The structure of an individual lesson in speech therapy. The preparatory stage of speech therapy classes

Alla Malgina
The structure of a speech therapy lesson on sound production

Topic: Sound …

Target: sound setting...


The development of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus;

Development phonemic hearing;

Sound automation in isolation.

Equipment: mirror individual, collective; articulation profile, schematic representations articulation modes; material for the development of the air jet; probes, spatulas, alcohol, cotton pads; didactic material: syllable tables, tracks, pictures, toys.

Stages of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment m. It is necessary to create a positive emotional mood (smile, greeting, etc.).

2. Announcement of topics s. It can be direct (“Today we will learn to speak the sound beautifully) or through the selection of sound from the speech material (“Guess what sound we will learn to speak today - Sonya, sled, scooter?”).

3. Articulation gymnastics. Articulation exercises are practiced, which are necessary for the sound being studied. For example, for the sound Sh, this is “Speaker”, “Spatula”, “Cup”, “ delicious jam”,“ Turkey poults ”, etc.

4. Setting the sound. Starts with the most simple ways: by imitation; from articulatory gymnastics; from reference sound. If necessary, mechanical assistance is used (child's finger, speech therapy probes, spoon) or a combined method.

5. Analysis of sound articulation(in the event that the sound turned out). The speech therapist, together with the child, analyzes the position of the lips, tongue, the distance between the teeth, the work of the vocal apparatus, the nature of the exhaled air stream. The analysis is accompanied by a consideration of the profile of articulation, the articulation of a speech therapist, the child himself in front of a mirror. Demonstrated circuits, manual sound model.

6. Development of phonemic hearing. In the event that the child had a sound distortion, then he is invited to recognize the error in the proposed speech material. The child explains and analyzes the noticed mistake. A child who replaces a given sound or mixes it with any one learns to hear it among others. First, in the text, where the speech therapist pronounces this sound exaggeratedly; then words with this sound and words where it is not are offered; further syllables with and without this sound and in pure form sound among other sounds. But at the stage of setting the sound in the speech material there should not be appositional sounds.

7. Automation of sound in its purest form(isolated). It is better to carry out through onomatopoeia (“How does a snake hiss?”, “How does grass rustle? Etc.).

8. Evaluation of the work of the child. It should always be positive (“You did well!”, “You tried!”, etc.).

9. Homework. It is impossible to give speech material, because the sound has not yet been worked out. Articulation gymnastics is given.

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Structure and content

(by setting sounds)

Essence speech therapy impact consists in educating correct and inhibiting incorrect skills with the help of a special system of pedagogical influence. The formation of correct pronunciation skills is carried out by a speech therapist at specially organizedindividual speech therapy sessions with children.

When preparing and conducting them, a speech therapist should:

1. formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson;

2. determine the stages of the lesson, their interdependence and sequence;

3. gradually complicate the lexical and grammatical material presented to children;

4. diversify the lesson with the help of games and game techniques;

5. take into account the zone of proximal development of the child;

6. to carry out a differentiated approach to each child, taking into account the structure of the speech defect, age and individual characteristics;

7. concisely and clearly formulate instructions given to children;

8. use varied and colorful visual material;

9. be able to create a positive emotional background for the lesson, planning emotional upsurges, taking into account the increase in the complexity of the material presented.

Since speech is associated with the movements of the speech apparatus, great place when eliminating defects in sound pronunciation, it takes . Its value is fully justified, since the pronunciation of speech sounds is a complex motor skill.

The development of correct, full-fledged movements of the articulatory organs and the combination of simple movements into complex articulation patterns of various sounds are necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Depending on the form of the sound defect, one or another set of articulation exercises is used. Their type, duration, single dosage depend on the nature and severity speech disorder. The dosage of the amount of the same exercise should be strictly individual both for each child and for each period of work with him. In the first lessons, you can limit yourself to only two repetitions of exercises due to the increased exhaustibility of the exercised muscle. In the future, the number of repetitions can be increased. The complex of basic movements for the development and exercise of the articulatory apparatus includes the simplest and most characteristic movements of all organs of articulation during speech - lips, jaws, tongue. When correcting individual sounds are used special complexes. The principle of selection of movements each time will be the nature of the defective pronunciation and the appropriateness of the recommended movements for correct pronunciation. given sound. It is not enough for a speech therapist to select appropriate movements, you need to teach the child to apply them correctly, i.e. impose certain requirements on the quality of movements: accuracy, purity, smoothness, strength, pace, stability of the transition from one movement to another.

Equally important is the development of phonemic awareness and phonemic perception. This task may turn out to be a priority if the defects in sound pronunciation are due to the unformed operations of processing phonemes according to their acoustic parameters, when the distinction between the phonemes that make up the word is impaired or difficult. Tasks for developing the skills to hear, recognize the sound, distinguish it from the flow of speech, distinguish between similar in acoustic and articulatory features sounds, exercises for the formation of skills of elementary sound analysis and synthesis are an integral part of corrective work to correct sound defects.

The process of correcting incorrect sound pronunciation is divided into three stages: sound staging, sound automation, and differentiation of mixed sounds. Experts note that sound production in most cases is a more complex artificial process than the independent appearance of sound in a child, since from a physiological point of view, sound production is the creation of a new conditioned reflex. Preschoolers often imitate the sounds of the world around them or the articulation of a speech therapist during the inclusion of children in a game situation. In other cases, as a workaround, preserved sounds are used that are close in place, the method of articulation to those sounds, the correct pronunciation of which needs to be taught to the child (for example, the sounds [s], [t], [R]). In more complex cases, mechanical assistance is required.

In the classroom, a speech therapist should pay great attention to enrichment, activation of the dictionary, development of inflection and word formation skills, and the formation of a grammatical structure. At the initial stages, this work is carried out on the material of preserved sounds. Later in lexical and grammar exercises words are entered with a set and automated sound.

Thus, the goals of an individual speech therapy lesson should include:

1. development of articulatory motility, the formation of correct articulation structures;

2. formation of pronunciation skills (depending on the stage of work on sound);

3. development of phonemic perception, sound analysis skills;

4. improvement of lexical and grammatical constructions;

5. development of non-speech mental processes;

In preparing and conducting individual lessons it is very important to remember that throughout the lesson the child should have a stable positive emotional attitude, which is expressed in the desire to study. This is achieved using surprise moments, game fragments, exciting tasks and exercises, during which the process of learning and learning turns into interesting game. During the lesson, line up interesting stories which often involve the children themselves.

During the lesson, the child develops the ability to listen, hear and evaluate not only the speech of others, but also his own. For this, it is effective to record during the lesson of individual exercises on a tape recorder. In this case, the child gets the opportunity to hear himself not only at the moment of utterance, but also, as if from the outside, to hear and evaluate his speech.

Determining the content of an individual speech therapy lesson, selecting speech and practical material, one should strive to ensure that the lesson is not only interesting, but also as productive as possible, with a high speech activity of the child. It is important to include series in classes training exercises teaching children to freely use new sounds in spontaneous statements. If the structure of the lesson at the automation stage is determined by the sequential complication of the speech material, then in an individual lesson, approaches to sound production are carried out repeatedly (at least 3 times) during the lesson. They should alternate with tasks for the implementation of other goals. Entertaining form classes, game techniques, changing types of tasks, a reward system allow you to maintain the interest of children over a certain period of time.

Forms and organization

Often speech therapists, and not only beginners, sigh as soon as it comes to individual lessons. Indeed, repeated repetitions of the same material tire not only the child, but also the adult. And there is no getting away from repetitions when you need to work out the correct articulation pattern, teach the child to hear, recognize the sound, and then pronounce it correctly. In some cases, it is difficult to set up a sound, and each, even the most insignificant, step forward is worth a lot of effort.

Consider the forms of classes, more precisely, the forms of their organization and conduct.

So, in what form can speech material be presented to a child, to interest him, to cause a desire to repeat already familiar, but so complex and not always accessible, over and over again? correct pronunciation the words? I'll give you a few options.

We have a guest:

1. he wants to see and listen to what the child can do and how he can pronounce;

2. the guest does not know how to do articulation exercises or
pronounce the sound correctly and asks him to teach;

3. The guest brought with him various tasks for the child and asks to complete them.

In each option, the child performs the tasks offered to him.

I'm going to visit

The child himself or the game character is sent to visit. On the way, he has to overcome various obstacles, completing the tasks of a speech therapist or characters he meets along the way. (You can equip and hold such a lesson as a table theater.)

We came to visit:

1. surprise the hosts by preparing a surprise for them; show them what we can do;

2. We will help the owners who cannot figure it out in any way.


The speech therapist brings a parcel to class, the sender of which is known immediately or his name is clarified during the class. Parsing the parcel (toys, pictures, cards, etc.), the child performs the tasks prepared for him by the sender.


This plot is similar to the previous one, only the tasks are given in writing, and the child, together with the speech therapist, performs them using the visual and didactic material available in the classroom.


The child is offered a plan, according to which there are envelopes with assignments in the office. Moving around the classroom, the child finds and completes the tasks prepared for him. The plan can tell the child the order in which they should be completed (for example: “First complete the task from the blue envelope, then from the green one ...” or “This task was suggested by the squirrel, and who is preparing the next one, look at the plan”).

The path on the map ("Treasure Island", "Buried Treasure")

The child is offered a hand-drawn map (you can use a ready-made printed board game). Moving from one point to another, while marking his path with a chip (it is good to use toys from Kinder Surprise), the child completes tasks, overcoming obstacles. Passing the path on the map is possible in the course of one lesson, and it can stretch for several. At the end of the journey, a surprise awaits the child.

Field of Dreams

A word is laid out in front of the child on cards or from the letters of the split alphabet. To turn over and learn the next letter, the child needs to complete the task of a speech therapist. After the whole word is revealed, the child reads it himself or with the help of a speech therapist. Alternatively, it could be some character whose name needs to be guessed. When the child reads the name, the speech therapist exposes a picture with his image or a toy.

construction site

A child builds a house from the details of a designer or parts of a split picture ( Kindergarten, school or any other building). At the same time, in order to complete each element of the building or get the necessary detail of the designer, part of the picture, the child performs the task of a speech therapist. The construction should not be complicated, and the number of details should be such that the child fits in the time allotted for the lesson (for example, a house can be made of several cubes and a finished roof, and a picture can be offered from six to nine parts, depending on the age of the child).

The emerging picture

In front of the child on the table, face down, lies a split picture. After each completed task, parts of the picture are turned over, gradually “showing” the image. Thus, by the end of the lesson, the child will see the picture. It can be a “gift” for a child (an image of a flower, a toy, etc.) or a portrait of a character who prepared all the tasks.

The circus

Circus artists (these can be pictures or toys) do not just perform in the circus, but perform tasks, while the child actively helps them: for example, a juggler catches balls with a given sound; the parrot mimics, repeating words; a smart elephant stomps as many times as there are syllables in a word, etc.

fun school

In one case, the child ends up in an unusual school (for example, a forest school) and, together with other students, studies on his own, helps others by completing the tasks of a speech therapist who is a teacher in this school or acts on behalf of the teacher. In another case, the child himself can be in the role of a teacher in such a school and teach his unusual students, showing them how to properly perform this or that task.

Occupation- story

In the course of telling and visually demonstrating a fairy tale well known to the child, the speech therapist offers to help the characters by completing various tasks (knead the dough with the grandmother, “run” along the path with Kolobok, outwit the fox, etc.). In such a lesson, an author's fairy tale can also be used, which the speech therapist comes up with himself and plays out with the child using pictures or toys. The child not only watches and listens, but is also an active participant in the fairy tale, completing the tasks proposed by the speech therapist.

Of course, this is far from full list forms individual speech therapy classes with kids preschool age. Each speech therapist can continue it with their own developments and ideas.

The article presents several options for the structure of speech therapy classes for various speech pathologies.

The structure of an individual speech therapy lesson

1. Static and dynamic articulation exercises:

  • lip training exercises;
  • exercise for training the lower jaw;
  • language exercises.

2. Finger gymnastics accompanied by lyrics.

3. Exercises for the development of speech breathing.

4. Exercises for the development of facial expression.

6. Education of clear diction and intonational expressive speech.

7. Exercises for development auditory attention and phonemic awareness.

8. Correction of defective sound pronunciation and automation of correct sound pronunciation in the child's speech.

9. Correction of violation syllabic structure the words.

10. Formation of lexical and grammatical representations.

11. Teaching the elements of literacy.

12. Development of mental processes: voluntary attention, memory, logical thinking.

13. Correction of reading and writing disorders (, dysorphography) in schoolchildren.

The structure of a speech therapy lesson on sound production

2. Articulation gymnastics:

  • general articulation exercises;
  • special articulation movements;
  • exercises for the development of voice power and air jet.

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

4. Setting the sound.

5. Analysis of articulation according to the plan.

6. Consolidation of isolated sound (individual and choral pronunciation, onomatopoeia games).

7. Development of phonemic hearing:

  • recognition of a sound from a number of isolated sounds that differ in articulatory and acoustic characteristics;
  • recognition from syllables;
  • recognition from words.

8. Fixing sound in syllables.

9. Consolidation in words.

10. Consolidation in sentences.

11. Homework.

12. The result of the lesson.

The structure of a speech therapy lesson on automating sounds

1. Organizational moment with elements of psychotherapy.

2. Articulatory gymnastics for automated sound.

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

4. Pronunciation of an isolated sound (in chorus, group, individually, in a chain).

5. Analysis of articulation according to the plan. Algorithm:

  • lips,
  • teeth,
  • language,
  • air jet.

6. Characteristics of sound (we talk about hardness - softness only against the background of the word).

7. The connection of sound with the letter.

9. Fixing sound in syllables, sound analysis and synthesis of syllables, graphic notation.

10. Consolidation of sound in words, sound-syllabic analysis of words with graphic recording.

11. Fixing sound in a sentence, graphic recording and analysis of a sentence.

12. Fixing in the text.

13. Homework.

14. The result of a speech therapy lesson.

The structure of a speech therapy lesson on the differentiation of sounds

1. Organizational moment with elements of psychotherapy.

2. Articulation gymnastics - only the most basic exercises are planned - simulating the main articulation movements of both sounds.

3. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

4. Pronunciation in isolation of sounds that differ (choral, individual, etc.).

5. Analysis of the articulation of sounds according to the algorithm, highlighting common and different moments of articulation.

6. Characteristics of sounds.

7. Connection of sounds with letters.

8. Development of phonemic hearing.

9. Differentiation of sounds in syllables.

10. Reading syllables according to the table or repeating after a speech therapist, graphical analysis of syllables.

11. Differentiation of sound in a sentence, analysis of a sentence with a graphic notation and selection of words containing the studied sounds, selection of the sounds themselves.

12. Differentiation of sound in the text.

13. Homework.

14. The result of the lesson.

The structure of a speech therapy lesson for stuttering

1. Organizational moment with elements of psychotherapy.

2. General motor charging.

  • To relieve muscle tension;
  • To instill the ability to regulate the tension and relaxation of your body;
  • Overcoming movement tricks.

3. Voice charging:

4. Education of speech breathing (mouth exhalation, long and smooth);

5. Education easy and timely voice;

6. Education of easy and timely inclusion of appropriate articulatory movements.

7. Coordination of speech with movement (education of the appropriate pace, smoothness and rhythm of speech).

8. Work to consolidate the skills of correct speech:

  • conjugated phoneme;
  • Reflected phoneme;
  • Question-answer form.

9. Homework.

10. Summing up.

The structure of speech therapy classes for dysarthria

1. Organizational moment with elements of psychotherapy.

2. General relaxation (as needed).

3. Development of general motor skills.

4. Development fine motor skills.

5. Facial massage.

6. Development of facial muscles.

7. Development of articulatory motility (for the development of conditioned reflex movements).

9. Correction of sound pronunciation.

10. Formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

11. Homework.

12. The result of the lesson.

The structure of speech therapy classes with rhinolalia

1. Organizational moment.

2. Normalization of the motility of the lower jaw.

3. Massage of the hard and soft palate.

4. Gymnastics for the muscles of the soft palate and the muscles of the back wall of the pharynx.

5. Facial massage.

6. Lip massage (after cheiloplasty).

7. Mimic gymnastics.

8. Articulatory gymnastics: for the lips, for the tongue in order to spread the tongue, move it forward so that it is wide.

9. Breathing exercises.

11. Announcement of the topic.

12. Correction of sound pronunciation (staging, automation, differentiation).

13. Development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.

14. Homework.

15. The result of a speech therapy lesson.

The structure of a speech therapy lesson for dysgraphia

1. Organizational moment with elements of psychotherapy.

2. Development of fine motor skills.

3. Development of visual-spatial coordination.

4. Development of articulatory motility.

5. Development of phonemic hearing.

6. Correction of violation of the letter (on the material of the program section on the Russian language).

7. Homework.

8. Summary of the lesson.

Zotova Alevtina Gennadievna,
teacher speech therapist,
Moscow city

The structure of a speech therapy lesson for the correction of violations of sound pronunciation


Stages of the lesson

Approximate content



Organizing time

- introduction to the topic of the lesson

Activation of children, emotional mood for the upcoming lesson, game tasks or exercises leading to the main topic of the lesson

1 minute

- goal setting

Formulated by the speech therapist himself, or together with the children, the expected result of the lesson, that is, what should be learned by the end of the lesson


- setting goals

Determination of stages and directions of work to achieve the set goal.

1/2 min


Main part

Articulation gymnastics, exercises breathing exercises

Static and dynamic exercises aimed at developing kinesthetic sensations, general articulatory motor skills, or forming a certain articulatory posture; contributing to the formation of a strong targeted air jet

3-5 min

Sound articulation refinement

Examination of the scheme of articulation; own articulation based on visual and kinesthetic analyzers; articulation modeling

1 -2 min

Sound work

(-setting the sound;

- sound automation;

- sound differentiation)

Specially selected speech exercises and tasks that contribute to the automation of isolated sound, combinations of sound in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, speech in accordance with general recommendations

3 – 5 min

Development of motor skills

Exercises that contribute to the development of general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement

2- 3 min

Development of cognitive functions

Games, exercises, tasks that contribute to the development of the functions of attention, memory, thinking, related to the general theme of the lesson, including the pronunciation of the studied sounds

2 – 3 min


Summary of the lesson. Reflection

Summing up the results of the lesson, assessing the achievement of the goal, the fulfillment of tasks

1 - 2 min

The structure of a speech therapy lesson on the differentiation of sounds


Stages of the lesson

Approximate content



Organizing time

Activation of children, emotional mood for the upcoming lesson.

1 minute


Main part

The sequence, content and place of the structural components are selected at the discretion of the speech therapist and correspond to the goals and objectives of a particular speech therapy session.

2.1 Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Formation and development of phonemic representations

Actualization and repetition of existing knowledge learned in previous classes. When getting acquainted with a new topic, it is desirable that a speech therapist, using the deductive method, if possible, "bring" the children to the existence and expediency of a new linguistic phenomenon. Riddles, games, exercises for the development of speech or cognitive functions, leading to the main topic of the lesson. Isolation of the sounds studied in the lesson from words, poems, riddles, etc. The explanation of the topic of the lesson should be carried out in only one way and in the form of one task. All other tasks should be directed to consolidation.


2.2 Goal setting, task setting

Setting the main goal of the lesson: formulated by the speech therapist himself, or together with the children, the expected result of the lesson, that is, what should be learned by the end of the lesson. The purpose of the lesson involves the development of a specific skill in this particular lesson. When formulating the goal, only the directions of corrective work should be indicated. It is unacceptable to include in the goal the types of work that can be used for its implementation.

Setting specific tasks for this lesson.

1/2 min

2.3 Working with sound(s)

- Clarification of articulation, characterization of sounds

Clarification of the correct articulation patterns of the lips and tongue, necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Comparative analysis of clear differential features of the studied sounds. It is necessary to update only those characteristics that are distinctive for this opposition. All the rest should not be given as insignificant in this case, distracting the attention of students. (For example, for sounds [w] - [g] the main thing is the difference - voiced - deaf) The main reliance is placed on the auditory differentiation of oppositional sounds (if this is not a correction of optical dysgraphia)

-Differentiation isolated sounds. Associating sound with letter.

In the first lessons, for each pair of vowels and consonants, the differentiation of their sound should be worked out on in large numbers phonetically similar material

When differentiating articulatory and acoustically similar sounds, the volume lexical material is selected in such a way as not to exceed the threshold of children's fatigue, to maintain the ability to focus only on the content of the task. Acquaintance with the letter denoting sound. (fixing visual image letters are required only in classes for the correction of optical dysgraphia. At the same time, it is necessary, if possible, to compare these images with objects familiar to children).

-Differentiation in syllables

Isolation of sounds on the background of a syllable. Children learn to distinguish sounds from syllables by ear and in pronunciation, to distinguish between syllables with and without given sounds. For example, a speech therapist names syllables that include a given sound and do not have it. Children should raise a circle or a letter, clap their hands if a given sound is heard in a syllable.

Designation of syllables with color symbols. Graphic designation of syllables and sounds in these syllables. The method of repetition of a series of syllables with different sounds is widely used. In the exercises, syllables of various structures are used - open, closed, without a confluence of consonants and with a confluence of consonants.

Development and consolidation of syllabic analysis and synthesis skills.

In the course of work on the differentiation of optically similar letters, there is no need to carry out auditory differentiation of the corresponding sounds, since almost all letters, mixed on the basis of their optical similarity, denote sounds that are correctly differentiated in oral speech.

- Differentiation in words

Word work. Lexico-grammatical tasks (mastering inflection and word formation). Children's vocabulary. Complex views language analysis and synthesis.

Clarification lexical meaning words.

Solving puzzles, riddles, charades.

effective method work is to determine the phonetic correctness of the word. Children are offered words that differ in phonetically similar sounds (ring - kolso, swallow - swallow, etc.).

Determining the place of sound in a word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end of a word, after which sound, before which sound.

When differentiating oppositional sounds in the first two or three lessons, you cannot use words with two missing letters. (For example: differentiation A - Z: pol.nk., pig.t. etc.) It is more expedient to offer such words at the level of sentences and texts.

To differentiate sounds at the end of a word, one cannot take words in which this sound is phonetically stunned.

- Differentiation in phrases, sentences

Development of the ability to find a word with a given sound in a sentence.

Practical assimilation of sentences of different types. Making your own proposals. Analysis of words with the studied sound included in sentences.

At this stage, it is imperative to seek complete responses from children.

- Differentiation in connected speech

Repetition of speech with sounds. Composing speeches with sounds. Learning by heart riddles and poems. The development of connected speech. Development of attention and imagination. Retelling of short texts. Storytelling and storytelling. Reading texts with differentiable sounds.

2.4 Development of motor skills. Fizkultminutka. Finger gymnastics.

No more than one exercise session is allowed. Its content must strictly correspond to the topic of the lesson being studied, and the next type of work must again be preceded by appropriate updating. Exercises for the development of general and fine motor skills should also be related to the topic of the lesson and organically fit into its structure and content. It is possible to lay out letters from various improvised materials, write down letters, syllables, words on the rump. Outlining shapes by points, hatching, etc. Pronunciation of tongue twisters with differentiated sounds while performing self-massage, using nuts, massage brushes, etc.

2.5Development of cognitive functions

Games, exercises, tasks that contribute to the development of the functions of attention, memory, thinking, related to the general theme of the lesson, including the pronunciation of differentiated sounds


Summary of the lesson. Reflection

Summing up the results of the lesson, assessment of the achievement of the goal, the fulfillment of tasks.

Reflection can be carried out not only at the end of the lesson, but also at any stage.

Usually at the end of the lesson, its results are summed up, a discussion of what they learned and how they worked - i.e. each evaluates his contribution to the achievement of the goals set at the beginning of the lesson, his activity, the effectiveness of the group, the fascination and usefulness of the chosen forms of work. The guys in a circle speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning phrases from the reflective screen On the desk:

today I found out ... it was interesting ...

it was difficult… I did the tasks…

I realized that... now I can...

I felt that... I acquired...

I learned... I succeeded...

I could... I'll try...

I was surprised ... the lesson gave me for life ...

I wanted…

In the work of a speech therapist, we often show classes: open or everyday. Many speech therapists are faced with the question “What is the structure of a speech therapy session?”

I. The structure of an open speech therapy lesson

The organizational and plot basis of classes can be very diverse. It all depends on the desire and capabilities of the speech therapist, his readiness for impromptu. Here are some options for organizing classes using:

    fairy tales;

    elements of folklore;

    imaginary journeys, excursions, trips, adventures;

    literary characters;

    known and invented games;

    elements of the plot-didactic game;

    plot and landscape paintings;

    specially made drawings, collages, mosaics, panels;

    desktop printed games;

    stories and cartoon characters.

In this case, it is not necessary to use only well-known plots and themes. You can come up with a plot yourself completely or use the basis of the proposed plot and develop it in the course of the lesson, if the opportunities for joint impromptu and creativity of the speech therapist and children allow.

The structure of classes on automation of pronunciation and differentiation of sounds includes the required elements:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson.

3. Characteristics of sound according to articulatory and acoustic features.

4. Pronunciation of the studied sounds in syllables and syllabic combinations.

5. Pronunciation of sounds in words.

6. Physical Minute.

7. Work on pronunciation.

8. Pronunciation of sound in connected speech.

9. The result of the lesson.

Let us consider in more detail the tasks and options for organizing the elements of plot-thematic classes.

1. Organizational. His goal- introduction to the topic of the lesson, creating a positive attitude, awakening interest in learning new sounds, as well as correction of psychoverbal functions. Main a task speech therapist - to include children in the work from the first minutes of the lesson. Organizational moments are held in different versions, but in any case it is useful to include relaxation, mimic and imitating exercises.

For example, a lesson on the topic “Kidnapping a letter AT begins with the reading of the telegram. In another version, a lesson based on the "Walking in the Forest" storyline begins with a riddle. This is followed by relaxation exercises that help relieve increased muscle tension in children with dysarthria. In the third option, psycho-gymnastics is used. Mimic exercises improve the work of the facial muscles, contribute to the development of the mobility of the articulatory apparatus. You can use elements of psychogymnastics. Psychogymnastics promotes the emancipation of children, the manifestation of their "I", the development of imagination, overcoming motor awkwardness.

2. Reporting the topic of the lesson. The tasks offered in this part allow you to smoothly and imperceptibly move on to the topic of the lesson. Children are usually exposed to toys, flat figures or images of characters - participants in the lesson. Children get to know them, highlight the studied sounds and the names of the characters.

For example, in the Three Little Pigs lesson, the topic message is: “Today we will compose a fairy tale about Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf and study the soundsH, H » . Another option: children are invited to repeat and guess a riddle, all the words of which contain the sounds being studied.

In this way, game form messages on the topic of the lesson not only arouses children's interest in the lesson, but also achieves the main thing for this stage - the attention of children is directed to the sound being studied, to the perception of new or repetition of the sounds passed.

3. Characteristics of sounds according to articulatory and acoustic features. At this stage, the following tasks are being implemented:

    articulation is specified - the position of the lips, tongue and teeth during the pronunciation of the studied sound;

    the “profile” of the sound is shown in the figure;

    acoustic signs of sounds are specified: consonants or vowels, hard or soft, deaf or sonorous;

    there is a figurative comparison of sound (sound [ R] - growl of a tiger);

    their place in the sound-letter city is determined (they will live in the Blue, Red or Green Castle).

4. Pronunciation of the studied sounds in words and syllabic combinations. Basic task is the development of auditory-speech memory and phonemic perception, facial expressions and prosodic components of speech (rhythm, stress and intonation). The pronunciation of syllabic rows is usually combined with the development of intonational expressiveness of speech and facial expressions. Syllabic combinations are pronounced by the character of the lesson.

5. Pronunciation of sounds in words. At this stage, the lessons are solved by the following tasks:

    development of phonemic perception and phonemic representations;

    clarification and expansion of vocabulary;

    development of auditory attention and visual memory;

    mastering simple and complex types of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis.

To solve these problems, the selection of speech and visual material is important. The first selection criterion is determined by the theme and plot of the classes, the second - by the task. In the work to enrich the vocabulary of children and the development of phonemic perception, objects, toys and pictures are necessarily exhibited. In the process of developing phonemic representations, visual material is not demonstrated, and if it is exhibited, it is only after naming words by children. Here, the phonemic representations of children, based on previously known images of objects, make it possible to activate thought processes and develop memory in children.

The use in one lesson of words that include one or more generic groups (birds, animals, dishes, etc.) contributes to the development of logical memory, and the use of speech material - words saturated with the sound being studied (at the beginning, middle or end of a word) , - develops sound flair.

In parallel with the solution of the listed tasks, at this stage, work is underway on the assimilation of the grammatical categories of the language. Questions are posed in such a way that children can repeat the same word in different cases, in the singular and plural, in the present or past tense and with different prefixes.

The development of auditory attention is facilitated by the word games “The sound is lost”, “The sound is lost”, as well as tasks for restoring words with rearranged sounds, guessing words by the first and last sound and syllable, and restoring confused syllables.

6. Physical education minute is closely related to the topic of the lesson and is, as it were, a transitional bridge to the next part of the lesson. The main tasks of the physical minute are:

    relieve fatigue and stress;

    make an emotional charge;

    improve general motor skills;

    develop clear coordinated actions in conjunction with speech.

When planning a physical minute, it must be remembered that outdoor games and physical exercises in combination with speech contribute to the improvement of general motor skills. This is also the case for exercises to simulate labor actions. Music and rhythmic movements well relieve fatigue and have a beneficial effect on the mood of children. Forms of conducting physical minutes are different. It can be an outdoor game, and an imitation of labor actions, and the pronunciation of invented tongue-twisters is accompanied by an action, and much more. Sometimes the development of the plot in a physical minute is connected by a situational chain with a word from the previous stage of the lesson. A physical minute can also be carried out in the form of psychophysical gymnastics, when children depict the state of different animals with facial expressions, gestures and movements.

Physical minutes can be held to music related to the topic of the lesson.

7. Work on the proposal. The successful mastering by children of the laws of the necessary connections of words in sentences is facilitated by preliminary work on tasks for phrases.

Establishing patterns in the assimilation of the necessary connections of words in combinations is the basis for the formation of lexical and grammatical structures of sentences.

At this stage of the lesson, the following tasks are solved:

    the establishment of lexical and grammatical relations between the members of the sentence;

    updating the accumulated dictionary;

    formation of coherence and clarity of statements;

    work on a sentence as a means of developing thought processes, in particular inferences;

    analysis and synthesis of the verbal composition of the sentence as a means of preventing violations writing(dysgraphia, dyslexia).

The methods of working on a proposal are varied, but in any case, it must be remembered that tasks must comply with the basic didactic rule - from simple to complex. On the initial stage are the answers to questions asked based on pictures. Then, the tasks become more difficult: children are asked to make sentences using a set of words or key words.

The creation of a lively and creative environment is facilitated by tasks in which, in "inconsistently awkward" and "unheard of things", it is necessary to correct the semantic errors deliberately made by the speech therapist.

A prerequisite for choosing the principles and methods of organizing tasks at this stage of working on a proposal should be a logical and playful connection with the plot of the lesson.

8. Pronunciation of sound in connected speech. The main part of the stage is the improvement of the skill of correct pronunciation of sounds in connected texts, i.e. bringing the pronunciation of sounds to automatism. Along the way, the following tasks:

    development of imagination and creative fantasy;

    development of word creation;

    development of melodic intonation and prosodic components.

A necessary and obligatory condition for tasks at this stage is the semantic and playful connection with the topic or plot of the lesson and with the tasks of the previous stage.

The methods of the main and accompanying problems are diverse. In some cases, tasks are used with well-known tongue twisters and poetic works - dialogues and poems. Moreover, it is necessary that they be saturated with the studied sounds, be entertaining, accessible and diverse in terms of intonation characteristics.

Tasks for compiling tongue twisters and poems contribute to the development of rhythm, a sense of consonance, and rhyme. Children usually enthusiastically accept the request of a speech therapist to compose or correct tongue-twisters or poems that for some reason do not work out for the characters in the plot. First, they suggest individual words and rhymes, and then whole phrases. The development of coherent speech is facilitated by the planned or impromptu construction of the plot of the lesson. In the course of the lesson, children predict the actions of the characters, come up with dialogues and replicas for them, answer questions and find a way out of problem situations.

If time permits, then it is possible to organize a retelling of fairy tales by children on behalf of the characters with possible theatricalization of actions (imitation of movements, acting out scenes, etc.) that develop in the course of the plot.

9. The result of the lesson. At the final stage, the results are summed up, i.e. its effectiveness is determined. A prerequisite is the transmission of positive emotions.

In an individual assessment, one should note activity, luck, even a small one, or simply good mood this or that child, and the reaction to failures should be with the hope of success in subsequent classes, with the conviction that you should not despair - if you work actively, everything will work out!

It is also important to find out the children's assessment of the past lesson in response to the questions: “What did you like? What tasks did you find interesting? What task was the most difficult? What would you like to hear next?" etc. The answers can find a closer contact with the children and select a good principle for constructing tasks for each stage of subsequent classes.

The result of the lesson can be offered in a playful way, where a surprise is provided.

In the final "chord" classes should sound positive evaluation and confidence that tomorrow will be even better. It is important to end the session so that the children look forward to the next meeting with the speech therapist.