Generalizing words for homogeneous sentence members. Bloody Echo (136 pp.) Traces of human labor were visible everywhere: plowed fields

A rectangular frame on nails, slightly slanted to the left. The name is written on the cross board. However, the sun managed to make the inscription completely unreadable. Next came several acres of cultivated land. A homemade irrigation system was laid along the dark strips of arable land. Here and there there were piles of stones and neat wooden frames on which wire was attached to strengthen the bushes that had already stopped growing. Everything became dry and brittle. Everywhere there were traces of exhausting labor, a desperate struggle for survival in which the inhabitants of the farm were defeated.

A hundred yards from the last strip of cultivated land stood a house. He didn't look bad at all. Small and low, painted in White color. The tree had already cracked under the scorching rays of the sun. Behind the house I could see windmill. Even further away is a barn where there was a pump pumping water and a small damaged truck. The front door was closed. Alice parked the Volkswagen next to the house.

Their names are Garcia. I’m sure they’re at home,” she said.

Twenty thousand dollars in a brown bag had a stunning effect. It was a gift that brought people back to life. Five Garcias, two generations, two older and three younger. All of them were short people who did not know how to coherently express their own thoughts. The parents were nearly fifty, eldest daughter Reacher would give it twenty-four years. The younger brothers looked to be twenty and twenty-two years old. They all silently crowded next to front door. Alice greeted them cheerfully, walked over to the kitchen table and poured money onto it.

“He changed his mind,” she said in Spanish. - And I decided to pay.

The Garcias gathered around the table and silently looked at the money, as if such a turn in their fate was so unexpected that they did not even have the strength to rejoice. They didn't ask any questions. We just took it for granted and then started making plans. First of all, they will connect the telephone so that they do not have to walk eight miles to the neighbors. Then electricity. They will pay off debts to friends. Will buy diesel fuel to make the pump work again. Then they will repair the truck and go to the city for grain and fertilizers. They fell silent when it dawned on them that they would still have time to grow crops and sell them before the onset of winter.

Reacher remained at the entrance and had a chance to look around. He immediately realized that they ate and lived in the kitchen at the same time. The door from the kitchen led into a small living room. It was hot and stuffy there, and on the shelf were yard-long encyclopedia volumes and several religious figurines. There was a photograph in a black frame hanging on the wall. The portrait was taken in the studio. The boy was barely fourteen; the first mustache was visible above his upper lip. He wore a white confirmation robe and smiled sheepishly as he looked into the camera.

Reacher turned around and saw the boy's mother standing behind him.

He was killed when we got here,” she said.

Reacher nodded.

I know. I was told. Border Patrol. I offer my condolences.

This happened twelve years ago. His name was Raul Garcia.

She pronounced the name of her eldest son with a special expression, as if she was paying tribute to his memory.

How did it happen? - Reacher asked.

The woman was silent for a while.

It was terrible. They hunted us at night for three hours. We walked, we ran, and they had a truck with powerful headlights. In the darkness we separated. Raoul stayed with his sister. He protected her. She was then twelve years old. He sent her in one direction, and he walked into the headlights. He knew that girls had the worst of it if they got caught. He sacrificed himself to save his sister. And they didn't even try to arrest him.

General word means more general concept in relation to what is designated by homogeneous members of the sentence.

  • Petya carefully carried his jewelry: jar with alcohol pipefish and collections of butterflies, beetles, shells and crabs. (Jewelry is a general word.)
  • (V.P. Kataev)

Generalizing words are the same members of the sentence as homogeneous members of the sentence.

  • The sun shines the same to everyone - man, beast, and tree.
  • (M. M. Prishvin)
  • First to arrive three: husband, wife and dog.

Punctuation for homogeneous terms with generalizing words

1. If a generalizing word comes before homogeneous members, then a colon is placed after it: : O, O, … .

  • In a few minutes it [snow] covered everything footprints : and hare, and human, and sleigh, and just as quickly stopped.
  • (A.I. Kuprin)

2. If after the generalizing word there are words somehow , namely , that is , For example , then a comma is placed before them, and a colon after them: , somehow(namely, that is, for example) : O, O… .

  • The entire Tchertopkhanov estate consisted of four dilapidated log buildings of different sizes, namely: from an outbuilding, stables, barn and bathhouse.
  • (I. S. Turgenev)

3. If there is no generalizing word, a colon is placed before homogeneous members if it is necessary to warn about further listing.

  • From under the hay one could see a samovar, a tub of ice cream, and some other attractive bundles and boxes.
  • (L.N. Tolstoy)

Similar designs are typical for business and scientific styles speeches: The roles were played by...; The meeting of the department was attended by... .

4. If homogeneous members of a sentence preceded by a generalizing word do not complete the sentence, then a dash is placed after them: : O, O… - … .

  • Everywhere: in the club, on the streets, on benches at the gate, in houses - noisy conversations took place.
  • (V. M. Garshin)

5. If a generalizing word comes after homogeneous members of a sentence, then a dash is placed in front of it: O, O… - … .

  • And in the cold under the canopy, and in the sun - everywhere The ducklings settled down and scattered.
  • (I. A. Goncharov)

6. If after homogeneous members there is a generalizing word before introductory word (in a word, in one word, in short), then a dash is placed before the last one, and a comma after it:

O, O… - in a word , … .

  • Among birds, insects, in dry grass - in a word , everywhere, even in the air, one could feel the approach of autumn.
  • (V.K. Arsenyev)

7. If the generalizing word comes before and after homogeneous members:

A). : O, O, … - … .

b). : O, O, … - in a word (in one word, in short) , … .

  • Suddenly everything: this sea, this radiant air, these branches and leaves bathed in the sun - everything will flow, tremble with a fugitive shine...
  • (I. S. Turgenev)

8. In modern Russian there is a tendency to replace the colon with a dash:

A). - O, O, … .

b). - O, O - … .

  • In the golden depths of the forest, the sounds of labor were reflected and died away - the grinding of stone, the rustling of sand, car horns, clanging, screams.
  • (V.K. Ketlinskaya)

V. Training exercises.

1. Ex. 422 are performed orally, the teacher pays attention to how the students read, the guys evaluate the reading of their classmates.

2. Selective dictation according to exercise. 423. Students write out sentences with quotations.

3. Speech warm-up according to exercise. 428. Students analyze passages from student essays, make necessary corrections, and learn to include quotations in the text.

4. Independent work according to ex. 425. The ability of students to enter quotations into the text is tested.

5. Dictation “Test yourself.”
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov argued in his letters that “brevity is the sister of talent,” that “language should be simple and elegant.”

“There is no doubt,” Turgenev said at the opening of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow in 1880, “that he [Pushkin] created our poetic, our literary language and that we and our descendants can only follow the path paved by his genius.” “Starting with Pushkin, our classics created that great, beautiful language,” serve further development whom Turgenev begged Leo Tolstoy” - this is how A. M. Gorky assessed the importance of literature. Belinsky called A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” “an encyclopedia of Russian life.”
Test tasks

1. Which sentence with quotation is formatted correctly?

a) Leo Tolstoy wrote that “music is the highest art in the world.”

b) “Music is the highest art in the world,” Leo Tolstoy believed.

c) Leo Tolstoy argued: “That music is the highest art in the world.”

d) Leo Tolstoy argued - “music is the highest art in the world.”

Answer: a.
2. In which sentence was there a punctuation error?

a) A. S. Pushkin wrote: “Criticism is the science of discovering beauties and shortcomings in works of art and literature.”

b) “They write wisely only about what they do not understand,” argued V. Klyuchevsky.

c) M. Gorky urged not to be indifferent, “for indifference is deadly to the human soul.”

d) A. S. Pushkin expressed his admiration for autumn nature in the following lines:

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty...

Answer: b.
3. Find the wrong way to quote.

a) A. T. Tvardovsky said: “In addition to angry, sarcastic and unforgiving laughter, there is also laughter of joy, friendly goodwill, cheerful and harmless mischief.”

b) A. T. Tvardovsky said that “besides the laughter of anger, sarcastic and unforgiving, there is also the laughter of joy...”

c) A. T. Tvardovsky said that “besides angry laughter, there is also laughter of joy.”

d) A. T. Tvardovsky said that laughter can be not only “angry, sarcastic and unforgiving, “there is also laughter... of mischief.”

Answer: Mr.
VI. Homework: learn the rules on p. 203, 205; do exercise 424 (orally), 427 (written).

Lesson 94. Syntactic and punctuation analysis of sentences with someone else's speech.

Repetition of material on the topic “Other people’s speech”

Lesson objectives: introduce students to the order of oral and written analysis sentences with someone else’s speech, learn how to perform syntactic and punctuation analysis of sentences with someone else’s speech orally and in writing, and repeat material on the topic “Alien speech”.
I. Checking homework (exercises 424, 427).

Frontal survey under § 72.

What is a quotation? How is it formatted?

What is the difference between sentences with direct speech and sentences with indirect speech?

In which scientific or artistic speech are quotations more often used, and in which dialogue?
II. Repetition.

Creative work.

Compose sentences using the following quotes in whole or in part as direct speech. Quotes are projected onto the board.
1) Who didn’t hide in the trench,

Remembering all relatives,

Who is he - one of his own -

Not an anti-aircraft gunner or a pilot,

Is the hero no worse than them?
2) In the depths of our native Russia,

Against the wind, chest forward,

Vasily walks through the snow

Terkin. He's going to beat the German.

(A. Tvardovsky)
III. Explanation of new material.

Eighth-graders are introduced to examples of syntactic and punctuation analysis sentences with someone else's speech on p. 208-209.
IV. Training exercises.

1. In ex. 431 are analyzed orally and in writing, two sentences each.

2. Oral work according to exercise. 432.

3. Independent work according to exercise. 429.

4. Explanatory dictation.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was a man of great conscience, a loving heart, and a great artist.

Leo Tolstoy and Maxim Gorky left very warm memories of Chekhov. Calling Chekhov “an incomparable artist,” Tolstoy loved in the writer “a charming, sincere and honest person.” “He was a charming man,” he said, “modest, sweet.”

“Beautifully simple, he loved everything simple, real, sincere,” Gorky wrote about Chekhov. According to Gorky’s memoirs, “every person under Anton Pavlovich involuntarily felt a desire to be simpler, more truthful...”.
Assignments to the text:

1. Name the methods of transmitting someone else’s speech.

2. Do parsing sentences with someone else's speech (students' choice).
Test tasks

1. State the incorrect statement.

a) Direct speech is the exact rendering of someone else’s words.

b) Sentences with indirect speech convey only the content of someone else’s speech.

c) When quoting, quotation marks are always used.

d) Dialogue is usually formatted without the use of quotation marks.

Answer: c.
2. Find examples with errors when transmitting someone else’s speech.

a) The Falcon replies to Uzhu that I know happiness, I fought bravely.

b) My father asked me which film I liked best.

c) I asked my friend if you solved this problem.

d) Klava asked with keen interest whether she could play.

Answer: a, c.
3. Find a sentence with indirect speech that is correctly formed and corresponds to the content of direct speech.

“Do you know grandpa, mom?” - the son says to his mother.

a) The son asks his mother if she knows his grandfather.

b) The son asks his mother if she knows his grandfather.

c) The son asks his mother if she knows his grandfather?

d) The son asks his mother if you know your grandfather.

Answer: a.
V. Homework: repeat the material § 65-72; answer the security questions on p. 209-210, do exercise. 433.

Lesson 95. Control dictation on the topic “Other people’s speech”
So, Petya passed the entrance exam to the gymnasium. However, the aunt stubbornly asserted: “Of course, there was no exam, but an easy admission test.” But Petya repeated with tears: “But there was an exam!” Aunt decided to lie: “However, I was probably mistaken. It seems there was an exam." Petya, however, was gnawing at doubt, because everything went somehow too quickly and smoothly.

At first it went great. The only thing that upset the boy was that he had never been called to the board. Every Saturday he sadly brought a diary wrapped in luxurious paper covered with silver stars.

One day Petya ran into the room without undressing. Waving the diary, he joyfully shouted: “They gave me marks!” Having solemnly thrown the diary onto the table, the boy proudly stepped aside, as if not wanting to interfere with the contemplation of the marks.

Opening the diary, my aunt gasped: “Solid deuces!” "I knew it! - Petya shouted almost crying from insult. “It’s important that these are marks!” And, angrily snatching the diary, the boy rushed into the yard to show it to his friends. (149 words)

(V. Kataev)
Grammar task.

1. Perform a syntactic analysis of a sentence using someone else’s speech (students’ choice).

2. Draw diagrams of sentences with direct speech.

Repetition and systematization of what has been learned inVIII class
Lesson 96. Syntax and morphology (§ 73)

Lesson objectives: repeat material about primary and secondary syntactic functions various parts speech, about the relationship between syntax and morphology, improve the ability to parse a sentence, distinguish between primary and secondary syntactic functions of parts of speech, distinguish between the functioning of words as part of a grammatical form and as an independent member of a sentence.
I. Dictation analysis. Work on mistakes.
II. Frontal survey.

Name the branches of the science of language.

What does syntax study?

What does morphology study?

Why are syntax and morphology combined in the general branch of linguistics and grammar?

1. In ex. 435 the members of the sentence are indicated graphically, and the method of morphological expression is written above them.

2. Creative work according to exercise. 437. Students make up sentences with these phrases and do a syntactic analysis of one of the phrases.
Test tasks

1. Indicate the answers in which the grammatical features of the highlighted words are correctly defined.

A) screaming to each other - adverb

b) go ahead columns - pretext

c) do more adverb of comparative degree

G) volatile gas - participle

d) in continuation summer noun

Answer: b, c.
2. Find false statements.

a) Participles have the same tenses as verbs.

b) Prepositions express temporal, causal, spatial, target and other relationships.

c) Particles add additional meaning to words and sentences or serve to form verb moods.

d) gerunds have the characteristics of a verb and an adverb.

e) Compositional and subordinating conjunctions belong to the same group.

Answer: a, d.
3. Find a sentence in which the definition is expressed by an adjective.

a) The shore quickly darkened, became blue, purple

b) How can I help my dear one with my anxiety?

c) How much charm there is in human faces!

d) The brave one strives for victory.

Answer: c.
4. Find a sentence in which the subject is expressed by a participle.

a) Those departing entered the carriage.

b) Experienced and old taught the young.

c) Several mourners stood near the carriage.

d) Those who meet you, go to the second path.

Answer: a.
5. Find a sentence in which the highlighted word can play the role of two different members.

a) Everyone was excited by the idea O trip.

b) Tomorrow will be different on Today.

c) There was wind counter.

d) Morning evening wiser.

Answer: a.
IV. Homework: make up sentences with the following words ( three, three, three, triple, threesome, triple, thrice); parse one sentence.

Lesson 97. Syntax and punctuation (§ 74)

Lesson objectives: repeat the material on the topic “Syntax and Punctuation”, know about the importance of punctuation for design writing, about the relationship between syntax and punctuation, teach a reasoning algorithm when placing punctuation marks, distinguish between the use of punctuation marks in different functions (separation, emphasis, completion).
I. Checking homework.

Students read the composed sentences, one student parses the sentence.

II. Frontal survey.

What does syntax and punctuation study?

What is the role of phrases and clauses in language? What do simple and complex sentences have in common and how do they differ?

What are they used to communicate with? simple sentences as part of a complex? How are they separated from each other?
III. Training exercises.

1. Ex. 438 students perform orally, draw a conclusion about what role punctuation plays in speech, and on what skill the success of mastering it depends.

2. In ex. 439 students read the instructions, title it, answer the question.

3. Working with the table “Types of punctuation marks”

Note. The table grid is projected onto the board. The table is filled in working together, where are selected best examples students.

Recommendations for the teacher: remind students syntactic conditions use of emphases (two commas): subordinate clause, participial, participial turnover, appeal.
4. Independent work according to exercise. 441.
5. Dictation “Test yourself.”

The sea hummed menacingly underfoot, standing out from all the noises of this anxious and sleepy night. Huge, lost in space, it lay deep below, far away whitening through the darkness with manes of foam running towards the ground.

The chaotic hum of the old poplars outside the garden fence, which grew like a gloomy island on the rocky coast, was also terrifying.

It was felt that in this deserted place the night of late autumn now reigned supreme, and the old large garden, and the house packed for the winter, and the open gazebos at the corners of the fence were eerie in their abandonment.

(I. Bunin)
Test tasks

1. Indicate in which example you need to put a dash between the subject and the predicate.

a) This doctor was a wonderful person.

b) Striving forward is the goal of life.

c) Poverty is not a vice.

d) Raindrops are like diamonds.

Answer: b.
2. In which example is a comma before the conjunction? How not needed (no punctuation marks)?

a) The night walks on soft paws and breathes like a bear.

b) The response received is considered as consent.

c) There was something unusual in her eyes, as well as in her whole face.

d) Her facial features were the same as her sister’s.

Answer: b.
3. Indicate the sentence with correctly placed punctuation marks when homogeneous members with general words.

a) He had to experience in childhood: joy and sorrow, poverty and overwork.

b) Long shadows ran from the house, from the trees, from the dovecote - from everything.

c) You could see plowed fields and well-groomed gardens everywhere.

d) Neither in the air, nor on the ground, nor under water - there should never be nuclear explosions.

Answer: b.
4. In which sentence are punctuation marks correctly placed for homogeneous members?

a) This region is rich in peat and forest, milk, and berries.

b) Nekrasov’s poetry contains anger and sarcasm, tenderness and hope.

c) There was snow on the roof, on the balcony, and on the trees.

d) In the north, the cloud grew and captured the west and east.

Answer: c.
5. Find a non-isolated definition (no punctuation marks).

a) Delighted by this news, he hurried home.

b) Stunned by this blow, the Cossack staggered.

c) A book written famous writer went out of print.

d) Already covered by the first spring flowers the plain was beautiful.

Answer: Mr.
6. Find a sentence in which all punctuation marks are placed correctly.

a) However, he, perhaps, judged biasedly about things that were little familiar to him, and, meeting a perplexed look, fell silent.

b) Our ship, decorated with flags on the occasion of a storm, stood in the harbor for a long time, cleverly perched between the giant ships.

c) We, tourists, were in a hurry, but due to the lack of tickets, we were able to leave by train, leaving only in an hour.

d) A barefoot girl, about nine years old, was shaking on the rocks infant, holding him close and trying to poke his mouth with a piece of bread chewed in a rag.

1. Place punctuation marks in sentences from the text (address) 1) My soul looked at you for a century without breathing... 2) Grandma Don’t sin, take away your pennies! 3) Come on, stand in front of me, Titus Kuzmich and Frol Fomich!.. 2. Determine the basics of sentences and additions. 1. This church was once built by a gentleman. 2. Titus looked at the fire that was burning with a fiery gaze. 3. The rooks announced spring. 4. It smells like raspberries, grass, flowers. 5. I also can’t stand evil. 6. People looked indifferently at the fields passing by outside the window. 3. In place of the brackets, insert words or combinations of “preposition + noun” (adverbial circumstance) that are suitable in meaning 1. (Adverbial adverb of time) was traveling (adverbial adverbial place). 2. The hare jumped out (adverbial circumstance) and ran (adverbial circumstance). 3. We (circumstance of measure and degree) are tired. 4. (Circumstance of the manner of action) the cuckoo crowed. 5. (Circumstance of the condition) you will be able to achieve success. 6. He (circumstance of the reason) is exempted from physical education for a month. 7. We will go (adverbial place) (adverbial goal). 4. Copy by inserting a suitable subject or predicate. Underline the main and minor parts of the sentence. March has arrived. Nature in spring… . There is... bright sun in the sky. Joyfully... stream. Migrants have returned to their homeland... They wake up in the forest... Words for reference: comes to life, sparkles, murmurs, birds, animals. 5. Write down the sentences from dictation and underline them grammar basics and additions. 1) The living forest talks to me with every branch. 2) The bright fire of the fire illuminated the clearing. 3) A delicate aroma emanated from the flower. 6. Copy and place punctuation marks for homogeneous parts of the sentence. Schemes are required. In summer, waxwings feed on insects (and in winter, they feed on berries). Waxwings nest in coniferous and birch forests of the forest-tundra. They eat in a huge number fruits of rowan, viburnum, hawthorn, juniper. During migrations, flocks linger for a long time in forests with an abundance of berries (but) quickly leave scarce places. 7. Place punctuation marks, draw diagrams. 1) We were amazed by the nature of this region: sea, mountains, mountain rivers, forests. 2) Traces of human labor were visible everywhere: plowed fields, well-groomed gardens, beautiful roads. 3) Marco Polo visited many Asian countries in China India Mongolia. 4) Many composers, Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Dargomyzhsky, and Rachmaninov, created operas based on Pushkin’s works. 5) We collected fallen leaves different trees maple oak birch and aspen. 6) There was game in the basket, two black grouse and a duck. 7) Voices were heard in the courtyard, and a few minutes later Pavel’s friends Seryozha Valya and Klimka entered the room.

Question: Guys, help me. - AUTHOR'S POSITION NEEDED: Japan is a country where nature and man compete in fury. Here the unbridled forces of nature constantly make themselves felt. But here, at every step, you see traces of hard work - inhumanly human. Nature here is not only cruel, but also stingy. Five-sixths of Japan's land is made up of steep mountain slopes. And only one sixth remains for man - here are fields cultivated like flower beds, cities, and factories. Japan is as mountainous as Switzerland, but its flat part is five times more densely populated. Sometimes it seems that a countless army of mountains has captured this country for itself, pushing people to the coast. It truly took the feat of countless generations of farmers to transform mountain slopes into terraced rice fields, tea and mulberry plantations; so that, having cultivated every piece of land, feed one hundred and twenty million people, having only six million hectares of arable land for the entire country. Even the waters of the inland bays are shaded with dark stripes, like the furrows of plowed fields. These are rafts to which baskets with pearl shells are tied underwater. Pearl farming represents the Japanese's ability to resourcefully make up for the stinginess of their country's mineral resources. After all, a pearl grown by a person, like a tiny transistor TV, on which an insignificant amount of raw materials was spent, personifies values ​​created seemingly out of nothing - this is materialized labor and intelligence.

Guys, help me. - AUTHOR'S POSITION NEEDED: Japan is a country where nature and man compete in fury. Here the unbridled forces of nature constantly make themselves felt. But here, at every step, you see traces of hard work - inhumanly human. Nature here is not only cruel, but also stingy. Five-sixths of Japan's land is made up of steep mountain slopes. And only one sixth remains for man - here are fields cultivated like flower beds, cities, and factories. Japan is as mountainous as Switzerland, but its flat part is five times more densely populated. Sometimes it seems that a countless army of mountains has captured this country for itself, pushing people to the coast. It truly took the feat of countless generations of farmers to transform mountain slopes into terraced rice fields, tea and mulberry plantations; so that, having cultivated every piece of land, feed one hundred and twenty million people, having only six million hectares of arable land for the entire country. Even the waters of the inland bays are shaded with dark stripes, like the furrows of plowed fields. These are rafts to which baskets with pearl shells are tied underwater. Pearl farming represents the Japanese's ability to resourcefully make up for the stinginess of their country's mineral resources. After all, a pearl grown by a person, like a tiny transistor TV, on which an insignificant amount of raw materials was spent, personifies values ​​created seemingly out of nothing - this is materialized labor and intelligence.


Hard work and human intelligence can conquer unbridled elemental forces, optimally use available lands for Agriculture and the lives of people, “resourcefully make up for the stinginess of the bowels of their country.” This is how the Japanese do it.

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