With what goals and objectives to start the new year for successful self-development? Is it worth making plans for the year? We write well: from idea to book.

They say that if goals are written down in 100 goals, and not just dreamed about in the mind, then they tend to come true. Truth.
Also, they say, if you do not wash your hair, it tends to get fat.

You need to sit and visualize, watch motivating films. And the person himself will not notice it, as he becomes famous and independent - the main mess in the house. It will piss off everyone at home. Such a person will be independent even from the obligation to take out the garbage, earn money and clean houses. Freedom and financial independence. Freedom to choose what to complain about: the state, the Jews or unwashed hair.

The only goal that is achieved without difficulty is degradation.
In all other cases, you need to plow.

Life with and without goals

No amount of fake Harvard research on the 3% success rate will convince you to maintain the habit of living with goals. The credibility of research cannot be compared to personal experience.

FROM purpose a person becomes not only more productive, but also feels better: as if he is in control of his life. Feels progress, each time crossing out a sub-goal, and the pleasure of realizing the work done. Self-confidence and self-esteem grows - this is useful when it is underestimated.

The best way check all these statements - experiment in your life. Make a list of goals for 2019 and live by it. If you have not had such an experience, this is a great way to learn new things about yourself, to experience a purposeful life for yourself. If you do not feel the benefits of such a life, return to the old one.

List of 100 goals for the year

The following list will help those who want to try living with goals. In the example, medium-term goals: for a year, for a maximum of 3 years. Read, choose your goals. Be sure to write down your list of goals in a separate notebook. Make a plan for the year, or at least for the summer.

No need to immediately take on 100 targets. 10-20 goals is enough to start with. You can choose targets easier if you have poorly developed planning skills. Break goals down into simple achievable steps.

Health and sports

  1. Month to practice freewriting.
  2. Listen to lectures on psychology Eva Poplavskaya.
  3. Get yourself 10 massages during the year.
  4. Go to Holotropic Breathwork.
  5. Practice a new sport for a month: martial arts, tennis, fencing, rowing.
  6. Shoot from a bow / crossbow / gun.
  7. Run a half marathon.
  8. Consultation with a psychologist.
  9. Travel 50 km on a bike in a day.
  10. Two months to learn dance: hip-hop, step, salsa, contemporary.
  11. Exercise: tell your reflection "I love / respect / appreciate and respect others."
  12. For a woman: allocate clear time for yourself - a trip to the salon, sauna, to the stylist.
  13. For a man: beat a personal best - pull up more / chest press / run further.

financial, work

  1. Buy 5 books to improve professionalism.
  2. Increase income by 20-50%.
  3. Complete specialty training.
  4. Take part in a professional conference.
  5. Keep track of quarterly expenses.
  6. Study 5 lectures on marketing: Ilya Balakhnin.
  7. View 10 interviews "Business Serkets" or "Business Arena".
  8. Improve your time management skills: implement the practice from Time Drive or GTD.
  9. Try 1-2 areas for future specialization in them.
  10. master a basic level of related to their specialty.
  11. Increase your area of ​​responsibility at work.
  12. Buy yourself a “toy” that you wanted as a child.

Friends and environment

  1. Organize an overnight outing with friends.
  2. Meet at the conversation club.
  3. Play Mafia 5 times.
  4. Make a gift to a friend.
  5. Buy board game and play 3 times: Train ticket / Colonizers / Carcassonne.
  6. Women: Gift a friend a paintball/airsoft ticket.
  7. For men: give flowers to a non-close friend.
  8. Congratulate a friend on his birthday with a video greeting.
  9. Give a t-shirt with a cool print that is associated with the character of a friend.
  10. Learn the skill of active listening.
  11. Go camping with an unfamiliar group.
  12. Drive a boat / sailing yacht with friends.
  13. Try extreme sports with your best friend.

Family, children, personal relationships

  1. Arrange a romantic dinner in nature.
  2. Give a ticket for a joint activity / master class.
  3. Listen to lectures on Ruslan Narushevich's relationships.
  4. Three weeks of mum and dad forgiveness meditations.
  5. Month to develop a habit: count to 10; breathe deeply; listen attentively.
  6. Catching moments when you do not respect your partner.
  7. Three new experiments in sex.
  8. Study 2 volumes on child development.
  9. Find a mini-hobby that is interesting for both you and your child.
  10. Sex outside the home.
  11. Learn and read child's age tasks.
  12. Do Hellinger family constellation to an exciting question.

The brightness of life, impressions

  1. Take part in a master class.
  2. Raise your average score by 2 points on the wheel of life.
  3. Drink coffee in the best coffee shop in the neighboring city.
  4. Learn to do somersaults on a trampoline.
  5. Go to the theater for an unusual production.
  6. Visit 3 exhibitions / art galleries.
  7. visit big music Festival.
  8. Spend the night in another country.
  9. New sensations: not drinking in the company of drinkers / drinking in the company of teetotalers.
  10. Drink tea with live music in the restaurant.
  11. Eat 3 meals that are unusual for yourself.

Personal growth, intelligence, skills

  1. Go to a talking club.
  2. Raise to the level of knowledge foreign language.
  3. Read 12 not art books in a year.
  4. Plan a month and live according to the plan.
  5. Conduct 3 days of timekeeping.
  6. Read the story in English: adapted or original.
  7. Listen 5 lectures about the brain of Tatiana Chernigovskaya.
  8. Master the basic course of Glavred.
  9. Write an article on any topic from 7000 characters.
  10. Go to courses oratory or theatrical.
  11. Disassemble the books "Black Swan" or "Thinking, fast and slow".
  12. Learn to Program: Write a simple program.
  13. Watch the original season of Star Trek.
  14. Don't make emotional purchases. Buy in 2 weeks what “seems like” you want now.

Creativity and spontaneity

  1. Read the book How People Think.
  2. Make 10 origami from memory.
  3. Draw 5 simple illustrations for the article.
  4. Take 1-3 drum lessons.
  5. Shout a couple of minutes in the forest at full power.
  6. Have breakfast in a restaurant with something exotic.
  7. Weekend travel: buy tickets one day before departure.
  8. Play a simple tune on the flute.
  9. Paint a cup and drink your favorite tea from it.
  10. Wearing an unusual thing / glasses / hat.

Spirituality and awareness

  1. Compose a personal mantra, repeat it for a month.
  2. Practice a month

Greetings. Very glad to see everyone! As soon as they subside new year holidays, people begin to think about how to improve their lives in the new year and what goals should be set. But before you start writing new chapter, it is necessary to recall the previous one and draw the appropriate conclusions. So, the topic is hackneyed, but with new tips and ideas from coaches - how to write goals for the year, namely for 2018.

If this year you decided to clearly and scrupulously set goals, like me, then I suggest that you walk with me through all the recommendations that coaches and psychologists give. And the most important recommendation is to determine the truth of the goal. If the goal is false, then it is unlikely that it will be achieved this year. How to do it below. Coaches recommend starting with an assessment of the previous year (internal and external changes, spiritual and material acquisitions) and, of course, gratitude to yourself and everyone for all these changes.

Questions for last year

In order to review the past year, we invite you to answer the following questions. Try to be as honest and objective as possible, because your own motivation to act for the benefit of the future depends on the assessments.

  1. How did you enjoy the past year?
  2. How many positive events were there? Which one would you like to remember forever?
  3. What of the planned managed to be implemented? What results have you achieved in various fields own life?
  4. Describe last year in one sentence.
  5. What tasks were not completed? For what reason?
  6. What have you learned? What knowledge and skills have you acquired? What books have you read? What experience did you get?
  7. How much has your monthly income increased compared to last year?
  8. What do you regret? Remember and forgive yourself.
  9. Do you want to live this year just like the previous one?

The assignment is best done in writing so that you can reread the results and decide if you are satisfied with them. And if not, then ask yourself why out of 365 days you competently used only some of them for yourself? Was it really not possible to learn something new, to please yourself by reading a good book, or to go to some event for vivid impressions?

And, the most annoying thing, probably in January of that year you imagined exactly how your life would change if you set goals and started to realize yourself. So why didn't the set goals come true?

How to set goals correctly?

To begin new life- not easy, because it involves the need to abandon laziness and regularly step over obstacles. Be sure that once you set yourself new target, the most unfavorable conditions will be created around for its achievement. That is why people usually do not fulfill their own plans. This is directly related to the natural fear of changing life and one's own personality, because not a single goal will be fulfilled without doing a large amount of work on oneself and the environment.

It is human nature to be in a state of lack of will and act according to the usual, predictable scenario, and in order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to abandon this and change everything. Understand that your task is not only to set a goal, but also to act.

In order to overcome oneself and the difficulties that arise on the way over and over again, one must really want to achieve the goal. You must be satisfied with the process of working on own desires. Imposed and other people's goals must be cut off at the very beginning of the path, because they will never bring happiness.

It is important to clearly articulate your goals for next year covering all spheres of life. For example, personal, work, financial, and so on. The more specific, the better. Be sure to record every step of reaching your goal.

Goal setting plan

  1. To form the lifestyle of the desired next year in various areas of your life (career, family, leisure).
  2. Define your true goals for next year.
  3. Develop a plan to achieve them.
  4. Act.

History of John Goddard

John Goddard is known as an explorer, traveler, scientist and anthropologist. He has written several books, received numerous awards, and has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records several times. As a fifteen-year-old teenager, he listed on paper 127 goals for life, among which were conquest largest rivers, climbing the highest peaks, piloting the latest aircraft and the study of lost tribes. For 87 years of his life, John Goddard completed 114 items from his list.


A life list is a list of goals that a person would like to achieve during his life. Often the items on such a list are not called goals, but desires, so that a person does not limit himself on one or another basis.

Criteria for the life-list

  1. The fulfillment of desires / goals should depend on you.
  2. These should be emotionally colored and significant events.
  3. Don't list buying things for the sake of things; indicate what it is for.
  4. Check if this is really your desire, and not imposed?
  5. Make your statements as specific as possible.

Before setting goals for the next year, it is recommended that you create your own life list and write down everything that comes to mind, if it does not contradict the above criteria. Feel free to list your childhood and youth dreams. Many psychologists believe that it is the fulfillment of childhood dreams that makes people truly happy.

And don't laugh at yourself! If you dreamed of becoming a famous guitarist, then why not finally buy a guitar and learn how to play it? Maybe not a matter of a lifetime, but a wonderful hobby that can give a feeling of happiness.

Imagine your own funeral

This task may seem gloomy and extremely unpleasant, but its completion is necessary in order for a person to understand the value own life, and clearly imagined what mark he wants to leave behind. Don't take these questions as a bad omen.

  1. Imagine that you are at your own funeral. Recommend something to yourself in the present tense from that perceptual position.
  2. What will your loved ones, relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances say as a parting word? How will they describe you and your achievements in various areas of life?
  3. What would you like to hear from them?

After reading your own answers to the questions, draw conclusions that will help you improve the quality of your life and appreciate today. Faced with death even mentally, a person experiences a powerful upsurge in life.

Goals and values

It's time to talk about current goals for the foreseeable future. Divide the sheet into three parts and write down your goals for 3 years, 1 year and the last 6 months of life (just imagine what you would do if you knew about your imminent death). It is advisable to limit yourself to 6 items in each category.

Then take a new sheet, again divide it into three parts and write down the values ​​\u200b\u200bof personal life, activities and recreation (also 6 pieces in each area). Make sure that there are no imposed values ​​in the lists, that is, not your values.

Now draw lines from each value to the goals that satisfy those values. Those goals that satisfy more values ​​are the true ones. You can thus determine the rating of goals. If there is a goal that does not satisfy any value, then it is unlikely to be achieved until your values ​​change.

Here's what happened to me. The numbers in the circle next to the goals are how many values ​​it supports.

The fact is that those goals that satisfy the maximum number of values ​​and are supported by them are more likely to be realized, since they have strong internal support. It is very important that goals and values ​​are linked. Understanding the truth of purpose and value is already a step towards changing life in better side.

Particular attention should be paid to the goals that you would set yourself for the last 6 months of your life. Often there are desires that cause a powerful emotional response, but are constantly postponed for later for one reason or another. Sit down and think carefully, is it worth constantly putting them aside, if their achievement can give such a desired feeling of happiness and complete satisfaction?

Checking the goal for truth

If you think about the goal and do not feel anything inside, then you should immediately cross it off the list. Yes, it can be good, useful, correct on all counts. But it is impossible to achieve it without a physiological response, since the main tool for achieving the goal is a person, and he will not act until he feels emotionally involved in the process. The thought of a goal should evoke enthusiasm, joy, and a desire to act right now. Otherwise, it is far-fetched and worthless.

How to check if the goal is true?

  1. When you think of a goal, do you feel an increase in vitality?
  2. Presenting the image of the goal and the results of its achievement, do you want to start the process now?
  3. Can you give a clear and concise answer to the question why this goal is needed? What opportunities will open up for you, how its achievement will affect all aspects of life.
  4. Is there a connection with childhood dreams. After all, such goals are the most emotional and can give energy to achieve results.
  5. Will you enjoy the process of achieving the goal?
  6. Are you ready to fight to achieve your goal to the detriment of your usual way of life and comfort?
  7. Imagine that you have reached your goal. Do you like change and consequences?
  8. Do you believe in your own ability to achieve your goal?

Be sure to evaluate the prospects of the goal, because it should be followed by new opportunities that can change life for the better. Do not work in vain for goals that are not capable of unlocking the potential.

And remember, it is not the result that matters - the achievement of the goal, but the transformation of you as a person in the process of achieving the goal. The very process of achievement should be pleasant, you should be in a state of "intense pleasure". And this is possible only if the goal is true and desirable.

The goal must be paid

A goal cannot be global, good, and convenient at the same time. Recognize the need to pay for the achievement of goals with various inconveniences associated with constant work on yourself, overcoming difficulties, changes in your lifestyle. The inability to achieve a goal in one area of ​​​​life without affecting others.

After you have realized this, sit down and analyze the changes that will occur in the process and as a result of achieving your goals. Do they suit you completely and completely, or do they decompose the established order from the ground up? Are you willing to sacrifice something for the sake of a better life or habitual life still more expensive? If you want to give up some goal, then this is absolutely normal, you should not even be upset.

But if you are ready for all the accompanying changes, then act and do not let own fears and habits to sabotage you along the way.

Make sure that:

  • the goal is desirable and achievable;
  • it is worth it to be achieved;
  • the actions necessary for achievement are natural and normal;
  • life after achieving the goal will become better;
  • you have all the abilities to achieve this goal;
  • you deserve this goal.

Positive goal statement

It is very important to formulate goals correctly. Do not use negative language, such as "I do not want to live in this city," implying a desire to move somewhere. Why not write "I want to move to Moscow/Kyiv/London"?

You should not limit yourself to this point, imagine your goal in colors, images and sounds, write them down too. Be aware of how you will know that you have achieved your goal and mark it as the next item. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to write down why this goal is so important to you and whether any values ​​\u200b\u200bsupport it. If yes, which ones?

Remember that specificity is your best friend.

Prepare for Difficulties

It has been repeatedly said that achieving the set goals is not easy. This is associated with certain difficulties and challenges. It is best to prepare for this by making a list of the difficulties that may await you on the way to achieving a particular goal, so that later, when an obstacle appears on the way, you do not give up and do not lose your resolve. Lose it all possible scenarios in your head and immediately note how you would react to certain events that could interfere with you. This is a great cheat sheet for your future.

Don't let your goals remain on paper. Your life is in your hands and you always deserve more than you have!

Where to start the achievement?

Guys waiting for your comments. Did you like it so long and difficult, in a new way, to set goals. Did you manage to finish reading and do everything to the end.

And now it's time to make plans, set goals for the new year 2017. Properly set goals organize our lives. So grab a pen and write!

balance wheel

1. We define important areas of life.

To begin with, we will determine which areas of life are of interest to us in the first place. I like an exercise often used for this, the Balance Wheel. On the net you can find blanks with inscriptions of spheres. But usually I draw a "wheel" by hand and write out in it those areas of life that interest me the most.

I also offer you choose from a list of 8 spheres that interest you the most: health, leisure, career, finance, business, work, fame, creativity, self-development, relationships, family, etc. Outside the wheel, write points that reflect your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis area, as if it were developed to a maximum of 10 points.

In each area, fill in the approximate level of your satisfaction with its quality and quantity. As a result, your “wheel” is unlikely to roll smoothly: as a rule, it squats crookedly on each “spoke”.

  1. Analyzing the results, prescribing goals

See which areas are the worst developed. It is with their development that we must begin in the first place. For example, the areas of relationships and health “sag” the most, which means that they will have to pay the closest attention this year.

In each problem area, we define the goals that we want to achieve and write them down. For example, in the area of ​​"relationships": the ultimate goal may be "I'm getting married", but at the same time it is necessary to provide for intermediate goals (or tasks) that will help find a future spouse and build a relationship with him. For example: “I sign up for a dating training and am successfully trained”, “I work with a psychologist / coach and learn how to successfully communicate with men / women”, “Monthly I visit crowded places where I meet men and gain experience in proper communication with people”, etc.

The rest of the areas should also not be left completely unattended: formulate one goal for each such area. For example, finances: “In 2017, I earn XXX rubles monthly from various sources.” Or in the field of "leisure": "In July 2017, relax on the island of Crete."

It is important to ensure that the achievement of goals is distributed approximately evenly throughout the year. If all goals are saved for one or two last months, of course, it will be very problematic or unrealistic to achieve them. A big goal can be broken down into months and tracked throughout the year to see how you are progressing towards its achievement.

Next to each goal, write an approximate date for its achievement. In addition, remember: the goal must be measurable (not “learn English language”, and “learn 350 colloquial phrases in English").

3. We prescribe long-term goals

Not all goals are achievable in one year. That's what they exist for advanced planning. Long-term plans are usually prescribed for 3, 4, 5 and even 10 years ahead.

Lists of long-term goals during the year can be replenished with intermediate goals and desires that require attention and can take a lot of time.

4. Concrete steps towards goals

Goals have been set. Now we have to break them down into concrete steps. What exactly do we plan to do to achieve the goal?

For example, the goal “I lose 12 kilograms by the end of the year” may involve the following steps: 1 month - introduce the habit of doing morning exercises; 2 months - I introduce the habit of drinking 2 liters of water daily; for a month - I introduce the habit of not eating after 5 p.m., etc. Naturally, new habits stay with us throughout the year.

Or consider the goal of “Growing my blog to XXX monthly visitors by the end of 2017.” The steps might be: “I am writing 200 articles on different topics during the year ”(plus break this number by month). Intermediate steps could be: “read article writing tutorials”, “Seo Blog Optimization – March 2017” and others.

5. Let's act!

And this is almost the main thing! No matter how much we plan or set goals for ourselves, if after that we lie down on the sofa and only visualize what we want, nothing in life will change. A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Helpful TIPS:

  • do not set many global goals at the same time. If you cannot achieve them, motivation will disappear, dissatisfaction with yourself will increase;
  • start work with the tasks that seem to be the most important, priority;
  • do not rot yourself if something did not work out or did not work out on time. Dates can be shifted - it would be perseverance and a desire to achieve your goal. And if it doesn’t work out, it’s more constructive to revise the plan - maybe you don’t need it, or the wrong deadlines have been set, the goal has been formulated incorrectly, the steps to it have not been thought out.

More tech...

There are other exercises and techniques that help you understand your desires, plan things for New Year and set goals correctly. I offer several of them. Choose those that are closer and more interesting.

"100 Wishes" for the new year...

1. First, we write down the numbers up to 100 in 2-3 columns. And then - we formulate desires - trying not to stop and not think. Why? Yes, because at first the mind will begin to give us banal desires. And when he gets tired, the subconscious mind kicks in. And even if at first everything seems like nonsense to you, do not rush to throw out the list: among this “nonsense”, it is quite possible that your most secret desires will be hidden. For example, blow off your steam by hitting an old friend in the face - for the fact that once in childhood he broke your favorite typewriter J.

2. Analyze your desires and make a list of goals for the coming year based on them.

"Magic wand"

  1. Ask yourself questions:
  • What would I do in the new year if I had a magic wand?
  • What can I really do about this?
  • What would I do during the new year if I knew that it would 100% work out?
  • What if I just believe that it will work and take action?
  • What is my biggest dream?
  • What will I do during the new year in order to achieve my dream?
  • What do I want to add, bring into my life in the new year?
  • What would you like to change in your lifestyle?
  • What changes do I want in different areas of my life? (See spheres at the beginning of the article).
  • With which bad habits want to leave?
  • What are the new good habits want to buy in the new year?
  • What do I want to start doing differently in the new year?
  • If I could only make 3 changes in my life during the new year, what would I change?
  • Solving what task in the new year will move me the most forward?
  1. Goals - in honest answers

Your task is to honestly and fully answer the following questions:

  • What are the most important goals I want to achieve this year?
  • How global is the goal? Is it worth breaking it down into subgoals? If necessary, we break it down.
  • We check whether there are negative effects from achieving the goal.
  • Checking what benefits we have from current state(until the goal is reached)? How can these benefits be preserved, or how can they be painlessly replaced by others?
  • We formulate the goal specifically so that there is a measurable result and the time for achieving it is indicated.
  • Achievement criteria: what will I see, hear, feel when I reach the goal?
  • What are the possible risks and obstacles? How can I overcome obstacles? What and who can help me achieve my goal?
  • What are my internal resources, abilities will help to achieve the goal?
  • And how are things with you?

With new plans and desires. We will not convince you: dream, change, become better! And so that this does not become empty chatter, advice from the best motivational books will help you set goals and achieve them.

Instead of goals, think about feelings

How do you usually set goals? Write in a notebook what do you want to achieve? Try it differently - go not from the action, but from the feelings.

First decide how you want to feel (happy, calm, determined, in harmony), and then plan your days, weeks and months, based on your invented good state. It turns out that you select a goal that fits the feelings that you have planned for yourself. Let's say that in order to feel joy every day, it is vital for you to do charity work - visit children in a shelter, be a volunteer and take care of homeless animals.

First of all, we are moved forward by feelings.

All people are different. It may happen that you do not need a three-room apartment at all, which you are going to take on a mortgage and then spend another 30 years to pay back the money. Maybe a house 10 minutes drive from the city is enough for you - and you will be no less happy man. The point is to listen carefully to yourself, and not to chase the goals that society imposes. In fact, we are not striving for any specific goal, but for the feelings that will arise when it is achieved: sincere joy, genuine self-pride, peaceful calmness, a sense of self-worth, unshakable self-confidence.

That's what people want. This is what we are all heading towards, albeit unconsciously.

External motivation

Travis himself does not hide the fact that he participates in races not only because it fills him with joy. The prize fund is one of the reasons that picks him up early in the morning and brings him to the track.

Just add an external stimulus (money, fame - whatever!) to each goal you want to achieve in the new year. When intrinsic motivation dries up, it will help you stay on your toes.

Never miss twice in a row

If achieving a goal requires regular action (going to the gym, attending English classes), work on forming a habit. The main thing is to stick to constancy. Remember the rule: never miss twice in a row. Otherwise, there is a great chance to end the habit once and for all. If you skip one day - this will reduce the chances of a long-term stable result by about 5%, double absenteeism reduces them by 40%. Three days - and you can start all over again, because you missed your chance and created the conditions for unpunished "truancy" in the future.

It seems that this is not true. It's easier to be optimistic and believe that a couple of missed days on the scale of the entire operation means nothing and that tomorrow you will catch up with everything. But if you did this once with this attitude, and then twice, then you can no longer trust your judgments.

If this has happened to you, then doing the missed action next time should be your top priority. You must do this at any cost. Make it perfect if you can, or outrageously bad if that's all you can do.

"The 4:30 AM Rule"

Pro ultra runner Travis Macy suggests sticking to the 4:30 a.m. rule to achieve your goals: It's not just about getting up early to get more done in the day. This rule has a deeper meaning. In short - if you make a firm decision in advance, then when the time comes to act, you are no longer distracted by thoughts about whether you want to do it or not.

The rule is this: when the alarm rings at 4:30 in the morning, you must get up and get to work, even if - and especially if - more than anything in the world you want to turn on the other side and sleep more. But don't take this rule literally; getting up at 4:30 in the morning is just an example of how strong-willed it takes to be successful. For you, this rule may sound a little different or mean doing different things at certain times of the day or week. The point is that you make some commitment in advance and thereby forgo any further choice on the matter.

A strong inner commitment - to a training program, a project, a job, a relationship, raising a child - is the most important thing you can do in life. This is where it all starts. By accepting the 4:30 AM rule for yourself, literally or figuratively, you forgo all alternatives. Waking up when most people are still sleeping can be the first step towards reaching your goal.

Getting up early can be practiced once a week.

It can be assumed that there are not very many who want to “wake up and sing” at such an early hour. But the “4:30 AM rule” isn’t really for them at all. Most people love to sleep, and you are probably no exception. This is the whole point: if you have adopted such a rule for yourself, you get up in any situation.

This psychological setting cuts off any deviations from the goal.

The key idea is to cancel for yourself the very possibility of giving up, because the decision has already been made in advance. Make a plan in advance so that at the right time the “4:30 am rule” will work.

Life hacks for setting goals and achieving them

Here are some more tips from books on goal setting.

  • Break down long-term goals into short-term ones.
  • Do your best to get better.
  • Think about global questions (“Am I living right?”) More often than once a year.
  • Set the most daring goals that “ignite” you.
  • Introduce changes gradually. For example, once a week.

Be confident in yourself and you will succeed! Happy New Year!

Beginning of the year, birthday, middle of the year is an ideal time to make new plans and make promises to yourself to fulfill them. But in real life what happens is that we very quickly forget about our promises. So a year passes and everything repeats again.

According to statistics, 25% of New Year's plans "die" in the first week of January. Another 25% (total 50%) "die" by the end of January. Ultimately, 75% of our plans and goals die by the end of March. 77% of people each year set the same goals as the last 5 previous years.

Today I am happy to share with you how I set goals for the year for my family and achieve them. I will say right away that I do not achieve all the goals (this is normal), but I manage to complete most of them in a year.

1. The process takes more than one day

I start making plans for the year sometime in December, usually finishing by the end of the January holidays, when I have a lot of personal time to think and discuss (and approve) everything with my wife.

2. I always start from the end

I always start with what I want to achieve for my family in 30 years - where we want to live, how much money we want to have (save, earn), what kind of life style (life style) we want to maintain, what health to have, etc. And this always very specific goals - not just “I want to be rich, healthy and live by the sea”. Each goal has very clear dates, characteristics and numbers.

Next, I spin these goals down and so on. I get goals for 10 years, 5 years, 3 years and a year. Remember, there are no final goals after which you will find happiness)))). Goals move and change throughout life, and that's okay. You just get older, wiser, more experienced, your priorities change.

3. Goals are different

I don't have a main goal like "make 10 million dollars", because. putting everything on one goal, while ignoring others important aspects You may lose all meaning in life. Well, you will have a million dollars, but there will be no family and health - and then what ?! The same health problems can destroy your financial condition, your relationships, your career, etc.

Therefore, I set goals for the following super-important areas (pillars) in my life:
- my health and my loved ones;
- work and career;
— relationships in the family, children and close people (friends, parents, etc.);
financial goals;
mental development;
- life style (how, where, with whom my wife and I want our life to pass).

Throwing all your strength, for example, at making money, is the same as pumping one right leg in the gym :))) In the end, there will be no sense, and you will only harm yourself!

4. Next, I beat the sheet into 12 squares

For example, in January I plan to take my family to the seaside (this goal has not changed for many years, but I have been preparing for it the entire previous year), I plan to go to the gym so many times, walk so many kilometers on foot and so on, in terms of finances - I plan to earn so much and save / invest, I plan to read, etc.

For example, in 11 months of this year I walked more than 1500 km - probably more than in the previous 10 years combined)))). Last year I read 25 books, which is an absolute record for me, considering that I have two children, sports, a main job and a million other worries. All because I broke big goals into super-small steps that do not require hellish efforts and tears.

📌 See the list of some of the books I've read.

Plan for the week

Then, every Sunday, I take a plan for the year, look at the desired square of the month and ask myself: “What should I do next week to get closer to fulfilling my goals for this month?”. So it turns out the plan for the week, broken down by day, which lies on my desk every day. I start and end my day with it, knowing exactly what I need to do today, tomorrow and every day of the week.

Write down goals on paper

Despite the huge number of applications for tracking goals, the presence of my favorite Excel-me, I paint my goals on paper. I don’t know why, but for me paper has some invisible power! But the meaning, in any case, is that the goals must be written down somewhere!

By the way, studies show that the likelihood of achieving goals written down on paper is 42% higher.

Implementation of a plan

Plans without action are dreams. The most main part any plan is its execution. Great amount people makes plans, but never implements them.

As I said earlier, I break down my goals into micro steps, micro actions.

It makes them easier to complete, they don’t seem so difficult, and by putting a plus sign, having completed a small goal, you get a mega-charge of motivation! This gives strength to move on and not throw the target half way.

Instead of "Damn! Walking 1000 km a year on foot is unreal!” you will say to yourself something like “Great! Today I walked 3 km! Already 256 km since the beginning of the year!” (1000 km / 365 days = only 2.7 km per day = 10 minutes per day!)

Mega goals should not be many

Goals are different - big and small, in the "comfort zone" and outside it. The more goals, the less chance that you will achieve at least something. Therefore, in my head, I hit goals for “Big and super-important” goals, and for those that have already become a habit (exercise, go to the gym, walk, etc.), but which also need to be done . There should not be many big and super-important goals - optimally no more than three!

I constantly discuss our goals with my wife

I keep saying that we do this or that, or we don't do this or that, because our common goal which we approved together, such and such. It removes a lot of misunderstandings, it constantly keeps family ship course, not allowing it to deviate even when the wind blows in the other direction.


One of the most effective ways For me, this is to argue with someone for money))). Funny but it works! I usually "argue" with my father. I call him and say, if I don't do this or that by such and such a date, I give $100 to a stranger on the street. If I achieve the goal, the reward is the saved money. The person you argue with never loses. In my case, this method works 100%. However, I use it only for those purposes that I really need to do, but I really don’t want to!

Keeping goals in mind

As you can see, I am constantly reviewing my goals. Every day. I start and end my day with this. Moreover, every six months, when doing, I review them to see if they are adequate, where I am, what else needs to be done, what goals are slowing down and why, etc.

By the way, one of the most common reasons that people throw targets is that the targets are thrown somewhere and do not catch the eye. As a result, they are remembered only in December, during the debriefing.

I pause