How security affects image. Formation of an attractive image of a business unit


This article offers for consideration current issues psychological safety personality and image formation of a university student. The main goal of the study is to identify the characteristics of the influence of an individual’s psychological safety on the process of forming a university student’s image. We assumed that the formation of a student’s image occurs in a certain social context, under the influence of factors reflecting the characteristics of social interactions. One of the key factors is the high level of security of the student’s personality, creating real opportunities to satisfy natural and social needs in the present and future, revealing opportunities for his personal self-realization and professional growth. The authors reveal the content of the concepts “image of a university student,” “optimal image,” and “psychological safety of the individual.” The work examines the structural composition of a student’s image and the psychological safety of his personality and determines the relationships between them.

student image

psychological safety of the individual

structural relationship between image and psychological safety

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Socio-political processes taking place in modern Russia, led to increased interest in image issues. This is evidenced by the widespread use of the concept of “image” in various sciences: sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology, and cultural studies. At the same time, the idea of ​​image as a certain value, the quality of which determines the success of life and the success of any activity, has become entrenched in people’s minds.

The purpose of our study was to identify the characteristics of the influence of an individual’s psychological safety on the process of forming a university student’s image.

The empirical basis for the study was the Belgorod State National research university"(National Research University Belgorod State University), Belgorod Agricultural Academy (Belgorod State Agricultural Academy). Students took part in the study full-time training in the amount of 110 people aged 17-25 years.

Currently, the formation of a positive image becomes actual problem not only in the political and business spheres, but also among students. Studying the image of students is especially important and relevant today, when the requirements for a future professional, for a modern specialist, are increasing. At the same time, the image of students itself is changing. Various aspects of the generalized image of students are consolidated in mass consciousness in the form of stereotypes, not only in the minds of university students themselves, but also leave an imprint on its perception by the public. the process of attracting applicants, the implementation of promising projects, general position university in educational system.

The image of a university student is an integral characteristic of a person, which includes the totality of external features and internal personal qualities of the student that contribute to effectiveness educational activities.

When identifying the level of image formation of university students, our study uses the types of image identified by E.B. Perelygina.

The first level is a socially unacceptable image that interferes with the professional and personal development of the subject and the establishment of productive cooperation between the participants in the interaction, leading to the degradation of the professional and personal self-concept of the prototype subject;

The second level is a socially acceptable image that helps preserve existing level professional and personal development of the subject-prototype, as well as the achieved level of cooperation between participants in image interaction, generally corresponding to the formed self-concept of the subject-prototype of the image;

The third level is the optimal image, characterized by the best combination of characteristics possible under the given conditions, allowing the subject of DSI (image creation activity) to achieve his acme as an individual.

The socio-psychological components that make up the structure of the image of university students are:

1. Motivational component - the presence of significant educational and professional motives and needs, personally significant values.

2. Cognitive component - self-concept of university students.

3. Activity component - the ability to develop one’s own image, based on the characteristics of the activity, as well as the opportunity to study one’s image in educational space university

The formation of a student's image occurs in a certain social context, under the influence of factors reflecting the characteristics of social interactions. And one of the key factors is the high level of security of the student’s personality, which creates real opportunities to satisfy natural and social needs in the present and future, revealing opportunities for his personal self-realization and professional growth.

Currently, there is no single interpretation of the concepts of “security”, “psychological security of the individual”, “safe personality”. Many researchers define “security” as a combination of internal and external factors that contribute to maintaining the full ability of a person and society to function and develop, and “personal security” as a state of its security, i.e. a person’s ability to both not create dangerous situations and resist them if they arise (I.A. Baeva, N.S. Efimova, Yu.G. Noskov, A.N. Sukhov, etc.). ON THE. Lyz indicates that a safe person builds his life in the context of unity with society, realizes his potential, his ideals and aspirations with the help of a formed system of semantic regulation of life, and also has a readiness to ensure safety and is able to maintain his health by transforming dangers into factor of own development.

At the same time, the structure of psychological safety of a university student’s personality includes the following components:

1. Affective component - emotional attitude towards dangerous situations; emotional stability to negative internal and external influences; students' experiences about the relationships between them in difficult situations.

2. Cognitive component - students’ awareness of the concepts of “threat”, “danger”, “violence”, etc., as well as ways to get out of situations characterized by these concepts, features of their motivational sphere, self-esteem.

3. Behavioral component - the ability to plan and implement protective measures for self-provision of psychological safety.

Based on these provisions, as well as previous research, we determined the structural relationships between the image of a university student and the psychological safety of his personality (figure).

The analysis showed that students’ awareness of concepts related to psychological safety and ways to overcome difficult situations influence their significant educational and professional motives and needs, personally significant values, as well as stereotypes, self-stereotypes and the dynamics of the development of the student’s image.

Structural relationship between the image of university students and their psychological safety

At the same time, the development of a positive image of students in the educational space of the university will be most effective when they implement protective measures for self-sufficiency of psychological safety of the individual.

Emotional stability/instability to negative internal and external influences; Students’ experiences about the relationships between them and their attitude towards dangerous situations can both contribute to and hinder the formation of the proper level of psychological safety of the individual and thereby influence the image of students.

As part of the study, we analyzed the image of first- and fourth-year students, as well as their level of psychological safety.

A structural and content analysis of the expression of the value system among students using the method of “Studying the value orientations of the individual” (S.S. Bubnova) showed the dominance of the values ​​of learning new things among first-year students - 87%, interesting things in the world - 76%, people - 74%, nature - 68%. While among fourth- and fifth-year students the dominant values ​​are the satisfaction of immediate desires - 93%; value material well-being- 89%; high social status- 84%; recognition - 78%, respect from people - 75%; social activity and communication - 72%.

Diagnostic results using the “Sentence Completion” method - “Typical student of the faculty...Who is He?” (a modified version of the test “20 statements. Who am I?” (M. Kuhn)) showed that from the first to the fourth year the hierarchy and the significance of the identified spheres of students’ life activity change. First of all, this manifests itself in the sphere of personal self-realization. If among first-year students the associations: determination, success, self-development, self-esteem, self-realization are classified as low-frequency or mid-frequency, then among fourth-year students they were all included in the group of high-frequency associations. That is, the concept of self-realization is filled with real meaning among fourth-year students and is included in the image of a typical student, which means, in their opinion, it is a significant element of the image of a university student. First year students have a more romantic attitude towards student life than fourth-year students. Among first-year students, a large number of students are concerned about how much studying at a university will allow them to realize life goals and prepare for future life. By the fourth year, the number of “unconfident students” is significantly reduced. First-year students, characterizing the financial prospects of their profession, mainly used associations with a negative emotional connotation. At the same time, fourth-year students used more positive associations. As for the emotional richness and differentiation of the description, fourth-year students demonstrated greater subtlety and emotionality than first-year students, who were more concerned about the “physical environment” and “appearance.”

In order to study the activity component of the image, students were asked to assess the degree of significance of a number of psychological and socio-psychological conditions of educational professional activity, personal characteristics and opportunities in developing the image of university students: individual psychological characteristics of the individual, prestige of the faculty, expectations significant people, status, prestige future profession, norms of society, value orientations of future employers, the ability to realize oneself in the learning process, the opportunity to prove oneself as a future professional, the prestige of the university, role position (student position), conditions that contribute to the success of the image (social, everyday, etc.). First-year students recognized the most important development factor successful image prestige of the future profession, university, faculty, giving it a priority place compared to personal qualities. At the same time, the majority of fourth-year students surveyed noted, along with the high importance in creating the image of the prestige of the university and faculty, the ability to realize themselves in the learning process, the opportunity to demonstrate themselves as a future professional.

Diagnosis of self-actualization of students using the self-actualization test - SAT by E. Shostrom (adapted by Yu.E. Aleshina, L.Ya. Gozman, M.V. Croz) indicates high scores among first-year students on the scales of contact, cognitive needs, support; average indicators on the scales of time orientation, sensitivity; low scores on the scales of self-esteem, acceptance of aggression, flexibility of behavior. At the same time, fourth-year students showed high scores on the scales of creativity, behavioral flexibility, sensitivity, and self-esteem; average indicators on the scales of time orientation, contact, acceptance of aggression; low scores on the cognitive needs scale.

A test questionnaire by G. Kellerman, P. Plutchik to measure the degree to which an individual uses various defense mechanisms showed that first-year students use the defense mechanisms projection, denial of reality, regression, repression, and fourth-year students use rationalization, substitution, compensation.

Analysis of the results of diagnosing aggressive and hostile reactions in students using the “Questionnaire for measuring aggressive and hostile reactions of A. Bass and A. Darka” indicates that first-year students have high level verbal, indirect aggression, as well as their tendency to take offense and suspicion. At the same time, fourth-year students showed a high level of irritation and a tendency toward negativism and verbal aggression.

By diagnosing behavioral style in conflict situation according to the method of K. Thomas “Behavior style in conflict,” the majority of first-year students are dominated by competition - 84%, evasion (avoidance) - 75%, adaptation - 68%, cooperation - 54% and compromise - 46%. Among fourth-year students, adaptation predominates - 82%, compromise - 78% and cooperation - 64%, competition and evasion are moderately expressed - 55 and 43%, respectively.

Analysis of the psychological safety of the individual demonstrated insufficient awareness of first-year students about the concepts of “threat”, “danger”, “violence”, etc., as well as ways to get out of situations characterized by them, while fourth-year students have a clearer understanding about these concepts, as well as about ways to solve complex situations. First-year students do not adequately know how to plan and implement protective measures for self-provision of psychological safety, and fourth-year students have more complete information in this area.

Thus, the study showed that the formation of an optimal image of a university student is significantly influenced by the level of psychological safety of his personality, which creates real conditions for meeting the needs of students, opening up for them the path of personal self-realization and professional growth. The higher the level of psychological safety of a student’s personality, the more possibilities exists to form its optimal image, while low level personal security leads to the formation of a socially unacceptable image of a university student.


Poddubny N.V., Doctor of Philology, Candidate of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Social Work and Psychology, ANO VPO "Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law", Belgorod;

Tarabaeva V.B., Doctor of Social Sciences, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychology, Director pedagogical institute, Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belgorod State National Research University", Belgorod.

The work was received by the editor on March 6, 2015.

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URL: (access date: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Why exactly aggression/peacefulness (security) become key factors in the perception of a particular state? To answer this question, you need to turn to the pyramid of needs, compiled at one time by the American psychologist Abraham Maslow. A person consciously or unconsciously projects his needs onto others (and to a greater extent this is why such template pyramids can be constructed). This circumstance allows us to transfer A. Maslow’s scheme to the image plane.

Image is a reflection of the degree to which a person’s interests and needs are realized in a particular state. And, apparently, it is formed in the consciousness in the same stepwise and sequential manner as a pyramid, i.e. down up. And if, for example, the basic needs in a particular state are not met, then there can hardly be any talk about its spirituality and healthy image. For example, African countries top the lists of the poorest countries in the world (such as Zambia, Chad, Liberia, etc.). Images of starving African children shock all humanity. What is the image of Zambia for the average person? Or Chad's image? It is probably even somehow blasphemous to talk about image when we are talking about mass hunger, poverty and deadly diseases. Such countries are never included in image ratings. If a country cannot satisfy the simplest physiological needs of its citizens, then the image of this state becomes not just negative, but even ends up somewhere outside the evaluation system. Thus, the first level of A. Maslow’s pyramid of needs is absent in our conditional pyramid, being located on the zero “floor”. The next step in the pyramid of needs, as is known, is security - one of the main basic conditions for human existence, the so-called existential human need. And here we see that in the image, security becomes the first condition for the formation of a favorable image of the country. In times of peace and calm mass media in a particular state, as a rule, more messages concerning foreign policy other countries in their connection with bilateral/multilateral relations. The predominance of news about the situation within the country is usually the result of emergencies, extraordinary and special situations (revolutions, natural disasters, political elections etc.). Thus, it is the nature of messages in the media that largely determines the aggression/peacefulness of a country and, thereby, forms the first level of our perception of this object. The second conditional level in the pyramid of the country’s image is the socio-economic policy of the state. Here again both the internal and external aspects are important. Those. people evaluate many factors in this “block”: provision civil rights population, the economic situation in the country (GDP level, inflation, stability of the national currency), investment climate, as well as economic relations with other countries and fulfillment/non-fulfillment of their obligations in the international arena. At the highest level of the pyramid is located cultural aspect image. It takes into account how civilized the country is, what cultural life citizens, how the state treats minority nations and nationalities, their culture, how the country interacts with the outside world and whether it participates in cultural exchange, as well as many other factors. The created pyramid is conditional. It is important to understand that the perception of one object by another is subject to a lot of nuances and, above all, the unique characteristics of each side. Thus, there is a high probability of changes in the position of the second and third steps in the pyramid depending, for example, on the person’s profession. If the last two levels of the pyramid are variable, then the first one is probably not.

Thus, the image is a psychological image. The concept of “image” is applied to any object that becomes the subject of social cognition. The image of a country is its image, formed both in the minds of citizens of a given country (internal image) and citizens of other states (external) and resulting from the interaction of a large number of factors. One of the most important factors is safety. Security is an existential need of both an individual person and the country as a whole, and in its absence, the importance of other needs is reduced to zero.

Based on the concept of a country’s image and the factors influencing its formation, we can identify methods for promoting the image.

Image as a phenomenon has a deep psychological impact. Much depends on it in how a person’s communication and interaction with other people develops, the success of his professional activities, personal and family life.

As part of the study of the psychology of the impact of image, the following are considered: questions :

1. Approaches to the essence of image perception;

2. Psychological impact image on its carrier;

3. The impact of someone else's image on the receiving subject;

4. The impact of image on the environment - social group;

5. The impact of first impressions.

The image is the result of the mental reflection of its bearer. In imageology there are two approach to the essence of perception image: individual psychological and socio-psychological.

Individual psychological approach considers personality as an independent individual phenomenon. Personality and its image are studied through its characteristics and qualities.

Social-psychological approach to the perception of the image considers the personality of its bearer not in isolation, but as part of a certain social group. In this case, perception is carried out in the dynamics and interrelation of cognitive, motivational and emotional elements of the image.

The image has not only an impact on others, but also on the object, that is, on its bearer.

Psychology of the impact of image on its bearer is associated with the influence that the created human image has on his inner world.

The impact of image can manifest itself in several ways:

an image that satisfies its bearer;

an image that, in the opinion of the wearer, requires correction;

an image that does not satisfy its bearer (Table 6.1).

Satisfying image, according to the wearer, corresponds to his personality. The object (individual) likes how others perceive him. In this case, we can say that a person’s self-esteem corresponds to its external assessment.

If a positive image arose without much effort on the part of a person, he, as a rule, does not think about it. He perceives it naturally and naturally.

If creating the desired image required significant focused effort from a person, he will appreciate the result achieved. Psychologically, he will be aware of his efforts and will become proud of it. He will be careful to maintain his image in the desired form.

Image that requires correction is due to the fact that the wearer is to some extent dissatisfied with how others perceive him. His self-assessment on individual points does not coincide with external assessment.

If a man purposefully formed his image, he will find ways to correct it. He will plan and carry out actions that will help change the opinions of others about him in the necessary details.

If an image that requires correction has developed spontaneously, its carrier is unlikely to be able to make corrections. Most likely, he will be offended by those around him because they underestimate him on certain points. The thought that others are right and his self-esteem is too high is unlikely to occur to him.

Unsatisfactory image from the point of view of its bearer, it is perceived as unfair. A person may agree with some of his individual mistakes, but he will not accept his negative image as a whole. The bearer of a negative image will be convinced that others have a wrong opinion about him, and he wrong. He is a completely different person, but a combination of circumstances or slander from ill-wishers presented him in an unfavorable light.

People with a negative image rarely find the strength to change their image, since this requires change yourself. And this is possible only after objective self-assessment and recognition of one’s shortcomings. This is difficult to do. It is much easier to be offended and feel undervalued and unfairly offended.

Table 6.1 – Impact of image on its bearer

Some people, having created a negative image of themselves, and not seeing the path, or not having the strength to correct it, take the path flaunting in your own bad way. With their behavior they begin to confirm a bad opinion about themselves. Often this bravado is created forcedly, out of weakness and confusion.

The impact of someone else's image on the perceiver determines the attitude of a person (subject) to the image bearer (object). Then, based on this relationship, a communication and activity strategy is built.

The impact of someone else’s image on the personality of the perceiver can manifest itself in several ways:

assessing a person on a “good-bad” scale;

building a relationship strategy;

imitation or rejection (Table 6.2).

Person assessment(of the image object) occurs unconsciously, simultaneously with the formation of its image. The assessment is carried out on a “good-bad” or “accept-reject” scale.

The basis for evaluation is a comparison of the perceived properties and qualities of an object with one’s own, or with a mental standard. Some advantages may seem important to the subject, others insignificant. The subject of perception is ready to forgive some shortcomings of the image object, but not others.

As a result, along with the created image, an assessment of the image object is formed in the psychology of the subject of perception.

Building a relationship strategy occurs, depending on the assessment by a person (subject), of the perceived image of another.

The internal strategy of the subject of perception can be aimed at bringing closer or moving away (distancing). This is also related to his desire or reluctance to carry out joint activities with the object of the image.

If work circumstances or production needs force you to work together with a person with a negative image, the subject of perception of such an image will experience psychological discomfort. In this case, even work that is interesting in itself can significantly lose its attractiveness.

Imitation or rejection associated with the attitude of the subject of perception to the individual properties and qualities of the image object.

If the evaluation of the object is not just positive, but high, the subject of the image may have a desire in imitation. It is impossible to copy the entire image, but borrowing its individual elements is quite possible.

Rejection manifests itself in the subject of perception in the case of a negative assessment of the image object. At the same time, the most negative traits are perceived as unacceptable for themselves (the subject). Perceiver in his inner world involuntarily notes: “what not to be” and “what not to do.”

Table 6.2 – Impact of the image object on the subject

The impact of image on the environment, that is, a close social group, depends on the authority and social status of the image object.

If this informal leader, his image actively influences the group. Many group members will strive to imitate their idol.

If the image bearer is in a group on modest roles, his image will not have a noticeable impact. They simply won't notice him.

Image outcasts has a noticeable comforting effect on a social group. People with a modest status, but higher than an outcast, will be glad that their image is higher. And they will also be very afraid of falling to the bottom rung of social status.

First impression It has special influence for all participants in the acquaintance: the object of the image, the subject of perception, the group of contact participants.

When two people meet (dialogue), each of them acts as both an object of image and a subject of perception in relation to each other. In the role image object the interlocutor wants to make a good impression, to please a new acquaintance.

In the role subject of perception the interlocutor shows some interest. It is important to him what kind of assessment he will have about his new acquaintance, whether there will be a desire to continue communicating and collaborating with him.

In other words, impact of first impression is that the foundation is laid for future relationships: they will be active and desired, or passive and forced.

So, the image affects the psychology of its bearer (object), the person who perceives it (subject), public opinion(social environment).

Section I. Image of the Armed Forces in the system of security factors Russian Federation.

Section II. Image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: dynamics, current state and role in ensuring the country's security.

Section III. Main directions for improving the image of the Armed Forces

Forces in the interests of ensuring the security of the Russian Federation.

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