Modern organization of play activities of preschoolers in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard. Game activity as a means of learning


(English) play) is one of the types of human and animal activity. I. - a form of vital activity of young animals that occurs at a certain stage in the evolution of the animal world (see. ). Children's I. - historically emerged species activities, which consists in the reproduction by children of the actions of adults and the relationship between them in a special conditional form. I. (by definition BUT.H.Leontief) is leading activity a preschool child, i.e., such activity, due to which the most important changes occur in the child's psyche and within which mental processes develop, preparing the child's transition to a new, higher stage of his development.

I. is studied by various sciences - history culture, ethnography, pedagogy, psychology,ethology etc. A special study of I. animals and humans was first carried out by him. scientist Karl Groos, who noted exercise function I. According to his data, I. occurs in those animals in which the instinctive forms of behavior are insufficient to adapt to the changing conditions of existence. In I., these animals undergo preliminary adaptation ( warning) instincts for the future conditions of the struggle for existence.

An important addition to this theory was the work To.Buhler. He believed that the desire for I., the repetition of the same actions is supported "functional pleasure" derived from the activity itself. F. Buytendijk associated the main features of I. with characteristic features behaviors characteristic of a growing organism: 1) non-direction of movements; 2) impulsiveness; 3) the presence of affective connections with others; 4) timidity, fearfulness and shyness. These traits of the child's behavior under certain conditions give rise to I. These theories, despite the differences, identify I. animals and humans.

I. in animals - a form of manipulative sensory-motor activity in the period immediately preceding puberty, with biologically neutral objects or partners. In I. in animals, sensory-motor components and coordination of the main species-specific acts of behavior are improved. And. at animals the city of the lake is widespread. in higher mammals, especially in predators and primates. In its higher forms, I. is combined with orienting-exploratory behavior.

Much attention is paid to children's I. by supporters psychoanalysis. In line with this trend, I. is considered as an expression of unconscious tendencies in a symbolic form. At the same time, it is believed that the development of I. in preschool childhood is determined by the change in the main stages of the psychosexual development of the child ( oral,anal, phallic). Developmental disorders at each of the stages are necessarily manifested in I. In this regard, developed and widely used as a form of corrective work with children (expression of repressed tendencies and formation of an adequate system of relations between the child and adults).

The central question of the theory children's I. is a matter of her historical origin. The need for historical research to construct a theory of history was noted by E. A. Arkin. D.B.Elkonin showed that I. and, above all, I. role-playing arises in the course of the historical development of society as a result of a change in the place of the child in the system of social relations. The emergence of I. occurs as a result of the emergence of complex forms of the division of labor, which made it impossible for the child to be included in productive labor. With the emergence of role-playing I., a new, preschool period begins in the development of the child (see. ). In domestic science, the theory of I. in the aspect of clarifying its social nature, internal structure and significance for the development of the child was developed L.FROM.Vygotsky, Leontiev, Elkonin, N. Ya. Mikhailenko and others.

I. - the most important source of development consciousness child, the arbitrariness of his behavior, a special form modeling them relations between adults, fixed in the rules of certain roles. Having assumed the performance of a particular role, the child is guided by its rules, subordinates his impulsive behavior to the fulfillment of these rules.

I.'s motivation lies in the very process of performing this activity. The basic unit of I. is .

In addition to the role, the structure of I. includes a play action (action to fulfill a role), play use of objects (), relations between children. In I., the plot and content are also distinguished. As plot the sphere of activity that the child reproduces in I. content the relations between adults reproduced by the child in I. are the same.

I. usually wears group(joint) character. playing children acts in relation to each individual participant as an organizing principle that authorizes and supports the fulfillment of the role taken by the child. In I., real relations of children (between participants in I.) and play (relations in accordance with accepted roles) are distinguished.

I. goes through various stages in its development. According to Elkonin, first appears subject And., when the child reproduces the objective actions of adults. Then I comes to the fore. role-playing(including role-playing), aimed at reproducing relationships between adults. At the end of preschool childhood, I. with the rules- the transition from I. with an open role and a hidden rule to I. with an open rule and a hidden role is carried out. Mikhailenko singles out 3 gradually becoming more complex methods of visualization: 1) deployment and designation of conditional objective actions in visualization; 2) role behavior- designation and implementation of a conditional game position; 3) plot composition - deployment of a sequence of integral situations, their designation and planning.

Let's give more detailed description various kinds I. in preschoolers.

role-playing I. - the main form of I. of preschool children, arising on the border of early and preschool childhood and reaching its peak in the middle of preschool age. Role-playing I. is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a game situation, recreate the actions of adults and their relationships. A feature of the game situation is the game use of objects, in which the meaning of one object is transferred to another object, and it is used in connection with the new meaning given to it. The role of an adult, which the child takes on, contains hidden rules governing the performance of actions with objects, establishing relationships with other children in accordance with their roles. Role-based I. evokes deep emotional experiences in the child related to the content of the roles performed, the quality of the performance of the role by each child, and the real relationships that children enter into in the process of collective I. in the implementation of its general plan. In role I., the development of the most important neoplasms preschool age: imagination, the formation of elements of arbitrary behavior, the development of a symbolic function.

Director's I. - a type of individual I., when a child plays out a certain plot with the help of toys. In director's acting, the child performs both the function of a director (holding the idea of ​​the director) and the function of actors (performing c.-l. role-playing actions to realize the game plan).

Didactic I. - a type of I. organized by an adult to solve a learning problem. Didactic I. m. b. and role-playing, and I. with the rules. Didactic I. are main form of education preschool children.

From the beginning learning at school, the role of I. in the mental development of the child decreases, but even at this age various I. with rules occupy a significant place - intellectual and mobile(sports). The role of plot points becomes less, but does not disappear completely. (O. M. Dyachenko.)

Big psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .

See what "GAME, GAME ACTIVITY" is in other dictionaries:

    THE GAME- game activity, one of the activities characteristic of animals and humans. In the ontogenesis of animals, I. is one of the forms of specific development. types of behavior. According to the theory of "excess forces" (F. Schiller and G. Spencer), I. occurs in ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    Bead Game- A prophetically utopian model of the elite culture of the future, created by G. Hesse in the novel of the same name. Following many of the largest thinkers of the first half. 20th century feeling the crisis of culture really happening, thinking about possible ways out ... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

    A form of recreating the subject and social content of professional activity, modeling the systems of relations characteristic of this type of practice. Conducting I. d. is the deployment of a special (game) activity ... ...

    THE GAME- - the activity of the organism, aimed at conditional modeling of the expanded activity. The emergence of I. in the process of evolution of the animal world is due to the complication of species life and the need to assimilate the experience of the species community ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    Game mechanics- Gameplay (English gameplay) in-game mechanics, a set of certain methods of interaction between the game and the player. The term has a place exclusively in the field of computer and video games. Also the gameplay is the gameplay itself. Etymologically, the term can be ... Wikipedia

    Etymology. Comes from the Greek. therapeia treatment. Category. A form of communication psychotherapy. Specificity. Based on the use of role-playing as one of the most powerful forms of influence on personality development. At the origins of this direction ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

Game activity as a means of learning
Author Kuznetsova V.I. - Chemistry teacher, secondary school No. 33, Tomsk
“The game is an opportunity to find yourself in society,

oneself in humanity, oneself in the universe"

J. Korchak.

Pedagogical process is a set of extra-curricular and out-of-school lessons educational work conducted by the teaching and student team according to one plan. In training, mainly lessons-seminars, practical and laboratory works using various methods and tools.

The increase in mental load in the classroom makes us think about how to maintain students' interest in the material being studied, their activity throughout the lesson. We have to look for effective teaching methods and such methodological techniques that would activate the thought of schoolchildren, would stimulate them to independently acquire knowledge. It is necessary to take care that the student works actively and enthusiastically in the lessons, use this as a starting point for the emergence and development of curiosity, deep cognitive interest. An important role can be assigned to didactic games.
Game-creativity, game-work. In the process of playing, children develop the habit of concentrating, thinking independently, developing attention, the desire for knowledge. A variety of game actions, with the help of which one or another mental task is solved, maintains and enhances children's interest in the subject.

A broad understanding of the term "entertainment" comes from N.I. Lobachevsky, he believed that entertaining is a necessary means to excite and maintain attention, without it teaching is not successful. Modern didactics, referring to the game forms of teaching in the classroom, rightly sees in them the possibility of effective organization of interaction between the teacher and students, a productive form of their communication with their inherent elements of competition, genuine interest.

Professor S.A. Shmakov in his work "The games of students - a phenomenon of culture" (1994) sets the task for teachers: to create a game educational system, game programs for all academic subjects including chemistry. I'm trying to solve it by creating a game system for studying chemistry at school. Experience shows that no matter how well prepared the teacher is, no matter how he masters the subject, the students still prefer his explanation. good game, where they will learn the world themselves, will be mutually trained. They will gladly accept and assimilate the information of an adult mentor, but by all means, as a participant in their game, that is, a real carrier of information, the teacher must learn to play.
Game activity in the learning process.
The game is the most accessible type of activity, a way of processing impressions received from the outside world. The game clearly manifests the peculiarities of the student's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, developing the need for communication. Interesting game increases the mental activity of the child, and he can solve a more difficult task than in a normal lesson. But this does not mean that classes should be held only in the form of a game. The game is only one of the methods, and it gives good results only in combination with others: observations, conversations, independent work. While playing, children learn to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, to use them in different conditions. The game is an independent activity in which children enter into communication with peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common experiences. Game experiences leave a deep imprint in the mind of the child and contribute to the formation of good feelings, noble aspirations, and skills of collective life. The game has great importance, it is closely related to learning in the classroom, with observations Everyday life.

She teaches to independently solve game problems, find The best way implementation of the plan, use their knowledge, express them in a word. Quite often the game serves as a pretext for communicating new knowledge, for broadening one's horizons. Thus, gaming activity is an actual problem of the learning process.

The purpose of the work: to reveal the methodology of gaming activity in the learning process.

Tasks: determine the purpose of gaming activity in educational process, the method of organizing gaming activities in the lesson. Determine how often games are used in the organization of the educational process and how effective it is.

The above tasks determined the range of methods of pedagogical research: conversation, questioning, observation.

The game is attributed to a variety of various functions, both purely educational and educational, so there is a need to more accurately determine the impact of the game on the development of the student and find its place in the system of education and upbringing. It is most accurate to determine those aspects of the mental development and formation of the child's personality that mainly develop in the game or experience only a limited impact in other types of activity.

The study of the significance of the game for mental development and personality formation is very difficult. A pure experiment is impossible here, simply because it is impossible to remove play activity from the life of children and see how the development process will proceed. The most important is the importance of the game for the motivational-need sphere of the child. According to the works of D. B. Elkonin (8; p. 274), the problem of motives and needs comes to the fore. Pointing to motives is insufficient, it is necessary to find the mental mechanism through which motives can have an impact.

The game is important for the formation of a friendly team, and for the formation of independence, and for the formation of a positive attitude towards work. All these educational effects are based on the influence that it has on the mental development of the child, on the formation of his personality. The process of the game allows you to form the qualities of an active participant in the game process, learns to find and make decisions. To develop abilities that can be found in other conditions and situations, to learn consciousness, eccentricity of behavior, the ability to adapt to the existing conditions set by the game. Learn the ability to communicate, establish contacts, enjoy communication with partners, learn to create a special emotional environment that is attractive to students. Game forms can be used in both primary and high school, as well as used in non-traditional lessons. Despite the general recognition of the positive impact of games on the development cognitive activity and independence of students, they have not yet found a sufficiently deep and thorough solution in the methods of teaching subjects. Most teachers, methodologists call the game, which is carried out in the learning process, didactic.

Technology game forms teaching is aimed at teaching students to be aware of the motives of their teaching, their behavior in the game and in life. To form goals and programs of one's own, as a rule, deeply hidden in a normal situation, independent activity and foresee its immediate results.

Four organizational forms of play activity can be distinguished: individual, pair, single, collective, mass. * Individual forms include the game of one person with himself or with various objects and signs.

* Single form is the activity of one player in the system simulation models with direct and feedback from the results of achieving their desired goal.

* The pair form is the game of one person with another person, usually in a competitive or rivalry setting.

* A group form is a game played by three or more opponents pursuing the same goal in a competitive setting.

* The collective form is a group game in which the competition between individual players is replaced by opposing teams.

* The mass form of the game is a replicated single player game with direct and feedback from a common goal, which is simultaneously pursued by many people

The technology of educational games is the practical implementation of pedagogical theory and obtaining pedagogical process predetermined results. The technology of the game is based and developed on the basis of the wide application of pedagogical ideas, principles, concepts, rules. The specific and immediate goal of gaming technology is the spontaneously directed development of the personality of a playing schoolchild. This is a systematic and consistent implementation in practice of the concepts of innovative processes in education, pre-designed processes in education. Designed in advance on the basis of those ideas that are recognized in the world as highly significant values ​​of the individual and society. It should be noted that the educational game is a creative repetition of a specific human activity on a deeply personal level with elements of original novelty, usefulness and significance in conditions of independence or competition with an opponent. During the game, associative, mechanical, visual and other types of memory are triggered at the request of the game situation, and not at the request of the teacher. To win the game - competition, you need to remember a lot, comprehend in a short period of time. In other words, the game in the lesson is a complex carrier of information.

The pedagogical axiom is the provision according to which the development of intellectual abilities, independence and initiative, efficiency and responsibility of schoolchildren can only lead to the presentation of genuine freedom in communication. Involving them in such an activity in which they would not only understand and test what is offered to them as an object of assimilation, but also in fact be convinced that their success in self-development, their fate as a specialist to an initial degree depends on their own efforts and decisions.
The place of the game system in the course of chemistry.
The game takes 1/5 of the time, without crowding out practical activities. The student’s learning takes place by influencing his organs of vision: demonstration of experiments, reading material (50% of what is observed, 30% of what is read remains in memory), the organ of hearing is the teacher’s monologue, dialogue with the teacher, with classmates (10% of what is heard remains in memory), Practical activities the student himself, independent work (90% of what he did himself remains in memory). You can either force or interest a student to learn the necessary material. The game involves the participation of all participants to the extent that they are capable. The educational material in the game is assimilated through all the organs of receiving information, and this is done naturally, as if by itself, while the student's activity is creative. There is a 100% activation of the activity of students in the lesson. Moreover, intellectually developed children occupy a leading position, teaching the lagging behind in a team game. It is known that the word of a peer has more weight for a teenager than the word of a teacher. Competitiveness in work, the opportunity to consult, an acute shortage of time - all these game elements activate the learning activity of students, form an interest in the subject.
Psychological and pedagogical tasks of the game system.
1. The study of new material, the formation of skills, generalization and control of knowledge.

2. Disclosure of the creative possibilities of students.

3. Education of collectivism and mutual assistance in solving difficult problems.

4. Mutual learning. Many games involve a deliberative process. In a group where strong and weak students are gathered, there is a process of mutual enrichment of information and skills.

5. Raising a sense of empathy for each other.

6. Formation of practical skills.

Types of games in the system.
According to the form of activity, the game can be divided into individual, pair, group, general class.

According to educational tasks for games that study new material, form skills, many games of a generalizing nature, repetition and control of knowledge

By types: cognitive, role-playing, business, complex.

According to the form of holding: games - auctions, protection. Journey through the stations, press-conferences, games-research.

AT recent times big role is assigned to electronic test and computer games in training. Testing is becoming a widespread form of knowledge testing, and a game form is used here. From 7th to 11th grade, the complexity of the games increases.

game criteria.

1. The game should be designed for one lesson.

2. The gamers should not be difficult to understand their rules.

3. The game should not become morally obsolete.

4. The game must be massive, covering all students.

5. Grades should be given easily, students should understand how the final grade was obtained.

6. The game must be dynamic to maintain interest in it.

Positive emotions that arise in students during the games help prevent their overload, ensure the formation of communicative and intellectual skills. The game is a good tool for educating students in responsibility for the task assigned, the ability to work collectively and independently. It contributes to the activation of cognitive activity, the identification of organizational and other abilities.
Requirements for conducting didactic games.

1. Correspondence of the theme of the game with the theme and purpose of the lesson

2. Clearness and certainty of the goal and direction of the game.

3. The significance of the game result for the participants and organizers of the game.

4. Compliance of the content of the game with the nature of the problem being solved.

5. The feasibility of the game actions used in the game according to their types, the nature of the complexity. 6. Understandability and accessibility of the game participant's idea, simplicity of the game plot.

7. The stimulating nature of the game.

8. Accuracy and unambiguity of game rules and restrictions.

9. Objective criteria for assessing the success of the game activity of schoolchildren.

11. Favorable psychological climate of relationships

12. Space for personal activity and creativity.

13. An obligatory element of competition between the participants in the game.
exercise lessons are carried out both in the classroom and outside the classroom. academic work. They usually take 10-15 minutes and are aimed at improving the cognitive abilities of students, are a good remedy for development cognitive interests, comprehension and consolidation educational material applying it to new situations. These are various quizzes, crosswords, rebuses, chainwords, charades, puzzles, riddles.

travel games . They can be carried out both directly in the lesson and in the process. extracurricular activities. They serve mainly the purposes of deepening, comprehending and consolidating the educational material. The activation of students in games - travel is expressed in oral stories, questions, answers, in their personal experiences and judgments.

Story (role-playing) game. It differs from exercise games and travel games in that the conditions of an imaginary situation are staged, and students play certain roles. While traditional methods of learning and teaching—such as lecture, discussion, and writing—can be successful in helping students acquire knowledge of factual material and essential theoretical assumptions within which future experience can fit, these methods are deficient in at least two respects. Role play is one of those unique experiential learning techniques that helps the student deal with the uncertainties and challenges of life. The second area in which traditional methods need to be supplemented is the scope of transferable interpersonal and communication skills. No matter how much a student reads and observes, these skills can only be fully developed by applying them in real interpersonal contacts. The interplay of verbal and non-verbal behavior is too complex to be reduced to a few simple rules. Interpreting feedback signals received from other people and responding to these signals holds the key to effective interpersonal communication.

The Benefits of Role Playing (according to Chesler and Fox)

1. Helps the student express hidden feelings.

2. Helps the student to feel the feelings of others and understand their motivation.

3. Gives you the opportunity to practice different types of behavior.

4. Highlights common social problems and the dynamics of group interaction, formal and informal.

5. Allows lively and direct presentation of academic descriptive material.

6. Is motivating and effective because it involves action.

7. Provides feedback to both the student and the mentor.

8.Group can control content and tempo.

9. Eliminates the gap between learning and real life situations.

10.Changes settings.

11. Teaches to control feelings and emotions.
The game is a competition may include all the above types of didactic games or their individual elements. To conduct this type of game, students are divided into groups, teams, between which there is a competition. An essential feature of the game - competition is the presence in it of competitive struggle and cooperation. Elements of competition occupy a leading place in the main game actions, and cooperation is determined by specific circumstances and tasks. Game - competition allows the teacher, depending on the content of the material, to introduce into the game not just entertaining material but highly complex curriculum issues. This is its main pedagogical value and advantage over other types of didactic games.

In real learning practice, all types of games can act both as independent and as mutually complementary. The use of each type of games and their various combinations is determined by the characteristics of the educational material, the age of students and other pedagogical factors.

Game is the most active form of human activity. You will rarely meet a child (and an adult) who is not participating at a certain moment in any game. A flexible system of educational games allows you to study with interest, and this interest only increases from the possibility of choosing games. This model of education, in comparison with the traditional one, is more promising. Carried out according to the scheme student - teacher - student, it allows students to independently choose their own path of development (education), perhaps doing it unconsciously, intuitively, and the teacher acts as a catalyst: his skills and knowledge help the student develop faster. Lessons based on the game method significantly increase students' interest in the subject, allow them to better remember the wording, definitions, liberate the student, his thinking.

Game stages include:

1. Preliminary preparation: the class is divided into teams, approximately equal in ability, homework is given to the teams.


3. Conclusion on the lesson: conclusions about the work of the participants in the game and grading.
To study gaming activity in the learning process, I used the methods of scientific and pedagogical research, and to study the practical side, I turned to the methods of studying experience. Methods were used: conversation, questioning, interviewing.

Research on the use of gaming activities took place at school No. 33. To clarify the goals and objectives of the game as a teaching method, in what cases and at what stages it is carried out, a survey was conducted with school teachers. An analysis of the questioning of subject teachers showed that only 4 out of 12 constantly use the didactic game in the educational process. From subject teachers who have never applied didactic games received the following responses:

* some consider that their subject is one of the most difficult subjects in school curriculum and therefore, for the assimilation of educational material it is inappropriate to use games;

* others believe that they have already worked out their teaching methods and there is no need to change them;

* others believe that it is quite difficult to organize the learning process using didactic games and it is more acceptable to organize the pedagogical process in the form of a lesson and use established teaching methods.

From the experience of organizing gaming activities of a particular subject teacher. This is a mathematics teacher of 5-11 grades, work experience at school for 26 years. She uses didactic games and quite successfully. In the lessons she uses various forms of games: individual, group, collective. The choice of form depends on the goals and objectives of the lesson. The goal is chosen depending on the result to be achieved. In her opinion, it is preferable to use the game at the stage of checking and consolidating the educational material. An analysis of the results of the games conducted shows that knowledge is consolidated and improved, psychological qualities are developed, students are educated in speech, the ability to correctly and logically express their thoughts, the development of the ability to find optimal solutions, etc. Based on her pedagogical experience, the teacher believes that children love to play in class, but they don't always follow the rules. Most often this happens in a group game where children try to help each other. In this case, it does not stop the gameplay, but makes the rules of the game more stringent. In her opinion, the game cannot be used in the following cases: if the game does not correspond to the level of development of students, that is, even with a clear explanation of the rules, it causes some difficulty in their implementation. In her opinion, this does not correspond to the consolidation of knowledge, but disperses attention to solving problems abstracted from the topic.

If the kids don't want to play.

If the game is new - new games should be checked. Throughout the entire process of playing in the lesson, it is necessary to carefully monitor so that a conflict situation does not arise between children and relationships in the class do not deteriorate. If she noticed this, she intervened in the game and diverted the attention of the children to solving other problems in the game itself. The teacher believes that the game helps students develop personally, this is the ability to cooperate with peers, the ability to

listen and accept the opinions of others.

In order to understand how to make the use of games more effective for teaching and educating students, how to use games and at what stages it is preferable, studies were conducted among students. Analysis of the responses gave the following results:

1. Games in the classroom are liked by everyone without exception.

2. Most students would like to play in every lesson, but only if this game is interesting to them.

4. The first place in games is occupied by a history lesson, where the teacher allows children to do dramatizations of various historical events, offers to come up with your own course of events, etc.

5. Students may not like the game, if the organization of the game does not take into account the interests of students, the content of the game does not correspond to the topic of the lesson or the hobbies of students.

6. The desire of students to participate in the game very often depends on their relationship with the teacher, as a result of which the teacher needs to think over his actions, track the reaction of students to these actions and draw conclusions.

7. Most children like to win in the game. This striving for victory ensures the learning and development of students in play activities.

Thus, the analysis of the work of the subject teacher and the study of the gaming activities of students in the classroom made it possible to detect negative aspects in the use of games in the learning process:

*First, it often takes a lot of time to explain the rules and demonstrate the game (especially for teachers with little experience in organizing games). Often this leads to the fact that children do not have time to study or consolidate the material in the remaining time.

*secondly, the game mechanism is often violated, i.e. violated the strict order of the game actions. Most often this is observed in group and collective forms of games, which leads to confusion, and most importantly, to questionable results;

* thirdly, after the games (especially in the middle classes) it can be difficult to restore discipline in the classroom, which is what teachers complain about when children come to the next lesson.

* in - fourthly, when conducting paired, group and collective forms of play, competition between children sometimes develops into unhealthy rivalry, which teachers do not always have time to notice, much less prevent. This leads to damaged relationships between children outside the game.

An analysis of observations of gaming activity and its results revealed that the use of gaming forms of learning is not always effective method to strengthen or expand knowledge.

For teachers who use games in learning activities developed the following recommendations:

1. When choosing game forms of learning, you cannot rush and act alone,

2.. Never take other people's games on faith without proper verification.

3. It is necessary to convince yourself of the effectiveness and attractiveness of the game by playing with colleagues and well-playing children.

4. Developed games should not be taken to class immediately. It often happens that the game stops at the most interesting place and no amount of restoration can restore the previous course of the game. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to work with colleagues again, to see what difficulties there were, especially in collective games, to check again which of the students can be the main assistant in the game.

5. Nowhere, never and no one should be forced to play. All people are equal before the arbiter and everything must be built on voluntary cooperation.

6. You can not allow yourself to play with children down or follow their lead. At the same time, no matter how funny and fun it is in the game, it is necessary to observe all the signs of rigor and unfailing exactingness.


1. Manuleiko Z.V. "Change of the child's motor skills depending on the conditions and motives", M.-69;

2. Pidkasisty P.I., Khaidarov Zh.S. "Game technology in learning and development", M.96.

3.Heyzinga I. "A man playing", M.92;

4. Shmakov S.A. "Her Majesty the game", M.92;

5. Elkonin D.V. "Psychology of the game", M.78 .;

6. Pavlova N.S. Educational games in chemistry lessons. Chemistry at school”, 6,2000, p.35;


Questionnaire for teachers.

1. Do you use games in the pedagogical process?

2. What forms of play do you consider the most successful in the educational process?

3.When do you use the game?

4. At what stages of the lesson is it preferable to use the game or its elements?

5. What goal do you most often pursue using a didactic game?

6. Do you consider it appropriate to use the game in the lesson?

7. What results do you most often want to achieve, and do you manage to do it?

8. Do children like to play in the lessons?

9. Do children follow all the rules of the game?

10. When should games not be used?

11. What psychological qualities of the child does the game develop?

12. Is it advisable to use the game to develop the qualities of a student's personality?

Questionnaire for students.

1. Do you like it when the teacher uses the game in the lesson?

2. How often would you like the game to be used in class?

3. What form of play do you like more: individual, group or pair?

4. What lessons do you like to play (list)

5. Are there times when you don't like to play and why?

6. Does your desire depend on the teacher using the games?

7. What do you like most about the game?
Lesson - the game "Russian Lotto"
Terms of the game: five teams participate in the game. Each team receives a card with the numbers of ten questions. The teacher or the host of the game takes out a barrel with numbers from the bag. The team that has this number on the card gets the right to answer. If the answer is correct, then the team receives a keg and puts it on the corresponding number on the card. If the team could not answer the question correctly, then the keg remains with the host and the other team gets the right to answer, which receives a token for the correct answer. For this token, you can redeem the keg that was taken out of the bag, but remained with the leader. The first team to place kegs on all card numbers wins. This game can be played in the lessons of generalizing repetition or throughout the course.
Lesson - the game "Auction".
Tasks on any topic are put up for auction, and the teacher agrees in advance with the guys on the topic of the game. The game is played by 3-5 teams. Lot No. 1 is projected on the screen with the help of an overhead projector - five tasks on a given topic (you can write tasks in advance on a blackboard, on a poster, or use ready-made, printed texts) The first team selects a task and assigns it a price from 1 to 5 points. If the price of this team is higher than those given by others, it receives a task and completes it. The rest of the tasks must be bought by other teams. If the task is solved correctly, the team is awarded points (or part of them) are removed. The advantage of this simple game is that when choosing a problem, students compare all five problems and mentally scroll through their solution.
Lesson - the game "Labyrinth".

(view of knowledge on a topic, section, etc.)

The class is divided into 3 - 5 teams, and each team is made up of guys of different abilities so that the teams are equal in strength. There are tables in the classroom, the number of which depends on the number of topics chosen. On the tables are table numbers, tasks for each player different topics, and the tasks are 3-level according to the abilities of students, the tasks in the envelope are numbered and each student knows his task number. (You can do tasks to do tasks on 3-level tests, lay out printed tests on tables and announce to students in advance the tasks of which level he solves).

The guys draw lots, who from which table, on what topic, starts working, in what order. An expert sits at each table (it can be a strong student this class or a high school student who checks the correctness of the solution of the problem.) Each expert should have a control card with the solution of problems at each table, calculates the number of points for each solved problem in individual cards for each student, putting his signature and points in the team fund, putting them in the team card . The team with the most points wins, and each student is given an average score in the magazine according to their individual cards.

Lesson - the game "Own game"
Organization of the lesson: two teams take part in the game. Each team chooses one or more main players (you can play with the whole team), all the rest are fans. The game is played in three rounds.

1 round - 15 minutes.

The facilitator names two categories of questions that will be played out. Each category has 5 questions of varying difficulty.

Teams can get from 10 to 50 points for a correct answer. The main player chooses the category and cost of the question, the presenter reads out the question, the time for reflection is 1 - 2 minutes. The player who raised his hand first gets the right to answer. If he gave the correct answer and managed to substantiate it, then the cost of the question is added to the team. If the main player gave an incorrect answer, then the cost of the question is removed from the team's account. If no main player has given the correct answer, then the question goes to the fans. They can bring the team half the cost of the question in case of a correct answer.

2 - round - 15 minutes.

3rd round - 5 minutes. The facilitator announces the topic on which the question will be asked. The main players assign the cost of the question (any, but not more than the number of points that the team has). After that, the question is read out and 5 minutes are given for reflection. At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winner is awarded.
Lesson - the game "Domino".
Cards are prepared for the game, each of which is divided into two parts. These parts contain assignments and answers. Cards are distributed to the participants of the game. The players take turns arranging the cards so that each next card is logically connected with the previous one. In this case, it is necessary to theoretically substantiate the fact that is written on the player's card. If the student incorrectly put up a card or failed to explain the reason for putting it up, then he skips a move. The player can use the referee's help, but loses 100 points.

The first person to show all the cards wins.

Methodical instructions for the organization of the lesson:

The game is held in the classroom as one of the stages of group work for repetition and consolidation of knowledge on the whole topic or on several topics. It is assumed that there are several sets of games to activate the work of students.

Each group must have an orbitr who will evaluate the correctness of the answer. They may be the most successful student in the class.

Target. Teach children how to properly place game material, treat it with care.

Target. Learn to accurately and expressively perform simple dance movements, reflecting in them the change in the nature of music.

Target. To introduce children to the educational supplies of a preparatory class student, to teach them to keep them in order and be able to quickly prepare for the lesson (in mathematics, reading, work, physical education, drawing, rhythm). To consolidate the rules of conduct at school, in the classroom, in the classroom, during breaks, in the canteen, on the playground.

Target. During the game, consolidate the concepts: above, below, between, to the right (right), to the left (left). Cultivate attention, observation.

Target. To teach children to understand a piece of music, to compare musical images.

Target. To consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables (name, shape of fruits, stem, leaves, color, taste), about their significance for humans. Cultivate the desire to grow the right plants.

Target. During the game, consolidate knowledge of the rules traffic transport and pedestrians on the streets of the city (village). Cultivate attention, organization.

Target. To teach children to distinguish the timbre of the sound of musical instruments.

Target. Exercise children in reading direct syllables.

Target. To teach children to describe a toy (object) from memory, to develop visual memory.

Target. To consolidate in children the knowledge of ordinal counting, the composition of the number. Develop speech and thinking.

Target. To fix the constructive (an object is created from separate parts) and plastic (an object is created from a whole piece by pulling) modeling methods. Independently distribute tasks in group work. Develop imaginative thinking, creative imagination.

Target. In the game, develop speech activity, speed of thinking.

Target. During the game, consolidate knowledge of the names and sequence of the days of the week. Match the days of the week with the past, present and future: today is Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday, yesterday was Sunday.

Target. Perform familiar songs, games, round dances, dances.

Target. In the game, to consolidate the skills of cultural behavior, to cultivate an attentive attitude towards comrades, the desire to take care of them.

Target. Fix direct and reverse counting.

Material overview

Play and example are the oldest means of passing on experience from generation to generation. The game began to function in this capacity long before the advent of schools. The human game was formed as a natural means of transferring experience and development. According to D.I. Uznadze, “serious activity relies on the forces developed in the conditions of the game.”

Ya.A. Komensky included the game in the routine of his pansophic school, called in the "Great Didactics" to lead schoolchildren to the heights of science without shouting, beatings and boredom, but as if playing and joking.

The artificial displacement of the game from the school can be traced back to the era of Comenius (game entertaining problem books by Leonardo Fibonacci - 1228, Bache de Mezirac 1312), being a consequence of the academic tendency towards a systematic presentation, "concern" for decency, etc. The consequences of this separation of the game from the school have not yet been fully overcome. In pedagogical practice, attempts were made to change the situation. So German. the teacher Froebel widely disseminated his idea of ​​a school of play, but the idea was discredited by the fact that the game was combined with the direct authority of the leader (teacher), i.e. turning the game into manipulation according to the model.

The modern surge of interest in the game is still associated with those natural possibilities that are contained in the game and which have repeatedly manifested themselves in the results of the advanced teaching practice(M. Montessori, G. Dupuy, R. Prudhomme, Sh. A. Amonashvili and others)

In the process pedagogical organization the game activity of students there are many difficulties. The teacher needs to determine such parameters of the game as rules, roles, the logic of the development of the plot, time frames, material resources - these and other tasks relate to the field of methodological support for the child's game activity. The method of organizing any pedagogical phenomenon is connected with the definition of specific and effective ways of pedagogical interaction... But is it possible to reduce a child's play to clear and unambiguous parameters?

The concept of the game

An analysis of the literature indicates the absence of a clear definition of the game as a scientific phenomenon. The game as a multidimensional and complex phenomenon is considered in the studies of psychologists, educators, biologists, ethnographers, anthropologists and even economists. In the course of analyzing numerous studies, it is not difficult to identify a certain contradiction, which is due to the very nature of the game phenomenon.

On the one hand, the word game itself is so universally recognized that its use, whether in everyday speech, in literary works or scientific papers- not accompanied by a definition. The concept of the game in general is expressed in the polyphony of folk ideas about a joke, laughter, joy, fun, children's fun.

On the other hand, the game of a person is many-sided and ambiguous. Its history is the history of the transformation of trifle, fun into tools, first of all culture and, further, into a philosophical category. high degree abstractions of ontological and epistemological significance, similar to such categories as truth, beauty, goodness, into the category of worldview and attitude, into the universe of culture.

Thus, the nature of the game is sacred and hides in itself the origins of not only children's, sports, commercial games, but also such areas of intuitive artistic activity as painting, music, literature, cinema and theater, and even more so politics and war. Truly human play cannot be understood by simple circuits, short formulas, and clear expressions.

Nevertheless, the definition of any concept is the allocation of limits, the boundaries of this concept. The search for the limits of play as a concept is very complicated and is associated with the logical separation of play as an activity from other types of child activity (labor, communication, teaching, etc.).

A game is a type of unproductive human activity, where the motive lies not in its result, but in the process itself. However, unproductiveness as a sign of the game needs some clarification. A game can be considered an unproductive activity only in so far as the product it is aimed at creating does not have consumer value outside the conditional situation of the game. During the game, a material or ideal product always appears (this can be speech production, texts, objects, or combinations thereof). But as soon as the object created in the course of the game begins to be used, acquiring real, and not conditional, consumer value, we face the problem of whether this activity is in the full sense of the game.

The game is a type of non-utilitarian human activity associated with the process of free manifestation of spiritual and physical forces.

The game is an occupation "pretend", not only develops the skill necessary for future serious affairs, but also enlivens, makes visible options for a possible future, helps to form a set of ideas about oneself in the future.

The game is a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilation of social experience, recorded in socially fixed ways of implementing objective actions, in objects of culture and science (Psychological Dictionary \ Edited by A.V. Petrovsky and M.G. Yaroshevsky, 1990 ).

Game - as a human activity in a conditional situation, creates the effect of "as if". However, the element of conventionality, one way or another, is present in all types of human activity and cultural phenomena (J. Huizinga). Therefore, the identification of the conditional situation as such will not yet solve the problem of "play-non-play".

The game is attractive and at the same time means conventionality, seriousness, joy, fun. One of the mechanisms of the stimulating and developing impact of the game is to ensure the connection between the phenomena of reality and the emotional sphere of a person.

That. an activity that combines a conditional situation and an objectively valuable output product can be characterized as a transitional phenomenon: labor with signs of play or play with signs of labor (actors playing in the theater, business games, etc.).

Quite a few common features have play and learning activities:

In the process of playing and learning, the experience accumulated by previous generations is mastered;

In play and learning, there are similar mechanisms for this mastery of experience (for example, overcoming artificial obstacles).

As a result of such an analysis of the definitions of the game, we can derive the definition of an educational game if the teacher is faced with the task of developing the student as a subject of educational activity, orienting him to continuous education, and creating motives for conscious learning in the game. At the same time, from "make-believe teaching" junior schoolchildren we can have a transition to the forms of education of the middle and senior schoolchildren (“play-study-work” type), where additional motivation for learning tasks is used.

The learning task and the didactic game are a means of organizing learning activities. Their main purpose is to create a difficult (sometimes problematic) situation, the construction of an "obstacle course". The student's steps through these obstacles constitute the learning process. It is important that a student performing an educational task or participating in a didactic game always solves a certain problem. A task is a part of the goal given in certain conditions of activity.

Theoretical approaches to explaining the game phenomenon.

At the present stage of the study of the phenomenon of play, one can speak of various scientific theories of play: the theory of excess forces, compensatory; instinctiveness; rest in the game; pleasure, the realization of innate drives; spiritual development in the game; the relationship of play with art and aesthetic culture; links between play and work; recapitulation and anticipation, and so on.

To consider the problems of organizing children's play, one should refer to the relevant scientific approaches:

Procedural - "a game as a process": "the purpose of the game lies in itself ..." (A. Vallon, P.F. Kapterev, etc.);

Activity - “game as activity”: “game is a type of unproductive human activity ...” (K.D. Ushinsky, A.N. Leontiev and others);

Technological - "game as a pedagogical technology": "game activity is associated with the activation and intensification of students' activities" (P.I. Pidkasisty, Zh.S. Khaidarov and others).

The structure of the game as a process:

1. The roles assumed by the players.

2. Game actions as a way to implement these roles.

3. Playful use of objects, substitution of real things for play - conditional.

4.Real relations between the players.

5.Syuzhet, content - the area of ​​reality conditionally reproduced in the game.

The structure of the game as an activity:

1. Motivation, which is provided by the voluntariness of participation in gaming activities, the possibility of choice, competitiveness, satisfaction of needs and self-realization.

2. Goal setting.

3. Planning.

4. Realization of the goal.

5. Analysis of the results in which the personality is realized as a subject of activity.

Definition of the term "game technologies".

The concept of a game as a process, activity or technology is very conditional and is caused by the need for scientific clarification of the parameters of the phenomenon under consideration. Within the framework of these approaches, the game, along with work and learning, is understood as a type of developmental activity in situations of conditional recreation and assimilation of social experience, in which self-management of human behavior is formed and improved.

Under "game technologies" in pedagogy is understood a fairly large group of methods and techniques for organizing the pedagogical process in the form of various pedagogical games. Unlike games in general, a "pedagogical game" has an essential feature - a clearly defined goal and a corresponding pedagogical result, which can be substantiated, highlighted in an explicit or indirect form and characterized by an educational and cognitive orientation (G.K. Selevko).

Any technology has means that activate and intensify human activity. The use of the game as a means of education and upbringing has been known since antiquity. Wide application finds the game in folk pedagogy, in preschool and out-of-school institutions. To characterize the game as a developing pedagogical technology, it is necessary to establish the main distinguishing features of the game as a method and technique in the pedagogical process. In a modern school, the game method is used in the following cases:

As an independent technology for mastering concepts, topics, and even a section of a subject;

As part of a larger technology,

As technology for extracurricular activities.

The implementation of gaming techniques takes place in the following areas:

The pedagogical goal is set for students in the form of a game task;

As motivation, an element of competition is introduced, which translates the pedagogical task into a game one;

The educational activities of schoolchildren are subject to the rules of the game;

Educational material is used as a means of play;

Successful achievement of pedagogical goal is associated with the game result.

However, speaking about play in the educational activity of young schoolchildren and adolescents, we must take into account its indirect influence on the development of the psyche (i.e., no longer VTD) and assume the area of ​​optimal functioning of the game as a didactic tool. The optimal use of the game can be. is determined by the following conditions, if: there is an inclusion of cognitive activity, the situation of success in the educational game is a prerequisite for cognitive activity.

Didactic properties of the game:

Duality - a combination of conventionality and reality in a game situation (imagination, creative consciousness are connected);

The uncertainty of the outcome is the opportunity for the player to influence the situation, i.e. the player's capabilities are updated - it moves from a potential state to an actual one;

Voluntariness - contributes to the growth of internal organization;

Polyfunctionality is the reproduction of the features of various types of activity and, as a result, the expansion of the possibilities for varying the conditions for the development of the individual.

Principles of designing educational games:

Determination of the pedagogical goals of using the game;

Correlation of the game goals of the student and the pedagogical goals of the teacher;

Determination of the need to use in this particular case exactly the game, and not another pedagogical tool;

The choice of educational tasks, the achievement of which is advisable to organize in a playful way;

Planning organizational structure games;

Selection and subsequent adaptation to the existing specific conditions of the rules of the educational game;

Creation of a game based on one or another game scheme, formulation of the game conditions.

Classification of gaming technologies in pedagogy.

The games of the child, at each age stage, are distinguished by their originality. The use of gaming technologies in the pedagogical process can be divided into several stages associated with the age periods of education and upbringing of the child:

Gaming technologies in preschool age;

Game technologies at primary school age;

Game technologies in middle and senior school age.

Classification of games in the educational process:

According to the nature of cognitive activity:

Perception games,



search engines,



According to the degree of independence: various types of didactic games.

Ways of methodological support of the gaming activities of children and adolescents.

In the process of personality formation, the game will be able to stimulate:

 awareness of one's own growth, advancement in the knowledge of the world;

joy of mastering more perfect ways of activity;

pleasure from the process of cognitive activity;

 self-esteem;

 pride in the success of a comrade.

The process of inclusion in the game can unfold according to various schemes, depending on the position that one or another participant occupies in relation to the game as a whole. The development of readiness for the game involves:

Development of external interest in the game as a whole (name of the game, its player, prize);

Development of internal interest (the content side of the game (with whom, how, how much to interact);

Preliminary search for ways to complete the game task and forecasting one’s own capabilities to implement them;

Formation and decision-making on entry into the game. All this must be taken into account by the teacher when organizing the game in the educational process.

To gaming pedagogical technologies teachers begin to apply during the period of education and training of preschoolers. The preschooler's play activity program is built from a set of educational games, which, for all their diversity, proceed from the general idea of ​​the connection between construction, labor and technical games with the child's intellect and have characteristic features.

Psychophysiological rationale: by the third year of life, the child already masters the role-playing game, gets acquainted with human relations, begins to distinguish between the internal and external sides of phenomena, the child actively develops imagination and the symbolic function of consciousness, which allow him to transfer the properties of some things to others, an orientation in own feelings and the skills of their cultural expression are formed - all this allows the child to be included in collective activities and communication.

Pedagogical principle: managed to combine one of the basic principles of teaching "from simple to complex" with a very important principle creative activity"independently according to ability."

Solving pedagogical tasks: in developing games, the following pedagogical tasks are achieved:

development creativity child from an early age;

game tasks-steps affect the advanced development of the child's abilities (according to L.S. Vygotsky, the zone of proximal development is involved);

the child's activities are accompanied by an atmosphere of free joyful creativity;

The child's activities are accompanied by a situation of success.

The use of game technologies by a teacher at primary school age helps the participants to live through certain elements of the educational process in a conditionally game plan. Action according to the game rules transforms the usual positions of the teacher into an assistant, organizer, accomplice of the game action. due to the following reasons.

Psychophysiological rationale: The development of a child in primary school age is associated with the enrichment and consolidation of everyday vocabulary, coherent speech, the improvement of mental processes, the formation of numerical and abstract representations, and the like. Children of primary school age are characterized by immediacy of perception, ease of entering into images, children are quickly involved in activities, especially in games.

Pedagogical principle: In pedagogy elementary school game developing technologies are called didactic games. The effectiveness of didactic games depends on their systematic use, on the purposefulness of the game program in combination with the usual didactic exercises.

Solving pedagogical problems: The results of the game act in a dual way - as both a game and an educational and cognitive result:

 highlight the main characteristics objects, compare, contrast them; generalize objects according to certain characteristics;

distinguish real events from unreal ones;

 self-control, etc.

The most important role in this technology belongs to the final retrospective discussion (reflection), in which students jointly analyze the course and results of the game, the course of educational-game interaction.

Game technologies in the education and upbringing of children of middle and senior school age are distinguished by their qualitative originality.

Psychophysiological rationale: In the behavior and activities of adolescent children, there is an aggravation of the need to create their own world, the desire for adulthood, the rapid development of imagination, fantasies, the emergence of spontaneous group games. The peculiarities of the game of adolescent children are the child's focus on self-affirmation in front of society, the humorous coloring of events, the desire for a practical joke, and an orientation towards speech activity.

Pedagogical principle: As a rule, as developing gaming technologies, teachers turn to such a type of games as "business games". In the educational process, various modifications of business games are used: simulation, operational, role-playing business games, business theater, psycho- and sociodrama. For the effective organization of pedagogical interaction, the tactics of the teacher can be built in accordance with certain stages of the business game: preparation, introduction to the game, conducting and analyzing the course of the game.

Solving pedagogical problems: Game technologies are used to achieve complex pedagogical tasks: mastering new and fixing old material, forming general educational skills, developing creative abilities, etc. Game technologies in the upbringing and education of adolescents, on the one hand, contribute to the development of mature social attitudes of a teenager, on the other hand, they contribute to compensating for information overload, organizing psychological and physiological rest.

Download material

The world of any child is filled with things necessary for him: pyramids, various toys, cartoons and shooters. This is not surprising, because for a preschooler the most important activity is the game. Of course, parents are obliged to know how and how to entertain their baby, so that at the same time this activity contributes to his development and benefits.

The role of play in child development

Playing is a compulsory activity for a child.

  • She liberates him, so the baby plays with pleasure and without coercion. From the first weeks of life, the baby is already trying to interact with the rattles suspended above his bed.
  • At preschool age, play activities teach children to order and follow the rules.
  • During the game, children strive to show all their skills (especially when playing with peers).
  • Enthusiasm appears, many abilities are activated, the game creates an environment around the baby, helps to find friends and establish contacts.
  • While playing, the child learns to find a way out and solve problems.
  • The rules of the game teach him to be honest, and when they are violated, the general indignation of the players follows.
  • The child can show in the game qualities that are invisible in everyday life.
  • In addition, the game shows rivalry between children, which will help them defend their position and survive.
  • Games have a beneficial effect on the development of imagination, thinking and wit.
  • Gradually, through play activities, the child prepares for entry into adulthood.

Game activity functions

Any activity has one or another functional purpose, and gaming activity is no exception.

  • The main function of the game is entertainment. The game should arouse interest in the child, give pleasure, inspire him.
  • The communicative function of the game is that in its process the child develops the speech mechanism in the process of finding a common language with partners.
  • In the choice of a playing role, the function of self-realization is hidden. A child who has chosen a role with additional actions is more active and has the makings of a leader.
  • In overcoming various difficulties in the game (which arise everywhere) lies its therapeutic function.
  • Thanks to the diagnostic function, the baby can better know his abilities, at the same time the educator will determine the possible presence of deviations from the normal behavior of the child.
  • Through the game, you can carefully adjust the structure of personality. In addition, in the game, the child learns the rules of human society, values, accustoms to socio-cultural norms, is integrated into the system of social relations.

Types of gaming activities

Primarily, all games can be divided into two large groups, differing in the form of activity of children and the participation of adults in them.
The first group of independent games includes such activities in the preparation and conduct of which adults do not directly participate, and the activity of the children themselves comes to the fore. They themselves set the goals of the game, develop it and act independently. In such games, children can take the initiative, which increases the level of development of their intelligence. This also includes story and cognitive games aimed at developing children's thinking.
The second group includes educational games that require the participation of an adult who sets the rules of the game and directs the work of children until the desired result is achieved. The purpose of these games is to educate, educate and develop the child. This group includes dramatization games, entertainment games, mobile, didactic, music games. It is easier to smoothly transfer the child's activity from educational games to the learning process. In this group of educational games, many varieties can be distinguished with different purposes and scripts.

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Characteristics of the game activity of a preschooler

The world of the child copies the adult world. The kid endows his toys with real and fictional properties. Through the game, it is easier for him to get used to the society around him, to comprehend its roles, relationships and cultural traditions.
Usually, preschoolers have several phases in the structure of play activity:

  • sensorimotor;
  • directing;
  • role-playing and story game, which also includes musical and gaming activities;
  • game by the rules.

The beginning of knowledge of the surrounding world is associated with acquaintance with toys that are pleasant to the touch, making sounds, as well as various household items, bulk materials and liquids. It is best for parents to buy those toys, the functions of which are similar to the functions of objects with which the child will have to come into contact in life. At preschool age, children should be unobtrusively guided in their play activities. It is useful for parents to involve children in everyday affairs, introducing them to new subjects, and at the same time gradually cultivating good habits in them and introducing them to duties.
Having matured a little, the child moves on to the director's game: he endows objects with arbitrary properties and controls their actions. Even later, preschoolers have a role-playing game activity. Children, copying the adult world, organize "hospitals", "families", "shops", etc. If before the child could play alone, then, having matured, he is already drawn to communication and interaction with peers. This once again demonstrates the importance of play for the formation of a social unit from a child. Then team games acquire a competitive character and are furnished with a list of rules.

Games for preschoolers

We rarely think about why our children love to play, and what, in fact, the game gives them. And kids need games, and a variety of them. Just because they are...

Didactic games

The most important value of game activity is the development of children in its process. This is directly served by didactic games conducted by educators. These games are specially designed for education and upbringing, they have certain rules and expected result. In fact, a didactic game is a synthesis of a form of learning and a game. It sets didactic tasks, defines the rules and game actions, and predicts the result. Under the didactic task is meant the educational impact and the purpose of learning. It is well demonstrated by games where the ability to compose a word or counting skills from letters is fixed. The task in the didactic game is carried out through game actions. The basis of the game is the play actions carried out by the children themselves. The more interesting these actions, the more productive and exciting the game will turn out.
The teacher who controls the behavior of children sets the rules of the game. When the game ends, it is necessary to take stock of its results. This may mean determining the winners who did the best with the task, but at the same time it is necessary to encourage each participant in the game. Adults use didactic games as a way of learning that allows them to smoothly move from playing to learning activities.

Game and development of children's speech

The game significantly affects even the development of the child's speech. A minimum level of communication skills is necessary so that the baby can confidently connect to the game situation. Due to the need to communicate with other children, the development of coherent speech is stimulated. In play, which is the leading form of activity at this age, the sign function of speech develops intensively due to the substitution of one object for another. Proxy objects serve as symbols for missing items. Any real object that replaces another object can serve as a sign. The placeholder object transforms the verbal definition by associating the word with the missing object.
Thanks to the game, the child begins to perceive individual and iconic signs. In iconic signs, the sensual properties are virtually close to the object being replaced, and the sensual nature of individual signs has little to do with the designated object.
Games are also important for the development of reflective thinking. For example, a child playing hospital cries and suffers like a patient, although inwardly he enjoys playing the role.

The influence of the game on the development of the child's psyche

The complication of gaming activity contributes to the development of the child's psyche. With the help of the game mental qualities are formed and personality traits child. Over time, other activities sprout from the game, becoming important in the subsequent life of a person. The game perfectly develops memory, attention, because in it the child needs to focus on the details in order to successfully immerse himself in the game situation. Role-playing games develop the imagination. Trying on different roles, the child creates new situations, replaces some objects with others.
The influence of gaming activity on the formation of the personality of a child who acquires communication skills, learns to establish contacts with peers, studies the behavior and relationships of adults is noted. Drawing and designing are very close to play activities. At the same time, they are still preparing for work. The child tries, doing something with his own hands, while he is not indifferent to the result. In these studies, he should definitely be praised, because praise will be a new incentive for him to achieve perfection.
In the life of a child, play is as important as work for an adult or study for a student. Educators know this, but it is important for parents to understand this as well. Children's interests need to be developed in every possible way, to encourage their orientation towards a better result, victory. As the baby grows, he needs to be offered such toys that would help him mentally progress. Parents should sometimes play together with the child, because he perceives joint play as more important.