Methodical piggy bank "card index of art-therapeutic exercises".

"The healthiest form of projection is art" (Perls Fritz - Gestalt Therapist)

Today we present part 2 of the most popular art therapy methods.

Last time we looked at exercises for relaxation, finding happiness, working with emotions and your portrait, as well as exercises for working with traumas and losses.

Today we will consider the following groups of exercises: Collages, Independent exercises, Exercises - thanks, exercises "Inside the Mind", and exercises that were allocated to the "miscellaneous" group.


If you prefer cutting and composing pictures rather than painting or painting, then these projects are for you.

  1. Create a motivational collage. You can hang such a collage where you will see it every day. Fill it with images that will inspire and motivate you, this will help you continue your work and remind you why you are doing it.
  2. Create a collage mask. We all wear some kind of mask and rarely show our true selves. This project allows you to showcase what kind of masks and faces you are wearing.
  3. Create a clutter collage. Are there things that clutter up your life? In this project, you can use words and photos to show what kind of mess is in your way. This is the so-called action of the contrary - the transfer of disorder to paper so that harmony can take its place.
  4. Calming collage. Choose images that soothe and calm you and combine them into one image, create an attractive collage that can help you relax and tune in to positive thoughts.
  5. Collage picture. To complete this exercise, you will first need to create a simple, abstract painting on paper. Then, tear this picture and create another one. Think about how you felt when you had to tear the first painting apart and think about which one you like best.

Self Art Therapy Consider projects, think about who you are and how you see the world through these amazing art projects.

  1. Draw your good features. Creating a map of your good traits will help you look at yourself from the outside, see the good sides in yourself.
  2. Draw yourself as an animal. Think about what animals that arouse your interest and sympathy or feel like a kindred spirit? Draw yourself like this animal.
  3. Create a graph or journal of the "most significant moments in my life."This can be done both in a special notebook and in electronic form. This graph will reflect the history of your life, and the most important moments will be highlighted visually.
  4. Collect collage of jungle animals. Choose the animals that live in the jungle that are most interesting to you, draw them, and then think about why you chose them, what you liked about them.
  5. We sculpt the ideal of ourselves. If you could make yourself perfect, what would it look like? You can sculpt from clay, plasticine or draw.
  6. Draw different sides of yourself. In this project, you will explore different aspects of your personality by giving each one a visual. You can draw one or two, or twelve at once.
  7. Make a craft or drawing with your handprints or fingerprints. Your fingerprints are unique, just like yourself. Use ink and paint to make a unique piece of art.
  8. Draw yourself in the form of a tree. Your roots will symbolize your good qualities that give you strength, while your leaves will be what you want to change.
  9. We collect the box. In this project, you make cards describing the positive qualities you have and would like to have. Then you combine all these qualities so that you get a cube or box. You can stick them on the finished box, but it is better that these qualities form the box themselves. Inside you can put something that supports you: photos of people dear to you, reminder things that make you want to change.
  10. Drawing the most important childhood memory. What do you remember about childhood? What played an important role in your childhood and influenced your life? Think about it, draw it, and try to understand why it was so important to you.
  11. I write and illustrate stories about myself. If you could put yourself in a happy story, what role would you play and how would the story develop further? Create a book that tells "your" tales.
  12. Development of a visual autobiography. This project is a creative magazine that asks you to look back at your life and make drawings, images that will give an idea about it.
  13. Create your own coat of arms. Choose symbols that represent your strengths to build your own coat of arms. Sometimes it is very difficult to do, but do not give up, you will succeed! Some of my clients, after such a lesson, ordered such a coat of arms in the form of a seal and marked books in their home library with it.
  14. Draw a comic about the funniest moment of your life. Enjoy the moment of lightness of this exercise. This is a good anti-stress exercise.
  15. Create your own site. Website - universal way, express yourself. Build your own and make a collage or draw a window to represent you. Then, place objects inside the box (collage, window), things (or their image) that symbolize your values.

Gratitude Here you will find a collection of projects that will help you be happy and express your gratitude for it.

  1. Visualize gratitude. What are you grateful for in your life? Draw or make a collage about it.
  2. We create a family tree of power. This exercise honors those around you and those who support you. Draw such a tree, place these people on it. Save this drawing, it will remind you that there are people who support and inspire you, feel connected with them.
  3. Do something for someone else. Doing something for someone can be a great way to feel better and help others do the same.
  4. Making an art anchor. Think about what is an anchor and what does it do? Who or what is the anchor in your life holding you back? In this project, you will be making an anchor and decorating it with people and things that provide stability and strength. That is, here we will use the anchor as a positive symbol.
  5. We draw all the positive moments of your life. Every person has at least one good moment in life, think and draw what makes you happy.
  6. We sculpt our hand in plaster. Once the "sculpture" is dry (it could just be a print on plaster), write all the good things you can do directly on it.
  7. We paint stones. This project is designed to give you strength. You can do this in two ways. One option: you need to draw a stone with things that give you strength. Another option: paint a real stone. Some take a large enough stone for this and then place it in their garden or flower bed.
  8. Gratitude tree. What are you grateful for? Write about it on the leaves and attach them to the tree. It can be a tree made of clay, branches or drawn on paper.
  9. "Map of Consciousness". Often on the same day, we feel different contradictions. This method allows you to explore the dynamics of personality by visually comparing spontaneous collage and drawing. The collage will support you, reveal your inner relationships, and help identify the different parts of your psyche that are in conflict.
  10. Create a snowflake out of paper. Write about how unique you are on snowflakes that you can stick on your window at home.
  11. Build a personal "altar". This is very personal project to help connect you and your side and build resilience.

Inside the mind Look inside your mind to see what's going on in it.

  1. Art blot. Similar to the classic Rorschach test, fold paper in half draw something on one half with paint or ink and fold to make it symmetrical and describe what you see.
  2. Memory card. Make a visual representation of your thoughts to find out how your mind works. For example, draw yourself, your head, and thoughts go in waves from it in different directions. This can be a good way to remember or organize new information.
  3. Dream Catcher. Bad dreams? Create this ancient one to catch your thoughts, dreams and daydreams.
  4. Draw your dreams. You can learn a lot about your dreams, make a journal and use it for inspiration, draw, color, compose.

Miscellaneous If you have not found something that can help or calm you down, then the following projects may lead you to the right solution.

  1. Use of natural materials. Leaves, sticks, dirt, clay and others natural materials can help you connect with the world and with the deeper part of yourself.
  2. Building an archetype. This is a series of projects for building a set of archetypes, or ideals, that can help you explore how you see the world.
  3. Use your body as a canvas. Get into Body Art. You don't need paper when you have your body. Paint on your arms or legs will help you feel connected to yourself.
  4. We sculpt the figures of the spirit. Connect with ancestors or your own spiritual essence using sculpted figures. We make a frame out of wire and create a doll out of leaves or fabric or something else. The Slavs called it a doll-amulet.
  5. Art from trash. You can reuse old items that make sense to you. Or just make something beautiful out of an old package or box. Either way, you will get an idea of ​​how you can change and rethink your life.
  6. Collage with old photos. If you're not comfortable using old photos, you can make copies, but there's one thing about this project - you peer at the faces in the photo.
  7. Personal interpretation of a famous work of art. How would you draw the Mona Lisa? Use a famous work and your inspiration, create your own works. It can help you see the world in a new way.
  8. Collaboration. Your craft or drawing can turn out better if you work together with someone, find a partner and work together, chat simply, about nothing.
  9. Use different objects like a brush. Whether it's something sharp or something soft, make your own art tool and use it to express how you feel.
  10. Stained glass from pencils. Reflect on your spiritual side through this project, create your own "stained glass". Use pencil shavings or wax crayons. Melt them with an iron. The colors will mix and spread to form beautiful patterns.
  11. Let's paint the window. Make paints that you can paint on glass. There are many recipes on the Internet, for example based on soap. Draw on glass. Remember how in childhood under New Year decorated the glass windows and how much joy it brought.

I hope that from the variety of exercises presented by us you will find something to your liking!

It is an effective method for solving internal psychological problems of a person, which is based on the creative process. The main difference between art therapy and other forms of psychotherapeutic work is the use of non-verbal communication as the main way to convey information to other people.

Nevertheless, despite the importance of knowing the essence and advantages of art therapy, it is based on practical exercises, thanks to which a person finds answers to his questions, copes with internal limiting factors, and overcomes fear in himself. The forms of conducting art therapy sessions, as well as most other forms of psychotherapeutic work, are standard - individual and group therapy.

Art therapy exercises serve as a tool for exploring ideas, events and feelings, developing interpersonal relationships and skills, raising self-esteem and confidence in own forces, as well as to create a new, more successful image of himself.

If we talk about group art therapy, before starting to perform practical exercises, each of its participants must familiarize themselves with the main principles of work that must be followed under any circumstances, otherwise the exercises will not give the desired result. These are the principles:

1. Respect for the opinions and points of view of other participants.

2. Each art therapy session is confidential.

3. Each participant must listen carefully to other speakers.

4. If there is no desire to take an active part in the exercise, you can not take part in it.

5. Each of the participants in the art therapy session should be comfortable.

6. In no case should you interrupt the speaker.

The art therapy session is divided into two main parts. The first part is creative, has a non-verbal nature, does not contain a specific structure for conducting. The main means of expressing patients in the first part of the art therapy session is visual activity (sculpting, drawing). This part forms the basis of the art therapy session (from 60 to 65% of the total session time), various mechanisms of visual communication and non-verbal self-expression are used.

The second part of the session is verbal and has its own, albeit somewhat formal, structure. It follows immediately after the first, main part of the session and includes a verbal active discussion of the results of the work done. Session participants share their own impressions and feelings, express their attitude to the work process (from 30 to 35% of the total session time).

Group exercises:

1. Individual drawing. This exercise is performed by art therapy groups mainly at the beginning of an art therapy session. This is due to the fact that the “Individual Drawing” exercise allows each member of the group to get to know each other better, and also stimulates the perception of feelings and sets the person up for creative work. In addition, the implementation of this exercise does not require special training from the participants, which is very important at the stage of getting to know each other.
For the exercise “Individual drawing” you will need paper, clay or paints and colored pencils. The duration of the exercise is 60 minutes.

Process: Each member of the group is provided with enough colored pencils and paper. Next, each participant should begin to draw their feelings and sensations that arise in him at this second. At the same time, the ability of a person to draw is of secondary importance, the process itself is important. Participants simply draw strokes on paper with pencils, using colored pencils for a more vivid and memorable description of their current state.

The biggest mistake of many participants in an art therapy session is the desire to draw pictures beautifully so that they can be appreciated by other group members and the facilitator. You shouldn't do this. Improvise, draw the first thing that comes to mind. After the last member of the group finishes their drawing, they turn it in to the facilitator for further analysis and discussion. Evaluation of the drawing by group members and the presenter is not allowed.

This exercise is great for stimulating creative imagination, according to the results of the analysis of the work, each of the group members can learn important information about themselves and, of course, get to know their colleagues in the group better. In addition to colored pencils, other objects (clay, paints, colored crayons) can be used.

2. Creation of the clay world. This exercise is great for exploring relationships in a team, encouraging participants to cooperate, exploring people's values, and stimulating a person to creative work.

It is essential for the effective implementation of this exercise that the leader / leader of the group has experience in group dynamics. The duration of the exercise is from 60 to 120 minutes. The materials needed for the exercise are plasticine and clay.

Process: The leader divides all participants into groups of 6-8 people each. Each of the participants is given one large clod of clay. In order to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, we add to the work process musical accompaniment(for example, playing the flute).

Further, each participant from clay begins to “create the world”. The exercise is performed with eyes closed, participants must give free rein to their imagination, express their feelings with their fingers. When the sculpture is completed, the subgroup member places it on the table next to the sculptures of other members of his subgroup. When all the sculptures are ready, the participants open their eyes and, together with the facilitator, analyze the world they have created and its integrity. The analysis is first carried out between the members of the subgroup, and then with the participation of members of other subgroups.

3. Group drawing. The exercise is suitable for studying the influence of group members on each other, considering relationships in the group, determining the roles of each of the group members.

A prerequisite is that the leader has experience in group dynamics and art therapy. The materials needed for the exercise are colored pencils, pens and paper. The duration of the exercise is 60 minutes.

Process: Participants sit in a circle in the middle of the room. Each of the participants is given pens, colored pencils and paper, after which each participant must draw on paper something that is of particular importance to him. At the signal of the facilitator, each of the participants passes his sheet of paper to the person sitting to his left. Accordingly, each of the participants will receive a drawing from the person sitting to his right, after which the task of each participant is to supplement this drawing, to make the changes that he considers necessary. Further, at the signal of the master, the operation of transferring the drawings is repeated. The exercise ends when each participant returns to their original drawing. Participants should be aware of the feelings experienced by their colleagues when completing the drawings. At the end of the exercise there is a discussion of the results in the group.

The following exercises are intended for an individual form of art therapy:

1. Collage. Collaging allows the art therapist to assess the current psychological state of the client, to determine the most disturbing experiences. The main characteristics of collage: emphasis is placed on the positive emotional experiences of a person; gives an opportunity to express himself even to a person who does not have artistic inclinations; allows you to maximize the potential of a person; is a very effective means of working with a person.

Most often, the topic is chosen by an art therapist, based on the problems and needs of the client. The collage is made from newspapers, glossy magazines, images and photographs. Often, the collage includes personal photographs of the client and drawings made by him earlier.

Process: The client picks up scissors, paper, glue, newspapers, magazines and photographs, and begins to create a collage. The main limitation is ... the complete absence of restrictions. An absolute flight of the client's imagination. It is also not forbidden to add comments to the collage and paint over free parts of the paper.
At the end of the exercise, an analysis of the work done by the client is made.

2. Creation of clay sculptures. Thanks to this exercise, a person is able to give vent to his emotions, to express the experiences accumulated in him here and now through clay modeling. There are many variations of this exercise: making clay vessels; creation of casts of body parts and objects; creation of figurines for group compositions; creation of sculptural images; making charms and amulets from clay; creation of imprints of objects in clay.

3. Children's game. The client is invited to draw his favorite children's game on a piece of paper and come up with a name for this drawing. It would seem that there is nothing easier. However, a feature of this exercise is the need to perform a drawing with a hand that is not the main one for the client. Materials for the exercise - a sheet of paper (A3 format), crayons, gouache, watercolor. This exercise is aimed at pushing the limits of the client's skills, developing spontaneity of action in him, discovering new feelings and sensations. In addition, when performing the exercise, children's fears and experiences often emerge that were previously hidden in the client and interfered with his normal life.

After completing the drawing, the art therapist conducts an analysis of the work with the client, asking questions like: “What do you feel when looking at the drawing?”, “Why did you choose this particular game?”, “What feelings took possession of you in the process of completing the task?” etc.

A separate pillar in art therapy are exercises for working with effects. They contribute to the achievement of in-depth self-knowledge, contribute to the development of new ways of behavior in unfamiliar and non-standard situations, help a person to more easily master previously unfamiliar areas of activity. This technique of work belongs to the techniques of analyzing the deep unconscious, the subject of the work is chosen at the request of the client and the art therapist and has no restrictions. The main achievement of these exercises is their ability to actualize strong fantasies, experiences of the client, his fears and feelings.

1. Drawing on wet paper. On a pre-moistened sheet of paper, a drawing is applied using watercolor. It is desirable to use the maximum possible palette of colors. The patient watches how the colors mix with each other, feels his feelings that arise in the process of observation. Further, the patterns formed on a sheet of paper are given a name. At the end, the drawing is analyzed together with an art therapist.

2. Contrasting pattern. In one composition, the client must combine contrasting shapes, colors and styles, creating a striking pattern. The bottom line is that in the process of creating a drawing, radically change the strategy of work to the opposite, using when creating a drawing, using all known contrasts and ways to create contrasts in the process.

3. Exercise “Footprints”. It consists in creating a picture using a print of any objects that the client wishes. The client's imagination is used to the maximum. The objects can be prints of the client's body parts, accessories, clothing, etc. The place where these items will be brought from does not matter.

4. Creation of a composition on paper. Using adhesive tape, glue, scissors and paper, the client creates a three-dimensional composition. You can cut out figures from newspapers and magazines, making a story out of them. It is also possible to use candy wrappers, wrapping and toilet paper, cardboard boxes, etc. to create a composition.

5. Drawing with mixed paints. At the beginning of the exercise, the client mixes several thick paints of the shades he most likes. The main thing is to give free rein to your imagination and mix several colors, even if they are not initially suitable for each other. Subsequently, the client creates a drawing from the resulting shades.

6. Monotypes. The client creates an image on glass using thick paints, and then prints it on a sheet of paper. At the end, the results are discussed.

7. Paint blowing technique. The client applies a water-soluble paint with a high percentage of water content to a sheet of paper and blows up the resulting pattern with a straw. It is important when performing the exercise to use the maximum possible palette of colors. At the end of the task, the client makes an attempt to recognize and understand the resulting image, and the results are analyzed.

8. Ink spots. The client picks up a thin sheet of paper, drips a few drops of ink on it and folds it in half. Next, the client unfolds the paper and observes the resulting image. The results of the work are discussed with the art therapist.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands develops and improves our brain when we are at the age of a small child. When we grow up, the activation of the fine motor skills of our hands is already doing another job - not teaching, but healing ...

Even in very difficult patients, art therapy eliminates apathy and lack of initiative, leads to a stable remission, often replacing drug treatment. What can we say about the effect of art therapy on healthy people!

Art therapy long ago she left the office of a medical psychotherapist, as well as a rehabilitation doctor, and entered the broad masses of the people. It diagnoses a person’s condition, heals, and brings that deep positive “feeling of oneself”, which we call “happiness”... And all because art therapy satisfies the most important fundamental human need - the need for self-actualization... Not the secret is that many people, living outwardly quite successful lives, neglect this basic need, which causes chronic dissatisfaction with their being-in-the-world, simply makes us unhappy.

But the most striking results (visible immediately, and with the naked eye) art therapy gives when it is resorted to in a state of severe stress. Here she has no equal, among other psychotherapeutic techniques.

However, as they say, there is no need to bring ourselves to such a state when we are already rushing to do at least something with ourselves (at least art therapy!), If only we would recede: depression, panic fear, psychosomatic symptoms of neglected neurosis in our beloved body... Art therapy should be used regularly, "three years before the illness", as a constant prevention of stress.

Why? The fact is that creative activity has a unique property: it brings to the surface (a sheet of paper, for example) everything hidden that we are not aware of and that stifles us latently...

"Right hemispheric" drawing, modeling, etc. deftly bypasses the censorship of our consciousness, which usually does not let negative thoughts, genuine experiences, and in general everything related to deep unconscious processes. "Censorship of consciousness" does not pass the words but she is powerless images, before choosing color spots, before doodles...

The first and main commandment of art therapy

You must forever forget the shyness expressed by words like: "I'm not an artist" or "It's easy to confuse a cow I painted with a dog"! The task of “drawing beautifully” is not set at all and is even contraindicated. Here we are faced with a completely different task: to throw out, to draw out all the accumulated stress in order to improve our health.

The Second Commandment of Art Therapy

The drawing (or sculpture or installation) should be analyzed first by the author himself rather than a psychotherapist. If you work alone, then there is no question of a psychotherapist and his interpretations at all. Why is that? The fact is that art therapy is the so-called “insight-oriented” technique, that is, it is aimed at achieving insight. What is it? In Russian, psychologists translated the word "insight" as "AGA-Effect". This means that analyzing (that is, simply contemplating) his creation, a person myself understands something about himself and his problem, which no one, even the most experienced psychotherapist, will tell him for any money ... Moreover, it is believed that the patient, well, is almost OBLIGED to come to such an understanding himself.

This does not happen the first time and never immediately after the completion of the drawing. But it always happens. Therefore, the created "masterpiece" must be put aside and returned to it from time to time, considering from different angles and in different moods.

The third commandment of art therapy

In any case, even if you hardly understand: what and why you are doing now, even if you are still far from insight, remember that art therapy already heals by the fact, by the fact that you are doing it. You may not understand the mechanism, but after creating a drawing, it will already become easier for you. Remember this always.

What are the general art therapy exercises and recommendations?

Firstly, if aggression and other very negative, destructive emotions stifle you, you should always prefer modeling. In this case, the drawing will only annoy you, but modeling, on the contrary, will calm you down.

Secondly, always (especially at first) prefer drawing to pasting collages cut from magazines. Creating collages is the last, highest and final stage of art therapy work, when all the main “dirty work” has already been done and you can enjoy pure contemplation with a minimum of creative effort. Start with a drawing.

Thirdly, always have the widest choice of color palette - pencils, paints or felt-tip pens. However, prefer colors. Because the brush is more plastic and free. The force of pressure and the severity of the line that the pencil requires are less conducive to liberation, especially at first.

Fourth, do not use a ruler, compass and other devices to create drawings to get a more “beautiful” image. All art therapy drawings must be done by hand.

Fifth, doing art therapy, you can create "program" drawings or "who knows what." If you want to draw "program drawings", then use the traditional theme of projective tests. Projective tests are still based on universal human archetypes.

By re-creating such traditional archetypes as “house”, “tree”, “man”, you will more easily achieve insight - that is, you will find mutual language with your unconscious, you will understand the signals emanating from it.

Create the following thematic drawings:

  1. drawing of myself,
  2. Drawing of your (possibly imaginary) family,
  3. General drawing of a person
  4. Drawing "House, tree, man" (DDCH)

Art therapy exercises with flowers

  1. Choose (from a rich color palette) two colors. The first is the one that is most preferable to you at the moment. The second one is the least preferred. Draw two designs on a single sheet of paper using both of these colors.
  2. Choose from the color palette three colors that, according to your impression, will make up a beautiful harmonious composition and draw an abstract or very specific drawing with their help.
  3. Choose the colors that you think express your personality or your character and create a composition with them.
  4. Choose colors that you feel "neutralize" your negative experiences and use them in creating any drawing.

Art therapy exercises with doodles

  1. Draw an intricate tangle of lines, drawing carelessly and freely across the surface of the sheet. Try to “see” a certain image in these scribbles and develop this image already meaningfully - using the same colors (pencil) and writing a short story (commentary).
  2. Keep a "doodle diary" in a separate drawing pad. Lead it for a strictly defined period of time. (One working day, week) Follow the changes in these scribbles. After the end of the "experiment" period, write a story based on these scribbles.

Art therapy exercises with ink blots

These art therapy exercises continue and develop the idea of ​​the famous Rorschach test, only instead of analyzing ready-made standardized stimulus material, you will create your own abstractions and analyze them, which is much more interesting!

Take ink, ink, liquid diluted gouache and drop it in the middle of a thick sheet of Whatman paper. Then fold the paper in half and press the folded pieces together, smoothing them out gently. Unfolding a sheet of paper. You will see a very beautiful, symmetrical abstract pattern. Make a series of these "Rorschach spots" using different colors, and then try to describe your drawings by giving each one a name and description.

Art therapy exercises with clay, wax, dough or plasticine

  1. "Shape Your Problem"
  2. "Talk" to her, telling her everything you want,
  3. transform it (very roughly) into whatever you want

Make an imprint of your hand, foot, various objects

  1. Prepare many balls of different sizes from any plastic material
  2. Closing your eyes, mold these balls into anything

Make a group composition on a given topic in a short set period of time.

Art therapy exercise "Life-size self-portrait"

This is the only art therapy exercise you can't do alone - you'll need a partner and... a very large piece of paper.

You must lie down on this sheet so that your partner can trace you along the contour of your body.

After that, you create an "image of yourself". Finishing. You paint in such a way as to explain with your drawing: what is happening inside you, how “energy currents” flow through your body, how different parts of your body feel, what color they are ...

And in conclusion about art therapy...

Art therapy is applied to adults to solve their "adult" problems. But it will be very nice if you do it regularly and with your children - so you can track the slightest changes in their emotional state, see their deep and unconscious experiences of themselves and their place in the family.

We have listed only the bare minimum of art-therapeutic methods of self-diagnosis and self-healing. Art therapy is a fascinating world in which you have to make many independent discoveries.

Elena Nazarenko

  1. Workshop on art therapy, edited by A.I. Kopytin
  2. Projective psychology. Bellak L., Ebt L. et al.

Art therapy in work with children and adults is described separately. Types of art therapy at the link.

History of art therapy

The concept of "art therapy" arose relatively recently, which cannot be said about art - it has been at all times, it just had a different character: in ancient times it was applied, later aesthetic began to appear. Art inspires, gives hope, shifts attention from problems and calms the soul.

Psychologists and psychotherapists could not fail to notice this. Thus, a new branch of psychotherapy gradually began to appear, where, through creativity, the suffering of the mentally ill in clinics was alleviated.

Art therapy shows excellent results for the treatment of psychosomatic diseases. Through creativity, you can work out the cause that caused the disease and, in general, regulate the emotional state of the client, find internal mental resources to restore health.

Popular on the site: Art therapy in working with depression

Art therapy is also actively used in individual counseling, where a psychologist or psychotherapist acts as a facilitator, creating a safe, comfortable space and observing the client's process.

In art therapy, one must be very careful with interpretations, since, firstly, they can be inaccurate, and secondly, sometimes interpretation kills the client's process. That is, with the image or symbol that was born in the process of creativity, it is important for a person to live, spend time. Let the meaning and depth of meaning unfold themselves. Then it will be most valuable and therapeutic for the client.

In addition, art therapy methods are also used in business. This direction is not widespread, but is becoming increasingly popular. And now we can see such specializations as an art therapist in business. Increasingly, these professionals are invited to corporate events, and business owners and managers present their vision of their business using a sandbox or drawing on paper.

It is also great to use art therapy to solve non-standard problems, where the usual methods do not work. There are already books written on this topic with a description of specific techniques and many successful examples, the author of one of them is Purnis N.E.

Only important point is that people are not always ready to start work right away. In their work, art therapists often encounter resistance from clients who are not ready to immediately dive into the creative process. Someone says that he cannot draw, someone is unpleasant to touch sand or clay with his hands. It is necessary to delve into the method here as soon as you are ready. Not all people love creativity, many feel insecure and constrained with a brush in their hands or in any other method, whether it be dancing, sand or role-playing.

Art therapy differs from other psychotherapeutic methods in that it requires a variety of materials, depending on the specific method, an art therapist is not enough for just an office, but a lot of things are needed to work. Also, art therapy always develops Creative skills and activates the work of the right hemisphere. There are studies that have proven that in the process of practicing art therapy, new neural connections are developed. That is, in fact, through therapy with the arts, we become smarter, wiser, expand our consciousness and perception of reality.

Art therapy

collection of exercises and techniques

(methodical development)

Compiled by:

educational psychologist

Kataeva N.K.

ssh im. A.I. Dosova

2016-2017 academic year

The collection contains practical recommendations on the use of art therapy technologies. The selected techniques are aimed at correcting the psycho-emotional state, reducing tension and anxiety, overcoming self-doubt, eliminating fears, etc. All techniques can be used both in group and in individual forms of work.


    What is art therapy. The main goal of art - therapy.

    The range of problems in the solution of which art therapy techniques can be used.

    Advantages of the art therapy method.

    Types of art therapy.


    Training aimed at changing the collective mood through art therapy methods.

    Art therapy training on the formation of a conscious attitude to the process of self-knowledge



    Art therapy is:

    getting to know your inner self; the formation of an idea of ​​​​oneself as a person;

    creating a positive self-image;

    learning to express their feelings and emotions;

    removal of psycho-emotional stress;

    development of fine motor skills, communication skills, imaginative thinking and abilities for various types of creative activities.

So, by creating and fantasizing, you can understand your emotional experiences, understand yourself and your inner world, or you can help your child overcome shyness, dispel fears, become more sociable and open to communicate with people.

The main goal of art therapy consists in harmonizing the development of the personality through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge.

Through simple, rather reminiscent of childish pranks, exercises, one can not only diagnose state of mind any person (both an adult and a child), but also successfully deal with many nervous disorders.

Art therapy exercises contribute to the "breakthrough" of fears, complexes, clamps into consciousness.

Each exercise, removing masks and clamps, returns you to the essence, to the roots, to the heart, to the root causes.

Art therapy has the most beneficial effect on the inner psychological emotional world of a person.

    The range of problems for which art therapy techniques can be used:

    intra- and interpersonal conflicts;

    crisis states;

    existential and age crises;

  • post-stress disorders;

    neurotic disorders;

    psychosomatic disorders

    development of creativity

    development of personality integrity

    discovery of personal meanings through creativity;

    awareness and deep processing of emotions;

    release in an acceptable form of unpleasant and disturbing emotions;

    relief of pain from the past;

    discovery of new resources and opportunities in one's personality;

and other problems

    The advantages of the art therapy method are that it:

    provides an opportunity to express aggressive feelings in a socially acceptable manner: drawing, painting, modeling are in safe ways discharge voltage;

    accelerates progress in therapy: subconscious conflicts and inner experiences are more easily expressed with the help of visual images;

    allows you to work with thoughts and feelings that seem overwhelming;

    helps to strengthen relationships between participants;

    promotes a sense of internal control and order;

    develops and enhances attention to feelings;

    enhances the feeling of one's own personal value, increases artistic competence.

    Types of art therapy:

    isotherapy- drawing with colored sand, fingers on a mirror and on paper, plasticine drawing;

    color therapy- (chromotherapy) is the direction in which exposure is used colors on the psycho-emotional state of the preschooler, on his well-being .;

    fairy tale therapy is a way of correcting children's problems psychological nature. The meaning is that a fairy tale is told for the child, the hero of which is himself. At the same time, in the very narration of the tale, certain difficulties are thought out for the protagonist, with which he must certainly cope;

    Sand therapy. Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for every child. A child often cannot express his feelings, fears in words, and here sand games come to his aid. Playing the situations that excited him with the help of toy figures, creating a picture of his own world from sand, the child is freed from tension. And most importantly, he gains invaluable experience in the symbolic resolution of many life situations, because in a real fairy tale everything ends well;

    Water therapy. Water is the first and favorite object for research by all children. The first substance that a child is happy to get acquainted with is water. It gives the child pleasant sensations, develops various receptors, provides practical unlimited possibilities development cognitive activity. The value of technology lies in the fact that playing with water is one of the most enjoyable ways to learn. This makes it possible to use this technology for cognitive, speech development, enrichment of the emotional experience of the child, with difficulties with adaptation;

    Game therapy– impact on children with the use of games. The game has a strong influence on the development of the child's personality, promotes the development of communication, communication, the creation of close relationships, increases self-esteem. The game forms the arbitrary behavior of the child, his socialization;

    Music therapy- one of the methods that strengthens the health of children, gives children pleasure. Music contributes to the development of creativity, imagination. The melody is especially effective for hyperactive children, increases interest in the world around, and contributes to the development of the child's culture.

    Art therapy exercises:

Creating a picture of failure

Create from improvised material (postcards, old felt-tip pens, ribbons, candy wrappers, etc.) a complete picture of past failures, of what it is high time to throw away. Thank the created composition for the experience gained and destroy it, it is better to exemplify, for example, burn it.

composing a fairy tale

Composing a fairy tale about a hero, overcoming obstacles, receiving a well-deserved reward (subconsciously, the hero of a fairy tale has a lot in common with the author)

Draw completely abstract scribbles-doodles, which then give a description, find frightening and resourceful (helping) figures there.

With closed eyes

Drawing, modeling with closed eyes, putting in everything that "boiled"

Drawing with non-working hand.

Drawing with a non-working hand or even a foot often brings something new to the client's feelings, either past long-hidden fears are revealed, or new images appear that call to the future.

Making collages

Creation of collages of desires or on another topic given by the psychologist.

Flower exercise.

Choose (from a rich color palette) two colors. The first is the one that is most preferable to you at the moment. The second one is the least preferred. Draw two designs on a single sheet of paper using both of these colors.

    Choose from the color palette three colors that, according to your impression, will make up a beautiful harmonious composition and draw an abstract or very specific drawing with their help.

    Choose colors that you think express your personality or character and create a composition with them.

    Choose colors that you feel "neutralize" your negative experiences and use them in creating any drawing.

Doodle exercise.

    Draw an intricate tangle of lines, drawing carelessly and freely across the surface of the sheet. Try to “see” a certain image in these doodles and develop this image already meaningfully - using the same colors (pencil) and writing a short story (commentary).

    Keep a "doodle diary" in a separate drawing pad. Lead it for a strictly defined period of time. (One working day, week) Follow the changes in these scribbles. After the end of the "experiment" period, write a story based on these scribbles.

Ink blot exercise

These art therapy exercises continue and develop the idea of ​​the famous Rorschach test, only instead of analyzing ready-made standardized stimulus material, you will create your own abstractions and analyze them, which is much more interesting!
Take ink, ink, liquid diluted gouache and drop it in the middle of a thick sheet of Whatman paper. Then fold the paper in half and press the folded pieces together, smoothing them out gently. Unfold a sheet of paper. You will see a very beautiful, symmetrical abstract pattern. Make a series of these "Rorschach spots" using different colors, and then try to describe your drawings by giving each one a name and description.

Exercises with clay, wax, dough or plasticine

    "Shape Your Problem"

    "Talk" to her, telling her everything you want,

    transform it (very roughly) into whatever you want.
    Make an imprint of your hand, foot, various objects

    Prepare many balls of different sizes from any plastic material

    Closing your eyes, mold these balls into anything

Make a group composition on a given topic in a short set period of time.

Exercise "Life-size self-portrait"

This is the only art therapy exercise you can't do alone - you'll need a partner and... a very large piece of paper.
You must lie down on this sheet so that your partner can trace you along the contour of your body.
After that, you create an "image of yourself". Finishing. You paint in such a way as to explain with your drawing: what is happening inside you, how “energy currents” flow through your body, how different parts of your body feel, what color they are ...

Exercise "Masks"

Target: Self-expression, self-consciousness. Dealing with different feelings

states. Development of skills, active listening, empathy, the ability to treat each other without judgment.

On pre-prepared stencils of masks, draw the faces that

You happen, and those faces that you would like to be. Tell the story from the perspective of each mask. At the end of the work, arrange an exhibition of masks. Find masks similar to each other among all masks.

Exercise “What is a boy? What is a girl?

Target: expansion of ideas about people, social behavior of people.

The group is divided into subgroups: adults and children. Each group is given a task - to make a joint collage on the topic: “What is a boy? What

is that a girl?" At the end of the work, a joint discussion is held. At the end of the discussion, both groups come together and create a single collage on the same topic. Particular attention is paid to ensuring that the opinion of each group is taken into account when creating a single work.

Exercise "Drawing yourself"

Target: Self-disclosure, work with the image of "I".

Draw yourself in the form of a plant, an animal, schematically. Works are not signed. At the end of the task, all the works are posted on the stand, and the participants in the work try to guess which work belongs to whom. Share your feelings and impressions about the work.

Exercise "Scratching"


Graphic work on a soapy lining. The work done in this way resembles an engraving, as it is created by a line of different directions in length, smoothness and is obtained velvety due to the deepening of the scratching of the surface.

Material: a sheet of paper prepared in advance (a sheet of paper is first lathered, then covered with gouache, ink or paint), a pen with an asterisk pen.

Graphic work on a wax lining. To complete this work, you need a piece of stearin candle, watercolors, ink.

Paints make a drawing or paint over a sheet with combinations of different tones, depending on what you have in mind. Then carefully wipe with a piece of candle so that the entire plane of the sheet is covered with stearin. After that, the entire work (the entire sheet) is covered with ink. Sometimes twice. Scratch after drying.

Salt Drawings and Tooth Paint Exercise


But what if you paint with glue, and sprinkle salt on top of these areas? Then you get amazing snow pictures. They will look more impressive if they are performed on blue, blue, pink colored paper. You can create winter landscapes in another way by painting with toothpaste. Mark with a pencil light contours of trees, houses, snowdrifts. Slowly squeezing out the toothpaste, walk it along all the outlined contours. Such work must be dried and it is better not to put it in a folder along with other drawings.

Exercise "On the raw"

Target: develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, relieve emotional stress.

The drawing then, it turns out, is raw, when paint is interspersed into the background that has not yet dried and is smeared with a swab or a wide brush.

This way of drawing helps to get magnificent sunrises and sunsets. Drawing an animal, or rather its coloring, helps to achieve similarity with nature. The object is obtained, as it were, fluffy. This method of drawing was very often used in his works by the illustrator Charushin.

Exercise "Spraying"

Target: develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, relieve emotional stress.

Material: common comb, brush or toothbrush, paints.

Using this drawing method in your work, you can convey the direction of the wind - for this you need to try so that the spray falls in the same direction throughout the drawing.

Vividly express seasonal changes. So, for example, the leaves on the awn turn yellow, redden earlier than on a birch or other deciduous trees. They are yellow and green and orange. And the method of spraying will help to convey all this diversity.

Exercise "Egg Mosaic"

Target: develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, relieve emotional stress.

Once an eggshell is left on your kitchen counter, don't throw it away. Separate from films, wash, dry and interpret. In several cups, dilute the paint and put the crushed shell there. After 15 minutes, the shell is squeezed out with a fork and laid out to dry. Here is the material for the mosaic. Mark the drawing with a pencil outline and after lubricating the surface with glue, cover it with a certain color of the shell.

Exercise "Monotype"

Target: Develops creativity, fantasy.

Material: cellophane or glass (the size of a sheet of paper), any paint, pure water, paper.

The paint is splashed with spots on the glass with water and a brush, sprayed on the glass. Then a sheet of clean paper is applied and pressed with fingers. Depending on the spots, on the direction of rubbing, different images are obtained. It is impossible twice - to get the same image.

This method can be used when tinting paper for drawing meadows, landscapes, the background can be obtained in one-color and multi-colored.

Exercise "Invisible. Candle drawing»

Target: develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, relieve emotional stress.

Material: paper, candle wax, paraffin wax, watercolor or paint. Gouache is not suitable for this method of drawing, because. does not have luster. You can use ink.

First, the children draw with a candle everything that they want to depict on the sheet (or according to the topic). A magical drawing is obtained on the sheet, it is, and it is not. Then watercolor is applied to the sheet using the blur method. Depending on what you are painting, watercolor can be combined with ink.

Exercise "Pair drawing"

Time spending: 10-15 min.


Necessary materials

Progress: the group is divided into pairs, each pair is given a sheet of paper, a box of paints, pencils. Other materials can be kept on a separate table so that any child can come and grab what they need.


The negative experience of interaction in the process of pair drawing is also discussed.

Exercise "Walk in the woods"

Target: development of imagination, and knowledge of one's inner corners of the soul.

materials: paper, paints, pencils, brushes, music player, musical records.

Procedure: 1. Imagine that you are in the forest. To revive the imagination of the participants with a short verbal story: “ once upon a time Green Forest. It was not just a Green Forest, but a Singing Forest. The birches there sang gentle birch songs, the oaks sang the ancient songs of the oaks. The river sang, the spring sang, but the birds sang the loudest, of course. The tits sang blue songs, and the robins sang crimson. How wonderful it is to walk a thin ribbon of the path and, forgetting about everything, dissolve in the majestic beauty of the forest! It is as if he opens his embrace for you, and you freeze in silent surprise. Silence delights you. You stand still, as if waiting for something. But then the wind blows, and everything immediately comes to life. The trees are waking up, shedding their sunny foliage - the letters of Autumn and the Forest. You've been waiting for them for so long! Going through each sheet, in the end, you find a letter addressed only to you. What is Les thinking? What is he dreaming about? Peering into the orange veins of the Maple Letter, you can learn about everything: the Forest writes to you about Summer with the laughing sun and nightingale trills, about spring with its first flowers, cranes and flowering trees. About the sorceress-winter, which will soon come, will cover the Forest with its snowy carpet, and it will sparkle in the sun. In the meantime, the Forest lives in Autumn and rejoices at every moment, not paying attention to the fact that days and months are passing by... And Autumn is changing. She is increasingly sad and crying in the autumn rain. And how wonderful it is to sit in the forest under the Christmas tree and watch the silvery drops! The rain fills the forest with unique freshness. You are not sad at all, on the contrary, you rejoice when you suddenly see small multi-colored mushrooms that have quietly appeared under a tree. Your soul soars high to heaven. And you hide this feeling of flight deep in your heart in order to bring it to the next Autumn, or maybe to carry it through your whole life ...

2. Participants are invited to draw a memorable forest.

3. Discussion and interpretation of the drawings.

Issues for discussion:

    How are you feeling?

    What would you name your drawing?

    What is shown tell me?

    What feelings do the other participants' drawings evoke?

    Try to find in the group an image or drawing similar to yours?

Exercise "Draw circles ..."



Exercise progress

Instruction: Take a seat at one of the tables. You can change your location if you wish. You have the right to move freely around the table and work in any territory. Draw a circle of the desired size with the color you like. Then draw one or two more circles of any size and color on the sheet. Outline the drawings. Connect your circles with lines that you especially like. Imagine that you are laying roads. Fill the space of each of your circles with story drawings, icons, symbols, i.e. give them personality. Next, walk around the picture sheet, carefully examine the drawings. If you really want to finish something in the circles of other participants, try to negotiate with them. With the consent of the authors, write kind words and wishes about the drawings that you like. Be careful of space and the feelings of others! Sketch the remaining free space on the sheet with patterns, symbols, icons, etc. First of all, agree with the other participants on the content and methods of creating a background for the group drawing.

Issues for discussion:

    "How are you feeling?"

    "Tell me about your drawing?"

    “Did you complement the work of other participants?”

    What difficulties did you encounter along the way? and etc.

Exercise "The Tale of the Butterfly of Dreams"

Target: actualization of the emotional and cognitive component of the experience of dreams, the study of "night fears", the search for an internal resource.

Materials and equipment: a sheet of A4 paper, felt-tip pens; materials for making a collage: newspapers, magazines, postcards, paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, PVA glue, scissors, a silhouette image of a butterfly, a music player, music records.


1. The psychologist demonstrates a variety of materials for making a collage. Psychologist. To complete the next task, we need to draw a butterfly. (The following text is for an adult: the symbolic meaning of the butterfly can be explained for further work).

A butterfly in many cultures is a symbol of the soul, immortality, rebirth and resurrection, since this winged celestial creature is born from an ordinary caterpillar. Among the Celts, she personifies the soul and fire, among the Chinese - immortality, leisure in abundance and joy. Sleep was also considered a kind of short-term death, when the soul leaves its bodily shell every night and goes on a kind of journey. Butterflies help the soul "return" to its body. And on their wings they carry memories of the journey of the soul.

2. Participants can be asked to close their eyes. To meditative music, the psychologist tells a fairy tale.

In one magical land, dream butterflies live in a huge flower meadow. During the day, they most often sleep, cozying up in flower buds. But with the onset of night, the butterflies wake up and scatter around the world. Each butterfly hurries to visit its person - a child or an adult.

The dream butterfly has amazing wings. One wing of a butterfly is light. It smells of flowers, summer rain and sweets. This wing is covered with multi-colored dust particles of good and cheerful dreams, and if a butterfly waves this wing over a person, then he will have good and pleasant dreams all night long.

But the butterfly has another, dark wing. It smells like a swamp and is covered with black dust of terrible and sad dreams. If a butterfly waves a dark wing over a person, then at night he will have an unpleasant or sad dream.

The butterfly of dreams gives each person both good and terrible dreams.

Try to remember your most pleasant dreams (pause), and now your worst dreams. Open your eyes.

3. Making a collage.

Take a sheet with a drawn butterfly silhouette. With the help of colored pencils, paints, any other means (cuttings from newspapers, magazines) on one wing, try to reflect the content of your bad dream, and on the other wing - the content pleasant dreams. In color, express your emotional attitude to your dreams. Draw the butterfly's face.

4. After making the collage the client presents his work. Further interaction between the psychologist and the client is carried out taking into account the tasks of correction or counseling, as well as the intellectual and reflective capabilities of the client.

Issues for discussion:

    What are your feelings and experiences during the exercise?

    Did you feel a sense of belonging to the group, security?

    Did you like the exercise, was there a feeling of comfort?

Exercise "Spontaneous drawing"

Target: to give children the opportunity to realize their real experiences, to react their feelings towards the teacher.

Exercise progress: After reading the fairy tale, children are invited to draw a picture - whoever wants what. The facilitator helps the group members to realize their real experiences, to reveal their perspectives in the process of discussing the drawings. Children are asked questions for understanding and clarification. What did you draw? What is it? What did you like and dislike about the story? What part of the story is most memorable? Was it difficult or easy to draw? Note: drawings are not interpreted, compared, the results of the drawings are not summed up.

Exercise "My planet"

Target: develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, relieve emotional stress.

Instruction:“Close your eyes and imagine a planet in space. What planet? Who inhabits this planet? Is it easy to get to it? By what laws do they live on it? What are the residents doing? What is your planet's name? Draw this planet

Children make drawings, after which a discussion of the work is held.

The game "Two with one chalk"

Target: the development of cooperation, the establishment of a psychological climate in the group.

Equipment: sheet A4, pencils.

Game progress: Break into pairs and sit at the table next to your partner. Now you are one team that must paint a picture. You are given only one pencil. You must take turns drawing one picture, passing each other a pencil. There is a rule in this game - you can not talk while drawing. You have 5 minutes to draw.

    What did you draw while working in pairs?

    Was it difficult for you to draw silently?

    Have you come to a consensus with your partner?

    Was it difficult for you because the image was constantly changing?

Exercise "Drawing on crumpled paper"

Target: develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, relieve emotional stress.

Use crumpled paper as the basis for your drawing. First crush it well and tune in to work. At the same time, you can draw with paints or pencils (chalk), you can cut off the edges of the picture, making it in the form of an oval, circle, etc.

Exercise "Inkblots and Butterflies"

Target: develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, relieve emotional stress.

Drop ink on thin paper and fold the sheet into a tube or fold it in half, unfold the sheet and transform the image you see. Discuss the results of the work in the group, find the images of other participants that you like the most.

Exercise "Drawing with charcoal crayons"

Target: develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, relieve emotional stress.

To create an image, use charcoal crayons, using all the possibilities of this pictorial material. You can use large paper sizes for your work. Use charcoal along with colored pencils or wax crayons. Discuss the sensations and feelings that arise during the work and its results.

Technique "Doodle"

Target: develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, relieve emotional stress. Freely drawing on a sheet of paper with a pencil, draw scribbles without any purpose and intention and give to a partner who will have to create an image from them and develop it.


    then exchange transformed doodles with your partner and try to continue the drawing without disturbing what he has drawn, then discuss together your associations related to each other's drawings;

    after completing the drawing, write a story based on the scribbles;

    express in words your feelings and associations that arose when perceiving your partner's scribbles;

    sweeping movements various parts body, create scribbles on a large sheet (whatman paper, the back of the wallpaper), you can close your eyes. After completion, find the image in the image and develop it.

Exercise "Drawing a mood"

Target: The development of empathy.

Material: Paints, paper.

Holding: We draw different moods with paints (sad, cheerful, joyful, etc.). We discuss with the children what the mood depends on, what a person looks like when he is in a good mood, sad, etc.

Exercise "Rainbow"

Target: The development of the emotional world. Development of communication skills.

Material: Whatman paper, paints, brushes.

Holding: The children are told about the sequence of the colors of the rainbow. On a large sheet of drawing paper, they take turns each drawing one strip of a rainbow. When all the children draw on the strip, the drawing can be decorated with flowers, trees, birds, etc.

Exercise "Group drawing in a circle"

Target: The development of empathy, a friendly attitude towards each other.

Material: Paper, pencils.

Holding: On a piece of paper, you need to draw a simple picture or just color spots, and then pass the baton to the next participant to continue the drawing. As a result, each drawing returns to its first author. After completing this task, the initial plan is discussed. Participants talk about their feelings. Collective drawings can be attached to the wall: a kind of exhibition is created, which for some time will remind the group of collective work in a “foreign space”.

This technique can cause aggressive feelings, resentment. Therefore, the psychologist should warn the participants about the careful attitude to each other's work.

Exercise "Drawing to music"

Target: Removal of emotional stress.

Material: Watercolor or gouache paints, wide brushes, paper, Vivaldi's audio cassette "The Seasons".

Holding: Drawing to the music of Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" with large strokes.

    Summer - red strokes (berries)

    Autumn - yellow and orange (leaves)

    Winter - blue (snow)

    Spring - green (leaves)

Exercise "Magic colors"

Target: develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, relieve emotional stress.

Now we will create Magic colors. Here is your tray with all the necessary things (flour in cups, gouache, salt, sunflower oil, water, PVA glue.) Pick up a glass of flour, stir it with your hands. What does she feel like? Give her a piece of your warmth, and she will become warmer. Now add salt and mix everything with your fingers. Now let's add oil. Then we add water to make a real magic paint. To make our paintings durable, add PVA glue. Now almost everything is ready. It remains for us to give our paint a color. Choose a gouache color that you like and add a little to the paint. Well done, you made a real magic paint. These are paints for everyone, let's put them in the center of the table. Now we will try our magic colors and draw a magical land. Children are offered cardboard of different colors, calm music is turned on and children draw with their hands. Finished works are laid out in free places, organizing an exhibition, at this time the music continues to play.


What did you feel when you did the work? What do you feel now?

Exercise "The story of the life of flowers"

Target: development of sensory abilities; development of the imagination.
Age: preschool; junior school.

Materials: A4 paper; watercolor paints; brushes; photos of sky, sun, sea, flowers, trees.

Description of the exercise:

“Today I will tell you one interesting story from the life of flowers. But first, let's remember with you what colors are. I will name the first one, and you will continue, agreed? So red...

Once the different colors have been named, start telling the story.

“Once upon a time there were two colors: Yellow and Blue. They did not know each other, and each considered himself the most necessary, the most beautiful, the very best color! But somehow they met by chance ... Oh, what started then! Everyone desperately tried to prove that he was the best!

Yellow said:

- Look at me! Look how bright and radiant I am! I am the color of the sun! I am the color of sand on a summer day! I am the color that brings joy and warmth!
Blue replied:

- So what! And I'm the color of the sky! I am the color of the seas and oceans! I am the color that brings peace!

- Not! Anyway, I'm the best! Yellow argued.

- No, I'm the best! Blue didn't give up.
And so they argued and argued ... They argued and argued ...

Until the passing wind heard them! Then he blew! Everything around was spinning, mixed up! These two debaters also mixed up ... Yellow and Blue ....

And when the wind died down, Yellow and Blue saw another color next to them - Green! And he looked at them and smiled. - Friends! he turned to them. - Look, thanks to you I appeared! Meadow color! Tree color! This is a real miracle!

Yellow and Blue thought for a moment and then smiled back.
- Yes, you are right! It's really a miracle! And we won't fight anymore! After all, everyone is really beautiful and necessary in their own way! And there is sky and sun, seas and meadows, joy and peace! Thanks to all of us, the world becomes bright, interesting and colorful!
And holding hands, the three of them laughed merrily! So they got better!”

After that, invite the child to create a miracle together. To do this, take one landscape sheet, paints and two brushes. Ask the child: what color would you like to paint now - yellow or blue? After he chooses a color, say:

"Excellent! You have chosen your color and you will paint with it. And I will paint with the color that remains. And together with you we will create a miracle! Do you remember how the miracle happened in the story I told you? Yes, that's right, there are two colors mixed with each other: yellow and blue. And it turned out green! So now we will try to do it with you!

To do this, you start drawing with your color from one edge of the sheet, and slowly move towards the middle. And I will draw from the other side. And when we meet, then a miracle will turn out!

When the “miracle” happened and the color turned green:

Ask the child how many flowers are now on a piece of paper;

Ask: why did yellow and Blue colour;

Why then did they decide not to quarrel anymore;

Say again what needed to be done to get the green color;

Suggest experimenting with mixing other colors;

Draw a big picture that would include all the colors you found. Give her a name. Notice how great it really is that our world is so colorful and everything is good in its own way. How important it is to live together.

Note: It will be especially good if, when telling a story, you will also show the child photographs or pictures of the corresponding subject. For example, when there is a dispute between yellow and blue, then show the child photos of the sky, sun, sand, sea, etc. When green appears, show the meadows, various plants. And at the end of the story, show a photo in which the child could see how all these colors are combined with each other.

Exercise "Map of my inner world"

Target: the formation of self-image; awareness and expression of their feelings; emotional rapprochement between the child and parents.
Age: older children up to school age .

Materials: paper of different sizes; paints, brushes;
a set of pencils / felt-tip pens / crayons; various geographical maps.

Description of the exercise: Show your child different maps.

“There are various geographical maps in front of you. As you can see, they can tell us about how the continents, oceans, seas, mountains are located; about the features of nature; about the structure and development of cities; about different peoples. The map reflects everything that people could discover and study. Although once our Earth was completely unknown, people knew little about what surrounds them.
But all this is the outer world. And there is another world. The world is internal. Each person has his own - amazing, unique, and somewhere unknown.
So let's create maps of our inner world with you. They will be similar to the cards that we looked at today, only all the names on them will be special for us. For example, "ocean of love", or "mountain of courage". Let us first denote what we have already discovered in ourselves, we know. And leave room for our further discoveries"

When the cards are ready, arrange “tours” on them for each other.

When viewing, pay attention to:

What prevails on your cards: what feelings, states, colors;
- what was chosen "route" of advancement on the map, from what place the journey began and where it ended;

What areas were left for further discoveries; what kind of discoveries would you like to make;

Ask the child what was the most difficult for him to portray, and also share your difficulties, if any.

At the end of the tour, ask if everything turned out as planned? Would you like to change something? What did you like most about your map, and the map of another? How are your cards similar and how are they different?

Note: Try to keep working with the cards in the following days. Let them remain in sight for this, so that you can always add something, change something. It will be good if you periodically again conduct “excursions” for each other and pay attention to what has changed in the perception of the map.

An exercise "Envelopes joy and grief"

Goals: development of skills to openly express one's feelings in relation to various life situations, stress relief, emotional rapprochement between the child and parents.

Age: senior preschool;

Materials: postal envelopes, paper of various formats; color/white cardboard; paints, a set of pencils / felt-tip pens / crayons; scissors, glue.

Description of the exercise:

“In a whole day, a lot of different events have time to happen - something amuses us, something surprises us, something makes us happy, and something makes us sad. Let's make envelopes with you in which we can collect everything that was remembered for the day. In one of them we will collect our joys, and in the other we will hide sorrows.

Now invite your child to make envelopes. To do this, you can use both ordinary postal envelopes (which you can then paint, make some kind of application on them), or make them yourself. To do this, you can come up with your own form, choose the material itself (album sheets, white / colored cardboard, foil, etc.)
When the envelope of joy and the envelope of sorrows are ready, start filling them out.
Take small pieces of paper and ask the child to write on them, or draw what made him happy and what upset him. And distribute it to the appropriate envelopes.
Then invite him to use his hands to represent the scales.

Let him put one envelope on right palm, and the other on the left. How does he think he outweighs? Joy? Great, tell me that tomorrow, when we fill out our envelopes again, there will probably be even more of it! Outweigh the grief? Say that, of course, it's sad. But after all, we put them in an envelope, they are no longer in you - but in this envelope. This means they have lost control over you. And tomorrow we will continue to fill out our envelopes again, and we'll see who outweighs!

In the process of filling out the envelopes, you can periodically review their contents with the child, discuss something, remove or add. Let the child decide for himself how long he will “lead” such envelopes. When he wants to stop, do a "full revision" of the content. Then offer to store the envelope with the accumulated joys in a safe place, so that there would always be an opportunity to review it if it suddenly becomes sad. But with an envelope of grief, offer to “deal with it”. Let the child come up with a way how grief will leave his life forever (say, the envelope can be torn and trampled; you can cut it or put it in water and wait until it gets wet, etc.)

Activity "Our Family Poster"

Target: emotional rapprochement of family members, the assimilation of family values.

Age: preschool, school.

Materials: paper of different sizes; color/white cardboard; paints, a set of pencils / felt-tip pens / crayons; various envelopes, scissors, glue.
Description of the exercise:

A3 paper or a Whatman sheet is best for making a poster. Together with your child, come up with a greeting that you write on the poster, think over the design. You may want to decorate the poster with your family photos, or maybe you can draw something together.

Each family has its own traditions, its own rhythm, its own atmosphere. Try to come up with pockets that will characterize exactly your family, so that you can feel the “zest”.

Note: try to fill these pockets with all members of your family. Thanks to this, the child will be able to quickly understand and assimilate family values, and most importantly - to feel the cohesion of your family.

Exercise "My emblem"

Target: the formation of self-image; awareness of their interests, aspirations; the formation of self-esteem; emotional rapprochement between the child and parents.

Age: before school age.

Materials: paper of different sizes; color/white cardboard; paints;
a set of pencils / felt-tip pens / crayons; scissors, glue, plasticine; images of various emblems; family photos.

Description of the exercise: Show the child various emblems, look at them.

“As you can see, an emblem is a distinctive sign that depicts something that symbolizes some idea, person, objects.
What does symbolize you? What subjects most clearly reflect your lifestyle, interests, plans?

Try to create your own logo"

After making the emblem:

Review it with your child;

Let him tell why he depicted these particular objects;

Did he like the way he embodied his plan?

Note: You can also invite your child to create the coat of arms of your family. This task is best done together with him. Tell us about the history of your family, if you have photos, show them. Ask what he would like to depict on the coat of arms, and share your ideas. Try to find the general solution that would most fully reflect your vision of the coat of arms with him.

Exercise "Flower" Target:develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, relieve emotional stress. Materials:paper, brushes, paints, pencils, markers. Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful flower. What does he look like? How does he smell? Where does it grow? What surrounds him? Now open your eyes and try to portray everything that you imagined. What is the mood of your flower? Let's make up a story about him. Notes: it is important to finish the exercise on positive attitude if the child made up a sad story or at his flower Bad mood, then you can suggest changing the picture or story so that the mood becomes good. Paint Blowing Technique

Target: develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, relieve emotional stress.

Apply water-soluble paint with plenty of water to a sheet of paper, use various combinations of colors, at the very end of the work, inflate color spots through a thin tube, forming droplets, splashes and mixing colors into fancy scribbles and blots; try to see the image and develop it.

The resulting image is always different from what was shown on the original form. It may be less clear than the original, more vague, the boundaries between different colors may be erased. The intricate patterns that appear on the printed material are random and cannot be reproduced exactly by the author. In the process of doing the work, spontaneous self-expression, actualization of feelings and emotions, stress relief, development of variability of thinking, perception, and creativity occur. The child is asked which of the images he likes best, the chosen option receives the name and attention of the author, adult, and other children.

Technique "Drawing in a ball"

This technique can be used to increase the self-esteem of children with the symptom "I can not draw", the development of creativity, diagnosis.

In the course of work, the psychologist must unwind a ball of thread and show the children how to create patterns or paintings on the floor or table. Then each child takes the ball in turn and, unwinding it, creates a composition, after which a discussion is held.

Issues for discussion:

What letters do you see here;

What figures do you see here;

Can you make out any numbers here;

What dish is shown here;

What do these lines remind you of: people, landscapes, some events.

On an individual basis, this technique can be used with aggressive, hyperactive, easily distracted, and withdrawn children.

Technique "Nitkography"

If a thread (30–50 cm) is dipped into the paint, then laid out on a sheet at its own discretion, leaving only the tip outside the sheet, and then covered with another sheet on top, and pressing it down with your hand, pull the thread out of the space between the sheets, then on both adjacent to the painted surface threads will leave unusual imprints.

History Drawing Technique

The objectives of this technique are diagnostics, correction of inadequate behavior patterns, resolution of internal conflicts, removal of emotional stress.

In the course of work, the child is invited to draw an illustration for a story. Then the psychologist conducts a discussion with the child.

If the plot proposed by the child is problematic, he is invited to draw a picture on the topic, for example, “If this story continued, then how would events develop?” or “What would you change about this story for the better?” etc.

The following drawings are created on the principle of comics until the problem situation is resolved. After each drawing, the teacher leads a discussion.

Technique "Drawing in a circle"

This technique is used in group work, contributes to group cohesion, involvement in the process of even the most inactive participants, the development of creativity, and self-esteem.

Progress: The guys are seated in a circle, each with a pencil and a sheet of paper prepared in advance. A vertical sheet is divided into 3 parts, and then 1 and 3 parts are wrapped inside, like an envelope.

The following is the instruction:“Now we will create a fantastic creature together. The first person draws the head, passes the sheet to another participant, and he draws the body without looking at the head. The sheet is then given to a third person who draws the legs. The next one unfolds the sheet, comes up with a name for the creature and a little story about it.”

Technique "Doodle or Hatching"

Tasks solved during the implementation of this technique: development of imagination, fantasies, work with the “I can’t draw” syndrome, group rallying, relieving emotional stress. Hatching and scribbles help stir up the child, make you feel the pressure of a chalk or pencil, and can be used at the beginning of a lesson. The execution process itself takes place in a certain rhythm, which has a beneficial effect on emotional sphere child. Each child has his own, dictated by the psycho-physiological rhythms of the body. Rhythm is present in all life cycles, including the daily routine, the alternation of tension and relaxation, work and rest, etc. Rhythm creates a mood for activity, tones the child.

In the course of work, children are invited to freely drive a pencil or crayons on a sheet of paper without a goal. Paints are not used. Lines can look illegible, careless, inept, or, conversely, clear and precise. They can be straight, curved, broken, rounded, spiral, have the form of checkmarks, dotted lines. The result is a complex "tangle" of lines, in which you can see any image or abstraction. The resulting image can be developed, supplemented, completed, and you can also express your feelings and associations in connection with this image, compose a story about it, etc.

A variation of shading is the “frottage” method, when the surface of the sheet is shaded, under which a flat object or a prepared silhouette is placed (for sure, everyone tried to “show” a coin in this way).

Technique "Plasticine composition"

Plasticine can create various images. This is a time-consuming technique that requires perseverance and long-term concentration of attention from the child. It is good to use this technique with hyperactive children.

Tasks to be solved in the course of the work: development of sensory-perceptual sphere, development of imagination, originality of thinking, creative self-expression.

In the course of work, children are given a piece of cardboard and plasticine each. The child can take a piece of plasticine of the proposed or favorite color and knead it in his hands so that it becomes soft. Then the plasticine is applied with fingers on the cardboard, as if smeared. After that, the guys can be offered a set of cereals, pasta, watermelon and pumpkin seeds or any other small items. By pressing them into the plasticine base, the children thereby create a free composition or a given theme.

Then you can come up with a name for the craft, a fairy tale story for it, and make an exhibition.

Technique "Mandala"

The word mandala is of Sanskrit origin and means "magic circle". Mandala is a mirror, an imprint of life here and now. The basis is a drawing in a circle. The circle is a symbol of the planet Earth, as well as a symbol of the protection of the mother's womb. Thus, when creating a circle, a boundary is drawn that protects the physical and psychological space. Anyone can color this circle. Coloring templates can be found everywhere on the Internet and printed on a printer. You can create the base yourself - for this you need to circle a plate on paper, for example.

Spontaneous work with color and shape inside the circle contributes to a change in the state of consciousness of the child, calms and balances, opens up the possibility for spiritual growth, the development of creative abilities.

Technique "Draw emotions"

The main objective of this technique is to study various emotional states child (sadness, anger, fear, joy, sadness, etc.)

At the beginning of work, ask the child to choose a color that matches his mood and depict it on a sheet (leave a trace). It can be a blot, straight or broken lines, various strokes, etc. Questions for reflection: How can this condition be called? What does it look like? This work can be done in the form of unrelated lines, strokes, symbols, or it can be combined into a whole picture.

In another version, a silhouette of a person is drawn. Invite the child to remember any event in his life (joyful, happy, sad, sad, etc.). Next, ask the child what he experienced at the same time, what emotions, in what part of the body, what color can these emotions be painted with? Then offer to paint over or shade the location of the emotion on the person's silhouette with the appropriate color. When the work is completed, invite the child to look at his emotion from the outside, what he feels at the same time, what he would like to do with the image of this emotion: draw, redraw, tear, crumple, burn, etc. After completing all the desired actions with the drawing, thank the child for the work.

Technique "Drawing with fingers"

Finger painting is a permitted mud game in which destructive impulses and actions are expressed in a socially accepted form. The child, imperceptibly for himself, may dare to do actions that he usually does not do, because he is afraid, does not want, or does not consider it possible to break the rules. The very process of drawing with fingers is often not indifferent to the child, and each subsequent drawing is not like the previous one. Every time it happens in a new way: a different color is chosen, the ratio of lines, tempo, rhythm, etc. Therefore, the result of manipulations with paint can be unpredictable: it is not known what image will turn out in the end. But not all children, on their own initiative, switch to finger painting. Some, having tried this method, return back to the brush or sponge, as to the more familiar means of image. Some kids find it hard to get started with finger painting. As a rule, these are children with rigid social attitudes of behavior, focused on early cognitive development, as well as those in which parents see "little adults" from whom they expect mature behavior, restraint, reasonableness of opinions. It is for these children that “playing with mud” serves as a prevention and correction of anxiety, social fears, and depression.

Technique "Drawing on water"

Aqua painting (ebru) is a technique of drawing on the surface of water. Ebru uses only natural materials. The drawing is applied with paints that do not dissolve in water, but remain on the surface. Then the paints are mixed with each other with a brush (or a special stick) and form bizarre and unique patterns. Next, paper or cloth is applied to the drawing, carefully removed and dried. And the drawing is ready. Children perceive the process of drawing on water as real magic. When their creation is printed on paper, leaving the water crystal clear, children's delight is indescribable! Watercolor painting helps not only to develop children's fantasy and imagination, but also has an amazing calming effect.

However, it should be borne in mind that water activities require special paints that cannot always be found and bought. Therefore, this technique can be replaced by drawing on glass.

Technique "Drawing on glass"

Water is able to absorb negative energy and positively affect the child's psyche. Water games fascinate every child and provide an opportunity to emotionally discharge and gain new experiences.

Before offering glass to a child, it is necessary to process its edge in order to comply with safety regulations. Unlike drawing on paper, glass gives new visual impressions and tactile sensations. The children are captivated by the drawing process itself: gouache (it is its properties that are best suited for drawing on glass) glides softly, it can be smeared with a brush and fingers, as it does not absorb into the surface material and does not dry out for a long time.

It is better to draw on glass of large sizes, for example, 25x40cm or 40x70cm - they have where to turn around. Right in the process of drawing, the glass can be washed with a wet sponge, applied new drawing, rinse again. This is what reactive and anxious children do. It often happens that someone pours a lot of water on the glass, moves it from side to side, collects it with a sponge, mixes it with paint, etc. This manner is typical for children of preschool and primary school age who have problems of an affective-personal plan. The space of the child's activity expands due to the flow of water outside the glass. In addition, the consistency of water is significantly different from paint. Less density and fluidity increase the speed of manipulation, remove static and specific images. Due to the fact that the paint is not absorbed, no matter how many multi-colored layers are applied, under them it will always shine through transparent base. Thanks to these properties, the image on glass is perceived as momentary, temporary, devoid of monumentality and constancy. Only basting, game, you can not be responsible for the result, since there is no result. It is as if the child does not draw, but trains to draw, and, accordingly, has the right to make mistakes and corrections, without painful worries about what has already been done, which cannot be changed. The described technique is used to prevent and correct anxiety, social fears and fears associated with the result of the activity (“I'm afraid to make a mistake”). Suitable for restrained children, as it provokes activity. It reveals children, "crushed and stuffed" with the comments of teachers and parents, academic failures, workload, exorbitant demands. Joint drawing on the same glass as a problematic situation provokes children to establish and maintain contacts, to form the ability to act in conflict, to concede or defend positions, to negotiate.


aimed at changing the collective mood through art therapy methods

The collective mood is the emotional reactions of the collective to the phenomena of the objective world, occurring in a certain period of time. It has great contagiousness, impulsive power and dynamism. The phenomenon under consideration mobilizes or restrains the collective consciousness, determines the nature of the general opinion and interpersonal relations. Consequently, the mood of the team is interrelated emotional reactions and experiences that have a certain color, are characterized by greater or lesser intensity and tension. The degree of readiness of group members for certain actions depends on them.

Purpose of the training: changing the collective mood, through group interaction; create a good psychological climate through cooperation and mutual assistance within the group. Increasing the tone of the group.

materials: balloon, paints, brushes, pencils, crayons, paper, water cups, colored paper, magazines, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens, markers.

1. Exercise "Ball" (7-10 min)

Target: Warming up, inclusion of all participants in the work. Increasing the tone of the group. Materials: balloon.

Instruction: All participants stand in a circle. Psychologist: “Today in class we will play with balloons. I propose to start with this balloon, - the leader holds one balloon in his hands. - Now we will pass it in a circle, but on one condition: you can do this using only your elbows (squeezing the ball with your elbows), you can’t help with brushes. So, we started. The second round the ball is passed only with the feet (squeezing the ball with the knees). Third circle: the ball is passed with the help of the head (the ball is pressed with the head to the shoulder).

2. Exercise "Associations" (10-15 min)

Target: The exercise enhances the feeling of the group, the inclusion of all participants in the work, creates a positive emotional mood.

Necessary materials: paints, brushes, pencils, crayons, paper, water cups, colored paper, magazines, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens, markers.

Progress: Exercise "Associations". The group is divided into pairs. Each participant on a sheet of paper draws associations on his partner (if he were a color, object, animal, musical direction, then what?). 10 minutes are allotted for this work. When the associations are ready, you can use them to introduce your partner. To compile an associative series, you can use ready-made images by cutting them out of a magazine and sticking them on paper.

3. Exercise "Pair drawing" (10-15 min)

Goals: development of self-regulation, arbitrariness of behavior, ability to work according to the rules, development of the ability of constructive interaction. The technique is carried out in pairs.

Necessary materials: paints, brushes, pencils, crayons, paper, water cups, colored paper, magazines, scissors, glue, felt-tip pens, markers. Work progress: the group is divided into pairs, each pair is given a sheet of paper, a box of paints, pencils. Other materials can be kept on a separate table so that any child can come and grab what they need.

Instruction: “Now we will draw in pairs. Two people draw some kind of single composition or image on one sheet of paper. At the same time, there is very important condition: you can’t agree in advance what kind of drawing it will be, you can’t talk in the process of work. In addition to paints and pencils, it is allowed to supplement the image with colored paper, use ready-made images from magazines, cutting and pasting them in addition to the composition. We start on the signal."

After the drawings are ready, a discussion and exhibition of works is held. You can choose the most harmonious, the most unusual or the most conflicting work and ask questions to the authors, what helped them, how they acted, how they agreed on a non-verbal level, what exactly they would draw, etc.

The negative experience of interaction in the process of pair drawing is also discussed.

4. Exercise "Line" (5-10 min.)

Target: team building. The exercise allows you to become aware of non-verbal means of establishing contact, to test them in the safe conditions of a group, to test your ability to establish contact in various situations, to understand that when establishing contact there are no universal means and rules, and first of all, you need to focus on the person with whom you interact.

Exercise progress: participants are lined up according to: growth; hair color; alphabet of names; leg size; zodiac sign, etc.

Instruction: “Now you have to line up in a row according to the color of your eyes, from the lightest to the darkest. When building, it is forbidden to talk. So let's get started." You have 2 minutes to build. Then it is proposed to line up according to the color of the hair, from the lightest to the darkest. The conditions are the same. The last task is the most difficult: line up in height with your eyes closed, without talking.

Issues for discussion:

    What do you feel now?

    What did you like the most?

    Was it difficult for you to do the exercise?

5. Exercise "Draw circles ..." (35-45 min.)

For this technique, the circle was chosen as a mythological symbol of harmonies. It is believed that the circle, due to the absence of sharp corners, is the most “friendly” of all geometric shapes, meaning approval, friendship, sympathy, gentleness, sensuality. Working in a circle activates integrative, emotional, intuitive (right hemisphere) thinking, and also unites, stabilizes the group, and contributes to the formation of favorable interpersonal relationships. Even small children, according to S. Rais, prefer circles to all other figures. This seems to be due to the simplicity round shape. The artist, as E. Bülow noted in the article “And here is a sign for you ...”, immersed in the process of depicting a wide variety of symbols, fills the entire surface of the sheet to the very edge, as if opening them for himself. Many sheets, dotted with circles, sometimes larger, sometimes smaller, touching or intersecting with each other, and sometimes included in one another, raise the question of the significance of the circle as a symbol. Usually, drawn circles are far from perfect in terms of geometry. However, they are self-sufficient entities, for the designation of which it is difficult to find words. In the mind, only ideas about a certain form arise, the aesthetic merits of which hold attention.

Target: development of spontaneity, reflection; helps clarify personality traits, values, claims, the nature of the problems of each participant, his position in the group; reveals interpersonal and group relationships, their dynamics, has the potential for the formation of group cohesion.

materials: Two rolls (one for each table) of thick paper. A variety of visual materials and tools in sufficient quantities: pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, gouache, brushes, jars of water, eraser, adhesive tape.

Exercise progress: The group sits around the table, they are offered whatman paper, simple pencils, paints, brushes, glossy magazines and glue. Each of the participants draws a circle figure, and can also draw other people's drawings, write wishes to each other. At the end of the work, the participants share their impressions about joint work, shows his own drawings, talks about the idea, plot, feelings, reads out loud, if desired good wishes that other members wrote to him.

Instruction: Take a seat at one of the tables. You can change your location if you wish. You have the right to move freely around the table and work in any territory. Draw a circle of the desired size with the color you like. Then draw one or two more circles of any size and color on the sheet. Outline the drawings. Connect your circles with lines that you especially like. Imagine that you are laying roads. Fill the space of each of your circles with story drawings, icons, symbols, i.e. give them personality. Next, walk around the picture sheet, carefully examine the drawings. If you really want to finish something in the circles of other participants, try to negotiate with them. With the consent of the authors, write kind words and wishes about the drawings that you like. Be careful of space and the feelings of others! Sketch the remaining free space on the sheet with patterns, symbols, icons, etc. First of all, agree with other participants on the content and methods for creating a background for the group drawing

Art therapy training on the formation of a conscious attitude to the process of self-knowledge

Self-knowledge is the study by a person of his own mental and physical characteristics, understanding himself. It begins in infancy and continues throughout life. It is formed gradually as the reflection of both the external world and the knowledge of oneself.

The main ways of self-knowledge include:

    analysis own activities and behavior based on comparison with other people;

    self-observation, it can be both external, with the help of video and audio recording tools, and internal - observation of one's thoughts, feelings, reactions to certain events;

    self-report (internal report to oneself).

The process of self-knowledge is closely connected with the self-reflection of the subject, which contributes to the expansion of the self-consciousness of the individual and the development of social-perceptual intelligence. Social psychology, exploring the problem of communication and interpersonal perception, widely uses the concept of "self-reflection". Self-reflection is present in interpersonal communication and perception. In social psychology, self-reflection is understood as an individual's awareness of how he is perceived by a communication partner. This is no longer just knowledge or understanding of the other, but knowledge of how the other person understands his partner, a kind of process of mirror mutual reflection of each other, a deep consistent reflection, the content of which is the reconstruction of the inner world of the communication partner, and in this inner world, in turn, displays the inner world of the first

Group principles:

    address each other with "you" and by name (without regard to status);

    be responsible for your words and actions;

    "here and now";

    everything that is done in the group is done on a voluntary basis;

    accept yourself and others for who they are.

At the same time, the assessment of one's own qualities occurs independently on the basis of the information received in the group.

Target: formation of a conscious attitude to the process of self-knowledge, motivation for further self-reflection.


    formation of a conscious attitude to the process of self-knowledge;

    awareness of their behavioral patterns;

    development of spontaneity and involuntariness in behavioral patterns;

    development of self-reflection.

Stages of work:

I. Stage - warming up:

Target: performing non-verbal and psycho-gymnastic exercises that promote self-knowledge, self-expression and rapprochement of group members.

materials: musical accompaniment.

Exercise "Awakening"

Target: analysis and introspection of one's own sensations, emotions and feelings.

materials: musical accompaniment.

Time: 5-10 min.

Procedure: The group members create a circle. In turn, they depict the process of awakening in the morning through pantomime, reflecting the accompanying feelings. In feedback, the members of the circle voice the feelings that the protagonist portrayed and analyze their own feelings. The protagonist reflects the content embedded in the pantomime. All members of the group act as protagonists.

    What are you trying to portray?

    "How did you feel doing the task?"

    How did you feel after completing this task?

    “How did the image you showed fit in with how the group perceived it?”,

    “Were there any difficulties in what you wanted to demonstrate? Was it difficult to complete this task?

Exercise "Road of my life"

Target: analysis and introspection of one's own sensations, emotions and feelings. Reflection life experience each member of the group.

materials: musical accompaniment.

Time: 5-10 min.

Procedure: The group members create a circle. In turn, they depict the path of their life through pantomime, reflecting the accompanying feelings. In feedback, the members of the circle voice the feelings that the protagonist portrayed and analyze their own feelings. The protagonist reflects the content embedded in the pantomime. All members of the group act as protagonists.

Questions for discussion (feedback):

    “How could you feel the inner world of the person doing the exercise?”,

    "Did you manage to complete the task"

    "Did anyone have similar" roads? "",

    Were there any obstacles during the exercise?

Exercise "Partnership"

Target: analysis of one's own behavioral patterns, development of spontaneity and involuntariness in behavioral patterns.

materials: musical accompaniment.

Time: 5-10 min.

Procedure: Having broken into pairs, the members of the group stand with their backs to each other. Couples are invited to sit down and stand together as harmoniously as possible. The leader does not set silence. Behavioral reactions of group members, their comments in the context of interaction are analyzed.

Questions for discussion (feedback):

    “Did you completely trust your partner when doing the exercise?”,

    Did you have any difficulty doing the exercise?

    "How did you feel after doing the exercise?"

Exercise "Get in the circle"

Target: awareness and analysis of one's own behavioral tendencies and characteristics of one's personality.

materials: musical accompaniment.

Time: 5-10 min.

Procedure: you need to stand in a circle, holding hands tightly. One of the participants remains behind the circle. The one who remained outside the circle must first get inside and then go out. Other members of the group have the right to let him into the circle or not to let him out of it, depending on whether the behavior of this member during interaction with them will cause a desire to see him in his circle or not.

So, in a simple game form, participants are invited to recognize and analyze not only the aggressive and domineering tendencies in their behavior, but also come closer to understanding their own individual psychological characteristics, internal contradictions of the personality, discuss possible options constructive behavior in similar situations.

Questions for discussion (feedback):

    What did you do to get in and out of the circle?

    "What did you feel about it?"

    “How did you feel about those who stood in the circle?”,

    “Did you plan your interaction with the participants in advance or did you act spontaneously?”,

    “Was the reaction of the circle members to your actions as you expected?”,

    "Were you able to complete the task?" etc.

II. Stage - the main activity:

Target: self-knowledge of one's own "I" thanks to metaphorical material.

materials: drawing paper, paints, pencils, brushes, dough, audio player, calm music.

Time: 1.5-2 hours.

Conceptual introduction:

Dough is the most suitable and safest plastic material to work with. The plasticity of the material allows you to make numerous changes to the work and, accordingly, how to improve your emotional well-being. Modeling gives an amazing opportunity to model the world and your idea of ​​it. As a result of modeling from dough, a product (figure, picture) appears, which gives numerous possibilities in choosing further work techniques. This includes the staging of test performances, and the reconstruction of the image, and modeling.

Modeling can be both individual and collective, it can be used in the "adult-child" dyad, "adult-adult" can be used with drawing, and with various additional materials. The dough contributes to the desire for more free expression. What is special about modeling is that it is possible to combine signs, transfer the characteristics of one object to others, thereby working with unconscious content material. The dough can be colored, voluminous or flat figures (mandala), flat with the addition of waste material (test composition) can be made.

To make salt dough:

Mix 1 glass of flour and 1 glass of salt, then pour in 125 ml of water (the volume is approximate, because the amount of water may depend on the type of flour that you took for the test). Mix this mass again with a spoon, and then knead with your hands until a homogeneous consistency. Just don't overdo it! If the dough is too soft, knead it with a little more flour and salt mixture. Salt dough should be firm. Salt dough is recommended to be placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, in a plastic bag. It can also be stored there for later use.

Procedure: participants are offered from salt dough. Each participant takes the required amount of dough to mold any images that arise in their minds and find a place for themselves on a common sheet of drawing paper. So from a cooled piece of dough, a figure agreed by all participants (a circle, a square, or any other) is fashioned by the leader or the participants themselves. Participants give the color to the test themselves. Main stages of work:

    Free activity.

    The process of creative work.


    Verbalization of feelings and emotions.

Words, symbols enliven vivid impressions and real sensations that can trigger the natural mechanisms of self-regulation. The emotional component certainly causes a response of the motor component, as well as a change in the course and nature of the thoughts of the participants. Therefore, creating an image from the dough, you can experience pleasure, which will be reflected in the result, and there will be changes in facial expressions, gestures, attitude towards yourself and others. It is especially useful in line with therapy to take positive topics. Working with expressive material and non-judgmental reaction allows you to express a wide range of emotions, which in itself is already healing.

Questions for discussion (feedback):

    "How are you feeling?"

    "How are you feeling now?"

    "What kind of figurine did you get?"

    "What would you call her?"

    “What are your feelings about this figurine and the other members’ figurines?” and etc.

III. Stage - completion:

Target: removal of emotional and behavioral enslavement.

materials: musical accompaniment.

Time: 5-10 min.

Exercise "Candle of Trust" or "Bell"

Procedure: all participants stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder, arms bent at the elbows, put forward. The palms are raised up. One of the participants becomes in the center of the circle. Hands are lowered along the body, eyes are closed. He relaxes into the hands of those standing. The group picks it up and slowly, carefully passes it around. Each participant must visit the center. The exercise is followed by a discussion.

Questions for discussion (feedback):

    "How are you feeling?",

    Did you have any difficulties doing this exercise?

    “Have your feelings changed during the exercise?”,

    “Describe your feelings. What are they?"

    “Compare and analyze your feelings and feelings before and after the training. What has changed?"


Quite often, after the completion of art therapy sessions, people are addicted to those types, techniques and methods of creative activity that they met in the classroom.

Each drawing is unique. It cannot be accurately reproduced in subsequent classes. Each new job- this is a natural way of telling about yourself, about your feelings and thoughts at the current moment in time, as well as about your experience and feelings that have not found verbal expression and have become an emotional burden for a person. Everything that worries, worries him, he can express on paper or on other material specially selected for this.

The whole process of creative activity is an important element of its development. In the classroom, such creative beginnings are opened up that children and adolescents had not previously suspected. The guys do not think about the final result, they enjoy the process itself, learn to express their feelings, cope with experiences, give an opportunity to release their accumulated energy, and also develop creative abilities. That is why art therapy is so effective when working with all age categories.

List of sources:

1. Art therapy - new horizons / ed. A.I. Kopytina. – M.: Kogito-Centre, 2006.

2. Venger A.L. Psychological drawing tests. – M.: Vlados-press, 2006.

3. Dobryakov I., Nikolskaya I., Eidemiller E. Family diagnosis and family psychotherapy. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2006.

4. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T.D., Grabenko T.M. Workshop on creative therapy. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003.

5. Abby Kelish Art Therapy: An Unorthodox, Alternative or Complimentary Approach to Psychotherapy. Electronic version //

6. Kiseleva M.V. Art therapy in practical psychology and social work. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2007. 8. Kopytin A. I. Art therapy. Electronic version // htm

7. Using art therapy methods with children preschool age

5. Kopytin A.I. Workshop on art therapy. S.Pb, "Peter", 2001.