Beans and their properties. Beans - beneficial properties and harm, calorie content and composition

People discovered beans as a culinary ingredient 8 thousand years ago.

Before today beans have gained such popularity that in some nations not a single feast, both formal and everyday, can do without it.

For example, the Japanese very often prepare cakes with bean paste, and the British always have beans for breakfast. tomato sauce with toasted sausages and bread.

Types and nutritional value

Today, there are about eight hundred types of beans around the world. In addition, there are also several classifications of this legume.

For example, classification by growing area divides beans into two types - Asian and American. The first type is characterized by the fact that its beans are quite small in size, but the second, on the contrary, is characterized by large beans.

In our country, they mainly grow common bush beans, which have their own classification.

This type of legume is eaten in whole pods, without removing the seeds themselves. There are pods of such beans various shapes and sizes. These are the most popular legumes to cook. dietary dishes both for those losing weight and for diabetics.

Green beans are actually a type of green bean. But thanks to its popularity, culinary experts define it as separate species. Green beans are useful both fresh and cooked. It tolerates freezing well, and under the influence low temperatures does not lose its beneficial properties.

This type of bean has red or red-brown grains. Red beans are used in soups, stews, porridges, and pies. This species requires soaking for at least 15-20 minutes before cooking, and is not eaten raw as it contains the toxic substance phasin.

Or whatever they call her "dragon tongues" - these are beans, the pods of which have a beautiful purple color, and the beans themselves are characterized by their small size and have a completely different color - olive. It is recommended to eat purple beans raw - this way both their beautiful color and beneficial properties are preserved.

This species is also sometimes called "waxy" beans , because her beans really have the color of wax. In cooking, yellow beans can be used blanched, boiled, stewed or raw.

The grains of this type of bean themselves are characterized by a black and silky surface, but their inner part has White color. Black beans are quite hard, so they take much longer to cook than other types. And this can be attributed to its disadvantages. But there is also a huge plus - despite the long cooking time, the beans do not become overcooked at all, so they adequately decorate any dish.

Today, this type of bean includes all varieties whose beans are white. In fact, white beans can come in different sizes and shapes. And it is precisely because of this diversity that we consider it the most delicious and most popular.

The nutritional value of all types of beans is almost the same , there are slight differences in the content of microelements and vitamins, but they are not so significant. Calorie content raw beans makes up 298 kilocalories per 100 g of legumes, boiled – 110 kilocalories.

Nutritional value of 100 g of beans:

21.05 g – Proteins.
54.03 g – Carbohydrates.
2.02 g – Fats.
3.71 g - Pectin.
3.83 g - Fiber.
14.04 g – Water.
3.11 g - Mono- and disaccharides.
44.21 g - Starch.
3.53 g – Ash.

Vitamins contained in beans:

2.02 mg - Vitamin PP.
0.44 mg ‒ Vitamin B1.
0.14 mg ‒ Vitamin B2.
0.9 mg – Vitamin B6.
85.04 mcg - Vitamin B9.
3.86 mg ‒ Vitamin E.

Macro- and microelements contained in beans:

3.21 mg – Zinc.
5.91 mg – Iron.
44 mcg – Fluorine.
12.1 mcg – Iodine.
480 mg – Phosphorus.
1100 mg – Potassium.
38.03 mg – Sodium.
140.14 mg – Calcium.
103 mg – Magnesium.
39.08 mcg – Molybdenum.
18.21 mcg – Cobalt.
1.32 mg – Manganese.
578 mg – Copper.

Beneficial features

Thanks to such a rich vitamin and mineral composition, beans are an incredibly healthy ingredient. Nutritionists even put it on the list 10 most healthy products for the human body.

Benefits of beans:

  • Beans, due to their nutritional value and calorie content, will help you gain strength after injuries or in case of low body weight.
  • Eating legumes at least 2-3 times a week will help get rid of the discomfort of rheumatism - beans saturate the body with sulfur. In addition, it is thanks to sulfur that beans also help cope with infections that occur in the intestines, skin rashes, and even bronchial diseases.
  • Due to their high fiber content, beans help prevent malignant tumors, removes toxins from the body, .
  • Beans are very useful for people who suffer from swelling of the legs, since the potassium contained in it regulates the state of water balance in the human body and removes excess fluid, thereby relieving the load on the cardiovascular system.
  • Beans help fight diseases of the genitourinary system with the help of iron, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Beans contain arginine, which has a positive effect on patients diabetes mellitus. Arginine is useful in both the prevention and treatment of diabetes. The substance perfectly thins the blood, lowers blood pressure and improves the general well-being of such people.
  • All legumes (including beans) stimulate the stomach, the production of gastric juice, and also prevent the formation of tartar.
  • Red beans are very beneficial for women over 40 years of age. It contains anthocyanins and quercetin, which perfectly counteract cancer cells, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and normalize hormonal levels, which is very important for the female body during menopause.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the large list of beneficial properties, beans can also have dangerous effects on your body.

Harm of beans:

  • Red beans should never be consumed raw, as they contain toxic substances. Get rid of them harmful effects is possible only with the help heat treatment. To do this, red beans must first be soaked and then boiled.
  • Beans contain purine compounds, so people suffering from it are better to exclude them from their diet.
  • It is also not recommended to eat beans for those diagnosed with nephritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, colitis, stomach ulcers or severe liver diseases.

Can children eat beans?

Undoubtedly, beans are a storehouse of substances beneficial to the body, but it is also worth remembering that legumes have the property of increasing gas formation. That is why the use of the product by children is undesirable, because beans can lead to colic and flatulence, accompanied by pain.

In addition, beans are quite difficult for a child’s stomach to digest and are difficult for the intestines to process, which can lead to constipation.

Please note that we are talking about bean grains, not pods.

  1. Green beans are easily processed and digested quickly. Therefore, green beans can be given to children as complementary food from 1 year old, starting with a very small piece and gradually increasing the portion to 20 g per meal.
  2. But with grain beans you should wait up to 3 years. Only at this age can it be introduced into the children's diet, starting with a small portion. Moreover, you cannot feed your child beans every day, as this is a big workload. gastrointestinal tract. Nutritionists recommend giving children beans 2-3 times a week.

Beans are very beneficial for a pregnant woman, so they should be included in the diet. expectant mother.

Benefits of beans for pregnant women:

  • Since beans cleanse the body of toxins, it prevents the appearance of signs of toxicosis.
  • Beans replenish the expectant mother's body's need for iron, and accordingly increase the level of hemoglobin, which has a beneficial effect on both the woman and the fetus.
  • Beans increase women's resistance to stress and help fight sudden mood swings, which are often characteristic of pregnant women.
  • Regular consumption of beans by a woman expecting a baby will prevent swelling that occurs in the later pregnancy. This is due to the diuretic effect of legumes.

Despite the beneficial properties of beans, there are also negative sides, which expectant mothers should remember.

Harm of beans for pregnant and lactating women:

  • Raw grain beans, especially the red variety, contain the toxic substance phasin. It can cause poisoning, which negatively affects the health of both mother and fetus.
  • In addition, all types of beans contain oligosaccharides, and they cause flatulence. To dissolve oligosaccharides, beans need to be soaked in water, and phasin can be removed by prolonged heat treatment.
  • As for nursing mothers, here too you need to be extremely careful due to increased gas formation after eating beans. If a child suffers from colic, the mother should under no circumstances eat beans. When the child has no problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, then the mother can eat beans, starting with small portions, and observing the reaction of the child’s body.

From all that has been said, we can conclude: pregnant women can safely eat beans; they just need to follow simple rules for choosing the type and preparing them.

Can you eat beans if you have diabetes?

If you have diabetes, beans are not only possible, but also necessary. Diabetic patients suffer from high blood pressure, weakness and lethargy, which negatively affects their lifestyle. Beans do an excellent job of combating all these symptoms.

Note for diabetics!

  • Most useful for diabetes white look legumes The fact is that it is white beans that perfectly lower blood sugar levels, strengthen blood vessels and regulate the functioning of the heart. In addition, white beans have an antibacterial effect. This means that the product promotes faster wound healing, which is very important for diabetics.
  • Green beans also have a beneficial effect on diabetic patients. It quickly removes harmful toxins, regulates blood composition, and lowers sugar levels. We can say that green beans are a kind of filter that is so necessary for diabetics.
  • Nutritionists recommend that diabetics eat boiled and stewed white beans, and raw beans. This way the product has the most beneficial effect on the patient’s body and reveals its medicinal properties.

Is it possible to be allergic to beans?

Bean allergies are extremely rare. As a rule, it occurs in those who have noticed allergic reactions to all legumes, for example, peas or lentils.

The main signs of an allergy after eating legumes appear in the form of red rashes or itching. If you notice such symptoms, you need to exclude beans from your diet and seek help from an allergist.

How to choose and cook beans correctly?

The choice of beans should be approached differently, given that this product comes in beans, grains and canned form.

Here are a few simple tips for choosing good beans:

  1. To choose the right green beans, you must first pay attention to their appearance and on the quality of the pods themselves. They should not be limp, stained or cracked. When you break a bean pod, there should be a slight crunch.
  2. When choosing grain beans, you need to pay attention to other factors. Firstly, how long ago it was harvested is important - the longer the bean grains lie, the harder they are and the less beneficial properties they contain, and cooking will take much longer. The surface of the grains must be even and smooth; no wrinkles or breaks are allowed.
  3. Canned beans must also meet certain criteria. Firstly, it should only be stored in tin or glass jars. Secondly, it must have a marking indicating compliance with GOST. Thirdly, if beans are visible, they must be whole, homogeneous and in transparent refined sugar.

Beans can be cooked in different ways - boiled, stewed, pickled, and so on. The only thing to remember is that it is advisable to soak the grain beans for at least 10 minutes before cooking, and preferably for several hours. In this case, the beans are more amenable to heat treatment and have an appetizing appearance.

Interesting fact!

In addition to cooking, beans are also used in cosmetology. Basically, bean puree is applied to the face in the form of masks. To do this, you can add various cosmetic and essential oils. Beans have an amazing moisturizing effect and help fight the signs of skin aging.

What to cook with beans?

Beans are a very popular ingredient for many culinary recipes. For example, in Mexico and Brazil it is difficult to imagine a feast without legumes; they are consumed literally with every meal - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Dishes with beans:

By the way, one of the main ingredients of Georgian national dish Lobio is a bean called lobio. But in the summer version of cooking, as a rule, green beans are used, and in the winter - grains.

Bean diet for weight loss

Despite the fact that beans are a high-calorie product, they are often used in dietetics to get rid of extra pounds. The popularity of the product is explained by the fact that it contains enzymes that have beneficial properties for weight loss.

Benefits of beans for losing weight:

  1. Beans are an easily digestible protein that is similar in composition to poultry or fish.
  2. Beans are very nutritious, they saturate the body, even if you eat just a little of them.
  3. Beans speed up metabolic processes, which contributes to rapid weight loss.
  4. When beans are eaten, a hormone is produced that suppresses appetite. That is why beans allow you to get rid of hunger for a long time during a diet.
  5. Beans help cleanse the intestines, thereby ridding the body of toxins.
  6. Legumes inhibit alpha-amylase, because of this, the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines deteriorates, sugar does not enter the blood, and, accordingly, a person does not gain excess weight.

As such, there is no bean diet with scheduled meals. Nutritionists simply recommend including it in your diet more often, while removing fried, flour and confectionery. If you replace at least one meal a day with beans, the result will not be long in coming - the extra pounds will begin to disappear little by little without harming the body as a whole.

Cook beans for yourself and your loved ones, because in addition to all its beneficial properties, it also has excellent taste.

Beans are a plant from the legume family. There are several types of it: red, white, green, black. It can also be a leguminous plant belonging to the asparagus family. Each type contains a large number of vitamins and others nutrients, which make the product very useful. Recipes for cooking beans are found in many cuisines around the world. It can act as an independent dish or side dish, often found in salads and various soups, and is also suitable for preservation.

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    Chemical composition and calorie content

    Beans contain a large amount of protein and other useful substances. It contains vitamins A, PP, B, K, C, E. They are the most powerful natural antioxidants, normalize the functioning of the whole body, and help improve immunity. The product is suitable as a main dish for a vegetarian diet, as it easily replaces meat in terms of its nutritional value and protein content.

    Beans also contain:

    • arginine, which helps lower blood sugar levels;
    • iron, iodine, potassium, sulfur;
    • plant acids that promote 100% absorption of protein by the body.

    100 g of product contains about 300 kcal.

    Product benefits

    Regular consumption of legumes helps:

    • improve the activity of the heart, blood vessels, and digestive system;
    • restore the health of the genitourinary system;
    • reduce blood sugar levels;
    • relieve pain from rheumatism;
    • strengthen protective functions body.

    The product is beneficial not only when consumed as food, but also when used for cosmetic purposes. Creams and masks are prepared with the addition of legumes, which help rejuvenate and nourish the skin. The product is useful for men, especially older men, as it helps improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels and reduces the risk of developing prostatitis.


    The benefits and harms largely depend on the type of beans. On this moment There are several main varieties that are eaten.

    Green beans are considered the healthiest, since vitamins are contained not only in its seeds, but also in the green pod itself. The pod contains a large amount of protein, vitamins, starch, minerals and amino acids. Use this type Not for older people, as it can cause overload of the digestive system and stool upset.

    Green beans

    Red beans are rich in fiber, which helps normalize intestinal function. Regular consumption of the product reduces the risk of cancer cell formation. Red beans remove toxins from the body, saturate for a long time, so they can be used as a dietary food. Only boiled grains can be eaten, and when cooking, the water should be changed several times, which is due to the high content of toxic substances in the raw product.

    Red beans

    White beans help strengthen tooth enamel and prevent the formation of tartar. It is of great benefit to people with heart and vascular diseases. It is not recommended to eat this species for people with gastritis or ulcers. If consumed excessively, the product causes increased gas formation. When preparing these beans, dill seeds should be added to the water.

    White beans

    Black beans contain greatest number squirrel. This is the most high-calorie type. Such beans prevent the formation of cancer cells in the human body. The product should be consumed in small quantities, as it can lead to severe poisoning. People with food allergies should not eat it.

    Black beans

    Nutritionists recommend including legumes in your daily diet to provide the body with essential vitamins and protein. It is important for pregnant women to eat beans, as during this period of time they need a large amount of protein and vitamins. You should eat up to three glasses of different types of seeds per week.

    Bean flaps

    IN folk medicine Often it is not the seeds themselves that are used, but the bean leaves, which contain a large number of active substances. Their medicinal properties are due to the high content of plant acids and glucokinin. Young pods are used as medicinal raw materials. They are used for type 2 diabetes, making a special medicinal decoction from them to normalize blood sugar levels.

    To prepare a remedy for treating diabetes, you need:

    • dry the doors;
    • grind them into powder;
    • add 3 tablespoons of crushed raw materials to the thermos;
    • pour 500 ml of boiling water;
    • leave for 6 hours;
    • strain.

    You need to take 1/2 cup before each meal. Application folk medicine is possible only as part of complex therapy and after consultation with a specialist.

    Contraindications and harm

    Despite the fact that beans are very useful for patients with diabetes, they should not be consumed if there are contraindications. These include:

    Eating legumes in large quantities can cause increased gas formation, so the product should be prepared with the addition of dill seeds or mint leaves.

    If cooked incorrectly, beans can cause severe poisoning. It should not be eaten raw, but should be cooked for a long time.

    Cooking rules

    There are several basic ways to cook legumes. Before cooking, the seeds need to be soaked in water. Dry beans take a very long time to cook and cause severe gas formation. There are several ways to soak:

    1. 1. Long - soaking the beans for 8 hours in cold water. To prevent increased gas formation when eating a dish, it is necessary to change cold water every 3 hours. She washes away toxic substances from seeds, saturates them with moisture and helps further uniform boiling. It is important to cook beans in fresh water.
    2. 2. Quick - soaking in boiling water. They need to soak the beans for 2-3 hours.
    3. 3. To reduce the risk as much as possible - boil the seeds for 2-3 minutes. Then they need to be left in boiling water and kept in water overnight. This method will help remove all polysaccharides from the beans.

    After soaking, the product is cooked for another 1.5 hours. If the dish is multi-component, then all other vegetables and spices are added after the beans are ready.

    A frozen product does not lose its beneficial properties. When green beans are frozen, they become slightly dehydrated, which increases the protein concentration. This product retains its freshness for a long time and, when cooked, has a delicate taste that is no different from fresh beans.

    Preparations for the winter

    You can prepare canned beans for the winter. The calorie content of such a product will be quite low - 95 kcal per 100 g, so it can be consumed when losing weight. There are several recipes for preparing canned food:

    1. 1. Classic. The recipe involves using only the main product and spices. You will need 1 kg of beans, 3.5 liters of water, 120 g of salt, 120 g of sugar, 3 teaspoons of vinegar, bay leaf, cloves, allspice, mustard seeds. The beans need to be soaked in water overnight. Then place it in glass jars, pour boiling water and add spices. Roll up the jars, cool at room temperature and store. Preservation can be added to soups or eaten instead of a side dish.
    2. 2. Beans in tomato sauce. To prepare you will need 1 kg of beans, 1 kg of tomatoes, 2 onions, 3 teaspoons of vinegar, bay leaf, a mixture of peppers. Boil the beans, fry the onions, scald the tomatoes with boiling water and peel them. Crush the tomatoes and add them to the frying pan along with the onions. As soon as the juice forms, add the beans and simmer for a few more minutes under the lid. Add spices and place in jars.

    You can eat up to 100 g of canned product per day. It has been proven that regular use legumes in winter period reduces the risk of developing colds.

    Multicooker recipe

    Cooking beans in a slow cooker is very easy, since in this case there is no need for pre-soaking. The preparation of the dish will be very fast. Using a slow cooker you can make bean soup or lobio. In order to cook tasty dish, required:

    • beef – 500 g;
    • beans - 1 cup;
    • carrots - 1 pc.;
    • bulb;
    • garlic – 3 cloves;
    • tomato juice – 250 ml;
    • tomato paste – 1 tablespoon;
    • thyme;
    • salt pepper.

    Boil beans in a slow cooker and drain. Fry the meat with the addition of onions and carrots, then add the beans and pour in tomato juice. Add the rest of the ingredients and spices and simmer until done.

White beans- a plant of the legume family. Externally, they have an oval, flattened shape and are located in several pieces in bivalve pods. For the first time, the good taste and benefits of this plant were appreciated by residents of India and Latin America.

Very important eat fully cooked food white beans, as the raw product contains toxic substances. In addition, it is recommended to pre-soak the plants to eliminate harmful substances.

Beneficial features

In white beans contains the most protein compared to other varieties. This plant contains a lot of coarse fibers that are not completely digested in the stomach. They absorb all toxins and harmful substances and then remove them out. Beans also contain quite a lot of folic acid, which prevents possible development atherosclerosis. Due to the high content of calcium and magnesium, beans helps strengthen bones and teeth.

Thanks to certain substances white beans have a calming effect, which means it will be useful to add this product to the menu for people who have problems with nervous system. Besides this, it has a lot gland, which helps in the formation of red blood cells and supplies cells with oxygen. Thanks to this, the body's resistance to various infections and viruses increases. White beans have one more thing useful quality- she dissolves and purifies urine.

White beans are widely used in cosmetology. The plant is ground into puree and used to make rejuvenating and nourishing face masks. Regular use of this product will help smooth out wrinkles.

Use in cooking

White beans can be used to make many delicious and nutritious dishes. The finished beans have a wonderful creamy taste. From white beans mainly prepare soups and side dishes. It goes well with other vegetables, spices and sauces. Quite often, white beans are canned and then used to prepare various dishes, for example, salads, stews, hot dishes and first courses. They also make incredibly tasty casseroles from it.

In Eastern countries they make white beans flour, from which various tasty and healthy pastries are made. Desserts made from this product are very popular in Japan.

Benefits of white beans and treatment

Many doctors prescribe a diet based on white beans to patients who have diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, Bladder, as well as in heart failure. It has been proven that the substances found in this plant help dissolve and remove stones that are in gallbladder and kidneys.

Antimicrobial properties have a positive effect on inflammatory processes in the liver. Some doctors advise their patients who are being treated for tuberculosis to include white bean dishes in their menu. This product is also indispensable for sick people. diabetes mellitus, since it contains arginine, which takes part in nitrogen exchange processes and synthesizes urea.

Harm of white beans and contraindications

Because white beans contain purines Elderly people and those who have gout and nephritis should avoid using it. In addition, a strong argument for excluding this product from your menu is the presence gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. White beans also cause increased gas formation in the intestines.

Are you wondering what the features of white and red beans are, how to cook them correctly and why they are so healthy? Why does this product cause gas and when should you not consume it? About this and many others interesting facts Our article will tell you about beans.

Beans belong to a genus of plants in the legume family. Homeland is Central and South America and India. Raw is hazardous to health due to toxic components. Therefore, it must be soaked, thereby speeding up not only the cooking process, but also eliminating substances that cause digestive problems.

Do you know that:

  • Bean stew in Ancient Greece were considered food for poor people, but now for many peoples of the world this product is in first place in terms of benefits.
  • In Korea, Japan and China, they prefer to eat small beans, and they are ground into flour. And they bake pies from flour and make original sweets. And Japanese perfumers even make shampoos and powder from beans.
  • Residents of the UK eat as many refried beans as the whole world consumes.

Composition of beans and calorie content

In terms of the amount of easily digestible proteins, this product is close to fish and meat. It contains carotene, fiber, acids, B vitamins, vitamin C () and a large number of macro- and microelements: zinc, iron, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium. It also contains lysine, arginine, histidine, tyrosine, and tryptophan.

The calorie content of white beans per 100 g of product is 102 kcal:

  • Proteins - 7.0 g
  • Fats - 0.5 g
  • Carbohydrates - 16.9 g

The calorie content of red, dry beans is 292 kcal:

  • proteins - 21.0 g
  • fat - 2.0 g
  • carbohydrates - 46.0 g

Beans are a plant-based analogue of meat. The ideal consumption of red is 3 glasses per week. For example, once or twice a week you can eat a bowl of bean soup, and at other times use it as an ingredient in various salads.
The red species has a beneficial cleansing property and is also a diuretic. It is also special in that it is used in dietary nutrition for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver, heart failure, gastrointestinal diseases.

Beans also contain a lot of iron, and iron “helps” the formation of red blood cells, ensures the flow of oxygen to cells and improves immunity.

Cooking white beans: after boiling, it is better to immediately drain the water and refill with cold water. This way it will turn out much more nutritious and tastier. It is not advisable to stir it during cooking, and after cooking you need to add a little vegetable oil.

These legumes are considered one of the antidepressants - this is due to the high content of the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan, methionine, etc. Eating beans helps reduce the risk of cancer.

Beans in cosmetology also noted for its benefits for the skin: bean puree is considered an excellent basis for a rejuvenating and nourishing mask. To do this, you need to carefully grind the cooked beans through a sieve, mix them with olive oil and lemon juice and apply to the face and wash off after a while. With the help of such a mask, wrinkles will disappear, the skin will look younger and fresher.

This product has beneficial influence on genitourinary function and improves potency, which is important for men. The cleansing beneficial property is manifested in the dissolution and removal of stones from the gall bladder and kidneys. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, it helps eliminate inflammatory processes in the liver.

Harm and contraindications of beans

Beans are one of the products that cause increased gas formation in the intestines; the harm, although not significant, is there. In general, all legumes cause flatulence. This is due to the fact that the human body does not digest certain polysaccharides and when they reach the lower intestines, bacteria begin to feed on them - which is why a lot of gases are formed. To reduce this, you can add mint or thyme to the water when cooking beans. It is even known that British biologist Colin Leakey was able to grow the new kind beans, which does not cause gas at all.

In addition, it also has contraindications. It is not recommended to use it for:

  • gastritis and ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs;
  • colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • gout and nephritis (due to purine content).

Video about the benefits of beans:

© gitusik —

    Beans are a tasty and healthy legume product, rich in protein, which is perfectly absorbed by the human body. It is extremely important for athletes to include this product in their diet: beans can easily replace meat, which is digested much more slowly and contains, in addition to beneficial substances, harmful ones.

    Exist different types and varieties of beans - red, white, green and others. Each of them is useful in its own way, has different calorie content and different composition. Let's take a closer look at this question and find out how beans are beneficial for the male and female body. Let’s not ignore the contraindications to eating beans, as well as possible harm from its use.

    Nutritional value, chemical composition and calorie content

    The nutritional value and calorie content of beans largely depend on the variety of this legume, but in terms of its chemical composition the product is close to lentils and other legumes. Regular beans contain 25% protein, which allows them to be regularly consumed by vegetarians, replacing meat products. In addition to protein, beans are rich in other microelements and vitamins.

    Almost all varieties of beans are the same in their composition.

    Red beans

    This variety is most often used in cooking. 100 g of this product contains 337 kcal. And here chemical composition It is characterized by a high content of carbohydrates, fiber and B vitamins. Red beans are also rich in, for example, threonine, and others. This variety of legume contains 11.75 g of water.

    White beans

    Another variety of common beans. It is eaten only after heat treatment. These beans are white not because of pigment, they are simply already dried and hulled. This type of bean, like red beans, is rich in protein, carbohydrates and fiber.

    White beans also boast the presence of unsaturated fatty acids and amino acids. White beans have the same nutritional value, as red ones, since they are the same product. And here energy value slightly less - 333 kcal, since the product was dried.

    Black beans

    These are small flattened beans, the energy value of which is 341 kcal. And just like other types, black has a lot of protein, carbohydrates, fats and other useful substances. This legume contains 11.02 g of water. The variety is also rich in fatty acids and amino acids.

    Green beans

    Sometimes it is called asparagus - these are unripe legume fruits that are still in the shell. This type of bean is used in different ways: it is eaten raw, boiled, stewed. Green beans differ from classic varieties in their low calorie content, they contain only 24 kcal per 100 g, but there is much more water - 90.32 g.

    Green beans have a low fat content - only 0.1 g. This product is often frozen, and therefore many are concerned about whether the beans lose their beneficial properties after freezing. The answer is no, it doesn’t. Most of microelements and vitamins are preserved, so you can and should eat such a product.

    © 151115 —

    But as for beans fried and canned in tomato sauce, the number of calories in such products increases significantly. In addition, in addition to beans, it also contains other ingredients that are not always healthy.

    Beneficial properties of beans

    Beneficial features beans are due to the harmonious combination of microelements, amino acids and vitamins. Combined with its low calorie content, this product can rightfully be called one of the most useful not only among legumes, but also among vegetables in general.

    One of the main qualities of beans is its ability to lower blood sugar levels: that is why this legume is necessarily included in the diet of people suffering from diabetes. This is possible thanks to arginine, a substance that is involved in the breakdown of nitrogen in the blood and helps break down complex sugar.

    Doctors say that daily consumption of red, white, black or green green beans reduces the risk of malignant tumors, since the product acts as an absorbent agent that removes all toxins from the human body.

    One cannot fail to mention the protein component of this product. Plant protein is incredibly healthy, and the amount of protein in beans is equal to that in meat. However, meat products take longer to digest as they contain animal fat. Beans, on the contrary, are quickly and almost completely absorbed.

    Legumes, including beans, are recommended for use by people who work physically and by athletes, in particular those who build up muscle mass. Vegetable protein gives a feeling of fullness, while it does not contribute to the accumulation of excess fat, but is completely processed by the body.

    For women, this product is also useful because it helps regulate hormonal levels. Men should also pay attention to beans, since regular consumption of them helps eliminate sexual dysfunction (of course, in combination with proper nutrition and medications).

    This legume has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory system, strengthening it and protecting it from external destructive factors.

    © mikhail_kayl —

    Bean decoction is often used to treat the genitourinary system, for example, cystitis. The drink is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach 15 minutes before meals.

    Canned beans almost completely retain their properties. The only thing that changes is the calorie content, since the product is most often served with some kind of sauce (tomato, for example). A frozen product does not lose its beneficial properties; the main thing is to properly defrost it before use and avoid re-freezing.

    Do boiled beans retain their beneficial properties? Yes, it preserves, but, as in the case of canned beans, it becomes higher in calories than the original product.

    Beans and sports

    All athletes know that 1.5-2 hours before training they need to saturate their body with complex carbohydrates. It is these connections in a huge number are in beans. Such carbohydrates are absorbed over a long period of time, and this ensures that a person will not feel severe hunger at the time of training and after it, and the body will be full of energy.

    Meals after strength training not less important. As a result of heavy loads, the body experiences a need for proteins and carbohydrates, because these substances are consumed the most during exercise. The body takes energy from glycogen, which accumulates in muscle mass, but after training it runs out, and it is urgent to replenish its supply. Otherwise, it will begin to destroy muscles. To stop this process and replenish spent reserves, you need to eat food that contains quickly digestible proteins and carbohydrates. This is where bean crops come to the rescue: they will help close the “protein window”.

    When doing fitness, it is important to remember that the main thing is to burn more calories than you consume. Therefore, the key to good shape will be proper and balanced nutrition. Beans in moderation are great for a fitness diet. However, it is important to consume legumes correctly so as not to accumulate extra calories in the body in the form of fat deposits.

    Legumes - an important part nutrition in the diet of athletes and cannot be ignored. The main thing is to set your priorities correctly: for muscle mass - more, for weight loss - in moderation.

    Beans for weight loss

    Beans play an important role during weight loss. This legume copes well with cholesterol (removes it from the body), and also stimulates metabolism, which significantly speeds up the processes of food processing, which means that excess fat does not stagnate in the body. Fiber is one of those components that makes beans a unique product, since this substance is simply irreplaceable when losing weight.

    If you are interested in the question of which beans to choose, then there is no fundamental difference. However, keep in mind that green beans are lower in calories than regular legumes.

    Important! The product should not be consumed raw, as it contains many toxins. The preferred methods of heat treatment are stewing or boiling.

    In order for the bean diet to give good results, you need to give up coffee, sweet carbonated drinks and any diuretic infusions (the latter only create the appearance of weight loss).

    Any diet has its pros and cons, this also applies to beans.

    Among the advantages:

    • vegetable protein that is quickly digested;
    • vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities for the human body;
    • beans are an available product throughout the year - they can be harvested in the summer, but there will be no difficulties when purchasing, since the product is inexpensive;
    • contains complex carbohydrates that keep you feeling full for a long time;
    • The bean diet can be long-lasting if chosen correctly.

    When sticking to a diet, do not forget about common sense, the diet should contain more than just beans. It will be correct if you introduce this product gradually: first in soups, and then as side dishes.

    Contraindications for use

    The list of contraindications to eating beans is small. People who suffer from high acidity, colitis or have ulcerative lesions should refrain from eating beans.

    Like most legumes, beans cause flatulence. But you can fight this. It is recommended to soak the beans for several hours before cooking in water and soda. By the way, white beans are a little softer in this regard than red beans.

    That, in fact, is all the restrictions for this product.


    Beans are a unique product that brings only benefits. Beans are used not only for Food Industry, but also cosmetic - for example, many masks and creams are made based on this culture.

    For athletes, beans will help build muscle mass and energize the body for productive training.

    A huge variety of bean varieties opens up wide prospects for choosing a product that is ideal for you. Almost all parts of this plant are used in cooking: leaves, stems, beans, pods, and preparing the product does not take much time. Eat beans regularly and you will feel how much your well-being will improve.