Modern educational technologies and innovative teaching methods. Modern innovative educational technologies

federal agency by education FGOU VPO

"Amur Humanitarian-Pedagogical State University"

Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Educational Technologies

Course work

By discipline: "Pedagogical technologies"

Topic: "Innovative pedagogical technologies

Completed by: 3rd year student of FTiD

Groups PO-33

Eremin Alexey Konstantinovich

Checked by: Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of PiIOT

Ponkratenko Galina Fedorovna



1.1 Pedagogical innovation

1.1.3 Innovative educational institutions

1.2 Modern innovative technologies in pedagogy

1.2.1 Interactive learning technologies

1.2.2 Project based learning technologies

1.2.3 Computer technology

2. Chapter: Practical Approaches to the problem of innovative pedagogical technologies

2.1 Innovative trends in vocational education

2.1.1 World experience in vocational education innovation

2.1.2 Innovations in vocational education in Russia

2.2 Innovative pedagogical technologies at the legislative level

2.3 Innovative pedagogical activity in the capital


Bibliographic list


Development is an integral part of any human activity. Accumulating experience, improving methods, methods of action, expanding their mental capabilities, a person thereby constantly develops.

The same process is applicable to any human activity, including pedagogical. At different stages of its development, society presented more and more new standards, requirements for the labor force. This necessitated the development of the education system.

One of the means of such development is innovative technologies, i.e. these are fundamentally new ways, methods of interaction between teachers and students, ensuring the effective achievement of the result of pedagogical activity.

The problem of innovative technologies has been and continues to be dealt with by a large number of talented scientists and teachers. Among them, V.I. Andreev, I.P. Podlasy, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences K.K. Kolin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.V. Shapkin, V.D. Simonenko, V.A. Slastyonin and others. All of them have made an invaluable contribution to the development of innovation processes in Russia.

The object of study of this course work is the process of development of education as an integral pedagogical system, and the subject of study is innovative pedagogical technologies, as component object of study.

The purpose of the course work is to identify the types, difficulties, methods of introducing innovative technologies, as well as their specificity in the Russian Federation.

1. Chapter: Theoretical approaches to the problem of innovative pedagogical technologies

1.1 Pedagogical innovation

1.1.1 Essence, classification and directions pedagogical innovations

The scientific innovations that drive progress cover all areas of human knowledge. There are socio-economic, organizational and managerial, technical and technological innovations. One of the varieties of social innovations are pedagogical innovations.

Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in the field of pedagogy, a purposeful progressive change that introduces stable elements (innovations) into the educational environment that improve the characteristics of both its individual components and the educational system itself as a whole.

Pedagogical innovations can be carried out both at the expense of the educational system's own resources (intensive development path), and by attracting additional capacities (investments) - new funds, equipment, technologies, capital investments, etc. (extensive development path).

The combination of intensive and extensive ways of development of pedagogical systems allows the implementation of the so-called "integrated innovations", which are built at the junction of diverse, multi-level pedagogical subsystems and their components. Integrated innovations do not usually appear as far-fetched, purely "external" activities, but are conscious transformations that come from deep needs and knowledge of the system. By reinforcing the "bottlenecks" with the latest technologies, it is possible to increase the overall efficiency of the pedagogical system.

The main directions and objects of innovative transformations in pedagogy are:

Development of concepts and strategies for the development of education and educational institutions;

Updating the content of education; change and development of new technologies of training and education;

Improving the management of educational institutions and the education system as a whole;

Better preparation teaching staff and improve their skills;

Designing new models of the educational process;

Ensuring the psychological, environmental safety of students, the development of health-saving teaching technologies;

Ensuring the success of education and upbringing, monitoring the educational process and the development of students;

Development of textbooks and teaching aids new generation etc.

Innovation can take place at various levels. TO top level include innovations that affect the entire pedagogical system.

Progressive innovations arise on a scientific basis and help move practice forward. IN pedagogical science a fundamentally new and important direction arose - the theory of innovations and innovative processes. Reforms in education are a system of innovations aimed at fundamentally transforming and improving the functioning, development and self-development of educational institutions and their management system.

1.1.2 Technologies and conditions for the implementation of innovative processes

Pedagogical innovations are carried out according to a certain algorithm. P.I. Pidkasty identifies ten stages in the development and implementation of pedagogical innovations:

1. Development of a criterion apparatus and meters of the state of the pedagogical system to be reformed. At this stage, you need to identify the need for innovation.

2. A comprehensive check and assessment of the quality of the pedagogical system to determine the need for its reform using special tools.

All components of the pedagogical system should be subject to examination. As a result, it should be precisely established what needs to be reformed as obsolete, inefficient, irrational.

3. Search for samples of pedagogical solutions that are proactive and can be used to model innovations. Based on the analysis of the bank of advanced pedagogical technologies, it is necessary to find material from which new pedagogical constructions can be created.

4. A comprehensive analysis of scientific developments containing a creative solution to current pedagogical problems (information from the Internet may be useful).

5. Designing an innovative model of the pedagogical system as a whole or its individual parts. An innovation project is created with specific specified properties that differ from traditional options.

6. Performing reform integration. At this stage, it is necessary to personalize tasks, determine those responsible, means of solving problems, and establish forms of control.

7. Elaboration of the practical implementation of the well-known law of labor change. Before introducing an innovation into practice, it is necessary to accurately calculate it. practical significance and efficiency.

8. Building an algorithm for introducing innovations into practice. In pedagogy, similar generalized algorithms have been developed. They include such actions as analysis of practice to search for areas to be updated or replaced, modeling innovation based on the analysis of experience and scientific data, developing an experiment program, monitoring its results, introducing the necessary adjustments, and final control.

9. Introduction to the professional vocabulary of new concepts or rethinking of the old professional vocabulary. When developing terminology for its implementation in practice, they are guided by the principles of dialectical logic, reflection theory, etc.

10. Protection of pedagogical innovation from pseudo-innovators. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of expediency and justification of innovations. History shows that sometimes great efforts are expended, material resources, social and intellectual forces for unnecessary and even harmful transformations. The damage from this can be irreparable, so false pedagogical innovation should not be allowed. As pseudo-innovations that only imitate innovative activity, the following examples can be given: formal change of signboards of educational institutions; presenting the renovated old as fundamentally new; turning into an absolute and copying the creative method of any innovative teacher without its creative processing, etc.

However, there are real barriers to innovation processes. IN AND. Andreev identifies the following of them:

The conservatism of a certain part of the teachers (the conservatism of the administration of educational institutions and educational bodies is especially dangerous);

Blindly following the tradition of the type: "We are doing well anyway";

Lack of the necessary teaching staff and financial resources to support and stimulate pedagogical innovations, especially for experimental teachers;


The only way leading to knowledge is activity.”

Bernard Show.

In the January Message of the Head of State to the people “New Decade - New Economic Rise - New Opportunities for Kazakhstan” it is noted: “By 2015, the National Innovation System should be fully functional, and by 2020 it should already give results in the form of developments, patents and ready-made technologies, implemented in the country. Therefore, the introduction of modern information technologies corresponding to international educational standards, as well as providing all the necessary conditions for the fruitful work of teachers, teachers, masters of industrial training are strategic priorities in the field of education. After all, information technology helps teachers to bring the educational process to a qualitatively new level.

Today, many teachers use modern technologies and innovative teaching methods to achieve learning outcomes. These methods include active and interactive forms used in teaching. Active ones provide for an active position of the student in relation to the teacher and to those who receive education with him. During lessons with their use, textbooks, notebooks, a computer are used, that is, individual tools used for teaching. Thanks to interactive methods, there is an effective assimilation of knowledge in cooperation with other students. These methods belong to collective forms of learning, during which a group of students work on the material being studied, while each of them is responsible for the work done.

The word "innovation" (from the Latin "innove") appeared in the middle of the 17th century and means the entry of a new into a certain area, implantation into it and the generation of a number of changes in this area. Innovation is, on the one hand, the process of innovation, implementation, implementation, and on the other hand, it is the activity of growing innovation into a certain social practice, and not a subject at all.Innovation in exact translation from Latin does not mean “new”, but “into the new”.The concept of "innovation" means innovation, novelty, change; innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of something new. In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of something new in the goals, content, methods and forms of education and upbringing, organization joint activities teacher and student.

The emergence of new information technologies associated with development computer facilities and telecommunications networks, made it possible to create a qualitatively new information and educational environment as a basis for the development and improvement of the education system.

Ways innovative learning – modular training, problem-based learning, distance learning, research methodical training, project method, social partnership, etc.

Interactive Methods contribute to the quality assimilation of new material. They belong to:

Creative exercises;

Group tasks;

Educational, role-playing, business games, imitation;


Lessons-meetings with creative people and specialists;

Classes aimed at creative development

lessons-performances, making films, publishing newspapers;

Use of video materials, the Internet, visualization;

Solving complex issues and problems using the methods of "decision tree", "brainstorming".

The main goal of innovative educational technologies is to prepare a person for life in a constantly changing world.The purpose of innovation is a qualitative change in the student's personality in comparison with the traditional system.

Therefore, innovative teaching methods contribute to the development of cognitive interest among students, they teach to systematize and generalize the material being studied, to discuss and debate. Comprehending and processing the acquired knowledge, students acquire the skills to apply them in practice, gain communication experience. Undoubtedly, innovative teaching methods have advantages over traditional ones, because they contribute to the development of the child, teach him independence in cognition and decision-making.

The main task of TVE at present stage is the training of specialists capable of non-standard, flexible and timely response to changes that occur in the world. Therefore, in order to prepare students for professional activity in the future and use innovative teaching methods in TVE. These methods include problem-based learning, which involves the formation of skills for solving problematic problems that do not have a clear answer, independent work on the material and the development of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Also, innovative teaching methods provide for interactive learning. It is aimed at active and deep assimilation of the studied material, development of the ability to solve complex problems. Interactive activities include simulation and role-playing games, discussions, modeling situations. One of the modern methods is learning through cooperation. It is used to work with social partners, as well as in small groups. This method aims to effectively assimilate educational material, developing the ability to perceive different points vision, the ability to cooperate and resolve conflicts in the process of teamwork. The innovative teaching methods used at the present stage in TVE also provide for a method whose priority is moral values. It contributes to the formation of individual moral attitudes based on professional ethics, the development critical thinking the ability to present and defend own opinion. Innovative methods have made it possible to change the role of the teacher, who is not only a carrier of knowledge, but also a mentor who initiates the creative search for students.

In this regard, the education system should aim at the formation of a new type of specialist who would be able to independently extract, process, analyze necessary information and use it effectively at the right time. This can be achieved with the transition to multi-level training of highly qualified specialists (bachelor - master - doctor).

Today there is no such teacher who would not think about the questions: “How to make the lesson interesting, bright? How do you get students excited about your subject? How to create a situation of success in the classroom for each student? What modern teacher does not dream that students in his lesson would work voluntarily, creatively; mastered the subject at the maximum for each level of success?

And this is no coincidence. New organization society, a new attitude to life and make new demands on the school. Today, the main goal of education is not only the accumulation by the student of a certain amount of knowledge, skills, abilities, but also the preparation of the student as an independent subject of educational activity. At the core modern education lies the activity of both the teacher and, no less important, the student. It is precisely this goal - the upbringing of a creative, active personality who knows how to learn, improve independently, and the main tasks of modern education are subordinated.

An innovative approach to learning allows you to organize the learning process in such a way that the lesson is both fun and beneficial for the student, without turning into just fun or a game. And, perhaps, it is at such a lesson, as Cicero said, that “the eyes of the listener will light up against the eyes of the speaker.”

Innovative technologies:



    problem learning technology

    differentiated learning technology

    technology of teaching and research activities in the classroom

Educational innovative technologies:

    health-saving technologies

    group activity technology

    KTD technology (collective creative affairs).

The relevance of innovative learning is as follows:

Compliance with the concept of humanization of education;

Use of student-centered learning;

Search for conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of the student;

Compliance with sociocultural needs modern society

independent creative activity.

The main goals of innovative learning are:

Development of intellectual, communicative, linguistic and

creative abilities of students;

Formation of personal qualities of students;

The development of skills that affect the educational and cognitive

activity and transition to the level of productive creativity;

Development various types thinking;

Formation of high-quality knowledge, skills and abilities.

These goals also define the tasks of innovative learning:

Optimization of the educational process;

Creating an atmosphere of cooperation between the student and the teacher;

Development of long-term positive motivation for learning;

Inclusion of students in creative activities;

Careful selection of material and methods of its presentation.

Innovative learning is based on following technologies:

Developmental education;

Problem learning;

Development of critical thinking;

A differentiated approach to learning;

Creating a situation of success in the classroom.

The main principles of innovative learning are:

Creativity (orientation to creativity);

Assimilation of knowledge in the system;

Non-traditional forms of lessons;

The use of visibility.

And now I want to move from the general methodological principles of innovative learning to methods.

When using innovative technologies in teaching the Russian language and literature, the following methods are successfully applied:

Associative series;

Reference abstract;

Brain attack;

Group discussion;


Key terms;

Video films;

Didactic game;

Linguistic maps;

Text research;

Work with tests;

Non-traditional forms of homework, etc.


Innovative technology is a tool of the field of knowledge, covering methodological and organizational issues Research in this area is carried out by such a field of science as innovation.

Modern innovative technologies are associated with a large number of problems that can be the subject of their research. Also, this concept can be attributed to new means of regulation with the subsequent development of some social processes that have the ability to achieve compliance in the complexities of the social situation. Thus, innovative technology should be aimed at meeting human and social needs in the face of uncertainty.


So, let's take a closer look at the term. Innovative technology - a certain innovation in the field of technology, technology and labor organization or management, which is based on the effective use of best practices and scientific achievements. It allows you to improve the quality of products in the manufacturing sector. The use of this term does not mean any innovation or innovation, but only those that are capable of seriously increasing the efficiency of the existing system.

The use of innovative technologies provides for the implementation of a set of organizational measures and techniques that are aimed at maintaining, manufacturing, operating and repairing the product with optimal costs and a nominal quantity. As a result of such activities in various areas of life, innovations are not only created, but also materialized. Also, their action is aimed at rational use economic, social material resources.


Can be classified according to the following criteria:

  • according to the degree of novelty;
  • by scope and scale of application;
  • due to the occurrence;
  • in terms of efficiency.

Requires system creation

Practice in this area has always been ambiguous and complex. At the same time, the solution of emerging problems that are found in modern conditions and are expressed by complete disregulation and inadequacy of social instruments of application requires certain knowledge. This involves the creation of reasoned and flexible system scientific substantiation of innovations, capable of taking into account the specifics and logic of applying not only the innovation itself, but also the peculiarities of its perception and evaluation. Only in this case, the implementation of innovation can be effective. This innovation approach is based on the simultaneous study of all aspects of the interaction between the social environment and innovation, identifying those areas of such interaction that can have a greater impact on the success of innovation processes, with anticipation and recognition of possible problematic issues in this area.

Thus, it is advisable to single out such components of the innovation system as diagnostics and research of innovations.

The rapid development of society dictates the need for changes in technologies and methods educational process. Graduates of educational institutions should be prepared for the trends of the changing modernity. Therefore, the introduction of technologies aimed at an individual approach, mobility and distance in education seems necessary and inevitable.

What is "innovative technology"

Word " innovation"is of Latin origin. "Novatio" means "update", "change", and "in" is translated as "in the direction". Literally "innovatio" - "in the direction of change." Moreover, this is not just any innovation, but after the application of which there are significant improvements in efficiency and quality of activities.

Under technology(Greek techne "art", "skill", logos "word", "knowledge" - the science of art) is understood as a set of methods and processes used in any business or in the production of something.

Any innovation finds its implementation through technology. Thus, innovative technology is a technique and process of creating something new or improving an existing one in order to ensure progress and increase efficiency in various fields activities of mankind.

Innovative educational technologies

The methods used do not work as effectively with a new generation of students. Standardized education does not take into account the individual qualities of the child and the need for creative growth.

Despite a number of problems that cannot be solved by the old methods, there are difficulties with the introduction of innovations. The teacher must understand that the introduction of innovative methods not only helps his pupils learn the material more efficiently, it develops their creative potential. But it also helps the teacher to realize their own intellectual and creative potential.

Types of pedagogical innovations

IN school education a wide variety of pedagogical innovative methods are used. In choosing a huge role is played by the profile orientation of the educational institution, its traditions and standards.

The most common innovations in the education process:

  • information and communication technologies (ICT);
  • student-centered learning;
  • design and research activities;
  • gaming technologies.


Implies integration of teaching disciplines with informatics, and computerization of assessment and communication in general. The computer can be used at any stage of the educational process. Schoolchildren are trained to work with the main programs, study the material thanks to electronic textbooks and manuals. Using a computer and a projector, the teacher presents the material. Presentations, diagrams, audio and video files, thanks to their clarity, contribute to a better understanding of the topic. Self-creation of slides, diagrams, memory cards helps to structure knowledge, which also helps in memorization.

The presence of a computer, the Internet and special programs makes it possible distance teaching, online tours, conferences and consultations.

At the end of the study of the topic, as a control can be used computer tests. Schools use the system electronic journals, in which you can track the results of an individual child, class, or performance in a particular subject. come into use and electronic diaries where grades are given and homework assignments are recorded. So that parents can find out the child's scores and the availability of tasks.

It is important to teach students how to properly use the Internet, search engines and social media. With a competent approach, they become an inexhaustible source of information and a way for students to communicate with the teacher and among themselves.

Popularity is gaining creation of a teacher's own website. It allows you to share interesting books, manuals, articles, training videos and audios, remotely answer students' questions. It can be used when developing a group project: participants share their best practices, results with each other and the curator, and solve emerging problems.

Learner-centered learning

In this case main actor the child is recognized in learning. The goal is to develop the student's personality, taking into account his individual qualities. Accordingly, non-students adapt to educational system and the style of the teacher, and the teacher, using his skills and knowledge, organizes teaching according to the characteristics of the class.

Here it is necessary for the teacher to know the psychological, emotional and cognitive features student team. Based on this, he forms lesson plans, selects methods and ways of presenting the material. It is important to be able to arouse the student's interest in the material presented and work collectively, acting not so much as a leader, but as a partner and adviser.

At the request of the educational institution, it is possible student differentiation. For example, completing a class according to a certain attribute as a result of testing; further division according to interest; introduction of specialized classes in high school.

Design and research activities

The main goal is to develop the ability to independently, creatively search for data, set and solve problems, use information from different fields of knowledge. The task of the teacher is to awaken interest in search activity and creating conditions for its implementation.

When working on a group project, teamwork skills, communication skills, the ability to listen to other people's opinions, criticize and accept criticism also increase.

The use of this technology in school develops the ability to know the world, analyze facts, and draw conclusions. This is the basis and assistance in entering a higher educational institution and working on diploma and master's theses.

Gaming technologies

The value of gaming technology lies in the fact that, being essentially recreation, it performs an educational function, stimulates creative realization and self-expression. Of course, it is most applicable to junior group schoolchildren, as it meets their age requirements. It must be used sparingly.

At the request of the teacher, the entire lesson can be held in a playful way: a competition, a quiz, KVN, staging scenes from a work. Possible use game elements and at any stage of the lesson: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end as a survey. A properly organized game stimulates the memory of schoolchildren, interest, and also overcomes passivity.

Changes in education necessary and inevitable. And it should be noted that for the most part students are happy to accept something new, interesting, unusual. They are ready and able to perceive. The last word belongs to the teachers.

A lot of useful materials using innovative technologies are presented in the "Publications" section. You can draw interesting tricks and ideas from the work of colleagues.

Modern innovative technologies.

The modern world is exaggerating here and there the term-innovative technologies. Let us together in the format of this article try to understand and figure out what is behind this, what modern innovative technologies are today in one or another area of ​​development of world science, what and how is developing today and relevant in the application of the super latest modern innovative technologies..

We live in the most interesting time throughout the history of mankind. Technology develops exponentially and not linearly as was previously accepted. At the moment, there are predictions for innovation forecasts and technology development for the next hundred years. The study of modern knowledge in the field of the latest technological areas, including innovation management and organization of innovative processes, oversees a unique area of ​​modernist science - innovation. At its core, the modern innovative technologies we are discussing have a trend towards meeting the needs of the modern world - both public and urgent, directly related to the person himself in conditions of some uncertainty. Often, innovative technologies are associated with a huge number of problem areas and issues, and directly with the subject of study and research. If we approach the very essence of the concept of modern innovative technologies, then this is undoubtedly a novelty in the field of global trends in technologies and solutions, both with a technical component and related to management processes, including labor coordination, which is based on unique experience, the latest achievements of science and of course same efficiency in methodology. Innovative technologies are aimed at improving the quality of products and the perfection of the production sector itself. The right to life of the term itself, as innovative technologies, implies not just something new or some kind of unusual innovation, but precisely one that is intended and has the ability and competence to radically and seriously increase the effectiveness of any area of ​​responsibility. The introduction of innovative technologies entails the integrity of activities and organizational developments aimed directly at the development, production, operation and maintenance, and, if necessary, directly repairing and restoring the product or innovation with the most optimally applied work costs and, of course, nominal quantitative characteristics. The introduction of modern innovations is aimed at perfect and effective use both economic and material, social resources. We will present, in our opinion, a fairly convenient and comprehensive classification of innovative technologies.

1. By processes of innovation.

A) basic or radical - refer to large-scale inventions or discoveries, as a result of which the formation of modern generations or a unique trend in the development of technological progress takes place.

B) Innovation of average potential.

C) Partial, modification innovative inventions. Changing outdated technologies, equipment and organizational processes in production.

2. By industries of application and magnitude of significance.

A) industry innovation

B) intersectoral innovation

B) regional innovation

D) Innovation within a firm or enterprise

3. Needs for the emergence of innovation

A) Reactive innovations - in the literal sense, they help to maintain the state of the company or firm, with the direct act of introducing an innovative solution to competition.

B) Strategic innovation character - decision taken ahead of the curve with the direct intention of gaining competitive advantage over time.

4. The effect of the innovation itself

A) Economic innovation

B) Social innovation

C) Ecological innovation

D) Integral innovations.

When creating the system of innovative technologies itself, it is often expedient to single out the processes of diagnostics and research of innovations. The term innovation was first seen in Latin, this has been traced since the middle of the 17th century and is significant as the introduction of something new into an already existing area of ​​responsibility, formation in this area and initiation of a complex and processes of change in this area. That is, innovation is the process of introduction, innovation, the implementation of the innovation itself in the sphere, and is not a subject. The success of modern innovative technology is connected precisely with a set of interconnected types of work, the interaction between which leads to the direct appearance and achievement of a real innovation (modern invention) What exactly is it? Scientific activity and developments aimed at achieving new knowledge, for further use of this as a statement of discovery or a new invention. Design work and processes aimed at achieving new technological tools with the help of which, under given possible conditions, it is advisable to act and make decisions to achieve the goal as an innovative project. To achieve the realization of modern innovative project in practice, that is, the performance of its implementation is not small an important factor speaks and educational process a subject that helps to perfect the formation of both the knowledge itself and the necessary experience to bring the project to life.

In the diagnostics of the innovation process itself, there are several stages -

1. Before the innovation (by identifying the existing problem areas that have the right to life in the process of implementing the innovation process itself - the information processed in this way is characterized as information of an ideological and political color.)

2. At the time of the innovation itself, the rethinking of previously acquired knowledge makes it possible to make instant improvements, design work on the implementation of the innovation with possible refinements of the emerging situational features.

3. After the implementation of the innovation (a diagnostic process is carried out comparing the very environment of the innovation and the processes of its implementation.

On the pages of our website, we have already considered in detail the trends and development trends from the Future Today Institute -

Completely fresh analytical predictions from Deloitte and the Guardian about the state of the art technologies of the 2017 goal were presented by us -

Forecast innovative development market from IDC, in our opinion, has unique formulations and analytical calculations, was presented by us in an article on the website

At the moment, the opinion and tendency is clearly manifested that there is no competitive line of goods and services, there is only competition in the innovative strategy of modern management. At the moment, innovative manufacturing firms do not compete for the product itself, which is rapidly changing and innovatively improving, so it becomes absolutely useless to try to reproduce something. In the modern innovative world, there is a distinct competitive trend in the management model. Undoubtedly, the clear leader in the reproduction of goods belongs to the Chinese business, which at the moment is able not only to do something, but has adopted a modern management model that allows the implementation of modern innovative solutions and technologies with unprecedented speeds and completely compressed time intervals. It has always been possible to reproduce a product, but only a company that has the most effective management model with its system can win in terms of modern innovative technologies. More than one innovative company that has taken the development trend modern technologies cannot win this race unless it improves and transforms the business management model. This was perfectly shown by the well-known Google, Microsoft , JP Morgan Chase ,Uber. The modern innovative world of technology development has swept agility, armed with flexibility, mobility, speed and even agility. In the world of transformation, attitudes towards commodities are changing, if it used to be gas, fertilizer, oil, and so on, now a commodity is already video cameras, televisions, telephones, and so on.

In the world of modern innovations, completely new multipliers of the market capitalization of companies are also emerging. very interesting and bright examples to the development and rise of Netflix and undoubtedly Uber.

The modern world and, of course, technologists are undergoing major changes and transformations that are visible in almost all sectors of the economy.

So in the banking sector, JP Morgan and Citigroup are moving to storing their information and data already in public clouds (Amazon Cloud), and undoubtedly all development is perfect Big Date, the volume of information storage is increasing and growing at cosmic speeds. What changes and changes are noticeable in the financial sector of the economy of the modern world is undoubtedly the transition of many to agile, remote banking customer service, personal finance, perfect lending platforms and corporate banking. Innovative fintech companies have emerged that have made modern reorganizations in the process, which they do completely free of charge for clients and learn to make profits for themselves. Many banks are trying or will switch in the near future only to mobile technologies and versions of their products and will soon completely move away from offices and terminal-hardware versions. Undoubtedly, the modern banking world expects an explosive growth in the use of innovative PFM (personal financial manager) platforms that use artificial advisers, machine learning and even deepmachine in their technologies and customer consultations. At the moment, the Bank of England and even the financial sector of Kazakhstan are working on their markets and are practically completing pilot projects using blockchain as virtual currencies based on artificial intelligence, which undoubtedly puts the banking sector in very difficult and completely new competitive conditions and, one might even say, in the struggle for survival.

In our opinion, the state of affairs in modern innovative medicine is not badly covered, including in our past articles and site reviews -

With the help of modern innovations, we also drew attention to achievements in sports in

The main priority and the most important value of almost all mankind is to receive a high-quality modern education.

This is where advances in interactive innovation and multimedia come to the rescue. In everyday life, a new term is “smart school”, equipped in modern conditions not only with projectors and computers, but also with completely unique innovative technologies in the field of education itself.

Let's take a look at some current and widely hyped popular and somewhat unique innovations −

1. Predictive or predictive analytics.
predictive analytics using in their methods intellectual database analytics , processing of past and current events to detail the future .
Modern smartphones are an innovative product that processes and receives a huge number of events, information of various kinds. The smartphone of a modern person passes both information about the owner, his relatives and many acquaintances, as well as information tied to the location of events, photos and applications used - with the help of what can be worked out and reproduced unique future predictive models about people and their behavior in the future tense.
Undoubtedly, in our opinion preferably use given baggage and methods forecasting for the benefit of the individual and society. Fortunately, there are many applications of this innovation, ranging from forecasting business models , use in medicine , pharmaceuticals , urban utility planning and more .

2. Electronic devices to the human body
This kind of practically invisible innovative devices are mainly designed to control the functioning of human organs and their condition and well-being, or to help a person in vital situations. For example, headphones inserted and invisible in the auricle take indicators of the cardiovascular system, there are sensors in the form of a temporary tattoo on the body that allow you to control the state of the body's posture, and if it is corrected, manipulate the treatment process, moreover, the tattoo will remove and display a lot of information that is not required about work and other important organs of the human body, and glued tactile electronic soles in a situation of need will show you the right path and direction by GPS signal and vibration. This technology represents a kind of electronic guide for a blind person.
Known to all wearable and already gaining popularity innovative electronics Google Glass is also used in medicine during surgical interventions for cancer patients.

3 .Neurocomputer interface - a neural system designed to allow the free exchange of information between an electronic device and the human brain on the other hand, more often based on the biofeedback method.
This innovation makes it possible to control a computer device with the power of thought alone.
This “brain-computer” technology is also widely used and is being tested and tested in medicine (with paralysis of the arms, legs and other ailments).
In ophthalmology, brain implants capable of restoring human vision are being developed and tested.

4 . Extraction of metals from sea water concentrate.
Everyone knows the global environmental problem of mankind - as the constantly decreasing natural reserves of fresh water.
Artificial desalination can significantly increase the world's supply of fresh water, but this technology borders on serious shortcomings and problems of environmental practice. Directly a lot of energy is needed to carry out the desalination procedure, and in the process of the reaction itself, a waste is obtained in the form of strongly concentrated salt water. When direct return of this concentrate to the sea , you can get a natural disaster in the form of a negative impact on the flora and fauna of the oceans .
Scientists have invented a new innovative approach to solving a problematic issue with this waste. They learned to extract the most valuable and, most importantly, very necessary substances and minerals from the concentrate of sea salt water - potassium, uranium, magnesium, lithium, soda and potassium compounds.
The development of methods for obtaining gold from sea water is unique today. According to scientific statistics and calculations, at least 8 -1 - billion tons of gold are contained in the world's oceans. If you calculate, then this reserve is quite enough to make every person on planet earth a millionaire.

5.Innovative pharmacology from RNA filaments
Scientists have invented an innovative vaccine preparation from the smallest networks of the molecular composition of RNA ( ribonucleic acids) capable of restore the patient 's immunity , from information received about a bacterial or viral protein captured by RNA networks .
At immediate By introducing these drugs with RNA, it becomes possible in the natural conditions of the human body to optimize drug protein proteins and the ratio of natural protein, if it is in pathological norms. IN pharmacological around the world is tracked by this innovation symbiosis in the work of private clinics, large research centers and pharmaceutical companies.

6.Innovative composite materials.
Scientists have invented ultralight nanostructured fibers for unique composite materials used in automotive and and the construction of modern spaceships, hydropower plants, ballistic missiles. Ultra-light vehicles use much less fuel, moreover, they are more less toxic in air pollution.

  1. Innovative probiotics in the treatment of human diseases.

Another unique technology in modern medicine that helps cure serious intestinal disorders and diseases in humans. Probiotics are living microorganisms found in the human body, the normal balance of which leads to a positive effect on the condition and health of a person, including the owner of this microflora.

The scientific methods in the innovative development of perfect probiotics and the technologies for their creation and production are constantly improving.

8. Digital cytoscope.

Newly innovative technology for the benefit of human health and related to the category of medical technologies. The cytoscope adapter is tied to a cloud storage database, where all the patient's audible information about the patient's heartbeat and pulmonary respiration is accumulated in the cloud and subsequently subjected to analytics. And that's not all - all information through a special application can be transferred to a smartphone. Having at its disposal a huge database of clinical sounds and previously conducted diagnostics with the patient, the diagnosis is made as soon as possible and the correct and timely treatment is prescribed.

9.Mobile DNA laboratory.

A modern diagnostic innovative study of the DNA chain, carried out practically by a desktop laboratory and in a very short period of time - three hours, earlier, even in stationary and standard methods of this study, which took a day.

10.Space technologies.

IN modern world the scientific world of a number of countries and companies is working on programs that in the coming years can completely change our knowledge and the position of man in space.

The development of a space elevator is no longer a fantasy, but a real development of a person, where, due to centrifugal force, an elevator will rise along the cable, which will also receive acceleration due to the rotation of the earth. This is a cheaper way to launch cargo into space than using rocket boosters. The problem of putting this innovative invention into commercial operation lies in the insufficient strength and hardness of the materials available to science at this stage of time.

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