Business woman problems. Business woman: personal qualities and image of a successful woman

To be a successful woman in life - a lot of female representatives want to achieve some success in their professional activities, and at the same time be an excellent housewife, raising their children along with family responsibilities. Do the heroines of this article always manage to realize their dreams in life, and how this happens, we will find out right now.

Difficult choice: career or family?

Probably, this question was asked by the woman herself, who nevertheless decided to actively engage in labor activity, and the inner circle of a business woman. The answer depends on how the lady generally relates to the fact that she will have a family in the near future or already has one at that time. The stereotype that it is impossible to simultaneously engage in a family nest and work, and quite successfully in both directions, is far from relevant now. A lot of women, they are also mothers, who are enterprising in the field of professional activity, combine all the duties assigned to them, and with what success. Of course, “pitfalls” may appear here, due to the fact that the husbands of our heroines are far from being captured by the fact that their soul mates disappear from work from morning to evening or travel constantly on business trips, compensating for their absence by the presence of a nanny in towards children and the housekeeper.

Problems of women building a career

So, let's find out what problems a woman may have who has the desire to be in time everywhere and achieve what she has planned for herself for the coming period.

1. A woman can earn more, which means that she will automatically play the role of the head of the family, whose duty it is to provide for loved ones. Not every spouse will like this alignment of events, because in most cases a man feels disadvantaged, especially if for some reason he does housework, thereby not bringing money to the family. Against this background, certain disagreements arise, leading to constant conflicts between husband and wife. As a result, often the mistress of the family hearth makes the final decision in favor of work or, conversely, leaves her work post once and for all, which, by the way, does not happen so often.

2. Spends little time with children. This is where women really have a hard time. In connection with her position, a business woman is constantly at work, she is forced to leave the younger generation at any time, even on weekends if necessary, and deal with current affairs. Basically, mothers who are actively engaged in labor activities use the services of a nanny who will feed the child and take a walk with him, in a word, will help parents in raising a young creature. It is clear that the nanny will not replace the mother, but when there is an opportunity to use the help of Mary Poppins, then why not resort to her help, which, in principle, is done by busy mothers.

What is she - a business lady?

What they just don’t say about a woman who has achieved some more success in terms of work. But sometimes, in addition to compliments, you can hear the following statements from the lips of people around you, the veracity of which we will now talk about:

She has no personal life, which means she is unhappy. In fact, the personal life of the fair sex depends not only on the lifestyle that she leads, but also on the worldview about the relationship between a man and a woman. And if a lady works tirelessly, this does not mean at all that she does not want to get married or feel in demand in her current and future family. Therefore, the stereotype that business women are unhappy in their personal lives, common in our society, is not always true. Yes, indeed, all the time busy women may not be able to relax much, and it is likely that they will meet their fate somewhere during the holidays. However, you can meet the man of your dreams anywhere, and even at work. And if our heroine, most importantly, has a desire to become happy as a wife and mother, then this desire will surely come true in the near future.

Men are afraid of smart and successful women leaders. Rather, this statement refers to those males who, for some reason, do not want to see our heroine in the face of a girlfriend or wife, afraid, for example, to feel disadvantaged in terms of career or financial well-being. Therefore, sometimes this stereotype can work in the case of the reasons that we talked about earlier.

Woman and career: how to do everything?

We would also like to discuss such a moment as the desire of a business lady to be in time in everything, respectively, only to surprise loved ones with her success and indispensability. But sometimes, unfortunately, due to various circumstances, a woman may experience some difficulties in what she has outlined for herself in relation to career advancement. Let's try to find out what nuances it is desirable to pay attention to a woman so that her activities have only positive results.

1. First of all, just be confident in yourself, and have the desire to do what you want, in our case, a career.

2. Appreciate your time. Indeed, in addition to work, there are probably other important things to do, whether it is spending time with family or a loved one. We did not make a reservation, the family also has most women importance, so it is so important not to forget that charming kids and a beloved husband are waiting for their mother in the evening.

3. Give yourself the opportunity to relax, both on normal working days and during the vacation, which must certainly be. After all, without gaining strength, the fair sex may simply not be able to cope with that load. functional duties that are placed on her frail shoulders. Therefore, rest, like any working person, business woman just needed.

4. To have leadership traits of character in order to establish oneself as a person who is promising and willing to take a position, if this has not happened yet.

Well, today we talked about women who were not afraid to realize themselves and build a career, reaching heights in their professional activities. We hope that those ladies who also decided to take up their work to the fullest will read this article and draw certain conclusions for themselves.

Elena is about 40 years old. She has her own service business, her own apartment and four children. Successful and outwardly strong, it is only now, after years of work with psychologists, that she can talk about her husband without crying. About how he stopped earning, took money and constantly humiliated: they say, you are mediocrity, who needs this, except me. And the family said: "Be patient, humble yourself, keep quiet."

Pretty Elena in a fashionable fur coat arrived at the editorial office by trolley bus. “The husband took the car, unfortunately, it is recorded on him”,- the woman throws up her hands, apologizing for being late. He asks for coffee with milk, sits down in an armchair and with a smile tells such things from which his hands clench into fists.

“He took the child and went to his ex-girlfriend”

We met at work (he got a job at the company where I worked). Honestly, he was generally some kind of strange and mysterious, but this oddity aroused my interest. He met me, saw me off, and most importantly, he looked after my daughter very well. Relations began. At that time, I was raising a child alone and wanted a normal family. He also already had a bad experience, and he was aimed at a serious relationship. Still, we were both over 30 - it seemed to be adults for a long time, and the goals were common.

We did not play a wedding, we signed just like that. At that time I was pregnant. First a boy was born, then a girl, then another boy. There were no issues with finances: I got a business, it works. In principle, we were able to pull so many children even on my income. Later, I bought a five-room apartment, and we started building a house on my husband's land.

The husband treated the children equally. True, when I was pregnant with the fourth, he persuaded me to have an abortion. Still, I did not dare to kill the little man who was stirring under my heart and, as it seemed to me, desperately wanted to live.

There were no such bells on our first dates that could indicate tyranny. He could hold back. As it turns out, he had his own plans. He wanted children and provide for himself financial well-being. Everything that was to his advantage and in his interests was welcomed. But as soon as you did something differently than it was beneficial for him, pressure immediately went on you.

He skillfully manipulated family values, removed "unnecessary" girlfriends, friends. Spoke: “This one is jealous of you, but that one likes to drink.” They say that she should not be in our house and that I deserve better, that it’s good for normal people to be in a family and such girlfriends are not needed.

All this was done carefully and skillfully, without rudeness. Each time he focused on their habits and how wrong they were behaving.

And he could do anything. And he knew how to present it beautifully. Before me, he had a woman he dated. She was much older than him and in their relationship played the role of a kind of "mom". So from time to time he took the child, bought a chicken and went to her. I was indignant, to which he answered me, saying that this is accepted in Western countries. They don't just leave people there, even ex girls. I was lost: there is nothing to say. He knew how to score me well and played on my complexes. You stand and think: well, we are still modern people, it is unlikely that he will sleep with her with a child.

If I spoiled children, bought them toys or gifts, then he began to reproach me that I make impulsive purchases: they say, dear, you had a bad childhood, and you do it because you didn’t have enough, stop. And all the while trying to manage money.

In general, he constantly underestimated my self-esteem: “Oh, look at you! Who are you? What can you do? Like, nothing happened in your life with men, only I could with you, and everyone else fled.

Often he said: “What kind of mother are you if you haven’t washed the dishes? What example will your children take from you?, “What area did you choose? Horrible!", “What are you wearing, how does it not suit you!” And you really think you're a bad mother bad person that you are a woman who has grown fat after giving birth and no one needs you anymore. Although at that time you have an excellent salary (much higher than his), business, car and housing.

“My husband took the phone - I turned to the police, and to me:“ So you are a family, this is not robbery.

- Didn't you, a successful businesswoman, try to answer him and somehow defend yourself?

I answered. She said: "Yes, I am like that, if you want - love me, if you want - no." But he added in a gentle tone: "I just want you to be better." Or recently he took my car (it was registered on him). I filed a complaint with the police. What did he say? "So I'm afraid for your life and the lives of children." With such an affectionate voice, he tells me that everything is for me and the children. You know, these phrases put me in a stupor. You get lost: you feel that the person seems to care, seems to want the best for you, and here you are wandering about something.

He beat the child. I resisted. We sorted out the relationship, swore. And he justified: “I am a dad, this is a boy - this is how I educate, this is how you need to educate. I was beaten as a child - and look, good man grew up." Is it logical? It seems to be logical...

But you can somehow defend yourself, call the police. We seem to even have programs to counter domestic violence there is…

There were many calls and appeals to the police. But the police do not want to delve into family squabbles. Let's take an example: he broke my iPad and took my phone away. Go to the police? Before that, I went so many times on such cases - so what? He comes and says: “Yes, I didn’t take it, she gave it to me herself. We are one family." Police says: “Indeed, you are one family, this is not a robbery.”

And now the whole “support” is making fun of you, and you look like a fool.

Again, beatings. There were times when he raised his hand to me, pulled me by the hair or pushed me. But he did everything so carefully that there were no traces left. And in the police he said that I came up with: they say, she has everything, what else she needs, she is furious with fat. Again I look like a hysterical idiot. I remain silent, pretending that nothing is happening.

“It took me three years to understand: I allowed myself to be treated this way”

How did you endure all this for so long? Why didn't you leave your husband? Did something interfere?

Well, firstly, after such skirmishes, he put up, coaxed with gifts and love. I again found myself in the same rose-colored glasses. I took statements from the police and believed that everything would change tomorrow. After all, he is so wonderful, he loves me so much!

Secondly, I fell into a terrible depression. Moreover, when I tried to object, argue, talk and persuade, I felt such opposition that I felt bound hand and foot.

Thirdly, there was also a society with imposed stereotypes around. With this damn "pamyarkounastsyu": a woman must endure and humble herself for the sake of her family and children to the last. When I complained to my mother about his insults, she told me: “Insulting? Rejoice that at least there is such a husband, and not a drunkard or a reveler. Does he bring money? Building a house? What else is needed? Be patient, shut up. In public, hold hands and hug, do not show anything, but rubbish is not taken out of the hut.

And in addition, I was terribly afraid of being alone with four children. Thoughts swirled in my head: "How will I be alone? Who will need me?

I lived like this for five years. I suffered for five years for the sake of the children. Five years I waited for everything to change. She pretended to be an accomplished woman with the status of a business owner.

At one point, I became so unbearable that I went to a psychotherapist. Secretly from her husband. I began to understand myself - I pulled out so many things that there are no words. I saw that I myself allowed myself to be treated like that, that I also behave like a tyrant and manipulator towards children.

I realized that not only the woman is to blame for the breakdown in relations, but both partners are equally to blame. It was very difficult to accept that I was a victim and start to get out of this role: to set the boundaries of what is acceptable and unacceptable, to praise myself, to cheer, to learn to talk about my feelings. I dealt with all this for three years, found my psychologist. She also had the experience of living with a tyrant husband and was able to get out of this role of the victim.

Have you tried to communicate with your husband? Did you tell him about his unacceptable behavior?

Hundreds of times! But he doesn't fix it. You know, because he constantly justified his behavior. I remember once my psychotherapist - and she also works with those convicted of violence - told this story. She came to the prison to the guy who killed old women. When she asked “Why did you do it? Why did he kill grandmothers?- he answered, just like Raskolnikov, that they are so unhappy, nobody needs them, they often starve: “It’s easier for them to die. And I helped them."

Terrible story. But she very accurately characterizes the logic of a tyrant and a rapist: he always finds an excuse for his actions. The husband remained in deep denial of his problem and considered me guilty that the family fell apart.

A year and a half ago, I finally decided to divorce. It was terribly scary. Do you believe? I, who earned money for an apartment, for a car, bought a plot - I was afraid to get divorced!

The last straw was the behavior of my children. One began to beat girls at school with hatred. Daughters could not defend themselves from attacks. I realized: if I don’t change something, my children will grow up to be the same tyrants and victims.

We divorced. Now there are courts on the division of property - also not without nerves. Those close to me do not understand my decision, many do not accept it. However, there is a significant “but”: I feel free, a huge boulder has fallen off my shoulders. I have not regretted a single day that I got divorced! I still cope with the children without my husband, it turned out to be not such a difficult task. I have time to earn money, and we have enough finances. But most importantly, the children see how I now react to their dad, how I resolve conflicts, how I defend boundaries. And they learn from me. They are also calm.

Elena Baturina

Founder of the BE OPEN humanitarian foundation, developer, investor, owner of hotels in Austria, the Czech Republic, Ireland and Russia, 54 years old

The wife of the former mayor of Moscow once again entered the top 200 richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes versions- and again as the only female billionaire. Ms. Baturina's area of ​​interest includes alternative energy and membrane construction, but to hotel business she has a particular weakness. Elena says she likes to give people quality service and a good mood. For the soul, the mother of two adult daughters collects porcelain and supports her husband in his passion for horse breeding and sheep breeding.

Natalia Fileva

Owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of S7 Group, 54 years old

For the first time, Natalia entered the top 200 richest businessmen in Russia by Forbes magazine and immediately became the third among the ladies represented there. Now she is firmly established in the public mind as a woman for whom the first thing is airplanes, but in the 90s, the distressed Siberia Airlines fell into her hands with her husband almost by accident. They say that the idea of ​​rebranding belonged to Natalia - like other strategic ideas that brought S7 to the second place in terms of air traffic in Russia. At the same time, Mrs. Fileva is a wife with great experience, a mother of three children. Daughter Tatyana is responsible for advertising and marketing in the company.

Irina Stepanova

General Director of the Russian representative office of the auction house Sotheby's

In honor of the 10th anniversary of the appearance of Sotheby's in Russia, Irina arranged an exhibition, where for the first time she combined the top lots of future auctions with exhibits purchased for private collections at the last auction. The anniversary concerns Irina directly. She went with the company all the way - from a tiny office with two employees to meeting the standards of a large Sotheby's. The representative office conducts examinations of the authenticity of art objects, patronizes museums, and supports young artists. Ms. Stepanova admits that her life is subordinated to work, and she even tries to spend her vacation with benefit for the cause.

Valentina Rumyantseva

CEO of L'Oreal Luxe in Russia, 40 years old

This year, the company opened the first in Europe Giorgio Armani perfume and cosmetics boutique in the Atrium shopping center and launched Russian market the long-awaited Shu Uemura brand. Valentina, who studied the intricacies of business in Dusseldorf and London, actively uses the Internet space and the latest technology. She is confident that the future lies in the disappearance of the boundaries between online and offline. This is the further strategy of L’Oreal Luxe: the development of online boutiques and honing a personal service using the most advanced digital capabilities. Valentina finds time not only for business and family, but also for travel and hobbies. In the near future, I plan to return to my youthful hobby of making jewelry from stones and beads and new heights in my favorite yoga.

Anastasia Rakova

Vice Mayor of Moscow, 41

Shortly after the birth of her second child, Anastasia returned to work at the city hall, where colleagues speak of her with respect. In sum, opinions boil down to the fact that she is a competent lawyer, a tough manager and a workaholic. Ms. Rakova initiated many large projects - the creation of the International Financial Center, the Moscow Urban Forum, the launch of the portals "Our City" and " Active Citizen". The renovation program is partly in her area of ​​​​responsibility. She carefully hides her personal life, prefers an informal style of clothing outside the city hall, which makes her completely unrecognizable.

Miroslava Duma

Founder of the Internet portal Buro 24/7 and the international venture project Fashion Tech Lab, 32 years old

Miroslava launched the Fashion Tech Lab to support eco-designers and look for new ways to make fashion sustainable. One of Russia's top fashion experts was shocked to learn that her favorite industry is the second most polluted environment. Mrs. Duma does not want to bequeath her three children an ecological disaster, so she invests in the production of artificial leather and fabrics from orange fibers. Business Of Fashion included Miroslava in the list of 500 main people in the global fashion industry.

Olga Belyavtseva

Founder of Assol Company LLC and Agronom-Sad LLC, member of the Board of Directors of Progress Capital, which owns the Frutonyanya brand, 48 years old

Ms. Belyavtseva remains one of the richest and most mysterious ladies Russian business, since her entire career is connected with her native Lipetsk. Apparently, Olga was lucky and no one inspired her that success can only be achieved in Moscow. It is known that she real example self-made woman - the path to business Belyavtseva began as a packer at the plant of the USSR Ministry of Fruit and Vegetables at the age of 21, shortly after the birth of her eldest son. Olga lives in her second marriage, and three children probably inspired her to make baby food a priority.

Helen Isahakyan

CEO of Shiseido in Russia

The winter collection is already on sale, but Shiseido in Russia is no longer limited to promoting one brand. For six years, through the efforts of Mrs. Isahakyan, a global holding has been built, representing NARS, Cle de Peau Beaute, Narciso Rodriguez, Issey Miyake, Elie Saab, Alaїa, Tsubaki. “We created the beauty industry in Russia from scratch, from scarcity to abundance, from Soviet “service” to the highest standards of service,” says Helen, a student of Leonard Lauder. Developing a beauty empire, she lives in airplanes, but perceives travel as a source of energy. And the daughter calls her greatest achievement.

Olga Karput

Owner of the Kuznetsky Most 20 concept store, 34 years old

Olga is moving the concept store to Stoleshnikov Pereulok, where it will occupy 2,500 sq. meters. It will retain pleasant little things like ping-pong tables and a health food cafe, but there will be more of the most original things that can be found in Moscow. The wife of the developer Pavel Cho and the mother of three children are not going to change the concept, since the Moscow public is gradually getting used to " strange things and unusual images". However, the avant-garde for the sake of the avant-garde, and even more so for the sake of shocking, is no longer interested in Mrs. Karput, now she professes a more adult and pragmatic view of fashion.

Natalia Kasperskaya

President of the InfoWatch group of companies, 51 years old

The company dealing information security in the corporate sector, opened a representative office in Dubai. Natalya has been going to success for ten years, having received InfoWatch in a deplorable state - according to her, “one name” without a working product and team. By that time, her experience at Kaspersky Lab had already turned her into a virtual police officer who is ready to do more than anyone else to catch a criminal. He also taught me not to let business take time from big family, because Mrs. Kasperskaya is the mother of five (!) children.

Marina Sitnina

Vice President of Gazprombank, CEO Art Finance, 61 years old

Marina continues to curate the corporate collection of contemporary Russian art. She stood at the origins of a new investment direction for Russia - "art banking", because she agrees with the widespread practice in the West to invest in art and considers this a manifestation of social responsibility. “It is prestigious and pleasant to pass on such values ​​to descendants,” says Marina. Supporting artists whose work has not yet received a "historical verdict", the bank and Ms. Sitnina personally give them a large advance.

Valentina Stanovova

Capital Group CEO

At the MIPIM 2017 exhibition in Cannes, Valentina told how to minimize the loan burden by attracting partner financing. An example was the development company entrusted to her, which survived both crises without freezing a single project. Mrs. Stanova considers herself happy man, but she jokes about her free time that she would not have gotten married if she had not met her husband before joining Capital Group. Everything that is given to her husband and daughter Dasha. Valentina is fond of photography, in love with Italy, has a weakness for stylish shoes and bags.

Elvira Nabiullina

Chairman Central Bank Russian Federation, 53 years old

Ms. Nabiullina, on the recommendation of the President, remained in the position of chairman of the Central Bank for a second term. It was she, the first woman in this position, who had to minimize the damage from the 2014 crisis. Interestingly, at the beginning of the path that led Elvira to economic responsibility for the country, she went to the Faculty of Economics for the unknown. In the corridors of power, she is known, among other things, for understated elegance and amazing intuition. Outside of them - a love of poetry, classical music, theater (especially opera) and driving a car.

Aysel Trudel

Founder of AIZEL Group, 40 years old

For 15 years, Aizel has united into AIZEL Group a personalized online store, a concept store, a confectionery and a Laduree restaurant, boutiques of cult brands, to which the first Aquazzura boutique in Russia was added in March. Trudel was the first to enter the marketplace with Prada and Miu Miu, her company is still the exclusive online seller of Gucci in Russia. Aysel gladly provides trading floor Russian companies and young designers, does not change the principle of always surprising customers with something new. “Time is becoming more and more valuable, so the future is with online trading,” she says.

Irina Kutina

Founder and CEO of Encore Fitness chain and Five Concept Fitness boutique studio, 50 years old

Irina opened two premium fitness clubs - the Encore Fitness flagship in Moscow City and a project in the Novoyasenevsky residential complex, plus the Five Concept Fitness multi-studio at the Arma plant. After 25 years in the industry, she came to the conclusion that in order to develop, fitness must cease to be associated with self-torture. The highlight of Encore is a combination of premium service, beautiful design and new technologies integrated into the club space and training process, with the strongest team of coaches and a luxurious relaxation area. Mrs. Kutyina practices what she preaches. Following the recommendations of Encore experts, she lost 10 kg and is not going to stop there.

Ekaterina Dibrova

Medical President Rhana Corporation, 57 years old

Ekaterina continues to develop Laennec therapy in Russia, based on healing properties placenta. She met this method to prolong youth and life itself 17 years ago in Japan, a country that is ahead of the rest in the field of longevity. Ms. Dibrova does not offer others what she has not tested on herself. She regularly resorts to Laennec therapy, and the president's appearance is the best advertisement for a corporation. Especially after admitting that sometimes she sleeps four or five hours a night for weeks. But it's time to ride skiing Ekaterina always finds with her husband and daughter.

Alisa Chumachenko

Online game developer, founder and CEO of, 35 years old

The new project of the creator of Game Insight is a global training platform for gamers and e-sportsmen based on artificial intelligence. The virtual assistant will help the player improve by analyzing his game. Mrs. Chumachenko's intellect is completely natural, her love for virtual country miracles does not mean that it is divorced from reality. Alice believes that the main thing in work is to do well what the soul lies in, and not to chase millions at any cost. She keeps her son away from computers, closer to real people and paper books.

Owner and President of Li-Lu Showroom, 44

The company celebrated a year since the opening of the showroom at Trekhgornaya manufactory. More than 20 years ago, while working as a translator from Italian at the exhibition, Oksana did not think that her modest undertaking would grow into thousands square meters European fashion from famous brands. She is not shy to admit that initial capital took from her husband Vladimir Tsyganov, head of the agricultural complex " Belaya Dacha”, but the long-term success and reputation of the company is its merit. Ms. Bondarenko herself prefers to wear clothes of her own brand "Li-Lu", and she hits wastefulness only at the sight of designer shoes.

Tatiana Lukovetskaya

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rolf Group, 51 years old

Tatyana headed the board of directors of one of the largest Russian car dealers. The numerical superiority of men in business and under her leadership does not bother Mrs. Lukovetskaya. She began her career as a “girl on the phone”, supervised mechanics, became the first woman in Russia to head a dealership, and she listened to all the jokes about “women behind the wheel” back then. There are no trifles in Tatyana's favorite business - with one hand she rebuilds the company's management system, with the other she personally campaigns to buy a car. She relieves work stress by singing, released two albums of romances.

" and subsection "". And we bring to your attention an article. That is, this article is about how women should not act in business. By the way, these bad tips apply equally to male businessmen. Those who adhere to them not the best people in the world.

Business woman: bad advice can be given for a very long time, because how not to do it is a favorite topic of almost all "heartfelt" conversations. However clever man he will say: so, there is bad advice - so there must be useful ones? We answer - not only should, but also is. Helpful Hints businessmen were mentioned earlier in the articles:

So, having dealt with useful tips, we smoothly move on to bad tips for business women. Tip #1: Anytime, Anywhere make yourself a "tough guy"! Women live in a man's world, and the unfortunate circumstance that you are a woman does not mean that you cannot behave in such a way that even men's eyes will pop out of your forehead from your "coolness". Appointed as leader? Finger! This is the best remedy for any questions. If you try now to keep your fingers fanned, you will understand how this helps in solving a wide variety of problems.

Also no less important look inaccessible. Subordinates need to see who's in charge, even if you've only been appointed head of the hairdresser shift. That's it, you already belong to another caste! Immediately change your behavior, preferably your image, let the people get used to the new status of your person, and only then you can think about reforms "from above."

Helpful time management tips: planning should be in the morning. Around eight-thirty-thirty - and you did not get enough sleep, and others should understand that life is not smeared with honey. Therefore, it is always better to start the meeting with the invigorating information "what is wrong with us." This is the best way to keep your eyes from sticking together - criticize, yell - you look, and the day has begun, and the metabolism is boosted, which is good for the figure.

Delegate everything you need to do to other people, and at the same time, never without giving them complete information let them guess! Thus, motor skills develop in subordinates, thought centers are activated, which allows you to always be in good shape.

Naturally, this will be effective when simultaneously introduced penalties for misunderstanding and, consequently, failure. Subordinates will always call you, wherever you are, asking for advice on every occasion, and you will keep your finger on the pulse of your enterprise.

Also regarding management: at work control everything personally. Just stay behind from your employee! To make it not boring and comfortable, there are two great recipes. The first is a high stool that costs a hundred bucks, but in terms of "cost - pleasure" it's worth it. And the second is your personal communication skills. Tell us about where you were, what you saw. So you kill two birds with one stone: and talk enough, and look at how people do work, and they do it themselves.

Always remember - you are the source of excellence! Any paid refresher courses are evil. If an employee wants to go to them, then you have warmed the snake. After these courses, he will inevitably start asking questions and, much worse, thinking all sorts of garbage about you. Of course, this must be stopped. Explain that the courses degrade the dignity of the employee, make them think about what is not necessary. And if he persists, don't apply mental trauma just quit!

Golden rule of management: fun only an hour. Remember that there are NO vacations more than 10 days a year, sick days and time off. An employee who asks for time off and wants it encroaches on your business money, and as a result, on your personal funds. Aerobatics - to introduce unpaid leave and on the calculator to calculate for the employee how much the business loses from his absence. Let him understand! A gesheft is better to put on a corporate holiday.

By the way, you can also save money on this. Firstly, this holiday is appropriate only for New Year and on the anniversary of the company (in extreme cases - on your own anniversary). Secondly, there are restaurants that agree to rent out the premises without food.

We continue the topic of sociability and move on to such an important point as heart-to-heart conversations. Tell subordinates more about their own and others' problems. Preferably personal, and with a lot of physiological details: people love it. Talking about what kind of lover someone has, about visits to the gynecologist, what the tax inspector said and what a goat he is, and the day will pass interestingly.

talking, don't forget about intrigue! It's boring to live without them. Better yet, be the instigator and " gray cardinal"processes from which the team is in a fever. Let the "workhorses" indulge themselves with the illusion that intrigues are not for them and will not affect them.

Add adrenaline to their lives! And as a result, you will get excellent interlocutors who see you as an interesting leader, a charming woman and will definitely become your allies. They will even help carry things out when you get fired. Or throw themselves on a wreath.

Based on materials

In post-Soviet conditions, many women experience difficulties in integrating into the new economic system. Small business could become a way of social adaptation for many of them.

Meanwhile, today the share of women in private business remains extremely low: 0.6 percent of women versus 6.2 percent of men, that is, ten times less. This is primarily due to the extremely low self-esteem of women. According to the MHIF, the proportion of men who consider themselves capable of becoming “new Russians” was 24%, while the proportion of women was almost half that. Approximately half of Russian entrepreneurs bought enterprises from the state, only 27% started the business from scratch.

In power structures, where men mostly work, outdated ideas about women only as wives and mothers, but not as leaders capable of putting an enterprise on its feet: small, medium or large, continue to dominate. In terms of gender development, Russia ranks 53rd in the world. Therefore, "our" women should consolidate their efforts in order to defend their interests at the level of state structures and reverse the "distrust of a woman entrepreneur" that exists in society.

Thus, in Moscow, about 40 percent of women talk about discrimination, and in the regions - 45 percent. Meanwhile, in Europe, a businesswoman is a traditional figure. In the US, almost half of small businesses are owned by women. In 2006, globally, women owned a third of all businesses, and in families with two employees, a quarter of women earn more than men.

Researchers note that women generally manage a team better; in crisis situations, they make better decisions. They tend to create a good microclimate in the team, are less inclined to take and give bribes, engage in racketeering. In addition, women work out business plans more carefully, spend money more prudently, and spend less effort on the same work than men.

Among women entrepreneurs, women with higher and secondary special education, highly qualified specialists of secondary and middle age(group of potential unemployment risk). Women's entrepreneurship is developing such areas as light industry, crafts and crafts, ethnoscience, service (cosmetology, fashion salons, etc.), advisory services, education, social work, trade, advertising, tourism.

There is a simplistic view of women's entrepreneurship that limits this area of ​​activity to small retail trade, various types needlework, etc. At the same time, women's initiatives in the field of modern information technologies, education, formation of new types of social services. This is entrepreneurship modern type- requiring high qualification, focused on the market of social, information, educational and other services. It creates new highly skilled jobs for women, helps to solve many social problems family and society, awakens the initiative and acts as a kind of "incubator of ideas" for the development of the market as a whole.

Women's entrepreneurship suffers from the same problems as Russian small business in general. At the same time, women's entrepreneurship also has specific problems:

* the low status of women in politics, society and culture and related limited opportunities;

* Unequal access to credit and financial resources.

In many countries (France, USA, Southeast Asia) these specific problems are solved by state support women's entrepreneurship, which provides not only employment growth, but also the development of modern high-tech production.

In many regions of Russia, social and business centers for supporting women and families, business incubators are being created to solve the problems of women's entrepreneurship.

Women's entrepreneurial initiatives will be able to make a significant contribution to the implementation of new priorities for socio-economic development, in particular, in the implementation of the housing and communal reform and the reform of urban management. For this, special educational programs for women who will orient them to the development of business projects for the introduction of new environmentally friendly and economical technologies for water supply, heating, garbage collection, maintenance and repair of housing stock.

Women's entrepreneurship is a business that is led by women. The mass entry of women into entrepreneurship in the twentieth century is called a quiet revolution. In the conditions of a post-industrial society, special prerequisites are emerging for women's entrepreneurship - there is a transition from the production of goods to the production of services, and a woman in such a situation is especially in demand by society. Favorable socio-psychological qualities of women are used: the ability to model new ideas in non-standard conditions, the ability to inspire confidence, intuition, etc.

The most dynamic process of the formation of women's entrepreneurship is in the United States - over 30% of small businesses are in the hands of women, and this number tends to increase. Globally, women own more than 1/3 of businesses and employ 1/4 of the workforce. In families with two workers, about 1/4 of women earn more than their husbands. As negative factors for the development of women's entrepreneurship are: discrimination against women, and also (in particular, the psychologist Horner points to this) “the picture of internal barriers” is the fear of leadership or the fear of success. Women are afraid of negative evaluation from close (or not close) men.

Moreover, the fear of leadership is characteristic not only of adult women, which can be determined by the characteristics of women's experience, but even of capable, gifted girls. Besides, an important factor is women's self-doubt and low self-esteem, complemented by a lack of the necessary professional ambition. Another factor is the lack of enough role models. In general, the power of gender role stereotypes continues to be dominant, but this does not mean that in the future, against the backdrop of the continued influx of women into entrepreneurship, it will not soften.

The problem of women's entrepreneurship in the world is being studied quite intensively, in particular, in terms of the need for state support for women's entrepreneurship in the interests of economic prosperity. In the United States, the Women's Small Business Section of the US Congress was created, with the help of which the Women's Business Act (1988) was passed by Congress. The final report of the Department of New Opportunities, prepared by European researchers for the Commission of the European Community, focuses on 4 topics:

1) the state of women's entrepreneurship in the EU countries;

2) methodological approaches, main features and typologies of women's entrepreneurship;

3) assistance to entrepreneurs and its place in common system support for new businesses;

4) entrepreneurship and problems of equal opportunities for male and female business.

Russian regions do not have official statistics the prevalence of female entrepreneurship, therefore, depending on the source, these figures range from 10% to 40%. But there is a general trend of steady growth in the number of enterprises headed by entrepreneurs, especially in small businesses, in all regions of Russia. In general, in the last decade, there has been a gradual transition of Russian women from the management of state enterprises to the management of private firms. According to the data obtained by O. K. Samartseva and Yu. V. Tatarnikova, about 40% of women who currently head private firms in Samara were previously top and middle managers in state enterprises.

An analysis of Russian studies of women's entrepreneurship over the past five years (T. G. Malyutina, S. Yu. Barsukova, A. E. Chirikova and others) shows that there are groups of problems that will remain significant for women's entrepreneurship in the coming years: these are incompleteness and uncertainty of the existing system of relations between business and government in the regions; poor integration of entrepreneurship in general and women's entrepreneurship in particular; the problem of professional competence of businesswomen, features of political consciousness and political behavior of businesswomen; the imperfection of the infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian regions.

Conclusion: The specifics of female and male leadership in entrepreneurship should not be exaggerated. The leadership qualities of men and women are of a common nature and do not directly depend on gender differences. This gave grounds to assert in Russian studies that successful management has no gender. A good manager has a double repertoire of managerial technologies: both male and female. At the same time, the business strategies of men and women leaders also have certain specifics. Women, compared to male entrepreneurs, are focused on sustainable business strategies and conduct their business more responsibly and carefully; women more often view business as an opportunity for self-realization. Interaction with entrepreneurs shows that those who achieve success in business are distinguished by certain personal characteristics: this is a variant personality structure, an increased psychological tempo, a high level of efficiency, etc.