It will become more difficult to obtain another military rank. Russian Army Command

In the army Russian Federation Military ranks are assigned to all military personnel regardless of their position. The rank determines the scope of the rights and responsibilities of soldiers and sailors, warrant officers and midshipmen, officers, and also ensures subordination between members of the personnel.

In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it is customary to distinguish between naval and combined arms ranks. If a person liable for military service serves on a guard ship or in a military unit, the prefix “guard” is added to his rank (guard captain, guard colonel). It is also assigned to a specific person for life. For example, if a serviceman retired as a lieutenant colonel, he is referred to as a “retired lieutenant colonel.”

The terms and procedure for assigning, as well as deprivation of military ranks are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on service in the Armed Forces. It is generally accepted that the corresponding naval and combined arms ranks are equivalent in relation to each other. They are assigned personally to each serviceman.

Deadlines for conferring the next military ranks

There are several groups of military personnel who make up current staff Armed forces of the Russian Federation. These should include soldiers and sailors, sergeants and foremen, warrant officers and midshipmen, and officers. Last group is divided into junior, senior and senior command staff.

To receive the next military rank, soldiers, warrant officers and officers must serve for a certain period of time. For diligent service, sailors and soldiers can be promoted to the next rank (senior soldier or sailor) 5 months after its start.

To receive the rank of junior sergeant, soldiers and senior soldiers are required to serve for at least 1 year, sergeant - for at least 2 years, senior sergeant and warrant officer - for at least 3 years. In order for an officer to be awarded the next rank, he must serve:

  • 2 years junior lieutenant;
  • 3 years for lieutenant and senior lieutenant;
  • 4 years for captain (lieutenant captain) and major (3rd rank captain);
  • 5 years for a lieutenant colonel (2nd rank captain).

To receive another rank, graduates of military higher educational institutions must hold the rank of lieutenant for 2 years. Senior officers can be promoted if they served in the previous rank for at least 2 years and for at least 1 year held a position that is subject to replacement by senior military officers.

For generals and admirals of the Russian Armed Forces, including generals of the army or admirals of the fleet, the terms of service in their position and in a specific rank are not established.

The calculation of the period of stay in a military rank begins from the day of its assignment. The period of military service in a certain rank includes the time:

  • interruption of service due to unfounded prosecution;
  • termination of service due to illegal dismissal;
  • stay in reserve.

Important: Some changes were made to the legislation of the Russian Federation in 2016, which affected the timing of assigning regular military ranks to military personnel. So, for example, to receive the rank of captain, a senior lieutenant had to serve for 3 years. Currently, the Armed Forces operate personnel certification. This means that military personnel to receive another rank must prove their professional suitability. An important role is played by discipline, knowledge of the specialty, behavior and absence of official misconduct.

The procedure for assigning military ranks

There are a number of reasons for assigning military rank. First of all, this should include entering service in the Armed Forces on a voluntary basis, by conscription, as well as entering specialized military educational establishments and their ending.

The expiration of a certain period of service in the previous rank is also grounds for promotion. Military personnel may be awarded a military rank and by decision officials within the scope of their powers.

Also, military personnel can be transferred to a position when a certain military rank is provided for it in the staffing table. It can be either equal or higher in comparison with the existing rank.

Please note that a new military rank is assigned simultaneously with appointment to new position. As for persons liable for military service for whom sergeant (senior) positions are provided, the basis for their promotion to rank may be successful completion tests according to the service program.

The President of the Russian Federation can assign military ranks to senior officers. To do this, they must be presented by the head of the federal executive body in whose department they are held military service. This official also has the right to confer the rank of captain 1st rank or colonel.

When entering military service in the Armed Forces in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the military commissar has the right to assign the rank of private to conscripts. If military personnel are directly subordinate to officials, the latter have the right to assign them regular military ranks.

It is important to understand that military personnel can be awarded their first and subsequent military ranks. Thus, officers receive the first military rank of “junior lieutenant” and “lieutenant”, warrant officers (midshipmen) - “warrant officer” (midshipman), and soldiers - “private” or “sailor”, respectively.

For personal merits of a military man, he may be awarded the next military rank ahead of schedule, but not higher than the rank that is provided for staffing table for the position held.

The procedure for assigning military ranks also provides for rewarding military personnel for special personal merit if their term in the assigned rank has expired. Thus, an officer can be promoted by one step in rank in accordance with his position, but not higher than “captain 3rd rank” or “major”.

If a soldier has academic degree, holds a teaching position in military educational or research organizations, he may be awarded another rank, but not higher than “captain 1st rank” or “colonel”.

Warrant officers (midshipmen) and sergeants (ship foremen) can also be nominated for the next military rank. For warrant officers (midshipmen), this is “senior warrant officer” (“senior warrant officer”), and sergeants (ship foremen) receive a rank no higher than “sergeant major” (“chief ship’s foreman”).

Can they be deprived of their military rank?

The Russian Armed Forces practice a system of reward and punishment for military personnel, so they can not only be promoted in position and rank, but also be deprived of such privileges. This can happen if a person liable for military service has committed a serious or especially serious offense.

Only a court can accuse a person of an offense. After a verdict is passed, a military man may be demoted in rank, as well as deprived of social benefits and privileges.

Important: By law, judicial authorities have the right to deprive a military personnel of his position and rank. It does not take into account who awarded the title. It can be restored only after the criminal record has been expunged. Its removal alone is not enough to restore one's rank. This will require positive feedback from the military commissar, as well as the consent of the relevant authorities.

To be reinstated in position and rank, after a criminal record has been cleared, a serviceman must contact the military registration and enlistment office and submit the appropriate application. According to the law, it may take 30 calendar days. If the military commissar has every reason to restore a person to his rank, a representation and the necessary order are issued to him.

Please note that if a serviceman was convicted unfairly, he will be rehabilitated, that is, automatically restored to rank. More detailed information can provide, whose services it is recommended to use.

When is an extraordinary military rank given?

Military personnel can receive a new rank ahead of schedule for special personal merit. Often, individuals who have proven their professionalism are rewarded by the unit’s leadership in the form of promotion in rank and position, which allows the person to quickly rise through the ranks. career ladder. If you do personnel reshuffle is not possible, they can only assign the next rank.

To receive an extraordinary rank, an officer may, for example, take an active part in special operations or prove yourself in emergency situations. If the serviceman's subordinates showed excellent results in exercises and combat training, there is a high probability that he can be quickly promoted ahead of schedule.

In practice, obtaining an extraordinary military rank can be quite difficult, since the leadership of the unit can carry out this procedure at their discretion. It is no secret that officers who have family ties with the command are promoted faster than others. However, if the serviceman’s merits are noticed by higher-ranking officers, then the new appointment will not take long to arrive.

Question 1: DD! My son entered military department under the reserve officer program in 2015. Clause 20 of Resolution 152 of 06-08-2008 does not stipulate the dependence of the rank received upon completion of training at the military department on the received higher education(the number of hours of training is also not determined for various ranks). Before the release of the Decree of April 23, 2016, students upon completion of a bachelor's degree at St. Petersburg State University received the military rank of reserve officer. And what are the current prospects for students who will have to graduate from the military department in 2018 and receive a bachelor’s degree from St. Petersburg State University? Will they have military training after the 3rd year and what rank and when can they apply for, having mastered syllabus at 450 hours (in general, according to the reserve officer program)?

Question 2: Dear Zorina Valerievna. On 06/30/2016 you answered the question about conferring a military rank upon completion of a bachelor’s degree and referred to paragraph 32 and paragraph 42 of Resolution 152 of 03/06/2016. But paragraph 20 of this resolution contains, as amended on April 23, 2016, an indication that the rank of reserve officer can only be obtained after completing a master’s degree. Those. even if a young man began training in the reserve officer program before these amendments were issued, he will not receive the rank of reserve officer upon completion of his bachelor’s degree, despite the fact that he has completed full course and passed the training camp? And, apparently, he will not receive any rank at all if he does not complete his master’s degree, because there is no talk anywhere about the possibility of lowering the rank.... That is. if a student were studying to become a soldier or sergeant, then he would be awarded this rank upon completion of his bachelor's degree, but it turns out that he either goes to a master's program or joins the army? When entering the military department (as an officer) in 2015, such a scenario, of course, was not presented and now the undergraduate student becomes a kind of hostage to the situation

Answer from the First Vice-Rector for Academic, Extracurricular and Educational-Methodological Work of St. Petersburg State University Ekaterina Gennadievna Babelyuk:

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 52 Federal Law dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On military duty and military service» citizens who have successfully completed training programs military training reserve officers, military training programs for sergeants, reserve foremen, or military training programs for reserve soldiers and sailors, are enlisted in the reserve and assigned the appropriate military rank.

Training under military training programs for reserve officers, military training programs for sergeants, reserve foremen or military training programs for soldiers and reserve sailors is carried out in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.03.2008 No. 152 “On the training of citizens of the Russian Federation under the military training program in federal state educational organizations of higher education." Paragraph 42 of Appendix No. 2 to the above resolution establishes that a citizen who has completed his studies in educational organization and having passed the final certification in military training, in the established order, is assigned the appropriate military rank upon enlistment in the reserve.

Clause 20 of the wording of the regulation, which was in force before the adoption of the Government of the Russian Federation Decree No. 345 dated April 23, 2016, established that the study by citizens academic disciplines according to the military training program was carried out on the basis of the knowledge they acquired during the development special disciplines according to the main educational program, necessary to obtain the qualification “specialist” or qualification (degree) “master”. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 23, 2016 No. 345 did not change the qualification requirements for mastering military training programs for reserve officers.

Thus, after passing final certification According to the military training program, your son will need to master the basic educational program master's degree and submit to Training Division in military training programs, a master's degree, after which your son will be nominated for the rank of reserve officer.

In this article we will take a closer look at the penultimate question for participants in the second part of today's game show. Full review The games can be viewed by following the link above.

What title did the 50 Swiss franc note receive in 2016?

The correct answer is traditionally highlighted in blue and italics. It should be noted that our players took a lot of time to answer the question; they could not decide. After taking the “50:50” clue, players have two left possible options answer: the most beautiful or the most durable. Personally, I was inclined to answer: the most durable, but this is the wrong answer.

In the spring of 2016, a new 50 Swiss franc banknote was released into mass circulation. Now, a year later, it can boast not only national, but also international recognition!
The International Bank Note Society named the 50 franc the most beautiful banknote in the world in 2016. Let us remind you that since 2005, the International Banknote Society annually determines the most beautiful banknote in the world.

Designed by Swiss artist and designer Manuela Pfrunder, the banknote is the result of a 10-year development process full of setbacks and technical hiccups. After all, these banknotes have very advanced protection against counterfeiting. The banknote is made according to the principle of a layer cake. Between two layers of special paper, a special transparent plastic layer will be built in, which is believed to make it very difficult for counterfeiters to work.

Vladimir Putin approved amendments to the law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” as well as Article 285 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel,” introducing the concept of certification before assigning a higher rank. According to the new version of the laws, it will not be enough for a serviceman to simply hold a certain position, but he will have to prove his professional worth to his superiors.

The amendments, it would seem, are not so large-scale, but they radically change the nature, and most importantly, the attitude towards obtaining the next military rank in the army. This process is no longer tied to having a relevant position. Until now, a lieutenant, having taken the captain's position, could have no doubt that after three years of service he would receive the epaulets of a captain. State Duma deputies or government officials in reserve could undergo military training and also receive the next military rank. Now it will become more difficult to climb the status ladder. If only because, according to amendments to the laws, dependence on military discipline and compliance with requirements for official conduct is introduced. At the same time, the list of gross disciplinary offenses is expanding.

From now on, the decision to assign a rank will be considered by an attestation commission consisting of the serviceman’s colleagues and commanders. They have to decide whether the applicant is worthy of the next title or not.

In practice, this means that an officer who systematically violates discipline and does not demonstrate growth in professional knowledge during his service will not receive another military rank,” military expert Viktor Murakhovsky commented on the innovations. - The serviceman will have to constantly improve himself, proving that he is worthy of promotion.

IN Soviet time, Murakhovsky recalls, the military personnel certification regime was one of the most effective educational tools. The commander prepared the document, it was reviewed by a special commission, and only after that the application for the assignment of the next military rank was sent to a higher authority. The decision to assign ranks up to the level of major was made for each specific officer at the level of the commander of the military district. Everything above was given by the Minister of Defense.

The essence of the innovations is to increase the level of motivation of officers when receiving subsequent military ranks, Murakhovsky is sure. - The monetary salary of a military personnel consists of two parts: the amount paid for the position held, and the amount that the officer receives according to his military rank. It is sad that the last parameter in the salary is significantly less than the amount paid for the position. As a result, the concept of extraordinary assignment of rank as a form of reward for excellent combat training has practically disappeared. The officers simply became indifferent to whether the next rank would be received sooner or later.

It is symptomatic that amendments to the law “On Military Duty and Military Service” and “On the Status of Military Personnel” were adopted against the backdrop of the withdrawal Russian group Aerospace forces from Syria. Yesterday in the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin praised the successes Russian army on the Syrian front. Awarded 17 military personnel who participated in the anti-terrorist operation, state awards. The Ministry of Defense told Izvestia that all recipients may be nominated for extraordinary military ranks. They have the right to apply for higher command positions. In any case, when considering their submissions, certification commissions will be required to proceed from the actual merits of the military personnel, and not from the time they spent in one position.

The question of increasing wages is raised in almost all economic sectors of our country. This is especially noticeable in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Among department employees, questions are being raised about the possibility of increasing wages in 2018.

Latest news about salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Due to the economic crisis in our country, according to news agencies, the salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not changed a large number of years. Also in 2016, due to the terrible deficit of the country’s state budget, the State Duma decided to index wages. This means that the working salary is multiplied with the inflation coefficient established for the current period. As a result, the workers' salaries turned out to be very low.

Now a large number of people hope that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will receive higher salaries. The authorities often talk about this. In fact, it is necessary to create a document at the state level, which will establish the working salary, the indicator of which depends not only on the position, but also on the professional training of the employee. It is also necessary to increase the amount of allowances for military rank and so on.

In the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are privileges for the main representatives of the authority. They have the right to increase wages for employees who were able to demonstrate high levels of personal and professional growth. The reasons for this encouragement include knowledge of several foreign languages or maintaining a high level of physical fitness.

Thus, it is now too early to talk about what will happen with the increase in the salary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018. The authorities must begin to develop a draft decree that will not only increase wages for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also not damage the state of the state and regional budget of Russia.

Salaries of employees of the Russian Guard

The new power structure of our country, the National Guard, was formed last year. Its main goal is to counter the constant increase in crime in the country. The department's employees included employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as military personnel from other structures. It is worth noting that control of admission to the ranks of a professional body is carried out on high level for the selection of professionals. At the same time, employee salaries leave much to be desired. This is due to several reasons, the main one of which is the ban on indexing, which was adopted at the beginning economic crisis in the country.

On this moment, average wage employees of the Russian Guard are:

  • about 20,000-25,000 – for privates;
  • about 45,000 for officers.

In addition to military rank and professional merit, one of the salary criteria for special forces employees is the region. This is due to the fact that it is formed on the basis of the municipal budget.

In addition to the main salary item, the employee receives bonuses in the amount of up to 25% of the salary, allowances for heavy service, and incentives for receiving awards. Their size can reach 40% of the salary.

The question of increasing wages has been haunting military families for more than 5 years. IN last time indexation was carried out in 2012 due to the signing State Duma moratorium on increasing military salaries. Due to high inflation rates, the military's activities have depreciated by almost 2 times. Its validity period ends in 2018, which means the resumption of indexation of military personnel’s salaries, which means that the salary of the Russian Guard will definitely increase in 2018. This circumstance gives great hope.

According to economists, according to preliminary estimates, on average, the salaries of employees of the Russian Guard should increase by 1.5-2 times. At the same time, they do not deny the possibility of resuming the moratorium for several more years, which could result in mass discontent among citizens.