest winter, Man will have summer at home!


My young friend! Have you ever seen a caterpillar? That's fine. Today I will tell you a story about one such caterpillar. Just a caterpillar.
Once upon a time there lived a pigeon named Gurlyka. The dove loved to fly high in the sky. And the dove was friends with one little bee named Zhuzha. Every summer day, as soon as the sun came out into the clear sky, a dove flew out of its house into the sky and met the Zhuzha bee there. Together they flew, worked and enjoyed the warmth of the sun.
But then one day Gurlyk’s dove flew into the sky and noticed a strange creature from above. This creature was long, somehow completely incomprehensible, it had many legs, but despite the huge number of legs, it moved very, very slowly.
Bee Zhuzha also noticed this creature.
“What do you think, Zhuzha, what kind of strange animal is this?” asked Gurlyka.
“I don’t know,” Zhuzha answered. - Look, he doesn’t have wings, which means he’s neither a bird nor a bee. Maybe we can fly and meet him.
“Let’s fly,” answered Gurlyka, and the friends descended to the ground.
And on the ground, on a green leaf of the lushest grass, sat... a caterpillar.
- Hello! – Friends greeted her. Who are you and what is your name?
- I'm a caterpillar... just a caterpillar.
-Can you fly? – asked the bee Zhuzha.
- No I do not know how to. I'm just crawling.
“What a pity that you can’t fly,” said Gurlyk’s pigeon. – You must be sad and lonely here on earth.
- Yes, sometimes I feel sad, but maybe you won’t refuse to be friends with me and at least sometimes fly to me, here, on this lush and green grass.
- Of course, we will visit you every day.
So days after days flew by. The dove and the bee met in the sky as before, but now they also descended to the ground to play with the caterpillar.
So summer flew by unnoticed and autumn came.
One early autumn morning, the friends flew again to find the caterpillar. But she was not on the ground. For a long time the bee and the dove called to the caterpillar, but no one answered them. And there was no grass anymore. Only one, lonely yellow leaf lay on the ground, and on it, a strange object. It was a cocoon, dark brown in color. His friends looked at him and knocked, but not a single sound came from the cocoon. Silence. The pigeon Gurlyka and the bee Zhuzha waited for a long time to see if the caterpillar would appear. But no one showed up.
Autumn has passed, winter has come. And then, after winter, spring came. Everything blossomed again and the friendly sun was shining in the sky again. And again, as before, a dove and a bee met in the sky to fly high in the sky and bask in the sun. And then one day, flying high in the sky, they saw a beautiful creature. She fluttered in the sky next to them and each of her wings shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow.
“Who are you?” the dove Gurlyk asked the beautiful creature.
- What, don’t you recognize me? - said the butterfly in the voice of a caterpillar. “I am the same caterpillar to whom you flew to earth to play with me and brighten up my loneliness.”
“But you didn’t know how to fly, you had many legs, you crawled slowly and you didn’t have any wings at all,” Zhuzha the bee was amazed.
- Right. This is always the case with our butterflies. First we are born as caterpillars, we crawl all summer, then we hide in a cocoon when autumn comes, and there, in this cocoon, while winter is coming, the caterpillar turns into a butterfly in order to be born in the spring and flutter over the flowers, enjoying the warmth and light.
Now the friends all met together in the sky every morning - the dove Gurlyk, the bee Zhuzha, and the butterfly, which had previously been a completely ordinary caterpillar.
These are miracles, my young friend. Now you know that a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, so the next time you are walking along a forest path and suddenly see a caterpillar, do not be afraid of it. After all, this is the same one, just a Caterpillar.

Why is the earth's dress green?

What's the greenest thing on earth? - a little girl once asked her mother.

Grass and trees, daughter,” my mother answered.

Why did they choose green and not some other color?

This time my mother thought for a moment and then said:

The Creator asked the sorceress Nature to sew a dress in the color of faith and hope for his beloved Earth, and Nature gave the Earth a green dress. Since then, a green carpet of fragrant herbs, plants and trees gives birth to hope and faith in a person’s heart, making it purer.

But by autumn the grass dries out and the leaves fall off.

Mom thought again for a long time, and then asked:

Did you sleep sweetly in your soft bed today, daughter?

The girl looked at her mother in surprise:

I slept well, but what does my bed have to do with it?

Flowers and herbs sleep in the fields and forests under a soft fluffy blanket, just as sweetly as you do in your crib. Trees rest to gain new strength and delight the hearts of people with new hopes. And so that we don’t forget during the long winter that the Earth has a green dress, and don’t lose our hopes, the Christmas tree and the pine tree are our joy and turn green in winter.

Who decorates the earth

A long time ago, our Earth was a deserted and hot celestial body; there was no vegetation, no water, or those beautiful colors that decorate it so much. And then one day God decided to revive the earth, he scattered a countless number of seeds of life all over the earth and asked the Sun to warm them with his warmth and light, and the Water to give them life-giving moisture.

The sun began to warm the Earth and water, but the seeds did not sprout. It turned out that they did not want to grow gray, because only gray monochromatic soil spread around them, and there were no other colors. Then God commanded a multi-colored Rainbow-arc to rise above the earth and decorate it.

Since then, the Rainbow Arc appears every time the sun shines through the rain. She stands above the ground and looks to see if the Earth is beautifully decorated.

Here are clearings in the forest. They look alike, like twin sisters. They are sisters. Everyone has one forest-father, everyone has one mother earth. The Polyana sisters put on colored dresses every spring, show off in them, and ask:

Am I the whitest in the world?

All blush?


The first clearing is all white with daisies.

In the second, sunny meadow, small carnation stars with red sparks in the centers bloomed, and the whole meadow became blush pink. On the third, surrounded by old spruce trees, forget-me-nots bloomed and the clearing became blue. The fourth is lilac with bells.

And suddenly Rainbow Arc sees black fire wounds, gray trampled spots, torn holes. Someone tore, burned, and trampled the multi-colored dress of the Earth.

The Rainbow Arc asks the heavenly beauty, the golden sun, the clean rains to help the earth heal its wounds, to sew a new dress for the earth. Then the Sun sends golden smiles to the earth. The sky sends blue smiles to the Earth. The rainbow arc gives the Earth smiles of all colors of joy. And Heavenly Beauty turns all these smiles into flowers and herbs. She walks the Earth and decorates the Earth with flowers.

Multi-colored meadows, meadows and gardens begin to smile at people again. These are the blue smiles of forget-me-nots - for true memory. These are the golden smiles of dandelions - for happiness. Red smiles of carnations are for joy. Lilac smiles of bluebells and meadow geraniums are for love. Every morning the Earth meets people and extends all its smiles to them. Take it people.

Mighty Blade of Grass

M. Skrebtsova

One day the trees began to spare the grass:

We feel sorry for you, grass. There is no one lower than you in the forest. Everyone is trampling on you. They got used to your softness and pliability and stopped noticing you completely. For example, everyone takes us into account: people, animals, and birds. We are proud and tall. You too, grass, need to reach up.

The grass answers them proudly:

I don’t need pity, dear trees. Even though I am not tall enough, I am of great use. When they walk on me, I just rejoice. That's why I have grass, to cover the ground: it's more comfortable to walk on a green mat than on bare ground. If someone gets caught in the rain on the way, and the paths and roads turn into mud, you can wipe your feet on me like a clean towel. I am always clean and fresh after the rain. And in the morning, when there is dew on me, I can even wash myself with grass.

Besides, trees, I only look weak. Look at me carefully. They crushed me, trampled me, but I was intact. It’s not like a person, a cow or a horse walks on me, - and they weigh quite a lot - four, or even five centners - but I don’t care. Even a multi-ton car can pass over me, but I’m still alive. Of course, the pressure on me is incredible, but I endure. Little by little I straighten up and sway again, as before. You trees, although tall, often cannot withstand hurricanes, but I, weak and low, don’t care about hurricanes.

The trees are silent, the grass has nothing to say to them, but she continues:

If my fate falls to be born where people decided to lay a path, I still do not die. They trample me day after day, press me into the mud with their feet and wheels, and I again reach out with new shoots towards light and warmth. Ant grass and plantain even like to settle right on the roads. It’s as if they’ve been testing their strength all their lives, and they don’t give up yet.

The trees exclaimed:

Yes, grass, you have Herculean strength hidden within you.

Mighty Oak says:

I remembered now how the city birds told me how you break through thick asphalt in the city. I didn’t believe them then, I laughed. And no wonder: people use crowbars and jackhammers to manage this thickness, and you are so tiny.

The grass exclaimed joyfully:

Yes, oak, breaking asphalt is not a problem for us. Newly born dandelion sprouts in cities often swell and tear the asphalt.

The birch tree, which had been silent until now, said:

I, little grass, never considered you worthless. I have admired your beauty for a long time. We trees have only one face, but you have many faces. Whomever you see in the clearing: sunny daisies, red flowers of carnations, golden tansy buttons, delicate bells, and cheerful fireweed. A forester I know told me that there are about 20 thousand different species of grass in our country, but smaller trees and shrubs - only two thousand.

Here a hare unexpectedly intervened in the conversation and led her bunnies into a forest clearing:

From us, hares, grass, low bow to you too. I had no idea that you were so strong, but I always knew that you were the most useful of all. For us, you are the best treat, juicy and nutritious. Many wild animals will prefer you to any other food. The giant elk himself bows his head to you. People won't live a day without you. They specially raise you in fields and vegetable gardens. After all, wheat, rye, corn, rice and different vegetables- these are also herbs. And you have so many vitamins that you can’t count them!

Then something rustled in the bushes, and the hare and her cubs quickly hid, and just in time, because a thin red fox ran out into the clearing. She began to hastily bite the green blades of grass.

Fox, you are a predator, have you really begun to eat grass? - the trees asked in surprise.

Not to eat, but to be treated. Animals are always treated with grass. Don't you know? - answered the fox.

Not only animals, people are also treated by me for various diseases,” explained the grass. - One grandmother-herbalist said that herbs are a pharmacy with the most precious medicines.

Yes, grass, you know how to heal, in this you are like us,” the pine tree entered the conversation.

In fact, dear pine tree, this is not the only way I resemble trees. Since we have such a conversation, I will tell you the ancient secret of our origin,” the grass said solemnly. - Usually we herbs don’t tell anyone about this. So listen: before, grasses were trees, but not simple ones, but powerful ones. This happened millions of years ago. The mighty giants had to endure many trials during this time. Those of them that found themselves in the most difficult conditions became smaller and smaller until they turned into grass. So it's no surprise that I'm so strong.

Here the trees began to look for similarities between each other and the grass. Everyone is noisy and interrupting each other. They got tired and finally quieted down.

Then the grass tells them:

You shouldn’t feel sorry for someone who doesn’t need pity, right, dear trees?

And all the trees immediately agreed with her.

The story of one Christmas tree

Ecological fairy tale

This is a sad story, but it was told to me by old Aspen, which grows on the edge of the forest. Well, let's begin.

One day, a Christmas tree grew up in our forest; she was small, defenseless, and everyone took care of her: big trees protected from the wind, the birds pecked at the black furry caterpillars, the rain poured on it, the breeze blew in the heat. Everyone loved Yolochka, and she was kind and affectionate. No one could hide the little bunnies better than her from an evil wolf or a cunning fox. All animals and birds were treated with its fragrant resin.

Time passed, our Christmas tree grew up and became so beautiful that birds from neighboring forests flew in to admire it. There has never been such a beautiful slender and fluffy Christmas tree in the forest! The Christmas tree knew about its beauty, but was not at all proud, it was still the same, sweet and kind.

Nearing New Year, it was a troublesome time for the forest, because how many forest beauties - Christmas trees - faced the sad fate of falling under the ax. One day two magpies flew in and began to chirp that a man was walking through the forest looking for the most beautiful tree. Our Christmas tree began to call the person, waving its fluffy branches, trying to attract his attention. Poor thing, she didn’t know why he needed the tree. She thought that he, like everyone else, wanted to admire her beauty, and the man noticed the Christmas tree.

“Stupid, stupid,” old Aspen shook its branches and creaked, “hide, hide!!!”

Never before had he seen such a beautiful, slender and fluffy Christmas tree. “Good, just what you need!” - said the man and... He began to chop the thin trunk with an axe. The Christmas tree screamed in pain, but it was too late, and she fell into the snow. Surprise and fear were her last feelings!

When a man roughly pulled the Christmas tree by the trunk, tender green branches broke off and scattered the Christmas tree's trail in the snow. A terrible ugly stump is all that remains of the Christmas tree in the forest.

This is the story the old creaky Aspen told me...

The Tale of the Little Cedar

Ecological fairy tale

I want to tell you an interesting tale that I heard in the forest while picking mushrooms.

One day in the taiga two squirrels got into a fight over a pine cone and dropped it.

When the cone fell, a nut fell out of it. He fell into the soft and fragrant pine needles. The nut lay there for a long time and then one day it turned into a cedar sprout. He was proud and thought that he had learned a lot during the time that he lay in the ground. But the old fern, which grew nearby, explained to him that he was still very small. And he pointed to the tall cedars.

“You will be the same and live another three hundred years!” - said the fern to the cedar sprout. And the cedar began to listen to the fern and learn from it. Kedrenok learned a lot of interesting things over the summer. I stopped being afraid of the hare, which often ran past. I rejoiced at the sun, which looked through the huge paws of pines and large cedars.

But one day it happened terrible incident. One morning, Kedrenok saw that all the birds and animals were running past him. They were terribly frightened by something. It seemed to Kedrenk that now he would definitely be trampled, but he did not know that the worst was yet to come. Soon white choking smoke appeared. Fern explained to Kedrenk that this is a forest fire that kills everything in its path.

“Will I never grow up to be a big cedar?” - thought Kedrenok.

And now red tongues of fire were already close, crawling through the grass and trees, leaving behind only black coals. It's already getting hot! Kedrenok began to say goodbye to the fern, when suddenly he heard a loud buzzing and saw a huge bird in the sky. It was a rescue helicopter. Water started pouring out of the helicopter at the same moment.

"We are saved"! – Kedrenok was delighted. Indeed, the water stopped the fire. The cedar tree was not injured, but one branch of the fern was scorched.

In the evening, Kedrenok asked the fern, “Where did this terrible fire come from?”

Fern explained to him that this disaster happens due to the carelessness of people who come to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. People light a fire in the forest and leave embers, which then flare up in the wind.

"How so"? – the little cedar was surprised. “After all, the forest feeds them, treats them with berries and mushrooms, but they destroy it.”

“When every person thinks about this, then maybe there will be no fires in our forests,” said the old and wise fern.

“In the meantime, we have only one hope that we will be rescued in time.”

And when I heard this fairy tale, I really wanted all people to take care of nature, which treats them with its gifts. And I hope that main character In my fairy tale, “Kedrenok” will grow into a big cedar and live three hundred, and maybe more, years!

Methodical piggy bank

Ecological fairy tales for preschool children

Andreeva Svetlana Vasilievna



- A. Lopatina………………………………………………………...3

Who decorates the earthA. Lopatina………………………………………………………………………………………..3

Mighty Blade of GrassM. Skrebtsova………………………………………………………………………………...4

The story of one Christmas tree( Ecological fairy tale)………………………………………………………..6

- The Tale of the Little Cedar(Ecological fairy tale)…………………………………………………..7

Ecological tales about water ………………………………………………………………..8

- The story of one drop(sad tale about water)………………………………………………………8

How Cloud was in the desert(a tale about a place where there is no water)……………………………………..9

- The Power of Rain and Friendship(tale about the life-giving power of water)………………………………….10

The Story of Little Frog(a good fairy tale about the water cycle in nature)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………eleven

- Every living thing needs water( Ecological fairy tale)……………………………………………...11

- ( Ecological fairy tale)…………………12


Bunny and Bear( Ecological fairy tale)………………………………………………………..13

Masha and the Bear ( Ecological fairy tale)…………………………………………………………………………………14

No place for trash( Ecological fairy tale)………………………………………………………………..15

- A tale about a trash-cursor( Ecological fairy tale)……………………………………16


Noble mushroomM. Malyshev………………………………………………………………………………18

Brave honey fungus E. Shim………………………………………………………………………………………19

- War of the mushrooms…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..20

- Introduction to mushroomsA. Lopatina……………………………………………………………………………….…..21

Mushroom pharmacy A. Lopatina………………………………………………………………………………....23

Two tales N. Pavlova……………………………………………………………………………………………….…25

For mushrooms N. Sladkov…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..28

fly agaric N. Sladkov………………………………………………………………………………………...29

Rival O. Chistyakovsky………………………………………………………………………………...…29

Ecological tales about plants

Why is the earth's dress green?

A. Lopatina

What's the greenest thing on earth? - a little girl once asked her mother.

- Grass and trees, daughter,” my mother answered.

- Why did they choose green and not some other color?

This time my mother thought for a moment and then said:

- The Creator asked the sorceress Nature to sew a dress in the color of faith and hope for his beloved Earth, and Nature gave the Earth a green dress. Since then, a green carpet of fragrant herbs, plants and trees gives birth to hope and faith in a person’s heart, making it purer.

- But by autumn the grass dries out and the leaves fall off.

Mom thought again for a long time, and then asked:

- Did you sleep sweetly in your soft bed today, daughter?

The girl looked at her mother in surprise:

- I slept well, but what does my bed have to do with it?

- Flowers and herbs sleep in the fields and forests under a soft fluffy blanket, just as sweetly as you do in your crib. Trees rest to gain new strength and delight the hearts of people with new hopes. And so that we don’t forget during the long winter that the Earth has a green dress, and don’t lose our hopes, the Christmas tree and the pine tree are our joy and turn green in winter.

Who decorates the earth

A. Lopatina

A long time ago, our Earth was a deserted and hot celestial body; there was no vegetation, no water, or those beautiful colors that decorate it so much. And then one day God decided to revive the earth, he scattered a countless number of seeds of life all over the earth and asked the Sun to warm them with his warmth and light, and the Water to give them life-giving moisture.

The sun began to warm the Earth and water, but the seeds did not sprout. It turned out that they did not want to grow gray, because only gray monochromatic soil spread around them, and there were no other colors. Then God commanded a multi-colored Rainbow-arc to rise above the earth and decorate it.

Since then, the Rainbow Arc appears every time the sun shines through the rain. She stands above the ground and looks to see if the Earth is beautifully decorated.

Here are clearings in the forest. They look alike, like twin sisters. They are sisters. Everyone has one forest-father, everyone has one mother earth. The Polyana sisters put on colored dresses every spring, show off in them, and ask:

- Am I the whitest in the world?

- All blush?

- Bluer?

The first clearing is all white with daisies.

In the second, sunny meadow, small carnation stars with red sparks in the centers bloomed, and the whole meadow became blush pink. On the third, surrounded by old spruce trees, forget-me-nots bloomed and the clearing became blue. The fourth is lilac with bells.

And suddenly Rainbow Arc sees black fire wounds, gray trampled spots, torn holes. Someone tore, burned, and trampled the multi-colored dress of the Earth.

The Rainbow Arc asks the heavenly beauty, the golden sun, the clean rains to help the earth heal its wounds, to sew a new dress for the earth. Then the Sun sends golden smiles to the earth. The sky sends blue smiles to the Earth. The rainbow arc gives the Earth smiles of all colors of joy. And Heavenly Beauty turns all these smiles into flowers and herbs. She walks the Earth and decorates the Earth with flowers.

Multi-colored meadows, meadows and gardens begin to smile at people again. These are the blue smiles of forget-me-nots - for true memory. These are the golden smiles of dandelions - for happiness. Red smiles of carnations are for joy. Lilac smiles of bluebells and meadow geraniums are for love. Every morning the Earth meets people and extends all its smiles to them. Take it people.

Mighty Blade of Grass

M. Skrebtsova

One day the trees began to spare the grass:

- We feel sorry for you, grass. There is no one lower than you in the forest. Everyone is trampling on you. They got used to your softness and pliability and stopped noticing you completely. For example, everyone takes us into account: people, animals, and birds. We are proud and tall. You too, grass, need to reach up.

The grass answers them proudly:

- I don’t need pity, dear trees. Even though I am not tall enough, I am of great use. When they walk on me, I just rejoice. That's why I have grass, to cover the ground: it's more comfortable to walk on a green mat than on bare ground. If someone gets caught in the rain on the way, and the paths and roads turn into mud, you can wipe your feet on me like a clean towel. I am always clean and fresh after the rain. And in the morning, when there is dew on me, I can even wash myself with grass.

Besides, trees, I only look weak. Look at me carefully. They crushed me, trampled me, but I was intact. It’s not like a person, a cow or a horse walks on me, - and they weigh quite a lot - four, or even five centners - but I don’t care. Even a multi-ton car can pass over me, but I’m still alive. Of course, the pressure on me is incredible, but I endure. Little by little I straighten up and sway again, as before. You trees, although tall, often cannot withstand hurricanes, but I, weak and low, don’t care about hurricanes.

The trees are silent, the grass has nothing to say to them, but she continues:

- If my fate falls to be born where people decided to lay a path, I still do not die. They trample me day after day, press me into the mud with their feet and wheels, and I again reach out with new shoots towards light and warmth. Ant grass and plantain even like to settle right on the roads. It’s as if they’ve been testing their strength all their lives, and they don’t give up yet.

The trees exclaimed:

- Yes, grass, you have Herculean strength hidden within you.

Mighty Oak says:

- I remembered now how the city birds told me how you break through thick asphalt in the city. I didn’t believe them then, I laughed. And no wonder: people use crowbars and jackhammers to manage this thickness, and you are so tiny.

The grass exclaimed joyfully:

- Yes, oak, breaking asphalt is not a problem for us. Newly born dandelion sprouts in cities often swell and tear the asphalt.

The birch tree, which had been silent until now, said:

- I, little grass, never considered you worthless. I have admired your beauty for a long time. We trees have only one face, but you have many faces. Whomever you see in the clearing: sunny daisies, red flowers of carnations, golden tansy buttons, delicate bells, and cheerful fireweed. A forester I know told me that there are about 20 thousand different species of grass in our country, but smaller trees and shrubs - only two thousand.

Here a hare unexpectedly intervened in the conversation and led her bunnies into a forest clearing:

- From us, hares, grass, low bow to you too. I had no idea that you were so strong, but I always knew that you were the most useful of all. For us, you are the best treat, juicy and nutritious. Many wild animals will prefer you to any other food. The giant elk himself bows his head to you. People won't live a day without you. They specially raise you in fields and vegetable gardens. After all, wheat, rye, corn, rice and various vegetables are also herbs. And you have so many vitamins that you can’t count them!

Then something rustled in the bushes, and the hare and her cubs quickly hid, and just in time, because a thin red fox ran out into the clearing. She began to hastily bite the green blades of grass.

- Fox, you are a predator, have you really begun to eat grass? - the trees asked in surprise.

- Not to eat, but to be treated. Animals are always treated with grass. Don't you know? - answered the fox.

- Not only animals, people are also treated by me for various diseases,” explained the grass. - One grandmother-herbalist said that herbs are a pharmacy with the most precious medicines.

- Yes, grass, you know how to heal, in this you are like us,” the pine tree entered the conversation.

- In fact, dear pine tree, this is not the only way I resemble trees. Since we have such a conversation, I will tell you the ancient secret of our origin,” the grass said solemnly. - Usually we herbs don’t tell anyone about this. So listen: before, grasses were trees, but not simple ones, but powerful ones. This happened millions of years ago. The mighty giants had to endure many trials during this time. Those of them that found themselves in the most difficult conditions became smaller and smaller until they turned into grass. So it's no surprise that I'm so strong.

Here the trees began to look for similarities between each other and the grass. Everyone is noisy and interrupting each other. They got tired and finally quieted down.

Then the grass tells them:

- You shouldn’t feel sorry for someone who doesn’t need pity, right, dear trees?

And all the trees immediately agreed with her.

The story of one Christmas tree

Ecological fairy tale

This is a sad story, but it was told to me by old Aspen, which grows on the edge of the forest. Well, let's begin.

Once upon a time, a Christmas tree grew up in our forest, she was small, defenseless and everyone took care of her: large trees protected her from the wind, birds pecked at the black furry caterpillars, the rain watered her, the breeze blew in the heat. Everyone loved Yolochka, and she was kind and affectionate. No one could hide the little bunnies better than her from an evil wolf or a cunning fox. All animals and birds were treated with its fragrant resin.

Time passed, our Christmas tree grew up and became so beautiful that birds from neighboring forests flew in to admire it. There has never been such a beautiful slender and fluffy Christmas tree in the forest! The Christmas tree knew about its beauty, but was not at all proud, it was still the same, sweet and kind.

The New Year was approaching, it was a troublesome time for the forest, because how many beautiful forest Christmas trees faced the sad fate of falling under the ax. One day two magpies flew in and began to chirp that a man was walking through the forest looking for the most beautiful tree. Our Christmas tree began to call the person, waving its fluffy branches, trying to attract his attention. Poor thing, she didn’t know why he needed the tree. She thought that he, like everyone else, wanted to admire her beauty, and the man noticed the Christmas tree.

“Stupid, stupid,” old Aspen shook its branches and creaked, “hide, hide!!!”

Never before had he seen such a beautiful, slender and fluffy Christmas tree. “Good, just what you need!” - said the man and... He began to chop the thin trunk with an axe. The Christmas tree screamed in pain, but it was too late, and she fell into the snow. Surprise and fear were her last feelings!

When a man roughly pulled the Christmas tree by the trunk, tender green branches broke off and scattered the Christmas tree's trail in the snow. A terrible ugly stump is all that remains of the Christmas tree in the forest.

This is the story the old creaky Aspen told me...

The Tale of the Little Cedar

Ecological fairy tale

I want to tell you an interesting tale that I heard in the forest while picking mushrooms.

One day in the taiga two squirrels got into a fight over a pine cone and dropped it.

When the cone fell, a nut fell out of it. He fell into the soft and fragrant pine needles. The nut lay there for a long time and then one day it turned into a cedar sprout. He was proud and thought that he had learned a lot during the time that he lay in the ground. But the old fern, which grew nearby, explained to him that he was still very small. And he pointed to the tall cedars.

“You will be the same and live another three hundred years!” - said the fern to the cedar sprout. And the cedar began to listen to the fern and learn from it. Kedrenok learned a lot of interesting things over the summer. I stopped being afraid of the hare, which often ran past. I rejoiced at the sun, which looked through the huge paws of pines and large cedars.

But one day a terrible incident happened. One morning, Kedrenok saw that all the birds and animals were running past him. They were terribly frightened by something. It seemed to Kedrenk that now he would definitely be trampled, but he did not know that the worst was yet to come. Soon white choking smoke appeared. Fern explained to Kedrenk that this is a forest fire that kills everything in its path.

“Will I never grow up to be a big cedar?” - thought Kedrenok.

And now red tongues of fire were already close, crawling through the grass and trees, leaving behind only black coals. It's already getting hot! Kedrenok began to say goodbye to the fern, when suddenly he heard a loud buzzing and saw a huge bird in the sky. It was a rescue helicopter. Water started pouring out of the helicopter at the same moment.

"We are saved"! – Kedrenok was delighted. Indeed, the water stopped the fire. The cedar tree was not injured, but one branch of the fern was scorched.

In the evening, Kedrenok asked the fern, “Where did this terrible fire come from?”

Fern explained to him that this disaster happens due to the carelessness of people who come to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. People light a fire in the forest and leave embers, which then flare up in the wind.

"How so"? – the little cedar was surprised. “After all, the forest feeds them, treats them with berries and mushrooms, but they destroy it.”

“When every person thinks about this, then maybe there will be no fires in our forests,” said the old and wise fern.

“In the meantime, we have only one hope that we will be rescued in time.”

And when I heard this fairy tale, I really wanted all people to take care of nature, which treats them with its gifts. And I hope that the main character of my fairy tale “Kedrenok” will grow up to be a big cedar and live for three hundred, or maybe more, years!

Ecological tales about water

The story of one drop

(sad tale about water)

A transparent stream of water ran from an open tap. The water fell directly to the ground and disappeared, irrevocably absorbed into the soil cracked by the scorching rays of the sun.

A heavy drop of water, timidly peeking out from this stream, looked down with caution. In a split second, her entire long, eventful life flashed through her head.

She remembered how, frolicking and playing in the sun, she, Little Droplet, appeared from a young and daring Spring that timidly made its way out of the ground. With her sisters, the same mischievous Little Droplets, she frolicked among the birches whispering tender words to them, among the meadows glowing with bright colors, among the fragrant forest herbs. How Little Drop loved to look at the clear high sky, at the feather-light clouds slowly floating and reflected in the small mirror of the Spring.

The droplet remembered how the Spring, which over time became bold and strong, turned into a noisy stream and, knocking down stones, hills and sandy embankments on its way, swept through the lowlands, choosing a place for its new refuge.

Thus was born the River, which wound like a serpentine, bypassing virgin forests and high mountains.

And now, having become mature and full-flowing, the River sheltered burbot and perch, bream and pike perch in its waters. Small fish frolicked in its warm waves, and a predatory pike hunted for it. Many birds nested along the banks: ducks, wild geese, mute swans, gray herons. At sunrise, roe deer and deer visited the watering hole, the thunderstorm of the local forests - the wild boar with its brood - did not mind tasting the cleanest and most delicious icy water.

Often a Man came to the shore, settled down by the River, enjoyed its coolness in the summer heat, admired the sunrises and sunsets, marveled at the harmonious chorus of frogs in the evening, looked with tenderness at a pair of swans who settled nearby by the water.

And in winter, children's laughter could be heard near the River; children and adults set up a skating rink on the River and were now gliding along the sparkling mirror of ice on sleds and skates. And where was there to sit still! The droplets watched them from under the ice and shared their joy with the people.

All this happened. But it seems so long ago!

For so many years, Droplet has seen a lot. She also learned that springs and rivers are not inexhaustible. And the Man, the same Man who so loved to be on the shore, enjoy the River, drink cold spring water, this Man takes this water for his needs. Yes, he doesn’t just take it, but spends it in a completely uneconomical way.

And now water flowed out in a thin stream from the tap, and a drop of water, closing its eyes, set off into a frightening, unknown future.

“Do I have a future? - Drop thought with horror. “After all, I’m going, it seems, to nowhere.”

How Cloud was in the desert

(a tale about a place where there is no water)

Cloud once got lost. She ended up in the desert.

- How beautiful it is here! – Cloud thought, looking around. - Everything is so yellow...

The wind came and leveled the sandy hills.

- How beautiful it is here! – Cloud thought again. - Everything is so smooth...

The sun began to get hotter.

- How beautiful it is here! – Cloud thought once again. - Everything is so warm...

The whole day passed like this. Behind him is the second, the third... Cloud was still delighted with what she saw in the desert.

Week is gone. Month. It was both warm and light in the desert. The sun has chosen this place on earth. The wind often came here.

There was only one thing missing here - blue lakes, green meadows, birds singing, the splash of fish in the river.

Cloud cried. No, the desert cannot see lush meadows or dense oak forests, its inhabitants cannot inhale the scent of flowers, nor can it hear the ringing trill of a nightingale.

The most important thing is missing here - WATER, and, therefore, there is no LIFE.

The Power of Rain and Friendship

(a tale about the life-giving power of water)

An alarmed Bee was circling over the lawn.

- How can this be? It hasn't rained for many days.

She looked around the lawn. The bells lowered their heads dejectedly. Daisies folded their snow-white petals. The drooping grasses looked up to the sky with hope. The birches and rowan trees were talking sadly among themselves. Their leaves gradually turned from soft green to dirty gray, turning yellow before our eyes. It became hard for the Bugs, Dragonflies, Bees and Butterflies. The Hare, Fox and Wolf were languishing from the heat in their warm fur coats, hiding in holes and not paying attention to each other. And Grandfather Bear climbed into a shady raspberry patch to at least escape from the scorching sun.

Tired of the heat. But there was still no rain.

- Grandfather Bear, - Bee buzzed, - tell me what to do. There is no escape from the s-s-heat. The rain-j-zhidik probably forgot about our puddle-zh-zhayka.

- And you find a free Wind - a breeze, - answered the old wise Bear, - he walks all over the world, knows about everything that is happening in the world. He will help.

The Bee flew off in search of the Wind.

And he was playing mischief at that time in distant countries. Little Bee found him and told him about the trouble. They hurried to the lawn forgotten by Rain, and along the way they took with them a light Cloud resting in the sky. Cloud did not immediately understand why Bee and Breeze disturbed him. And when I saw drying forests, fields, meadows, and unfortunate animals, I became worried:

- I will help the lawn and its inhabitants!

The Cloud frowned and turned into a rain cloud. The cloud began to swell, covering the entire sky.

She sulked and sulked until she burst into warm summer rain.

The rain danced dashingly across the revived lawn. He walked on the Earth, and everything around

fed on water, sparkled, rejoiced, sang a hymn to rain and friendship.

And the Bee, contented and happy, at that time was sitting under a wide Dandelion leaf and thinking about the life-giving power of water and that we often do not appreciate this amazing gift of nature.

The Story of Little Frog

(a good fairy tale about the water cycle in nature)

Little Frog was bored. All the Frogs around were adults, and he had no one to play with. Now he was lying on a wide leaf of a river lily and carefully looking at the sky.

- The sky is so blue and alive, like the water in our pond. This must be the pond, only in reverse. If so, then there are probably frogs there.

He jumped up on his thin legs and shouted:

- Hey! Frogs from the heavenly pond! If you can hear me, respond! Let's be friends!

But no one responded.

- Ah well! - exclaimed the Frog. – Are you playing hide and seek with me?! There you are!

And he made a funny grimace.

Mother Frog, who was tracking a mosquito nearby, just laughed.

- Silly you! The sky is not a pond, and there are no frogs there.

- But rain often drips from the sky, and at night it darkens, just like our water in the pond. And these tasty mosquitoes so often fly into the air!

- How little you are,” Mom laughed again. “The mosquitoes need to escape from us, so they fly into the air.” And the water in our pond on hot days evaporates, rises into the sky, and then returns to our pond again in the form of rain. Got it, baby?

- “Yeah,” the Little Frog nodded his green head.

And I thought to myself:

- Anyway, someday I will find a friend from heaven. After all, there is water there! Which means there are Frogs!!!

Every living thing needs water

Ecological fairy tale

Once upon a time there lived a hare. One day he decided to take a walk in the forest. The day was very cloudy, it was raining, but this did not stop the bunny from taking a morning walk through his native forest. A bunny is walking, walking, and a hedgehog with no head or legs meets him.

- “Hello hedgehog! Why are you so sad?"

- “Hello bunny! Why be happy, just look at the weather, it’s been raining all morning, the mood is disgusting.”

- “Hedgehog, imagine what would happen if there was no rain at all, and the sun always shone.”

- “It would be great, we could walk, sing songs, have fun!”

- “Yeah, hedgehog, it’s not like that. If there is no rain, all the trees, grass, flowers, all living things will wither and die.”

- “Come on, hare, I don’t believe you.”

- “Let's check it out”?

- “And how are we going to check this?”

- “Very simple, here’s a hedgehog holding a bouquet of flowers, this is a gift from me.”

- “Oh thank you bunny, you are a real friend!”

- “Hedgehog and you give me flowers.”

- “Yes, just take it.”

- “Now it’s time to check the hedgehog. Now we will each go to our own homes. I will put my flowers in a vase and pour water into it. And you, hedgehog, also put flowers in a vase, but don’t pour water.”

- “Okay hare. Goodbye"!

Three days have passed. The hare, as usual, went out for a walk in the forest. On this day, the bright sun shone and warmed us with its warm rays. A bunny is walking and suddenly a hedgehog with no head or legs meets him.

- “Hedgehog, are you sad again?” The rain has long stopped, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, the butterflies are fluttering. You should be happy."

- “Why should the hare be happy? The flowers you gave me have dried up. I’m so sorry, it was your gift.”

- “Hedgehog, do you understand why your flowers have dried up?”

- “Of course I understand, I understand everything now. They dried out because they were in a vase without water.”

- “Yes, hedgehog, all living things need water. If there is no water, all living things will dry out and die. And rain is droplets of water that fall to the ground and nourish all the flowers and plants. Trees. Therefore, you need to enjoy everything, rain and sun.”

- “Bunny, I understood everything, thank you. Let’s go for a walk through the forest together and enjoy everything around us!”

A tale of water, the most wonderful miracle on Earth

Ecological fairy tale

Once upon a time there lived a king, and he had three sons. One day the king gathered his sons and ordered them to bring a MIRACLE. The eldest son brought gold and silver, the middle son brought precious stones, and the youngest son brought ordinary water. Everyone started laughing at him, and he said:

- Water is the greatest miracle on Earth. The traveler I met was ready to give me all his jewelry for a sip of water. He was thirsty. I gave him clean water to drink and gave him some more to spare. I didn’t need his jewelry; I realized that water is more valuable than any wealth.

And another time I saw a drought. Without rain, the whole field dried up. It came to life only after it rained, filling it with life-giving moisture.

For the third time I had to help people put out a forest fire. Many animals suffered from it. If we had not stopped the fire, the whole village could have burned down if it had spread to it. We needed a lot of water, but we managed with all our might. That was the end of my search.

And now, I think you all understand why water is a wonderful miracle, because without it there would be nothing alive on Earth. Birds, animals, fish, and people cannot live a day without water. And water also has magical powers: it turns into ice and steam,” the youngest son finished his story and showed all the honest people the wonderful properties of water.

The king listened to his youngest son and declared water the greatest miracle on earth. In his royal Decree, he ordered to conserve water and not pollute water bodies.

Ecological tales about garbage

Bunny and Bear

Ecological fairy tale

This story happened in our forest, and a familiar magpie brought it to me on its tail.

One day the Bunny and the Little Bear went for a walk in the forest. They took food with them and set off. The weather was wonderful. The gentle sun was shining. The animals found a beautiful clearing and stopped there. The Bunny and the Little Bear played, had fun, and tumbled on the soft green grass.

Towards evening they got hungry and sat down to have a snack. The kids ate their fill, littered and, without cleaning up after themselves, ran home happy.

Time has passed. The playful girls went for a walk in the forest again. We found our clearing, it was no longer as beautiful as before, but the friends were in high spirits, and they started a competition. But trouble happened: they stumbled upon their garbage and got dirty. And the little bear got his paw into a tin can and for a long time could not free it. The kids realized what they had done, cleaned up after themselves and never littered again.

This is the end of my story, and the essence of the tale is that nature is not able to cope with pollution itself. Each of us must take care of her and then we will walk in a clean forest, live happily and beautifully in our city or village and will not end up in the same story as the animals.

Masha and the Bear

Ecological fairy tale

In one kingdom, in one state, on the edge of a small village, there lived a grandfather and a woman in a hut. And they had a granddaughter - a restless girl named Masha. Masha and her friends loved to go for walks on the street and play different games.

Not far from that village there was a large forest. And, as you know, three bears lived in that forest: papa bear Mikhailo Potapych, mama bear Marya Potapovna, and little bear son Mishutka. They lived very well in the forest, they had enough of everything - there was a lot of fish in the river, there were enough berries and roots, and they stored honey for the winter. And how clean the air was in the forest, the water in the river was clear, the grass was green all around! In a word, they lived in their hut and did not grieve.

And people loved to go to this forest for various needs: some to collect mushrooms, berries and nuts, some to chop firewood, and some to prepare twigs and bark for weaving. That forest fed and helped everyone. But then Masha and her friends got into the habit of going into the forest, organizing picnics and walks. They have fun, play, pick rare flowers and herbs, break young trees, and leave behind garbage - as if the whole village came and trampled. Wrappers, pieces of paper, juice and drink bags, lemonade bottles and much more. They didn’t clean up anything after themselves, they thought nothing bad would happen.

And it became so dirty in that forest! Mushrooms and berries no longer grow, and flowers are no longer pleasing to the eye, and animals began to run away from the forest. At first, Mikhailo Potapych and Marya Potapovna were surprised, what happened, why was it so dirty all around? And then they saw Masha and her friends relaxing in the forest, and they understood where all the forest troubles came from. Mikhailo Potapych became furious! At a family council, the bears came up with a plan to teach Masha and her friends a lesson. Papa Bear, Mama Bear and little Mishutka collected all the garbage, and at night they went to the village and scattered it around the houses, and left a note telling people not to go into the forest anymore, otherwise Mikhailo Potapych would bully them.

People woke up in the morning and couldn’t believe their eyes! All around there is dirt, garbage, no earth in sight. And after reading the note, people were saddened; how could they now live without the gifts of the forest? And then Masha and her friends realized what they had done. They apologized to everyone and collected all the trash. And they went into the forest to ask the bears for forgiveness. They apologized for a long time, promised not to harm the forest anymore, to be friends with nature. The bears forgave them and taught them how to behave correctly in the forest and not cause harm. And everyone only benefited from that friendship!

No place for trash

Ecological fairy tale

Once upon a time there was Garbage. He was ugly and angry. Everyone was talking about him. Garbage appeared in the city of Grodno after people began throwing bags, newspapers, and leftover food past trash cans and containers. Garbage was very proud that his possessions were everywhere: in every house and yard. Those who throw garbage add “strength” to garbage. Some people throw candy wrappers everywhere, drink water and throw bottles. The trash just rejoices at this. After some time, there was more and more garbage.

Not far from the city lived a Wizard. He loved the clean city very much and rejoiced at the people who lived in it. One day he looked at the city and was very upset. There are candy wrappers, paper, and plastic cups everywhere.

The Wizard called his assistants: Cleanliness, Neatness, Order. And he said: “You see what people have done! Let's bring order to this city! The assistants, together with the Wizard, began to restore order. They took brooms, dustpans, rakes and began to remove all the garbage. Their work was in full swing: “We are friends with cleanliness and order, but we don’t need garbage at all,” the assistants chanted. I saw Garbage that Cleanliness was walking through the city. She saw him and said: “Come on, Garbage, hold on - it’s better not to fight with us!”

The garbage was terrified. Yes, when he screams: “Oh, don’t touch me! I lost my wealth - where can I go?” Neatness, Cleanliness and Order looked at him sternly and began to threaten him with a broom. He ran from the city of Garbage, saying: “Well, I’ll find a shelter for myself, there’s a lot of garbage - they won’t remove it all. There are still yards, I’ll wait for better times!”

And the Wizard's assistants removed all the garbage. All around the city it became clean. Cleanliness and Neatness began to sort out all the garbage put in bags. Purity said: “This is paper - not garbage. You need to collect it separately. After all, new notebooks and textbooks are made from it,” and she placed old newspapers, magazines, and cardboard in a paper container.

Accuracy announced: “We’ll feed the birds and pets with the leftover food. We will take the rest of the food waste into food waste containers. And we will place the glass, empty jars and glassware in a glass container.”

And Order continues: “And we won’t throw away plastic cups and bottles. The children will have new toys made of plastic. There is no garbage in nature, no waste, let’s, friends, learn from nature,” and threw it into the plastic trash bin.

So our wizard and his assistants brought order to the city, taught people to save natural resources and explained that one thing is enough to maintain cleanliness - do not litter.

A tale about a trash-cursor

Ecological fairy tale

In a far, distant forest, on a small hill in a small hut, an old forest man and an old forest woman lived and whiled away the years. They lived together and guarded the forest. From year to year, from century to century, they were not disturbed by man.

And there is beauty all around – you can’t take your eyes off it! You can find as many mushrooms and berries as you want. Both animals and birds lived peacefully in the forest. The old people could be proud of their forest.

And they had two assistants, two bears: the busybody Masha and the grumpy Fedya. So peaceful and affectionate in appearance, they did not give offense to the forest villagers.

And everything would be fine, everything would be fine, but one clear autumn morning, suddenly, from the top of a tall Christmas tree, a Magpie screamed anxiously. The animals hid, the birds scattered, they waited: what will happen?

The forest was filled with noise, and screams, and anxiety, and great noise. People came with baskets, buckets and backpacks to pick up mushrooms. Until the evening, the cars hummed, and the old forest man and the old forest woman sat hidden in the hut. And at night, poor things, they didn’t dare close their eyes.

And in the morning the clear sun rolled out from behind the hill, illuminating both the forest and the centuries-old hut. The old people came out, sat on the rubble, warmed their bones in the sun and went to stretch their legs and take a walk through the forest. They looked around and were stunned: the forest was not a forest, but some kind of dump, which it would be a pity to even call a forest. Cans, bottles, pieces of paper and rags are scattered everywhere in disarray.

The old forest man shook his beard:

- So what is this being done?! Let's go, old lady, clean up the forest, remove the garbage, otherwise neither animals nor birds will be found here!

They look: and bottles and cans suddenly gather together, approach each other. They spun the screw - and out of the garbage arose an incomprehensible beast, skinny, unkempt and, at the same time, terribly disgusting: Junk-Wretched. The bones rattle, the whole forest laughs:

Along the road through the bushes -

Junk, junk, junk, junk!

In untrodden places -

Junk, junk, junk, junk!

I am great, many-sided,

I am paper, I am iron,

I am plastic-useful,

I am a glass bottle

I am damned, damned!

I'll settle in your forest -

I will bring a lot of grief!

The forest villagers got scared and called out to the bears. Busy Masha and grumpy Fedya came running. They growled menacingly and stood on their hind legs. What is left for the Junk-Wretched Man to do? Just scurry. It rolled like rubbish over the bushes, along ditches and hummocks, all further away, all to the side, so that the bears wouldn’t get a single piece of paper. He gathered himself into a heap, spun around like a screw, and again became the Junk-Cursed: a skinny and disgusting beast at that.

What to do? How to get to Khlamishche-Okayanishche? How long can you chase him through the forest? The old forest dwellers became depressed, the bears became quiet. They just hear someone singing and driving through the forest. They look: and this is the Queen of the Forest on a huge fiery red fox. As he drives, he wonders: why is there so much garbage lying around in the forest?

- Remove all this trash immediately!

And the foresters responded:

- We can't handle it! This is not just rubbish, it is a Junk-Cursed: an incomprehensible, skinny, unkempt beast.

- I don’t see any beast and I don’t believe you!

The Forest Queen bent down, reached for the piece of paper, and wanted to pick it up. And the piece of paper flew away from her. All the garbage gathered in a heap and spun like a screw, becoming a Junk-Cursed: a skinny and disgusting beast.

The Queen of the Forest was not afraid:

- Look, what a freak! What a beast! Just a bunch of rubbish! The good pit is crying for you!

She waved her hand - the ground parted, creating a deep hole. The Khlamishche-Okayanische fell there, couldn’t get out, lay down at the bottom.

The Forest Queen laughed:

- That's it - it's good!

The old forest people don’t want to let her go, and that’s all. The junk disappeared, but the worries remained.

- And if people come again, what will we, Mother, do?

- Ask Masha, ask Fedya, let them bring bears to the forest!

The forest has calmed down. The Queen of the Forest rode off on a fiery red fox. The old forest dwellers returned to their little hut, living and living, drinking tea. The sky is frowning or the sun is shining, the forest is beautiful and joyfully bright. There is so much joy and bright joy in the whisper of leaves, in the breath of the wind! Delicate sounds and pure colors, the forest is the most wonderful fairy tale!

But as soon as the cars began to hum again, people with baskets hurried into the forest. And Masha and Fedya hurried to call their bear neighbors for help. They entered the forest, growled, and stood up on their hind legs. People got scared and let's run! They will not return to this forest soon, but they left a whole mountain of garbage.

Masha and Fedya were not at a loss, they taught the bears, they surrounded the Khlamishche-Okayanische, drove them to the pit, and drove them into the pit. He couldn’t get out of there; he lay down at the bottom.

But the troubles of the old forest woman and the forest forest grandfather did not end there. Scoundrel poachers and hunters for bear skins came into the forest. We heard that there are bears in this forest. Save yourself, Masha! Save yourself, Fedya! The forest trembled sadly from the shots. Those who could, flew away, and those who could, ran away. For some reason it became joyless in the forest. Hunting! Hunting! Hunting! Hunting!

But the hunters suddenly notice: a red light flashes behind the bushes.

- Save yourself! Let's quickly run out of the forest! Fire is no joke! Let's die! We'll burn!

The hunters noisily climbed into their cars, got scared, and sped out of the forest. And this is just the Queen of the Forest racing on a fiery red fox. She waved her hand - the little hill disappeared, and the hut disappeared with the woodsmen. And the enchanted forest also disappeared. He disappeared as if he had fallen through the ground. And for some reason, in that place there became a huge impassable swamp.

The Queen of the Forest is waiting for people to become kind and wise and stop acting up in the forest.

Ecological tales about mushrooms

Noble mushroom

M. Malyshev

In a cozy forest clearing strewn with flowers, two mushrooms grew - white and fly agaric. They grew up so close that if they wanted, they could shake hands.

As soon as the early rays of the sun woke up the entire plant population of the clearing, the fly agaric mushroom always said to its neighbor:

- Good morning, buddy.

The morning was often good, but the porcini mushroom never responded to the neighbor’s greetings. This went on day after day. But one day, in response to the usual fly agaric “good morning, buddy,” the porcini mushroom said:

- How intrusive you are, brother!

- “I’m not intrusive,” the fly agaric modestly objected. - I just wanted to make friends with you.

- Ha-ha-ha,” the white man laughed. - Do you really think that I will make friends with you?!

- Why not? – the fly agaric asked good-naturedly.

- Yes, because you are a toadstool, and I... and I am a noble mushroom! Nobody likes you, fly agarics, because you are poisonous, and we, whites, are edible and tasty. Judge for yourself: we can be pickled, dried, boiled, or fried; we are rarely wormy. People love and appreciate us. And they hardly notice you, except maybe kick you. Right?

- That’s right,” the fly agaric sighed sadly. - But look how beautiful my hat is! Bright and cheerful!

- Hmm, hat. Who needs your hat? – And the white mushroom turned away from its neighbor.

And at this time, mushroom pickers came into the clearing - a little girl with her father.

- Mushrooms! Mushrooms! – the girl shouted cheerfully when she saw our neighbors.

- And this one? – the girl asked, pointing to the fly agaric.

- Let's leave this one, we don't need it.

- Why?

- It's poisonous.

- Poisonous?! So it needs to be trampled!

- Why. It is useful - evil flies land on it and die. The white mushroom is noble, and the fly agaric is healthy. And then, look what a beautiful, bright hat he has!

- That’s right,” the girl agreed. - Let it stand.

And the fly agaric remained standing in the colorful clearing, pleasing the eye with its bright red hat with white polka dots...

Brave honey fungus

E. Shim

There were a lot of mushrooms in the fall. Yes, what great fellows - one is more beautiful than the other!

Grandfathers stand under the dark fir trees. They wear white caftans and rich hats on their heads: yellow velvet below, brown velvet above. What a sight for sore eyes!

The boletus fathers stand under the light aspen trees. Everyone is wearing shaggy gray jackets and red hats on their heads. Also a beauty!

Brother boletus grows under the tall pines. They are wearing yellow shirts and oilcloth caps on their heads. Good too!

Under the alder bushes, the Russula sisters perform round dances. Each sister is wearing a linen sundress and has a colored scarf tied around her head. Not bad either!

And suddenly another mushroom mushroom grew near the fallen birch tree. Yes, so invisible, so unsightly! The orphan has nothing: no caftan, no shirt, no cap. He stands barefoot on the ground, and his head is uncovered - his blond curls curl into little ringlets. Other mushrooms saw him and, well, laugh: “Look, how unkempt!” But where did you come out into the white light? Not a single mushroom picker will take you, no one will bow to you! Honey fungus shook his curls and answered:

- If he doesn’t bow today, I’ll wait. Maybe someday I’ll come in handy.

But no, mushroom pickers don’t notice it. They walk among the dark fir trees, collecting boletus mushrooms. And it gets colder in the forest. The leaves on the birches turned yellow, on the rowan trees they turned red, on the aspen trees they became covered with spots. At night, chilly dew falls on the moss.

And from this chilly dew the grandfather boletus came down. There is not a single one left, everyone is gone. It’s also chilly for the honey mushroom to stand in the lowlands. But even though his leg is thin, it is light - he took it and moved higher, onto birch roots. And again the mushroom pickers are waiting.

And mushroom pickers walk in the copses, collecting boletus fathers. They still don’t look at Openka.

It became even colder in the forest. The great wind whistled, tore off all the leaves from the trees, and the bare branches swayed. It rains from morning until evening, and there is nowhere to hide from them.

And from these evil rains the boletus fathers came away. Everyone is gone, not a single one is left.

The honey mushroom is also flooded with rain, but although it is puny, it is nimble. He took it and jumped onto a birch stump. No rain will flood it here. But mushroom pickers still don’t notice Openok. They walk in the bare forest, collect butter brothers and russula sisters, and put them in boxes. Is Openka really going to disappear for nothing, for nothing?

It became completely cold in the forest. Muddy clouds moved in, it became dark all around, and snow pellets began to fall from the sky. And from this snow pellets came the boletus brothers and russula sisters. Not a single cap is visible, not a single handkerchief flashes.

The groats also fall out on Openka's uncovered head and get stuck in his curls. But the cunning Honey Pig didn’t make a mistake here either: he jumped into the birch hollow. He sits under a reliable roof, slowly peeking out: are the mushroom pickers coming? And the mushroom pickers are right there. They wander through the forest with empty boxes, but they cannot find a single fungus. They saw Openka and were so happy: “Oh, my dear!” - They say. - Oh, you are brave! He was not afraid of rain or snow, he was waiting for us. Thank you for helping in the most inclement time! And they bowed low and low to Openko.

Mushroom War

In the red summer there is a lot of everything in the forest - all kinds of mushrooms, and all kinds of berries: strawberries with blueberries, raspberries with blackberries, and black currants. The girls walk through the forest, pick berries, sing songs, and the boletus mushroom, sitting under an oak tree, puffs up, rushes out of the ground, gets angry at the berries: “You see that there are more of them! It used to be that we were honored, held in esteem, but now no one will even look at us!

- Wait, - thinks the boletus, the head of all mushrooms, - we, mushrooms, have great power - we will oppress, strangle it, the sweet berry!

The boletus conceived and wished for war, sitting under the oak tree, looking at all the mushrooms, and he began to pick mushrooms, began to call for help:

- Go, little girls, go to war!

The waves refused:

- We are all old ladies, not guilty of war.

Go away, honey mushrooms!

Openings refused:

- Our legs are painfully thin, we won’t go to war.

- Hey you morels! - shouted the boletus mushroom. -Gear up for war!

The morels refused, they said:

- We are old men, no way are we going to war!

The mushroom got angry, the boletus got angry, and he shouted in a loud voice:

- You guys are friendly, come fight with me, beat up the arrogant berry!

Milk mushrooms with loads responded:

- We, milk mushrooms, we are going with you to war, to the forest and field berries, we will throw our hats at them, trample them with our heels!

Having said this, the milk mushrooms climbed out of the ground together, the dry leaf rises above their heads, a formidable army rises.

“Well, there’s trouble,” the green grass thinks.

And at that time, Aunt Varvara came into the forest with a box - wide pockets. Seeing the great mushroom strength, she gasped, sat down and, well, picked mushrooms and put them in the back. I picked it up completely, carried it home, and at home I sorted the mushrooms by type and by rank: honey mushrooms - into tubs, honey mushrooms - into barrels, morels - into alyssettes, milk mushrooms - into baskets, and the boletus mushroom ended up in a bunch; it was pierced, dried and sold.

Since then, the mushroom and berry have stopped fighting.

Introduction to mushrooms

A. Lopatina

At the beginning of July it rained for a whole week. Anyuta and Mashenka became depressed. They missed the forest. Grandmother let them go for a walk in the yard, but as soon as the girls got wet, she immediately called them home. Porfiry the cat said when the girls called him for a walk:

- What's the point of getting wet in the rain? I’d rather sit at home and write a fairy tale.

- “I also think that a soft sofa is a more suitable place for cats than damp grass,” Andreika chimed in.

Grandfather, returning from the forest in a wet raincoat, laughing, said:

- The July rains nourish the earth and help it grow crops. Don’t worry, we’ll go to the forest to pick mushrooms soon.

Alice, shaking herself so that wet dust flew in all directions, said:

- The russula have already started to climb, and in the aspen forest two small boletuses with red caps popped up, but I left them, let them grow up.

Anyuta and Mashenka were looking forward to their grandfather taking them mushroom picking. Especially after he once brought a whole basket of young mushrooms. Taking out the strong mushrooms with gray legs and smooth brown caps from the basket, he said to the girls:

- Come on, guess the riddle:

In the grove near the birch tree we met namesakes.

- “I know,” Anyuta exclaimed, “these are boletus mushrooms, they grow under birch trees, and aspen boletuses grow under aspen trees.” They look like boletus mushrooms, but their caps are red. There are also boletus mushrooms, they grow in forests, and multi-colored russula grow everywhere.

- Yes, you know our mushroom literacy! - Grandfather was surprised and, taking out a whole heap of yellow-red lamellar mushrooms from the basket, said:

- Since all mushrooms are familiar to you, help me find the right word:


Very friendly sisters,

They wear red berets,

Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.

The girls were silent in embarrassment.

- This poem is about chanterelles: they grow into a huge family and turn golden in the grass like autumn leaves,” explained the all-knowing Porfiry.

Anyuta said offendedly:

- Grandfather, we only studied some mushrooms at school. The teacher told us that many mushrooms are poisonous and should not be eaten. She also said that now even good mushrooms can be poisoned, and it is better not to pick them at all.

- The teacher correctly told you that you cannot eat poisonous mushrooms and that now many good mushrooms are becoming harmful to humans. Factories emit all sorts of waste into the atmosphere, so various harmful substances settle in forests, especially near large cities, and mushrooms absorb them. But there are a lot of good mushrooms! You just need to make friends with them, then they themselves will run out to meet you when you come to the forest.

- Oh, what a wonderful fungus, strong, plump, in a velvet light brown cap! - Mashenka exclaimed, sticking her nose into the basket.

- This, Mashenka, the white one jumped out ahead of time. They usually appear in July. They say about him:

The boletus came out, a strong barrel,

Anyone who sees him will bow down.

- Grandfather, why is a boletus called white if it has a brown cap? - Mashenka asked.

- Its flesh is white, tasty and fragrant. In boletuses, for example, the flesh turns blue if you cut it, but in white ones the flesh does not darken either when cutting, or when boiling, or when drying. This mushroom has long been considered by people as one of the most nutritious. I have a professor friend who studies mushrooms. So he told me that in boletus mushrooms scientists have found the twenty most important amino acids for humans, as well as many vitamins and minerals. It’s not for nothing that these mushrooms are called forest meat, because they contain even more proteins than meat.

Grandfather, the teacher told us that in the future people will grow all the mushrooms in their gardens and buy them in the store,” said Anyuta, and Mishenka added:

- Mom bought us mushrooms at the store - white champignons and gray oyster mushrooms, very tasty. Oyster mushrooms have caps that look like ears, and they grow together as if they were one mushroom.

- Your teacher is right, but only forest mushrooms give people the healing properties of the forest and its best aromas. A person cannot grow many mushrooms in his garden: they cannot live without trees and forests. The mycelium with the trees, like inseparable brothers, intertwined their roots and feed each other. And there aren’t many poisonous mushrooms, people just don’t know much about mushrooms. Every mushroom is useful in some way. However, if you go into the forest, the mushrooms themselves will tell you everything about themselves.

- In the meantime, let me tell you my tale about mushrooms,” Porfiry suggested, and everyone happily agreed.

Mushroom pharmacy

A. Lopatina

- I made friends with the forest when I was still a little kitten. The forest knows me well, always greets me like an old acquaintance, and does not hide its secrets from me. One day, due to intense mental work, I developed an acute migraine, and I decided to go into the forest to get some air. I'm walking through the forest, breathing. The air in our pine forest is excellent, and I immediately felt better. By that time, mushrooms were pouring out visibly and invisibly. I sometimes chat with them, but here I had no time to talk. Suddenly, in a clearing, a whole family of butterflies with chocolate slippery hats and yellow caftans with white frills meets me:

- Why, cat, are you passing by us and not saying hello? - they ask in unison.

- “I have no time for talking,” I say, “my head hurts.”

- Moreover, stop and eat us,” they squealed again in unison. - We, boletus, have a special resinous substance that relieves acute headaches.

I never liked raw mushrooms, especially after my grandmother’s delicious mushroom dishes. But then I decided to eat a couple of small butternuts directly raw: my head was really aching. They turned out to be so elastic, slippery and sweet that they slipped into the mouth and relieved the pain in my head.

I thanked them and moved on. I see that my friend the squirrel has turned an old huge pine tree into a mushroom dryer. She dries mushrooms on twigs: russula, honey mushrooms, moss mushrooms. The mushrooms are all good and edible. But among the good and edible ones, I suddenly saw... a fly agaric! Stumbled upon a twig - red, completely speckled. “Why does a squirrel need poisonous fly agaric?” - Think. Then she herself appeared with another fly agaric in her paws.

- “Hello, squirrel,” I tell her, “who are you planning to poison with fly agaric mushrooms?”

- “You’re talking nonsense,” the squirrel snorted. - Fly agaric is one of the wonderful medicines of the mushroom pharmacy. Sometimes I get bored in the winter and get nervous, then a piece of fly agaric calms me down. Yes, fly agaric helps not only with nervous disorders. It treats tuberculosis, rheumatism, spinal cord, and eczema.

- What other mushrooms are there in the mushroom pharmacy? - I ask the squirrel.

- I have no time to explain to you, I have a lot to do. Three clearings from here you will find a big fly agaric, he is our main pharmacist, ask him, - the squirrel chattered and galloped away, only the red tail flashed.

I found that clearing. There is a fly agaric on it, it is dark red, and from under the hat there are white trousers pulled down along the leg, even with pleats. Next to him sits a pretty little wave, all tucked up, rounded lips, licking her lips. A cap grew from mushrooms with long brown legs and brown scaly caps on the stump - a friendly family of fifty mushrooms and mushrooms. Young people wear beret hats and white aprons hang on their legs, but old people wear flat hats with a bump in the middle and throw off their aprons: adults have no use for aprons. The talkers sat down in a circle to the side. They are modest people; their hats are not fashionable, gray-brown with the edges turned down. They hide their whitish records under their hats and mutter quietly about something. I bowed to the entire honest company and explained to them why I had come.

Fly Agaric, the chief pharmacist, tells me:

- Finally, you, Porfiry, came to see us, otherwise you were always running past. Well, I'm not offended. Lately, rarely anyone bows to me, more often they kick me and knock me down with sticks. In ancient times, it was a different matter: with my help, local healers treated all sorts of skin lesions, diseases of internal organs, and even mental disorders.

People, for example, use penicillin and other antibiotics, but do not remember that they are obtained from mushrooms, not from cap mushrooms, but from microscopic ones. But we, cap mushrooms, are not the last in this matter. The sisters of the talkers and their relatives - the ryadovkas and the serushkas - also have antibiotics, which even successfully cope with tuberculosis and typhus, but mushroom pickers do not favor them. Mushroom pickers sometimes even pass by honey mushrooms. They do not know that honey mushrooms are a storehouse of vitamin B, as well as the most important elements for humans - zinc and copper.

Then a magpie flew into the clearing and chirped:

- Nightmare, nightmare, the mother bear's cub fell ill. I snuck into a landfill and ate rotten vegetables there. He is now roaring in pain and rolling on the ground.

- The fly agaric bent down to his assistant, the fly agaric, consulted with her and said to the magpie:

- To the northwest of the bear's den, false honey mushrooms grow on a stump in lemon-yellow caps. Tell the bear to give them to her son to cleanse his stomach and intestines. But be warned, don’t give too much, otherwise they are poisonous. After two hours, let him feed him boletus: they will calm him down and strengthen him.

Then I said goodbye to the mushrooms and ran home, because I felt that the time had come for me to strengthen my strength with something.

Two tales

N. Pavlova

A little girl went into the forest to pick mushrooms. I went up to the edge and let's show off:

- You, Les, better not hide mushrooms from me! I'll still fill my cart full. I know everything, all your secrets!

- Don't boast! - the forest made a noise. - Don't brag! Where is everyone?

- “But you’ll see,” the girl said and went to look for mushrooms.

In the fine grass, between the birch trees, boletus mushrooms grew: gray, soft caps, stems with black shag. In a young aspen grove gathered thick, strong little aspen boletuses in tightly pulled orange caps.

And in the twilight, under the fir trees, among the rotten pine needles, the girl found short saffron milk caps: red, greenish, striped, and in the middle of the cap there was a dimple, as if an animal had pressed it with its paw.

The girl picked up a basket full of mushrooms, and even with the top on! She came out to the edge and said:

- Do you see, Les, how many different mushrooms I picked? This means I understand where to look for them. It was not for nothing that she boasted that I knew all your secrets.

- Where is everyone? - Les made a noise. - I have more secrets than leaves on the trees. And what do you know? You don’t even know why boletuses grow only under birches, aspen boletuses - under aspens, saffron milk caps - under fir trees and pine trees.

- “Here comes the house,” the girl answered. But she said it just like that, out of stubbornness.

- You don’t know this, you don’t know,” the Forest made a noise,

- to tell this - it will be a fairy tale!

- “I know what a fairy tale,” the girl stubbornly said. - Wait a little, I’ll remember it and tell you myself.

She sat on a stump, thought, and then began to tell.

There used to be a time when mushrooms did not stand in one place, but ran throughout the forest, danced, stood upside down, and played mischief.

Previously, everyone in the forest knew how to dance. Only Bear couldn't do it. And he was the most important boss. Once in the forest they celebrated the birthday of a hundred-year-old tree. Everyone danced, and the Bear - the one in charge - sat like a tree stump. He felt offended and decided to learn to dance. He chose a clearing for himself and began to exercise there. But he, of course, did not want to be seen, he was embarrassed, and therefore gave the order:

- No one should ever appear in my clearing.

And mushrooms loved this clearing very much. And they did not obey the order. They waylaid him when the Bear lay down to rest, left Toadstool to guard him, and they ran off to the clearing to play.

The bear woke up, saw Toadstool in front of his nose and shouted:

- Why are you hanging around here? And she answers:

- All the mushrooms ran away to your clearing, and they left me on guard.

The bear roared, jumped up, slammed Toadstool and rushed into the clearing.

And the mushrooms played magic wand there. They hid somewhere. The mushroom with a red cap hid under the Aspen, the red-haired one hid under the Christmas tree, and the long-legged one with black shags hid under the Birch.

And the Bear will jump out and scream - Roar! Gotcha, mushrooms! Gotcha! Out of fear, the mushrooms all grew into place. Here Birch lowered her leaves and covered her fungus with them. The aspen dropped a round leaf directly onto the cap of its mushroom.

And the tree scooped up dry needles with its paw towards Ryzhik.

Bear looked for mushrooms, but didn’t find any. Since then, those mushrooms that were hiding under the trees have been growing, each under their own tree. They remember how it saved him. And now these mushrooms are called Boletus and Boletus. And Ryzhik remained Ryzhik, because he was red. That's the whole fairy tale!

- You came up with this! - Les made a noise. - It’s a good fairy tale, but there’s not a bit of truth in it. And listen to my true story. Once upon a time there were roots of the forest underground. Not alone - they lived in families: Birch - near Birch, Aspen - near Aspen, Spruce - near the Christmas tree.

And lo and behold, out of nowhere, homeless Roots appeared nearby. Marvelous Roots! The thinnest web is thinner. They rummage through rotten leaves and forest waste, and whatever edible they find there, they eat and put aside for storage. And the Birch Roots stretched out nearby, looking and envying.

- We, they say, cannot get anything out of the decay, out of the rot. And Divo-Koreshki responded:

- You envy us, but they themselves have more good than ours.

And they guessed right! For nothing that a cobweb is a cobweb.

The Birch Roots received great help from their own Birch Leaves. The leaves sent food down the trunk from top to bottom. And what they used to prepare this food from, you have to ask them themselves. Divo-Koreshki is rich in one thing. Birch Roots - to others. And they decided to be friends. Marvelous Roots clung to the Berezovs and entwined them around them. And the Birch Roots do not remain in debt: whatever they get, they share with their comrades.

Since then they have lived inseparably. It’s good for both. Miracle Roots is growing wider and wider, all reserves are being accumulated. And Birch grows and gets stronger. Summer is in the middle, Birch Roots boast:

- Our Birch's earrings are ruffled and the seeds are flying! And Miracle Roots answer:

- That's how! Seeds! So it’s time for us to get down to business. No sooner said than done: the little nodules jumped up on the Divo-Roots. At first they are small. But how they began to grow! The Birch Roots didn’t even have time to say anything, but they had already broken through the ground. And they turned around in freedom, under Berezka, like young mushrooms. Legs with black shag. The hats are brown. And from under the caps mushroom seeds-spores fall out.

The wind mixed them with birch seeds and scattered them throughout the forest. This is how the mushroom became related to Birch. And since then he has been inseparable from her. For this they call him Boletus.

That's my whole fairy tale! It's about Boletus, but it's also about Ryzhik and Boletus. Only Ryzhik took a fancy to two trees: the Fir-tree and the Pine.

- “This is not a funny fairy tale, but a very amazing one,” said the girl. - Just think, some kind of baby fungus - and suddenly it feeds the giant tree!

For mushrooms

N. Sladkov

I love picking mushrooms!

You walk through the forest and look, listen, smell. You stroke the trees with your hand. I went yesterday. I left at noon. At first I walked along the road. At the birch grove, turn and stop.

cheerful grove! The trunks are white - close your eyes! The leaves flutter in the breeze, like solar ripples on water.

Under the birches there are boletus mushrooms. The leg is thin, the cap is wide. The bottom of the body was covered with only light caps. I sat down on a stump and listened.

I hear: chirping! This is what I need. I went to the chatter and came to a pine forest. The pines are red from the sun, as if they were tanned. So much so that the peel peeled off. The wind flutters the peel, and it chirps like a grasshopper. Boletus mushroom in a dry forest. He planted his thick foot on the ground, strained himself, and lifted up a heap of needles and leaves with his head. The hat is pulled down over his eyes, he looks angrily...

I laid the second layer in the body with brown boletus. I stood up and smelled a strawberry scent. I caught a strawberry stream with my nose and walked as if on a string. There is a grassy hill ahead. In the grass, late strawberries are large and juicy. And it smells like they're making jam here!

The strawberries made my lips stick together. I’m not looking for mushrooms, not berries, but water. I barely found a stream. The water in it is dark, like strong tea. And this tea is brewed with mosses, heather, fallen leaves and flowers.

There are aspen trees along the stream. Under the aspen trees there are boletuses. Brave guys - in white T-shirts and red skullcaps. I put the third layer in the box - red.

Through the aspen tree there is a forest path. It twists and turns and where it leads is unknown. And who cares! I go - and for each vilyushka: then chanterelles - yellow gramophones, then honey mushrooms - thin legs, then russula - saucers, and then all sorts of things came: saucers, cups, vases and lids. There are cookies in vases - dry leaves. The tea in the cups is a forest infusion. The top layer in the box is multi-colored. My body has a top. And I keep walking: looking, listening, smelling.

The path ended, and the day ended. Clouds covered the sky. There are no signs either on earth or in heaven. Night, darkness. I went back along the path and got lost. He began to feel the ground with his palm. I felt, I felt, I found the path. So I walk, and when I get lost, I feel with my palm. Tired, my hands were scratched. But here's a slap with your palm - water! I scooped it up - a familiar taste. The same stream that is infused with mosses, flowers and herbs. That's right, the palm led me out. Now I checked this with my tongue! And who will lead further? Then he turned his nose.

The wind carried the smell from the very hill on which strawberry jam was cooked during the day. And following the strawberry trickle, like a thread, I came out onto the familiar hill. And from here you can hear the pine scales chirping in the wind!

Then the ear led. It drove and drove and led into a pine forest. The moon came through and illuminated the forest. I saw a cheerful birch grove in the lowland. The white trunks shine in the moonlight - even if you squint. The leaves flutter in the breeze, like moon ripples on water. I reached the grove by eye. From here there is a direct road to the house. I love picking mushrooms!

You walk through the forest, and you have everything to do: your arms, your legs, your eyes, and your ears. And even the nose and tongue! Breathe, look and smell. Fine!

fly agaric

N. Sladkov

The handsome fly agaric looks kinder than Little Red Riding Hood and is more harmless than a ladybug. He also looks like a cheerful gnome in a red beaded cap and lace pantaloons: he’s about to move, bow to the waist and say something good.

And in fact, although it is poisonous and inedible, it is not entirely bad: many forest inhabitants even eat it and do not get sick.

Moose sometimes chew, magpies peck, even squirrels, which is why they know about mushrooms, and even those sometimes dry fly agaric mushrooms for the winter.

In small proportions, fly agaric, like snake venom, does not poison, but heals. And the animals and birds know this. Now you know too.

But never - never! - do not try to treat yourself with fly agaric. A fly agaric is still a fly agaric - it can kill you!


O. Chistyakovsky

One day I wanted to visit a distant hillock, where boletus mushrooms grew in abundance. Here, finally, is my cherished place. Young graceful pines rose along a steep slope, covered with whitish dry moss and already faded heather bushes.

I was overcome with the excitement of a true mushroom picker. With a hidden feeling of joy, he approached the foot of the hill. The eyes searched, it seemed, every square centimeter of the earth. I noticed a white fallen thick leg. He picked it up and turned it over in bewilderment. Boletus leg. Where's the hat? I cut it in half - not a single wormhole. After a few steps, I picked up another leg of a porcini mushroom. Did the mushroom picker really only cut off the caps? I looked around and saw a stem from a russula, and a little further away - from a flywheel.

The feeling of joy gave way to annoyance. After all, this is laughter

- pick up a basket of just mushroom stems, even if they come from boletus mushrooms!

- “We need to go to another place,” I decided and no longer paid attention to the white and yellow posts that came across every now and then.

He climbed out to the top of the mound and sat down to rest on a stump. A few steps away from me, a squirrel lightly jumped from a pine tree. She knocked down a large boletus, which I had just noticed, grabbed the cap with her teeth and ran towards the same pine tree. She strung her hat on a twig about two meters from the ground, and she jumped along the branches, smoothly swinging them. She jumped to another pine tree and jumped from it into the heather. And again the squirrel is on the tree, only this time it is pushing its prey between the trunk and the branch.

So that's who was picking mushrooms on my way! The animal stored them for the winter, hanging them on trees to dry. Apparently, it was more convenient to string the caps onto the knots than the fibrous stems.

Is there really nothing left for me in this forest? I went looking for mushrooms in a different direction. And luck awaited me - in less than an hour I collected a full basket of magnificent boletus mushrooms. My nimble rival did not have time to decapitate them.

Adult standards of ethics and morality are not always clear to a little person - the idea of ​​what is really “bad” or “good” comes as one accumulates one’s own experience, in communication with parents and peers. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to explain to a child why he should take care of living nature - not litter, care for plants, take care of pets.

In this case, environmental fairy tales for preschoolers come to the rescue, affecting both the intellectual and emotional sphere. Funny and touching stories about Vodyanoy, who has a hard time living in dirty pond, or about a flower that they forgot to water, force the children to comprehend the basics of natural history, compassion and empathy for all living beings on the planet. And this, in fact, is the most important lesson.

Methodological manuals according to which preschool educational institutions conduct environmental activities, is used by any kindergarten, but it is not at all difficult to compose your own fairy tale - even a pebble, leaf or drop of water can come to life in it. Usually in such cases there are two ways.

  • They come up with a story in which actors become objects and living beings that surround the child in his daily life - cats and dogs, birds, butterflies, flowers and grass. Parents who highly value environmental education of children can turn every walk into an entertaining lesson, an exciting journey into a fantasy land.

  • If your child likes to watch cartoons or read books, you can use well-known stories for learning. Many environmental fairy tales for preschoolers refer children to the popular works of Bazhov, Andersen or Pushkin. For example, a story about Goldfish It’s easy to show through the “environmental prism” - think about whether it’s worth fulfilling the wishes of people who throw garbage into the sea?

In fact, the most important thing is the meaning to be conveyed to the child. The task of parents and educators is to teach the child to see all the diversity of the world around him, to understand how fragile and vulnerable he is, how much his beauty depends on the person. And at the same time instill the most basic rules behaviors that help protect nature.

An ordinary story does not always have the same effect on different children - in this case, everything may depend on personal characteristics (attentiveness, sensitivity, ability to feel sorry and empathize). Lessons with a “feedback” effect will help make sure that the child has really learned the lesson learned. It is reasonable in such cases to use the following forms:

  • discussion, answering questions, composing a story based on pictures, putting together puzzles;
  • learning poems about the world around us;
  • riddles, competitions or quizzes;
  • matinees and role-playing games, where children can try on the role of characters whose fate they learned about in previous classes.

In a team, such knowledge, presented in a playful form, is better consolidated, although poems and riddles may well be used in environmental education parents directly. The main thing is that during the lesson the child can operate with familiar concepts, experience accessible emotions, and simply understand what is being discussed. In other words, all environmental fairy tales for preschoolers should be adapted to the age of the children.

Learning through play - the basics of child psychology

This is how any child works - he will safely ignore information offered in the form of a boring presentation. And here role-playing game, educational lotto or entertaining quiz will help knowledge to be deposited forever and without any moral resistance.

Unfortunately, special consultations for parents on ecology are not very popular in our country - the necessary information and methods can only be found on the Internet. Perhaps someday the situation will change radically - government programs are increasingly turning to early education of responsibility in children for the future of the Earth. And yet, such training must begin in the family.

We repeat regularly that we need to protect the forest or save water. But these truisms do not have much emotional impact on the younger generation. But the so-called environmental games make kids think about what Live nature– this is not something that goes without saying. In addition, forests, seas, clean air and fertile soils are necessary for a person to live successfully.

Raising children is not only about caring for their health and well-being, but also about instilling responsibility. By not allowing the flowers to be picked in the flower bed because they are alive, parents are giving their child his first lesson. careful attitude To environment. Older children will benefit from learning about animals that have become extinct due to humans and about forests that have been turned into deserts.

Environmental education in preschool institutions

In kindergartens, children are offered special classes on ecology, this is provided for in the program. In this case, three different tasks are set - educational, educational and developmental. Teachers' goals:

 provide initial information about the main environmental problems of our time;
 to ensure that every child accepts the need to take care of living nature and protect it;
 teach to appreciate the beauty of the world around us, to cherish the riches that surround us today.

How are these problems solved? Books and paintings, classroom activities and conversations during walks will come to the aid of teachers. It’s great if for children preschool institution there is a living corner, and there are flowers in pots on the windowsills. By caring for animals or indoor plants, kids learn responsibility - real responsibility, and not one that is just in words.

The desired result can only be achieved if the efforts of teachers and families can be combined. That is why consultations for parents on ecology in kindergartens are held at special meetings. It is clear that the baby will not be able to assimilate all the information. But for starters, it will be nice if he simply waters the flowers on his own or feeds the birds in the yard - this is where real environmental education begins.

Every child should have an idea of ​​the structure of the world around them. But sometimes it is very difficult for parents to explain such abstract concepts as weather and seasonality. How to tell your child about the seasons in a way that is accessible to him?

At 3-4 years old, children already understand what cold, hot, snow and rain mean, so it is necessary to try to explain the difference between seasonal phenomena at this age. It is best to start the explanation with winter, since this is the most characteristic time of the year: snow, frost, icicles and snowflakes, a fur coat, boots and mittens - all this is familiar to the baby. Use every opportunity to teach your child about the seasons. Be patient, the baby will not be able to remember everything correctly right away and will often confuse the names of the seasons, but over time he will learn to distinguish them.


Agree with your child every day, after brushing his teeth in the evening, to mark the past day on the calendar with a bright felt-tip pen. Moreover, accompany this process with a story: “Well, we’ll celebrate three more days, and December will come, real winter, there will be a lot of snow, and we’ll go sledding.” You can buy a special children's calendar or make it yourself with your child.


Every time during a walk, a trip to kindergarten or a store, focus your child’s attention on the weather and the characteristic features of the current time of year: “Look - the leaves on the trees were green, but have become yellow, this means that autumn has come. When all the leaves fall from the trees, it will become cold and snow. This means winter is coming."

Educational games

Try playing the game “Believe it or not” with your child on the theme of the seasons. For example: “Do you believe that it snows in summer?” or “Do you believe it’s cold in winter?” Take turns asking and answering questions with your child.

Find old magazines and invite your child to cut out pictures with images of nature, and then distribute all the pictures according to the seasons, naming their characteristic features: melting snow and emerging grass is spring, sun and sand are summer, mushrooms, umbrellas and rain are autumn. , snowflakes - winter. Count which pictures you got the most and which ones you got the least.


Children most easily remember information that they have encountered before, so when reading fairy tales and stories to your child, focus his attention on seasonal features. For example: “Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest, listening to the birds singing and picking flowers for her grandmother. What time of year do you think this happens?”

Mnemonic tables with images of characteristic seasonal features

Mnemonic tables are a great way to study the seasons. For example, a mnemonic table with an image of an umbrella, a yellow leaf, raindrops on the window glass and a raincoat with a hood will form visual associations with autumn in the child. Working with mnemonic tables can involve looking at pictures and guessing the seasons, or writing short stories based on the pictures. In order to consolidate knowledge about seasonal phenomena, you can invite your child to draw a mnemonic table on their own, for example, on a summer theme.

Creative activities

Crafts on the themes of the seasons also help the child remember their names and characteristic features. For example, you can make an applique on a winter theme from fluffy snow-white cotton wool. From pine cones, dry yellow leaves and chestnuts - on the theme of autumn. From dried bright flowers and berries - on the theme of summer.