No scholarship. Social scholarships for students

So that a poor student can somehow live in this cruel world, it is not at all necessary to be the child of rich parents or to plow a dishwasher around the clock. Here are some completely legal and real ways get a good amount even with minimal grades in the test.

Method 1: social assistance

If your parents are underprivileged, you can apply for social assistance. Such payments are provided by the university, city, state, and sometimes even charitable organizations.

State social scholarship

How: 2227 p.

How often

How fast: immediately upon readiness of the certificate from the social security authorities.

On a note!

Read more about the provisions on who and in what cases has the right to this species financial assistance, you can here.

Some are more fortunate than others, and they, having only triples in the record books, are entitled to a social stipend. Who are they?

  • disabled people,
  • orphans,
  • Victims in radiation disasters,
  • Veterans.

Also, those who belong to the category of the poor can count on a social scholarship.

To complete all required documents you should contact the relevant MFC or the department of social protection. After the income is calculated there and the life circumstances of a particular student are assessed, the authority will issue an appropriate certificate for the university.

The student who lives in a dormitory and does not receive any other income except for an academic scholarship in the amount of 1,500 rubles can be recognized as a “lonely poor person”. In this case, the social service will definitely ask if the student received financial assistance from parents or other relatives and acquaintances, and if he did, then in what amount. But somehow this data should not be documented.

Be prepared to provide the following documents to the social security authorities:

  • The passport,
  • Certificate or certificate of registration in the form No. 9 or No. 3,
  • Certificate from the university with data on the course, form and duration of study,
  • Certificate of ownership of the property,
  • Evidence that you are eligible for benefits (certificate of death of the parent, certificate of his serving a sentence, certificate of disability, etc.),
  • Income statement.


Social scholarship is issued for a period of one year from the date of issuance of the certificate. That is, if the certificate was issued in April 2017, and the student submitted it only in September, then the social scholarship will be paid from September to May of the next year. Next year, you will have to go through the procedure of collecting and submitting documents again.

Do not worry that you do not know all the intricacies of social scholarship. The university will definitely tell you, because the university staff constantly monitors the relevance of laws, regulations and regulations, and will certainly advise you on whether you are eligible for such benefits.

It is better to find out the latest news in the dean's office - they will definitely tell you about all the ways to receive material assistance from the state

Increased social scholarship

How: equal to or greater than the living wage increase.

How often: every month for one year.

When to apply: at the beginning of the semester.

Only specialists and bachelors can count on such assistance. initial courses(first and second) and only if they earned with their grades for a regular scholarship.

Another prerequisite is that one of the parents belongs to the disabled of the first group.

And finally, only good students and excellent students can apply for such a scholarship.

On a note!

The final amount is calculated by the university. However, it should not be higher than the amount of the student's income up to the subsistence level per capita (such a standard is established by the state). For example, in the fourth quarter of 2016, living wage in the amount of 9691 rubles. It was considered as follows: if the academic and social scholarship was 1485 and 2228 rubles, then if the student wins the competition for an increased scholarship, its size will be no less than 5978 rub.

A more accurate amount is determined by the university, having previously considered educational program student, his course and the size of the scholarship fund.

Material aid

How: no more than 12 social scholarships.

How often: every month for one semester.

When to apply: by decision of the university.

Here the criteria will be much broader than when paying social scholarships. For example, a university pays a material scholarship out of its own “pocket”, and it pays once a quarter, and the minimum amount is not specified anywhere, so often the amount of the scholarship will depend on how many students in this quarter will have to be helped.

This type of assistance may be provided to students whose parents are divorced, students with children, or those who are seriously ill and need expensive treatment. In these cases, it will be necessary to provide the university with copies of receipts for medicines or a birth certificate of the child.

On a note!

Some universities give their students cash gifts for the wedding, and some make it customary to pay travel expenses to and from out-of-town or international students.

Program "5+"

On a note!

How: 3500r.

How often: every month for one year.

When to apply: from 10.06 to 10.09.

A student can count on this type of scholarship only on the condition that he studies without triples, and at the same time belongs to the category of the poor. This scholarship is issued by the charitable foundation "Creation". There is a selection among students over 21 years old. The Foundation loves excellent students, participants in various conferences and olympiads, competitions, sports competitions. Only achievements in the last two years are taken into account.


As part of this assistance, it will be necessary not only to prove the family's poverty, but also to write an essay letter telling about the student, his family, his interests, hobbies and dreams.

In addition, you will need to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Statement.
  2. Certificate of achievement, certified by the seal of the university.
  3. Copy of the passport.
  4. Evidence of being under guardianship and guardianship or other documents providing benefits (for disabled people, foster families, refugees, etc.).
  5. Certificate in the form 2-NDFL on the income of all family members / certificate of low-income family.
  6. Statement of family composition with original seal.
  7. Award certificates, certificates, medals, diplomas for the last 2 years.
  8. Photo.
  9. Motivation letter.

Method 2: participation in the sports or cultural life of the university

Universities love to compete with each other. And The best way to do it - sports competitions or amateur performances. At the same time, the management of the university will spare no money to those who support the image of the university. Therefore, play football, go to a drama club - become the favorite of the dean's office!

On a note!

Increased state academic scholarship can reach 10,000 rubles, and in some universities - 30,000 rubles (St. Petersburg State University, for example).

The amount of the scholarship may change each semester, depending on the number of applicants, their achievements and the size of the fund. And there are universities in which the amount of such a scholarship is fixed and does not change.

Community Service Scholarship

Want to more money, keep active cultural life within the walls of your university. Provided that your activity is successful, the university will notice and, more importantly, celebrate your merits.

Participate in various events of the educational institution, cover them in in social networks, take part in the creation of student newspapers, etc.

If recreational activities are not your thing, you can devote yourself to science. Call to help with the scientific conferences. Even just handing out badges will help show you in the best light.


Before you start to be active, check with the commission what documents you will need to provide.

Scholarship for creative activity

Creative activity is participation in public exhibitions, performances, competitions and, of course, victory in them.

On a note!

Be sure to ask for certificates of participation in all events - they will be your proof of active participation. creative way. If there are no certificates, prepare a document in advance and ask the organizers to certify it with their seal.

Follow the news of your university - often he himself suggests what you can do in order to receive material or non-material rewards. For example, participation in international competition to create a packaging design or write an essay based on a world-famous work.

Sports Achievement Scholarship

Well, everything is simple here - you need to participate and win in socially significant sports competitions. The degree of significance of the competition is determined by the university itself.

Method 3: be a straight A student and publish scientific papers

Those who study "excellent" have a high chance of getting a presidential scholarship of 20,000. In addition, such students are encouraged by many other organizations: the Ministry of Education, regional authorities, banks with numerous charitable foundations and, of course, the universities themselves.

On a note!

In some universities, the scholarship is increased immediately after an impeccably passed session.

Enhanced Academic Scholarship

There are 3 ways to get PGAS:

  • Pass on "excellent" all subjects in two sessions in a row;
  • Win the competition in the competition of projects or experimental design works;
  • Win in thematic competitions (for example, in the Olympiad).


Achievement results will only be valid for one year.

Government and Presidential Scholarship

Government scholarship amount: up to 5000 rubles.

The size of the presidential scholarship: up to 7000 rubles.

How payments are made: monthly throughout the year.

Charitable Foundation and Companies Scholarship

Depending on the chosen scholarship program, you can apply for a scholarship of different sizes - 6,000, 10,000 and even 15,000 rubles.

If your scientific work good, it can attract the attention of those interested in research. For example, the work of young ecologists is monitored by the Vernadsky Foundation, economists and power engineers - BP, oil workers - Lukoil, female programmers - Google. In general, in almost every field there are interested persons who are ready to encourage young minds with scholarships.

To participate in the competition, it is enough to prepare the same package of documents - publications, certificates, diplomas. And since the selection here is not so strict, for some it is enough just to participate in conferences, and not necessarily to win them.

Well, depending on the chosen fund, the package of documents may vary slightly - find out in advance.

Method 4: win the business game

The business game is the way for brave and charismatic young people. Management will evaluate teamwork, leadership and creativity.

There are many such scholarships, but we recommend that you carefully read the program of each fund. If you are only interested in money, you can fly. For example, there are such scholarships, the receipt of which provides only for the payment of travel to the venue of the game and back. There are those who do not give money, but help to get an internship.

Potanin Foundation Scholarship

Scholarship amount: about 15000r.

How payments are made: monthly until graduation.

This fund pays a scholarship to full-time masters. They don't look at grades.

The selection will need to go through 2 stages. Part-time students will have to fill out a questionnaire and write 3 essays (by the way, they will help you with writing an essay, but you can read how to do it yourself) - motivational, popular science and on the topic of the 5 most memorable events in your life.

The application is filled out on the website of the selected fund.

To participate, you must provide the following documents:

  1. A copy of the diploma of higher education.
  2. Letter of recommendation from the supervisor.

Actually, in the second round there will be the business game itself, from the beginning to the end of which your ability to teamwork, leadership qualities and creativity.

Scholarship "Consultant+"

Scholarship amount: about 15000r.

How payments are made: monthly during the semester.

This scholarship is paid to those who are perfectly familiar with the system and are able to use it to solve a legal case. Universities organize competitions among first-fourth-year students of the faculties of law and economics.

Maximum allowable scholarships

So, with all the scholarships available, let's figure out what is the maximum amount you as a student can receive.

Let's take as an example an average student living in a hostel, receiving a scholarship of 1,500 rubles, studying for the highest marks, published in scientific journals and even received several grants for his research, is a member of the university club “What? Where? When?" and passes the TRP standards. So let's look here:

It turns out that every month such a student will be able to receive 60,313 rubles. Not sour, right? But next year it will be necessary to abandon the social scholarship ...

In the meantime, you are collecting evidence for the state and various funds, we We will be happy to help you keep your studies going.

Public educational institutions financed from the budget provide students with a certain amount of scholarship.

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The size of such in the first place depends on the type of such. On the this moment most often it is the scholarship of the academic type that is assigned.

It has its own characteristics. With all of them, first of all, the student needs to familiarize himself. The algorithm for assigning such a scholarship is completely standard, does not have any significant difficulties.

Separately, it is worth noting that its purpose depends primarily on how successfully a particular citizen is studying at an educational institution.

Basic information

Today at educational institutions various types different schemes are used to encourage students to study for good grades.

The main reason for such incentives for the same or another educational institution is to increase its prestige due to the quality of graduates.

One of the incentives is cash. Students who study for positive grades are assigned an academic scholarship.

First of all, the appointment is dependent on the assessments. Accrual is carried out both before the session and after.

Today there is standard legislation for all educational institutions of the state type operating in the territory of the Russian Federation

The calculation of the scholarship is assigned after the reporting is submitted at the end of the semester. The scholarship itself must be paid in rubles.

With all the subtleties and specifics of accrual, it is necessary for the students themselves to figure it out.

What it is

Today, a state academic scholarship means a certain amount of money accrued to students who have successfully submitted reports based on the results of the end of the semester.

It is important to note that the size of such a scholarship is standard throughout the Russian Federation.

The payment is made at a time. But at the same time there are a number of specific points. Students will need to carefully study the law to protect their own rights.

To the main most important points the following will need to be included:

In addition to the above points, there are also a number of other, additional ones.

Moreover, the leaders educational institutions it is important to know that non-payment of stipends is equated with wage arrears.

Accordingly, it is assumed criminal. That's why you shouldn't break the law.

It is especially important to observe the date of award of the scholarship. This can be charged both in cash and by bank transfer.

Who is entitled to payments

The main points for obtaining an academic scholarship is precisely the fact that all the requirements that apply to the recipient have been met.

Moreover, the student must have not only the appropriate status, but also certain achievements in terms of passing the training.

Standard requirements for obtaining a state academic scholarship:

  • training is carried out on a full-time basis of a state educational institution;
  • the entrance exams or the session were passed in the appropriate manner with excellent marks;
  • Previously, classes were not missed without a good reason;
  • took an active part in the life of the school.

In general, the university may have different requirements for persons applying for such a scholarship.

It is also important to remember that a student, graduate student or other citizen may be appropriately deprived of an academic scholarship.

This happens in the following cases:

Usually, first of all, this concerns just the marks received at the session. Most universities establish a requirement that a scholarship will be received only if there are “excellent” marks in all positions of subjects.

At the same time, in some cases, the presence of a triple or a quadruple is allowed. The management of the university independently determines most criteria on the basis of which an appropriate decision is made regarding the award of a scholarship

The situation is similar with the increased academic scholarship. It will be possible to get acquainted with how it is drawn up and received in different ways.

Legal framework

State academic scholarships are awarded to students in a standard way, within the framework of specialized legislative documents.

At the moment, there is a special NAP that regulates the issue of accruing academic scholarships for full-time students.

The main such regulatory documents, which will need to be guided in the first place, is.

Such a document includes a fairly extensive list of various sections. It is best to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

So it will be possible to prevent many difficulties and difficulties in the future. The issue of paying state academic scholarships is directly addressed in this federal law.

Identifies the main points related to those cash payments. Moreover, this article addresses the issue of not only academic scholarships, but also a number of others.

It is important for any student to familiarize themselves with this federal law. Since it defines the basic rights and obligations of the student.

Knowledge normative documents will avoid difficulties. And also, without outside help, to protect their rights and interests.

Accordingly, if a violation of one's own rights is found, one should defend them. The best solution is to contact the university administration directly and try to resolve the situation peacefully.

If for some reason this is not possible, then it is necessary to carry out the process of protecting your rights.

It is important to note that this process often takes a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for this in advance. There are quite a few different nuances, important points.

The procedure for assigning a state academic scholarship

The very process of awarding a state academic scholarship is determined in each case strictly individually.

With all the nuances and subtleties of the algorithm, it is worth understanding, including the most potential recipient.

This will prevent many difficulties and problems. There are a number of issues that need to be worked out in advance, if possible.

These include the following:

  • under what conditions it is paid;
  • the amount of the allowance;
  • required documents;
  • how is it different from ;
  • whether it is paid on vacation;
  • termination of academician payment.

Under what conditions is it paid

It should be noted that the accrual of a scholarship of the type in question is possible only if certain conditions and requirements are met.

At the same time, there is a standard set of those. At the same time, they may differ. But it is possible to distinguish the following:

Training must be non-commercial A student or other student must go to a “budgetary” educational place (students on a “contractual” basis cannot receive such a scholarship)
Requires the presence of certain achievements directly in the institution itself First of all, this concerns the passage of education (for example, in many institutions such a scholarship is awarded only to excellent students)
Having a certain student status Student
Graduate student

In addition to the above requirements and conditions, various others may apply. All of these will need to be dealt with in advance. These are always available in educational institutions in the public domain.

According to the rules of document management in a certain university, the conditions for obtaining a scholarship are public

Therefore, each student can familiarize themselves with those without any difficulty. In addition, it is important to note that local self-government, represented by the rector, have the right to independently determine who exactly needs to be given a scholarship.

When determining such a moment, a combination of factors is immediately taken into account. Often the basis is the financial situation of a particular citizen.

It is also possible to independently apply to the management of the institution with a request to appoint a scholarship.

Benefit amount

The state academic scholarship has a value established at the legislative level. For 2019, the state type scholarship standard is set at the following level:

In some cases, it is possible to receive an increased scholarship. This again can be issued for various merits.

And not only in terms of education, but also due to the presence of certain sports merit or for participating in the leisure time of the university.

Again, information about the size of the scholarship can be obtained without difficulty on your own. This information is usually public, access to it will not be difficult.

Required documents

Since the university usually deals with the accrual of scholarships on its own, the student is simply not required to provide any additional, special documents.

That is why it will be necessary to familiarize yourself with all the features and subtleties in advance. At the same time, usually the appointment of a scholarship implies the presence of:

  • a special sheet with assessments of educational activities;
  • an order on the appointment of a scholarship of a certain amount;
  • passports.

The process of document circulation in different educational institutions can differ quite significantly. That is why the question of the required documents may vary.

How is it different from social

The academic state scholarship is an encouragement expressed in cash.

At the same time, a social type scholarship is intended for students who are in a difficult financial situation.

Accordingly, this will be the main difference. The basis for the appointment of "social programs" is an unsatisfactory social position.

Is it paid on vacation

It is important to note that payments stop if a student or other citizen who is eligible for such a scholarship goes to academic. Since accrual is supposed only for direct students.

Scholarship - obligatory payment Money students throughout their studies at the university. Scholarships are regulated federal law"On Education in the Russian Federation" of 2012. Students studying at paid department do not receive a scholarship.

The scholarship for students in 2017 and its amount depend on:

  1. Student achievement. Sessions must be closed without "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory" grades. Otherwise, the payment of scholarships in the next semester is terminated.
  2. From social status student. Some social groups In addition to academic scholarships, they are entitled to social scholarships.
  3. From an educational institution. Universities have the right to set their own scholarship amount, not lower than the minimum specified in the law. The university can also differentiate scholarship payments by faculties.
  4. from extracurricular activities. A student who takes part in various projects and activities of the university is entitled to a scholarship increase.

Consider the conditions for obtaining different types scholarships.

Academic Scholarship 2017

The right to an academic scholarship is received by all students who entered the university on a budgetary form of education. The condition for obtaining a scholarship is passing the exams without marks "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory".

Minimum size scholarships in 2017 - 1340 rubles. per month. Per excellent progress in studies, the student has the right to an increased academic scholarship, but not more than 6,000 rubles. per month.

In some universities, the size of the scholarship depends on each grade received during the last session. Each "excellent" rating significantly increases the amount of the payout.

Social scholarship 2017

The following categories of students can count on social payments:

  1. Students from poor families.
  2. Students without parents.
  3. Students who received a dose of radiation as a result of accidents.
  4. Disabled people of groups I and II, disabled children.
  5. Students who have passed military service under a contract with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for a period of at least three years.

The minimum scholarship for 2017 is 2010 rubles. per month.

To obtain the right to receive a social scholarship, the student must prepare and submit to the social security authorities documents confirming low level family income, as well as a document confirming his education at the university at the expense of federal funds.

After the social security authority issues a certificate for receiving a social scholarship. It must be submitted to the dean's office.

The payment of social scholarships is suspended in the event of an academic debt. As soon as the debt is eliminated, the payment of the scholarship continues.

Government Scholarship 2016/2017

Senior students of higher educational institutions (as a rule, starting from the third year) have the opportunity to receive a government scholarship. Part-time students are not eligible for this scholarship.

The scholarship is an award for outstanding academic achievement, scientific discoveries and inventions, victories at olympiads and competitions, writing articles.

The amount of the scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2016-2017 academic years is 1440 rubles. per month. The scholarship is awarded for a period from September to August.

The government has compiled a list of areas of study that are strategically important for strengthening the Russian economy. Students studying in such areas are entitled to a special scholarship from the Government. Scholarship conditions:

  • At least half of the ratings are "excellent" for the last two sessions. Lack of “satisfactory” and “unsatisfactory” ratings.
  • The student is the winner or prize-winner of scientific Olympiads of various levels.
  • The student has awards (diplomas, diplomas, certificates) for high achievements in scientific activity.
  • The student is the author of articles published in scientific journals of various levels.

The amount of the scholarship is 5000 rubles. per month.

Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for students 2016/2017

The scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation is awarded to students who have distinguished themselves in scientific activities. Students can be winners or prize-winners of scientific Olympiads of various levels, have publications, be an author scientific invention etc.

Learn student! This call from famous movie about Shurik and today is a real formula for success. Modern students have numerous opportunities to study and receive very decent money.

To say that young people pursuing higher education have a wide choice of various scholarship programs is to say almost nothing. Their name is legion. Scholarships can be different: nominal, personal, additional, special. They are divided into the following categories: for everyone, for technical, natural science, economic or humanitarian specialties.

What are scholarships

  • International level (EuropeanRecoveryProgram - training in Germany, Boursesd'excellenceEiffel - training in France, Fulbright programs - training in the USA);
  • All-Russian level (, the Potanin Foundation, the Oxford Russian Foundation, the Government of the Russian Federation);
  • Regional level (the Governor, the Legislative Assembly of the region can establish a scholarship);
  • city ​​level (Mayor's scholarship);
  • Intrauniversity level (Academic Council of the university, nominal scholarships of different faculties).
  • Enrollment on a budgetary basis, Full-time learning;
  • Recognition as needy on the basis of a certificate from the social protection authority;
  • Belonging to the following categories of the population: disabled people of 1 or 2 groups; orphans and children without parental care; persons affected by radiation disasters, combat veterans.

Special Merit Scholarship (Competition): Scholarship Award Procedure

Receiving algorithm higher scholarship consists of several stages:

1. At the beginning of the new semester, the university management announces the start of the competition for an advanced scholarship. The competition is held in several categories: educational, research, social, cultural, sports. You can take part in one or more of them, depending on the particular university.

2. A student who wants to participate in the competition collects a certain set of documents. Their exact list is determined by the university and often consists of:

  • copies of the account book,
  • information card (it counts quantitative indicators: how many publications, participation in conferences, various significant events, organization of events, number of sports victories, etc.),
  • portfolio,
  • documents confirming the achievements (photocopies of thanks, certificates, publications, programs of conferences in which the applicant participated, award documents).
3. In the dean's office, information is certified by the seal and signature of an authorized employee. Employees of the dean's office provide ready-made packages of documents for consideration by the competition committee.

4. A specially created commission determines the winners of the competition. During the semester, the winners are paid an increased scholarship.

Do not be afraid to take part in such competitions. Of course, a fledgling sophomore has less chance than a heavyweight graduate. But a first-year student who is actively involved in the life of the faculty and university can also have an excellent portfolio.

How much is the student scholarship?

The amount of scholarships is determined by the highest educational institutions independently, but it cannot be lower than the threshold established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The minimum scholarship amount for the 2015-2016 academic year is:

Many universities are significantly increasing the amounts allocated to encourage the best students. In regions where district coefficients are provided, the scholarship is paid taking into account them.

In conclusion, let's summarize and give a few tips, following which will allow you to spend years of study without an exhausting job search and part-time work:

  • First, pay attention to study, improve your knowledge. The old rule - first you work for the record book, and then the record book works for you - has not been canceled.
  • Secondly, actively participate in the life of the faculty and the university in the framework of your interests and hobbies. Have a scientific mindset - speak at conferences, publish in collections and scientific journals; like to have fun and do not know where to put your energy - work in the faculty newspaper, help in organizing festive and recreational activities; since childhood, you have been seriously involved in sports - defend the honor of Alma mater at various competitions. Your efforts will not go unnoticed.
  • Third, take risks! Participate in various competitions for scholarships. Even if you don’t win the first time, you will gain invaluable experience that will help you in the future.
    Fourth, do not hesitate to ask for help from senior students or faculty members, teachers. Their valuable tips will help you avoid pitfalls that are not visible to an inexperienced eye.

We also invite you to watch a video about what you need to get an increased scholarship:

Today in the Russian Federation there are about 15 types of calculation of the amount of scholarships awarded to students, doctoral students, graduate students, interns and residents.

Of course, the size of these scholarships does not allow the student to feel wealthy, but if the student has a certain right to several types of scholarships, the total amount of his income may be approximately 20 thousand rubles. Let's do some calculations that will clearly show you how you can get this amount.

The amount of the minimum, increased and social scholarship for the 2018-2019 academic year

So the minimum state academic scholarship in our country is 1633 rubles for higher education(bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs) and 890 rubles for the average vocational education(training programs for skilled workers, employees, training programs for mid-level specialists), the maximum is 6 thousand rubles. The last scholarship can be received by university students without triples.

For well-trained students, an increased scholarship is provided - from 5 thousand rubles to 7 thousand, for students in graduate school, its size ranges from 11 thousand rubles to 14 thousand. To be fully eligible for such an increased scholarship, a student or graduate student must not only be an excellent student, but also become an active participant in creative, sports and other social endeavors at his university.

State scholarship for graduate and doctoral students, postgraduate or scientific - teaching staff ranges from 3120 rubles, scientific and pedagogical staff in graduate school in the specialties of technical and natural sciences - from 7696 rubles, assistant trainees - from 3120 rubles, residency - from 6717 rubles. Doctoral students receive from 10000 rubles.

State social scholarship, for 2018 – 2019 academic year, is paid in the amount of 890 rubles per month for secondary vocational education and 2452 rubles for higher education.

Students who receive academic payments are also eligible to receive this payment. Also, people who are orphans, live without parental care, people with disabilities (groups 1 and 2), veterans and invalids of military operations, people affected by nuclear power plants and people whose family income per member family does not exceed the minimum in the region.

Read also: How to get a student loan?

In addition to the above types of scholarships, a number of nominal scholarships have been accepted in the Russian Federation: for example, a scholarship to them. A.I. Solzhenitsyn is 1500 rubles, a scholarship to them. V.A. Tumanov - 2000 rubles. A nominal scholarship can also be awarded to students studying in the specialty of journalism, literature, them. A.A. Voznesensky - 1500 rubles.

The scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation for well-educated students ranges from 1400 to 2200 rubles, the amount for graduate students is from 3600 rubles to 4500 rubles.

There is also a special scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation and a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation, paid to those students who are studying in the highest priority specialties for the state: economics, modernization. The amount of payments is from 5 thousand rubles to 7 thousand. For graduate students, this amount is paid in the amount of 11 thousand to 14 thousand rubles.

Let's conclude: if you are interested in your successful learning, this can be rewarded with a ruble: the better you study, the more scholarships you can receive.

If you think you may qualify for additional scholarships, you should contact the dean's office for the necessary references.