Habits of rich people: features of behavior, thinking and interesting facts. Does charity change attitudes towards the rich? Self pity

It is a mistake to think that in order to become rich, some special luck or miracle is needed. We observe few miracles around, they are not found, but what we can observe is the phenomena of our daily life: how people work, communicate, eat, sleep, travel, raise children; than people live from an early rise to the end of the night - that is, the routine life of any person. But for some reason, a rich person has special habits and behaves differently in everyday life than a poor person. And maybe not in spite of, but thanks to his habits, he became rich and successful?

Maybe we should take a deeper look at these daily habits, understand them more closely and try to correct our personal habits with them? Maybe this will be the secret of our success on the path to wealth and prosperity?

Stop, do not rush to immediately follow the rich. There was already such a person ahead of us, and he tracked everything down. I followed it for five years, found out everything, wrote a book, I read it and I retell it to you in Russian (no translation yet) in the rough language of a poster.

This man's name is Tom Corley. He is a financier by education doctoral degree) and a financial advisor by occupation. In the United States, a financial adviser takes care of other people's money: that is, he makes sure that other people's money makes their owner new money, and the adviser a small share of their growth.

Tom Corley over these five years has traced everyday life 350 people. Half of them were rich, half were poor. He defined the level of lower basic wealth as a monetary income of 160 thousand dollars a year and a property qualification of 3.2 million worth. He defined as poor people with a maximum salary of 30 thousand dollars a year and a property qualification of 5 thousand dollars.
He monitored these people 24/7 for all five years with their consent, from the moment of getting up in the morning until the moment of lights out at night.

The book he wrote would be called in Russian "Daily success: the habits of rich people." (The Daily Success. Habits of Wealthy Individuals). For those who speak English, I advise you to read it right now and tear it to bookmarks, and for those who do not speak English, they would learn English only because a smart, kind, humorous and very competent scientist and practitioner speaks to us in one glass.

Why am I smearing everything on your lips, let's finally tell you what basic habits made the rich rich. I won't tell you what made the poor poor. I will simply list the things that poor people do not do or do very irregularly and carelessly, but rich people do with religious perseverance daily and steadily, under any circumstances. You will be surprised now how insignificant this will seem to you, but these are really the things that are "their habits" among the rich people of America.

First. early birds. 44% of the rich get up and start working 3 hours earlier. The rest of the “percentage” also rises earlier, who is 2 hours, who is an hour, it doesn’t matter. It is important that almost half of these people increase their productive working day by a third of its duration! (Huh? Who gets up early, someone gives something to him!)

Second. Plan for the day. 70% of the rich live on a piece of paper called a task list. Done - deleted. These 70% perform exactly the same 70% of the tasks scheduled for the day. But a plan for only a day is of little interest to anyone if he does not have a long-term plan for a month. For a year. So, 70% of the rich have long-term plans that are feasible, if only because they go to fulfillment, as we say, step-by-step, step by step, from day to day. I already wrote in an article about planning time and money that we do not like plans for the bulk and multi-station operators. We are taught: live in short dashes from task to task. The main thing is that today's task is completed as fully as possible.

Third. Quick lunch. It would seem, right? In what way can a quick snack affect success and wealth? The habit of having lunch imposingly, thoroughly, completely (and even with a tack) using a lunch break was once a signal beautiful life big bosses. In order to eat, a person, in principle, needs 5-10 minutes. But it turns out that rich people use the rest of their lunch time to work on the Web, at least 55% of them, the rest make business calls, look through documents. In other words, during their lunch hour, they work while chewing something. Just don't tell me about gastritis and stomach ulcers because we're moving on to number 4 on our program.

Four. Calorie counting and healthy eating . A rich person eats low-calorie, organic, sugar-free, salt-free, low-fat foods. It doesn't taste good to him. Poor. But it's exceptionally great: bananas are eaten for lunch and lettuce leaves. Strong alcohol is not consumed. Wine no more than a few times a year. No beer at all. Junk food about once a year. Sadly? But a person quickly gets used to such a restriction, and oatmeal on the water already seems to be his favorite dish. But there are no fat people among the rich. Fat people are poor people who eat well.

Fifth. health care. Not when you get sick, but before. Regular checkups. Regular analyses. Visiting psychologists and psychiatrists. The best doctors and the best clinics: health first. Running, biking, jim, personal trainer, massage therapist. In the US, rich people are healthy people. They almost never take sick days and continue to work until old age for pleasure. They die, of course, in due time, but they die healthy.

Sixth: No, the Internet, no! Instead of surfing the Internet, the rich use it only for work. Instead of hanging in networks, the rich prefer to go to the public or visit. So socialization live plus volunteering. Well, maybe half an hour on Facebook to chat, but no internet entertainment. Only live. With the people.

Seventh.(Fasten seat belts!) . Gossip fight! Wealthy people never gossip, spread rumors, or discuss bosses and employees with colleagues. Never. This, as you understand, is done by the low-paid, or rather 79% of them. Indeed, the rich have their own habits. What is the motivation? It turns out that gossip is unproductive and harmful to business. Gold words.

Here, these are, if galloping through the book, concise summaries of the main daily habits of rich and successful people in the order in which they are given by the author of the study. Does it make you think?

Pleasant thoughts, colleagues.

There is one secret that every rich person knows. It can be expressed in the words of the great Aristotle that we are what we constantly do, that is, our habits. Accordingly, perfection is also a habit.

You, too, can develop the qualities of wealthy people that will contribute to achieving financial well-being and prosperity. Consider the top 10 habits of millionaires that have allowed them to become who they are.

They set goals

Rich people don't get rich by accident. They set themselves specific goals and eventually achieve them. Goal setting is a very rewarding process that allows you to see and feel the money you want to have before you have it.

They focus on one thing

A laser beam can cut through a wide variety of objects only by concentrating all the power at a certain point. Rich people can be compared to such a laser. They set seemingly impossible goals, but focus all their efforts on achieving them until they succeed. Ordinary people, as a rule, do not concentrate on one thing, but do what comes their way.

They respect time

According to Brian Tracy, rich people don't look at earnings on a monthly or yearly basis. They count how much they manage to earn per hour. Therefore, if they have to spend time on unproductive activities, they understand that they are losing profit every moment. Rich people don't spend much time on social media or watching TV. They work almost around the clock and can't afford to waste a single minute.

They spend less than they earn

As simple as it sounds, the secret to becoming rich is to always spend less than you earn. The problem with many people is that they increase their spending as their income rises. So, they buy expensive cars, big houses, and at the same time remain either poor or have an average income. If you want to improve your financial situation, then follow the rule of saving 10% of all your income.

They work hard and hard

With the exception of those who have inherited huge fortunes, you will not find rich people who are lazy people. They are very hard and at the same time constantly working. After all, a person who works hard cannot fail to succeed in his profession, regardless of whether he develops own business or is an employee.

They are constantly learning and growing professionally

The more you know, the more you will earn. Your ability to learn also determines your ability to make money. While hard work is important, it won't make you rich on its own. Therefore, develop your brain and get more skills and experience every day.

They stick to the company of rich people

The rich are not friends with the poor. As the old saying goes, "Show me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are." Even if you don't have a lot of money right now, associating with financially successful people or those who have rich potential will sooner or later help you become rich yourself.

They are persistent

Rich people don't give up. About 90% of today's rich people have not made their fortunes in the way they originally planned to do it. They tried but failed, then they all started again, and so many times, until eventually luck smiled at them. You can lose a lot of money during this process, but you will constantly learn from mistakes and experience until you reach your desired goal.

They take risk into account

Rich people love to take risks. Once they set a goal for themselves, they will do everything possible to achieve it, sometimes even risking their lives. If you want to be financially successful, don't be afraid to take risks. Be bold, courageous, but prudent at the same time. Remember that every decision can cost you dearly, and never put all your eggs in one basket.

They are generous

Rich people tend to be very generous. If you look at the lives of the richest people in modern world you will find that many of them are true philanthropists. This number includes Rockefeller, Carnegie, Bill Gates, Carlos Slim and many others. Make generosity an integral quality of your personality, and one day you too will become a very rich person!

We looked at 10 habits of rich people. However, having them is not enough. We also offer tips to help you achieve financial success.

start early

An old proverb says, "The early bird gets the worm." In this case, the sooner you start investing effort and money in a business, the more time you will have to succeed.


you can be your own worst enemy when it comes to financial success. After all, it is very easy to drag out and put off things that need to be done, and, meanwhile, to succumb to the temptation and spend more than necessary. This is the perfect recipe for never getting rich. So, if you yourself cannot start saving 10% of your income (after all, this is a habit of rich people), then automate this process! Set up recurring transfers from your checking account to investment or savings accounts, or create an automatic deduction from your paycheck. This will save you the temptation to spend the money you plan to save.

Never use credit cards

After all, rates on such loans are one of the most serious threats to your financial well-being. Say goodbye to credit. This will save you from having to pay unnecessary interest and fees and save you money. Instead, explore the possibilities of how and where you can get a profitable loan to start a business or study if necessary. But in no case do not spend this money on excesses, live within the means you earn.

Avoid temptations

This advice is closely related to the previous one. After all, the temptation to live better than we can afford is constantly pursuing us - on TV, while reading magazines and browsing social networks, as well as while listening to the boastful stories of friends and colleagues. But always remember that if you are tempted, you may gain short-term satisfaction from, for example, buying an expensive car, but in the end you will regret it in the future, since you will have to pay for the purchase for many years, monthly repaying a considerable percentage of credit. In addition, it will certainly shake your financial stability. So do not go to expensive stores for the sake of interest, unsubscribe from mailing lists of various catalogs, etc.

Lead the budget

Rich people are accustomed to controlling how much money comes to them and how much (and most importantly, what) they spend. It is the management of the budget that allows you not to blow all the funds at once and not go broke. Look, for example, at those people who received big win. They are not accustomed to analyzing where their funds go, so they very quickly lowered everything to the penny and were left with nothing.

Buy only the essentials

Being frugal does not mean being poor. Successful people are more happy with how their bank account grows than with the number of new clothes in the closet. You just need to prioritize correctly and ask yourself if you really need new outfits or a hundredth pair of shoes.

Looking for profit

Successful people do not buy the first thing they see, they study the market, follow promotions and great deals. That is why they always have an airbag at the time of financial problems, if they ever come.

Don't try to look expensive

Why try to impress someone and buy expensive things, and even on credit? As a result, the bulk of people look exactly the same, spending their last savings on trendy gadgets or branded clothes. However, trying to splurge, they lose sight of the really important things that could be spent on.

Invest in securities

The motto of the rich and successful is "Money must work." And it is true! If your hard-earned money is lying dead at home, then you will save it for a very long time. To begin with, if you don’t have “extra” money yet, start saving small amounts for a deposit. After all, the more difficult it is to spend money, the more reliable it is. Yes, and you can always earn additional interest and bonuses. Gradually start investing in something more valuable (collectible wine, jewelry, antiques, for example), but always evaluate the real liquidity of your purchases.

Take care of your health and appearance

Only healthy man can fully devote himself to his project and find time for his favorite work, relatives and friends. Therefore, successful people without fail visit various specialists and doctors (for prevention purposes), and also do not forget about sports and other hobbies.

Travel and develop a lot

Rich people try not to waste their time and money on activities that are uninteresting from their point of view, but at the same time they try to fly to other cities and countries in order to gain experience and, perhaps, be inspired by new projects. At the same time, they always take developing books with them on a trip, visit various courses, exhibitions and museums and constantly discover something new for themselves. "Vegetable" vacation on the beach on the "all inclusive" system is not for them.

Do not waste time on TV and empty entertainment

If you're used to ending your work day at 6:00 p.m. and rushing home to watch your favorite movie or meet up with friends for a drink or two, then don't expect to be rich any time soon. Successful people practically do not watch TV and are not distracted by trifles. They know the value of their time, so they spend it wisely. The same books on self-development that will help them become even better, for example.

Not in a hurry to retire

Really rich people do not retire early, they go to their success all their lives not in order to stop at one fine moment and say: “That's it, I've been working all my life, and now I'll just spend it for my own pleasure.” Money is not easy, so you have to work every day.

Do not buy real estate for the price of an airplane

Indeed, why spend money on a house in an elite closed cottage village, where, by the way, the infrastructure is not always ideal, when you can buy something convenient in a prestigious area, but without all these premiums for “luxury and exclusiveness”. The main thing is comfort, not following fashion trends. In addition, if you seriously decide to expand, but at the same time reach expensive housing only with a mortgage, think about the fact that you will constantly have to deny yourself something until you pay off all the debt, and in the end you will overpay very large interest. Successful people don't do that. They know the price of real estate and know how to find a good offer.

A person's success lies not only in total workaholism, but also in the ability to plan and use their time for relaxation. All the most successful people set aside some time to indulge in their favorite sport or hobby, spend time with family and friends, relax and gain strength while traveling.

We have compiled a list of tips from ten of the most famous and richest people on how to relax in order to become even more successful.

Steve Jobs

Founder of Apple

The famous expression of the legendary entrepreneur Steve Jobs: "Things don't have to be important to change the world" is always true. We must constantly remember the simple, small things that are so important to maintain balance and harmony between work and personal life. It is weekends that can become the time that we can devote to family, children and friends. It may not affect your growth financial condition, but it is necessary to achieve life harmony.

Bill Gates

American entrepreneur, founder of Microsoft public figure

This successful person once said: "Celebrating success is great, but it's more important to learn from mistakes and defeats, learning from them." Learn to meditate daily. And it is on weekends that there is enough time to look back and think about what you have already done and what still needs to be done. Choose your own personal day when you can reflect on the work done, take stock, and outline future prospects.

Robert Eggers

Famous American director, screenwriter, artist

Successful people don't spend half the day in bed on weekends. According to research, the most productive time for your brain is half an hour after waking up. And it lasts about 3, 4 hours. Wake up early on weekends and you will always be ahead of the competition.

Anna Wintour

Journalist, editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine

This well-known business woman spends 1 hour a day playing tennis. Successful people are constantly involved in some kind of favorite sport. People who have reached great heights understand the importance of not only the mind, but also the body. Set aside at least 2 hours for sports training: attend gym, swim in the pool, go cycling. Even if you have nothing to do on Saturday evening, do not rush to sit near the TV with a glass of wine and pizza, but take care of your favorite physical work. News active image life is an important key to success.

Benjamin Franklin

One of the founders of the United States of America, politician

Wake up with the question: "What useful thing should I do today?". Successful people understand the importance of setting goals for themselves every day. certain goals. However, Sundays are no exception. Naturally, it is necessary to allocate time for rest, walks and communication with friends. But you should always know and remember that laziness does not lead to success. That's why plan your time.

Oprah Winfrey

American television host, actress, producer, social activist

Most famous people Always find time to sit quietly and relax. They spend 20 minutes on it twice a day. This secret of yoga is used in practice by most successful people. Meditation allows you to avoid stress, increase work efficiency and improve your mood. And even on Sundays, when there are a lot of other household chores, successful people find time to calm down. And you too learn to be calm.

Timothy Ferris

American writer, public speaker

Focus your attention on one problem. At first glance, it seems reasonable to do several things at the same time. For example, while exercising on an exercise bike, chatting on a mobile phone, writing a message or checking mail. But this only reduces the productivity and efficiency of your activities. Do the opposite - aboutallocate a certain amount of time to solve one specific problem. According to Ferris, you need to set at least two goals a day and achieve them.

Richard Branson

British entrepreneur, founder of the Virgin Group

One of Britain's richest men says: "It's amazing how focusing on issues like health, poverty, the environment can change your mindset." Most successful people claim that none of us have become poorer from charity. American financial advisor and author of The Habits of the Rich: The Daily Successful Habits of the Rich Tom Corley has been studying rich people for 5 years. He came to the conclusion that 73% of them devote more than 5 hours a month to charitable causes. It is on Sundays that it is best to do this noble deed. Take care of donations.

Warren Buffett

The largest American entrepreneur and one of the most famous investors

His favorite pastime is playing the ukulele. Successful people tend to be interesting people. Passion for what they love helps them not only relax their body and soul, but, for example, playing golf on weekends will provide an opportunity to chat and help make new business acquaintances. That's how useful have a favorite hobby.

Randy Zuckerberg

Head of his own company Zuckerberg Media, presenter and sister of the owner Facebook Brand Zuckerberg

The usual activities for everyone - posting on social networks, viewing the news feed of friends, counting our followers, the number of likes and comments - repeatedly took hours of our precious time from us. This is the so-called FOMO space (fear out of missing - fear of missing something). And on weekends, we head to FOMO. However, people should strive for JOMO (the joy of missing out - the joy of missing something). Many famous people long out of the reach of social media and FOMO. This will be the key to a happy weekend.

On your weekends. Want to share a secret? They do the same things they do on any other day. As Aristotle said, “We are what we do day in and day out. The ability to control one's actions builds character."

Here's an example for you 12 habits of successful people:

1. Robert Iger: Wake up as early as possible

Disney's chief executive isn't the only executive in the company who has admitted that his day starts at 4:30 in the morning. Successful people don't lie in bed until noon. And even up to 11. Research shows that our brain functions best within 2.5-4 hours after waking up. Get up early and be ahead of the world.

2. Benjamin Franklin: Have a plan

As you know, this founding father every morning asked himself the question: “What useful thing can I do today?”. Successful people know the value of every day, and weekends are no exception. Of course, they can be spent on a (planned and meaningful) vacation, but you don't have to be president to understand that mindless loafing is not an option.

3. Timothy Ferriss: Don't multi-task

Multitasking is such a 2005. The prospect of increasing your productivity by combining running on the treadmill, calling your mother and scrolling through the news feed may seem very attractive, but successful people know that this only hurts your productivity and the quality of your work. Instead, try to focus your attention on one thing. Ferriss recommends setting yourself no more than two goals a day to make sure you get everything you need to achieve.

4. Anna Wintour: Stay Active

The editor-in-chief of Vogue plays tennis for at least one hour a day. And she is not the only successful person involved in sports. Richard Branson is actively involved in kitesurfing, and one of the richest people in India is constantly participating in marathons. Successful people know the value of the expression "a healthy mind in a healthy body" and remember this even on weekends. Ultimately, you will at least work off a glass of wine and a piece of cheese eaten on Saturday.

5. Steve Jobs: Prioritize

"Things don't have to change the world to be considered important." Weekends are the perfect time to remind yourself of the little joys to keep your work-life balance and rest when needed. Time spent with parents, friends, loved ones, and children may not increase your income or advance you. career ladder, but this does not mean that this time will be wasted. Even the current president of the United States finds time to dine with his family.

6. Warren Buffett: Make time for hobbies

Despite being hailed as the most successful investor of the 20th century, Buffett enjoys playing the ukulele in his spare time. Successful people are often very interesting personalities and their hobbies the main thing cause. And, of course, a Saturday golf game is a great way to improve business relationship and secure successful business proposals. But even hobbies like Meryl Streep's knitting and George W. Bush's oil painting can help you succeed by boosting your imagination and relieving stress.

7. Oprah Winfrey: Make time for silence

Most Influential Star Forbes versions 2013 finds time to sit in silence for 20 minutes - twice a day! This secret of yogi peace is now in the public domain. The corporate world, too, unanimously recognizes the undeniable benefits of meditation in combating stress, increasing productivity, promoting creativity, and maintaining well-being. Weekends can sometimes be even busier with frantic attempts to fit all the unfinished business, sports, family and social commitments into the schedule, all within 48 hours. The most successful people give themselves time to sit in peace and quiet, even on weekends.

8. Randy Zuckerberg: Forget FOMO, encourage JOMO

We've all done it - posting a beautifully filtered photo of our faces from the weekend, or updating our feed to collect "likes" and make our friends jealous. Welcome to the age of FOMO or the fear of missing out! But the founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media (yes, you guessed it, the sister of the famous creator of Facebook) argues that people should spend more time practicing JOMO (the pleasure of skipping), whose motto is “there is no place where I would like to be more than where I am now." Successful people are very competitive because they are, by nature, very ambitious. But by practicing gratitude and trying to resist the implanted social networks"FOMO" you can spend a happy weekend. Isn't happiness the companion of success?

9. Bill Gates: Leave time for reflection

The founder of Microsoft once said, "It's great to celebrate your success, but more importantly, learn from your failures." Evaluating your actions should be a daily practice, but the weekend is a great opportunity to look at the achievements of the week from the side and understand what lessons can be learned in order to be even better next week. The author of The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin, suggests that you start journaling by first trying to describe your day in one sentence. Make Saturdays and Sundays days for yourself when you reread these notes.

10. Richard Branson: Give back to the world

An entrepreneur once said that "it's amazing how the focus on health, poverty, protection environment and combating climate change can help change the way you think in other areas.” Successful people unanimously agree with Anne Frank: “Give it! No one has yet been impoverished by this! Thomas Corley studied the lives of rich people for 5 years before writing his book Rich Habits: The Daily Habits of Successful People. He found that 73% of successful people do charity work for more than 5 hours a month. Nothing helps to look at things from the outside and reduce stress like helping those who need it. Weekends are a great opportunity to do volunteer work.

11. Jack Dorsey: Prepare for the coming week

One of the founders of Twitter and Square is known for his strict stance, advocating 16-hour workdays from Monday to Friday, but even he says: “Saturday is my day off. I go hiking. After that, on Sunday, I take stock of events, comment, strategize, and prepare for next week.” Forget the Sunday blues, let's call this day Organize Your Life Day. Laura Vanderka, author of What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend, argues that for successful people, the weekend is secret weapon. "You should meet Monday ready for work."

12. Jay Z: Enjoy every moment

He created a huge empire, became a successful rapper and entrepreneur, and his secret lies in the words of one of his songs: “You may want success, but to get it you must not hesitate. You must not be wrong. You must not sleep. One eye is open, truly and forever." Jay Z would never make $520 million by hitting his goal 5 days a week. If you ever want to spend your weekend on a luxury yacht in the Caribbean with Beyoncé, unwavering grit is what can really help you. And you can dream endlessly.

Now it's obvious. Success is a 24/7 lifestyle - weekends included.