When is the best time to look for a job? Work according to the lunar calendar (when to look for the best days to change).

You think that you can look for a job at any time of the year, but this is not entirely true, because the labor market behaves differently at different times of the year. The number of vacancies and applicants varies depending on the season. So what are the best months and seasons of the year to look for work?

Looking for a job in the winter

The first burst of activity in the labor market can be observed from February to March. Employees by this time received all bonuses for last year and some of them are starting to think about changing jobs. Bank employees and lawyers receive bonuses in January-February and are therefore more likely to seek new job at the end of March and at the beginning of April. During this period, there is a lot of competition in the labor market: a lot of supply and demand.

Summer Job Search

The summer months for many are associated with the off season for job search. Indeed, at this time, specialists for middle and high positions are hired less frequently. During this period, many graduates, after receiving a diploma, begin to look for their first job or leave the company where they worked part-time. From mid-summer, an increasing number of vacancies begin to appear. From the second half of July and in August, it is much easier to get a well-paid job than in the first months of summer. The main advantage for candidates in the summer is low competition. At this time, there are fewer job seekers in the labor market, which means more chances to get the desired position.

Advice: Avoid leaving work in May-June. Do this only if you have a specific offer. There is a risk of being unemployed for 2 months before the start of the season. It is better that there are no “gaps” in the resume. In addition, the longer you are in the search, the more your “price” drops.

Autumn is the best time to look for work

From September to November inclusive, the labor market appears great amount job seekers and employers. Managers and employees returned from holidays, plans for next year approved and there are new jobs. Applicants also rested over the summer and with renewed vigor begin to look for work. There are many vacancies on the labor market, but the selection process is slower and more thorough. The competition in autumn is very high.

According to statistics, each person changes jobs about three times in his life. This tells us that throughout our lives we are in search of an application for our talents, and we are also looking for a way of self-realization. People want to better provide not only themselves, but also their entire family.

But it doesn’t matter for what reason we had to quit our job, change the team to a new one, or leave our homes. It is not a fact that our future will be the most suitable, the salary will be higher, and the boss will not be so strict. In order for your work to please you, you must follow a few rules. Then you will be surrounded by desire, determination and good luck.

In our article we can see a calendar with the most auspicious days in order to find Good work in 2017. And if you take the right day, then it will be the guarantor of successful employment and subsequent career development. Then there will be harmony with the surrounding world. The table below shows good and bad days for getting a job.

auspicious days

January — 5-6, 10, 14, 18-19, 23-26

February - 2, 4, 8, 12-14, 19-21, 28

March - 3, 5, 7, 10-14, 20, 24-27

April - 1-2, 5, 8, 11-14, 20-22, 26

May - 1, 4, 9, 14-19, 30

June - 1, 5, 8-10, 14-18, 21, 27, 30

July - 1-3, 6, 10-13, 19, 24, 28

August - 2, 5, 7-9, 14, 19, 21-26

September — 1, 5, 9, 12-15, 21-23, 30

October - 2, 5, 8, 9, 13-16, 20, 27

November - 3, 5, 9, 12-15, 18, 22-23, 28

December - 4-5, 8, 14, 18, 21, 25-26

bad days

January - 1-3, 7-9, 12, 15, 21, 27-28

February - 1, 5-7, 10, 16-17, 23-24

March - 1, 4, 8-9, 17-19, 29

April - 3, 7, 9, 16-19, 25, 29

May - 2, 5, 8, 11-13, 21-27

June - 2-3, 11-12, 19, 22-25, 28

July - 4-5, 9, 17, 25-27

August - 3-4, 6, 10-12, 18, 27-28

September - 2-3, 6, 11, 16-18, 25-27

October - 3, 4, 11, 18-19, 22-24, 29

November - 1, 7-8, 17, 19, 26-27

December - 1-2, 7, 10-13, 19, 23, 28

Professions for zodiac signs

Aries always choose a job not through rational thought, but out of a desire to achieve the ideal and shine. Aries can safely choose the business that requires perseverance. If the boss needs an employee who is always ready to work, then this is about Aries.

Taurus choose the profession that brings benefits and income. Taurus always remain loyal to their boss in a crisis situation. Taurus succeed artwork because he can be skillful. Taurus have always been able to create a good working atmosphere.

If we take into account Gemini, then they choose everything related to mediation, communication, obtaining information and so on. Gemini is always cheerful, diligent and fresh. Such a sign is always ready to come up with something new.

The professional path of Cancers is as hesitant and uncertain as Cancer itself. He chooses those places where the powers of comprehension are tedious. Cancers don't like pressure at work. Deadlines must be long. Cancers can also be given very difficult tasks that others cannot do.

Lions have always loved to occupy leadership positions. And they just fit the bill. They love ambition and always strive for a goal. Leo should not be left in the shadows or publicly dishonored.

As for the Virgo, they are ready to fulfill their duty in any post. Virgos can be great accountants, because they are great at analyzing the affairs of the enterprise. They are also always ready to do the work of their neighbor.

Libra's profession is to try on and create harmony. Libras are excellent ambassadors and diplomats, but not representatives. You can use the needs of Libra in harmony. Only now this sign does not like it when they push it aside and forget about their talents.

Scorpios always need a task that requires the involvement of the whole being. If it comes to simple work, then such a sign is ready to do the impossible. Scorpios should not be judges or even take part in legal proceedings. After all, they are very selfish.

Sagittarius' work must involve debt on a significant scale. They also have remarkable leadership abilities when it comes to ideal goals. Sagittarians need movement. Sagittarians also love the feeling of independence.

Capricorns are not afraid of any work. They are allowed to be used everywhere. Capricorns are called natural leaders, as well as reliable members of the works council. But to agree with Capricorn is not so simple. You have to have talent here.

Aquarius has many professional opportunities. They are agile and skillful, and can also speak remarkably well. Aquarians have a special gift for discovering talents. The main thing is constancy.

But Pisces will have to carefully consider the choice of profession. Despite the fact that they can do any task, this does not make them happy. Work should not be associated with constant pressure or stress.

Hello, I'm with you again, your Witch, and today I propose to talk about planning. No, not about planning the budget of a family or a single state, but about planning decisive affairs according to the lunar calendar.

How often, when we are about to take some important step, we think about whether it will be successful, timely, and whether it will bring positive rather than negative changes. In fact, it is best to ask astrology about this, more precisely, the lunar calendar of affairs.

Don't know which day to choose for a declaration of love, a wedding or a job? Our lunar calendar of cases will help you decide.

Moon calendar cases: choosing a day for a declaration of love

Are you tired of waiting for your beloved to say the cherished three words “I love you” or “become my wife”, and you decided to open your heart to him?

To begin with, remember who your beloved is in the zodiac, since not all signs are loyal to the fact that a woman confesses her love first, or to the fact that she actively hints at the registry office.

Some people think that this is the prerogative of men, and someone gets scared, because they understand that now they simply have to do something. So, you should not be the first to confess your feelings and make a marriage proposal to Sagittarius, Leo, Aries, Scorpions, Pisces and Cancers, that is, representatives of the fire and water elements - the former will not tolerate primacy, and the latter may "leak".

If your beloved belongs to the elements of Air or Earth, and also if you still decide to take a chance and conquer Fire and Water, then take the lunar calendar of affairs for the current month and start choosing the appropriate lunar day.

Firstly, you should not assign hour "X" to the days of the full moon, new moon, first and fourth quarter of the moon. This is a deliberately failed option, since these days any person is internally tense, he is already anxious, and then there is you with your confessions and suggestions.

Secondly, it is worth choosing a day that does not coincide with the listed days and when:

Moon in Cancer - very emotional dayswhen we evaluate our partner by his attitude towards us (and not vice versa), that is, your chosen one will be pleased with both an affectionate word and recognition that he is the best. And the offer of a hand and heart on this day will remind him not of duties married man but about home comfort and warmth.

The moon is in Leo - on this day the emotional background is also favorable for receiving confessions, since increased emotionality, impressionability and deep feelings will allow your chosen one to feel your mood, internally echo you, be on the same wavelength with you.

Moon in Libra - mutual understanding increases, the need for beauty and harmony. On such days, a person is loyal to innovations and is ready to accept or forgive a lot. But on this day, do not expect a reciprocal confession and a cherished “yes” from him - he can be very hesitant in expressing his feelings, he will need to “sleep” with your confession or proposal, think it over and only then answer something.

The moon is in Sagittarius - on such a day, your lover is set up for patronage, so he will gladly take you under his wing. These days, benevolence, optimism, generosity are increasing - your man will be impressed by your desire to give him your love, he will consider your future relationship through the prism of future pleasures and benefits. And he doesn't want to upset you.

Lunar calendar of affairs: choosing the day of the wedding or engagement

For the wedding / engagement day, however, as for any decisive step, you should not choose the days the Moon enters a new phase (new moon, full moon, first and fourth quarter). According to the lunar calendar, this is not an important time for business: everything will fall out of your hands, you will suffer from vague anxiety about the family future, you will suspect the groom of all mortal sins and sob on the shoulder of your best friend without interruption. Do you need it?

Same as for love confession, for the day of the wedding and engagement, it is good to choose the Moon in Cancer. Cancer is generally a "domestic animal", on such days family values come to the fore, so the celebration will turn out to be appropriate - decorous, traditional, emotionally tuned for the long term.

The Moon in Sagittarius is also a good time. And on this day it’s good not only to have a wedding, but also to go straight from the ball to the ship - to depart for honeymoon trip. And signed from the very morning of the engagement marriage contract you may not need it at all, since you and your future husband will not give each other a reason to divorce.

Do not set the wedding day and engagement on a lunar day when the Moon is in Scorpio - emotional tension can result in a scandal with breaking dishes, and you yourself can lose your nerves, and you will show others the third part of the film "Runaway Bride".

Lunar business calendar: choosing a day for an interview

In our life there is not only love. Sometimes you want to eat sausage in addition to the nectar of sensual relationships, so you should also approach the choice of the day for the interview responsibly. Especially if you have been dreaming about this job for a long time, and if it is important for you to please your boss or an important lady in the personnel department at first sight.

If you obviously know that the one who will “interview” you is a person of the older generation, an influential and important gentleman (or lady), then choose a day when the Moon is in Capricorn. Just remember that you should not demonstrate to your future employer your democracy in choosing an image and freedom of judgment. It’s good if you ask in advance about the company’s charter, the rules and regulations adopted in the team, as well as the views encouraged in this organization in order to match the boss’s ideas about the ideal employee.

According to the lunar calendar of affairs, on days when the Moon is in Capricorn, self-control increases, vanity increases, so you can bargain for favorable working conditions without losing face.

Moon in Virgo - on this day, a person's attention to detail is sharpened, so you will not miss a single pitfall in a business contract, and your potential boss will understand very clearly who he is hiring and how you can use your skills more efficiently. The lack of emotional excitement will help both of you to calmly discuss all aspects of future cooperation, and clarity of thought will give you the opportunity to clearly articulate all your advantages.

But the Moon in Aquarius, according to the lunar calendar of affairs, is not the best time for an interview - your potential boss will be skeptical, will re-read your resume several times and look for subtext in it. True, if the future boss is yours old friend and a like-minded person or you came to get a job not just in some organization, but in a "union", that is, where the corporate image, corporate spirit and corporate ethics are strong and omnipotent, then, on the contrary, there is no better day to be found.

Just get ready to immediately demonstrate loyalty to the idea and corporate values. That is, in this case, it is better to familiarize yourself with all the statutory "troubles" in advance.

And, of course, in any of the above situations, your confidence in your actions, calm dignity and attitude to win will help the stars.

Lunar days and Work
Business lunar calendar - part 1

first lunar day
The first lunar day should be devoted only to planning your work, and therefore cancel all business meetings, signing contracts, agreements and any monetary transactions, with the exception of receiving a salary. Now, as they say, you need to measure seven times before cutting once. Haste in this period in the field of business will lead to dire consequences - from easy financial instability and mistakes in decision-making to bankruptcy.

Now is the time for bosses to gather subordinates for a meeting and present them with a work plan for the whole month, discuss current issues, announce new orders, and develop a new strategy for the development of a company or enterprise. It is also good to spend time on conveying to each employee a deep understanding of his task, since mechanical execution reduces the efficiency of the work as a whole by several times.

For subordinates, now is the ideal time to approach the manager with a request for a pay increase or better working conditions. Of course, you won’t get it right away, but the boss will still reflect on your words, because the lunar rhythms themselves will contribute to this.

Also pay attention to the organization of your working time. Try to find those moments that slow down your work. Make changes, rationalize your work, it is likely that there are ways to avoid routine actions that will increase your efficiency. Today, more than ever, it is very good to put things in order at your workplace, with the expectation of those things that you are going to do during the lunar month.

Beware these days of conflicts based on mutual misunderstanding. If you have a tense relationship with one of your co-workers, now is the time for both of you to think about it and outline ways to try it on.

second lunar day
For people involved in the field professional business, the second lunar day is a springboard to success. For them, unlike the rest, it is still too early to rush into the pool of increased activity. It is better to concentrate all your efforts on finding sources of financing for your project, refining the plan developed the previous day, and also forming a material base for future projects.

This period is the most auspicious time for initiating a new company policy, establishing new orders, issuing decrees, reorganizing, and so on and so forth. But this should not be introduced aggressively, putting subordinates before the fact, but presented in such a way that each of the employees understands the goals of innovation. In this case, the effectiveness of the changes will exceed all expectations.

On the second lunar day, it is good to make deals, sign contracts, establish new business connections, and hire new employees. Those who will be accepted on this day will bring a fresh stream to the team, they will give the company or organization a new impetus and take the work to a new level.

Today is a good time to change jobs or start looking for one. Getting into the natural lunar rhythm, by the end of the month you will certainly find what you are looking for.

If you want to show yourself at work from a new side, then now you have a lot of opportunities for how to do it. All that is required of you is to act, act and act again, but, of course, taking into account the current situation. Remember that on the second lunar day it is very important to catch the rhythm, and then your work is half done.

For those who are professionally engaged in business, it is useful to provide some kind of charitable act, to act as a philanthropist or sponsor, because the more you give, the more you get.

third lunar day
Third lunar day - favorable period in order to make a serious breakthrough in your business, to reach new frontiers, to do something that you have not been able to do before. Now the Moon is on your side, so you should not hesitate, but you need to focus on the intended goal and move steadily towards it. The period should be filled with active actions, because now money comes only to those who win it, who not only dream of material prosperity, but do everything possible to fulfill their dream. But at the same time, do not forget to control yourself so that an accidental outburst of anger does not distract you from the most important thing. But if you are really focused on your goal, then this will not happen, because you will be completely and completely captured by the energy flow.

If you have rivals in business, competitors, then in this period you have the opportunity to leave them far behind. To do this, make a breakthrough, put all your strength into a well-thought-out plan, and the energy of the moon itself will help you.

Be careful, if you do not have a well-thought-out plan, if you have led the previous day without appropriate preparation, then do not count on the fact that your "spurt" will lead to positive results. Most likely, on the contrary, you will harm yourself even more. Therefore, be prudent, do not take risks unnecessarily, now it is important not so much to act actively as to clearly and clearly understand in the name of what to act.

On the third lunar day, it is advisable for subordinates not to meet with their superiors at all, so as not to become a victim of involuntary anger or bad mood. There is no need to approach any personal issues now.

Leaders can also be advised to refrain from contact with their wards, since everyone is now subconsciously set to resist. General tension too often provokes manifestations of uncontrolled aggression. So all your best intentions or ideal orders will be taken with hostility. It is better to wait a while, but then know that your actions will have a greater effect than if you did them today.

Please note that on the third day you cannot stop halfway, now it is important to act, act and act again. Naturally, at the same time, do not forget to adjust your direction depending on the current situation. Anyone who, during this time period, decides to change his mind or begins to doubt, will be the loser, failure will await him. Purposefulness is the key to success!

fourth lunar day

This is the time when you should slow down a bit at work and analyze the current situation. If you now carefully review the path traveled, you can protect yourself in advance from possible failures. The beginning of the lunar month is an important period, so do not neglect the ability to control its first days, especially since the third lunar day could change a lot in the previously planned plan.

Managers are now encouraged to mark those employees who have shown in recent times yourself with better side. If you highlight them in any way - with a diploma, praise, monetary reward, then you will provide yourself with reliable assistants. On the fourth lunar day, people are at a crossroads, so even a small reward "from above" will help them make a choice in your direction. Thus, today the desire of subordinates to work as usual is laid or, conversely, to increase their efficiency, hoping for a more generous reward for their work.

Also during this period it is recommended to talk with those who work poorly. But do not scold them, but try to find out what the cause of passivity is rooted in, maybe the person has some family problems, or, in principle, he does not understand the task assigned to him. If now you treat the employee with all care, then this will later become the basis for full-fledged cooperation.

Subordinates today, without special need, it is better not to meet with the authorities. But if you have questions or you feel that your destiny is now being decided, then be active, but very gently. As has been said more than once, most people are now in a state of choice, and if you use this situation wisely, then it is likely that you can solve the problem in your favor. The main thing is to avoid rough straightforwardness and rudeness. The choice does not mean that you need to put someone in a situation of a tough dilemma, on the contrary, this will only lead to anger, irritation and, as a result, conflict. Be prudent.

With business colleagues today, you should maintain an even relationship and show participation in the work of the team only as needed. On the fourth lunar day, everyone has their own problems, so they are simply not up to you.

It is useful for everyone, without exception, to work with information in this period - to analyze, select the necessary data, look for new information resources.

fifth lunar day

In the field of business, this is a wonderful period, both for bosses and for ordinary employees. Today you have the opportunity to radically change your status. Not just show yourself from a new side, but really become a different person. You should take advantage of this opportunity if you are interested in career advancement.

Managers today are encouraged to reorganize the enterprise and adjust the business plan, based on the path already traveled. Such a timely adjustment in the future will have a very positive effect, since it allows you to "keep your nose to the wind."

The same applies to subordinates - now you have a unique chance to catch "your own wave" so that, having changed, adapt to your boss and subsequently, with his help, move up career ladder. Remember that everything changes on the fifth lunar day, and therefore the one who will change with them will wake up the next day in other circumstances, usually more favorable.

But what should be avoided in this period of time is all the ambiguous moments, both in contracts and in the work itself. It is difficult on the fifth lunar day to be one hundred percent sure of something (because remember, now everything is changing). Therefore, be as careful as possible to take into account the greatest number of points that are important to you. And trust has nothing to do with it, a person himself is not always able to predict what he will do in a given period.

In addition, it should be noted that today it is useful for a while to unite efforts and work as a single team, especially in cases where a lot really depends on changes. Therefore, this is an ideal day for a radical solution to crisis problems.

sixth lunar day

Today, the biggest danger at work is to overstrain and overwork. Yesterday's lunar period was quite a strong shake-up that required the exertion of all forces, so today a person does not have much energy. Its overexpenditure can lead to sad consequences - the loss of the necessary vigilance, attention, concentration, memory impairment. Based on this, it is recommended to devote more time to things that do not require too much stress. You can focus on what involves slow thinking, rethinking, or just mechanical action.

It is best for leaders today to analyze the current situation and draw up a rough plan for the future, decide what to leave in the same state, and where to make appropriate adjustments based on the prerequisites already established. It is very useful to pay attention to your subordinates, to find out state of mind. Let not everyone, but at least those on whom much depends in the team, who is its "soul". If subordinates now feel your personal interest in their fate, this will have a very effective effect on further work. It has long been found out that if a person is treated as a simple "gear", then his productivity decreases several times. It is for this reason that grafting is so common in our time. corporate culture in those organizations that really want to succeed in business.

Now it is undesirable to force the financial situation. This applies to both superiors and subordinates. That is, today it is not necessary to conclude contracts for large sums money, don't go into debt or ask for a raise.

During this period, ordinary workers are advised to calmly do their work, without committing labor "exploits". The main thing now is not quantity, but quality.

It's helpful to keep an eye on your boss if you're interested in having a serious conversation with him. Now you can discover its weaknesses, on which you can "play" in the future in order to get a positive result in the issue that concerns you.

Work colleagues should now be treated as tolerantly as possible and not focus on their shortcomings. Do not let anything spoil your mood and upset your peace of mind.

seventh lunar day

These days for business are a double-edged blade. On the one hand, they open up great prospects, and on the other hand, due to the slightest negligence, you risk losing what you have.

Managers are now encouraged to hold negotiations, conferences and interviews, establish new business relationships, and so on. But at the same time, you must be very careful and think carefully before you say something.

Ordinary workers, if they are not confident in their abilities, it is better to stay away from the authorities. It is worth contacting the management only if you are sure of what you are going to talk about, and if you have weighed all the pros and cons well. Your speech must be persuasive and competent. Otherwise, you risk impromptu, the consequences of which, to put it mildly, are difficult to predict.

Neutrality should be observed with colleagues at work or, if there is a reason, establish closer and trusting relationship with those you are interested in. People are now easily frank, but at the same time very sensitive to any ambiguity.

eighth lunar day

The working day on the eighth lunar day is, as a rule, very tense. But he does have one nice feature. namely: you are given a second chance to do what you planned, but did not do, or did not do well enough. If you miss this gift of fate, then the second such chance in this lunar cycle will no longer appear. So make sure you take advantage of it.

Also now, if necessary, you can restore some old projects, give them a new life, amend them and put them into action. At the same time, the main thing is to implement them in a new way, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past, otherwise you will once again be disappointed.

Please note that all of the above applies equally to superiors and subordinates.

As for the leaders themselves, they are not recommended today to sign agreements and contracts, hire people or start any completely new business.

It is very useful to restore old ties or strengthen them. Be sure to personally thank the old employees of your organization and, if possible, support them financially, for example, with a bonus. Today, this will make a deep impression on them, and later, with their work, they will return everything to you a hundredfold. Now personal contact is very important.

Ordinary workers should be careful. During this period, it is highly likely that you can remember some old grievances inflicted on you by colleagues. And this, in turn, will create tension. But still refrain from any acts of revenge. Don't let the past ruin your future. Take everything calmly, and best of all, immerse yourself in your work.

Ninth lunar day

The ninth lunar day is the time when work should be minimized. First, you should completely refuse to sign any important documents - contracts, agreements, even letters. The fewer moments today when you need to take responsibility, the better. If such a situation still cannot be avoided, then carefully and several times check what you are going to sign, because today people are very inattentive, and there are too many people who want to cash in on deceit.

Secondly, you should know that now it is highly undesirable to both quit your job and enter it. The person leaving will have to spend a lot of nerves in order to finally pay off his former organization, in particular, this may relate to the issue of severance pay. And a job seeker runs the risk of working in vain, investing a lot of effort, but never getting the promised salary. So there is only one conclusion: for the time of the ninth lunar day, it is best to lie low and leave business aside.

Speaking in more detail, today it is advisable for bosses to limit their contacts with subordinates so as not to get upset and upset them themselves. Do not forget that now you simply invent many moments for yourself, it only seems to you that the problems are serious, in fact, your frightened subconscious mind draws them to you as such. After all, today our fears emerge from the subconscious, what we fear the most. Therefore, you need to calm down and not make fussy attempts to save the situation. Wait at least until tomorrow, and then decide whether everything is really so bad or if it's just an illusion.

As for ordinary workers, there is one piece of advice for them: stay away from the authorities and at all costs avoid taking on important and responsible assignments today. And if this cannot be avoided, then show all your professionalism to do everything right. Otherwise, trouble awaits you, since on the ninth lunar day, the authorities usually tend to make an elephant out of a fly. try to think through every nuance of your work, make sure that the mosquito does not undermine your nose.

When communicating with work colleagues, keep a friendly tone, do not withdraw into yourself, as now this can be perceived as arrogance, and therefore become a cause of conflict.

tenth lunar day

The tenth lunar day is the most suitable time for business trips and business trips of any duration, from a day to several years. The movements associated with your work are going smoothly during this period, as they fall into the natural rhythm of nature. Success will surely await you, and it is likely that you will receive even more than you expect. The main thing is not to change your mind, not to drastically change your route and not to complain about the inconvenience along the way. After all, all the same, you have to pay for the joy, and if the price is a little road discomfort, then there is nothing to worry about.

Also note that business trips that began on the tenth lunar day most often contribute to the start of some large-scale business, since the day is favorable for the start of construction. Now you can lay a solid foundation for future success in your business.

It is very useful in this time period to get acquainted with the positive experience of your colleagues, read biographies successful businessmen past, to carefully analyze how they solved their pressing problems. Now it is good to enlist the support of those who have been prospering in business for a long time, so to speak, "older comrades."

It will be of great benefit to establish business contacts with those who, one way or another, are able to provide you with the ground for further development your business.

Note that now is a favorable period for taking out loans or looking for those who will help you with starting capital in a case in which you are just going to get promoted.

In the end, even a simple advice from a wise person these days becomes a support for a successful movement forward.

Pay attention to the fact that now you have wide opportunities to start family business or more strengthening. If you are interested in its flourishing, then on the tenth lunar day, it's time to invest strength and money in it, make sure that it has a reliable base.

Managers should be aware that during this period they should be actively engaged in raising the prestige of their company through competent PR campaigns designed for the family consumer, as well as by strengthening the respect of their own employees to the organization in which they work. This can be done both in the form of material rewards, and through personal communication, promotion of someone in the service, verbal encouragement, or holding a corporate party. The main thing is that each employee can feel that his company is big family, where he is a full member of it, and not just a "gear" in a soulless mechanism.

Subordinates on the tenth lunar day are advised not to put pressure on their superiors, not to contact them with direct requests, but to achieve their goal indirectly, slightly mentioning the topic of interest in the conversation. Only in this case, you can count on luck.

Eleventh lunar day

Eleventh lunar day - it's time to finally start working in full force. That's it, the period of planning, preparation, trial leaps forward and correction is over. Now just act, act and act again. Your motto should be the words - assertiveness, determination and, of course, increased self-control. Remember: if you control yourself, you control the situation.

Leaders now need to launch the most important projects, the ones you bet on. Include everyone you need to. AT this moment your own enthusiasm, the strength of the workers and the help of the moon will do the trick. Feel like an army commander. Throw your troops to the most difficult and critical points. A general emotional upsurge, directed in the right direction, will certainly bring success. The main thing is to keep everything under control and not to miss any nuances, since a small deviation, a little to the side, and everything will go wrong. Your goals should be clear and precise, and everyone who works with you should also understand their task.

It is not worth concluding contracts, signing agreements or important papers, throw all your strength into your main job.

On the eleventh lunar day, ordinary workers are advised not to enter into any contacts with superiors, since their behavior is unpredictable. Focus better on your direct duties and try to make them as high quality as possible, since you have the opportunity to show your best side with the help of increased energy tone and win the sympathy of your superiors. On other days, this can be a great opportunity to promote you through the ranks or financially encourage you. But don't think about the reward just yet, give it your all.

In dealing with colleagues, adhere to the rule of situationality. That is, all the time try to match the general mood, so as not to stand out. Equal relationships during this period can irritate others, as well as anger. Therefore, if everyone around is laughing, and you rejoice, and if everyone is in a melancholy state of mind, then you try to be quieter. To put it simply, don't stick your head out, now it's harmful. The unspent energy of the Moon and mental agitation can now be uncontrollably directed at everyone who will cause discontent in the slightest degree.

For everyone, now is the time to take risks. It is to take risks, not to think through everything in detail, but to rely completely on your intuition. The unpredictability of the situation can both raise everything to the highest heights, and throw it off Olympus. Now almost everything is left to chance. But if you feel that this is your time, then go for it!

twelfth lunar day

This is a great time for business. But not for active and aggressive actions, but for reasonable activity, not so much for expansion, but for consolidating and deepening positions already taken.

I would especially like to note the importance of charitable activities. Its necessity is also evidenced by the fact that sponsorship and philanthropy are exactly what allows you not only to create a name for your company, but also to improve its rating in the eyes of ordinary people and get support Higher Forces, which, seeing that you are interested in changing the world for the better, will allow you to access additional resources.

Of course, this is not about a simple distribution of money, but about profitable investments in the fate of the world. If you are only interested own life, then this may or may not be done. But if you want your children to live in a decent world, then make sure that it is filled with art, good music, wonderful comfort. What is the point of buying expensive toys for your child if tomorrow he will live among bandits? Understand that by maintaining a culture, you are keeping this world from dying, you are securing the future destiny of your children. Take care of spirituality.

It is now useful for the authorities to improve their personal level - to start attending courses for executives, business trainings, to learn from those who are engaged in the same type of activity, even just to listen to the advice of a person you respect. Now it is important not to stop there, but to strive for the best, fundamentally new. Figuratively speaking, grow not in breadth, but in depth and height.

thirteenth lunar day

On the thirteenth lunar day, you need to bet on your most strengths, to their crowning tricks in business. What works best for you is what you should use today. If you are a good communicator, go to meet those on whom success in your business directly depends, and strengthen your personal ties, negotiate new levels of relationships, even just make deals and gentlemen's agreements. If you are a good analyst and strategist - throw all your efforts into developing a new plan with a non-stereotypical solution to pressing problems, if you are a great worker - give it your all, and the result will not be long in coming. In a word, do not pay attention to your shortcomings, but develop positive qualities.

This period is also favorable for hiring new employees, joining new position, introducing new rhythms into the work, implementing new concepts in business and for introducing rationalization proposals into production and all kinds of improvements in the organization of work.

If on the thirteenth lunar day you do not bring something new into your business, but leave everything as before, then the astral matrix of your organization will not receive an influx of fresh energy, and then, working on the already used "fuel", it will very soon begin to experience problems, like a car in which there is little gasoline left, that is, the result will be unambiguous - things will become.

Managers must now pay close attention to improving the working conditions of their employees.

Ordinary employees can now safely, if, of course, necessary, make various requests to their superiors. But it is best if they concern you personally indirectly. Start with innovations that help you work more efficiently, submit new projects, new ideas, and only then smoothly move on to questions about pay raises, requests for extra days off or promotions. Now the main thing is to show that you care about the company itself and encouragement will only increase your zeal. If you try to demand something directly, then luck is unlikely to be on your side.

In addition, the thirteenth lunar day is a good time to establish friendly relations with work colleagues and try on with those with whom you have already entered into a confrontation.

fourteenth lunar day

In business, it is now necessary to show perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal. In no case do not give in to the temptation to change the chosen direction, because it is precisely under the final that doubts always appear. But they need to be pushed aside. Of course, you must be careful and not push ahead, where it is enough just to make some amendments so that things take a more effective turn.
In addition, pay attention to the fact that now you need to work hard, do not be lazy to stay up late in the office. Then it will all pay off. In general, for the next two days you need to forget about the rest. Work as much as possible, but know the measure. If you overwork, then nothing good will come of it. It is very important to understand here that sometimes people mistake ordinary laziness for fatigue. Whoever puts their best now will succeed. Imagine that you have a couple of steps left to reach the top of the mountain you want to conquer. And if you give up now, then you will not only not reach your intended goal, but also slide down.
All of the above applies to everyone - both bosses and subordinates.
Remain calm in dealing with co-workers. As a rule, in collectives at this time there are uncontrollable outbursts of desire to "command". They should be treated calmly and not particularly worried about this. Most importantly, make sure that you do not have this outbreak. Now everyone who tries to "stick out" will only deserve universal censure. On this day, "upstarts" are the most annoying.
Also, such attempts to show power may arise from the bosses themselves. This may result in the issuance of some unreasonable order or increased severity towards subordinates. There's nothing you can do about it, you'll have to be patient. For if you resist today, it may threaten with dismissal from work. It is better to wait until the "flash" subsides, and only then make adjustments to the situation. But in most cases this does not have to be done, since the effect of "sobering up" comes as if by itself.
And also note for yourself that on the fourteenth lunar day it is not recommended to sign important documents and conclude deals and contracts.

fifteenth lunar day

This is a great time for businessmen who know exactly what they want. Strange as it may sound, today only those business man who already has it. Why? The energy of this period is the result of an increase in the overall energy level of the previous lunar day, and therefore it has incredible power. And if it is not controlled, then it will simply go into the void or, even worse, destroy its owner. That's why you have to be strong to use it.
In terms of business, this manifests itself in self-confidence, in a clear vision of their goals and in the understanding that fate never gives a second chance to do great. You have to live for today. Think about the future, but do it here and now. Astral energy cannot be stored for the future, it comes and goes very quickly, so hurry to use it. Plan important things for today, but only not responsible transactions or agreements with investors. Also, be careful when signing important documents, there is a chance to miss something significant or not notice some fundamental nuance.
Also make sure that no one makes important decisions for you, now you need to do everything yourself.
Leaders in this period should inspire their subordinates by personal example. It is useful to communicate with your employees in the most informal setting. And make sure that even in case of any problems, someone's fault and mistake, do not lose control over your feelings. An angry or irritated boss will lose all authority these days. They will begin to think very badly about him and, as a result, work badly. Nobody likes tyrants. And even if you are not an evil person by nature, but get angry today, you will still be thought of as a problematic person. So now calm is the best tactic for the boss.
It is undesirable for ordinary workers today to turn to managers with claims or with any requests. It's generally better to stay out of potentially dangerous situations these days, especially if you're interested in keeping your job. Focus better on your direct duties, especially since you have a chance to show your best side and thereby earn the encouragement of your superiors. By proving yourself to be a good employee, you will create an excellent basis for further career growth.
As for everyone, it is the need to avoid everything that in one way or another involves risk. In this period it is very dangerous and rarely ends a positive result. You need to do only what you are really sure of. Leave all dubious events aside, no matter what "golden mountains" they promise you.

Days 16-30 in the material Business lunar calendar - part 2

Everyone wants to find a good and paid job.

In your current position, you may not be satisfied with the management or salary, but this does not mean that you need to drop everything right now and remain without a livelihood. It is best to approach the issue of moving to another company with a cold calculation. Find out when is the best time to look for a job.

Not the best time to look for a new job

First of all, remember that the pre-holiday time is always a “dead” time. Human resources departments at this time are organizing corporate evenings, scheduling work, but not looking for new candidates. That is why, if you do not pretend to be Santa Claus or the Snow Maiden, do not look for work in December. Absence large selection vacancies on the market lasts until mid-March.

Traditionally, not the best time of the year is summer, or rather, its first half. At this time, you can get a job that is not the most paid. If you have a good education, great experience work and the desire to take a good position, then you should not go for interviews in May and June.

Remember that there are industries that depend on the season. For example, in construction, it makes no sense to look for work in the fall. This area is characterized by the appearance of vacancies in April.

Lawyers receive annual bonuses in February, and after March holidays many of them change employers. During this period, there is an opportunity to get a vacant position. Accountants usually quit after filing their accounts. You should not apply for a position in the finance department in March or April.

Favorable time for employment

Remember, the longer you are in the search stage, the lower your price as a specialist falls. In order not to be left without a livelihood, look for a job only at those moments when the job market is overflowing with offers. It happens:

  • in early April (just note that competition is increasing at this point);
  • from mid-July to the end of August;
  • from September to November.

If you do not have special merit that could attract an employer, go looking for a job in the summer. In autumn, the competition in the market is great, and the search is much slower than in other months. The advantage of searching this season is that you can apply for a higher position and find a place that pays well. The selection at this time is carried out in large companies with decent working conditions.

Sources for job search

You can apply for a job in a variety of ways:

  • write about the search on your page in any of the social networks;
  • apply to a recruitment agency;
  • register with the Employment Center;
  • view newspaper advertisements;
  • look for jobs on websites on the Internet.

If you have already quit your previous job, be sure to register with the CZN. This will help you get a monthly payment, get into continuing education courses, and get multiple referrals for interviews.

When communicating with a representative of the personnel department, it is necessary to learn about the salary of the company last. First of all, respond to ads with the specified salary, and leave those marked “payment by agreement” for a later time. It is important to show your qualifications at the interview. After you get a preliminary positive answer, you can talk about your pay.