Project on the environment 3. Project of a third grade student on the environment “Who protects us”

GOU TO "Barsukovskaya school named after A.M. Garanin"

around the world

"Cooking School"

Prepared by students of 3 "A" class

under the guidance of teacher Artisova N.V.

December 2015

  • Find out, while working on the project, which products are good for health;

Objective of the project

  • Learn to cook interesting dishes using healthy foods.

Project plan

  • Find out at different sources, ask parents for information
  • about healthy products.

    2.Together with adults, find in different cookbooks or come up with

    make your own recipes for all sorts of interesting dishes.

    3. Prepare the recipe with your parents.

    The main condition is that the dish must be healthy.

    4. Bring the dish to class and treat your classmates.

    5. Hold a “Cooking Competition”.

    6. Create your own cool “Healthy Eating Book.”

Proteins are substances that serve as the main “ building material"for the human body. Children especially need such “material” for growth and development. Cottage cheese, eggs, meat, fish, beans, and peas are rich in proteins.

Fats provide the body with energy and also serve as “building materials” for the body. The source of fats is butter and vegetable oil, margarine, sour cream

Carbohydrates are the main supplier of energy for our body. These include sugar and starch. Bread, cereals, potatoes, pasta are rich in carbohydrates, confectionery, fruits.

Vitamins are necessary to maintain and improve health. There are many of them in vegetables and fruits

With food, a person receives the nutrients the body needs.


How to eat healthy

Diet salad


  • Beijing cabbage – 200 gr.
  • Chicken (breast) – 200 gr.
  • 2 cucumbers
  • 2 oranges
  • Sour cream – 100 gr.

Finely chop the Beijing cabbage

Boil the chicken breast, cool and chop finely,

wash the cucumbers, grate them on a coarse grater,

cut oranges.

Pour everything into a cup, add sour cream and stir.

The diet salad is ready.

Bon appetit!

Cabbage salad

What you need for a salad

1. White cabbage - 1 pc.

2. Carrots – 1 pc.

3. Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.

4. Salt (to taste).

Finely chop the cabbage

grate carrots,

pour everything into a bowl, add oil and salt. Then mix everything and let it sit for a while.

The salad is ready, you can eat it - tasty and healthy.

Fruit platter


  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Pear – 1 pc.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Yogurt – 200 gr.

Wash the fruits, cut into cubes,

pour into a salad bowl, top with yogurt,

Mix everything.

Puff pastry

Puff pastry with cottage cheese is a very delicate dessert.


  • Puff pastry – 500 gr.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Cottage cheese or
  • curd mass – 500 gr.

    4.Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.

    5. Wheat flour


Butter or margarine - 180-200 grams

Flour - 2.5-3 cups (highest grade)

Egg - 1 piece

Yeast - 2 teaspoons

Water - 30-40 milliliters

Sugar - 1 teaspoon

Salt - 2 pinches

1. Mix yeast with sugar and pour warm water, leave for a few minutes. Then put flour, butter, sugar, salt into a deep bowl and break one egg, mix thoroughly. Now we need to add the yeast when it rises and knead the dough.

2. Place the dough in warm place for 30-40 minutes until it rises.

3. Pour a small amount of flour onto a clean table and place the risen dough on it. Knead it with your hands for a few minutes, and then divide it into small balls and place it on a baking sheet. Another advantage of this dough is that it does not stick to your hands or to the baking sheet. Flatten the balls a little with your hands and sprinkle with sugar.

4. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 120-150 degrees for half an hour. And then we take it out and enjoy the great taste.

Butter cookies

How to make butter cookies.

Bon appetit!

How tasty, and most importantly healthy!!!

Cooking competition

Goals and objectives of the project: Find out what special public protection services were created to ensure security Everyday life Fostering a sense of pride in one’s homeland, Russian people Mastering the skills to find information about the Internet and other sources of information Armed Forces Russia, police activities, fire department, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Our dear army On the high mountains, On the steppe expanse Soldiers guard our homeland. He flies into the sky, He goes into the sea, The defender is not afraid of Rain and snowfall. Birch trees rustle, birds sing, children grow up in their native country. Soon I will stand on patrol at the border, so that only peaceful dreams will occur to people.

Emergency medical care In any weather, dear anyone, you are rushing to save our lives. You are an ambulance, and you know no peace, you will not make mistakes! Always make the correct diagnosis, Thank you for this, dear ones! We believe that trouble will not be terrible for us, Since we have you, dear ones!

Conclusions: Many joyful events happen in the life of every person. But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that we need someone’s help and protection. Whether at home or at school, we know who to turn to in difficult times - these are our parents, teachers, friends. But, finding yourself face to face with a huge city or village, no one is safe from various dangers. Threats can lurk everywhere - in public transport, cinema, theater, just on the street. Criminals try to disturb the peace in our lives by any means. This project helped me find out what services could help me with this.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Bushevetskaya NOSH"

Project “Who Protects Us”

The world 3rd grade.

Prepared by 3rd grade students

Head - teacher Fedorova L.Z.

Bologoe 2018

Brief summary of the project:

Many joyful events happen in the life of every person. But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that we need someone’s help and protection. When we are at home or at school, we know who to turn to - these are our parents, teachers, friends. But here we are big city, on the street. And here no one is immune from various dangers. Threats can lie in wait everywhere - in public transport, cinema, theater, or just on the street. Criminals try to disturb the peace in our lives by any means. Whose help can we count on in this case? Of course, to the rescue services that are located in our city. This includes the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, the ambulance service, and the firefighters.

Therefore, we invite students in grade 3 to work on the project “Who Protects Us”?

Planned learning outcomes:

After completing the project, students will acquire the following skills:


1) fostering a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people, national achievements, discoveries, victories;

2) development available ways studying the material (interview, observation, recording, comparison, obtaining information from family archives, from surrounding people, in an open information space);

3) development of cooperation skills with adults and peers; 4) formation of motivation for creative work, work for results


1) mastering the ability to accept and maintain goals and objectives educational activities, searching for means of its implementation;

2) mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature; 3) formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

4)use in various ways search (in reference sources and open educational information space on the Internet), collection, processing, analysis, organization, transmission and interpretation of information in accordance with communicative and cognitive tasks; 8) willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue;


1) understanding the special role of Russia in world history, cultivating a sense of pride in national achievements, discoveries, victories;

2) the formation of a respectful attitude towards Russia, native land, to your family;

3) the ability to find information about the Russian Armed Forces, police activities, fire protection, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the Internet and other sources of information.

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental Question

Thanks to whom can we live and work in peace?

Problematic issues

1. What special public protection services have been created to ensure the safety of everyday life?

2. Are there any examples? military glory in your family?

3. What holidays do we honor that glorify our defenders, our Fatherland?

Study questions

1. Find out about our army, about the police, about the fire service, about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

This project activities promotes:

Developing a sense of pride for your country

Development of communication and cooperation skills

Development of independence and creative activity of students

Formation of planning skills, self-control and self-assessment of one’s activities in accordance with the assigned task

Formation of motivation for creative activity.

The environmental project “Who Protects Us” allows us to connect educational process And real life, lesson and extracurricular activities, teaches activity and curiosity, independence and creative self-expression.

Nadezhdin Daniil

Fire service 01

In a bright red car

We are rushing forward.

The work is hard and dangerous

It's waiting for us, firefighters.

Howl of piercing sirens

Can stun

We will be both water and foam

We are putting out the fire.

IN 1472 Grand Duke Ivan III , at the head of the royal squad, who participated in extinguishing a fire in Moscow and received burns from it, issued a decree on measures fire safety in the city.

IN 1504 the first was created in Moscow fire guard .

IN 1549 tsar Ivan groznyj issued a special decree on fire protection measures in cities.

IN 1624 The first specialized fire brigade was organized in Russia.

April 30 1649 tsar Alexey Mikhailovich issued the “Order on the City Deanery”, containing the main provisions inherent in the fire department: its staffing, technical support, sources of funding were determined, constant duty was established, and punishment of residents for violations of the rules for handling fire was established. These provisions extended to all cities of Russia.

IN Russian Empire functioned successfully " Imperial Russian Fire Society ", under whose patronage the society " Blue Cross ", which provided all possible support to fire victims during the execution of job responsibilities; If a firefighter died, then help was provided to his family members.

In 1892, there were 590 permanent fire brigades, voluntary (free): city - 250, rural - 2026, factory - 127, military - 13, private - 12, railway - 2.

In 1934, as part of NKVD The USSR organized the Main Fire Department. For the protection of fire hazardous and especially important industrial facilities and large administrative centers, the militarized Fire Department of the NKVD was created.

In the most difficult conditions in such hero cities as Leningrad, Stalingrad, Smolensk, Sevastopol, Odessa, firefighters were directly in combat. They were a branch of the military that brought enormous assistance to the Red Army. The annals of firefighting glory contain hundreds and hundreds of names of heroes, whose deeds are a lesson for new generations of firefighting.

April 30 1999 By Presidential Decree Russian Federation installed professional holiday — « Russian Fire Protection Day ».

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2001 State Fire Service was transferred from Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia part Russian Emergency Situations Ministry .

The main tasks of the fire department are:

organization and implementation of fire prevention;

rescuing people and property during fires, providing first aid;

organization and implementation of fire extinguishing and emergency rescue operations.

Krivenkov Dmitry

Every day, employees of the law enforcement agencies of the army, firefighters and other services go to work. It is thanks to them that you and I can feel safe. Soldiers are the defenders of us and our Motherland. It is they who protect peace and tranquility, it is thanks to them that we can sleep peacefully, without fear of attacks from the outside.

The fire service will always come to the rescue in emergency situations. Thanks to their work, it is extinguishing great amount fires and many lives are saved, both in apartments and in forests, where fires occur on the largest scale. Such fires can cause great damage to nature. Therefore, it is very important to follow fire safety rules.

The police protect peace and tranquility within the country, resolve many criminal issues, help honest citizens and save their lives.

Health authorities, in particular ambulance, always appears where people need quick and urgent medical help. They save many people when they arrive at the scene on time and provide first aid to the injured or sick.

Also, gas services, thanks to their preventive work, make our homes safe, and in case of insufficient careful attitude with gas equipment they will always come to the rescue in difficult situations.

There are many more services that will always come to help people.

Likhotkin Dmitry

I want to talk about those people who protected us during the Great Patriotic War.

Such a person was the border guard, Corporal Babikov Mikhail Vasilyevich.

Mikhail Vasilyevich was born in 1918 in the Smolensk region in the village of Zyuzki. In 1938 he was drafted into the army and sent to serve in border troops NKVD of the USSR.

Baptism of fire he received on time Soviet-Finnish war. In 1940, Babikov was transferred to the 6th outpost of the Restiken border detachment.

On the very first day of the Great Patriotic War, a rally was held at the outpost, at which Mikhail Vasilyevich spoke. He said:

My word is short. My machine gun is ready for battle. I will beat my enemies without sparing my blood.

On the morning of April 7, 1942, after an air raid, German and Finnish units attacked the 6th outpost. The continuous battle lasted for four days. The outpost, surrounded on all sides, fought heroically.

On the fifth day, only machine gunner Babikov, wounded several times, remained at the outpost. The casing of his Maxim machine gun was pierced in several places. But Babikov sealed the holes with bread and continued to shoot. When all the cartridges ran out, he used grenades. He left the last grenade for himself and the enemies who wanted to take him alive.

Corporal Babikov Mikhail Vasilyevich was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin.

A monument to the hero was opened in the city of Zapolyarny, and one of the streets of Murmansk bears his name.

Svetlana Borisova
Project on the surrounding world in 3rd grade “Celebrating the national holiday - January 1st”

environmental project

to the world on the topic:

“We celebrate a national holiday – January 1.”

New Year is a public holiday.

New Year- a holiday celebrated by many peoples in accordance with accepted calendar, occurring at the moment of transition from last day year on the first day of the next year. The custom of celebrating the New Year already existed in Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC.

The custom of celebrating the New Year was associated with the spring revival of nature and was celebrated in March. From this day all major events began, it was forbidden to conduct trials and work for 12 days. It was then that the custom began to give each other all kinds of gifts and souvenirs for the New Year. In Russia, the New Year was officially approved in the 14th century by John Vasilyevich the Third, its date was September 1. The reason for this was that on this day in Rus' all duties, quitrents and other taxes existing at that time were collected. Last time New Year was celebrated on September 1 in 1698. And in 1699, Peter I, by his decree, set a new date for the celebration of the New Year - January 1, i.e. that very cherished number that, already on the eve of the holiday, makes our hearts beat in joyful excitement and forget about all problems and troubles.

How do you prepare for this holiday?

Before the New Year, the entire apartment must be general cleaning. After this, it is customary to decorate the house with tinsel, streamers and other decorations. The highlight of the New Year, of course, is the New Year tree. It is placed in the front corner of an apartment or house, decorated with bright toys and tinsel, a garland and golden snowflakes.

After the house is ready for the New Year, the guys wait for Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka. Santa Claus gives gifts to children and adults. And the Snow Maiden entertains the kids.

These New Year's days are days of miracles and magic.

New Year is a family holiday.

We can say with confidence that the New Year is truly family celebration. On a festive night, it is customary for the whole family to gather for New Year's table which simply abounds in the richness and variety of dishes, congratulate each other and give gifts.

But before celebrating the New Year, guests “see off” the outgoing year, remembering memorable dates and events. With the first chime of the coming year, pouring foaming champagne into glasses, and sparkling soda for children, you need to make a wish that will definitely come true in the coming year.

Well, at exactly 12.00, shout loudly, cheerfully and in unison to everyone - “Happy New Year!”

Yes, and you shouldn’t quarrel on this wonderful holiday, because, as they say, how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. Therefore, it should be very fun.

These days you need to have fun: dance, sing New Year's songs, play fun games.

I offer several New Year's songs and games.

New Year's songs

"New Year's toys"

One summer I dreamed of New Year:

The Snow Maiden is swimming through the green grass.

And come to me with a bouquet of daisies

Grandfather Frost showed up.

And what a magical casket he gave me!

New Year's toys, candles and crackers in it,

And my funny little animals turned the house upside down.

They started a merry round dance, how funny the forest people are!

And I couldn’t believe that everything would go like a fairytale dream!

Time carries everything away, the unexpected dream has disappeared,

But sometimes he comes to me again.

And one day, among forgotten things

I accidentally picked up the casket.

This means that the New Year's fairy tale is not over!

“Oh, snowflakes are flying, snowflakes are flying...”

Oh, snowflakes are flying, flying onto houses and paths

In the meadows and fields, the earth is all white.

It's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing

It's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing

Hello holiday, New Year!

Santa Claus came out of the hut near the furry Christmas tree

He got up in a snow coat and celebrated his holiday.

It's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing,

Hello holiday, New Year!

It's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing,

Hello holiday, New Year!

New Year's games

"Hit the target with a snowball"

Snowballs are prepared in advance from cotton wool.

Participants in the game are invited to hit the bucket with a snowball. Whoever throws the most snowballs into the bucket is the winner.

"Musical Kaleidoscope"

Participants are divided into two teams. Each team is asked to remember New Year's songs and take turns performing them. The last team to sing the song is the winner.

New Year's riddles

1. The arrows run on their own,

Without our participation.

Happy New Year

And we wish... happiness.

2. He brings us gifts.

He has a rosy nose.

Guess what, guys?

Who is this...Santa Claus.

3. Frost feasts,

The sun is playing

Running slows down time

When on the ground, on the trees

White…snow falls.

4. The sky is blue today.

There is white…frost on the trees.

5. The stars are lined up.

They are having a holiday parade.

The sky is clear and bright,

Because...New Year.

6. It’s not kvass that foams in glasses.

The clock strikes 12 times.

We were waiting for him, and now

New Year is coming to us.

7. The New Year spun us,

Silent round dance.

Like light fluffs

White...snowflakes are curling.

8. Fun times in winter

I'm hanging on a bright spruce.

I shoot like a cannon,

My name is... cracker.

9. We are happy to overtake each other,

Look, my friend, don't fall!

We're running a race

Skates help us.

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Project on the environment “Who protects us” Municipal Educational Institution Serebryano-Prudskaya high school No. 1 named after IN AND. Chuikova The project was completed by: 3 “B” class student Alexandra Belyakova Supervisor: Elena Vladimirovna Kolganova Consultant: Natalya Aleksandrovna Belyakova

Goals and objectives of the project: Find out what special public protection services have been created to ensure the safety of everyday life Fostering a sense of pride in your Motherland, the Russian people Mastering the skills to find information on the Internet and other sources of information about the Russian Armed Forces, the activities of the police, the fire department, the Ministry of Emergency Situations .

Thanks to whom can we live and work in peace? What services protect the population? In order to ensure safety in everyday life, special public protection services have been created:

Our dear army On the high mountains, On the steppe expanse Soldiers guard our homeland. He flies into the sky, He goes into the sea, The defender is not afraid of Rain and snowfall. Birch trees rustle, birds sing, children grow up in their native country. Soon I will stand on patrol at the border, so that only peaceful dreams will occur to people.

Fire department Everything around is on fire, There is one fear on everyone’s faces, But in an instant the firefighters came, They put out the fire, they saved everyone. Fire's agility, speed, and strength instantly won. Always be like this: Brave, courageous, And from us “Thank you!”

Police In the heat and in the cold, in the rain and in the fog, At the hour when you are in danger The Russian Policeman always stands at an honorable post. He, sometimes, at the cost of his life, will protect you from troubles and adversity. The policeman of the free Fatherland will certainly come to the rescue

Emergency medical care In any weather, dear anyone, you are rushing to save our lives. You are an ambulance, and you know no peace, you will not make mistakes! Always make the correct diagnosis, Thank you for this, dear ones! We believe that trouble will not be terrible for us, Since we have you, dear ones!

Emergency gas service A fire is burning in our kitchen, The gas will flare up and will not go out. Your service may not be easy, but your work is necessary and not in vain!

Rescue service (search - rescue Service) There is a rescue service in the city, it works on weekdays and on Sunday. If suddenly something bad happens to someone, the Rescue Service will always help.

Conclusions: Many joyful events happen in the life of every person. But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that we need someone’s help and protection. Whether at home or at school, we know who to turn to in difficult times - these are our parents, teachers, friends. But, finding yourself face to face with a huge city or village, no one is safe from various dangers. Threats can lie in wait everywhere - in public transport, cinema, theater, or just on the street. Criminals try to disturb the peace in our lives by any means. This project helped me find out what services could help me with this.

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