What will happen after death? Step-by-step instruction. What happens to a person after death according to different creeds of the world

Sometimes we want to believe that loved ones who have left us are watching over us from heaven. In this article, we will look at the theories about the afterlife and find out if there is a grain of truth in the statement that the dead see us after death.

In the article:

Do the dead see us after death - theories

In order to accurately answer this question, you need to consider the main theories about. Considering the version of each of the religions will be quite difficult and time consuming. So there is an informal division into two main subgroups. The first says that after death, eternal bliss awaits us in "elsewhere".

The second is about the full, about a new life and new opportunities. And in both cases, there is the possibility that the dead see us after death. The hardest thing to understand is if you believe the second theory is correct. But it is worth thinking about and answering the question - how often do you have dreams about people whom you have never seen in your life?

Strange personalities and images that communicate with you as if they have known you for a long time. Or they don’t pay attention to you at all, allowing you to calmly observe from the side. Some believe that these are just people whom we see every day, and who are simply deposited in our subconscious in an incomprehensible way. But where do those aspects of personality come from that you cannot know about? They talk to you in a certain way that you don't know, using words you've never heard before. Where does it come from?

It is easy to appeal to the subconscious part of our brain, because no one can say exactly what is happening there. But this is a logical crutch, nothing more and nothing less. There is also the possibility that this is a memory of people you knew in a past life. But often the situation in such dreams is strikingly reminiscent of our present time. How could your past life look like your current one?

The most trustworthy, according to many judgments, version says that these are your dead relatives visiting you in dreams. They have already passed into another life, but sometimes they also see you, and you see them. Where are they talking from? From a parallel world, or from another version of reality, or from another body - there is no definite answer to this question. But one thing is for sure - this is the way of communication between souls who are separated by an abyss. Still, our dreams amazing worlds, where the subconscious walks freely, so why not look into the light? Moreover, there are dozens of practices that allow you to safely travel in dreams. Many have experienced similar feelings. This is one version.

The second concerns the worldview, which says that the souls of the dead go to another world. To Heaven, to Nirvana, the ephemeral world, reunite with the common mind - there are a great many such views. They are united by one thing - a person who has passed to another world receives great amount opportunities. And since he is connected by bonds of emotions, common experiences and goals with those who remained in the world of the living, naturally he can communicate with us. See us and try to help somehow. More than once or twice you can hear stories about how dead relatives or friends warned people about great dangers, or advised what to do in a difficult situation. How to explain this?

There is a theory that this is our intuition, appearing at the moment when the subconscious is most accessible. It takes a form close to us and they try to help, to warn. But why does it take the form of dead relatives? Not alive, not those with whom we have live communication right now, and the emotional connection is stronger than ever. No, not them, namely the dead, long ago, or recently. There are times when people are warned by relatives whom they have almost forgotten - a great-grandmother seen only a few times, or a long-dead cousin. There can be only one answer - this is a direct connection with the souls of the dead, which in our minds acquire that physical form that they had during their lifetime.

And there is a third version, which is not heard as often as the first two. She says that the first two are correct. Unites them. It turns out she's pretty good. After death, a person finds himself in another world, where he prospers as long as he has someone to help. As long as he is remembered, as long as he can penetrate someone's subconscious. But human memory is not eternal, and there comes a moment when the last relative who at least occasionally remembered him dies. At such a moment, a person is reborn in order to start a new cycle, to acquire new family and acquaintances. Repeat this whole circle of mutual assistance between the living and the dead.

What does a person see after death?

Having dealt with the first question, you need to constructively approach the next one - what does a person see after death? As in the first case, no one will be able to state with complete certainty what exactly stands before our eyes at this mournful moment. There are many stories of people who have experienced clinical death . Tales of the tunnel, gentle light and voices. It is from them, according to the most authoritative sources, that our posthumous experience is formed. In order to shed more light on this picture, you need to make a generalization of all stories about clinical death, find intersecting information. And deduce the truth as a certain common factor. What does a person see after death?

Just before death, there is a crescendo in his life, the highest note. The limit of physical suffering, when the thought begins to fade away a little and eventually goes out completely. Often the last thing he hears is the doctor announcing cardiac arrest. Vision fades completely, gradually turning into a tunnel of light, and then covered with final darkness.

The second stage - a person seems to appear above his body. Most often, he hangs a few meters above him, having the opportunity to consider the physical reality to the last detail. How the doctors are trying to save his life, what they do and say. All this time he is in a state of severe emotional shock. But when the storm of emotions calms down, he understands what happened to him. It is at this moment that changes occur to him that cannot be reversed. Namely - the person humbles himself. He comes to terms with his situation and understands that even in this state there is still a way forward. Or rather, up.

What does the soul see after death?

Dealing with the most important moment of all history, namely, what the soul sees after death, you need to understand important point. It is at that moment when a person resigns himself to his fate and accepts it - he ceases to be a person and becomes soul. Until that moment, his spiritual body looked exactly the same as the physical body looks in reality. But, realizing that the fetters of the physical no longer hold his spiritual body, it begins to lose its original shape. After that, the souls of his dead relatives begin to appear around him. Even here they try to help him, so that the person moves on, to the next plane of his existence.

And when the soul moves on, it comes to strange creature that cannot be described in words. All that can be understood absolutely precisely is that all-consuming love, a desire to help, comes from him. Some who have been abroad say that this is our common, first ancestor - the one from whom all people on earth descended. He rushes to help the dead man, who still does not understand anything. The creature asks questions, but not with a voice, but with images. It scrolls before a person his whole life, but in reverse order.

It is at this moment that he realizes that he has approached a certain barrier. You can't see it, but you can feel it. Like some kind of membrane, or a thin partition. Logically, one can conclude that this is exactly what separates the world of the living from. But what happens after her? Alas, such facts are not available to anyone. This is because a person who has experienced clinical death has not crossed this line. Somewhere near her, doctors brought him back to life.

Most people are afraid and don't want to think about death. But this is ignorance, because there is knowledge, not only religious, but also scientific, and it is available. Death is just a transition, in fact all sages and scientists agree on this. Read and watch a video about what happens to a person's soul before after and at the time of death.
The most unpleasant phenomenon on Earth for a person is death. She always showed him a gloomy sinister edge inevitability, behind which, as materialists believed, the most terrible thing is hidden - non-existence.

Man has always been frightened by the possibility of disappearing as a person from this world and never appearing again. The life of each of us in itself, compared with the eternity of the Universe, is a short moment.

Figuratively speaking, the Universe does not have time to blink an eye, and human life has already ended, and in a short moment he manages to carry out only three main points: to be born, live and die.

Compared with the eternity of the universe, such brevity human being may seem like a mockery of the Creator. And only knowledge of the purpose of the appearance on Earth of man, his soul allows our consciousness to step over the brink of doom with hope for eternity.

Only Higher Knowledge allows a person to open his eyes to new stages of his development and show his very brief life as a link of necessary connections in the chain of the infinite evolution of the soul. And only the Highest Knowledge allows us to look at death not as the inevitable end of everything, but as the beginning of a new existence in other worlds invisible to us.

What happens to the soul after death video

As the Teachers of Humanity say:

– There is no death in the Cosmos. Death is a necessary transition from one world to another, from an old state to a new one.

The knowledge related to the process of death, at some stage in the development of mankind, remained closed solely for the educational reasons of our Teachers. A person, believing that he lives only once, if he is a vicious person, will always strive in this regard to show maximum egoism, to receive maximum benefits for himself.

A positive personality, even in the face of death, will always show the best sides of his character. So the fear of death makes some even worse and meaner, while others better and nobler.

In addition, death for a person is a huge incentive for the struggle for life, for survival, both in positive and negative personalities, developing in them willpower and the desire to overcome difficulties. Therefore, we can say that death is a great Teacher.

She taught a person to lend a helping hand to others, to sympathize and compassion, to think logically and foresee the consequences. Medicine itself and some branches of science appeared only due to the desire to resist death.

Doctors of medicine and philosophers tried to understand the essence of death and follow the processes of extinction of the human body. But human impressions always introduce distortions into the cognitive moment of any research. Therefore, the impressions of people who have been in a state of clinical death, although they make it possible to reveal some features of this process, are not able to fully explain everything.

What happens to the soul of a person on the day of death

However, at present it is no longer a secret for many that death is not a cardiac arrest, which entails the beginning of the decay of the whole organism, but, first of all, it is the departure of the soul from physical body and breaking the "thin" ties between them.

And those materialists who were eager to confirm such facts obtained them with the help of modern technology, capable of recording the “subtle” radiations of the human body. American scientists, physicians, with the consent of their patients, weighed incurable patients at the time of death.

And thanks to ultra-sensitive equipment, it was found that the physical body becomes 4-6 grams lighter after death. That is, they weighed a certain substance separating from the physical body, which we call the soul, and determined that at the moment of separation its weight is four to six grams.

Experimentally, it was possible to fix powerful radiations of energy accompanying a lethal outcome with instruments. So the experimenters have already come close to fixing the departure of the soul from the body.

Numerous studies of such doctors of medicine as S. Moody, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, who spent many hours at the bedside of the dying, showed much in common in the experiences of people who had been in a state of clinical death and returned to life again.

Their indefatigable work proved that with cardiac arrest and cessation of breathing, death does not always occur, and with death, the “I” of a person as an individual, unique personality does not always disappear.

What happens to a person before death

For the first time in the darkness of death, the dawn of hope dawned.

What is death

“So what is death?” Why is it given to a person and is it possible to ever get rid of it?

- The death of a person is the end of his program, the fulfillment of the last event point in it, associated with the transition of the soul from the gross material world to the "subtle". Otherwise, we can say that this is the transition of the soul from the rough material world to the energy one. Such a phenomenon as death is introduced only in the lower physical worlds.

In the High planes of existence, death, as a gradual transition from one level of development to another, is absent. And the transformation of the soul from one state to another, usually to a higher one, occurs naturally when the soul collects certain energies that correspond in quality to the next higher level of development. For the human soul on the earthly plane, the path is predetermined from below - upward through a series of lives, and consequently - deaths.

– Why does a person develop through short intervals of existence and many deaths, and let's say, not through one life of a thousand years, and one death?

– The stage-by-stage path of the development of the soul through many incarnations is connected with the need to control its development, that is, after the end of each life, it is required to review the results of its improvement. Based on the results of a past life, a new program for the next implementation.

One long life will always lead a young inexperienced soul to the wrong path of development, therefore, precisely with the aim of achieving best quality evolutionary advancement and it was predetermined that the soul of a person should pass through short intervals of development, namely, through life and death, connected together by several decades of existence.

Life after death what happens video

– How does the transition to more high level existence of the Determinants, also through death and new birth?

- For them it happens as a promotion. They have no death. They are eternal.

- Legends have come down to us that once lived on Earth immortal people. Is immortal human existence possible?

– No, this has never happened in physical shells. People always interpret everything wrong. If they are immortal, then they are without a body. Legends told about the immortality of the soul in a "subtle" body, and people, in their likeness, clothed them in physical forms.

– Are there planets with an immortal population in physical shells somewhere in the Cosmos?

– No, the physical shells are all mortal. Matter is short-lived, more precisely, connections of compounds are short-lived.

Causes of death

Let's talk about causes of death. When people die of old age, it is understandable that their program is over. But old people die in different ways: some easily, others get very sick and suffer for a long time. Why do they have different deaths?

- They die peacefully for two main reasons: the souls have exactly completed their program or the souls that will go for decoding. Suffering before death is mainly those people who did not get some kind of energy during their stay. Therefore, their disease is associated with the corresponding organ that produces the required type of energy.

- Why do some old people live for a very long time, although no one needs them anymore and there is no benefit from them, but they still live and live?

- If an old man lives in a family, then in this case he is necessary for the purpose of developing certain qualities in the souls of relatives, more precisely revealing them, for example, patience or, conversely, hostility; respect or hate. If an old man lives alone and for a long time, then his soul is tormented: from loneliness, and from a weak body, and from many other things; thus the education of his soul continues. Old age teaches a lot.

How does the process of death of a person video

- And if a baby dies, then for what reason?

- Basically, this is a punishment to parents for some past karmic sins. The soul of an infant itself, in a very short life, also gains some of the energies it lacks. Sometimes it is enough just to be born and immediately die. Both birth and death are accompanied by large outbursts of energies.

- Why do children die at 10-11 years old and young people at 20-24? Why such short lives?

- If a child of ten years old dies, this means that in the past he did not complete the program and did not get the amount of energy that a person produces during ten years of life, sometimes in shorter periods, but with a more intensive program, since some programs are so eventful saturated, which allow a person to produce the same amount of energy, but in a shorter time.

Therefore, everything that the child has earned in ten years real life, serves as an addition to the achievements of his past life.

The same is true of young people in their twenties. Their shortcomings make up a larger amount of energy than the souls that are sent into your life for ten years, so they are given a longer life to work off their past debts. When such a young man dies, then there are two of his last lives are grouped into one whole, that is, summed up.

– Why do these souls have debts? Are they suicidal?

– There may be such. But basically, energy debts appear in connection with the wrong way of life, when a person does not so much fulfill his life program how much is in pursuit of pleasure. He needs to develop energy of some quality according to the program, and he, succumbing to temptations, laziness and empty pastime, produces energies of a lower quality.

Any work: both physical and intellectual, search, struggle with difficulties or improvement in creativity - produce energies of a higher quality than passive reading of fiction, lying on the couch, in a word - doing nothing.

Or, let's say, according to the program, they gave a person the opportunity to develop their musical abilities, which means - to study musical literacy, to master musical instrument to refine their knowledge of the art of music. And the young man tries to study, it seems difficult for him, and he, leaving his musical education, is content with listening to other people's music with great pleasure.

What happens to the soul immediately after death

This is where debt comes from. He had to work in the musical direction himself, and he is content with the fruits of other people's labors.

Any abilities, talents given to a person, he is obliged to develop, bring to perfection, then there will be no energy debts. Of course, this applies not only to abilities, but also to any deeds of a person, when he replaces labor and diligence, that is, development, with passive contemplation and the pursuit of pleasures.

– Do these young people, who have not yet had time to sin, experience any unpleasant sensations after death?

- They do not experience any unpleasant sensations compared to your life on Earth. All the most unpleasant things are on Earth. And when you pass to Us, the most unpleasant comes only from bad memories of your past life.

- Before death, usually many people suffer for a long time, experience serious illnesses. Is it related to human sins?

– The type of death does not depend on sins, because the working off of real sins is transferred to the next life. The type of death is programmed even before the birth of a person and is determined by some features of his past life. A person can lie down and not wake up, so torment is not necessary.

- Many alcoholics die suddenly, without pain, and good, in our opinion, people lie paralyzed for a long time. We think it should be the other way around.

“There are several reasons why alcoholics die easily and quickly. First, alcoholics are also completely different. There are worthless, empty, and there are smart and good people who have become alcoholics due to difficult circumstances. Empty souls who aspired to nothing in this life, except for wine, go to destruction, so there is no point in making them suffer.

Additional suffering will not give them anything. Therefore, they are quickly and without any complications removed from your world. People who had some aspirations in life, but then went astray and suffer greatly, seeing their worthlessness, can also die suddenly, since previous sufferings have already given enough energy of this quality.

What happens to the human mind after death

If we talk about good people who suffer before death, then they suffer to give more clean look some energy, unfinished by them in life in small quantities. The type of missing energy corresponds to a specific disease, on the basis of which the body will additionally produce as much energy as required by the program.

In addition, many patients suffer for a long time to test their relatives in order to reveal the true attitude towards the patient, since as long as a person is healthy, there is one attitude towards him; when you get sick, it's different. Moreover, even the same person can change his attitude towards the patient if the illness is prolonged in time: at first he takes care of him with sincere sympathy, then he either gets tired, or it bothers him, and he secretly begins to wish him a speedy death.

So diseases are often given to test the attitude towards a person among his environment, and therefore, this helps to reveal the low qualities of people's character.

– Is it possible that not an alcoholic, but just a sinner dies easily?

- Yes, for example, if his wife is a very decent woman and her husband's illness can bring her unnecessary hardships, then he is removed quickly. That is, if the wife or relatives do not need additional suffering, then the sinner is removed through some kind of instant death that is not associated with illness.

– Is the exit of the soul from the physical body very painful?

– No, death itself is absolutely not terrible and painless. People confuse the suffering associated with a disease with death itself. Illness brings pain and suffering, and death is a brief moment of transition, which, on the contrary, stops the suffering of being. Instantaneous death in accidents is generally not fixed by consciousness for a person, although for those who observe the picture of an accident from the side, the spectacle looks terrible.

What happens immediately after the death of the human body

- If before death one of the family members has dreams that he is taken away by a deceased family member, who gives him such information?

- Identifier of the second person. Such an individual undergoes reprogramming and in a dream the information of the future is processed, and the person sees that he has a new program with a focus on death.

- Is always like dreams can you believe?

- Not. Sometimes this can be some kind of warning or test of a person's reaction to his own death.

- Can a clairvoyant by the aura of a person determine that he will die soon?

– Yes, maybe, since the death of a person only on the physical plane is a moment, and in the “subtle” world, preliminary preparations are underway. Only catastrophes happen instantly, but they are also planned in advance and always accurately calculated. Therefore, a person is prepared for death in advance and its signs hang over him a few minutes before death should occur.

– Why do those who are close to death lose their aura or have a dark channel appear above their heads?

– The determinant prepares the “thin” structures of a person for the moment of death and frees the exit channel for the soul. The clairvoyant perceives the absence of some "subtle" structures as the disappearance of the aura or a dark pillar above the head.

– How does the Qualifier carry out this preparation?

- All data about a person, including his physical shell and "thin", are in the computer of the Determinant, so the preparation is carried out through the computer. First, everything is reproduced on the screen, that is, in its database, and then these changes are transferred to living nature.

- After death, the soul perceives reality as implicitly as in a dream?

– No, after death the soul becomes aware of itself and the world clearly, the only thing is that due to its unpreparedness, not every soul is able to understand what happened to it.

- But some people who have been in a state of clinical death claim that they did not see or hear anything.

Clinical death does not always mean true death, therefore, not all people at this moment have an exit of the soul from the body. They just lose consciousness at that moment. If the design of a person is such that even in a dream he is able to leave the body, and with any significant damage to the body, then such a soul is able to fly out even during clinical death. This usually happens in subtle natures. And flying out, they can observe their body from the side or rise to higher spheres, realizing what is happening.

What happens to the human body after death

- Recently (spring 1998) a plane crashed in Irkutsk. Good pilots died. But it is people who regard them as excellent highly qualified specialists. And who did you take away: the best or unnecessary on Earth?

- Those who were necessary to Us died.

- I mean the pilots. And the civilian population that died - the plane fell on residential buildings - are they victims?

We need them all. Everything is planned.

- In recent years, planes have been falling very often. We came up with an assumption that someone is deliberately putting them out of action, acting from the “subtle” world. Who is directly involved in this?

– These are Our Essences, plasmoids, which acted according to the assigned task. Naturally, they are not visible to the human eye.

- Did they turn off three engines at once in the plane so that it fell on Irkutsk?

- Yes. The aircraft was in perfect condition. Absolutely. The entities simply turned off his engines during the flight. The Negative System has been shut down so that none of your over-experts will ever determine the cause of the crash.

– Were these Essences on “flying saucers”?

- What are you talking about! These were the Essences of the “subtle” plane, or our Minus. There is a Minus System that calculates all accidents. It worked as expected in this case as well. The accuracy of the actions performed in the situation is exceptional.

Calculations are carried out by some Essences, they are performed in action by other Essences. The people in physical world are not able to perceive their actions, so all accidents remain a mystery to them. And no matter how much your technical workers prepare the aircraft, the plasmoids from the Minus System will always disable it in right time and in the right place, since We own situations, not people.

- Did the programs come to an end for the people who were on the plane that died over Irkutsk?

– No, in this case not towards the end, although usually We select people at the stage of completion of their programs. But now is a different time, now is the end of the second millennium, the change of eras, and this says a lot.

What happens when a person dies

- So, now the program can be half completed for people and you are taking them away?

- Yes. For most people, the programs do not reach the final stage. We are picking up many in this period ahead of schedule, because all the old programs, that is, the programs of the people of the fifth civilization, are being curtailed, and the new time is starting to unwind with the introduction of the programs of representatives of the sixth civilization.

– But what will happen to unfinished programs? These people will have to refine them in the next life, or is it something else?

- With each person the issue will be resolved separately. First, all the souls taken will be sorted according to their acquired qualities, and then We will decide what to do with them. hallmark given time is that the transition of the Earth from one stage of the development of the program to another, and the transition of humanity from the fifth civilization to the sixth; therefore what was once established as laws is now being violated.

Many souls in this moment removed in general forever, as not justified themselves.

– The catastrophes in mines that became more frequent in the nineties are the reaction of the Earth to wrong actions people or something else?

– No, this is also the work of the Minus System. And the Earth can manifest itself only where there are wars or where people make explosions in the Earth itself, causing harm to it. She does not like explosions, aggressive outbursts in people's moods, and she can respond to them with earthquakes and other disasters.

– When a person dies from an illness or dies instantly in an accident, is there any difference in the energy output?

- Diseases give more energy of a particular type, as they are associated with a disease of organs, and accidents contribute to the release of energy general view, characteristic for this person. But if at the moment of an accident a person experiences severe stress, then he (stress) informs the soul of a greater speed for lifting up. Stress favors the instantaneous and painless departure of the soul from the body.

- Is there any sequence in the fence of people now?

- Of course. The sequence is also determined by the Minus System. There are certain norms, rules according to which souls are taken in normal times and during the transitional period, as now. What is unacceptable in ordinary times becomes possible in the transitional phase. We now have a lot of Essences working for the fence of souls. There are separate groups that perform certain work related to the collection of souls.

Suppose some groups check general programs people and choose who can be removed so as not to break the following connections. Others correct new programs, linking them with old ones. Still others arrange situations and accidents leading to death. The fourth ones already directly work with the liberated souls, and so on. A lot of work. But the sequence is always observed, since it is impossible to pick up all of the intended souls at once.

What happens to the soul on the fortieth day after the death of the body

In the Bible, this sequence is displayed very clearly by the trumpet voice of the Angels: "The first angel blew - and there were hail and fire ...", "The second angel blew - and the third part of the sea became blood ...", "The third angel blew - and many of the people died from the waters …”, and so on seven Angels.

Following their trumpet voice, events follow, entailing a reduction in the population. This is nothing more than a reflection of the development program of the fifth civilization at the stage of completion, the passage of the civilization of the last checkpoints in the program.

death process

How does the process of death take place?

- When a person's program reaches its final stage, the last point of it expresses a picture of the person's death itself, which determines how he should die. If a person dies in an accident, in this situation several Determiners are involved, playing a scene at the moment of death, like in a puppet theater.

People are led into a situation that leads to death. Sometimes, in order for an accident to occur, a person needs only a few seconds, or rather, a fraction of a second to turn off consciousness or attention.

If a person must die due to illness, then the situation is played on the computer of his Determinant. Heart attacks, strokes are the business of the Determinants. With the help of a computer, they inflict an energy blow to that place or organ, the failure of which should lead to the death of a person. Sometimes a person is simply disconnected from the nourishing energy.

What happens to the human mind after death

What happens to the human mind after death

– You said that death is accompanied by a burst of energy. At the moment of death, all the energy leaves the physical body?

– No, not all vital energy is released. Zero-fifth (0.5) remains to carry out the decay, to destroy the physical shell. The body cannot remain as it was during life. It must be decomposed into constituent elements, from which other bodies will again begin to be built. This is the cycle of gross physical energies.

- A powerful surge of energy from the body just contributes to the departure of the soul?

- Yes. It serves as the starting energy for departure at the moment of death.

What is the vital energy of the physical body? Is this what the cells themselves produce?

– No, all energy is given from Above and only from the Determinant. And the decay process also comes from him, because even after the death of a person, the Determinant continues to control the processes in his body through his computer. He ends managing only after the work of disintegration is completely completed.

- What happens at this time with the soul?

“After the soul sheds its rough shell, it begins its journey of ascent to Us. Ritual days after death: three, nine and forty days are the steps of ascent through the earth's layers. They correspond to the time of dropping "thin" shells close to the physical body.

After three days, the etheric is reset, after nine - the astral, after forty days - the mental. All temporary shells are shed, except for the last four, which are close to the soul. These shells, starting from the causal, are permanent and remain with the soul for the entire period of all its incarnations on Earth.

When the soul, according to the level of development, reaches the hundredth Level, that is, the last one for a person, then it drops the fourth, connecting shell, and puts on other temporary shells, depending on which world it will be sent to next.

– When the soul stays in the “subtle” world, does it need recharging with energy?

- No, the soul does not need recharging.

– Do religious rituals with prayers and commemoration feed the energy of the newly deceased?

- At the first stage of death, this affects the soul, because all its shells are with it, not a single shell has yet disintegrated, and they need additional energy to rise to the corresponding filter layer. Many people lose their energy during life and cannot rise to where it is required after death. Additional energies in the form of prayers, feeding their shells, help them ascend to the proper Level.

What happens 40 days after the death of the video

If a person is buried without prayers, then the soul is raised either by special Essences *, the same plasmoids, or special mechanisms that act on the principle of a magnet that attracts the soul to Right place. Now, for the most part, prayers no longer matter, they used to have, and recently mechanisms have been used to trap souls and direct them where they should be. Our sampling methods and “fine” technique are also constantly being improved.

- The feeding of the shells mattered until what time?

- Up to forty days. But this is required by the most earthly souls. And those who are higher in the spiritual plan themselves rise to the required Level. For example, you no longer need any replenishment (it is said for messengers) *. You won't even see your funeral. As soon as you die, you will instantly be carried away from the Earth. You will not see your body like others. High energy will not allow you to linger on Earth even for a few seconds.

You already have such energy that it will carry you away with lightning speed. In terms of energy, you are no longer people, but Essence. It will push you out of the heavy earth layers like a bullet from a barrel. And other psychics and highly spiritual people do not need nourishment in the form of prayers either.

What can low-energy people give to high-energy people? Therefore, if a person has accumulated high energy as a result of some practices or spiritual work, then he is obliged to preserve it until the end of his earthly life. This will help the ascent of his soul.

- The soul flies out of the physical body due to a burst of energy. And what is the mechanism of its departure from the astral shell? Is there also some kind of starting energy?

- In the "subtle" world, another mechanism operates. Around the Earth are special layers of "thin" matter. Each layer has a certain density corresponding to the density of the astral, mental and subsequent shells, that is, it is made of energies corresponding to these ranges. Therefore, when the soul rises to the indicated layers, the shells corresponding to the density of the reached layer fall off.

For example, take the astral shell. It reaches a layer corresponding to its density, and gets stuck in it. This layer above it does not pass. Other shells are lighter than this layer, so they rise higher. The next layer corresponds to the density of the matter of the mental sheath, and therefore delays it. She, like a heavy one, cannot rise higher in any way, and everything that is lighter flies higher. And so on, so that the three temporary shells remain in these layers until their complete disintegration.

- Layers-filters clean people, determine the degree of development of the soul, and in the same layers it refines some situations?

– Layers are multifunctional.

We, students of the Institute of Reincarnation, at the group lesson, with a wonderful number 13, spent our

The topic of the transition from the earthly plane to the subtle world is not easy, because everyone has a personal story of the departure of loved ones.

We, so different, but similar and passionate about the topic of past lives, want to tell what happens to the soul after death.

The loved ones who have departed from the earthly plane “have not quite died.” Often they continue to communicate for some time, to give subtle signs to us.

It happens that Souls do not linger and immediately rush to another world. This topic is multifaceted, each case is unique.

Death does not exist

Butyrina Nailya

I remember when my attitude towards death changed. I stopped being afraid of her when I looked at her differently.

When I realized, understood and accepted that death is just a transition to another form of existence. Death as such does not exist.

When my husband died, the bitterness of loss and loss overwhelmed me, did not allow me to live in peace. I began to look for an opportunity to at least somehow confirm my hopes that he was alive.

He could not say goodbye to me forever! Eight years ago there was so little information that I collected it bit by bit.

But a miracle happened! I found what I was looking for or the miracle itself was looking for me. The Institute of Reincarnation appeared in my life. Now I can say with confidence that I have found all the answers to my questions.

I present to your attention the story of one of my incarnations, which I saw through the eyes of my Soul. This is the hunting episode. Paleolithic time, I'm a man.

“We hunted in the forest. They walked in a semicircle in a chain in width. And then the beast appeared. Everyone hunkered down and got ready. I commanded, and everyone rushed towards the beast. They began to throw spears and sharp plates (like a knife).

I was in front, and someone's sharp plate cut off - cut off my head.

The soul abruptly jumped out of the body with an exhaust! From suddenness, it looks like a clot of uneven shape. Then such a dense weightlessness blurred ... it was blue, then it became light, translucent.

The soul stood three meters above the body. She did not want to leave this body. She regrets: "It was not the time, it was still early, this should not have happened."

And she tries to enter this body again. The soul does not know what to do next, she is at a loss. The soul cries, understands that there is no body.

Soul clings to her. The feeling is very tender and warm. The wife does not yet know that no one will return from the hunt. The soul asks for forgiveness for what happened.

Parents are completely calm, and the Soul says goodbye with reverence, gratitude, respect and love. She clings to her mother, but there is no such tenderness and love as for a wife.”

Some are more filled with light and transparent, Souls are whitish, I see one yellow. Everyone is different in form, but the form is not constant, it changes.

Sizes are also bigger and smaller. Some move slower, some calmer, and some faster. There are those who rush about as if in a panic.

Here they have no contact, they do not intersect. Here everyone is busy with their own business. These are the souls that haven't left yet. Someone moves somewhere, someone goes high - everyone has their own way. Time is not felt.

Meanwhile, the tribe brought my body on sticks crossed among themselves. There is no screaming, everything is going smoothly. The wife is upset, but crying is not accepted here.

The soul moves to the next day - the day of the funeral. Burial ritual. Shaman, old women, tambourines or something similar to them. Hands knock out music.

My body is in a hut, in the form of a "hut". The head is attached to the body. Around the body of a woman on one side, a man on the other. The women prepared the body, put on the bracelets.

The body is beautiful and strong. The soul is nearby. Thought: “I have to go, everything is done.” Burial procedure. The body is burned at the stake. I look at the fire. Flashes of fire. Tongues of flame rise to the sky.

The soul is now calm and has become the correct form: beautiful, translucent, semi-white. The size of a small ball, like a soft cloud with even soft edges. The procession is over.

I fly up diagonally. I look at my family, wife and children. I turn around and fly faster and faster.

Trumpet and soft muted gray light. There are two Souls ahead, but they are far away. It flew out of the pipe. I accelerate faster and faster and fly home.

I understand, I feel, I just know, I want to fly more, even faster ...!

Soul Embrace

Kalnitskaya Alina

I saw dying in one of the incarnations, where I am an elderly woman. At that moment, something light and light came out of my chest.

The soul saw her lifeless body below. I observe the actions of the Soul and understand that it is watching and ready for this exit upward.

The soul wants to hug the sons. She flies up to one, as if hugging him. The Soul wants to give him some strength, to give warmth, so that he is calm for the Mother's Soul.

Then the Soul flies up to the second son. Strokes him and wants to support. The soul knows that the son does not show emotions, but in fact he worries deep down.

There is only one thought: to say goodbye and leave.

The sensations are pleasant, as if you are sitting on a cloud, and you are shaking. There are no thoughts, emptiness, as if all the problems have been pulled out, and a feeling of weightlessness.

Dying is not scary

Lydia Hanson

When I learned that at the Institute of Reincarnation we would be going through, at first there was a feeling of interest and alertness.

But, after going through this experience, I understand that it was not scary at all! What happens next is simply amazing! Here is one of my experiences.

I am a young woman in modern Europe. Her life was cut short quite early by a soldier's shot. When the woman was shot, the Soul left the body and saw him lying alone on the floor.

Looking at its physical shell, the Soul experiences a feeling of regret: "It's a pity ... so beautiful and young ..."

The soul does not linger, does not even look at what is left there. She flies up. No one meets her, she just reads to leave slowly, gradually accelerating.

I look like a bluish cloud, like an ethereal body - a blue iridescent ether. I catch the thoughts of my Soul: "Far away from here."

She doesn't have much joy. satisfaction is everything, there are no negative feelings! Feeling relaxed and calm, that everything will be fine now.

It is round, but there are no borders, it somehow stands out in density. And the Soul moves in it not immediately upwards, but as if along an inclined upwards. “I see a shimmering light in front of me, and joy from it.

I still see it far away, but I am overwhelmed with joy, and I want to go there. And I'm going there!"

Soul needs to be released

Alena Obukhova

My opinion is that this area should not be moved much. That's why this is the afterlife, to see off loved ones with all the rituals, according to their confessions.

And then with gratitude to give the necessary honors and attention and remember for the holidays. The main thing is to let go.

She had enough time to say goodbye to her loved ones. In other cases, when life ended suddenly, when the Soul was not yet ready to leave, it was met by kindred Souls.

Once, at a difficult departure, the Soul came out to meet the whole Family. It was a solemn spectacle. I was shocked when I saw on the inner screen how unexpectedly, out of nowhere under a virtual requiem, the shadows of ancestors appear - many, many people.

They line up and take this wounded Soul by the arms and help her go Home. I realized that under no circumstances will not a single Soul be left behind.

These Essences meeting outwardly take on the appearance of those whom the Soul trusted in this incarnation, or Spiritual Guides, or family members.

There on the other side of life there is no hell. There are resting places along the way if the corridor is long and tiring. Meetings on the other side are always friendly.

I have researched about 20 treatments and trust mine inner world. The soul returns to a cozy and familiar Home.

Soul decides to leave

Zinaida Schmidt

I spent a significant part of my life trying to figure out my life.

Previously, I even turned to the deceased dad and asked him to send me a loved one, whom I knew for sure that I should meet in this life! I always subconsciously knew this!

Like many others, she recently passed away loved one. In the family, we discussed this topic -.

Often the answers came to me in dreams, which opened the pages of my past for me and gave answers to questions. I still have so much to understand, read, and comprehend!

Here is my exploration of the experience of dying by the method of Reincarnation. I wondered how is the departure from the earthly plane after a protracted illness.

The answer was unexpected because subtle world, as it turned out, everything is seen a little differently. The thoughts of the Soul were also unusual for me.

I watched the departure of the Soul in one of its incarnations. The room is dark, cobwebs and indifference to everything. No longer life, but lethargy, many hours of immobility.

This woman is weakened and is constantly half asleep. The soul thinks that it is pointless to stay any longer, you don’t want to stay.

Done what needs to be done and The soul decides to leave.

I watched how the Soul separates from the body. This happens very easily. The soul separates and rises rapidly. She doesn't even want to stay near this body.

This is such a light transparent substance, like a cloud of indefinite shape. She strives upwards in order to quickly disappear from the earthly plane.

The soul thinks: “I have done everything that is needed in this life, and freedom. Such freedom! The soul aspires to the starry sky. She is in free float.

Encounter in the World of Souls

Olga Malinovskaya

In the lesson, the transition through dying into the space between lives, I moved into the past harmonious, feminine incarnation.

I am an elderly woman, and I was consciously preparing for this transition. She confessed and just waited for this hour.

I saw and felt the exit of the Soul from the body. It was very easy, without emotion, without resistance or regret. It's as easy as breathing.

It was a natural dying, and it was in a dream. I saw how in one moment disappeared magnetism between body and soul how the physical body suddenly became immensely heavy relative to the body of the Soul, and it freely soared into more subtle dimensions.

What happened next is hard to describe in words. It would be easier to draw. Absolutely everything - the flow, the direction of energy, the edges and outlines of incoming silhouettes - were as if underlined or circled in an iridescent refracted glow.

I saw a group of Souls who were meeting me. They were strangely lined up in several rows, forming the shape of a temple.

In the center of the base there was a strong glow, like a passage and at the same time similar to a canvas, in which one could wrap oneself and thereby consecrate the body of the Soul.

The World of Souls is a very beautiful and unlike our world space, in which other laws operate. All the matter I have seen is extraordinarily alive, more alive than on this plane.

This is multidimensionality, this other, not Earthly, palette of colors!

Soul is eternal

Valery Karnaukh

I am a monk, maybe a Jesuit, or a member of some other order. I'm fighting with someone. I have a sword in my hand, and so does he.

Then I enter the body and at that moment I see the blade of the sword flying towards me. Shine it in the sun and it cuts off my head.

Instant death - no pain, no fear, no understanding. A light haze emerges from the hole formed and begins to rise up.

My Soul was freed from the flesh and became free. She leaves this flesh.

The next incarnation was in 1388 in the forest. A young hidalgo came to a secret meeting with his beloved.

I feel how a lump rolls up to my throat, how I don’t want to part. We love each other. I'm young, I'm only 32 years old. Suddenly, a moment of pain grips my shoulders.

I can't move, it's hard for me to breathe. I try to see what happened, but the body is all shackled. I leave the body and see her husband along with his servants.

They hold bows and crossbows in their hands, and I have an arrow sticking out between my shoulder blades. The girl covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes filled with horror and tears.

At this moment, I see that my body falls to the ground. Smoke comes out of the body in the form of a seahorse. I do not consciously understand that this is me. I don't care what happens to the body. I am a light and free soul, and I fly up.

I think that the spent body is to be left, and not to cry over it.

It's like a floppy disk with information. The Institute of Reincarnation helps to open access and provides tools for reading the information that is on this diskette.

During the learning process, students learn how to use these tools, as well as transfer knowledge to others.

Signs for loved ones

Alexandra Elkin: What an important topic for me! After the sudden death of my mother, the bitterness of loss tormented my Soul for many years.

And so, I unexpectedly ended up at the institute and looked death in the eyes many many times.

Sometimes the Soul passed away calmly and wisely, and sometimes it protested against the sudden death so much that then it did not want to leave the Earth for a long time.

My Soul, after leaving the body, sometimes tried to give signs to my loved ones, but, alas, they were so absorbed in suffering!

And I so wanted to be heard, to feel my subtle vibrations, to be with me on the same light wave.

Only here, at the Institute of Reincarnation, I finally freed from the pain of loss. Thank you, Institute, Captains, I now know how I can help those who continue to suffer after losing their loved ones!

We bring to your attention an excerpt from a group lesson for 1st year students, from which you will learn what happens to the Soul after death.

Despite such a sad topic, we were inspired, and we had ideas and a great desire to help people who have suddenly lost their loved ones.

Our research as a group seeks to develop into an important and people need project. After its launch, we will be happy to share in new article for our magazine.

Prepared jointly by group #13,
1st year students of the Institute of Reincarnation

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One of the eternal questions to which humanity does not have a clear answer is what awaits us after death?

Ask this question to the people around you and you will get different answers. They will depend on what the person believes. And regardless of faith, many are afraid of death. They don't just try to acknowledge the very fact of its existence. But only our physical body dies, and the soul is eternal.

There was no time when neither I nor you existed. And in the future, none of us will cease to exist.

Bhagavad Gita. Chapter two. Soul in the world of matter.

Why are so many people afraid of death?

Because they relate their "I" only with the physical body. They forget that each of them has an immortal, eternal soul. They do not know what happens during and after death.

This fear is generated by our ego, which accepts only what can be proven through experience. Is it possible to know what death is and whether there is an afterlife “without harm to health”?

All over the world there are a sufficient number of documented stories of people

Scientists on the verge of proof of life after death

An unexpected experiment was carried out in September 2013. at the English Hospital in Southampton. Doctors recorded the testimonies of patients who had experienced clinical death. Supervisor research group cardiologist Sam Parnia shared the results:

“Since the early days of my medical career, I have been interested in the problem of “incorporeal sensations”. In addition, some of my patients have experienced clinical death. Gradually, I got more and more stories from those who assured me that in a state of coma they flew over their own body.

However, there was no scientific confirmation of such information. And I decided to find an opportunity to test it in a hospital setting.

For the first time in history, a medical facility was specially refurbished. In particular, in the wards and operating rooms, we hung thick boards with colored drawings under the ceiling. And most importantly, they began to carefully, down to seconds, record everything that happens to each patient.

From the moment his heart stopped, his pulse and breathing stopped. And in those cases when the heart was then able to start and the patient began to recover, we immediately wrote down everything he did and said.

All behavior and all words, gestures of each patient. Now our knowledge of "incorporeal sensations" is much more systematized and complete than before.

Almost a third of patients clearly and clearly remember themselves in a coma. At the same time, no one saw the drawings on the boards!

Sam and his colleagues came to the following conclusions:

“From a scientific point of view, the success is considerable. The general sensations of people who, as it were, have been established.

They suddenly begin to understand everything. Completely free from pain. They feel pleasure, comfort, even bliss. They see their dead relatives and friends. They are enveloped in soft and very pleasant light. Around the atmosphere of extraordinary kindness.”

When asked if the participants in the experiment thought they had been to “another world,” Sam replied:

“Yes, and although this world was somewhat mystical for them, it still was. As a rule, patients reached a gate or some other place in the tunnel, from where there was no way back and where it was necessary to decide whether to return ...

And you know, almost everyone now has a completely different perception of life. It has changed due to the fact that a person has passed a moment of blissful spiritual existence. Almost all of my wards admitted that, although they do not want to die.

The transition to the other world turned out to be an unusual and pleasant experience. Many after the hospital began to work in charitable organizations.”

The experiment is currently ongoing. Another 25 British hospitals are joining the study.

The memory of the soul is immortal

The soul exists, and it does not die with the body. Dr. Parnia's confidence is shared by the UK's biggest medical luminary.

The famous professor of neurology from Oxford, the author of works translated into many languages, Peter Fenis rejects the opinion of the majority of scientists on the planet.

They believe that the body, ceasing its functions, releases certain chemical substances which, passing through the brain, really cause extraordinary sensations in a person.

“The brain does not have time to carry out the “closing procedure,” says Prof. Fenis.

“For example, during a heart attack, a person sometimes loses consciousness at lightning speed. Along with consciousness, memory also disappears. So how can you discuss episodes that people are unable to remember?

But since they clearly talk about what happened to them when their brain activity was turned off, therefore, there is a soul, spirit or something else that allows you to be in consciousness outside the body.

What happens after dying?

The physical body is not the only one we have. In addition to it, there are several thin bodies assembled according to the principle of a nesting doll.

The subtle level closest to us is called ether or astral. We exist at the same time material world and in the spiritual.

In order to maintain life in the physical body, food and drink are needed, in order to maintain vital energy in our astral body, communication with the Universe and with the surrounding material world is necessary.

Death terminates the existence of the densest of all our bodies, and the astral body breaks the connection with reality.

The astral body, being released from the physical shell, is transported to a different quality - to the soul. And the soul has a connection only with the Universe. This process is described in sufficient detail by people who have experienced clinical death.

Naturally, they do not describe its last stage, for they fall only on the closest to the material substance level, their astral body has not yet lost its connection with the physical body, and they are not fully aware of the fact of death.

The transport of the astral body into the soul is called the second death. After that, the soul goes to another world.

Once there, the soul discovers that it consists of different levels, intended for souls of varying degrees of development.

When the death of the physical body occurs, the subtle bodies begin to gradually separate. Thin bodies also have different densities, and, accordingly, a different amount of time is required for their decay.

On the third day after the physical, the etheric body, which is called the aura, disintegrates.

Nine days later the emotional body disintegrates, in forty days mental body. The body of the spirit, soul, experience - casual - is sent to the space between lives.

Suffering greatly for departed loved ones, we thereby interfere with their subtle bodies die at the right time. Thin shells get stuck where they shouldn't be. Therefore, you need to let them go, thanking for all the experience lived together.

Is it possible to consciously look beyond the other side of life?

As a person puts on new clothes, discarding the old and worn out, so the soul incarnates in a new body, leaving the old and lost strength.

Bhagavad Gita. Chapter 2. Soul in the material world.

Each of us has lived more than one life, and this experience is stored in our memory.

Every soul has a different experience of dying. And it can be remembered.

Why remember the experience of dying in past lives? To take a different look at this stage. To understand what actually happens at the moment of dying and after it. Finally, to stop being afraid of death.

At the Institute of Reincarnation, you can experience dying using simple techniques. For those in whom the fear of death is too strong, there is a safety technique that allows you to painlessly view the process of the exit of the soul from the body.

Here are some student testimonials about their experience of dying.

Kononuchenko Irina , a first-year student at the Institute of Reincarnation:

Watched a few deaths different bodies: female and male.

After a natural death in a female incarnation (I am 75 years old), the soul did not want to ascend to the World of Souls. I was left to wait for my husband, who still lived. In life he was for me important person and close friend.

Feels like we lived soul to soul. I died first, the Soul came out through the area of ​​the third eye. Understanding the grief of her husband after “my death”, I wanted to support him with my invisible presence, and I didn’t want to leave myself. After some time, when both of them "got used to and got used to" in the new state, I ascended to the World of Souls and waited for him there.

After natural death in the body of a man (harmonious incarnation), the Soul easily said goodbye to the body and ascended to the world of Souls. There was a feeling of a mission accomplished, a lesson successfully passed, a feeling of satisfaction. Immediately there was a discussion of life.

In a violent death (I am a man dying on the battlefield from a wound), the Soul leaves the body through the chest area, there is a wound. Until the moment of death, life flashed before my eyes.

I am 45 years old, my wife, children ... I so want to see them and hug them .. and I’m like this .. it’s not clear where and how ... and alone. Tears in the eyes, regret for the "unlived" life. After leaving the body, it is not easy for the Soul, it is again met by the Helping Angels.

Without additional energy reconfiguration, I (the soul) cannot independently free myself from the burden of incarnation (thoughts, emotions, feelings). It seems like a "capsule-centrifuge", where through a strong rotation-acceleration there is an increase in frequencies and a "separation" from the experience of incarnation.

Marina Kana, 1st year student of the Institute of Reincarnation:

In total, I went through 7 experiences of dying, of which three were violent. I will describe one of them.

Girl, Ancient Russia. I was born in a large peasant family, I live in unity with nature, I love to spin with my girlfriends, sing songs, walk in the forest and in the fields, help my parents with the housework, nurse my younger brothers and sisters.

Men are not interested, the physical side of love is not clear. A guy wooed, but she was afraid of him.

I saw how she carried water on a yoke, he blocked the road, pesters: “You will still be mine!” To prevent others from wooing, I started a rumor that I was not of this world. And I’m glad, I don’t need anyone, I told my parents that I won’t get married.

She did not live long, she died at the age of 28, she was not married. She died of a strong fever, lay in the heat and delirium all wet, her hair matted with sweat. Mother sits nearby, sighs, wipes with a wet rag, gives water to drink from a wooden ladle. The soul flies out of the head, as if it is pushed out from the inside when the mother went out into the hallway.

The soul looks down on the body, no regret. The mother enters and begins to cry. Then the father comes running to the screams, shaking his fists at the sky, shouting dark icon in the corner of the hut: "What have you done!" The children huddled together, hushed and frightened. The soul leaves calmly, no one is sorry.

Then the soul seems to be drawn into a funnel, flying up to the light. The outlines are similar to steam clubs, next to them are the same clouds, spinning, intertwining, rushing up. Fun and easy! Knows that life has lived as planned. In the World of Souls, laughing, the beloved soul meets (this is unfaithful). She understands why she left life early - it became not interesting to live, knowing that he was not in incarnation, she strove for him faster.

Simonova Olga , 1st year student of the Institute of Reincarnation

All my deaths were similar. Separation from the body and a smooth rise above it .. and then just as smoothly up above the Earth. Basically, these are natural deaths in old age.

One overlooked the violent (cutting off of the head), but she saw it outside the body, as if from the outside and did not feel any tragedy. On the contrary, relief and gratitude to the executioner. Life was aimless, female incarnation. The woman wanted to commit suicide in her youth, as she was left without parents.

From the moment the heart stops, the bodies become surprisingly active. And let the dead not be able to tell what decomposition is and how this whole process goes, but biologists can do it.

Life after death

The irony is that in order to rot, our body must be teeming with life.

1. Cardiac arrest

The heart stops and the blood thickens. The very moment that doctors call "the time of death." As soon as this happens, all other parts of the body begin to die at different rates.

2. Two-color coloring

The blood that the “motor” has stopped dispersing through the vessels accumulates in the veins and arteries. Since it no longer flows, the body takes on a complex coloration. Its lower part turns purple-blue, like a juicy black eye after a glorious brawl. The laws of physics are to blame: liquid settles in the lower part of the body due to the effects of gravity. All the rest of the skin above will have a deathly pale color, because the blood has accumulated elsewhere. The circulatory system no longer works, red blood cells lose the hemoglobin that is responsible for the red color, and discoloration gradually occurs, giving a pale color to the tissues.

3. Deadly cold

Algor mortis is the Latin word for "deadly cold". Bodies lose their lifetime 36.6°C and slowly adjust to room temperature. The cooling rate is about 0.8°C per hour.

Global Look Press/ZUMAPRESS.com/Danilo Balducci

4. Rigor mortis

Hardening and stiffness of the muscles of the limbs occurs a few hours after death, when the whole body begins to stiffen due to a decrease in ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Rigor mortis begins with the eyelids and neck muscles. The process of stiffness itself is not endless - it stops later, when the enzymatic decomposition of muscle tissue starts.

5. Chaotic movements

Yes, the blood has drained and congealed, but bodies are still capable of twitching and bending for hours after death. Muscle tissue contracts when a person dies, and depending on how many and which muscles contracted during the agony, it may even appear that the body of the deceased is moving.

6. Youthful face

As the muscles eventually stop contracting, wrinkles disappear. Death is a bit like Botox. The only trouble is that you are already dead and cannot rejoice at this circumstance.

7. The intestines are emptied

Although rigor mortis causes the body to freeze, not all organs do so. Our sphincter at the moment of death finally gains freedom, getting rid of total control. When the brain ceases to regulate involuntary functions, the sphincter begins to do what it wants: it opens, and all the “remnants” leave the body.

Global Look Press/imagostock&people/Eibner-Pressefoto

8. Corpses smell famously

Corpses are known to stink. Putrid odors are the result of a surge of enzymes that fungi and bacteria, imprisoned for decomposition processes, perceive as a signal to attack. In the tissues of a corpse there is a mass of everything that allows them to actively multiply. The "feast" of bacteria and fungi is accompanied by the generation of putrefactive gases with corresponding odors.

9 Animal Invasion

Literally on the heels of bacteria and fungi come meat flies. They hasten to lay their eggs in the dead body, which then turn into larvae. The larvae cheerfully bite into dead flesh. Later they are joined by mites, ants, spiders, and then larger scavengers.

10. Farewell sounds

Wild trash of all doctors and nurses! The bodies will emit gases, creak and moan! All this is the result of a combination of rigor mortis and vigorous activity of the intestines, which continue to release gas.

11. The intestines are digested

The intestines are filled with a variety of bacteria, which, after death, do not have to go far - they instantly pounce on the intestines. Having got rid of the control of the immune system, the bacteria arrange a wild feast.

12. Eyes pop out of their sockets

As the organs decompose and the intestines produce gases, these gases cause the eyes to bulge out of their sockets and the tongues to swell and protrude from the mouths.

"Universal Pictures Rus"

13. Puffy skin

Gases tend upward, gradually separating the skin from the bones and muscles.

14. Rotting

Following the "sliding down" blood, all the cells of the body tend to go down under the influence of gravity. The tissues of the body have already lost their density due to decomposed proteins. As soon as putrefaction reaches its apotheosis, the corpses become "sugary" and spongy. In the end, only bones remain.

15. Bones go last

Decades after bacteria, fungi, and other organisms have done away with flesh, the protein in bones breaks down, leaving behind hydroxyapatite, a bone mineral. But over time, it turns to dust.

The dead hear everything

Everything that happens to us beyond the line separating life from death was, is and will remain a mystery for a long time. Hence - a lot of fantasies, sometimes quite scary. Especially if they are somewhat realistic.

The dead woman giving birth is one of such horrors. A number of centuries ago, when mortality in Europe was prohibitively high, the number of women who died pregnant was also high. All the same gases that are described above led to the expulsion of an already non-viable fetus from the body. All this is casuistry, but the few cases that have occurred are documented, writes the Bigpicture portal.


A relative sitting in a coffin is a quite probable phenomenon, but, to put it mildly, exciting. People in past centuries felt about the same as we do today. It was the fear of witnessing something like this, combined with the hope that the dead might suddenly come to life, that led to the appearance of “houses of the dead” at one time. When loved ones doubted that a person had died, they left him in a room of such a house, tying a rope to his finger, says Naked-Science. The other end of the rope led to a bell placed in the next room. If the deceased "came to life", the bell rang, and the guard serving in the chair next to the bell immediately rushed to the deceased. Most often, the alarm was false - the cause of the ringing was the movement of bones caused by gases or the sudden relaxation of muscles. The deceased left the “house of the dead” when there was no longer any doubt about the processes of decay.

The development of medicine, oddly enough, only exacerbates the confusion around the processes of death. So, doctors have found that some parts of the body continue to live after death for a long time, writes InoSMI. These "long-livers" include heart valves: they contain cells connective tissue, preserving " good shape some time after death. Thus, the heart valves of the deceased can be used for transplantation within 36 hours of cardiac arrest.

The cornea lives twice as long. Its usefulness lasts three days after you die. This is explained by the fact that the cornea is in direct contact with the air and receives oxygen from it.

This can also explain the "long life path» auditory nerve. The deceased, according to doctors, loses his hearing as the last of all his five senses. For another three days, the dead hear everything - hence the famous: "About the dead - everything or nothing but the truth."