Special educational needs of OO. Definition of special educational needs

Currently, more and more children need additional stimulating classes to correct cognitive functions. under development cognitive activity should be understood as qualitative changes in personality. The development of thinking is not an end in itself. Learning to think is necessary not so that the child can do this, but so that he can better navigate the world around him, organize his life, and become more and more independent.
The child has up to school age should be good mental development which is the basis for the successful mastery of school knowledge. A child of preschool age has truly enormous developmental opportunities and abilities to learn.
It is well known that with different types of mental retardation, there are common features psycho-physical development, such as: violations of general and fine motor skills, increased exhaustion, general physical and somatic weakness, underdevelopment of higher mental functions, speech development disorders, immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere, poor development of communication skills, etc.
In order to ensure effective educational integration, children with SEN are integrated into the general developmental groups of the kindergarten. It should be noted that it is optimal to include one or two children with mental retardation in general developmental groups, the pupils will definitely receive the necessary corrective assistance. The purpose of correctional classes is to increase the level of general, sensory, intellectual development, memory, attention; correction of visual-motor and spatial disorders, general and fine motor skills, filling in gaps in previous training, and more.
It is no coincidence that such serious attention is paid to the issue of education and upbringing of children with SEN, because this activity is very diverse and includes several sections: - diagnosing the level of development of the child, - drawing up, based on diagnostic data, an individual educational route child and its implementation, - tracking the dynamics of the child's development, - interaction with specialists and parents.
The interaction of specialists is ensured as a result of acquaintance and discussion of the results of complex diagnostics, participation in the work of psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations, tracking the diagnosis of assimilation of educational material.
Corrective impact on a child with SEN in the conditions of a general developmental group cannot be limited only to specially organized forms of activity. The knowledge and skills acquired by children should be included in all types of children's activities, it is important to teach children to apply the skills and abilities they have acquired in similar or new situations, to use the acquired skills in their own independent activities.
In the center of role-playing games, not only toys are used as props, but also objects, symbols, substitutes, aids that develop all types of perception, sensory representations (about shape, color, size, weight, material, etc.). Selected attributes are designed to correct speech disorders, basic mental operations (comparison, comparison, analysis, synthesis), as well as conducive to consolidating the knowledge gained in the classroom.
Specialists actively use the materials of motor centers for the implementation corrective tasks. For example, skittles are equipped with transparent pockets or Velcro, where object pictures (cards) depicting letters, numbers, geometric shapes and other material.
When designing activity centers, we wanted the attributes of games to create conditions not only for the opportunities to master various social roles but also stimulated mental and speech activity.
When using attributes story games the work of children with contour, silhouette and superimposed images, (reflections) of objects was provided different shapes, a value designed to compare objects and their images, for this purpose, pictograms were pasted on containers for storing various materials for independent artistic activity, different kind designer, on the shelves indicating the purpose of the car.
For example, in the game "Shop" there are boxes with "juice" (apple, orange, grape), similar in appearance, but different in size, size, working with which the ability to find similarities and differences, differentiate vegetables and fruits, form relative adjectives is fixed.
There are also "sound" money - word scheme cards with a given sound, for which the buyer must buy goods, starting with a given sound or "colored" money, for which you can buy goods only of a given color, etc.
The work organized in this way role-playing game allows you to maximally correct the higher mental functions, speech of children and the emotional-volitional sphere, give them the opportunity to receive a full-fledged education, avoid limiting the possibility of socialization in society.
Basilov. T.A. Education of preschool children with complex multiple disorders//Ed. E.A. Strebeleva.-M., 2004
Children with handicapped: problems of innovative tendencies of training and education. Reader / Comp. N.D. Sokolov, L.V. Kalinnikov. - M., 2001.
Ekzhanova E.A., Strebeleva E.A. Systems of correctional and developmental education and upbringing of preschool children with intellectual disabilities. // Defectology, 2006. -№6.
Miklyaeva N.V. Innovations in kindergarten. Manual for educators M., 2009., Ed. Iris, p. 160
Solovieva I.L. Solovieva E.A. On the issue of using the new pedagogical technology in a special (correctional) educational institution // Questions of theory and practice of deaf pedagogy (Interuniversity collection scientific papers №2), 2003.
Shmatko N.D., Golovchits L.A., Strebeleva E.A. System Upgrade Approaches preschool education children with disabilities // Defectology. 2009, No. 1. C19-23.

Training and education in the special educational process are organically interconnected and complementary with self-development, and they are implemented in special educational conditions. The most important components of these conditions are the following:

Availability of modern special educational programs (general education and correctional development);

Taking into account the peculiarities of the development of each child, an individual pedagogical approach, manifested in the special organization of the correctional and pedagogical process, in the application of special methods and means of teaching compensation and correction (including technical ones);

Creation of an adequate living environment;

Implementation of the correctional and pedagogical process by special teachers (typhlo-, deaf-, oligophrenopedagogues, speech therapists and other specialists) and its psychological support by special psychologists;

Provision of medical, psychological and social services.

Depending on the degree of disability, and primarily on the preservation of the intellect, as well as on the quality and timeliness of the provision of special educational conditions, people with developmental disabilities can master different levels of education. So, the majority of deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf, blind, visually impaired, people with dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system or the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior, severe speech disorders, are capable of mastering not only general secondary education, but also secondary and even higher professional education. education. Those who have mild forms of intellectual disability are able to receive elementary general education and master professions that are not associated with intensive intellectual activity or complex communication processes, which in the future will allow them to lead an independent working life and successfully adapt in society.

Severely mentally retarded children and adolescents, studying according to individual educational programs, get the opportunity to achieve a certain level of environmental and social adaptation corresponding to the characteristics of their development. In the content of training intended for them, there are such blocks as educational and developmental, health-improving and physical education, and special. They provide for the development of communication skills, the formation of the simplest mathematical representations, self-service and hygiene skills. The musical, physical, religious, sexual education of such children is not ignored. The content of educational programs also includes the development of cognitive activity, mental functions, speech, motor skills, orientation in space. Coordinated work on such programs helps them learn to exist in the world around them, adapt to it, participate in social relations, communicate and work as much as possible or be engaged in some kind of activity.

Special education of a child or adult with disabilities is a deeply individual and specific process, the volume, quality and final results of which are determined by many factors: the nature of the deviation (or deviations) in development; the safety of unaffected analyzers, functions and systems of the body; the time of occurrence and severity of the violation; socio-cultural and ethno-cultural living conditions of the student and his family; the desire and ability of the family to participate in the development process; capabilities and readiness of the surrounding society, the education system itself to meet all the requirements and create necessary conditions to implement the tasks of education; the level of professional competence of teachers and psychologists working with the student and his family.

Any citizen Russian Federation has a guaranteed right to education (Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), including special education, and equal opportunities to receive it. The conditions for their implementation are determined by the State Educational Standard.

Educational standards, developed taking into account the physical and mental characteristics and limitations of the development of students, are indicated and approved by the State Standard general education children with disabilities, or the Special Educational Standard. It presents the main parameters as the norm of education, which, on the one hand, reflect the ideas modern society about the required level of education for people of this category, on the other hand, they take into account the possibilities of a real person in achieving this level.

The standard of special education in relation to people with special educational needs of different categories summarizes the requirements for general education, for correctional and developmental, preventive and health-improving work, as well as for labor and initial vocational training. When developing these requirements, both developmental deficiencies common to all people with special educational needs and features characteristic of only a certain category were taken into account.

Among the developmental disorders characteristic of all categories of people with special educational needs include:

Slow and limited perception;

Violations in the formation of motor skills;

Disorders of speech development;

Disadvantages of mental activity;

Weakened cognitive activity compared to ordinary children;

Gaps in knowledge and ideas about the world around us, about interpersonal relationships;

Deviations from the norm in personality development (self-doubt and unjustified dependence on others, low sociability, selfishness, pessimism and low or high self-esteem, inability to control one's own behavior).

In order to overcome these shortcomings in the content of educational subjects are made changes, aimed at correcting them. For example, propaedeutic sections are introduced to make up for the problems these children have in knowledge and ideas about the world around them. For children with special developmental specifics, for example, students with intellectual disabilities, the original (adapted, dosed) content of general education subjects is provided.

To correct, alleviate or eliminate the consequences of primary developmental disorders (absence or inferiority of visual or auditory perception, systemic underdevelopment of speech, damage to the speech zones of the cerebral cortex, etc.) are included in the content of special education specific subjects, that are not included in the regular school curriculum. So, for blind children, classes are provided to teach orientation in space and the development of mobility; for children with hearing impairment - classes on the development of residual hearing and the formation oral speech, as well as the lessons of subject-practical activities aimed at improving verbal speech in its communicative function in the process of activity, etc.

The standard of special education also takes into account the degree of severity of the impairment and the limitations of the child’s abilities caused by it (for example, there is an education standard for the blind and separately for the visually impaired; a standard for the deaf and separately for the hearing impaired), it also takes into account developmental features due to a combination of two or more disorders (for example, visual and intellectual impairments; hearing and visual impairments, etc.).

The establishment of the standard reflects compliance not only with the individual characteristics of the development of various categories of people with special educational needs, but also with the specifics of the socio-cultural and ethno-cultural conditions of their residence. Therefore, it consists of two parts - federal, i.e. common for the whole country, and national-regional, developed in relation to the specific conditions and characteristics of the education of people with disabilities living in a particular territory of the country.

State standards focused on educational support for a person with disabilities throughout the entire period of his formation and socialization, i.e. from the first months of life to adulthood.

The problem of standardization of special education in our country is new, and in accordance with the traditions that have developed in Soviet defectology, the part that covers the school period and is implemented in the appropriate curricula. (We'll use it as an example below.)

Control questions and tasks

1. Explain the meaning of the expression "social compensation for a defect." How do you understand the social rehabilitation of a person with disabilities through education?

2. What developmental deviations are most typical for all children with special educational needs? What limitations do they entail?

4. What is a “special education standard”? What are its most important components?

5. What is the difference between the content of education in relation to different categories of children with special educational needs?

6. Prepare, using the program and methodological materials of special education, a description of the content of education for the main categories of children with disabilities.

Only on the basis of reliable diagnostics is it possible to determine the special educational needs of children with developmental disabilities.

In order to correctly determine the educational needs and conditions in which it is necessary to educate and educate a child, any PMPK specialist examines and analyzes, in particular, the individual structure of the child's development.

Individual structure child development

At the present stage of development of the PMPK with new force and for more high level the question arose about general patterns of development of a normal and abnormal child. At the beginning of the 20th century, P.Ya. Troshin (1915) noted that “essentially, there is no difference between normal and abnormal children, both are people, both are children, both develop according to the same laws. The difference lies only in the way of development". (Cited after L.S. Vygotsky, 1983, vol. 5, p. 67). L.S. Vygotsky repeatedly emphasizes in his works that the concept of defectiveness (which was actively used until recently) is social. The problem of the development of any "child with a defect" receives the correct solution as a problem of social education: it is necessary to educate not a defective child, but child. But it was L.S. Vygotsky also draws attention to the role of a kind of "social demand" for a defective (or abnormal child or adult).

The current crisis social situation of development clearly shows that the lack of demand for a person in general (meaning a socially healthy person) leads to the formation of developmental deviations even in initially healthy, “conceived” healthy people. Paraphrasing L.S. Vygotsky, we can say: if we create a country where abnormal children find a place in life, where an anomaly does not necessarily mean insufficiency, there deviations in development will not be defects, but only individual originality.

This first - social - aspect of considering the issue of the structure of a child's development is of decisive importance in the provision of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance to children with developmental disabilities. Expanding the meaning of the phrase L.S. Vygotsky “here the task is not so much the education of the blind as the re-education of the sighted”, we could say that the “defective” structure of the mental development of abnormal children arises as a result of the abnormal attitude towards them of the so-called normally developing people.

PMPK can be considered as the most important structure designed to form the correct attitude of society towards children and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

The individual structure of the development of children and adolescents is determined not only by the characteristics of their deviations(the so-called defect structure, in traditional defectological terminology), but also reserve development opportunities. Reserve opportunities for development depend on many factors, in particular, on degrees(from mild to severe), prevalence(totality - partiality), level(non-pathological - pathological) existing deviations; with regard to some (current, progressive) deviations in the development of children, the question is relevant stages mental dysontogenesis.

Age features of the development of children

The special educational needs of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities must necessarily be compared with age parameters. The formation and satisfaction of educational needs is impossible without taking into account and developing age-related interests. Cognitive motivation and, in particular, learning motivation increases dramatically if classes are in the area of ​​age interests.

In children with developmental disabilities, there is usually a discrepancy between the passport and psychological (for example, intellectual) age. Under the conditions of PMPK, it is very important to correctly qualify which age stage, stage, phase corresponds to the development of the child.

Qualification age features easier when properly defined. leading activities child and central psychological neoplasm. In addressing these issues, the role of the PMPK psychologist is great. Correct assessment age characteristics development in many cases underlies the diagnosis of the type of mental dysontogenesis. For example, with distorted development, a combination of incompatible ages is often observed: the instincts of an infant coexist with the intellectual abilities of an adult. With delayed development, the leading activity is usually characteristic of an earlier age stage, for example, play interests and forms of behavior among schoolchildren, etc.

Development pace

It is determined by many factors. Changes in the rate of development can be observed within the framework of individual constitutional and genetic characteristics in full compliance with the general patterns of normal ontogenesis. Sometimes the slowdown of development at the initial age stages is replaced by intensive development at subsequent stages. There are many cases when expressive speech does not manifest itself until 3 years or more, and then the child begins to speak no worse, and sometimes better than his peers. Tempo characteristics primarily include slow or accelerated development of certain qualities. But there are also more complex tempo characteristics, when delayed development is replaced by intensive, accelerated - asynchronous, premature - slow, etc.

Information about the normal or accelerated development of certain parameters of the psyche must be taken into account when looking for reserve development opportunities.


Individual and age interests are driving forces child's behavior. L.S. Vygotsky drew the attention of specialists working with children to the fact that “all the psychological functions of a person at each stage of development do not operate haphazardly, not automatically, and not randomly, but in a certain system, guided by certain aspirations, inclinations and interests deposited in the individual.” 6

For PMPK specialists, the statement of L.S. Vygotsky that “not only the skills and psychological functions of the child develop (attention, memory, thinking, etc.) - the basis of mental development is, first of all, the evolution of the child’s behavior and interests, a change in the structure of the direction of his behavior.” 7

Analyzing the development of the child from this point of view, one can especially finely approach the qualification of special educational needs and the development of individualized recommendations for organizing different types child's activities. In particular, the formation, development and management of a child's educational motivation is possible only based on the structure and orientation of the child's individual and age interests. Taking into account the emotional and personal interests of the child, a diagnostic examination is built in the conditions of the PMPK, and the educational process, that is, training and education in the conditions of the family, educational or other institutions.

If the child shows interest, he can easily be involved in those activities that are necessary for the implementation diagnostic examination and search for ways to eliminate deviations in development. The interests of the child form the core of the reserve development opportunities, since it is they that motivate him to be active and achieve. In turn, it is achievements that make it possible to maintain a person in a state of harmony and stability.


It is known that some operations, actions, activities are given to a particular child more easily, are formed faster and earlier, while others are given with difficulty, are formed and automated slowly. For example, a child may show aptitude in mathematics and lag behind in motor development, showing general motor clumsiness, clumsiness, and the like. The nature of abilities is twofold: the hereditary factor is combined here with the peculiarities of the social conditions of the child's development; in particular, it is very important when, who, how systematically, etc. teaches and educates the child, consolidating or developing his natural abilities. Orientation in the educational process to favorable prerequisites for development, the partial abilities of the child, as well as to his interests, can form the basis for compensating for developmental deviations, so they must necessarily be reflected in the recommendations as reserve development opportunities.

Social situation of development

The social situation of development is one of the most important concepts introduced by L.S. Vygotsky. This concept is of great practical importance in the diagnosis and development of developing programs. When collecting and analyzing anamnesis, PMPK specialists need to pay special attention to the dynamics of relations between the child and the surrounding reality, primarily social. The way these relationships develop and what role they play in the development of the child not only explains why development went in this way and not in another way, but also shows which conditions contributed to normal development, and which ones brought dysontogenetic manifestations or were directly the cause dysontogenesis. As a result, PMPK specialists can discover information that is valuable for the proper organization of the upbringing and development of the child in a family environment, as well as for determining special conditions education for children with developmental disabilities.

Determination of special conditions for the education of children with developmental disabilities

In order to choose the right conditions for the education of a child with developmental disabilities, it is necessary to navigate the entire education system. In accordance with federal law"On education":

“The education system in the Russian Federation is a set of interacting:

Continuing educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and directions;

Networks of educational institutions implementing them, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, types and types;

Educational authorities and institutions and organizations subordinate to them.

The expert-diagnostic function of the PMPK includes the determination of the type and species educational institution who carries out or supervises the education and upbringing of a child with developmental disabilities, or, on the contrary, a normally developing child who, for one reason or another, is studying in a special (correctional) educational institution.

Special (correctional) educational institutions for pupils with developmental disabilities are only one of those available in the education system types educational institutions. As a rule, children with developmental disabilities study in these educational institutions.

However, they can also be trained in educational institutions of other types. (preschool, general education, vocational, additional education institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, and others). Most often, the education of children with developmental disabilities is carried out in institutions of other types according to special adapted programs that bring the conditions of this educational institution closer to special (correctional) ones. For example, classes of correctional and developmental education in general education schools or in primary schools vocational training etc. At the same time, in some cases, it is possible to educate children with developmental disabilities in general education or other (not in special - correctional) types of educational institutions, in the so-called integrated conditions, but with the mandatory implementation of an individual approach.

Of course, usually PMPK sends children with developmental disabilities to special (correctional) educational institutions, the network of which is quite developed today. The special education system includes the following types of special (correctional) educational institutions: for the deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired, for children with severe speech disorders, for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, for children with mental retardation, for mentally retarded children, as well as other types of educational institutions, including for children and adolescents in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance (PPMS centers).

Educational program and methodological support of the educational process

According to the Law "On Education" in the Russian Federation, programs are divided into general educational and professional. Moreover, there are basic and additional general educational and professional programs. AT last decade the process of differentiation of the so-called "basic" and "regional" components in educational programs was especially active. The development of additional programs within the framework of the "regional" component opened up the prospect of bringing the content of knowledge closer to the real conditions of a child's life (social, economic, climatic, ethnic, etc.).

In addition, the emergence of educational institutions of various profiles, as well as multidisciplinary educational institutions (progymnasiums, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, etc.) was accompanied by the development of numerous additional programs involving in-depth study of individual or several subjects, profiling programs of all or many subjects in accordance with the prevailing interests and abilities of children (humanitarian, mathematical, economic, natural sciences, etc.). Such programs, as a rule, are quite complex and are designed for children who are motivated for learning activities with intellectual development, usually above the average level.

It is obvious that PMPK specialists do not recommend training in complicated programs for the majority of children with developmental disabilities. However, even among them there are special children, including gifted ones, who develop according to dysontogenetic laws. In particular, children with a distorted structure of mental dysontogenesis may show partial giftedness, which may begin to be realized in appropriate educational conditions. For example, the development of a schizoid can simultaneously go along the path of compensation and intensive development of some schizoid features, which become reserve development opportunities. Schizoid features of development can be compensated for when teaching such abstract sciences as mathematics, moreover, according to special additional programs that claim to have a deeper look at this science than is laid down in the "basic component". The presence of common mathematical interests facilitates communication for such children, namely, communication is most often especially difficult for them.

At the same time, children with developmental disabilities usually require training in additional programs, which are adapted versions of the main programs, and usually in the amount of the “basic component”.

It is known that within the framework of the “basic component”, the programs of special (correctional) educational institutions differ from the programs of other educational institutions not so much in content, but in methodological support and an increase in the time for their development. That is, approximately the same is given by other means and more slowly, with a large number of repetitions.

The most specific in relation to the structure of mental dysontogenesis is precisely the methodological means and technologies for teaching and educating children with developmental disabilities. Almost every type of mental dysontogenesis can be associated with special (correctional) educational institutions of a certain type or several types with appropriate methodological and technical equipment. For example, delayed development - educational institutions or classes, groups for children with mental retardation; underdevelopment, damaged development - educational institutions for mentally retarded children; deficit development - educational institutions for the deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired.

It should be noted with regret that children with disharmonic development often end up in institutions of the law enforcement system at the stage of “crystallization” of developmental disabilities, when the educational process becomes very difficult: it is ineffective to educate and educate such children at the stage of registration of developmental disharmony. Prior to this period, they should have been “educated” on a different plane than that envisaged by the education system. Traditionally, our educational institutions implement training and education mainly through the intellectual sphere of the child, that is, influencing thinking and consciousness. Children with a disharmonic structure of dysontogenesis need education and training mainly through the emotional-volitional and personal sphere itself, that is, through the impact on emotions, feelings, the ability to empathize, shame, conscience and other ethical and aesthetic experiences.

With the advent of PPMS centers, more advanced and adequate technologies began to develop, which make it possible to provide individually oriented psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance, along with other children, to children with a disharmonic and distorted structure of dysontogenesis.

The creation of groups, classes for children with combined developmental disabilities and the complex structure of a defect, or dysontogenesis, should undoubtedly be considered a progressive direction in the development of modern special education.

PMPK specialists can recommend that specialists of educational institutions develop or use ready-made (more often - author's) individualized or differentiated training programs. In relation to children with developmental disabilities, such programs often require a combination of elements of programs at different levels: preschool and primary general, basic general and primary vocational, and others. In addition, elements of special assistance are introduced into them, for example, speech therapy, psychological. Such elements can be integrated into new technologies of education and upbringing, or they can be “applied” to the main educational process as additional classes with a speech therapist, psychologist, or other specialist. In such cases, it is the PMPK specialists who can act as initiators of the development of the system of special education, coming up with appropriate proposals for the education department.

Forms and conditions of education

With a fine and reliable diagnosis of the special educational needs of a child examined at the PMPK, the question of the forms and conditions under which these needs can be met is necessarily resolved.

The Law on Education states the following: forms education: family education, self-education, external studies; in an educational institution - in the form of full-time, part-time (evening), part-time.

In particular, children with chronic somatic diseases, increased fatigue, disorders of attention, memory, and other mental processes that occur against its background, in the absence of primary thinking disorders, can master this or that educational program in a family setting, if the family is ready to take on such responsibility.

In adolescence, some students, usually with a disharmonic or distorted structure of mental dysontogenesis, may be offered a form of external study or evening education.

However, the question of the form of education before PMPK specialists arises much less frequently than the question of conditions getting an education. Traditionally, most children, both with developmental disabilities and without them, are educated in class conditions, with the so-called frontal learning.

At the same time, children with developmental disabilities often need to be transferred to individual education, sometimes at home, sometimes in an educational institution. The time of the individual training period is determined by the PMPK specialists, depending on the specific indications for this particular form of training. When transferring a child to a different form of education, dynamic control of his condition and development is very important. Especially painful is the period of adaptation of the child to the conditions frontal learning in the classroom after long-term home-based individual learning. In such cases, close interaction and exchange of information between the PMPK and the PMP-concilium of the educational institution where the child is studying is important.

In some cases, blended learning is quite effective - an individual mode of attending lessons, one or two or more free days per week in accordance with the indications and in agreement with the administration of the educational institution. Usually these are cases of pronounced neurodynamic disorders, in which mental impairments come to the fore.

Referral of children with developmental disabilities to institutions of other departments

In accordance with the results of the diagnosis, it is often necessary to address the issues of providing children with developmental disabilities with accompanying or basic care outside the education system.

In particular, if it is necessary to combine training and maintenance treatment PMPK doctors recommend that the child be observed by doctors of the appropriate profile in a children's polyclinic or a psycho-neurological dispensary; possible direction to profiled medical centers according to specific medical indications.

Sometimes found priority treatment of a child with developmentally supportive education and upbringing . This is possible in health institutions, where the educational process is also carried out. Some medical institutions have schools, in particular, at central psycho-neurological children's hospitals, which makes it possible to combine a complex medical process with the education and upbringing of a child.

If necessary temporary release of the child learning activities The PMPK can apply with a similar recommendation to the local pediatrician or adolescent doctor, the local psychoneurologist and other specialists who observe the child at the place of residence. In this case, we are talking about those indications that directly follow from the phenomena of the child's maladjustment in the conditions of an educational institution. When the child's condition is decompensated due to the inadequacy of conditions, forms, methods of education and upbringing in the family or educational institution, it usually also becomes necessary to temporarily release the child from educational activities and recommend contacting the PPMS center to eliminate adverse changes in the structure of the child's mental development.

All issues of providing a child with concomitant or primary medical care are resolved by sending the recommendations of the PMPK doctors to the doctors of the relevant profiles who observe the child at the place of residence.

If it is necessary to combine training with the solution of issues of social and legal protection of the child, the PMPK may recommend to interested parents (legal representatives) or specialists of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of an educational institution to contact the relevant institutions and departments. For example, in case of pronounced family distress of an antisocial type, PMPK specialists can recommend that the social teacher of an educational institution apply with an appropriate representation to the juvenile affairs unit of the local department of internal affairs or to the commission on juvenile affairs under local governments.

So, the diagnostic function of PMPK is multivalued and complex. This is the central function of the PMPK. The result of the performance of this function is a collegial opinion on the child with recommendations for the implementation of the educational route and related assistance both in the education system and outside the education system (see "Documentation of the results of the child's examination at the PMPK").

Children with special educational needs are children who need special psychological and pedagogical assistance and the organization of special conditions for their upbringing and education. Correctional pedagogy is designed to ensure the socialization of the child, i.e. contribute to the achievement of the ultimate goal of teaching and educating a child with deviant development - overcoming his social insufficiency, introducing him to society as much as possible, forming his ability to live independently.

Among the many scientific theories that one way or another influenced the formation and development of domestic special education, special place occupy the positions formulated by L.S. Vygotsky, who is rightfully considered the founder of modern defectological science. He formulated a number of theories that were further developed in the works of his followers A.N. Leontiev, V.V. Lebedinsky, T.A. Vlasova and others, which made it possible to create the concept of a modern system of education and upbringing of children with various developmental disabilities.

It is possible to single out general aspects of the special educational needs of different categories of children with psychophysical development disorders.

1. The time of the beginning of education - the need for the coincidence of the beginning of special purposeful education with the moment of determining the violation in the development of the child. (So, if a child’s hearing or vision impairment is detected at the end of the first month of his life, then special education should immediately begin. An extremely dangerous situation is when, after identifying a primary developmental disorder, all the efforts of adults are directed solely to trying to treat the child, to rehabilitation by means of medicine .)

2. The content of education - the need to introduce special sections of education that are not present in the content of education of a normally developing child. (For example, classes on the development of auditory-visual and visual perception of speech in deaf, hearing-impaired and late-deaf children, sections on social and everyday orientation for blind, deaf-blind and mentally retarded children, sections on the formation of mechanisms for conscious regulation of one's own behavior and interaction with other people and etc.).

2. Creation of special methods and teaching aids - the need to build "workarounds", use specific teaching aids, in more differentiated, "step by step" training than is usually required by teaching a normally developing child. (For example, the use of dactylology and sign language in teaching the deaf, the use of embossed Braille in teaching the blind, much earlier than normal, teaching deaf children to read and write, etc .;

3. In a special organization of learning - the need for high-quality individualization of learning, in a special spatial and temporal and semantic organization of the educational environment (For example, children with autism need a special structuring of the educational space that makes it easier for them to understand the meaning of what is happening, giving them the opportunity to predict the course of events and plan your behavior.

4. In determining the boundaries of the educational space - the need to maximize the expansion of the educational space beyond the educational institution.

5. In the duration of education - the need for the prolongation of the learning process and going beyond school age.

6. In determining the circle of persons involved in education and their interaction - the need for the coordinated participation of qualified specialists of various profiles (special psychologists and educators, social workers, doctors of various specialties, neuro- and psychophysiologists, etc.), in the inclusion of the parents of a problem child in the process of his rehabilitation by means of education and their special training by specialists.

Thus, knowledge and consideration of the principles of education, based on the most important methodological approaches to the development of the psyche in health and disease, will allow the correctional teacher to determine the main directions of the correctional impact and predict the result of their socialization and adaptation.

25 The main provisions of the historical-genetic and socio-cultural approach of N.N. Malofeev, explaining the formation, design and development of the system of special education. Factors influencing the development of national systems of special education in all historical periods.

Malofeev's approach makes it possible to get away from the traditional comparison of foreign and domestic systems of special education on a chronological basis, to compare systems at a content level, to identify the historical, genetic and socio-cultural foundations of modern innovation processes.

The analysis of literary sources made it possible to identify "critical points" in the chronology of historical events - turning points in the attitude of Western European states towards persons with developmental disabilities and to build a meaningful periodization of this process from the 19th century to the present day.

1. From aggression and intolerance to the realization of the need for help. The conditional boundary of the period in Western Europe is the first precedent of state care for the disabled - the opening in Bavaria of the first shelter for the blind in 1198. In Russia, the precedents for the emergence of the first monastic shelters fall on 1706 - 1715. and associated with the reforms of Peter.

2. From the awareness of the need to care for persons with developmental disabilities to the realization of the possibility of training at least some of them. The conditional boundary of the period in Western Europe can be considered a rethinking in France civil rights persons with sensory impairments and the first precedents for the opening of special schools in Paris: for the deaf and dumb (1770) and for the blind (1784). In Russia, the precedents of opening the first special schools(in St. Petersburg: for the deaf - 1806 and for the blind - 1807) are associated with the acquaintance of Emperor Alexander I with Western experience and the invitation of the French tiflopedagogue Valentin Hayuy to work in Russia.

3. From awareness of the possibility to awareness of the expediency of teaching three categories of children: those with hearing, visual, and mentally retarded. The conditional boundary of the period in Western Europe can be considered the last quarter of the 19th century - the time of the adoption in Western European countries of the Laws on compulsory universal primary education and, on their basis, the Laws on the education of deaf, blind and mentally retarded children. It's time to create a parallel educational system- systems of special education for three categories of children. In Russia, the formation of a parallel educational system with the same three types of special schools falls on the Soviet period - 1927-1935. and associated with the Law on General Education.

4. From awareness of the need to educate certain categories of abnormal children to a differentiated system of special education. It occurs in Western Europe for the period from the beginning of the 20th century. until the end of the 70s. and is characterized there by the development of the legislative base for special education, the structural improvement of national systems (in some Western European countries, up to 20 types of special schools were created). By the end of the 70s. special education in Western European countries, 5 to 15% of school-age children are covered. In Russia, the development and differentiation of the system, its structural improvement, the transition from 3 to 8 types of special schools and 15 types of special education is carried out in the 50s - 90s. However, no more than 3% of school-age children were covered by special education on the territory of the USSR, and special educational institutions and defectological personnel were extremely unevenly distributed throughout the country.

For Western Europe in the 70s. can be considered a conditional lower boundary of the fourth period of evolution. In a situation of rapid economic growth, the development of democracy and liberal democratic sentiments, the old paradigm of "full majority" - "inferior minority" is being replaced by a new one - "a single community that includes people with various problems." With this understanding, the isolation of minorities becomes unacceptable, which is fixed by legislation, these are the UN Declaration "On the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons" (1971), "On the Rights of the Disabled" (1975). In this context, special schools, boarding schools are recognized as segregation institutions, and the system of special education isolated from the masses is recognized as discriminatory. Declaring itself a democratic state, the Russian Federation in 1991 ratified the UN Conventions "On the Rights of the Child", "On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", and "On the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons".

5. From isolation to integration. The integration of disabled people into society is the leading trend in this period of evolution in Western Europe, based on their full civil equality, a new philosophy of society, and respect for the differences between people. The development of social integration of disabled people brings to life the ideas of integration in education. The period is characterized in Western European countries by restructuring in the 80s - 90s. organizational foundations of special education, a reduction in the number of special schools and a sharp increase in the number of special classes in general education schools, and a restructuring of the relationship between mass and special education.

In the evolution of the attitude of society and the state towards persons with developmental disabilities on the scale of historical time, Russia lags far behind the countries of Western Europe. At present, it is possible to conditionally determine the place of Russia on this evolutionary scale at the transition from the fourth to the fifth period. This is due to the fact that the formation and design of the national system of assistance to children with developmental disabilities was interrupted by two revolutions that led to a radical restructuring of the state and society.

The development of national systems of special education in all historical periods is associated with:

socio-economic structure of the country,

value orientations of the state and society,

state policy towards children with developmental disabilities,

legislation in the field of education in general,

the level of development of defectological science as an integrative field of knowledge at the intersection of medicine, psychology and pedagogy,

world historical and pedagogical process.

Psychology and pedagogy

Preschoolers with disabilities in modern educational space

85% of children are born with developmental disabilities and poor health, 30% of them need comprehensive rehabilitation. Ordinary teachers in kindergartens are most often not ready to work effectively with such children, and the Russian Textbook corporation receives many requests on the topic of inclusive education. Our permanent expert Eleonora Kuleshova presents the basic rules for corrective education of children with disabilities at the stage of preschool education.

Rules for teaching preschoolers with disabilities

Student with disabilities, according to the official definition, - individual having deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development, confirmed by the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission (PMPC) and preventing education without creating special conditions. It is on the basis of a certificate from the commission that the child is assigned the status of a student with disabilities. When parents provide the administration with a document stating that their child should study according to an adapted basic educational program, the organization does not have the right to refuse training and creating special conditions. In the absence of a document, the child does not receive status, even if the violations are obvious.

Adapted main educational program - this is the main educational program that takes into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development, individual capabilities, special educational needs, provides a comprehensive correction / compensation of developmental disorders and social adaptation. On the site F gosreestr.ru you can find exemplary educational programs for inclusive preschool education.

The PMPK certificate not only imposes new obligations on the administration, such as training ordinary educators in corrective work with children with disabilities, but also opens up opportunities for obtaining resources to organize remedial classes, to implement the application of individual programs in education - that is, to make a contribution to improving the life and prospects of a child with health problems. Based on the PMPK certificate, an educational organization has the right to order funds from the state for the necessary technical support and the involvement of additional specialists.

Classification of children with disabilities

    Hearing impaired children.

    Children with visual impairments.

    Children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

    Children with persistent intellectual disabilities.

    Children with mild mental retardation.

    Children with speech disorders.

    Children with violations of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior.

    Children with complex developmental disorders (combination of two or more of the above groups).

This book by the great teacher and humanist Janusz Korczak is a true encyclopedia of human education, from infancy to the formation of personality and self-government of adolescents. In it - the seriousness of the observations of the scientist and the soft lyricism of the artist of the word. Korczak's text is filled with invaluable thoughts, vivid metaphors and clear recommendations. For decades, this book has served as an inspiration to millions of parents.

Correct terms have appeared recently, and not all of them can be found in the thematic literature. However, it must be borne in mind that it is precisely such a division that is relevant today.

Any of the presented groups is heterogeneous. For example, among children with hearing impairments, there are those who do not hear at all, and those who cannot hear without special devices, operations. The degree of preservation is always a reserve for the child to receive more knowledge. Since children are different even in a certain group, it means that the violations are different, and the recommendations for work are also different. An individual educational program should be written for each child with the correction of the PMPK, even if there are children with similar disabilities in the team.

It is necessary to take into account the general features of children with disabilities:

    Lack of knowledge about environment, narrow vision.

    Problems with gross and fine motor skills.

    Retardation in the development of speech.

    Difficulty in arbitrarily adjusting behavior. Lack of communication skills.

    Problems with cognitive activity.

    Inability to behave in society and control their own behavior.

    Low or too high self-esteem.

    Uncertainty in their abilities.

    Complete or partial dependence on others.

Among the specific features observed in all developmental deficiencies, a set of features can be distinguished that determine the need for organizing special psychological and pedagogical assistance in the development and education of children with such deficiencies. This set of features is commonly referred to as special educational needs (SEN).

Special Educational Needs

Preschool education of children with disabilities, in addition to solving common problems, should also include solving issues that arise as a result of their specific shortcomings. This is an important aspect of educational work. In the curriculum, specialists include specific subjects that are not included in the regular education system. So, children with vision problems are additionally taught orientation in space, and in the presence of hearing impairment they help to develop residual hearing. Also included in their training program educational activities on the formation of oral speech. Education of children with special needs should begin immediately, as soon as violations in normal development have been identified - this will allow you not to waste time and achieve maximum results.

Every parent has been stumped at some point by their child's behavior. That is why a large book on education has appeared, which contains two bestsellers by the beloved psychologist of millions, Lyudmila Petranovskaya. The publication includes the books "Secret support: attachment in a child's life" and "If it's difficult with a child." This book should be read by all parents. And those who are concerned about a slight misunderstanding, and those who have already despaired of finding a common language with children. In it, we have collected two books in one: "The Secret Support: Attachment in a Child's Life" and "If the Child is Difficult" - books that can save you and your child tons of psychological waste. Often, as adults, we forget that we were once children ourselves. In the first part of the book, based on the scientific theory of attachment, she talks about the role of parents on the path to adulthood in an easy and accessible way: “How does dependence and helplessness turn into maturity?” and “How does our love and care, year after year, form in a child a secret support on which, like on a rod, his personality rests?” You will be able to see what is really behind children's "whims", "spoiledness", "aggression", "harmful character". In the second part of the book, Lyudmila will talk about how to learn how to navigate difficult situations, resolve conflicts and get out of them with dignity. You will be able to understand how to help your child grow and develop without wasting energy fighting for your love.

Tasks of teaching children with SEN:

    The organization of the educational system in such a way as to maximize the desire of children to explore the world, to form their practical knowledge and skills, to broaden their horizons.

    Stimulation to independent actions and making their own decisions.

    Formation and activation of students' cognitive activity.

    Ensuring the comprehensive development of a self-sufficient personality that could adapt to the existing society.

One of the frequent questions on this topic: how can a psychologist of a general education kindergarten not switch to the work of a defectologist in the process of implementing the new rules? It is necessary to distinguish between areas of activity when it comes to secondary violations. The defectologist works with the correction of the cognitive sphere (for example, when perception suffers in case of visual impairment). The psychologist of the kindergarten, with the participation of a defectologist, is engaged in the correction of the emotional and personal sphere of the child, which also suffers from a violation of health. To produce in this way an integrated approach is perfect option. In any case, an educational organization, based on the PMPK certificate, can find different ways attracting the necessary specialists - for example, not to take a defectologist on the staff, but to order a service to accompany children with disabilities in psychological correction centers.