The power and role of patriotism in the Second World War. Go Russia

The First World War in Russia is often called "forgotten". For a long time this war was in the shadow of the October Revolution, the Civil War and later the Great Patriotic War. Russia entered World War I on August 1, 1914. On this day, Germany declared war on Russia. The reason was Russia's refusal to comply with the terms of the German ultimatum to abolish general military mobilization. General mobilization was introduced in Russia in response to the fact that on July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia's ally, Serbia.

The Russians wanted to support the Serbs, who were threatened by the aggression of Austria-Hungary. “In the fact that the war has begun, one should not underestimate the strength public opinion. There was a lot of pressure from the street. Mass demonstrations in support of the Serbs took place on the streets of Petrograd,” says historian Boris Kolonitsky. From the book of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "August the fourteenth":

“In my student years, the First World War broke out, and the manifesto of the Sovereign Emperor attracted an ardent ideology, and the full energy of the students. And he directed the students on the valiant path of inflamed patriotism with a thirst, each of them, to stand up for the Motherland. The beginning of the war found me a student of the senior semesters of the chemical department of the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute of Emperor Nicholas II during summer holidays, in construction practice. After passing the exam in the art of building, I practiced at the construction of the Red Cross Hospital in Tambov as an assistant engineer, which was interesting, instructive and well paid. I was not that far away from my degree in engineering, so it would seem that I should not interrupt my higher education under any circumstances. technical education, but at the same time, it was impossible to leave the draft manifesto of the Sovereign Emperor without due attention. At that time, everyone was sure that the enemy who had treacherously attacked us would soon be driven back, and after the war, the Russian Empire would again move on to a new happy and normal, peaceful life. But in order to push back the enemy, first we all had to stand up for the defense of the Motherland in response to the Tsar's call, since the enemy will never voluntarily go back. What happened after the war, of course, no one then expected, and could not foresee. The general high patriotic upsurge caused by the war, naturally, first of all captured the Russian ideological golden youth, in the person of the students, and also affected me.

Patriotism in Russia

Among the most actively patriotic intelligentsia at the beginning of the war were representatives of the religious philosophical intelligentsia, especially Prince Evgeny Trubetskoy, Vladimir Ern, Evgeny Bulgakov and Nikolai Berdyaev. According to the American historian Christopher Stroop, Russian religious philosophers believed that “Russia has a certain religious mission not only to defeat Germany, but also to restore Christian roots. European civilization because they feared secularism and possible consequences nihilism." In their view, nihilism led to militarism and war.

The Sovereign's manifesto on the war is an undeniable and eternal historical document of great world significance. For greater clarity and persuasiveness, in support of what has been said, I give excerpts from the Tsar's manifesto, since many years later, not everyone remembers him and not everyone knows him. Supreme Manifesto:

“By the grace of God, We are Nicholas II, Emperor and Autocrat of All Russia, Tsar of Poland, Grand Duke Finnish and others, and others, and others ... We declare to all Our faithful subjects: Following its historical precepts, Russia, united in faith and blood with the Slavic peoples, has never looked at their fate indifferently. With complete unanimity and special strength, the fraternal feelings of the Russian people towards the Slavs awakened when ... despising the compliant and peaceful response of the Serbian government, rejecting the benevolent mediation of Russia, Austria hastily launched an armed attack, opening the bombardment of defenseless Belgrade. Forced to accept necessary measures precautions, but, cherishing the blood and property of our subjects, we made every effort to achieve a peaceful outcome of the negotiations. In the midst of friendly relations, Austria's allied Germany, contrary to our hopes for centuries of friendly neighborhood, suddenly declared war on Russia. Now it is necessary not only to stand up for the unjustly offended kindred country, but to protect the honor, dignity, integrity of Russia, and its position among the great powers. We unshakably believe that all our faithful subjects will unanimously and selflessly stand up for the defense of the Russian land, ... and may Russia, which has risen as one man, repel the daring onslaught of the enemy. With deep faith, ... we prayerfully call ... God's blessing. July 20, 1914 ... signed by NIKOLAY.

In the patriotic upsurge at the beginning of the First World War in Russia, women were especially noticeable. At the beginning of the war, women served as sisters of mercy, and only then women's battalions were formed. According to Boris Kolonitsky, an important role in this was played by the example of women during the war with Napoleon.

The First World War was then called "Patriotic", and at the beginning of the First World War the myth of the Napoleonic War was revived. Part of this myth was the first Russian female officer, Nadezhda Durova, who served as an inspiration for the women who volunteered for the First World War.

The incredible patriotic upsurge at the beginning of the First World War was reinforced by real action - mobilization and military service the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat. This fuse that lived Russian society lasted for about two years. By the end of 1915 and the beginning of 1916, the mood changed dramatically. Anti-war agitation appeared, liberals and socialists, who initially supported the Emperor and the war, launched active opposition activities. This was partly due to the return from the front of a large number of soldiers who spoke about the horrors of war and the futility of its conduct. This was partly due to the deteriorating living standards of the general population. The outcome of all this turned out to be deplorable - the mood of society became steadily anti-war, the Emperor and the tsarist government were blamed for all the troubles of Russia.

Certain parallels can be drawn with our time. Patriotic sentiments associated with the annexation of Crimea to Russia are quite strong. In contrast to this, there are sanctions and the position of the West in relation to our country. Who will prevail over the minds of Russian society in this situation - time will tell. It remains for us to remember the outcome of the First World War and what happened after its completion.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko

At present, one can often hear erroneous judgments about the patriots of the Great Patriotic War. rude attitude towards national history, to national heroes trying to bring it back to normal. In our opinion, such assessments are a humiliation of the memory of the fallen and an insult to the living. Hegel once deeply remarked: “There is no hero for a lackey. And not because a hero is not a hero, but because a lackey is a lackey. Not only heroic behavior is depreciated, but such basic concepts as heroism and patriotism are eroded.

Patriotism (Greek patris - motherland, fatherland) - a deep feeling of love for the motherland, a willingness to sacrificially serve it, strengthen and protect it, this is a feeling of inextricable connection with one's people, with its history, language, culture, way of life and customs.

A patriot is a person who disinterestedly loves his Motherland, subordinating his life to the principle: the general is higher than the private; the patriot is ready, according to the words of the Gospel, "to lay down his life for his friends."

The great Russian philosopher of the last century, Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilyin, wrote that patriotism is based on an act of spiritual self-determination. Patriotism can live and will live only in that soul for which there is something sacred on earth, which has experienced the objectivity and unconditional dignity of this sacred thing by living experience - and recognized it in the shrines of its people. St. Philaret of Moscow spoke about the spiritual foundations of patriotism: “Love your enemies, abhor the enemies of God, defeat the enemies of the Fatherland. A bad son of the earthly Fatherland is a bad son of the Heavenly Fatherland. Let's take the words of St. Righteous John of Kronstadt, which are fully consistent with the thought of Metropolitan Philaret: “The earthly Fatherland with its Church is the threshold of the Heavenly Fatherland, therefore love it fervently and be ready to lay down your life for it in order to inherit eternal life.”

Alexey Stepanovich Khomyakov

"What is the Fatherland?" asked Alexei Stepanovich Khomyakov. And he answered it himself: “This is the country and the people that created the country, with which my whole life, my whole spiritual existence, the whole integrity of my human activity has grown together. This is the people with whom I am completely connected with the veins of my heart and from which I cannot tear myself away, so that my heart does not bleed and dry up.

“Who here is so vile that he does not want to love his fatherland? If there is such a person, let him speak - I insulted him. I'm waiting for an answer, ”Shakespeare denounced those who put material gain, their selfish interests above such ideals as love and loyalty to the Motherland through the mouth of one of his characters.

Let us turn to some examples from world and biblical history.

In 387 (or 390) BC. e. the Gauls, having defeated the Roman troops, laid siege to Rome, dooming the besieged to starvation. The Senate “gathered in session and instructed the military tribunes to make peace. The military tribune Quintus Sulpicius and the Gallic leader Brennus agreed on the amount of the ransom, and the people who were to rule the whole world were valued at a thousand pounds of gold. This deal, disgusting in itself, was aggravated by another vileness: the weights brought by the Gauls turned out to be false, and when the tribune refused to measure them, the arrogant Gaul put a sword on the scales. It was then that the words unbearable for the Romans sounded: “Vae Victis! "Woe to the vanquished!" The commander Camillus saved his compatriots from shame and humiliation, who at the head of the army approached the besieged city and ordered to prepare weapons for battle. “It is necessary to liberate the fatherland with iron, not gold, having the temples of the gods before our eyes, with the thought of wives, children, of our native land, disfigured by the horrors of war, of everything that the sacred duty commands to defend, win back, take revenge!” This episode is given by the ancient historian Titus Livius.

tragic experience different countries and peoples in different eras defeated, confirms the universality of the Vae Victis principle. “That is why constant work on the development and improvement of military affairs is important; that is why it is important to use any experience, and even more so fresh experience of the war, so as not to buy it, when it happens, at the cost of blood. If the state needs a healthy family and a healthy school, then a healthy army is even more necessary, reliably provided, nationally educated and well trained. War is a terrible phenomenon, but even more terrible phenomenon- this is a defeat, and until a solution has been found by man to prevent war, all efforts must be exerted so that this defeat does not happen.

In the biblical book of Nehemiah we read: “But our enemies said: they will not know and they will not see, when suddenly we will enter into their midst, and we will kill them, and we will stop their work. And I looked, and stood, and said to the most noble and ruling, and to the rest of the people: Do not be afraid of them; remember the great and terrible Lord, and fight for your brothers, for your sons and for your daughters, for your wives and for your houses.” Defense of the Motherland, that is, scolding “for your brothers, for your sons and for your daughters, for your wives and for your houses”, is pleasing to God. On the contrary, to take the side of the enemy, who is ready to kill your people, means not to remember and not to be afraid of the "great and terrible Lord."

It is interesting to note that the Roman and Biblical understanding of patriotism coincide both in spirit and in places even verbatim. The Oath taken by the soldiers of the Red Army is no exception: “I, a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, joining the ranks of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, take the oath and solemnly swear ... to be loyal to my people, my Soviet Motherland and the workers 'and peasants' government. I am always ready, on the orders of the Workers' and Peasants' Government, to defend my Motherland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and, as a soldier of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, I swear to defend it courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, not sparing my blood and life itself. to achieve complete victory over the enemy. If, by malicious intent, I violate this solemn oath of mine, then let me suffer the severe punishment of Soviet law, the general hatred and contempt of the working people.

Let us give an example from our recent tragic and glorious past. My uncle was a student of the Moscow Conservatory so brilliant and talented that he won the student piano competition of this educational institution at a time when musicians who later gained worldwide fame, such as Emil Gilels, Svyatoslav Richter, Viktor Merzhanov, studied there. He was a promising student, he was married, they had a child, and he could seek a deferment or even exemption from the call to the front, but he did not. Not intending to link his fate with the army, he enters officer courses, only so that in the event of his death, the family would receive an officer's pension, which was more than a pension for a dead ordinary soldier. In 1942, he was sent to the front, which was then relatively close to Moscow.

His letters from the front to his wife have been preserved, which testify to the amazing depth and beauty of their feelings, their high spirituality: healthy, you have something to live with) with others, many of whom do not know where their families are and whether they are fed. There are no words, it is very hard without each other, but as long as we are alive - this is ours, nothing can take away our love from us, but only change its form. As long as we are alive, we can and must now throw a bridge (even mentally, even without any real reason) from the present stagnation to a better future ... Let there be no my letters, let me myself not be - I am always with you, because if in life there is some undying particle, then all the more it is in love, which is the same life, but only in its best and pure form". In August 1942, he was killed by a sniper's bullet.

The fact that patriotism is higher than limited human ideas about justice is demonstrated by the example of an outstanding confessor, the elder archpriest Vsevolod Shpiller. Father Vsevolod, as a young man, served in the White Army, was forced to leave his homeland and, after long wanderings, settled in Bulgaria, where he took holy orders. It would seem that he had personal reasons to settle scores with Soviet power. But he did not make the mistake that some of his contemporaries made, who had a similar fate, took the side of fascist Germany, hoping that with its help they would overthrow the atheistic, anti-people Bolshevik government. Thanks to a special spiritual sensitivity, Fr. Vsevolod was clearly aware that the people and the Motherland are one thing, and the ruling elite is another. “A year in the 40th, or rather, at the beginning of the 41st, the Germans appeared ... The owners on the ground floor, in my opinion, without any coercion, three officers were quartered - doctors, very nice people. They introduced themselves, were received by us, and kind and sweet relations were established with them ... I remember very well one evening that crashed into the children's consciousness with some kind of aching sadness of loss, a sense of significance, the seriousness of some great misfortune that everyone felt. My parents invited three nice German doctors to dinner with candles on the table…So something out of the ordinary. My parents gave them a farewell dinner... The farewell party was because, having no personal reason or desire to break off relations, my parents did not consider themselves entitled to continue to receive, though nice doctors, but officers of the army that attacked Russia that day. With sadness, respect and full understanding, the guests accepted this and did not visit us again, although they bowed, of course, both sweetly and affably.

In a purely national form, patriotic feeling was clearly manifested at the beginning of the 15th century in France in the person of Joan of Arc. The Hundred Years War between the French and the British was not of a religious nature: both countries belonged to the same catholic church; both were monarchies; the foundations of public life were the same; the war was at first presented only as a dynastic struggle between the Valois and the Plantagenets for the throne of France. But the constant violence perpetrated by a foreign people aroused in the French an ardent feeling of patriotism and finally caused a revelation national idea. Joan of Arc, the glorious heroine of Orleans, for the first time gave a simple and clear formula to purely national patriotism: to be independent from foreigners in your own land.

Joan of Arc. Miniature of the second half of the 15th century.

Mentioning the name of Joan of Arc, it should be noted that a mocking attitude towards the glory of their ancestors is typical not only for domestic smerdyakovs. A brilliant confirmation of this is the work of A.S. Pushkin "The last of the in-laws of Joanna d'Arc". The passage below speaks on behalf of an English journalist.

“The fate of Joan of Arc in relation to her fatherland is truly worthy of amazement; we must, of course, share with the French the shame of her trial and execution. But the barbarism of the English can still be excused by the prejudices of the age, by the bitterness of offended national pride, which sincerely attributed the deeds of the young shepherdess to the action of evil spirits. The question is, how to excuse the cowardly ingratitude of the French? Of course, not by the fear of the devil, whom they have not been afraid of since ancient times ... Recent history does not present a more touching, more poetic subject of the life and death of the Orleans heroine; what did Voltaire, this worthy representative of his people, make of it? Once in his life he happened to be a true poet, and this is what he uses inspiration for! With his satanic breath, he fanned the sparks smoldering in the ashes of the martyr's fire, and, like a drunken savage, he dances around his amusing fire. He, like a Roman executioner, adds reproach to the mortal torment of a virgin ... Let us note that Voltaire, surrounded in France by enemies and envious people, subjected to the most poisonous censures at every step, almost did not find accusers when his criminal poem appeared. His most bitter enemies were disarmed. Everyone enthusiastically accepted the book, in which contempt for everything that is considered sacred for a person and a citizen is brought to the last degree of cynicism. No one took it into his head to stand up for the honor of his fatherland ... A miserable age! miserable people!"

Patriotism, manifested by different peoples, in different historical epochs has common features precisely because patriotism is a spiritual category, and not an ideological or socio-political one. Ideology, social or political structure of society are temporary phenomena, but love, selflessness, sacrifice are eternal. That is why the defense of the Motherland is pleasing to God, especially when it is combined with the defense of the faith of Christ.

There have always been, are and will be true patriots, on duty or at the call of conscience, in all circumstances sacrificially, valiantly and courageously going to a difficult and dangerous feat, to which their duty and love for their Motherland and their people call.

Shakespeare. Julius Caesar. Full coll. op. T. 5. M., 1959. S. 276.

Titus Livy. History of Rome from the founding of the city. Book V, ch. 48, 49.

Mariyushkin A.L. Remember the war. In: Philosophy of War. M.: Ed. center "ANKIL - WARRIOR", 1995. S. 139.

Bible. Book of Nehemiah, ch. 4. verses 11, 14.

O. Vsevolod Shpiller. Pages of life in surviving letters. Comp. and comment. I.V. Spiller. M.: Reglant, 2004. S. 28, 29.

Pushkin A.S. The last of the relatives of Joan of Arc. Full coll. op. T. 7. L.: Nauka, 1978. S. 349–352.

Today, the problem and how it should be understood is more relevant than ever. It concerns every citizen and is largely connected with the very complex and sometimes acute political situation in the world and the threats that are directed at today's Russia. With the help of the Ukrainian junta, a new "cold war" has been launched against Russia, which some international forces (the United States and the European Union) are trying to bring to a "hot" war.

It is these forces that Russia is called the “aggressor country” (for the return of Crimea in the spring of 2014), they are trying to crush us with sanctions and isolate us. But they don't get anything. The more sanctions, the stronger and more united Russian society and people. They will never understand the Russian mentality, the most important part of which is high.

The purpose of our study: to reveal the concept of "patriotism" through its various interpretations, to show Russian patriotism in the history of our country, to characterize the concept of "anti-patriotism" using scientific and fiction literature, as well as sociological research methods (survey, questioning, sampling methods and data processing). ). The term "patriotism" translated from Greek means "land of the fathers", "homeland". The feeling of patriotism originated in ancient times.

This is the attachment of a person to the land on which he for a long time lived where the graves of his ancestors are located. The words "patriot" and "patriotism" were borrowed in Russia in the era of Peter I from the French language, where patriote meant "compatriot". Patriotism also implies pride in one's country and is largely based on a sense of "organic belonging" to the homeland and people.

Having considered various sources on this topic, we can say that the concept is multifaceted and there is no single common definition of patriotism. Most sources define patriotism as love for the Motherland, Fatherland, but there is also an interpretation of patriotism as a moral position, moral and political principle, loyalty to one's history, devotion to one's culture. It is natural for a person to have a special spiritual attachment to his native places where he spent his childhood, where his parents and ancestors lived and worked, that relatively limited territory of the vast globe, with which the main events of his individual destiny are connected. It is on this territory that a person feels most at ease, here everything is most understandable and close to him.

The attitude of a person to his country, to the people around him, to the state and preservation of the cultural heritage of the country and its ecology depends on the feeling of patriotism. Patriotism includes several aspects: emotional-volitional, rational, ideological. The emotional-volitional aspect is especially manifested in critical situations, expressed in a strong-willed impulse that unites the people, helps to realize common goals, subordinate private interests to them, activates joint activities aimed at overcoming difficulties and obstacles. In the historical memory of Russians, there are many events accompanied by the experience of such an emotional upsurge. Often for this reason, patriotism is associated with military exploits, heroism, self-sacrifice.

The rational aspect of patriotism in everyday life is manifested as an awareness of the need to bring private interests in line with the common interests of the nation and the state, is associated with an interested attitude of citizens to events and processes in foreign and domestic policy and their conscious activity aimed at maintaining and reproducing social relations, in which are based on legitimately fixed and socially approved norms. The ideological aspect of patriotism consists in coordinating a complex set of emotions, feelings, experiences in relation to the Motherland, “big” and “small”, with the principles and postulates of the state and with political, sociocultural, religious ideas shared in society, even despite their inconsistency. VA Korobanov believes that patriotism is one of the phenomena of public consciousness, which is determined by three levels. The first level includes the subconscious, created in the form of images and archetypal ideas about the motherland.

The second is the activist, volitional level, based on feelings that prompt a person to active manifestations. The third, highest level of awareness of patriotism is ideological. At this level, the individual proceeds from convictions, based on the patriotic values ​​​​of belonging to a particular society, acts in accordance with the established highest spiritual and moral guidelines. A.N. Vyrshchikov, M.P. Buzsky distinguish state, Russian, national, local or regional patriotism. At the heart of state patriotism are the relations "personality-state". State patriotism is revealed among Russian citizens through common interests, common goals. The state monitors the observance of the rights of citizens. And citizens, in turn, fulfill their obligations to the state. Russian patriotism explained emotional world a person through the development of patriotic experience, enshrined in moral norms, customs, traditions, values. National patriotism is based on national culture. It contributes to the awakening of a feeling of love for the Motherland, national pride, the spirit of the people, the education of national traditions. Local or religious patriotism is manifested in love for a small homeland, the spiritual culture of one's ancestors, family, and relatives.

Patriotic values ​​have always determined the specifics of the Russian national character, its mentality and the political culture of Russian society. Russian patriotism has such features as sovereignty and internationalism. Russia was and remains a great country. Russia has always defended weaker states, always preached responsibility for the world as a whole. Speaking against national extremism, state patriotism is the main one in making tough political decisions, if it was about protecting public interest, Russian society.

Russia has emerged as a multinational and multi-confessional state. The international character was clearly manifested during the years of wars, when external enemies threatened Russian statehood. Russian patriotism is directed against chauvinism, nationalism, fascism, racism, political terrorism, which is increasingly acquiring nationalist forms. Patriotism is increasingly acting as the most important resource for the consolidation of Russians, as the protection of national interests, the implementation social order in society, as support for the political course of power. Russian patriotism found its vivid expression in the best samples our fiction. Russian writers believed that human activity is driven by love for the Motherland. A.S. Pushkin can be called a real patriot, and Pushkin is “our everything”! Pushkin's patriotism took shape in his youth, under the influence of the war of 1812 and the general patriotic upsurge it caused. This is evidenced by his following words: “I swear on my honor that for nothing in the world I would not want to change my fatherland, or have another, except for the history of our ancestors, which God gave it to us.” It should be emphasized that Pushkin never changed his patriotic moods, unlike a considerable number of friends of his youth.

Under the influence of the obvious shortcomings of Russian life and under the influence of the common understanding of liberalism, which gained popularity among the nobility, some of the progressive figures of that period (among whom were Pushkin's close acquaintances) lost the sharpness of patriotic feeling. Patriotism began to be perceived as something unfashionable, out of date, outdated. Pushkin's views were sharply opposed to such views. It is to this period that the poem "Slanderers of Russia" belongs. In it, the poet sharply speaks out not only against the Western press, which has brought down on Russia all conceivable and unthinkable accusations, but also against those representatives of Russian society who, due to their childishly naive and incomprehensible cosmopolitanism, gladly joined such accusations. Unlike the latter, the mature Pushkin clearly understood that good and outwardly innocent liberal phrases could be used by the enemies of Russia in order to destroy it, and there could be no talk of any cosmopolitanism in international relations, where a fierce struggle of contradictory national interests is continuously taking place (how relevant this is for modern Russia!).

Pushkin's patriotism has another aspect that cannot be ignored. It is closely connected with a deep understanding of the importance for human life of a respectful attitude to ancestors, to the hearth, family traditions, to "native land". Pushkin's worldview is characterized by a close connection between patriotism and the family in its broadest sense - as the continuity of a number of generations. “Two feelings are wonderfully close to us - In them the heart finds food: Love for the native ashes, Love for the fatherly coffins. From time immemorial, the self-sufficiency of man, the pledge of his greatness, has been based on them ... A life-giving shrine! The earth was dead without them, Without them, our cramped world is a desert, The soul is an altar without a deity. Love for the Motherland is poetically expressed, for example, in the famous stanza of S. Yesenin: “If the holy army shouts:“ Throw Russia away, live in paradise! I'll say: "Don't need paradise, Give me my homeland!" . great place The theme of the Motherland also occupies modern authors: “Over Canada, the sky is blue, / Between the birches the rains are slanting, / Although it looks like Russia, / But it’s still not Russia,” one of the famous bard songs sings.

The patriotism of our people has deep historical roots. Russia never threatened anyone, but always gave a worthy rebuff to all its enemies, guided by the motto "Whoever enters us with a sword will die by the sword!" (Alexander Nevskiy). Examples of unbending fighting spirit are the struggle against the Swedish invaders on the Neva River (1240), the Germans (the battle on Lake Peipus "Battle on the Ice", 1242), the defeat of the Tatar-Mongol on the Kulikovo field (1380), the great Poltava battle with the Swedes (1709) and many many other heroic pages. A special surge of patriotism is observed during the Patriotic War of 1812, when the entire Russian people came to the defense of the Napoleonic French army. The greatest test for our people and their patriotic feelings was the First World War of 1914-1918, which claimed the lives of millions of our soldiers and bravely fought against superior enemy forces.

But an unprecedented example of Russian patriotism, in our opinion, is the Great Patriotic War Soviet people with the Nazi invaders of 1941-1945, the 70th anniversary of the victory in which we celebrate on May 9, 2015. It is known that the victory went to our people at a very high price. .War claimed 27 million lives. It is well known that a huge contribution to the victory was the general feeling of devotion to one's people, one's country, which became a convincing test of the invincibility of our multinational state. The slogan "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" entered the main meaning of the life of all our people. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat behind Moscow!” - this is the call of 28 Panfilov heroes, sounded throughout the country and supported by all the people. Near Stalingrad, a new patriotic appeal was born: "There is no land for us beyond the Volga!" During the war years, there was no division, regiment, battalion, company that did not have its own heroes.

Everyone was different: from soldiers, junior commanders to generals. The first multiple manifestation of the highest patriotism was the many thousands of volunteers in the military commissariats. Only in Moscow during the first three days of the war, more than 70 thousand applications were received from residents with a request to be sent to the front. Many patriots, rejected, as it was then said, for health reasons or having "armor" (ensuring stay in the rear), rushed to the line of fire. In the summer and autumn of 1941, about 60 divisions and 200 separate regiments of the people's militia were created, the number of which amounted to 2 million people. From the first days of the war, the world learned about the feats of Soviet pilots about the ramming of German aircraft, incredible for many peoples who had already surrendered to Hitler. In a night battle, for the first time in world practice, a ml, lieutenant V.V. went to ram. Talalikhin. In total, during the war years, 636 pilots rammed enemy aircraft. At the same time, more than half of the pilots saved their cars and continued to fight. The highest patriotism was shown by Soviet soldiers, who covered enemy firing points with their bodies. 134 of them received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Note: not one of the Nazi soldiers dared such a feat during the entire world war. The patriotism that gripped the Soviet people in the field of defending the Fatherland was clearly manifested in the partisan movement deployed behind enemy lines. The first detachment of volunteers was created on the day the aggression began - June 22, 1941. Sublime patriotism during the war manifested itself among the population of the occupied territories, which opposed the advance of the occupiers into the interior of the country. The amazing feat accomplished by Ivan Susanin in the winter of 1613 was repeated more than 50 times by our compatriots under the conditions of the Nazi invasion. The war highlighted the best patriotic qualities of Soviet citizens - home front workers. The life of people during the war years was associated with death: at the front - from a bullet, shell, bomb; in the rear - from hard work, malnutrition, disease.

The Soviet front and rear during the war years functioned as a single organism. Today it is difficult to imagine how it was possible to transport more than 1,500 enterprises to the east and put into operation during six months of tense wartime. The machines were installed in workshops without walls. They started producing planes and tanks when there were no windows or roofs. Snow covered the working people, but they did not leave the shops, they lived in the shops. The work of millions of citizens, ennobled by the patriotic idea of ​​defending the Fatherland, produced amazing results. Tank T-34 became the best tank of the war. "Katyushas" brought terror to the enemy. The main type of small arms was PPSh submachine gun, new aircraft gained air superiority. During the war years, rural residents showed high patriotism. The labor force there was made up of women, old people and teenagers. Crop yields fell due to the war. However, for 1941-1944. the country received more than 70 million tons of grain.

True patriotism was shown by millions of Soviet citizens who sacrificed their last piece of bread for the sake of victory over the enemy. People voluntarily handed over money, bonds, jewelry, things, products. In total, the defense fund received 17 billion rubles. in cash, 131 kg of gold, 9,519 kg of silver, etc. These funds were used to build 2,500 combat aircraft, several thousand tanks, 8 submarines, and other weapons. Mass patriotism manifested itself in the donor movement: 5.5 million people took part in it, donating 1.7 million liters of blood to save the wounded. During the war years, patriotic muses were not silent. Together with workers, collective farmers, other representatives of the national economy, fighters at the front, artists fought and brought the Victory closer: writers, poets, composers, artists, artists. Through prose, poetry, music, and visual arts, they educated Soviet people in the spirit of ardent patriotism and hatred of the enemy, “equating the pen and the word with the bayonet. The words of the songs "about four steps to death", about a mother's tear at the crib, about the love and fidelity of wives, mothers, girlfriends, who are waiting for their warriors with victory, touched the soul. Artistic front-line brigades carried a high spirit of patriotism among the masses of soldiers. They attacked the poems of K. Simonov, A. Tvardovsky, the works of Mikhail Sholokhov, newspaper editorials.

Film workers made a significant contribution to patriotic education. The people cherished their actors, who themselves, experiencing the hardships of the war, created memorable patriotic images that warmed the hearts of people at the front and in the rear. By a certain force anti-fascist movement became a patriotic part of the "white emigration", who advocated the victory of compatriots over Germany. So, A.I. Denikin declared that "the fate of Russia is more important than the fate of emigration." Thus, the patriotism of our people during the war years was multifaceted. His characteristic features were: the conviction of the Soviet people in the rightness of their cause, selfless love for the Motherland; nationwide character (the whole people rose to fight the enemy - from small to large, it is not for nothing that this war is called "people's, sacred"); international character, which consisted in the friendship of the peoples of the USSR, their joint desire to defeat the enemy who treacherously attacked the Motherland; in respect for the national dignity and national culture of the peoples of Europe and Asia, readiness to assist them in liberation from the invaders. In the history of Russia there have been periods of both growth and decline in the feeling of patriotism among the people.

Moreover, along with vivid patriotic manifestations, dangerous features of anti-patriotism are also revealed. It usually comes to the surface public life in critical periods of history and has a significant impact on the historical fate of Russia. To eradicate the patriotic idea from people's consciousness, completely replacing it with a class one, was the task set by the Bolsheviks in the first period of their rule from 1917 to about 1935-1937. The anti-patriotic attitude was a direct continuation of the line of the Bolsheviks of the pre-October period and was most clearly expressed in Lenin's slogan of the defeat of his fatherland in the First World War.

It was the only party not only in Russia but also in Europe that put forward the idea of ​​defeatism. The “world revolution” orientation, based on a purely class, anti-patriotic approach, remained the official party policy until the mid-1930s. Before the destruction of the USSR, patriotism in our country was high. In connection with the collapse of the USSR in the 90s. In the 20th century, this high sense of patriotism was undermined. Unfortunately, the decline in patriotism occurred due to the destruction of the stable Soviet socialist system and the transition of our country to democracy and market relations. The rejection of a unified state, political, party pluralism gave rise to the loss of familiar values ​​and guidelines among the people. The collapse of the totalitarian regime in the USSR also led to the destruction of public organizations engaged in patriotic work with children, schoolchildren and youth. The country abandoned the "Octobers", "pioneers", "Komsomol members". Those organizations in which early childhood Basically, the state patriotic consciousness of children and youth was formed. But instead of these destroyed organizations, children and youth did not receive any worthy alternative. But in connection with the democratization of our society, we received its westernization, which began to introduce values ​​that were alien to us earlier and considered unacceptable for our people: egocentrism and individualism.

As a consequence of such an introduction: a decrease in patriotic feelings, indifference to other people's troubles, disrespectful attitude towards the older generation, state and social institutions, cynicism. But historical facts testify that in difficult times patriotism unites people, gives them faith in themselves and their country. In 2009, a group of Voronezh scientists conducted a sociological study on the topic "The concept of the Motherland in the minds of the inhabitants of the Voronezh region." 915 people were interviewed by means of a questionnaire. The results of the survey are as follows: the majority of respondents (48%) consider Russia their homeland. 22% believe that the homeland is locality, where they were born and raised. 13% suggest that the homeland is where they are valued and respected, where they are needed. 7% consider their homeland a place where they live well. 5% suggest that the homeland is the USSR. 3% call the Motherland the place where a person can realize his abilities. 2% think that their homeland is something else. Studying the problems of Russian patriotism, in our work we conducted a small sociological study.

Respondents were offered a questionnaire on the topic "Patriotism and citizenship", consisting of 53 features of these concepts, to which they were asked to give answers, presented in 4 options: 1) yes; 2) rather yes than no; 3) rather no than yes; 4) no. We set the following task for the respondents: to choose from these 53 features those that to the greatest extent (from the point of view of the respondents) are characteristic of the concepts of "patriotism" and "citizenship". During the study, 25 students of our Voronezh State agricultural university named after Emperor Peter I Faculty of Humanities and Law, faculties accounting and finance and economics and management. The results of our survey are as follows: 88% of respondents are proud of Russia. 92%. proud of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. 76% believe that Russia has sufficient potential for the status of a great world power. The historical victories of the Russian armed forces evoke a sense of pride: 72%. .68% of respondents prefer to observe the rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation, they are proud when the Russian anthem sounds. 64% consider compulsory military service by conscription and respect the past historical experience of their country. 60% of respondents consider it their duty to provide assistance to the elderly and elderly, and are ready to conduct patronage or volunteer activities. 56% are proud of Russia's sporting achievements. Unfortunately, only 76% consider themselves patriots of their country.

Only 72% know the symbols of the Russian Federation. 56% of respondents believe that while serving in the army, young men become real men. 48% of respondents are not indifferent to the country's heritage. A sense of pride in the technical and scientific achievements of the Russian Federation is also evoked by 48% of respondents. And only 4% would like to leave Russia. Thus, based on the analysis of the above personal data, we can conclude that the students of the Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I overwhelmingly consider themselves patriots of their country, love their Fatherland, are ready to help the elderly, want to volunteer, love and respect the historical past of their country. However, it should be noted that 6 respondents did not identify themselves as patriots, and this is 24% of the respondents. The reason for this, in our opinion, is either a misunderstanding of the whole essence of the concept of "patriotism", or education on completely different values. Now the task is to revive patriotic values ​​among all our citizens, young and old.

In our opinion, its revival should be based on: objective coverage of our historical past, regardless of time (grand-princely, tsarist, Soviet, modern), political, ideological, economic state of the state; on the illustrations of the heroic struggle, deeds, talents of Russian citizens in the wars to defend the Fatherland, excellent examples to follow; on the development of intransigence towards modern ill-wishers and enemies of the Fatherland; on the exclusion of bacilli of the superiority of some people over others, manifestations of chauvinism and nationalism in Russia.

The patriotic education of Russian citizens will yield positive results only if all the structures of our society are once again permeated with this work: kindergarten, school, family, army, university, labor collectives, public organizations. This problem is very relevant and significant in our time, since the future of our country depends on the younger generation and teachers face a difficult task to form all the necessary qualities that will create a stable foundation for the development of a personality - a patriot of their country.


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D.D. Lyabina, student T.L. Skrypnikova, senior lecturer.

The very title of the Patriotic War of 1812 emphasizes its social, popular character. In the Manifesto of Emperor Alexander I dated December 25, 1812, informing the peoples of Russia about the final expulsion of the invaders from the country, it was reported about the intention to build a church in memory of the victory of the Russian people. According to the sovereign’s plan, in the capital, which at that time lay in ruins, a grandiose temple-monument was to rise, symbolizing the main idea - “preservation of the eternal memory of that unparalleled zeal, loyalty and love for the Faith and Fatherland, with which the people exalted themselves in these difficult times Russian….".
The Patriotic War of 1812 was a just people's war of the Russian people against the Napoleonic invasion. The main source of Russian military strength, along with the uniformity and cohesion of the national army, was its high morale and the patriotic enthusiasm of the entire Russian people.
In that war, the best qualities of the Russian people were manifested. More than half a million Napoleon's army, led by a great commander, attacked the Russian land with all its might, hoping to conquer this country in a short time, as it had previously crushed all of Europe. But the Russian people stood up with their breasts to defend their native land. A feeling of patriotism swept over the army, the people and the best part of the nobility. The people exterminated French soldiers and officers by all legal and illegal means. Circles and partisan detachments were created, exterminating enemy military formations.
The whole army experienced an extraordinary patriotic upsurge and was full of faith in victory. Preparing for the Battle of Borodino, the soldiers put on clean shirts and did not drink vodka. For them, this battle was sacred. "Won" by Napoleon, according to historians, battle of Borodino did not bring him the desired results. The people abandoned their property and left the enemy. Food supplies were destroyed so that the enemy would not get it. Hundreds of partisan detachments operated in the rear of the French - large and small, peasant and landowner. One detachment, led by a local deacon, could capture several hundred prisoners in a month ... The chroniclers of that war know the elder Vasilisa, who killed hundreds of Frenchmen. The poet-hussar Denis Davydov, the commander of a large, active partisan detachment, entered the history of the Patriotic War.
The theme of Russian patriotism is deeply revealed in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The great writer depicted the heroic past of Russia with exceptional truthfulness, showed the decisive role of the people in the Patriotic War of 1812. He portrays the war of 1812 as a people's war, just, which was waged against enemies who encroached on the independence of the country.
The 200th anniversary of the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812, as one of the greatest events in world history, encourages us - in the 21st century - not only to be fully proud of the heroism, courage and patriotism of our ancestors, but also to more consciously feel love for to their great motherland.

Russian patriotism ... Recently, it has served as an inexhaustible topic for disputes, discussions, " round tables". Representatives of various strata of society, including the military, are trying to reveal the meaning of this concept. The word "patriotism" comes from the Greek patrio - homeland, fatherland. Vl. Dal's explanatory dictionary indicates that "a patriot is a lover of the fatherland, a zealot his good ... "The problems of patriotism began to be increasingly addressed Russian politicians. Their presentation stressed the need to strengthen Russian state, the fact is recognized that the reforms carried out in the country need a clear ideological justification. And it can be based only on patriotism.

Without cultivating love for the Fatherland, propagating historical traditions, it is impossible to strengthen the spiritual strength of the people, to revive a new strong state. Without an emphasis on protecting the interests of Russia, it is unthinkable to develop any fruitful and independent external and internal politics. Without instilling in young people a sense of respect for the history of Russia, for the deeds and traditions of previous generations, it is impossible to build a strong army.

Given the relevance of the topic, in my project I wanted to show the continuity of Russian patriotism using the example of two patriotic wars.

For more than a thousand years of history, Russia has experienced many attacks by foreign armies, which, as a rule, ended in the defeat and death of the aggressors. The independence of their homeland was defended by the broad masses of the people, deciding the outcome of the armed struggle. Supreme manifestation patriotism marked the last two liberation wars - 1812 and 1941-1945. The people who rose to defend their land, both in the person of their army, and in the person of civilians, who burned their houses and poor goods so that the enemy did not get anything, and marched into partisans, and in the person of their military leaders, who led a difficult defense against the superior forces of the conquerors , - for everyone, for all of Russia, these wars were fair, truly Patriotic, popular. They showed the continuity of the patriotism of our people and the traditions of our army.

The wars of 1812 and 1941-1945, which in Russia were called domestic, are separated not only by 130 years. Russia at the beginning of the 19th century is a country of noble landowners and serfs, a stronghold of Orthodoxy. Soviet Russia of the 40s of the XX century is a country with a completely different socio-economic structure with the complete domination of communist ideology. What unites these two wars? Firstly, armies of unprecedented size, gathered by invaders from all over Europe, and secondly, the highest stamina shown by Russian soldiers in bloody battles with the enemy. But the main thing is that these were “people's wars”, that is, wars where the aggressor was opposed not only by the regular army, but by the whole people, the whole country. Patriotic wars caused an unprecedented growth of national self-consciousness. A nationwide patriotic movement arose, aimed at expelling the hated enemy from their native land. The traditional slogan of the Russian army "for God, the Tsar and the Fatherland!" was replaced during the Great Patriotic War by the slogan "For the Motherland, for Stalin!", But the main thing for which Russian soldiers went to die at all times was the Fatherland and the Motherland. And one can understand the feelings of the Russian patriot, the former White Guard commander in the south of Russia during the Civil War, General Anton Denikin, who was in exile during the Great Patriotic War, in France occupied by the Germans.

Denikin, in his message to the veterans of the White movement in November 1944, wrote: “The enemy has been expelled from the borders of the fatherland. We - and in this inevitability the tragedy of our situation - are not participants, but only witnesses of the events that shook our homeland for last years. We could only follow with deep sorrow the suffering of our people, with pride - the greatness of his feat. We experienced pain in the days of the defeat of the army, although it is called "red", not Russian, and joy in the days of its victories. And now, when the world war is not yet over, we wholeheartedly wish for its victorious conclusion, which will secure our country from impudent encroachments from outside.”

In my essay, I used a lot of literature on the Patriotic War of 1812 and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. I want to briefly talk about some books.

The book "1812 in the memoirs, correspondence and stories of contemporaries" is composed of memoirs, memoirs, correspondence, stories of participants and witnesses of the Patriotic War of 1812. Its value lies in the fact that the reader gets acquainted firsthand with the precious information of contemporaries about the historical drama of the Russian people almost two hundred years ago.

In the album "1812. The Borodino Panorama” presents portraits, battle compositions, panorama fragments from the extensive collection of the Borodino Battle Panorama Museum. Scenes of battles, episodes of partisan war by famous Russian and foreign artists give a vivid idea of ​​the heroic deed of the Russian people during the Patriotic War of 1812. Compiled by I.A.Nikolaeva, N.A.Kolosov, P.M.Volodin.

Poet-hussar, poet-partisan, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Denis Vasilyevich Davydov became a legend during his lifetime. He was amazingly talented. In everything he did: he fought, loved, wrote poetry and prose, made friends, was an active and charming person. The collection "Hussar Feast" includes D. Davydov's poems and military notes.

Anniversary edition of Borodino. 1812." Issued for the 175th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. A large number of color illustrations, popular text allow you to clearly and visibly present the history of the Patriotic War of 1812 and follow the entire course of the grand battle of Borodino literally by the hour.

Wide famous book four times Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, “Memories and Reflections” was first published in 1969 and has since gone through twelve editions. Over the years, the book has consistently enjoyed great popularity among readers of different generations. The new edition (2002) is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow and the 105th anniversary of the birth of G.K. Zhukov.

The book uses photo documents from the personal archive of Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, the Central State Archive of Film and Photo Documents, the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the photo archive of the magazine "Soviet Warrior", the APN photo library, TASS photo chronicles, the Zhukovsky People's Military History Museum, as well as photographs of Soviet military photojournalists.

The first volume tells about the life of Zhukov, from childhood to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, to the struggle for Leningrad.

The second volume included: the Battle for Moscow, the strategic defeat of the enemy in the Stalingrad region, the defeat of the Nazi troops on Kursk Bulge, liberation of Belarus and Ukraine, Berlin operation and the Potsdam Conference.

Brief historical reference book “The Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945. Events. People. Documents” is dedicated to one of the most heroic and difficult periods in the history of our country and people. The Chronicle of Events section shows the long and difficult path of the Soviet Army from the tragic initial period of the Patriotic War to the great Day of Victory over fascism. The book also contains brief biographical information about party and state leaders of the period of the Patriotic War, military leaders, especially distinguished soldiers and commanders of the Soviet Army, partisans and underground workers, scientists and designers of defense equipment and others. Documents of the Patriotic War are published. The guide is richly illustrated and contains maps.

By the beginning of 1944, the German Wehrmacht had completely lost its strategic initiative, but the Germans still occupied the vast territories of the Soviet Union, but all attempts by the German command to keep what they had won ended in defeat. The Wehrmacht failed to carry out in 1944 on the Eastern Front not a single offensive operation of either a strategic or operational scale. The agony of the Third Reich was inexorably approaching. Hitler tried in vain to create an impregnable defense of Germany, and German soldiers, officers and generals continued to fight and die, although many of them understood that the war was lost. The outstanding German historian Alex Buchner in his book “1944. Collapse on the Eastern Front" comprehensively examines the military reasons for the Wehrmacht's defeats in six major defensive battles and draws interesting conclusions based on numerous military-historical studies and eyewitness accounts. Many details of the operations of 1944 and military documents for the first time become available to the domestic reader thanks to this book.

A lot has been written about the battle near Moscow, this topic is inexhaustible. And yet, the book “Moscow at the frontline. 1941-1942. Archival Documents and Materials”, designed for a wide range of readers.

It was in the battle near our capital that the Nazi troops suffered their first strategic defeat in the Great Patriotic War, and the myth of the invincibility of the German army was dispelled. It was here that the beginning of the Great Victory in forty-five was laid. The value of the book is that for the first time on the basis of unique documents, memoirs, photographs from the largest archives of Moscow, as well as museums, everyday life military capitals. Many materials are devoted to the Moscow region. The documents tell about the first difficult months of the struggle against a strong enemy, about the steadfastness, courage and patriotism of our grandfathers and fathers, who drove and defeated the Nazis.

Without a doubt, about 400 documents and over 400 illustrations will not leave anyone indifferent, most of which are published for the first time. “Soviet soldiers, partisans and home front workers gave everything to protect their capital,” emphasized Marshal G.K. Zhukov, speaking at a scientific conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi invaders near Moscow. - In the fiercest bloody battles for Moscow, all our units, formations of all branches of the military showed exceptional perseverance and perseverance. From beginning to end, Soviet soldiers honorably fulfilled their sacred duty to the Motherland, showed mass heroism, sparing neither strength nor life itself to defend Moscow.

Patriotism of the Russian people on the Borodino field

On the night of June 24, 1812, after a great and thorough preparation, the French army, called the "Great", began crossing the Neman River. The total number of " great army» exceeded 600 thousand people. World history has not yet known armies of such power. Napoleon was opposed by Russian troops located along the border total strength only 230 thousand people. Avoiding defeat one by one, the 1st and 2nd Russian armies retreated deep into the country, waging stubborn battles.

There was no unity in the Russian army regarding further actions. Barclay de Tolly believed that in order to save the army, it was necessary to continue the retreat, and the ardent Bagration demanded to go on the offensive, accusing Barclay of lack of patriotism. To avoid a split in the army, Alexander I appointed 67-year-old Prince Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, a student of Suvorov, who was well known and trusted by the people and the army, and who had a reputation as an intelligent and cautious commander, as commander-in-chief. “I had to,” the emperor wrote, “to stop my choice on the one whom the general voice indicated.”

This is the kind of leader that was needed. people's war. Kutuzov knew that Napoleon would be destroyed not just by space and excessively stretched lines of communication, but by the desert into which the Russian people would turn their country in order to destroy the invading enemy. Gradually, the "campaign of 1812" turned into a people's, Patriotic war. All segments of the population took part in the defense of the fatherland. Merchants and the nobility donated money, young people signed up for the militia, peasants armed themselves and attacked the French.

The battle of Borodino in 1812 is a rare example of a general battle in the history of wars, the outcome of which both sides immediately announced and still celebrate as their victory, with good reason.

On August 26 (September 7), 1812, in the area of ​​the village of Borodino, a general battle took place between the Russian (120 thousand people, 640 guns) and French (130-135 thousand people, 587 guns) armies during the Patriotic War of 1812. The battle began at dawn on 26 August.

Delzon's division suddenly attacked and captured the village of Borodino, in which the Life Guards Jaeger Regiment was located.

Almost simultaneously, the main blow was struck by Napoleon on the Russian left flank, on the Semenov (Bagrationov) flushes. Fierce fighting in this direction lasted almost until noon. Tens of thousands of people with the endless roar of 800 guns came together in a bloody single combat. With their faces black from gunpowder, in a unified desire to defeat the enemy, the Russian infantrymen, artillerymen, and cavalry repelled several attacks. After Bagration was wounded, the troops of the Great Army managed to occupy three flashes, which were the advanced artillery fortifications of the general defense system of the left flank in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe village of Semenovskaya. Napoleon, obsessed with the desire, at all costs, to break through the defenses of the left flank of the Russian troops, throws the cavalry corps of Latour-Mabour and Nansouty into the attack. General D.S. arrived in time to replace the wounded Bagration. Dokhturov, who managed to organize the defense of the Semenov Heights in time and competently. The village of Semenovskoye was in the hands of the enemy, but attempts to break through the defenses of the left flank were not successful.

The center of the Russian position is Raevsky's battery ("the fatal redoubt"). Attacks on this fortification undertaken by the corps of E. Beauharnais and infantry divisions Davout in the first half of the day, choked in the fierce resistance of the forces of the Russian army. Death flew everywhere.

In the battles for the Utitsky Kurgan on the left flank, the troops of the corps N.A. Tuchkov courageously held back Poniatowski's corps, not allowing themselves to be outflanked. The troops of Tuchkov 1st showed extraordinary courage and stamina, performing their military duty.

In the middle of the day, F.P. Uvarov, commanding the cavalry corps, and ataman M.I. Platov, at the head of the Cossack detachment, made an unprecedented raid on the left flank of the enemy. This "sabotage" alerted Napoleon and diverted part of the forces of his army, giving a temporary respite to the left flank of the Russian army, exhausted from enemy attacks.

In the second half of the day, Raevsky's battery again became the epicenter of events. The cavalry of General O. Caulaincourt attacked the central height with all its might. Trying to capitalize on their success, the cavalrymen attacked the Russian infantrymen east of the captured battery behind the Ognik stream. But the Russian dragoons and cuirassiers, including the Life Guards of the Cavalry and Cavalry Regiments, overturned the French.

Endless firing, cries of commanders, screams of the wounded, the groan of the dying, the neighing of horses - everything was mixed up in this grandiose and terrifying theater of military operations. It seemed that the sun had faded in black powder smoke and nothing living could survive in this monstrous inferno.

Night fell over the battlefield, thousands of the dead remained lying in places where they died with weapons in their hands. The losses of each side amounted to 40 thousand killed and wounded, missing.

Russian warriors covered themselves with unfading glory in the Battle of Borodino! Is it possible to list all those who distinguished themselves on the battlefield? These are the brave defenders of Bagration's flashes and Raevsky's batteries, and the brave and skillful artillerymen, and the desperate and dashing cavalrymen and Cossacks, and the courageous and staunch army and guard infantrymen. Yes, it’s scary to go into a wall-to-wall bayonet attack, but how much courage you need to have in order to stand for a completely open space under the terrifying fire of enemy artillery, located literally six hundred paces away, and not to flinch, not to be cowardly, not to retreat?! So, as if rooted to the spot, stood on the left flank of the Russian army of the Life Guards of the Lithuanian and Izmailovsky regiments. Each volley of enemy artillery mercilessly mowed down their orderly ranks, and when the cannon fire subsided, Napoleon's "iron men", as the French emperor called his cuirassiers, rushed at the guards in an avalanche. Sparkling in the sun with cuirasses, Napoleon's shells flew into the guards, bristling with bayonets, squares and rolled back, unable to overcome the courage of the Russian guards. And again, a hail of cannonballs and grapeshots fell upon the Lithuanians and Izmailovites. The artillery fire was so strong that the Russians were looking forward to the next attack of the cavalry in order to at least take a break from the infernal bombardment. Repulsing the next attack of Napoleon's heavy cavalry, the guards along the way also managed to capture the cuirassiers, who were placed in the middle of the square. Moreover, after the third attack by the French cavalry, which was also repulsed by the guards, the Lithuanian regiment itself rushed to the offensive, in which it was successful. Repeatedly and later, the guards infantry, experiencing for six hours the most destructive fire of the enemy, having suffered huge losses, again and again rushed into a bayonet attack on the infantry and cavalry of the enemy, sometimes six times superior to it, and put him to flight! Isn't this true examples of valor, glory and patriotism! Reporting to M.I. Kutuzov about the Battle of Borodino, Lieutenant-General P.P. Konovnitsyn wrote: “I cannot speak with sufficient praise to Your Grace about the exemplary fearlessness shown on this day by the regiments of the Life Guards Lithuanian and Izmailovsky. Arriving at the left flank, they unshakably withstood the heaviest fire of the enemy artillery, their ranks showered with buckshot, despite the loss, were in the best arrangement, and all the ranks from the first to the last, one before the other, showed their zeal to die before yielding to the enemy. and the horse grenadiers on both regiments were reflected with incredible success, because despite the fact that the brownies built by these regiments were completely surrounded, the enemy was driven off with extreme damage by fire and bayonets ... In a word, the Izmailovsky and Lithuanian regiments in a memorable battle 26 On the th of August, they covered themselves in view of the whole army with undeniable glory ... ". Unable to develop success, Napoleon withdrew his troops to their original positions, and the Russian army withdrew to Moscow.

"In world history there are very few battles, - wrote the Soviet historian academician Tarle, - that could be compared with the battle of Borodino both in terms of hitherto unheard-of bloodshed, and in bitterness, and in huge consequences. Napoleon destroyed in this battle almost half of the Russian army and a few days later entered Moscow, and, despite this, he not only did not break the spirit of the surviving part of the Russian army, but did not frighten the Russian people, who, precisely after Borodin and after the death of Moscow, strengthened fierce resistance to the enemy.”1

Napoleon himself gave a very accurate assessment of the results of the Battle of Borodino. “Of the fifty battles that I have given, the most expressed in the battle near Moscow

valor and won the least success. "The Battle of Borodino was one of those where extraordinary efforts had the most unsatisfactory results." “The most terrible of all my battles is the one I gave near Moscow. The French in it showed themselves worthy of victory, and the Russians acquired the right to be invincible.